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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 18
    REC # 1 HATONN

    SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1990 11:14 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 338
    Greetings in the Light of His wondrous radiance. May we unify in intent and save this blessed land from destruction. Hatonn present in joy that our friends have come to share and assist for they have heard the call for they would not be here even to inquire regarding validity.


    In response to the many questions pouring in for PROOF that the proper telescope is not orbiting, I shall respond with reason and logical questions. I will not, for security of my people, tell you where it is. I will tell you who to ask for denial of such absurd accusation. Go straight to NASA.

    There have been two telescopes built. One of near perfection which the conspirators could never allow in space and one to replace the good one, to be sacrificed. Some of the component parts were even made at the same factory. All sorts of stories covered the duplication such as, "The lens and mirror got scratched, cracked and damaged." Every part of the original telescope functioned perfectly and has functioned perfectly for years. The delays came in portion from getting the counterfeit ready but the actual cause was to stop launching in any manner. So eight years pass in the waiting and testing and there never was a more beauteous piece of equipment built.

    Then came the end of the excuses--it had to be launched (well, something had to be launched). The builders were on hand and A telescope had to be loaded aboard the shuttle. The conspirators could not allow that perfection to go into space for they would never allow the pictures to return to earth be­cause what is out there is not what they have told you is out there. Next, they "had problems" and off-loaded the equipment but, for all manner of "security" and "clean" procedures, the scientists were not allowed to be present with the reloading. Loading was handled most carefully indeed with substitution tak­ing place and when the shuttle was launched and all attention was focused, the Hubble was loaded aboard a transport and removed so there would be no slip-ups.

    All you really have to do for confirmation is watch the subcommittee Congressional hearing regarding the malfunction and billions of dollars lost and wasted and the need for more to make it function, including a shuttle trip. Watch the ones who are part of the cover-up; they do not even hide the lies and the ones in charge of the hearings do not ask the questions which will un­cover anything at all. They sit and give sympathy to the poor scientists who are so disappointed at failure. The cause of blurred pictures is so blatant in the face of the "good" original "double-star" pictures first "sent back". It is ap­palling to us of these realms that man bites so thoroughly and so instantly. If the mirror was warped, etc., and records naught but fuzzy images--how could it be the double star was not in the least blurred? Oh, they will tell you now, that that is what they "thought" was a double star but was actually due to a faulty focus. No--the first pictures shown were fakes and there is no way the public would know differently.


    Couldn't it? Let us go right back to April, 1981. Your entire first four shuttle launches were lies.

    On April 12, 1981, after years of delay, America's first attempt to launch a space shuttle into orbit had finally begun.

    The voice of "Mission Control" had become a familiar hallmark of American manned flights into space when the airwaves filled with "T minus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4...We've gone for main engine start. We have main engine start." (Engine noise drowns out other noise for several seconds.) ".... and lo and behold America's first Space Shuttle, and the Shuttle has cleared the tower." (Then again the roaring noise on the tape.)

    Looking back to the early days, beginning with "PROJECT MERCURY", the voice was that of Col. John Powers. Later, during the "APOLLO" program there were other voices; but regardless of who it was, that familiar voice of "Mission Control" would always stay with you throughout each space flight--that is, until that first shuttle. This time the voice of Mission Control, up until the moment of launch, was that of NASA spokesman Hugh Harris. The last words Harris spoke as the voice of Mission Control were the words you just read: "The Shuttle has cleared the tower."

    Television cameras followed the Shuttle as it climbed higher and higher on a column of steam and smoke. For another 30 seconds or so, you were allowed to hear the slowly fading roar of the Shuttle's rocket engines. Then the sounds from Mission Control abruptly changed. Exactly 45 seconds after lift­off, "live" audio from Mission Control was terminated. In its place NASA be­gan feeding the radio and television networks an elaborate recording, which had been prepared far ahead of time by NASA. You must realize, the con­spiracy begins work in deceiving far in advance and that is why you ones are so far behind in efforts to even catch up, much less change the course of nations. They put a lot of roaring racket on the tape and nobody could discern any­thing.

    You were still able to see the Columbia by way of long-distance television cameras for another minute and a half, but the sounds you were hearing were no longer "live". They were the sounds of the special NASA tape recording. For the first few minutes of the tape recording, you heard nothing but the sound effects simulating conversation between the Shuttle and NASA-Houston. Then for the first time, you heard the anonymous new voice of Mission Control but who would notice? It changed from the familiar live voice of Hugh Harris, but the recorded voice was someone else. For added realism, the new voice was interrupted in turn by the recorded voice of the alleged capsule communicator, Daniel Brandenstein. Listen in:

    First a high-pitched screech followed by: "One minute 45 seconds, coming up on - -(mumbling). Columbia, you're (mumbled words, an­other screech)" "That call-up says...`Columbia, the altitude is too high...for ejection seat use'..."

    By that point the shuttle Columbia was more than 20 miles high, and climbing fast. Everything was going according to plan so far, so the things you were hearing on the tape recording corresponded to what you were seeing. You could still see the Shuttle on your TV sets, but it had dwindled to nothing more than three bright spots dancing in the far distant sky.

    The last thing that you were able to see and verify for yourselves about the Shuttle was the separation of those two giant solid-rocket boosters. A little over two minutes after lift-off, you were able to watch the boosters, two burning bright spots, break off to each side. That left only the single tiny flame of the Shuttle itself, gradually fading into invisibility. Several seconds later the NASA tape recording caught up with what you had already seen, and said the boosters had separated. Moments later the tiny bright dot of the Shuttle faded from your screens. It was too far away for the television cameras to follow. You had just had your LAST look at the REAL space shuttle Columbia.


    A couple of reasons: 1) To completely hide the military nature of the mission; and 2) to make sure the mission looked like a total success, no matter what might happen in secret. At the time the Bolsheviks in the federal government were depending heavily on the Space Shuttle program to get ready for a nuclear first strike war against Russia. Yes, you heard me correctly.

    The falsified NASA coverage of the mission of the space shuttle Columbia was carried out exactly according to plan. We'll consider some of the deceit a bit later. The plan was originated and actually "tattled" to the public some two months prior to the so-called launch but no paper dared print it.

    During the flight you got some neat cockpit scenes made by training tech­niques, etc., and the tale was spiced up by telling you that a few non-critical tiles had fallen off, as if any of the crew could see such a thing from inside. Otherwise you were repeatedly told how perfectly the Columbia was per­forming.

    Well, Hatonn, "Surely someone at those desks would know!" Yes, most knew the hoax but many were seeing exactly that which the public was witnessing, especially when the "wives" came to have a little space visit. "Well, the astronauts must have known"--oh, indeed, indeed, but not in the planning stages for you were dealing with America's elite. Oh, you think an astronaut wouldn't either take bribes or - - - -? Seems to me one of your finest has been in Congress and takes bribes right along with others--from the S&Ls no less. Further, a man's family does not fare well if top-secrets are brought public and always--the "National Security" etc., etc.--remember, they were told the Russians were going to launch a nuclear world war momentarily. What could a little secret hurt if in the long run America was saved by the secret?

    On April 23, a news conference about the flight was held in Houston, by the alleged two astronauts, John Young and Robert Crippen. The entity called John Young summed up the flight in words that were more meaningful than most people suspected. Referring to the falsified flight which was followed on television, he called it, quote: "...even better than normal". And so it was! The Bolsheviks who now controlled NASA bent over backwards to paint the im­age of an abnormally perfect shuttle flight. Meanwhile the actual Shuttle mis­sion, which was carried out in secret, did not go according to plan. After the Shuttle disappeared from your television screens, the flight continued for barely four more minutes before disaster struck. The Columbia never even reached earth orbit!

    It is far past time you know the truth of this subterfuge. You must realize how and why the truth has been hidden from you. The stakes involve nothing less than the very survival of your land and your way of life.


    You ones work on the adage that "seeing is believing". For that reason, televi­sion has become the number one tool of deception in the world today. Through television you are made to see things you do not understand so that you will believe things that are not true. If television were used honestly and constructively, television could be a great force for good. Instead, it is used continually to hoax, deceive, and mislead you. Video-taping makes events which took place weeks or months ago look as if they were taking place "alive" right before your eyes. Computer editing enables scenes to be spliced to­gether to create completely artificial images that look entirely real. Special ef­fects of all kinds enable these television hoaxes to be very convincing indeed.

    There are continuing hoax presentations--most notably projected from your "Meet the Press" program. The granddaddy of the hoaxes, surpassing even the "Guyana" and "SKYLAB" lies, was undoubtedly the space shuttle Columbia.

    For starters, you were led to believe that, until some short time prior, no space shuttle had ever left the earth's atmosphere and gone into space. You were also led to believe that the very first space flight by a shuttle had to be an orbital flight, instead of something less extreme. To make matters still worse, NASA swore up and down that this very first flight, pushing the Shuttle to its limits, just had to have men aboard. At one point even John Young himself was quoted to this effect very widely in the controlled major media.

    For example, in February prior, the New York Times carried a big article about the Shuttle. Quoting from the article: "Mr. Young said that to have conducted an unmanned orbital flight of the Shuttle first would have added perhaps $500,000,000 to project costs, and meant another year's delay." Statements like that were cooked up purely to explain away the many things that did not add up about the announced plans for the Columbia's flight. Many people believed these explanations, but they were just a litany of lies.

    Time after time during the television coverage of the alleged flight, John Young's earlier statement was totally contradicted. Authoritative spokesmen pointed out over and over that the astronauts control the Shuttle by telling computers aboard the Shuttle what they want. The computers then do all the actual activation and control of the Shuttle--and, in an emergency, the Shuttle can fly itself into orbit, re-enter, and even land itself without help from the pilots. So much for all those lies NASA told you about an unmanned first flight being impossible. See, they never quite get their stories completely right.

    Dharma, allow us to close this for we are out of time and I do not wish to hop about out of order. Let us keep discussion of this matter to minimum at the meeting for we will giving the entire story and I don't wish to take the time of the "live" group when it can better be read later without errors in discernment, receiving or cause undue time in scanner research.

    Hatonn to standby. Salu.

    PJ 18


    SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1990 7:55 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 339



    Because the real mission was military in nature. Astronauts had to be aboard to carry it out. NASA told you that the flight was only a test flight with the cargo bay practically empty. But the cargo bay of the Columbia was certainly not empty. It carried a laser-armed Spy Satellite equipped with special shields to protect it against Russian space weapons.

    Yes, I know that they showed you "live" pictures from space and you could see that the bay was empty. No, not "live" pictures but video tapes. The pictures with the doors closed were taken inside a training mock-up of the shuttle that is carried inside a specially modified Boeing 747. The pictures with the doors open were taken on the ground inside a darkened hangar. Then these scenes were combined by video tape editing techniques with video tapes of the earth taken from orbit some years past. The final product was what you saw on television. It was not what it appeared to be, but with humans, "seeing is believing". You feel cheated? I hope so!

    If you ever have an opportunity to again see those scenes, or even now while the hype goes forth, with the Shuttle doors open, supposedly in space, there is an ever present tell-tale clue to watch for. Shadows in space are sharp and very harsh because there are no air particles to soften and diffuse the light. The shadows you most often saw and still see on television were softer be­cause they were not made in space. Who would notice? Most TVs are not of such quality as to show these details and the films are carefully mounted. And remember--you were probably up getting ready for your day as they launched the Shuttle--most certainly you were either listening on radio or TV which interrupted your morning when it landed. You were not watching for anything except a landing, good or bad. You could not know that the traitors were feeding you bunk. But I assure you that the Russians laughed and drank a toast to one another.

    NASA pretended that the Columbia flight was the very first shuttle flight into space. You are supposed to believe that the only previous shuttle operations were a few gliding tests launched from mid-air by another modified 747. Nothing could be more ridiculous, dear ones, or more untrue.

    There is a very obvious question about the Space Shuttle Program which NASA has always managed to side step. Somehow no one ever quite dares to ask it. The question is: Why wasn't the space shuttle "Enterprise" the first to be sent into orbit? After all, the Enterprise made its public debut nearly four years prior in the summer of 1977.

    To all outward appearances, the Enterprise looks identical to its sister ship, the Columbia--even today all the Shuttles look alike, to the best of the manufacturers ability. The differences between the Columbia and Enterprise are so subtle that you would never notice them unless you knew exactly what to look for. The engines of the Enterprise look just like the engines of the Columbia. The Enterprise is also covered with the same system of thermal tiles as the Columbia, so again, the question is: Why wasn't the Enterprise sent into orbit long ago? Why did NASA wait three years and more to launch the Columbia instead?

    Because the Enterprise was designed to be a training ship for shuttle astronauts. It was not meant for orbital flight. Instead, it was specifically equipped to make shorter, suborbital flights into space. In effect, it can do everything short of going into earth orbit. It can climb to orbital altitudes as high as 125 miles before dropping back to earth. This enables astronauts to practice working in weightlessness for up to five or six minutes at a given time or what­ever the government assumes happens in space.

    It also allows astronauts to practice landing the shuttle, which is far more important. This allows slowing down from speeds of around 5,000 miles per hour and getting the craft on the ground in, hopefully, one piece--undamaged.

    The Enterprise was exactly like its sister ships in the crew compartment and cockpit. What made the Enterprise radically different is the cargo bay area. The Enterprise cannot carry a cargo because the bay area is taken up by rocket fuel tanks. The tanks of the Enterprise can hold well over 100,000 pounds of rocket fuel when fully loaded. To make a suborbital hop into space, in this primitive manner, the Enterprise is perched on top of a modified Boeing 747 known as the "Launch Aircraft". Inside the 747 there are tech­nicians with instruments and support equipment for the shuttle--all of you have seen the Shuttle being returned cross country atop a 747. At an altitude of about 40,000 feet, the shuttle was then launched. The launching techniques were derived from the older days of what you called the X-15 Research Air­plane and several other similar craft.

    The Enterprise would be released from its mounts, rise up and then fall back to the rear of the 747. As soon as it was clear of the launch craft, the Enter­prise would start its rocket engines and zoom upward at a very steep angle. After a minute or so the rockets would be shut off, and the Enterprise would be left to coast upward to its peak altitude and then it would drop back to­ward earth. From the moment the engines would shut off until the shuttle be­gan re-entering the atmosphere five or six minutes later, the astronauts inside would be weightless.

    Young and Crippen made over half a dozen of these training flights aboard the Enterprise before they lifted off aboard the Columbia at Cape Canaveral. That is why they were so ready to go all the way into orbit. They had done their homework and everything that was necessary to work their way up to it.

    The Shuttle Enterprise was not the only training necessary in preparation for even suborbital flights. They spent many hours in the detailed replica of the shuttle which is housed inside a modified Boeing 747. The "Flying Mock-up" as it is called, is a simulator designed to acquaint astronauts with shuttle operation as realistically as possible. One of its advantages is that it can even provide periods of weightlessness of up to some three quarters of a minute. The 747 pilot does this by flying a precise arc through the air called a "parabolic trajectory". It's an old technique developed long ago to help astronauts get accustomed to the feeling of weightlessness.

    All of those things and more were originally conceived and developed for purely technical reasons, but they were then, and are now, being kept secret from you because the ones who controlled NASA have turned them into tools of deception against "you the people".

    Almost all attention was placed on three areas of geographic location. One is the launch site for orbital missions, Cape Canaveral, Florida, Edwards Air Force Base, California and the NASA Manned Space Flight Center in Hous­ton, Texas. Therefore, all attention is focused on these three while the most important area is totally overlooked--White Sands Missile Range in southern New Mexico.

    Few people, even at the time of Columbia's first launch, even remember that White Sands is where America's Space Program got its start after World War II. Captured German V-2 rockets were taken to White Sands to be studied and test fired. After the V-2s, there were American rockets, the Navy's Viking series, and others. They were launched, rocketed upward into the fringes of space, and came back to earth--all within the boundaries of the vast White Sands Missile Range.

    Perhaps some of you remember the time that one of the missiles got out of control, veered south, and almost destroyed a small Mexican town when it crashed to earth; but that was the exception, even though dramatic, to the normal situation. Most of the time, no one outside White Sands even knew when rockets were launched.

    All of you are aware of the size of Edwards Air Force Base in California. For comparison, White Sands is so vast that it would easily hold some 100 Edwards Air Force Bases. That is a lot of territory.

    White Sands was the training base for space shuttle pilots and in 1977 became far more. It is the geographic key to the secret military missions which are the central focus of the Space Program. The early Space Shuttle Program was being managed in a way that was far different from even today, and different from the original plans. In late summer of 1977 you were shown early gliding tests of the training shuttle, Enterprise. The plan of NASA was to gather public support for the Shuttle Program, just as they had done a decade earlier in the "Moon Program". (That, dear ones, is a dandy subject, also.)


    This was one of the biggest military programs in American History, to that point in history, and was disguised as a peaceful scientific venture. In the same way, the original plan was to bathe the military Shuttle Program in the glare of deceptive publicity. In the process you would have learned about the suborbital space capability of the Enterprise. Even the crucial White Sands would have received publicity.


    The "Battle of the Harvest Moon" (you ones do like your little ditties for labels), in space on September 27, 1977. Oh, you want to hear about that one too? How about after we finish this document?

    About a month after the first gliding tests of the space shuttle Enterprise, Russia's military take-over of space was well under way. The following month, October 1977, a newly operational Russian Cosmos Interceptor shot down SKYLAB. SKYLAB, along with its crew of five American astronauts secretly aboard, died in a giant fireball over the United States. NASA immediately initiated a prolonged cover-up of what had happened. You see, if you wait a while no one remembers much of anything--as a test: Name the first moon pilots, day and year, and are you sure it was Monday instead of Thursday? Do you remember SKYLAB? Can you name the crew members? Do you know what they looked like? Cover-up is easy beyond your wildest imaginations--how many anniversaries and birthdays of your closest relatives do you forget?

    NASA wanted everyone to forget about that mysterious headline-making fireball, so they pretended that SKYLAB was still in orbit but sinking unexpectedly. NASA used stories about the space shuttle as part of their SKYLAB cover-up. They pretended that perhaps the shuttle would come along in time to save SKYLAB. This was simply a double lie by NASA. First, SKYLAB could never be saved because it had already been destroyed. Secondly, the United States was in no position at that time to launch the shuttle or any­thing else of a military nature into space. Russia was deploying her secret new Space Triad of advanced manned space weapons.

    Have you ever REALLY wondered why you never went to the moon again? America's previous military control of space had been totally shattered by Russia. Your military base on the Moon had been put out of action in the Battle of the Harvest Moon. Russian Cosmos Interceptors had started sweeping the skies clear of American Spy Satellites, and Russian hovering electrogravitic weapons platforms, the Cosmospheres, were making headlines by creating enormous air booms along the Coasts of America and still do so. All of these things took place just as America's Space Shuttle Program was getting off the ground.

    "But you said...., Hatonn - - -." Yes, I did say that we are allowed to disarm any "nuclear" war weapon at a given altitude. I have never said that we take out beam systems. No, I will not tell you what, for instance, the day before yesterday's missile launch was about. Do you not even notice that now every launch is secret cargo and/or military and top-secret? I value my writers, I most certainly will not sign the death certificate, they are in enough jeopardy as it is. I suggest you ones demand to know what is going on under your noses; I am only trying to give you reason to know something heinous is going on and you must take the action to stop the incredible headlong drive into destruc­tion.


    The result was a complete reorganization of the Shuttle Program. The old plans to bathe it in continuous publicity were tossed. The "Bolsheviks" in your country, who had replaced the Rockefeller cartel in many areas of power, cast a net of secrecy over all the new military plans. You were never told about the capabilities of the training shuttle Enterprise, and you were never told about the many things which were going on at White Sands in the military Shuttle Program. By keeping these things secret from you, the Bolsheviks there placed themselves in a powerful position to deceive you and the deceit has continued non-stop.

    You were never told about the modified NASA 747 which carried a complete replica of the crew quarters and cargo bay of a shuttle--and still does. There­fore, you are unaware that that airplane, originally intended for training, was to become a Bolshevik tool of deception against you. When you saw video tapes of astronauts in the simulated Shuttle cockpit, you naturally thought is was the real thing. Seeing a notebook float in mid-air for a few seconds next to the astronauts, you were supposed to think they were weightless because they were in orbit.

    You were given no clue that those moments of weightlessness had taken place months earlier in a mock-up. Further, what would you do if you were an astronaut faced with the fact that Russia has just turned the corner and can destroy your nation with one blast? Do you not think that a good patriot would go along with the game? However, that brings us to a serious notation--per­haps the pictures fooled a lot of Americans and the World--it did not fool the new rulers of Russia. They had learned the previous fall what the flight of the Columbia was really all about; and, when the Columbia was launched on April 12, the Russians were ready and waiting!


    The real mission plan was for a short mission. The astronauts were supposed to get into orbit and deploy the military satellite from the Columbia's cargo bay very quickly; then they were to return to Earth--not aboard the Shuttle but in a special re-entry capsule. Two days later they were supposed to land the disguised shuttle Enterprise at Edwards Air Force Base as the final act in the falsified drama staged for your benefit.

    For the first time in three years the Pentagon was hoping to get a Spy Satellite into orbit that could not be shot down immediately by Russia. This attempt was destined to continue by your nerdniks into disaster after disaster.

    You must know what happened in the front end to have any idea what continues. If you can think back to American space launches of the past, you may have noticed something very unusual about the launch of the Columbia. In the past, manned space launches from Cape Canaveral were always made to­ward the southeast, toward the equator, but not so with the Columbia. It was launched to the northeast, away from the equator. The reason for this was the secret space reconnaissance mission of the Columbia.

    In its public news releases, NASA told everyone that Columbia was launching into a 44-degree orbit--that is, it would never go farther north or south than 44 degrees above and below the equator. But the actual orbit chosen for the Columbia was a 69-degree orbit. A 69-degree orbit was chosen because it would take the Columbia, and the Spy Satellite inside it, all the way north to the Arctic Circle and beyond. That is the kind of orbit that is necessary if a spy satellite is to fly reconnaissance over Russia.

    The northeast launch of the Columbia was done in order to enable the Spy Satellite to start gathering data over Russia only minutes after the Columbia reached orbit. Time was of the essence in any attempt to spy on Russia. Ev­ery American spy satellite launched at Russia during the prior three years had been blinded or shot down before gathering much data.

    The secret flight plan for the Columbia was completely different from what NASA claimed in public. The plan called for Columbia to be launched on an initial northeast course in the general direction of Bermuda, then roughly 2­-1/2 minutes after launch, Columbia was to begin an unorthodox course change--a wide sweeping turn into the north. This unprecedented curving launch was intended as an evasive maneuver. Planners of the Columbia mis­sion believed this would enable Columbia to sneak past any Russian Cosmospheres that might be waiting overhead. Still accelerating on its curving course, the Columbia was supposed to pass about 100 miles east of Cape Hat­teras, North Carolina. Roughly 200 miles east of Washington, D.C., the Shut­tle's main engines were to cut off. After coasting in silence for a few seconds, the fuel tank was scheduled to cut loose as the Columbia passed 100 miles east of New Jersey.

    For the next two minutes the Shuttle and its fuel tank were to be coasting onward past the east tip of Long Island, over Boston, and onward toward Maine. During that time the Shuttle was supposed to maneuver away from the fuel tank, using small maneuvering jets.

    Finally, just as the Columbia passed over New Brunswick, Canada, the flight plan called for the orbital maneuvering engines to be fired. Somewhere over the Labrador Sea, flying upside-down, the Columbia was scheduled to reach earth orbit. As soon as it did so, the flight plan called for astronauts Young and Crippen to go to work fast.

    In less than ten minutes time they were supposed to open up the cargo bay doors and turn on the sensors of the Spy Satellite resting inside. As they did these things, the Columbia was to be racing over the south tip of Greenland, out over the middle of the Denmark Strait between Greenland and Iceland, above the Arctic Circle, and then dipping back southward toward northern Norway, Finland, and Russia. According to the flight plan, the Columbia was scheduled to cross the Russian border just south of the strategic Kola Peninsula. This would be only some less than 23 minutes after lift-off. At that in­stant initial reconnaissance over Russia was to be under way. The Spy Satellite inside the cargo bay, even though not yet deployed, would have had a per­fect view downward through the open doors of the upside-down Shuttle.

    The Columbia was intended to fly over a course across Russia that began just west of the strategic White Sea in extreme northwestern Russia. From there the planned course of the Columbia was to take it southeastward over some 2500 miles of strategic Russian territory. During the first minute alone, the Satellite was expected to see parts of the highly sensitive Kola Peninsula, the White Sea, including the super secret submarine yards at Archangel and the Plesetsk Cosmodrome. The Shuttle was also to pass near Kazan, one of the bases of Russia's flying ABM system. This system uses charged particle beams carried by supersonic TU-144 Transports. Yes indeed, we shall get back to this subject.

    Toward the end of the first pass over Russia the Spy Satellite was expected to gather data on two more of Russia's four Cosmodromes--those of Baiokonur and Tyuratam. In between, numerous other war targets were also to come under scrutiny. The Spy Satellite in the Columbia's cargo bay was expected to see all that during its very first pass over Russian territory. It would all take only 8-1/2 minutes. Then the Columbia would have crossed the border with Afghanistan, heading toward India. Barely 10 minutes later, the Spy Satellite was to be radioing its data down to the American receivers at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.

    Now, that WAS the plan. The military planners were confident that their Spy Satellite would get at least this planned first look at Russia. They were sure that Columbia's curving launch and the short time involved would prevent Russia from thwarting the mission. Columbia took off from Cape Canaveral at 7:00 A.M. Eastern Time, that Sunday morning. By 7:23 Columbia was expected to be over Russia already. By 7:31 Columbia was expected to be leaving Russian skys, and by 7:45 that same Sunday morning the military planners expected to have their first reconnaissance data from Russia.

    The plan sounded plausible but the "planners" were falling victim to the very intelligence gap which they themselves created in America years before. Russian Intelligence agents were able to learn the general outlines of the Columbia mission plan some six months prior to launch. It is worse today, dear ones, for there are more KGB agents in your CIA than you have.

    Fully a month before the public roll-out of the Columbia at the Cape in November of 1980, the Russian Space Command was studying the problem. There was no question about one thing: The Columbia's mission could not be allowed to succeed.

    Given even a shred of up-to-date reconnaissance data, the Bolsheviks in America were determined to set off a nuclear war. Even so, there was a question about the best way to spoil the mission. Several possibilities were consid­ered, including sabotage or simply blasting the Columbia out of the sky. All were rejected because they shared one weakness. Each alternative would halt one shuttle mission, but it would not stop the Shuttle Program as a whole, and Russia's goal was to completely shut down the Space Shuttle Program.

    At last they hit upon the solution. What was needed was a Space Age version of the famous U-2 incident of two decades prior. In the waning days of the Eisenhower Administration, Russia had publicly accused the United States of invading its air space with spy flights. That was before the era of Spy Satellites, and invading other countries' air space was a serious charge in the eyes of the world.

    American spokesmen tried to diffuse the growing furor while carefully avoiding a definitive denial of the charges; but the Russians kept it up. Finally President Eisenhower became so exasperated that he flatly denied, in public, that America was flying spy planes over Russia. That was exactly what the Russians were waiting for. The Russians promptly did what American Intelligence specialists thought they could not do--they shot down a high-flying U-2 on a flight over Russia. The name of the CIA pilot, the late Francis Gary Powers, filled the headlines world-wide overnight. The Russians had made a liar of the President of the United States. A summit had been scheduled be­tween President Eisenhower and Nikita Khrushchev, but the Russians icily called it off. In studying the Columbia situation, the Russians decided to make the focus of similar nature. After all, all they would need would be to land that shuttle intact.

    This seems as appropriate as any point to close this writing but we shall continue on this subject in the next. So be it.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 18


    SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1990 3:07 P.M. YEAR 3 DAY 339
    Russia protested continuously about the military nature of the Shuttle Pro­gram, and perceived they would be able to shock the world with the truth of it by simply proving it. They would put the crashed Shuttle on public display together with its nuclear-powered, laser-firing Spy Satellite. The Kremlin liked the plan, and agreed to it. To further emphasize the parallels with the 1960 U-2 incident, Russia had recently proposed a summit with the United States. The plan was to withdraw the summit proposal in protest after shooting down the Columbia.

    The Russian Space Command went to work several months earlier to get ready. They were faced with a big order: to bring down the Columbia on Russian territory without totally destroying it. As recently as only a year prior it would have been totally impossible to even consider such a thing. However, the Russians now had a new space tool to do the job. It was the third version of the Russian levitating weapons platform, the Cosmosphere. They were and are called "Super Heavies" by the Russian Space Command.

    The Russian Super Heavy Cosmospheres are still considered experimental in nature but have had vast improvements integrated since the early 1980's. Even so, by '80/81 the Russians had already built seven of them. In terms of volume, they are even bigger than the biggest dirigibles ("zeppelins") of the '30's. They could carry a pay load of more than 50 tons, far more than your own space shuttle; and they were equipped with powerful electromagnetic propulsion which could take the Cosmosphere all the way to orbital speed. In short, the jumbo Cosmosphere was actually Russia's space shuttle. It was fully operational.

    In order to carry out their attack on the space shuttle Columbia, Russia's en­tire fleet of seven jumbo Cosmospheres were made ready. Five were outfitted with special grappling equipment to enable them to seize a very large object in space. The other two were outfitted with neutron particle beam weapons. These weapons were the same type as were used in the "Battle of the Harvest Moon" in September 1977.

    At 7:00 A.M. Sunday morning, April 12, 1981 the rocket engines of the space shuttle Columbia roared to life. Moments later the giant solid boosters were fired, and the Columbia took off. As it climbed, it rolled around and started leaning into its flight path toward space. As you watched on your television sets, it rapidly dwindled off into the northeast. You watched as the solid boosters separated and peeled away to each side. Moments later the Columbia vanished from the screen.

    The television scene then shifted to the alleged Mission Control in Houston--you see, all of this had been set up well in advance as we stated early on herein. I shall interrupt the story following the finishing of this thought sequence to allow you to catch up as to the military mission for it does have im­pact on your perceptions. It is very hard to believe that the information was already available and the actions anticipated by both your enemy and your own top officials.

    Up in front the NASA computer-controlled map started tracking the alleged course of the Columbia. According to the map, Columbia was heading out over the Atlantic toward Bermuda; but at that moment, free of the solid boosters, Columbia was already starting its long sweeping curve to the north. One-hundred-fifty miles east of Charleston, South Carolina, Russia's fleet of 7 jumbo Cosmospheres were hovering high over the ocean. As the space shut­tle approached on its elaborate curving path, the Cosmospheres started speeding up to intercept it. The Shuttle was already flying upside-down with the huge fuel tank on top.

    The two Cosmospheres armed with neutron beams closed in on the Columbia from below and a bit to the rear, where they could not be seen by Young or Crippen. The other five jumbo Cosmospheres with their grappling equip­ment, flew in formation above and well behind the fuel tank to be out of the line of fire. The Cosmospheres paced the Shuttle until it reached a prede­termined altitude and speed.

    Then the armed Cosmospheres opened up with their neutron beams. Firing at point-blank range, each Cosmosphere fired just two bursts from its beam weapon. The first salvo flooded the cockpit area and an area near the engines in the rear. Young and Crippen died instantly, the neutron radiation having totally disrupted all activity of their nervous systems, brains, eyes, and hearts. At the same time the Shuttle's engines shut down. A fraction of a second later, the second salvo flooded neutron radiation into the nose and an area beneath the cargo bay. These shots were calculated to derange and shut down the Columbia's flight computers--that is, all the computers except one. The Russians wanted the backup computer to take over and do its job--that is, make an emergency automatic re-entry and crash landing in Russia. They an­ticipated that it would do so because the backup computer is heavily shielded against radiation. The shielding is a material more efficient than lead. Hold your breath, readers--it is gold! Ah so, another dream of sharing wealth gone in the ethers.

    The Russians fully expected that the "Gold Computer", as it is known in certain circles, would take over after the engines shut down.

    Surely enough, within some 10 seconds after the engines shut down, the fuel tank, still a third full, was automatically cast loose. The Gold Computer was now flying the Shuttle. The five jumbo Cosmospheres with grappling equipment, fastened onto the fuel tank. Then using their powerful electromagnetic propulsion, they veered away with the tank. From its northeasterly course, the tank was swerved around over the North Atlantic in a great arc until it was heading southeast instead. The Cosmospheres then accelerated to orbital speed and cast the fuel tank loose.

    Three years prior to this the first Cosmospheres had sent a message by way of enormous air booms along America's East Coast. Now Russia's newest Cosmospheres were using the Shuttle fuel tank to send a chilling new message to America's Bolshevik war planners.

    Meanwhile the armed Cosmospheres followed the Columbia itself. Having had its engines shut down prematurely, the Columbia was well below orbital speed. It was following a ballistic path, just like an ICBM, into the heart of Russia. It looked as though the Russian plan was going to work to perfection--but then the unexpected happened.

    One of Columbia's deranged computers apparently began to function. The brief shut-down had thrown it out of synchronization with the Gold Com­puter, so the two computers apparently did not communicate one with the other. As the Columbia passed over the border of Russia, it was flying right­side-up instead of upside-down under control of the Gold Computer.

    But the other computer opened up the cargo bay doors right on schedule. As the Shuttle began to re-enter over Russia, hot air flooded the cargo bay. Heat sensors; in the Spy Satellite detected the heat build-up, which was programmed into the Satellite's computer as a sign of "attack damage". Finally, the temperature built up to a critical point, activating a self-destruct circuit in the Satellite. The Spy Satellite exploded, blowing the Columbia into total de­struction.

    The Russians had hoped for a crash landing in recognizable form. Instead, the Columbia ended up in wreckage strewn along a line some 85 miles long in central Russia southeast of the City of Kazan and the citizens had to be told a research satellite had fallen out of orbit. As it turned out, neither the Ameri­can Bolsheviks nor the Russians got what they wanted. But, as you know, there were destined to be more attempts, each just as foolish as the one be­fore it. We will not jump the gun and tell you how you outgrew this continuing fiasco in proper sequence for you have at least three more total failures to ac­count for before that unfolding.


    Now to back up and fill in a bit. In November of 1980 America's Manned Space Program suddenly started showing signs of life after near death. The date was November 24, to be exact. It was the day when the space shuttle Columbia was rolled out into public at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. It was the first public appearance by the shuttle in almost two years. The shuttle arrived at Cape Canaveral two years prior, in March of 1979.

    From then until November of 1980 the shuttle Columbia remained in hiding in a very large metal cocoon called the "Orbiter Processing Facility", but on November 24 suddenly the cocoon opened up and out re-birthed the space shuttle.

    It was not a very long trip set for that day--about 300 yards to the nearby Vehicle Assembly Building, where it disappeared once again as if by magic. You were told that this was only the beginning of a much longer journey. For the first time in nearly six years the United States was committing itself in public to a manned mission into space. The roll-out of the Columbia took almost ev­eryone by surprise.

    America's Space Shuttle Program was a full three years behind schedule. Since late in 1977 you had heard about nothing but problems, delays, and more problems with the space shuttle. In fact, just five days before, Dr. George Low, former director of the Apollo Moon Program, summarized it all in total disgust when he said, "Today I wonder whether we could start another Apollo, much less accomplish it."

    After three years on hold, the countdown was under way and, more so, there was a total air of urgency about it. Corners were being cut, safety precautions were being overstepped, unheard of risks were being taken; and when re­porters asked why these things are being done, they received only double talk instead of answers. (Some things don't change very much.)

    The space shuttle was the most complex American spacecraft built to that point. There were more things to go wrong than ever before, and the entire future of America's Manned Space Program depended on the shuttle. In fact, within a few years you were told that the shuttle would be launching practically all American satellites.

    As far as space was concerned, America had put all of its eggs in one basket, or at least as far as any of you could determine. It would have seemed appro­priate, in that event, that the old NASA would have proceeded step by step with the greatest of care. Somehow, prior to that time, the time dragged by with no show of action; each problem had to be solved and re-solved before moving on to the next phase of a space program--or so they said. As a final test, every new American manned spacecraft had made its first trip or two into space without astronauts aboard to insure no loss of life if errors were encountered--or so they said.

    Well, who knows for sure, but surely the ones calling the shots in America's Space Program by 1981 were certainly doing things in a very strange manner indeed. The facts were that the Bolsheviks were getting ready for thermonu­clear war, thus causing a wartime rush mentality which dominated the shuttle launch preparations.

    Why would American Bolsheviks want to make an immediate and first-strike attack against Russia? Because of those dandy Russian weapons spread all over the globe. The intent was to match the power and hit unexpectedly prior to retaliation grouping of the weapons in space. Like, for instance, take out those installations producing those cute little spheres running around in space taking out your bases and satellites. They had no use in taking out your vidiot satellites, etc.--they, too, used them and besides, your country and Russia were basically allies and had been from upstart. We are talking about Bolsheviks from Russia efforting to regain control of Russia--they had gained incredible power within your nation. They are now surpassed in power only by the Zionists.

    This was to be the shuttle's very first trip into space--and yet it would be a "manned" mission! You were told that the shuttle was designed to make at least a hundred trips into space and back, and yet NASA said it could not spare one or two preliminary shuttle launches in order to check it out. NASA refused to even consider beginning with a manned suborbital launch like the early manned Mercury shots in the early 60's. Instead, the very first launch of the shuttle Columbia was to take it all the way into high orbit.

    The plan was running over with stupid examples of haste. There seemed to be no regard for the safety of the astronauts who would fly it. Of course, you couldn't know they had been training in the Enterprise.

    For all intents and purposes, you must consider that the new rocket engines of the space shuttle were radically untested, as far as anyone was aware. There were three main engines called SSMEs by NASA. Those engines had never flown into space prior to that time; in fact, they had never so much as been fired all together until just eight days prior to the flight. On that day, the three engines were fired for only 20 seconds on the pad at the Cape. NASA did not run the risk of running them longer even though those engines were supposed to be reusable, launch after launch. Instead, based on a mere twenty-seconds test, NASA would have two astronauts risk their lives on the engines and, in the actual launch into space, the engines would have to operate full-bore for a minimum of nine minutes. NASA knowingly gambled that the three fresh engines on Columbia would last long enough to get into orbit. The engines were only one example of NASA's unexplained haste because if Columbia didn't reach orbit, the next question was: Could it return? NASA didn't have the foggiest notion.

    The recent launching of the Hubble telescope smacks of the same subterfuge for the "duplicate" scope which was launched was truly another attempt to fool the Russians and again the attempt was total disaster as only an evil em­pire can create.


    Remember, we are back in 1981 and time flies when you are having fun in your addictions and fun games. In 1980 the new Thermo Protection System was radically new. All of your previous spacecraft had "heat shields" which carried away heat by burning away during re-entry, therefore they could only be used once. But the shuttle was supposed to be reusable over and over, so it required a different kind of heat shield. It was a lightweight ceramic, broken up into more than 30,000 small pieces called "tiles", of which you are all now very familiar. Strange thing, however, they tell you a "few" fall off each time but it is OK! How can it be OK?--for the heat is equally intense on that spot where a tile is missing and would burn the skin of the craft incredibly. Oh, you are now getting concerned about recent cover-ups as a possibility, also? So be it.

    For at least two years prior to original launch you had been hearing tales about problems with tiles. It began when the shuttle Columbia arrived at Cape Canaveral in March of 1979 on the back of a jumbo jet. Many tiles had been lost or damaged during the flight and the Columbia looked like it had smallpox--and that was just in atmospheric piggy back.

    Soon after that you began hearing about tiles being tested, removed, replaced, re-tested, and on and on. Part of the controversy over the tiles was quite real--I wouldn't want any of my crew depending upon them to save their lives. There were very legitimate arguments among space engineers as to whether or not the tiles would succeed or fail. Those questions would finally be an­swered one way or another only when and if the shuttle Columbia drops out of orbit to return to earth. But for the Bolsheviks who were then controlling America's Space Program, the arguments over the tiles were only a tool.

    The tile controversy made a perfect cover story to explain away the 3-year grounding of the space shuttle. The real reason was that America had been virtually locked out of military space missions since late in 1977. As recently as August of 1977 it had looked as if the United States would soon be eclipsing Russia with new space exploits. That month the first pre-flight tests of a space shuttle took place. A shuttle was carried aloft aboard a jumbo jet, then cut loose and guided to earth by astronauts. The test went perfectly. It certainly seemed that the space shuttle era was about to dawn.


    Her space program seemed completely silent, but suddenly everything turned into a spin in September of 1977. Russia began deploying her secretly-developed Charged Particle Beam weapon in space, and on September 17, 1977, history's first true space battle took place, The Battle of the Harvest Moon. In that stunning upset, Russia completely smashed America's secret military control of space.

    Russia's manned Space Program came to life suddenly. They launched the Salyut-6 Space Station on September 29, 1977; and from that day, there was a steady stream of Russian cosmonauts into space and back and forth. Even cosmonauts from at least seven other countries had been able to go with the Russians; ones from Cuba and Vietnam among them. American astronauts were unable to do anything but twiddle thumbs.

    The Bolsheviks in America had been waiting long and watching for a moment of weakness among their enemies--the secret new rulers of Russia. The Bolsheviks wanted desperately to regain their former positions of power in Russia; but for years, Russia's new rulers had been expelling the Bolsheviks, who then flocked mostly to the United States.

    (Sic, sic, Dharma) BOLSHEVIK: 1) a member of the extremist wing of the Russian Social Democratic party that seized supreme power in Russia by the Revolution of November 1917.

    BOLSHEVISM: 1) The doctrine or program of the Bolsheviks advocating violent overthrow of capitalism. 2) Russian communism.

    You see, as time moved forward an element of the Russian hierarchy began kicking out the Bolsheviks. These had originally been put into power by the Rockefeller Cartel, etc., as we have covered prior to this. This was not communism in its true definition--it was total suppression of the people by the state. (Where you are headed, dear ones.)

    By 1980 there was a moment of weakness developing in the Kremlin. Bolshevik forces had succeeded in penetrating the Kremlin. They were wreaking havoc among Russia's top leadership. At the same time, Russia's expulsion of Bolsheviks slowed to a mere trickle. Immigration from Russia was at its low­est level in years during the second half of 1980, so the decision was made in July to go ahead with a space shuttle mission and pray hard.

    For the first time there then appeared to be a chance of slipping through Russia's space blockade. Even so, any American attempt to launch a manned military mission into space would be most risky. It dared not he attempted until a mission was readied that was worth that risk.

    Well, it was the secret pay load in the cargo bay of the space shuttle Columbia. It was developed in association with the supersecret "National Re­connaissance Office" whose very existence was regarded, in itself, as top secret in Government circles. It was only YOU who didn't know about it. All these "secrets" aren't secret at all--except from YOU THE PEOPLE.


    When Russia began her surprise space offensive in September of 1977, she did so by destroying an American Spy Satellite on September 20. A week later, America's secret MOON BASE was put out of action, which freed Rus­sia's hands to pour into space. In the months that followed, Russia gradually knocked out all of your Spy and Early Warning satellites, one by one--seven months later Russia had finished the job. Since that time America had been in constant effort to get some spy satellites orbiting but they were continually taken out--and thus to the space shuttle launch. America simply had no spy satellites on continuous duty over Russia. They were taken out in less than a week after launch. No, it hasn't changed very much has it?

    These brief spy satellite missions did alert the Bolsheviks in America to one thing--that was, there were major changes taking place among the potential wartime targets in Russia. Some known targets from the past were becoming far less important, while other new targets were detected and held far more importance.


    Yes, there was a full-blown plan for the U.S. to launch a first-strike nuclear war against Russia. Suffice it here to say that it was so and we will speak of it later. Perhaps we need a more methodical manner of introducing these things to you ones, which impact you so desperately today. Maybe we will just start a sequence story of important happenings in chronologic order as we finish this shuttle story. All along the way the things in occurrence were equally as important for they affected you from economics to nuclear devastation. I believe, however, we should not lose continuity of thought regarding the space shuttle upstart for it is critical to that which is going on under your eyes at present--in even more secrecy.

    The nuclear first strike against Russia relied heavily on missiles, including America's secret mobile missile, the Minuteman TX, and it could not succeed without up-to-date information on the targets within Russia.

    The American Bolsheviks were once again doing all they could to get set for nuclear war, so they were desperate for new, up-to-date reconnaissance data from Russia. Oh yes, Russia knew this factor--that is why they finished perfecting a survival plan with shelters, etc. Is it not interesting that you have none? Nor did you have any then! You were totally expendable then and now. You have filled their silos with survival supplies and yours are empty--does that not irritate you ever so slightly? All knew there would be retaliation to some extent for the Russians had wondrous capabilities and your Govern­ment certainly knew it. Oh yes, dear ones, you have been royally you know what!

    The elite Bolsheviks had, by this time, developed a satellite which they believed could survive in orbit for a while if they launched it in secret and took devious routes of flight.

    Actually they knew that Russia's orbital fleet of manned Cosmos Interceptors would succeed in destroying it; but before they could do so, military planners believed the satellite would be able to radio back enough information to finalize plans for first-strike. Therefore the first flight of America's space shuttle, the Columbia, was to be a secret military mission of highest order. Its purpose was to prepare for war. That is why there was so such a frantic effort to rush to launch with unproven hardware, and that is why the very first mission would be "manned", instead of "unmanned" testing. It had to be manned because of the secret cargo it carried.


    Now I am bombarded with questions about the "synthetic persons" (imitators) of which I spoke on the yesterday. Not only do they exist but they are widely utilized. I will offer some happy relief, however, in that more sophistication has evolved and the "real thing with the "real stuff' is more often left and the imitator sent into possibly dangerous situations at great cost indeed. It is called "hazard" pay. Sometimes, however, an entire crew is set for destruction deliberately and unknowingly--would not that upset thee also? I certainly hope something upsets you sufficiently to look at your country most carefully, and most specifically at that which is happening today with your Constitu­tional havoc. You are VERY NEAR the point of no return, beloved broth­ers--very near indeed. Salu.

    We shall continue this subject when next we sit to write. Thank you Dharma, for a long day of service. It has been a very long weekend of work for you--know that your service is worthy and your brothers in the group are as busy at their keyboards and duties. I salute, and honor with pride, all of you faithful hands and feet. Saalom

    PJ 18
    CHAPTER 10


    MONDAY, JULY 23, 1990 7:52 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 340
    Greetings, in service, Commander Ceres Anthony Soltec reporting. Thank you for receiving me in the Light of the Radiant Presence. Yes, I need a writer and I thank you for responding and I honor Hatonn for his gracious pa­tience.

    For the readers, I will give identification as to my responsibilities in this mission. I am what you would refer to as a Geophysicist, I suppose, on your placement. I head the geophysical arm of this mission as to data collection and input from monitoring stations. It is most urgent that you ones know that which is going on around you. I am responsible for the reporting to the higher councils of the observations of the geophysical activities of the planet Earth.

    Our beloved Commander-in-Chief, as you of Earth would refer to him in the same capacity as we serve, Esu "Jesus" Sananda, has requested that I come forth and share with you of this group for much is being missed in the current happenings upon your placement. All of the climactic changes, as well as Earth upheavals, are well known and expected by we of these realms but there is great ignoring of the purpose and intent by your citizenry.


    We have laid forth the expected changes in general format. Earth is going into her new cycle with renewed vigor; she will be belching forth increased disturbances upon her surface. As plates shift beneath the oceans' floors there shall be increased tidal wave activity. The resulting shifts shall bring about disturbances of those thought of as "sleeping" volcanos, and thus and so. This has been written of often since the time of the early prophecies. You ones must begin to make rapid preparations for the entire scenario is going to cause chain reactions of a most serious nature.

    It is difficult to relay this message unto you of our beloved ground-crew but we see few taking the information and generalizing it sufficiently. The earth­quakes you are now experiencing are "tit for tat". Your forces detonate a major one in Iran and your adversary detonates one in the Philippines. Ar­menia--San Francisco; it is worse than even this projection. They work in con­junction, one with another, to insure response from the nations as orches­trated. You err in blaming your blessed Mother Nature for the geophysical happenings upon your lands and within your oceans. The forces at work are mighty and deadly and the incidents will increase a thousand-fold--a flood in Spain and England--a flood in Texas and Arkansas. Do I make myself clear? A hurricane in Europe; tornados in the U.S. and devastation in Latin America. There is no way to awaken you gently to the technology at play in the hands of evil players. We are not allowed to interfere at this point to great ex­tent but the evil has moved into "space" which is universal and will ultimately be neutralized. This will not occur until great damage has been inflicted on the masses of your nations. Weather control has been a part of your technol­ogy for decades and is perfected to the extent that phenomenon desired can be pulled off in a matter of hours. The truth of the ability and actual precipitation of earthquakes and other disasters has been made public since 1977--you just didn't pay any attention. We had another scribe who wrote at length for us and was killed by your conspirators in 1984. We shall revive that historical segment as we further put Journals to print. I protect the remaining family members by simply honoring that one, without label. The ones at the conspirators' keyboards are indeed without moral energy in any manner. All you can do is know, prepare and save your nation to light the path back into freedom and decency.

    There has been great power unleashed in the outer spaces by your toy dealers as neutron particle beams with resultant explosions, freeing magnificently radioactive particulate. This continues on a daily basis while earth man sleeps on and stays preoccupied with chantings and "getting ready to complain about something or other".

    The most dangerous one spot on North America is the bulging mound in California where the molten radioactive material is festering to break forth as a result of the intensive and continuing testing in Nevada. Further, the dam near Las Vegas is so damaged that it can simply collapse at any moment. If the radioactive material spews forth there will be thousands of miles contami­nated for it will bear forth the ash which will cause fallout of incredible consequence. There is some possibility that the volcanic chain of the Western U.S., Canada, Mexico etc., will spew first, as with Mt. St. Helens, but so far not nearly enough pressure has been released to avoid this catastrophe. Every major quake fault has been targeted with "stationed" space spheres which can cause a complete shift of an entire tectonic plate at will. YOU HAVE COME ALONG WAY, BABY! The evil conspirators are lining up their ducks for the kill and YOU ARE THE DUCKS!

    The radioactive materials placed at and within your aquifers are not accidentally placed there. In upheaval the containers shall leak and ruin your irriga­tion and drinking water. Yes, the elite know how to detoxify their water--but you will not be given to have that information. The masses are planned for extermination. At the same time, the plan is to "blame" God and Nature so that you as people are confused and lose your direction to the point of becom­ing blinded sheep and march off the cliff without protest. We can assist you but you must request that assistance and stop shooting at us as we come forth and cease your disgusting behavior unto your brothers from whatever reasons you perceive to be important. Your very species of Earth Hu-man is on the line, friends. WHO WILL HEAR OUR PETITION?


    Within the next couple of years you are destined to experience a most in­tended and inconceivable fallout. You will be told the particles falling are me­teors. They are not meteors--they are from directed nuclear and particle beam pulverization of space bodies and debris. It appears that no later than 1993 the material will be filtering through, as it has been set on that trajectory. These small particles will be entering into the ethers and into the atmosphere of planet Earth. The scientists are well aware of the origin of this shower. They are monitoring it, though they are staying highly secretive regarding it.

    By 1993, as projected through our probability data, there shall begin to be that which is a dust cloud that will be experienced by the planet as small particles begin to infiltrate the atmosphere of Earth. These particles shall be of a very high mineral content and will be so highly radioactive they will be measured easily by your own instrumentation. Acid rain will pale in comparison.

    As the technology grows it appears the capability will be present, within an additional couple of your years, to thrust several "meteors" that will hit planet Earth within a twenty-four hour period. These, too, shall be radioactive and strategically directed. There are at least four such "meteors" in preparation.

    As has been stated before, the changes that will be going on about the planet will be so many that the newsmen will be unable to report the latest happen­ing. It will be evidenced that as a large meteor will hit one of the continents it will cause an immediate shifting of the tectonic plates, thus bringing about Earth alterations very, very quickly.

    One meteor, it is anticipated, will land on the North American continent. The second meteor will land off of the coast of Africa, towards the lower portion, affecting both that continent and the one known as Australia. Within the high mountains of South America another meteor shall land causing sleeping volcanos to begin to activate, causing landslides and immediate plate alteration. The fourth meteor is directed to that which is called the greater continent, and it is anticipated, even at this very hour, at any time, in your vernacular. It is directed to the portion of that which would be considered the area of Russia closest to Europe.

    The impact shall appear to bring about an absolute pandemonium upon the planet in a twenty-four hour period for there shall be quaking, volcanos spewing forth new life and alteration in land masses shall appear to be quickly brought about. The ring of fire will be triggered by the meteor that lands in the North American continent awakening volcanos and shifting land masses in great measure.


    We do not relocate anyone from his chosen journey but I shall endeavor to outline some possibilities of probabilities in actions.

    This might well seem to be a doomsday forecast but this is not so for the warning shall be in the form of the introduction of the dust particles (already headed your way), and the meteor particles by your year 1993, give or take a bit of time in either direction, for the clouds will be affected by atmosphere, etc.

    Those of you who are on coastal lines shall find it advantageous to consider relocation for indeed this shall bring a heightened water level if the massive intent is fulfilled. As the plates shift portions of continents shall go under, as part of the ocean floors are to become beds for new lakes and water supplies. Others shall find the water systems have immediately dried up and the land they are on has become elevated in altitude. For our workers, I shall explain this a bit for the area location of the communications crystal in California.

    I am going to specifically speak of what is called the elusive Palmdale Bulge. Palmdale is a vastly growing area in the southern Mojave desert about 35 miles (56.32 kilometers) north-east of Los Angeles, unremarkable except for the fact that it is situated directly atop the San Andreas fault. But in the early 1960s it was discovered that dramatic vertical movement was occurring there--a displacement of as much as ten inches in Palmdale itself, which proved to be the center of a 120-mile (193.12 kilometer) long oval-shaped bulge. As it was monitored a strange thing was discovered--here today and gone tomorrow. Well, on the days it was gone the action came from our thrusting vibration "settling" beams into that specific area of the fault for it could not be allowed to "go" before stabilization of the massive communications crystal could be en­capsulated for buffering. That is now done, friends, and we were ordered to remove stabilization in March of 1988. There are Cosmospheres stationed above that San Andreas fault from one end to the other and can trigger it at any moment if nature doesn't do it sooner.

    Little gray aliens do not hold you hostage, but these things of man do. We marvel at the casual acceptance of doom. A major earthquake as close to Los Angeles as Palmdale will cause massive damage with hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of casualties and multi-billions of dollars in damage and yet, southern Californians remain in a casual stupor and actually plan for a super jetport to be built in the southern Mojave.

    We have stabilized the area around the crystal by several small shocks in the area itself and the last was a 4.5 power less than 10 miles distant and it was not felt in the township so we are confident there will be no major damage in the immediate area--damage? yes--but probabilities are not for greater than a 3.7 magnitude. This, dear ones, is, however, how topography is changed. It fur­ther allows for us to recognize placements for security of our Earth contact communications centers which shall have good probability of survival in any circumstance conjured by the adversary.


    I am most often queried regarding the Sinai area which is projected in the prophecies to have a massive quake at what you call, Armageddon. The Jor­dan River and the Dead Sea occupy the northern end of an extensive series of related "grabens" (German meaning literally grave or ditch) (a sheer-sided, flat-bottomed valley) that include the Red Sea and the so-called Rift Valleys of East Africa. The distinctive "Y"-shaped graben of the Red Sea has the Sinai in its center. To the east, the Gulf of Akaba is a mere extension of the greater Jordan graben with the Dead Sea and Lake Tiberias/Sea of Galilee both below sea level. Farther south along the great East African rift is the steep eastern wall in Ethiopia. Yes, it is anticipated that it will split in incredi­ble force and depth. Will God do it? No! Man will do it in a last attempt to stand against the Zionist Khazars (false Jews of Israel). Yes, these are the same ones who, unwittingly in most instances, allow control of your country, believing they are regaining the lost Israel of Abraham. No, they come from the Satanic thirteenth tribe who pronounced themselves Jews to fulfill that which is upon you today in the closing cycle for the intent is to gain total, 100% control of your world for the forces of the evil cause.

    Perhaps Hatonn will indulge my time required to give you a geography and geophysics lesson or two as we move along. At this point, you need an overview to recognize the seriousness of your plight and call attention to ones coming immediately within our group as confirmation. The others will please bear with us for our resources are so limited that time must be taken from the usual projections for the alerts.

    I am sorrowful to announce that no portion of the Earth planet shall be excluded from change or alteration for all is connected to all and thusly, massive movement in one portion requires adjustment in all areas. Further, as the particles move into your atmosphere, they shall of course be dispersing in the high level winds above ground. The winds at ground level shall be unchallenged at very high velocities. Thus your earthen domed dwellings, with as much underground facility as possible, will be your architecture of choice if you are diligent in your preparations.

    There will come a gradual decrease in the intensity of the sun's warmth: with its change in intensity being a gradual one, as the dust first enters the Earth atmosphere prior to the arrival of the larger ones.

    Polar caps which have been melting shall release larger and larger blocks of ice into the waters of oceans causing a rise in water levels to some extent but most especially will result in off-balance of the globe itself because of weight distribution. You will find green areas emerging just south of the North Pole and just north of the South Pole as these ice cakes are released and temperatures are altered and free water can be absorbed by the previously frozen land masses.

    There shall be a shifting of the magnetic pole taking place in stages. It will not be an immediate shift but it will be one that takes place through three phases, possibly even five, depending on the numbers of ones upon the planet and their survival abilities.

    Earth shall not choose the path she has accepted so willingly. She rejoices in anticipation of the release in her bondage. Animal life which will populate the planet after the new millennium is being taken up, being removed and preserved in quantity, that they might return in a pristine beauty.

    For those who are considering purchase of land, may I suggest the importance of water availability. Streams for clear water from underground sources with underground catch basins (cisterns) to collect water to irrigate crops and to distill or cleanse for your own use. This water will be stretched far if you have prepared with underground compressed earth domed greenhouses for temperature control and moisture conservation.

    Forest lands high within the mountain reaches within central areas shall not be so greatly disturbed though they shall experience effects. But recognize the degree of cleansing experienced shall be in direct relationship to the num­ber of meters above and below sea level. Sea level is a key to your planet. No, dear friends, I am not allowed to tell you on an individual basis where you "should" be; that is not my right nor intent. We give you that which can he brought and you will need tend of it. Much of the projection can he greatly altered by attention to your business at hand in the present. Do not worry of thine placement for if you allow of your Constitution to fall, it matters little where you are for you shall be at the whim of the cartels. Is there time? Yes, if you ACT and quit waiting for "someone else" to do of it all. God isn't going to change a hair of it--YOU ARE OR IT SHALL NOT BE CHANGED! SO BE IT.

    I petition you to consider this input most carefully for the intent within the American elite is to push your NEW Constitution through in a Constitutional Convention immediately. All factors are being set into placement through secret treaties and executive orders, replacements on your Supreme Court and a heavy thrust by the Israeli Lobby. What do you think the Israelis do with $3 billion dollars annually, IN CASH, from your government? Please note that that very group totally controls that which is interchanged with Saudi-Arabia by more than two/thirds. You are set-up for total destruction and take-over as it has all but been perfected while you stared at your picture boxes and indulged in your addictions, Playboy channels and self-indulgent "things" of lux­ury. Indeed, why not put a "BMW" label on your flag instead of the wondrous eagle? Even a Mercedes emblem would perhaps be more appropriate.

    We, of the Space Command of the Host Brothers, can only ask your attention for the ultimate outcome will be as you the masses choose it to be. We stand at ready for your call and will share all that we are allowed. We have no in­tention what-so-ever of performing magic tricks for you sleepy brethren--for tricks, magic and secrecy is not of God. You have an abundance of that poi­son. You look around you for your proof; see that which you have done and allowed to be done and then, go within and see what ye might do to alter of your state.

    I thank you for your attention and I am greatly appreciative to the scribe who is my beloved friend. It also pains me to see the shattered glass--let it he warning unto caution. You ones of the Lighted Brotherhood can pull this mission off if you bend to the task immediately. Man is awakening and seeing and experiencing that which is about him.

    Dharma, I request for this Express that you copy the OPEN LETTER TO THE PRESIDENT from "Only one of 'WE THE PEOPLE'" as it appeared in the local paper and dated Aug. 4, 1989--being rerun. Please make sure to in­clude an open invitation to obtain the Journals and give accurate location of the Book Store, (still labelled "Rainbow Laundry"). Actually, that is not a bad label for a bookstore--it is time to wash your brains a bit in the water of God, truth and justice.

    I now clear of the frequency, in appreciation for this opportunity to share with you. Thank you.

    Soltec to clear, please. Saalome'



    From the Tehachapi News, July, 1990.

    Mr. President,

    I have heard that you are pushing for an amendment to YOUR Consti­tution {Hatonn: note that this was a year ago and the headlines are only more pronounced.} (it is not OUR Constitution, I have found out in recent years), said amendment pertaining to combustion, flag-fu­eled, in government jargon, flag burning to the common serfs.

    With perhaps unforgivable audacity, coming as it is from a citizen/3rd class (so designated by the Almighty U.S. Air Force and endorsed by Congressman Bill Thomas), I offer the following suggestions to combat the troublesome flag torching contagion.

    Firstly, if you are going to have the anti-flag conflagration amendment, why add onto the already over-long Constitution and Bill of Rights? You are at present chipping away at the 2nd amendment (the right of the citizens to bear arms), so why not just repeal that outdated section, supported only by the fanatics of the National Rifle Association, and insert in its place the flaming flag business?

    But a better approach, in my super-humble opinion, would be to take the National Banner out of the unwashed unmanicured hands of that undeserving group referred to as "we the people". Make laws to the ef­fect that only elected officials and their appointees, the military, the police, bureaucrats, government consultants, their servants, relatives, spouses, live-in lovers of all three sexes, etc., in short, the elite, would be permitted to have a flag. True, this would put Old Glory in the clutches of a considerable number of human, or almost human crea­tures, but it is doubtful most of them would know how to set a flag on fire unless it could be done by a computer. Or you could tax the super­fluous flags out of existence. An annual levy of, say $500 to $5,000 on each flag (depending on size and quality), could be assessed by the In­ternal Revenue Service, accomplished, probably, by only an inter-of­fice memo. And then after flag-tax delinquents showed up in massive numbers the flags could be seized, their owners incarcerated in a chain of specially built prisons in depressed areas. Or maybe it would not be too parsimonious to confine them in shut-down auto plants and steel mills.

    These flag-related offenders could be put to work manufacturing the new "designer" flags for the creme de la creme of our new Ultimate Society. The Stars & Stripes may have been good enough for the masses, but limited ownership demands a new design, accomplished, perhaps by Gucci, utilizing the finest Italian silk. At the very least, one of the designers of Jordache stature would be called upon. This ban­ner of status should be replete with computer-generated esoteric sym­bols, and would incorporate the color purple to denote royalty. The staffs and poles that hear these flags would be made by the Bavarian Motor Works, and would have the BMW emblem in place of the pre­sent ugly eagle.

    Enough of the sublime! Back to the burning issue.

    I certainly do not advocate the burning of The Star Spangled Banner, Mr. President. However, in the final analysis, the flag is not a living thing, such as a giant redwood tree, that, once destroyed can never be replaced, and we can safely surmise it feels no pain as it burns.

    But let us enter the realm of science fiction (if that is not a region re­served exclusively for politicians). Here we have a flag that has a soul, a conscience and an awareness of all it stands for (or once stood for). A flag that possesses a memory bank of everyone of the millions of "we the people" who have sacrificed part of their freedoms, their health, both mental and physical, their limbs and their lives, so that this living flag might continue to exist as a symbol to the world that freedom and hope and respect for all humanity is extant. It stands tall in rightful pride.

    Here it will appear that I digress, Mr. President, but I beg you to bear with me.

    Not far from my home there is a fenced-in closely guarded area. And there, ordinary courtesy and respect for "we the people" is in limbo at all times. There is no tolerance for human error there. Behind one of the hundreds of desks there sits a person in a blue suit, and he is em­powered, with one stroke of his almighty government-issued pen, to charge, declare guilty, and punish a United States citizen accused of wrong-doing in his domain! The taking away of rights granted the ac­cused by Congressional action is done by "administrative action", with not even a conversation with the alleged miscreant. The rights that are set forth in the Constitution - to face one's accuser and to be afforded "due process of law" do not exist in this twilight zone.

    This stronghold of totalitarianism is not the sprawling State prison here at Tehachapi. There, much time and money is expended to assure the convicts do not have their rights violated. The scary place I speak of is Edwards Air Force Base! The despot in the blue suit is the Base Commander (must be capitalized, same as God). This dictator, who wields more power than any elected official, including you, Mr. Presi­dent, is, surprisingly, a dime-a-dozen colonel (we have more of them now than at the height of WW2). The U.S. Attorney General, the Dis­trict Court and at least one U.S. Congressman see no anomaly in the almighty colonel's remarkable tour de force in legal jurisdiction. When I was a victim of this bizarre "justice", (no, I am not a member of the Air Force), the office of Congressman William Thomas issued the ad­vice "- if you can't follow THEIR (the Air Force's) rules, stay off of THEIR bases." I surrendered my Retired Military I.D. card at THEIR demand some 4 years ago, and I find it easy to stay off THEIR base, even at some financial loss, now that I know of the sleaze that infests the place.

    Finally, let us very briefly refer to your "Base" of operations, Mr. Presi­dent. I have heard it called the Pestilence on the Potomac and the daily news reports attest to the validity of that dreadful appellation. Not your fault, Mr. President, it has been a long time in the making.

    Now, if that sci-fi flag mentioned earlier, the one with the conscience and the memory bank of its days of honor and glory really existed, and if it were to be raised over a place such as Edwards AFB, or even the Capitol, I do believe that poor Old Glory would twist slowly in the be­fouled air for a while, and then, perceiving what was going on beneath it, the flag would simmer and seethe, and then do a SLOW BURN!


    I request that you letter writers do not fail to write to the writer of this in like public letter. Further mention that not only does the corruption run from State Senator but also into the Judicial Bench in Mojave where one from a law-firm who made great contribution to the campaign of the Governor of California (who appointed the Judge to the Bench), makes far more devastat­ing Admiralty judgments against the mere "we the people". As in this prop­erty of this scribe; the Judge is connected politically and financially to the very S & L, auction house and financial foreclosure company. The defendants have never been allowed hearing and the cost of legal fees to them alone, now run well over $100,000 when a re-sale would have been less than $500.

    These ones now lose their attorneys for the firm of older partners demand the case be dropped for they also know of the rot and subterfuge. This story should be run as a serial in every paper in your nation.

    This scribe is so emotionally distraught as to simple daily existence, having lived from partially packed boxes some nearly two years, and now being abandoned by the only defense they had--has refused to eat until someone hears her cry and the public gives this voice a hearing. Her intent? If Caesar Chavez, who lives very nearby, can make a statement by self starvation, so must she. This is serious indeed, for if we move into weakness from fasting, these Journals will stop. We do, however, honor her and accept her action--I would suggest that she does not "quit" easily as witnessed by more than 17 Journals in less than a year plus the equivalent of six more in tapes and Ex­presses. She asks for strength, and we will respond; you each must consider what you might be willing to do in behalf of truth, country, home and soul! She has been the target of almost daily attempts against her life and still we go forth and we grow and the word shall be heard throughout the lands for it is God's promise and if she fails, there shall be another to pick up the banner and WE SHALL PREVAIL! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND GOD BLESS AND HAVE MERCY UPON THINE WORLD. MAY THE LIGHT OPEN THINE EYES AND HEARTS THAT YOU MAY SEE AND UNDER­STAND.

    I am Hatonn; I thank my colleague and fellow officer for his input of timely in­formation and we shall be most pleased to share forum with our other members of Space Command until all segments are covered by receivers.

    Let us take respite and a decision can be made as to the remaining informa­tion to be placed herein. I salute you of my crew. Saalom and Salu. Hatonn to clear and out.

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