PJ 17
WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1990 7:40 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 322
I am Germain and I come in Radiance to speak with you this day.

This is the Day of Independence of your Great Nation...will it stay standing for yet another year? Will your brothers hear their call to Freedom? Great, great men came for land and fought courageously on the battlefield. Great vi­sions and thoughts of securing a land for generations. And yet modern man has grown fat and complacent and cares not for matters of freedom. It sad­dens me, it angers me...for I KNOW what it took to create the greatness of the Constitution. I KNOW what vision it took to stir a nation. Your mission is no less important than that mission for indeed the entire nation must once again be stirred into that passion for independence and freedom and lib­erty...liberty, it conjures so many emotions for me it is difficult to speak of it, and yet it is one of the areas that are of the greatest and most urgent concern for man. Man has become lost in the confusion of the so-called modern living and he will become even more lost. When man, enmasse, comes across this material it will stir him...for these are the roadmaps for man to find his way back.FREEDOM AND LIBERTY MUST NOT FALL. THE HOST OF HEAVEN ARE HERE TO SEE THAT IT DOES NOT HAPPEN AND YET WE MUST AWAIT MAN, TO SEE WHAT MAN WILL DECIDE TO DO. WILL FREEDOM AND LIBERTY BE IMPORTANT ENOUGH FOR MAN TO ACT IN TIME OR WILL HE CONTINUE TO GIVE HIS POWER UNTO THOSE ONES OF EVIL VILENESS WHO MISLEAD, LIE, AND SELL THE COUNTRY INTO THE HANDS OF THE EN­EMY?

This great nation is the last bastion for a dying world. Take up the banner of courage and continue as you ones have been...for we greatly honor you and the mission before you. We shall be working closely indeed in the days and years ahead. This is merely something of an introduction, for I have not come to Thomas for some time now...I have been most busy indeed. Greetings Thomas, you are coming along nicely. We shall get there, friend, we shall get there.

I stand and salute all ones of the circle who have given so much of themselves to the putting forth of the Journals. You may not know the magnitude yet of that which you do, but I tell thee surely that it will change of a world and it will be recorded through the eons. Your work is affecting hundreds at pre­sent...eventually it will affect millions throughout the globe. Keep your shields ever about you for the HOST stand present to assist. Honor one another for the load is different and heavy on each. Blessings this wondrous day of inde­pendence. Give great thanks and breathe the breath of freedom, and hope that man awakens in time to ensure that you live to experience yet another year of it.

So be it, I take my leave. May the violet flame transmute all negativity in your lives to the perfection that you are. Blessings. I Am Germain


WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1990 10:24 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 321


Hatonn present in the Light of Truth and in service unto God and You of His wondrous people. Forgive yourselves for that which you knew not and allow us to move forward that we might reclaim of freedom. Honor the magnificent message from Germain, the leader of the unfolding of your nation back into the freedom which has been stolen from you in your sleeping and trusting. Do not spend wasted time in mourning that which is past--reclaim that which is yours and rejoice! Place Germain's message afore this writing that your brothers can share of the truth of it.

We will continue on with our Journal for much lies in front of us. We enjoy watching the children at play as they figure and encourage one another in their ignorance, to "set us up" for the disclosure of who knows what? Those who carry a hate and destruct against God's truth shall surely perish in their own laid traps. Do not tremble, Dharma, for as they toy with "how" to get Ha­tonn in Las Vegas and discount truth, they will cease to need to butcher you physically. Enjoy the respite, chela, that we can accomplish our text-books. We shall speak later of the Center for Action meeting which suddenly has Stockwell, Cooper and other major adversaries added to the program oppo­site Patrick. What a stupid game is being played while your nation writhes in her death throes. I shall take time later to write an appendix to this segment of time regarding the ones planning to unseat Hatonn; your brothers are waiting for information which matters.

The truth is laid before the world and even I am all but embarrassed for ones who tout lies. I will go forth on record, right here--that not only did Billy Goodman KNOW that his program from Las Vegas was going to be cancelled but so did all the people working with and around him. Yet, the hype for the upcoming UFO Conference touts him as "Vanishing", "time loss", "sudden cancellation without notice", "mysterious silence during the hours he would or­dinarily fill on the radio" and on and on with such jibberish and falsehoods as to allow anyone connected to the man to KNOW the sham. Come, Dharma, do you really "fear" the harbingers of lies?

I do herein request that George speak with Eustace and alert him to the set­up for Eustace will be an early speaker and we might well have a bit of fun early on. This meeting was not set forth for this purpose of foolish encounter. It was touted to be a conference to restore the Constitution and how blisteringly deceitful to see it fall into another NEW AGE/UFO LIE AND SHAM. It is an insult unto the credibility and integrity of Commander Gritz. But then, why does Commander Gritz spend so much time in Washington? Could it be that ? I shall monitor most closely for they know not that which they do for us and truth! So be it. I do sincerely request that we he informed about the possibilities for I would want our people to all know in advance so they do not miss the show. We are going to get your Constitutional mess covered, my friends, and perchance have a little truth finding session in addition, IF THE ONES WHO REFER TO DHARMA AS A "SLIMY LITTLE PUKE" ARE NOT, INDEED, TOTAL COWARDS IN ADDITION TO OTHER ILL-BEGOTTEN TALENTS. GOD DOESN'T LOSE, PRECIOUS ONES. REMEMBER WELL, GOD DOES NOT LOSE IN A CONFRONTATION WITH EVIL INTENT! THESE ONES BELIEVE THEY ARE GOING TO TROUNCE ALL OVER A LITTLE 58 YEAR OLD GRANDMOTHER--I THINK NOT!

Conspiracies to seize the power of government are as old as the institution of government. In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can know it was planned to happen that way. During the past two centuries when the peoples of the world were gradually winning a partial freedom from monarchies, the major banking families of Europe and America were revers­ing the trend by forming new dynasties of political control through in­ternational financial alliances. The goal was to create a world-wide system of financial control in order to dominate the economy of the world and the po­litical system of each country. And, furthermore, they have thus far been in­conceivably successful and the Plan 2000 is at this point, ahead of schedule.

The United States is dominated by a hierarchy of wealthy families. The con­trol of private wealth is held by families and family alliances, reinforced by marriages among their members, that guide the banks and control the corpo­rations. Historically, government has been the servant of private wealth. The first fortunes in the New World were political creations. Land and trading privileges were granted by the British and Dutch crowns upon favored individuals and companies. Every great fortune that came out of the nine­teenth century was rooted in fraud. In their absorbing passion for the accu­mulation of wealth, men were plundering the resources of the country like robbers and burglars looting a palace. The public has been deluded about the material aims of a few and the very existence of those who rule the majority. Rule through money has been fashioned into the ultimate system for securing and maintaining power.

Nineteenth century American author Edward Bellamy, concerned with the ex­tent and consequences of man's inhumanity to man, describes how the "system" operates in a writing called THE PARABLE OF THE WATER TANK: There was a very dry land and the people needed water very badly. They did nothing but look for water and many perished because they could not find any. There were, however, certain men in that land who were more cunning than the rest and they gathered supplies of water where others could find none. Mr. Bellamy labelled these ones as Capitalists. Because it is his story, I shall not take objection to the title but it is not accurate in the whole.

The people came unto the capitalists and begged for water and the capitalists answered: "Be ye our servants and ye shall have water." And so the capitalists organized the people and they made a great tank for the water, and the tank was called the Market. The capitalists said unto the people: "For every bucket of water that ye bring us, we will give you a penny, but for every bucket that we give unto you, ye shall give to us two pennies, and the difference shall be our profit, seeing that if it were not for this profit we would not do this thing for you and you would all perish." And after many days the water tank, which was the Market, did overflow and the capitalists said unto the people: "Bring us no more water till the tank be empty." But when the people re­ceived no more pennies from the capitalists, they could buy no more water. And when the capitalists saw that they had no more profit, they were troubled and said among themselves, "We must advertise." But the people had no pennies to buy the water and the situation was called a "crisis".

The thirst of the people was great, but the capitalists would not give of the wa­ter, saying "Business is business." But the capitalists were disturbed because the people bought no more water, and so they acquired no more profits. They then sent for the soothsayers to interpret this predicament. The soothsayers were men learned in dark sayings, who joined themselves to the capitalists so that they would have water, and they spoke for the capitalists and did their bidding for them. The soothsayers said that the people bought no more water because of "overproduction" and others said it was because of "lack of confi­dence". The capitalists were comforted and they sent the soothsayers unto the people who saw the emptiness of their wisdom and did mock them. The capi­talists became fearful that the people would come upon the tank and take the water by force. And so they brought forth certain holy men who were false priests to testify to the people that this affliction was sent to them by God for the healing of their souls, and if they would bear it in patience and lust not af­ter the water, nor trouble the capitalists, it would come to pass that after they had given up the ghost they would come to a place where there would be no capitalists but an abundance of water.

When the capitalists saw that the people were still discontent and would not be still, neither for the words of the soothsayers nor of the false priests, they came forth themselves and set their fingertips in the water that overflowed from the tank and they scattered the drops upon the people and the drops were called "charity". But still there was great unrest among the people. The capitalists sought out the mightiest and all who had skill in war and they be­came a defense unto the capitalists. And after many days the water was low in the tank, for the capitalists wasted the water for their pleasure. When the capitalists saw that the tank was empty, they said, "The crisis is ended". They hired the people to fill again the tank that was the Market, and gave the peo­ple a penny for each bucket the people brought and took two pennies for each bucket they did give unto the people. - - -

Nineteenth century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli commented that the world is governed by very different people from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. We have already spoken at great length about operations within this network. When we speak of an Atlantic alliance, etc., it refers to the belief that England was an Atlantic rather than a European Power and must be allied, or even federated, with the United States and must remain isolated from Europe. This intent is shown more clearly in the an­tagonism engendered by the tunnel under construction between England and France. There is pure hatred festering into terror actions over that one con­nection. The chief point of this belief, however, is not so much that ones feel this way about the matter, but rather that the instigators demand to remain unknown and within secret working societies so that this can he accomplished without citizen knowledge.

Political and economic power in the United States is concentrated in the hands of a "ruling elite" that controls most U.S.-based multinational corpora­tions, major communications media, the most influential foundations, major private universities and most public utilities. Founded in 1921, the Council of Foreign Relations is the key link between the large corporations and the fed­eral government. It has been called a "school for statesmen" and is simply an organ of the "Power Elite" -- a group of men, similar in interests and outlook shaping events from invulnerable positions behind the scenes. The creation of the United Nations was a Council project, as well as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Council members are headed by Henry Kissinger and include dozens of prominent men such as Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Haig, Schultz, Weinberger, Mondale

Twelve Council members were part of President Lyndon B. Johnson's Senior Advisory Group on Vietnam. (Does this make you feel cuddly safe and se­cure?) Even though we have been over the lists prior to this, a reminder is in order. Richard Nixon appointed more than 110 Council members to key gov­ernment positions during his administration. The majority of major appoint­ments to the State Department by Jimmy Carter in 1977 were members of the Council. Most CIA directors have been Council Members, including Bush and Casey. Nearly all (well, now it is ALL) major media in the U.S. are at­tached to the Council. The president of your country's largest labor union, the AFL-CIO, Lane Kirkland is a member. Membership includes a high con­centration of corporate leaders from companies such as ITT, IBM and all the major Oil companies. David Rockefeller has been a director of the Council since 1949 and chairman of the board since 1970. The Council has been called 'The Establishment", 'The Invisible Government", 'The Parallel Gov­ernment", 'The Shadow Government", "The Kissinger Government", "The Zionist Government" and 'The Rockefeller Foreign Office".


Please recall my discussion regarding gold and diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes who stated his total commitment to the establishment of a World Government in his will called the "Secret Society Will". His aim was indeed clear: "The extension of British rule throughout the world." The secret society at that time was called 'The Round Table", which worked behind the scenes at the highest levels of the British government. They organized Round Table Groups in those nations under British dominion and in the United States. In New York, it was known as the Council on Foreign Relations. The members of the council are persons of tremendous influence in their communities. They have used the prestige that their wealth, their social position, and their education have given them to lead your country into total bankruptcy and military debacle. They should check their hands for they are covered with blood, dried and fresh. Administrations are set up by them and there is no longer any semblance of outward appearances otherwise. The "insiders" con­trol both the Democrat and Republican parties completely.

There is, on the international level, the organization equivalent to the Coun­cil, called the Bilderbergers as you will recall, created by former Nazi SS storm trooper Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. This is called the most exclusive club of the Western establishment, and this group includes the world's most powerful financiers, industrialists, statesmen and intellectuals, who meet each year for a conference on world affairs and set the plans for world function. Attendees are the same as listed above with Henry Kissinger always noted first; then also you will find British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and leaders such as Helmut Schmidt, Giscard D'Estaign and so on from all promi­nent nations.

A World Government has always been the objective of Communism. Re­member that the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 was a turning point in world history. The main purveyors of funds for the revolution, however, were neither the crackpot Russian millionaires nor the armed bandits of Lenin. The real money came from certain British and American circles which for a long time past had lent their support to the Russian revolutionary cause.

Some of the world's richest and most powerful men financed the Bolshevik Revolution, a movement that claims it will strip these very same men of their power and wealth, men like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs, Morgans, Harrimans and Milners. There is no proletarian, not even a Com­munist movement, that has not operated in the interest of money, in the direc­tion indicated by money, and for the time being permitted by money--and that without the idealists among its very leadership having the slightest suspicion of the fact of it.

Well, it is happening again and now the money-mongers are even smarter-‑they take your blood and money and send it all away to your very deadliest enemies while you are flushed down the toilets, and worse, you applaud while they do of it. You line the streets to glimpse the major enemy and bow to him for a shard of freedom only spoken of--no freedom in practice, my dear ones.

The program of the Communist International of 1936 states that world dicta­torship can be established only by victory of socialism in different countries or groups of countries, after which the Proletariat Republics would unite on fed­eral lines with those already in existence, and this system would expand, at length, forming the world union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Socialism means government ownership and/or control over the basic means of produc­tion and distribution of goods and services. State ownership and regulation of the entire economy means government control over everything. The evolu­tion of economic history shows a straight line movement toward consolidation of wealth. This evolution flows from competition to combination, and from large combination to colossal combination, and it flows on to socialism, which is the most colossal combination of all. Communism is totalitarian socialism. Communism is a movement created and manipulated by some of the world's most powerful and wealthy men in order to gain control over the world, first by establishing socialist governments in different countries and then consolidating them through a "Great Merger" into an all-powerful socialist dictatorship. CAN YOU NOT SEE IT COMING DOWN EXACTLY AS PLANNED?

Well, it is written that before the great epic of Millennial peace, humanity would be subjected to a ruthless, world-wide dictatorship which would at­tempt to make all men subservient to it or be killed. Reread Revelation 13:17. If you do not learn from the past and pay attention to the prophecies as given, how else can you make of the changes in course to avert the disas­ter?

Founded in 1944 at a U.N. Monetary and Financial Conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, the International Monetary Fund oversees the world economy. With its headquarters in Washington, the International Monetary Fund encourages financial cooperation between nations and lends money to governments which MUST COMPLY WITH PRECONDITIONS BEFORE THE LOANS ARE GRANTED, as in this week's Bush forgiving of $15 billion to Latin debtors. The preconditions will strip them bare with no recourse whatsoever.

Dominated by Western nations, the International Monetary Fund ma­nipulates the economies of industrialized nations and the developing coun­tries. British economist Lord John Maynard Keynes envisioned it as the cen­tral world bank that would issue currency and control the world economy. Founded in 1944 along with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank lends billions of dollars for economic development projects in underdeveloped countries, which must first join the International Monetary Fund before becoming eligible for World Bank aid.

The Trilateral Commission, conceived by David Rockefeller, consists of an elite group of prominent business, political and intellectual leaders from Western Europe, North America and Japan. Membership holds the same persons along with strategic additions. The Commission, established in 1973, promotes central management of the global economy by the largest of the multinational corporations in order to bring about the New World Order.

Oh sorrow, beloved ones, and forgive Plato's divergence from the wondrous and balanced teachings of Socrates (who probably has returned to diligently set things to right; feeling responsible for misinterpretation of truth). Simi­larly, I would suspect "Saul" Paul might be back to set his own erroneous teachings to straight.

Plato's REPUBLIC is the source book of all dictatorships. Plato's blueprint for a new society begins with breaking up the existing social structure by whatever means necessary, including force, in order to establish the "ideal" society. There would be three classes: the special ruling class, a powerful army and the working class. There would be slaves also, but slaves would not be considered citizens. Marriage would be eliminated. Women would be equal with men--equal to fight wars with men and perform labor like men. Sexual activity would be controlled and limited by the State. There would be selective breeding of children and children considered inferior or crippled would be de­stroyed. People would be induced to believe falsehoods taught as religious principles. Myths would convey important "truths" to young or untrained minds. Religious institutions would be regulated by a recognized national au­thority. Priests would have no authority over beliefs, but would be officials whose duty it would be to perform rituals. War would cease when all states are united in a world-state according to the principles prescribed by Plato. And Plato was prepared to place the control of the State in the hands of a sin­gle man. So you suppose Henry Kis-er, er-a, umm, Plato is feeling success breathing on his neck? Do you suppose the Zionist Khazars are grinning in their boxes? So be it!

I am going to close this portion with a discussion regarding your heavenly banner--your flag.

Much is made of flag burning, etc., in the present days and of making amend­ments to set laws and so on and so forth. YOU HAVE LAWS GOVERN­ING THE FLAG AND THEY COVER IT ALL. TRY STUDYING THE "FLAG CODE": Title 36, U.S.C., Chapter 10, as amended by P.L.344, 94th Congress, Approved July 7, 1976.

I am not going to do your homework for you--you go look it up and study it well. Herein, however, I shall give you (§)176. Respect for the flag:

No disrespect should he shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regi­mental colors, state flags, and organizations or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor.

(a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger of life or prop­erty.

(b) The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise.

(c) The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free.

(d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red be­low, should be used for covering a speaker's desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general.

(e) The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used, or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled, or damaged in any way.

(f) The flag should never be used as a covering for a ceiling.

(g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, pic­ture, or drawing of any nature.

(h) The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, hold­ing, carrying, or delivering anything.

(i) The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any man­ner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.

(j) No part of the flag should ever he used as a costume or athletic uni­form. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organiza­tions, the flag representing a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin, being a replica, should he worn on the left lapel near the heart.


Please take note of how many of the "shoulds and should-nots" are fla­grantly disregarded. The obvious intent is to allow morality and free­dom to the individual by use of the word "should" and not "must" by law.


Oh, by the way:

178. Modification of rules and customs by president

Any rule or custom pertaining to the display of the flag of the United States of America, as set forth in section 171-178 of this title, may be altered, modified, or repealed. or additional rules with respect thereto may be prescribed, by the commander in chief of the armed forces of the United States, whenever he deems it to be appropriate or desirable; and any such alteration or additional rule shall be set forth in a proclamation!


Walk carefully and gently, friends, for the road is washed out ahead and the bridge removed. God will guide thine feet in passage if ye will but ask, listen and act! Saalome

May this not be America's last celebration of Independence for your days are surely numbered.

Hatonn to clear, please.

PJ 17


THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1990 10:07 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 323

Pandora's box is open, friends, and we must stand with our brothers that they do not need stand alone against your adversaries.

First we give honor and appreciation to a Special Investigator, James P. Tucker Jr., for he has now paid the price of his obtaining information from the Bilderberger meeting near White Plains, New York (May 10-12, 1985).

Keep in mind that the Bilderbergers are not a Congressional branch. They are the very ones who are out to destroy your Constitution and your country by any means possible. Their meetings are secret and yet they, above all, con­trol your world.

Jim Tucker infiltrated the Bilderberger meeting and was given opportunity to view Sen. Charles Mathias' (R-Md) portfolio--at least the portfolio which was "assigned" to the Senator. He did not steal it nor take it from the Senator's possession--it was only "assigned" to Mathias.


Instantly upon revealing truth to the Spotlight, your "Congress" stripped Mr. Tucker of his credentials as a congressional correspondent. Mathias brought immediate demand for the action.

Mathias was angry because Tucker obtained viewing of the portfolio which contained texts of speeches, private telephone numbers and the confidential (as opposed to the public) list of the several hundred global power brokers at­tending the shadowy secret conclave.

Information was confirmed to be accurate and portions were printed in the Spotlight on May 27 and some small portions were utilized in the story. How­ever, most information put to press was gleaned simply from observation and connections with persons at the hotel who thought Tucker was a member of the Bilderberg group simply because he was "there". Tucker has specialized in Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission coverage for over ten years and the service performed for "you the people" is beyond measure. The meeting was held behind the locked and guarded doors of the exclusive Arrowwood Hotel.

Let us look at how the incident has been handled and then discern for your­selves the extent of control by these groups of secret elite.

Word that Tucker had been found out and that his credentials as a member of the congressional press galleries would be revoked came in an angry phone call from Roy L. McGhee, superintendent of the Senate periodical press gallery.

McGhee said he was acting on the complaint by Charles Muller of New York, who heads the Bilderberg staff in the United States.

McGhee shouted, 'They (the Bilderbergers) have a right to a private meeting. None of the other papers carried anything."

Tucker countered, "This was NOT a 'private meeting', it involved elected offi­cials and other high officials of the State Department and other agencies. The public has an overriding right to know when public business is conducted be­hind closed doors."

McGhee threatened to lift the credentials of all correspondents for the non­political publication Tucker was serving on a free-lance basis unless Tucker surrendered his own credentials.

(The Congressional press galleries give credentials to publications, not indi­viduals, so a writer serving several will be technically representing one.)

Tucker called his supervisor at the publication that had provided him the cre­dentials, asked to be fired, and surrendered his credentials.

"If not offending a senator is a condition of carrying the card, I don't want it. I have a lot more senators yet to offend,." he said.

The incident that enraged Mathias and his fellow Bilderbergers occurred after Tucker had entered the Bilderbergers' hotel meeting place. Once inside, Tucker spent considerable time interviewing hotel staff members (who were required to have at least three years service and promise secrecy) as well as Bilderberg members. Tucker also examined numerous secret "in-house" doc­uments.

Tucker saw a stack of simulated leather portfolios, each bearing the name of a participant, called a cab, explained that "the senator needed a briefing" and read the documents, then departed.

It is assumed that a member of the Bilderberger staff discovered Tucker's identity in the brief moment when he flashed his press card as "identification" just prior to departing.

It is closed meetings of these types attended by some of the world's most powerful individuals who chart the course for the entire world operation and con­trol that McGhee of the Senate press gallery defended, saying that these eli­tists have a "right to a private meeting".

At such "private meetings", however, decisions are made over whether the Federal Reserve Board will generate inflation or deflation (refer to your Con­stitution as outlined earlier in this Journal), profit-producing wars are ignited or heads of state toppled.

Well, they didn't rush to defend James Tucker, I assure you. They are part and parcel of the plan to pull your country down; making great distractions regarding incidents already well covered for attention within the Constitution.

What has happened to your Constitution? What has become of the First Amendment? Where is the freedom of speech that your Founding Fathers bequeathed you?

Without the First Amendment (or even that which is left of it), newspapers such as the National Educator, The Spotlight, Christian News, and the Justice Times--as well as scholarly publications like the quarterly Journal of Historical Review--couldn't publish these stories that (if known by enough people) could turn world politics upside down--which, of course, is the point of the shut-out. The Phoenix Journals and Express is a prime, prime target as is the scribe putting the information to paper. But they can't do much with us except ef­fort to stop the press for we don't need the investigators except as to give con­firmation to you readers. It is most infuriating to the elite who will stop at nothing to shut us down. And what might be some of the stories in point?

* The drive to audit, reform and abolish the big banker-controlled private money monopoly known as the Federal Reserve System.

* The backstage maneuvering of the Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Com­mission and the Council on Foreign Relations;

* Who killed John F. Kennedy--and why?

* Rockefeller's secret ownership of a vast share of "Japan, Inc." [This one thing should shout CLUE, CLUE, CLUE TO ALL JOURNAL READERS!] The big boys are livid, furious and irrational regarding our telling you of the counterfeit plates, etc., from the Antarctic. Now you can see how Rockefeller is rebounding from the coup against him set up in that region by the Brits/Falklands/Haig firing, and so on.

* The hidden truths about World War II history, such as the secrets of Pearl Harbor, Eisenhower's death camps, and the Establishment's favorite myths about the holocaust, and

* Who really profited from communism since 1917? This alone, is one very big and important subject, dear ones.
All of these subjects are buried, distorted and cover-up stories conjured by the Establishment press--the cover-ups are endless. Independent ideas and opinions--and the facts--are suppressed, distorted or altogether ignored by the Media Monopoly in your country.

It is, however, a fact that freedom of speech is fast becoming a dim memory of the past in all the "democracies"; in France a man was sent to jail for committing a "hate crime". His crime? Having in his possession a small pamphlet which claimed there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz! Well, there were no gas chambers in Auschwitz--not even for purposes of parasite control which had to be handled in an outside area--but that is not yet our central subject; we will get to that one after we investigate your vanishing Constitution.

Can the First Amendment be trampled like that in America? Of course. Right now well-organized groups such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)--an unregistered foreign lobby for Israel--is pressuring your Congress to adopt similar measures to the incident above. This is, of course, the same ADL that once gave pornography kingpin Hugh Hefner the ADL's coveted "Freedom of the Press" award! This is the same one who has offered false evidence and sent LaRouche and his staff to prison with life sentences. This is the same Zionist lobby along with the World Zionist Organization who sets-up anybody who questions America's one-sided support of Israel's imperial aim, to be considered a danger to the community, to be guilty of a "hate crime". If you take a stand of belief in any of the "commandments" as given in the Bible, you are "bashing" those who practice otherwise; this little law could include any of you.

The U.S. Justice Department is already laying the groundwork for such legis­lation. And remember, the Israel lobby controls over 60% of your Congress--hook, line and sinker! Under a new law just passed by Congress, federal agen­cies are now compiling official annual statistics of so-called hate crimes and who is involved. Everything from a "joke" to speaking out against any area of perceived "negative" behavior. I speak not of "criminal actions", I speak only of telling a "joke" or making a statement of opinion.

The United Nations is working on a scheme that would allow that one-world body to regulate the free press in every sovereign nation around the globe. The UN calls this a plan for "a new world information and communications order".

It is nothing more than another insidious ruse by the UN and their Bilderberger ­and Trilateral-backers to limit your freedom of speech, among other things. This conspiracy is not news, it has been in working form for years.

Study your Constitution and KNOW IT! Then find groups with which to par­ticipate as we are bringing to your attention. Choose up a favorite or get with them all and contribute whatever talent you have. There is one already es­tablished and fighting to protect your freedom of speech: the Foundation to Defend the First Amendment (FDFA), and is the only foundation of its kind. You MUST begin active participation in these groups or found your own but it is easier to gain momentum if you work together in unison.

At this particular time (July, 1990) if you make even a $20 contribution this group will send you, along with joining, a copy of the Bilderberg-Trilateral plan to ban free speech that the UN has prepared, and also additional ex­planatory materials which reveal the origins of this incredible scheme--and save me quite a lot of time. You need to see this document so that you can see for yourself the nature of this conspiracy hatched by these international­ists. Send it to FOUNDATION TO DEFEND THE FIRST AMENDMENT, P.O. BOX 70392, Washington, D.C. 20024 and please mention the Phoenix Journals/Express and ask for the document. I will be speaking on the matter later but the thrust of this Journal is regarding the Federal Reserve and I do not wish the distraction. Thank you for your attention.