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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 18
    CHAPTER 27


    SUNDAY, AUGUST 26, 1990 10:56 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 10


    On June 18, 1982, there was a fascinating announcement from NASA. Two American spacecraft, the most distant man-made objects in the universe, might be on the verge of a major new discovery. Those two space probes had been racing through space for some 10 years and 9 years, respectively (or so they had told you). After all that time, they were nearing the edge of your solar system whose vastness is almost beyond comprehension. We shall just go along with this story for we are giving you some "sequence" information and not historically simply changing everything to light and roses lest we never finish this Journal in time to be of any assistance in your current world situa­tion.

    They were preparing to observe a giant mystery object in the skies. The mys­tery object, whatever it was, was thought to be billions of miles beyond the outer most known planet, Pluto. It was so far away that it had never been ob­served by astronomers on Earth. Yet many were sure that there was some­thing out there. Something, whatever it was, kept disturbing the crisscrossing orbits of little Pluto and giant Neptune. The effect even penetrated inward to the monster planet Uranus. No one knew what it was or where it was. It could have been a tenth planet. It could be a dark star even farther away. It could even have been that most chilling of all celestial objects, a black hole with gravity so strong light itself cannot escape. No one had seen it, so no one knew.

    Was it possible that after a decade of space travel, two American deep space probes might have been on the verge of giving answers? The probes were Pi­oneer X and Pioneer XI, launched in 1972 and 1973 respectively. They were nuclear powered spacecraft designed to escape from your solar system and coast forever through the void of interstellar space. When they crossed the outer boundary of your solar system around 1990, they were expected to be sending back data about what they found. It would be mankind's first taste of interstellar space--that is, if there would be anyone left to still listen by then. What think YE it might be? Or, could this, too, have been a deceitful cover-up to bring fear and distraction unto the masses awaiting Armageddon and looking off into the wrong places, faces and directions instead of right in thine own front yards?

    On April 12, 1982, Aviation Week and Space Technology Magazine devoted its editorial space to a statement by Dr. James A. Van Allen. Dr. Van Allen was the space scientist who discovered the radiation belts around the Earth (which now bear his name), some 42 years ago. His article was titled, "Pioneer's Unfunded Reach for the Stars". He listed an astonishing list of major new discov­eries made by the Pioneer probes during the past decade. And he issued an appeal for the program to be saved from imminent destruction. Dr. Van Allen's article begins with the sad words, quote, "One of the most incredible features of the fiscal 1983 program of The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is the premature termination of the deep space missions of Pioneer X and Pioneer Xl. The annual saving is three million dollars, or fourteen thousandths of the agency's budget."

    I think I need not go into details as to why this would be cut--the conspirators could not afford to have accurate pictures coming back from outer space for you the people would learn the truth and cover-up was becoming more and more difficult within the honorable community of space researchers. It is the same with the Hubble scope--they cannot allow the truth to come back to you about what is out in space. For one thing--we are out here! That means, dear ones, that you are just about ready to be expecting a clash of God's Hosts with Satan himself, and if you of the world knew truth you would cease allowing the blight upon your planet. Now you have piled on another decade--where think you that we are now?


    Ah so, penning the truth in spite of the efforts to stop the truth. "Little Gray Aliens" indeed! Worse, the very ones who claim to have been scribes and re­ceivers for God all the while, are throwing stones at my scribe who brings truth unto you. Ah, Satan is a busy and clever deceiver indeed! I suggest you pay careful attention unto that which Sananda and my Co-Commander, Korton has been presenting these past immediate days, LORD JESUS SANANDA spares no words and this information is in the immediate Ex­press. Even those that discount our words are making pronouncements of tremendous explosions and imminent danger--but continue to tell you to "Fear Not" that God will somehow "swoop" you into a soft, heavenly cloud of serenity. No, that is the mark of Satan--tell Truth and then lull you into complacency by his soft and reassuring lies. There is going to be one big "hell-of- a" hotfoot coming forth--just as they pronounce, but there won't be any drift­ing into Ascension unless "blown" there by the "big explosion". How many live, physical bodies with life and soul attached, floating about in the ethers have you witnessed? How many do you suspect shall die on the ground? Bet­ter take a second look at what has been given you as slow, insipid poison.

    To the scientists and concerned citizens, Reagan's decision to cancel the half completed Pioneer program was incredible! But it was certainly in character with the administration's entire approach to space and science in general. Anything that would help the Bolsheviks prepare to wage war was funded, no matter how much its cost. Everything that added to the peaceful, constructive knowledge of mankind, is being guillotined, no matter how little its expense. Look what happened in Washington and Israel when it was suggested this year that 5% aid be deleted from Israel to cover aid for other starving and war-torn nations as well as your own disaster relief--which still hasn't materialized for your own people. Billions pour into Israel without strings--in cash every year and you further supply them with military capability free of charge. How can you justify this even in your dream-state?

    By 1982 America's space program had been systematically whittled away to leave almost nothing but the Space Shuttle. The Space Shuttle had been spared only because of its critical importance for military purposes. And just what do you think the "secret pay-loads" on the recent (1990) rocket launches have been about? What kind of a crash program do you think has been going on to set you up for that nuclear war in the Middle East? Do you never even question those things? Of course not, you just bend in praise--ignore the atro­cious screw-ups and wave the flag in honor of the liars--I suppose while get­ting ready your casket decorations.

    Military control over the shuttle had become more and more blatant. And now, every space shuttle launched carries a "top secret military pay-load"--INCLUDING THE ONE THEY CLAIMED CARRIED THE HUBBLE SCOPE WHICH SITS IN WHITE SANDS! Well, eight years ago, as today, no interference with the nuclear war plans was tolerated.

    The overt military takeover of the shuttle program had begun in May, 1981, following the hidden disaster of the first shuttle flight. The civilian director of the shuttle program, John Yardley, was eased out. Several months later, in October, 1981, he was officially replaced by an Air Force General, James Abramson. Since then, the Bolshevik war lords had been expanding and con­solidating their control over the entire shuttle program and NASA itself.


    Reorganization became the order of the day at NASA, with military control becoming more absolute with each change. In its original concept, the Space Shuttle was to be a stepping stone into space for both civilian and military purposes. It was to be a system that would continue to grow and be improved over the years by continued development. But that idea had gone out the window, thanks to the total takeover of the shuttle program by Bolshevik mili­tary managers. To them, even the shuttle was only a short-term stepping stone to war.

    They intended to set off Nuclear War I before any further development of the shuttle could bear fruit. And so, under Bolshevik military control, NASA was turning its back on the traditional mission of advancing the technology of space flight. The entire NASA emphasis was shifting towards using the Space Shuttle, as was, for the short time left prior to war.

    The most stunning result of the radical policy change within NASA was an­nounced in April. It involved a man whose name was practically a synonym for America's Manned Space Program. That man had played key roles in the planning and engineering of every single American Manned Space Program. He was a member of the original Project Mercury team. He was deeply involved in the follow-on Project Mercury team. He was deeply involved in the follow-on Project Gemini, and a central figure in the Project Apollo Moon Program. He directed the design and implementation of the Mission Control Center in Houston. And for the prior ten years, he had been director of the Johnson Space Center. If you had followed America's Manned Space Pro­gram closely over the years, you probably remember his name--he was Dr. Christopher Craft. The Bolshevik war lords had decreed that NASA's days of technological development were over. So in April, Dr. Christopher Craft was told that his services were no longer needed--and he was fired.

    Well, as of the end of June, 1982, the fourth shuttle debacle was under way. This was to be the last of the four initial crash military missions to prepare for Nuclear War I. Each of those first four missions had involved two shuttles, not just one. Each time, the shuttle you saw blasting off from Florida followed a path into space that was different from the one publicly claimed. As a re­sult, it could not return to Earth at the time and place it was supposed to. Therefore, the two man crew of each flight returned to Earth in a small Gemini type space capsule. Then they boarded a different shuttle and rock­eted into view from a distance to land at the advertised time and place.

    In the first three launches, the launch took place into the northeast. Each time this was the beginning of a long curving launch into the north to a near polar orbit to pass over Russia. But the fourth time, the shuttle took off in a different direction. It took off due east from Cape Canaveral into something called a minimum inclination orbit. This time it was heading, not for the North Pole, but toward the equator.

    The reason for that had to do with the secret Pentagon payload. It was a spe­cial sensor system designed to give confirmation of the first phase of the planned American nuclear first strike on Russia. In order to do its job, the Air Force infrared sensor had to be placed in geostationary orbit. That orbit is over 22,000 miles high, over the equator. In television coverage of the launch the new flight path was mentioned briefly but never explained. For ex­ample, the trans-Atlantic abort site that time was Dakar, Senegal, close to the equator. That was a change from the first three flights, in which the trans-Atlantic abort site was Rota, Spain, much farther north.

    The shuttle itself could not go high enough to put the Air Force sensor into its final orbit. Instead, the sensor was perched atop a rocket carried in the cargo bay. For engineering reasons, the rocket had to be loaded into the shuttle while it was standing vertically, not parked horizontally. That is why, for the first time, the shuttle was loaded for the flight after it was ready on the launch pad. NASA spokesmen admitted publicly that this was done, but, as always, they never told you the reason.

    Sunday morning, June 27, Space Shuttle IV became the first shuttle ever to take off exactly on schedule. Not a moment's delay was permitted, even though a sudden, violent hail storm on the previous day had ruined more than 400 critical heat tiles.


    Let us move a bit away from the shuttle for a while as we catch up with con­current events. On July 6, 1982 there was an unusual news report from Rus­sia. That day an Aeroflot Jet Transport had crashed on take-off from Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport. It was a spectacular flaming crash that killed all 90 persons on board. What was unusual about this news this time was that it was made public immediately. Usually plane crashes in Russia are announced more quietly and often after a delay of hours or even days--but not that time. The Aeroflot flight that crashed on July 6 was an international flight bound for Africa. Some of the passengers were students returning to their homes in Sierra Leone and Senegal. Under the circumstances, Russian authorities had no choice but to release the news without delay. Within hours it was included in news reports around the world.

    Within hours after the Moscow tragedy, investigators at the scene discovered that this had been no ordinary plane crash. In the midst of the twisted, smoking wreckage of what had been the Aeroflot plane, conclusive proof of sabotage was found. A report about the sabotage was flashed to KGB head­quarters at Dzerzhinsky Square in Moscow. There the report was directed to a special task group assigned to deal with growing acts of internal disruption in the Soviet Union.

    A mounting campaign to create internal turmoil in Russia was going on, cre­ated by Bolshevik agents there. So there had been little news about this in the West, but it was a real and deepening problem. Within 36 hours the KGB special task group was able to confirm what had been suspected. The sabo­tage of the Aeroflot jet had been carried out by one of the Bolshevik dis­ruption groups which had been under surveillance in the Moscow area. Those groups, like others all across Russia, were being financed and directed by the Bolsheviks in the U.S.

    The KGB notified the Kremlin of the results of its investigation of the Aeroflot sabotage early on July 8, just two days after the crash. Those sus­pected of having carried out the sabotage were under arrest, but the question remained: how to send a message to the Bolsheviks in the U.S. to cease and desist from similar acts? It did no good to talk to America's rulers. Action of some kind was required, and fast. Various possibilities were discussed and re­jected for various reasons. Retaliation for the Aeroflot crash had to be de­signed to convey a clear message to the American Bolsheviks in terms they would understand. The message the Kremlin wanted to send was that, "We know what you did to our plane. We have the means to destroy you and the will to use it if necessary."


    For the message to be effective, time was of the essence and so a "target of opportunity order" was given jointly to the KGB and the Russian Space Command. The KGB was ordered to select an American airliner for destruc­tion within 24 hours. The criterion for selection was to be a passenger list as similar as possible to that of the sabotaged Aeroflot plane. The Aeroflot plane had carried many foreign passengers and a total of 90 persons had been aboard, therefore the KGB was ordered to select a commercial airliner in the U.S. with similar characteristics; that is, there must be at least 90 persons aboard and an unusually high proportion of foreign passengers. The Russian Space Command would then have the responsibility of destroying the airliner on take-off, just like the Aeroflot plane.

    KGB agents in the U.S. had little difficulty in selecting not one but several candidate flights. Thanks to America's cross-connected computerized Air Line Reservation System, the task was relatively easy. The Russian Space Command was then free to choose whichever flight was most convenient to attack. As in the past, it was decided to mount the attack using bad weather as an operational cover.

    On the afternoon of July 9 summer rainstorms were moving in patches through southeastern Louisiana. They were the kind of thunderstorms that build up in the heat and humidity of scorching summer afternoons. It was an on-again, off-again rainstorm, locally heavy at times then slacking off to a few sprinkles. At New Orleans International Airport it continued to be business as usual on that rain swept afternoon. Weather conditions like those were a familiar occurrence, and the airport was equipped to monitor them closely. At around 4:00 P.M. that afternoon airport sensors detected a condition of disorganized air movement called "wind-shear". Warnings were broadcast to airplanes in the area so that they could take it into account.

    Meanwhile, flight operations continued without letup. Rain or no rain, the weather was still far better than the minimums required for the flight. As the wind-shear warning was broadcast to the pilots, a number of planes were preparing to take off. One of those was a Pan American 727, Flight 759, bound for Las Vegas. The pilot heard the wind-shear warning and decided to take appropriate action to guard against it.

    The faster a plane is moving the less vulnerable it is to shear so when Pan Am Flight 759 headed down the runway the pilot held the nose down longer than normal. By waiting a few extra moments he allowed the 727 to pick up extra speed as a margin of safety. Then he lifted the nose and the plane jumped off the runway and started climbing. Other planes, some of them smaller and more vulnerable to wind shear than a 727, took off before and after Pan Am Flight 759. All of them did so without mishap, but Flight 759 was destined to be less fortunate. This was the third day after the sabotaged Aeroflot jet had crashed in Moscow. Pan American Flight 759 had the required load of more than 90 persons, it also satisfied the criterion of an unusually large number of foreign passengers, in excess of 20%; and although Flight 759 was a domestic flight, the plane itself belonged to America's international flight air line, Pan American.

    The parallels with the sabotaged Aeroflot flight were judged to be more than adequate and so, as the Pan Am jet rotated upward off the runway, a Russian Cosmosphere was waiting, hovering in the clouds over the airport. A moment after the jet left the runway, it was hit by what witnesses described as a "bolt of lightning". What they actually saw was a surgical blast from a Charged Parti­cle Beam Weapon. It was fired down at the jet by the Russian Cosmosphere hiding in the clouds overhead. It was not surprising that the witnesses mistook the strike for lightning. Whenever charged particle beam weapons are dis­cussed in public, they are most often described as producing a sort of man­made lightning bolt, but a charged particle beam only "looks like" a lightning bolt.

    The beam blast was aimed very precisely at the air intake mounted in the tail of the 727. The blast blew superheated air and debris into the center engine, ruining it. The fringes of the blast also damaged and interfered with the other two engines mounted nearby.

    As the jet lost power it stopped climbing normally and started mushing along through the air. Less than half a mile from the end of the runway the plane clipped a tree as it descended toward a crowded residential area. The doomed jet liner passed right over a woman who later told reporters, "It was spitting and popping like it couldn't get the motor running."

    Moments later the dying jet liner was crashing, cartwheeling, and exploding through four blocks of Kenner, Louisiana. Stunned residents, who had been narrowly missed by the crash, looked across the street in horrified disbelief. Where moments before there had been neighbors' houses, there was now a firestorm. A wall of angry flames towered 20 stories into the air. All 145 peo­ple aboard the plane had perished along with eight more on the ground.

    The victims in both of those tragedies were casualties in the secret war be­tween the U.S. and Russia. Both the leaders of the U.S. and Russia started speaking openly of war. Both sides were saying that the U.S. and the Soviet Union were already at war, which was true, but the secret warfare which was going on for years was only a pale shadow of things to come. Winds of change were sweeping across the Soviet Union but the Bolsheviks had every intention of reclaiming Russia and the new leaders in Russia were stuck with it whether or not they liked it. The situation has grown even worse this day. Hold your breath, dear ones, for the plans were well laid and are now unfolding in the Middle East right on schedule and exactly as set forth among the elite cartels. Almost a decade later and you have only helped strengthen the scenario for your own enslavement and destruction. So be it, for that which ye set forth, shall ye reap.


    PJ 18

    MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1990 8:49 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 11

    Hatonn to speak in the Light of the Radiant One, God the Father, that His in­structions might go forth in the intent of this Command which has come forth in His service. I am humble to serve in His presence and with you, of His willing attendants.

    We have abruptly closed this Journal in an effort to get this segment to you in an immediate manner. I have requested that it be put to print instantly and pushed through the printing network immediately. There shall be more out­lay of this continuing material for I want to bring you current with what went wrong that delayed Nuclear War One in 1982, and it shall be brought to you contiguously. Please see to it that notification of the Journal goes forth in the concurrent Express so that ones can have it on order right NOW! You are running out of time for action. I suggest all go forth (back, as the case may he) and study SURVIVAL IS ONLY TEN FEET FROM HELL. You who have been attending the Journals are far ahead of your brothers so you must encourage them to catch up.


    You must begin in your dooryard--you must regain control of your State representatives and put honor back into your State government and demand that action be taken at the, national-Congressional level. Sixty percent of your federal Congress is under direct control of the Zionists--having been "purchased" through lobby bribes and self-serving criminal activities. YOU MUST GET THOSE CONSPIRATORS OUT OF YOUR SEATS OF GOVERNMENT. As the cry for return unto your Constitution goes forth and the demand for leadership with integrity goes out, you shall find the leaders who will dare, but there needs to be a lot of them lest the "few" be murdered "They" have got to clean out the CIA, FBI, IRS, etc., and place the rules back into the hands of the People at the State level. You must demand a return of your soldiers and demand that the U.N. control of your nation be forfeited.

    The conspirators for Global Control run the U.N. as it stands at present--you have allowed all input to slip through your hands. You must take a look at the world through truth and not through the news media for you are lied to on a full-scale thrust to deceive you.

    You will note from the daily information which does come forth unto you that Russia has renounced her "superpower" label in order to refuse participation in the Iraq mess, conjured and set forth by the U.S. and England under the guise of the U.N. Can you, who claim to be "Christians" in goodness, not do as much in behalf of your children sent to be fodder for the experiments at the hands of your own evil intenders? Once again Russia is trying to prevent the Nuclear War which is now imminently poised and ready and the countdown is right on track. Remarkable things have been happening in your world while you slept under the umbrella of the lies. Satan has indeed been busy setting up your demise.


    Oh most certainly, dear ones, why do you think Russia has changed her spots? It has not been a lost period of time that they have been running around out here in space and they have heard the truth of it. Are they better than the rest of mankind? No--they simply have the truth of Cosmic Law and they now understand the situation and the presence of the Hosts.

    However, the major change which shall turn the world about into truth--still must come from you the people of the U.S. for upon the foundation of Consti­tution (Godly) Law the world can again begin to come into balance. Extrem­ists in war intent or ecological/environmental extremes will only pull you fur­ther into the trap for it is planned exactly that way to do you in--Satan is THE master at deception and you are now directly involved with the Teacher of Evil.

    We of the Hosts, must be prepared for whichever direction you as the sleeple, take. If it be into the hands of your enemies--much destruction is planned for your people and your nation. Therefore, God's segments must be tended for the founding of the new which shall come upon you and you must be prepared, also, for the changes in topography which is destined to strike you. Oh yes, there are great groups of ones working in God's camp scattered about your nations of the planet. The hardest task, however, is right here--in opening the eyes and ears of the people who proclaim to be of God and have lost your way--stolen from you by Satan himself.

    You can reclaim your rightful inheritance but you are the ones who will do it. God will not do it FOR YOU. He sends instructions and rings the alarm that you shall go again, within, wherein he resides--and he can again show you the path of truth. As long as you choose to be victims of the lie and bow and scrape to the very deceivers--you are doomed. When you see what is being done unto you and become informed--the truth shall give you back your free­dom for the evil cannot stand in the face of truth. It is purely up to you, and meanwhile, my beloved force will continue to give forth the word of truth and continue in preparation for the transition (and survival of a remnant to continue to show the way).

    There should be no ridicule of ones who have constructed shelters against this day on this day. ONLY YOU WILL CHANGE OF YOUR PLIGHT. AN­OTHER CAN ONLY HELP YOU IN YOUR WORK, THEY CANNOT, NOR SHOULD THEY, DO IT FOR YOU.


    You do not need of "personal" meetings--the truth has been and is being laid forth unto you. Assume your responsibilities now and stop waiting for an­other to do thine work--you have done that too long. You depended upon the "government" to chew thine food and it has stripped you--even unto your abil­ity to think, much less act.

    The ending of this series of Journals will be exactly that which you make it--nothing more and nothing less.



  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 18
    CHAPTER 19

    WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1990 8:50 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 363
    Dharma, since you have not seen nor heard news this day, we shall have to ask you to simply write and you can question later. This day King Hussein of Jordan is taking a message to Bush in Washington, from Saddam Hussein. This is not that which it appears to be, sleepy heads. It comes as some 80,000 to 100,000 additional U.S. troops are being sent into Saudi-Arabia. What do you suppose is going on?


    Another major play will be an agreement (treaty) between Iraq and Iran and you will see it "reluctantly" unfold before your eyes--having already been set into placement. You are getting all the players in formation to start NU­CLEAR WAR ONE in full flower and it will take some really classical events to stop it because the game is to require you of the so-called "free world" to demand it. It is still difficult to act against you when you are uncooperative. But you WILL be cooperative, because you want your material goodies and your perceived "rights"! You WILL walk right into the set trap and never know the difference and all the while you will be finishing off the well laid plans of the Global Plan 2000. You have not yet come out of the dark tunnel--but only burrowed deeper within the twilight dine. It is a plan whereby the Planners can have it all--and you will pay for it--WILLINGLY AND GLADLY--FOR YOUR GOLDEN RING IS BUT POLISHED POT-METAL SMEARED WITH BLOOD AND OIL. IT IS STILL A "LARK" FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC. WELL, IT ISN'T SO FUNNY FOR YOUR CHILDREN OVER THERE IN SENSELESS CHEMICAL PRO­TECTION GEAR IN 124 DEGREE HEAT. YOUR YOUNG GENERA­TION OF SOME OF YOUR FINER POTENTIAL MEN WILL BE GOT­TEN RID OF. COUNT ON IT. YOU SEE, THE ONES LEFT HOME WILL BE THE ADDICTS AND DERELICTS AND OFFSPRING OF THE CONSPIRATORS THEMSELVES. THE POINT IS MANIFOLD BUT ONE MAJOR ITEM IS TO GET THE MILITARY OUT OF REACH OF YOU THE PEOPLE SO THAT YOU WILL HAVE NO DEFENSE OF TRAINED ASSISTANCE WHEN THEY BRING THE BLADE DOWN ON "YOU THE PEOPLE'S" NECKS, WHICH THEY PLAN TO DO VERY SOON.


    I had set forth to simply give you a rundown of the first four sacrificed space shuttles but I find that you are not having understanding of the whole and I create more questions than I am able to answer. Therefore, you will please abide with me while we continue background information regarding those things taking place about your globe. I felt that to bring current the events which you must know to understand the present actions would be most important, but I find things happening so quickly and so widespread in nature that my people are becoming bogged in the work load. Please bear with us and be patient.

    Yes, I can tell you that Saddam Hussein is basically working in concert and contract with you ones and I would simply lose you all; however, that is, in truth, what is coming down the pike, my dear ones. The only way out, and still leave massive troops in Saudi-Arabia, is to orchestrate the crisis now under way in Iraq and Kuwait. Much of the war games prior to now have been the direct work of the Zionist Israelis.

    Oh, you believe this to not be true? Well, I have terrible news for you--does anyone remember the U.S. ship, Liberty? Do you remember the attack on the Liberty of June 8, 1967?

    That torpedoing, machine-gun strafing and napalm attack upon the Liberty resulted in the deaths of 34 crewmen and the maiming of 171 others, as the ship sailed off the coast of Israel. Now the attack by the Israelis remained virtually hidden through cover-up until some eight years later when it was brought to light and the Israelis at first denied the attack and later said it was "accidental".

    It was staged by Israel in order to blame their enemy and draw the U.S. into military conflict in behalf of Israel but there were surviving eyewitnesses who finally came forward and told the truth of the incident. Unfortunately for Israel, the ship did not sink as planned. Prior to the attack there were many overflights of Israeli aircraft who could easily see the U.S. flag and acknowledged same. More importantly, at the time of the attack Israel had no such power in the U.S. as today and did not desire witnesses to the war-stag­ing installations, etc., being set-up in Israel. It had everything to do with the Israeli planned attack on Syria. Now, I believe you get the picture enough for us to move forward to 1972 and the shortening timetable for Nuclear War One and your Space Shuttle Program. We will simply effort to give you some confirmations along the way and we WILL give you a rundown of the "Liberty" incident following this chapter, if time permits.


    You must begin to get the coalition of the AMERICAN BOLSHEVIKS and THE ZIONISTS into your minds. Their basic plan was simply a modernized version of the one that was successful in setting off World War I. The prelude to that war involved ever-widening, uncontrollable crises in the Balkans. Likewise, in the late sixties and early seventies the whole world was being Balkanized by means of Bolshevik-Zionist intrigues. You would be witnessing more and more simultaneous crises in the world as the fever for war rose. Those simultaneous crises were now upon you, right on schedule, just as Global Plan 2000 is right on schedule as outlined in SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET.

    El Salvador and the rest of Central America were aflame with internal upheaval. Poland was under martial law, while America tried to transform Poland's troubles into a complete bloody disaster. In the Middle East, not one but several time bombs were almost ready to go off since spring was coming.

    The Reagan-Begin Axis of Bolsheviks and Zionists intended to manipulate those crises, and more to come, to pave the way for war. Suddenly, certain crises would combine to trigger a chain of events leading to NUCLEAR WAR ONE. The joint military junta of the United States Pentagon and Israel were working on a fast timetable for all of this. They were aiming for deadline time of mid-summer 1982 for the final war sequence to begin; fulfillment of the plan was set for September.

    This would involve regional conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere which gradually would escalate to engulf the superpowers. The whole thing was being set up to make nuclear war appear unavoidable. At last all-out nuclear war itself would break out between the United States and Russia. It would be made to appear accidental, but as we have detailed in the past, Nuclear War One would actually begin with an American nuclear first strike against Russia!

    Up to that point, the secret war-planners in the U.S. had been expecting that it would take many months for the final war build-up to run its course. For example, a Mideast war might be triggered by the summer of 1982, but it could take until the spring of 1983 for the resulting nuclear war to actually erupt. That plan had actually been changed and by winter of 1982 drastic changes took place in the secret war planning under way in America.

    The timetable for Nuclear War One was speeded up by many months in order to render the oncoming winter an ally. This was when the target date was set for mid-September 1982. That was little more than six months from the third shuttle launch and thus the desperate need for intelligence surveillance information regarding the Soviet Union. Well, then a major intelligence coup was scored by the American Bolsheviks which would allow for fairly accurate targeting.

    Two high-ranking Soviet generals were spirited out of Russia and brought to Washington. Those two men were Bolsheviks whom Russia's new non-Bol­shevik rulers failed to detect and weed out. In Intelligence parlance, they remained as "moles" in Russia's military apparatus. Now they had been brought to America, and they brought with them a wealth of data about Russia's cur­rent military posture. Thanks to those two former Bolshevik Soviet generals the secret war planners in the U.S. now had enough information to plan a nu­clear first strike against Russia. If they could refine the information from data from space shuttle flights Nos. 3 and 4, so much the better, but if neither of the those two flights were successful, the war planners intended to wait no longer and go with ground intelligence. They wanted to make use of the in­telligence obtained from the Soviet generals while it was still fresh and changes could not be made in the Soviet Union who would suspect treason. Therefore, the new deadline to attack the Russians was rescheduled.

    If the U.S. had realized and "listened", you would have all realized that the fourth launch was a crossing line to countdown to war.


    We were giving forth concurrent information at that time just as we are now doing, not to panic you, but for the opposite reason. We want you to be able to understand events for yourselves so that you can take actions to protect yourselves and your families.

    I cannot emphasize strongly enough that what we are reporting to you are the plans of MEN! If you see certain things happening, you can know that these war plans are succeeding and you are again on a fast track countdown. You are, today, playing a rerun, only this time, with total information and cooperation in necessarily strategic places. Israel, for instance, is able to start the whole scenario with one bomb -- and it is hydrogen.


    Know that there are always possible snags which can occur for there is much greed and corruption in the higher levels of planners.

    In early 1982 there was a tremendous hidden struggle for power that was dividing the U.S. Government. On one side were the American Bolsheviks whose chief Government operative was Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger. On the other side was the Rockefeller cartel whose chief Governmen­tal spokesman was Secretary of State Alexander Haig. Weinberger and Haig were constantly at each others' throats in the news, and worse in private. That was only a pale shadow of their intrigues behind closed doors! Caught in the middle was the puppet entity, President Reagan.

    Your puppet President was installed by the Rockefeller cartel but came to be largely under Bolshevik control ever since the assassination attempt in March of '81. Like the marionette, he danced according to whatever strings were being pulled at the moment by either side. By February of 1982 the American military was dominated by the Bolsheviks, but that had not always been so.

    The Rockefeller cartel had been regaining power and was now preparing to try to regain control over the military. As far back as 1963, Rockefeller insid­ers set up a contingency plan for an eventual military coup d'etat against a puppetized President. This was revealed to you over five years prior, but you citizens were REALLY sleeping then.

    Early stages of the plan were actually set in motion against then President Carter, but events later that year caused the plan to be aborted. By 1982 the plan for a Rockefeller cartel-backed military coup was being again set in motion, and this time it was a crash program intended to be carried out within a matter of months. The Rockefeller cartel could not afford to let their Bolshevik enemies succeed in setting off nuclear war; therefore, the military coup d'etat must take place before the American Bolshevik surprise attack against Russia. If possible, the coup would be carried out before the fourth space shuttle flight planned for the summer of '82, because the war was scheduled immediately following that flight.


    The man who was in charge of the military coup preparations was a four-star Army General. That in itself is unusual because coups are usually carried out by lower-ranking officers, but this time the circumstances were very unusual also. The General in charge of the coup to come was General Alexander Haig, who was at that time Secretary of State. How handy a position from which to work!

    Haig was on major TV programs almost daily. He also traveled almost continuously to help pave the way for the coup d'etat to be accepted abroad. Most importantly, the Russians were informed of the impending coup during the Haig-Gromyko talks in January, 1982. Part of the new quid pro quo between the Rockefeller cartel and the Kremlin had to do with the coup being planned in the U.S. The Rockefeller group were afraid that the Kremlin would interpret a military coup as a sign that an attack on Russia would follow quickly. Haig had assured the Russians that this would be an anti-Bolshevik coup and that the Bolshevik war plans would be terminated. Gromyko was very dubious in his talks with Haig. He expressed fears that the whole plan would backfire and cause the American Bolsheviks in the Pentagon to push the button, but Haig finally extracted an agreement that the Russians would not interfere with the coup nor use the opportunity to attack the United States. What was actually brewing was really a countercoup.

    Three years prior, the Rockefeller cartel lost its power over the U.S. Government in a Bolshevik coup d'etat. Some of those details have already been re­vealed to you and others will be outlaid for you but all were generally hidden from all public view. It was now time for the Rockefeller cartel to try to take back the power they lost.

    If the military take-over took place it, too, would be hidden in its details from public view. Only one event in the plan would be visible to all, and that event would be the sudden "death" of the entity known as President Ronald Reagan. Is it any wonder Nancy was a nervous wreck because she was being fed bits and pieces of the plans through what she thought was a simple astrologer.

    On the other hand--if something happened to Secretary of State Haig by that time, it could well mean that the Bolsheviks had foiled the coup. Of course you all now know that that is exactly what happened and it happened during the time of the Falkland Island/Antarctic happening when Haig got instantly "fired".

    Interestingly enough, while all the plans were under way, two manned Russian spacecraft were approaching Venus. America's Space Program had dwindled to a last-ditch military stab at space. The war timetable was being speeded up with nothing in sight at the time but a military coup d'etat to stop it. It was serious and it was balanced on the brink of disaster--JUST AS YOU ARE THIS DAY IN HISTORY, AUGUST 1990, AND ON COUNT-DOWN!

    If you remember nothing more than this, make no mistake about one thing: The United States of America was born in war and the United States as you know her, will die in war. What the outcome will be is up to "you the people"and I wonder, what will you do?


    The Liberty was conducting operations off the Gaza Strip, about 13 miles off the coast of Israel in international waters, on June 8, 1967.

    The USS. Liberty was an intelligence-gathering ship. They monitored radio transmissions. The ship was unarmed and unescorted, simply cruising the region trying to find out what the Israelis and the Arabs were doing.

    Everything was top secret, but they were trying to find out whether the Israelis planned an invasion of the Golan Heights--an invasion of Syria.

    The invasion was planned for the fourth day of what became the Six Day War, but the invasion was postponed for 24 hours while the Israelis tried to decide what to do about the Liberty, since the Israelis were not supposed to use American aid in their attack on Syria.

    The Liberty certainly expected no attack from the Israelis. They were your friends--your allies--and you arrived on the scene about 6 o'clock that morning. The attack started about 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

    During that morning you had over a dozen overflights by Israeli surveillance aircraft, so you knew that they knew you were there and you felt a little safer, in fact. They knew who you were and where you were located. (I speak of "you" as the USS Liberty for simplicity.)

    Everyone on board--all of the survivors who testified in the court of inquiry--specifically emphasized that the flag was flying at ALL times as it always did. The Israelis, of course, claimed there was no flag in view. Not only did you fly the flag of the U.S., but you had a nice big, oversized flag flying, in addition to the usual banner.

    For a brief minute or two during the attack--during the first part of the attack, which lasted, in total, nearly two hours--a regular-size flag was shot down, but you immediately ran up the oversized flag which was 9 X 13 feet. THERE WAS NO WAY THAT THE FLAG WAS NOT VISIBLE AT ALL TIMES.

    There were four different communications to the ship, ordering you to pull back farther from the coast, but those communications mysteriously failed to reach the ship or were secreted aboard ship by commanding officers--I choose to allow you to discern which took place.

    There were orders to pull back which were, likewise, never received--nor, in fact, sent in the first place. Those orders would have been noted because to pull back would have severely hampered your ability to monitor what was going on. The orders were sent by the Defense Department, but they never reached the ship, or so it was claimed. They were supposedly somehow mis-routed to places like the Philippines, Crete and Morocco. Finally, later that night--eight or nine hours later--the orders finally limped through to the ship. By then the ship was barely able to get under way due to severe damage to ship and crew.


    A very strange thing took place at onset of the attack. Right up front, within the first quarter hour, all of the antennas were knocked out to prevent transmission of a "Mayday" call. Therefore, one of the survivor witnesses, himself, jury-rigged an antenna in order to transmit the word.

    That message was received by the Saratoga, one of your aircraft carriers that was supposed to be providing you 10-minute cover.

    Now the story really gets nasty. Captain Joe Tully of the Saratoga later said that he had readied 14 aircraft to come to the Liberty's aid when he found out that you were under attack, but that the planes didn't even get over the hori­zon when they were recalled BY ORDERS FROM WASHINGTON.

    The Saratoga had radioed back to the Liberty that the planes would have arrived in about 20 minutes from the time they were dispatched.

    If the planes had not been recalled FROM WASHINGTON, either by President Lyndon Johnson or Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, then they could have prevented at least half of the machine-gun strafing attacks by the planes and the torpedo attack.

    Off and on during the entire day there were overflights of Israeli surveillance planes. The flights had begun at the time of the Liberty's arrival.

    There were 13 reconnaissance flights over the ship during a six-hour period before the attack. Those planes were clearly marked with the star of David, which is very hard to miss on Israeli planes. Some of the planes would open their doors, so they had visual contact, which explains how precise they were when they knocked out all the communications. In other words, those planes were right on the deck and had a good look at the Liberty and could literally take out the most strategic antennae first.

    They hit your antennae on that first strafing run. There were eight 40-foot antennae that looked like flagpoles to send out signals. You looked like a porcupine since there were other antennae, as well, to pick up incoming signals. Remember, the ship was for the specific purpose of radio surveillance.

    On the first pass they knocked out seven of the eight antennae. The one that they didn't knock out was disabled, and it wasn't up and operational, so that's why they missed it. They were professional fighting forces. They knew exactly what they were doing and where everything was located.

    What was so profound about what they did to you that day was that the four planes that attacked you had no markings, whatsoever. So you couldn't iden­tify who was brutalizing you.

    Later, after the torpedo boats came on the scene, you identified who they were. You thought the planes were the Egyptians who were attacking you.

    So the Israelis deliberately killed 34 of your crew members by breaking Geneva Convention Rules which require identification of all military forces. This was eventually pointed out by the naval Law Review out of Washington, D.C. How many of you readers even remember the incident, much less any follow-up of this incident? You certainly remember the Six Day War to some vague extent but most of you will not even be able to tell me anything about that war. You continue to ask me for information on a daily basis and yet you never bother to even remember any of the details--right within my closest group of editors and writers, you don't get your facts correct within one hour much less some 12 years. How about this morning? What, if anything, have you learned this morning from the news? And what do you conclude after hearing the lies they give you? Well, Dharma, we are going to return to the top of the chapter and write on today's happenings for you have no access to the information. So you who read this portion now, might go back and see how much you gleaned from first reading. Then we will come back and re­sume the "Liberty". I request that you stop after rereading and ponder the things given for a while and see if you can begin to sort it out instead of simply inquiring of me.


    The men killed aboard the Liberty were deliberately taken-out, for the most part. The ones at the gun mounts were the first removed. There was practi­cally no way of protecting the ship, at any rate. You had only four 50-caliber machine guns, which were useless against an airplane, anyway. Only two of them actually worked at all.

    During the first strafing runs, or shortly thereafter, those men who were manning those guns would be instantly blown away, so, finally, no more crew were sent to the guns.


    About midway during the attack three torpedo boats arrived on the scene. They fired five torpedos, one of which hit on the starboard side, killing 25 men below decks.

    They then held off for a little bit but, since you didn't sink they circled the ship firing into the hull, trying to strike the boilers and firing at anyone who was on deck fighting the fires. You would never witness more brutality than that of the Israelis shooting at your firefighters and stretcher bearers. It was shoot on sight with no mercy. They were within easy eyesight, and they managed to wound 171 men. Ninety percent of those men were wounded so badly that it terrified the rescuers to even look at them.

    Of course you kept waiting for that aid from the Saratoga for there was no way to know the Saratoga had been recalled. This is all most reminiscent of the rescue mission of the Hostage Situation in Iran.

    The Liberty stayed afloat simply because of a determined crew for it was given absolutely no help from the American fleet. Doesn't this make you feel secure and trusting of your government? Ask Col. Bo Gritz about loyalty to troops!

    The Liberty and crew were left out there wide open and under attack--in or­der to have no survivors to tell and no ship left for evidence. Nothing was done to assist--absolutely nothing.

    The Liberty was totally abandoned and no-one came closer. The crew had to spend the night fighting to keep the ship afloat and to tend to over two-thirds of the crew who had been killed or wounded and to make way farther out to sea in order to find the fleet. The Israelis calculated on the ship going down long before reaching the fleet. It was some 19 hours later that the Liberty rendezvoused with the fleet.


    The rendezvous came some two hours after the Israeli torpedo boats circled the ship and machine-gunned all of the life rafts--which is also against the Geneva Convention.

    The Israelis even took one of your life rafts on board. The raft was clearly marked "USS LIBERTY". They needed evidence later to claim that they had searched for the ship in order to give assistance and only found debris.

    When the ship did not sink and was getting dangerously close to the mother fleet, the Israelis pulled back. But then, they sent helicopters over the ship. They were clearly marked. The only reason they let you go was because the Israelis had gotten caught. Everybody knew then that it was the Israelis who had attacked you. When it was obvious that they knew that you knew who they were and there were enough survivors, along with a battered ship, it was then that they came and said, "Are there any casualties? Can we help you?" A last ditch effort was made to have it appear like the attacks were from an­other country. And, they would pull the sham off for many years because the top American leaders were part and parcel of the plan.

    A strange thing which ultimately led to the "it was an accident" admission was that the torpedo boats were marked with little stars of David on them. They obviously thought the planes had done a job of eliminating witnesses with the strafing and rockets and cannons along with the napalm dropped on the Liberty. It was simply the job of the torpedo boats to sink the ship and ruin the life-rafts to insure no survivors.

    The Israelis had dropped napalm all over the ship and two of the planes blew holes in the ship. The other planes would then drop napalm into those holes, allowing that jellied gasoline in napalm to flow into those holes onto whoever was inside. Those napalm fires are next to impossible to extinguish.


    When it was established that it was undeniably Israeli attackers, they came up with instant ridiculous stories. One of their official responses was that they didn't know who we were. They also said there was no flag on the ship. They also claimed they thought the ship was a disguised Egyptian vessel. The sto­ries were absolutely wild and yet were touted all over by your own military and government leaders.

    Another thing which points out the connection with all goings on of the Israelis is that the Naval Court of Inquiry that investigated the attack was a complete lack of inquiry as to whether or not the attack was deliberate. All the court looked into was why the ship never got its pullback orders. They also looked into the performance of the crew.

    It reminds of Oberli's and Dharma's multi-hundreds of thousands of dollars fight over their property--there has never even been a hearing allowed, much less on the fact of "no public sale", as mandatory by law, but rather the entire thrust has been to discredit the Ekker's personally and insure that they never be able to "afford the house if they had it"! The "point" of the issue has never been addressed even by Ekkers own counsel, which shows total collusion within the legal profession(?). This Resolution Trust Corporation is out to steal America right from under your noses for they have the all-out cooper­ation and bought-off judiciary system to back them while trampling the citi­zens who dare to speak out. Most ones who have had similar treatment simply never understood there was an alternative as they just rolled-over and "went away". This is why we ask any of you who have even remotely possibly been a target or victim of the S&L/RTC/Legal rip-off--COME FORWARD for your case may be the very one which uncovers the box of thieves. We are now learning of many in Ekker's very own community, attached to other S&L's even, than to the one Santa Barbara Savings, but having the same modus operandi. There are ones from Florida, and Texas as well, who tell almost identical stories--THERE ARE A BUNCH OF YOU OUT THERE BOTH OF PRIVATE PROPERTY AND BUSINESSES. STEP FOR­WARD FOR IT IS THE ONLY WAY YOU WILL CHANGE YOUR PATH.

    RIGHT NOW, PLEASE STOP AND WRITE OR CALL ONE TOM VALENTINE AND TELL HIM OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE OR EVEN THAT HE SHOULD FIND OUT ABOUT DHARMA AND HER "FAST' AND GET SOME ATTEN­TION RUNNING. This is the best possible resource to have controversial hearing for few others dare to speak such truth. (Will someone in the group please list address and/or phone number of Tom Valentine's connection.)

    One of the Navy's responses to the Israeli claim that they didn't see a flag on the ship was that the flag "probably hung limp on the mast on a windless day".

    This, when all of the testimony by all the crew members and by the weather log on the ship pointed out that there was at least a 10-knot breeze at all times which was completely sufficient to keep the flag unfurled and in plain view. There was a breeze blowing over the deck at all times. Not only that, but the ship had just been freshly painted, and there were 10-foot hull markings on the ship, including the name, USS LIBERTY.

    It was the following day when the Liberty rendezvoused with the American naval vessels (the fleet). When you finally got close enough to the USS America, an aircraft carrier, which sent helicopters over to offload the dead and wounded, it was well over 19 hours from onset of the attack.


    It was all but impossible to keep the Liberty afloat and did, in fact, require some five days to just make Malta. It was impossible to patch the ship holes and the craft could have gone down at any moment.

    Before the ship pulled into Malta, Adm. Kidd and some other high brass had come over to begin the court of inquiry. The crew was mustered out on deck by Kidd and he told them that the preliminary findings of the inquiry were that it was an "accidental" attack by the Israelis, that the Israelis had formally apologized and that the United States government had accepted the apology.

    He then said that because of the top-secret nature of the operations of the ship and the sensitive nature, in that it was one of your allies who had attacked you, the men were ordered not to grant ANY interviews and not to talk to any friends or family and not to talk about it among themselves. In other words, keep the mouths completely shut under order of silence and penalty of death.

    The crew members of the other American vessels were given the same orders of silence.

    All the crew were brainwashed, young kids who were now threatened with imprisonment or worse as well as threats made against families so it was obvious that there would be a lot of silence and hardly any mention of truth. There were constant daily reminders not to say anything about it and the penalties would be repeated.

    By the time the Liberty pulled into Malta there were high-ranking people all over that ship and there wouldn't be any speaking out against orders.

    The crew members actually only began speaking out since 1985 because someone finally realized he could do so. It was found that your government did things which were reprehensible and honorable citizens could no longer hold the truth and it was realized that the Israelis got by with premeditated murder which was totally defended and covered by your own government. No one should walk away free from the horrendous crimes unto mankind--the Israelis or anybody else. They did it to you, deliberately, and your government should settle it and admit what happened and you of the public must face the truth of it. There is proof all over the map now, to prove these things we bring unto you--will you seek and find or shall you simply continue the "bury the head" game? VIN WEBER is a well-known Israeli agent who leads the forces in Congress trying to sweep the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty under the rug. VIN WEBER is a Representative (R-Minn). This is a continuing and constant barrage to silence the story, even to this day, in order to not blow your cover as to your total working relationship with Israel in today's arena. It is up to you citizens as to what you will longer tolerate.

    The Captain of the Liberty, William McGonagle, has seen fit never to come to the aid of his crew in this unfoldment. He is letting down the crew who dare to speak up. However, if it were not for Capt. McGonagle, none of the crew would be alive today to tell the story. He was excellent under fire and was later given the Congressional Medal of Honor, which he deserved. It was given to him by the President. There was no ceremony. It was given to him aboard a ship by the Under Secretary of the Navy. He was ordered to keep his silence and he has remained quiet just as others of the military with knowl­edge. They are given great honorary-type medals and citations and then warned about the silence "or else". This has happened within some of your own families--constant reminders of consequences of speaking out.


    Now what happens? When any of the witnesses--the people who were there and experienced the attack--come forward and say that they saw your ally shoot you and murder your ship's crew, they are automatically labeled as "Jew haters" and "Nazis" and "anti-Semites." These are the ones who got attacked, saw the enemy eye to eye with full identification and finally, acknowledgment from that enemy in public, yet, the participants who were bloodied and intended for murder are called bigots. Do you see the plan of action in the discounting?

    It was so blatant that the Israelis committed the atrocity that they paid $7 mil­lion over a period of 20 years for a $20 million ship. Funny thing--even that payment came out of American taxpayer's pockets.

    As the crewmen were discharged from the military services, they were told emphatically; "Get out of here and keep your mouth SHUT!" The money was paid by American aid to Israel. The total amount paid also included the money paid to the survivors and to the people who sustained injuries. What a handy insurance program--"pay-it-yourself in every direction" policy.


    Oops! Those nice Grob brothers, Ben and Ted, donated money to establish a library named in memory of the USS Liberty and there was a MAJOR controversy over that. They cared greatly about the USS Liberty but they cared about America more. Israel wanted the matter buried forever; they didn't want the Liberty to be around. They should have sunk the ship to begin with. It would have been a lot easier for them. Then the Egyptians would have been blamed as planned.

    Now, a funny thing has happened on the way to truth. The captain of the USS Pueblo, Cmdr. Lloyd Bucher, whose ship was captured by the North Koreans, is ready to speak out about the Liberty. He has said that if he had known about what happened to the Liberty and heeded its lessons, the Pueblo inci­dent would have never happened. What a brave, genuine human being he is. Bucher said that he never knew what had happened.

    What can you do? Hard to say, since Vin Weber is one of the major recipi­ents of money from the pro-Israel lobby and he says an investigation is "inconsistent with Republican ideals".

    Hundreds of letters have been sent from members of Congress and at least 90% of them say that the case is closed and it would be unwise and detrimental to reopen it. Nobody will stick out their necks to help you because they don't want to lose their well-paying jobs. They are ALL influenced by the Is­raeli Zionist lobby.

    You, the people, can get more information and confirmation of this story by writing the USS Liberty Veterans Association, 3 Burns Ave., Hicksville, N.Y. 11801. Thank you for your support unto truth.

    Let us close this chapter for it has become quite long.

    Hatonn to clear.

    PJ 18
    CHAPTER 20


    THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1990 11:10 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 365



    In February and March of 1982 there were a couple of stories making head­line news in the U.S. One was the conflict in El Salvador surrounding national elections, which were held on Sunday, March 28, 1982. The other was the third space shuttle mission which ended on the 30th.

    On the face of it, those two headline events would seem to have little in common. The brutal civil war in the jungles of Central America seemed part of an entirely different world from that of America's newest space ship, but the fact was that those two news stories were related greatly to one another. El Sal­vador and the space shuttle were both involved in the complete program leading up to Nuclear War One. El Salvador was just the one hot spot in the growing caldron of deliberate world crises to bring on war, and the space shuttle was being used for secret military preparations for war itself.

    The American Bolshevik planners had speeded up the war plans. If their plans would succeed, the time left prior to the outbreak of all-out nuclear war was being measured in weeks and at that time the plans were totally succeed­ing.

    All around the world the flames of crises were continuing to spread. In Cen­tral America the initial crisis in El Salvador was now expanded to include Nicaragua, Honduras, and Guatemala. In all those areas the Israeli Mossad was busily training rebels to insure things would go as planned in the govern­ments and governmental elections.

    On the day after space shuttle No. 3 took off, a military coup took place in Guatemala--and the worst was yet to come. Soon you would be hearing of new threats to your life line through the Panama Canal. And the Carter Administration's give-away of the Canal wouldn't become final for nearly 20 more years. At the time the Canal remained a potential new Pearl Harbor for you. It was never planned that the Canal would actually change hands and control--NEVER.

    Overseas, other crises were also continuing to simmer and spread. In Iran the plans for a new explosion of turmoil was right on track. New developments in the Iran-Iraq War were paving the way. Another factor, as we have men­tioned, was to be a revelation that Ayatollah Khomeini was dead. Earlier in March there had been harbingers of things to come in the news, especially overseas. For example, on March 6 the BBC quoted a London Times article questioning whether or not Khomeini was still alive. The article expressed suspicions that fake pictures were being used showing the "double" for Khomeini. And you thought my idea about "doubles" was untrue.

    Another boiling crisis was the contrived flap between the U.S. and Libya. The Libya crisis was one of the time bombs which the Bolsheviks in the U.S. could use to help set off the big war to come. Even then it was realized the initial origin of the war needed to come from the Middle East. In that regard, there were two major developments in March 1982 which went almost unnoticed in the news, and they were synchronized perfectly with the over-all war timetable.

    First, on March 3 Libya's Colonel Kadhafi drew a line in the dust against the U.S. In Tripoli, the Libyan capital, Kadhafi delivered a fiery speech to listeners gathered for a rally. He reminded them of the Nimitz episode of the prior August when two Libyan jets were shot down, and he said, quote:

    "If America enters the Gulf of Sidra, war in the full sense of the word will begin between us and them--war with planes, navies, missiles, ev­erything."

    Within two weeks the U.S. promised, in effect, that it would soon walk across Kadhafi's line in the dust. On March 16 Navy Secretary John Lehman de­clared that the United States would conduct naval exercises again within the Gulf of Sidra and, "We will do so within the next six months." Lehman's statement was a virtual promise of war to come. It was reported that day by the BBC, but went unnoticed in America! Does it ever seem strange to you Americans that you would be having naval training exercises in the Gulf of Sidra? You have the entire Atlantic and Pacific and Gulf of Mexico to do your training exercises.

    Crises within the Soviet bloc were also heating up. The war in Afghanistan continued to drag on and on, thanks to ongoing heavy involvement by the CIA. Poland, too, was an explosion waiting to happen. Martial law had re­moved the spark for the explosion by jailing the leaders of Solidarity. Solidar­ity was the main tool of the American Bolsheviks in trying to set off a revolt in Poland, but soon the Bolshevik war planners were expected to provide a nice new spark for revolt in Poland. In the prior fall the Bolsheviks re-established the covert influence within the Vatican which they held briefly some three years prior. The Bolsheviks were trying to revive their old plan called "The Pope's Revolution" to occur in Poland.

    As a reminder, that plan was built around a planned papal visit to Poland on a highly emotional occasion, the 900th anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Stanislaus. The original "Pope's Revolution" plan was foiled by changing the date of the Pope's visit, but now a new papal visit to Poland would be solidly in the works. The occasion would be the 600th anniversary of the Black Madonna, the most revered shrine in Poland. The anniversary was to take place in the summer of 1982.


    In addition to the existing crises, new crises were also being intentionally stirred up--with more to come. These would be developing in both East and West. Right then a major new crisis was building up between two NATO members, Greece and Turkey. The new government of Greece wanted to extricate itself from the war maneuverings of the Bolshevik-controlled U.S. and NATO. Washington was responding with military blackmail. Turkey's harsh military dictatorship had designs on sea and land controlled by Greece--and the U.S. was egging them on!

    Bulgaria and Romania, Soviet bloc neighbors of Greece and Turkey, were also targeted for turmoil. American Bolshevik agents were hard at work there to create a serious dispute between those two Warsaw Pact members. If they succeeded, it would be just one more Poland-style headache for Russia's new anti-Bolshevik rulers. I hope you are finding it interesting to look back on recent history and see how things have come to be relative to today's state of af­fairs.

    The American Bolsheviks in the U.S. were pressing ahead fast in their efforts to bring on Nuclear War One. In this they were joined totally by their Zionist partners in Israel. The Reagan-Begin axis was moving the world steadily closer to nuclear war. Neither government was making the slightest effort to act in the, true best interests of its own citizens! The situation was a secret in both countries. It was as much a mystery to most Israelis as it was to most Americans.

    In both countries there was growing alarm over the locked step toward war. In America this was taking the form of mounting demands for a nuclear weapons freeze. In Israel the Begin government was facing repeated "no con­fidence" votes over its repressive policies toward Palestinians, but both gov­ernments were bent on war and they expected to bring it about before they could be stopped.

    The Begin government repressions in the occupied Arab territories had been calculated with care. They were intended specifically to shatter the shaky Middle East peace. For one thing, Israeli repression of Palestinians within their jurisdiction was intended to stir up PLO activity in southern Lebanon. In addition, Israel's suspension of political rights for Arabs in the occupied territories was a violation of the Camp David Accords. Instead of negotiating increased autonomy for the Arabs, the Begin government was taking away what little autonomy they already had. Those things were intended to pro­duce a chain reaction of events--that is: PLO raids on Israel, and Israeli inva­sion of Lebanon, war between Israel and Russia, disintegrating peace ties be­tween Israel and Egypt, an incident in the Sinai involving America's buffer troops there, ensnarement of Saudi Arabia in the collapsing peace--on and on, wider and wider, "seeming" totally out of all control.

    The third space shuttle was successful in its secret military mission as to gaining a bit of intelligence information. More importantly, however, the most ambitious crash-weapons project was beginning to bear fruit. The U.S. had developed a new super-weapon, as revolutionary as the atom bomb was some four decades prior. The loss of one more shuttle was well worth the investment. We shall touch on the military success of the space shuttle a bit later.


    MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 1990 10:10 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 4


    On December 6, 1941, President Roosevelt authorized the spending of funds to begin a supersecret weapons project. Its goal, to develop a giant bomb so powerful that it would make all lesser weapons obsolete overnight. It was the beginning of what was later called the "Manhattan Project". The project was intended to develop a bomb to fight a war that did not yet exist, but as you know, the very next day, December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor took place. Just one day after the A-bomb project began, America was at war--right on sched­ule, my dear friends.

    The Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb was the largest, most complex and most costly military project in history up to that time, and yet it was conducted in total secrecy. The money spent on the atom bomb project dwarfed all other weapons programs, yet it was spent without the knowledge of Congress! Entire new laboratories were built, thousands of people were involved and yet fewer than 100 persons knew what the Manhattan Project was all about. The Manhattan Project was to develop a superweapon, some­thing straight from the pages of Science Fiction. If most people had been asked they would have said that an atomic bomb was impossible but, in mat­ters such as this, public opinion counts for nothing at all. A small handful of scientists knew that it could be done. They did the seemingly impossible, and they did it in well under four years! Of course, they utilized the German pro­duction run and, actually, the bomb used on Japan was constructed in Ger­many. None-the-less, the A-bomb project, no matter how it was managed in actuality, went from a standing start in December, 1941, to the attack on Hi­roshima in August, 1945.

    Well, in 1982 a new program was started similar to the Manhattan Project (which, by the way, was semi-successful in ways other than A-bomb building, and now witnesses and participants in that project are coming forth to witness publicly). Like the atomic bomb over 40 years ago, the new weapon was something straight from the pages of Science Fiction. Like the Manhattan Project, the new project was carried out in utmost secrecy. Vast amounts of money were spent on it without the slightest hint to the public or to Congress; and, just as happened with the atomic bomb, the new weapon was intended to make its debut in war itself--and not before.

    The crash weapons project had been under way in the U.S. for over four years in response to Russia's surprise military take-over of space in late 1977.


    You ones query me daily, now, about the interrupted signals from the Venus probe. Dear ones, don't be foolish. Russia has multiple bases on Venus and the ability to interrupt anything they choose. It is NOT as it appears and the information is not coming public in full nor in correctness. I am not yet at liberty to tell the entire truth of it but shall do so in a few days when the focus of attention is away from this scribe for the information is expected to flow from here and surveillance has been "beefed up". Just stay tuned to this station and be a bit patient.


    In "Operations Desk Top", ICBM's were planted in supposedly invulnerable locations on the ocean floor. In the secret "Minuteman TX" mobile missile program a large number of small ICBM's were shuttling around the U.S. in special railroad cars. Meanwhile the phony MX missile controversy had been used as a cover for the newest secret project. Then there was the high-power Laser program which led to a number of laser weapons. And, of course, there was the Space Shuttle program--a desperate attempt to regain a military toe hold in space.

    While you were being shown entertaining space movies on TV by NASA, you were never shown what was really happening on any of the flights--NEVER! We have given you many details about those secret weapons programs and shall go back and give you more as we have opportunity to move backward. However, you now need current attention to more recent matters.

    In 1982 the crash military program which was shrouded in the deepest secret of all was an Air Force project involving technology which was most revolutionary in the same perspective as the atomic bomb was over forty years ago. This secret superweapon project was the basis for an entire new nuclear war strategy of the American Bolshevik war planners. It was a renegade program totally unknown both to the public and again, to Congress. Even within the military the weapons program was known only within very limited circles. You would understand the reason for this extreme secrecy when you hear how it was to be used in the upcoming planned war.


    Since the summer of 1980 there had been vague reports in the news about what was called the Stealth Bomber Program. You were told that ways were being developed to make a bomber undetectable by radar. You were also led to believe that a Stealth Plane would not be operational until 1991. The fact was that these were only cover stories to hide a far more radical weapons pro­gram, and it would be operational not in far-off 1991 but in the actual year 1982--surprise, surprise.

    The Stealth program was structured very much like the Minuteman TX program which was structured to focus on the MX missile and, in fact, work was underway to develop a missile called MX, but all of that was set up primarily as a cover for the secret Minuteman TX program. It provided a way to cam­ouflage research, development and manufacturing of the TX. Now that the TX mobile missile system was virtually deployed on your railroads, the MX was gradually fading from the scene as far as publicity. The furious debate over all those ridiculous MX race tracks out West was gone, having served the purpose of distraction. There even came talk of cutting out funding for the MX in the 1983 Budget. All the while full intent was to keep utilizing the na­tional railroads without your knowledge. Nice little toys to have stalled at your tracks crossings, don't you think? "Anywhere, U.S.A.!"

    It was all very much the same with the Stealth Program. Various companies and laboratories were experimenting with ways to foil radar--among other gadgetry. These experiments included special aerodynamic shapes, coatings, electronic counter-measures and so forth, but all of that was important mainly as a cover and a funding channel for the really secret work. One product of the covert Stealth projects was called a "Submersible Aircraft", or "Subcraft", for dubbing. Flight tests were begun in late summer of 1978. In January, 1980 there was an attempt to actually use them against Russia--with disastrous results. The first public leaks about the Stealth Program took place six months later, in the summer of 1980.

    Up to that time nothing better than the unsuccessful Subcraft had been produced, but the situation changed. The biggest gamble of all in the Stealth Program involved a scientific leap forward as dramatic as the atomic bomb--and there seemed to be a measure of success.

    It may have sounded impossible to some people but, if so, stop and think about the things that seemed impossible years ago and today are taken totally, for granted: jet airplanes, world-wide television, men in space and on other planets, local weather forecasts utilizing satellite pictures, lasers, photocopy machines, frozen food and computers, just to remind you of a few.

    Think what a giant leap in technology was taken in the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb. For example, you were not aware of computers in those days. Even the most advanced scientific calculations had to be done ba­sically by hand with help from slide rules, adding machines and mathematical tables--certainly even the secret government had nothing to even resemble the "Cray".

    By contrast, today you can go to a store and buy a hand calculator that will outperform anything that was available to the A-bomb Project as first set into action, and a hand calculator like that is a mere disposable toy today. High-speed computers are common today in many households. In other areas, too, the technology of the 1980's was a far cry from that of the 1940's, so just ask yourself: if we could develop the atom bomb using pencils and slide rules, what might we develop today using these new computers? And if it took less than four years with the primitive tools of 1940's (even with a bit of theft and copy-work), why should a crash program in today's climate take any longer?

    The most secret branch of the Stealth Program was developing aircraft that would be invisible to more than just radar. They must be invisible even to the eye. These invisible "Phantom" war planes would carry special electromagnetic gear. You see, there was already the capability, for Russia had the know-how to cause the cosmos interceptors and cosmospheres to be invisible. All that was really needed was to get defectors and most defectors have a "price" under which they will bargain.

    The equipment included superconducting magnets which were maintained at temperatures close to absolute zero. This cryogenic equipment creates an enormously powerful electromagnetic field around the aircraft. The field is designed according to the principles of Einstein's "unified field theory'.

    Einstein never completely finished his field theory, but it was studied by numerical techniques using computers and integration became a simple game. By this method, enough could be learned, coupled with stolen information, to apply the unified field theory to the new "Phantom" war planes.

    This is why the Government must keep the Stealth aircraft and Congress does not know of the secret capabilities for they remain a "national security" secret. This is one of the reasons for the recent need to act in the Middle East--to keep the Stealth program from being scuttled. Now "they" will show you 22 planes going into action--forget it--you won't "see" the real force but this will allow the planes to inter-act without public notice. They simply will never al­low more than 22 planes to be in any one place at any one time and even the military troops will not be aware--nor will 99% even know there were supposed to only be 22. And where, might I ask you, did 22 come from? Don't be foolish, just count the number they have announced and the crashes they have projected to cover other sightings etc., and it takes no computer to de­tect a lie afoot. Are you aware that they are already well under way with a "more sophisticated model?"--even spoken most highly of in your national press sheets this very week.

    When the invisibility field would be turned on, a "Phantom" war plane would be encased in a sort of electromagnetic bubble. Light that strikes the field from any direction divides, passes around the plane, comes together again on the other side, and goes on. The effect is like a boulder in a stream--water flowing toward the boulder divides, goes around it and then comes together again on the other side.

    To understand why this makes the plane invisible, stop and think how you "see" objects. Suppose you look across the room at a chair. Light bounces off the chair in a certain pattern, travels through the air and strikes your eyes. Your eyes then recognize the light pattern as a chair. Now suppose someone walks between you and the chair. Light bouncing off the chair is stopped by the person who is in the way so you no longer see the chair; instead, you see the person by reflected light.

    Now consider a new situation. Suppose that the person were encased in a special bubble like that of a "Phantom" war plane. He steps between you and the chair. The light waves from the chair strike the bubble, flow around him, come together again and continue to your eyes so you still see the chair. But because of the bubble, no light is reflected back from that person, so you cannot see him--in other words, he is invisible. He is there all right between you and the chair, but because of the way the light behaves around his protective shield you cannot see him. This is basically how the invisibility shield works on a "Phantom" war plane or on any vehicle with shield capability--for instance, a ship. The only difference is that the field is not as sharply defined as a bubble. It is strong close to the plane and grows weaker with distance. From a dis­tance the plane is totally invisible when it is air-borne.

    A "Phantom" war plane is invisible to the eye and also to radar. Radar is like light except for wave length, and behaves the same way when it hits the invisibility shield--it just divides, flows past the plane, converges on the other side and continues onward. It does not bounce back so there is no radar return.

    For you who continually ask me about sonic booms when there appears to be no plane present (not to be confused by "air-quakes" which give greater sonic report), this is it--this is the testing run of the aircraft in utile strategic places.


    A "Phantom" war plane is invisible to the eye and to ordinary types of radar surveillance, but not to all. Radar is like light except for wave length, and behaves the same way when it hits the invisibility shield--it just divides, flows past the plane, converges on the other side and continues onward. It does not bounce back so there is no radar return. However, the Russians can "see" right through all these trappings with utilization of infra-red beams of more sophistication. The planes could be most well shielded, however, in areas such as the Middle East where the tracking systems on the ground are not so technologically updated. By the way, a lot of "strikes" have been made in secret and blamed on others in order to cause orchestrated incidents as in chemical war blame placement.

    Invisibility would be the most important value in use as protection against Beam weapons. A "Phantom" war plane would, hopefully, be totally immune to lasers because a laser beam is just intense light. An invisibility field also would give protection against the Russian Particle Beam system in tracking ability but the plan backfired because the Russians had already developed anti-invisible shield technology. Ordinarily, charged particles are far easier to deflect than light, so the charged particle beam is no match for the light-de-flecting shield. Ah, but when you get into pulsed neutron beams--you have a real handful of troubles.

    And so that leaves only neutron beam weapons. Russia's neutron beam would penetrate the invisibility shield, but ways were thought to have been found to shield against neutron radiation well enough to make neutron beams ineffective in stopping a "Phantom" war plane. This was conceived as true because extremely effective shielding would be part of the basic design of the "Phantom" war plane whereby the plane would have to first be "located" in order to be fired upon. The basic design would require such sophisticated shielding in order to prevent derangement of the electronic instruments as well as the crew, if it were a manned craft.

    So the result of the program would be craft which would be undetectable by conventional means, and it was believed to be invulnerable to all of Russia's beam weapons. Those beam weapons had been the key to Russia's military superiority since late 1977, so the "Phantom" war plane was the hoped-for weapon to attack Russia in the upcoming planned nuclear strike.


    The "Phantom" war plane had one recognized major drawback. In a way, its greatest strength would also be its greatest weakness. When the invisibility field would be turned on, incoming light waves would not strike the plane; in­stead, the light flows around the plane. That is what makes the plane invisible to observers at a distance but, at the same time, the field prevents light waves from the outside world from reaching the cockpit of the plane. In other words, the pilot cannot see anything outside the invisibility field. He re­quired by physical law to fly blind.

    There was only one technique known in the West by which a "Phantom" war plane could be navigated. It is called "Inertial Guidance", a technique used for ICBM's. In Inertial Guidance, a computerized system keeps track of all the forces and maneuvers experienced by the vehicle. By adding these up over time, the system calculates where it is without reference to the outside world. For a "Phantom"" war plane, the Inertial Guidance problem is very difficult. The guidance system must operate for as long as several hours while the plane flies to its target. That gives lots of time for errors to build up which would send the plane off course, but the problem was thought to be solved sufficiently to utilize the "Phantom" planes in the attack.

    New Inertial Guidance technology had been developed using lasers in place of the old mechanical gyros used on ICBM's, and so the supersecret "Phantom"" war plane project had basically succeeded in concept--and, for all intents and purposes, you had a new superweapon. It was revolutionary, prototypes were flying and a rush production program was already underway by the early 1980's. The secret war-planners expected to have an operational fleet ready by summer, 1982. This was the "pacing item" in the short war timetable.


    Absolutely accurate reconnaissance data on Russian targets was totally critical to the war planning. When "Phantom" war planes would take off to attack Russia, they would have to know ahead of time exactly where the target would be. Flying blind on Inertial Guidance leaves no ability to "look around" and change course to locate a target.

    Therefore, for a year the Space Shuttle had been making a desperate attempt to obtain the needed target information from space. It would be the first new data since Russia destroyed your Spy Satellites in 1978. The first two Shuttle flights were NOT successful in their secret military mission, but in February, 1982, Shuttle No. 3 was more successful. The war planners now obtained the most crucial target data needed for a "Phantom" war plane attack against Russia. As a result, a whole new war plan was being prepared for the coming planned nuclear war.

    America's war strategists were eager for war because they believed they could achieve victory over Russia--the concept of victory, however, DID NOT INCLUDE YOU LOVELY PEOPLE. THE SECRET WAR STRATEGISTS WERE PREPARING TO SACRIFICE AMERICA AND MOST OF HER PEOPLE ON THE ALTAR OF WORLD DOMINATION--AND ONLY THE TIME AND PLACE HAS CHANGED, LITTLE SLEEPY-HEADS.

    We will continue this thought flow at the next sitting, Dharma. Thank you for your attention. There are too many other necessary tasks this day to continue at this sitting.


    Hatonn to clear, please. Good-day.

    TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1990 12:15 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 5


    The radically new "Phantom" war plane caused an equally radical revision of the master war strategy of the U.S. Elements of several past strategies were being blended together to create a new and grander plan. It was the new grand master strategy which America's war planners were counting on to bring them victory in Nuclear War One, and they planned to use the war plan very quickly--by autumn of 1982, with or without the proper surveillance hoped for by Shuttle flight No. 3.
    Strategic nuclear war planning in Washington was being carried out under the code name "Project Z". The letter "Z" was chosen because it is the final letter in your alphabet. The war planners were confident that this would be the last war plan they would need against Russia. War planning under Project Z was so secret that it was not being done at the Pentagon itself; instead, an elite group of war strategists were assembled at a special war room in downtown Washington. The war room was hidden away in a building which would never be suspected for the purpose. It was practically within the shadow of the White House.

    The elite war planners for Nuclear War One were a very small group. Their job was to think in terms of the big over-all picture. They had at their finger tips computer terminals with which they could access any information they needed from other Government computers. This included not only Pentagon data banks but also the computer files of all other Government agencies.

    By May the Project Z planners had already arrived at the broad outlines for their master war plan. Countless details and refinements still lay ahead, but the basic strategy was already decided. That strategy bears looking at herein.


    The Project Z strategy for Nuclear War One was a three-phase plan--that is, the war planners intended for the war to proceed in three distinct phases known as: Phase 1--Initiation; Phase 2--Attrition, and Phase 3--Domination.

    We have spoken of some of the process which would lead up to the upcoming war. The major process was based on ever-increasing world crises, like those that led up to World War I. You were seeing that process in full swing all around you. It was planned that these crises escalate for about six additional months and finally the spark would be set off. The Project Z war planners were concerned with the military acts from that initial spark onward and therefore we shall begin this segment on that note.


    In their plan, the Initiation Phase would begin with an American surprise attack against Russia. The surprise attack would use the new "Phantom" war planes. They would be the key to the outcome of the rest of the war.

    In the summer of 1978 America had begun major shifting to a first-strike nuclear strategy against Russia. It would be a first strike. It would be to knock out the Earth bases for Russia's space triad of strategic weapons. If that could he done, Russia's overwhelming military power in space would soon wither and perish. That would leave the U.S. and Russia on more equal terms for the rest of the war. The plan was to use a combination of Subcraft and un­manned aircraft called RPV's for the initial attack. That plan was actually at­tempted some two years prior but ended in total failure because Subcraft and RPV's were no match for Russia's Cosmospheres with their beam weapons, but the new Phantom war planes were almost ready and the plan was being revived in updated form.

    "Phantom" war planes were intended to be based in at least three countries on Russia's doorstep. These basing areas were: northern Norway; eastern Turkey; and most critical of all, Sinkiang Province in northwestern China. (You see, business activities are not the only thing going with China!) Al­ready, high-powered lasers were being moved into those areas. They were equipped with the new aiming device called CEIR (see-er). Those lasers had the proven ability to shoot down Cosmospheres. They would be used to pro­tect the "Phantom" war planes from destruction on the ground by Cosmo-spheres.

    The "Phantom" war planes which would be used were unmanned. They were equipped with robot pilots which would be programmed to fly each plane to a preassigned target. Each would be programmed for a one-way trip. The invisible robot pilot and aircraft would fly through Russian air space, invulnera­ble to any beam-weapon attacks. Anti-aircraft missiles fired at them would be unable to home in on them, and so the Project Z planners believed that the robot "Phantom" planes would reach their targets.

    Those targets were Russia's four Cosmodromes for rockets plus several cosmosphere installations in central Siberia. The invisible robot planes would crash like kamikazes into their targets. Seemingly out of a clear blue sky, all of Russia's Space bases would suddenly vanish in thermonuclear fireballs. In addition to Russia's Space bases, the Phantom war plane assault would also be directed at one other category of prime targets. Those were the bases for Russia's flying Anti-missile System. The system consisted of a fleet of TU-144 Supersonic Transports equipped with particle-beam weapons. They were supposed to provide Russia's final line of defense against incoming missile warheads. American "Phantom" war planes would be programmed to destroy the TU-144 bases.

    Phase #1 was continuing on a very tight timetable by May, 1982. If the invisible war plane attack would succeed, a furious counterattack by Russia was guaranteed. Project Z called for the U.S. to beat Russia to the punch. The entire U.S. nuclear arsenal was to be fired at Russia. It would be done by creating a false indication that America was under nuclear attack. The method which would be employed was known as "Electromagnetic Pulse" or EMP. EMP is a phenomenon associated with nuclear blasts at the fringes of space. Your Strategic Forces were programmed to consider an EMP episode to be positive proof of a Russian attack. Under those circumstances, they were instructed to counterattack against Russia without waiting for any further orders.

    In the Project Z timetable, the "Phantom" war plane explosions in Russia would be followed moments later by nuclear detonations over North America. These would be the warheads of American high-speed missiles called ACM's. They would be launched into the sky from various locations around the U.S. to create a violent EMP episode. Your Strategic Nuclear Forces, obeying or­ders, would launch what they would believe to be a retaliation against Russia.

    As the American ACM's would be launched into the sky over your heads, still another event was to be underway. Keep in mind the episode of January, 1982 whereby a Russian Cosmosphere had been shot down for the first time--over New Jersey. In the same way, high-power lasers located in many places around the U.S. would be shooting down as many Cosmospheres as possible. By the time your ICBM's were launched a few minutes later, it could be ex­pected that many of the threatening Cosmospheres overhead would have been destroyed. They would be unable to blast all of your missiles as they were launched, and many would survive to be on their way to Russia. Thanks to the initial "Phantom" war plane attack, Russia's flying ABM System would also be out of action. Stripped of all her defenses against missile attack, the Soviet Union would soon be aflame with a sea of nuclear firestorms.

    In the Project Z war plan, the arrival of American ICBM's on Russian targets would mark the end of Phase #1, the Initiation Phase.


    This is the Attrition Phase. During Phase #2 the war planners envisioned extreme damage to both the U.S. and to Russia, with the war gradually running down. First there would be a rain of Russian missile warheads on the U.S. There would also be missile attacks on certain other targets around the world where American Military Forces were located, but the real destruction would be right in the U.S. itself.

    The Project Z war planners did not expect America, as you know it, to survive a nuclear exchange. Unlike Russia, the U.S. has no Civil Defense worthy of the name, let alone hardened blast shelters and, because of the need for total surprise in the attack against Russia's Space bases, the ensuing nuclear exchanges would come without warning. Vacationers would be on beaches, businessmen would be making deals, housewifes would be in supermarkets, children would be at play, etc. Suddenly air raid sirens might start to blare, as they would do so on a summer day in Hiroshima years ago, but it would he too late. The America you know and love would die in a thousand Hiroshimas. The war schemers have planned for all that and have only updated the plans to suit changes in happenings. While you and your children vanish from the face of the Earth, they fully intended and intend to be riding out any attack they have caused in Government war bunkers built with your taxpayer money.

    Gradually, over a period of many months, they fully expected the conflict between Russia and the U.S. to sputter out. Both sides would be exhausted and ruined, both would lose the capacity to carry the war any further. In Russia, the wound would be grievous--up to 50-million dead and millions more in­jured and dying, but in the U.S. the wounds would be mortal. The Project Z war planners had figured it out on their computers. If you were lucky, from 40 to 50-million Americans might survive at the end of the war. All the rest would have been killed outright in nuclear attacks or would have died of in­juries and disease. Nuclear War One would leave medical care virtually non­existent in what would be left of America.

    The American Bolsheviks intended to ride out the war after setting it off. They would wait until the stalemate point would be reached with both sides unable to fight any longer. That would mark the end of Phase #2, the Attri­tion Phase.


    Finally, the Project Z war plan would move into the third and final phase. That phase, of course, would be world domination by the Satanic Bolsheviks/Zionists who already controlled and control the U.S. Military. Oh yes, I see the concern rising, chelas, and I am indeed grateful to be making impact. The plans only shifted, dear friends, and the stage relocated--'tis serious, in­deed, this day.

    In the final phase as planned for 1982, the Bolsheviks/Zionists in America would be taking advantage of secret preparations which began long, long prior.

    I have already discussed the plans of the Rockefeller Brothers launched in 1961 for world domination but we will, of course, refer to it again as we pick up more of the background pieces. It is, however, critically important that you realize you are now on the verge of it all blowing up before you can get a grip, on the situation in time to take actions as citizens. All you can do is press ahead diligently and pray for guidance. It is time to turn unto God and pray for His mercy and protection for all have ignored these warnings which have been poured upon you and ignored by you, for two decades. Did it have to require movement or your precious children into foreign sands to cause you to pay attention? I suppose so, for here we are in a worse and infinitely more se­rious scenario with your troops already in foreign placement to protect them for ground fighting and mop-up in the foreign lands. Yes, you certainly did need that shelter system--you most certainly did.

    One arm of the prior plan had been strategy which required the U.S. to give the impression that it was growing steadily weaker, disarming unilaterally, closing military bases, and so on, but that was only for public consumption. The secret side of the strategy involved an actual buildup of armaments, in se­cret. Nothing has changed has it?

    When the Bolsheviks/Zionists in the U.S. seized power from the Rockefellers, they continued the stockpiling of secret reserves of armaments world-wide, and especially in Israel. It was well planned that, as the war began to sputter, all these armaments would be brought into the open. Even if the entire populations of the U.S. and Russia were gone, that would still leave 95% of the world's population alive. With the world's only surviving major military force, they believed world domination would be theirs at last. You see, the Bolshe­viks and the Zionists despise and loathe both the Russians and the Americans and world domination could only come to the bankers and Global cartel through massive damage and/or destruction to both major powers.

    Well, Russia has beefed up her survival shelter systems and filled her silos with your grain against that day. What does that tell you, dear ones, about what is planned for you as a national population? And where is your ally, Great Britain--ah ha, I thought you might notice the problem! It is you and Russia which are destined for the destruction and look who walks out free and clear in domination of the world!

    This is enough to chew for one sitting, Dharma, so allow us to close this segment. I'm sorry to bring these things to your attention but remember, I did not write this scenario, I am only bringing forth the truth of it that you might open your eyes and defend yourselves. Let us see whether or not you shall hear and see. Good-day!
    Loss of Liberty
    The real story about USS Liberty 5 Parts.
    Chort version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSyMB...eature=related
    1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rr-jf...eature=related
    2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=appYO...E9757&index=87
    3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnfLc...eature=related
    4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WxrT...eature=related
    5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhUGU...eature=related

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