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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 51

    MON., JUNE 29, 1992 8:52 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 318

    MONDAY, JUNE 29, 1992
    Atascadero was the center for Nazi Bund activity in California. It is still the center for right-wing activity in the county.

    Colonel Diefenderfer, stationed at Camp San Luis Obispo, mar­ried a member of the King (Reyes) family from the Carizzo Plains.

    Robert Nimmo, Atascadero, was Colonel Diefenderfer's aide. Richard Nock was Robert Nimmo's aide.

    Circa 1960
    Ronald Reagan elected Governor of the State. He appointed William Clark of Shandon to be Superior Court Judge in SLO Co.

    Circa 1970
    Robert Nimmo appointed by Ronald Reagan to be Director, United States Veterans Administration. Nimmo came home in disgrace after four months. Returned to selling Real Estate.

    Jerry Diefenderfer elected to the SLO Co. Board of Supervisors. He spent $47,000 on his first campaign for a job that paid $25,000 per year. The Los Angeles Realty PAC donated to his campaign.

    A PSA Flight Magazine named San Luis Obispo County the next 'hot-spot' in the state for real estate development. (How did they know that? We have lost the copy, but believe it was the May edition.)

    William Clark appointed Deputy Secretary of State by Ronald Reagan.

    John Scripps Publishing purchased The Cambrian, thus giving Scripps ownership of the three coastal papers, also including The Morro-Bay Sun Bulletin and the county's only daily, The San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune. Scripps is based in La Jolla, Calif., and is interested primarily in selling newspapers for advertising purposes rather than the news. In fact, the pa­pers, by their own projection, do not do investigative reporting. [H: Please note that you will find Edwin Meese is from La Jolla.]

    Richard Nock, part-owner of Phelan Land and Cattle, pushed for sale of 5,000 acre ranch for $5,000,000. Ranch sold to Canadian based development corporation and is now known as Cambria Ranch. The 'money-man' behind the corporation is Eng Ti, Shanghai.

    Eric Seastrand, California Assemblyman from this area, was Vice-President in charge of sales for Coldwell-Banker at the time Coldwell-Realty negotiated the sale of Cambria Ranch.

    George Deukmejian elected Governor of the State of California. He promised to do away with the California Coastal Commis­sion.

    Carl Negranti, whose son married William Clark's daughter, began bulldozing 23 miles of roads on Cambria Ranch in direct violation of the County permit process. The operation was spotted, reported, and red-tagged. Later, the road was covered with tailings from an abandoned mercury mine. After years nothing has been done to enforce toxic regulations. (The son was killed in an accident, but the relationship between the fami­lies still exists.)

    James Watt resigned as Secretary of the Interior, and is replaced by William Clark.

    Carol Hallett, former State Assemblywoman, appointed by Ronald Reagan to be William Clark's liaison officer for the Western states between Interior and the business community. Hallett, at the time, was a County resident. Hallett then became Ambassador to the Bahamas.

    1984 and 5
    William Clark resigns from Interior and returns to Shandon and/or California to pursue family interests. (Real estate devel­opment)

    Joan Brauner Clark, wife of William Clark, appointed by Ronald Reagan to be an alternate United States representative to the United Nations General Assembly. (This merely to indicate close relationship still exists between Clark and Reagan.)

    About two-three years ago, the father of one of Cambria con­tractors, Wayne Gracey, was sitting in his living room in Mal­ibu. Someone walked in and shot him. His wife was sitting there also but was ignored. Another contractor in Cambria, 0. G. Sansone, has the same name as a Las Vegas gambler and casino owner. May be just coincidence??

    Real estate development and construction is a classic way of laundering drug money.

    ****[H: Editors: Please place the "clippings" in this sequence: MRS. CLARK NOMINNATED FOR U.N. POST, BILL CLARK'S IN THE THICK OF IT, CLARK REPORTEDLY URGED PARDONS FOR POINDEXTER, NORTH]******(See end of chapter.)

    Clark was terrified that if North and Poindexter went to trial that the whole KAL 007 thing would come out!


    Many of the "Project Paperclip" Germans and Nazis came to California, the Central Coast and San Luis Obispo. HeIlene von Damm, who was once a secretary for the German High Command, became Governor Ronald Reagan's appointments secretary. Heide Kingsbury, who was one of three daughters of a "Paperclip" German General, became a secretary and court transcriber for Judge William Clark, a San Luis superior court judge and Reagan's Secretary of the Interior. An exclusive resort or retreat, which was to be built in North County, was to be called "Eagles Nest". Look up the name of Adolph Hitler's retreat at Berchtesgarden in the Bavarian Alps.

    "During this time I also found out that my husband was an Austrian citizen and a member of the Royal family. He was born Gunter Karl, Baron von Russbach. After World War II the royal family of Austria was forced to give up the 'von' and attach 'er' to the end of their names."

    The above quote from a letter was acknowledged by an Austrian professor at Cal-Poly to be correct. According to this rule then, the name of Wemer von Braun should have become Werner Brauner.

    [H: You who keep up with the information flow will remember the person who made the statement above--in point, regarding the name requirements. This was relative to Gunter Russbacher who is incarcerated at present, by the government--and is the pilot who flew Bush home from Paris in the SR-71 in "OCTOBER SURPRISE"! This is the same Paris 100 wherein Mr. Bush said he was NOT!. The point herein, however, is to give you connections with "names" and relationships.]


    From 1945 until the 1950's negotiations continued between the U.S. Government and high ranking German officials. Reinhart Gehlen of Nazi intelligence (Abwehr) and rocket scientists Werner von Braun and Walter Dornberger made plans with J. Edgar Hoover, of the FBI, and Allen Dulles and William Donovan of the OSS and CIA, to bring hundreds of Nazi scientists, doctors, military officers, and intelligence agents to the United States. Also present at these negotiations were U.S. Army Counter-intelligence Officer William P. Clark of San Luis Obispo and a U.S. Army private, an Austrian, named Henry Kissinger. William Clark married Werner von Braun's niece, Joan von Braun (Branner) Clark. They reside in San Luis Obispo, California. The location of these meetings was Austria and southern Germany where Clark was stationed.

    Researchers Mae Brussell of Santa Cruz, William Torbitt of Texas, District Attorney Jim Garrison of Louisiana, and others have concluded that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, President Lyndon Johnson, NASA rocket scientist Werner von Braun, Bell Aerospace Director Walter Dornberger, and Governor John Connally were prime movers in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

    A lawsuit has been filed in Southern California examining new evidence in the murders of Robert F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy. Several prominent Californians are named in this suit. William P. Clark of San Luis Obispo is mentioned in this suit.


    The U.S. Army 44th CIC Detachment negotiated the surrender of the German Army in northern Italy and Austria (called "Operation Sunrise"). In return for surrender, Army CIC and the Vatican provided escape and exfiltration for thousands of NAZI SS and Gestapo officers, mostly to South America (Also 970th CIC).

    William P. Clark was with Army CIC in Austria until the mid 1950's.

    Lt. Col. W. Clark was or is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

    Theodore Shackley was present at the "Paperclip" negotiations.

    Walter Dornberger was a frequent visitor to San Luis Obispo County, specifically to Pismo Beach and Shandon.

    Heide Kingsbury is the daughter of a "Paperclip" German Gen­eral. It was most probably General Galland, the designer of the Messerschmidt ME 262.

    Ronald Reagan is a very frequent visitor at the Clark ranch in Shandon.

    (Read "SHOOTDOWN" by R. W. Johnson to learn about William Clark's role in the "Shootdown" of Korean Air Lines Flight 007. Also read EXPLO 007 by R.B. Cutler to learn how it was accomplished.) [H: Excellent reading but "off" a bit here and there--however--extremely interesting and well-done.]



    On November 22, 1963, a coup d'etat occurred that was the beginning of the end of the great nation called The United States of America. It happened when William Greer fired the final, fatal bullet into the head of President John F. Kennedy in Dal­las, Texas (ref--video named "Dallas Revisited" plus much sup­porting evidence). [H: As a matter of fact, we speak of this in several of the JOURNALS but specifically name this man in at least three--the first being SPACEGATE, THE VEIL REMOVED.]

    Anticipating the outbreak of war, all the commanders of the Strategic Air Command's nuclear airborne squadrons rushed to their onboard safes for the code books to obtain the combi­nations for arming their atomic bombs. Not one code book was present in the safes! No Mafia goon, or Cuban dictator, or KGB agent, or Lone Gun Nut had the power to remove those code books. Only one entity had that kind of power--The Joint chiefs of Staff! (Ref: Kennedy assassination researchers.) [H: I do, however, confirm it.]

    Of all the organizations which were part of the coup, and which included the FBI, the CIA, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, Majestic 12, the Secret Ser­vice, the Rockefeller banking consortium, the Office of Naval Intelligence,---one was to emerge at the top of the heap--THE GEHLEN ORGANIZATION! (REF: The "Phoenix Journals", "Project Paperclip" by Clarence Lasby, "Reinhart Gehlen-Mas­ter Spy" (author's name missing), "The Nazi Connection To The John F. Kennedy Assassination" by Mae Brussel, "Project Paperclip" by Ray Renick, "The Torbitt Document" by William Torbitt--although its information is excellent, the Torbitt Docu­ment is a clever bit of disinformation in that the reader is suck­ered into assuming that since the principals involved; Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, Werner von Braun, Reinhart Gehlen,--are all dead--that justice has been served and every­thing is going to be all right. Don't believe it!)

    The Gehlen Organization got its start in 1945 when the war was winding down. Gehlen, Werner von Braun, Walter Dorn­berger, and others approached U.S. intelligence officers William "Wild Bill" Donovan, Allen Dulles, J. Edgar Hoover and William P. Clark of the U.S. Counterintelligence Corps--with offers to provide vast amounts of information on the Rus­sians, technical information on rockets, lasers, orbiting gases, mind-control, etc.--in exchange for asylum and jobs in the United States. [Where do you think Malathion, LSD and AIDS came from?] (Ref: Excerpts from WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA, Year Books 1962-1966 about this technology and AIDS--THE DOCTORS OF DEATH by Alan Cantwell) [H: Also several of the PHOENIX JOURNALS but most specifically, AIDS, THE LAST GREAT PLAGUE.]

    Moreover, their primary goal was the achievement of Germany as the ruling nation of the world. One has only to look at the economic decline of the United States and the economic rise of Germany to see that they have just about reached their goal.

    In all, about 1600 German/Nazi scientists, doctors, military intelligence, etc., were brought to the United States. They were placed in key positions in NASA, aerospace, military intelligence, military industries, medical science, banking, psychiatry, etc. They have American names and are thoroughly Americanized. They play a large role in drug trafficking and banking failures.

    The American headquarters of the Gehlen Organization is in San Luis Obispo County. The main office is called "Eagles Nest". Many public officials, judges, supervisors, law enforcement personnel are personal friends and business associates (in drug trafficking, no less) with the Gehlen Organization and "Eagles Nest". Judge William P. Clark and Mrs. Joan Clark (nee von Braun, Brauner) are the executives behind the Gehlen Organization, "Eagles Nest" and the Zapata Cattle Company's drug trafficking interest. Ronald Reagan is a silent partner in the San Luis Obispo cattle/drug business. Remember, Clark was one of the original architects of "Project Paperclip"! The Zapata Cattle Company is affiliated with George Bush's Zapata Oil Company of Houston, Texas. (REF: "The SLO Connection", Barrons article "The Mexican Connection"--Sept. 19, 1988)

    NASA has recently announced in the major news media and in several scientific journals that there is a possibility of large meteors or asteroids striking the Earth with calamitous results. They have even suggested some possible dates of impact. (REF: Scientific American, Sky and Telescope) [H: I have written greatly about this subject in all of the TANGLED WEBS series of JOURNALS. and the JOURNALS under publication presently on the DIVINE PLAN.] NASA said that it was a good thing that Ronald Reagan had the perception and foresight to build up the Strategic Defense Initiative--"Star Wars" because now SDI can be used to destroy these asteroids before they strike the Earth. This is partly BS--SDI was never intended to be an anti-missile defense, but an anti-asteroid defense (or alien defense system) (ref: Barbara Honegger AND THE PHOENIX JOURNALS). The Hubble and the Galileo space telescopes that "don't work" are working perfectly. This is our government's way of not telling us what they are doing. [H: As a matter of fact you will recall that I told you the Hubble was not even launched at the time you were told of same. It resided at White Sands until such time as it could be put into an orbit the astronomers would not note.]

    The "Communist Threat" and the "Soviet Nuclear Attack" were a sick joke on the people of the world and were fabricated to keep you working hard and paying high taxes to finance the "New World Order". The Russian "War Machine" has been financed and subsidized by the American taxpayer since 1917 through such organizations as "The American International Corporation" on whose board of directors sat George Herbert Walker, the grandfather of George Herbert Walker Bush! (Ref: Author Eustace Mullins on THE AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION and the financing of Communism, and the PHOENIX JOURNALS.)

    There are at least 50 MORE underground facilities in the United States. [H: This reference is directed at me, Hatonn, for I gave you a listing of major facilities around your nation which are top secret and some taking areas at depths of 40 "stories" and miles in diameter along with prime missile launching sites--even along your freeway network. I suggest you get that document which, I suppose, was put in one of the recent PHOENIX JOURNALS but also, was placed in a recent LIBERATOR. They include storage depots, military bases, offices and on up to luxurious condominium complexes. Some of the better known are Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado, Weather Mountain in Virginia, SAC headquarters in Nebraska [H: Now being turned into a Soviet exchange training base.], Area 51 in the Mojave Desert and the "Rabbit Warren" under Washington D.C. One well known one in San Luis Obispo County is the AT&T Pacific Long Lines Facility on Los Osos Valley Road. What is not generally known is just how large and self-contained this unity really is. These facilities are for the "elite" in case of nuclear war or asteroid collision. Since the threat of nuclear war is magically disappearing, that just leaves asteroid collision. [H: Now, would you not expect that it would be an odds game here? Even if you have asteroids striking around the nations, would you not expect it to be hard to pin-point only Elite bunkers? Well, the Elite are giving up for sale, remember, the old bunkers as they are not "deep enough" for total protection. So, it is obvious that they KNOW those "asteroids" are guided by precision com­puter mechanisms!]

    The Gehlen Organization's unit in San Luis Obispo is called "Eagles Nest" (ref: California Specialized Training Institute files). Its chief executive officers are Judge William P. Clark and Mrs. Clark (von Braun, Brauner). If you are interested in reservations, you might try calling the law firm of Sin­sheimer, Schiebelhut, and Baggett and ask Bill Clark to send you a brochure. After all, in case of nuclear war or asteroid collisions you wouldn't want to get caught with your pants down, now would you? (Ref: THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS by Saint John.)

    Additional significant references: THE LAST FLIGHT OF KAL 007 by Ray Renick, "Gunter Russbacher Breaks His Cover" audio tape by Russbacher available from New Discov­eries, P.O. Box 3078, Carmel, CA 93921. Russbacher is the pilot who flew Bush back from Paris in "October Surprise", "The Earth Chronicles" by Zecharia Sitchin, "The Gods of Eden" by William Bramley.


    From 1945 until the 50's, Judge William P. Clark was with U.S. Army Counter-intelligence Corps in Austria and Switzer­land. Clark was working with Nazis Reinhart Gehlen (Foreign Armies East), Werner von Barun (German rocket scientist), Walter Dornberger (convicted of war crimes and atrocities), Arthur Rudolph, et al. They (J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles, William Donovan, and Clark) made plans to bring hundreds of Germans/Nazi scientists, doctors, agents to America (1600 eventually). These Germans possessed much research on rock­ets, orbiting space stations, lasers, and satellites with reflecting mirrors, etc. Clark's good friend, Ronald Reagan, later saw that these ideas became reality in the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars). [H: Believe me--that term is EXACTLY ON TARGET--for there never was a "defense" anything--it has always been intended as a "war" in space. Mr. Reagan even made a very big blunder which almost cost him his neck when he said on TV that you in the U.S. needed to team with the Soviets (the evil empire) against what was coming from space!! That, dear ones, is what they are planning to dump now on you unsuspecting innocents. They plan to tell you that aliens are now here and going to "getcha". THEY may have a problem--YOU-THE-PEOPLE HAVE NO EN­EMIES IN SPACE!]

    While there, Clark married Werner von Braun's niece, Joan von Braun. Werner's brother (Joan's father) was an official at the underground V-2 rocket assembly plant. They used con­centration camp slave labor. To enforce discipline the slaves (Jews) were hung from the ceiling of the factory and their bod­ies left as examples. (Ref: Linda Hunt, Author on "Paperclip", plus previous refs. and "SECRET AGENDA", Linda Hunt: CNN.)

    Besides the weapons of war, they also brought research on mind control (which became M/K ULTRA), Malathion (a nerve gas), LSD, etc. [H: Forgive my interruptions but PLEASE get the volumes of PHOENIX JOURNALS which cover mind-control both in the Protocols and Manifesto in the So­viet Union and in the United States. I don't know how to isolate these JOURNALS for you-perhaps you could call or write and obtain a "catalog" and information. We have moved so rapidly over so incredibly many subjects that I must defer to the staff. You ones continue to plead for con­firmation of "who we are" and that, perhaps is the best of all--almost 60 JOURNALS in less than 36 months--most of over 200 pages each, along with weekly papers and some­times bi-weekly. I can't itemize for you, and we can't reprint constantly because of new information which limits us.] Dr. Wolf Smuzness later developed AIDS at the Army Germ Warfare Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland. [H: Which was then perfected in East Germany and made potent and useable in the "field".] (Ref: also, Dr. Robert Strecker, AIDS--and THE DOCTORS OF DEATH by Dr. Alan Cantwell. Smuzness' friend was a chemist who sold cyanide gas to the Nazis at Auschwitz, named Karol Woityla.) (Better look this up yourself--you'll never believe me.)

    Around 1955 the Clarks returned from Europe to the ranch in Shandon, where they went back to the ranching business (ref: see "the SLO Connection" about the Zapata Cattle Company). The Gehlen Organization continued the work on "The New World Order" that was promoted by a little dictator in Germany from the 1920's to 1945. America should have gotten the mes­sage on November 22, 1963. (Dallas, Texas!)

    Around 1969 or 70, Clark and his friends, Governor Ronald Reagan, Ed Meese and Louis 0. Giuffrida started an American concentration camp system at Camp San Luis. In 1980 they all went to Washington DC (ref: OCTOBER SURPRISE by Bar­bara Honegger and book by same name by Gary Sick) where the California Specialized Training Institute became the FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) (ref: King Alfred Plan, Cable Splicer, Garden Plot, Rex 84---in CSTI files). This is the plan for martial law that congressman Jack Brooks questioned Oliver North about at the Iran-Contra Hear­ings. [H: I'm sorry, but those FEMA papers and volumes of JOURNALS which cover same--are mandatory reading if you really want to know WHERE YOU ARE TODAY!]

    In San Luis Obispo County, The Gehlen Organization is in complete control of the courts, board of supervisors, sheriff's department, etc. Judge Warren Conklin and Judge Harry Woolpert are longtime friends and business associates of Judge William P. Clark. Judge Conklin violated the first rule of drug trafficking: "Don't get high on your own supply." Judge Woolpert protects Judge Clark and the Ghelen Organization by denying defendants their right to legal counsel in his "star chamber" (ref: DR 17093 Nov. 21, 1991--don't be surprised if the transcript is "lost"). A close member of the petitioners fam­ily is a part of the Gehlen Organization--Lt. Col. Richard Peasley (from Paso Robles, Ca.) along with Lt. Col. OLIVER NORTH and Judge William Clark, all working in the National Security Agency in the White House, planned and executed the destruction of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 and blamed it on the Russians!

    The Board of Supervisors has a set of references for the above. Please make and distribute copies.

    * * *

    Let us take a break, please and then we shall decide what sub­ject we will cover in the next writing. Dharma, I also need to make an announcement to our readers and listeners of the changes in the contacts and paper staff. I also need information as to who will be contacted for the JOURNALS which are to be banned and impounded. George has all but given them away and has lost great sums in the doing for he just contracted for new press runs. Other persons have bought them at "fire sale" but I believe they will be available through that new distribution corporation. This has no attachment to America West or the other persons named in the "action" so I don't personally have information as of yet to offer readers. Please do have someone make sure to track it down and GET IT INTO THE PAPER A.S.A.P. THE IMPOUNDING MAY WELL TAKE THEM COMPLETELY OUT OF ALL LINE OF PUBLICATION.


    Hatonn to clear, please.
    PJ 51
    CHAPTER 10

    WED., JULY 1, 1992 10:15 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 320

    WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1992


    To you who ask for updates and input--especially verifications wherein they are found--here are a couple or three you will find interesting.


    The Constitutional Law Center has been working on the Helmsley matter so you will find the following news-blurb interesting-- as sent to us from the CLC:

    Here Comes the Judge:

    Ever since Alan Dershowitz struck out, Leona Helmsley has been pining away in Danbury Federal Prison. Not for long, if ROBERT BORK has anything to say about it. Judge Bork, a Supreme Court nominee who was spurned in 1987 [H: And I think you can now see WHY.], will argue her tax-fraud case before the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York City at the end of the summer. As Solicitor General for Presidents Nixon and Ford, he spent four years arguing cases before the Supreme Court. But why would a distinguished legal scholar and jurist want to take an assignment like the Helmsley case? Explains the Judge: "In the law, it's where the rubber meets the road."


    You'll find this next simply "interesting" as to relevance of "truth", "goodness" and/or political shenanigans.

    Good News for Shoe Shops:

    What a difference a year makes. Imelda Marcos will be among the guests at the inauguration of new Philippine President Fidel Ramos this week. Marcos, who wasn't welcome at home a year ago, won a very respectable 2 million votes in the recent presidential election (to Ramos' 5.3 million). Ramos, who is inheriting a more stable situation than Cory Aquino did six years ago, seems eager to
    ( heal old wounds. He is expected to offer amnesty to Communist, Muslim and military rebels. And he is rumored to be planning to end the government's campaign to seize the Marcos' billions. Last week the official charged with retrieving the "hidden wealth" recommended a compromise with Imelda to split the proceeds, if recovered, of a fortune in gold bullion said to be stashed in Switzerland.


    You have nagged and ragged at me about "...how can you say that Perot is somehow connected to Rockefeller and the 'Established Elite' and even George Bush?" Please just note the following portion from the front page of a 1992 Wall Street Journal:

    FRIEND IN NEED: Perot's candidacy for the prestigious Council on Foreign Relations several years ago was seconded by---GEORGE BUSH!! A Perot aide says Bush's seconding letter was "lovely" but that there aren't any PLANS TO RELEASE the text.

    No, I am quite sure it wouldn't be desirable--from the Bush standpoint--OR THE PEROT SIDE. Woolies in the wood-work???


    Indeed, indeed! If you can't see what they are doing and still have to ask me--then you are NOT paying attention and you are blind to the NEWS AS GIVEN TO YOU . Everything points to probable "blowing" of the San Andreas Fault on the Fourth of July--EVERYTHING!--especially the fact that national happen­ings are KEPT FROM YOU. You have to realize that what is going on is not localized to Western California--but it is to dis­tract you. Floods in Louisiana, tornados of deadly power and multiplicity in Texas, earthquakes EVERYWHERE AROUND YOUR NATION, volcano eruption in Alaska--America--you are on the altar! Even the Queen of England just got a nice new "Royal" title yesterday--which should tell you everything you need to know.

    No, I am NOT going out of my way to tell the ones along the Western Coast--or anywhere else--to do anything or go any­where--if you have not HEARD, then I can no longer help you for disaster is at your dooryard. I will, however, give you some reports which you MUST attend if nothing else:

    Ones in Yucca Valley report a series of "regularly spaced" blasts and light bursts hours prior to the actual earthshaking. This was also reported at the second site. It was, further, re­ported in San Francisco area where there were also shakers--as well as in Salt Lake, Phoenix, Denver and Las Vegas--even Cedar City, Utah. WHAT DOES IT TAKE FOR YOU READERS TO HEAR AND SEE THAT SOMETHING IS AFOOT?

    The original blasts were timed exactly to the orbit of the Shuttle and the mechanisms launched by the subsequent rocket launch. More Hatonn hogwash? So be it.


    One who works for the "government" reported in with total panic--"...we have had to order coffins, 8,000 from one resource and as many as other sources could supply" in anticipation of "possibility of need" over the Fourth of July holiday pe­riod--in Southern California alone. Other places are reportedly doing likewise where "natural disasters" are "probable".

    Note that all TV stations are now reporting "probability of the Big One" within days or hours is sifting out--especially from THE news conduit by manipulation, CNN--stating that the most prominent geologic experts are predicting the "Mother" of all quakes.



    I realize that this is only Wednesday but there is no way to get a paper released for one last warning--but I suggest all who get this writing, at least warn your loved ones on the coast. You don't even have to mention space cadets or God--just tell them to listen to the reports coming through on "timing" of the BIG ONE.

    The hope will be not to pull down Japan yet and preferably re­strict the slippage and shock to Southern California, but this may not be possible. Ones are reporting, all over the map, land feeling "fluid" like a "water bed". This, chelas, comes ONLY from prana (scalar) beams which "liquefy" through frequency vibrations.

    It appears that the intent is to simply break away the portion around San Diego and shift it a bit "off shore", figuratively speaking, and other places will stand or fall according to the "mass" proximity. Further, the hope for "this" one is to limit destruction for maximum impact. Governor Wilson has AL­READY put "emergency regulations" into effect!! I can only suggest that each of you attend supplies and cash for sustaining for a while in ensuing emergency time.



    I have a list of questions regarding statements I have made re-garding tanks, etc. I am appalled that they come from the source which has written for he should know better than I what is what, but nonetheless, I shall share that which I feel is suit-able in light of security of ones who discuss these things. YOU NEVER ASK FOR IDENTTFICATION OF ONES IN SUCH TEDIOUS CIRCUMSTANCE AND ALL OF YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO DO SO.

    However, I shall take these up at the next meeting and briefly cover them herein:

    1. Who has verified unmarked tanks unloaded in Las Vegas from railroad cars and stored in a park?

    RFSP: How many do you want? It happened while a meeting was taking place in Las Vegas wherein Col. Bo Gritz, Don McAlvany, Lyndsey Williams, George Green and hundreds of attendees were present--along with some 90,000 groupies to the "GRATEFUL DEAD" were gathered.

    The tanks were then inspected by ones "returning" a week or so later. The attending "soldiers" in guard allowed some looking within where instruction labels were changed (but not yet all of them) from Chinese into English.

    2. How did the Chinese tanks get into this country? Which model tanks are there?

    RESP: Mostly the Chinese tanks came in through unmarked ports of entry and down from the Canadian side of the continent. Most of the tanks are of the same model which the Iraqis used as decoys in the Gulf War--as well as which were used by your own forces and did, in fact, cause such confusion as to identification as to create total inability to know up from down. I am not going to look up model numbers--that is for YOUR OWN TASKING IF YOU ARE INTERESTED.

    3. What other cities have them that can be verified? RESP: Dozens, but I have no intention of spending time at naming them for I AM NOT INTERESTED IN VERIFICATION--FOR MY PART OR YOURS.

    4. Who confirmed Russian armor driving into San Antonio last December 5?

    RESP: I would NEVER give you such information but suffice it to say it was written up in at least three publications which most of you "who keep up" through journals such as "North Point", etc., access. I had a couple of people make the assessment in order to verify, at that time, and then came all the distance to meet in California to verify and warn, again, because of the validity. I shall not in any manner jeopardize their persons by giving identity. You are on your own-4 need remind you--if all you want is verification in efforting to test Hatonn--you are missing the point in any of this. I will share where feasible but I shall not have cause to "verify" anything. So be it.


    And just when you might be needing your own troops to help cover your domestic assets--where are they? Going with the United Nations bandwagon in blue hats, to the area of Yugoslavia--to "insure humanitarian aid arrival". Don't think it could be to get rid of them so there aren't any errors in taking over America?? If you answer "...that is total absurdity"--I hope you're right!


    You think it can't happen to YOU? You think it can't happen in "MY STATE" or in "MY TOWN"? Let me give you something out of "small-town Utah, U.S.A.", for your pondering:

    County adopted law to limit release of "embarrassing" in­formation. Times Independent, Moab, Utah 6/18/1992.

    The Grand County Commission voted Monday to pass an or­dinance on access to public records that allows officials to KEEP FROM RESIDENTS documents and notes that could embarrass ELECTED OFFICIALS and others.

    The ordinance, part of the state of Utah's efforts to codify just what records are open to the public and under what conditions the county must comply with public access, states, "County records regarding named or readily identifiable individuals which deal with matters of a delicate nature which could engender shame, humiliation or embarrassment in the subject of that record, in accordance with accepted stan­dards of social propriety, or if release may constitute clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy shall generally not be clas­sified as public records.... "

    The chief records officer of the county will be the clerk, who will leave decisions of what material is humiliating or embar­rassing up to department heads.

    According to County Attorney Lyle Anderson, the language of that particular section of the ordinance comes from a draft of the Salt Lake County ordinance, distributed by the Utah As­sociation of Counties. He said concern that the provision will allow elected officials to censor information regarding their own embarrassing actions was overblown, and that the aim is not to hide government action [H: Of course not!!] but rather to pro­tect the privacy of county residents in general.

    "My intention is that it would not apply to public officials, it would apply to other people, the subjects of government records," he said Monday evening.

    But spokespeople for the Utah Press Association and the So­ciety of Professional Journalists expressed dismay at the Grand County action, saying the ordinance passed is too broad and open to abuse.

    A similar provision became a controversial issue in Kane County, when that commission attempted to pass the same sec­tion of a records law. But Kane commissioners withdrew the proposal after objections from journalists and other media repre­sentatives.

    And according to Carl Hendricks of the Salt Lake County Attorney's office, commissioners up there have also decided to drop the controversial "embarrassment" clause, following objec­tions to it. Hendricks added that in his opinion the clause is not a violation of other Utah law, but is not necessary in a records management ordinance.

    Commission Chairman David Knutson defended the law, saying there is information contained in public files that the public should not have access to.

    "Information that is not public necessity to know, that is em­barrassing to a person, whether elected or not, can be withheld from the public", said Knutson.

    Officials of the Society of Professional Journalists say they will look into the Grand County ordinance before determining if they will take any action against the county.

    In other business, the commission voted to authorize the chairman to enter into a contract with Knight Brothers Construction of Salt Lake City as construction manager for the jail and courthouse expansion project.

    According to Commissioner Manuel Torres, the plan is to hire the firm if they can keep costs for the actual construction to under $2.8 million..........."

    And so on it goes--while you forget to watch and listen!

    Dharma, can we please have a lunch break so we can resume our subjects in point otherwise. May God have mercy on the little ones of the LIE, because the rumblings of chaos and tribu­lation are come upon you and the "action" is going to begin very, very soon. Salu.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 51
    CHAPTER 13


    THU., JULY 2, 1992 11:22 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 321

    THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1992

    I realize that this is about as old and tired a subject as I can choose this day but nonetheless--we are going to present it again. I apologize for the lack of ability to present colored photos to you but it is not worth the confusion and expense just to prove a "hand" in the firing position. I have told you that the driver of Kennedy's limo also shot the President. This has been discounted, actually by one I fully respect, Col. Gritz. However, he is incorrect, the driver, William Greer, was one of the shooters and actually blasted him with the final fatal shot--he had already been hit fatally by E. Howard Hunt from the "grassy knoll". At any rate let us look at the scenario as presented to us in the San Luis Obispo material from R.R.


    At 12:30 PM, on Nov. 22, 1963, Abraham Zapruder stood on the concrete platform in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas with his Bell Howell Super 8 movie camera hoping to get a good film clip of the presidential motorcade as it drove through the plaza. What he filmed should have been the most important photography in the history of the world. What he filmed was not only the assassination of the President of the United States, but one of the assassins as well.

    Zapruder and his secretary hurried to the CBS-TV affiliate with the camera and film, where a price was agreed upon and the film was turned over to the TV station. The film was given to the photography lab technician, who proceeded to develop the film. The film clip was aired, probably only once, about 10 to 15 hours after it was exposed.

    Anyone who saw THAT clip (and there were many) could see that the president was shot from the front and not from the rear as the Warren Commission stated. I concluded that the shot came from the front seat of the limousine and the secret service agent! Over the next 25 years, I met and talked with several persons who SAW the silver .45 caliber Colt automatic pistol in the hand of secret service agent William Greer!

    The FBI and the Secret Service immediately descended upon the TV station. The lab technician showed the film for them and it was confiscated and ordered not to be aired. The government insisted that the Zapruder film was never shown publicly until 1972. The government lied. (Yeah, it does that sometimes.)

    Between 12:30 PM and that first showing there was only time to develop the film. There wasn't time to alter the film. The FBI, CIA, and the Secret Service didn't even know the TV station had it until they saw it on the air. The personnel at the TV station didn't even know that Greer was on that film clip!

    Except for one! A reporter for the station was "on the Scene" at the assassination site. He knew exactly what happened and so did several innocent bystanders. The innocent bystanders had incredibly short lives after that day. The reporter used his knowledge to bribe his way into an executive position and anchorman spot with CBS at a national level. His name was DAN RATHER!

    25 years later on CNN-TV, Larry King was doing a 25th Anniversary special call-in program on the President Kennedy assassination. The subject was "What is your most vivid recollection of November 22, 1963?" The caller identified himself as the lab technician who developed the Zapruder film that day. He said that the FBI and the Secret Service came to the station that night and asked to see the film clip. On CNN, he said, "I will never forget the look of ghastly horror on their faces when they saw the president's head explode." Bullshit! They were there and saw it in person! The look of "ghastly hor­ror" was because they saw that their own William Greer was caught in the act of murdering the president. Greer's action is not really obvious and requires that the viewer concentrate on Greer and not on Kennedy. Even the lab technician missed it!

    Also 25 years later--November 1988--Life magazine did an anniversary special on the Kennedy assassination. In the maga­zine were many clear, large photos from that day 25 years ear­lier. They obviously came from a perfect unboogered Zapruder film.. Time-Life owns the rights to the Zapruder film.

    One of the photos shows the presidential limousine coming down Elm Street in Dealey Plaza. The limo has just come from behind the Stemmons Freeway sign. President Kennedy has been wounded in the throat by a bullet fired from the grassy knoll. The bullet allegedly passed through the sign. The sign was removed the next day!

    There is something terribly wrong in that photo. In that clear, good-quality photo, the windshield of the limo is all blacked out! Whoever did that sure did a sloppy job because the blackened area does not even follow the edge of the glass very well. What does that blackened windshield hide?

    If you refer to the Zapruder tape "Dallas Revisited" on "The Walter Cronkite Nova Special", you will see down against the drivers door, in his left hand, the silver .45 pistol of William Greer!

    Jacqueline Kennedy's reaction to the shooting was the exact, normal, logical reaction of a person who was looking down the barrel of a .45 pistol. A pistol that had just gone off and splat­tered her husband's blood and brains all over her. She moved out in the opposite direction--out across the trunk of the car. Ask any combat veteran. If she was trying to avoid rifle bullets from the surrounding buildings, she would have dived to the floor. She was not trying to retrieve a part of her husband's brain as some idiot has suggested. [H: No, she was not "trying" to grab a part of the brain but when she got out on the trunk of the vehicle, there lay a part of the skull with brain still attached and she sure as heck grabbed it and re­tained it with her for the next several hours--which about did everyone in the "plan" into a state of pure panic while trying to get it away from her through any hook or crook method they could--finally they physically extracted it from her.]
    A famous ex-race-car driver operates a driving school for as­piring race-car drivers in Southern California. As a sideline, he also teaches defensive driving for chauffeurs whose employers lives might be in danger. The basic rule to follow when some­one is shooting at your car, is the same as the normal logical re­action--step on the gas and get the hell out of there!

    In Dealey Plaza, on November 22, 1963, the Number One, Top Gun Chauffeur of the United States of America did just the opposite. He braked the car to an almost complete stop! This alone is proof of complicity in the murder. Since the riflemen surrounding the car all screwed up, he wanted them to have a second chance. When they still didn't get the job done, Greer, as back-up man, did his own thing with the .45 pistol.

    Several researchers believe that another bullet from the grassy knoll struck Kennedy at exactly the same instant as the .45 bullet. This is a reasonable, logical possibility.

    Within a few days, the limousine was dismantled and scrapped. What evidence was destroyed by that act? What story would an autopsy on the bullet holes in the car disclose? [H: Would this be classified as obstruction or destruction of justice and evidence if YOU did such a thing?]

    William Greer braked the Lincoln limousine so abruptly that the Cadillac carrying the Secret Service men almost ran into the Lincoln. Many frames were removed from the public version of the Zapruder film that there is an illusion of continuous motion.

    However, the Nix film clearly shows the limo almost completely stopped. Clint Hill, who was on the running board of the Cadillac was thrown off and fell on his butt behind the limo. He later testified at the Warren Commission, "Sounded like a .45 went off inside the limo." As he scrambled up on the trunk of the limo, he met Jackie trying to exit the car--escaping from Greer. He pushed her back into the seat as Greer accelerated the car and rode spread-eagle, on the trunk, clinging to the handholds to Parkland Hospital.

    It was never intended that President Kennedy's body go to Parkland Hospital. His dead body was supposed to go directly to the presidential airplane and directly to Washington. Gover­nor Connally, sitting directly in front of Kennedy was wounded by two of the rifle bullets. He yelled out "Oh! My God! THEY are going to kill us all!" Since Connally was only wounded it was decided to drop him off at Parkland. At the Warren Commission, he started to testify, "I saw"--then changed his statement to "I felt" the blast from the bullets. Of course he "saw" and "felt". He was lying across the middle jump seat in the limo and his face was only inches below the .45 in Greer's hand.

    There is speculation that Connally was also an intended vic­tim of the assassination plot. He allegedly was involved in a fi­nancial plan with the Hunt brothers that would have destroyed "The New World Order". (But that's another story--"The Story of Jonathan May".)

    Since Parkland Hospital was not a scheduled stop in the plan, the doctors and medical personnel in the emergency room were taken completely by surprise. Their preliminary examination of the president's wounds were quite different than the "official" version. Several doctors had very short lives after that day.

    Dr. Robert McClellan's report stated, "The bullet entered the left temple and blew out a three inch chunk of the lower right occipital bone." If you draw a line through Kennedy's head from the lower right occipital through the left temple (in frame 313 of the Zapruder film) the line goes directly to the .45 in Greer's left hand.

    The "official" autopsy states that the back of Kennedy's head was intact and no bones were missing. McClellan said, "How can that be? I had the piece of occipital bone right in my hand." A young boy had found the piece of Kennedy's head in Dealey Plaza and brought it in to the hospital. [H: Hum-m-n-n, the first DNA replica was shown on Salt Lake TV when? In the 50's? Could it be that the Kennedy always "subsequently" featured as a part of the assassination was already waiting--with an empty skull from which the "brain" was missing and forever lost--never found!!?? Is it more ridiculous than all the other lies of zig-zag bullets and one shooter? Please, chelas--use your heads for you should be better sleuths by this time in your studies! Actually, duplicates had been around for a long time by the time Kennedy was executed (murdered).]
    After seeing the Zapruder film, which was shown on TV shortly after the assassination, I told a friend that Kennedy was shot from the front, not from the rear. The next day (Sunday), she talked on the phone with her brother in Washington, D.C. He worked at the Office of NAVAL INTELLIGENCE. She told him what I had told her--about the shot coming from the front. After a pause, he said this, "Sis, I can't tell you what really happened, but if the American people knew what was going on, they'd be panicking in the streets." This confirmed my first conclusion about the front shot.

    Some time during that first day or two, a local law officer and a reporter named Buddy Walters watched an FBI agent pick up a spent .45 caliber bullet from the grass in Dealey Plaza. A photograph was taken of this act. A .45 bullet is distinctly dif­ferent than the alleged 6.5 mm Carcano bullet. (Oswald's al­leged weapon was supposed to be a 6.5 mm Italian Mannlicher Carcano rifle. This is such a poor excuse for a weapon that the Italian soldiers called it "The gun that never hurt anybody.") A .45 bullet is short and fat while a 6.5 bullet is long and thin.

    There is no chance of mistaking one for the other. One more proof of a .45 as the murder weapon.

    Several years later on the Mort Sahl TV talk show, Mort showed the Zapruder film. When the picture stopped on frame 313 and zeroed in on driver William Greer, Mort's guest said, "I can't believe what I'm seeing." The TV show was cancelled and Mort never worked in TV again.

    In "The Torbitt Document" the author states that one of the assassins--code named "Zed"--used a .45 caliber pistol.

    Around Christmastime 1988, a friend was visiting relatives in our area. We gave him a copy of our Zapruder tape "Dallas Revisited". He was quite excited about it and couldn't wait to get back to Houston, Texas to show the tape to his neighbor. His neighbor was a very close friend of ex-Governor John Con­nally.

    When he returned home to Houston, he put the tape in his VCR and called his neighbor over. The neighbor viewed it sto­ically and said, "So now you know. I don't want to discuss it." He turned and walked out of the house.

    We told a local retired CIA employee about the "Dallas Re­visited" tape. He confirmed that "Greer did it."

    Lars Hansson is an amateur "fly-by-night" journalist who is always out to con a fast buck. Lately he may have become a CIA stooge. He stole the tape "Dallas Revisited" from a local Kennedy researcher who had spent 17 years researching that "final fatal shot". Hansson claims he made the tape for "Bo" Gritz and John Lear and was distributing it around the country.

    Bob Groden is another phony. He was hired by Congress as the photo-interpreter expert on the Zapruder film. Groden is NOT a "photography expert". His real job is to write phony books on conspiracy theories and lead you away from William
    142 Greer. A close investigation of Greer would "blow the lid off" of the whole "New World Order". A Greer investigation would even suck George Bush into the Kennedy assassination.

    Groden and Hansson appear in a handout paper called "Conflict--the Dorff Report" (Feb. 1990). They get into a don­nybrook about the "Dallas Revisited" tape. Groden states, "What appears to be a chrome plated .45 automatic pistol is ac­tually the chrome on the driver's side door, next to Nellie Con­nally". What Groden fails to explain is how the "chrome on the door" gets into Greer's left hand, comes up across his chest, points toward Kennedy's head as Kennedy's head explodes, then goes back down across Greer's chest and disappears into the front seat as the limo speeds toward the underpass. John Lear says that the same piece of chrome must also be stuck on the side of Greer's head in frame 313. Grodenin is a liar! [H: Could it be that this is the cause of Gritz' consideration that Greer wasn't the "shooter"? Seems a bit of disinformation flapping going on in the "in" group of revelators. This, by the way, is certainly nothing new within that particular group who can't seem to make up their own minds about anything--even UFOs.]
    Lars Hansson then begins a series of vacillations about Greer. Like the old song goes, "First you say you do and then you don't--Then you say you will and then you won't--You're undecided now etc., etc." Hansson and David Lifton then begin a series of vaudeville acts to try to convince the world that Greer didn't shoot Kennedy. This is described in Bill Cooper's book "Behold a Pale Horse", Pages 215-221 [H: No, no com­ment!]. The whole charade culminates with Hansson appearing on "Inside Edition" again reversing himself saying that Greer DID shoot Kennedy. The reason is obvious as Hansson is set­ting himself up, so Groden then follows him, ridiculing him and trying to debunk him. It didn't work. Anyone with an I.Q. of at least room temperature could see through these CIA phonies.

    [H: I do have to agree that the so-called "intelligence" agents are just about the most silly and ridiculous nit-wits around. Some of the "stuff" sent to us to try to shut us down is about as phony as any three dollar bill and still they persist. I suppose they are so trained to not allow a point to be missed that they "overkill" to the point of nausea and become the birdbrains themselves. Then, there is absolutely nothing more incredibly amusing than a programmed intelligence agent.]
    The movie "JFK" is a monument to the stupidity of the human race. First of all, to anyone who can read, the Garrison story is at least 20 years old. Second, absolutely no mention is made of the real power behind the assassination--the Gehlen Organization; Werner Von Braun, Walter Dornberger, Reinhart Gehlen, and the California Nazis; Reagan, Nixon, and William Clark. [H: Well, it wasn't all THAT bad, friend--they just missed a few points and yet it was the best that has been allowed projection. I will note, however, that it becomes obvious that Bush despises Reagan and did in fact have connections with the hit-man, Hinckley, who shot Reagan. Bush's son had an appointment for dinner with this person at the very time of the incident. Look it up--and I suggest you start with THE JOURNALS.] (Editor's note: See end of chapter for references.) Third, Bob Groden spent two weeks in Dealey Plaza doing a remake of the Zapruder film! The lies are getting so thin they would insult the intelligence of a rabbit! [H: Even one of those "killer rabbits" of Jimmy Carter fame!"] For the real star of "JFK" see the movie "The Catholic Bible Salesman". Nice try, Stone. Nice try, Groden!

    * * * *
    Dharma, let us change the subject but remain in the material of R.R. as listed as number "7" in sequence. It is so timely--now that FEMA is in control of California and other states this very day, that I think our readers will enjoy it more than Bush's "Nixon" impeachment involvement, Watergate and back to being present in Dallas on that fateful day mentioned above. Of course, remember--Nixon was there also--but "...can't remember where I was on that day"!!!
    CSTI and FEMA
    About six years ago, I (R.R.) had a friend and drinking buddy who was "career army". He was assigned duties with the California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI) which was based at Camp San Luis. He was discouraged and disgusted to learn that certain portions of his army were training to fight a new war against a very unusual enemy, the citizens of the United States of America! A plan called "Rex 84 " from the Federal Emergency management Agency (FEMA) would suspend the Constitution and install martial law! The authors of this plan included San Luis Obispo residents Luis O. Giuffrida, William P. Clark, and Edwin Meese. Disillusioned, my friend left the army. He was not at all happy with the politics of the new military.

    In May 1986, the Christic Institute of Washington D.C. brought a lawsuit against the federal government under the RICO statutes, which indicted many members of the U.S. Government with assassination, illegal arms dealing, and drug trafficking in Central America. I told my friend of this lawsuit and mentioned some of the names involved; Oliver North, Richard Secord, Albert Hakim (an alumnus of Cal Poly), Theodore Shackley, Thomas Clines, and Frank Terpil. These last three names really shocked him. These men were involved in originating CSTI and had been instructors there!

    In 1987 I learned about Lt. Col. James "Bo" Gritz's many trips to Southeast Asia to look for POWs and MIAs. Col. Gritz brought back accounts of the many POWs that were still being held in prison in Laos and Cambodia. Very peculiar; every time he was about to make contact with POWs, they were mysteriously moved. He thought it was all just rotten luck until he was sent into the "Golden Triangle" in Burma to check on reports that General Khun Sa had POWs.

    Well, Khun Sa had no POWs but he told "Bo" he thought our government was stupid for buying so much heroin from him.

    Bo was shocked!! Now his failure to contact POWs started to make sense. The very people who were appointed by our gov­ernment to bring back our POWs were the middlemen who were drug trafficking with Khun Sa! On video tape, Khun Sa named Assistant Secretary of Defence Richard Armitage as his best customer. He also named Theodore Shackley and Thomas Clines as part of the U.S. Government's drug trafficking team. The same Shackley and Clines named in the Christic lawsuit and the same Shackley and Clines who helped Ronald Reagan es­tablish CSTI!

    Shackley, who was then Deputy Director of the CIA under George Bush, his assistants Thomas Clines and Frank Terpil, have for many years been in charge of drug trafficking, as­sassination programs, and establishment of anti-terrorist training facilities (or terrorist training facilities) such as CSTI. Terpil, of the Terpil-Wilson team who sold C-4 explosives to Libya's Muhamar Quadafy, also helped set up a training school for ter­rorists (or anti-terrorists?) in Libya. President Reagan ordered an air strike against Libya to retaliate against the terrorist train­ing camp. This training school was established, not by the KGB, but by the CIA. The stoic silence of my CSTI friend told me I was "right on".

    Through the Special Forces Association, a local retired "Green Beret" obtained the address of Colonel "Bo" Gritz in Sandy Valley, Nevada. With a member of the Christic Institute, we went to see Bo and brought him the video tapes about mur­der and drug trafficking in Central America. Bo was amazed. He said "Why, they're saying the same thing I'm saying." Sure enough, the "left wing" Christic Institute and the "right wing" Bo Gritz were giving the same account of drug trafficking, as­sassination, and gun running. We concluded--IT'S TIME THAT THE "RIGHT" AND THE "LEFT", THE DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS, THE LIBERALS AND THE CONSERVATIVES, THE BLACKS AND THE WHITES GET THEIR ACT TOGETHER AND REALIZE WHO IS RE­ALLY SCREWING US! There is a huge amount of information available from the "Center for Action" in Sandy Valley, the Christic Institute, the Mae Brussel Research Center, Barbara Honegger (author of "October Surprise") and many other per­sons and organizations.

    When we returned from Nevada, I set about to learn all I could about CSTI and FEMA. The best information is con­tained in an audio tape of a radio interview by Dave Emory of "Radio Free America #32". This tape is about 3 hours long and tells how CSTI was initially formed. To briefly summarize, you will remember the protests and demonstrations against the Viet­nam War. These demonstrations greatly upset Governor Ronald Reagan. He, being a veteran of World War II, World War I, the Civil War, the Indian wars, thought that these protests were very unpatriotic, so he created CSTI to deal with these "dissidents". CSTI could also control protests against nuclear power at Diablo Canyon, environmental protesters such as "Earth First", abortion rights protesters, minority race protesters such as Uhuru and SLA. He anticipated protests against the next "Vietnam"--the invasion of Nicaragua. This invasion was already staged and called "Operation Night Train".

    In 1968, "The King Alfred Plan" appeared in a novel "The Man Who Cried 'I Am'". The author, John Williams, claims it is a true document and had to write a novel around it to get it published. It was a plan to round up, incarcerate, and elimi­nate 20 million Blacks in the United States. In 1970, it ap­peared as Luis Giuffrida's thesis at the U.S. Army War College. Governor Reagan liked it so much he made Giuffrida the Com­mander of CSTI at Camp San Luis where it was the pattern for "Operation Cable Splicer". In 1981, President Reagan made Giuffrida head of FEMA (replaced by Stickney), where "King Alfred" became "Rex 84". "Rex" means "Readiness Exercise" and is also Latin for "King". This plan, by Giuffrida, assisted by National Security Advisor William Clark, Attorney General Edwin Meese, Colonel Oliver North and others, called for sus­pension of the Constitution, declaration of martial law, and incarceration of all who protested against it.

    During the Iran-Contra hearings, Congressman Jack Brooks attempted to question Oliver North about this plan to suspend the Constitution and declare martial law. He was immediately interrupted and squelched by the chairman, Senator Daniel In­ouye.

    Today this plan is still in effect. Quoting from Bo Gritz's newsletter:

    The U.S. Congress is now considering a bill (HR 4079 and S. 2245, National Crime Emergency Act) which could declare a NATIONAL EMERGENCY for five years if it is signed into law. Under existing executive directives, the Constitution of the United States of America can be suspended and martial law declared under conditions of a national emergency. The Federal Emergency Manage­ment Agency (FEMA) is already in place to enforce such a decree.

    In the early 1900's, the Panama Canal was originally planned to go through Nicaragua. This is the most practical location for a canal. Today the Panama Canal is obsolete. No supertanker, aircraft carrier, or battleship will fit through it. A new canal is planned for Nicaragua. The only economical way it can be con­structed is with ADM's--atomic demolitions. A synchronized detonation, in an earthquake active area, of 250 million tons TNT equivalent of nuclear explosions 30 miles long will instan­taneously blast a canal large enough to allow supertankers and aircraft carriers to pass each other. Do you think this may cause protests and demonstrations? [H: Here is some confirmation for all you little deniers of what we have given you. Ab­surd? No, planned and ready! We gave you a full descrip­tion of exactly how it would be pulled off.] (Editor's note: See end of chapter for references.)

    To understand the necessity for CSTI and FEMA one must consider the staggering amount of information about covert op­erations that is available to those who care to look for it. Drug trafficking on a global scale. Assassinations which go back to the Kennedys and Martin Luther King. The development and distribution of AIDS. The assimilation of hundreds of Nazi sci­entists, doctors, and intelligence agents under "Project Paper­clip". Mind control programs such as MK/ULTRA and its use on assassins such as Mark David Chapman, John Hinckley, Patrick Purdy and many others. The 900 elements of the U.S. and British governments. The "October Surprise" about how Bush and Casey flew to Paris to make a deal to hold the em­bassy hostages until after the 1980 elections. [H: Don't miss today's earlier writing. Bush's own investigators have now cleared Bush completely and announced he was not in Paris at "October Surprise"--are you "surprised"?] The savings and loan scandal which involves the president's sons--and oth­ers.

    For many years covert actions have been undertaken which would mandate the FEMA/REX 84 plan. In a recent book an Israeli Mossad agent states that his agency knew for months a terrorist attack was planned on the Americans in Beirut. The guards at the Marine barracks were ordered to stand duty with UNLOADED WEAPONS! U.S. intelligence KNEW AN ATTACK WAS IMMINENT AND DID NOTHING TO STOP IT. [H: Yes indeedy--more confirmation that I don't fool around with your intelligence in the JOURNALS. I simply don't know what more you need for confirmation.] (Editor's note: See end of chapter for references.)

    Another plan to implement FEMA was another attempt to as­sassinate Reagan in June 1986, in Venice, Italy, by shooting down his helicopter "Marine One". This plan was aborted be­cause in May the Christic Institute filed their lawsuit against the U.S. Government, naming many of the persons who were to participate in the June assassination. Abbu Nidal and Monzer Al-Kassar were the "Syrian terrorists" who were to carry out the assassination. They were partners with OLIVER NORTH, RICHARD SECORD, AND ALBERT HAKIM IN PROVID­ING THE POLISH AK-47s AND PORTUGUESE AMMO FOR THE CONTRAS. These weapons were later exchanged for cocaine. Do you think that a couple of Syrian terrorists could have advance information about the secret itinerary of the president's helicopter schedule a whole month in advance with­out some collusion with the "Secret Government"? Today George Bush is on very, very friendly terms with the Syrians--[or hadn't you noticed?]

    Abbu Nidal and Monzer Al-Kassar were involved in the De­cember 1988 bombing of Pan-Am 103 which killed 259 men, women and children. The purpose of the bombing was to elimi­nate a CIA team who was defecting from the CIA and planned to "blow the whistle" on the CIA and the "secret govern­ment"!

    To provide credence to this article, the author would like to state that he has personal involvement with many of the persons and incidents here included. Persons in the Intelligence Support Activity (NSA), Office of Naval Intelligence, White House Staff, Christic Institute, etc. [H: He, however, did not have nor has he had now, any contact until this material arrived, with Hatonn or my scribe. He is still totally unknown to my scribe.] One incident happened over 36 years ago. During the Korean War, I was in the U.S. Marine Corps with the U.S. Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. In a conversation with a French lady in Marseille, France, she told me her husband was killed at Dien Bien Phu, French Indochina (Vietnam). [H: How many of you readers knew that Vietnam WAS FRENCH IN­DOCHINA?] She was very bitter. She said, "We're only there for the heroin." Then she really shocked me. She said, "Your government finances our war in Indochina." Why were we sup­porting the French war? For a "piece of the action"--HEROIN! This war evolved into the Vietnam War in which over 58,000 Americans and millions of southeast Asians died.
    In 1989 General Khun Sa exported 3000 tons of heroin. The U.S. Government is still his best customer. At a half million dollars per pound, do you think the government is going to lose the profits from thousands of tons of cocaine and heroin by imprisoning drug users? Wake up America! 80% of the drugs your children use come in through U.S. Government channels. CSTI AND FEMA WILL IMPRISON PROTESTERS, DEMONSTRATORS, HOMELESS, GUN-OWNERS, DRAFT EVADERS, TAX EVADERS, TOO!

    In the 50's and 60's Marseille, France was the heroin capital of the world. From there the heroin came to America, the French Connection. Some of the channels were the Mafia, Cuba, the military, and the offshore oil drilling platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil drilling platforms were pioneered and owned by a Houston, Texas based company named Zapata Offshore Oil. The heroin was unloaded miles out at sea from fishing boats to the platforms. From the oil drilling platforms the heroin went ashore via the normal crew and equipment boats, thereby avoiding customs and inspections. The president of Zapata Oil was George Herbert Walker Bush. As Director of Central Intelligence, Bush was the commander of the world's largest drug trafficking operation; As president he is comman­der-in-chief of the military which includes CSTI and FEMA. [H: And the "head" of FEMA is a KISSINGER AND AS­SOCIATES STOOGE.] (Editor's note: See end of chapter for references.)

    Today (December, 1990) 300,000 servicemen and women are facing a confrontation in the Saudi desert, which could very well become World War III. Not a shot has yet been fired, but opposition, demonstrations, and protests are growing across the country. Need there be more justification for the existence of CSTI and FEMA?


    * * *
    This may be the end of quoting on this above matter but it sure is not the end of the story, is it? Now, did this person "plagiarize" JOURNAL MATERIAL FROM OLD HATONN or is this just possibly TRUTH, readers? THERE ARE A WHOLE LOT OF ONES WHO KNOW THE TRUTH--BUT CAN'T GET YOU TO LISTEN, SEE OR ACT!

    I have now had seven sources, including this one, (all with con­tact "inside" the system) tell me that there are major "things" planned for the 23rd or 25th of July!! OOPS!??! I suggest you get ready because the "actions" are going to get more and more nasty as you move along.

    Enough for this writing. Thank you.

    Hatonn to bid you a good-day.

    The JOURNAL number is in bold type and in parentheses followed by the relevent page number(s) therein. SEE BOOK LIST IN BACK OF BOOK FOR JOURNAL NUMBERS.

    KAL 007: (44) 43, 50, & 128.

    William Greer: (3) 29.

    Mind Control: PROTOCOLS: (14) 184-210; (20) 150, 159-183; (29) 71, 75, 98, 103-179.

    USA/FEMA: (31) 163-166.

    SOVIET UNION MANIFESTO: (13) 77-81; (23) 20, 26, 40, 52 & 60.

    Hinckley, Bush, Reagan (29) 22; (30) 118.



    PJ 51
    CHAPTER 14


    SAT., JULY 4, 1992 7:56 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 323

    SATURDAY, JULY 4, 1992

    As we sit to pen this day I am appalled at the requests for a dis-sertation on "America" and her freedom and independence.


    Moreover, this day you are held total hostage to "events" of technology powerful enough to destroy your nation in fifteen minutes without firing a single "bullet". Blackmail is being used against you from every direction--from your President to foreign nations with more "power technologically" than have you!

    Well, a better observation would be: "Red" rocket's glare! America and other parts of the world, but especially America, for you are efforting to counter the moves, are under total siege and CONTROL through what APPEARS to be "NATURAL EVENTS": earthquakes, UNSEASONABLE storms with torna-dos, volcanic eruptions, etc. All are unable "to be understood" by geologists and meteorologists. I guess not--THEY ARE MANMADE.

    Moreover, all the rocket launches from your nation this week are in an attempt to stop what is going on. Interestingly enough, the original plan was to bring the West into subservience with earth upheavals via the "grid" system established by your Elite and prana wave pulses. But, you got "had" and now, one blast to the trigger "button" on the San Andreas fault system of California will bring the coast into rubble. This can be done in only mere moments by none other than the Russians.


    Simply by seeing what is afoot: The Russians are demanding and getting included in the conference of the major seven (G-7) financial "greats" of your planet. How so for they are totally bankrupt? Easy--blackmail. Let them in or your planet will simply be a pile of rubble! So, coy as kittens, Bush pushes for G-8 (to help the Russians get on their feet and recognized). The Russians, meanwhile, insist on full permanent status--AND, to repudiate their DEBT for a minimum of TWO YEARS (by the G-7 nations). Believe me, it WILL happen.

    What will happen today, the Fourth of July? Watch the "big boys". It is said that Bush will spend his holiday in Florida and North Carolina. Indeed he will in spite of complaints of his visit--by Black leaders. Then he "heads for Germany and the World Economic Summit (G-7(8). He is going South to find "safety" and to get his marching orders. I suggest you study, carefully, documentation of the "Bush" involvement in Florida, Zapata and Bushlets who are placed in those strategic locations to attend the Bush interests.

    This includes "undercover" contacts with the old buddies in Cuba to check on final status and get instructions and give instructions.

    Let us look to that Yugoslavia "crisis" again for a moment without getting emotionally involved. What does the press and Bush say about it and the troops as questioned regarding the 150,000 U.S. troops stationed in Europe under NATO--if they aren't used against the kind of bloodletting seen in Sarajevo. What does Bush say? "...that doesn't mean that it's going to be injected into every single crisis area."

    Anyone taking note of South Africa and DeKlerk rattlings and "force" tactics against the "blacks"? It is happening, little ones, the take over of South Africa and ALL RESOURCES by the British Elite. And what of Algeria and Nigeria? Note please, that Nigeria has "light crude oil" against which the price of oil for the world is established!

    Ah yes, Japan said day-before-yesterday that they would not play the "Russian Game" and lower lending rates, etc. I note that after Aso (Ah-so) suddenly "blew" in massive eruption without prior warning accompanied by myriads of earth-shakers and rollers on the same day in point--they decided to lower the rates yesterday.



    What is happening in Yugoslavia, for instance: Watch and lis-ten to who is doing what. Lord Carrington (Great Britain) is in the nation as representative for, of and authorized by the U.N.? No, Lord Carrington is there because HE IS HEAD, THIS YEAR, OF THE BILDERBERGER secret society of Elite World Controllers under the Committee of 300.

    He is "Chairman", this Lord Carrington--chairman of the board. By the way, he was a former secretary-general of NATO. How convenient to have the head honcho involved in the "solutions" to little uprisings.

    Further, as the C-130 giant cargo planes bring "tomato soup and tuna fish" (according to news announcement) into the besieged Bosnian capital", they make return runs bearing gold and drugs. Of course, only a portion chosen for public betrayal is published for your eyes--only the "your-eyes-only in-group" gets the REAL dope--er, er--news!

    By the way, chelas, Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, U.S. senator from Texas--is 12th in ranking importance in the Bilderberg society and a major participant at the Evian, France 1992 meeting May 21-24. Yes, I do have a major listing and you would recognize a lot of the players. Yes, and another U.S. representative was Sen. John Chafee; and Sen. Charles Mathias from Maryland was also a major invited "guest". Then, of course, was also Paul Volcker, former chairman, Board of Governors of the Fed­eral Reserve System (yours) and David Rockefeller, Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International, and on and on. So what do you think you might have NOW in Yugoslavia? Ah indeed--a stand-off between "bankers/Elite" and "Russians" perhaps??

    Isn't current history interesting when you are actually informed of the places and players?

    What else might be of interest? Well, you are told, with great flair and purpose, that your astronauts on the shuttle are GROWING HIV VIRUS "because crystals grow better and with less flaws--in space." Oh, and what of "space-like" laboratories on the planet? OOPS!! What could this little information mean? It means that you now have your proof and confirmation that what I have told you is absolutely and unconditionally correct:

    HIV virus is a crystalline man-made virus and can be recreated (or destroyed) at will--actually, in any environment. And what else do they say? "....this research can save millions of sheep annually who die of visna virus of sheep!" HIV is nothing but results of Bovine Leukemia virus and sheep visna virus which then mutates every time it is introduced into DNA hosts.

    Perot is the best candidate money has bought! Precious ones, when I told you yesterday that Bush had "seconded" Perot's nomination to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a politi­cal power arm of the Elite 300, it could only mean that Rocke­feller and Kissinger had set him forth for membership--that, in turn, can only mean that Perot is a member of the established Establishment!

    I have been buried in copies of the pictures of "space-aliens" with Bush and Perot at Camp David. I find Mr. Bush extremely entertaining (seriously) as he perused the pictures and in­formation. The article and pictures are the most ridiculous out­lay of total nonsense as can be conjured. Of course we have met with your leaders--and worse, for the press and Elite, we were photographed. The pictures in point however, are not worthy of even the British Intelligence Service. By the end of the day of the paper's release, you will note that every minor news-caster and weather-man had his face and head superim­posed on the picture. I'm afraid I have to disappoint you, chelas, we are not nearly that "far-out" appearing and the show-­and-tell presented ones not nearly "tall" enough. Know how­ever, that it simply lays more ability to spring aliens on you when the time is right--and the time is going to be "right" very soon.

    REMINDER: IF YOU ONES ARE GOING ABOUT SAYING THAT "HATONN SAID - - - on the 25th of July or thereabouts there would be, etc., etc.", you are putting your foot into it--VERY DEEPLY. We have presented EXACTLY WHAT YOUR SCIENTISTS ON EARTH HAVE ALREADY PRE­SENTED AND DATED!!!
    Confirmation of the disclosure had come in from Australia (wherefrom came the article published first (in the LIBERATOR--after hounding from the public to discuss the subject), New Zealand, Great Britain, Russia, Massachusetts Institute of Technology scientists, Palomar Observatory personnel (MILITARY!!), ETC.

    YOU WILL ENTER INTO A PHOTON BELT OF SOME 2000 YEARS IN DURATION AND YOU WILL EXPERI­ENCE IT AS PRESENTED--ALTHOUGH THE JULY 15TH, 23RD AND/OR 25TH, 1992 IS AN OPEN QUES­TION-MARKS You are already being bombarded with photon waves and thus the problem with sun-screens and "ozone holes". The pinning of a date to July 25th, 1992 was to cover an attempt to ignite the radioactive field around your planet (and thus the reason for need of dark eye protection). It also would coincide with a time of "null" energy experience in which you would be brought into total control of military power and that is STILL PLANNED--IF YOU MAKE IT PAST THIS VERY WEEKEND IN POINT OF PRE-PLANNED "FOURTH" ACTIVI­TIES.

    I also have several reports of massive military movement and exercises (serious in intent but under guise of "exercises") for the 23rd of July. Now, do you prefer I NOT TELL YOU OF THESE REPORTS?

    I personally more nearly agree with ones who expect the PHO­TON "BARRIER" a decade later than 1993. But you ARE be­ing bombarded with photons NOW AND IT WILL STEADILY WORSEN AS WILL THE LIES ABOUT IT. The entire scenario is totally under control and orchestration of ones on earth and/or in your "near" atmospheric space. It is total attempt to gain or hold supremacy--by Earth people. This is simply a masterful attempt to "blame" space brotherhood and get some very dirty and malicious games played on you-the-people.

    Dr. Young presented the following thoughts to a caller yester­day: "Would you be upset if you bought car insurance and the accident didn't happen? or, would you blame ones who saw probability of a massive accident in which you would PROBA­BLY be involved and warned you so that you purchased insur­ance--and it didn't involve you after all? Do you not need the insurance either way? You can't buy insurance after the fact!!

    Allow me to share a message from a friend who has done a lot of research on the matter as to publicity, etc.:


    To: Commdr. Hatonn
    From: A.E.
    RE: Scientific Reaction to Photon Belt in Canada

    [This is the "same" Canada who was just told by the Queen of England that it would never be allowed to divide and who has had the entire fishing industry totally and intentionally destroyed by the Elite. Further, this is the Canada which bans material of informational value, burns books which are considered "racist" and incarcerates persons for "speaking openly on some subjects which deal with Khazarians" and is basically run by the ADL (branch of British Intelligence). So keeping this in mind, please read on.]
    1. Norman Brotten, Secretary, Canadian Astronomical So­ciety: Said he is unfamiliar with PB but will bring it up at a na­tional meeting with colleagues in Halifax in a week! Very nice, patient and most polite.

    2. Sky News / National Museum of Science & Technol­ogy: Not a clue. Graciously referred me to the following:

    3. David Bunn Lapp Observatory, Dr. Sequest, Director: Insisted on knowing source (outside mainstream literature) and evaluating should be made based on where this is coming from. "Sounds like astrology, not astronomy. "Hokum" (U.S. slang: claptrap; bunk). Seemed concerned how I got his number and was defensive about any information.
    4. Hertzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council, Dr. Donald Mortan, Director: This is the most pres­tigious. Spoke with one called John McLeod who says he will look into it and evaluate. The fact that it is associated with spacecraft and "ETs" enables him to pretty much "calibrate in my mind the validity of this source". Also thinks nothing of the claim of visible strobe lights in the night skies seen by as­tronomers.

    Does know of legitimate attempts by JPL to "track" space­craft but so far no revealed "intelligent signs" if indeed there are any other civilizations "out there".

    I also spoke with Paul Feldman, same place, who says it sounds "suspiciously like crazy-talk" and wonders how many other subscribers have been unduly alarmed and offers to al­lay their fears. [H: Now, chelas, these are the same types of "scientists" who allayed "your fears" about the seriousness of AIDS, nuclear war, recession/depression, unemployment--and the Kennedy "single bullet theory"!] Although it is true that Earth goes thru a 25,000 year cycle--termed the "precession of the equinox", the source of this outlay is er­roneous. [H: The SOURCE OF THIS OUTLAY IS ERRO­NEOUS?? HOW WOULD THIS ENLIGHTENED SCIEN­TIST KNOW?] Information has been misconstrued and the up­coming "south delta aquarid" meteoritic shower that peaks at 9:00 AM Tuesday 28 July for the "photon belt". [H: Getting uncomfortable, anyone?] He seriously wants to wager a private bet with whoever is responsible for this (I told him it was a space commander) [H: Gee, thanks Pierre, could this be how disinformation gets spread around perhaps?] "in capacity as a private citizen". He would enjoy to confront Hatonn about it. So you'll be receiving some pressing phone calls from sci­entists as soon as they receive the info.

    My amateur astronomer friend, who does not think much about the PB, says I should be cautious about my identification because they'll probably summon "a bloody paddywagon" to fetch me....Perhaps you could capture this telephone slug-out on tape for the larger audience?? [H: Perhaps YOU would like to take the phone call, P.C.?? I would be most happy to meet with these people and discuss anything they desire--but until MAN can get his own facts correct--why should I handle your problems? Neither am I nor have I ever been, partic­ularly interested in this Photon Belt or any other except for the major movement into LIGHT. How are you ones ever going to bring credibility to the world "audience" who al­ready disbelieves through hype and sensationalism? I come as a Host for all mighty Creator Source and to bring infor­mation regarding the DIVINE TRUTH--how dare you ones "cast blame" on our "crew" for your inability to READ?]
    Will keep you updated on scientific community's response as we go along here. So far Canadian scientists are having a ball with this "fine entertainment".

    P.--June 23rd.

    * * *
    I am sure they are! So would I be! I remind you ALL to go look at the introduction to my writing on the Photon Belt. I said that I did not even want to mention it because the community of New Agers, Channelers and Fortune-tellers had already informed you all about such phenomenon. I have been blasted for that "attitude" also and my "assumption" that you ones would already KNOW! READERS: YOU CANNOT HAVE IT BOTH WAYS!! Is it better to "expect" something, make preparations and be secure or simply perish in the storm when it hits?

    In Southern California this day--are you not told that momentarily you can have a massive "Big One" quake which could kill hundreds of thousands--and thus, prepare with emergency supplies??? Is it lost if you are PREPARED and need the supplies not? Will they not be worthy to have WHEN IT COMES DOWN??


    FURTHER, I tell you over and over again that my information will always be taken from already available information for we write JOURNALS and a paper. I am not interested in sensational news blurbs from unknown sources or fortune-teller Tarot cards--YOU WILL ALWAYS BE GIVEN WHAT IS KNOWN AND ALREADY PRESENTED!!

    If, further, you were told the truth by your scientists, astronomers and politicians--you wouldn't have a problem would you? So be it. I would, however, suggest that a "precession of the equinox--south delta aquarid" meteoritic shower that is upcoming on July 28th--sounds pretty sinister to me! 'What does he possibly mean? Shooting stars perhaps? How come--shooting stars? (catch one and "put it in your pocket and save it for a rainy day" I believe your tune goes). Why are there shooting stars? 'What kind of "information do you REALLY get?
    No strobe lights in space? YOU go look at the red, blue, gold and white (along with green) lights on "some of those stars" and you decide who might be telling you "josh-junk".

    Moreover, if it is so far-fetched about danger from space debris, yours or ours, why would your government put a whole defense system in near space to shoot down those "asteroids" and sort-of "forget to tell you about it until NOW?"

    I shall most certainly capture this "telephone slug-out on tape" IF they, indeed, contact me. I rather doubt there will be any confrontation AT ALL!! That kind of information would NOT BE WANTED TO BE BROUGHT TO YOU-THE-PEOPLE AND SCIENTISTS ARE SHUT UP FASTER THAN ARE ANYONES WHO MIGHT "TALK". These ones are having a "ball" at "your expense", Pierre, NOT MINE.

    I have just received a clipping and reminder to "share, please" with you readers. The "light blasts" and 'explosions" on regularly intervalled sequences prior to all of these earthquakes and volcanic eruptions this week are NOT new. THE SAME THING HAPPENED BEFORE THE SAN FRANCISCO QUAKE ON OCT. 17TH, SOME YEAR OR SO PAST.

    QUOTE from right out of the San Francisco paper:

    Scientists said Thursday that they detected strange, ultra-low-frequency radio waves before the Oct. 17 Northern California earthquake, a possible break-through in the field of earthquake prediction.
    The signals were recorded by equipment unrelated to earthquake work, at least 14p until now. The equipment was set up under a contract with the Navy to explore new ways to detect submarines.

    Stanford University researchers presented their findings at the meeting of the American Geophysical Union, and many of the seismological experts at the big meeting were impressed. ETC., ETC................ END OF QUOTING.

    Before I leave this document to go to the Editors for printing I have a last comment.

    For you who "have a ball" and great "laughs" at some funny improbable space-crews, I suggest you consider the following:

    Perhaps you should speak with the man and family in Yucca Valley THIS WEEK who watched their auto straddle a massive chasm which opened before them with the first major quake (after regular blasts of both sound and light). The car was tee­tering on the edge of the crack so he called for help to "pull it out" as the front wheels were into the crack. But, before the help could get "attached" and pull--the second major quake hit and when the dust settled enough to continue--the car was gone! The crack was "moved" and the auto sank in the "liquefied earth" like a rock in a puddle. Chelas, ONE thing causes that sort of liquefaction: ELF pulses of scalar (prana) energy! I suggest that the last laugh may not be funny in the least!!

    Salu and have a good, peaceful and "daring" day laughing at God and the Elite adversary. You are in REAL TROUBLE, World! Remember--I don't have any care as to whether or not you believe there are space-aliens and/or bogie-men. You are simply in REAL TROUBLE and it would behoove you to begin to take it with some level of seriousness.
    I would also ask that you who "represent Hatonn" get your stories straight for the egg on face is not of my doing!

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