PJ 18
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1990 8:36 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 6


Hatonn present in the light of truth and in service--as God grants through grace, understanding and direction in a troubled time upon His lands and His people. God gives not his children more than that which they can carry if they turn unto Him for their sustenance and turn from their misdirection unto the light of truth. So be it. Amen.


I ask that someone take from the audio tapes of Friday and Sunday, the por­tions dealing with Revelations and my speaking on the subject of England for therein lies truth and, for you ones, a different perspective. I shall not ask that Dharma repeat of her work for we cannot get timely information unto the public without assistance.

You ones request that we connect all facets into neat little bundles for your tube-feedings. No, we are giving it all unto you as quickly as a scribe can put it to paper and voice recording. YOU MUST DO OF YOUR HOMEWORK FOR IT IS YOUR LIFE AND NATION AT STAKE. WE WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE YOU BACKGROUND FOR CONFIRMATION AND THEN YOU MUST INTEGRATE IT WITH THE DAILY UNVEILING.

These current events have long been predicted and thoroughly explained as far back as 1984. I related the caution to pay attention to the "Bankers" and England many, many times for therein is the seat of this massive maneuver for control. He who controls the oil--controls the world. Why was Thatcher in your country for weeks prior to this massive manipulation and transfer of your troops to the Middle East? You are sitting ducks in the mud-bound pond and your time is definitely running out.

While the CIA and other agencies have been spending billions of dollars of taxpayers' money to gather "intelligence and data" about the Middle East. mostly from the ISRAELI MOSSAD (Israel's secret service for those of you who haven't read the Journals and Express), as well as financing all the most murderous and corrupt regimes in the region, the international bankers were on a crash program preparing their next shakedown of the world's "average" people. I can only suggest that you, who have not done so, get yourselves availed of the past Journals and find out what is afoot in your world--the perspective will give you power in truth whereby you must take action. All the ordinary working people in every country now are hostage to the dragon.

Because the international bankers control most of the world's news media, making ordinary folks a captive audience, only people who read the few presentations such as the Journals are going to know what is really going on, and you others will blindly walk the path to the pit.

Ever since the London-based international bankers managed to railroad America into World War I, the government of the U.S. has become the factotum of British Imperialism, Trilateralism, Zionism and Communism which have always been bankers' instrumentalities. We have now written the equivalent of some 19 Journals to "prove" this statement unto you. We have also presented unto you the ONLY PATH BACK INTO TRUTH AND RESURRECTION OF YOUR WORLD--A RETURN TO THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION--AND WHAT ACTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO REVERSE THE JOURNEY TO DESTRUCTION. WHO WILL LIS­TEN AND SEE?

Since World War I, ordinary Americans have been sent to wars and myriads of undeclared ones for the sole purpose of keeping the international bankers in clover; trillions of dollars have been stolen from American taxpayers to pick up the tab for the bankers' schemes gone wrong, on purpose or not.

Today the U.S. has never been more captive from the grip of the international bankers in its entire history. Legions of modern-day Benedict Arnolds, if you will, and traitorous dual loyalists posing as publican servants and elected officials have suborned the people's sacred mandate to alien interests dedicated to the ruination and enslavement of the American people. It is within this context that the so-called Iraq crisis was suddenly THRUST onto page one of the ESTABLISHMENT'S MEDIA.

Contrary to the histrionics of flag-waving conservatives and breast-beating liberals, the Iraqi situation has really NOTHING to do with the interests of the U.S. as a country and even far less to do with the welfare of American citi­zens. It is high time to remind those, who through ignorance or stupidity sup­port the bankers' meddling in every country of the world, that the republic of the U.S. was founded on two basic principles:

Government is the SERVANT OF THE PEOPLE; and, THE REPUBLIC WILL STAY CLEAR OF ANY FOREIGN MEDDLING AND ENTANGLEMENTS. Therefore, you can only deduce that it is for special interests that the government acts against your best interests and sends your children off to insure the theft and robbery of your world for the international bankers and the benefit of the Bolshevik/Zionists who plan to control your world by force and enslavement, completely, by no later than the year 2000. The PLAN is ahead of schedule, my dear friends, and a nuclear war is a major part of the PLAN.


It was for the principles of the Government as Servant and the intentions to stay out of foreign meddling which the Founding Fathers risked their own lives in the creation of your republic. Although this was a novel idea at the time, your Founding Fathers lived up to their principles. Upon securing independence, they did not go about trying to wipe out every presumed bad guy from the face of the Earth.

The position was indeed, clear: Americans would fight to the death to DE­FEND against an attack on American soil but WOULD NOT waste one American life in obscure and dubious alien conflicts that had nothing to do with the interests of America or its citizens. It is a measure of British hypocrisy and duplicity to have changed this iron-clad premise of non-en­tanglements into one of perpetual and messianic meddling in the affairs of ev­ery sovereign country in the world.

Worst of all was that this meddling has never been of benefit to the American citizens but only to the exclusive benefit of international bankers and other assorted mattoidal (crazy; self-serving individuals or groups) interests.


When the British Establishment railroaded America into its initial war against Germany (World War I), it had, in fact, reasserted its position as colonial master of North America. American blood and money was spent solely for the purposes of bailing out London's aggression against Germany and world colonialism from certain defeat.

The British Establishment had engineered World War I for the dual purpose of weakening its European rivals, France and Germany, through a mutual bloodbath and consolidating its predation of the Middle East and its colonialism in the rest of the world.

Needless to say, the British Establishment's institutionalized piracy was never of any benefit to its own English citizens and even less to American citizens: It strictly served the international bankers. Interestingly enough, the best and most brilliant record of British manipulations at that time was done by Gen. Leon Degrelle, a nationalist Belgian general who volunteered to fight the communists in W.W.II and escaped Allied "justice" by seeking asylum in Spain in 1945. It is labeled HITLER: BORN AT VERSAILLES. IT CAN BE OB­TAINED FOR $26.95 FROM LIBERTY LIBRARY, 300 INDEPEN­DENCE AVE. S.E., WASHINGTON, D.C. 20003. I SIMPLY CANNOT ASK THIS SCRIBE TO DO ALL OF YOUR HOMEWORK IN ORDER THAT YOU COME INTO YOUR OWN CONFIRMATION--NOR CAN THESE ONES FINANCIALLY AFFORD TO SUPPLY ALL OF YOU WITH COMPREHENSIVE INFORMATION. IF YOU WOULD WANT AMERICA WEST TO MAKE THESE BOOKS AVAILABLE, THEN PLEASE CONTACT THEM AND MAKE YOUR DESIRES KNOWN. I AM NOT GOING TO REWRITE ALL THAT IS ALREADY WRITTEN, AS CONFIRMATION OF OUR TRUTH, UPON YOUR PLANET.

Thus, America's involvement in World War I had nothing to do with defend­ing America or carrying the torch of freedom; it had ALL to do with squan­dering American lives and money to bail out the British Establishment. One of the most nefarious British predations, apart from the colonization of the hard-working Boers of South Africa, was its conquest of the Middle East, and specifically Iraq.

And you want to know about microbiological and chemical warfare and your participation vs. that of any other nation? Read A HIGHER FORM OF KILLING: THE SECRET STORY OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE, Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman. If you cannot find it (being forced out of print for an indefinite period of time), contact America West and let us get it back in circulation, please. Further, I must ask that sales of these suggested books give a portion of the proceeds into the Phoenix Insti­tute for further publishing ability in funding. We are not about bringing spe­cial riches unto a publisher or distributor and, of course, the rewards must be returned lest nothing can be made available to any. However, as we move along, I will endorse many publications instead of having Dharma pen them separately for she is exhausted unto inability to function. There are many publications of excellent truth--i.e. ALL of those presented by Eustace Mullins and I would suggest that any of his out of print, be re-published for ones such as CURSE OF CANAN are without equal on your placement. We must, however, expect return to the Institute from the distribution of these books to allow survival of the Institute and funding for projects in the start-up.


The Arabs--that includes the Iraqis--had been promised by the British freedom from Turkish domination if they would join in the British side in the war. Promises of huge amounts of money were also made. Land promises (such as Palestine) were made to the Arabian peninsula tribal chiefs for their joining the British war. American intervention having tipped the balance, the British proceeded to renege on all their promises to everybody:

The Italians did not get Greece, Greece did not get Turkey, and the Arabs got neither freedom nor Palestine; the moribund Turkish rule was replaced by ruthless British colonization and Palestine was quickly given to the Israelis.

Thus, far from striking a blow for freedom, American intervention has en­slaved half of the most civilized people in Europe into the hands of hate-filled thugs and the people of the Middle East exchanged one colonial master for another. The pattern was now well established: America and all its resources would from then on be subordinated to the interests of the London-based international bankers.

British propaganda has, to this very day, managed to cover up its railroading of America with generous doses of appeals to "save democracy". The bankers' control of the media has made this task most easy indeed. You are just told and shown exactly that which "they" desire you to believe.


World War I concluded in 1918 with International Finance the clear and only victor over the pile of 20 million bodies. Bolshevism had been financed to en­slave Russia, Zionism had been given Palestine, which belonged to the Pales­tinians and America was co-opted to perform any dirty work required by the master bankers anywhere in the world. British broken promises and subse­quent colonization did, however, stir a reawakening of the long-slumbering Arab world.

The Arabs had lived off past glories for centuries and resented being colo­nized by the pompous British, particularly when untold oil wealth was being discovered under their lands.

For years the British exploited the oil and kept the natives quiet through the creation of kings, sheiks, sultans, emirs and princes who acted as British pup­pets in the exploitation of the land and its people. In case the British could not quite manage, America could always be counted on to lend the necessary hand and money to the deal. The powerful tribal Bedouin chieftain Ibn Saud was suddenly declared king of the entire Arabian peninsula by the British.


The bazaar merchant Al Sabah in the Iraqi town of Kuwait was likewise made
the emir of the region and SEPARATED FROM IRAQ!
Countries were cut off, boundaries rearranged, populations shifted, sheikdoms and emirates created to the whims of the British and international bankers. The whole Middle East and its resources were kept in banking hands with the British policy of "Divide and Rule" and with the help of local traitors who exist in every country for a good price.

The bankers thought they could defuse Arab national aspirations by officially decolonizing the Middle East and running it through puppet kings and the like. In Iran the CIA, at British behest, overthrew the populist Dr. Mo­hammed Mossadegh and imposed a tyrannical emperor or shah on the coun­try; and in Iraq the British imposed a king. Things started to unravel when the puppet King was overthrown by nationalist Iraqis.

The British, however, managed to stop Iraq from reclaiming its lost territory of Kuwait in 1961.


Failure to recover Kuwait was, in fact, one of the reasons used by Saddam Hussein when he participated in the overthrow of President Kassem, the man who had overthrown the British puppet King. Kassem was succeeded by well-meaning, but ineffectual President Abdul Salam Aref, who was killed in a heli­copter accident in 1966. He was succeeded by his brother, Abdul Rahman Arif, who was deposed in 1967 by Saddam Hussein and his Baath Party.

Saddam Hussein's strength was based in the closely knit tribe of the Takritis-- an all important factor ignored by the State Department pundits. The entire Middle East is run along tribal lines, and an intricate alliance system which has proven totally incomprehensible to your so-called Middle East experts. Tribal survival in the Middle East as elsewhere is not for the faint-hearted: It is a live-or-die process with winner take all outcome.

Thus, Saddam Hussein had survived and won in an environment no West­erner could fathom, let alone sustain. Many names have been levelled at Saddam Hussein when he was suddenly transformed by the media from Mr. President Hussein to the "Butcher of Baghdad". Hussein's record is well doc­umented but is not better or worse than any other Middle East ruler and cer­tainly a lot less hypocritical and totally forthright in intent.

It is ironic but not surprising that Saddam was courted and rewarded by both the West and the Soviets as long as he made war with the Iranians who had kicked out the bankers and Zionist puppet, the shah. FOR TEN YEARS SADDAM RECEIVED GOOD PRESS AND BILLIONS IN AID, ARMS AND CREDIT--FROM YOU!

After returning to Iran, the Ayatollah Khomeini had extended the hand of friendship to Iraq and offered to join forces with Iraq and the rest of the Is­lamic world to liberate Palestine from Zionist occupation, a basic policy of Iraq's successive governments since the fall of King Hussein (no relative to Saddam or Jordan's ruler of the same name--"King" is simply a label, not a title).

Instead, Saddam chose to invade Iran on the advice of Mossad operatives who managed to convince the Iraqis that Khomeini was dying with only two months to live and Iran was near collapse. That was in 1980. Instead, Irani­ans proved to be no pushovers, and a punishing and bloody war of attrition ensued for eight long years. Try reading IRAQ-IRAN WAR, which is a Mid­dle Eastern point of view of the fratricidal conflict. $9.95 from Liberty Li­brary. After a million men on both sides lost their lives, the war ground to a halt through the sheer exhaustion of the parties.

The Iranians failed to topple Saddam and Saddam failed to topple the Mul­lahs. However, since Iran suffered the most casualties, Saddam was perceived as the winner. But the win had its poison pill, namely the billions Saddam had to borrow to sustain the war. When it became obvious that Iraq was unable or unwilling to repay the loans, the bankers decided it was time for a gas hike so that Iraq's war debts could be paid by American and European gas con­sumers: a tax disguised as a gas hike.

Once again the ordinary citizens of the West were picking up the tab to bail out shaky banks and make big oil even richer. A villain was needed and Sad­dam conveniently obliged to change from the West's golden boy to a new "Hitler" and this term is brandished about in every media presentation, or mis­representation as the case is. All the hysteria, posturing and histrionics are so much desert sand thrown into the eyes of the shaken-down public.

There is no oil crisis except the ones manufactured by the banks and big oil and Western and communist governments eager to distract attention to a new bogeyman from the growing wrath of their respective citizens. The fact re­mains that the world, with or without Iraqi and Kuwaiti oil, is floating on a sea of oil which has glutted the market for years and will continue to do so unless an artificial oil crisis, as in the 1970's, is manufactured.

Thus the "crisis" is a bonanza for big oil and the international bankers but a disaster for the common folk. If people wake up to the massive scam the Bush administration can be counted on to launch a Panama-type operation against Iraq, which could turn out to be another Vietnam. This would also be greatly welcomed by the Establishment as just the right type of war to pull the country out of the recession created by the gas hike--and golly, those war projects and war supplies companies belonging to the Cartel will flourish once again. And, you get your cream of the crop youth killed off to boot so they won't be turning on the corrupt government and military one of these days when the truth comes forth.

Once again it is the people who pay with their lives and their money and it will be the people who will "demand" that the war continue to ever increasing force to "protect America's non-existent 'interests"' in the Middle East. So be it--I most certainly suggest you go back and read every word of all Phoenix Journals and Phoenix Expresses again and again and again. We didn't get on the government/military hit list for "take-out" by anything other than telling you truth. You are in serious circumstances and you had best get those eyes and ears open--NOW!


This is the most self-serving idiocy in service to the world's bankers and Eng­land that has been staged yet. You the people were warned by some most daring publications years ago and on a continuing weekly and daily basis, and you didn't see or hear. Most have never heard of the publications so we will spare breath and work to enlighten you. Those of you who are enlightened and "give a damn" already know of them and yet, if you want confirmation on an earth level--check into truth projections for the information is available in great abundance if you bother to seek it out.

There is far more to the Iraq-Kuwait situation than waving the flag as the Marines pass by in revue on their way to war-games. Well, they are going to get a lot of your fine young people killed in the scenario and a lot of stupid medals will he passed out to grieving families, parents and spouses. You see, until the English butted in with their royal labels passed out at random and the scattering of bank loans of mammoth proportion, Kuwait and Iraq were the same. Kuwait was simply a "town" in Iraq. Don't all you citizens know this from your wondrous educational system?

Back when the Establishment media was singing the praises of Saddam Hus­sein as the man who punished Iran, the country that humiliated you with its hostage grab, you were warned what to expect in the future. Go back to the Journals and read all about the hostage situation--IT WAS THE BANKERS WHO FINALLY DEALT THE MANIPULATIONS TO--FREE THE HOSTAGES IN IRAN.


Saddam Hussein is an Arab nationalist. He doesn't like foreigners meddling in his affairs or, for that matter, the affairs of his Arab world brothers in gen­eral. He doesn't like Israel--or anyone who supports Israel--and you might pay attention for you are already "fallen" into the Zionist trap laid in Israel.

He was not about to stand by and do nothing while you armed Israel to the teeth with the latest that the military-industrial complex had to offer--and you paid EVERY CENT OF THE COST AT TAXPAYER'S EXPENSE--CHECK IT OUT! He really got angry when he found out that it was the U.S. that had coerced Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates to overproduce and keep the price of oil down just when he needed the money to pay for his costly eight-year war and rearm for his expected clash with Israel. Now you set Is­rael up to march in and you will help them eat-up the Middle East and you as well.


Mr. Bush's holier-than-thou approach to the Iraqi invasion (ho hum--"don't interrupt my putting practice") is exposing the hypocrisy of the U.S. govern­ment in full-blown glory. Maybe most Americans have forgotten, but the Arabs remember that the U.S. helped Israel invade Lebanon. Do you re­member what you got for your trouble?

Hundreds of Marines were killed and your forces withdrew, humiliated. Now you are set up for the same scenario, just because Bush wants to be the "war president"--following in Ronald Reagan's MACHO footsteps.

The bottom line is that America is meddling where it isn't wanted and where it does not belong and where you get nothing but excruciating trouble while the international bankers clean up--again. Only this time, Israel is equipped for total all-out nuclear war with hydrogen bombs and everything--supplied at your expense and built for them by Americans for American's consumption. A hefty mouthful to chew indeed.



Who benefits from Iraq's invasion and occupation of Kuwait? Well, just about everybody involved--except you, the U.S. Taxpayers, consumers and, of course, the Kuwaiti billionaire sheiks.

"Everybody" certainly includes the usual suspects--the international bankers, Big Oil, defense contractors, U.S. politicians and ISRAEL. But this is a dan­gerous game the internationalists are playing this time, one which could lead in short order to regional and total global WAR--NUCLEAR WAR OF THE MOST HEINOUS TYPE IMAGINED--FOR IT WILL MOVE RIGHT INTO ALL OUT WAR BETWEEN YOUR MAJOR POWERS AND DEATH UNTO BOTH MAJOR NATIONS AS YOU RECOGNIZE THEM. I DO NOT HAVE TIME TO RE-WRITE YESTERDAY'S JOURNAL WRITING, BUT I ASSURE YOU THAT THIS IS A FULL, WELL-PLANNED GLOBAL TAKEOVER MANEUVER WHICH IN­CLUDES ANNIHILATION OF GREAT PORTIONS OF BOTH RUSSIA AND THE U.S. NATION.

This will lead, most probably, to massive loss of life which result is of abso­lutely no concern to those who are fomenting such an upheaval because, to them, war is just another profit-making enterprise and they plan to depopu­late the planet, at any rate.

War is a coward's solution to the problems of peace and there were headaches abundant for the politicians, their friends in the military-industrial complex and in Israel, and, of course, the megabankers. Oil prices were, before the invasion, depressed, sparking fears that indebted countries would re­nounce their IOU's to financiers. And all of this could be set up in innocent cover in the name of the United Nations which IS THE PLANNED FOCUS OF THE GLOBAL GOVERNMENT WHICH WILL ENSLAVE YOU AND REMOVE EVERY FREEDOM GRANTED BY YOUR CONSTI­TUTION--FOR YOU WILL NOT LONGER EVEN HAVE ACCESS TO THE DOCUMENT. THE ENFORCEMENT IS ALREADY ALONG THE NEW CONSTITUTION WHICH IS INTEGRATED, ALREADY, INTO THE UNITED NATIONS' CHARTER. DO YOU NOT ALREADY HEAR THE PROPOSAL TO REPLACE THE AMERICAN FLAG BY THE UNITED NATION'S FLAG ON THE U.S. SHIPS IN THE PERSIAN GULF? WELL, ISRAEL IS NOT YET READY FOR THAT MANEU­VER BUT IT IS ALREADY IN PRACTICE WHETHER OR NOT THE FLAG HAS BEEN CHANGED, DEAR BLIND MICE.

Defense contractors were facing the end of a gravy train filled to the brim with public moneys because of the collapse of the Cold War with your "ALLY", Russia. Meanwhile, American politicians were struggling with public opinion polls showing massive public disapproval of their performances and Israel was confronting the dual crises of unpopular mass immigrations from the Soviet Union coupled with the unrest among the subject Palestinians.

With his lighting strike into tiny, near defenseless Kuwait--and at the request of the "original" Kuwaitis, Iraqi Saddam Hussein brought a smile to the faces of the just-mentioned afflicted parties although, of course, they could not ex­press their delight publicly. Instead, the Establishment media has, since Au­gust 2, been filled with vitriolic condemnation of Hussein and dire warnings that he must be brought to heel through the application of American military might.


This was a direct turnaround since the Western media had for years been portraying Hussein as a good guy despite his vicious rule--Hussein's internal secu­rity police are the most ruthless and disciplined in your world.

Hussein's government emerged at the end of the eight-year Iraq-Iran War in 1988,with billions of dollars in war debt, as we have already covered, and his main revenue producer, his vast oil reserve--second only to Saudi Arabia--was not producing the income he had to have because of the intentionally depressed worldwide oil prices.

Kuwait had backed Iraq during the war with Iran and lent it billions of dollars, but therein lies the truth of--the "puppet" Kuwaiti dancers had buried the actual Kuwait government of the people.

Kuwait always had been part of Iraq, providing it with a port in the Persian Gulf, which in fact, WAS AN IRAQI PORT. In 1959, after the British terminated the status of Kuwait as a protectorate, Iraq moved in immediately and made Kuwait part of its territory, since it was a constituent part of Iraq, known as Basra, at the time of the country's formation in 1925. However, the British quickly returned with troops and Kuwait remained "pronounced" in­dependent. There was certainly no invasion of the "People of Kuwait" but rather a reaffirmation of unity against the puppet British government.

The action took the world by surprise, allegedly, and the United Nations, President George Bush, Western Europe and even some Arab states reacted with cries of outrage and calls for international sanctions. Funny thing, it absolutely and totally coincided with the close of Congress allowing for every­thing militarily to be handled by executive Order, a lengthy, many meetinged visit by Thatcher and myriads of secret government planning sessions in total seclusion from the "people". (Read the Journals and Expresses.) Actually, no-one other than "you the people" were in the least surprised for the maneu­ver and manipulations were planned to the last tiny detail and, once again, the U.S. taxpayer is the BIG SUCKER to bear the bill and the brunt.

Funny thing happened on the way to these meetings: Hussein had massed troops on Iraq's border with Kuwait for many weeks, invited foreign military attaches to observe his troops' maneuvers and had issued ultimatum after ultimatum to Kuwait to join with him, forgive the war debt and provide billions more in revenues derived from oil pumped out of disputed wells that straddle their common borders. The puppet British/Zionist government in Kuwait was ordered not to budge--by the Cartel elite and international bankers.

Even so, there were no demands from the U.S. for action against old buddy, Hussein. In fact, Bush had threatened to veto a congressional proposal shortly before the "invasion" to cut off $400 million in agricultural credits that were to be extended to Iraq.

Now good old Hussein is being depicted as some sort of a monster by the Western media, which is for the first time detailing many stories about him which were brought forth about the man, himself, years ago. These accounts are only now being brought forth because wider publicity serves the purpose of the international elite that anonymously dictate events from their offices in New York, Zurich, London and Tel Aviv.

American politicians will be able to distract the people from outrage at their shortcomings, the international banks will gear up to provide loans to BOTH SIDES in a likely coming war, the military-industrial complex will have renewed reason to exist, Big Oil will profit enormously from the runup in petroleum prices, Japan will be brought into line by control of oil, AND ISRAEL WILL BE ABLE TO STEP OUT OF THE SPOTLIGHT THAT HAS BEEN FOCUSED ON ITS GENOCIDAL REPRESSION OF THE PALESTINIANS, ALLOWING IT TO REDOUBLE ITS EFFORTS WITHOUT "PESKY" INTERFERENCE FROM THE OUTSIDE--WHILE THE U.S. CONTINUES TO FOOT THE BILL BUT WITHOUT THE DISTRACTION OF AN IRRITATED TAXPAYING PUBLIC.


Saddam Hussein was the darling of the Establishment for many years. He represented the great hope for the defeat of radical Islamic movements in the Middle East, personified by the Iranian regime of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and his successors. Fundamentalist Moslems are, by Israel's own definition, "a threat to its interests".

Throughout the period of the long and bloody Persian Gulf war, only a few told you, the American people, the truth about Hussein and his murderous regime. It was the Iraqis, of course, with whom the U.S. sided in the recently defused Iran-Iraq War.

"The Iraqis attacked Iran and caused the war at the instigation of Israel and the U.S. along with England, despite a general acknowledgement that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was noted as a person who was not very nice.

Although Hussein's rule was no less spectacular in the copious amounts of blood that was spilled in his name than the crimes committed by the Ayatollah's legion of followers, somehow Hussein remained a nameless, faceless en­tity to the American media public, while the Ayatollah's grim countenance was seen scowling from the covers of national news magazines and television news shows all over the globe. If you wish to be reminded of some truths re­garding the clashes of the Arab nations, England, etc.--I suggest all of you rent and see "Lawrence of Arabia".

To somewhat explain a few of the machinations of the internationalists a bit further, and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) which led to this most recent turnabout, we must look back to around 1953, the year that the CIA orchestrated a coup against Iranian Premier Mohammed Mossadegh as men­tioned earlier in this writing. He was a patriot who intended to nationalize the oil fields. (Reminiscent perhaps of Noriega's intent to "nationalize" the Bush family's holdings of resort hotels, etc., in Panama?). They firmly installed in power Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran--remember him? He was murdered after he was "given sanctuary" in the U.S.--by the CIA. They have all sorts of ways to "naturally cause" a murder. Just a month after the Shah organized his new government the U.S. rewarded him with a loan of $45 million.


The Shah, although he was also a brutal dictator with delusions of royal grandeur, was totally embraced by the internationalists since he faithfully served their interests. He was the CIA's lackey, and worked hand in glove with the oil companies and the international banks. Pahlavi also brought onto the scene ISRAEL, which was looking for a counterbalance to the military might of the Arab nations.

The Iranian people are not Arab although they share certain cultural traits. Islam is their dominant religion but, overriding concerns on that point, Iran is one of the most prolific producers of oil in the entire world. The Israelis made sure they had control over the Shah's regime by setting up his dreaded secret police, the SAVAK, and schooling it in advanced methods of torture and mass intimidation--right through the Israeli Mossad trainers.

It was ROCKEFELLER AND HENRY KISSINGER who, as secretary of state, in 1973 convinced the Shah to impose the first round of oil price hikes which brought about the shocks that would cause so much disruption to the economies of the world. The organization of Oil Producing and Exporting Countries (OPEC), the so-called Arab oil cartel, was in fact warning the U.S. government of the dangers of ever-increasing oil prices--you see, for it is all but hidden from you--the U.S. and Great Britain are major participants in OPEC.

Ironically, it is OPEC which is generally painted as the villain in this affair, when the oil embargo actually resulted from the efforts of the internationalist elite to secure yet one more source of massive profit from a staple commodity.

The Shah's rule proved so onerous to Iranians, however, that one obscure holy man, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who had been exiled to Iraq and later took up residence in Paris, was able to lead a successful populist, nation­alist revolt by little more than smuggling cassette tapes carrying his message into Iran--my friends, THE WORD CAN SET YOU FREE IF YOU WILL BUT HEAR!The purpose of the revolt was to get the U.S. and the CIA out of Iran, and to return the fate of the nation into the hands of the Iranians themselves.

Their fundamentalist Islamic sensibilities were offended by the crude imita­tion of Western society their imposed leader, the Shah, was forcing upon the country, and they eagerly embraced Khomeini's spiritual leadership.

Now, of course, this presented a quandary to the internationalists. Who would they champion? They settled this honor on Saddam Hussein--the dic­tator of Iraq. The CIA and the U.S. State Department showered their favors, telling him that Iraq's (formerly Mesopotamia's) ancient enemies, the Per­sians (Iranians), were seriously weakened by their revolution and Iraq could gain control of land contested for centuries by the two neighboring countries.

Iraq attacked Iran only after it received firm assurances from the CIA and ISRAEL that they would support Iraq financially and militarily.

Hussein, who is easily one of the most brutal government leaders since Stalin, waged his war with Iran in contravention of every prohibition of the Geneva Convention. He planned to resort to the use of poison gas, a ban on which had been universally honored by civilized nations since the horrors of World War I, to defeat the human wave attacks launched by the militarily inferior Iranians. As he declined to use that tact, the Israelis in U.S. supplied vehicles and missile launchers--dumped the poison chemicals on the people in secret and then blamed Hussein.

Dharma, this machine is showing signs of trouble. I request that you begin a new document to finish this chapter/express. Hatonn to standby.

PJ 18

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1990 2:30 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 6
Hussein and his internationalist backers did not count on the fanatic religious zeal which would impel hundreds of thousands of Iranians to willingly sacrifice their lives to defend their homeland and their revolution.

Armed with superior military weapons provided by the U.S. and France, Iraq fought Iran to a standstill in a brutally conducted war. The difference be­tween the Iran-Iraq conflict and all other modern strife was that it was fought largely beyond the eyes of the world media and, thus, was largely ignored by the public.


Although the Persian Gulf war ended largely in a draw, Iraq emerged as a pre-eminent military power in the Middle East--second only to Israel--thanks to the enforced generosity of you, the U.S. taxpayer.

Despite his acclaimed (although false) use of chemical weapons on Iranians--and was further accused of using the chemicals on his own people, the Kurds, an ethnic minority whose loyalty to the Hussein regime was questionable--the Iraqi dictator remained the apple of the internationalists' eyes. He remained at their beck and call because it suited his interests as well as their own.


Pay attention here for we just wrote a chapter for the current Journal about the USS Liberty and it comes up again herein in similar format in the incident, USS Stark. Let us have the truth about the missile attack on the frigate USS Stark in the Persian Gulf on May 17, 1987, claiming the lives of 37 American sailors.

The U.S. government quickly put forth the claim that the attack was a case of mistaken identity--just like the Israeli attack in 1967 on the USS Liberty, which was also called a "mistake"--but the latest lie with the USS Stark could not he covered as well.

This was put forth as being the work of Iraqi Mirage jet fighters involved in the attack, a revelation that had initially been revealed by mistake in a wire service report, but which was then denied and censored. The official line was to be that there was only one aircraft, piloted by a confused, trigger-happy Iraqi pilot.

The even-greater dimensions of the scheme, and the following coverup, was later revealed. It was confirmed that at least one of the jet pilots WHO FIRED THE DEADLY FRENCH-MADE EXOCET MISSILES AT THE STARK WAS AN ISRAELI--many of whom were "on loan" to the Iraqi Air Force.

The truth, then, was clear. The attack on the Stark was to be another Pearl Harbor--one of the most successful snow-jobs in history--intended to rally the American public behind a holy war against Iran. The plan was for the Stark to be completely destroyed by the attack (just as with the USS Liberty), and the blame would fall on Iran.

The failure of the missiles to do their job, or, rather, the brave and quick re­sponse by the American crew to save their comrades and their ship, foiled this evil scheme. But the cover-up remained largely successful. Finally, only this year, columnist Jack Anderson tumbled to the "possibility" that there were two jets involved in the attack. This was a full three years after the incident had actually been accurately reported and brought public only to be buried and denied as preposterous--and the public ate it up like cyanide Kool-aid. Well, as you now know from the Journals, the Kool-aid incident was a lie also. Are any of you picking up a rather distressing pattern?

All during this time, strangely enough, Hussein remained a good guy so far as the Western media was concerned. Until, that is, his entering of Kuwait at the request of the "real" Kuwaiti leaders and his takeover control of that state's rich oil fields, which proved to be too great a threat to ISRAELI interests as well as the international bankers and Great Britain. And so it goes.

Well, Mr. Bush's dispatch of thousands of U.S. combat troops to Saudi Arabia armed with fighter-bombers, missiles and tanks, and backed up by a huge naval flotilla and thousands of other weapons, not only represents an unparalleled assertion of U.S. imperial might in the Persian Gulf, but marks the ac­tual preparation for what will prove to be a prolonged and bloody war--well planned and orchestrated.

Bush dares to defend this on the grounds of "ensuring stability" for the sheik­doms of the Persian Gulf when actually the purpose is to bring into control all of the countries of the Persian Gulf. The Iraqi "aggression" had not one iota of importance relative to the real cause. This was staged to perfection and you ones are in SERIOUS TROUBLE! You have now what Kissinger/Nixon (by the way, Mr. Kissinger was instrumental in the downfall of Nixon and some day I'll speak of that conspiracy also) set up, an outright military out­post--permanent--in Saudi Arabia.


What gave the green light to this new, ominous stage of military maneuvering and intervention was the "new era of cooperation" forged with Gorbachev's Russia over the past year. This U.S.-Russia/Zionist/Bolshevik/Banker Cartel rapprochement far outweighs anything projected to you the people. There is truly very little significance in the unanimity of the "Western allies" in agreeing to economic sanctions against Iraq, or the half-baked efforts of Bush to get Arab rulers to join in what he euphemistically calls a "multi-national" force to "protect" Saudi Arabia. Secretary of State Baker took advantage of being "accidentally" in Russia at the time of the invasion of Kuwait to issue a joint declaration with Russia condemning Iraq, and Russia has since joined in the economic blockade of Iraq. Gorbachev's Russia is in need of Western eco­nomic aid which would be jeopardized by any economic downturn resulting from a rise in oil prices.

Will you see and respond to the handwriting on the wall? I wonder. You have allowed the murder and mutilation of farm workers in the insecticide in­fected fields without so much as cutting down on your grape consumption. You basically ignored Caesar Chavez's food strike to call attention to the seri­ousness of the situation--oh, you paid half attention to the celebrities who gathered in mealy-mouthed mush at his bedside and then did nothing. We expect Dharma to get even less attention in her efforts by fasting to gain attention to the massive scheme to garner ALL PROPERTY INTO THE RESOLUTION TRUST CORPORATION THROUGH THE S&L FIASCO. Who will pay attention? Well, if you the public can pass up the truth of these writings--I pity you in the days to come for you are headed for deadly peril in your complacent apathy toward that which is truthfully being foisted off on you in the name of patriotism. You would even allow the IRS to go on rampages of crime against your own citizens when they are acting unlawfully and are not even a part of the Government, but rather a private corporation, just as is the Federal Reserve. If you continue to allow these things, you shall die of the inaction. Worse, you are so intrigued with your "rights" and "interests" that you fail to notice that all of these "rights" are now set completely to the side and enforced--by Executive Order. The handwriting is clear even into the many facets of activity--just the Bush drive for permanent retrogression on the Supreme Court should be sufficient to convince you of the truth of our Journals. May God have mercy on you blind lambs to the slaughter. May you take your power under God and use the hope He grants unto thee through his Holy Grace--and stop this cancer upon you people and your sacred lands.

Dharma, we are out of space and since we desire this to go to Caesar Chavez prior to your meeting with him tomorrow morning, let us close. Debbie can please deliver it unto him as she attends her work. She shall find her place and truth, Mother, and it shall be wondrous. Salu.

In each action you must look beyond the action at your past, present and per­ceived future state, and at others whom it affects, and see the relations of all those things. And then you shall be very cautious indeed, if there is wisdom in the equation. For half of the results of a good intention are evil; half the re­sults of an evil intention are good--but almost all intentions of politicians and would be world controllers are evil in totality. So be it. Saalome' and may God walk with thee for you have a hard journey and only through his truth shall ye make of it in wholeness. AHO!