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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 18
    CHAPTER 23


    SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1990 10:34 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 9

    Hatonn present in service unto Holy God, in the bearing forth of truth. He walks ever with us, the Hosts, and you the "bearers" upon the planet. lay the hope and instructions be gleaned from the writings and may you "act" with in­tent to regain that power which is your birthright that you may take back that which has been stolen from you by Satan's armies. Hallowed be His Name!

    We are giving forth more than would be counted as regular Express material and we realize that it is shortening your perceived "time" segments. This ma­terial is so critical relative to what is happening upon your placement that you must be given more timely input than to await publishing of a Journal. These represent instructions of enlightenment, visualization of that which "truly IS" and also must move on now, into higher teachings that you can keep of your balance and inner guidance of Godself. It simply requires a doubling up of presentation.

    I believe the expense involved is laid forth in segments of 13 Expresses; how­ever, I would ask that the "weekly" portion of the heading be deleted--we must not keep man from this information to simply suit income needs. I know not how to ask your public opinion--so, I shall go with God's instructions to "GIVE UNTO THE PEOPLE THE TRUTH!" SO BE IT.

    Therefore, in addition to this Express which will consist of yesterday's writing on the South Atlantic/Falklands cover-up, we shall give you a truthful Water­gate unfolding in this latter half of this Express. Both should be entered into the Journal under immediate penning. In addition, the writings of Korton and Sananda of the past days must be gotten unto the people for through them can immediate spiritual guidance "life-rings" be utilized. Your ship is sinking most quickly and it is thine soul experience which brings you back into God and now that help must go forth more quickly. That Journal shall probably be named FLIGHT FEATHERS FOR THE PHOENIX.

    Let us turn now to a review of Watergate so that you can begin to see the in­ter-play and participants for pandora's box was opened with the revelation of the participation of Henry Kissinger in the prior writing. You see, even those who feel themselves to be among the elite and "safely inside" are not often ac­tually thusly included. This is "how" you will prevail--all men are vulnerable to death in the human format--and believe me--only a few shall be carried into safety by the elite cartel. The remaining conspirators shall continue to be at inner battling until the final close of the scenario. At some point, those on the fringes of the corruption will see the truth of it and join with you it you but demand the truth go forth and the shield of lies be wiped away for the "lie" cannot bear the light of truth and these evil traitors shall be seen for that which they are.


    It has been sixteen years, which is nearly two decades, since the resignation of Richard Nixon as President (Aug. 9). It needs to be peeked at again in re­fresher for it represents the type of lies and cover-ups which have brought you to your knees as a nation--one incident of power and coercion piled upon the evil of another.

    The Watergate scandal was simply a scheme by the Rockefeller's to topple Richard Nixon and install Nelson Rockefeller in the White House. Why didn't that happen? Let us take a look inside as we unfold a few still-hidden truths.

    More and more evidence emerges all the time as other scenarios unfold in your nation and within the world cartel and Zionist movement.

    Despite his longtime association with the Rockefeller interests, an association born out of necessity rather than desire, on both the part of Nixon and the Rockefellers, Nixon never considered himself--nor did the Establishment con­sider him to be--a tried and true member of the power elite.

    On the contrary, Nixon perceived himself, as the Establishment perceived him to be, an "outsider on the inside", a political creature through and through, who had, as a consequence of national and international political events, made it to the White House despite general Establishment disdain for the man and his policies.

    Now, don't over-react to these words for Nixon was certainly no "populist", by any stretch, but following his landslide re-election victory over ultraliberal Sen. George McGovern in 1972, Nixon made moves to consolidate power and "clean house" within his administration. You see, it was the defeat of McGov­ern which gave Nixon the inroad--that type of political error was not ever to be allowed subsequently.


    Nixon intended to overhaul the entire federal bureaucracy and bring it under the direct control of his own handpicked loyalists in the White House inner circle--trusted longtime croo, oops, colleagues who were not part of the Rockefeller sponsored elite. That reorganization attempt in the winter of 1972, which was not made public, eventually spurred into action against Nixon the great power blocs in Washington.

    All of them saw danger as the hated Nixon moved more and more to control the executive branch from the White House, as he was Constitutionally man­dated to do.

    What they feared was real indeed. Nixon genuinely meant to take the reins of government in hand, and if members of the Congress had been privy to a presidential conversation on September 15, 1972, they would have been even more worried. He said: "We're going to have a house-cleaning. It's time for a new team. Period! I'm going to tell the American people we didn't do it when we came in before, but now we have a mandate. And one of the man­dates is to do the cleaning up that we didn't do in 1968."

    In this move, not only would Nixon tightly control all reigns of the government through eight top officers in the White House; he would plant his own "agents" in key positions in every agency of the government.


    Extremely threatening to the Rockefellers was the fact that Nixon and his val­ued friend, Treasury Secretary John B. Connally, the former governor of Texas and a Democrat turned Republican, were instituting international eco­nomic policy measures that threatened the globalist policies of the past that had guaranteed immense profits to the Rockefeller empire and its allied fi­nancial interests. We shall put all of this into more perspective as we move backward in the unraveling of events leading up to the planned Nuclear War One, but we shall just touch on the importance herein so that you get a picture of the conspirators and inner-warring.

    For example, Nixon and Connally openly repudiated the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and slapped import fees on foreign-made goods, in­cluding even those produced by the Rockefeller family's Japanese sub­sidiaries.

    Additionally, Nixon and Connally suspended the convertibility of the dollar into gold and other reserves. I just made a most wondrously important state­ment, chelas. Perhaps you should go back and reread the first sentence. This repudiation of the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund effected a devaluation of the dollar relative to other countries. The result was that U.S.-made goods became less costly to foreigners and reduced the com­petitiveness of foreign-made goods on the American market.

    In short, Nixon was pursuing economic nationalism. These policies were ben­eficial to American consumers and workers and to more nationally oriented American industry but deleterious to the "transnational capitalists" operating in the Rockefeller sphere of influence.

    This is why the Nixon administration so threatened the Establishment. Little wonder, then, that the Trilateral Commission--and the groundwork for the "Watergating" of Nixon--was already being set in motion at the time.

    Nixon, as far as the Rockefellers were concerned, was out of control. What was worse, Nixon was grooming tough-talking John B. Connally as his succes­sor in 1976.


    Connally, a product of freewheeling Texas oil politics, had never been a fa­vorite within the so-called Eastern Establishment ruled by the Rockefeller family, and he was viewed as Nelson Rockefeller's chief rival for the 1976 Re­publican presidential nomination.

    Nixon had, in fact, planned to drop incumbent Vice President Spiro Agnew from the Republican ticket in 1972 and take on Connally as his running mate, but agitation by the Rockefellers and their allies in the media and the liberal wing of the Republican Party forced Nixon to abandon his plans. But Nixon still considered Connally his heir apparent, Agnew not withstanding.

    As it so happened, however, the Establishment forced both Connally and Ag­new out of the way as part of the grand design to put Nixon's plans to rest.

    Agnew resigned the vice presidency after a longtime Rockefeller crony in the U.S. attorney's office in Maryland, one George Beall, brought bribery charges against Agnew that were non-existent but none-the-less, were supported in your injustice system.

    Additionally, the attorney general who promoted Beall's campaign against Agnew was Elliot Richardson, another longtime Rockefeller satellite who re­signed from the Nixon administration and ultimately became a member of the Trilateral Commission. In fact, Richardson was one of numerous Trilateral­ists named to the Carter administration in 1977, serving as ambassador to the Law of the Sea Treaty negotiations.

    Connally, like Agnew, was also indicted for bribery. Connally barely won ac­quittal, but his White House ambitions were shattered, even though the evi­dence against him had been brought by an unsavory felon who was angling for a reduced sentence in an unrelated criminal case.

    If you still are holding to the lie that your justice system is somehow going to help you if in trouble--forget it! Most especially if there are ones from the elite trying to "get you". Well, these ones here are going to cause them to wish they had not tampered with God's property. Of course Dharma and Oberli are exhausted with the trauma and expenses involved but some dirty laundry is going to be produced before we are finished with this particular case. Then others will be more willing to step forth in truth. Remember, dear ones, you only can receive back in proportion to that which you give forth--hold to this knowledge as things in life, unfold which seem insurmountable. Further, do not pre-judge HOW a thing should come to bear fruit for it will rarely ever be as you expect it to be.

    In both instances above, the Establishment media gave full play to the charges against Agnew and Connally and helped further the perception that Nixon and his associates were engaged in widespread criminal conduct.

    Nonetheless, Nixon still retained the presidency. And Nixon was, as an indi­vidual, in a position of immense power, having access to the public unrivaled perhaps by any other human being, a major roadblock in the path of the Rockefeller family's longtime goal of installing brother Nelson in the White House.

    In this context, something very interesting came out during the divorce pro­ceedings of Rockefeller brother Winthrop and his then-wife, Bobo Sears Rockefeller.

    According to Bobo, on the occasions that the Rockefeller brothers got to­gether, one of the frequent topics of discussion was this: How to put Nelson Rockefeller in the White House without benefit of a presidential election.

    Clearly, as a result of Watergate, the Rockefeller brothers almost achieved that goal.

    When Vice President Spiro Agnew was driven out of office, Nixon did an end run on the Rockefellers and the Establishment media by resisting widespread pressure to name Nelson Rockefeller as vice president. Instead, Nixon named Gerald Ford, House minority leader.

    Ford was a loyal member of the Establishment, and himself a participant in the Rockefeller-controlled Bilderberg conferences. (Note that he is always included in all top-secret meetings to this current day.)

    You see, this was a power play on the part of Nixon which actually repre­sented Nixon's insurance: had Nelson Rockefeller assumed the vice presi­dency, Nixon would have suffered some untimely fate, such as murder by in­tent.

    By appointing Ford as vice president, Nixon gave himself a longer lease on the White House keys and the opportunity to continue to fight the efforts to de­throne him from the presidency.

    However, when Nixon fell, as you now know, Ford's own life was in danger af­ter Ford appointed Nelson Rockefeller as vice president--in line to succeed him--and we shall cover that in a minute, but let us continue with this thought stream presently.


    It was the Plumbers, a private White House intelligence group, who were caught breaking into Democratic Party headquarters at the Watergate Hotel in Washington, setting the enormous scandal in motion--and such a stupidly absurd incident it was--and yet the entire nation came to a halt as if this was the first corruption of politics since the nation was birthed. Oh my gracious be, how foolish you sleeple are!


    Nixon was blackmailing the CIA; the president knew about the CIA's in­volvement in the assassination of John F. Kennedy and was using this knowl­edge against the CIA for political leverage. The Plumbers were thoroughly "set-up" and it was evident they were supposed to get caught and insurance was set in place to assure the capture.

    It was certainly no coincidence that it was an "ex-CIA man", E. Howard Hunt--himself often linked to the JFK murder--who led the Plumbers at the ill-fated break-in. Hunt's strange activities proved that he was never loyal to Nixon.

    It was Nixon's liaison with the Secret Service, one Alexander Butterfield, a CIA spy in the White House, who first leaked the existence of the "secret" White House taping system to congressional investigators, setting the stage for Nixon's ultimate downfall.

    Then-Secret Service chief, Robert H. Taylor, fired by top-ranking Nixon inti­mate, Chief of Staff Haldeman, as a result of controversy over the president's security, was later made head of the private security forces for the Rockefeller family enterprises.



    Who was "Deep Throat"? Who was this famous unnamed source who pro­vided the Washington Post with all the inside information that helped the Tri­lateral-linked newspaper bring down Nixon?

    The actual personage involved in contact in sub-parking lots was one called Bobby Ray Inman who retired as deputy director of the CIA in 1972. Inman, it so happens, is also a member of the Trilateral Commission. But he was given direct information to pass along by none other than Henry Kissinger, Chief of Staff Alexander Haig and legal adviser Leonard Garment. Funny thing--none of these nerds went to jail??!!

    Charles Colson, a top Nixon adviser, made startling allegations about Nixon's fears of CIA involvement in the Watergate scandal.

    The president was virtually captive of high-ranking conspirators in intelligence circles, against whom he dared not act for fear of international and domestic political repercussions.

    His underlying suspicion was that the CIA planned the break-ins at Water­gate. The motive: to discredit the president's inner circle of advisers and ul­timately, himself. He was totally correct on all counts.

    Most of Nixon's key lieutenants, with the notable exceptions, as just stated, of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Chief of Staff Alexander Haig and legal adviser Leonard Garment, ultimately went to jail.

    Kissinger, Haig and Garment were all, of course, members of the Rockefeller-controlled Council on Foreign Relations, Garment being one of the Presi­dent's few advisers who repeatedly, and early on, urged Nixon to simply give up the presidency.

    Now, funny thing about disloyalty in the top echelons of deceit and conspiracy, it was Henry Kissinger who was instrumental in the murder of Rockefeller--all of them. But then, he too, was set up, as we have outlaid in the Journals, and they took him out also and replaced him with a "double" so powerful in the "cause of Global Control" that no one matches his power as leader of the Shadow Government under which you all are now functioning.

    Haig, himself, who finally talked the embattled Nixon into surrendering the White House, was almost immediately promoted over 240 higher ranking military figures to four-star general status and then to the post of NATO commander. The general was also named to the Trilateral Commission, which he later pronounced as being too "leftist" for his tastes. Well, he just continued to grow in those next years to total entanglement in the Argentina-Falklands, etc., mess in 1982 which we won't fail to repeat to you ones in the Journal.

    Upon assuming the presidency, Ford promptly pardoned Nixon, sparing him the agony of a criminal trial in which he more than likely would have been convicted--however, a lot of conspiracy evidence would have come forth which the elite cartel dared not allow. The pardon saved the Establishment from giving Nixon the opportunity, through a trial--a very public forum--to blow the whistle on the Rockefellers and the intrigue which resulted in his ouster. No different from the Noriega fiasco which was totally orchestrated to bury Noriega. Noriega, in Florida, has a good deal set up for him, for he is a well-paid-off "double" and the real Noriega is long gone to places unmention­able. I told you at the time they would never "capture" Noriega--they didn't--for it was all a staged review ready to open on Broadway. Proof? The cover-up of numbers of dead, the real involvement with the Bush personal property and no damage to the Canal. Ponder it all.

    In a sense, the pardon of Nixon was the Establishment's way of both thanking Nixon for keeping quiet and, at the same time, warning Nixon to "shut up". Nixon was smart enough to play the game. He has yet to tell all he knows about Watergate, and won't. He gets to be Big Cheese in China and other negotiations as well being always on the inner circles--NOW. Further, the big honchos of the presidencies all gathered at his puny little excuse for a Library, and so on--token gifts if you will, for the silence during this time of evil treason upon your lands.


    Yes, the intrigue ran much deeper indeed. A high-level assassination plot was hatched to kill then-President Ford and put Vice President Nelson Rocke­feller in the White House.

    A man who was part of a secret organized crime-linked hit squad which car­ried out operations for the CIA and other government agencies, was ap­proached by a "Fortune 500 businessman" who tried to hire him to conduct a "hit" against Ford which was being arranged with the help of elements within the Secret Service.

    The Establishment businessman, whom we will let you figure out quietly for yourselves--keeping in mind that Kissinger also had Rockefeller "taken-out"-­-made his contract contacts and pronounced, "Ford's been sanctioned. He's got to go. He won't go by himself; we've asked him. We've bloody told him to move out of the way for Nelson. But he wants to get elected."

    Funny thing, Ford was, himself, part of the same cover-up that the agent herein referred to was involved with. I shall keep the identity of the person quiet for he is now a target. It IS NOT A PRETTY PICTURE OUT THERE IN POLITICS, dear ones. That cover-up was the scheme to cover up the truth about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

    Ford was, of course, a member of the infamous Warren Commission that con­cocted the "lone gunman" theory. Well, our silent person herein was also a part of the role and was on the government-sponsored hit squad who was dis­patched to Dallas during the time following the Kennedy assassination TO KILL ONE OF THE KEY WITNESSES WHO COULD HAVE BLOWN THE COVER-UP.

    This person rejected a role in the Ford assassination conspiracy and did, in fact, effort to alert the president to the plot.

    As a result the Secret Service role in the murder conspiracy was neutralized and when two subsequent efforts to kill Ford were carried out, the Secret Ser­vice conspirators, to cover their own initial complicity, backed off and refused to participate.



    The two strange women who did try to kill Ford, Lynette Fromme and Sara Jane Moore, were both linked to bizarre groups both of which, on more than one occasion, were operating as CIA operatives and both were directly linked to American intelligence.

    Miss Fromme was a member of the bloody Charles Manson cult, and Miss Moore was tied to the terroristic so-called Symbionese Liberation Army which gained fame by kidnapping heiress Patty Hearst.

    Well, it all came out in the wash--Ford did live out his presidency and went on to play golf and become a big dealer in all top-secret conspiracy dealings, in­cluding those of the Trilateral Commission, etc. He was defeated by the Rockefeller family's handpicked Democratic presidential candidate, Trilateral Commission member Jimmy Carter, bless his peanut pickin' heart.


    It took over two decades for the Rockefellers and their allies in the Estab­lishment to finally drive Richard Nixon out of public office and attention, but as early as 1956, Dwight D. Eisenhower tried to do the job for them.

    For years it had been known that Ike wanted to get rid of Nixon, who was then his vice president, from the Republican ticket in 1956.

    Eisenhower had taken Nixon on as his running mate in 1952 out of sheer po­litical expediency. Despite his "apolitical" image, Eisenhower was, in fact, the ultimate politician and totally ruthless and non-compassionate as a person. Ike save Nixon the vice presidency as part of a supremely crafted political payoff in order to win the 1952 Republican presidential nomination for himself.

    Nixon--then the junior U.S. senator from California--was known to be sympa­thetic to--if not outrightly a supporter of--Eisenhower's chief rival for the GOP nod, Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio, popularly knows as "Mr. Republican". What is more to the point, Taft was said to be seriously considering Nixon as his own running mate.

    Thus, the battle for control of the majority of delegates to the large and most important California delegation centered largely around winning over Nixon.

    But it was Eisenhower who prevailed. He gave Nixon the vice presidency and promised then-California Gov. Earl Warren a seat on the Supreme Court, which promise, of course, was delivered upon--oh woe unto you little sheeple!


    Upon the first vacancy on the Supreme Court following his election victory, Eisenhower named Warren as chief justice. Do you now understand how frail the reeds are upon which you trust the rulings of your Constitution? This ushered in an era of judicial activism and extreme liberalism yet to be equaled by any court. This IS one of the more damaging legacies of the Eisenhower years without even mentioning the Eisenhower "death camps" at the end of World War II.

    Thus, with the California delegation in his corner, Eisenhower pushed Taft out of the way and went on to win the presidency. We will get around, hope­fully, to spilling the story of the massive bribery and corruption used by Eisen­hower and his forces at that 1952 convention.

    No sooner did he get into the White House than Eisenhower began plotting to get rid of Nixon.

    He started hinting loudly that Nixon would be better off in a Cabinet post by the time of the 1956 election year. The influential office of secretary of de­fense was initially suggested as a placement for Nixon.

    Eisenhower was asking anybody who would listen, "What do we do with Nixon?" Ike even asked his little grandson, David, this question. Funny the way events turn out--David eventually married Nixon's daughter, Julie, and became one of Nixon's most devoted defenders.

    By late February of 1956 Eisenhower had already sounded out his Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, if he, Dulles (a longtime Rockefeller crony), would like to be his running mate.

    At that point, though, Ike had decided to demote Nixon further. By then he had come up with the idea of putting Nixon in the far less visible post of Sec­retary of Commerce.


    By March Eisenhower begin talking publicly about his Nixon problem, embar­rassing the vice president in the process. So much so that Nixon wrote Ike a letter withdrawing from the 1956 Republican ticket.

    However, smart politician that he was, Eisenhower didn't want it to appear that there was trouble within GOP ranks. He offered Nixon a Cabinet post, but said he would "be happy" to have Nixon as his running mate once again.

    Nixon, however, was smarter than Ike thought. The vice president decided to take the matter into his own hands and went directly to the President and told him he wanted to be on the Republican ticket. Eisenhower then had his press secretary announce that he was "delighted", of course, with Nixon's decision.

    Nonetheless, Eisenhower did nothing to stop efforts by others to drop Nixon from the ticket. This included a dump-Nixon campaign, headed by Harold Stassen. Stassen was a long time Rockefeller favorite, often dubbed the GOP's "boy wonder".

    I simply want to point out that it took twelve years for the power elite to win--but they finally got rid of Nixon. Now what are you going to do to stop, them? You will utilize the constitutional system and bring back government into the Sovereign States. You will do it through the laws of the constitution as writ­ten. You are working from far behind but there are a lot of you if you will but bend to the task and work together. First, however, you must face the facts as to the truth of your plight. So be it.

    Before I close this document I shall reprint some confirmation for you ones regarding the Japanese situation and you will see two things, that we gave you proper information regarding the supporting of your debt by the Japanese and their intent to not do so longer and the need to bring them under control through the oil supply by rupturing their economy.

    I shall quote from an unlabeled source who is a very high American person in one of the major Japanese banks in America.

    "Japanese banks have pulled in their horns--no more loans. Breakeven on the Neki Exchange for banks is 27,000, now at 23,000. They invest their profits (50%) in stock mkt. and can use it as collateral and loan out 22-1. They are going to need cash so I guess they won't buy our bonds. They will redeem them..."

    Is the handwriting on your pages beginning to give translation? It is a critical time for your world.

    Let us close this portion. Thank you for your service and for your attention. I am Hatonn.

    PJ 18
    CHAPTER 24


    SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1990 4:18 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 9


    At the end of May, 1982, the Falklands crisis had dominated the news. Like­wise, the growing threat of nuclear war and mounting anti-nuclear sentiment had been making headlines but, for millions of Americans, a different crisis seemed far more important on a personal level. It was a long-term crisis which had been with you for many years. The mounting crisis was that of the crumbling U.S. economy and the U.S. dollar.

    In May, 1982, there had been all sorts of bad news on the economic front. On May 7 the Government announced that unemployment, as officially calcu­lated, had reached 9.4 percent, the highest level since the Great Depression and, of course, the figures are far from accurate so you had far more unem­ployed citizens than were reported to you. Just five days later there was an­other shock--Braniff Airlines abruptly terminated operations and filed for bankruptcy. It was the first time ever that a U.S. trunk airline had failed. Braniff, like more and more other businesses, was brought down by a moun­tain of debt. With interest rates remaining sky high in the midst of a deep re­cession, more and more companies simply could not survive. Production cut­backs, layoffs, and bankruptcies were continuing to spread, and more and more people were losing their jobs. The recession was especially cruel be­cause it was an inflationary recession. The major depression in this current scenario will end up being a major deflationary depression even though all things "seem" almost identical.

    By the end of that May you were living in what was considered "stagflation" and you had been well warned a decade earlier, just as you have been warned for a longer period about the upcoming massive depression which, by the way, I remind you--you are now IN!

    Since 1970 the combined effects of inflation and taxes had cut the purchasing power of the dollar by 55 percent. A family of four living on $10,000 in 1970 would need well over $23,000 in 1982 just to remain even, and this historically unprecedented collapse of the dollar was continuing even as people were thrown out of work.

    For months the battle over the federal budget had been dragging on, day in and day out. You were told constantly that the budget was the key to bringing down the incredible interest rates that were killing the economy, and yet somehow it seemed that no one could agree about what the budget should be.

    One budget proposal after another came up for consideration only to be voted down. First, there was the Reagan Administration budget which went absolutely nowhere. Then all kinds of alternative budgets started being pro­posed. There were Republican budgets, Democrat budgets, Conservative budgets, Liberal budgets, compromise budgets: and every single budget was voted down. There was more and more talk that the federal budget process had gone sour, that there was something fundamentally wrong.

    On May 28 the entity President Reagan denounced the budget process while he was in Santa Barbara, California, to make a speech. He said,

    "The United States Government's program for presenting a budget, or arriving at a budget, is about the most irresponsible, Mickey-Mouse ar­rangement that any governmental body has ever practiced. It's called the 'President's Budget' and yet there is nothing binding about it. It is submitted to the Congress and they don't even have to consider it."

    Please note carefully how this criticism by the President was phrased. Reagan was not just delivering a standard political tongue-lashing at his political op­ponents, he was condemning the process itself, and he added,

    "I think that some real solid thinking should be given now to a budget­ing process that befits the great government of a great nation."

    Reagan's choice of Santa Barbara, California, for this statement was symbolic. It so happens that the so-called "solid thinking" he recommended for a new budgeting process was already done; and as the President knows very well, that thinking was done in Santa Barbara at a tax-exempt foundation called the "Center for Study of Democratic Institutions". That is where the secret new Constitution for America was written, including detailed new provisions for the budgeting process!

    I might add that Dharma and Oberli's property has been "done in" by one Santa Barbara Savings of which you will find some most interesting owners if anyone ever dares unveil the whole truth--do you hear me, any daring lawyers who still consider truth and justice to have value????? Sic, sic--you ones thought we were just playing with little chippers, didn't you? God is not negli­gent when he sets forth to make a point for attention!

    Now, all of you who read the Journals have access to the "new" Constitution for we have written three Journals on the subject and will write more. What you will discover if you trace through the budget, process described in the "new" Constitution is very significant indeed.

    When all the legal-sounding mumbo jumbo is stripped away, the whole budget process turns out to be firmly under the thumb of one person--the President.

    For example, Reagan complained in Santa Barbara that the "President's Bud­get", quote:

    "...is submitted to the Congress and they don't even have to consider it."

    The secret "new" Constitution would fix that very abruptly and very thor­oughly in ARTICLE VI-(b), Sec. 8 which begins, quote:

    "The House shall consider promptly the annual budget."

    What's more, the House is given no role in formulating the Budget. If they dare to object to anything, the Budget goes back to the Planning Board, so called, controlled totally by--you guessed it--the President!

    The Reagan blast about the budget process was just the latest of an ongoing series of covert moves to pave the way for the "new" Constitution. What made this one more significant is that it was tied in with powerful economic forces which were intended to speed up the process. AND JUST WHAT DO YOU OBSERVE HAPPENING RIGHT NOW WITH YOUR BUDGET PROCESS?-?-?-?

    Through months of contrived haggling, the "kept" Congress had been sensi­tizing Americans to the budget problem, and they had been doing it at a time when uncertainty over the Budget was being blamed for worsening economic woes!

    Then along came the President saying that the solution was to change the whole process. And what have you today? The President comes along and begins a Middle East war on the day the budget is being cut for military and secret stealth planes and all manner of other items he desired in place. He was also in knowledge of the intent of Japan and in cahoots with all the Cartel elite--as in constant secret sessions with Thatcher, Kissinger, Ford, etc., only hours before the Economic Summit in Houston, Texas. Oh, sleeple, awaken, for your morning bacon is in the fire!

    The growing Budget crisis was also tied in with another major change which the entity President Reagan had been publicly advocating. That change was the proposed "Balanced Budget Amendment" to your old worn out U.S. Con­stitution. The fact that there is a requirement to annually balance the federal budget through apportionment to the states within your original Articles has never been mentioned or hinted at in any manner, hoping none of you the people would ever notice--and hardly any of you have, surely enough.

    There was a drive underway right then to call a Constitutional Convention in order to introduce a balanced budget amendment. Already most of the re­quired number of states had ratified the call for such a convention. At the time, if only three additional states ratified it, a Convention would be legally REQUIRED to be called. The excuse for calling a Constitutional Convention would be to introduce the Balanced Budget Amendment.

    The problem, of course, was that once a convention would be called, there would be no way to keep it from turning into a runaway convention, re-writing the entire Constitution. In fact, as we have pounded you with unto this day, that was exactly how your present U.S. Constitution was created. The original idea was to simply "amend" the Articles of Confederation, but once the Con­vention was through, a totally new constitution emerged--aren't you lucky that God sat in?

    Those who were behind the drive for a "new" Constitutional Convention wanted, and want, the same thing to happen again and if it does, they have their model for a carefully manufactured DICTATORSHIP Constitution all ready to go!

    In the past there had been several other drives like that one to call a Constitu­tional Convention. Each had been built around some pet idea of one kind or another, but each time the drive fizzled out. Enough people recognized the danger of a runaway Constitutional Convention to prevent its happening. That time, though, the danger was much greater than ever before because the excuse for the proposed convention was tied directly to people's pocketbooks--and how much more so this day.

    You were being told by various financial spokesmen on television that high in­terest rates were responsible for your economic woes, which was a partial truth, at best. You were also told that government deficits were responsible for keeping those disastrous interest rates high. Then you were treated to the spectacle of a government seemingly unable to decide on a budget. And, fi­nally, whenever a budget would be passed, it would contain the biggest deficits in history--well over one hundred billion dollars. Looks like pre-school tooth-fairy money now, doesn't it? And here it is, only eight years later and you talk multi-trillions in deficits.

    Against that background, the promise a relief by way of the Balanced Budget Amendment could have proven to tempting to resist. If so, the drive to call a Constitutional Convention would succeed, and in the process you Americans would have sold your birthright for a mess of pottage. And where might you be eight years later? Are you going to sell it now for a nuclear war of the world?

    All of this may sound quite irrelevant as in the past tense. No, if you don't know the circumstances which brought you to today's massive issues, you can­not do one confounded thing about your condition. You had spectacular po­tential for nuclear war in 1982. YOU HAVE MAGNIFICENT POTENTIAL AND PROBABILITY FOR ALL-OUT NUCLEAR WAR THIS VERY DAY IN 1990! NEVER FORGET THAT THE PLANS FAR WAR ARE THE PLANS OF MEN, NOTHING MORE. Those plans have a way of going awry in many cases; and in the case of those nuclear war plans, feverish at­tempts were underway to make them go awry. ARE YOU THAT LUCKY TODAY? RUSSIA TURNS OUT TO BE THE ONLY MAJOR POWER WHO DOES NOT. DESIRE A NUCLEAR WAR. THE U.S. AND ENG­LAND MOST CERTAINLY ARE ON DEAD AHEAD COURSE, AWAITING THE PROPER FUSE TO BE LIT.

    Back in May of 1982 the Bolshevik war planners who controlled the Pentagon wanted that nuclear war at any cost but their anti-Bolshevik enemies who then ruled Russia didn't want war and were trying to prevent it. Likewise, the Rockefeller cartel in America was in a power struggle against the Bolsheviks in an attempt to stop the war plan. Dear ones, they are not around today!

    If the Rockefeller interests, in that old circumstance, could succeed in re­gaining control of the U.S. Government, they planned to stop the Bolshevik war countdown. But the Rockefeller group was fighting the battle only for themselves--not for you the people for there was not a shred of care for you the people. It was they who were behind the secret new Constitution and the drive for a Constitutional Convention. If they succeeded in beating the Bol­sheviks in the U.S., they intended to indeed capitalize on the new laws. With their secret new Constitution they planned to bring all of you under their domination more completely than ever before in history. DO YOU THINK THAT INTENT HAS CHANGED OR DIMINISHED? DO YOU SEE EV­IDENCE THAT IRS RULES ARE LESSENING? OR PROBABILITY FOR WAR? OR DO YOU THINK THE EXECUTIVE ORDERS THAT CONTROL YOUR GOVERNMENT ARE NOT VALID?


    Remember, three months prior there was a military coup d'etat in gestation in Washington. This was to be a coup by the Rockefeller cartel operatives within the Government against Bolshevik operatives. The man in charge was a four-star general, Alexander Haig, as just referred to in the prior chapter. Funny thing about people and history--they just keep cycling back into your attention once you know who to look for!

    Up to then the anti-Bolshevik coup had not been accomplished, but it was gaining ground. One major gain for the Rockefeller faction occurred in April, 1982, while all eyes were on the Falklands crisis. On April 21 it was an­nounced that Admiral Bobbie Inman, Deputy Director of the CIA, "had re­signed" effective immediately. Inman was forced out by the Rockefeller fac­tion. He was replaced with lightning speed by John McMahon, a career professional with the CIA!

    It was the Rockefellers who created the CIA long ago as their own private de­tective agency, and now they were working fast to re-establish the control which they had lost on the CIA over three years prior.

    The infighting between the Rockefeller and Bolshevik factions in the Gov­ernment was growing more intense as the war fuse burned shorter and shorter. President Reagan and Secretary Haig were both under tight security. The summer of 1982 was to be a most dangerous summer for them and for all of you Americans, as well as for the whole of the planet.


    It is interesting to note that news was so benign that the biggest thing in your attention was a TV mini series, Marco Polo.

    On the evening of May 16 millions of Americans tuned their television sets to NBC to watch the first installment of that series.

    It was a most lavish portrayal of the travels and adventures of someone named Marco Polo. For the next four nights viewers were treated to a spec­tacular reenactment of Marco Polo's experiences as he supposedly traveled to China. Interspersed with those scenes of adventure and splendor were brief scenes depicting what happened to Marco Polo after he returned home to Venice. He dared to speak of places he had been and things he had seen that conflicted with the dogma of the day, and so he was tried for heresy. And so it has always been--even unto this moment. Dharma is not even "tried", she is just openly condemned and convicted without a hearing. The world has not come very far, has it, sleeple? Well, it is your necks, my friends, and he who sleeps on in this drama may very well awaken to the explosion of a nuclear bomb in your dooryard and then the Ascension shall be rapid indeed--even without meditation and practice to violet flame music and preference of desti­nation.

    In 1982 you liked to think of yourselves as too enlightened to close your minds like the inquisitors of Marco Polo, but the fact is that those who challenge preconceived notions and laid-forth lies of deliberate deceit were quickly branded as heretics and worse. Dharma just writes that which the Hosts of Heaven give her as warning unto a sleeping people and she is shot at, ridiculed and her own neighbors call her witch and Satanic psychic. Funny thing--she is not in the least bit psychic and recognizes the accusation as most funny indeed. She jokes and says that if she had realized she could be bran­dished about as a Guru Psychic she might have had a stable of race horses, also, instead of SBS and the injustice system literally stealing her home. Keep your sense of humor, chelas, for it is all that will hold you in sanity from time to time--and never let go of God's hand for in His hands is thine only security!

    Perfect example of this: on Sunday morning, May 16 (ironically it was the same day as the beginning of the Marco Polo series), there was an interview of evangelist Dr. Billy Graham on the ABC news program "This Week with David Brinkley".

    Dr. Graham had just returned to England from participating in a five-day reli­gious conference in Moscow, Russia, of all places. He was one of more than 400 religious leaders from 80 nations who attended the conference. They were there at the invitation of the Russian Orthodox Church which sponsored the Conference.

    A large fraction of those who attended were Christian leaders such as Dr. Graham, but there were also many representatives of the world's other reli­gions. They were not there to convert, to compete, or to condemn one an­other as is the usual stance among differing doctrines. Instead it was a rare opportunity for those leaders to form bridges of mutual understanding, some­thing which is sorely neglected in your world, to say the very kindest and nicest thing I can conjure.

    It was a religious conference the likes of which the world had not seen for almost a century. The last time anything similar took place was well before 1900. It was held in America, in Chicago, and it was called "The Parliament of Religions".

    There were many who feared that historic meeting of the minds and con­demned it. As a result, it had never been repeated in America; but herein you erred greatly for it did not destroy Christianity or turn Americans into Bud­dhists, Moslems, or Hindus. Too bad, some of that would have represented a lot of progress. This was, however, before you voted in immorality so it was harmless, at the most. What it did do was establish bonds of understanding and a bit of respect for a while where they had been sorely lacking before. It is a psychological fact that it is usually hard to hate another person if you ac­tually get to know him and look within his eyes and into his soul intent--be his intent of goodness.


    From the turn of your century onward, the U.S. Government had been con­trolled by elements who cherished war as an instrument of policy, so you saw no more Parliaments of Religion in America.

    By contrast, the government of Russia underwent drastic transformation in recent years. Russia's new rulers were basically Christians--yes, that is what I said--CHRISTIANS. Once at an interview Mr. Gorbachev was asked a seri­ous question for which he had no answer and he slipped and said, "Only Jesus Christ would know the answer...".

    After an agonizing struggle of six decades, those tough native Russians had fi­nally gained the upper hand over the Satanic Bolsheviks there. Over three years prior the growing power of the Kremlin Christians started producing startling changes in public. For example, for Easter, 1979, Handel's "Messiah" was performed in Russia for the first time since the Bolshevik Revolution! Several months prior to that, in January, 1979, the first legal shipment of Bibles into Russia since 1917 had taken place. The American Bible Society had asked the Russian government for permission and it had been granted.

    A call went forth asking that Christians and churchmen take the initiative to reach out in a concrete way to head off nuclear catastrophe and begin new ties of trust and understanding with your Russian brothers. The response was pure apathy. This is to the everlasting shame upon America's so-called Chris­tian community. There were no Christian hands held forth across the sea unto thine brothers.

    But, in 1982, a pilgrimage for peace had been made to Moscow after all. Since America's Christian leaders would not bother to take the initiative, those of Russia did so instead! They invited religious leaders the world over to make a pilgrimage for peace to Moscow, and they called their five-day as­sembly The, quote:

    "Conference of Religious Workers for Saving the Sacred Gift of Life from Nuclear Catastrophe."

    When Billy Graham and some other Western Christian leaders arrived in Moscow, they soon discovered that it was not as they had been led to expect. Dr. Graham discovered that there was no attempt to restrict him in his reli­gious messages. He was also allowed more freedom of movement than he could ever have expected. On the Saturday evening before the Conference began, Dr. Graham decided to pay unannounced visits to several Moscow churches. He went to three different Russian Orthodox Churches and was shocked to find that they were filled to capacity with worshippers. As he said later in a news conference, quote:

    "You would never get that in Charlotte, North Carolina."

    Dr. Graham made a number of statements about his experiences in Moscow which all seemed to add up to one thing: there was a lot more Christian wor­ship going on in Russia than even he expected and much greater freedom for there was no interference whatsoever.

    When Billy Graham returned to the West he must have felt a little like old Marco Polo. He had journeyed to the forbidden East and discovered that it was not populated by gremlins and horrible beasts. Instead he had come away with his heart "strangely warmed" (quote). Perhaps he expected that the folks back home would welcome his unexpected good news. After all, your whole Christian faith was supposed to be built on Good News--the Gospel of your LORD JESUS CHRIST. But if that is what he expected, he was most sadly mistaken. I think perhaps Bo Gritz felt the same when he came back from the "Golden Triangle" with solid proof of U.S. Government involvement in the drug trade, in a massive level, and was told he was a "dead man" if he told the story. All of you will recall that the government set out to put him away on felony charges--now, GO LISTEN TO HIM IF HE IS EVER CLOSE ENOUGH TO YOU--AND WE PLAN TO MAKE SURE HE AND MANY OTHERS WE RECOMMEND FOR YOUR ATTENTION ARE AVAILABLE ALL OVER THE MAP. WE PLAN TO GIVE A FORUM FOR TRUTH JUST AS SOON AS WE GET ENOUGH FINANCIAL SUPPORT ROLLING TO PERMIT THE MASSIVE EXPENSES RE­QUIRED. WE DO, HOWEVER, BELIEVE THAT YOU THE PEOPLE HAVE ABOUT HAD ENOUGH OF THE LIE, AND WILL SUPPORT THOSE WHO HAVE GIVEN THEIR LIVES FOR THE TRUTH--ONE SUCH AS CAESAR CHAVEZ OF THE FARM LABORERS. YOU ARE BEING SLOWLY POISONED IN EVERY BITE YOU TAKE AND EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE AND YOU IGNORE THOSE BLESSED MARTYRS WHO COME FORTH AND GIVE THEIR VERY LIVES IN YOUR SERVICE. OH HEAR ME WELL, CHELAS--THINE DAY OF LOLLING IN THE SLEEPING IS INDEED ENDED! YOUR WORLD IS NOT AS YOU HAVE PERCEIVED IT THROUGH THE VEIL OF LIES. YOU DID IT AND ALLOWED IT--YOU WILL NOW CHANGE OF IT, YOURSELVES, OR YOU SHALL PAY MOST DEARLY. WE TELL YOU THAT WHICH YOU CAN DO AND GOD IS PURE HOPE--AND YET YOU QUIBBLE AND POKE PAINFUL ACCUSATIONS AT MY SCRIBE AND CAUSE HEINOUS TORTURE TO MY BROTHERS WHO COME WITH US OF THE HOSTS IN SERVICE UNTO YOU IN THE NAME OF AND SENT FROM--GOD.


    When he returned to the West, he came back not to people eager to hear more of his good news, but to hostility and condemnation! You were always told that Russia was an atheistic country and beyond redemption, and so by definition Billy Graham's words about even limited religious freedom in Rus­sia constituted heresy. He ran into a chain-saw of critics determined to cut him down for saying a good word about Russia! Just as with Dharma and my group, he was shouted at, "Communist Pig" and other such endearing terms from the "Christian" community. The public paid no attention for they could not have cared less one way or another.

    These ones of my group received a call in which the person promised to kill all of them, "you M---- F---- communists, I will get you all". He started right out without identification (a sign of evil--anonymous messages to avoid all respon­sibility) and announced his intention to murder the group. Actually, we aren't even a "group" for all do their own work but now they have had formal an­nouncement from an anonymous "concerned citizen" that they are a terrible Satanic cult of some sort and the person states emphatically that he will have nothing to do with those books, much less read them. And so it goes. You have given away your right to hear and see unto the evil controllers and you fail to see of it. Mercy unto you precious sleeping children, for you have been "had" most cruelly.

    With Dr. Graham it began right away with slanted reports by the statements of the major media. At one point Dr. Graham mentioned that in Russia his comments had been reported accurately in the press. By contrast, reports in the U.S. were distorted and quoted him totally out of context.

    A perfect example of the treatment given Dr. Graham was that May 16 interview on ABC's example Week with David Brinkley". It was called an interview, but inquisition would be a better description. Every suggestion that Christians may be better off in Russia today than in the past was met with total hostility. Time after time after time Dr. Graham was interrupted and attacked before he could finish making a point, and many of the questions in the best tradition of heresy trials were designed to declare Graham guilty before he could even give answer.

    To take just one example: at one point the ideological writer, George F. Will, mentioned an incident in which a peace protestor was subdued by Russian police. Then he asked--and this is an exact quote:

    "Given that evidence that there is no, and is not about to be, any peace movement in the Soviet Union, wasn't it clear to you from the start that this propaganda festival to which you were going was used simply to encourage a unilateral peace pressure and disarmament pressure in the West?"

    A question like that is the tool of a prosecutor in your injustice system, not an objective reporter. In one breath he claimed that there is no peace movement in Russia as if it were a fact, accused Dr. Graham of knowingly cooperating in Soviet propaganda, implied that all the world religious leaders who attended were stooges, and ignored the world-wide representation at the Conference saying it was all aimed at the West. Accusing questions like that were fired at Dr. Graham throughout the program. The only break in that inquisition came when Dr. Graham was removed from the discussion for a while--then every­one else sat around and ripped him up one side and down the other in his ab­sence for his "heresies".

    I noted that Elizabeth C. Prophet underwent the same hazing and disgusting inquisitions on all the talk shows but most especially on Larry King Live. I WONDER HOW MANY OF YOU IN THE U.S. WOULD ENJOY HAVING A SHELTER IN YOUR YARD THIS DAY?? IF YOU WOULDN'T, YOU CER­TAINLY DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE CIRCUMSTANCES YOU ARE IN!!!

    In spite of the grossly unfair treatment, Reverend Graham made some very telling points. He mentioned that many other American Christian leaders were also at the Moscow Conference and that still others have gone there separately, and he said there are many, quote:

    "...that would hold different viewpoints than what is being expressed here today. I'm a little surprised that we don't have some of those people."

    It is needless to remind you that this type of harassment is the modus operandi. Gang up and attempt total ridicule in self-authoritative tones of in­sult.

    Perhaps Dr. Graham's most telling comment came fairly early in the program; perhaps it was partly responsible for the frenzied bitterness of some of the at­tacks on him later in the program. Dr. Graham said, quote:

    "Now when people go to China today, for example, they are applauded for going to China. It's wonderful to go to China, but there is not as much religious freedom in China as there is in the Soviet Union."

    Dr. Graham was exactly right and that statement has certainly been borne out. But the cartel elite continued to go and do business with China even when the whole world was in shock at the treatment of thousands of their own children. It certainly didn't stop Mr. Kissinger from continuing great business deals right through the incidents. Can you not see that which is before you?

    The favorable image being given to Red China in 1982 was purely political and gave a chance for a "silence" payment to Nixon in the bargain. It was also military in its origins. Unfortunately, some extremely blind church-related groups are being used for these political purposes but then it has been eons since Christ was invited into any of your Christian churches. He would be thrown into everlasting prison if he dared show up in one of your church houses.

    Of course what Dr. Graham did not know was the reason for the violent at­tacks he was enduring. He had run afoul of the American Bolshevik nuclear-war lobby. They wanted to use you the people to do their dirty work for them against Russia. That was what their nuclear-war plans were all about, and so at all costs they could not allow you to know that Christianity was reviving in Russia. Even more, they dared not let the American people know that the true leadership of Russia was Christian because if you all knew that you would never agree to their plans to destroy Christian Russia in a thermonuclear war.

    A bit of a summary as we close this chapter. The countdown by the Bolshevik war planners who then controlled the Pentagon was still continuing. Their war plans had been damaged by the Falklands war, but they were trying to turn that conflict to their own ends.

    Meanwhile, the countdown for Space Shuttle Flight number four with its se­cret military pay load was still right on schedule. If the mission would succeed, the danger of nuclear war would increase dramatically.

    The Rockefeller cartel was continuing its power struggle to take back control of the Government from the Bolsheviks and Zionists who were gaining in power every day but were indeed slippery for they seemed to have no loyalties to either side when the power was up for grabs.

    As part of that struggle, the preparations for a military coup d'etat led by General Alexander Haig were making progress. Likewise, the Russians were continuing to try in their own ways to prevent the war. For you who don't want to believe me, I assure you that the Russians were doing as much as they could to prevent the war--for reasons of human morality.

    Well, I can only repeat a great word from your Master Teacher,

    "Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for their's is the kingdom of heaven."

    So be it and may it be God's will that we get the truth out to you who hunger and thirst after truth for you have been sorely used. May grace and under­standing be your shield for there is much to be done if you would change of your circumstance. Each will be known for his actions and naked ye shall stand before thine creator in the final tally--hold it ever within thine con­sciousness.

    Let us close this segment as the hour is indeed late and the hours of writing very long this day. Thank you, beloved scribe, for thine service and that ser­vice of mine group who labor day and night to bring forth truth unto your troubled world. Selah and the light shall shine around about you that you may finish your mission. Hatonn to clear, please.

  2. #14
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 18
    CHAPTER 25


    SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1990 9:35 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 9


    On the afternoon of June 25 reporters were summoned to the White House press room for a sudden major announcement. At around 3:00 P.M. the en­tity known as President Reagan strode in and walked to the microphone. Then, with an announcement about a minute long, he dropped a bomb.

    For public consumption he began the announcement with words of praise and regret, but his face was the face of an executioner. Then he came to the only words that really mattered: "With great regret I have accepted the resignation of Secretary of State Al Haig."

    The impression was given that Haig had resigned voluntarily and that its timeing was a great surprise, but that impression was not the truth. Reagan's very next words were: "I am nominating as his successor and he has accepted, George Shultz, to replace him."

    A little later it was announced that Haig himself, would make a statement at the State Department. It was scheduled for 4:00 P.M., but Haig was nearly half an hour late. He had learned of his ouster only a few hours earlier, around noon. He had been compelled to compose a letter of resignation and pretend, for public consumption, that he had already given it to Reagan; but his late arrival at the State Department press conference was due to the fact that he was putting last-minute touches on his public statement.

    When Haig arrived at the State Department auditorium, he faced an audi­ence of around 1,000 reporters and department employees. As he was greeted by thunderous applause, Haig looked around wide-eyed, as if in a daze. He had been ordered to keep his entire statement to a maximum of five minutes. He had also been warned not to accept questions.

    you were told by the controlled major media that Haig resigned as an abrasive prima donna, incensed that he was not getting his way; but when Haig took the microphone that afternoon at the State Department, his demeanor was far from that of a prima donna--he was, instead, a defeated General at the moment of surrender. The peculiar etiquette that governs this type of sit­uation causes words to obscure the fact, but his voice and mannerisms were laden with the unmistakable burden of defeat. He spoke slowly, trying to keep the quaver in his voice under control. His tones were the lifeless tones of resignation that say, "I tried, but I failed".

    Haig read the text of his alleged resignation letter to Reagan which was written hurriedly that afternoon after the fact. He began by praising the alleged original foreign policy plans of the Reagan Administration before it was sub­verted by the Bolsheviks. At one point he could hardly get the words out of his mouth as he said: "I believe that we shared a view of America's role in the world as the leader of free men and an inspiration for all."

    Then he went on to describe a change of course which had taken place: "In re­cent months it has become clear to me that the foreign policy on which we embarked together was shifting from that careful course which we laid out. Under these circumstances I feel it necessary to request that you accept my resignation."

    Diplomatic language is often so bland that it tends to make momentous statements sound tame and mild to the public. In those months American foreign policy had indeed been moving away from what could be called a "careful course", just as Haig said.

    Haig was the top Government operative of the faction which had been trying to prevent the coming war; but the anti-war faction had lost, and Haig's ouster was the most visible signal that this had happened.

    In the aftermath of the Haig bombshell, people had been falling all over themselves trying to explain it; but the more they talked the farther away from the truth they got. The closest anyone in the major media got to the truth was a statement just minutes after Haig's appearance at the State Department. Sam Donaldson of ABC television News, said, "It may seem strange for peo­ple who know General Haig's background; but the hard-liners from the standpoint of the Soviet American relations and the hard-liners when it comes to trying to curb what many people see as excessive violence by Israel in Lebanon, have won on this one."

    Interesting thing about Sam Donaldson--as of last year, he no longer covers the White House and you rarely hear anything of his whereabouts--interesting indeed.

    Sam Donaldson was correct about the hard-liners having defeated Haig, but there was far more to it than that. The so-called resignation of Alexander Haig on June 25 was a disaster for the antinuclear war forces. It was tied to other events--the end of the Falklands War, the beginning of the Mideast war and others; and the timing of Haig's demise, which seemed to mystify the major media, was dictated by a very specific event. That event was the launch of Space Shuttle Mission number four which was then in progress.


    There was a very sad lesson of history that had been repeated more times than could be counted, from ancient times right down to the present day. The lesson was that, by and large, people were incapable of being warned about major calamities to come. It is human nature to think that the future will not be much different from the past. If something has not happened before, you find it hard to believe it could happen at all; and this had never been more true than when the impending calamity was the result of spiritual decay and moral degeneration.


    WASHINGTON - Let's assume the nightmare comes true: Iraq attacks U.S. troops or Saudi cities with chemical weapons as part of a major war. Should the U.S. fight back with chemical or even nuclear weapons?

    A number of military analysts say the answer is no. Even though chemical or nuclear weapons promise a quick victory in battle--and an emotionally satisfying response to a barbarous attack--the political fallout from using these weapons would be disastrous to U.S. interests. Moreover, the analysts say, the U.S. has more than enough aircraft and missiles to destroy Iraqi targets using conventional bombs in a war. Nuclear and chemical weapons don't add that much militarily.

    "It's a losing proposition", says retired Maj. Gen. Elmer Pendleton, who was the Pentagon's senior officer in Turkey. "With our massive air ability, we can do the job as well" without nuclear or chemical weapons.

    Using even small battlefield nuclear weapons would be a "disastrous mistake", adds Gary Milhollin, an arms control expert at the University of Wisconsin Law School. "It would be a signal to all the countries in the Third World that to stand up to the First World they need nuclear weapons."

    One reason that the U.S. can contemplate more seriously using chemi­cal or nuclear weapons, however, is the easing of relations with the So­viet Union, says retired Adm. Thomas Moorer, a former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The two superpowers aren't backing different sides in this conflict, so the U.S. can worry far less about retaliation from the Soviet Union.

    "With them out of the picture, it has a significant impact on the flexi­bility available to the president", Adm. Moorer says. During this crisis, for instance, the U.S. has been able to empty the Mediterranean of aircraft carriers because of the diminished Soviet threat in Europe.

    Last October, about 20 military planners sat down for a war game to plot U.S. responses to a chemical attack by a country in the Middle East, says Francis West, president of Gama Corp., a Falls Church, Va., consulting firm that stages war games for the Defense Department. They quickly realized, says Mr. West, that the U.S. didn't need to re­sort to chemical weapons to deal a devastating blow to the attacker. That's a calculation the Iraqis can make as well, Mr. West says, and one that might disincline them from attacking.

    **{Hatonn: How does it make you feel to know this entire scenario was planned and set up last October--some ten months ago?}**

    "It's hard to see any initiation of chemical weapons by Iraq where it doesn't come out much worse for them" if the U.S. uses only conven­tional weapons" he says, "That's the essence of deterrence."

    In addition, the U.S. is likely to reject out of hand a strategy of terror involving bombing a city in Iraq with chemical or nuclear weapons in retaliation for a chemical attack on a Saudi city. "The last thing I'd do is say that because Saddam Hussein attacks a population, I'd attack a population." **{Hatonn: That might well be what he would "say" but they fully intend to do so--further, your own people fully plan to stage an incident with chemical and nuclear weapons and blame Iraq so that they can do exactly that very thing.}** This statement was from Albert Wohlstetter, a nuclear strategist who has greatly influenced Pentagon thinking. "It's like saying that if a terrorist kills your child, you kill his."

    **{Hatonn: I repeat, there is not, and never has been, any such intent from Iraq to either invade an inch of Saudi-Arabia or to use chemical anything. This is a set-up in full preparation for you ones to expect an attack so that the "incident" will cause you to demand all-out war. You will have essentially killed your own children in the process.}**

    And using chemical or nuclear weapons effectively in a battle is very difficult. A change in wind could spread killer microbes launched against Iraqi soldiers over civilians or U.S. soldiers instead. **{Hatonn: Ah Ha! And so it comes out--the U.S. also intends to use microbiological warfare--you did it before and you will do it again. No one else has even mentioned use of microbes until the Americans planned to use them.}** The potency of chemical agents also dissi­pates over time, making the weapons relatively ineffective against such targets as airfields or Iraqi chemical and nuclear research facilities.

    Nuclear weapons, on the other hand, are so destructive that they can't be used anywhere near U.S. troops or civilians--essentially ruling out their use in a battle to retake Kuwait. Even the smallest nuclear weapons, fired by Howitzers, can kill anything in an area nearly one-half mile across.

    Any use of chemical or nuclear weapons by the U.S., even in retaliation, also would produce heavy political damage. International support, so critical for the economic blockage against Iraq, would wither, say analysts, and opposition would mushroom at home. "If we retaliate with chemical weapons, we're getting into the mud with the pigs", says Lawrence Korb, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. "We can accomplish our objectives with conventional weapons."

    For all the incentives against the use of these weapons by the U.S., Iraq can hardly rest east that the U.S. will forswear them. It's impossible to gauge the effect of cries for revenge on policy makers if U.S. soldiers are gassed, with grisly pictures of their remains broadcast to this coun­try.

    If you cannot see herein exactly what your planners plan to do, then I pity you
    for your blindness. They herein outlined exactly that which they plan to do just as soon as the set-up is right and an incident can be staged. What does it take, chelas, to awaken you who are about to be slaughtered and enslaved? May God have mercy for you sorely try Him in your foolishness. Everyone quoted in the above article are members of the elite cartel--even unto the Brookings Institute. Beloved one, I ache with pain for you one's for you know not that which is done unto you. The time is upon you and you see it not.


    Why did it exist in 1982? Same reason. The reasons are fundamentally moral and spiritual in nature; and when the calamity comes, it will have conse­quences which are impossible to grasp in advance. As a result, for most of you the threat of nuclear war is one which you only half believe possible. You worried when you heard about new crises and you squirmed at the thought of ever-increasing nuclear arsenals. But in the last analysis mor os you go right on living your lives as if these things never existed. Deep down you tell your­selves, "Surely it can't really happen." You tended to think that your situation was without parallel in human existence--but that is not true. And it is even worse today in 1990.

    You have been told that in ancient times a man named Noah was warned in advance about an equally incomprehensible calamity. He lived in a genera­tion of people who were filling the land with abominations in total disregard for the Creator and His laws. Noah was warned that a giant killer flood was coming as a direct result of those spiritual and moral transgressions. Noah began building an ark; and he also began warning all his neighbors, as he had been directed by the Lord.

    The building of the ark consumed not just years but decades. All the while Noah continued to warn the people of his land about what was to come, but the people were incapable of being warned. They found the idea of a great flood incomprehensible and unbelievable because it had never happened be­fore; and besides, they were too busy living their own lives, doing as they please. So they laughed at Noah and his never-ending warning--until the day it began to rain! On that day they suddenly knew that the warnings had been true; but it was too late, and they perished.

    Do you feel the raindrops starting to fall upon your little heads? I believe you are going to get very wet indeed--how well do you swim and how long can you hold your breath under water? The raindrops started to fall in 1982 at the forced resignation of Alexander Haig on June 25, 1982. All this information, furthermore, was public information and so, where were you? The time came and went for preventing nuclear calamity. Unless something very dramatic could take place to radically change the situation, it was a matter of time--and not much time at that.

    As of that time, the Bolshevik war-planners in the Pentagon were still on track with their plan to set off nuclear war by the middle of September, 1982. This was true even though the intended final phase of their war plan had been crippled. The probabilities of stopping their well-laid plans in the Middle East are slim to minus zero.

    The true mark of a prophet is the occurrence of that which he predicts which comes to pass--only interrupted by changes in sequence, or "timing" by possible circumstance changes. Let us again look back to 1982.

    For some three years the U.S. Government had been torn by a bitter power struggle between two opposing factions. One faction consisted of agents of the Rockefeller cartel of Big Oil, Big Business, and Big banking. Then the Government was dominated by the cartel. The other faction was that of the American Bolsheviks together with expelled Bolsheviks from Russia who had flocked to the U.S. for a new start. At that time the Zionists were just gaining a strong foothold within your Government but the writing was well spelled out. If the nuclear war would fail to come off in 1982, it would be precipitated in the Middle East when appropriate.

    For historical reasons those two power factions, the Rockefeller group and the Bolsheviks, had always worked together until those critical times.. The Rockefeller empire started its climb to power over a century prior with the aid of the Rothschilds based in England and Europe. Likewise, Bolshevism as a political force was created by the Rothschilds around the turn of the century. When the time was ripe for revolution in Russia, Rothschild-spawned Bolshe­vism was injected into Russia with Rockefeller help. From then on a secret alliance existed between the Rockefeller interests and the Bolsheviks on a world-wide basis but all that was changed.

    A new anti-Bolshevik ruling group had taken over in Russia and had expelled most of the old Bolsheviks there. They had come mainly to the U.S., in great swarms in the following years. They were welcomed with open arms by their old Rockefeller allies. The re-enforced the long-time American Bolsheviks who were already present. Then, in early 1979, the Bolsheviks double-crossed their Rockefeller partners and launched an all-out grab for power. Now entered the Zionists in full-blast ahead.

    The Bolshevik grab for power over the U.S. Government began with the mur­der of Nelson Rockefeller on January 26, 1979. This was followed by months of in-fightin behind the scenes including assassinations, resignations, and dis­appearances of key people. But true to Bolshevik tradition, it was all carried out in the shadows hidden from the public eye. The the turmoil escalated still further as the Intelligence agencies of foreign nations entered the fray. By the spring of 1979 a full-scale Intelligence war was ragin in America, especially in Washington. In addition to agents of the Rockefeller cartel and the Bolshe­viks, the Intelligence agencies of Russia, Britain, and Israel were involved. All were trying to maneuver the crisis for their own benefit, and all were using their most advanced and most secret Intelligence techniques including some that would seem at home in the 21st Century.

    Is a nuclear war still feasible with this new and changed Russia? Of course--for they now despise you for a much different reason--you have become the evil aggressor and they know that if you and England are not stopped, they, too, shall fall to the Global U.N. control of which they will have little input in the long-run--just as they are caught between Iraq and the hard place in this lithe excursion in the Middle East.

    The above events all took place behind closed doors, hidden from the public eye by winners and losers alike in each skirmish. In battles at the pinnacle of power, that is how it is. There is never an appeal to the public, to the police, or to the courts for it is they who control the courts, the police, and your other institutions. At the pinnacle of power there is no appeal to higher authority because in their view there is none. So disputes were and are settled by the oldest means known to man; namely, by finding out who has the biggest stick. That is why power struggles take place in governments, and that is why wars take place between nations. It is all a struggle for raw power in an arena where no holes are barred.

    1979 was a year of strange events, when the so-called Carter Administration appeared to go crazy on several occasions. At one point the entire Carter Cabinet was fired en masse. It sent shock waves around the world until a re­constituted Cabinet was formed. At another point the entity Carter disap­peared at Camp David for weeks on end. Meanwhile worried rumors swirled like a storm through Washington circles.

    All of these events were the direct result of a hidden turmoil which had actu­ally been made public to you but you discounted his work and insanity. All the shocks just came and went without ever being touched by truth.

    By late 1979 the dust was beginning to settle. The Rockefeller cartel had been grievously wounded, but it was not destroyed or totally unseated from Government influence. The Bolsheviks had acquired a dominant position over the U.S. Government, but their power was complete only in the military area. The Bolsheviks were bent on throwing the U.S. into nuclear war against Russia. To the Bolsheviks--aliens your midst--your entire country was nothing but a giant tool to further their own dreams of world power--and how much more a tool of the Zionists.

    Up until the hidden Bolshevik coup d'etat three years prior, the Rockefeller cartel too was bent on nuclear war; but then, having lost control of the U.S. military, they could no longer afford nuclear war. So they had changed their tune. On all sides Rockefeller spokesmen were speaking out against the threat of nuclear war. The Rockefeller public relations machine was the most sophisticated in the world. Almost overnight it had stirred up public fears into a strong anti-nuclear movement--we should be so lucky to have such an orga­nization this night.

    Within the Government itself, Rockefeller cartel agents had been slowly re­gaining some of their lost power. As they did so they were trying to chip away at the Bolshevik plans for nuclear war, which was imminent.

    The most important of all Rockefeller cartel operatives in the Government was Secretary of State Alexander Haig. Haig owed his presence in the Ad­ministration to the fact that the so-called Reagan Administration was initially installed by the Rockefeller cartel. But the Bolsheviks were determined not to let the Rockefeller group consolidate their gains. On November 30, 1980, just a few weeks after the "rigged" Reagan landslide election, the Bolsheviks were working fast. Then on March 30, 1981 there was a presidential assassina­tion attempt at the Washington Hilton Hotel. For public consumption, all stories quickly converged on the traditional "lone assassin" theory; and just to make that more believable, a psychologically programmed scapegoat was on hand firing random shots--John Hinckley, Jr.

    There was ample evidence that Hinckley was not alone and could not have fired the shot that hit the President. But never mind, seeing is believing even when it is a lie. Hinckley was conveniently wrestled to the sidewalk, gun in hand, right next to television cameras. Then the Washington jury shocked the world by finding Hinckley not guilty "by reason of insanity."

    As it turned out, the shooting did not cause a change of face in the Oval Of­fice--or at least not that you recognized. Even so, it did achieve what the Bol­sheviks wanted. It created a period of vulnerability which halted the momen­tum of the new Rockefeller cartel governmental programs--what an obvious farce and you all missed it.

    Within a matter of mere weeks the Bolsheviks were once again in the driver's seat, especially at the Pentagon. Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger had come into office with the new administration, but he was a Bolshevik mole in the Rockefeller machine. Ever since the Reagan assassination at­tempt, Weinberger and Haig had been at each others' throats because they were on opposite sides of the power struggle.

    Well, I could go on but I do not intend to bore you further with repetitious de­tails.

    Dharma, allow us rest please. When we again sit we shall take up the final crises to ignite the war in 1982. You ones MUST pay attention for so many of the players in today's super-game are the identical players--only the location has changed.

    Go in peace that you might gain strength to continue on the morrow--God willing there be a morrow. I shall clear you mind of this so that you will get rest, chela. In love I take my leave. Good-evening. Hatonn to clear, please.

    PJ 18
    CHAPTER 26


    SUNDAY, AUGUST 26, 1990 8:22 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 10



    SUMMER, 1982 AND SUMMER, 1990

    June 1982 had seen the end of one war and the beginning of another. The war between Britain and Argentina for the Falkland Islands ended on June 14. That day the Argentine garrison at Ft. Stanley surrendered to the British. Meanwhile, a new war was already underway in the Middle East. Israel had launched its long-planned, all-out invasion of Lebanon. Are any of you remembering these things?

    The Falkland Island War had come as a surprise to the master planner of nu­clear war to come, the Bolsheviks. The Falklands fighting and the secret hos­tilities which preceded it were intended to upset those nuclear war plans. The Bolsheviks, who were fomenting violence world-wide, stamped out the un­wanted Falklands War as quickly as possible.

    The Thatcher Government in Britain, which is Bolshevik controlled, was left with a legacy of grievous losses which were being totally covered up. A major key to the Thatcher cover-up of the true extent of British losses was the con­tinued posture of belligerence toward Argentina. It was being said that a siz­able British military presence would be maintained in the South Atlantic. That provided a tailor-made excuse for the fact that many British ships, sailors, and soldiers would not be coming home any time soon. The fact that some of them would never return home could be hidden, and the families af­fected informed piecemeal, a few at a time, so that they would not form coalitions and question the real numbers of dead and missing. Each family would simply believe that their personal loss was one of the few who didn't make it. No one checks the real figures and military funerals hide everything and de­cide who will be viewed and who will not. Graves with unknown bodies or empty caskets (actually the caskets are reused) are the rule and not the excep­tion. Military honors funerals are the best hiding front of any practices expe­rienced in the military circles. Sometimes dozens of funerals are held in separate places under the "count" of one killed in action and flags are given to the families to account for their own.

    The Thatcher Government intended to keep the lid on the situation just as Bush fully intended and continues to intend to keep the lid on Panama.

    Another ingredient in the Thatcher cover-up plan was the at-sea repair ship, STENA INSPECTOR. It was bought from American interests in May and was then being refitted in the Savannah Shipyard Company in Georgia. Soon it would head for the South Atlantic to begin patching up many British vessels which were damaged in the Falklands War. When and if they would return to Britian, the true extent of the damage done to the Royal navy would have been literally covered up.

    The final outcome of the Falklands War was a setback for the Rockefeller cartel and their limited partners, the new rulers of Russia. The Rockefeller-Soviet team won Round No. 1 of the South Atlantic fray, which was a covert warfare during April. Round No. 2, the battle for the Falklands themselves, turned out differently. Despite the damage done to the Royal Navy, it was the Rockefeller cartel and the Russians who were outmaneuvered in the Falk­lands battle.

    It was known that the objective of the joint Rockefeller-Russian action in the Southern Hemisphere was to upset Bolshevik nuclear war plans. So the Bol­sheviks responded by deliberately over-reacting militarily. Virtually the entire Royal Navy was dispatched to the South Atlantic. A situation was created in which a British recapture of the Falklands could not be stopped without set­ting off nuclear war itself. Finally, a totally unorthodox landing tactic was used to get British troops ashore. The end result was that the Rockefeller-Russian pledge to the Argentine junta was impossible to fulfill.

    The Bolsheviks were hoping that the resulting turmoil taking place in the Ar­gentine government would halt Argentina's rapid move toward Russia. In the past, Argentina was always staunchly anti-Soviet, but under Russia's new rulers, a major and growing trade relationship had been building between Russia and Argentina. The majority of Argentina's huge exports of meat and grain went to Russia, and in May relations between Argentina and Cuba sud­denly started warming. The Bolsheviks would have liked to reverse all that and ultimately deny Argentina's food to Russia.

    On June 5, 1982 Israeli tanks began moving across the border into a so-called Christian enclave in southern Lebanon. The following day the world learned that Israel was launching an all-out invasion of Lebanon.

    There had been joint strategy of the Bolsheviks and Zionists for well over the prior year to pave the way for nuclear war. It was a complex five-track plan patterned after the build-up to World War I with its proliferation of pre-war crises.

    All five tracks in the Bolshevik warpath converged about mid-1982. By then they expected to have America on a solid war footing. All four Space Shuttle Missions were planned to be completed by that time. The offensive weapons in the works would be ready, and by then the world would be a caldron of crises made to order for setting off nuclear war suddenly and without warning. Just as crises in the Balkans triggered World War I, a world in crises would trigger Nuclear War One.

    Mid-1982 had arrived and the Bolshevik maneuvering to drag the world into war was right on schedule. That month on June 13 the Washington Post pub­lished a major article titled: "A WORLD SUDDENLY ASSAULTED BY GUNFIRE." It began, quote:

    "By State Department count, three major and eight lesser wars were going on last week in a world that seemed suddenly beset by blazing battles."


    It certainly "seemed" sudden indeed but it was not and neither was it acciden­tal. The Bolsheviks were responsible for the fires that were burning out of control world-wide and they were most certainly caused by arson and "controlled burns". Speaking of fires--how better to keep you the people oc­cupied for the summer of your demise, by fighting fires all over the West? The Bolshiviks then headquartered in America were allied closely with the militant Zionists in Israel. The situation was as much a mystery to the people of Israel as it was to the people of America. In both countries the average citizen was getting very concerned. In Israel, as in America, the then present government was bent on deliberately raising the level of tension, violence, and nuclear-war danger. In both countries more and more people were becoming alarmed over the growing danger without realizing that it was all indeed deliberately staged and orchestrated.

    The government which ruled Israel came to power in a sudden astonishing change in April of 1977. The previous Prime Minister Rabin resigned abruptly. As always in these situations, a suitable excuse was found for public consumption. In Rabin's case, a mini-scandal over insignificant financial mat­ters was fabricated to explain away his departure but the real reason was that Rabin had learned of the secret plans for a major Middle East war and wanted no part of it.

    Rabin was replaced by a man of very different attitudes. The new Prime Minister was a man who frightened many and now had been thought inca­pable of seizing control of the Israeli government. He was known as an ex­tremist, tracing all the way back to his days as the most wanted of all Israeli terrorists by the British. The idea that he might actually rule Israel some day had been unthinkable to many. Suddenly, the new ruler of Israel was none other than Menachem Begin!

    Begin was representative of the most extreme faction of the political movement known as "ZIONISM". The Zionists used religious sounding terminology and Biblical words to disguise the true nature of their goals, which were indeed totally Satanic.

    Political Zionism is as different from classical Judaism as night is from day. Like all the world's more notable religions, classical Judaism is based on wor­ship of the Almighty, and it does so from its own distinct perspective. Judaism emphasizes the justice of God. Islam is righteousness in power. Christianity is love. Hinduism is spiritual essence. Buddhism, the peace that comes only from God. Justice is the hallmark of true Judaism, but it has NOTHING AT ALL to do with political Zionism except as a most deceptive slogan.

    The Jews who have been lured to the land called Israel have gone there by and large believing the promises of a better life, but what they have gotten in­stead is a government which per capita has become the most violent and war­like on Earth. "There is no peace, saith the Lord, for the wicked." And the Begin Government in Israel was as wicked as, certainly, the Reagan Govern­ment in the U.S.--by means of the same elements and personalities involved. Modern Israel was no longer a threatened underdog, as was constantly preached and they pretend. Instead, Israel has become the world's third most powerful nation militarily. Using its runaway military might, the Zionists gov­ernment of Israel was setting the world on fire. It was doing so with the blessing and support and taxpayer money of you the people and their Ameri­can Bolshevik allies.

    The agony which was being afflicted on tiny Lebanon, which had never done Israel harm, was beyond description. Over 10,000 Lebanese civilians had been slaughtered by the Israelis and over 600,000 made homeless in less than three weeks. Even the sanitized reports on American television could not en­tirely hide the wanton savagery of the Israeli invasion. One report after an­other showed devastation of entire city blocks on a scale not seen since World War II. On all sides the reports described Israeli shelling and dive-bombing of Beirut, Sidon, and other Lebanese cities with one word--indiscriminate.

    Classical Judaism regards men as the crowning glory of God's creation. Man is supposed to have been formed in God's own image. Would God, the just God of Judaism, have done what Israel did in Lebanon? Are arrogance, bes­tiality, and genocide in the image of God? or are they in the image of Satan?

    What the Israelis were doing in Lebanon was claimed to be in retaliation for provocations by the Palestine Liberation Organization; but the fact was that the events were part of the long-range plan to bring on nuclear war. The joint war plan of the American Bolsheviks and the Zionists in Israel was still on track. They were shooting for a Middle East war to break out before the end of summer 1982! Now try for 1990, Sheeple sleepers.


    The Begin plan was to goad the PLO into violence. Time after time over the prior year or so the Israeli Air Force mounted devastating air raids on Lebanon creating widespread devastation and death. Now aren't you proud to be their supporters and closest ally? The purpose of those repeated Israeli violations of the cease-fire was to provoke a highly visible counterattack by the PLO. With that as a pretext, the Begin Government intended to justify its planned invasion of Lebanon. But the PLO never did respond in kind to the Israeli goading. Aside from occasional small raids and shelling incidents, nothing was done that was sufficiently dramatic for the intended purpose. Meanwhile, time was running out.

    The fast new war timetable required the Middle East war to get underway without further delay, so on June 3 the Begin Government provided its own pretext for war. That day the Israeli ambassador to Great Britain was gunned down by an assassin hired by Israel's own Intelligence agency, the MOSSAD! The Begin Government immediately professed to be outraged, saying this case was the last straw. Two days later the Israeli forces, which had already been massed along the Lebanese border, invaded.

    The unbridled savagery of the Israeli attack shocked the world. In effect the nation that called itself Israel had turned the Palestinians into the new Jews of the world. They had no home; they were dispersed. They, along with inno­cent victims of their host country Lebanon, were the victims of genocide--a military holocaust without justice or mercy.

    Protests and condemnation of the Israeli behavior in Lebanon was mounting world-wide. Nowhere was the worry greater than within the Jewish commu­nity itself. In Israel, popular sentiment against the Begin Government had erupted into widespread demonstration and, elsewhere around the world, many Jews were also speaking out against the Israeli-inflicted holocaust.

    But through it all the Reagan-Begin Axis of the American Bolsheviks and the militant Israeli Zionists continued to function smoothly. In his United Nations speech of June 17th, the entity President Reagan condemned "armed aggres­sion". And to the new Russian pledge not to be the first to use nuclear weapons in war, Reagan demanded, "deeds, not words". But when it came to Israel, those criteria were never applied. In fact the payments from your country to Israel only increased by leaps and bounds as did military supplies. The Begin Government agreed in words to one ceasefire after another, but in "deeds" it broke each truce when ready and Israeli armed aggression left over 20 percent of the population of Lebanon homeless. The whole world was shocked and outraged, yet all that did not provoke even a slap on the wrist for Israel from Washington.

    The Satanic Begin Government was then in its sixth year in Israel. June of 1982 was the sixth month of the year. On the fifth day of the month the Israeli invasion of Lebanon began, and with it abominations of military desolation.


    This had better be bringing something sharply into focus: The visions of the prophet Ezekiel, Chapter 8. The prophet says in the first verse that he was shown visions "IN THE SIXTH YEAR, IN THE SIXTH MONTH, IN THE FIFTH DAY OF THE MONTH.." He was shown abominations spawned in the Holy Land by people who arrogantly said, "The Lord does not see us."

    The chapter ends in the words:

    "Then He said to me, ‘Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? for they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger; and, lo, they put the branch to their nose. Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eye shall not spare, nei­ther will I have pity: and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them.'"

    So be it and Selah, for these things of God shall all come to pass in this gener­ation upon the world. May God have mercy on ye who do not know and bless fully those of you who see and act to stop this thing come upon your world.

    Allow us to close this segment.

    I am Hatonn of God with the Hosts sent of God to show you the way. May you awaken and see and hear in time. Salu

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