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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 49
    OF THE
    VOL. VI
    Things and men have always a certain sense, a certain side by which they must be gotten hold of if one wants to obtain a solid grasp and a perfect command. Nothing can be loved or hated unless it is first KNOWN. It takes longer for man to find out man than any other creature that is made. And may GOD grant you to contend with those that already understand YOU.




    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SJPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.


    The Phoenix Journals includes bibliographical references and indexes.
    Contents: [Tangled Webs] -- [Crucifixion of the Phoenix -- [etc.] -- Pleiades Connection (8 vol's).
    1. Spirit writings. I. Hatonn, Gyeorgos C. (Gyeorgos Ceres) II. Dharma, Computer person. III. Phoenix Journals.


    ISBN 0-922356-69-6
    First Edition Printed by America West Publishers, May 1992

    P. O. BOX 27353
    LAS VEGAS, NV 89126
    Printed in the United States of America
    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ...................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ...............
    SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1992.................................................................................
    TO SPY ON YOU...........................................................................................
    FULL BLOOM............................................................................................... .....
    ORDER LEAKED BY FBI.................................................................................
    MORE ORDERS MORE SECRECY.................................................................
    A LOOK BACK AT THE PHILIPPINES..........................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ..............
    THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1992............................................................................
    RESPONSE TO "WHO ARE YOU?"................................................................
    TRUTH OF "RULES".........................................................................................
    BACK TO THE ILLUSION OF "IMPORTANT" ............................................
    IF YOU "MUST" BANK, USE B OF A.............................................................
    BANKING, AMERICAN-STYLE.....................................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ..............
    THE BOTTOM LINE..........................................................................................
    GRIM TRUTH: U.S. IS BANKRUPT................................................................
    SOME DARE CALL IT TREASON..................................................................
    RE: SENATE REPORT NO. 93-549.................................................................
    CONGRESS SHALL HAVE THE POWER.................................................
    NIXON DECLARES EMERGENCY............................................................
    EVERY JUDGE FOR HIMSELF..................................................................
    EMERGENCY!!...??.................................................................................... ..
    INTERNATIONAL CONTROL....................................................................
    FOREIGN AGENTS?.....................................................................................
    IRS: FOREIGN AGENT?...............................................................................
    NEWSTATES OF AMERICA.......................................................................
    ENEMIES, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC.......................................................
    A PRESENTMENT OF TREASON AND SEDITION................................
    REFERENCES.......................................................................................... ......
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ..............
    EASTER??............................................................................................ ...............
    CONTROLLING THE CIA................................................................................
    CIA FUNCTIONS ENLARGED........................................................................
    THE 40 COMMITTEE........................................................................................
    THE SHORT-FUSE TACTIC.............................................................................
    PRESIDENTIAL APPROVAL: NEVER ON PAPER .....................................
    SPIES STILL SACROSANCT............................................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ..............
    SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1992...............................................................................
    EASTER MESSAGE...........................................................................................
    DISASTER TRAINING......................................................................................
    THE "PFIAB" AND THE "OMB"......................................................................
    BILDERGERG INTENT EVIL...........................................................................
    MANAGING THE BUDGETEERS...................................................................
    THE AMBASSADOR'S ROLE..........................................................................
    POWER OF THE "GOLDEN RULE"................................................................
    HOW DO WE GET OUT THIS INFORMATION?..........................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1992..............................................................................
    CONTROLLING THE CIA: CONGRESS.........................................................
    NO WATCHDOGS ALLOWED........................................................................
    KEEPING IT SECRET........................................................................................
    DISTRACTION SPECIALISTS..........................................................................
    WARMUP YIELDS $100 MILLION................................................................
    FLOOD OF CHANGE: WATERGATE............................................................
    EGO INTENT ALWAYS WEARS A "SIGN" .................................................
    ROSS PEROT............................................................................................... .......
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............
    THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1992..........................................................................
    CONTROLLING THE CIA................................................................................
    CIA AND THE PRESS........................................................................................
    BRITISH SECRECY ENVIED...........................................................................
    REPORTERS ARE UNOFFICIAL SPIES.........................................................
    U-2 DOWNING STARTS "CREDIBILITY GAP"...........................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............
    FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1992.................................................................................
    HOPI PROPHECIES.......................................................................................... ..
    METHODS OF HEALING.................................................................................
    CIA AND CONTROL OF PRESS, CONTINUATION.....................................
    HELMS AND THE PRESS.................................................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1992..............................................................................
    CIA--CONTINUED, "LEAKS"..........................................................................
    PRE-PUBLICATION CENSORING..................................................................
    U.N. RIDDLED WITH KGB..............................................................................
    CERTAIN REPORTERS FAVORED................................................................
    CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................... .........
    SECRECY: DISEASED WAY OF LIFE...........................................................
    THIRD WORLD INTRUSIONS.........................................................................
    CONGRESSIONAL NON-CONTROL.............................................................
    CONSTITUTION UNDERMINED....................................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............
    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1992......................................................................
    MALFUNCTIONS........................................................................................ ......
    NOTATIONS OF THE DAY..............................................................................
    AND ARE THE NEW WORLD ORDER.......................................................
    OWN WORST ENEMIES..................................................................................
    SCIENTISTS ALARMED...................................................................................
    TERRIFYING FORECAST................................................................................
    TREASON IN HIGH PLACES...........................................................................
    INDICTMENT FOR ESPIONAGE....................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ............
    THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1992..........................................................................
    TODAY'S WATCH.............................................................................................
    LOS ANGELES............................................................................................. ......
    JURY................................................................................................ ....................
    CIA COVERS OWN SCANDAL.......................................................................
    KAMPILES TREASON......................................................................................
    CIA DEEPLY SPLIT...........................................................................................
    ANGLETON ACCUSES COLBY......................................................................
    ANOTHER COVER-UP.....................................................................................
    HOLOCAUST AGAIN?.....................................................................................
    UPSET THE PUBLICISTS.................................................................................
    WELL REMEMBERS EVENT..........................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ............
    SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1992...................................................................................
    LEGAL UPDATE.............................................................................................. ..
    GLIMMER OF HOPE.........................................................................................
    U.N. TREATY BRINGS "THOUGHT POLICE"..............................................
    TREATIES LINKED TO KILL FREEDOM......................................................
    GENOCIDE TREATY?......................................................................................
    DIFFERENT STORY..........................................................................................
    TREATY: BLUEPRINT TO SLAVERY...........................................................
    SURRENDERING YOUR RIGHTS..................................................................
    FOREIGN AID SET BY ELITE.........................................................................
    RAGGED EDGE................................................................................................ .
    AMERICA WILL PAY!......................................................................................
    WARS, TOP SECRET--CONFIDENTIAL...................................................
    TM-SW 7905.1, SECURITY.........................................................................
    WELCOME ABOARD.......................................................................................
    HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION......................................................................
    POLITICAL INTRODUCTION..........................................................................
    ENERGY.............................................................................................. ................
    THEORETICAL INTRODUCTION..................................................................
    GENERAL ENERGY CONCEPTS....................................................................
    MR. ROTHSCHILD'S ENERGY DISCOVERY...............................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ............
    MONDAY, MAY 4, 1992..................................................................................
    SILENT WEAPONS/SILENT WAR, CONTINUED .......................................
    DIAGRAMS AND SCHEMATICS....................................................................
    APPARENT CAPITAL AS "PAPER" INDUCTOR ........................................
    BREAKTHROUGH........................................................................................ ....
    APPLICATION IN ECONOMICS.....................................................................
    SUMMARY............................................................................................. ............
    THE ECONOMIC MODEL................................................................................
    INDUSTRY............................................................................................ ..............
    THREE INDUSTRIAL CLASSES.....................................................................
    AGGREGATION......................................................................................... ........
    THE E-MODEL............................................................................................... ....
    ECONOMIC INDUCTANCE.............................................................................
    INDUCTIVE FACTORS TO CONSIDER.........................................................
    TRANSLATION......................................................................................... .........
    SELF-DESTRUCTIVE OSCILLATIONS.....................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ............
    MONDAY, MAY 4, 1992..................................................................................
    HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY................................................................................
    ECONOMIC SHOCK TESTING........................................................................
    INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMIC AMPLIFIERS.........................................
    SHORT LIST OF INPUTS..................................................................................
    THE PERSONAL PAPER TRAIL......................................................................
    HABIT PATTERNS--PROGRAMMING..........................................................
    NATIONAL INPUT INFORMATION...............................................................
    SHORT LIST OF OUTPUTS..............................................................................
    STRATEGIES.......................................................................................... ............
    DIVERSION, THE PRIMARY STRATEGY....................................................
    DIVERSION SUMMARY..................................................................................
    CONSENT, THE PRIMARY VICTORY...........................................................
    AMPLIFICATION ENERGY SOURCES..........................................................
    LOGISTICS........................................................................................... ...............
    THE ARTIFICIAL WOMB.................................................................................
    DEPENDENCY.......................................................................................... ....
    RESPONSIBILITY...................................................................................... ........
    SUMMARY............................................................................................. ............
    SYSTEM ANALYSIS.........................................................................................
    THE DRAFT............................................................................................... .........
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ............
    THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1992..............................................................................
    KILLER WHALES?............................................................................................
    VICTORY MARCH............................................................................................
    HENRY KISSPEROTINGER.............................................................................
    WHAT OF GRITZ?.............................................................................................
    ELECTION SYSTEM.........................................................................................
    REGARDING BOOKS.......................................................................................
    GOING ON.................................................................................................. ....
    WORST YEAR FOR CHINESE.........................................................................
    NEVADA CORPORATION DISCUSSION......................................................
    BACK TO BASICS.............................................................................................
    WHAT IS A CORPORATION?.........................................................................
    TYPES OF CORPORATIONS...........................................................................
    (CORPORATIONS ARE PEOPLE, TOO)....................................................
    MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL..................................................................
    RIGHTS OF STOCKHOLDERS........................................................................
    MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS............................................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ............
    SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1992..............................................................................
    RADIO INTERVIEW: NEVADA......................................................................
    TODAY'S DRIVEL.............................................................................................
    GONZALES HEARINGS ON IRAQ ARMS SALES ......................................
    TODAY'S WATCH-IT,.......................................................................................
    J.Z. KNIGHT/RAMTHA....................................................................................
    SEVEN SECRET JUDGES.................................................................................
    THREE CASES............................................................................................... .....
    EXECUTIVE ORDER/OPEN SEASON ON ALL............................................
    END................................................................................................. ..............................





    SUN., MAY 10, 1992 9:05 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 268
    SUNDAY, MAY 10, 1992
    (Mother's Day)
    Ah yes, the CIA and other sly and cunning deceivers of the darkness, I end the book on this subject so I shall begin this JOURNAL with the same subject.

    I cannot stop writing about the CIA and other Intelligence net­works for they ARE the schemers, activators and enforcers of the downfall of the planet. They are the "army" which places into action and accomplishes the horrendous ends of the Con­spirators' take-over of your Globe. The "mother" organization was begun as the British Intelligence and has become ever more evil since birthing of all the children of the beast.

    I ended this JOURNAL on the subject of Executive Order 12333, stated what it was and is and now shall give you a writ­ing by Victor Marchetti, whom I respect greatly, having served for years now in efforts to awaken you citizens to your plight at the hands of the SECRET forces.


    Published Oct. 6, 1986

    The CIA is back in the domestic spying business--and, once again, with the blessing of the White House. The agency has been authorized to resume "intrusive" methods, such as surrep­titious entry, bugging, wiretapping and reading the mail of American citizens.

    The agency also has been permitted to conduct covert action operations, i.e., secret activities planned and executed so that the role of the U.S. government is not apparent or acknowl­edged publicly. Furthermore, the power of the attorney general to restrict such controversial methods and activities has been sharply reduced.

    This ominous development is the result of a top-secret direc­tive, Executive Order 12333, that was approved by President Ronald Reagan in December, 1981. According to sources who have seen the order, it expands the CIA's mission in the United States "to roughly the equivalent of that in foreign countries".

    One of the more disturbing aspects of the order is that it al­lows the CIA to infiltrate domestic organizations. Moreover, this now can be done simply when the CIA deems it "necessary". In the past, such infiltration proposals had to be reviewed by the attorney general and judged "essential".

    Thus, any lobbyng group or historical society or, for that matter, any outspoken newspaper or new political party that dis­pleases the CIA can be legally targeted for penetration, manipu­lation or destruction. Ironically, one of the agency's clandestine units involved in the expansion of spying on Americans is the Domestic Operations Division--where E. Howard Hunt, William F. Buckley Jr.'s mentor in the CIA, used to do his "dirty work".


    The origins of EO 12333 are of particular interest now that its provisions are coming into full bloom.

    The idea for expanding the CIA's domestic operations first surfaced less than two months after the Reagan Administration took office. It was the brainchild of Edwin Meese III, then the president's chief of staff, who justified the agency's return to spying on Americans by citing the twin threat of terrorism and increased espionage activity by foreign governments. [H: You must understand, however, that for years the borders of your nation have been open wide to foreign "spy" activity.

    In fact, the Israeli spy network was in full operation prior to the pleading guilty to charges of Jay Pollard in 1986. It be­came evident that the allowances could no longer be hidden so about mid-1986 the Establishment media began hinting at an entrenched Israeli spy network in the U.S.--aided and abetted by America. It has long been a fact that there are more Soviets (KGB operatives) in the CIA than Americans. You, this day, are starting to put into place two massive atomic powered launchers which you "assume" you "purchased" from the Soviets as "advanced technology". No, you are working with deliberate and intentional integra­tion WITH THE SOVIETS and therefor, the Soviets (by whatever name they now label themselves) have another fully operational facility right in your U.S.A., specifically New Mexico. THE ENEMY HAS MOVED RIGHT INTO YOUR BED AND YOU WELCOME HIM AS THE PROS­TITUTE YOU HAVE BECOME AS A NATION. YOU EVEN PAY THIS BASTARD EVIL BEING FOR YOUR WHORE SERVICES. So be it--for the Piper WILL BE PAID AS THAT WHICH GOES FORTH--RETURNS UNTO YOU.]

    The CIA, with Meese's encouragement, immediately began drafting the new order. The agency's general counsel, Daniel B. Silver, headed the working group that was to come up with ideas on how the CIA could get back into the domestic spying business.

    He worked closely with Director William J. Casey and Casey's longtime political ally, Max Hugel, whom Casey had put in charge of the agency's clandestine services. But neither the CIA nor the White House bothered to inform the congres­sional intelligence oversight committees of what they were do­ing. [H: By the way, readers, if you are under the delusion that William died from a brain tumor just before he could testify in the Iran/Contra mess, rest at ease. His sudden "brain tumor" covered a multitude of sins--one of which is that Casey continues to live quite nicely with new identity and lots of CIA/TAXPAYER financed comfort. I hope at this point of reading--you have ceased believing ANYTHING they tell you!]


    Information on the proposed order soon leaked to the news media--apparently from the FBI, which felt it was being "indirectly embarrassed and unfairly criticized". Sen. Barry Goldwater, then chairman of the Senate committee, immediately demanded to see a copy of the draft order.

    A few days later, Sen. Daniel P. Moynihan (D-N.Y.) re­ferred to some of the CIA's proposals as being "off the wall". [H: I believe "out of the sewer" would better qualify the proposals.]

    At this point, the CIA's deputy director, Adm. Bobby Inman, was thrown into the breach. His assignment was to assuage the rapidly growing concern of Congress and the public over the spy agency's return to domestic operations. Inman was chosen for the delicate public relations task because he was highly re­spected by both the Congress and the news media. Also, as a longtime intelligence specialist, he was known to be dubious of the value of clandestine activities.

    Inman's first job was to brief the congressional committees and to say that he did not "favor the sweeping changes" advo­cated by the new executive order. Then he called an un­precedented on-the-record press conference to inform the news media on his views.

    The executive order was signed by Reagan in December, 1981 and remains in force.


    Since the issuing of EO 12333, because of the flap it caused at the time, all efforts have been thrust forth to prevent public knowledge of government policies and activities. New rules have allowed the bureaucracy to classify more and more information, declassify less and even reclassify documents that have already been publicly released and, of course, censor all docu­ments released.

    Some of its more brazen attempts to prevent Americans from learning about government operations--such as the National Se­curity Decision Directive 84, which would have required all government officials to agree never in their lifetimes to write or speak publicly about their government experience--were, thankfully, so vehemently protested by officials and Congress alike that the administration had to suspend them. [H: The facts are, however, that the agreements for suspen­sion were in "name only" and actions continued through en­forcement as if they were law.]


    A topic on the agenda of "barrage Hatonn" inquirers is regard­ing the Filipino elections due this week. I don't know what you want or why you ask but the sham seems quite clear to me. In the Philippines rest the most incredible "dirty politics" games of all with buyoffs, buyups, poverty vs. wealth and corruption of any place on the globe--yet it remains one of the most IM­PORTANT places on your globe.

    What happened? Well, I don't want to go back beyond the memory-span experience of you-the-people to cover more than the political intrigues of, say, Marcos, etc. To tell you the story of Lemuria, Atmospherians and such connections would not seem suitable herein--so let us look back a bit and perhaps "today" will become more obvious to you within the political arena. The whole scenario revolves around MASSIVE amounts of gold, stashes, stores and treasures, but it is the political scene that needs addressing right now.

    Among the thinning and wobbly ranks of America's worldwide allies, Philippine then President Ferdinand E. Marcos, who ruled his nation with a firm hand for more than two decades, proved the single most steadfast, stable and sagacious supporter of that nation's strategic interests.

    From 1965 through the end of 1985, Marcos maintained a pro­ductive, democratic order at home while he took the lead in structuring a regional system that skillfully reconciled the pri­macy of U.S. concerns with the need for peaceful solution of lo­cal conflicts. I do not "grade" the news nor have opinion of "goodness" or "badness"--I am just giving response as objec­tively as I can do so in brief space allowed.

    It can be no wonder that, in early 1986, the Reagan Administra­tion, known for its erratic policies and self-defeating foreign entanglements, decided to turn against Marcos. U.S. support was "decoupled" from the Philippine government and thrown to a rabble-rousing revolutionary movement fueled by an oppor­tunistic alliance between left-radical and reactionary opponents of the aging president.

    The American mass media joined in the attack on the embattled Asian leader. In what sounded like unanimous repudiation, news reports accused Marcos of having been a dictatorial and dishonest ruler who enriched himself while his people were bur­dened with debt and poverty.

    The very unanimity of the anti-Marcos "Anvil Chorus" was bound to arouse the suspicions of anyone familiar with the pro­paganda practices of the U.S. Establishment press. What was the truth--the reality--behind the long, impressive rise and startling fall of Marcos?

    Let us look at the circumstances and see if we can dissect some reasonable answers for what happened "then" bears still on what is going on or "coming down" now.

    It has currently become public knowledge that the wealth of Marcos was his own and not that of the Philippines and yet the entire action was aimed at taking the wealth and pulling it within the assets of the Elite Global Conspirators. I can promise that whatever happens in the Philippines this day or any other--you will NEVER cease to have a focus in the Philippines. I can only suggest that ones who have purpose and intent of survival and actually doing good works for that tiny nation--get out, get out with security, and get assets working in good business ventures against the day when your services can bear fruit--which WILL COME TO PASS. Yes, indeed, we are sent to assist but there will be no violence, no interference--only evolvement of Higher Knowledge when the time is right.

    Marcos was forcibly removed from office as President of the Philippines and it triggered a crisis that threatened to destabilize much of the Pacific and Southeast Asia. If the term "balance of power" is realistically used, it must mean some sort of equilib­rium between the two superpowers (and don't con yourself into the belief that the Soviets have ceased to be a major, major su­perpower). This is why, from the earliest moment, Marcos knew that the U.S. military presence and the opportunity for the projection of American naval and air power should be en­couraged in the region.

    One of the teachings of recent decades, since discovered by all the major powers but originated by the Soviet Union, is the im­pact of so-called exported war, more effective and cheaper by far than a conventional declaration of hostilities. To monitor the approach of this new mode of warfare, you have to learn to be watchful about the signs, the indicators, of mounting insur­gency, because those indicators signal the beginning of an "exported war established by, run by and continued by" Intelli­gence Operations utilizing local (or mercenary) forces and proxies.

    This is what happened in the Philippines. The Philippines is the most strategically situated nation in its part of the world. It straddles what are referred to as "chokepoints" at sea and air. These are narrow passages connecting the Pacific, the South China Sea, the Indian Ocean and the Formosa Strait.

    Given concessions, Vietnam granted the Soviet Union at Camranh Bay and Danang--bases from which the routes from the North Pacific to the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean can be blocked by the Soviet navy--there is now the geostrategic necessity, if only to maintain the normal flow of trade, that the Philippines remain free, and that the U.S. bases there--or rather the "facilities", as they are called--be held safe and available for the deployment of American forces. Is it any wonder in your currently more insightful knowledge that the Pinatubo Volcano would be a man-made disaster which would damage both of these major "facilities"? Your war is just getting under way and it is a new type of Silent Weapons--Silent War type of action--here in the onset.

    To protect that region it was necessary to curb and ultimately to eliminate the Communist-led indigenous insurgency in the Philippines. But the insurgency continued spreading and the Communist irregulars were increasing rapidly.

    How could the Communists gain as rapidly as projected? It was known that in six months, Jan. through June of 1986, some seven thousand members were added to the already present 16,000 according to official figures--which always indicates in­correct counting--this time on the understatement side. They were gaining in numbers rapidly because of the admitted policy of the Corazon Aquino Administration to establish a partnership with the Communists. It was a strange partnership because the insurgents were not theoretical Marxists; they were oppor­tunistic terrorists who adopted the Ho Chi Minh dimension of guerrilla warfare.

    To Lenin's tactics of urban revolution and Mao's strategy of ru­ral warfare Ho Chi Minh added the doctrine of terrorism against the chosen leaders of the constitutional government. Without bothering to understand or adopt any of the revolutionary ideals implicit in the early programs of Lenin and Mao, some of which, such as the demand for health services and political participation for the workers, had already been gradually assim­ilated into the democratic system, the Philippine insurgents had concentrated on a single dictum, attributed to Mao: "Political power comes from the barrel of a gun."

    What was the impact of this revolutionary strategy? The Philip­pine insurgents, known as the New People's Army or NPA, were conducting a campaign of terrorist and scorched-earth tac­tics, which is harsh even by Communist standards. They abol­ished private property, the freedom to own anything, wherever they set foot, and they destroyed the general atmosphere of rep­resentative government throughout the Philippines.

    The constitutional and democratic safeguards maintained pretty well through the Marcos years in power were being abolished. What the American public was not being told was that the Con­stitution itself was abrogated by Mrs. Aquino when she and her allies seized power. Funny thing, when this happened in Peru the entire world wanted to go to war and your nation led the pack. All the procedures and rights embodied in the constitution were lost to the Philippine people. This was followed by the elimination of the representation of the people in the legislative assemblies; you could be elected to Congress or the Senate, but if the Aquino Administration didn't like your politics, it simply fired (fires) you, and abolishes your elective mandate.

    The entire fabric of Philippine society became totally endan­gered by the turmoil along with public order and long-held "rights".

    It is up for question as to which was more dangerous to society and national survival: the greed and looting by Mrs. Aquino's followers, or their violent push for dictatorial power.

    There was the systematic plunder of all assets owned by former government figures or political leaders who were not supporters of Mrs. Aquino. But equally or even more menacing was the violent repression of what is called "the parliament of the streets"--the cherished right of the people to peaceful assembly for voicing their grievances and addressing them directly to their rulers.

    This was always the accepted essence of democracy, and this the new regime had completely erased. Rallies were attacked and dispersed by armed government strong-arm squads, who were encouraged to be brutal. People were being beaten into submission by the thousands; women who participated in public demonstrations suffered degrading abuse and more than 200 protestors were killed right off at the start of the take-over.

    The police were left no option but to collaborate in this atrocious repression by helping to conceal the cadavers of the victims who were killed for attempting to protest.
    Mrs. Aquino's associates were projecting that her "revolution" would be stabilized by bringing the Communists into the gov­ernment and forming a coalition regime with them.

    Conditions were worse than most people ever realized; what you could consider imminent was actually already present in fact. The Communists were already in the Philippine government. Social scientists (gross contradiction of terms) estimated that 40 percent of the positions in the new Aquino Administration had been taken over by Communists or Communist sympathizers. Many of them were key offices. Here are just a few examples:

    The National Intelligence Coordinating Agency, which directs and supervises all espionage and security operations, was now run by a "Mr. Yumul", who is a notorious collaborator of the Communists.

    Agusto Sanchez, appointed by Mrs. Aquino as Minister of Labor, is an avowed, longtime Communist.

    Mrs. Aquino's executive secretary, Joker Arroya, had never made much of a secret of his long-standing sympathy for the Communist cause.

    Rene Saguisag, her official spokesman, once assumed leadership of regional revolt by the Communists and hoisted the Commu­nist flag over Laguna province, declaring it Communist terri­tory.

    The minister of local government, Aquilino Pimentel, and the director of the Bureau of Customs, Raul Tanada, were also known as associates and supporters of the Communist Party.

    These newly appointed officials, and a number of others like them, proclaimed themselves fanatical followers of Mrs. Aquino. But their long records of radical Marxist militancy contain no suggestion that they had ever severed or modified their hidden or public links to the Communist Party.

    American newspapers and broadcast reports have a very wide audience in the Philippines but during the turmoil and riots there was almost NO reality about the Philippine national crisis find­ing its way into the mass media--and never has the truth been presented to this day.

    Leading U.S. news organizations ran accounts that were totally biased, seldom having any factual foundation and were strangely repetitive and the reporters were required to follow not actual events but the direction of invisible chorus masters who told them what to think and write--all information was censored. Does this not seem identical to the non-news presentations of Bush's Elite war in the Gulf?

    I can only offer you information--I cannot MAKE YOU SEE AND/OR HEAR. What appears to be--simply is not what IS. I can offer and hope that you awaken in time to salvage a remnant of viable humanity. If, however, you fail to remove the shrouds from truth--you shall perish in the lie.
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 22:37.

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이 주제글은 현재 3명이 열람중입니다. (0명의 회원과 3명의 손님)

유사한 글

    By wave in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 9
    최신 글: 2012-05-30, 15:33
    By wave in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 8
    최신 글: 2011-01-18, 03:39
    By wave in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 9
    최신 글: 2011-01-18, 03:13
    By wave in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 8
    최신 글: 2011-01-18, 01:55
    By wave in forum Phoenix Journals Archives
    관련글: 8
    최신 글: 2010-07-26, 16:29

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