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  1. #5
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 49


    FRI., APRIL 24, 1992 9:06 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 252

    FRIDAY. APRIL 24. 1992
    Consciousness is defined as: "aware, mentally awake or alert and intentional". This word is also one which obviously indi­cates "action", having changed from unawareness into aware­ness, etc. Are you determined to remain in ignorance while you take your physical opinions along lines of the physical while ex­pecting to unite with the Divine? Or, shall ye lift up your vision to allow God to tell you how to unite with that divineness? Oh, I see, you went to an Ashram and someone (usually a MAN) told you how to unite with God? Did it work? Is perfection in peace overfilling thine being? So, why does not ALL MAN un­derstand? Because you can only learn from the physical experi­ence--how to achieve the divine. Further, if you vote-out the guidelines in order to allow the journey as YOU DESIRE IT TO BE, you have only lied to self for the ultimate judgment of readiness is made by the Divine Source.

    If this all be true then why "do" anything? Because you won't know "Divinity" when you find it if you know not that for which you search and serve. If you know not what is "wrong" with your perceptions now--how will you ever find the path of lighted wisdom?


    The Hopi "Human People" put forth a prophesy some years ago. It was not ready for publication but ones took it upon themselves to decide the time was ready. In it the years of ac­tion and changes were listed--but man had not studied his lessons and did not correctly decipher the messages. For in­stance 1992: "The earth will have its true reality formed. It will join the sisterhood of planets, the Daughters of Copperwoman, and it will create within itself all forms of all things in harmony with the everything."

    Do you see "harmony"?? Have you joined other planets?? Who is Copperwoman, much less, the daughters of?? HOW WILL YOU FIND OUT THE TRUTH OF IT? Will you go forth in your own direction as led by some MAN who "claims" to know all? Or, shall ye listen for the instructions sent from God via His Hosts who have attained wisdom through their journeys? Will you be fighting over whether or not Saturday night adultery is acceptable? Or, will you be finding out what God requests that you do and be? It is up to you, students (chelas).

    I see, you now say you will wait around and maybe 1993 will bring perfection showered upon you. So, 1993: "We will see a whole new way of perfection. There will be plants on this Grandmother Earth that will give life and sustenance as never before seen. Starvation on the earth--all those things will be gone."


    Now I understand, you are waiting for year 1995 when: "The new race of humans will begin to design their new re­ality of life on this planet as they intended it to be when they came from the stars." Oh no, "...when they came from the stars?"But that is "extraterrestrial" or something. Well, "Satan and evil come from out there--my preacher told me so." Ah, and where might this "Jesus" form, or messiah, come from? Oh, the stars? But that cannot be--for that IS extraterrestrial! MAKE UP YOUR MINDS--WHICH IS IT? I leave it to you!! By the way--the prophecies END WITH YEAR 2000. Worse, for you who have stolen the Aboriginal terminology and call yourselves "human people" did not take time to also understand that the ancient calendars of "time" ran out on August 17, 1987! What might those pagan redmen know that you white-eyes do not? It might be good to find out.


    The prophecies are exactly correct--right down to having tech­nology and knowledge to heal all disease. We have capability and it is now on your placement which can be programmed to, like a pac-man, to change any mutant cell--simply by ingesting the programmed "new" cell which is simply a crystalline (crystal) life form--also called "virus". This is created through DNA and programmed for specific targets. By the way--it is al­ready on your place and now you can quit wondering why only the Elite Global Masters have it available.

    Moreover, you who should be noting that the pharmaceutical companies are insuring that substances which associate with this new technology are being removed from your markets!

    Let us just take one example in point of capability: Taking a vial of this programmed solution and putting one drop of human in­sulin in it, within 48 hours there will be pancreatic beta cells producing insulin. So, did the solution hold the key to life it­self? No, the key to life is the DNA sequence, the genetic code sequenced by the engine of LIGHT. The insulin contained enough of the genetic information to generate the pancreatic beta cells from whence it came. THE SOLUTION WAS THE SPARK, THE CATALYST, THE BRICKS AND ENERGY REQUIRED TO GROW THE BETA CELLS AND REPRO­DUCE THE INSULIN.

    You might well think of this as "magic"--no, it is simply an elixir for the DNA. The directions of this one element of "insight" are totally staggering. So what is wrong? The Elite keep it from you and claim that Hatonn is an evil liar. THE INTENT OF THE GLOBAL GOVERNMENT 2000 IS DE­POPULATION OF THE PLANET TO AROUND 550 MIL­LION PERSONS. THIS WILL NOT BE ACCOMPLISHED IF EVERYBODY SICK GETS WELL!

    I use the example of insulin production simply because a dia­betic patient at this point cannot be "cured" on your planet. Herein within a few simple treatments the system will rebuild it­self and in a matter of weeks the insulin system is functioning again--in perfection.

    Further, this "directed" DNA form can be introduced, say, into an algae base which will both nourish the physical body to per­fection and also give total perfection to all body cells along with getting rid of all mutant cells. Right now, as in cancer and AIDS, you have mutant cells which finally overwhelm a per­son's immune system with nothing to rebuild "from". Mutations are totally normal--but if the immune system cannot contain them all--the body dies.

    You don't believe me?? Go right back to your lessons and look again at how "life" begins. Remember, the pictures of the de­velopmental stages of the human embryo, where you began as a primitive creature looking like a skinny fish. Remember the human embryo with gill bars and a tail--called a sperm? Re­member the fact that essentially all mammal embryos go through these stages? Perhaps you even studied this in your school pro­cess. Your professors would have said the descriptive phrase
    for this phenomenon in point: "Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylo­geny", the Biogenic Law of Genetics.


    SO, WHAT HAVE WE? Imagine the goodly researchers taking apart sequenced T-RNA chains that hold primitive expressions of your ancestral heritage. Through the triplet nucleotides as a genetic remnant, imagine those genetic codes expressing themselves in the energy milieu of the solution in point, a solution that matches the energy of any specific segment of time. Picture these microscopic mobile creatures emerging from your genetic past, from the remnants of three nucleotides: intelligent, protec­tive, a reproducing ambitious enzyme manufacturing micro-cul­ture dedicated to preserving human life at the colloidal life level.

    Could this be the discovery representing the bionic immunity of your ancestors of some millions or billions of years ago--I tell you now, it is again present upon your place! Could this be the "Methuselah" gene for which untold explorers have searched in pools, fountains and springs?--Or, are these "creatures" the ac­tual blueprint in substance of life form itself, in this instance, "human" cells?

    Oh yes indeed, future generations will know and use this won­drous knowledge--but who will come with me as we share the incredible opportunities with man of Earth. Probably not those who are so foolish and ignorant as to spend time denouncing us for we pronounce that Zionism is not Judaism. Will YOU miss the very miracle and knowledge of LIFE ITSELF because you were so narrow of consciousness that you refused to look be­yond? Did the cave-man picture the rocket shuttle? As a matter of fact--yes, for the cave man was pure enough in openness to see that which was shown unto him. He did not understand it--but he drew pictures of it upon his walls within the caves for ye as "human people" were beginning your journey of learning so that you might one day again integrate within the human people among the stars.

    On a microscopic level, friends, these ancestors of yours live in a highly ordered society with an intelligence and a manufactur­ing and engineering skill that you can only envy at this time for you refuse the gift for you assume the price is too high--a price which requires only that you live in balance within the Laws of God and Creation. Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of this is that these little "chondriana" are "gendered"--both male and female. The male is called the chondrion and resem­bles the precursor "mitochondria" of your cells, thus the deriva­tion of its name. The mitochondria of your cells is a very unique "organelle". Isn't this a bit of fun? How much of this did you already know? Why not? It is open knowledge--why do you not know?


    Yes, I know that you wish to go on with the subject in point of mitochondria and organelles, etc. But we are not, for it matters not if you cannot change of your circumstances in the world in which you exist. Those who bring this information unto you and openly share are murdered and suppressed, ridiculed and set-upon.

    You can make all the little "boxes" for frequency and do all sorts of things with a so-called "Rife-Microscope" all to no avail if you do not know what you are seeing and how LIFE functions and comes into physical being. Perfection can flow only from perfection and all else is simple reproduction of errors. You will never find the perfection if ye are searching in an adultery bed on Saturday night--you search for perfection of knowledge in the places of perfection of knowledge--not hiding in the dark secret places of the human "animal" trained to have erroneous and unbalanced instincts--toward sure death and not for any semblance of eternal life form. You see, it always boils right down to intent and Truth. The "SECRET MYSTERIES" are there for the unveiling and you simply continue to pile on the additional shrouds. So be it.

    Back to the CIA, please.


    Times reporter Szule states that he was not consulted about the heavy editing of his article, and he mentions that President Kennedy made a personal appeal to publisher Dryfoos not to run the story. Yet, less than a month after the invasion, at a meet­ing where he was urging newspaper editors not to print security information, Kennedy was able to say to the Times' Catledge, "If you had printed more about the operation, you would have saved us from a colossal mistake."

    The failure of the Bay of Pigs cost CIA Director Dulles his job, and he was succeeded in November 1961 by John McCone; McCone did little to revamp the agency's policies in dealing with the press, although the matter obviously concerned him, as became evident when he reprimanded and then transferred his press officer, who he felt had been too forthcoming with a par­ticular reporter. In McCone's first weeks at the agency, the New York Times got wind of the fact that the CIA was training Tibetans in paramilitary techniques at an agency base in Col­orado, but, according to David Wise's account in The Politics of Lying, the Office of the Secretary of Defense "pleaded" with the Times to kill the story, which it did. In the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, President Kennedy again prevailed upon the Times not to print a story--this time, the news that Soviet missiles had been installed in Cuba, which the Times had learned of at least a day before the President made his announcement to the country.

    According to the Times' Max Frankel, writing in the Winter 1973 Columbia Forum, there was still a feeling that the paper had been "remiss" in withholding information on the Bay of Pigs, so the Times extracted a promise from the President that while the paper remained silent he would "shed no blood and start no war". Frankel notes that "No such bargain was ever struck again, though many officials made overtures. The essen­tial ingredient was trust, and that was lost somewhere between Dallas and Tonkin."

    Then, in 1964, McCone was faced with the problem of how to deal with an upcoming book about the CIA and his response was an attempt to do violence to the First Amendment.

    The book was THE INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT, by re­porters David Wise of the New York Herald Tribune and Thomas Ross of the Chicago Sun-Times. Their work provided an example of the kind of reporting on the agency that other journalists might have done but had failed to do. In short, it was an example of investigative reporting at its best and, perhaps as a result, it infuriated the CIA.

    McCone and his deputy, Lieutenant General Marshall Carter, both personally telephoned Wise and Ross's publisher, Random House, to raise their strong objections to publication of the book. Then a CIA official offered to buy up the entire first printing of over 15,000 books. Calling this action "laughable", Random House's president, Bennett Cerf, agreed to sell the agency as many books as it wanted, but stated that additional printings would be made for the public. The agency also ap­proached Look magazine, which had planned to run excerpts from the book, and, according to a spokesman, "asked that some changes be made--things they considered to be inaccura­cies. We made a number of changes but do not consider that they were significant."

    The final chapter in the agency attack against THE INVISI­BLE GOVERNMENT came in 1965 when the CIA circulated an unattributed document on "The Soviet and Communist Bloc Defamation Campaign" to various members of Congress and the press. This long study detailed the many ways used by the KGB to discredit the CIA, including the "development and milking of Western journalists. Americans figure prominently among these." The study singled out as an example of KGB disinfor­mation a Soviet radio broadcast that quoted directly from THE INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT. The agency's message was not too subtle, but then the CIA never put its name on the docu­ment.


    When Richard Helms took over the agency in 1966, press relations changed noticeably. Helms himself had been a re­porter with United Press in Germany before World War II, and he thought of himself as an accomplished journalist. He would tell his subordinates, when the subject of the press came up in the agency's inner councils, that he understood reporters' prob­lems, how their minds worked, what the CIA could and could not do with them. He had certain writing habits (which may have originated either with a strict bureau chief or a strict high-school English teacher) which set him apart from others in the clandestine part of the agency, where writing is considered a functional, as opposed to literary, skill. For instance, he would not sign his name to any document prepared for him that in­cluded a sentence beginning with the words "however" or "therefore".

    It soon became clear within the agency that Helms was intent on taking care of most of the CIA's relations with the press him­self. Acutely aware that the agency's image had been badly tar­nished by the Bay of Pigs and other blown operations during the early 1960's, he was determined to improve the situation. He later told a congressional committee, "In our society even a clandestine outfit cannot stray far from the norms. If we get...the public, the press or the Congress against us, we can't hack it."

    So Helms began to cultivate the press. He started a series of breakfasts, lunches, and occasional cocktail and dinner parties for individual reporters and groups of them. On days when he was entertaining a gathering of journalists, he would often de­vote part of his morning staff meeting to a discussion of the seating arrangements and make suggestions as to which CIA of­ficial would be the most compatible eating partner for which re­porter. While a few senior clandestine personnel were invited to these affairs, Helms made sure that the majority came from the CIA's analytical and technical branches. As always, he was trying to portray the agency as a predominantly non-clandestine organization.

    Helms' invitations were not for every reporter. He concen­trated on what the New York Times' (See, now you know WHY--they are among the Elite controlled resources) John Finney calls the "double-domes--the bureau chiefs, columnists, and other opinion makers". David Wise, who headed the New York Herald Tribune's Washington staff has a similar impression: "In almost every Washington bureau, there's one guy who has ac­cess to the agency on a much higher level than the press officer. Other reporters who call up get the runaround." Finney states that Helms and his assistants would "work with flattery on the prestige of" these key journalists. CBS News' Marvin Kalb, who attended several of Helms' sessions with the press (and who was bugged by the Nixon Administration), recalls that Helms "had the capacity for astonishing candor but told you no more than he wanted to give you. He had this marvelous way of talking of suggesting things with his eyes. Yet, he usually didn't tell you anything."

    Helms' frequent contact with reporters was not a sinister thing. He was not trying to recruit them into nefarious schemes for the CIA. Rather, he was making a concerted effort to get his and his agency's point of view across to the press and, through them, to the American public--a common activity among top government officials. Furthermore, Helms was an excellent news source--for his friends. Columnist Joseph Kraft (another Nixon-Administration bugging victim) generally sums up the view of Helms by reporters who saw him frequently: "I wanted to see Helms a lot because he was talking with the top men in government. He was a good analyst--rapid, brief, and knowledgeable about what was going on." Kraft recalls that Helms was the only government official who forecast that South Vietnamese President Thieu would successfully block imple­mentation of the Vietnamese peace accords until after the 1972 American election, and other reporters tell similar stories of Helms being among the most accurate high government sources available on matters like Soviet missiles or Chinese nuclear testing. He did not usually engage in the exaggerated talk about Communist threats that so often characterizes "informed sources" in the Pentagon, and he seemed to have less of an op­erational axe to grind than other Washington officials.

    * * *

    It becomes quite obvious that if you are among the Elite making the plans and setting the stage as well as "writing the play"--you will know the lines and how the "act" goes. If you hold power as did Helms with the blessings of the ones in the game build­ing--you don't have to guess or even pretend "informed sources" for you are "informed".

    Let us leave this writing at this point for we have other pressing duties. I believe we can make it to "Conclusions" at the next writing and then we can follow with some most interesting ob­servations.

    If you were wise enough to watch your President Bush giving away your nation and industries through free-trade last evening--you are much more insightful this day. You are going to have to be alert and search for these public "slippings". The entire speech was one incredible act of treason against your nation and I marvel that you have made it so far in total ignorance of Truth. May God walk with you patriots for your journey is most diffi­cult indeed. This man even made sure he was dressed with a blue tie and was focused in front of "blue flags" (not the U.S. banner) which spoke more than words could ever project. He made no attempt to cover intent but spoke openly of the results of this NEW WORLD ORDER now in play--"this new world now established " He was speaking to the American States Organization including Canada, Mexico, Latin American, etc. Indeed this man fits the role set for him. What will you do, Americans?

    Hatonn to stand-by.

    PJ 49

    MON., APRIL 27, 1992 7:49 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 255
    MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1992


    The source of a news leak is not usually revealed in the newspapers. Yet when Helms, or any other government offi­cial, gives a "not-for-attribution" briefing to reporters, he al­ways has a reason for doing so--which is not necessarily based on a desire to get the truth out to the American people. He may leak to promote or block a particular policy, to protect a bureau­cratic flank to a foreign government, or simply to embarrass or damage an individual. Most reporters are aware that govern­ment officials play these games; nevertheless, the CIA plays them more assiduously, since it virtually never releases any in­formation overtly. The New York Times Washington bureau chief, Clifton Daniel, notes that although the agency issues no press releases, it leaks information "to support its own case and to serve its own purposes...It doesn't surprise me that even se­cret bureaucrats would do that." Daniel says, however, that he "would accept material not-for-attribution if the past reliability of the source is good. But you have to be awfully careful that you are not being used."

    In early 1968, Time magazine reporters were doing research on a cover story on the Soviet Navy. According to Time's Pen­tagon correspondent, John Mulliken, neither the White House nor the State Department would provide information on the subject for fear of giving the Soviets the impression that the U.S. government was behind a move to play up the threat posed by the Soviet fleet. Mulliken says that, with Helms' authoriza­tion, CIA experts provided Time with virtually all the data it needed. Commenting on the incident five years later, Mulliken recalls, "I had the impression that the CIA was saying 'the hell with the others' and was taking pleasure in sticking it in." He never did find out exactly why Helms wanted that information to come out at that particular time when other government agencies did not; nor, of course, did Time's readers, who did not even know that the CIA was the source of much of the article which appeared on February 23, 1968.

    From the days of Henry Luce and Allen Dulles, Time had always had close relations with the agency. In more recent years, the magazine's chief Washington correspondent, Hugh Sidey, relates, "With McCone and Helms, we had a set-up that when the magazine was doing something on the CIA, we went to them and put it before them...We were never misled."

    Similarly, when Newsweek decided in the fall of 1971 to do a cover story on Richard Helms and "The New Espionage", the magazine, according to a Newsweek staffer, went directly to the agency for much of its information. And the article, published on November 22, 1971, generally reflected the line that Helms was trying so hard to sell: that since "the latter, 1960's...the fo­cus of attention and prestige with the CIA" had switched from the Clandestine Services to the analysis of intelligence, and that "the vast majority of recruits are bound for" the Intelligence Di­rectorate. This was, of course, written at a time when over two thirds of the agency's budget and personnel were devoted to covert operations and their support (roughly the same percentage as had existed for the preceding ten years). Newsweek did un­cover several previously unpublished anecdotes about past covert operations (which made the CIA look good) and pub­lished at least one completely untrue statement concerning a multibillion-dollar technical espionage program. Assuming that the facts for this statement were provided by "reliable intelli­gence sources", it probably represented a CIA disinformation attempt designed to make the Russians believe something untrue about U.S. technical collection capabilities.


    Under Helms, the CIA also continued its practice of inter­vening with editors and publishers to try to stop publication of books either too descriptive or too critical of the agency. In April 1972 this book [H: The one by "IMA" which I am uti­lizing (pub. 1974)]--as yet unwritten--was enjoined; two months later, the number-two man in the Clandestine Services, Cord Meyer, Jr., visited the New York offices of Harper & Row, Inc., on another anti-book mission. The publisher had an­nounced the forthcoming publication of a book by Alfred Mc­Coy called The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia, charging the agency with a certain degree of complicity in the Southeast Asian drug traffic. Meyer asked old acquaintances among Harper & Row's top management to provide him with a copy of the book's galley proofs. While the CIA obviously hoped to handle the matter informally among friends, Harper & Row asked the agency for official confirmation of its request. The CIA's General Counsel, Lawrence Houston, responded with a letter of July 5, 1972, that while the agency's intervention "in no way affects the right of a publisher to decide what to publish....I find it difficult to believe....that a responsible publisher would wish to be associated with an attack on our Government involv­ing the vicious international drug traffic without at least trying to ascertain the facts." McCoy maintained that the CIA had "no legal right to review the book" and that "submitting the manuscript to the CIA for prior review is to agree to take the first step toward abandoning the First Amendment protection against prior censorship." Harper & Row apparently disagreed and made it clear to McCoy that the book would not be pub­lished unless first submitted. Rather than find a new publisher at that late date, McCoy went along. He also gave the entire story to the press, which was generally critical of the CIA.

    The agency listed its objections to Harper & Row on July 28, and, in the words of the publisher's vice president and general counsel, B. Brooks Thomas, the agency's criticisms "were pretty general and we found ourselves rather underwhelmed by them." Harper & Row proceeded to publish the book--un­changed--in the middle of August.


    The CIA has also used the American press more directly in its efforts against the KGB. On October 2, 1971, the week after the British government expelled 105 Soviet officials from Eng­land because of their alleged intelligence activities, the New York Times ran a front-page article by Benjamin Welles about Soviet spying around the world. Much of the information in the article came from the CIA and it mentioned, among other things, that many of the Russians working at the United Nations were KGB operators. According to Welles, the agency specifi­cally "fingered as a KGB man" a Russian in the U.N. press of­fice, Vladimir P. Pavlichenko, and asked that he be mentioned in the article. Welles complied and included a paragraph of bi­ographical information on the Russian, supplied by the CIA. Ten days later the Soviet Union made an official protest to the U.S. government about the "slanderous" reports in the Ameri­can press concerning Soviet officials employed at the U.N.

    The Times' charges about espionage activities of the Soviets at the U.N. were almost certainly accurate. But, as a Wash­ington-based media executive familiar with the case states, "The truth of the charges has nothing to do with the question of whether an American newspaper should allow itself to become involved in the warfare between opposing intelligence services without giving its readers an idea of what is happening. If the CIA wants to make a public statement about a Soviet agent at the U.N. or the U.S. government wants to expel the spy for im­proper activities, such actions would be legitimate subjects for press coverage--but to cooperate with the agency in 'fingering' the spy, without informing the reader, is at best not straight­forward reporting."

    The CIA has often made Communist defectors available to selected reporters so news stories can be written (and propa­ganda victories gained). As was mentioned earlier, most of these defectors are almost completely dependent on the CIA and are carefully coached on what they can and cannot say. Defec­tors unquestionably are legitimate subjects of the press's attention but it is unfortunate that their stories are filtered out to the American people in such controlled circumstances.

    David Wise remembers an incident at the New York Herald Tribune in the mid-1960's when the CIA called the paper's top officials and arranged to have a Chinese defector made available to reporters. According to Wise, CIA officials "brought him down from Langley (for the interview) and then put him back on ice." Similarly, in 1967 the agency asked the Times' Welles to come out to CIA headquarters to talk to the Soviet defector Lieutenant Colonel Yevgeny Runge. On November 10 Welles wrote two articles based on the interview with Runge and addi­tional material on the KGB supplied by CIA officers. But Welles also included in his piece several paragraphs discussing the CIA's motivation in making Runge available to the press. The article mentioned that at least some U.S. intelligence offi­cials desired "to counter the international attention, much of it favorable, surrounding the Soviet Union's 50th anniversary", which was then taking place. Publicizing the defection, Welles continued, "also gave United States intelligence men a chance to focus public attention on what they consider a growing emphasis on the use of 'illegal' Soviet agents around the world."

    According to Welles, the paragraphs stating, in effect, that the CIA was exploiting Runge's defection for its own purposes infuriated the agency, and he was "cut off" by his CIA sources. He experienced "long periods of coolness" and was told by friends in the agency that Helms had personally ordered that he was to be given no stories for several months.

    * * *


    The CIA is perfectly ready to reward its friends. Besides provision of big news breaks such as defector stories, selected reporters may receive "exclusives" on everything from U.S. government foreign policy to Soviet intentions. Hal Hendrix, described by three different Washington reporters as a known "friend" of the agency, won a Pulitzer Prize for his 1962 Miami Daily News reporting of the Cuban missile crisis. This is the same Hal Hendrix who later joined ITT and sent the memo say­ing President Nixon had given the "green light" for covert U.S. intervention in Chile. Much of his "inside story" was truly in­side: it was based on CIA leaks.

    Because of the CIA's clever handling of reporters and be­cause of the personal views held by many of those reporters and their editors, most of the American press has at least tacitly gone along, until the last few years, with the agency view that covert operations are not a proper subject for journalistic scrutiny. The credibility gap arising out of the Vietnam War, however, may well have changed the attitude of many reporters. The New York Times' Tom Wicker credits the Vietnam experience with making the press "more concerned with its fundamental duty". Now that most reporters have seen repeated examples of gov­ernment lying, he believes, they are much less likely to accept CIA denials of involvement in covert operations at home and abroad. As Wicker points out, "Lots of people today would be­lieve that the CIA overthrows governments," and most journal­ists no longer "believe in the sanctity of classified material". [H: I would guess that is some other kind of understate­ment!] In the case of his own paper, the New York Times, Wicker feels that "The Pentagon Papers made the big differ­ence."

    The unfolding of the Watergate scandal has also opened up the agency to increased scrutiny. Reporters have dug deeply into the CIA's assistance to the White House "plumbers" and the attempts to involve the agency in the Watergate cover-up. Per­haps most important, the press has largely rejected the "national security" defense used by the White House to justify its actions. With any luck at all, the American people can look forward to learning from the news media what their government--even its secret part--is doing. As Congress abdicates its responsibility, and as the President abuses his responsibility, we have nowhere else to turn.

    * * *

    [H: From this point on until this writing concludes are strictly the opinions of the authors of the book in point. I reach very few of the conclusions as presented herein--but then, hindsight is often perfection and this book was written in 1974 under great duress and censorship. I publish the material in the "CONCLUSION" in total for two reasons. One, I honor these writers and further know that, given op­portunity to look back, the conclusions would be different. Secondly, to utilize this material without specific written permission of these authors and the CIA, I had to reprint "exactly" the material in point--without listing names as is law with non-fiction material. Further, to validate the rea­son for utilizing the information I have to have different "conclusions". At the end of this writing I shall clear-up all the actions and identify the authors in point. I shall also give information where you can contact the lead author and urge all who read this to get a copy of the Journal in point--through him. We have been declined information from the Dell Publishing Co.--perhaps the author and you shall have better response.



    In the eyes of posterity it will inevitably seem that, in safeguarding our freedom, we destroyed it; that the vast clandestine apparatus we built up to probe our enemies' resources and intentions only served in the end to confuse our own purposes; that the practice of deceiving others for the good of the state led infalli­bly to our deceiving ourselves, and that the vast army of intelligence personnel built up to execute these purposes were soon caught up in the web of their own sick fantasies, with disastrous conse­quences to them and us.

    Malcolm Muggeridge, May 1966


    "It is a multi-purpose, clandestine arm of power... more than an intelligence or counterintelligence organization. It is an in­strument for subversion, manipulation, and violence, for the se­cret intervention in the affairs of other countries." Allen Dulles wrote those words about the KGB in 1963 so that Americans would better understand the nature of the Soviet security ser­vice. His description was a correct one, but he could--just as accurately--have used the same items to describe his own CIA. He did not, of course, because the U.S. leaders of Dulles' gen­eration generally tried to impute the worst possible methods and motives to the forces of international Communism, while casting the "defensive actions of the free world" as honest and demo­cratic. Both sides, however, resorted to ruthless tactics. Nei­ther was reluctant to employ trickery, deceit, or, in Dulles' phrase, "subversion, manipulation, and violence". They both operated clandestinely, concealing their activities not so much from the "opposition" (they couldn't) as from their own peoples. Secrecy itself became a way of life, and it could not be chal­lenged without fear of the charge that one was unpatriotic or unmindful of the "national security".

    In the dark days of the Cold War the Communist threat was real to most Americans. Sincere men believed that the enemy's dirtiest tricks must be countered. Fire was to be fought with fire and America's small elite corps of intelligence professionals claimed they knew how to do this. The public and the country's leaders were willing to go along, if not always enthusiastically, at least without serious opposition. Consequently, clandestine operatives from the United States as well as the Soviet Union were turned loose in virtually every nation in the world. Each side won secret victories but the overall results were decidedly mixed. For its part, the CIA played some role in forestalling a Communist takeover of Western Europe, but the agency's record in the Middle East, Asia, and elsewhere in the world left much to be desired.

    When the CIA's invaders were defeated in 1961 on the beaches of the Bay of Pigs, it should have been a signal to the country that something was wrong--both with the CIA and the government that directed the secret agency's activities. It should have been clear that events in the Third World could (and should) no longer be easily and blatantly manipulated by Wash­ington. It should have been obvious that the times were rapidly changing; that the fears, following on the heels of World War II, that the "Communist monolith" was on the verge of domi­nating the "free world" were invalid. It should have been ap­parent to the American public that the CIA was living in the past.

    Columnist Tom Braden, a former high-ranking CIA covert expert, reflecting on the latter-day life of the CIA, wrote in Jan­uary 1973: "Josef Stalin's decision to attempt conquest of West­ern Europe by manipulation, the use of fronts and the purchas­ing of loyalty turned the Agency into a house of dirty tricks. It was necessary. Absolutely necessary, in my view. But it lasted long after the necessity was gone."

    Yet after the initial public outcry over the Cuban fiasco, the personnel shake-up at the agency and the high-level reviews of its performance ordered by President Kennedy had little effect. The CIA went back to operating essentially the same way it had for the previous decade, again with at least the tacit acceptance of the American public. Not until the Indochinese war shocked and outraged a significant part of the population were CIA's tactics, such as secret subsidies, clandestine armies, and covert coups, seriously called into question. Now Watergate has brought the issue of an inadequately controlled secret intelli­gence agency home to us. The clandestine techniques developed over a quarter-century of Cold War have, at last, been dramati­cally displayed for the people of this country, and the potential danger of a CIA which functions solely at the command of the President has been demonstrated to the public.

    * * *

    The CIA has a momentum of its own, and its operatives con­tinue to ply their trade behind their curtain of secrecy. They do not want to give up their covert activities, their dirty tricks.

    They believe in these methods and they rather enjoy the game. Of course, without a presidential mandate they would have to stop, but the country has not had a chief executive since the agency's inception who has not believed in the fundamental need and rightness of CIA intervention in the internal affairs of other nations. When a President has perceived American interests to be threatened in some faraway land, he has usually been willing to try to change the course of events by sending in the CIA. That these covert interventions often are ineffective, counter­productive, or damaging to the national interest has not pre­vented Presidents from attempting them.


    Kissinger and Nixon were concerned with what they believed to be a legitimate end--preventing a Marxist from being elected President of Chile--and the means employed mattered little to them, as long as secrecy could be maintained.

    The new CIA Director, William Colby, has indicated on the public record that he intends to keep the agency functioning largely as it has in the past (while pledging to shun future "Watergates"). When Senator Harold Hughes asked him where the line should be drawn between the use of CIA paramilitary warriors and the regular U.S. armed forces, Colby replied that the dividing line should be "at the point in which the United States acknowledges involvement in such activities." Senator Hughes specifically put this answer into perspective when he said on August 1, 1973, "Mr. Colby believes that CIA-run mil­itary operations are perfectly acceptable as long as they can be concealed."


    Colby's--and the CIA's and the Nixon Administration's--view that "deniability" somehow allows the United States a free hand for covert intervention abroad (and at home) is an anachronistic hangover from the Cold War. Perhaps such actions could once have been justified when the future of the country was seem­ingly at stake, but no such threat now looms on the horizon.

    The only two foreign powers with the potential to threaten the United States--the Soviet Union and China--have long ceased to be meaningful targets of CIA secret operations. Instead, the agency works mainly in the Third World, in nations that pose no possible threat to American security


    The CIA is not defending our national security. It seeks rather to maintain the status quo, to hold back the cultural clock, in areas that are of little or no significance to the American peo­ple. These efforts are often doomed to failure. In fact, at least since 1961, the CIA has lost many more battles than it has won, even by its own standards. Furthermore, the very fact that the United States operates an active CIA around the world has done incalculable harm to the nation's international position. Not only have millions of people abroad been alienated by the CIA's activities, but so have been a large number of Americans, espe­cially young people.

    The time has come for the United States to stand openly be­hind its actions overseas, to lead by example rather than manip­ulation. The changeover might disturb those government offi­cials who believe in the inherent right of the United States to ex­ercise its power everywhere, clandestinely when that seems nec­essary; but in the long run non-interference and forthrightness would enhance America's international prestige and position.

    Even in an era when the public is conditioned to ever ex­panding and ever more expensive government activities, the $6 billion yearly cost of American intelligence represents a signifi­cant slice of the national treasury. The government spends more money on the various forms of spying than it does on the war against crime and drugs, community development and housing, mass transportation systems, and even the country's overt inter­national programs carried out by the State Department, the USIA, and the AID combined. Yet, unlike other federal ac­tivities, information on the intelligence community--how much money is being spent and where the money goes--is systemati­cally withheld from the American people and all but a handful of Congressmen. Behind this wall of secrecy (which exists as much to conceal waste and inefficiency as to protect "national security") intelligence has grown far beyond the need of the na­tion.

    The time has come to demysticize the intelligence profession, to disabuse Americans of the ideas that clandestine agents some­how make the world a safer place to live in, that excessive se­crecy is necessary to protect the national security. These no­tions simply are not true; the CIA and the other intelligence agencies have merely used them to build their own covert em­pire. The U..S. intelligence community performs a vital service in keeping track of and analyzing the military capability and strengths of the Soviet Union and China, but its other functions--the CIA's dirty tricks and classical espionage--are on the whole, a liability for the country, on both practical and moral grounds.

    But because of bureaucratic tribalism, vested interests, and the enormous size of the intelligence community, internal re­form never makes more than a marginal dent in the community's operations. The people in charge like things essentially as they are and they have never been subjected to the kind of intense outside pressure which leads to change in our society. Presi­dents, furthermore, have not wanted to greatly disturb the ex­isting system because they have always wanted more, if not better, intelligence; because they were afraid of opening up the secret world of intelligence to public scrutiny; because they did not want to risk losing their personal action arm for intervention abroad.


    The Congress, which has the constitutional power and in­deed, the responsibility to monitor the CIA and U.S. intelli­gence, has almost totally failed to exercise meaningful control. Intelligence has always been the sacred shibboleth that could not be disturbed without damaging the "national security", and de­spite loud protests from a few outspoken critics, neither legisla­tive house has been willing to question seriously the scope or the size of intelligence activities. Yet, if there is to be any real, meaningful change in the intelligence community, it must come from Congress, and, judging from past experience, Congress will act only if prodded by public opinion. The Watergate affair has, to some extent, played such a role, and the full review of the CIA's secret charter promised by Senate Armed Services Chairman John Stennis should be the first step in limiting the CIA's covert operations and cutting down the duplication and inefficiency of the rest of the community.

    Congress should require the various intelligence agencies to keep it informed of the information collected. This kind of data should be routinely supplied to the legislative branch so it can properly carry out its foreign-policy functions and vote funds for the national defense. If the same information can be given to foreign governments and selectively leaked to the press by ad­ministrations in search of votes on military-spending issues, then there is no "security" reason why it must be denied to the Congress. The Soviets know that U.S. spy satellites observe their country and that other electronic devices monitor their ac­tivities; it makes little sense to classify the intelligence gathered "higher than top secret". No one is asking that technical details such as how the cameras work be given to the Congress or made public--but the excessive secrecy which surrounds the finished intelligence product could certainly be eased without in any way limiting the nation's ability to collect raw intelligence data by technical means.

    As for the CIA proper, Congress should take action to limit the agency to the role originally set out for it in the National Se­curity Act of 1947--namely, the CIA should concern itself ex­clusively with coordinating and evaluating intelligence. At the minimum, if clandestine activities must be continued by the U.S. government, the operational part of the CIA should be separated from the noncovert components. In the analytical and technical field the agency can make its most important contribution to the national security, but these functions have been neglected and at times distorted by the clandestine operatives who have almost always been in control of the CIA. Intelligence should not be presented to the nation's policy-makers by the same men who are trying to justify clandestine operations. The temptation to use field information selectively and to evaluate information to serve operational interests can be irresistible to the most honest of men--let alone to the clandestine operatives.

    However, the best solution would be not simply to separate the Clandestine Services from the rest of the CIA, but to abolish them completely. The few clandestine functions which still serve useful purpose could be transferred to other government departments but, for the most part, such activities should be eliminated. This would deprive the government of its arsenal of dirty tricks, but the republic could easily sustain the loss--and be the better for it.

    The Clandestine Services' espionage operations using human agents have already been made obsolete by the technical collec­tion systems which, along with open sources, supply the United States government with almost all the information it needs on the military strength and deployments of the Soviet Union and China. The truly valuable technical systems--the satellites and electronic listening devices--should be maintained, although without the present duplication and bureaucratic inefficiency. Since Oleg Penkovsky's arrest by Soviet authorities in 1962, there has been no CIA spy who has supplied the United States with important information about any Communist power, and it is difficult to justify the expenditure of over $1 billion in the last decade for classical espionage simply on the hope that another Penkovsky will someday offer himself up as a CIA agent. As­suming that the CIA's most valuable agents will continue to be volunteers--"walk-ins" and defectors--a small office attached to the State Department and embassy contacts could be established to receive the information supplied by these sources.

    While the CIA has been much more successful in penetrating the governments of the Third World and some of America's al­lies, the information received is simply not that important and can be duplicated to some extent through diplomatic and open sources. While it might be interesting to know about the inner workings of a particular Latin American, Asian, or African country, this intelligence has little practical use if the CIA has no intention of manipulating the local power structure.

    The Clandestine Services' counterespionage functions should be taken over by the FBI. Protecting the United States against foreign spies is supposed to be the bureau's function anyway, and the incessant game-playing with foreign intelligence ser­vices--the provocations, deceptions, and double agents--would quickly become a relic of the past if the CIA were not involved in its own covert operations. Playing chess with the taxpayers' money against the KGB is unquestionably a fascinating exercise for clandestine operatives, but one that can properly be handled by the internal-security agency of the United States, the FBI.


    As for the CIA's paramilitary tasks, they have no place in an intelligence agency, no place in a democratic society. Under the Constitution, only Congress has the power to declare war, and the United States should never again become involved in armed conflict without full congressional approval and public knowl­edge. If "American advisors" are needed to assist another country legitimately, they can be supplied by the Pentagon. The other forms of covert action-propaganda, subversion, manipu­lation of governments--should simply be discontinued. These are more often than not counterproductive and, even when suc­cessful, contrary to the most basic American ideals. The CIA's proprietary companies should be shut down or sold off. The agency would have little use for one of the largest aircraft net­works in the world it if were not constantly intervening in for­eign countries. The proprietaries, with their unregulated profits, potential conflicts of interest, and doubtful business practices, should in no case be allowed to continue operations.

    The other countries of the world have a fundamental right not to have any outside power interfere in their internal affairs. The United States, which solemnly pledged to uphold this right when it ratified the United Nations charter, should now honor it. The mechanisms used to intervene overseas ignore and undermine American constitutional processes and pose a threat to the democratic system at home. The United States is surely strong enough as a nation to be able to climb out of the gutter and conduct its foreign policy in accordance with the ideals that the country was founded upon.

    * * *

    I can sum up the full intent and purpose of the CIA--GLOBAL ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT PLAN 2000 WITHIN THE "NEW WORLD ORDER".

    I, further, believe that the authors would now concur with me and that no magnitude of "changes" would solve the problems involved herein.

    I wish to go on record right now as stating that no-one in this lo­cation has had, prior to this, nor during this writing, any con­nection or contact with the authors in any manner whatsoever so I, Hatonn, claim full responsibility for all writings in this series of TANGLED WEBS.

    I, further, fully intend to now give great dissertations on infor­mation gleaned elsewhere which has also been censored to you­the-public but has made it to underground press releases such as in the SPOTLIGHT, etc. This is for the purpose of allowing you readers to glean information to allow discernment. Currently you must confront the truth--you are TOTAL VICTIMS OF THE LIE AND UNTIL YOU RECOGNIZE AS MUCH--YOUR VERY NATION IS DESTINED TO FALL. FREE­DOM IS NO LONGER!


    I now give honor and full respect to ones: VICTOR MARCHETTI and JOHN D. MARKS. THE CIA AND THE CULT OF INTELLIGENCE. Originally published by: DELL PUB. CO., INC., New York, N.Y.

    Mr. Marchetti, however, can be reached through his own Patriot information center New American View, P.O. Box 999, Hemdon, VA 22070-0999.


    Hatonn to clear.

  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 49

    WED., APRIL 29, 1992 7:53 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 257
    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1992


    We need to wait here a minute to allow Dharma to recover breathing--she just realized we are now over two-thirds the way through year five. This means she has known me since 4 days B.C.B. (Before Counting Began). Yes, we surely have covered a lot of material and kept the fingers busy and the "mind whirling" in 17 hundred and 17 days (not a bad mathematical symbol for this very day). We have only been writing JOUR­NALS, however, for the past 3-1/2 years so with 56 JOUR­NALS and a weekly (at least) newspaper--we have had very busy hands!

    Why do I mention this? Because Dharma, and hopefully YOU, will understand that she could not have done this alone and I do not even include the Editors--of which there were none for a year or more. I ask that you use this for some level of confir­mation when you try to equate reality to this work. Further, life and life resources had to be tended also--this can only mean, chelas--SHE HAD A LOT OF VERY EFFICIENT HELP!!! HOW could she be so consistent and persistent? Because she recognizes our Truth and presence and her committed mis­sion as attached to us of the higher Brotherhood--no more and nothing less--she knows who we are and serves as agreed, as do ye other ones who have heard your call and respond. IT IS THE TIME OF GOD'S RETURN TO GIVE TRUTH OF "WHAT WENT WRONG" AND HOW TO FIX IT--AND, TO RECLAIM THAT WHICH IS GIFTED FOR YOUR USE AND NOW TIME TO RETURN FOR YOU HAVE ABUSED THAT WHICH WAS PERFECTION.

    You are each (because EACH will answer for all experience on this plane of experience in action) quite allowed to believe or act in any manner chosen--but those actions and beliefs are what will decide how you get off that planet or HOW you remain upon it. God promised the WORD and it is manifest and He PROMISED TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR EACH OF YOU--AND IT IS SO--I SUGGEST YOU LOOK ABOUT YOU FOR THE RELATIONSHIPS OF THE REMAINDER OF THE PROPHECIES AND EXPECTATIONS OF EVENTS.


    A half-billion dollar stealth one-of-a-kind craft downed at Ed­wards Air Force Base on Sunday??? Malfunction???

    $9 MILLION raised last evening at a DINNER of "HIGH RANKING REPUBLICANS" for the Bush campaign? What might those "high ranking Republicans" have to gain?--or lose? Is the handwriting getting more clearly defined on your crum­bling walls?

    "Back to back" disasters have caused the U.S. Red Cross to be in the hole by millions of dollars and cannot even handle the re­cent earthquake expenses in California--not to mention the floods and drought, fires, etc. AND, YOU HAVEN'T EVEN BEGUN TO HAVE DISASTERS!


    We must write more on the CIA, no matter how weary you are of the matter and want to get on with the above instructions--but the CIA is the police clandestine force which will be in charge of bringing down your nation and is the President's army to be used against you. It is mandatory that you know what you have to face from what has gone before in at least a few instances.

    I thank the one who sent the recordings of a speech given by Philip Agee (to whom I dedicated the last Journal in part). If any of you want CONFIRMATION of our outlay--we will see how those tapes might be made available. They are simply copies of the meeting that someone recorded so we shall see what we can work out. Perhaps we can get THE WORD to of­fer them on "cost" or "rental" or something--like the video tape EXECUTIVE ACTION movie as referred to some weeks past. I shall turn that over to the "tape department".

    I want to stop right here, right now, and honor the workers who make this material available to you. They give hours upon countless hours with little but appreciation (and often only abuse and evil assault) to get information out to you within one day of delivery from this computer or the micro­phone. Costs are kept to an absolute minimum and personal time and expenses, in addition, are contributed to be able to continue to send forth as much as humanly possible. There is no way that I can express my appreciation or my cherish­ment and love I feel for these unfaltering gifts unto this ser­vice. MY CREW IS THE BEST ON YOUR PLANET AND I HONOR THEM WITHOUT LIMITS FOR THEIR WAY HAS MOST CERTAINLY BEEN ONE OF DIFFICULTIES BEYOND THE REASONABLE. I most humbly thank them and can only promise that I SHALL STAND BEFORE THEM AGAINST THE ENEMY. THEY HAVE SEEN IT, FELT IT AND EXPERIENCED AS MUCH--I WOULD HOPE THAT YOU WHO RECEIVE WILL KNOW AS MUCH. THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN STAND AGAINST THE LIGHT--FOR WE KNOW WHAT IS THE LIGHT AND EXACTLY HOW TO USE IT! Further, we are efforting to share that knowledge to all of you who will accept same. It is NOT "ascending"--it is simply growing into and within that Source of infinite being. This is NOT mysticism--simply a wondrous mystery unfolding in univer­sal Truth reality. Please know that all of your letters, even if they be negative in content--are gratefully accepted in ap­preciation for it is the only measure of value for service at this time of pressure.

    At any rate, I shall suggest confirmation types of tapes also be made available somehow for ones of the reader circle are gener­ous with us with confirming input until there is no way to share it all. We have heaps and piles of documentation, clippings and writings.

    As I am blasted with "Why don't you show yourself!", I am in wonderment--I do! Further, what makes you think if I went on a television show that you would be convinced or that it would be aired? I find it interesting to note that very often you are not shown, say, Bush--and yet you seem to doubt not that it is he you are shown--and how many of you have actually met the man in point? You are far, far more apt to MEET ME, my friends! I am "here" all the time, you just haven't yet learned to hear me. If you do so--you immediately go to the physician and "get it fixed" because "my ears are ringing, etc." If you don't hear the telephone ring and don't pick up the receiver--how can you hear the call or know who is on the other end of the line? I come with GOD--and I suggest that every time you look at a tree or a flower--or another being--that you remember as much. Look at your own hand or ponder your eye--I think you will have to agree that it is most interesting how you as a being came to be and how miraculously you operate as a machine--not to even mention the mind and soul of all creation held within that mind of yours. Deny me? So, shall ye then deny God and dis­allow His entry into thine places for you have become PEOPLE OF THE LIE and fear that which comes to attend HIS flock. The time is short now, for the KNOWING--and GOD WAITS--BUT NOT MUCH LONGER SHALL HE WAIT FOR IT IS COME, THE TIME OF CHOOSING AND SORTING. SALU.

    Where can we begin? There are so many episodes of docu­mented involvement of your so-called "leaders", the CIA and integration with the Soviet Elite and Bankers of the Committee of 300 and the British Crown through British Intelligence.

    Let us just give you a few to finish off this "TANGLED WEBS" volume starting after the book just honored. Let us go to a November 13, 1978, offering of the SPOTLIGHT--which by the way, the "big boys" have been trying to shut up and close down since it began publication. It has faltered in intent on several occasions but by and large was your only source of much in­formation. We certainly give credit where due and without such publications--YOU WOULD HAVE NO INFORMATION AT ALL. We are simply compiling and integrating information so you can have "the whole" in sufficient volume to confirm our truths to follow But, I repeat, without knowing what "went wrong" in your world--you cannot "fix it". To solve a problem you must know the problem and this is but simple deductive rea­soning.

    I shall omit some of the article as to references to non-pertinent information or information which I do not confirm by my own scanners and data. In the interest of time and space, please keep this in mind as you read for we are too short of time and space to allow dallying. Please KNOW that we give full credit for the documentation as we present this information.


    One of the Carter Administration's top officials is a long­term Soviet clandestine agent, a so-called "mole", who has pen­etrated the National Security Council, giving Moscow both the opportunity to listen in on the U.S. government's most sensitive policy deliberations and the ability to influence their outcome.

    These are the alarming conclusions of an unprecedented "senior executive-level" counterintelligence probe, undertaken recently in deepest secrecy on President Carter's personal or­ders.

    "Not since Watergate has Washington sensed the approaching tremors of a comparable scandal, or the making of a bigger cover-up." This was stated by a top counterintelligence in­vestigator. This was reminiscent of the early stages of the Wa­tergate affair; the cover-up of the "mole" crisis is being spear­headed by senior security officials. [H: Also, in the interest of space and to allow more relationship to current "time", I shall paraphrase this material and place it in proper "tense" so that you will continually realize this is "old" docu­mentation. Thank you.]

    FBI Director William H. Webster invited himself to a private luncheon with the senior editors and executives of the Wash­ington "Post" on October 27, (1978), mainly to belittle the ru­mors about the discovery of a Soviet agent in the highest eche­lons of the "Carter team" to which he belonged. If such a "mole" did exist, FBI Chief Webster told the "Post's" bosses, "I've had no information about it."

    CIA Director Stansfield Turner paid similarly soothing calls on NBC and CBS, and even allowed himself to be interviewed on a national panel show during the last week of October to re­assure the public that "I have no knowledge that there is a mole, a secret agent, inside the Central Intelligence Agency."

    Such overeager advance denials were self-defeating, in fact devastatingly self-revealing: Directors Webster and Turner were decrying something the American public could not learn until after a 23-year-old former CIA watch officer named William P. Kampiles went on trial November 8 in Hammond, Indiana, charged with having sold a top-secret satellite manual to Soviet military intelligence. Kampiles himself appeared to have been merely a pawn in an international game of sellout and betrayal, in which the principal accused was the Carter Administration it­self.

    Having launched an investigation of the "mole" affair, the following facts were determined:

    * It was assumed by most of the administration's senior se­curity officials, including Zbigniew Brzezinski, that an uniden­tified long-term agent had been infiltrated by Soviet intelligence into the "senior executive echelons" of the U.S. Government. [H: I do find this most humorous, however, since the most clandestine agents of all are Kissinger and Brzezinski.] How this conclusion was reached will be related later in this report; the point was that the presence of an "adversary" infiltrator in the administrative councils which produce the nation's vital strategic decisions represents a grave security problem for which Carter's most trusted aides have been unable to find a solution.

    * Moreover, beyond the threat of a Soviet penetration to the very heart of U.S. government, the "mole affair" gave rise to a second, potentially even more explosive security crisis, which emerged when a committee of experts--including a number of independent scientists--was set up to review all major strategic programs inaugurated since 1973 in order to assess the compro­mise and damage wrought by the Soviet penetration.


    It was found, in the words of a scientist who participated in this review, that "Carter and his people have damaged and at­tenuated American defenses far more disastrously than a dozen Soviet secret agents could."

    That the most shocking revelations of the "mole affair" concerns mindless mismanagement and possibly malignant sabotage of key U.S. defense programs by Jimmy Carter and his "team" of peanut praetorians would come as a surprise to most of the American public which depends on the Establishment media for its news. [H: About that same time you must remember that a big cut-back and suppressing of the super-secret research programs aimed at developing decisive weapons for Amer­ica's technological arsenal--electronic countermeasures and high-energy beam weapons (called "death-ray") was made. This was deliberate and set the U.S. light-years behind the Soviets. It is true, you see, that the long-range weapon of today and the future is actually that "death-ray" technology and not, after all, the hydrogen bomb. The bombs just make the insurance of total destruction so much more likely. It is now noted that there were projections by insightful physicists that those actions would, in fact, be the one thing which would insure the subservience to the Soviets and for­ever render the U.S. incapable of supremacy. In fact, it was projected that "By the early '80's Moscow would command combat-effective beam weapons--and the U.S. still wouldn't have one.]

    The documented exposes were studiously ignored by the ad­ministration. In private, Defense Secretary Harold Brown and other Carter cohorts treated it with cynical sneers. Brown, him­self an experienced techno-bureaucrat with a Ph.D. in physics, knew that this was conclusively the views of [above] some of America's ablest young scientists and engineers who KNEW some of what was going on but never to the extent of the clan­destine eventualities. They spoke with open bitterness, not just because some had lost their jobs when the defense bureaucrats known as "Carter's stranglers" canceled, underfunded or shelved their research and development programs, but because they knew, with the certitude of insiders, that the U.S. was los­ing the crucial death-ray race to the Soviets. The Pentagon's Central command post, the "E-ring", where Brown's top aides officiate, resounded with scoffing disparagement at suggestions that the Soviets were near "break-through" with the technology.


    The White House suppressed or emasculated a series of intelli­gence reports warning that the Soviet government had targeted the development of a military death ray as its first-priority crash program. The smug sneers by Carter--who liked to describe himself as a "nuclear engineer"--and defense chief Brown, ex­pressing the complacent conviction that the Soviets could never solve the high-energy physics problems inherent in the acquisi­tion of beam weapons, proved fatuously wrong if not criminally negligent. The harsh truth is that the Soviets made enormous strides in those years in their all-out effort to develop the death-ray weapons. There is absolutely no way, once those cosmo­spheres and space platforms began to utilize that technology that you could ever again gain supremacy in any military race. It was a simple and unified plan set forth by the Elite Global Plan­ners and it worked--you fell into the trap--never to again extri­cate yourselves.

    A check of some highly classified files revealed that while U.S. intelligence monitored eight separate successful Soviet space ex­periments with death-ray weapons involving both the manned Soyuz transport spacecraft station, as well as the unmanned Cosmos spacecraft, the top-secret memoranda reporting that vi­tal information was totally suppressed directly by the White House.

    U.S. spy satellites detected mysterious charged-beam experi­ments at the Soviet test facility near Semipalatinsk, in the vast­ness of Central Asia. Unusual levels of thermal radiation and nuclear debris in the atmosphere clearly pointed out that high-capacity, pulse-power experiments were being carried out by Soviet scientists. These warnings were similarly dismissed by "nuclear expert" Carter and his defense bureaucrats. Now it is KNOWN that the remote Semipalatinsk test site was one of the KEY Russian death-ray development centers.

    More alarmingly, USAF and CIA intelligence sources found ground-based beam weapons tests at the Sarova test site near Gorki. These were particularly advanced in variety, showing that the U.S.S.R. could field what was technically identified as an "anti-ballistic missile defense proton beam weapon"--that is, a long-range death ray powerful enough to knock U.S. inter­continental missiles from the sky--as early as the late '70's.


    At this point, over a decade past, this was a terrifying forecast and realization because the forecast has come to be--total control of the planet. The warnings of the concerned scientists and en­gineers were never allowed to reach public ears but were, rather, snuffed-out and clandestinely hidden from you-the-peo­ple except through a few "leaks" and through a few "discounted" publications labeled "treason" and "heretics". The reports, at most, were totally understated and on the conserva­tive side. I must tell you that in the 1980's the Soviets would begin to unveil a generation of incredibly effective proton-beam death-ray weapons bound to alter the entire strategic balance of power--forever.

    Confronted with the prospect of an angry congressional investi­gation that might "make the worst furies of Watergate sound like a mild debate and lead to Jimmy Carter's impeachment", as one observer put it, the White House galvanized into frantic action. Behind the cover of clam-tight "national-security secrecy" the Defense Department and the National Security Council took the following crash measures:

    * A "working group" of top American scientists was con­voked by the Defense Department to lay out a first-priority na­tional beam-weapon technology program for the following five years. Included in the special team were such leading authori­ties on physics and electronics as Edward Lee of the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Bruce Miller of the Sandia Corp., Mar­tin Lampe of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Ray Pettis of the CIA, and some 18 others.

    * Crash projects to develop various aspects of a combat-ef­fective death-ray weapon were being set in motion at the famed Lawrence Livermore facility in California, at the Army Ballistic Missile Defense Command near Los Alamos, and at Austin Re­search Associates in Texas, as well as at other top-secret place­ment sites. How many of you still believe we have given you "false" information regarding incidents reported here in the JOURNALS and LIBERATOR? These are facts, readers--FACTS!

    * As Clarence A. Robinson Jr., military editor of the presti­gious "Aviation Week and Space Technology "--the one journalist who consistently fought the downgrading and neglect of beam weapons--reported in mid-October of 1978, "There does exist one promising and moderately advanced death-ray development program in the American arsenal. This is the super-secret naval research project code-named 'Chair Heritage' . If propagation tests scheduled for late 1981 prove successful, U.S. carriers will begin to deploy powerful electron-beam death rays against So­viet cruise missiles and attack aircraft. But just when this charged-particle weapons system will become truly combat-ef­fective is still unpredictable. Beam dynamics, conditioning, aiming and propagation are major scientific uncertainties in the U.S. because no work was done in those areas up until now--that we know of."

    Moreover, the Carter Administration's sudden emphasis on death-ray development represented not a well thought-out pro­gram but frantic emergency measures by politicians anxious to cover up their mismanagement and dereliction of America's most vital strategic interests. And the long odds against the prospect that Washington could catch up with Moscow in that crucial area of defense technology were rendered well-nigh hopeless by the known presence of the unidentified high-ranking Soviet infiltrator in Carter's entourage. I can tell you this--a massive move to get underground facilities into place and operational became the top priority because it was then KNOWN that you as a nation could never win a confronta­tion when the Soviets would be ready to close-in. This was when the American public was left to pay the bill in total but have no facilities for survival under any circumstances of war. The certainty of this fact is now evident.


    Reconstructing the progression of events which led to the dis­covery that one of Carter's closest collaborators was a Moscow mole pieced together an almost incredible jigsaw puzzle of offi­cial misconduct, disloyalty and treason in the highest quarters and it has never diminished--only increased by leaps and bounds into more massive deceit and criminality.

    The story traces back to the mid-70's when senior American military leaders were plagued by fears that the so-called SALT arms limitation deals with the USSR would weaken U.S. de­fenses to the point where simple submission to the Soviets might come to seem as the most reasonable course.

    In an attempt to ensure that Washington should have at least a measure of forewarning about Moscow's real intentions, the se­nior service commander coaxed and coerced from the White House the approval and the required funds to develop the most efficient spy satellite ever built.

    Code-named KH-11 when it became operational in 1977, the then-new spy-in-the-sky was a wizard at stratospheric surveil­lance. Equipped with three discrete sensing systems and a new generation of viewing lenses, it could identify military personnel on the ground by service insignia and rank, from an altitude of 200 miles. Infrared and multi-spectral sensing systems, as well as advanced side-looking radar, made the KH-11 as sharp-sighted at night as it was by day, whether in rain, shine or heavy overcast. It endowed the satellite with the ability to locate pri­ority targets on the ground--such as missile silos or train depots--no matter how cunningly camouflaged. In fact, the incredible KH-11 could instantly tell real trees and vegetation from camou­flage greenery.

    In every way, the KH-11 represented some kind of a giant breakthrough in surveillance technology. All previous recon­naissance satellites, even the famed Big Bird, were limited to recording their observations on special film, which had to be air-dropped in parachute packs, recovered by special aircraft and then developed on the ground. KH-11 was different. It transmitted its information continuously, in a special digital computer code via instant communications links to ground con­trol stations where it was immediately reconstructed in visual form on huge display boards and "acquisition panels". With the KH-11 up on high, U.S. intelligence could keep an eye on every sort of Soviet military activity as never before--or so they said.

    But for all their dazzling technological bravura, spy satellites had such a massive Achilles heel; they are vulnerable to duplic­ity, to sophisticated electronic countermeasures known in the in­telligence trade as "cover and deception". They, like all your "space" travel vehicles are also subject to instant take-out by the superior Soviet arsenal--which was utilized from onset of your eager-beaver trial runs. In truth, robot spies are as susceptible to being duped as any live ones if the enemy has the know-how to feed them information or "smoke". For that reason alone, the design, the internal systems and the targets of sky snoops are among every great power's most closely guarded secrets, and the information transmitted by these techno-spies is extra-care­fully monitored for authenticity--but, if one can monitor a satel­lite--SO CAN ALL.

    Soaring high over the Soviet heartland, the KH-11 performed with some brilliance at first. But in early 1978 it began to be­have suspiciously. KH-11 was then transmitting information which struck the CIA and Pentagon evaluation analysts as adul­terated and doctored. Was it possible? Had the Soviets' intelli­gence pierced the KH-11's secrets? Were Russian deception specialists feeding misinformation to the U.S. super-satellite?

    In strict secrecy, the National Security Council conducted a se­curity check on the KH-11. The counterintelligence probing proved fruitless for months. In July, however, there came a break in the investigation. The suspicions concerning KH-11's reliability were confirmed in a dramatic manner: The master spy who had sold the satellite's secrets to the Soviet KGB came for­ward and stumbled into the hands of the FBI.


    The FBI seemed happy. It had "solved the case", obtained a federal indictment for espionage, and since it had a confession from a suspect, it looked forward to a speedy conviction. But other counterintelligence specialists in the CIA and in the De­fense Intelligence Agency were far less happy. There was a "case" alright but everything about it stank of fish.

    To begin with, the agent who had pulled off the master coup for the KGB was NOT a master spy at all. He was an inexperi­enced and subdued former CIA watch officer trainee named William P. Kampiles, barely 23 years old, who told the FBI that one morning in February, after having stood night watch in the control room of the operations center at CIA headquarters in Langley, he simply took home the ultrasensitive and mega-clas­sified KH-11 manual, quit his job, flew to Athens, and sold the invaluable compendium to a Soviet agent named Michael for $3,000.

    It all sounded simple and straight-forward enough, but more than one veteran counterspy at CIA and DIA sensed that it was neither. Kampiles had told the FBI, for one thing, that in two parts--first the cover and the opening pages, then the whole book--he had sold the KH-11 manual to the KGB in late Febru­ary and early March. But U.S. intelligence had grown suspi­cious of the KH-11's security by mid-February; and if it was to be assumed that by then the Soviets knew all about the new spy satellite, then their information was acquired from someone else besides one named Kampiles.

    CIA and DIA experts raised the question: Was Kampiles a pawn and a patsy? Had the KGB received its key information about the KH-11 from a much more highly placed and experienced Soviet agent in Washington than the green and naive Kampiles? Was the Kampiles case just another puff of smoke, of disinfor­mation meant to deflect suspicion from the real Soviet mole?

    A number of unhappy developments during the second half of 1978 supported this theory. July brought the case of Ion Pacepa, Communist Rumania's vice-minister for security af­fairs, who suddenly "defected" to the West. In public view, Washington resounded with the jubilation of the administration's highest intelligence officials, who told the Establishment media that Pacepa had come over to the "free world" with mountains of invaluable information.

    It was, of course, nothing but a show. Behind the locked doors at Langley, Pacepa got a grim and inquisitive reception. For the Rumanian vice-minister was not really a "defector". Working under deep cover, Ion Pacepa had been a CIA agent for years. His sudden flight from the Soviet bloc meant the loss of a valu­able agent-in-place. Why had Pacepa suddenly decided to cut and run? "Because," the angry Rumanian minister told his CIA interrogators, "someone here in Washington betrayed me to So­viet intelligence. I was lucky to get away with my life. I was about to be arrested."

    Was Ion Pacepa telling the truth? Of course, during August the CIA lost several covert agents operating within the Soviet bloc. Their sudden arrest showed that a high-level mole was at work in Washington, passing vital security information to the KGB. By early September the hypothesis of deep Soviet penetration had gained enough substance to warrant a special coun­terintelligence probe.

    Unknown to everyone except the President, the DCI and the small team of senior security experts who conducted the test, se­cret memoranda containing seemingly top-secret information were circulated among government leaders. The information in these files was designed to induce a traceable response from Moscow if a spy passed it on to Soviet intelligence. When the Russians displayed the expected reaction, right on schedule, counterintelligence could draw but one conclusion: There was indeed a hitherto unidentified, very highly placed, efficiently functioning Soviet agent somewhere in Jimmy Carter's "official family".

    Carter's first reaction to these developments was, characteristically, a giant blunder: he ordered a review of all national-security programs for "damage assessment" and involved, as previ­ously noted, independent scientists in the review. Their verdict: by far the worst damage was attributable to Carter himself and his hand-picked defense bureaucrats.

    Was Jimmy Carter the Soviet mole in your midst? Well, the President seemed safe, for most intelligence experts dismissed the suggestion with words to the effect that "Carter isn't smart enough." But then again, a really sophisticated Soviet intelli­gence agent could be expected to play it dumb. The enormity of the sabotage he inflicted on America's defenses certainly pointed to Carter.

    It was noted that Carter had begun to act robotic and pro­grammed. He did foolish things even to the extent of making public statements regarding "killer rabbits"--by all means the people within the Administration and Secret Forces were con­cerned and making every effort to get rid of him.

    The two reigning Rockefellers, former Vice President Nelson and Chairman David (at the time), had between them planted dozens of their intimate retainers--house scholars, policy plan­ners, senior bureaucrats--deep into the national-security estab­lishment. Henry Kissinger is only the most celebrated speci­men of this breed; there were dozens of others. Was the Soviet mole to be found among them? If so, it could turn out that he was merely implementing the Chase Manhattan empire's own policy of building closer ties with the Soviets. IS ANYBODY OUT THERE? ARE YOU EVEN A TAD NERVOUS? SO BE IT!

    Could this "mole" be traced to CIA headquarters at Langley? If so he would only receive a murmured "naughty, naughty" and a false passport to spirit him out of the clutches of any interested congressional committee.

    But, for the American people, the presence of an unidentified Soviet infiltrator in the highest circles of the administration which is responsible for their collective fate was not a joke. Al­though most of the facts were withheld from it, the nation's sense of urgency became a bit more clear; it demanded a con­gressional investigation to clear up some things such as the Augean stables of the Carter White House. Of course, once again, you used the very foxes for the hunt who just ate the chickens. These particular "foxes" doing the hunting are not the prey but the hunters in point.

    I hope you will find it interesting to note that there never was a release of a mole--at the time of inquiry. It was, however, de­cided that Carter had to GO.

    Let us take a rest please, while our readers do a bit of ponder­ing--because we still are only up to 1978. Look where you are today!

    God bless and give you insight.

    Salu, Hatonn to clear, please.

    PJ 49
    CHAPTER 10


    THU., APRIL 30, 1992 10:20 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 258

    THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1992

    I can see that I need to move right along with the CIA material for you are now getting a dose, in America, of what is coming. What occurred in Los Angeles last night because of an in­credibly horrendous judicial system gone amuck and drivel up­rising churned and spurred on by planted rioters--along with a Police Chief who "waited" to resign until AFTER this fiasco--is what will be happening all around your nation very soon now. With one exception--YOU WILL INSIST ON LAW AND OR­DER AT ANY PRICE--EVEN TO THE LOSS OF ALL FREEDOM.

    The point was to wait for an incident to occur to precipitate such a massive show and tell. Worse for you ones, at this moment there are negotiations and compromises, blackmail and pushing--to blow the San Andreas Fault so that you can add "earthquake" to the disaster line-up in California. Note that there was another in the desert area--BUT NOT ON THE SAME FAULT AS THE LAST ONE. THAT INDICATES THAT IT WAS INTENTIONAL--IN AN EFFORT, AGAIN, TO TRIGGER THE BIG FAULT.

    Dear ones, it cannot get "better" for things are so critical and so oppressive to these minority "victims" that it will not "go away". IT IS NOT PLANNED TO GO AWAY--ONLY WORSEN!


    Was the jury who brought the verdict, insane? Fixed? None of the above. They were told to only consider actions of the offi­cers according to the official regulations and rules of the es­tablished police regulations. They were biased, yes, but the important thing is that YOU HAVE THESE TYPES OF IN­CREDIBLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS ON YOUR BOOKS AND ALLOW THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOR UN­DER THE LAW. Almost all families in Los Angeles--even in the higher income locations--have had encounters with the police to match the Rodney King circumstances to some extent or an­other--especially if you have teen-aged children. Los Angeles has produced the most terrorist trained "troops" of your nation and you were just given an internationally viewed incident which will show you who is in charge before the day is out. Moreover, the citizens will have DEMANDED it. No guns, no ammunition--not even gas except directly into a "traveling" ve­hicle, curfew and state troops at ready for martial law--in an al­ready declared "state of emergency". It is following the pro­tocols of enforcement right down to the last detail.

    Gates did not take leave of the service until following this inci­dent--and I promise you that there will be a great cry to keep him as this unfolds and he establishes order through massive force. You are between the proverbial rock and hard place, citizens, with no Elite intention of your winning either way.

    Please let these things be visible proof of what we bring--and please, GET PREPARED for it is upon you--NOW. Pray that the minorities stay under control elsewhere as these days unfold for your nation of America is due for the worst race-riots in history--just waiting the trigger. This will give the police and army the opportunity to go in and kill and destroy with license. Ah yes indeed, you will demand the New World Order--right on schedule. May you be given into seeing and understanding.

    Dharma, we need to give some more examples for the CIA cover-ups are the most apparent to discern the workings of the enforcement groups in action. You will note that the police in L.A. operated exactly like a military organization--with disci­pline and total restraint. That is GOOD TRAINING! This kept the city intact but the hate and revenge is boiling and churning and will be exploded out at anyone as the cauldron boils and spews.

    When the judicial system has no integrity--there is no hope. I believe all of you, right down to my scribe, are tasting the hor­rendous brunt of a Judicial system become devoid of any Jus­tice. It is simply a sign that you are further "gone" than you might have imagined. May God be with you for there are treacherous times ahead.

    The next writing is from, again, Victor Marchetti in April, 1979, some five years after publishing the book we have pre­sented. This is a daring Patriot and I give great honor and re­spect to him for his efforts to inform you of the citizens of the Americas.


    From a publication: CIA DESPERATELY TRYING TO COVER UP OWN SPY SCANDAL. "Soviet espionage has reached into the top ranks of American government for decades. Even 'liberal' scholars who used the Freedom of Information Act to get new FBI information in an attempt to clear the name of Alger Hiss now are themselves convinced that the former deputy secretary of state under Franklin Roosevelt passed secrets to the Soviet Union. In the three decades since, the public has found it "chic" to shrug off the spy threat. Now, the problem has grown, as America slept, to the point that many officials fear that within the U.S. 's super-spy organization, the CIA, our own spies, could be working for the Soviet side. "

    QUOTE: (April, 1979)

    There is a new spy scandal brewing in the nation's capital, and the CIA is desperately struggling to keep the lid of secrecy on the controversy. Intelligence experts and informed sources, however, believe the pot will soon boil over, revealing a scandal more damaging to U.S. national security than the infamous Rosenberg atomic spy case.

    The immediate reasons for all this concern are two strange incidents involving CIA officers. One is the mysterious death of John Paisley, a former high-ranking agency official with access to sensitive information on Soviet military capabilities and the sophisticated technical methods (spy satellites, e.g.) by which such data are acquired. Paisley, "retired" but still a consultant to the CIA, disappeared while sailing his sloop "Brillig" on the Chesapeake Bay last September.

    When a body, shot in the head, washed ashore several days later, it could not be positively identified either from fingerprints or dental records . But the CIA claimed that "Paisley" had "committed suicide". Paisley's wife of more than 20 years does not believe the corpse, which she was never allowed to view and which was soon cremated, was that of her husband. The Mary­land police handling the case are not sure, either. Nor are they certain of the cause of death. Therefore, they have not yet closed their file on the case.

    Furthermore, there are many other curious circumstances as­sociated with Paislley's death. Numerous classified documents--which should not have been in his possession--were found on his abandoned boat and in his bachelor apartment in Washington.

    When Paisley's disappearance was first reported, the CIA said he was a former "low-level economic analyst". Later, however, it was learned that he had been deputy chief of the agency's Office of Strategic Research and had participated in many of the SALT negotiations.

    In addition, he had been a member of the "Pipes B Team"-- the group assembled by then CIA Director George Bush and headed by Professor Richard Pipes of Harvard to review the CIA's "soft estimates" of Soviet strategic military capabilities.

    These facts, plus all the anomalies surrounding the case, have raised profound questions in the minds of intelligence experts.

    Was Paisley's death suicide or murder? If he was murdered, who did it? And why? Was he a Soviet spy, a KGB "mole" who had burrowed deep inside the CIA?
    As a result, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has quietly ordered an investigation into the mysterious death of John Paisley--and the CIA's internal security system.


    The other incident which set Washington's intelligence com­munity on edge is the William Kampiles affair. A young, for­mer low-level officer in the CIA's Watch Office (Operations Center), Kampiles stole a copy of the KH-11 spy satellite man­ual just before he resigned from the agency. A few months later in Athens, Greece, he sold the document--compromising one of the nation's most valuable reconnaissance systems--to the KGB for $3,000.

    The CIA, however, only learned of the theft months after­ward, when Kampiles returned to the agency's headquarters in Langley, Virginia to promote himself as a possible double agent against the KGB. He was arrested, tried, and convicted late in 1978.

    But during the damage assessment of the case, it was learned that several other copies of the KH-11 manual were missing from the CIA, as well as many other sensitive documents re­lating to U.S. satellite reconnaissance capabilities.

    Suddenly, the Kampiles affair was no longer just an odd, isolated incident. What else had he stolen and sold to the Sovi­ets? Was there anyone else in the CIA doing the same thing? And why did the KGB allow Kampiles to expose himself to his former employers? Was the KGB protecting a mole, a more valuable spy, inside the CIA? [H: Isn't this fun? We know those answers and this is what "learning" is about--having some insight and fun along the way.]

    A couple of weeks after Kampiles was arrested, John Paisley was shot in the head and fell or was pushed overboard from his sloop into the Chesapeake Bay. Is there a connection between the two cases? The CIA denies it. But intelligence experts re­call some other strange operations...and wonder.


    Nicholas Shadrin (originally, Nikolai Aramotov) was a Soviet naval officer who defected to the U.S. in 1959. Years later he became a double agent for the CIA and disappeared while on a mission in Vienna, Austria in December, 1975.

    Sources close to the operation differ on what may have hap­pened to Shadrin. Some believe he was captured or killed by the KGB in a complex spy scheme which backfired, or even that he was murdered by CIA agents because he was secretly plan­ning to defect back to the Soviet Union.

    In any event, the case, which involved the CIA, Defense In­telligence Agency, and FBI, has never been solved--despite per­sonal pleas by Presidents Ford and Carter to Soviet Premier Brezhnev. The Kremlin boss told the U.S. presidents to look in their own closets for the culprits.

    Intelligence experts feel there may be some truth to what Brezhnev has implied. Even White House officials who have worked on the case say privately that the U.S. intelligence agen­cies are not telling the whole truth. As a result the president's own Intelligence Oversight Board is discretely investigating--and at least one member of the three-man group believes the intelli­gence agencies are trying to cover up the Shadrin incident.

    A few intelligence experts suspect that Shadrin, who was given U.S. citizenship and made a consultant to the Pentagon, may have been a KGB double agent all along...and that is why the U.S. agencies have been withholding the truth from the White House.

    Meanwhile, the case of Igor Nosenko, a KGB officer who defected in 1964, has come under renewed scrutiny--revealing that a deep split still exists among those CIA officers who worked on the operation. One group believes that Nosenko was sent out by the Soviets to cover up the fact that Lee Harvey Os­wald, the alleged assassin of President Kennedy, was actually a KGB agent and to plant disinformation in the U.S. intelligence community. Thus, Nosenko was held in a specially built jail and subjected to hostile interrogation for three years. But he never broke, although he was caught in numerous lies.

    The other CIA group accepted Nosenko as legitimate and had him released from confinement. Later, he was made a U.S. citizen and a $35,000-a-year consultant to the agency, a position he still holds.


    But last year, the CIA's former chief of counterintelligence, James Angleton, exposed the Nosenk affair, suggesting that the KGB officer's real mission was to disrupt the agency's and FBI's defensive efforts against the Soviet spying. He further suggested that he and several other senior officers who doubted Nosenko were fired by Director William Colby for only that reason. He even implied that Colby might be the KGB mole, or sleeper, Nosenko was attempting to protect.

    Since then, Colby and the CIA pro-Nosenko group have struck back with vengeance. During the hearings of the House Select Committee on Assassinations last fall, the CIA gave Nosenko a clean bill of health--based largely on investigations ordered by former Director Richard Helms and his deputy, Adm. Rufus Taylor. The CIA spokesman, John Hart, a retired chief of station whose wife is now the CIA's chief in London, admitted that Nosenko was a liar--but an "honest" one. There­fore, he was a legitimate defector, but nothing he said could be believed. Hart also insinuated that Angleton and his fellow doubters were fired because they were incompetents. (The CIA has a nifty way of turning things upside down.) [H: So does Satan and that's why you must beware of him AND HIS TROOPS!]

    For good measure, the agency loyalists leaked a story only weeks ago to the Establishment press claiming that Angleton himself had been under investigation as a security risk at the time he was fired by Colby.

    That there is something seriously wrong with the CIA's in­ternal security system cannot be questioned. Adm. Stansfield Turner, present CIA director, said, "I won't say there is no mole in the agency." Turner recently instituted new, stringent security measures for all employees--no matter how high their rank. And he has launched an investigation, headed by Cleve­land Cram, another retired chief of station, into the secret agency's past and present dealing with the KGB.


    Cram's "investigation" is likely to produce nothing more than another cover-up. The higher up the Soviet mole is in the CIA, the more political protectors he probably has in the White House and the Eastern Establishment--and, therefore, the less likely it is that he will ever be exposed.

    This is not the first time that the question of KGB moles in the CIA has been an issue. There have been many Soviet dou­ble agents dispatched to the U.S. and naively accepted as "legitimate defectors". And there have been security investiga­tions in the past of senior officers thought to be working for the enemy. But, always, everything has been swept under the rug of secrecy.

    Still, one cannot dismiss the fact that the KGB has been able to penetrate all the leading intelligence agencies of the western world, or that the Soviets have been able to plant spies in the State Department, the military intelligence services, the National Security Agency, on the Joint Chiefs of Staff and, even in the White House.

    All things considered, it is only logical and prudent to assume that Moscow has had the same success with the CIA. But you may never know because the agency and its allies in the media and elsewhere will cover up such a gross failure and embarrassment.

    And meanwhile, it's business as usual between the CIA and KGB. CIA officers working out of the embassy in Moscow are caught red-handed and released without publicity. KGB officers operating out of the UN are trapped by the FBI, convicted, and released on bail--never to be seen again.

    And the spy trades between the two clandestine services con­tinue. In summer, 1978, a low-level American agent, a college student captured in East Germany, was traded for an important Soviet illegal (a KGB officer with a false identity) and an Israeli agent caught in Mozambique while working with (or against?) Rhodesia and South Africa. It was a strange trade, especially when one realizes that the man behind it all was not Wolfgang Vogel, the famous East German spy trader, but rather Samuel Flatto-Sharon, a member of the Israeli Knesset and a crimi­nal who escaped from France before he could be prosecuted for embezzlement and check fraud.

    Such are the mysteries of the international spy game.


    I believe the above speaks for itself without my comments.


    I am, however, asked to comment again on the Holocaust of World War II. I don't know what is your problem that you have such trouble dealing with that which is factual. I do not discount the value of each and every person's life or limb in any alterca­tion--but children, when facts are presented to counter errors or outright lies, why do you not rejoice in finding that so many LIVED, rather than that one should submit that not so many perished? Is it possibly that someone or someone(s) gain much by the error in perception?

    The "pictures" in great measure against which all stories are based are very influential in placing blame and horror. This is why you must be SURE from whence come the pictures and of whom they are. For instance, we have written of this before with this same truth but just this week I am blasted and then pre­sented with a picture of this child as "proof" of the fate of the multitudes. The picture in point is the famous "little ghetto boy". So, now for some FACTS:

    This picture in point is probably the most famous "holocaust" photo of all: a bewildered Jewish boy with his arms raised, standing on a Warsaw (Poland) street under the watch of an armed German soldier.

    The poignant picture has been reproduced millions of times, in countless magazines, films and newspapers. The world has been told over and over again that the little boy's fate was sealed: He became one of the 6 million Jews exterminated by the evil Germans during the "holocaust".

    The historic picture was one of several dozen taken by official German photographers during the military operation against the Jewish Warsaw uprising of 1943.

    Then, it happened--almost 40 years later, Dr. Tsvi C. Nuss­baum, a physician in Rockland County, New York, said that he is the famous boy in the photo!


    When the story of truth broke it broke big, friends, in the New York Times on May 28, 1982. The report was that Dr. Nuss­baum's statement upset the Jewish "holocaust" publicists who utilized the picture and who were "convinced that the symbolic power of the picture would be diminished were the boy shown to have survived."

    Despite the striking physical resemblance and similar circum­stances of Dr. Nussbaum and the boy in the photo, the publicists "refuse to consider it at all". Perhaps this is identical to refusal to allow speaking out with actual numbers proving that someone for some reason has miscalculated with proper arithmetic. You see, when ones blatantly refuse to allow truth because facts pre­sent truth and numbers don't lie--then you must make laws which disallow the matter to be refuted in any manner.

    So, let us look at what happened immediately after presenting in the Times that "Holocaust historians have long considerd the photograph a sort of sacred document."

    Dr. Lucjan Dobroszycki, a historian with the prestigious Yivo Institute of European Jewish history in New York, declared that "This great photograph of the most dramatic event of the holocaust requires a greater level of responsibility from historians than almost any other. It is too holy to let people do with it what they want." Like perhaps, tell the truth? In other words, historical facts must not be allowed to diminish the pic­ture's emotional impact and political usefulness in the name of truth.

    Poor Dr. Nussbaum was simply not prepared for the almost hostile skepticism. "I never realized that everyone puts the en­tire weight of 6 million Jews on this photograph," he said. "To me it looked like an incident in which I was involved, and that was it."


    Dr. Nussbaum can recall the incident shown in the famous pic­ture very well. In response to persistent rumors that the German authorities planned to exchange Jews for German citizens abroad, Nussbaum and some other Warsaw Jews emerged from hiding and gave themselves up in 1943. Their names were put on a so-called "Palestine List", and the group was sent to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany. The photo was taken when the group departed from Warsaw.

    I remember there was a soldier in front of me, and he ordered me to raise my hands," Nussbaum recalls. After his uncle in­tervened, the seven-year-old boy was allowed to join the rest of his family.

    The young Nussbaum was liberated from Bergen-Belsen in 1945 by American soldiers. He spent the next eight years in Israel, but moved to New York in 1953, where be became a doctor.

    Without a shred of evidence, countless millions have been told that the Jewish boy in the famous photograph was murdered by the Germans. That claim has now been exposed as nothing but malicious slander. And the reaction of Jewish historians to Dr. Nussbaum's revelation once again underscores the self-serving, subjective and emotional nature of what passes for "holocaust history".

    Worse, ones who simply question the possibilities of things not being exactly as presented are met with such hate accusations as to be bewildering and international laws are set forth to prevent even speaking on the subject--WHAT IS BEING HIDDEN FROM YOU? HAVE YOU NOT HAD ENOUGH OF THE LIES? ARE YOU NOT READY TO REGAIN TRUTH AND FREEDOM? SALU.

    There is another item which is being used as a battering ram against us and it is our simple statement, which is now widely known, is that the Federal Reserve is not "Federal" but is sim­ply privately owned. It is, therefore, all entangled within and for the IRS which serves as the enforcement collection agency for said bank and it's mother. I shall give you chapter and verse of a COURT RULING from the Ninth Circuit Court and pub­lished publicly in Jan. 1983 that states as much. We shall look at it when we again sit to write.

    Dharma, since I kept you up all night and working, I ask that you take time this afternoon to rest so that we do not get behind as again, court looms in our near future over your home. I am so grateful to you precious readers who have shown love and concern over the problems for it is through that caring concern that we shall prevail intact and spiritually strong and unbroken.

    The legal people have put together a superb appeal for "stay" and rehearing which will be hand-carried to the appeals court in Fresno today. This is an effort to have hearing on the facts of "bench" refusal to allow hearing (and other abuses by the Judge). We shall simply have to await response from the appeal panel of Judges. I shall keep you posted for if not "stayed", we have problems but can find alternative delays for a few extra weeks.

    I see no hope for your Judicial system without sweepingly mas­sive changes. It is indeed terrifying to realize the extent of the problems evolved--but we can change it if we stick right with it and move ever onward.

    Hatonn to clear.

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