PJ 24
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1991 2:57 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 175

I have had many inquiries for explanation regarding this tax ruling for it is impactful indeed. There is more pressing and urgent material which I must cover before handling that subject in great depth; however, I will touch on some highlights in the interim.

This is indeed a ticklish case in point with several outstanding observations.

Prior to the non-filing, Mr. John Cheek HAD filed tax forms which automatically put him in the status of a "voluntary" taxpayer and on the active rolls of the IRS. This is exactly where most of you ones will find yourselves--usually. In addition, there will be visible funds garnered for self by failure to report and file the "agreed upon" proportion of taxes.

In this instance the ONLY obvious factor is that you no longer have Common Law courts but rather, Admiralty rulings. Therefore, the secret word, if you will, is "civil" vs. "criminal" proceedings. To "legally" try the man in any manner whatsoever, required that he be tried as a "criminal"--which he, indeed, was not. Once brought before a "criminal" court the man was entitled to a jury hearing, etc.

Now, please note that in rendering the court decision (Supreme Court) the following is put to record:

While the Supreme Court held that Cheek was entitled to his day in court, and that a trial judge had no right to, in effect, prejudice a jury or refuse to allow it to consider all evidence, Cheek's claim that the income tax law is un-Constitutional was "unsound". In fact, the court's brief listed several arguments sometimes used which the panel said "have not been, or ever will be, considered objectively reasonable". (Hatonn: note the words "unsound" (not unlawful) and "objectively reasonable"--(not incorrect or unconstitutional!) and herein lies a most important point in discussion--Mr. Cheek was being considered on the basis of incarceration of a criminal offense and actually the income tax reasonability or Constitutionality was not that which was under consideration. The latter statements and the seven points given forth in the brief were opinions of personal interpretation and did not, in fact, bear on the case in point--which was "criminal incarceration" for Mr. Cheek's action or inaction.)

1. The belief that the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was improperly ratified and therefore never came into being.
2. The belief that the 16th Amendment is un-Constitutional generally;
3. The belief that the income tax violates the ‘taking clause' of the Fifth Amendment;
4. The belief that the tax laws are un-Constitutional.
5. The belief that wages are not income and therefore are not subject to federal income tax laws;
6. The belief that filing a tax return violates the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination; and
7. The belief that Federal Reserve notes do not constitute cash or income.

AGAIN, TAKE CAREFUL NOTE TO THE NEXT: However, the Supreme Court did not say that the internal revenue code could not be challenged on these grounds, even though it characterized them as being "frivolous". Nor did the court say that one cannot be a non-taxpayer.

The court noted that Cheek was free to pay income taxes and then utilize the mechanisms provided by Congress to present his claims of invalidity to the courts.

In short, the justices ruled that while a defendant's views on the validity of tax statutes were not relevant to a criminal charge of willfully attempting to evade payment, it was wrong for a trial judge to instruct a jury to disregard a defendant's reasoning for such avoidance.

Now the reasonable thing to do is--as I have told you over and over again--to use discretion and use it properly. The prime point to remember in a confrontation over Legislative and Constitutional laws is that the one with the gun gets to make the laws and they become LEGAL even if UNLAWFUL!


All of the flowery presentation of the seven points are to scare you into following the rules as laid forth by the Cartel Controllers. Whether a case can now be won on other grounds is strictly according to how the case is put into presentation and who has the biggest gun to the head on the day of hearing. You call that "highway robbery with gun to head"? Yes, exactly--but you see, you no longer have a "justice" system. You will note that the "deciders" of his fate did not dare push too far. They could intimidate him into causing him to fork over the funds but still had to admit that he has still a right to hearing on the merits of the case in point regarding legality, etc., of the income tax laws.

I have further urged you to be most careful in your own intent. If all you wish to do is avoid taxes, there is quite a difference in avoiding and evading--like 15 years! You had better really believe in what you are doing on Constitutional grounds and KNOW that which you do and speak and then you won't end up in such blunders.

I believe if you ponder the case carefully you will be able to see that it was truly a "victory" and not a lost case as it at first appears. Now, however, that the Executive Orders overriding your Constitution are in place, you will have to take care to simply "have no income" for them to rob.

When it is stated: "Cheek said he now agrees he was required to pay federal income taxes, and he has now paid these assessments, along with substantial penalties. But Cheek maintained that he should not have been prosecuted as a criminal". It means exactly that--he realized he is "required" (right, wrong, or indifferent--he is required!) and thusly did so or be in contempt of court.

The secret is out when you read the careful wording of the response in point: "Cheek's attorney said that the court's opinion ‘confirms the fundamental idea that even though his beliefs may appear ridiculous to a judge, Mr. Cheek is entitled to have a jury decide whether or not he believed it'."

For you who wonder what in the name of law are we talking about, let me briefly explain. A January 8 ruling handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court is viewed as at least a partial victory by those critical of the Internal Revenue Code and the way it is applied to the vast majority of citizens and taxpayers.

The high court, by a 6-2 margin, found that a defendant in a dispute over payment of income taxes has the right to expect that a jury will consider evidence whether the defendant "had a good-faith belief that he was not violating any of the provisions of the tax law."

This is a vital ruling, because many federal courts have held that failure to pay all taxes demanded by the government is "bad faith or evil intent"--this despite Supreme Court decisions over the past 20 years that have defined criminal intent as the "voluntary, intentional violation of a known legal duty".

This ruling stems from a case, Cheek vs United States. John L. Cheek, a 48-year-old pilot with American Airlines, was convicted in 1988 of six counts of willfully failing to file a federal income tax return and of three counts of willfully attempting to evade income taxes.

You see, the government must PROVE WILLFULNESS if it is to win criminal prosecution. However, typical of your injustice system, during Cheek's trial the judge issued several instructions to the jury which essentially steered jurors into finding Cheek guilty.

The pilot repeated to the Supreme Court what he had told the lower court:
* He had not acted "willfully;
* After long study of the internal revenue code and discussions with groups opposed to the income tax system he believed that his wages were not "income"; and, thus,
* He was not a "taxpayer" within the meaning of the code.

* He said to the court: "This country is founded on certain beliefs; and just because you disagree with the IRS on interpretation of the law does not make you a criminal."

The Supreme Court held that the trial judge in Cheek's case had erred when he instructed the jury to "disregard evidence" of Cheek's understanding that, within the meaning of the tax laws, he was not a person required to file a return or to pay income taxes and that wages are not taxable income. (This latter statement comes from one of your inalienable rights to earn by your own labor, etc.)

This entire matter only provides you with guidelines as to where you are in total destruction of your Constitution and Bill of Rights. Justice is no longer an issue for you no longer have a court system of "justice". The very wording of the opinion rendered, however, indicates a total conspiracy to bring you under control through total brute police force and casting aside the Constitution which has protected your rights as free men. Further, it is all but impossible to pull away from the "elected" system if you have a regular job with all of the constraints of actual police force upon you in every reporting format available for their use against you. Would it not be wise to join with the groups who are working to regain your rights and repeal the 16th Amendment? Surprisingly enough, you are making headway--for instance, some of the states who had voted in favor of a Constitutional Congress have rescinded so the nation is blinking a bit awake. Hold fast and act with wisdom. Handle assets wisely and through the use of Corporations with intent to do business with integrity, you can find some measure of protection within the laws of the land according to your "rulers". Remember that "Big Brother" has the big stick and you must really do some homework. So be it and thank you for your inquiries.

* * * * *

Now, Dharma, may we turn our attention to a topic of such great importance that we shall do very little other work until we have gotten the information out in segments as quickly as possible.

I am going to utilize material as confirmation of that which I have already given forth for your consideration and receive denial upon denial. Perhaps through the mouths of ones upon your place who have lived the horror, you can begin to hear truth of circumstance of the anti-Christ upon your doorsteps.

I shall simply utilize second person language and then urge America West to make available the book in point for your availability. The material in reprint herein is directly from a book written by Jack Bernstein, an American Jew who emigrated from the U.S. to the promised land of Israel following the Six-Day War in 1967. After 6 1/2 years of living there, he married and, much the wiser, returned to America.

He has left forever what he refers to as the "Marxist, racist" land and is forcibly separated from his wife and children. Mr. Bernstein relates the shocking truth of how Israel has become, in his words, a land of terrorism and violence. You who continue to confuse and call as ONE the Zionist Khazars with the Jews of God's people are in great error. Further, the most blatantly sad point of all is that it will always be the Jews of God who will pay the highest penalty and suffer the most greatly from the deception.

I can only present it as given for I do intend to give you a historical background on the Thirteenth Tribe who called themselves "Jews" but this is so much more timely and important for you who continue to deny my information and actually take physical violent action against my scribe and publisher. These ones were, in God's own words, "...deceivers and liars from the beginning and there is no truth in them". You cannot fix that which you fail to see is wrong. I can only present it to you again, in a different format from human input and pray that you will see and hear before the curtain falls forever upon your prison.

Before you who have already decided not to read this material cast it aside, I ask that you read this following note from Mr. Bernstein regarding the Association of Pro-American Jews: "In America, nearly all Sephardic Jews and a large portion of the Ashkenazi Jews deplore the subversive acts of the Zionists. But, fear of the vicious Zionist Jews has kept most decent Jews silent.

"Because Zionist meddling in America's internal and external affairs has become so great, we pro-American Jews cannot sit idly by and allow these Zionist Jews to destroy America--the country that has given us freedom and opportunity. We pro-American Jews must unite and help stop our Zionist brethren.

"United, we pro-American Jews can be an effective force in stopping the Zionist destruction of America.

"Write or call me and add your support. All communications will be held confidential. Jack Bernstein, Chairman, Association of Pro-American Jews, P.O. Box 825, Fairfax, VA 22030

"The Zionist network and the Zionist oriented Jewish International Bankers have had, and still have, such a great influence on world affairs and the economic and political affairs of America that a continuing source of information about their activities is necessary.

"There are many good publications available which expose Zionist past and present involvement in world and in America's affairs. But the youth of America, their parents and grandparents, are too busy to read anything lengthy, especially when it comes to politics. So, we have started issuing a very short, easy to read, easy to reproduce, letter that is sure to interest all concerned Americans.

"To receive copies of the BEHIND THE ZIONIST CURTAIN letter, just send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to our Washington office: LETTER, P.O. BOX 825, FAIRFAX, VA 22030."

The book in point is called THE LIFE OF AN AMERICAN JEW IN RACIST MARXIST ISRAEL, by Jack Bernstein as told to Len Martin, The Noontide Press, Publishers, P.O. Box 1248, Torrance, CA 90505, ISBN:0-939482-01-0. I herein ask that Mr. Green do whatever is required to get these books available to you readers. Remember that the material was written in 1984 and I do not take the time herein to check into validity of addresses, etc. As you might know, the information and book have been squelched and all manners of means have been attempted to stop the information from reaching you-the-public!. Well, the wrongdoers are right up against God now, and the battle may get quite a bit rougher before the final trumpet blows. Count on it!

And so in honor to Mr. Bernstein:

Before Israel became a state in 1948, Jews world-wide were filled with Zionist propaganda that Israel would be a homeland for all Jews, a refuge for persecuted Jews, a democratic country and the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

Jack is an Ashkenazi Jew who spent the first 25 years of his life in the United States, the country that has given all Jews freedom and the opportunity to prosper--and prosper they did, to the point that one portion of the Jews (the Zionists) gained a position of political and economic dominance in the U.S. and control two-thirds of your Congress. Remember that this material was written in 1984--and how much farther do you think things might have worsened in the intervening seven years between then and now?

To fully understand the story, it is important that you understand what Zionism really is. Zionist propaganda has led the American people to believe that Zionism and Judaism are one and the same and that they are religious in nature. This is a blatant lie. Judaism is a religion; but Zionism is a political movement started mainly by East European (Ashkenazi) Jews who for centuries have been the main force behind communism/socialism. The ultimate goal of the Zionists is one-world government under the control of the Zionists and the Zionist-oriented Jewish International Bankers. Communism/socialism are merely tools to help them accomplish their goal.

Bernstein was a victim of Zionist propaganda. After the 1967 War, the Jews were filled with pride that "our homeland" had become so powerful and successful. Then too, they had been filled with the false propaganda that Jews in America were being persecuted. So, between 1967 and 1970, approximately 50,000 American Jews fell for this Zionist propaganda and migrated to Israel. Berstein was one of those suckers, as he put it.

After being filled with all that false Zionist propaganda, he felt that he would have a better chance to succeed in the new Jewish state. There was an added enticement--the spirit and challenge of pioneering and of helping his fellow Jews.


He had no emotional conflict with leaving the U.S. because he was still able to keep his U.S. citizenship and could return to the U.S. at any time. You see, Jews are allowed to be citizens of both Israel and some countries--the U.S. is one of those countries. The U.S. government allows a Jew to be a citizen of both the U.S. and Israel.

German Americans cannot be citizens of both the U.S. and Germany. Italian Americans cannot be citizens of both the U.S. and Italy. Egyptian Americans cannot be citizens of both the U.S. and Egypt...BUT a Jewish American can be a citizen of both Israel and the U.S. THIS IS A GOOD EXAMPLE OF THE POWER THE ZIONIST JEWS HAVE OVER THE U.S. GOVERNMENT.


Before leaving for Israel, a Jewish friend of Jack's had made arrangements for him to stay a few days with her sister and aunt.

After arriving at Lod Airport just outside of Tel Aviv, he took a bus to the home of this person. When he saw the young lady, Fawzia Daboul, it was love at first sight. He began calling her ‘Ziva' which was her Hebrew name.

Ziva is a Sephardic Jewess from Iraq who, like himself, had fallen for the Zionist propaganda and had migrated to Israel. She was employed as a hairdresser.


After visiting with Ziva and her aunt for two days, he left to spend 6 months at Kibbutz "Ein Hashofet", one of the well over 150 such communes then operating in Israel. Since then, many more have been started--especially in the territory taken from the Palestinian Arabs. A kibbutz is a farming and sometimes industrial venture.

It is important to explain that Israel's Kibbutz system is a Marxist idea brought to Israel by the Ashkenazi Jews who migrated to Israel mainly from Poland and Russia. These Jews are part of that bunch of Jews known as the Bolsheviks. Before 1917, they were the force that laid the foundation for the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia and the start of communism. (Russia is now known as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.)


Now, back to the Kibbutz-‑
Prior to 1967, most of the work of the Kibbutzim was done by Jews, but, since the 1967 War, the work has been done by Arabs who are paid a very low wage, and by volunteers from overseas. Members of the kibbutz (all Jews)) share all things equally. They receive clothing, food and a small allowance. All profits from the venture go into the kibbutz account for future use. EACH OF THESE KIBBUTZ ARE AFFILIATED WITH ONE OF ISRAEL'S MARXIST PARTIES ranging from SOCIALIST TO HARD-CORE COMMUNIST.

The kibbutz Jack was in was not hard-core communist. Yet, he was happy to leave after four months--two months earlier than originally planned.

During the time he was working on the kibbutz, he carried on a courtship with Ziva. She was one of the reasons he left the kibbutz after only four months--they were to be married.


The marriage ceremony was held in the Sephardic Synagogue. The ceremony was simple but beautiful. Ziva and Jack were very happy, but their marriage created serious problems. You see, Ziva is a Sephardic Jewess and Jack is an Ashkenazi Jew. For an Ashkenazi Jew to marry a Sephardic Jew is frowned upon in Israel by the ruling Ashkenazis. To understand why this is the case, you must realize the difference between the Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews.

The powerful Zionist propaganda machine has led the American people to believe that a Jew is a Jew--one race of people and that they are "God's Chosen People''. We will deal with the "God's Chosen People" lie later. First, it is important for you to understand that Jews are NOT one race of people.

There are two distinct groups of Jews in the world and they come from two different areas of the world--the Sephardic Jews from the Middle East and North Africa and the Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe.

The Sephardic is the oldest group and it is they, if any, who are the Jews described in the Bible because they lived in the area described in the Bible. They are blood relatives to the Arabs--the only difference between them is religion.

The Ashkenazi Jews, who now comprise over 90% of the Jews in the world, had a rather strange beginning. According to historians, many of them Jewish, the Ashkenazi Jews came into existence about 1200 years ago. It happened this way:

At the eastern edge of Europe, there lived a tribe of people known as the Khazars. About the year 740 A.D., the Khazar king and his court decided they should adopt a religion for their people. So, representatives of the three major religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, were invited to present their religious doctrines. The Khazars chose Judaism, but it was not for religious reasons. If the Khazars had chosen Islam, they would have angered the strong Christian world. If they had chosen Christianity, they would have angered the strong Islamic world. So, they played it safe--they chose Judaism. Now, I want you to understand that I, Hatonn, am presenting this as Jack relays it and there are some exceptions I take with the tale but it matters not in content of perception. It wasn't for religious reasons the Khazars chose Judaism; it was for political reasons.

Sometime during the 13th century the Khazars were driven from their land and they migrated westward with most of them settling in Poland and Russia. These Khazars are now known as Ashkenazi Jews. Because these Khazar (Ashkenazi) Jews merely chose Judaism, they are not really Jews--at least not blood Jews.

Throughout their history, these Polish and Russian Ashkenazi Jews practiced communism/socialism and worked to have their ideas implemented in these countries. Now remember that these Khazars were originally Nordic, Mongol and Russian in blood-line. By the late 1800's significant numbers of these communist/socialist Jews were found in Germany, the Balkans and eventually all over Europe.

Because of their interference in the social and governmental affairs of Russia, they became the target of persecution by the Czars. Because of this, migration of these communist/socialist oriented Jews began. Some went to Palestine, some went to Central and South America and a large number of them moved to the U.S.


In 1897, the First Zionist Congress was held in Basil, Switzerland. At this Congress, it was decided to work toward the establishment of a Jewish state and a search for land on which to build this Jewish state began.

Great Britain offered the Zionists land in Africa. This the Zionists rejected--they wanted Palestine!

At the time, Palestine was inhabited by a half a million Palestinian Arabs and a few Palestinian Jews who are blood related and who had lived together in peace for centuries.

With Palestine as their choice for a homeland, European Ashkenazi Jews began migrating to Palestine. As was explained earlier, most were communist/socialist oriented with some of them being radical Bolshevik communists whose aim is world domination. So when you think of Jews, especially as related to Israel, keep in mind that there is a great difference between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews. They are not one united people. They are divided socially, politically and especially, racially. Now, back to Ziva, a Sephardic Jewess and Jack, an Ashkenazi Jew, and their lives in the so-called democratic country of Israel.


For the first three years of their marriage, it was necessary for them to live with Ziva's aunt. This was because of the critical housing shortage in Israel and because of racism. Housing is allocated as follows:

* Ashkenazi Jews who have lived in Israel for many years are given first choice.

* Second in line are Ashkenazi Jews from Europe--especially if they are married or marry and Israeli-born Ashkenazi Jew.

* The next favored are Ashkenazi Jews from the U.S.--especially if they marry an Israeli-born Ashkenazi.

* Sephardic Jews have the next choice of whatever housing is left.

* At the bottom of the list are Moslems, Druze and Christians.

Opportunities for employment follow the same pattern: Ashkenazi Jews get the choicest jobs, Sephardic Jews next, and Moslem, Druze and Christians fill the menial jobs with a great many unemployed.

Even though Jack was an Ashkenazi Jew from the U.S., he was placed lower on the list for housing because he had married a Sephardic Jewess.

Being denied housing was his second experience of the intense racism that exists in Israel. From the very beginning of his arrival in Israel, many slurs were yelled at him. The American Jews are merely being tolerated.

Because Israel, to survive, must depend on gifts of American Taxpayer's money, donations from American Jews and sale of worthless Israeli Bonds in America, there is jealousy among the elite Israeli Ashkenazi Jews toward American Jews, even if the American Jews are Ashkenazi. Many times Jack was told, "Go home!" and, "We want your money, but not you."

However, there was a portion of the American Jews who were welcome and given favored treatment. They were the card-carrying communist Jews.

Of the 50,000 American Jews who, like Jack, had migrated to Israel between 1967 and 1970, about 20% (10,000) of them were Marxist oriented with a great number of them actual card-carrying communists. They were welcomed by the Israeli authorities and local Ashkenazi and were given favored treatment--housing, jobs and social life. It must be noted that, besides coming from the U.S., a great number of communist Jews were migrating to Israel from Chile, Argentina and South Africa.

Of the 50,000 who had migrated during that time, 80% of them eventually returned to the U.S. The 20% who remained were those who were card-carrying communists, or sympathetic to Marxism.


From what you have been told thus far, you must have the idea that Israel is a Marxist (socialist/communist) country. This would be correct. But, Israel has three faces: communism, fascism and democracy.

The Ashkenazi Jews who migrated to Israel from Russia brought with them the ideology of socialism/communism and have put into practice much of that ideology.

The Ashkenazi Jews who migrated to Israel from Germany, while sympathetic to communism and support it, tend to favor the practices of Nazi-style fascism. During World War II, in Germany these elite Zionist Ashkenazi Jews worked closely with Hitler's Gestapo in persecuting the lower class German Jews and delivering them to concentration camps. Now living in Israel, these elite Zionist Jews, who were well-trained in Nazi-style fascism and favor it, have imposed many facets of fascism on Israel.

To give the impression that Israel is a democracy, members of the Knesset (Israel's Congress) are elected--an odd type of election. This is where Israel's so-called democracy stops. It doesn't make any difference which party wins an election, the LIKUD or Labor, the elite Zionist Jews rule in a dictatorial manner--giving favors to the elite clique and brutally suppressing any dissent.

In the Zionist/communist scheme of world domination, it is Israel's role to continually stir up trouble in the Mideast. Since wars are a big part of this scheme of aggression, it is only natural that, from early childhood on, Israeli youth are trained mentally and physically for war. For instance:

Israel has its equivalent of Hitler's youth group. It is the Gadna; and all high school and junior high students are required to participate--boys and girls. Like Hitler's youth group, the youth in Israel's Gadna are dressed in khaki uniforms. They take training and engage in para-military exercises.

Even at play, guns and thoughts of war are present. When on a picnic, instead of taking along baseball or soccer equipment, they take sub-machine guns and assault rifles and practice shooting and playing military games.

Once graduated from high school, all young boys are required to serve 3 years in the army (2 years for girls) or 4 years in the navy or air force (3 for girls). Ultra-orthodox religious Jews are exempt from military service.

Once out of the service, a number of the ex-service people join the Shin Bet, the equivalent of Hitler's Gestapo. Like the Gestapo, they engage in repressing anyone who acts or speaks out against the Marxist/Fascist government of Zionist dominated Israel.

Like the Nazi Germany, all people in Israel are required to carry identity booklets called "Teudat Zehut" in Hebrew.

One day Jack changed jackets and forgot to take out his ID booklet when he went down town in Tel Aviv. A police officer approached him and asked for the "Teudat Zehut". He was told that it had been left in the other jacket.

Because he didn't have his ID booklet with him, he was taken to the police station.

At the police station, the desk sergeant informed him that for not having his ID booklet with him, he could be jailed for up to 16 days without even being taken before a judge. All that was necessary was for the police Lieutenant to sign a "Remand Order".

Jack asked permission to make a telephone call to his wife and tell her to bring the ID booklet to the station. The Sergeant allowed him two hours to have the "Teudat Zehut" produced. Jack called his wife and she brought it--arriving just minutes before the 2 hour deadline expired. If she had been late in arriving, he would have been jailed for 16 days for simply not having his ID booklet on his person.

This is only one indication that Israel is a "Police State" and not a democracy--and you are next, America.

Concerning Nazism/Fascism, please let us clear up a point. Germans are an admirable people--even to greatness. But in Germany, the general population were victims of the Nazis who, through cunning and brutality, gained power.

In Germany, the average Jews were victims of the Zionist Elite who worked hand in hand with the Nazis. Many of those same Zionist Jews who, in Germany, had worked with the Nazis, moved to Israel and joined hands with the Zionist/Communist Jews from Poland and Russia. It is the two faces of communism and Nazi-style fascism that rule Israel. Democracy is merely an illusion.

Regarding the tie between the elite Ashkenazi Jews and the Nazis, take a look at the word "Ashkenazi"--look again--"AshkeNAZI". Don't you think that is somewhat coincidental, to say the very least?

There is great confusion regarding the relationship of fascism to communism.

Fascism is NATIONAL socialism.

Communism is INTERNATIONAL socialism.


Economically, Israel has long been bankrupt. Of course, this could have been predicted because Israel's economic structure is based on socialism. Whenever a government of a state and its citizens spend more money than the value of the goods produced, economic bankruptcy will result.

If it were not for aid from America, Israel's economy would have collapsed long before now. Israel is a "welfare state" in every sense of the word--it is America's most favored welfare recipient at the cost of even your own.

While America's farmers, small businessmen and laborers are struggling to survive, the U.S. Government, dominated by Zionist Jews, is draining the pockets and purses of American taxpayers to support Israel's socialist economy and war machine.

Since the Israeli government knows, and the favored Zionists know, that the Zionist pressure in America will ensure that America will keep sending them massive amounts of money, the Israeli government spends money like the proverbial "drunken sailors". This practice leads to inflation and eventually to an economic collapse.

Comparing Israel to drunken sailors is unfair--to sailors. Sailors spend their own money--Israel spends money it gets from America.

Because Israel is a welfare state depending mainly on American aid for survival, it is on a down-hill slide. In 1982, Israel's inflation rate was 130%. In 1983, it was 200%, and in 1984 (the year Jack penned the book) it was expected to exceed 400%, and did so. That means a hamburger that cost $1.00 the prior January would have risen to $5.00 by the end of December. History shows that no nation mired in economic problems as Israel has become, has ever avoided an economic collapse--harken up America.

Only with a massive increase in American financial aid can an economic collapse be averted--even then, this solution would only be temporary. Nonetheless--you continue to pour in billions and billions in dollars and more in every known weapon and side adventure.

Regarding the destructive tendencies of socialism, there are circumstances that allow a country to successfully provide social programs to help its people.

It is possible in a country that has sufficient financial resource and where its citizens are deeply religious and considerate of their fellowmen. None of this exists in Israel.

Even in countries where conditions are ideal there lingers a dancer. Since the government of the country provides for the needs of its citizens, most of these citizens have a tendency to lose incentive to work hard; and a country with a complacent citizenry is easily conquered.


Tourism is one of Israel's main sources of income. The largest group of visitors are American Jews. But, there are also many American Christians who want to visit the holy shrines and to see the land of God's Chosen People. These Christians come away very impressed and filled with religious fervor.

While in Israel, Jews and Gentiles alike are carefully watched so that they do not stray and happen to see the sordid side of Israel--the true Israel. Like in Soviet Russia and other communist countries, visitors to Israel are taken on carefully planned guided tours. They are shown the religious sites, the universities, the lush orchards, the technical accomplishments, the arts, and to stir sympathy, they are taken to visit the Holocaust Museum.

But, kept from the eyes of the tourists are the ghettos, the prisons where political prisoners, mostly Arabs and Sephardic Jews, are subjected to the most inhumane forms of torture. The tourists do not see the widespread criminal activities and the corruption and cooperation between organized crime bosses and government and police officials. The tourists do not learn of the true inner workings of Israel's Marxist/Fascist government; nor do they see Israel's racism.

Jack relates one story of an American tourist who couldn't help telling about the wonderful religious feeling she had from just being in Israel--the Holy Land. He remarked to her, "Just try giving a Bible to a local Jew and you will see how much religion and religious freedom there is in Israel. If seen by the police doing so, you will be immediately arrested."

Regarding the Holocaust Museum, Jack comments that he could not help but comment: "The Holocaust may not have happened--IF--(and here grows the seeds of truth from the mire of lies):

1. If the Zionist leadership in Germany had not cooperated with the Nazis.
2. If the Zionists, world-wide, had not persuaded various countries to refuse to accept Jews from Germany. The Zionists in America persuaded President Roosevelt to shut the door and not allow Jewish refugees into America before the war when there was still a chance for Jews to leave Germany. It must be added that many people, including Jews, question whether the Holocaust happened as portrayed by the Zionist propagandists--at least not to the extent the Zionists claim. I can most certainly assure that it DID NOT!

Dharma, it has been such a long time of writing this day that we must give you some rest. Allow us to close at this point and we shall take up the subject of religion in Israel when we sit to write again.

Please, readers, I can only plead with you to read this information in relationship with the writings we have presented prior to this and many, many things will come into focus for you. I honor all of you for your efforts at finding Truth.

Good evening, Hatonn to stand-by, please.

PJ 24
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1991 8:06 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 176

There is only one thing I will take time to point out to you in Today's Watch--which may or may not elude your attention. Note that because King Hussein of Jordan has made a statement against the war and total destruction of Iraq; YOU are planning to withdraw the promised aid to Jordan to assist with refuge costs and the added burden of your own allies swarming into that little country. Can this possibly make you proud as Americans? You spend billions and billions to beef up everyone in the world with weapons of death and destruction in unthinkable manner and now you would cut food aid to ones who have protected your own endangered people. WHY? LET ME SHOCK YOU A WHOLE BUNCH!! THIS WAR IS TO BE TURNED INTO AN ENTIRE MIDDLE EASTERN HOLOCAUST AND COME UNDER CONTROL OF THE ZIONIST IRON CLAWS. THE ZIONISTS DO NOT ONLY DESIRE A BIT OF WEST BANK PALESTINE OR A BIT OF LEBANON, DEAR ONES, THEY INTEND TO BEGIN BY BRINGING ALL OF THE ARAB WORLD FROM THE RED SEA TO THE PERSIAN GULF AND NORTH TO THE TIGRIS/EUPHRATES RIVERS AND WORK THEIR WAY ACROSS THE WORLD. SURPRISED TO FIND THEY ALREADY HAVE YOUR "NEW WORLD" AND NOW YOU WILL BE COMING UNDER THE IRON RULE OF THE "NEW WORLD ORDER"? SO BE IT--YOU WHO LAUGH NOW WILL MOST CERTAINLY STOP LAUGHING AND RIDICULING VERY, VERY SHORTLY!

The intent is to cause uprising of the Holy Lands into an all out war which cannot be won with sticks and slings--then when all is in total chaos the entire mess is planned to be brought under total, widespread control by the nuclear weapons and death weapons of massive destruction so that NONE DARE RISE AGAIN AGAINST THE BEAST! Mark these words for you will see it come to pass if you allow this horror to continue--and, further, there is NO ATTEMPT BEING MADE AT ANY LEVEL OF POWER TO STOP IT! I TELL YOU NOW THAT THE SOVIET/ZIONISTS/COMMUNIST SOCIALISTS HAVE TAKEN CONTROL OF YOUR WORLD, YOUR GOVERNMENT AND YOUR NATION, AMERICA. AND, AS AMERICA FALLS--SO SHALL THE WORLD! YOU CAN WATCH IT UNFOLD AND ENSNARE YOU IN THE WEB OR YOU CAN RAISE YOUR VOICE AND YOUR DEMAND THAT IT STOP--IT IS UP TO YOU FOR YOU HAVE NOW BEEN TOLD AND SHOWN THAT WHICH IS COMING UPON YOU AND FEW HEAR AND SEE THE TOTALITY OF THE BEAST PLAYING WITH YOU AS A TIGER PLAYS WITH A MOUSE.

You say, "...but there was to be one ‘slain' only to rise again and call himself God and THEN we would know by the sign." There is no way to slay the leaders, dear ones, they are replicas of the originals and there are dozens to take their places and you will never know. You killed Ronald Reagan and yet, you know not that he was dead! All the signs were there, including the running of your important and critical government by astrologers and still, you missed of it.


Dharma, allow us to continue now with the unfoldment of Jack Berstein's story and the truth of that which you face, now, in power throughout your world.


The land on which the present state of Israel has been built, formerly Palestine, was once walked upon by Moses, Jesus and Mohammed.

Since Palestine was the site of many religious events and has many religious sites, it is rightfully referred to as the HOLY LAND. So, one would think that Palestine, now Israel, would tend to have an air of holiness about it. (You see, brothers, evil always usurps that which is most Godly in representation in order to make fools of the masses.) The ungodly Satan even calls himself "Satan" to confuse you with God, the "Sananda" of Egyptian lineage of verbiage. (Editors Note: Had Immanuel (Jesus) Christ been born in Egypt, He would have been called Sananda.) He (Satan) takes his then recognized label and infiltrates the most holy time of celebration, Christmas, with one he labels "Santa" S-A-T-A-N/S-A-N-T-A (same letters, even) to confuse you and give your children from tiny infant the cause to expect something worldly and wondrous for nothing and eager to have, have, have of worldly, physical "things". Oh, dear ones, it has been most subtle and deceitfully disguised in colors of goodness and charade of Godness.

When Palestinian Moslems and Palestinian Jews occupied Palestine, there was a religious aura. But, since the Zionists took over the area and set up the state of Israel, it is one of the most sinful nations in the world where only less than 5% of the Jews are religious. It is interesting to note that those who are strongly religious are Arab Moslems and Arab Christians who make up only a small minority in Israel.

ISRAELI LAWS SUPPRESS ALL RELIGION--For instance, it is against the law to try and convert a Jew to another religion even if the Jew is an atheist or humanist.

A Christian is permitted to preach the gospel in a church building, but for the clergy or anyone to even tell anyone about teachings in the Bible outside the church building will bring a FIVE YEAR PRISON SENTENCE.

For a Christian to give a Bible or other religious article to a Jew will also bring a five year sentence. Even an act of kindness by a Christian toward a Jew, such as giving a gift of food, can be interpreted as trying to convert the Jew to Christianity and can bring a five year prison sentence.

This same law of religious suppression applies to those of the Islamic faith who in an act of kindness give a gift of any kind to a Jew. A five year prison sentence can result.

The treatment of religious Jews is touchy for the ruling Zionists. World-wide, Jews and non-Jews view Israel as a land where Jews may practice their religion without persecution. Therefore, the Zionists do not dare risk suppressing Judaism for fear of arousing world opinion against them. So, the ruling Zionists merely tolerate the religious practices of the small minority of Jews in Israel.


The American people have been led to believe that Jews are "God's Chosen People". This myth was begun by a small group of Jews. A few Jewish leaders took excerpts from the Bible and interpreted them to mean that God designated them as "Chosen People". But, isn't it odd that it is not the religious Jews who claim to be "God's Chosen People". It is the atheistic non-believing Jews who claim that honor. It is the true religious Jews who take up the Journals which we project and bear them to the precious altars, hiding them beneath floorboards and in hollows in the fields. It is the Jewish community of believers in this nation of the U.S. who give the most gracious comfort and encouragement unto my people. Likewise it is the Zionist non-believing Jews who work hardest and violently to destroy the word we bring. "God's Chosen People" no longer reside in the "Holy Land", dear ones who receive the lie and now dwell in God's CHOSEN land, the last bastion of freedom on the globe!

Leading the cry, "We are God's Chosen People" are the Zionist/Marxist (Ashkenazi) Jews who for political purposes chose Judaism and who don't have a drop of biblical Jewish blood in them.

One Israeli religious Jew said it well, "At one time we Jews were chosen by God to be his messengers. But, long ago we forfeited that right."

Anyone who has read the Bible with an open mind knows that God gave Jews of
that time special favors. But, it was in the form of covenants. In these covenants were conditions--the conditions were that God demanded the Jews obey His word. Time after time the Jews broke the covenants. They rejected God and turned to adoring Mammon. It doesn't take a biblical scholar to realize that long ago even the real Jews gave up the right of being God's chosen people.

In comparing the degree to which the followers of the three practice their beliefs, Jack makes this observation:

Judaism--Few Jews, Sephardic or Ashkenazi, are religious. This is true in America, in Israel and world-wide.

Christianity--The Christian religion has felt the influence of Jewish meddling and infiltration (especially in America) resulting in confusion and bickering between the various Christian denominations. This has led to a "luke-warm" attitude among most Christians toward their religion. There is evidence to prove that Jews, or one of their many fronts, have started many of the Christian denominations and thus dominate doctrine.

Islam--Moslems, who follow the teachings of Islam, are by far the most fervent of the three major religions in following their religious beliefs.

The Judeo-Christian ethic we hear so much about in America is a big joke--the result of an intense Zionist propaganda campaign.

YOU MIGHT WELL CONSIDER THIS: GOD SAID, "BEWARE OF THOSE WHO CALL THEMSELVES JEWS AND ARE NOT, FOR THEY LIE." Could it be, victims of the lie, that the Ashkenazi (Zionist Khazars) Jews are the people to whom God was referring? I suggest you continue to think about this most diligently.

I would like to give unto one of my most beloved friends and scribes, JOY, this input herein. THIS is the information we required regarding religion, churches and awakening of the minds into service. Now, precious, your material can be utilized in worthiness of its content. Once awakened to truth MAN must have a means to contact his own guidance within. May your heart come to peace, chela, for it has been burdened in feelings of unworthiness which you could not bring into understanding. Blessings are upon you, precious, for all things must come in proper sequence that truth be accepted lest Man reject of it. Further, you and my beloved N.B., shall have plenty of uses for all those years of researching data for backing up this presentation in FACT AS RECOGNIZED BY EARTH HISTORIANS! So be it and blessings and benediction be upon the Truth and Light.


In the Holy Land, it would seem that there would be peace if peace would be found anywhere on the planet. Not so, instead, war and preparation for war is ever present and constant.

The Israeli military machine is recognized as the fourth most powerful in the world. From the standpoint of the amount of its planes, tanks and other fighting equipment, plus the fact that they are of the latest U.S. design, along with nuclear stockpiles directly given by you in the U.S. along with others hidden from your attention, such as the Soviet Union in great amounts, does make the military machine of Israel very powerful. But, in the army, serious weaknesses have developed.

Before exploring the weaknesses of Israel's army, let us briefly review each of the wars in which Israel has been involved--an average of one every eight years since it became a state in 1948.

1948 War: Just after Israel had declared itself a state, Palestinians and other Arabs attacked the Israeli Army which had been formed out of the terrorist groups, the Irgun and Stern Gang. The reason for the attack by the Palestinians was to try and regain their homes which, through murder and terrorism, the Zionists had confiscated. The Palestinians had been a peaceful people and were not trained in the art of warfare, while the Ashkenazi Zionist Jews who had migrated from Soviet Russia, Poland and Germany had more knowledge of tactical warfare.

In addition, Zionists had built up a large amount of arms which they had purchased from the U.S. and communist countries and had illegally smuggled into the area. The Arabs were defeated and in the process, Israel conquered more Palestinian territory.

1956 War: Egypt owned the land through which the Suez Canal flows. Egypt's President Nasser declared his intention of taking over operation of the canal from England. This would have hurt England's colonial empire. So England, along with France and Israel, conspired to attack Egypt.

With Egypt nearly subdued, America's President Eisenhower stepped in and ordered England, France and Israel to withdraw. At the time, the United States was still militarily strong enough to back up Eisenhower's order, so England, France and Israel did withdraw. This was the ONLY time during U.S.-Israeli relations that a U.S. president put the interests of America ahead of Israel's interests.

1967 War: Tension was mounting between Egypt and Israel over territory located between the two countries--the Sinai and Gaza Strip.

To help Israel get an unfair advantage, the Soviet Union resorted to trickery: Soviet diplomats in Egypt told President Nasser to threaten war but not attack. This act of treachery enabled Israel to attack while Egypt was "off-guard" and destroy Egypt's military capacity in six days. Thus this became known as the Six Days War. Further, if it had not ended on the Sixth day the Israelis had nuclear weapons already aboard planes and publicly stated to the world that they would be used!

It is known openly that it has been the goal of Israel's leaders to take over all the land between the Nile and Euphrates Rivers. Besides the Sinai and Gaza Strip which Israel intended to take from Egypt during the war, they desired the West Bank which was part of Jordan, and the Golan Heights which was part of Syria. So during the 1967 War, Israel resorted to trickery.

Israel had the technical equipment to intercept radio messages and change these messages (boil them) and then send them on to their destination. During the war, Israel intercepted messages from Egypt to Jordan and Syria and changed the messages, tricking Jordan and Syria into entering the war. The Arab countries were defeated and Israel took a big step toward its goal of conquest by occupying the Golan Heights and West Bank as well as the Sinai and Gaza Strip.

Even though Israel's attack on Egypt is called the 1967 War and often referred to as the Six-Day War, it can hardly be called a war. Egypt, the most powerful Arab nation at that time, didn't have a chance to even get into the fight. Trickery on the part of the Soviet Union and Israel as has been explained, rendered the so-called 1967 War nothing more than a treacherous act of terrorism for which the Soviets and Israel are famous.

Now, look closely, chelas at the trickery involved with Saddam Hussein and perhaps you can pull into focus, the events relative to this war you are in at the moment. Hussein was told by your State Department that it was time and a fine time to take a portion of northern Kuwait--even the Kuwaiti rulers were in tune with the action. But you see, it was intended that the trickery work and Saddam was double-crossed and now you end up in the very war that will accomplish exactly that which the Zionists/Soviet Union, etc. desire to have happen. Your "in-cahoots" leadership sent all your troops into Saudi Arabia, leaving your own country wide open for invasion or whatever else is planned--i.e. usurpation and destruction of your Constitutional system of government without recourse of you-the-people and no POWER to defend selves. Your own so-called servant, THE PRESIDENT, has told you exactly how it will be--he will dictate, henceforth, all matters and decisions. Further, you-the-people will pay for the adventure in every manner imaginable, including death of your sons and daughters. THE HANDWRITING IS CLEAR AND DECISIVE--READ IT!

I have written at length about the following incident but you MUST HEAR IT AGAIN!


During the Six-Day War, one of the most daring acts of treachery was committed. It was the attack on an American ship, the U.S.S. Liberty (and you can verify this yourselves, citizens) by America's so-called friend, Israel.

During Israel's treacherous attack on Egypt, the U.S.S. LIBERTY, an American surveillance ship, was cruising off the coast of Israel monitoring the progress of the attack.

Realizing the U.S.S. LIBERTY was learning and recording Israel's acts of treachery, Israeli leaders decided to ‘‘get rid" of the evidence. Israeli planes and torpedo boats attacked LIBERTY with obvious intent of sinking it. If the ship was sunk, thus destroying the evidence, Israel then could blame Egypt for the attack--and the Zionist controlled news-media in America would have given the LIE as FACT with the intent of turning the American people against Egypt. But bravery on the part of the LIBERTY crew kept the ship afloat. Israel failed in its act of treachery against America, its ally, but during the attack, Israel killed 34 crew members of the LIBERTY and severely wounded over 170.

Israel claimed the attack on the LIBERTY was a case of "mistaken identity". But reports by the surviving crew and other evidence prove that the attack by Israel was intentional. I suggest that we not spend more time on the incident at this time for details, including the efforts to silence the surviving crew, are documented in a prior Journal.

Facts about the attack on the U.S.S. LIBERTY were omitted by the Zionist-controlled American news-media. All that the Zionists told the American people was that Israel had sunk an American ship, but that it was a case of mistaken identity.

An investigation by the U.S. Government was silenced and the matter quickly removed from all news sources. This, dear ones, is an excellent example of the tremendous influence the Zionists have over the U.S. Government!


1973 War: The treachery on the part of Zionist Israel and the Soviets that led to the 1967 War embittered the Arab people and immediately they began arming with the intent of retaliating for this Israeli treachery and to try and take back the land that Israel had taken from them. By 1973 they were prepared.

Even though several Arab countries were preparing militarily, they were trying to peacefully work out a solution with Israel. But, Israel was assured that their Zionist brethren in America would use their power over the U.S. Government to make sure that the U.S. would support Israel. So, Israel's leaders continued to maintain a belligerent attitude.

Realizing the hopelessness of further negotiating with Israel's leaders, Egypt, along with Jordan, Syria and Iraq, attacked Israel--and they were winning.

With Israel facing defeat, the powerful Zionists in America pulled the strings of their power over the U.S. Government and the U.S. Government officials obeyed their Zionists masters. Massive amounts of U.S. military equipment and arms were airlifted at taxpayer's expense to Israel to bolster the retreating Israeli forces.

This U.S. aid enabled Israel to turn the tide and emerge victorious. Yes, Israel was saved, but so much U.S. military equipment was airlifted to Israel at that time that the U.S. Armed Forces were left in short supply and in a most weakened position.

U.S. Government officials are so much under the influence of the Zionists that they had alerted the 82nd Airborne Division (near and dear to your hearts?) stationed at Ft. Bragg, N.C. and U.S. troops stationed in Germany for the purpose of being sent to aid Israel, if necessary.

It is pretty sad that to please the Zionist power in America, U.S. Government officials are willing to sacrifice the lives of American boys to save Zionist/Marxist Israel.

Young men already in the U.S. Armed Forces and their parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters ARE NOW PAYING THE PRICE FOR THAT BIT OF TREACHERY DELIBERATELY DUMPED ON YOUR UNSUSPECTING BACKS. Dear ones, you can find proof of all these things for it is known throughout your world to all save YOU.

Israel precipitated wars and attempts to involve the U.S. in these wars, because if necessary, to save Israel in one of their acts of aggression, the U.S. Government will bow to the American Zionists and send American boys into sure death through combat--the youngsters have no choice but to fight on the side of Zionist/Marxist Israel and thusly directly for the benefit of the Soviet Union!



Of the things which I have written prior to this, one of the most tenacious objections has been to my presentation of this triangle of power. It is time you look at it through another perspective and then, GO LOOK IT UP FOR PROOF EXISTS EVEN THOUGH EFFORTS TO HIDE SAME FROM YOU ARE RAMPANT!

In Jack's words: At this point, you may be confused, Israel and the Soviets are ideological allies--both follow the ideas of Karl Marx, so both are communist/socialist. Yet, the Soviets supplied military equipment to the Arabs--Israel's enemies; and at the same time, the Soviet Union's enemy, the United States, was arming Israel. I, Hatonn, told you at onset of these Journals in writing, that you have long been a brother ally to the Soviet Union and the masses simply tried to assassinate my scribe--you had best put the stones down and get yourselves prepared for that which is now coming down upon your heads.

To understand the treachery of which Zionist/Bolshevik Jews are capable and to understand the treachery which took place before and during the 1973 War, we must explain the new York/Moscow/Tel Aviv Triangle. To do so, it is necessary to go back a few years in history.

A heavy migration of Jews from Russia to America started in 1831. Most of these were communist Jews. So many of these communist/Bolshevik Jews settled in New York City that New York has been referred to as "Moscow on the Hudson".

It has been pointed out, and with good reason, that decisions regarding communist policies come NOT FROM MOSCOW, BUT FROM NEW YORK CITY. The important point herein is the fact that there is a close-unbroken tie between the Zionist/Bolshevik Jews in New York City and the Zionist/Bolshevik Jews in Moscow, and extending to include the Zionist/Bolshevik Jews who dominate Israel's government. For goodness sakes, America, the elite government officials stood by and WATCHED the Soviets placing missiles off-shore along your coast-lines. Those missiles are still in place and aimed at your cities--yes--YOU, AMERICA!

The Zionist power over the U.S. Government in Washington, D.C. stems from the Zionist/Bolsheviks centered in new York City. It is from New York that orders go out to the vast Zionist network all over the U.S.--a network that influences the economic and political affairs of not only our federal government, but nearly all, if not all, state governments, and to a great extent the governments of the larger and even medium sized cities. This power of the Zionist/Bolshevik Jews over the U.S. makes the New York leg of the New York/Moscow/Tel Aviv Triangle a tremendous influence over communist policies.

In viewing the 1973 War, most people, and it seems most Arabs, are of the impression that since Soviet Russia sold equipment to Egypt and other Arab countries, the Soviets were in support of the Arabs in the 1973 War. This is a false impression. To understand that this is the result of more deceit on the part of Israel and the Soviet Union, you must be aware of the Golda Meir--Stalin/Kaganovich Pact.

Golda Meir had been born in Russia, grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and in 1921 migrated to Israel. In 1949, Golda Meir became Israel's first ambassador to the Soviet Union.

Representing Israel, Ambassador Golda Meir, a Bolshevik Jewess, met with two representatives of the Soviet Union: Kaganovich, a Bolshevik Jew and Stalin who had married a Bolshevik Jewess. They made a secret agreement--a pact.


1. Israel would NOT allow any Western country, especially the U.S., to build military bases on Israeli territory.

2. Israel would allow an official communist party to function freely in Israel.

3. Israel would NOT make any agreement to solve the Palestinian problem.

4. Israel would influence world Jewry, especially in the U.S., to have Western powers adopt a policy of favoring Israel over the Arabs.

5. Israel was to continue its Marxist economic policies and prevent any free-enterprise tendencies.


1. The Soviets would institute a pro-Arab policy solely as a camouflage for its true intentions which was to furnish aid to the Arabs, but never enough to enable the Arabs to destroy Israel.

2. The Soviets would open the gates of Soviet satellite countries to Jewish immigration to Israel. Should this be insufficient, Soviet Russia then would open its own gates to "emigration".

3. The Soviets would absolutely guarantee the security of Israel.

**Both the Soviet Union and Israel would exchange intelligence reports!!!

From the terms of this pact, you can see it was, and still is, the aim of the Soviet Union and Zionist/Marxist Israel to prevent peace between the Arab countries and Israel until all the Arab countries are forced to adopt socialism under Soviet leadership.

In the conduct of the 1973 War you can also see part of this deceitful agreement being utilized--in particular the part about the Soviet Union helping the Arabs--but not helping enough to defeat Israel.

In planning the 1967 War, Israel was aware that the Arab countries bordering Israel were buying equipment from the Soviets, an Israeli ally. But, because of the Golda Meir--Stalin/Kaganovich Pact, Israeli leaders knew the Soviets would not help the Arabs enough to defeat Israel--that the aid the Soviets were giving the Arabs was only "bait" to draw the Arab countries into the Soviet trap. Also, Israeli leaders knew that their American Zionist brethren were making sure the U.S. Government was supplying enough arms to stop the Arabs; and would send more equipment, even troops if necessary.

When the 1973 War started, Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Iraq surprised Israel with their improved fighting capability.

The Egyptian Army faced what would seem an impossible task in its attempt to penetrate Israeli territory.

First, there was the water barrier, the Suez Canal, to cross. Then, they would face a high wall of sand and fine dust which was erected by Israel. Behind that wall was a third barrier--a line of Israeli fortification. These fortifications were stronger than the Maginot Line erected by France before World War II to stop any German invasion of France.

Yet, by ingenuity, the Egyptian Army crossed the Suez Canal, went over the sand and dust barrier and broke through the heavy fortifications in a matter of a few hours.

Israel was in trouble; the Arabs were winning the war.

But, as pre-planned--if necessary, the U.S. airlifted huge amounts of military equipment and supplies to Israel and, as mentioned before, the U.S. Airborne Division at Ft. Bragg, N.C. and U.S. troops stationed in Germany were placed on alert and would have been sent to help the Israeli forces if it became necessary to help Israel win the war. Fortunately for America, American troops weren't needed to help Israel survive. The additional arms were enough. However, the Arab forces were strong enough to stop Israel from taking over more Arab land. In fact, Egypt was able to take back part of the Sinai.

Egypt's President Sadat realized that the Soviets had no intention of helping the Arabs win the war; that the Soviets in selling them some equipment were only trying to trap Egypt in the Soviet net. So, Sadat kicked Soviet military advisors and civilian technicians out of Egypt.


In Israel, most Jews have become tired of Israel's involvement in war and aggressive acts and want peace. It is only the communist faction that wants war. Sadly, it is these communists who are in power in Israel.

The 1982 attack into Lebanon by Israel further divided the Jewish population of Israel--even within the more militant Zionist Jews there is a split.

The reason given by Israeli leaders for the attack into Lebanon was "to root out the Palestine Liberation Army (PLO) and stop their terrorist attacks into Israel. Many Israeli's have dared speak out and condemn this reason as false. They have pointed out that in an effort to achieve peace with Israel, the P.L.O. had for some eleven months refrained from making any attacks on Israel.

The real reasons for Israel's attack into Lebanon were:

1. It is the intention of Israel's Zionist/Marxist leaders to carry on perpetual war. The attack into Lebanon was merely another phase of Israel's "wars of aggression" policy.

2. Water is scarce in the Mideast, especially in Israel. Ever since Israel became a state, it has wanted the waters of the Litani River for use in Israel, and the only way they could get it was to go in and take it militarily.

Israeli leaders and the general population figured the war would last only a few days. But, the Palestinian and other Arabs fought heroically against the Israeli invaders who had far superior equipment. As the months passed without victory, and as more Israeli soldiers were brought home and buried, dissent within Israel spread. In the Israeli military forces, many members resigned or refused to carry out orders because it would have meant killing innocent civilians.

The death of the 250 marines serving in Lebanon has been blamed on the Arabs. This is as it had been reported by the Zionist-controlled news-media in America. But, this is not the case, dear ones! In fact, the American Marine base attack was PLANNED BY ISRAELI MILITARY PERSONNEL (THE MOSSAD). In that case, however, who actually carried out the attack becomes totally immaterial--Israeli personnel planned and instigated the attack. It is common practice for the Zionist/Marxists to plan a covert act and then get someone else to do the dirty work, if at all possible, in order to have no slip-ups in the "blaming".

By instigating the attack on the Marine base, the Israeli "War Hawks" had hoped the attack would turn the American people against the Arabs and that America could be drawn into the war and further help Israel in its aggression against the Arabs. Fortunately, for once, the American people didn't fall for the trap--BUT NO SANCTIONS CAME DOWN AGAINST THE ENEMY, EITHER, YOU MUST REMEMBER.

A good example of how the Zionists will commit an act of terrorism with the thought of someone else being blamed is the Lavon Affair. In 1954 a group of Israelis set off a series of bombings of American institutions in Egypt including the American Embassy. They expected that Egypt would be blamed for the bombings and cause a break in the U.S.-Egyptian relations.

Fortunately, Egyptian authorities caught the Israeli agents in the act of setting one of the bombs and the whole Israeli plot was exposed.

Most Americans are not even aware of the treacherous Lavon Affair because the Zionist-controlled U.S. news-media were prevented from making any reference to it; just as they somehow failed to report any facts surrounding the Israeli shelling of the U.S.S. LIBERTY.

And you think you are getting news this day, February 8, 1991? You get nothing but propaganda while they build you into a frenzy of blood-thirsty masses.

Well, Israel has stirred up the war of wars for you ones and you have fallen for the bait, hook, line, sinker and rotten fish. YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS HEINOUS WAR IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE--DEATH TO TAXES! AT SOME POINT YOU WILL NO LONGER BE ABLE TO TELL THE DIFFERENCE--OR, IS IT ALREADY TOO LATE?

Let us leave this writing for there is other for you to do, Dharma. I suggest that the ones coming into availability of this information sit and carefully consider the contents. You in the community who call yourselves the "Christian Community" who attempt to drive away the publisher had best reconsider your stance--for you show the one WHOM YOU SERVE AND IT IS NOT THE MASTER CHRIST NOR GOD! You, who attack relentlessly these ones who serve God, note that there shall come a day very soon now when the Community shall rise up against you who threaten and effort to prevent truth from flowing--for Man is not stupid, Man is simply uninformed of the truth of things and when he finds the truth of it there is nothing that shall stop Him in his clearing of the dregs of evil from the places of leadership--be it government or pulpit. YOU WILL REMEMBER, YOU OF THE PERVERTERS OF TRUTH INTO THE SORDID SERVICE OF SATAN--MAN IS A FRAGMENT AND REFLECTION OF GOD CREATOR AND HE WILL COME INTO REMEMBERING AND YOUR DAY OF LIES SHALL BE ENDED FOR TRUTH SHALL BE THE TOOL THAT WILL GIVE MAN AGAIN HIS FREEDOM. YOU CAN BEGIN YOUR COUNTDOWN, SATAN, FOR YOUR DAYS OF RULE UPON THE PLANET ARE NUMBERED ON THE HANDS OF GOD AND EVIL SHALL NOT PREVAIL.

So be it and the word is given forth that Man can again find of his balance and truth of journey and purpose. May the Light give forth vision and not blindness. Salu.

Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.