PJ 18


THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1990 11:15 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 07


Sananda to respond in the light of Radiance. We will take time herein to make some very pertinent and meaningful comments and I pray that you all will be at attention.

Do not be misled by that which is given you in the press about Saddam Hussein. Please note that which is being projected by him and then listen to that which is being projected by your traitorous controllers.

Hussein is doing all in his power to unite the Arab world into their unity as a nation of people. You, who proclaim to be "Christians", might well take lessons. In Hussein's speakings he speaks of God and goodness in every breath. Your controllers speak of economic greed, protection of your oil in­terests and force to bring about capitulation.

I WARN all nations--you have been deceived and you, as America, have joined with England as the most Satanically aggressive nation on the planet. Guess which country shall ultimately be shielded by God? They pray to God for protection that they might come again into family--you pray to retain your stolen wealth from the Arab nations. You are in place to directly aid Israel's Zionists in eating the Arab world alive. As long as the Arab nations ask God for protection--it shall be given and you will not perceive of it for you will be given the lie. IF YOU, AS AMERICANS, ALLOW OF THIS HEINOUS MISREPRESENTATION OF TRUTH AND THIS AGGRESSIVE FORCE IN A FOREIGN LAND, YOU WILL BE REDUCED TO THE ASHES THEY HAVE PLANNED FOR YOU.

I repeat that which you have been given--Kuwait was a portion of Iraq. They were separated arbitrarily by England in colonization and their resources stolen--thereby making the Bankers wealthy, along with a few elite persons. You are on the wrong side, America, and ultimately you shall pay the dearest of all prices for that action.

Mohammad was sent forth as a direct and great prophet from God and even Israel was told that one day they would meet their fall at the hands of Mohammad's people--I suggest careful attention be given unto that promise of God. The Zionist Israelites are NOT, I REPEAT, ARE NOT the Jews of Abraham and David. They are set forth in the footprints and actions of Satan to rule the world and the rule will indeed be horrendous beyond thine most wild imaginings. Those things blamed upon Saddam Hussein and Iraq that are indeed heinous, are lies for the Israelis perpetrated them in deceit and caused blame to fall upon the blameless.

You of the U.S. ask for God's grace and protection and you know not that which you do for you ask God to stand in behalf of Satan and it shall never be thusly presented. To care for an individual soldier is one thing but to ask God to sanction your aggressive vileness will never be granted. Oh, Satan may well win this round by force, but your world will lose its last hope for survival in the process if this is allowed to run its course for war will be upon you in a manner unlike anything you can dream. You willingly walked within the viper's pit and the innocent shall be the ones who shall die of the poison first.

I am herein going to lay some very heavy truths upon thine heads and plead with you to hear and see for your time is running most short indeed.


It is not by accident that Britain, the U.S., the Soviet Union and Red China spoke in one voice against Iraq's Saddam Hussein. Margaret Thatcher hailed this newfound unity as the dawn of a new age of freedom and democracy which defiles the very terminology. All of the above--particularly the Soviet Union and Red China--have massive oil surpluses which they have not been able to market.

As always, between the capitalists and the communists there is a symbiotic commonalty of interests: a permanent conspiracy against the people they rule. Saddam represents for all of them the messiah saving their necks from economic ruin and a people's revolt. So be it.

Oh, you say, "Well, all those nations voted with the U.S. and Great Britain. They are even sending troops!" I tell you "NO--ONLY THE PUPPET PURCHASED CONTROLLERS OF THE ARAB NATIONS STAND, THROUGH FORCE AND POWER, WITH THE FOOLISH WHITE RACES."


Despite his fire and brimstone rhetoric (which, by the way, is touting a return to God's laws and honor unto God in truth and spirit) and given the benefit of doubt as to his legitimate Arab patriotism, Saddam, willingly or not, has somehow proved himself to be of great benefit to the Zionists, capitalists and the communists--all of whom he denounces with great gusto. As the record shows, Saddam helped instrumentally in the overthrow of President Kassem, Iraq's first leader who had any success at all in overthrowing the British colonialists and their puppet King.

It would appear that Kassem had been a genuine patriot who aligned his country firmly with other Arab nations against Israeli aggression and attempted to recover Kuwait which the British had stolen from Iraq's Basra province. Kassem's failure to recover its former territory was one of Saddam's complaints. But he fell into the trap of the other leaders of the Arab nations in indebtedness to the King of Evil--the Bankers. He substituted one branch of Satan's service for the other--both efforting at global control but with differing intent.

When Saddam took charge of Iraq, he relinquished all claims to Kuwait. So let us not be misled into thinking this man an entity of total purity in action, al­though his intent was purity of desire to reunite the entire Arab nation which had been carved and cut and shredded by England's colonialization and the ever-evil quest for the black gold and wealth being drained from out of that nation as a whole.

As with the human, he erred. During successive Arab-Israeli wars Saddam failed to come to the aid of his beleaguered front-line Arab brethren. Iraqi help at that time might have prevented some of the Israeli annexation of por­tions of Arab territory. But, as you know, hindsight is always the best vantage point.

Saddam continued to speak with the Shah of Persia (Iran), denouncing him quite rightly as a Mossad and CIA stooge. He, however, committed some grievous acts for when the tide of Iranian populism was turning against the Shah, Saddam negotiated several issues with the Shah that could be consid­ered detrimental to the broader Iraqi-Iranian interests. He is accused of ex­pelling Khomeini from his Baghdad exile, while knowing that the Shah's SAVAK assassins were waiting to kill him in Paris. Well, that simply is not so and further, Khomeini was a most oppressive religious fanatic who could only ignite fires which, at the time, would have destroyed the entire Arab world, for America would have stepped in immediately with Israel and you would have had all out nuclear devastation.

Further, you will note that with the return of Khomeini to Iran, the situation became even worse for all in the area. There was a war going on, dear ones, and the very countries who denounce Hussein now--stood squarely with him then, and supplied him with arms and money. This, of necessity, in itself, required that he make concessions at the insistence of the U.S. and Great Britain to limit further bloodshed.

Saddam accepted Israeli intelligence urging him to invade Iran, and it is in­deed questionable as to purpose in that he did not retaliate when the Israelis bombed Baghdad's nuclear center, an act of unprovoked and naked aggres­sion. Well, as with you ones who are having to learn to accept the truth of Zionist aggression, I would hope all of you would remember that it was sup­posed to have been the Iranians who bombed the nuclear plant. Certainly, the Israelis did not march forth and claim responsibility--they staged it so they would never be blamed and it worked for a great period of time.

During this time Khomeini was an unequivocal enemy of Zionism who pleaded with Hussein to join forces with the front-line states against Israeli aggression but it was obvious that a war with Israel would have been impossi­ble to win because of the involvement of the U.S. Later it became obvious that America was receiving a totally false picture of the hostage situation and it was, in fact, the Bankers who finally freed the hostages. Remember your government representative Hansen? He went to Iran and Khomeini asked him to take at least half the hostages home with him that day and YOUR GOVERNMENT RECALLED HANSEN AND INCARCERATED HIM--YOU LOOK IT UP IN THE RECORD.

Now it is not all as clean as it appears from these statements, and as Hatonn has pointed out--all of this mass maneuvering was planned to the last detail to come off at a time of perfection for best advantage for the power elite.

Well, it is all a part of the play and I will not pronounce purity upon the heads of these leaders--but you should know that you are people receiving nothing but lies and it will be your downfall it you do not get informed.

Do I stand squarely behind the actions of this man, Hussein? No. But I de­plore that which is being done in the name of God by the ones who are actu­ally acting in behalf of Satan, greed, and the evil brotherhood. It is much as sending all the police force to insure the drug trade has no interference in behalf of the drug lords. AND WORSE, THAT, TOO, TAKES PLACE ALL OVER YOUR GLOBE--by your government. While you weren't looking, America, the traitors stole your nation and all but banished God to the rub­bish heap in favor of Satanic rituals and the breaking of every one of God's laws and those of The Blessed Creation.

Is Saddam Hussein a messiah? What a foolish question for "messiah" simply means "messenger of God" and that he is! Is he THE "messiah" of truth in to­tality from God? No. Neither, however, is he a "mad-man".

You believe he should allow the foreigners freedom to depart his country? Would you? How foolish if you answered "yes". Having those "guests" pre­sent is the only thing preventing Iraq and Kuwait from being blown off the map--their presence is all that is preventing the most heinous massacre since the Inquisition. I can tell you now, however, in advance: the Israelis will precipitate an incident in their devious, hidden way--and it will be most terrible indeed. Further, "you the people" of the U.S.A. are already hostages for your country stands the probability of being devastated during this time when all of your defensive protection is in a foreign land--and that, too, was planned well in advance. I think I would not sleep well at night, my chelas.

Saddam Hussein will not deliberately harm those innocent people--but your nations might very well get them all killed. Why do you think Mr. Bush continually reminds you that, "This is a United Nations action"? Because he wants to absolve himself of responsibility and yet he continues to wield the power he demands while he interferes not with his fishing and golf games. Is this what you as a people want of your nation and your future? So be it--for the price will be your freedom and total enslavement.

There are absolutely no acts of aggression from Iraq and yet there are continual acts of taunting through stupid maneuvers and invasion of air space, etc., by your masses of troops. I would remind all of you of something, however, and that is that the Arab, as a human, is devoted to his religious belief and is most willing to die for his cause and belief in his journey unto God and you ones are about to push the entire world into seeing how wicked and unGodly you have become. Many of your youngsters will be murdered at the hands of your own leaders who pursue this greedy robbery but it will not be in the name of God for what you do this day is evil.

Will Hussein be forced into doing something precipitous? Probably! But you see, it should not be ONE man who makes the decisions for the many--neither should you be acting in response to one man who would rather fish and golf than sit with you, the martyrs, at your deathbed.

Do you not see that most of this expensive show is to cause your Congress to vote everything that Bush requests at resumption of Congress in contempla­tion of the budget? Well, you will pay for it--every cent of it, over and over again. And yet, you are in a great depression so how will you do it? The obvi­ous is not very pretty is it?

Blessings, Dharma, for we realize these words seal your position as a target for the unthinking people of the lie. There will, however, be ones who will see truth and come forward to stand with you ones, for it is the time of the coming of god's protection for those of its Hosts who are come "before". We shall continue about our work as laid forth so that man might have truth for he shall need of it to see him through the journey for the transition shall touch all--none shall escape of it. I hold thee within my hands that ye fear not for I am with you. Yea even though ye walk in the shadow of death--I am with you. I shall be your shield and your comfort--I shall bring you calm and peace that we might finish of our work. I shall tend of you and give unto you that which you need to sustain you while we labor in the Father's vineyards. Man must rise up now, above the bigotry of creed, color, race and caste and into the wholeness of Creation in equality and unity of purpose.

You shall be given to recognize truth and turn from the lies for you shall know them by their words and deeds. I shall give you comfort and shield you from the temptations and fears which would pull you down for you ask it of me. God is within and within is the realm of God, and the power and the knowledge in truth forever and forever--Amen and Aho

Do not ask of God, "Why am I here and not there to serve?" You are where you are needed in service and the reasons for the placement shall be unfolded in its proper sequence. Meanwhile, we continue in our work in recognition of God's plan being perfection. That which is intended to be done; shall be. What is needed to complete these things shall come--God's plan shall be per­fected on Earth as it is in Heaven--you are just not yet given to know the whole. No more and no less--it is NOT A SECRET TO BE KEPT FROM YOU BUT RATHER, IT IS KNOWLEDGE AWAITING ITS SEQUENCE OF UNFOLDMENT IN YOUR GROWTH INTO ABILITY TO SEE AND KNOW THAT WHICH IS PRESENTED UNTO YOU.



Hatonn present in His radiance. I feel we must move on with the Journal in preparation, Dharma, for it must be gotten into man's hands promptly for there is great connection in that which was planned in your early 1980's and that which is unfolding upon you now. Therefore, bear with the pressure, chela, and allow us to continue without long delays this day. May the truth of your work give you great comfort. I thank beloved "Joy" for her contribution. Please ask her to remain in attention unto Sananda for he shall be ever pre­sent as she pens SOLUTIONS FOR OUR TOTAL GLOBAL SPIRITUAL STARVATION. It will be regarding the deprivation of your people from the control through the "churches" of orthodox doctrined clubs who have deceived you. We are sharing of the work, chela, that you might have rest and still al­low truth to flow forth. Joy needs only to step aside and Sananda shall write of the Journal. She has gathered information for lo, these two decades and she must be connected with Nora, that one can confirm of the other's projec­tions that man can have his confirmation of truth in historical and factual for­mat.

PJ 18



To give proper placement of background, you must return in your memories back to April of 1982. Move back to the Falkland Islands and South Georgia Island and the war between Argentina and Great Britain over these barren, wind-swept wastelands. Or, were they? Oh, dear ones, what you have not been told would fill mammoth volumes and we haven't time for that. I am going to give you information which is well-known in certain circles but hardly known at all to the populace--you the people. A few have come into this information; enough to confirm the truth of my writings at any rate.

On the surface the whole incident represented a dispute between Argentina and Great Britain over those barren islands. But surely you have learned by now, that nothing is as it seems. You are told exactly that which you are to believe and you diligently go about following the orders.

The so-called Falklands crisis was just the visible tip of a giant military operation. During the month of April 1982, fierce naval battles were taking place, not only in the South Atlantic but also in the South Pacific.

The hostilities were very effectively kept under arrest by wartime censorship on all sides of the dispute (and yes, the U.S. was most certainly in the dispute).

On April 30, a total naval and air blockade of the Falklands by the Royal Navy began. At the same time a counter-blockade had been declared by Argentina in the same area.

To be effective, a blockade must be imposed over a period of time, but the Royal Navy didn't have sufficient time. Winter was coming on in the South Atlantic, and the British supply lines were overextended. Having traveled so far, however, Her Majesty's navy could not simply drop the blockade and sail away in a few weeks time without drawing blood from Argentina. As a result the British would be forced to undertake military operations very quickly no matter how risky they might turn out to be.

There was also another reason why the Royal Navy had no choice but to en­gage the Argentine forces in combat. That reason was that the Royal Navy had already suffered losses in secret combat that same month. Only when publicly admitted fighting erupts would the British dare to admit that they had already suffered great battle losses. And further, to obtain that cover-story, the British had no choice but to sail into combat; but in so doing, they would be risking even heavier losses on top of those already sustained. In short, Her Majesty's navy sailed directly into a trap.

The events which unfolded in the South Atlantic carried strange, ironic echoes of your past. For weeks you had been hearing countless commentators referring to the British task force as an "armada". The British of all people ought to have been very uneasy with that description. The original Spanish Armada some 400 years ago was renowned as a seemingly invincible fighting force, but it came to grief in a naval disaster so complete that it changed the course of history--and it was none other than the English navy that destroyed the Span­ish Armada.

The original Spanish Armada put to sea in 1588 during the reign of England's Queen Elizabeth I. The Armada was an invasion fleet carrying thousands of crack fighting men to invade England. They were met by the daring sea dogs of Sir Francis Drake. Drake and his small fast ships turned the tables on the Spanish Armada by changing the rules of battle. The English fleet was equipped with new longer-range guns, and it stayed upwind and out of reach. From there the English pounded, smashed, and shattered the big ships of the mighty Armada. When it was all over, barely half the Spanish fleet was left to limp back to port. Drake's defeat of the Spanish Armada was a shock to the world. It opened the door for England under Queen Elizabeth I to start its expansion into a truly global empire.

Four hundred years later, history seemed to have come full circle. Queen Elizabeth II witnessed the dismantling of the world empire whose heyday began under Queen Elizabeth I, and now the cultures of England and of Spain were once again in confrontation. Once again a so-called armada was preparing for invasion, but this time the armada was British, not Spanish. Four hundred years past Sir Francis Drake was the hero of the day; today, the ghost of Francis Drake would once again be on the scene.

Please note that the South Atlantic war zone was at the eastern end of the Drake Passage around the southern tip of South America. The defeat of the Spanish Armada four centuries ago broke the back of Spain's naval supremacy, and now it appeared that the defeat of the new British armada might very well break the back of what remained of the once glorious Royal Navy.


When the Falkland Islands crisis began in early April it looked at first like a mere tempest in a little teapot. For a century and a half since 1833, the Is­lands had been controlled by Great Britain. During that entire time, British sovereignty over the Falklands had been disputed by Argentina. There had been countless threats by Argentina to seize the Islands, which it called the Malvinas, but the threats had always come to nothing in the past and Britain had never even gotten very concerned over them.

The Islands are four times as distant from Argentina as Cuba is from the United States, and they are not much of a prize, it would seem, under any circumstances. After over 150 years of occupancy, the Falklands are home to fewer than 2,000 British settlers and a great number of sheep and some lovely penguins. In short, the remote Falkland Islands would hardly look like some­thing to fight over, and yet there you were watching another crisis take place. You watched as literal gun-battle war erupted between Great Britain and Ar­gentina and further, without much more than fanfare on your news media presentations.

The Thatcher government was acting as if it had forgotten all about its usual preoccupation with the Soviet threat at NATO's doorstep. Instead, Britain was throwing almost everything it had at Argentina--aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, submarines, assault ships - you name it and if they had it they used it, Luxury cruise ships were even commissioned and turned into troop carriers overnight. Wave after wave of additional assault troops were activated and sent to join the fleet even after it sailed. Ships and submarines were pulled off station from normal NATO duty and sent to reinforce the task force. The ini­tial 40-ship force grew steadily over the ensuing weeks into an armada num­bering over 70. Over two-thirds of the entire Royal Navy was already de­ployed to the South Atlantic off Argentina.

As this was watched in the unfolding, a lot of people were asking: What's this fight really all about? The most popular answer suggested in the major media was "oil". Vast deposits of oil were known to exist under the continental shelf between Argentina and the Falklands (or so it was projected) and that had been espoused for well over a decade. In no way could it explain the timing of the sudden military offensive by Argentina, and oil explained even less about the Argentine seizure of South Georgia Island.

South Georgia Island is some 800 miles east of the Falklands with no known oil deposits anywhere near it; and compared to South Georgia, the Falklands are quite an island paradise. South Georgia Island is covered with rugged mountains, treacherous valleys, glaciers, and semi-permanent snow. Most of it is uninhabitable. On top of all that, Argentina had absolutely no legal or historical claim to South Georgia Island. In that respect it stood in sharp con­trast to the Falklands.

In your early 1830s the Falklands were occupied for a while by Argentine colonists. In 1833 the British expelled them and took over the Islands. For that and other historical reasons, Argentina argued that the Falklands actually belonged to Argentina, not Britain.

But no such argument was possible for South Georgia Island. It was always controlled by Britain, never by Argentina or Spain. The Argentine seizure of South Georgia Island looked even more unreasonable from a military point of view. Argentina's leaders were military men and they thought in military terms and this should be a great clue to you readers. They were well aware ahead of time that far-off South Georgia Island could not possibly be held for long. By seizing it they were setting themselves up to absorb a military defeat, as the Island was retaken by Britain. So the question was: Why did Ar­gentina's military junta bother with the seemingly worthless South Georgia Island at all?

The answers to all those questions were, of course, military, not political or economic. South Georgia Island possesses an enormous military secret! It is a giant underground installation buried under the mountains at the northwest end of the Island. The real reason for the so-called Falkland crisis was this se­cret installation, together with two other similar installations which I will also describe in a moment.

The secret military complexes had been in existence for many years; they were not new. What was new was an accelerated nuclear war timetable of the American Bolshevik war planners in Washington D.C. For the prior two months reports of details of that war plan were leaking out as quickly as they could be verified.

The plan called for NUCLEAR WAR ONE to erupt by September of the year 1982. It was that fast-approaching nuclear war threat that caused the so-called Falklands crisis to erupt when it did.

What was actually taking place was a coordinated effort to spoil part of the Bolshevik grand strategy for the coming nuclear war. The mutual enemies of the American Bolsheviks in the U.S.--namely, the Rockefeller cartel--and Russia's new rulers in the Kremlin were behind the crisis. They were trying to ruin Phase #3 of the "PROJECT Z" war plan which has since been revealed--go look it up, please.

That phase was to be world domination by the American Bolsheviks after both Russia and the United States had been destroyed in NUCLEAR WAR ONE. The key to this plan was the existence of secret weapons stockpiles invarious places around the world!

The American Bolshevik military planners in America were working with other Bolshevik agents in key military positions of other countries to set off war. Having done that, they intended to ride out the nuclear holocaust they had caused, safe and cozy in Government war bunkers! When the warring na­tions would finally lie smoldering and exhausted, the Bolsheviks would leave the shattered remains of their host countries. They would rendezvous at the secret weapons installations and bring their weapons into the open. They would confront the world with the only remaining fresh, up-to-date powerful military force on earth; and using that military power, they would become the undisputed rulers of the world. They planned to do all that, and they planned to pave the way for world domination by setting off NUCLEAR WAR ONE within mere months of that April---remember, September!

The Rockefeller cartel and Russia's new anti-Bolshevik rulers were working together in a race against time to try to head off the Bolshevik war plan.

The Bolsheviks in the U.S. were already benefitting from war preparations which were started by the Rockefellers long before. It had only been about three years since the Rockefellers were dislodged as the prime movers of the United States Government by the Bolsheviks. Since that time the United States Government had been a house divided, torn by internal power strug­gles between rival Bolshevik and Rockefeller factions. But prior to that, the United States had been dominated for decades both economically and politically by the four Rockefeller brothers.

In 1961 the Brothers launched a new long-range plan for world domination. It was a two-pronged strategy, half visible and half secret, which has been de­scribed prior to this writing. It was a plan for the United States to arm to the teeth in secret while appearing to disarm gradually. Without repeating all the details, the basic idea was grandiose indeed, yet simple. By deliberately appearing weak, the Rockefeller-controlled United States would maneuver itself into a nuclear war with Russia. Then the secret weapons, including super-weapons, would be unleashed to smash Russia and take over the world.

When they set the grand plan in motion in 1961, the Rockefeller Brothers were looking ahead to a nuclear war by the late 1970s. Their military analysts concluded very early that the war being planned would have very different effects on the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Both superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, are located well up in the Northern Hemisphere; so are the other full-fledged nuclear powers--Great Britain, France, Red China, and India. By contrast, the strategic targets for nuclear war in the Southern Hemisphere are relatively few and far between. In other words, it was expected that the coming nuclear war would be essentially a Northern Hemisphere war.

In an all-out nuclear holocaust it is known that serious radioactive fallout would gradually spread to affect even areas not initially hit by war. But there are limits to how far the war clouds can spread. It was discovered long ago that there is very little mixing between the air of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In the northern half of your planet, cold air from the North Pole works its way southward toward the equator, then it works its way back to the north as warm air. A mirror image of this process takes up the south­ern half of the planet. Northern and Southern Hemisphere air meet in the equatorial zone, but very little of the air changes places.

The military conclusion is this: The coming nuclear war could ruin vast areas of the Northern Hemisphere for generations forward; but if the calculations are correct, the Southern Hemisphere could escape virtually unaffected by the war. This was surely music to the ears of the four Rockefeller Brothers. A quick look at the globe of the world shows why this would be a reasonable calculation. The Rockefeller cartel has dominated Latin America ever since World War II. As discussed in prior publications, Nelson Rockefeller solidified the cartel grip on Latin America during the war. He accomplished this as so-called "Coordinator of Hemispheric Defense" for then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt. So that takes care of the South American continent and its natural resources.

Then let us turn to the African continent. There, too, Rockefeller control was already in effect over wide areas of Black Africa, especially south of the equator. All this was thanks to the efforts of John D. Rockefeller III, as previously detailed elsewhere.

Looking around the globe, the most important remaining land masses from
the standpoint of world domination are AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. Thanks to World War II, both were wide open to the Rockefellers.

The Rockefeller Brothers decided to establish secret military installations in the Southern Hemisphere for use after the coming war. By this means they expected to become the masters of the surviving southern half of planet Earth; after the Northern Hemisphere gradually recovered from the nuclear holocaust, the Rockefeller empire would be able to pick up the pieces. In this way the third generation Rockefeller Brothers expected their family dynasty to inherit the Earth.

In order to control the Southern Hemisphere militarily after the war, some means would have to be available to project military power onto any land mass. For example, revolts against Rockefeller domination would require troops--not a blast from the beam weapons on the Moon (another very inter­esting story).

The most critical factor for postwar military domination of the world was found to be a NAVY! A minimum of two secret naval fleets would be required--one based in the South Atlantic, the other in the South Pacific. Since the reserve naval fleets were to be kept secret until after the Northern Hemisphere nuclear war, they could not be built in existing shipyards. New con­struction facilities had to be built and they had to be hidden. To hide an en­tire shipyard is no small task; they take up a lot of space. On top of that, it was essential that the ships remain hidden after they were built. The best way to achieve that was to combine the shipyard and naval base into one over-all secret installation. Finally, the secret naval installation had to be invulnerable to nuclear attack; otherwise if its existence were ever discovered prematurely, the secret navy might be wiped out.

The combined requirements for secrecy, space, and protection against attack were formidable; but one day in 1959, while all these plans were still in the early stages of development, the answer presented itself. During a so-called banking trip to Sweden, David Rockefeller was given a tour of a unique hid­den naval port. The port is hollowed out from solid granite cliffs which come right down to the water. The entrance to the port is a gigantic hole in the side of the cliff which can be sealed off with enormous steel doors. Inside this big doorway on the water a huge cavity has been hollowed out to accommodate ships.

The Rockefeller Brothers and their military advisers decided that a bigger, more secret, better protected version of the Swedish hidden port was just what they wanted. A survey of candidate sites was then initiated. The site survey covered coastal areas throughout the Southern Hemisphere. Many ar­eas were rejected very quickly because the topography was wrong. Other ar­eas were rejected because they were too close to the equator. Still others had to be ruled out because there were too many people living nearby, making the desired level of secrecy impossible. Finally, it was essential that the sites cho­sen for the secret naval installations be totally secure politically.

At last the sites for the secret naval installations were selected. In the South Pacific extreme southern New Zealand was selected. New Zealand would be extremely important during a coming war.

In order to obtain the necessary space, the secret New Zealand naval installation had to be divided up into two sites located close together. One is at the extreme southwest tip of South Island where the mountain range known as the Southern Alps comes down virtually to the water's edge. The other part of the installation is built into the northwest tip of Stewart Island, which is off the tip of South Island. The Stewart Uskabd facility is hollowed out within a rise known as Mt. Anglem.

The New Zealand location met all the requirements. Ever since World War II the government of New Zealand has been tied even closer to the United States than to Great Britain. The location is far from the equator, and the in­stallations are buried deep under mountains, protected from nuclear attack. They are also too deep to be reached by particle-beam attacks, and the New Zealand site is well situated to command the entire South Pacific.

In the South Atlantic an even more perfect site was found. That site, my friends, is South Georgia Island. It is located perfectly for naval domination of the entire South Atlantic. The tall rugged mountains provided a perfect location for the secret installation at the northwest tip of the 100-mile long island. It is controlled by Great Britain whose government, like that of New Zealand, was willing to cooperate; and South Georgia Island was virtually uninhabited except for a whaling station on the northeast coast. The whaling station was some 50 miles away from the secret new installation which was being built, but Britain took no chances. In 1965 the whaling station was closed down. Since that time there have been no inhabitants on South Geor­gia Island except for a few dozen alleged Antarctic scientists.

Construction of the secret naval facilities--two in New Zealand, one on South Georgia Island--began in the early 1960s. The techniques were adapted from those used previously to build other large underground facilities, such as the NORAD installation inside Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado (there are others well protected underground but we shall not go into those presently). How­ever, these installations and techniques were adapted in radically new ways to achieve construction access directly from the sea instead of overland. In this way, the sheltering mountain was left undisturbed in appearance both during and after construction.

The cuts in the mountain side which were necessary to let ships in and out were kept as small as possible and were well camouflaged. Like the Swedish hidden naval port arrangement, the entrances to the secret installations can be sealed. When sealed, the entrance is virtually impossible to detect unless you know exactly where it is; and unlike most large construction projects, there are no tailing or piles of leftover rock lying round to attract undue atten­tion. The man-made caverns which house the secret naval installations are enormous, but all the rock and debris was disposed of at sea.

Once the secret naval facilities were built, they had to be outfitted for ship construction and dockside storage. The fake disarmament of the United States during the 1960's contributed greatly to this task. From 1961 to 1968 one man played a pivotal role in this elaborate Rockefeller scheme. He was then-Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. All through the 1960's Mc­Namara presided over the public paring back of America's visible military power. This included the closing down and dismantling of entire shipyards. What you were not told was where all that shipyard equipment went after­wards. Where it went, my friends, was to the new secret installations which were being outfitted in New Zealand and South Georgia Island!

The secret naval installations have been used as duplication facilities to reproduce certain ships and submarines designed and built here in the United States. As Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger told Congress, "It is cheaper to build two ships at a time." That is most especially true if the sec­ond ship is an exact duplicate of the first. This has become even more true in recent years through the use of computerized manufacturing techniques.

The secret naval fleets which have been built at the secret installations are made up of duplicates--EXACT DUPLICATES of certain other ships and submarines. They are all nuclear powered--nuclear "subs"; nuclear cruisers; nuclear destroyers; and yes, nuclear aircraft carriers, at least three of them. A secret twin was built for the U.S.S. Nimitz, for the U.S.S. Eisenhower, and for the U.S.S. Carl Vincent. All have been financed through the gigantic cost overruns, so called, that you constantly hear about in the Defense Depart­ment and can't find anything about due to above top secret designations; all three carriers have been provided with a full complement of aircraft whose manufacture was financed in the same manner.

The ships of the secret American Bolshevik naval fleets are all duplicates of other nuclear-powered vessels. Even so, the secret naval ships possess one key difference.

The so-called "Stealth Program" may not be too effective with the planes, etc., you have been allowed to witness but, oh my, lots of interesting things go on with things you aren't given to witness.

There was developed a type of electromagnetic invisibility shielding. This technique makes an object invisible from a distance by distorting light waves in its vicinity.

A whole new fleet of Phantom warplanes went into crash production under a top secret shield. They utilize this principle; and all of the secret American Bolshevik navy ships have already been outfitted with similar Stealth-field equipment! The Stealth principle is actually easier to apply to ships than to airplanes because there is more room for the powerful equipment that gener­ates the force field.

After NUCLEAR WAR ONE, the secret Stealth navy of the American Bol­sheviks would be light years ahead of any other navy left on earth. It would be perfect for the intended role of world domination. The Rockefellers set it all in motion long ago--but about 1979 they lost control of the United States Military. Now it is the American Bolsheviks who are in control, and they are most surely bent straight ahead on war.

Now don't go about forgetting about the Nazi war machine also in the Antarctic---isn't this just about as much intrigue as you can take at one sitting?

No, Mr. Cooper and now, Dr. Sutton--I hardly think secrets from your '40's is very interesting any longer, nor is there one whit of basis to believe "little gray men aliens from space" are going to dominate and enslave your planet. YOU ONES HAD BETTER OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AROUND--YOU ARE MOVING DIRECTLY TO DOOMSDAY AND IT IS ALL PLANNED AND PERFECTLY ORCHESTRATED AND HAS NAUGHT TO DO WITH LITTLE GRAY MEN FROM SPACE!



Others who have dared bring you truth have been murdered and this scribe has had attempt after attempt made on her life--do you never weary of pro­tecting the evil among you? Do you actually enjoy being totally lost in the lies? If so, then why do you continue to blame God for your plight and ask for insight, if you continue to fail to utilize it or recognize of it?

You want documentation of the MJ-12 material--ask anyone in the metaphysical community or UFO chasers. It is commonly circulated about your placement--it does not make of it valid!

And further, to have little alien faces all over your TV would mean not one iota of anything. I could stand in full nine and a half foot format right in front of you and you would still consider it a ploy and trick. I certainly wish all of you well, for you are going to need those good wishes if you don t pay atten­tion soon.


Hatonn, in service of the Radiant Master, to stand-by status. Rest, Dharma, for our work is long indeed. Adonai, chela, and thank you. Do not allow the oppression to rest heavy upon thee for thine is the legacy of the eons--not a brief moment of physical timing. Ye ones keep very close unto God and ye shall be safe. We can seal our plasmic shields far more effectively than can the Earth human pierce them. So be it and Selah.

Out. Thank you for your attention. We shall resume with further discussion regarding the above matters.