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  1. #5
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 51


    THU., JUNE 25, 1992 7:29 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 313

    THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1992


    Friends, please do not cause me to have to have "your" insight for you. Please see that which is going on and act accordingly. Things are not simply going to "go away"--you are being set up and it grows more severe with each trial balloon.

    Foreign troops are in your nation! Foreign military equipment has now been placed in every portion of your nation and now the rail circulation is stopped. This means that in a brief period of time the entire industrial circulation of your nation will be halted. "They" are now telling you that it will even move to the steel industry and on through the network of production facto­ries. THEY ALSO ARE "SUGGESTING" EXECUTIVE OR­DERS!

    There is a grave plan to the railroad shut-down now that the military equipment has been replaced and relocated, etc. It is to give reason for Executive Order take-over.

    Everything the Administration and the Elite are doing is pointing to either civil or outright international war. There is first strike in readiness and now they will barrage you with "natural disas­ter" drills and hype until you are lulled back into your prison cells.

    Photon Belt?? Who cares!! You will be most lucky indeed if you make it to such time as a little photon experience.

    You of mine--sharpen up and check your emergency supplies. Again, tend of your money for if the Executive Orders are brought down for emergency regulations, it will probably take down the banks also if fear and panic set in. At any rate there will be "action" to prevent "panic" they will be telling you.

    Why? Watch the clues. The rail strike is the biggest one thing---notable AFTER rearrangement of military supplies--which by the way are even marked (though most insignias have been cov­ered or painted over) with communist designations. The Japanese troops are now arriving in the U.S. and Canada and they are decked out in blue helmets and berets ("for the war games").


    Ones ask what to do? I can't tell you what to do--but I tell you it is DANGEROUS to travel, especially by air from now forth. What happens depends on several things including your shuttle launch scheduled for today. You must realize that within this very week there have also been two massive nuclear tests in Nevada which were all but devastating.

    There is now capability and placement in the field of "control" weapons which fire phaser beams which instantly kill everything in a body. The body itself will not even begin to decay until after some three months. They also are now placing helicopters (black) in groups of two or three which simultaneous fire beams which "program" crowds--or--kill them. Also, even the police departments across the country are training the enforcement of­ficers to be prepared for both chemical and biological interven­tion.

    Sad? Indeed! But perhaps the most sad thing is that in the time we have been writing we are now accused, more than ever--of "preaching panic and fear". No, I tell you how it IS--and re­mind you to walk back into the shelter of God of Light. Fear and panic are not things of earth human who has freedom of ac­tion and the will to do anything you desire to do.

    I remind you--the most important segment of our publications are going to be banned and impounded simply because we tell you about God and Light--the orders came yesterday--with the police. We have about a month to act. America West will cease to function as is--so look for another title coming through. They will now lose great sums of inflow by the court actions for they just made arrangements for additional printings of the work in point. They are already running deficits so this will likely bankrupt them--which is the point of the actions under way.

    It appears the only way to keep the work available to any extent is to turn it over to other distributors for the orders herein are to cease and desist in all publishing and distribution of the work in point. After "Executive Orders" come down it will encompass ALL of the work on the basis of "national emergency and secu­rity". Our people would simply publish additional supplies and network distribution but there simply are not available funds to do so. The LIBERATOR is so under attack that many working connections have had to be severed with America West to allow for printing and writing in one location and business flow to take place in another state. We have arranged it so the information and paper can flow in various networking systems but we cannot know for sure how long this can be done. Please be alert to in­formation changes.

    Please do realize, public readers, that these are individual enti­ties, are well managed according to "our" instructions and do not affect any other segment of anything--business or private. We knew from onset that the government could and probably would shut us down so as we are devastated in one area we can have lifeline to another. Eventually, however, the possibilities are that we will have to have a very low profile to continue our work. Dharma and Oberli have already been "shut down" and now hold NOTHING and volunteer everything in order to have no strings against anything down in our projects or mission. We welcome ALL legal actions by anyone and the more massive the suit--the more massive can be the counter-suit because I will NEVER give them anything through which to be "longer HAD". Oh indeed, great inconvenience from the myriad of court battles but henceforth they shall all be fought through the Constitutional Law Center--giving BOTH entities experience.


    Right now there is a suit against all parties involved in the JOU'RNALS and paper. Herein I want to point out something to the attorneys involved: You cannot copyright "truth". Even if you could do so, if conclusions are different from those of the "author or publisher in point", it is not infringement. If an entity labels itself "Institute" or "University" it becomes recognized as a teaching entity and purchased courses (as in Home Study Course) become the property of the buyer. Information utilized from an entity having changed "ITS" name so that the accused has no way of tracing same--accusations are invalid and thus and so. Further, the entity in point must prove damage and intent to damage. There are many more points but if you will go forth and research these things you will find basis for argument as well as counter-measures. We here write only JOURNALS (as in magazines) and a paper with news items and no accepted advertising of public input. The JOURNALS are "news" oriented and informational value only--WE PLANNED IT THIS WAY!! GOD WOULD NOT HAVE LESSER THAN ORGANIZED PLANS AND GOALS, CHELAS!

    Does this mean you can prevail? It only means you "should" prevail--the system is so rotten that the likelihood of prevailing in total is less than zilch--however, if you have arranged your lives well to do this work--you have nothing to lose--so how can losing hurt? It is different with the property and dwelling--it hurts very, very much. So, too, will stopping our information flow, hurt. But, as we are stopped from political output, if we can prevail over the "spiritual" aspects now under attack, we can continue to inform even if it only be bean recipes and tofu guides.

    It was against these days of efforting to shut down the work that the push was on to get the massive amounts of information forth--so you will have it and you will find ways to get it--I promise you. When you want it it can be found for it is intended that it be so.

    Part of this discussion is for Dharma and my people here at this place--it is hard to work around the clock day after day just to have others come and attack with intent to kill. Hold my hand and listen--we know the way through. Alive? What is "alive"? You have no worthy definition of "alive"! You are only able to measure your "aliveness" against the "death" around you and I speak of "walking" dead.


    One last item before we move on: If you are still holding funds in even moderate amounts in the banks--expect them to be lost-- soon. We have spoken on this many times and I still remind you--BankAmerica will be one of the big holders. The "market" and the government bonds and treasuries, CDs and paper are expected to collapse right away now. At the least, all will be coming under "Emergency FEMA regulations" as soon as the "orchestra" begins the overture. Are you prepared against this day?? We have done all that we can do and I cannot promise you any further assistance past this moment. The major actions are expected during the Fourth of July celebrations so as to give you LESS time with opened banks to have "runs". If you act today you may get coverage through one more blow-out but with less than 7-1/2 years to HAVE ALL IN OPERATIONAL CONTROL--I WOULD GUESS THE ACTIVITIES ARE GOING TO HEAT UP AND BOIL OVER FROM NOW ON "IN".

    Can you survive? Yes--if you act appropriately and utilize their system instead of "fighting" it. You can only WIN through proper "working within" and growing up through it. I further ask for your prayers that our funding for our projects such as algae production and food growth can be completed so that branches of same can be available to all. You must remember that there are those eight years and the adversary Elite need to have you continue to function and have a way to continue to hide Truth from you by the continued deceit. I remind you that "they" will even help you for what you do makes them "look" good and they need to "look" good for a while longer. It simply is that you must see "through" the facade. Be ecstatic that YOU see through because it allows you to act in wisdom instead of with irrational reaction. Our purpose is to get a remnant through intact and bring God's people into safety and security--all other entities are just as YOU--under their own free-will preferences. The show is REALLY about to become incredible!

    By the way--there is now a "black market" tape of pictures of communities and bases on the dark side of the moon and on Mars which are undeniable and the "tellers" are now DEAD to prove it. These are "joint venture" placements for the Elite and YOU paid for them. It is all a part of Alternative Three--I sug­gest you get SPACEGATE. THE VEIL REMOVED and SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET.

    I frankly do not know how to separate out any JOURNAL above that of another--for we have covered so many facets of your needs that the response only is measured by the question.


    Dharma, take this off the equipment so that the others can move on with checking their preparations, supplies--for self AND PETS--for if the government shuts down trucking--you will have no means of getting supplies. Make sure you are "right up" and make SURE that you have available a "safe place" for a time of radiation fallout as things unfold. You can also expect some "natural" disasters to be triggered so that the "worst" will not appear to be from Washington. They need YOU to believe that THEY are saving you--so act accordingly! It is better to let them "save" you, however, with an already full stomach, first aid supplies and at least water. Do not expect to be able to pur­chase very much at markets for the thrust will be to orchestrate "looting" so that the police have reason to shoot to kill. The markets will be stripped. Do not, either, be even tempted to go forth and loot because "everyone is doing it"--you will be shot. Be prepared and then stay away from every trouble area possi­ble--park in security and wait it out. Perhaps the three to five days of "darkness" is simply the total devastating dark actions of the blind and evil run amuck.

    Each one who has plans which give a place of security--make SURE your little bags are ready as we have been through be­fore--along with placement for quick pick-up of your sleeping bags, personal goods and emergency food locker--enough to sustain for all members of the family for two to three days minimum. This is so that if you have to move to your basement or to the center of the dwelling, or wherever--you will have these necessities within reach to minimize exposure by having to go forth and search for them. This is where an ounce of pre­vention and preparation is worth everything and not just a pound of cure. This is not "panicville"--this is a reminder to check your supplies which should be current all the time and regularly monitored at any rate. For instance, if you used that sleeping bag on a camping trip--make sure it is back in reach of your emergency supplies.

    It is time to go through emergency instructions with your family as reminders for any kind of happening for remem­ber, children will often be separated from parents and they must have food, water and a secure place of safety until re­united--these are things you "should have" already taught them. Don't, please, be too late.

    PJ 51


    FRI., JUNE 26, 1992 9:39 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 315

    FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1992


    You must realize that as you become informed the heart will rebel in pain if the knowledge is unexpected and hor­rendous in nature. But, if you are in "knowing" then there are no surprises--only unfolding. Therefore you must en­deavor to shape your heart to front the hour, but dream not that the hour will last. It is recognized as truth that the man forewarned is worth any two or more in igno­rance, so for all your days prepare and simply meet them all alike: When you are the anvil, bear--when you are the hammer, strike. And lastly, take heed for most are always saving themselves for something or another such as the "Senior Prom" but most of you forget that somewhere along the way you must learn to dance. Are you ready for the dancing having already perhaps missed the tune? The Prom is under way.

    * * *

    We are going to take up again the San Luis Obispo Connection in the order of the documents sent to me. This is going to be dealing with the


    We have written on this subject several times but I believe this deals more directly with persons involved and is worthy of repeating information at any rate. Thank you, R.R., for your sharing. We will reprint exactly as given to us.


    Incredible as it may seem after nearly nine years, the sabo­tage and destruction of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 has gone completely undetected and unresolved by the people of the world. This act of terrorism was so simple and foolproof that it could have, and indeed probably has, been repeated many times. The following explanation is, in all probability, precisely the way it was accomplished.

    007 left New York City on August 31, 1983 on the first leg of its journey to Seoul, South Korea. Its midpoint stop was Anchorage, Alaska. There it stopped to refuel and possibly dis­embark passengers and cargo. While at Anchorage airport, 007 removed several tons of cargo destined for Seoul, Korea and added four extra tons of fuel. Remember this extra fuel as it is an important factor in the plan. If 007 had taken the shortcut across Kamchatka and Sakhalin Island, as has been alleged, it would have used six tons less fuel.

    In the early morning hours of September 1, 1983, 007 left Anchorage fourteen minutes behind schedule. Remember this fourteen minutes, as it also is an important factor.

    Meanwhile, Korean Airlines Flight #15 (015) arrived at Anchorage, approximately one-half hour after 007. KAL 015 left Anchorage, approximately one-half hour after 007. KAL 015 left Anchorage about six minutes early. This also is an important factor.

    When 007 left Anchorage, it was noticed that it was ten de­grees off course. If 007 would have continued on this course, without correction, it would have taken 007 across the Kam­chatka Peninsula and Sakhalin Island. This was a diversion and was to establish radar tape records to prove that 007 flew over Russian territory. It was NOT advantageous nor desirable to send 007 on an intelligence mission across Russian territory.

    007 had neither the electronic capabilities for performing an in­telligence mission nor the capability of avoiding detection and apprehension. 007 was substituted by a U.S. intelligence-gath­ering aircraft, an RC-135, in the following manner.

    The RC-135 is the U.S. Air Force version of the Boeing 707 and is very similar to KAL 007, which is a Boeing 747. The RC-135 has a payload of 45 tons of the most advanced, incredi­ble electronic equipment ever devised. It is capable of any kind of communication transmission and reception, radio and radar jamming, stealth capability, radar false imaging, and computer functions that would make the movie "Star Wars" appear to be a stone age production. It also carries devices which can distract and divert incoming missiles and laser devices which can pre­maturely explode incoming missiles. Although it is fiction, the book "Flight of the Old Dog" accurately describes these systems and the author, an Air Force intelligence officer, attests to their reality.


    It has been established that somewhere between the coast of Alaska and the Kamchatka Peninsula, 007's flightpath was inter­sected by an RC-135. This is not entirely correct. 007's flight-path was intersected by TWO RC-135s. The two RC-135s left their base at Shemya, in the Aleutians, flying in very close proximity or, in Air Force language they were "stacked". In this condition they would appear as one "blip" on a radar screen and therefore assumed to be only one aircraft!

    When the RC-135s intersected the flightpath of 007 all three aircraft appeared as one "blip" on the radar screens of the in­ternational radar network. At this point, the pilot of 007, Cap­tain Chun, made an announcement on the intercom, something like this: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. One of our instruments is indicating a discrep­ancy in our cabin pressurization system. Although we want to assure you there is absolutely no danger, as a precaution­ary measure, we will descend to a low altitude where cabin pressurization is unnecessary, while we check out the problem. Please fasten your seat belts. The seat belt light is on. Thank you."

    Under the camouflage of one radar "blip", 007 descended from approximately 30,000 feet to approximately 1000 feet. At that altitude it was below the radar network. Then 007 made a course correction and turned back toward Route 20, which was its original intended commercial air route between Anchorage, Alaska and Seoul, Korea. This route does not fly over Russian territory. While flying at these very low altitudes, 007 used up tremendous amounts of fuel. This was the reason for the extra four tons of fuel in the first place.

    Meanwhile, the two RC-135s, flying "stacked", as one radar "blip" continued along 007's original misguided direction to­ward Kamchatka. After about ten minutes, when 007 had de­scended to the low altitude and was off the radar, one of the RC-135s turned off and continued on its mission and returned to its base at Shemya. This left the other RC-135 continuing along 007's misguided path over Russian territory. For all intents and purposes the RC-135 was now 007.

    The real 007, flying under the radar, reached route 20 and intersected the path of KAL 015. The departure times of the two airplanes allowed 015 to catch up to 007. Remember, 007 left fourteen minutes late and 015 left six minutes early. Under the radar shadow of 015, 007 ascended to their flight plan (Route 20) to Seoul, Korea. For all intents and purposes that "blip" was only KAL 015. For all intents and purposes the "blip" over Russian territory was 007.

    In the event (and of course in the mind of Captain Chun) that the RC-135 was not detected or apprehended, this is what would have happened. The RC-135 would continue on its mission across Kamchatka and Sakhalin and on across the Sea of Japan. There it would intersect Route 20 and merge with 015 and 007. The three airplanes would again appear as one radar "blip". Then there would be a repeat performance of what happened earlier. The RC-135 would descend to a very low altitude to where it was off the radar, turn and return to the base at Atsugi, Japan. The two KAL airplanes would then separate into two radar "blips" and proceed on to Seoul, Korea as if nothing un-usual had happened.

    Instead this is what actually happened. At a precise, predetermined point, the RC-135, posing as 007, now over Sakhalin Island, still over Russian territory, but close enough to the Sea of Japan to fake a crash in international waters did this: It turned off all its short-range radar jamming equipment, radar false imaging and turned on its strobe lights. In essence it was saying, "Here I am! Right over here! Come get me!"


    The Russian fighter plane in the vicinity intercepted the RC-135, identified it, and backed off several miles and fired its heat-seeking missiles. To avoid sucking debris from the anticipated explosion into its jet engines, the Russian fighter turned off and prematurely announced, "The target is destroyed". With its advanced technical capability, the RC-135 neutralized the incoming missiles with its laser devices, dropped a simulated explosive charge, and rapidly descended toward the Sea of Japan to fake a crash. It dropped some debris and some human body parts and, under the radar, flew on to the base at Atsugi.

    Simultaneously, flying in the radar shadow of KAL 015, KAL 007 was destroyed by a bomb in its cargo hold, detonated by a radio signal. 007 was over the Kurile Trench and descended five miles down into the Pacific Ocean where it will never be found. There it lies today. [H: This portion of the story is not quite correct as you will note if you have been reading the JOURNALS. Flight 007 was not destroyed until AFTER it had been accompanied to a landing site and crew and passengers removed--they reside in several various places of incarceration in Russia to this day! Before you say this is impossible, I would harken you to attend the MIA-POW scenarios going on right now regarding Russian-held U.S. people. There were some IMPORTANT persons on that plane both that were intended to be killed because of their knowledge and some because it was desirable to have them on the aforementioned bases off-planet. There are multitudes of "missing" scientists and Elite--some poorly covered by replicas--some just missing following announced death, etc. Casey is a good example in point. NO--I am NOT joshing you!]

    The following paragraphs are included to provide details to fill in some "holes" and to correct some discrepancies and tie together any loose ends. Several discrepancies exist. First of all, in order to sucker the Russian fighter into shooting at it, the RC-135 turned on its "strobe" lights. Outside of the Continental United States, Korean Air Lines did not use "strobe" lights. It used "blinking" lights. Another discrepancy was the variation in time between the missile firing and the explosion on 007. Yet another discrepancy was the last radio transmission indicated that 007 was not experiencing any abnormal condition.

    Several hours after the crash it was announced that 007 was forced to land on Sakhalin Island and the passengers and crew were all safe and sound. The purpose of this was to call off and discontinue any air-sea search and rescue mission. This was to allow any debris to sink into the ocean and disguise any evidence of what might really have happened. All the accounts which place 007 over Russian territory are wrong as presented. It was never desirable nor advantageous nor necessary to have 007 overfly Russian territory.

    The magazine article "The Last Flight of 007" by Fletcher Prouty and the book "Explo 007" by R.B. Cutler are the most accurate. Both of these accounts have some holes and discrepancies in them. The purpose of this report is to fill in the holes and correct the discrepancies in these otherwise well researched reports.

    The political ramifications and reasons for this disaster were necessities, either real or imagined, of the Reagan Administration and high-ranking U.S. Government officials.


    One William P. Clark (Justice) was the connection and the cen­tral figure in this event and was (is) powerful second only to Henry Kissinger. I ask that you editors please run copies of the articles which have accompanied this story. [Editor's note: arti­cles are at end of .]

    Don't get all hung-up on what are seemingly variations and dis­crepancies in details of this story. Remember that in the opera­tions of such blatant intelligence operations--it is hard to find the pieces and get the players all together to present the "whole". This is the incredible value of such a clearing house as is the LIBERATOR and other such shared documents--so that an over­all picture can be concluded. Please keep in mind that as these particular articles or writings may seem unfinished or only trig­ger more curiosity--that is the purpose--for confirmation of al­ready presented material, correction of material and ideas and revelation of more information from valid sources. The point, keep further in mind, in this presentation in point is to speak of the San Luis Obispo (SLO) Connection and NOT to sensation­alize one or another "incident" of their actions. If you as a reader miss that very point--then you are going to only be fur­ther confused and perceive discrepancies in various stories--it is the "player list" in point herein. Specifically, in some of the writings the author is nailing William P. Clark and a few others, like Ronald Reagan, Bush, etc. It also reveals the connections and operations of law firms, predominantly in West Coast area of Sinsheimer, Schiebelhut & Baggett and national/international firms as in Shea & Gould. This blight runs through the entire world real estate foundation, drugs, money laundering, political corruption as well as Bank involvement, S&Ls, etc. You name the problem--they are involved to their eyes in it.

    Now we will continue with the subject in listing number 3 and I likewise ask you to make sure the article clippings are copied and included in the paper. (See pages 95 & 96.)


    There is a definite connection between the "New World Or­der" of Adolph Hitler and the "New World Order" of George Bush. It is right there in San Luis Obispo County, California.

    Project Paperclip is the operation where the U.S. Govern­ment brought hundreds of Nazi scientists, doctors, intelligence agents, and military personnel to America after World War II. They were integrated into aerospace and munitions industries, medical science, military and intelligence agencies. Following are excerpts from PROJECT PAPERCLIP by Clarence Lasby, THE TORBITT DOCUMENT by William Torbitt, THE NAZI CONNECTION TO THE JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINA­TION by Mae Brussel. They may be somewhat out of context, so the reader is cautioned to study the original texts. [H: I also urge you to get SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET, a PHOENIX JOURNAL.]

    When it was obvious to Hitler they would be losing the war against the USSR, all top Nazis made detailed plans for two years on how to proceed next.

    Speer met with Dornberger, at Peenemunde, the missile and rocket factory run with Werner von Braun, and instructed him in "the dispersion of functions throughout the Reich". Trans­lated, that meant "get ready to come to the U.S."

    ....The British did win a token victory: over the protestations of von Braun, they convinced their ally to relinquish any claim on General Dornberger; they considered him a "menace of the first order" who deserved to be "left on the dust-heap." As one Englishman explained to his American friend, the mili­tary commander of Peenemunde "will ever have in mind the de­sirability of returning to a resurrected Reich carrying with him the knowledge accumulated by the German rocketeers while working under Allied patronage." The Americans were not anxious to import the enemy general. After listening to monitored conversations between Dornberger and fellow inmates of detention centers, they concluded he had an "untrustworthy at­titude in seeking to turn ally against ally" and that he would be "a source of irritation and future unrest" among the Germans if he were sent to America. One American general quipped that "We may trade him to the Russians for a dish of caviar." But His Majesty's government had plans of their own; they impris­oned him for two years hoping to find some legal basis to place him in the dock at Nuremberg. Only upon his release in 1947 was Dornberger free to accept a contract under Project Paper­clip--which led eventually to the directorship of Research and Development at the Bell Aircraft Company.

    ....In the transfer of the Nazi rocket scientists, the services of Adolf Hitler's intelligence agency was used extensively and Shaw, von Braun, Dornberger and the others began a very close association with the Nazi agency and its commander.

    The Brunesnachrichiendienst, better known as the Federal In­telligence Agency or FIA, is largely dependent on the CIA, which subsidizes and controls it. The director in 1963 was Reinhard Gehlen, a former ex-Nazi colonel "repatriated" in Au­gust, 1945 by Allen Dulles, who at the time headed the OSS in Switzerland and was in charge of American intelligence activi­ties in occupied Germany. See the book REINHARD GEHLEN, MASTER SPY.

    From 1932 until 1945 Werner von Braun was Adolf Hitler's most dedicated Nazi rocket scientist. As a matter of fact, given a few more months time, von Braun's "Buzz Bomb" and V-2 rocket in 1945 could have turned the tide and forced the allies to seek something less than total victory over the Third Reich. An enthusiastic Nazi, Von Braun's V-2 rocket had killed thousands and thousands of British Isle residents and the sound of the ap­proach of the V-2 was terrorizing the entire English countryside.

    In 1945, as the Russians were approaching Von Braun's rocket headquarters, he and 115 other of his Nazi rocket scien­tists escaped with valuable papers and traveled west in Germany until they could turn themselves in to the Allied armies in the west. Later the same year, Von Braun and the 115 other Ger­man scientists were removed to Fort Bliss, Texas, where they remained until 1950. In 1950, Von Braun and the others were moved on to the old Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, where they remain to this date.

    Von Braun, immediately upon arriving in the United States, made close personal friendships with J. Edgar Hoover and Lyn­don B. Johnson, and the relationship remained close with Von Braun working with Hoover in security in the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Redstone Arsenal and later, beginning in 1958, they worked together in the security of the National Space Agency. 1958 was the year that Lyndon Johnson, as majority leader of the Senate, helped to push through the National Space act.

    In March 1944 the Gestapo learned that von Braun had ex­pressed in public a defeatist attitude about Germany's chances in the war, and a desire to design a spaceship rather than a weapon. Voracious in their demand for control of the V-2 pro­gram, the S.S. leaders used this information, together with a trumped-up charge that von Braun had Communist leanings, to imprison him for two weeks in a Gestapo cell in Stettin.

    Von Braun was a highly visible "hero" so he was sent to NASA at Huntsville, Alabama where he worked on rockets. Dornberger was a convicted, sentenced war criminal and re­quired a lower profile, so he was sent to Bell Aircraft where he worked on the spaceship program. One of these, a nuclear powered TAV (trans-atmospheric vehicle) operates at Area 51 in the Mojave Desert in Nevada. [H: Among several other places.]

    As America stood on the threshold of World War II Hoover continued a friendly relationship with the Nazis who dominated Interpol, the Berlin-based international secret police. He had been obsessed with the "Red Menace" since 1919 when he be­came head of the Bureau's General Intelligence Division. Hein­rich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Arthur Nebe and other fa­natical Nazis were active in Interpol. Even after Hitler occupied Czechoslovakia, Hoover ignored all evidence of Nazi death squads and atrocities and cooperated with the boys in Berlin. As France fell, Hoover exchanged lists of wanted criminals, en­closing autographed photographs of himself. It was not until three days before Pearl Harbor that he called a halt--and then only because he feared his image might be tarnished.

    When the war had been imminent Roosevelt charged Hoover with ferreting out Nazi spies in the Western Hemisphere. Two escaped his notice. As early as 1933 Gestapo agent Dr. Her­mann Friedrick Erban recruited Errol Flynn as an intelligence source. Erban went on to become a naturalized American citi­zen, but never abandoned his loyalty to Hitler. Flynn went on to make "Santa Fe Trail" in 1940, co-starring with Ronald Rea­gan, and the two paired up for "Desperate Journey" in 1942. [H: Just to sort time and space a bit--you will recall that Er­rol Flynn continued his escapades right into the Cuban war playing with Castro.]

    During this pre-WWII period, Reagan also worked for the FBI as an intelligence agent. As J. Edgar Hoover had already demonstrated Nazi sympathies and later inserted 642 Nazis into aerospace military, and government positions, the question is WHOSE government was Reagan working for? Reagan's en­thusiastic use of the "King Alred Plan", CSTI, FEMA and REX 84, leaves little doubt. Hoover's FBI-Division 5 and the CIA carried out the assassination of John F. Kennedy. George Bush was a CIA "asset" at that time. He became Director of Central Intelligence.


    Richard Nixon's political career brought him inside Nixon's 1960 campaign for the presidency. In 1969 he showed up in California with a high-tech firm called TCI that held classified Defense Department contracts. His translator for German pro­jects was Helene von Damm, Governor Ronald Reagan's appointments secretary. Von Damm is currently U.S. Ambas­sador to Austria, next door to the Nazis homeland.

    In 1968 Reinhard Gehlen withdrew to his chalet in Bavaria. The chalet had been a gift from Allen Dulles. [H: Interest­ing???]

    Richard Nixon "couldn't remember" he was in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. [H: How many of you "old timers" can forget where you were on the day Kennedy was killed in Dallas? Especially if you had been IN DALLAS? Well, so was Bush and now you have the situation coming unfolded as to WHY the Watergate break-in--there were pictures and documents in the Democratic offices to be used as "gunfodder" which proved the presence of BOTH on that fateful day.]

    But Nixon had also accumulated strong connections with members of the crime syndicate, the Vatican hierarchy, defense industries and known Nazis. He knew them all.

    What if he lost after those seventeen years of preparation? Would there be a back-up team for the future? Could the Pen­tagon or Reinhard Gehlen visualize leaving the entire United States presidency to chance elections?

    Remember what happened to Senator Robert Kennedy on the eve of his primary victory in June, 1968? They can't get that close to losing it again, you know. With both Kennedys gone, Nixon finally made it.

    The Nazi rocket scientists are on management levels also in the munitions and aerospace industry. Walter Dornberger, the Nazi general, left the space agency in the 1950's to become a high official in Bell Aerospace Corporation and he was followed by over 30 of the Nazi scientists to control level in the corpo­rations manufacturing munition and aerospace material. This still left well over 60 of the scientists at command level in NASA.

    This is the nomenclature of the assassination team. That is the way John F. Kennedy met his death in Dallas.

    At the top was Johnson, Hoover, Bloomfield, Nagy, De Menil, Prio, Jenkins, Hunt, Baker, Jones, McWillie, Von Braun, Cohn, Korth, Connally and Murchison.

    L.M. Bloomfield was in overall charge responsible only to Hoover and Johnson.

    The second layer of participants with supervisory and working assignments under Bloomfield and the first group were Walter Dornberger, ex-Nazi general, Guy Bannister, Albert Osborne of ACCC, E.E. Bradley of ACCC, Morris Dalitz of Las Vegas, Major General John B. Medaris, Robert McKeown, Igor Voshinin, George Boune, Peter Gregory, Maurice Gatlin, Sergio Arecha Smith, Lee Harvey Oswald, William Seymour, David Ferrie, T. Gonzales, Manuel Garcia Gonzales, Layton Martens, Gordon Novel, Walter Sheridan, William Dalzell, Paul Raigorodsky, Joe Bonanno, Dimitri Royster of ACCC, Alex Carlson, George Mandel, Brock Wall, Clay Shaw, Joe Cody, Jake Kesloff, Mike McLaney, Ruth and Mike Paine, and Igor Vagonov.

    Another of the Nazi space scientists who worked with the ca-bal was Walter Dornberger. He had been the commanding officer of Werner Von Braun while both were working for Adolf Hitler's rocket program. During the time period involved, Walter Dornberger was a directing officer in the Bell Aerospace Corporation along with Fred Korth. The former Nazi rocket officer was directly in charge of the assignment of Michael Paine to Bell Helicopter Corporation, a subsidiary in Fort Worth, Texas. Paine's assignment was to provide a place for Marina Oswald during the approximate eight months prior to November 22, 1963. He provided for Marina to live with his wife, Ruth.

    The Warren Commission required planted evidence sometimes in order to divert from Lee Oswald's links to the Defense Department, assisted by Ruth and Michael Paine.

    Michael Paine's occupation at Bell Aircraft is with the Defense Department. This job requires security clearances, so what would the unlikely Oswalds be doing in his home? Oswald, the "defector"?

    Paine's boss at Bell Aircraft as Director of Research and Development, was none other than the notorious war criminal General Walter Dornberger.

    Dornberger was supposed to be hung at Nuremburg for his war crimes, slave labor and mass murders.

    The British warned the U.S. not to let him live because even after the war he was conniving for another one. As stated, "Dornberger is a menace of the first order who is untrustworthy. His attitude will turn ally against ally and he would become a source of irritation and future unrest." Project Paperclip. Clarence Lasby.

    The very first call to authorities after the gun went off on November 22, 1963, was from an employee at Bell Helicopter who suggested "Oswald did it". Police never located the source of both Oswald addresses that day.

    In 1988 Bush, the Republican presidential nominee, chose as his runningmate Indiana Senator Dan Quayle. When a memo from the FBI head J. Edgar Hoover, was found, stating that "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" had been briefed on November 23rd, 1963 about the reaction of anti-Castro Cuban exiles in Miami to the assassination of President Kennedy, Bush's aides denied he was this George Bush. We wrote about this connection in, I believe, TANGLED WEBS, VOL 11. But allegations continue that Bush is concealing long standing ties to the CIA and to Cuban exiles such as Rodriguez.

    * * *

    Let us leave this document for now for I wish to return to the more immediate inter- intra-involvements of the San Luis Obispo Co. history and this has outgrown its length for a suit-able chapter or portion for the paper.

    Chelas, I too am overwhelmed this morning as my scribe is withered by the mammoth amount of information which MUST be gotten to you and the absolute inability to do it.

    I am going to ask George and E.J. to take the immediate mea­sures of publishing some material gathered and succinctly put together by a fine author, L. Grant McEwan, which considers the Bush "Crime" Family. We will continue as best we can but you ones are going to have to reach out a bit harder for your confirmations and insight to accompany our outlays of informa­tion lest we bog so deeply in the current aspects of the people involved and the cover-ups as to miss your most important ac­cess to information of "HOW CREATION AND ETERNITY REALLY ARE" . I will keep you informed.

    I also ask that you ones bear with us through this transition of offices and people, new labels and other inconveniences--our crew is doing the very best they can for continuity and I see only perfection in the massive job as undertaken. But it means our people are grossly fatigued and, therefore, I ask patience if things seem a bit disorganized or slow--after all, as George has gone, the volunteers and remaining staff are working from the floor and even those "tables" are not large enough for the en­tropy. No one has the time to fit the furniture or files even if they were here. WE CAN DO IT IF YOU CAN!!

    Dharma has agreed to simply continue on in writing regardless of what else is going on so we will work through it and feel blessed that the load is heavy for it indicates RESULTS and oh, chelas, THAT is our purpose. The Light shall be given to shine upon you workers and receivers of the word for--in this manner--the world SHALL be changed and I would say, from observa­tion, that it can only be for the better!


  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 51

    MON., JUNE 29, 1992 8:52 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 318

    MONDAY, JUNE 29, 1992
    Atascadero was the center for Nazi Bund activity in California. It is still the center for right-wing activity in the county.

    Colonel Diefenderfer, stationed at Camp San Luis Obispo, mar­ried a member of the King (Reyes) family from the Carizzo Plains.

    Robert Nimmo, Atascadero, was Colonel Diefenderfer's aide. Richard Nock was Robert Nimmo's aide.

    Circa 1960
    Ronald Reagan elected Governor of the State. He appointed William Clark of Shandon to be Superior Court Judge in SLO Co.

    Circa 1970
    Robert Nimmo appointed by Ronald Reagan to be Director, United States Veterans Administration. Nimmo came home in disgrace after four months. Returned to selling Real Estate.

    Jerry Diefenderfer elected to the SLO Co. Board of Supervisors. He spent $47,000 on his first campaign for a job that paid $25,000 per year. The Los Angeles Realty PAC donated to his campaign.

    A PSA Flight Magazine named San Luis Obispo County the next 'hot-spot' in the state for real estate development. (How did they know that? We have lost the copy, but believe it was the May edition.)

    William Clark appointed Deputy Secretary of State by Ronald Reagan.

    John Scripps Publishing purchased The Cambrian, thus giving Scripps ownership of the three coastal papers, also including The Morro-Bay Sun Bulletin and the county's only daily, The San Luis Obispo Telegram-Tribune. Scripps is based in La Jolla, Calif., and is interested primarily in selling newspapers for advertising purposes rather than the news. In fact, the pa­pers, by their own projection, do not do investigative reporting. [H: Please note that you will find Edwin Meese is from La Jolla.]

    Richard Nock, part-owner of Phelan Land and Cattle, pushed for sale of 5,000 acre ranch for $5,000,000. Ranch sold to Canadian based development corporation and is now known as Cambria Ranch. The 'money-man' behind the corporation is Eng Ti, Shanghai.

    Eric Seastrand, California Assemblyman from this area, was Vice-President in charge of sales for Coldwell-Banker at the time Coldwell-Realty negotiated the sale of Cambria Ranch.

    George Deukmejian elected Governor of the State of California. He promised to do away with the California Coastal Commis­sion.

    Carl Negranti, whose son married William Clark's daughter, began bulldozing 23 miles of roads on Cambria Ranch in direct violation of the County permit process. The operation was spotted, reported, and red-tagged. Later, the road was covered with tailings from an abandoned mercury mine. After years nothing has been done to enforce toxic regulations. (The son was killed in an accident, but the relationship between the fami­lies still exists.)

    James Watt resigned as Secretary of the Interior, and is replaced by William Clark.

    Carol Hallett, former State Assemblywoman, appointed by Ronald Reagan to be William Clark's liaison officer for the Western states between Interior and the business community. Hallett, at the time, was a County resident. Hallett then became Ambassador to the Bahamas.

    1984 and 5
    William Clark resigns from Interior and returns to Shandon and/or California to pursue family interests. (Real estate devel­opment)

    Joan Brauner Clark, wife of William Clark, appointed by Ronald Reagan to be an alternate United States representative to the United Nations General Assembly. (This merely to indicate close relationship still exists between Clark and Reagan.)

    About two-three years ago, the father of one of Cambria con­tractors, Wayne Gracey, was sitting in his living room in Mal­ibu. Someone walked in and shot him. His wife was sitting there also but was ignored. Another contractor in Cambria, 0. G. Sansone, has the same name as a Las Vegas gambler and casino owner. May be just coincidence??

    Real estate development and construction is a classic way of laundering drug money.

    ****[H: Editors: Please place the "clippings" in this sequence: MRS. CLARK NOMINNATED FOR U.N. POST, BILL CLARK'S IN THE THICK OF IT, CLARK REPORTEDLY URGED PARDONS FOR POINDEXTER, NORTH]******(See end of chapter.)

    Clark was terrified that if North and Poindexter went to trial that the whole KAL 007 thing would come out!


    Many of the "Project Paperclip" Germans and Nazis came to California, the Central Coast and San Luis Obispo. HeIlene von Damm, who was once a secretary for the German High Command, became Governor Ronald Reagan's appointments secretary. Heide Kingsbury, who was one of three daughters of a "Paperclip" German General, became a secretary and court transcriber for Judge William Clark, a San Luis superior court judge and Reagan's Secretary of the Interior. An exclusive resort or retreat, which was to be built in North County, was to be called "Eagles Nest". Look up the name of Adolph Hitler's retreat at Berchtesgarden in the Bavarian Alps.

    "During this time I also found out that my husband was an Austrian citizen and a member of the Royal family. He was born Gunter Karl, Baron von Russbach. After World War II the royal family of Austria was forced to give up the 'von' and attach 'er' to the end of their names."

    The above quote from a letter was acknowledged by an Austrian professor at Cal-Poly to be correct. According to this rule then, the name of Wemer von Braun should have become Werner Brauner.

    [H: You who keep up with the information flow will remember the person who made the statement above--in point, regarding the name requirements. This was relative to Gunter Russbacher who is incarcerated at present, by the government--and is the pilot who flew Bush home from Paris in the SR-71 in "OCTOBER SURPRISE"! This is the same Paris 100 wherein Mr. Bush said he was NOT!. The point herein, however, is to give you connections with "names" and relationships.]


    From 1945 until the 1950's negotiations continued between the U.S. Government and high ranking German officials. Reinhart Gehlen of Nazi intelligence (Abwehr) and rocket scientists Werner von Braun and Walter Dornberger made plans with J. Edgar Hoover, of the FBI, and Allen Dulles and William Donovan of the OSS and CIA, to bring hundreds of Nazi scientists, doctors, military officers, and intelligence agents to the United States. Also present at these negotiations were U.S. Army Counter-intelligence Officer William P. Clark of San Luis Obispo and a U.S. Army private, an Austrian, named Henry Kissinger. William Clark married Werner von Braun's niece, Joan von Braun (Branner) Clark. They reside in San Luis Obispo, California. The location of these meetings was Austria and southern Germany where Clark was stationed.

    Researchers Mae Brussell of Santa Cruz, William Torbitt of Texas, District Attorney Jim Garrison of Louisiana, and others have concluded that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, President Lyndon Johnson, NASA rocket scientist Werner von Braun, Bell Aerospace Director Walter Dornberger, and Governor John Connally were prime movers in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

    A lawsuit has been filed in Southern California examining new evidence in the murders of Robert F. Kennedy and John F. Kennedy. Several prominent Californians are named in this suit. William P. Clark of San Luis Obispo is mentioned in this suit.


    The U.S. Army 44th CIC Detachment negotiated the surrender of the German Army in northern Italy and Austria (called "Operation Sunrise"). In return for surrender, Army CIC and the Vatican provided escape and exfiltration for thousands of NAZI SS and Gestapo officers, mostly to South America (Also 970th CIC).

    William P. Clark was with Army CIC in Austria until the mid 1950's.

    Lt. Col. W. Clark was or is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

    Theodore Shackley was present at the "Paperclip" negotiations.

    Walter Dornberger was a frequent visitor to San Luis Obispo County, specifically to Pismo Beach and Shandon.

    Heide Kingsbury is the daughter of a "Paperclip" German Gen­eral. It was most probably General Galland, the designer of the Messerschmidt ME 262.

    Ronald Reagan is a very frequent visitor at the Clark ranch in Shandon.

    (Read "SHOOTDOWN" by R. W. Johnson to learn about William Clark's role in the "Shootdown" of Korean Air Lines Flight 007. Also read EXPLO 007 by R.B. Cutler to learn how it was accomplished.) [H: Excellent reading but "off" a bit here and there--however--extremely interesting and well-done.]



    On November 22, 1963, a coup d'etat occurred that was the beginning of the end of the great nation called The United States of America. It happened when William Greer fired the final, fatal bullet into the head of President John F. Kennedy in Dal­las, Texas (ref--video named "Dallas Revisited" plus much sup­porting evidence). [H: As a matter of fact, we speak of this in several of the JOURNALS but specifically name this man in at least three--the first being SPACEGATE, THE VEIL REMOVED.]

    Anticipating the outbreak of war, all the commanders of the Strategic Air Command's nuclear airborne squadrons rushed to their onboard safes for the code books to obtain the combi­nations for arming their atomic bombs. Not one code book was present in the safes! No Mafia goon, or Cuban dictator, or KGB agent, or Lone Gun Nut had the power to remove those code books. Only one entity had that kind of power--The Joint chiefs of Staff! (Ref: Kennedy assassination researchers.) [H: I do, however, confirm it.]

    Of all the organizations which were part of the coup, and which included the FBI, the CIA, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, Majestic 12, the Secret Ser­vice, the Rockefeller banking consortium, the Office of Naval Intelligence,---one was to emerge at the top of the heap--THE GEHLEN ORGANIZATION! (REF: The "Phoenix Journals", "Project Paperclip" by Clarence Lasby, "Reinhart Gehlen-Mas­ter Spy" (author's name missing), "The Nazi Connection To The John F. Kennedy Assassination" by Mae Brussel, "Project Paperclip" by Ray Renick, "The Torbitt Document" by William Torbitt--although its information is excellent, the Torbitt Docu­ment is a clever bit of disinformation in that the reader is suck­ered into assuming that since the principals involved; Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, Werner von Braun, Reinhart Gehlen,--are all dead--that justice has been served and every­thing is going to be all right. Don't believe it!)

    The Gehlen Organization got its start in 1945 when the war was winding down. Gehlen, Werner von Braun, Walter Dorn­berger, and others approached U.S. intelligence officers William "Wild Bill" Donovan, Allen Dulles, J. Edgar Hoover and William P. Clark of the U.S. Counterintelligence Corps--with offers to provide vast amounts of information on the Rus­sians, technical information on rockets, lasers, orbiting gases, mind-control, etc.--in exchange for asylum and jobs in the United States. [Where do you think Malathion, LSD and AIDS came from?] (Ref: Excerpts from WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA, Year Books 1962-1966 about this technology and AIDS--THE DOCTORS OF DEATH by Alan Cantwell) [H: Also several of the PHOENIX JOURNALS but most specifically, AIDS, THE LAST GREAT PLAGUE.]

    Moreover, their primary goal was the achievement of Germany as the ruling nation of the world. One has only to look at the economic decline of the United States and the economic rise of Germany to see that they have just about reached their goal.

    In all, about 1600 German/Nazi scientists, doctors, military intelligence, etc., were brought to the United States. They were placed in key positions in NASA, aerospace, military intelligence, military industries, medical science, banking, psychiatry, etc. They have American names and are thoroughly Americanized. They play a large role in drug trafficking and banking failures.

    The American headquarters of the Gehlen Organization is in San Luis Obispo County. The main office is called "Eagles Nest". Many public officials, judges, supervisors, law enforcement personnel are personal friends and business associates (in drug trafficking, no less) with the Gehlen Organization and "Eagles Nest". Judge William P. Clark and Mrs. Joan Clark (nee von Braun, Brauner) are the executives behind the Gehlen Organization, "Eagles Nest" and the Zapata Cattle Company's drug trafficking interest. Ronald Reagan is a silent partner in the San Luis Obispo cattle/drug business. Remember, Clark was one of the original architects of "Project Paperclip"! The Zapata Cattle Company is affiliated with George Bush's Zapata Oil Company of Houston, Texas. (REF: "The SLO Connection", Barrons article "The Mexican Connection"--Sept. 19, 1988)

    NASA has recently announced in the major news media and in several scientific journals that there is a possibility of large meteors or asteroids striking the Earth with calamitous results. They have even suggested some possible dates of impact. (REF: Scientific American, Sky and Telescope) [H: I have written greatly about this subject in all of the TANGLED WEBS series of JOURNALS. and the JOURNALS under publication presently on the DIVINE PLAN.] NASA said that it was a good thing that Ronald Reagan had the perception and foresight to build up the Strategic Defense Initiative--"Star Wars" because now SDI can be used to destroy these asteroids before they strike the Earth. This is partly BS--SDI was never intended to be an anti-missile defense, but an anti-asteroid defense (or alien defense system) (ref: Barbara Honegger AND THE PHOENIX JOURNALS). The Hubble and the Galileo space telescopes that "don't work" are working perfectly. This is our government's way of not telling us what they are doing. [H: As a matter of fact you will recall that I told you the Hubble was not even launched at the time you were told of same. It resided at White Sands until such time as it could be put into an orbit the astronomers would not note.]

    The "Communist Threat" and the "Soviet Nuclear Attack" were a sick joke on the people of the world and were fabricated to keep you working hard and paying high taxes to finance the "New World Order". The Russian "War Machine" has been financed and subsidized by the American taxpayer since 1917 through such organizations as "The American International Corporation" on whose board of directors sat George Herbert Walker, the grandfather of George Herbert Walker Bush! (Ref: Author Eustace Mullins on THE AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION and the financing of Communism, and the PHOENIX JOURNALS.)

    There are at least 50 MORE underground facilities in the United States. [H: This reference is directed at me, Hatonn, for I gave you a listing of major facilities around your nation which are top secret and some taking areas at depths of 40 "stories" and miles in diameter along with prime missile launching sites--even along your freeway network. I suggest you get that document which, I suppose, was put in one of the recent PHOENIX JOURNALS but also, was placed in a recent LIBERATOR. They include storage depots, military bases, offices and on up to luxurious condominium complexes. Some of the better known are Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado, Weather Mountain in Virginia, SAC headquarters in Nebraska [H: Now being turned into a Soviet exchange training base.], Area 51 in the Mojave Desert and the "Rabbit Warren" under Washington D.C. One well known one in San Luis Obispo County is the AT&T Pacific Long Lines Facility on Los Osos Valley Road. What is not generally known is just how large and self-contained this unity really is. These facilities are for the "elite" in case of nuclear war or asteroid collision. Since the threat of nuclear war is magically disappearing, that just leaves asteroid collision. [H: Now, would you not expect that it would be an odds game here? Even if you have asteroids striking around the nations, would you not expect it to be hard to pin-point only Elite bunkers? Well, the Elite are giving up for sale, remember, the old bunkers as they are not "deep enough" for total protection. So, it is obvious that they KNOW those "asteroids" are guided by precision com­puter mechanisms!]

    The Gehlen Organization's unit in San Luis Obispo is called "Eagles Nest" (ref: California Specialized Training Institute files). Its chief executive officers are Judge William P. Clark and Mrs. Clark (von Braun, Brauner). If you are interested in reservations, you might try calling the law firm of Sin­sheimer, Schiebelhut, and Baggett and ask Bill Clark to send you a brochure. After all, in case of nuclear war or asteroid collisions you wouldn't want to get caught with your pants down, now would you? (Ref: THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS by Saint John.)

    Additional significant references: THE LAST FLIGHT OF KAL 007 by Ray Renick, "Gunter Russbacher Breaks His Cover" audio tape by Russbacher available from New Discov­eries, P.O. Box 3078, Carmel, CA 93921. Russbacher is the pilot who flew Bush back from Paris in "October Surprise", "The Earth Chronicles" by Zecharia Sitchin, "The Gods of Eden" by William Bramley.


    From 1945 until the 50's, Judge William P. Clark was with U.S. Army Counter-intelligence Corps in Austria and Switzer­land. Clark was working with Nazis Reinhart Gehlen (Foreign Armies East), Werner von Barun (German rocket scientist), Walter Dornberger (convicted of war crimes and atrocities), Arthur Rudolph, et al. They (J. Edgar Hoover, Allen Dulles, William Donovan, and Clark) made plans to bring hundreds of Germans/Nazi scientists, doctors, agents to America (1600 eventually). These Germans possessed much research on rock­ets, orbiting space stations, lasers, and satellites with reflecting mirrors, etc. Clark's good friend, Ronald Reagan, later saw that these ideas became reality in the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars). [H: Believe me--that term is EXACTLY ON TARGET--for there never was a "defense" anything--it has always been intended as a "war" in space. Mr. Reagan even made a very big blunder which almost cost him his neck when he said on TV that you in the U.S. needed to team with the Soviets (the evil empire) against what was coming from space!! That, dear ones, is what they are planning to dump now on you unsuspecting innocents. They plan to tell you that aliens are now here and going to "getcha". THEY may have a problem--YOU-THE-PEOPLE HAVE NO EN­EMIES IN SPACE!]

    While there, Clark married Werner von Braun's niece, Joan von Braun. Werner's brother (Joan's father) was an official at the underground V-2 rocket assembly plant. They used con­centration camp slave labor. To enforce discipline the slaves (Jews) were hung from the ceiling of the factory and their bod­ies left as examples. (Ref: Linda Hunt, Author on "Paperclip", plus previous refs. and "SECRET AGENDA", Linda Hunt: CNN.)

    Besides the weapons of war, they also brought research on mind control (which became M/K ULTRA), Malathion (a nerve gas), LSD, etc. [H: Forgive my interruptions but PLEASE get the volumes of PHOENIX JOURNALS which cover mind-control both in the Protocols and Manifesto in the So­viet Union and in the United States. I don't know how to isolate these JOURNALS for you-perhaps you could call or write and obtain a "catalog" and information. We have moved so rapidly over so incredibly many subjects that I must defer to the staff. You ones continue to plead for con­firmation of "who we are" and that, perhaps is the best of all--almost 60 JOURNALS in less than 36 months--most of over 200 pages each, along with weekly papers and some­times bi-weekly. I can't itemize for you, and we can't reprint constantly because of new information which limits us.] Dr. Wolf Smuzness later developed AIDS at the Army Germ Warfare Center at Fort Detrick, Maryland. [H: Which was then perfected in East Germany and made potent and useable in the "field".] (Ref: also, Dr. Robert Strecker, AIDS--and THE DOCTORS OF DEATH by Dr. Alan Cantwell. Smuzness' friend was a chemist who sold cyanide gas to the Nazis at Auschwitz, named Karol Woityla.) (Better look this up yourself--you'll never believe me.)

    Around 1955 the Clarks returned from Europe to the ranch in Shandon, where they went back to the ranching business (ref: see "the SLO Connection" about the Zapata Cattle Company). The Gehlen Organization continued the work on "The New World Order" that was promoted by a little dictator in Germany from the 1920's to 1945. America should have gotten the mes­sage on November 22, 1963. (Dallas, Texas!)

    Around 1969 or 70, Clark and his friends, Governor Ronald Reagan, Ed Meese and Louis 0. Giuffrida started an American concentration camp system at Camp San Luis. In 1980 they all went to Washington DC (ref: OCTOBER SURPRISE by Bar­bara Honegger and book by same name by Gary Sick) where the California Specialized Training Institute became the FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY (FEMA) (ref: King Alfred Plan, Cable Splicer, Garden Plot, Rex 84---in CSTI files). This is the plan for martial law that congressman Jack Brooks questioned Oliver North about at the Iran-Contra Hear­ings. [H: I'm sorry, but those FEMA papers and volumes of JOURNALS which cover same--are mandatory reading if you really want to know WHERE YOU ARE TODAY!]

    In San Luis Obispo County, The Gehlen Organization is in complete control of the courts, board of supervisors, sheriff's department, etc. Judge Warren Conklin and Judge Harry Woolpert are longtime friends and business associates of Judge William P. Clark. Judge Conklin violated the first rule of drug trafficking: "Don't get high on your own supply." Judge Woolpert protects Judge Clark and the Ghelen Organization by denying defendants their right to legal counsel in his "star chamber" (ref: DR 17093 Nov. 21, 1991--don't be surprised if the transcript is "lost"). A close member of the petitioners fam­ily is a part of the Gehlen Organization--Lt. Col. Richard Peasley (from Paso Robles, Ca.) along with Lt. Col. OLIVER NORTH and Judge William Clark, all working in the National Security Agency in the White House, planned and executed the destruction of Korean Air Lines Flight 007 and blamed it on the Russians!

    The Board of Supervisors has a set of references for the above. Please make and distribute copies.

    * * *

    Let us take a break, please and then we shall decide what sub­ject we will cover in the next writing. Dharma, I also need to make an announcement to our readers and listeners of the changes in the contacts and paper staff. I also need information as to who will be contacted for the JOURNALS which are to be banned and impounded. George has all but given them away and has lost great sums in the doing for he just contracted for new press runs. Other persons have bought them at "fire sale" but I believe they will be available through that new distribution corporation. This has no attachment to America West or the other persons named in the "action" so I don't personally have information as of yet to offer readers. Please do have someone make sure to track it down and GET IT INTO THE PAPER A.S.A.P. THE IMPOUNDING MAY WELL TAKE THEM COMPLETELY OUT OF ALL LINE OF PUBLICATION.


    Hatonn to clear, please.
    PJ 51
    CHAPTER 10

    WED., JULY 1, 1992 10:15 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 320

    WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1992


    To you who ask for updates and input--especially verifications wherein they are found--here are a couple or three you will find interesting.


    The Constitutional Law Center has been working on the Helmsley matter so you will find the following news-blurb interesting-- as sent to us from the CLC:

    Here Comes the Judge:

    Ever since Alan Dershowitz struck out, Leona Helmsley has been pining away in Danbury Federal Prison. Not for long, if ROBERT BORK has anything to say about it. Judge Bork, a Supreme Court nominee who was spurned in 1987 [H: And I think you can now see WHY.], will argue her tax-fraud case before the Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York City at the end of the summer. As Solicitor General for Presidents Nixon and Ford, he spent four years arguing cases before the Supreme Court. But why would a distinguished legal scholar and jurist want to take an assignment like the Helmsley case? Explains the Judge: "In the law, it's where the rubber meets the road."


    You'll find this next simply "interesting" as to relevance of "truth", "goodness" and/or political shenanigans.

    Good News for Shoe Shops:

    What a difference a year makes. Imelda Marcos will be among the guests at the inauguration of new Philippine President Fidel Ramos this week. Marcos, who wasn't welcome at home a year ago, won a very respectable 2 million votes in the recent presidential election (to Ramos' 5.3 million). Ramos, who is inheriting a more stable situation than Cory Aquino did six years ago, seems eager to
    ( heal old wounds. He is expected to offer amnesty to Communist, Muslim and military rebels. And he is rumored to be planning to end the government's campaign to seize the Marcos' billions. Last week the official charged with retrieving the "hidden wealth" recommended a compromise with Imelda to split the proceeds, if recovered, of a fortune in gold bullion said to be stashed in Switzerland.


    You have nagged and ragged at me about "...how can you say that Perot is somehow connected to Rockefeller and the 'Established Elite' and even George Bush?" Please just note the following portion from the front page of a 1992 Wall Street Journal:

    FRIEND IN NEED: Perot's candidacy for the prestigious Council on Foreign Relations several years ago was seconded by---GEORGE BUSH!! A Perot aide says Bush's seconding letter was "lovely" but that there aren't any PLANS TO RELEASE the text.

    No, I am quite sure it wouldn't be desirable--from the Bush standpoint--OR THE PEROT SIDE. Woolies in the wood-work???


    Indeed, indeed! If you can't see what they are doing and still have to ask me--then you are NOT paying attention and you are blind to the NEWS AS GIVEN TO YOU . Everything points to probable "blowing" of the San Andreas Fault on the Fourth of July--EVERYTHING!--especially the fact that national happen­ings are KEPT FROM YOU. You have to realize that what is going on is not localized to Western California--but it is to dis­tract you. Floods in Louisiana, tornados of deadly power and multiplicity in Texas, earthquakes EVERYWHERE AROUND YOUR NATION, volcano eruption in Alaska--America--you are on the altar! Even the Queen of England just got a nice new "Royal" title yesterday--which should tell you everything you need to know.

    No, I am NOT going out of my way to tell the ones along the Western Coast--or anywhere else--to do anything or go any­where--if you have not HEARD, then I can no longer help you for disaster is at your dooryard. I will, however, give you some reports which you MUST attend if nothing else:

    Ones in Yucca Valley report a series of "regularly spaced" blasts and light bursts hours prior to the actual earthshaking. This was also reported at the second site. It was, further, re­ported in San Francisco area where there were also shakers--as well as in Salt Lake, Phoenix, Denver and Las Vegas--even Cedar City, Utah. WHAT DOES IT TAKE FOR YOU READERS TO HEAR AND SEE THAT SOMETHING IS AFOOT?

    The original blasts were timed exactly to the orbit of the Shuttle and the mechanisms launched by the subsequent rocket launch. More Hatonn hogwash? So be it.


    One who works for the "government" reported in with total panic--"...we have had to order coffins, 8,000 from one resource and as many as other sources could supply" in anticipation of "possibility of need" over the Fourth of July holiday pe­riod--in Southern California alone. Other places are reportedly doing likewise where "natural disasters" are "probable".

    Note that all TV stations are now reporting "probability of the Big One" within days or hours is sifting out--especially from THE news conduit by manipulation, CNN--stating that the most prominent geologic experts are predicting the "Mother" of all quakes.



    I realize that this is only Wednesday but there is no way to get a paper released for one last warning--but I suggest all who get this writing, at least warn your loved ones on the coast. You don't even have to mention space cadets or God--just tell them to listen to the reports coming through on "timing" of the BIG ONE.

    The hope will be not to pull down Japan yet and preferably re­strict the slippage and shock to Southern California, but this may not be possible. Ones are reporting, all over the map, land feeling "fluid" like a "water bed". This, chelas, comes ONLY from prana (scalar) beams which "liquefy" through frequency vibrations.

    It appears that the intent is to simply break away the portion around San Diego and shift it a bit "off shore", figuratively speaking, and other places will stand or fall according to the "mass" proximity. Further, the hope for "this" one is to limit destruction for maximum impact. Governor Wilson has AL­READY put "emergency regulations" into effect!! I can only suggest that each of you attend supplies and cash for sustaining for a while in ensuing emergency time.



    I have a list of questions regarding statements I have made re-garding tanks, etc. I am appalled that they come from the source which has written for he should know better than I what is what, but nonetheless, I shall share that which I feel is suit-able in light of security of ones who discuss these things. YOU NEVER ASK FOR IDENTTFICATION OF ONES IN SUCH TEDIOUS CIRCUMSTANCE AND ALL OF YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO DO SO.

    However, I shall take these up at the next meeting and briefly cover them herein:

    1. Who has verified unmarked tanks unloaded in Las Vegas from railroad cars and stored in a park?

    RFSP: How many do you want? It happened while a meeting was taking place in Las Vegas wherein Col. Bo Gritz, Don McAlvany, Lyndsey Williams, George Green and hundreds of attendees were present--along with some 90,000 groupies to the "GRATEFUL DEAD" were gathered.

    The tanks were then inspected by ones "returning" a week or so later. The attending "soldiers" in guard allowed some looking within where instruction labels were changed (but not yet all of them) from Chinese into English.

    2. How did the Chinese tanks get into this country? Which model tanks are there?

    RESP: Mostly the Chinese tanks came in through unmarked ports of entry and down from the Canadian side of the continent. Most of the tanks are of the same model which the Iraqis used as decoys in the Gulf War--as well as which were used by your own forces and did, in fact, cause such confusion as to identification as to create total inability to know up from down. I am not going to look up model numbers--that is for YOUR OWN TASKING IF YOU ARE INTERESTED.

    3. What other cities have them that can be verified? RESP: Dozens, but I have no intention of spending time at naming them for I AM NOT INTERESTED IN VERIFICATION--FOR MY PART OR YOURS.

    4. Who confirmed Russian armor driving into San Antonio last December 5?

    RESP: I would NEVER give you such information but suffice it to say it was written up in at least three publications which most of you "who keep up" through journals such as "North Point", etc., access. I had a couple of people make the assessment in order to verify, at that time, and then came all the distance to meet in California to verify and warn, again, because of the validity. I shall not in any manner jeopardize their persons by giving identity. You are on your own-4 need remind you--if all you want is verification in efforting to test Hatonn--you are missing the point in any of this. I will share where feasible but I shall not have cause to "verify" anything. So be it.


    And just when you might be needing your own troops to help cover your domestic assets--where are they? Going with the United Nations bandwagon in blue hats, to the area of Yugoslavia--to "insure humanitarian aid arrival". Don't think it could be to get rid of them so there aren't any errors in taking over America?? If you answer "...that is total absurdity"--I hope you're right!


    You think it can't happen to YOU? You think it can't happen in "MY STATE" or in "MY TOWN"? Let me give you something out of "small-town Utah, U.S.A.", for your pondering:

    County adopted law to limit release of "embarrassing" in­formation. Times Independent, Moab, Utah 6/18/1992.

    The Grand County Commission voted Monday to pass an or­dinance on access to public records that allows officials to KEEP FROM RESIDENTS documents and notes that could embarrass ELECTED OFFICIALS and others.

    The ordinance, part of the state of Utah's efforts to codify just what records are open to the public and under what conditions the county must comply with public access, states, "County records regarding named or readily identifiable individuals which deal with matters of a delicate nature which could engender shame, humiliation or embarrassment in the subject of that record, in accordance with accepted stan­dards of social propriety, or if release may constitute clearly unwarranted invasion of privacy shall generally not be clas­sified as public records.... "

    The chief records officer of the county will be the clerk, who will leave decisions of what material is humiliating or embar­rassing up to department heads.

    According to County Attorney Lyle Anderson, the language of that particular section of the ordinance comes from a draft of the Salt Lake County ordinance, distributed by the Utah As­sociation of Counties. He said concern that the provision will allow elected officials to censor information regarding their own embarrassing actions was overblown, and that the aim is not to hide government action [H: Of course not!!] but rather to pro­tect the privacy of county residents in general.

    "My intention is that it would not apply to public officials, it would apply to other people, the subjects of government records," he said Monday evening.

    But spokespeople for the Utah Press Association and the So­ciety of Professional Journalists expressed dismay at the Grand County action, saying the ordinance passed is too broad and open to abuse.

    A similar provision became a controversial issue in Kane County, when that commission attempted to pass the same sec­tion of a records law. But Kane commissioners withdrew the proposal after objections from journalists and other media repre­sentatives.

    And according to Carl Hendricks of the Salt Lake County Attorney's office, commissioners up there have also decided to drop the controversial "embarrassment" clause, following objec­tions to it. Hendricks added that in his opinion the clause is not a violation of other Utah law, but is not necessary in a records management ordinance.

    Commission Chairman David Knutson defended the law, saying there is information contained in public files that the public should not have access to.

    "Information that is not public necessity to know, that is em­barrassing to a person, whether elected or not, can be withheld from the public", said Knutson.

    Officials of the Society of Professional Journalists say they will look into the Grand County ordinance before determining if they will take any action against the county.

    In other business, the commission voted to authorize the chairman to enter into a contract with Knight Brothers Construction of Salt Lake City as construction manager for the jail and courthouse expansion project.

    According to Commissioner Manuel Torres, the plan is to hire the firm if they can keep costs for the actual construction to under $2.8 million..........."

    And so on it goes--while you forget to watch and listen!

    Dharma, can we please have a lunch break so we can resume our subjects in point otherwise. May God have mercy on the little ones of the LIE, because the rumblings of chaos and tribu­lation are come upon you and the "action" is going to begin very, very soon. Salu.

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