PJ 18


SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1990 9:20 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 346

In order to have more perception regarding Russia's secret weapons and make more sense of the need for the shuttle efforts, let us return to early 1979 with a look into the glass of as far back as November/December 1978. It will also show you the technology already functional and then allow you to under­stand how far you can go with intensive research in a decade. When the se­cret is basically unfolded, massive strides can be made on any given technology. Unfortunately, the technology has outgrown man's ability to control it, once pressed into service.

In December of 1978 air blasts at sea began shaking homes and frightening thousands along America's east coast. For a while government spokesmen tried to ignore them; but the booms, now known and recognized as Air Quakes, would not go away. In fact, they steadily increased in number and were also soon experienced on the west coast and inland U.S., as well.

As no explanations could be offered, they were next ridiculed in the controlled major media, but that tactic quickly changed, too, because too many people were hearing them to accept it all as a big joke. Then the tactic was to simply report them, promising follow-up and then simply never follow-up. The news projectors never move from the scripts given them and there would be practically no fear of slip-ups. Note this for yourselves during prime time newscasts; flip channels and you will hear the verbatim news items being read from the master script.

After these quakes had been going on unexplained for several months, the government tried to explain it all away by blaming the whole thing on freak weather conditions. Alleged experts were trotted out to impress the public with the mumbo jumbo about unusually cold air layers, ozone depletion, northern lights, electrical disturbance and so on, ad nauseam.

Waving their arms about in master performance, other experts were touting that the booms were due to military aircraft, perhaps a hundred miles out to sea since nothing showed up on any radar screens.

Others managed to actually keep a straight face as they told you that the booms were caused by the Concorde supersonic transport and all but grounded the Concorde forever. They told you that the shock waves from that plane were striking America's east coast more than an hour ahead of the plane itself, and with incredible force, having "built up incredible sonic force as it traveled".

Explanations like these were ridiculous on their face; yet most Americans ea­ger to be pacified, accepted these insults to their intelligence at face value and even marched to stop the Concorde from landing in the U.S. Facts are that most of the quakes taking place nation-wide were kept out of the press, and people calmed down.

For instance, there are almost daily Air Quakes in areas around an Air Force Base where you might find sophisticated aircraft capable of supersonic speeds. Usually, the later seen jet craft are not the cause but the inspection team checking out the location of the blast. Those of you who do not believe such a thing could be had better think back to some unexplained booms you have noted and the media could give no explanation. As the phenomenon continued, people simply returned to sleep and ignored the interruption in their thoughts--simply no longer caring one way or another. As early as De­cember of 1977 it was told publicly and suppressed governmentally, that the quakes were caused from newly operational Russian Cosmospheres firing their Particle Beam-weapons in a defocused mode into the air over the At­lantic Ocean--and later over the Pacific. This information came forth right out of your top intelligence system.

In 1977 there were some seven Cosmospheres hovering over the U.S., but in months that followed the numbers grew into the hundreds world-wide. Now you can find out more if you can get your hands on the materials from the Mitre Corporation because the government sponsored a study done by them. The material was quietly released and then faded into oblivion.

The report listed 594 air quakes of major impact between December 1977 and the following June. By June, of course, those alleged "freak cold air lay­ers" had to be long gone. The study did its best to blame the booms on air­craft noises, anyway, but 181 air quakes were impossible to link to anything, even artificially, or to any acceptable excuse, so the report lamely concluded that they must be of some natural origin, and yet the government and military were fully aware of the origin.


The cosmospheres are Russia's version of the HOVERING WEAPONS PLATFORMS of which the late General Thomas Power tried in vain to give a warning over 15 years ago. I shall give credit to General Power for you ones should know what happens to ones of his stature who try to bring you truth. I shall, however, not interrupt this thought flow in this segment. Suffice it herein to say that General Power was former head of Air Force Research and Development and then of the Strategic Air Command. He knew what he was talking about and made every effort possible to alert the American people over the ensuing years; his efforts were suppressed and went ignored. We shall return to that subject later, please.

As the numbers of Cosmospheres multiplied world-wide during the following year, UFO sightings likewise mushroomed. Is it any wonder that the U.S. officially does not recognize UFOs and calls them weather phenomenon, visual misinterpretations and thus and so. It got to the point no one could know which was which--a craft or a sphere and thus were continued heinous tales dredged up from the 1930s and 40s.

As facts always present themselves, this is no different. The "panic" which the government efforts to keep from you the people is not from "aliens", it is from very earth oriented, physical earth humans at the controls. As in the past, some UFO sightings, and most especially "lights", would he more appropri­ately labeled as Identified Flying Objects, because they are not unknown space visitors but are identifiable as Cosmospheres. In many cases though, combined sightings were and are taking place which involve both Cosmospheres and true UFOs. We of the Command monitor, tag and tail every one--yours and theirs. Further, we always make our presence well known and warn the controllers that we will enforce the universal laws regarding space. Your governments are without conscience, however, for they place these weapons aboard innocent aircraft assuming the enemy will not take out a mass of citizens. There is no conscience within the cartels---NONE! All are expendable to insure their plan's perfection. NO, WE DO NOT TAKE-OUT ANYTHING. IF IT MOVES INTO SPACE BEYOND A HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILE LIMIT, WE WILL DISARM THE WEAPONS IF THEY ARE EXPLOSIVE HYDROGEN "BOMBS"--WE DO NOT HAVE AU­THORITY TO NEUTRALIZE THE BEAM SYSTEMS BUT ARE OFTEN ALLOWED TO ALTER THE PROJECTIONS. THERE ARE SOME AR­EAS SET FORTH AS SAFE ZONES BY THE HIERARCHY OF THE LIGHTED BROTHERHOOD COME FORTH AT THIS TIME OF TRANSITION AND EVEN THE EVIL HIERARCHY DARES NOT STEP BEYOND THE LIMITS LEST THE "RULES" BE EQUALIZED FOR BOTH SECTORS AND "OUR" TECHNOLOGY IS SUPERIOR IN IMMEASURABLE COUNTING. BELIEVE ME, CHELAS, THERE IS NO NEED FOR ALL YOUR GROUND WEAPONS EXCEPT FOR GROUND FIGHTING AND MAINTAINING TOTAL CONTROL OF YOU ONCE THE WINNERS ARE DECIDED. ALL THE POLITICAL BLATHERING IS NOTHING MORE THAN SIMPLY THAT!


UFOs have always been monitoring your advanced weapons and aircraft as well as rocketry, as your technical abilities increased. We didn't "just start showing up" a few years back, but did begin to monitor carefully as your tech­nology grew. It grew far faster and to a more sophisticated level behind the backs of all of you masses. Further, we knew from the growth of technology on earth place that the time was at hand for the "countdown" and the awakening of the masses and the squaring away of our troops and participants. Un­fortunately, man does not listen to reason--he marches right along with the prophetic probabilities and our "orders" are to allow him to do so and move with him in order to bring our own into safety, among other duties. It also became time to begin contacts with earth placements as the truth would begin to seep through the mire.

I warned you that it would not, in the end, be mystical nor even mysterious. It is not spirit hullabaloo--it is a fact of physical manifestation of higher dimensional capability. Blood sucking aliens? Oh, I think not, little dreamers, it is most definitely blood spilling humanity. But this is why the distractors are sent forth with their disinformation--to keep you from knowing the truth. There are no blood suckers and no human parts utilizers--that type of rot and de­generation is left to those of earth who have the mentality to even think up such stupid scenarios. You don't a need contract with bad little aliens, you have enough evil Satanic leaders to destroy you a hundredfold--in the US alone, not to even mention the other hot spots on your globe.

Why do your government leaders send massive aid to Russia? Why do they give away all your grain? Could it be to keep those Cosmospheres stationed in appropriate sequence to take out every major dam, fault line and popu­lated city in your country, along with military defenses--why do you think your government is simply closing military bases? Further, the cover-up has to be efficient enough to allow the banker cartel to get situated without your citi­zens knowing what hit them and then "all can live happily ever after under the Global Plan 2000." That plan does not include very many citizens, dear ones--just enough to serve the slave masters. "They" prefer to not have to precipi­tate massive devastation upon you ones until "they" are set and ready, and then you can expect the worst for you will most surely get of it.

You will be told it is simply fulfillment of the prophecies and it is God's will. No, and that is the lie of the prophecies--it is not God's will and these massive upheavals will not be God's work--your destruction shall flow from the hands and mind of man, headed by Satan in human form. This is why the prophecies can be quite accurate--for man will accomplish the acts necessary so that you simply blame God.


UFOs have always been attracted by aircraft, rockets, and spacecraft, especially when these are new or experimental. The Cosmospheres are no excep­tion to this rule. Wherever Cosmospheres are congregated UFOs will always show up and there is no exception to this rule. We will always have crafts monitoring every one of the spheres from every vantage point.

A very good example of this monitoring was witnessed in New Zealand as the secret bases, already written of, were under surveillance by the Russians. On December 30, 1978, an Australian television news crew made headlines world-wide by filming what they called UFOs from an airplane over New Zealand. The film, some seven minutes long, was purchased by the BBC and by the CBS TV Network. On January 2, CBS showed less than 50 seconds of the film which showed a glowing spherical object, and most of the objects sighted that evening by the camera crew and other observers were described as spheres of light.

However, as the film clip was shown, a sound track was played. The Aus­tralian newsman described a different object. He said it looked like a flying saucer. Walter Cronkite did not say whether or not the sound track had been recorded simultaneously with the film clip that was being shown. In any case, the spherical object in the film was a Russian Cosmosphere, but the attempts to discredit the film was an echo of the ridiculous government stories about the air quakes the prior year. On the evening of January 25 Walter Cronkite of CBS News reminded viewers of the New Zealand UFOs; then he went on: "Well, the New Zealand Air Force reported today that freak atmospheric conditions, not visitors from outer space, were responsible. Investigators said one definite cause was an unusually bright Venus rising in the eastern sky."

Yes, friends, this is why we always will show you our strobing "colored" lights for there are also Cosmospheres stationed in front of your identifiable stars and planets, orbiting right along with them. In addition, however, they are stationed in non orbiting sequence in strategic placements. This is why it cannot be allowed to have an operational scope in space for this is that which will be found out there--not wondrous mysteries of the universe.

No, Dharma, this Sunday is as good a day as any to begin to tell you ones these truths. Beware of ALL ones efforting to move close to you--especially ones known to be among the misinformation bringers, whether in good intent or ill. The government has always managed to silence this information and they will not stop now. You ones just focus on that which you CAN do and that, is to save your constitution and then one step at a time is the modus operandi. The operatives know we are who we say we are and yet they also know they and their families and loved ones, are as vulnerable to the death rays as any other human. There are some hard decisions being made at this time on the part of some great men. It remains to be seen "how great".

Are these things always visible? Absolutely not. They are a very sophisticated "stealth" craft. Almost never are they visible and from an orbiting standpoint they are as any other satellite which would be too small to be seen by the eye alone but can be sometimes visualized at night but would be quite indistinguishable from the other heavenly lights of great distance. They are shielded by a most sophisticated shielding system which creates a visual barrier.

We are able to dissolve the shield and often do so--as in the case of the New Zealand incident--hoping someone will have guts enough to speak up and tell the truth. We can help you--you are getting beyond the ability to help your­self. However, as long as one side acts as heinously against the laws of God and Creation as the other--we will not do anything other than make ourselves known. Always you sleepy-heads want good to win over bad--well, at this time the "good" is blatantly missing from the entire equation as to the Global Plan.

Those flurries of UFO sightings over Australia and New Zealand were actu­ally due to Cosmospheres with monitoring alien craft along with some of your own monitoring craft with sufficient speed capability.

Funny thing, a recurrence of problems of what to do with the MX mobile missiles, is a continuing subject. That subject was in the mainstream in the years around the end of the 70s. You heard a great deal about plans for America's so-called MX mobile missile; but, in fact, American mobile missiles were al­ready being scattered like popcorn world-wide. Your American Bolshevik rulers were hoping to outflank Russia with sheer numbers of missile sites, if nothing else. The missiles involved were based on your standard "Minuteman". As a solid fuel rocket, it was well suited for mobile basing--in fact, this was designed into some versions of the Minuteman in the first place; and then about the time in point, New Zealand hosted at least two American mobile missile bases, as did Australia.

For our dear readers in New Zealand, one was placed not far from Hamilton on the North Island and the other was placed near Alexandra on the South Island. They were carefully concealed in mountainous areas. A very large missile complex was situated in Australia in the Northern Territory of Aus­tralia--it straddles the Robinson River and spreads out over an 18 by 22-mile area, and growing. In that area there is no one to watch what goes on but alli­gators and aborigines--not even Crock Dundee. Moreso, across the way there is even an American Base for this purpose on Crete, Greece. I believe you will find Northrup quite involved. Yes, Dharma, the plans to watch you have been long in operation, and I am sorry for that, chela--oh, very, very few knew so don't get paranoid--just be aware for much of the attention was to monitor Dalene. I told you that the ultimate confrontation is of highest energies of discarnate capability and etheric function. The key players know the other key players--it is just that most of you in dense format are shielded from that knowledge. So be it.

The Russians monitor all American missile bases, new and old, by means of their Cosmospheres. All military basis are monitored, especially ones such as White Sands, Edwards, etc. You have no defense system but their Particle Beam-weapons can blast your missiles at the moment of launch. Your Bolshevik rulers somehow believed they had devised a way to disable the Cosmospheres just long enough to get the missiles safely launched against Russia, and yes, it could have worked. The Cosmosphere capabilities have, however, saved your world from nuclear war on many occasions which would have been staged by some of your Middle Eastern "friends".

It is well known to U.S. scientific intelligence analysts that the Cosmospheres hover by floating in the earth's electro static field. They also presume that the Russians use the same techniques you would use in order to aim their Particle Beam-weapons--that is, a combination of infrared detection and radar. They reason that if the Cosmospheres can be disturbed from their hovering posi­tions and if their sensing systems can be blinded, their Particle Beam-weapons would do no good--even if they fired they would be aimed wildly and would miss your rockets as they would be launched. THE SOLUTION DEVISED WAS CALLED A COBALT IONIZATION BOMB. Unlike a normal cobalt bomb, such a device is not designed to create a tremendous blast; its primary purpose, instead, is to create tremendous quantities of totally ionized cobalts-- that is, the cobalt atoms are stripped of all their electrons, leaving bare nuclei. The plan is to detonate these at various locations in the upper fringes of the atmosphere, as high as possible, but below the hovering altitude of the Cosmospheres. The result will be an enormous storm of electrons, spreading horizontally in the earth's magnetic field to pass underneath the Cosmospheres. Does the recent rocket launch which projects launching a satellite that "illuminates the electrostatic/magnetic field" make more sense to you now, seeing that it was a "military secret" pay load?'?? It would also disrupt the infrared and radar systems used to watch the missiles below; and while the Cosmospheres are briefly incapacitated in this manner, your rulers planned to launch your ICBMs right past them.

Meanwhile, ground-based high-power lasers would be used in the effort to shoot down the Cosmospheres. But, my friends, your masters fell victim to the very intelligence gap which they themselves brought about years past, be­cause the Russians well understand the importance of surprise, including technological surprise. And so while they have allowed their space triad to become known in intelligence circles because of its deployment, they still have a master secret weapon in reserve for the war itself.

This weapon is a system to protect the Achilles' heel of their beam-weapons-­the ability to aim them accurately. It is called "PSYCHOENERGETIC RANGE FINDING", or PRF. PRF does not rely on conventional radiations like infrared or radar--instead, it is based upon detection of the actual atomic signature of the target, and normal jamming techniques have no effect what­-so-ever on PRF. Therefore, when the American cobalt ionization bombs explode, the Cosmospheres would be able to aim right through the electron storms to blast your missiles or anything else in the target.

You ones can literally "feel" the impending doom--you can literally smell it but you are so distracted by other arrangements of the Conspirators that you do not isolate it. And what could you do if you knew and understood it all? Well, you can begin to get your lives and nation in order for in the ending enough will petition God to intervene that the ultimate victory is foretold. What you can do in the interim are the things we bring unto your attention. Remember--Russians are human too, and they, too, shall perish. So be it.

As long as you continue to refuse to see and hear and yet refuse to take action to preserve your nation and citizens of Western civilization, allowing it to be eroded and dissolved in front of you--will the survivors dare to say "May God forgive us?" I wonder.

Hatonn to stand-by please, that this portion may be somewhat digested before moving on to the second shuttle fiasco.

May peace go with you for your way is truly indeed limited. "Take my hand and I shall show you the way", is a most good thing to cling unto. Adonai.

PJ 18


MONDAY, JULY 30, 1990 9:32 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 347

PAUL ANDREW: Born this day, 1959 - transitioned March 22, 1985. This would appear to be a short life but we make notation herein that his name is written among the great servers of your planet. No man is given to know the mission or contract of another; nor does man know that which his brother gives as a gift, for the gift is often hidden well. Paul paid the ultimate human price for his journey upon your place. So be it. May you hold warm and beau­teous memories of his journey and dwell not on the pain and negative aspects for it was as it was to be. He is still in ultimate service and shall participate again in these days of revelations.

In your work, as ones must fill other jobs of interim duration, do not be in the forgetting of the promises, for you are so doing in some instances and we must be ever mindful of those whose contributions came first. And yet the human experience could not continue without them serving elsewhere until there are available funds in proper time. I can only remind you of intended and ex­pected commitments and ask you to be ever mindful; expectations unmet in choosing of "other" are painful indeed and will cost the trust and affiliation of the ones neglected.

You ones must be most cautious and not choose new ones outside your community when you have ones in your circle waiting and will not speak up for they are too giving; they will, however, pull away from you for they will have been betrayed, albeit minimal. Sometimes the "right of refusal" is worth more than the job itself. I urge you ones to not be careless for so many have worked endlessly for no reward and it is difficult to see new ones come and reap what reward there is. I leave it in your hands to consider your moves diligently. Further, you have ones in separate places awaiting a move and cannot do so until a "job" can be found to make of ends to meet. I only ask you to think carefully lest you be in the breaking of expectations accepted as "promises".

Let us return to the subject in point; that of your space shuttle upstart. I trust that all readers have read and digested the prior chapter well indeed, for it is of utmost importance to your circumstances at the present moment. The sit­uation is critical indeed, this very day. You do, however, need to know the happenings at the time of loss of your power as a nation.


In November an alternate plan for the second launch was presented. This plan would be an abbreviated orbital mission. So, the second space shuttle launch took place from Cape Canaveral, Florida on November 12, 1981, seven months after the first launch.

Some seven hours after launch it was announced that the flight was going to be cut short. Therefore, the secret plan for an abbreviated mission was veri­fied and under way. As an excuse, NASA pretended that a faulty fuel cell was responsible for shortening the mission.

The abbreviated space shuttle mission in November was the legacy of the to­tal disaster which engulfed the first shuttle launch in April. In November, just as the prior April, no part of the real shuttle flight was heard other than the Florida take-off. The identical theatrical techniques that were used to fool the public in April were again utilized, including some of the same taped segments--no one noticed, not even when the story did not match the sound or pictures.

Remember, you watched the "Columbia" take off but it was the "Enterprise" which landed in California.

The Enterprise was a very specially designed shuttle, unlike the Columbia or the three other shuttles which secretly existed at White Sands. The Enterprise was a training shuttle with its cargo bay filled with rocket fuel tanks. Launched from the top of an airborne 747, the Enterprise was able to make short suborbital flights into space, but due to its fuel tanks it could carry no payload in its cargo bay.

In the wake of the secret space shuttle disaster in April, the military shuttle planners sent the Enterprise to Florida.

Originally, they were simply trying to buy time. But time was going by quickly because the American Bolsheviks were on an accelerated timetable to bring about war! Arguments broke out among the military shuttle planners over the original plan to throw away a launch just to keep up appearances.

A scheme was finally constructed to use the Enterprise itself in November for a military mission.

Just as computers are handy for helping with the workloads of people, they also make handy scape goats to cover a massive multitude of errors and omissions. This time a computer problem would be the important factor in delib­erately shortening the second shuttle flight--as information to be lied forth to the public. So, on the evening before the launch, there was a sudden flurry of activity at Cape Canaveral. Supposedly, a data processing module aboard the shuttle--that is, part of its computer system--"was misbehaving". You were told that a replacement was flown in, and you saw workmen rushing to install something aboard the shuttle. It was all going on, literally, at the very last minute, just before the large external tanks started being loaded with rocket fuel.


The last minute rush at Pad 39-A that evening of November 11 was not to load a computer module as you were told--and shown. Instead, special photo reconnaissance equipment was installed in the rear deck of the crew compartment. It was arranged to look out of the two overhead windows. The En­terprise was unable to carry a spy satellite in its cargo bay, as mentioned ear­lier, so instead the Enterprise itself was turned into a spy satellite. The makeshift spy apparatus installed in the crew compartment rear deck was not as good as that of a regular spy satellite, but the military planners were des­perate. By the way, you can fool your friends quite easily but you can rarely fool your enemy for they are watching most closely and the Russians knew, moment by moment, what was happening.

It would soon be four years since Russia finished destroying all of the Ameri­can spy satellites with her fleet of Killer Satellites. The military shuttle team was hoping to use "surprise" in order to get at least a little bit of reconnaissance over Russia. It was hoped that the Russians would consider the Enter­prise to be no threat since it could not carry anything in its cargo bay. NASA, also, did everything it could to convince the Russians that a non-threatening orbit would be used. Finally, the launch time was shifted by about 2-1/2 hours on the morning of November 12th. That was intended to make it harder for the Russian Cosmos Interceptors to readjust their orbits to attack the Enter­prise.

That last item reflects a deadly intelligence error made by the United States military shuttle team. They knew about Russia's orbital cosmos interceptors, the Killer Satellites. They also knew about the first generation cosmospheres, Russia's Levitating Weapons Platforms. Both were first deployed some four years prior. The American planners knew that the space shuttle COULD probably outrun the "first-generation" Cosmospheres, therefore they believed that the orbiting cosmos interceptors were the main threat to the shuttle.

WHAT THEY DID NOT KNOW--BUT DID SUSPECT--WAS THAT RUSSIA HAD DEVELOPED AND DEPLOYED A SMALL FLEET OF SEMI-EXPERIMENTAL SECOND-GENERATION COSMOSPHERES. In April there had been seven in operation--by November there were at least eight or nine. The new cosmospheres were called "Super Heavies" or "Jumbos" and could outrun and outlift anything America had, including the shuttle. The Russians even gave NASA pointed information about them as far back as the April launch.

There were some in America's intelligence community who correctly interpreted what happened and informed the planners. But the American Bolshe­viks who controlled America's military space program were refusing to accept it. They were explaining away the fragments of intelligence about the new Russian Jumbo cosmospheres and thereby guaranteeing their own failure.


When the Enterprise took off there were no human pilots aboard. It was a known suicide mission. The Enterprise followed an evasive, curving launch, just as the Columbia had done in April. It headed toward the north which would indicate a near polar orbit. When it passed over Russia the Enterprise was to be upside down with its spy camera staring downward through the crew compartment windows.

Five nice big fat Jumbo cosmospheres were right on hand and kept pace along with quite a good number of us, as it climbed toward orbit. Moscow was instantly notified of the course it was taking--but the Russians were told not to fire on the shuttle. Instead the Russian Ballistic Missile Defense Forces were alerted. The Russians knew war was coming and they decided to use the approach of the shuttle as a good test drill.

It had been known for two years that Russia had been preparing to deploy a new anti-ballistic missile system and underground shelter systems were improved and renovated along with new shelters being installed and totally updated for the population security. How does that make you good tax-paying citizens feel about how your government feels about you? The new missile system was based on charged particle beam weapons fired from modified supersonic TU-144 Jet Transports. On November 12 a squadron of TU-144s were scrambled to intercept and shoot down the Enterprise.

The Jumbo cosmospheres continued pacing the shuttle from a distance as a backup if the TU-144s should fail--but they, of course, did not fail. The Enterprise swept downward from the north across their strategic Kola Peninsula. As it crossed over the White Sea the big jets began firing upward with their beam weapons at the shuttle far above. The third beam blast tore through the mid-section of the shuttle and it broke in half just behind the crew com­partment and disintegrated.


NASA went ahead with its made-for-television space movies and followed the preplanned script for a shortened mission. They knew within the hour after launch that the Enterprise had been destroyed. Having learned about Rus­sia's plans in April, to create an international incident with the crashed shut­tle, they wanted to complete the flight, in the world's eyes, quickly.

The shuttle landing at Edwards Air Force Base, California, on November 14th was a replay of the shuttle you saw last April. Literally, those long distance telephoto shots of the shuttle swooping in from the stratosphere were the very same ones that were shown you in April. NASA merely fed video tapes of the long distance scenes from last April to the networks and added a fresh narrative to them. The only part of the landing that was live in November was the terminal portion which could be seen from the ground.

The shuttle you were shown landing was one of the new shuttles from White Sands. It had been carried aloft by the launch aircraft, boosted to a modest speed altitude by a pair of solid fuel booster rockets--enough to produce sonic resonance, and then it swooped down to the delight of the attending crowd.


Since you all witnessed how well that second shuttle worked out, the next launch was already set for March, just three months from that perfect landing. It was planned to launch the third shuttle right on schedule. Well, Enterprise would no longer be an embarrassing problem to NASA.

You now had a new shuttle, the third you were shown with Columbia on it and it awaited at Cape Canaveral. Its cargo bay awaited a NEW secret military pay load. That particular shuttle had really been modified and ARMED FOR BATTLE in space. Your idiot Bolshevik military planners continued and still continue to refuse to understand what they are really up against--and thusly, another tragedy was already in the final stages of being made ready.


To give you an overview of the world events coincidental to your shuttle launches, we need to go back to the attempted assassination of Reagan, March 30. That news flashed myriads of questions around your world in­stantly as old concerns were triggered. Would some other country try to take advantage in some way? Most of all, would Russia decide to invade Poland? At that time headlines were telling you that an invasion might he imminent. As it turned out then, your worries about that were unfounded but you had no way to know.

Instead of "invading", the Russians were in the process of cooling down the latest "Solidarity" labor crisis. Likewise, other Rations around the world generally acted with restraint following news of the shooting and, literally, without much surprise or reaction for the planners know the plans. That is, all except one--the lone exception was ISRAEL! You may want to look closely at the next bits of information and see what you can discern.

The timing could not have been more precise if it had been planned in advance. As the first shocking bulletins of the shooting flashed across America, Israeli war planes were starting their engines. As White House spokesmen were gathering to brief the press, Israeli fighter bombers were gathering over Lebanon.

Through that afternoon and evening you Americans huddled around your television sets for the latest word from George Washington University Hospital, completely transfixed on the happenings of your own day and totally dis­tracted from anything else which might be occurring in your world.

Meanwhile, Lebanese villagers were huddling in basements and bombed-out shelters as Israeli missiles and bombs exploded all around them. On the BBC World Service and other short-wave radio news reports around the world, the sudden new Israeli raids on Lebanon that day were very big news indeed. But not so in America. News of the presidential shooting and its aftermath drowned out everything else just exactly as it was supposed to do and you will never be told what REALLY happened with that shooting incident--but it didn't go exactly or precisely as planned but it did its job--after all, you ALL saw it, didn't you?

It was not until Syrian troops began making moves in response to the Israeli raids that Lebanon began to enter your consciousness in America. Day by day, the Israelis and Syrians lashed out at one another more and more, di­rectly and through surrogates in Lebanon.

On April 28 Israeli jets shot down two Syrian helicopters over Lebanon. It was tremendous news overseas, but in the U.S. it was completely ignored in favor of an all-networks coverage of the President's speech to Congress the same evening. It was not until the following day, April 29, that the Lebanon crisis received billing in the American controlled major media.


The Syrians had moved Russian SAM-6 anti-aircraft missiles into the Bekaa valley of Lebanon. This was Syria's answer to Israel's shooting down of two of her helicopters the day prior over Zahle. Thus, the Middle East missile crisis was born.

Another mounting crisis was the growing feud between the U.S. and Japan. It seemed as if Washington couldn't do anything right toward the Japanese. On the morning of April 10, 1981, the first attempt to launch the space shuttle "Columbia" took place at Cape Canaveral. It ended in failure due to a computer problem, but it was the top story that day in America. It all but buried the news story that was tops that day in Japan.

The prior day, an American submarine had sunk a small Japanese freighter, supposedly by ramming it. Then the submarine had left the scene without making any attempt to rescue survivors. Worse yet, the U.S. had not even admitted the incident to Japanese authorities until some 36 hours after the incident. Let me assure you that in the weeks that passed following the incident, the episode raised more and more questions in Japanese minds.

The U.S. Navy issued a report about it which differs drastically from the testimony of the 13 Japanese survivors. The Navy report even put the location of the collision 3-1/2 miles away from where it actually happened. The Japanese wanted to know WHY!

The Japanese began demanding answers to that and many other puzzling questions about the incident. The supposedly "accidental" sinking of the Japanese freighter was only the opening gun in the Washington-Tokyo feud. One shock after another from America rocked Japan. American naval vessels sailed through Japanese fishing fleets, cutting fishing nets to ribbons. Suddenly, there were revelations that American ships with nuclear weapons aboard were using Japanese ports regularly, in secret. Secretary of State Haig canceled a visit to Japan. Even the visit of Prime Minister Suzuki to Washington recently backfired on him. He agreed to language in a joint communiqué that led to accusations in Japan that Suzuki was making a secret military al­liance with the United States. The irony of it all was that Suzuki's troubles were due to the fact that he was resisting any such military alliance.

The facts, of course, were that an attempt was being made to pressure the Japanese because of the massive amounts of counterfeit money from South America and the Antarctic. In addition the Bolsheviks in the U.S. wanted Japan to re-arm, to become the policemen of the Western Pacific. Suzuki's predecessor, Prime Minister Ohira, was ready to go along with America's Bolsheviks despite stern warnings from Russia not to. Then, surprise of surprises, Ohira died suddenly and Suzuki replaced him. Suzuki didn't want to re-arm Japan, and so America's Bolsheviks wanted him out of office. Japan had en­dured all kinds of shocks in those particular months, but they all had one common denominator. They all involved loss of face for Japan as a whole and especially for Prime Minister Suzuki, and that is most painful for such an Oriental people.

In Asia, loss of face is a very, very serious matter. By using it as a political weapon, America's Bolsheviks believed they could bring down the Suzuki government. Whoever would follow Suzuki would have to talk "peace" for domestic consumption, but he would have to prepare for war if he was to get along with Washington.

Elsewhere in Asia, Red China and Vietnam had recently engaged in very heavy border fighting with many casualties. Meanwhile, the so-called Reagan Administration was preparing to declare openly that it would sell America's most sophisticated weapons to Red China. Might you ones agree with me that the cancer eating away at America had caused total insanity? Do you think it has improved in the nine years since? Well, it surely got far worse. You have no idea what kind of a decade the 1980s really was. I wonder if you are yet ready to hear the news about what kind of a decade you had.

In Europe, too, there was turmoil at the hands of Bolshevik agents. The government of Italy had just been brought down in a tremendous scandal involv­ing a massive conspiracy of many of the country's leading citizens. In West Germany, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt was under fire from forces who wanted to undo the balance he had struck between East and West. And in France the Bolsheviks won a tremendous victory in the election. Until then, France had enjoyed a special relationship with Russia as well as with the West. The relationship was one of trust built up laboriously beginning with the former President Charles de Gaulle; but the new French president, Mitterrand, was working as fast as possible to change that. Mitterrand would try to bring France into the anti-Russian camp, headed by the American Bolsheviks. Note his current presence at every open meeting and secret meeting and put your own puzzle pieces in place. You ones should be able to begin to glue those pieces in place pretty rapidly now as to players and events.

At the time, crisis large and small were multiplying and compounding all around you, and by and large they were not accidental. They were part and parcel of the deliberate war build-up strategy of the Bolsheviks in America. By turning the world into a cauldron of crises, they were setting the state for NUCLEAR WAR NO. ONE. The entire world was filled with unrest just like the uneasy Balkans just prior to World War I. Has the confusion lessened? I thought you might see the correlation.

World War I was set off, seemingly by accident, by the assassination of Arch­duke Ferdinand of Austria by terrorists. Ten years ago you were once again in the era of terrorism, assassination, and turmoil--only compounded into this day. And just like all other major wars, Nuclear War One will erupt from a sudden spark, seemingly by accident, or forced upon you out of the Middle East-- any rate it will have to appear to be accidental and give you no re­course other than to join it.


Of course not, you are dealing with people who intend to run your world--re­member, "bury you" and let you foot the bill for the burial. Russia's rulers were convinced that it was only a matter of time until all-out war would break out between the U.S. and Russia, even though you have basically never been other than allies in the overall Global Plan. The Russians just continued to whittle away at America's ability to damage Russia and they really got themselves prepared to survive whatever you could throw at them, but it would be a total accident if even one of your missiles reached Russian soil. THEY DO HAVE A DEFENSE SYSTEM OF WONDROUS CAPABILITY--AND BESIDES, THEY HAVE AN EXCELLENT SHELTER SYSTEM WHEREBY THE MASSES COULD SURVIVE IF ERRORS IN THE NETWORK SHOULD OCCUR.


I can give you minute by minute, blow by blow detail and it doesn't have to come from Command records--it comes directly from Intelligence and Counter Intelligence--it is a game of games and fun is had by all --- EXCEPT YOU THE PEOPLE.

When the space shuttle "Columbia" took off on its ill-fated flight on April 12, a fleet of special aeroplanes were aloft to help track it. The U.S. was depending heavily on its fleet of advanced range-instrumentation aircraft. These were flying radar and communications stations known as "Droop Snoots" for their huge bulbous nose. This special aeroplane was a modified military Boeing 707, designated EC-135N. When they were not involved in space shots, the EC-135N's also have many other uses, including the tracking of Russian satellites. There were only a few of these EC-135N's, so they were all very impor­tant. When the space shuttle Columbia took off in April, there were only eight of them.

The Space Shuttle Program was an indispensable key to the underway war plans of the Bolsheviks, and the EC-135N's were crucial to the Shuttle Program. On May 6, 1981, an EC-135N, nicknamed the "Boss Hog", took off from its base in Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. It headed east on what was to be a routine training flight. As the modified "707" flew eastward, it was heading for an unexpected rendezvous.

Hovering high over the rolling hills of western Maryland, a lone Cosmosphere was waiting for the Boss Hog. At 10:51 A.M. Eastern Time the pilot of the jet radioed the words "Flight level 29" to controllers on the ground. The plane was at 29,000 feet. Moments later the Cosmosphere fired its Charged Particle Beam weapon downward at the jet plane passing miles below it. The beam blasted a hole through the top of the fuselage and another out through the bottom. Explosive decompression emptied the cabin of its air. The blast also set off a secondary explosion, turning the jet into a ball of flames. At the same time control cables through the tail were destroyed, and the jet turned vio­lently nose down. Instead of gliding to a crash many miles away, the ruined aeroplane dropped like a rock, almost straight down. Radar traffic controllers were startled to see the plane disappear suddenly from their screens, but it was all documented. It was all over before they even knew anything had hap­pened, however. On the ground, eye witnesses heard a boom-boom-boom, and moments later a giant ball of fire came screaming downward out of the clouds. For at least ten minutes small pieces of debris from the plane kept set­tling earthward for miles around.

In any air disaster as violent as that one, the investigation usually extends over a period of months--but not this one. On Friday May 29, just over three weeks after the crash, the Air Force quietly announced that its investigation was already over and there had been "some type of pilot error" doing some­thing to the whatchit which engaged the wrong whichit and poo! The Air Force knew what had blown their radar plane out of the air, but they also de­clared that "for the time being the results would not be made public".

While the Air Force was still reeling from the crash of the valuable EC-135N. it became the Navy's turn to have some fun. Is any of this beginning to allow you to piece together what "probably" happened to all your naval excursions? How about gun turret blow-outs, etc. The particle beams are so exacting that they can be shot right into a jet turbine--in flight. Once again Russia's target was a highly sophisticated electronic warfare jet. The plane involved was an EA-6B Prowler based on the nuclear supercarrier, USS Nimitz.


On the night of Tuesday, May 26, the Nimitz was engaged in night-landing exercises just off the East Coast. Carrier landings are always dangerous, and night landings especially so; but the EA-6B has a special advantage. It is equipped with an Automatic Carrier Landing System to permit safe landings even in conditions of zero visibility. Partly as a result, the Prowlers are known as some of the safest of all carrier aircraft; but on that night of May 26 one of Russia's new Jumbo Cosmospheres was hovering high above the Nimitz. It was one of the two which are armed with a Neutron Particle Beam.

As the EA-6B approached the Nimitz to land, the Cosmosphere waited. At a critical moment of the final approach, the Cosmosphere fired. The invisible neutron beam instantly killed the crew of three and temporarily deranged the aeroplane's electronic systems. Being suddenly without guidance, the jet veered to the right and crashed into a deck full of aeroplanes. The toll: 14 dead, 48 injured, and 20 aircraft destroyed or damaged. It was the Navy's worst flight-deck disaster since the early 1950s.


During those times there was a lot of hocus pocus about "national security". What did that mean to you? Could there be any such thing as National Secu­rity without National Survival? Funny thing--your leaders kept telling you that the threat to your security was Russia. Then, while you were not looking, they turned right around and taunted the Russians. Something followed that would be a good example along this very vein.

The super-carrier Nimitz entered port only very briefly after the fiery crash of the EA-6B. It entered port on May 28 and left again just two days later, May 30. The official story was that it was heading for the Caribbean for continued exercises.

The Nimitz, however, was ordered to the north, not to the south. In a drastic departure from normal procedure, an American carrier group was ordered into the Norwegian and Barents Seas, right on the doorstep of Russia. The deployment was expected to be brief, but it was indeed most dangerous to say the very least. It was an insane act of bravado by the American Bolsheviks, like walking up to a bully and throwing salt into an open wound.

The Russians had had their day and felt no need to push their advantage but undoubtedly there would come a time when the push would go too far.

The lie of National Security was as big a lie then as it is now. The more you pretend to spend on National Security the less security you can achieve. Those who secretly control America's destiny (and thus the world) cannot stand the truth and this is why the truth shall begin to loosen your bonds.

You must seek the Truth, cherish the Truth, and pass on the Truth to others as it flows to you. Only in that manner can you break free of the Satanic power that now grips America and the world. You can know your enemies for the Lord Christ said long ago: "They were liars from the beginning." May the word go forth and be heard.

Thank you Dharma, for a long sitting. We shall bring this segment to a close. I petition you ones to see and hear these passages of truth and then seek your confirmation for it lays all about you. Saalom

Hatonn to clear, please.