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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default PJ#017, THE NAKED PHOENIX

    PJ 17



    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.


    ISBN 0-922356-22-X

    First Edition Printed by America West Publishers, 1990
    Published by
    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, NV 89126


    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ...................
    FOREWORD............................................................................................ ...................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... .............
    MONEY............................................................................................... ................
    FEDERAL RESERVE.........................................................................................
    FEDERAL RESERVE AUDIT...........................................................................
    WHAT CAN YOU DO?.....................................................................................
    YOU SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO JEFFERSON.....................................
    THE SOLUTION IS AT "HOME", NOT IN WASHINGTON.........................
    THE FOUNDATION IS THE COUNTY...........................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... .............
    COUNTY.............................................................................................. ...............
    LAW OF AGENCY.............................................................................................
    HONOR TO WISCONSIN..................................................................................
    PERILOUS CHANGE HAS OCCURRED........................................................
    SURFACE ROCKEFELLER..............................................................................
    HOW QUICKLY YOU FORGET......................................................................
    MAJOR ADVANCE TOWARD WORLD DOMINION.................................
    CONSTITUTIONAL CONSIDERATION.........................................................
    FINAL DECISION RESTS WITH CITIZENS...................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... .............
    INDEPENDENCE?....................................................................................... ......
    THE POWER OF MONEY.................................................................................
    COMMUNISM OBJECTIVE.............................................................................
    INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND.........................................................
    PLATO'S REPUBLIC..........................................................................................
    THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... .............
    CURRENT EVENTS MANDATING ATTENTION........................................
    JIM TUCKER.............................................................................................. ........
    INSTANT RETALIATION.................................................................................
    WHERE IS THE ACLU WHEN YOU NEED THEM?....................................
    THE ESTABLISHMENT PRESS.......................................................................
    WHAT CAN YOU DO?.....................................................................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... .............
    TODAY!.............................................................................................. .................
    IN THE BEGINNING..........................................................................................
    FIRST PUBLIC REFERENCE WAS SIX YEARS LATER.............................
    SO, WHAT WERE THEY DOING?..................................................................
    MONETARY REFORM DIFFICULTIES.........................................................
    CONCEALED FACTS........................................................................................
    FIRST WORLD WAR.........................................................................................
    POWER............................................................................................... .................
    SENATOR ALDRICH........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... .............
    SLAVERY............................................................................................. ...............
    ANTITRUST ACT CHARLES A. LINDBERGH...........................................
    NEGATIVE IMPACT.........................................................................................
    SAMUEL UNTERMYER...................................................................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... .............
    WOODROW WILSON.......................................................................................
    TO FURTHER CONFUSE THE PEOPLE.........................................................
    WHAT OF CARTER GLASS?...........................................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... .............
    CONTINUED CONTROVERSY.......................................................................
    ALFRED CROZIER, ESQ..................................................................................
    REPRESENTATIVE CARTER GLASS............................................................
    INFAMOUS COLONEL HOUSE......................................................................
    CONGRESSMAN CHARLES A. LINDBERGH..............................................
    LOUIS T. MC FADDEN (R-PA.)......................................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... .............
    TOLD LIKE IT IS................................................................................................
    SENATOR HENRY CABOT LODGE..............................................................
    COLONEL HOUSE, AGAIN.............................................................................
    THE LEGACY OF WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN.......................................
    MR. CROZIER, AGAIN.....................................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...........
    McFADDEN'S SPEECH CONTINUED ...........................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ...........
    CONGRESSMAN McFADDEN'S SPEECH CONTINUED............................
    IVAR KREUGER............................................................................................. ...
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ...........
    SO, HOW COULD ALL THE GOLD BE CONFISCATED?..........................
    ENSLAVEMENT OF ALL MANKIND............................................................
    INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND.........................................................
    CONSTITUTION SAYS:....................................................................................
    END................................................................................................. .....................


    APPENDIX A................................................................................................... ...........
    THE "GREY MEN" TAPE.................................................................................
    END................................................................................................. .....................
    APPENDIX B................................................................................................... ...........
    WHAT YOU CAN DO.......................................................................................
    END................................................................................................. .....................
    APPENDIX C................................................................................................... ...........
    DEFEND YOUR MONEY AND PROPERTY.................................................
    END................................................................................................. .....................

    I particularly wish to thank the ones who run the gauntlet. I cannot even be­gin to recognize them all but I shall ask that, even though for security they re­main unnamed, they recognize my intent--to the publisher and to the printer goes appreciation beyond expression. They have both suffered the assault in every facet of their lives from home relationships to business attack. Their legacy shall be great indeed and further, earthly reward shall also be theirs for God desires no more martyrs. He sends not the Christos to again be drawn and quartered, He comes this journey to reclaim the Kingdom and show you the way home. God shall, and does, bless the ones who crew this ship of which He is Captain.

    Look unto the heavens from whence cometh thine help for we are there! Be­hold for He shall come on wings of the Eagles and the ships will be radiant as the sun for they are your transportation home---after you have provided preparation for His coming "home" unto you, his people. IS YOUR TEM­PLE READY? GET THE BROOMS FOR SOME STOOPS ARE YET IMPASSABLE. GOD WANTS NO BLOOD SMEARS ON YOUR DOORS OF HIS OTHER CREATIONS; HE WANTS MAN TO STAND WITH HIM IN THE PERFECTION OF HIS CREATION! SO BE IT AND MAY YOU WALK IN LIGHT FOR THE TEACHER IS RETURNED TO LEAD YOU HOME.



    The subject of this Journal is the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Reserve banks. This is the one most important deception and subterfuge ever foisted upon the world. It actually is only the conduit through which the Conspirators have perfected their "PLAN". The Journal would be ten times this length if we unfolded details but while we would be unfolding you would be consumed. Let us please take the information, confirm it if you will, and allow us to move into action.

    Consider the situation through the eyes of the past Journals, move to shelter yourself in protection of your assets as well as possible and then reach out, my friends. There are daring groups already established and, as they become privy to the whole along with solutions as to movement, you can move rapidly.

    If you can require that your country move back within the laws as projected in the Constitution, you shall again rise like the Phoenix and be rebirthed as the great nation of freedom which you once experienced. It is NOT HOPELESS, this is the HOPE OF YOUR WORLD AND IT CAN COME TO PASS IN THIS GENERATION UPON YOUR GLOBE. You begin from disadvan­tage but do not be deterred by the disadvantage for remember, the right of God-ness is your bastion. If you consider the alternative of enslavement to be easier and appropriate--think again; the plan is to enslave you in every man­ner you think of in your nightmares. If you act, and even though the road be rough, you have the promise of prevailing, if you "quit" and buy the lie, you are finished.

    It is time to stop laughing at the antics of your politicians; get your govern­ment back under your control and do it now. You most certainly can if you join together in unity and simply refuse to allow further. Oh, yes, they plan to come down hard. The unlawful "laws" are written every day--now, even your head of the Federal Reserve is touting "need for a Constitutional Amendment to balance the budget"--that means you are on "home stretch" to the conven­tion and replacement of all your "rights" through lawful installation of the "New" Constitution.

    Provisions for balancing the budget are well laid forth in the Constitution as it now stands. The conspirators are depending upon the masses of citizens to be misinformed or uninformed and plan to "sock it to you" before you wake up.

    Just yesterday (7/11/90) a new set of small laws came forth which will increase the numbers of crimes eligible for capital punishment, including crimes into the listing of "crimes" which prior attention was not given and include "treason" as a "high level" crime. What does that mean? It means anyone speaking out against the behavior of your government will he incarcerated or executed. It will be the END OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH! YOUR "BILL OF RIGHTS" HAS BEEN ASSASSINATED EFFECTIVELY AS YOU NOW FUNCTION UNDER THE "ASSUMPTION" OF THE "NEW" CON­STITUTION.

    Why do we focus on America, ask our brothers and friends in other nations? Because as America falls or stands, so falls or stands freedom in your world. It is the last bastion with ability to recover control of itself. All other nations have been swallowed by the Dragon and Americans only have their toes re­maining from out the teeth.

    Yes, there are things you can do to take action and we have laid them forth. Will it be easy? NO! You will need to start at "home" in the community and unify and get rid of the thieves and conspirators which you continually send back to be wardens of your prison and robbers of your property. They, too, are vulnerable to the nuclear bombs and confiscation--they just have forgotten as much. Your Senator is as physically mortal as are you and will die as quickly and suffer as greatly from the collapse which is coming. Preparation? You have all but waited too long, but you still have time, while the elite vie for position to see who will outdo who and gain the ultimate control--the mes­sages, unfortunately, of the prophecies tell you who that will be and those ones will bring devastation of physical nature--not just glean all property and wealth.

    In for a hard time? Yes! But also a wondrous time of unity, brotherhood and freedom from boredom and degradation as fed to you by the silver spoons of the puppet masters.

    For your confirmation, look around you and see that you are fed naught in the press, the media of any kind is rerun lies and half truths to deceive you and distract the population.

    Beware of those who will tell you all you need do is raise your vibrations and someone, somewhere, sometime will come and "save" you. No, there will be no one except self to save self from anything. We can assist but YOU will do of the saving if it be done. Then ones will tell you, "God would not participate in things of Caesar's." YOU, and all things created are God's--Caesar has only stolen that which is God's----where else would God be except with his creations in time of need? You have asked for help and help has been sent-­what you accept or do with it is truly your own free choice--it is the ONLY FREEDOM LEFT TO YOU! I suggest you ponder that most carefully and choose well, indeed.

    Which will it be, citizens of World Earth? Freedom or enslavement? The choice is yours, for God so loves this world that he again sends his Hosts and his being to show you the way! Who will see and hear?

    In service unto God and unto you, my fellow higher universal man, I thank you for your attention.

    Gyeorgos C. Hatonn
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 22:24.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 17

    MONDAY, JULY 2, 1990 10:32 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 320


    Money, beloved ones, is the alienated essence of man's work and existence; this essence dominates him and he worships IT, and somehow it has become your sixth sense without which you cannot seem to make a complete use of the other five. There are many amusing, things regarding money, one of which is at one time it was said that a fool and his money are soon parted--no longer so; it now happens to everybody.

    The LOVE of money is the root of evil and one must choose, in life, between making money and spending it. There is little time for doing both so we must play the game at least as well as does the enemy. We have offered unto you that the means of barter in your world this day is money. Well, actually more accurate would he to say that it is "paper". You must put it all into perspec­tive.

    It is urgent and necessary that we, too, have large sums of barter material to build our businesses and factories. But to understand how money has lost its value as a substance, you must understand how the privilege of control of your own wealth has been stolen from you and given into the hands of an elite few who now own your world.


    It matters not that we begin this segment somewhere in "the middle" of the story for you can delve into the background of the Conspirators and Global Planners from other Journals and myriads of other documents. It does matter that you realize what subtlety has been used to lure you in and capture you as a people. Since we speak of predominantly the United States at this writing we shall speak of your Federal Reserve Bank and System and you will see the connection with the World Bankers.


    Your Federal Reserve has never been audited. What good that would do is debatable but one thing that it would do is bring the truth to the attention of the citizenry. This effort to cause an audit of the system would accomplish some things as touted but mostly it is another game of "look how hard we are trying".

    As we list a few of them, get rid of your shock and open your minds for data input. The Federal Reserve is NOT a federal branch of anything. It is sup­ported by the government but it is a totally run and operated private banking corporation over which your government has no control--even the laws af­fecting the banking "industry" are laid forth by this private system--not the Treasury Department. There are a couple of legislative bills under consid­eration; both of which would require an annual audit of the system and in ad­dition, would include the making of the Secretary of the Treasury a voting member of the Fed's Open Market Committee. Now I bet you thought surely that he was a big participant already.

    The term of the Fed's chairman would parallel that of the President. I bet you thought somehow the President had say over that one already.

    The Fed's budget would be published in the budget of the U.S. government for the current year and two succeeding years.

    And, all monetary policy decisions by the Fed would be announced on the day they are made. I would guess little hope of such a thing since this is the most manipulated secret organization in your world today including the Freema­sons, Church of the Vatican, etc.

    There is some speculation that these measures would somehow enhance pop­ular control over the Fed's monetary decision-making policy, which, until now, has been strictly the prerogative of the private banking houses that control the Fed. Magic clue: "Banking Houses that CONTROL the Fed!" You see, the Fed has a monopoly over the power to create money and it is in violation of Article I, Section III of the U.S Constitution, which states that Congress (representing the people) alone has that power.

    There is also a third bill flopping about which would increase the number of members on the twelve regional Federal Reserve branch bank boards of gov­ernors from nine to twelve. The bill would also require that one member have a background in agriculture, one in small business, one in labor and one in consumer affairs. Funny thing, someone finally noticed that these sectors of the economy are most affected by the monetary policies of the Fed and have no representation on the boards of the Federal Reserve banks.

    At the current time there is a total of some 112 members of Congress now co­sponsoring Fed audit or reform legislation and those can be supplied to you. Sad part is that there are 100 senators and 435 representatives, so look at your odds. If nothing else it will be confirmation of the manipulation of Congress by the Cartel.

    Check out your Congressmen and see where they stand and then either en­courage them or DEMAND that they support these measures. At the same time you can DEMAND that the Constitution as written, be followed. Most of Congressional membership do not have the foggiest notion of what is in your Constitution.


    You can check in the Appendix and find the list of supporters. Shown will be the four Fed audit-and-reform measures before the House and the Senate. In the House: HR. 844, H.R. 3512 and H.R. 3066. In the Senate: S. 734.

    Check the list and see if your representatives and/or senators have signed on as co-sponsors of the legislation. If not, write or call!

    You may write your representative in care of: The House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. 20515.

    Senators: The U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. 20510.

    Telephone number for the U.S. Capitol switchboard is (202) 224-3121. Call this number and ask to be connected to the office of your representative or senator.

    I want to tell you, however, that this is such band-aid surgery as to be indeed foolish except as to bring the problem into open acknowledgement. Your government is totally controlled by the system and enforced by your judicial branch.

    You can find listings of your representatives, etc., at any local library and for national Congress listing you can obtain a current copy of the U.S. Congress Handbook for $6.95 from Liberty Lobby, 300 Independence Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. We will place a copy of the ordering information in the Appendix also. This should become one of your most precious library ac­quisitions and I urge you to keep it updated.

    I give this information and request right up front so that you can be getting your ducks lined up while you read the Journal. There are other excellent books written on the Federal Reserve System, many of which can be obtained from Liberty Library--so request a book list with your order for the Hand­book. The one you will enjoy the most for its absolute truth, with humor and astounding bluntness is the one written by Eustace Mullins. Eustace will al­ways give you names, ranks and serial numbers. We need not give you more than enough for confirmation of truth for others such as Eustace have already done your legwork. Dharma has had no exposure to this resource so any who would jot her a note of confirmation, please feel our appreciation. It is indeed hard for our writers to work in blindness. Again, as with other subjects, I will ask if America West might make Eustace's book available in some manner--either obtain distribution or give information upon request. Thank you. We simply want to open your eyes, shake your mind into alertness and then you will please do any background you feel necessary to convince yourselves of the truth of it.


    "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the government to whom it properly belongs."

    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and the corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fa­thers conquered."

    Even after some half century of the distraction set up for that purpose, of "fighting communism" the great array of anti-communists have failed to deter the rising tide of revolution. Patriotic organizations still have NO REAL STRATEGY for effective action because of the failure to recognize the obvi­ous; The real enemy of the people lurks in New York and Washington, D.C.

    It must be realized that an "elite" segment of conspirators has seized control of policy-making and conflict management in the United States. International financiers and industrialists, in secret alliance with revolutionary forces, are merging American and Soviet societies under a master plan of infiltration, subversion and rebellion.

    General reaction of the muzzled majority to increasing exploitation and op­pression has been a defense of the status quo. Yet, it must be clear that a po­litical system perpetually on the defensive is doomed to ultimate defeat. Somewhere you must counterattack! And, you must do it before a new Con­stitution replaces your foundation.

    The problem can be considered as basically one of inducing movement and action. Relatively few people in America are pro-communist, or even social­ists, and the definitions have so long been incorrect that you wouldn't know whether or not you fit into either category. At this point in history your "Democratic" form of government has truly turned into the force of tyranny. Well, facts are that the revolutionaries in government have taken their own legislative and judicial "rights" and "misappropriation" of constraints, laid forth their "voted-in" rules and usurped rights directly from your Constitution granting government for the people, by the people and of the people and are depriving you of your God-given rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. You have long since left the one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. You have cast God aside from any of your workings, you are a divided people and there is no liberty nor justice for any!

    These conspirators and treasonists retain an iron grip on your domestic and foreign policy, manipulating economic, social and political disciplines to ex­pand their dream of world empire at the expense of the Republic.

    Meanwhile, the vast majority of the (Korton's definition) Sheeple, both cap­tives and targets, remain oblivious and totally calm and passive while your very existence is decided by your deadliest enemies.

    This passivity is certainly in no way accidental. World government conflict managers have long realized the significance of the vast gulf between specta­tors and participants. Their whole strategy is geared to maximize the victim's spectatorship and minimize his participation in the struggle.

    Let us look at this for it is basically a "principle" of behavior and was exampled beautifully in South Vietnam. It is estimated that out of every hundred people in rural areas, twenty were actively aiding the Communist Viet Cong, forty were passively anti-communist, and forty were neutral. That active twenty was enough to turn the country into a major battlefield leading to ultimate de­feat of American forces (oh yes, you were defeated), aided and abetted, of course, by concealed conflict managers in New York and Washington.

    What good might have come out of the Vietnam non-war? Oh brother, so much good that you cannot imagine; perhaps the very saving of your nation and ultimately the world. You are going to have ones such as officers P. Egoscue, J. Wright, "Bo" Gritz, A.E. Roberts and on and on who saw first hand, the writing on the wall and the prevailing evil of the "managers" at full scale work. The full measure of the good from Vietnam is yet to come to full flower for it was when America looked up and first blinked her eyes as a na­tion full of sleeping zombies.

    Conservative attempts to influence the spectator-participant ratio have been mainly confined to vague educational programs, insipid protest, and general­ized talk--none of which has been able to inspire much favorable movement. Indeed, many conservative organizations obviously regard the national crisis as a popularity contest, not a war for survival.

    In contrast, misinformation, disinformation, denouncements of truth, and FEAR has been the elite conspirators' chief weapon; economic, political and social coercion, for maximizing passivity and spectatorship. Effective though it is, oppression is a two-edged weapon. Its application generates potential reaction. These suppressed reactions can explode with most sudden violence. Channeling anger and frustration into constructive action is the task of knowl­edgeable participants everywhere. The individual can do very little if anything to protect himself and his family until he is armed with truth and knowledge--and a plan of action.

    Defeat of these "elitists" now leading America into the twilight zone of na­tional disaster demands intelligent acceptance of the facts behind the crisis. And, it requires courageous marshalling of resources, and the commitment of motivated citizens who will take whatever action is necessary to reverse the mindless march toward dictatorship and total loss of your Constitutional na­tional rights.


    YOU HAVE CLEARLY LOST CONTROL OF ALL BRANCHES OF YOUR GOVERNMENT. The solution to economic chaos, social rebellion, and political revolution is planned action at the county level of government to force the respective state legislatures to protect the lives and property of the people. It must take place "at home"; in Washington is too late, my chelas.

    Political theorizing and personal knowledge of the conspiracy must be trans­lated into practical plans and implemented at a level of government which the individual can effectively influence. American citizens, if they are to escape the socialist society planned for them, must bring their authority to bear at the point of jurisdictional decision: County and State government. And, it must be done in spite of the grass-roots infiltrated corruption of an injustice judicial system.

    No amount of agonizing or protesting to some distant congressman will change greatly the design of the elitists who seek to overthrow the Constitu­tion and reduce Americans to the status of economic serfs on the land which once was yours. Only the individual can demand that his County official act to defend and preserve Life, Liberty and Property. You must do this by a posi­tive act, by challenging "the secret government of monetary power" at its weakest point - the Community and County.

    But do write to Washington, for it puts those YOU elected on notice and at first will be ignored; but the handwriting will spread across the halls of gov­ernment and you will find that from community to top government echelons, the system based on evil control shall fall. Even a community board of a wa­ter district feels no need to comply longer with the wishes of the people who MAKE in office--oh yes, they must! You ones must cease your apathy and it function as intended.


    Although all sovereignty originates from the State, the states delegated a few of their powers to their common agents in Washington, D.C. However, the vast governmental powers that touch your daily lives are placed in the hands of County Governments, that are closest to the people and still the effort is to control the elections by partisan backing and the pouring in of political finan­cial bribes and undercover backscratching. The corruption spreads like metastic cancer throughout your judicial, political and business circles--all at­tached to each other so that the secret manipulations cannot be isolated. Well, you can and MUST isolate them and bring them public for all to see as it is the only way you shall stop of the malignant disease.

    The county must establish jurisdiction and not relinquish, it from taxation right through the judicial system. It CAN be done and has been done--try Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Look at the following excerpts wherein the first steps toward independence were taken by that County on May 31, 1775, in order to prevent a legal vacuum....

    First, the PROPERTY TAX remained in the hands of the county, which early established its jurisdiction. The people of an area thus controlled their tax assessor and their county supervisors, so that the taxing power was not beyond their jurisdiction. "When the power to tax leaves the county, tyranny will then begin in the United States. Socialism or Communism will be only a step away. The people of a county will be helpless as their property is taxed to the point of expro­priation..."

    Second, CRIMINAL LAW was and is county law in essence. That was an important safeguard against tyranny and against the political use of criminal law. Law enforcement officers, including judges, were and are officers of the county, in the main, or of its constituent units. Not too many years ago even executions were also held at the county seat. Po­lice power and criminal law are thus matters of local jurisdiction of the American system.

    The third, CIVIL LAW, is also county law to a great degree, enforced by local courts and by locally elected officials. The American citizen is thus for the most part under county government. His basic instru­ments of civil government are local, residing in the county, and the county is his historic line of defense against the encroachments of state and federal governments. In early America, town and county elections were properly regarded as more important than state and federal elec­tions, and property qualifications were strict on the local level.

    I am not here to say that the above is perfection and the entire government and judicial system can be lost at the level above. Note in the judicial system that Admiralty courts have replaced common-law at all levels.

    In the past, I have kept my groups of workers off the public voting lists for pri­vacy and security but as we move into participation at a basic community level we must take a stand and therefore, I request that each of you now get regis­tered--in Golden Hills if possible--for you must stop the steam-roller bearing down on you, at that level, right now, this week. To participate on any Board thereof, you must be registered to vote and we now need participation.

    Necessary knowledge, and a plan of action enabling the individual to harness powers of County and State governments to financial and political survival, will be found in this Journal. May we please transform you from a 'spectator' into a 'participant' in this, probably your last, struggle for LIFE, LIBERTY AND PROPERTY. LET US, TOGETHER, RESTORE THE CONSTI­TUTION.

    Dharma, get away from this computer instantly
    PJ 17

    MONDAY, JULY 2, 1990 2:45 P.M. YEAR 3 DAY 320
    What you call "county" is the building block of the American political system. The sheriff, county judge and county commissioner are local chieftains in the proper functioning of county government. Theses offices present the greatest challenge to the misuse of authority by a central government.

    It is wasteful, at this point, to wrestle with the convoluted problems of the world for you must start wherein you can make impact. More progress will be made by concentrating on local issues affecting your money, your property and your family. Only you can demand that your county official, whom you elected to represent you, discharge his obligation to you. He must do this by a positive act, by challenging the unconstitutional Federal Reserve System. You must cause him to do so for he will not do so on his own account in al­most every instance.

    By such direct and positive action you and he can escape the "New World Or­der" planned for you and your children and now upon your very doorstep. There are some actions to take which are to mobilize local leaders and pro­mote county government participation in the Federal Reserve project, the Constitution preservation project, and so on. We will give you some instru­ment and petition forms as examples in the Appendix.


    "Law of Agency" is central to resolving the constitutional crisis.

    The original thirteen Nations, recognized as such by the Treaty of Peace which concluded the Revolutionary War, created the Federal government. Following the War for Independence, the thirteen nation-states organized themselves as the United States under a mutual compact, the Constitution of the united states.

    Every succeeding State entered the union of states, "...upon an equal footing with the original states in all respects whatsoever," (Chapter XXXVI, 13 United Statutes at Large, 1864).

    The constitutional contract established, in the first three Articles, three branches of government: Legislative, Executive and Judicial. The People, through their state deputies, delegated to these three agencies certain limited powers, retaining unto themselves all powers not so delegated.

    Each sovereign State, as a Principal under the constitutional compact, is supreme over its Federal agencies. The State is empowered to correct acts by its Federal agents which IT deems violate delegated powers enumerated in the Articles of the Constitution. Each sovereign State has the authority and the responsibility to enforce provisions of the Constitution within its borders, and to provide criminal sanctions for violators.

    The People, from whom flow all political powers, are responsible for in­structing their State senators and representatives to challenge unconstitu­tional acts by Federal agents, as they are required to do by oath of office. You can see that you have come a long way down the road to destruction of your wondrous system. The bribe givers and lobbyists have long since "bought" those representatives for the large part. Each citizen is charged with the mis­sion of defending and preserving freedoms of person and property guaran­teed to the People by the Constitution of the United States.

    Ones ask, "How can a Cranston who has taken every kind of bribe and pay­off, yet still wield the power he does and continue to be elected?" BY YOU THE PEOPLE!

    So, where have you gone? From what into what?

    Benjamin Franklin: "The refusal of King George to operate an honest colonial money system which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the manipula­tors was probably the prime cause of the Revolution."

    And where might you be in this current day? Worse, for you have taken the same system and have now enlarged and fed it and it has thrived beyond your ability to comprehend.

    The money must be put where the needs are and the power to spend it where the people are. The further away government is from people, the stronger government becomes and the weaker people become. A nation with a strong government and a weak people is an empty shell.

    The idea that government in Washington, D.C. is inevitably more wise, more honest, and more efficient than government at the local or State level should BE REJECTED. The idea that a bureaucratic elite in Washington knows best what is best for people everywhere and that you cannot trust local gov­ernment is really a contention that you cannot trust people to govern them­selves. This notion is completely foreign to the American experience. Local government is the government closest to the people and it is most responsive to the individual person; it is people's government in a far more intimate way than the government in Washington can ever be.

    People came to America because they wanted to determine their own future rather than to live in a country where others determined their future for them. What this change means is that once again in America you are placing your trust in people etc., etc., etc.

    I wrote the above for it sounds so perfect in concept that you will be quite fooled, I'm confident, to learn it was projected by one called Richard Nixon. It should prove something else to you which is more important. The elite ma­nipulators will tell you anything and do the other; further, they KNOW what will sell to the populace and also know the populace does not expect the politician to keep his promise--"Read my lips!"

    The rhetoric is desirable and sounds most encouraging; the words unfortu­nately are made suspect by the actions. By consistently asking for more and more tax funds for more and more Federal programs which add to the Fed­eral payroll and increasing number of bureaucrats who increasingly control more and more facets of the daily lives of citizens; by grouping the States into regions with unelected Federal overseers, thereby removing power farther from the people; and by promoting such programs as the Atlantic Union which, if it were effected, would remove power still more distant from the people, the Chief Executive is, in effect, fostering power OVER THE PEO­PLE INSTEAD OF "POWER TO THE PEOPLE".

    Power to the people is a traditionally American concept which is what the Constitution of the U.S. is all about. When the necessary number of the Original Thirteen Colonies ratified the U.S. Constitution, they established a government in which political power was decentralized. By the constitutional contract they surrendered to the Federal Government only specified powers. Powers not delegated to the Federal Government were reserved to the States and to the people. And rather than to permit such a logical conclusion from being misunderstood, the 10th Amendment so specified the intent.

    Under this concept of government, power was concentrated at the bottom -­at the lowest denominator of government -- the level closest to the people and most responsive to the desires and wishes of the individual person.

    Locally controlled governments and systems of education, a basically religious people who in large measure recognized the Holy Bible as a guide to conduct, and a free enterprise economic system with a minimum of government inter­ference produced the most prosperous and powerful Nation on earth. America abounded in Peace, opportunity, and true progress so long as Amer­ica adhered to concepts of the Holy Book and directly to the Constitution.

    The second decade of your present century saw the beginning of a major trend in the direction of removing power from the hands of people at the State and local level and concentrating more and more power over the lives of people into the hands of unelected bureaucrats at the regional and Federal levels, in fact, even the surrendering of national powers and prerogatives to international bodies. In retrospect it all seemed quite logical and appropriate for circumstances--but it was already set into motion and circumstances planned and well orchestrated from long prior to the actual events. Clever manipulation? Indeed, for you are dealing with the Chief Master Deceiver of the Universe, and he has had no shortage of willing helpers.

    The trend was given incredible impetus in the year numbered 1913, with the enactment of an Act which was called the Federal Reserve Act, which took away people's control over their money; the 16th Amendment to the Consti­tution calling for the graduated Federal income tax--a plank of the Marxist platform--and in 1919, with the establishment of the Council on Foreign Rela­tions which has been instrumental in promoting world government. Do you see the tapestry beginning to produce the picture in whole cloth? It never slackened pace, the entrapment has just closed tighter and tighter about you.

    The ratification of the U.N. Charter, a plan for world government, by the U.S. Senate in 1945, transferred "people power" still farther away from the people at the local level. The present emphasis is being given to regional government and to an Atlantic Union, both of which had your president's approval and further eroded the Constitution and remain major obstacles to circumvent "people power".

    There have been seeds of knowledge planted during the past recent decades by various daring constitutional groups and individuals but too many of the citizens were in the sound sleep or early awakening stupor and failed to no­tice. Well, here we are again and perhaps more Americans will see and hear and pitch in. You the people will learn who the anti-American treasonists ac­tually are who would bring you down and what they are doing to emasculate your Constitution and to destroy your country by trapping you into regional and world government. They have set up systems to simply brainwash you as a nation, destroy your children, obliterate education and ease the new system into working order through power of the gun as soon as they have removed all of your guns. It now requires ACTION--it starts with action at the local and State levels by informed groups and individuals to salvage and restore the Constitution.

    You of America owe great gratitude to the State of Wisconsin for it has brought forth great patriots gifted with wondrous help from your Guardian Hosts. In 1971 the Wisconsin State Legislature established a special commit­tee to study the constitutionality of the federal government's relations with the United Nations, and from that resource came proof of a conspiracy to over­throw the Constitution of the United States and erect a socialist state gover­nance over the American people.

    That documented study provided evidence to indict an ambitious and morally degenerate group of financiers and industrialists who seek to erect an interna­tional, non-elected authority upon the ruins of the American civilization. This study explained how, via interlocking subversion, the Council on Foreign Re­lations captured principal agencies of the Federal Government and created the United Nations Organization as their private instrumentality for global conquest. Revenue sharing and Regional government is the final technique for stripping away State sovereignty and eliminating elective office at State and national levels. Now, dear ones, go look closely at the planned "new" states and read the plans for the new constitution to accompany the plan, from prior Journals.

    Most of your families began in this wondrous new world as farmers, preach­ers, soldiers and laborers. They came, good or bad, and challenged a wilder­ness with a confidence borne of an abiding faith in God. Most of your ances­tors fought in the Revolutionary War and served this country in every suc­ceeding conflict to the present day.

    Your forebearers raised up mighty cities and established a civilization of free men--the envy of all others. The blood and sweat, prayers and pain of your clans fertilized the soil of America. Their achievements constitute your her­itage; their culture a legacy for your children and your children's children as well as for those who would come and join with you as brothers in citizenship from other nations.

    America has changed. Within the span of two or three generations the civi­lization of your forefathers has come under sophisticated assault. The struc­tures of freedom erected at such great cost in blood, sweat and treasure, are crumbling about you. God is blasphemed, your lineage reviled, and your Con­stitution dismantled. Dear ones, your destiny has turned to dust and settled upon you as the suffocating destruction of the Plan closes in about you.

    Your wondrous descendants of the pioneers, the warriors, and the engineers of this unique order are now economic serfs in an industrialized society ruled by a self-anointed elite. You are manipulated by massive propaganda, be­trayed in international military adventures and exploited by a rapacious, insa­tiable bureaucracy. The founders of your nation, in the Declaration of Inde­pendence, established a course of action to which every responsible citizen must adhere when government becomes master instead of servant.

    "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. . .whenever any form of Government becomes de­structive of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness it is the right of the People to alter or abolish it..."

    If you are to survive as a race and as a nation, the People must regain control over the centers of power in America.

    To understand, however, you need to understand better how they were lost. THE MOST SECRET KNOWLEDGE, a science which outdates history, is the science of control over people, governments and civilizations. The foun­dation of this ultimate discipline is the CONTROL OF WEALTH. THROUGH THE CONTROL OF WEALTH COMES THE CONTROL OF PUBLIC INFORMATION AND THE NECESSITIES OF LIFE.




    The rule is to finance the education of members of the money aristocracy in the professions, business, political science, management, research, public speaking, writing and education and to dive forth information in the form of "education" which further limits the ability of knowledge to flow. By placing trusted members of the elite conspirators, well trained and financed, in posi­tions of influence in their communities, and in positions of leadership in nearly all organizations, including the religious order and in opposing associations, it is possible to direct local, regional and national policy toward long-range ob­jectives. Passing this through one generation and then another, the original concept and truth is buried and lost as the old is destroyed in order never to be allowed re-birthing.


    The fate reserved for less fortunate citizens, those not born of the money aris­tocracy, was succinctly stated by Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Sr. In a policy statement published by his General Education Board, forerunner to today's ill-famed Rockefeller Foundation, John Rockefeller heralded the plan to mold an American peasantry through control of educational process. Harken, students, this is serious material so don't get distracted by it surfacing herein for the plan is so interwoven that these fragments cannot he extricated.

    "In our dreams," said Rockefeller, "we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present edu­cational conventions fade from our minds", Rockefeller predicted, "and, un­hampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and re­sponsive rural fold. . . .(Occasional Letter No. 1, General Education Board, 1904).

    A significant portion of the American public is yet to become aware of the "The Invisible Government of Monetary Power" although this knowledge has long been common in Europe. Americans still mostly believe that they are working toward a better way of life. Surreptitiously, however, social customs and forms of administration in the United States are being carefully and grad­ually modified with the pace of modification now compounding as the effort is thrust forward to remove your Constitution as it was written and before you realize what has happened the Laws will be operable according to the dictato­rial new document. The change from one type of culture to another is thus accomplished without arousing serious public challenge for you were being fed tempting luxuries and credit buying, etc., as you took your medicine with so much sugar that you forgot there was responsibility for the medicine.

    This Journal is about the financiers, their fellow conspirators and the plot to destroy Western "Christian" civilization. It is written for the concerned American--not the skeptics. You have too far to go and too much to accom­plish to spend time on skeptics for they shall come into truth at any rate as the axe falls.

    In all likelihood, the skeptic will, without ever having read it, dismiss this work with a roll of the eyes and wave of the hand while at the same time declaring it to be outrageous fiction--just another attempt to promote the "conspiracy theory of history". Well, as Bob Girard said of Dharma, "Just the ravings of a human insane mind." We shall see who eats the bitter potion and reaps the rewards from his listeners whom he turned away from truth. Woe unto the man who pulls his brother into the pit.

    The arch-Bolshevik Lenin once boasted that the capitalist would sell the communists the rope with which they would hang them. Well, we shall en­deavor to tie some of the loose ends of this incredible story together but we will effort at doing so in a series of Journals which will be more easily digested than in one huge and unwieldy historical document. Then you had the de­lightful Russian who said the Russians would "bury you". Further, you were directly told that you would become enslaved "without need of firing a single bullet". Did you think Mr. Gorbachev changed all bets to "off'? How did this man with his drastic changes come into such power? Because it was planned that way and while you pick up the shreds of nations and send 'through unbreakable treaty" all your grain supply--where will you go to eat bread and mop thine tears? To God, perhaps, from whom you turned away and "voted-in" false morality to ease your evil behavior as to conscience? Would it not be better to take note of thine plight and consider change before it becomes irre­versible?

    The stark naked truth of the matter is that the United States of America is passing from a constitutional Republic into a totalitarian, world wide govern­ment. World dominion is the ages-old dream of the elitists who have mas­tered the science of control over people to gain world domination.

    There are two central issues which have assured their success as it unfolds:

    One: Transfer of money control from the people into the hands of an interna­tional banking combine, and,
    Two: Creation of a complex and confusing judicial system designed to totally frustrate and bewilder justice.

    We will take up the judicial system at another sitting for our thrust, as suc­cinctly as possible, will concern itself with the first principle--money, and those who control it.

    In 1913 the money aristocracy effected a major advance toward their long-range goal of world dominion. They duped the United States Congress into adopting the Federal Reserve Act. This coup resulted in the transfer of the power to coin and regulate U.S. money from the Congress to their private banking combine, the Federal Reserve System.

    Since passage of the Federal Reserve Act, the American destiny and the per­sonal life of every citizen has been controlled by a financial elite whose sick-brained policies have spawned depression, war and revolution.

    The existence of an "Invisible Government of Monetary Power" was dramati­cally confirmed in 1933 by the late Louis T. McFadden, Chairman, Banking and Currency Committee, U.S. Congress, who said:

    "Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is--the Fed has usurped the government. It controls everything here (in Congress) and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will."

    Then in 1971 Representative John Rarick denounced President Nixon's plan for deficit spending and revealed the dominant position held by the Federal Reserve System over American economy:

    "He" (Nixon), said Rarick, "has asked the independent Federal Re­serve System to come up with enough new money to reach a projected increase in the GNP by $88 billion in order to achieve his 'objective of prosperity without inflation."' Yes, this was the same Nixon who touted government by the people at the people level.

    "The Federal Reserve", Rarick continued, "is not an agency of Gov­ernment. It is a private banking monopoly. As I have said many times before, the policies of the monarch are always those of his creditors."

    The safety of the State and the peace and security of citizens now urgently re­quires an immediate action against the Federal Reserve System, an "audit" will not suffice, my friends, but you start reclaiming where you can.

    The first consideration must be a public examination of the authority which the Federal Reserve System says established its legal status as a Government agency. Such authority is quoted in a statement submitted to Congressman Wright Patman, House Banking and Currency Committee, by the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System and Federal Reserve Banks, dated April 14, 1952.

    "The 12 Federal Reserve Banks", said the Federal Reserve Board, "are corpo­rations set up by Federal law to operate for public purposes under Govern­ment supervision."

    The Board further advised Mr. Patman that, 'The Board of Governors was created by Congress and is a part of the Government of the United States. Its members', they said assuringly, "are appointed by the President, with the ad- vice and consent of the Senate, and it (the Fed) has been held by the Attorney General to be a Government establishment (30 Op. Atty. Gen., 308, 1914)."

    Retorting to these impressive "claims" to "legality" and "public service" Con­gressman Patman stated:

    "There is no free market that can cope with a national debt of $272 billion (1952), with $85 billion of it to be refunded within one year. Free market means private manipulation of private credit."

    PRIVATE MANIPULATION OF PUBLIC CREDIT IS OF COURSE, THE PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM. This international banking cartel, as will be shown, manages the credit of the United States for the profit and advantage of its foreign and domestic mem­bers. In so doing the Federal Reserve exploits the entire producing strata of the American society for the gain of a select, non-producing few.

    "The Federal Reserve Board, to my mind," continued Mr. Patman, "is guilty of the grossest kind of misconduct in failing to support the Gov­ernment of the United States at a time of its greatest economic peril in Government securities." And he hadn't seen anything yet.

    Congressman Patman then revealed the contradiction in the spurious Federal Reserve claim of "Government agency" status and explained how the Fed generates illegitimate profits for its members.

    "The Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve System", he said, "is composed of the 7 members of the Board of Governors and 5 members who are presidents of the Federal Reserve banks and who are selected by private commercial banking interests. The Open Mar­ket Committee has the power to obtain, and does obtain, the printed money of the United States--Federal Reserve Notes--(free) from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and exchanges these printed notes, which of course are not interest bearing, for United States Govern­ment obligations that ARE INTEREST BEARING. After making the exchange the interest bearing obligations are retained by the 12 Fed­eral Reserve banks and the interest collected annually on these Gov­ernment obligations goes into the funds of the 12 Federal Reserve banks."

    Exploding the myth that the Federal Reserve System is an instrumentality of the Federal Government Mr. Patman declared:

    'These funds (interest from Government obligations) are expended by the (Federal Reserve) system without an adequate accounting to the Congress. In fact there has never been an independent audit of either the 12 banks or the Federal Reserve Board that has been filed with the Congress where a Member (of Congress) would have an opportunity to inspect it. The General Accounting Office", he stated, 'does not have jurisdiction over the Federal Reserve. For 40 years (1952) the system, while freely using the money (credit) of the Government, has not made a proper accounting."

    Then came along Governor W.P.G. Harding of the Federal Reserve Board, in testimony before Congress in 1921, some years prior to Mr. Patman and ad­mitted that the Fed is a private banking monopoly. "The Federal Reserve Bank is an institution owned by the stockholding member banks. The Gov­ernment has not a dollar's worth of stock in it."

    The Government does, however, give the Federal Reserve System FREE USE of its billions of dollars of credit. This gives the Federal Reserve the characteristic of a central bank; the power to issue currency on the Govern­ment's credit. Nice work if you can get it! Americans do not have Federal Government notes or gold certificates as currency. You have Federal Re­serve Bank notes, fiat money issued by private banks. Every dollar the Fed­eral Reserve System prints is a dollar in their pocket, dear citizens.

    The compatible meshing of the Federal Reserve System with a network of in­ternational banking was explained by a W. Randolph Burgess of the New York Federal Reserve Bank in an address before the Academy of Political Science (that mutually exclusive and contradiction of terms should sicken quite a few of you) in 1930.

    "In its major principles of operation the Federal Reserve System is no different from other banks of issue, such as the Bank of England, the Bank of France, or the Reichsbank."

    It is obvious that when control of money is transferred from the People to pri­vate banking centers, as is the case in Europe and America, the sovereignty of the People is surrendered, too. Control of wealth confers upon those who control it the final decision in the domestic and international affairs of na­tions. When the financial aristocracy usurp the "coin of the realm", the People are disfranchised and real political authority passes into the hands of an "Invisible Government of Monetary Power".

    Your Founding Fathers knew this principle very well. Mr. Jefferson said, "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power of money, should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."

    It is hardly perceived today but the Declaration of Independence was actually a proclamation that the colonists would not serve a money aristocracy. The American Revolution was a struggle to wrest control of wealth from the Bank of England and to restore the centers of power to the People where it "properly belongs".

    The Constitution is specific about the authority of the People, through their elected officials, to control the money, and thus, the affairs of their Govern­ment.

    "The Congress shall have the power. . .To coin money (and) regulate the value thereof.." Article I, section 8, U.S. Constitution.

    Nowhere does the Constitution authorize or permit the transfer of this vast power to a money aristocracy. Exposure of the hidden forces which have cheated the people of their birthright must be of gravest concern to members of the State Legislatures, each of whom has sworn to "defend and preserve the Constitution". It is time to identify the men behind the Federal Reserve conspiracy.

    Mr. Paul Warburg is the man who got the Federal reserve Act together after something called the Aldrich Plan aroused such nation-wide re­sentment and opposition. The mastermind of both plans (hold your breath, chelas) was Alfred Rothschild of London.

    Paul Moritz Warburg, whom President Wilson subsequently appointed first Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, was an immigrant from Germany. His primary allegiance was to his family banking house of M.M. Warburg Company of Hamburg and Amster­dam.

    During World War I the M.M. Warburg Company financed German's war against the Allied forces. Paul's brother, Max, headed the Ger­man Secret Service.

    During the war years, Paul Warburg's firm of Kuhn, Loeb Company had five representatives in the United States Treasury Department in charge of Liberty Loans, thus financing America's war effort against the Kaiser. It is most unlikely, however, that patriotism or humanitari­anism inspired such interlocking, international financing of the agony of World War I.

    Woodrow Wilson, Carter Glass, Wm. Jennings Bryan, etc., have been given credit for the treason but the money and credit resources of the United States were now in the complete control of the bankers' al­liance between J.P. Morgan's First National Bank group, and Kuhn, Loeb's National City Bank, whose principal loyalties were to the inter­national banking interests then quartered in London, and which moved to New York during the First World War.

    Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh made a prophetic statement on the swindle which had been foisted on the American people. Speaking on the floor of the House on Dec. 23, 1913, the day the Federal Re­serve Act became law, Mr. Lindbergh said:

    21 'This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Wilson) signs this bill the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalized. . .the worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency bill."

    These crimes herein alleged were subsequently defined by the Honorable Louis T. McFadden on May 23, 1933 when he actually brought impeachment charges against members of the Federal Reserve Board and the heads of the 12 member banks (Congressional Record, BOUND VOLUME, PP. 4055-4058). But you can see how that went. However here are excerpts:

    "I charge them...with having arbitrarily and unlawfully taken over $80,000,000,000.00 (eighty billion dollars) from the United States gov­ernment in the year 1928...

    "I charge them...with having arbitrarily and unlawfully raised and low­ered the rates on money...increased and diminished the volume of cur­rency in circulation for the benefit of private interests...

    "I charge them...with having conspired to concentrate U.S. Gov­ernment securities...and thus...having conspired to transfer to foreign­ers and international money lenders title to and control of the financial resources of the United States...

    "I charge them...with having published false and misleading propa­ganda intended to deceive the American people and to cause the United States to lose its independence...

    "I charge them...with the crime of having treasonably conspired and acted against the peace and security of the United States, and with having treasonably conspired to destroy the constitutional government of the United States."

    Let us consider herein for just a moment for that was May of 1933. Well, Congressman McFadden's shocking indictment of the members of the Fed­eral Reserve System, and those who maneuvered its adoption by the Congress, was moved to the Committee on the Judiciary. It STILL awaits re­porting to the House floor and action to impeach both former and present members of the Board of Governors and Federal Reserve Banks for criminal conspiracy against the People of the United States. So be it.

    The final decision as to whether or not an "Invisible Government of Monetary Power" will continue to control the American destiny and the lives and for­tunes of her People must ultimately be made by the citizens of your nation--no one will do it for you.

    To begin the task of exposing and neutralizing the men and the system which seeks to overthrow constitutional government and impose a world governance over your domestic and foreign affairs, resolutions must be drawn and pre­sented to State legislative bodies. These resolutions must call for and demand investigation by the various State Legislatures of the actions of Federal agents who have purported to negotiate with foreign governments and with private interests to transfer vast powers of government, and to surrender rights and liberties assured to the People under the Constitution of the United States, to foreigners and to international money lenders in violation of the prohibitions of the Constitution.

    The resolution must further request that the State Legislature promulgate and enact appropriate statutes which will provide for the enforcement of the Constitution of the United States within the boundaries of the various States, to include criminal sanctions for violators, with regard to the United Nations Charter, the Federal Reserve Act, and other ultra vires acts by agents of the Federal Government who have, by these ultra vires acts, attempted to amend the constitution of the United States in a manner not sanctioned by Article V.

    You must demand, if it be God's will, that the elected representatives of the People of the various States act at once to restore America's legacy of Free­dom to the descendants of the pioneers, the warriors, and the engineers who gave their blood, sweat and treasure to establish and defend it and unto those who lost their property unto those pioneers through ignorance and coercion.

    Allow us to close this segment, please. As we continue we shall speak of ac­tions of various States through petitions. I shall have to use material from several resources so that confirmation as to dates, names and places can be made. It will be tedious, Dharma, but most necessary for continuity and ex­ample for you ones must have a plan of action.

    We will close for this day. Thank you for your service. Salu.

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