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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 18
    CHAPTER 15


    FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1990 10:55 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 351

    Greetings in the radiance of a new gift of a day segment in which to do our work. Hatonn present to continue on the Journal under writing, however, there are urgent matters in the moment upon which I will comment.

    This portion can be withdrawn for Express material but I need it to remain within the Journal for this is such good example of the need for knowledge of the past cover-ups and deliberate actions against you the people, that you must have the ability to relate one to the other.

    You precious world citizens must look into the truth of actions and stop overlooking the "coincidences".

    Do you think it an accident that Iraq invaded on the very day the Congressional participants were voting "out" defense spending and "out" the stealth program? Do you note that all was immediately replaced in the budget? You must know that the entire scenario is orchestrated to the minutest detail to in­sure need for military involvement, production of weapons and setting up the format for "Emergency" regulations which can take over your an accounts, confiscate your gold holdings and remove your oil supply into the hands of the controllers. You of the Journal readers MUST BE ABLE TO SEE THE TRUTH OF IT FOR YOUR BROTHERS MUST BE BROUGHT INTO UNDERSTANDING--RAPIDLY!

    The reason we tell you Guyana atrocities and cover-up and the Space Program lies and cover-up is so that you can KNOW the capabilities of the manipulators and you can KNOW what is being thrust upon you in the Middle East.

    It is known the war will spread--else why does Saudi Arabia have weapons massed and missiles from China in place, etc. Why have they ordered all those M1 tanks from your country? The weapons producers have to stay op­erable so that the arms sales can continue and the "secret" business deals be continued, also.

    Dear ones, you must also come to KNOW that the beam systems are not just laser weapons--they are in all facets of your existence. The ELF (extra low frequency pulses can be aimed to pinpoint accuracy and as I have told you before--can be focused, fired and cause total confusion in the mind of a pilot, a tanker captain or a "whoever" doing "whatever". The beams accompanied by pulsed "instructions" can accomplish just about any action desired by the manipulators--right on a stopwatch schedule. Pay attention to every portion of the non-news--for instance, there are eight American oil workers missing and over 3,000 Americans in Kuwait which are of current concern. What does that tell you? Of course, the oil fiasco is actually a major powers confronta­tion messing around with the assets of the cartel. Oh, the war will escalate and, all the while, you the people will be urging intervention for all the rea­sons the government will produce for you to use. They will tell you it is for you and you will believe it--IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU EXCEPT TO FURTHER ENSLAVE YOU AND CAUSE YOU TO RE­QUIRE THEM TO DO THAT WHICH THEY PLAN TO DO ANYWAY, WITH OR WITHOUT YOUR APPROVAL, WHILE SETTING THE STAGE FOR "THEM" TO TAKE CONTROL UNDER "EMERGENCY REGULATIONS", ETC., TO SEIZE YOUR REMAINING PROPERTY. Will it work? It appears it may well have already "worked".

    I can only urge my group to take heed and set up security out of this country to place your hard assets and I trust you will understand my meaning---LIKE-­NOW!?! You have a grand opportunity to form a coalition in Belize and pro­tect these assets--FOR THEY WILL CONFISCATE GOLD BEFORE IT IS OVER. If you had more reserves, I would suggest storage of fuel but you have neither the resources nor the facilities. Why do you not have resources to accomplish that? You have been told for years and Oberli even drew up a plan for same. Certain individuals wanted to save your personal assets and put them into safety and sometimes ones simply hold to their personal security blankets until the blanket self-destructs. Well, why didn't Hatonn tell us? I did tell you and you made of your own choices. Will there be another oppor­tunity? Will it change your choices to know? So be it!

    THE S & L'S

    Ones continue to flood me with inquiries about the S&L's and how the government simply "could not have" been involved. I will give you one more run­down and I shall do it in the form of an editorial from the Editor-in-Chief, Mortimer B. Zuckerman of U.S. News and World Report, August 6, 1990. Do I place sanction on "every" word? No, but it is, in general, exceptional.


    The American people are getting angry. Who is to blame for this S&L scandal? they ask. How could so many "respectable" citizens walk into the open bank vault and grab what they could? How could there be so much insider abuse, negligence and naive complicity in a financial orgy to which the American taxpayer was not invited but for which he is picking up the bill?

    The blame rests on an astonishing lapse in regulation. Just as S&L's were permitted to expand dramatically the scope of their investments, the Reagan administration decided that no one needed to pay attention. When the former chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board tried to increase the number of examiners, the White House said sorry, it's contrary to our deregulatory philosophy. Between 1984 and 1986, hundreds of savings institutions were not even examined. (In fact, a majority of the board members at the FHLBB's regional boards are industry representatives. Remember the fox in charge of the henhouse?)

    Effective supervision can work. Just look at what has happened in the last six months. During that period, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency--concerned about the solvency of bank loans--effectively shut down bank lending for new construction.

    Our politicians are prisoners of a "defer at all costs" approach to governance. Neither Congress nor the administration wanted the responsibility of shutting down the bankrupt S&L's or requiring the owners to put up equity capital if they wished to remain in business. In 1986 and 1987, then Treasury Secretary James Baker proposed a bailout plan of $15 billion, even though administration officials knew the cost of the cleanup was closer to $50 billion. Even this was delayed by a Congress beholden to the thrift industry for political contributions. Instead, thrift regulators used capital from private "fat cat" investors to try and bail out S&L's, providing incredible government guarantees and tax shelters, now estimated to cost the American taxpayer more than $50 billion.

    Thus, the greatest regulatory failure in American history, which has caused our greatest financial scandal, can be laid directly at the feet of two Republican administrations: One that created it, another that did not act decisively to fix it. It took George Bush 17 months--and then only after a gathering political and popular firestorm--to announce that he had formed a "rapid response team against fraud." Can you believe it?

    Democrats, of course, are not blameless. In Congress, they often in­hibited even the limited regulation that existed. Five senators--Cranston, DeConcini, McCain, Glenn and Riegle--have tarnished their reputations with their role in delaying the closing of Lincoln Savings & Loan, a delay that cost taxpayers an extra billion dollars or so. And the delays are still costing taxpayers a fortune--about $31,000 a minute.

    What we are witnessing is a systemic breakdown. Virtually every failed S&L used appraisals that overvalued collateral to make bad real-estate loans look secure. Outside accountants and lawyers failed to reveal the real financial condition of many S&L's. In Texas, outside audits of 11 S&L's reported cumulative net worth of $44 million when they re­ally had a negative net worth of $1.5 billion. In California, 29 of 31 insolvent S&L's had clean audits. The Reagan-Bush administration promised to get the government off the back of the people. What it did instead was to get the government off the back of crooks.

    This is not just a financial crisis but a moral crisis. It would be an out­rage if the public officials responsible were not held accountable. First, there must be an independent commission to clearly establish political responsibility. Second, we must involve lawyers and accoun­tants on a contingency-fee basis to ferret out fraud and management abuses. They should be permitted to bring lawsuits on behalf of the government against corrupt S&L officers and directors. As Senator John Heinz said, "Hell knows no fury like a lawyer on a contingency fee." Third, every incumbent politician who bears any measure of re­sponsibility for this catastrophe, whether he is a Republican or Demo­crat, in Congress or in the executive branch must be made to pay at the ballot box for such an abuse of the public trust. No resolution short of this is acceptable.


    Please remember--I do not sanction all of this information but it is excellent opportunity to read between the lines. Note mention of Bush delays and compare with knowledge that the man's son was involved in a major S&L, Silverado. Also, KNOW that the RTC is set up to garner the rest of the property for the manipulators--i.e. Bluebonnet S&L in Texas. Ah, there is so much within that my own temptation is to point it all out to you. Keep the game fun and YOU see what is REALLY written in that editorial. IMPORTANT FACT TO KEEP IN MIND: U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT HAVE MEMBERS ON THE COUNCIL OF FOREIGN RELATIONS AND THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION. SO BE IT.

    Let us return to our Journal in point, please.


    It is important to consider world activities in order to relate to the need for Shuttle Program activities as they were unfolding. You will also be able to see that only the names of the players and locations differ even in the least. We are going back to mid-winter 1981/1982 so that you can again look at what was uppermost in conflict in a general, but brief, overview.

    Day by day the level of war fever was steadily rising in the U.S. Every night on the television news turmoil in Central America was the leading topic.

    In El Salvador a government that continuously violated the human rights of its own people was being propped up by the so-called Reagan Administration. The El Salvador situation contained the seeds of another Vietnam in spite of White House lies to the contrary. Like the ill-fated South Vietnam, El Sal­vador was riddled with corruption throughout the government and military. In both cases this situation resulted from CIA tampering with each country's power structure.

    Twenty years prior America started wading into the Vietnam quagmire by way of secret groups of advisers, so called, unknown to the American public, and now the same thing was underway in El Salvador. You were told that there were only a handful of noncombatant advisers there. That was a lie! As of February, 1982, there were already more than 300 Green Berets in El Sal­vador, with more on the way.

    You were also hearing sharp words from the White House directed at Nicaragua. Over five years before you were given a warning about Russia's rapid progress in gaining influence there, but at that time America's rulers were trying to save their crumbling secret alliance with the Kremlin so they said not a word to the public about Nicaragua. By 1982 the alliance was gone and so the information began to come forth about Nicaragua.

    Overseas, also, the clouds of approaching war were growing darker and darker. In the Middle East, Israel was threatening a major invasion of Lebanon which would not fail to lead to war with Syria. The American Bol­shevik-Zionist war whirlpool was continuing to spread outward from its source, Israel. This statement should be a strong clue in discernment as to who is what, to you readers. I said American Bolshevik-Zionist.

    You were given a warning in December to be on the alert for new turmoil in Iran which would erupt shortly and by February, surely enough, Iran was back in action--right on schedule. There were new bombings in Teheran, a re­minder of the prospects for civil war in that area. At the same time you were hearing reports that the alleged Ayatollah Khomeini was ill and might very well be dying. Once again, it was a lie as part of the grand plan to manipulate you into war. The real Ayatollah Khomeini was KILLED and replaced with a "double" some two years prior. It was well planned that when the war plan­ners in the U.S. were ready to play the Iran trump card in the war build-up, you would be told that Khomeini had died. U.S. connected Bolshevik agents in Iran were poised and ready to stir up civil war.

    As the situation worsened, you would be told that Russia was preparing to turn Iran into another Afghanistan. Already chief U.S. arms negotiator, Eu­gene V. Rostow, was making statements to help pave the way for all of this to be presented. He was quoted to the effect that Russia could be expected to "test us" over Iran. Once again America's Bolshevik military planners were preparing to use Iran as one key to their elaborate nuclear first-strike plan against Russia.

    The determination of the American Bolsheviks to go to war against Russia was becoming evident in other ways, too.


    One arena was that of the supposed nuclear arms reduction talks in Geneva. As a grandstand play, the entity President Reagan proposed a so-called "zero option" to eliminate all nuclear weapons in Europe. It sounded good, but it had no substance. In the actual negotiations to figure out how to carry out that plan, the U.S. had made no practical proposals at all.

    In response, the Russians made two counterproposals. One would begin by freezing nuclear weapons in Europe. That starting point wouldn't he ideal but it represented a possibility. Washington's response was to ridicule the idea.

    The other Russian proposal was made a while later, in February of 1982; it was for both sides to completely halt all manufacture and testing of all nuclear weapons as a starting point for general disarmament. The White House was completely taken off guard. However, you could know that the idea would somehow he rejected with excuses by the U.S. because nuclear disarmament was the last thing your American Bolshevik rulers could have happen.

    Instead, the Government began publicizing its intentions to prosecute youngsters who failed to register for the draft. The entity Reagan was talking out of both sides of his mouth about the draft. He kept telling you that there was no intention to actually bring back the draft but, on the other hand, you were told that anyone who failed to sign up for the draft would be bundled off to federal prison.

    At the same time, Civil Defense became a hot new topic of promotion by the so-called Reagan Administration. The agency which was spearheading that drive was relatively new, having been lifted straight from the pages of the secret new Constitution for America. It was called the "FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY", OR FEMA. FEMA was doing its best to lull you to sleep about the dangers of nuclear war. The agency said, for example, that, quote: "The United States could survive nuclear attack and go on to recovery within a relatively few years." THERE WERE, HOW­EVER, NO MENTIONS OR EFFORTS TO BUILD SUITABLE SHEL­TER FACILITIES.

    FEMA planted articles in newspapers nation-wide to drive home that comforting lie. Those planted articles tried to tell you that all you would have to do was to evacuate your cities, learn a little survival training, fix up some sim­ple fallout shelters and you would do just fine. Of course, you would never get past number one above.

    Those articles planted by an agency of the federal government were the worst kind of lie. Just one H-bomb exploding on one major city would overwhelm all the hospitals of your country with grisly casualties! But your leaders wanted you to believe otherwise so that you would follow them into a suicidal war. The plan was never for you the people to survive nor for you to have ad­equate sheltering.

    Since 1977, when Russia's military take-over of space was evident, the state of mind of those who controlled America's military plans--the American Bolsheviks--had taken on a kamikaze mentality. It was the concept of ‘victory through suicide'. It was this total hopelessness and lack of adequate plans for survival otherwise that drove the planners into this suicidal path. The leaders holding the reigns were Satanic and schizophrenic in their thinking--AND IT IS TRUE THIS DAY! They lived by lies and deception, and they were afflicted by utter hopelessness and self-hatred. They did indeed have a certain death wish; and they wanted to take the rest of you with them and fully intended, and still intend, to do so.

    As war fever was building for public consumption, the secret war was continuing to escalate. In January, Russia renewed geophysical warfare involving especially weather modification and artificial earthquakes--identical to recent happenings perhaps? Those things were intended to reduce strength and ability to press on into war. Canada, too, was being drawn into the American Bolshevik war camp, and parts of Canada were suffering such extreme bliz­zard conditions that a "National Emergency" was declared. In January, at least two major incidents in which Russian Cosmospheres triggered plane crashes were blatantly obvious.

    A rash of strange plane crashes began with Air Florida Flight 90 on January 13 and involved more than just a general warning from the Kremlin. They were in direct response to a specific act of secret warfare!

    For over four years Russian electrogravitic weapons platforms called Cosmospheres had been hovering high over the U.S. They first announced their presence by creating giant air booms along the coasts. Their number contin­ued to multiply and they patrolled continuously over all types of American strategic target areas.

    Oh foolish planners, the American Bolsheviks' plan was to shoot down as many Cosmospheres as possible using high-power lasers, when war came. Funny thing, until late 1981 it was all but impossible for you to even detect the presence of the Cosmospheres floating overhead. They were invisible to normal radar, except at very close range, but by late 1981 one crash weapon's program had come up with a system that could sometimes detect the spheres and allow laser aiming. The new technique was called "Computer-Enhanced Infrared". It was an extremely sensitive means of detecting the heat radiation given off by Cosmospheres. It was recognized by the acronym CEIR (pronounced seer).

    On the evening of January 12, 1982, a complete operational test was carried out against a Cosmosphere which was patrolling high over central New Jersey. CEIR was used to aim a ground-based high-power laser at the Cosmosphere; then the laser was fired. A section of the Cosmosphere erupted into blue-green flames. As the flames started to spread, the crew accelerated the Cos­mosphere toward the coast because all Cosmosphere crews are under very strict orders to make certain that their craft NEVER fall into non-Russian hands, and they were making for the sea post haste. The stricken Cosmosphere, trailing blue-green flames, was seen over a very large area of eastern Pennsylvania and central New Jersey. It had been hovering at an altitude of more than 40 miles, but it came down fast. Its semi-rigid shell started crum­pling. It passed over Atlantic City at low altitude and plunged into the water just a few miles off shore. Many witnesses watched as the remains of the Cosmosphere burned, floating on the surface of the water for some ten min­utes. The whole incident created a sensation in the local region, but official Government spokesmen treated it all as a usual non-event!

    That first downing of a Cosmosphere created shock waves in the Kremlin. It was decided very quickly that a clear message would be sent to the Pentagon that they would pay dearly if the incident should be repeated. The Russians knew that a laser had shot down their Cosmosphere so the very next day an Air Florida flight with laser warfare specialists aboard was caused to crash in Washington.

    Then followed a string of crashes and near-crashes--all of them supposedly unexplainable. All four Air Force Thunderbird demonstration jets were made to crash. A Boeing 737 in California dropped far below its flight path, seemingly without cause, and narrowly missed disaster as it clipped some power lines. And strangest of all, a Japan Air Lines DC-8 crashed into Tokyo Bay during the final moments of its landing approach. It was a perfect flying day, clear and sunny. The DC-8 was only 1000 yards from touchdown, flying in a gentle glide. There were no mechanical problems. Suddenly, the pilot acted as if he were dazed. Reportedly he reached over and reversed thrust on two of the four jet engines. The big jet nosed downward; it smashed into light stanchions marking the approach path and crashed into the shallow water. Later, in the hospital, the pilot said he had blacked out. The co-pilot report­edly said he, too, suddenly felt woozy, but fought it and remained conscious.

    Does it begin to become obvious as to why, suddenly, there was a release of information regarding UFO's and cover-ups of alien visitors and thus and so? I simply warn you ALL--the blaming of space brotherhood is, henceforth, off limits. God's Hosts and Guardians will not accept this intolerable lie upon mankind. It is part and parcel of the plan to cause you to believe that aliens from the cosmos give you problems and are here to destroy you in some manner--IT IS YOUR OWN MANIPULATORS WHO LIE TO YOU.

    I am not going to take time to go into full details of all the incidents. It is enough to say that in every case, including the Japanese crash, the targets were chosen to convey a crystal clear warning to certain people. In every case mentioned a Russian Cosmosphere used a neutron beam weapon to bring about the strange results.

    Neutron beams disrupt electronic instruments and also the mental and ner­vous systems of people. The Russians were saying to the American Bolshevik Pentagon in effect: "If you shoot down any more Cosmospheres, there would be no place to hide."

    The secret war was growing more and more intense as you got closer to the outbreak of all-out war! At the same time the alignments of powers great and small were continuing to shift and settle into place.

    Let us review the three main Power Factions in the world at that time (Feb. 1982).

    One faction was that of the Rockefeller cartel--the multinational complex of oil, Big Banking, and Big Business.

    Another faction was the Bolshevik-Zionist Axis with headquarters shared between the United States (especially New York City) and Israel. Please tell me you had figured it out before now.

    The third faction was that of the NEW rulers of Russia who had expelled most of the Bolsheviks formerly in power there.

    A new operational relationship was in the works between Russia's new rulers and the Rockefeller cartel. The arrangement, however, fell far short of the prior closeness. The new arrangement was one of, basically an agreement not to damage one another as a matter of deliberate policy. The prime objective was to free both of them (the Russians and the Rockefeller cartel) to deal with their now mutual enemy, the American Bolsheviks who had infiltrated key policy-making government positions in Washington. The main area in which the Rockefeller cartel could be helpful to the Russians was in the eco­nomic sphere. The American Bolshevik-dominated foreign policy in the U.S. was a policy of economic starvation against Russia and her satellites. The Rockefeller cartel was in a position to partially blunt those policies by cooperating with Russia in the East-West trade.

    American Bolshevik economic warfare against the Soviet bloc was most apparent right then in the plight of Poland. The American Bolsheviks were finally succeeding in using the Solidarity Labor Union to push Poland into mar­tial law. Martial Law was being used as an excuse to make the Polish people suffer even more at America's hands. A thinly disguised food embargo was in place by the U.S. against Poland. Even chicken feed was being held back in order to create disaster for Poland's own chicken farms. Everything possible was being done to drive the Polish people to such desperation that open re­volt would erupt.


    The collapse of Poland posed a military threat to Russia and was an economic drain as well. Russia's new rulers were working with an unwieldy, centralized economy left behind by the expelled Bolsheviks. It could not be changed overnight so the Russians were vulnerable to economic warfare. In order to avoid economic disaster, the Russians were pushing hard for new ways to raise hard Western currency. One such move was a major coup in U.S. Trea­sury securities but, for the long term, the Russians wanted to establish more stable and mutually beneficial economic ties with the West.

    The centerpiece of Russia's economic drive became the Siberian gas pipe line for Western Europe. It was a 25-billion dollar project, the biggest ever be­tween the Soviet Union and the West. It would be completed in 1984. The Bolsheviks were trying to completely stop the pipe line project, but the Rock­efeller oil and business cartel was efforting diligently to assist the go-ahead of the project. In mid-February the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a long-time Rockefeller public relations organ, went public about the pipe line. It called the Reagan embargo against pipe line equipment a strategy of economic war­fare against Russia. The "Joint Economic Committee" of Congress endorsed the pipe line project and in Europe, American multi-national oil companies were lining up in support of the gas pipe line--all of them, that is, except one, Mobil Oil. Unlike the other members of the Rockefeller Big Oil cartel, Mobil Oil in West Germany had been publicly opposing the gas pipe line which, of course, was most interesting in itself.

    To the Russians the gas pipe line was a matter of economic survival and, with all-out war on the horizon, the Kremlin had no patience with those who said one thing and did another. The Russians regarded Mobil's position against the pipe line as a double cross, in effect siding with the Bolsheviks in America. Russia's rulers decided to give Mobil Oil strong reasons to rethink their position, and fast!


    On Thursday, February 11, the Russian container ship, Mekhanik Tarasov, departed from a port in Quebec, Canada, bound for Leningrad. It headed northeast up the St. Lawrence River, then out through the Gulf of St. Lawrence into the Atlantic. After skirting the south coast of Newfoundland, the Tarasov set course east by north-east. Its course was chosen to take it very close to the world's largest, semisubmersible oil rig, passing it on the south. Guess what?--the rig was the "Ocean Ranger", operated by none other than Mobil Oil. It was supposedly unsinkable--just like the Titanic.

    The Tarasov, like many other Russian merchant ships, possessed a military capability that was not admitted. As it neared the giant oil rig in a mounting storm, it launched a homing torpedo with a low-yield nuclear warhead toward the rig. Just before 1:00 A.M. Monday morning, February 15, the torpedo reached its target, one of the giant underwater pontoons. Nuclear explosions under water are far more confined than those in the air, and this one was well hidden by the hurricane-force winds and pounding waves. A hole was blasted in the pontoon, and the Ocean Ranger started settling toward the side. The crew gave a trouble call by radio; half an hour later they reported that they were manning the life-boats. But the Japanese built Ocean Ranger was designed to be the world's most unsinkable oil rig! A corner of the upper platform dipped into the water and then stopped. The rig stayed afloat, listing at a crazy angle. The roughnecks stopped boarding the lifeboats, hoping the boats would not be needed, after all. Then a Cosmosphere hovering above the rig took aim at the corner of the rig which had dipped into the water. A powerful blast from its charged particle beam weapon blew a hole in the partially submerged corner. Immediately, the Ocean Ranger heeled over and sank. It went down so fast that it was too late for lifeboats to be launched successfully, and all hands were lost.

    The freighter Tarasov continued on course after sinking the oil rig. The Russians expected that the freighter would be long gone before anyone figured out what had happened--but they miscalculated! At around 2:00 P.M. that same afternoon, Monday, February 15th, an American attack submarine was closing in on the Tarasov. The "sub" fired a single torpedo at the Tarasov, hit­ting it broadside. Water surged in through a giant hole below the waterline, and the freighter started sinking. Like the crew of the Cosmosphere that was shot down over New Jersey, the crew of the Tarasov had strict orders to pro­tect the secrets of their ship; and so the Russian captain refused assistance from a nearby Danish freighter as his ship sank with its secrets.

    Well, Mobil Oil certainly got the message and, just two days later, Mobil Oil shut down the other two oil rigs which had been nearby and towed them ashore. Seems your nerdnic leaders take longer to get messages, however.

    Now, dear ones, do you still have the same outlook about all the "oil spill" ac­cidents on your coastal areas? LOOK AGAIN!

    Let us close this chapter, please. We shall continue in the next chapter on the Third Space Shuttle challenge to Russia. Thank you for your attention and you, Dharma, for your service.

    Hatonn to clear, please. Salu.

    PJ 18
    CHAPTER 16
    SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 1990 10:14 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 353

    Dear Chelas,

    Hatonn present in the service of the Radiant Master and God. May we for­ever carry that banner aloft that the world can see and he who would join us, might do so. Grandfather, Creator Tunkanshila, sits in our circle that our journey shall remain upon the lighted path and not distracted into the frag­ments of temptation and dark passages. I hold my brother, Little Crow, in great esteem and respect for the passage he has made and for the greatness which shall now flow forth. No greater love has any man than to walk through death and emerge in wholeness to attend our Great Source, Wakan Tanka's, business among his people--which, dear brothers, is ALL OF US! Do not err into misunderstanding for it is the time come for the merging of the truth of your beingness and your journey upon this physical placement.

    From that which you have called "pagan" as with the Native Indians is ritualistic distraction which has been misinterpreted intentionally by your church clubs. The truth of the Great Spirit Creator lies in the ancient of ancient's oral teachings and all of the denouncements you can, as a people, conjure--it makes no difference. Man shall come into truth and rise above his bigotry or he shall surely perish. Wowankan (something supernatural) is about to come upon you and it shall be that for which ye have long waited.

    You think "Little Crow" is not a suitable name for an Eagle? Oh, chelas, there is no more magnificent a bird than that of the crow-raven and it represents the bringing of life forms upon your planet. Little Crow comes forth as the Great Spirit Line of the Sun Source to nurture you who have fallen away. He has come to remind you and help you remember so that you can again move into balance and harmony. Honor these ones who pass again and again through the veil of literal death to grow in wisdom, ordained to bring truth un­tainted unto your starving world. Each has additional journeys across that shadow line and each journey is indeed hard for these ones, too, are human and the human ways are heavier upon them for 'tis the way of the battle. May we hold these things in our heart cells so that our own journeys shall be to­ward perfection. AHO

    You wish me to speak of world events for much is happening in thine own sights and yet you see nothing for you are not shown that which is happening. You are continually told "minimal" when the term is actually "many" or "great numbers". It is all orchestrated down to the last minute detail, even to the preliminary raising of fuel prices, which indeed coincide with the top level meetings of the Cartel in Colorado while Thatcher was here--she has just spent a week here, you must know. And why was Henry Kissinger speaking this very day about world affairs as if he runs the show? Why does he attend all the meetings and pronounce judgments on what shall be done as if he is world dictator, and pay attention: Why does he continually use the term "American/Zionist"? Ah, chelas, your time is indeed short! And why does Bush look so harassed and "drawn'"? Because he realizes he has not one whit of power; he has become a hostage to the Conspiracy of which he had previously held a great position. He shall still play at the part for he is the neces­sary tool but he is divested of power and he will do that which he is told to do.

    By the way, ones ask, "How can we recognize a stand-in or ‘double'?" Watch the ears, chelas--watch the ears for they are the most difficult feature to completely change and are not usually tampered with for scars show and the assumption, is that no-one will notice to an extent of recognition for liars can proclaim "photographic angle", etc. Ears do not change with fatigue or stress and therefore bear a continuous guideline. We shall discuss "doubles" later as we bring you up to date in a generalized manner, of the past 15 or so years.

    To speed us on our way through this current Journal, BLOOD AND ASHES let us get on with the story of the upstart of your Space Shuttle Program and concurrent events so that we can get on to more diversified chronological cover-ups to give you background to receive today's show of shows.

    For supportive insight and spiritual nourishment while we must focus on these most "ungodly" things, I now ask that my group, and you readers, decide upon a manner in which to publish Sananda's, Korton's, Soltec's, etc., writings as well as my own responses to correspondence. The writings are not simply for one individual but rather for all, but resources prevent us from publishing the data. There are no ones who read the synchronous material who do not say, "This seems more important than the Journals." I have to agree that this is so for the individual already understanding the cover-ups and therefore, both are needed.

    There are, moreover, other publications which I would have offered as a "Phoenix Journal" in some manner appropriate and those are the RAPE OF JUSTICE and MURDER BY INJECTION BY EUSTACE MULLINS, for they tell it exactly how it is and who is doing it. It is the information you need--not a "Journal", as such, and it will save my scribe countless hours of labor when there are other things that we must cover and present. You can pre­pare, now, for a real shock--for it truly is far worse than you could imagine. The information is not to cause you to feel that change is hopeless but rather look squarely at the truth and demand correction. If we work in concert, we can turn this thing around but you MUST know truth first or you will act foolishly and right into the hands of your enemy. George, I ask that as soon as there are assets enough to assist Eustace to come to this location, or whatever, that he be requested to do so. Truth is more acceptable coming from human resource and we care not how truth presents but it simply MUST present.



    For those of you who just might still think that Bush couldn't have known about the Shuttle lies, think again. On February 5, 1982, the entity, Vice-President Bush, made himself conspicuous by a trip to Cape Canaveral, Florida. He was photographed with astronauts inside the European-orbital science laboratory called "SPACE LAB". It was planned to place Space Lab into orbit by space shuttle in late 1983. Bush also announced that space shuttle flight No. 3 was scheduled for March 22, 1982. It was supposed to be a week in duration.

    For public consumption, NASA spokesmen were continuing to pretend that the shuttle was merely carrying out leisurely test flights. You were told that the Space Shuttle Program was basically a peaceful civilian program in spite of the all-military crews flying the shuttles. But the peaceful image of the Space Shuttle Program was a total lie. The fact was that the space shuttle flights under way were a part of a crash program by the U.S. to regain a mili­tary toe-hold in space,

    The United States had been virtually locked out of the military use of space by the Russians since late 1977. Russia's domination of space for those prior four years and longer had been highlighted by numerous manned space flights. Those included cosmonauts from nine countries other than Russia. Meanwhile, the U.S. went more than five years without admitting to any manned space flight attempts. The Russian long-duration space spectaculars in earth orbit were sufficient to build Russia's prestige in the public eye but the Soviet Space Program involved far more than was revealed publicly.

    Since mid-October 1977, the Moon had been a Russian outpost. There were seven (7) manned long-range particle beam installations on the near side and at least one large base on the far side. In the past, regular missions were flown to and from the Moon in order to resupply the bases and rotate crews, and slowly but surely, the Kremlin was inching its way toward breaking the news about its control of the Moon. They were already beginning to drop hints about it as in the example of a publication circulated in the U.S. called Soviet Life in February, 1982. It stated: "Today spaceships shuttle between the Earth and the Moon with greater frequency than did the first voyages to the New World."

    At the top of the page was a nighttime photo of a moonship ready to blast off from a Russian Cosmosdrome. Below was a picture of the earth as seen from space, and in between was a statement in bold type designed to give another hint about the moon flights which stated: "From a distance of 70,000 kilometers above the Earth, the planet looks peaceful and even defenseless. The common goal is to protect our blue and green home."

    Dear ones, "satellites" are not used at altitudes of 70,000 kilometers. The highest orbit that is generally useful for earth satellites is the geosynchronous orbit for stationary satellites over the equator. Seventy-thousand kilometers is almost twice that far from the Earth. The only time when a spacecraft reaches that far from the Earth is when it is on its way to or from the Moon or another planet.


    Russia's interest in space extended far beyond military factors. The plans of Russia's new rulers were for the colonization of your solar system. Those plans were moving ahead steadily; in fact, at that time there were two Russian spacecraft approaching the planet Venus and sending back a steady stream of reports from the men aboard.

    Why didn't the Russian people tell? Come now, little innocents, the Russian people were not allowed to question anything and were just waking up to the fact that they were, indeed, people oppressed. Vodka ran more copiously than water and there was extremely "limited" media coverage so cover-up was even easier for them than for you. The Russians wanted "you" to know about their prowess, not necessarily their own countrymen.

    The Russians settled on Venus first, not Mars. It was the first target beyond the Moon for experimental colonization. Now do you better understand the inability of your government to allow a "Hubble Telescope" into space? The Russians first started landing unmanned craft on Venus in 1975! They learned some key facts that were yet unknown to the U.S. in 1982 when the Shuttle Program was in upstart.

    In 1978 the Russians began a series of increasingly long-duration manned orbital space flights which were widely publicized. Those were gradually extended to six months and more to learn how well crews would stand up to in­terplanetary space travel. Late in 1981 those long-duration orbital flights were completed. The Russians had learned everything they really needed to know.

    On October 30 and November 4, 1981, two Russian spaceships blasted off for Venus. Both ships were manned by Russian cosmonauts, and both were prepared to land on Venus by early February (the first week) of 1982.

    The comparison between the space program of the U.S. and Russia was a study in tragic ironies. Americans were being told that the space shuttle was primarily a civilian-oriented project, but it was actually military. You were being told that it was the world's first reusable spacecraft, but a shuttle was actually being lost on every flight. You were being told that the space shuttle had put you years ahead of Russia, but you had actually slipped years behind. You were often told that your Rulers wanted only peaceful activities in space, but they were shutting down almost all of the entire civilian scientific space program. Funding was continuing for one or two peaceful projects which were too visible to cancel without an uproar, such as the space telescope. The follow-on projects to explore your solar system were being lopped off and discarded because they contributed nothing to your leaders' plans for war.

    You were told constantly that the Russians had nothing but war and conquest on their minds; but it was the Russians, not the Americans, who at that moment had two teams of spacemen ready to land on Venus. They were going there for reasons which had nothing to do with war. The Russians were exploring the land of Venus. They were going there to explore the solar system simply because it was "out there". Russia's new rulers believed that it was man's destiny to move into space. The urge to explore that motivated their Viking ancestors of old was alive and well in the Russian Space Program. The only real prayer of equality for the U.S. was to somehow bring Russia to her knees economically and hence you now experience a stand-off and orchestrated civil wars.

    Are you beginning to see that which has come upon you? The Russian lead­ers who were going to bury you are still around and still ready to bury you but they are not your enemy, as such, for you have fallen into the total entrapment of the Zionists as outlined by Kissinger as the American/Zionist "front". That, dear ones, is simply the way it is and the sooner you face it, the sooner you can move into some type of defense.

    Do you think Israel is not prepared? Precious lambs, they even have one-to-one gas masks in case the assault is chemical--you had better believe they are prepared to survive and again--you helpless people without survival facilities have supplied theirs in great luxury and abundance.

    Your own leaders know the spirit of truth is still alive in America for they would not go to such lengths to sell you on the very aspect of the Space Shuttle Program being one of great adventure and peaceful exploration. But the Bolsheviks in the U.S. who controlled America's Space Program did not care about adventure or exploring the unknown or inspiring the human spirit. They cared only about power, control, intrigue, revolution, and war and their plans for war were shaping America's Space Shuttle Program while you watched in wide-eyed and patriotic wonderment.

    On February 16, 1982, the space shuttle was moved out to the launch pad at Cape Canaveral, five days ahead of schedule. This would be America's third shuttle that was being used. The first, of course, was the real "Columbia" and was destroyed in the prior April. It was replaced by the training shuttle "Enterprise" which landed at Edwards Air Force Base and was taken to Florida. The Enterprise flight in the previous November was simply a stop­gap measure while a third shuttle could be extensively modified.


    The new shuttle at Cape Canaveral was one of the three secret shuttles from White Sands. It had undergone extensive modification since the first shuttle disaster ten months prior. It looked the same as the original Columbia, at least from a distance, but the shuttle was actually far, far different.

    The shuttle sitting on the pad was armed "to the teeth" for battle. The basic mission of the third shuttle was the same as that of the first shuttle almost a year earlier. Its payload was a heavily armored laser-firing robot battle station designed for space reconnaissance over Russia. Russian space weapons finished destroying all of America's Spy Satellites nearly four years prior. That meant America's war planners would be shooting almost blind at Russia if they began a war without somehow acquiring new reconnaissance data. The space shuttle was trying to solve that problem by getting a new hardened satellite into orbit. That was what the space shuttle flights were all about--at­tempts at reconnaissance.

    After each shuttle would take off from Florida it followed a long, swooping curved launch into the north in order to immediately fly over Russia. The American Bolshevik military planners believed that if they could once get their new superspy satellite into orbit, it would do the job. They were confi­dent that it could survive any attacks by Russian space weapons long enough to radio back large amounts of reconnaissance data and once they had that information, the Pentagon would be ready to take America to war.

    In the spring of 1981 the Columbia was destroyed before the Spy Satellite could be deployed. Likewise, the makeshift "Enterprise" mission in Novem­ber was a failure, but the military shuttle planners believed it would be a dif­ferent story with their shuttle No. 3 preparing for launch.

    In the cargo bay of this shuttle there was a new robot reconnaissance battle station like the one previously described. There was also an additional laser mounted in the forward end of the cargo bay just behind the crew compart­ment. It was a hydrogen fluoride gas dynamic laser mounted vertically, aimed upward. It was equipped with a swiveling head consisting of mirrors that could aim the beam around a wide range of angles. The hydrogen fluoride laser in the cargo bay was intended mainly to protect the shuttle while it climbed toward orbit.

    The Columbia had come under fire shortly prior to reaching orbit. Intelli­gence analysts in the U.S. had eventually obtained enough information about what happened to decide on installing the cargo bay laser.

    As a shuttle climbs, the air grows thinner and thinner, dwindling to almost nothing long before rocket engines shut off. At the earliest possible moment, the modified cargo bay doors which had no hinges on the third shuttle, would he blown off by special explosives. As the cargo bay doors would flutter away from the shuttle, it would leave the upper half of the bay open. The cargo bay laser would be ready to fire from that moment onward. It was equipped with the same system called CEIR as previously described.

    Since a laser thusly equipped successfully shot down a Cosmosphere in January, the shuttle planners believed the shuttle would reach orbit safely. Once in orbit, planners believed that the main threats to the shuttle would be Russia's orbiting Cosmos Interceptors. Those manned killer satellites were responsible for sweeping the skies clear of American Spy Satellites. In order to deal with that threat, there were truly radical modifications to the third shut­tle.

    Whenever the space shuttle was discussed, it was always emphasized that shuttle astronauts could work in their shirt sleeves--no need for space suits because riding in a shuttle was almost like riding in an airliner. Not so this time.

    When Col. Jack Lousma and Col. C. Gordon Fullerton would lift off in this shuttle, they would be in spacesuits. What's more, they would be depending on their spacesuits because their crew cabin would not be pressurized. The whole lower front portion of their ship below the flight deck had been turned into a weapons bay. As soon as the shuttle would reach orbit, the nose would open up to the vacuum of space, the nose would fold downward and back, somewhat like certain cargo aircraft whose noses fold upward to load and un­load. As soon as the nose opened up, a complex laser system would emerge. The system had five tubular sections aimed up, down, to each side, and straight ahead. Each laser tube had a swiveling mirror-head for beam aiming like that of the cargo bay laser mentioned earlier. Once deployed, the Nose Laser System would be able to fire in almost any direction, the only exception would be a narrow corridor to the rear of the shuttle.

    The Nose Laser System was described as a nuclear punt helium plasma laser with five resonators. The nuclear power pack could fire any one of the five laser tubes at a given time. It was not so powerful as the cargo bay laser but, unlike the cargo bay laser, the Nose Laser System could operate for a long time on an intermittent basis and the shuttle planners believed it would be powerful enough to disable the manned Russian killer satellites.

    Under the protection of the Nose Laser System, Lousma and Fullerton were to deploy the robot Spy Satellite. As soon as it was deployed, they were to re­turn to Earth in a small Gemini-type re-entry capsule. That part of the plan was the same as previously pointed out for the first flight. Meanwhile, the shuttle would remain in orbit.

    The Nose Laser System was programmed to keep right on zapping any Rus­sian Cosmos Interceptors that would come within range. It would continue doing so until it would be destroyed or the nuclear laser ran down, which could be a very long time. It would constitute a very dangerous nuisance in space, and the Russians would have little choice but to destroy it. The Ameri­can Bolsheviks hoped the Russians would lose a lot of spaceships and men be­fore they succeeded in doing so.

    If the military shuttle planners were right in their calculations, the third shuttle mission could turn into a battle royal in space. If they were wrong, they planned to try again. The fourth shuttle mission was already scheduled for the Fourth of July. After that, no matter what happened with the space shuttle, they were planning to go ahead anyway in setting off Nuclear War No. One.

    At our next writing we will consider the shortening timetable for that Nuclear War, but we shall close this chapter and have respite, please.

    Thank you and Salu,

    Hatonn to clear.

  2. #10
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 18
    CHAPTER 17


    MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 1990 9:25 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 354

    Please take note of that which is coming down daily. The world is beyond understanding WHY Bush will not pull back for all know the U.S. has no business in the Iraq/Kuwait mess at all, other than it was transgressions of the U.S. which forced Hussein's hand in the first place. You sleepy heads are being pushed directly into World War III and even some of your dedicated-to-the ­conspiracy news people are frantic and asking "WHY?". It is a time to hold your breath and prayers in constancy; it is serious indeed. There are no longer hidden alliances--Mr. Kissinger is deliberately and OPENLY referring to "your side" as American/Zionist--in the same "word". YOU DO NOT SEE THAT WHICH ISRAEL IS DOING! Further, it is being set up so that Bush can precipitate an invasion, etc., by his executive order alone. It has worked twice before and he was applauded--THEY WILL DO IT AGAIN! He has already made a public statement, "I will do what I deem necessary and you will be informed what that decision is AFTER the action is taken." He said it right before your cameras. The moves were decided and the plans laid in Colorado last week--note Japan has fallen to the coercion. All of this has been staged precisely at the time of the Congressional recess so that Bush "will have to" make a move without Congress. I can only age you ones to not miss the hidden truths and make them public to your neighbor for consideration.

    When the Middle East allows blockage of the Iraq pipeline, the handwriting is open. I request that you, Dharma, see what is being touted this day. Further, watch that which the Saudi's do and allow for they are crucial, as is Turkey, to the Conspirators. Both nations, however, have been bankrupted by the Cartel and you are seeing one of the biggest plays for power and total control ever foisted upon your planet. Stay alert!



    On a local note I wish to acknowledge with unlimited appreciation that which is being done to focus some attention on this immediate situation of this property and Dharma. I especially acknowledge Charles for without his input and actions it would not have been accomplished. Salu. The attention brings attention to the Journals and the "WORD" is what you are about and you must learn to see and use every opportunity available. Do not be fooled by outward appearances for the physical appears even more attractive but we are failing in the functioning organs. We are picking up tremendous heart rate fluctuations on exertion of any type what-so-ever. I simply urge you to not drag of your feet for what you see in this instance, is not that which you get.

    The attack will be heavy against Oberli's health right now because our friendly brotherhood in opposition sees this as an opportunity to take Dharma out. I request that he take critical care of himself for "keeping company" in deprivation so that Dharma feels not alone is not supportive. To eat a steak dinner in her presence is not supportive either--but I request that you all use wisdom--a bunch of dead workers is of no benefit--you have all spent quite enough time dead!

    When attention is called publicly, I ask that the loaded trailer, the fern garden filled with things to be moved, the loaded boxes, etc., be played forth. Also, the reduction to food stamps in order to protect any remaining assets (for Dharma and Oberli no longer think in clarity and have "given" everything away including book income). They live on that which is loaned to them or shared with them. Oberli, as we move along here, you two go back and apply for assistance, please. I know that it is degrading unto your senses but we must make a statement!

    Someone MUST make contact with Chavez SOON! If he would be available, I would have him to the Tuesday meeting. We must now take action, we no longer have time to simply sit and meet about it. Committees must be organized for action now and not friendly visits to pass an evening. You will soon see the power of God's purpose in action--if you do your portion--which is all physical projection for there shall appear to be NO MIRACLES! GOD'S CARE WILL BE ABUNDANT BUT YOU MUST NOT ALLOW PEOPLE TO SUGGEST IT IS ALL MAGIC--YOU HAVE A MOST HUMAN JOB TO BE DONE AND YOU MUST SHOW THE WAY, SELAH!

    * * * * * * * * * *

    It is requested that I go back and pick up some pertinent information regard­ing things which were going on with the U.S. and Israel, in view of the above "American/Zionists"' intent. I do not wish to move back too far lest we lose the continuity of the Space Shuttle Program as I have set out to explain the first four catastrophes. Therefore, I shall only go back to just prior to the Second Space Shuttle launch. There was a secret war plan of a joint military junta--U.S. and Israel.


    Before we launch off into the subject let us look at "Christmas" for just a moment.

    In your world "Christmas" means far different things to different people. To most it is just an excuse or "unwanted responsibility" of sorts, to give gifts and receive gifts without any deeper meaning. To others, the Christmas season is mainly a chance to make money from the bonanza of gift buying. There are some among you to whom Christmas is indeed a time of sadness--parents who cannot afford gifts for the children, children who have no parents, lowly shut-ins to whom no one brings a word of Christmas cheer. All of you know about those things for they are the facts of life. It is rare when Christmas honors the simple man from Galilee whatever might be the real day of his birth. Therefore, in this dissertation I may as well leave the beauty and wondrous implica­tions from the conversation.

    Christmas, like the rest of life, is largely what you make of it, and in your mod­ern world there are evil forces who have learned to use the season to do you harm. It has happened many times before and it shall continue. Those who bear you ill will know they can always count on you to be preoccupied and vulnerable during holiday seasons.

    This use began to be thrust at you as far back as in your 1913 when the U.S. Congress passed the legislation creating the FEDERAL RESERVE SYS­TEM. There was intense opposition to this unconstitutional privately-owned central banking system, but no matter. Those who wanted it simply waited until just before Christmas. Most Congressmen had gone home, including most of the opponents to the plan within Congress. The public at large nei­ther knew nor cared about obscure financial legislation at that moment. Ev­eryone was too busy thinking about Satan Claws, parties, and Christmas din­ner. And so as its Christmas gift to America in 1913, a small group of men-- less than a legal quorum in Congress--slipped through the Federal Reserve Act! Further, as you might guess, it was your anti-Christian brothers for they had no moral or personal emotional tie-in with the holiday. Ever since that time the United States economy has suffered continuously from that Christ­mastime act of total betrayal and treason.

    In military affairs, too, the Christmas holiday season is always a dangerous time. That is when you are most likely to have your guard down, vulnerable to surprise attack. On December 6, 1941, thousands of American Servicemen attended pre-Christmas parties in and around Honolulu, Hawaii. Everything was peaceful and life was good. There were no military alerts and all was calm. After all, it was almost Christmas and there were many vacation leaves to be enjoyed. But the following morning, Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, more than 2000 of those Servicemen lost their lives. From that day onward the name "Pearl Harbor" has been seared forever into the mind of every American.

    Therefore, it is not unreasonable that once again the holiday season of 1981 would be utilized against your best interests. You were especially vulnerable that time because your usual holiday preoccupation had been compounded by mounting economic worries. During that holiday season, not one, but three major crises had been set in motion. All three were helping to bring the world a step closer to all out war.


    During that holiday season of 1981 from around Thanksgiving into 1982, three major crises had besieged you. First, there were stories about the alleged Libyan "hit men" bent on assassinating top leaders of the U.S. Government; secondly there was the military crackdown in Poland; and thirdly, as soon as world eyes were riveted on Poland, came Israel's illegal annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights.

    On the surface these three crises might appear to have been unrelated, but they were all closely related indeed, and were certainly not what they ap­peared to be. Each was a consequence of the complex secret war plan of the joint military junta of the United States and Israel!

    Ever since early spring of the year 1981 this war plan was reported to you, the public, but the big cover-up would sweep over you and it would be buried for no one would listen and the bringers of the truth were incarcerated, put up for ridicule or simply killed and none of you citizens seemed to notice--worse, you didn't care in the least to get rid of those war-mongers.

    The conflicts were intended to gradually escalate until the time would be ripe. Then an American nuclear first strike would be launched against Russia. Nuclear war would break out in such a way that it would appear to be accidental. America's nuclear forces would not realize that they were firing the first shots of nuclear war. Instead, they would be given false information that would trigger all-out retaliation against a non-existent Russian attack! I TRUST YOU ARE PUTTING THE DAILY NEWS INTO PROPER CONTEXT AS YOU READ THIS PLOT FOR IT IS NO DIFFERENT IN REALITY TODAY--ONLY IN INTENDED MAGNITUDE!

    The prelude to all-out nuclear war was planned to include war in the Middle East. In the joint war plan of the American Bolsheviks and the Israeli military planners, the Middle East war was the responsibility of Israel. This was making Israel the eye of a growing hurricane of violence.

    The crises continued to expand and grow outward without seeming control. Close to Israel, the top priority was to do everything possible to destroy the Camp David Peace Accords, so called. That was why the entity known as President Sadat of Egypt was assassinated on October 6, just weeks prior. Likewise, the Camp David Accords were the real target in the Golan Heights annexation. We shall look at that at another sitting.

    Moving farther out from Israel, the whirlpool of trouble had engulfed Libya to the west and Poland to the north. Soon you would see new flare-ups of major trouble to the east of Israel in Iran, and to the south of Israel in Saudi Arabia.


    The first of three Christmas crises to erupt was the one over Libya. Actually the first trial balloons about possible Libyan assassination teams were floated in early November but it was not until around Thanksgiving, the beginning of the holiday season in America, that Libya suddenly became the lead story in American news reports. By early December you were being told that a group of three to six "hit men" were thought to be in the United States. It was claimed that they were gunning for the President and several other top Government officials. You were told that the threat was expected to be greatest up until Christmas, and there was a big display of increased security for possible targets.

    Up to that time, the alleged Libyan assassination threat had not been carried out but that did not mean that the Libyan crises was over. Libya's Colonel Khadafy could be programmed to behave like a madman. That is exactly what was being done at the time. Supposedly, Khadafy wanted revenge against the U.S. for two Libyan jets which were shot down the prior August by jets off the supercarrier U.S.S. Nimitz. All well laid to precipitate the exact response planned.

    The controlled major media were delivering a clever dose of psychological conditioning to you all in a constant barrage of misinformation and no information. What they seemed to be telling you was to watch out for a possible assassination of top American officials but, at the subconscious level, they were slipping in other major ideas. One idea was: Watch out for Libyan re­venge of some kind for the Nimitz episode of the prior August. With revenge as the excuse, Libya's Khadafy could be programmed to do almost anything and whatever it was, it would be big and it would help push you closer to nuclear war.

    As the days passed, however, Libya was pushed a bit into the background in most American minds. The Libyan crisis had not run its course, but it had been upstaged by a seemingly greater crisis--the military crackdown in Poland.


    For the prior three years or so the old Bolsheviks from Russia who had gained control of America's military policies had been trying to trigger revolution in Poland. They first attempted to do so by subverting the Roman Catholic Church and already turmoil was stewing in the Vatican. An attempt was about to be made to turn the Catholic Church strongly anti-Russian in its poli­cies. Barely a month later the newly elected pope, John Paul I, was murdered and you were told he died in his sleep.

    His replacement, who became known as Pope John Paul II, was the first non-Italian pope in some 455 years, and he came from none other than POLAND! The Bolsheviks within the Vatican who engineered his election wanted only his potentially anti-Russian image, not the man himself and so he, too, was done away with by poisoning and replaced by a "double" on November 21, 1978. The new "actor pope" then began issuing a steady stream of stiff statements against alleged Russian repression of Poland.

    The American Bolsheviks fully planned to use their power in the Vatican to set off what would be known as the "Pope's Revolution" in Poland. The key to that plan was to be a visit by the actor pope to Poland the following May. The highly emotional 900th anniversary of St. Stanislaus' martyrdom was to be used as the perfect occasion to set off revolution. The Russian and Polish authorities were able to head off the Pope's Revolution plan almost at the last minute. Russian Intelligence was able to replace the Bolshevik actor pope with their own "double". Immediately the Vatican agreed to a one-month postponement in the papal trip. That eliminated the emotionally-charged atmosphere of the original date and the trip went off without the proverbial "hitch".

    I told you, chelas, that truth is far, far stranger and intriguing than is the trite fiction.

    Having had their Vatican intrigue spoiled for the moment, the Bolshevik planners in America started down a different route. Their agents within Poland started agitation for an independent labor union to be known as SOL­IDARITY. In the old days when the Bolsheviks themselves controlled both Russia and Poland, an independent labor union would have been unthinkable but things had changed and were still changing in Russia and in Poland. Soli­darity was granted a charter by the Polish government in August, 1980. The Bolsheviks in America had hoped that the demand for a union charter would, in itself, lead to confrontation with the Polish government. When that did not happen, Solidarity then began a relentless drive of demands, strikes and more demands without letup.

    Solidarity had only one purpose--that purpose was not to serve the Solidarity rank and file but rather to use them. Solidarity was created solely for the purpose of making conditions steadily worse in Poland until an unavoidable con­frontation would be created with the government. In January it finally happened.

    On December 12 the Solidarity ruling council called for a nation-wide referendum by January 15. It was to decide, in effect, whether the present government of Poland would be allowed to continue at all and the head of Soli­darity, Lech Walesa, was quoted as saying, "I now favor confrontation with the government." In effect, Solidarity had dared the government to either clamp down or cease to exist. Barely 24 hours later martial law was declared in Poland.

    In the United States news reports and official statements were making the Polish situation look as bad as possible even though it was actually easing up.


    In important ways the situation in Poland was about the same as what had happened in Lebanon in 1958. There was a flare-up of trouble at that time which appeared to threaten the pro-Western government there. President Eisenhower ended up sending in the U.S. Marines at the height of the crisis. The 1958 Lebanon crisis was big news. News reports conveyed the impression of a major crisis with widespread violence and the very fate of Lebanon hanging somewhere in the balance. Martial law was declared in Lebanon, just as it was in Poland and just like Poland, Lebanon in 1958 was under a dusk-to­ dawn curfew.

    Based on the major media news reports, most Americans were led to believe that the 1958 Lebanon crisis was a virtual reign of terror but that impression was far from the truth. It was the result of deliberate over dramatization by the media--exactly as Iraq/Kuwait this very day. Yes, there was a crisis of sorts-that much was true, but the grain of truth was all but lost among the scare tactics and the reports by the controlled major media in the U.S. It is worth taking a few minutes to describe what really happened in Lebanon in 1958 and how a false picture of it all was painted by the American media be­cause today the same kind of over dramatization is taking place and you are blinded totally by it. You are surely going to end up in total war if you fall for it.

    The CIA knew well in advance about the Lebanon plans and word spread that a crisis was brewing. Briefings were given operatives on the situation to the extent that the operatives were able to piece the whole plan together in order to function in proper manner. There was indication that a full-fledged civil war was definitely a possibility. The U.S. wanted to prevent that, partly be­cause of the very major investments in Lebanon by American business and banking interests. Tensions were building rapidly between two opposing Lebanese factions. The basic disagreement between them had to do with Egypt's then President Nasser. Nasser wanted the Arab world to unify and throw off all vestiges of Western colonialism. To do that he had turned east for help, to Russia. Nasser's appeals to his Arab brothers were very powerful. In Lebanon this led to conflict between a pro-Nasser faction and an anti-Nasser group who preferred the status quo. It was a conflict between mi­norities. Most of the people of Lebanon were not actively involved on either side. Even so, it did carry the seeds of real trouble if allowed to get out of control.

    The conflict consisted mostly of kidnappings, both real and rumored, sabotaging of roads with oil and nails and always the threats and counterthreats arising out of old family feuds. There were also a few scattered snipers, and some rumors of torture but those were never proven to have taken place. No pitched battles took place. The real problem was a growing atmosphere of fear and distrust with no major sabotage evidence. Much as with Panama--in a REAL WAR, the canal would have been the first to go and don't you ever be in the forgetting of it as you struggle to absorb all these things we are un­covering for you in truth.

    Lebanon had never maintained a standing army of any significance what-so­ever. For that reason, Lebanon's then President Chamoun appealed to the U.S. for help in keeping order in Lebanon. President Eisenhower responded by sending in the Marines.
    The landing of the Marines was totally without opposition and was, in fact, completely peaceful. As a matter of fact, as Marines waded ashore they were greeted on the beach by young peddlers hawking Coca-Cola; the Lebanese didn't even know they were having a war. But for the public consumption back home to you sleepy-heads, scenes like that were edited from television and photographic news coverage. Instead, the situation was tremendously dramatized. United States news agency photographers and TV crews got groups of Marines to pose in dramatic, menacing gestures. They pointed their guns at imaginary enemies, and in some cases even fired them to please the media crews. Civilians stood around on the beach watching it all after being shooed away from camera range. Sonic locals brought their cameras to take snapshots of the goings on but were brusquely told that their cameras would be confiscated if they took pictures. They actually thought a motion picture was being filmed and kept looking for a Hollywood star so they could capture him on film.

    One reporter who thought he was telling a wondrous story even said that the worst menace which the Marines had encountered was diarrhea until they learned not to drink the local water. He also described how the Marines were spending a lot of their time on the beach sunbathing, reading novels and eyeing the beautiful girls in bikinis. That is how it really was but that is not what was allowed to filter back to you the people. By the time stories got back to you the pictures were paintings of violence, torture and a warlike atmosphere with everyone on constant alert.


    It was resolved very simply by dollar diplomacy. By disbursing $15 million dollars among the leaders of the so-called warring factions, the U.S. snuffed out the conflict. As one factional leader said, "For another $15-million I would start another war." Well, the identical thing is going on right now be­fore your very noses; further, it was identical to the Polish mess. The con­trolled major media, working hand in glove with your Bolshevik government, were seizing like vultures on every scrap of negative news--every ugly conjured rumor and lie that they could produce or dredge up, every unconfirmed statement, speculation and outright lie. All this was in order to create the im­pression in the U.S. of an extreme crisis and inhumane oppression in Poland. The American Bolsheviks were trying to goad Russia into invading Poland. Meanwhile, they were so frustrated that they were trying to convince you that you ought to consider martial law as the same thing as a Russian invasion. Are you beginning to see the evil unfolding?

    In it all the entity, Reagan, was making matters worse and scaring non-Bol-shevik government officials in Washington; night after night on the news you would hear a drumbeat of Poland, Russia, Poland, Russia, Poland, Russia. You were being brainwashed for war and, as in all brainwashing, facts do not matter in the least. It is only the impact that counts--and the perception! The pictures are shown of crying mourners and mangled bodies--from which war or file tapes makes no difference--for "they all look alike" is the media truth. Can any American citizen change from the local ballgame to recognize whether a corpse is Iranian, Lebanese, Iraqi or Kuwaiti? Does an M1 tank not appear the same in Iraq or Arabia as it does in the Mojave?

    This does not mean that the situation in Poland was not bad nor grave or that there was no crisis there. Of course there was a crisis there but it didn't have one iota to do with you the people of the U.S.--you should have had no business involved what-so-ever--it was none of your business in the slightest! The stage was simply being set-up for the impending and well-planned war about to spring forth on you and you would be well involved in that little play.

    The situation in Poland seemed to have been stopped just short of outright revolution at the moment in point, but the revolution would be essential in order to bring on Russian intervention or compromise at some point for someone had to be pulled into war to allow the entire scenario to come to fruition. By the way, if at first they fail, they simply try, try and try again--I hope you nice children remember that little proverb. Nothing has changed--only the script and the actors.

    More hay was made with the new "double" pope than you can imagine; why, it has just about opened the world, wouldn't it seem? I hope some of you will investigate that also for we simply are too short of time to do so at this outlay.


    The news of martial law in Poland reached the West early Sunday, December 13th. The very next day the Begin government in Israel launched the third Christmas crisis. On that day the Israeli government announced its surprise decision to annex the Golan Heights.

    The Golan Heights lie along the northeast corner of Israel's border with Syria, and is Syrian territory. They have been occupied by Israeli troops ever since the 1967 war and then by Israeli civilian settlements, but under every rule of international law the Golan Heights area belongs to Syria.

    As always, the Begin government defended its actions in arrogantly self-righ­teous terms as it made a mockery of the rule of law!

    World-wide, the reaction was universal condemnation of Israel, and within Israel itself there was also bitter criticism. The U.S. was in a most difficult posi­tion of what face to show publicly. Time slipped by while urgent secret deci­sions were made about how to handle the situation publicly.

    Then, on December 18, the United States half-heartedly announced that it would suspend "indefinitely" the allegedly new strategic cooperation agree­ment with Israel. In response Israel canceled altogether the new agreement with America. BY MUTUAL AGREEMENT BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, THE U.S. AND ISRAEL STRUCK AN ARM'S-LENGTH POSE FOR PUBLIC CONSUMPTION. THIS WAS SPECIFICALLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF FREEING ISRAEL'S HANDS TO ACT WITHOUT RESTRAINT LATER ON.

    Israeli Prime Minister Rabin summed it up with the words, quote: "Annexing the Golan Heights is the beginning of the end of Camp David."

    Well, dear ones, at that time all the plans of the American Bolsheviks and the Zionists in Israel were still on track. They were shooting for Middle East war to break out before the end of the summer of 1982. From there, step by step, they planned to make the conflict escalate with other crises continuing to multiply world-wide.

    I think that I will leave this particular subject at this point but it is necessary that you have insight as to world events as your Space Shuttle Program was unfolding.

    Thank you for your attention. We shall now break for a rest period. Thank you, Dharma.

    Hatonn to clear.
    PJ 18
    CHAPTER 18


    THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1990 11:45 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 357

    The best way to give you a comparative picture of that which is happening in Iraq this very day is to take you a bit further within the workings of the situation in Lebanon in July of 1982. Please understand, however, that by taking things out of order as is necessary, you will lose continuity of surrounding events. However, it deals with sending in troops to a given area such as Saudi Arabia.

    On July 6, 1982, the "ISRAELI" government announced that American troops would be sent to Lebanon, if necessary. Hours later the entity, Reagan, announced that, "Yes, in principle, he was prepared to send in the Marines as part of a 'truce agreement'."

    For public consumption, assurances were given that this would be done under certain comforting conditions. Supposedly, if the Marines are sent in it will only be temporary to police a truce, not fight, and only if all sides agree to their presence. Doesn't it sound like a rerun--"We are just there to insure Iraq doesn't invade our little brother, Arabia?" IRAQ HAD NO INTEN­TION OF INVADING SAUDI-ARABIA---THEN OR NOW! HUSSEIN WAS 'CALLED IN' TO KUWAIT TO PROTECT THE INTERESTS OF THE KUWAITES FROM BEING ABSORBED BY THE U.S. INTERESTS AND A COLLAPSE BROUGHT ON BY A CALLING OF NOTES FOLLOWING DEFAULT BY THE KUWAITES, TO THE BANKERS. "DIRTY POOL", I THINK YOU ONES MIGHT CALL IT.

    It all sounds very safe but to those who knew the reality of conditions in Lebanon the proposal to send in the American troops had the ring of sheer insanity. That's about like trying to smother a fire by dousing it with gasoline. It would be a situation made to order for explosive incidents to widen the war.

    The following day a letter of warning against sending in the Marines was delivered to Reagan from Soviet President Brezhnev. It was a cryptic warning containing no specific threats. In diplomatic language it simply said, "Don't do it."

    Anti-war warnings from Moscow were becoming increasingly urgent and frequent. On July 7 the Brezhnev warning against sending U.S. Marines into Lebanon was issued, and only six days later the Ustinov warning against an American nuclear first strike was issued. Does this surprise you? Don't you remember that little tid-bit of news?

    Russia's anti-war warnings included not only words but also deeds, my friends. The Kremlin was run by men who knew that words without deeds were use­less against the American Bolsheviks. That is why you were given warnings a month prior to this that Russian preemptive measures must be expected to start taking place. Those pre-preemptive measures got underway promptly, in the form of warning strikes to send a clear, clean message.


    The first of those warning strikes took place on Sunday morning, June 27. Millions of Americans watched the launch of Space Shuttle No. 4 that morn­ing on television. You watched until the two solid rocket boosters separated and fell away from the shuttle. Moments later a Jumbo Cosmosphere, which was pacing the shuttle from a distance, fired two quick blasts at the falling boosters which were no longer visible on your televisions. The Cosmosphere's beam weapon blew a hole in the side of each $18,000,000 booster shell. An Air Force C-130 aeroplane was tracking the boosters and saw their parachutes open, but when the spent boosters hit the water they just kept right on sinking. Thanks to the holes which had been neatly blown into their sides--they certainly didn't float. Recovery teams watched helplessly as $36,000,000 worth of space hardware sank in several thousand feet of water.

    Embarrassed NASA officials tried to explain away the loss of the two shuttle boosters with the lie that the parachutes did not open (on both of them?). The odds are astronomical against the parachutes failing that way on TWO boosters, but they had no other excuse that they dared make public. Mean­while, the Russian message was indeed clear. Had they cared to, the Russians could have destroyed the shuttle itself on nation-wide television, no less, instead of only the boosters. They were saving your government's "face" to use more advantageously during the ensuing years. They certainly have managed to do that very nicely, at your expense.

    Next came the Aeroflot crash in Moscow followed by the reprisal on July 9 against the Pan Am jet in New Orleans. Both events were acts of war--the secret war which both sides were beginning to mention openly in public. The Russian message to the American Bolsheviks here was: "You're not as secure as you pretend you are."

    Six days later the Russians reminded the Bolsheviks in the U.S. of their combined capabilities in geophysical warfare, a widespread sabotage here. (We shall cover weather control in another writing but we will mention the hard evidence of sabotage as you recognize it.) As far back as 1977 you had been warned that the Russians were on a campaign of planting nuclear mines where they could destroy countless dams around the United States. Those devices are still there, little sleepy ones, waiting for use at the press of a button from a detonator trigger well out of your reach or ability to control. How could subversive workers get within your boundaries without your knowing? They can't. There are as many Russian KGB agents in your CIA as Ameri­cans. Your government thought, at the time, the mines were a big bluff because it was the Russians themselves who announced their presence to your government. Even if they were present, the attitude was, the Russians wouldn't dare use them. So be it.

    On July 15, 1982 the Kremlin said, "Think again" to the Bolshevik Pentagon. That day northern Colorado was reeling from incredible rainstorms, the product of Russian weather modification. Dams in the area were straining to hold back the onslaught of water. Then a low-yield underwater mine was detonated at the base of the Lawn Lake Dam. The dam blew open, and the flood waters rampaged down the canyon and through the resort town of Estes Park. The government frantically tried to cover its tracks by saying they had been worried about that dam, but the disaster actually came with absolutely no warning because the dam was ruined instantly by the explosion.


    The very next day there was still another Russian warning shot. This time it was couched in the centuries-old language of naval warfare, updated to the Space Age. When confrontations take place at sea there are times when a warship will fire a shot across the bow of another ship. The shot is aimed to barely miss the ship, whistling past just in front of it. A shot across the bow is perhaps the most unmistakable military message on the face of the Earth. It means: "Halt immediately or you will be destroyed."

    On July 16 a United Air Lines DC-10 took off from Boston bound for Los Angeles. Among the passengers of the big jet were certain key members of the Bolshevik ruling group here in America. For a while the flight progressed without incident but as the jet flew westward at 39,000 feet a Russian Cosmosphere was stationing itself to intercept it. The Cosmosphere hovered several miles off to one side of the jet's flight path and a few hundred feet above it. The charged particle beam weapon of the Cosmosphere was aimed horizon­tally to fire a shot across the bow of the speeding DC-10. As the jet ap­proached, the Cosmosphere crew charged up the beam weapon for a maxi­mum energy blast in a defocused mode. This produces a violent air blast like those heard that winter along America's east coast and elsewhere. At pre­cisely the right instant the Cosmosphere fired its shot across the how of the oncoming DC-10. The tremendous air blast just above the DC-10's altitude created a huge shock wave of downward-racing air. An instant later the DC-10 flew into it. Passengers later told reporters that they had heard a big bang, then the whole plane shook as it was squashed downward as if by a giant hand. Everyone not wearing a seat belt was thrown to the ceiling, which is a long way on a DC-10. Many people were hurt, several seriously; then the episode was over as quickly as it had started. The jet flew on to Los Angeles without further incident--but to certain individuals on the plane, the air-borne shot across the bow was meant as a clear warning! It certainly meant something to the military and government personnel because they had been warned it would happen. It clearly said, "Halt now in your war plans or you will he destroyed."

    The next warning shots took place on July 22. This was aimed squarely at the weapons specialists among the American Bolsheviks in the U.S. That day the first full-range test flight of the Army's new Pershing-2 missile took place at Cape Canaveral. The Pershing-2 is the nuclear missile which the Reagan Administration wanted to place in Europe where it could attack Russia. Eu­rope would be used as a launching pad. A few seconds after the Pershing-2 lifted off from Cape Canaveral it was bathed in neutron radiation from a Rus­sian Comsmosphere high above. Remember, neutron radiation totally de­ranges all kinds of electronic equipment. As a result, the Pershing-2's guiding system went crazy. The climbing missile flopped over on its side, then started cartwheeling through the lovely Florida skies. Seventeen seconds after lift-off, the Range Safety Officer pushed the self-destruct button and the missile blew up. The Russian message to the Bolsheviks in your U.S. was very plain in­deed. The plans to use missiles to help destroy Russia would not succeed. The attempt to do so would only rain destruction on America itself.

    I always urge you ones to watch and listen most carefully and you will see that which is "really" happening and most certainly will be able to discern the fabri­cations. You will even begin to watch with predetermination the events as they unfold.

    We know these truths are stunning--mostly shocking--even hard to believe, but the truth speaks for itself. You have had enough incidents up to now which prove the intent of your conspirators. The credentials are present to allow you to accept truth.

    What will happen in the Middle East? I wouldn't even begin to spoil your lessons by telling you such a thing--look and see, read the Journals and you will know. Further, you had better hurry up with your homework because it is really getting to serious confrontation. Why don't YOU start making your news "MAKE SENSE" from all the absolute drivel flung upon you in serious tones or, in fact, disinterested monologues. In your recent thrust on TV the news carried is immeasurable by importance--a Middle East war is announced with the same intonation and within the same paragraph as a flea infestation or another finding of a Med-fly, or announcement of a thunder storm in Kalamazoo.

    Let us leave this, Dharma, as it is time for journalist arrival. Thank you, chela.

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