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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 17
    WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1990 7:40 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 322
    I am Germain and I come in Radiance to speak with you this day.

    This is the Day of Independence of your Great Nation...will it stay standing for yet another year? Will your brothers hear their call to Freedom? Great, great men came for land and fought courageously on the battlefield. Great vi­sions and thoughts of securing a land for generations. And yet modern man has grown fat and complacent and cares not for matters of freedom. It sad­dens me, it angers me...for I KNOW what it took to create the greatness of the Constitution. I KNOW what vision it took to stir a nation. Your mission is no less important than that mission for indeed the entire nation must once again be stirred into that passion for independence and freedom and lib­erty...liberty, it conjures so many emotions for me it is difficult to speak of it, and yet it is one of the areas that are of the greatest and most urgent concern for man. Man has become lost in the confusion of the so-called modern living and he will become even more lost. When man, enmasse, comes across this material it will stir him...for these are the roadmaps for man to find his way back.FREEDOM AND LIBERTY MUST NOT FALL. THE HOST OF HEAVEN ARE HERE TO SEE THAT IT DOES NOT HAPPEN AND YET WE MUST AWAIT MAN, TO SEE WHAT MAN WILL DECIDE TO DO. WILL FREEDOM AND LIBERTY BE IMPORTANT ENOUGH FOR MAN TO ACT IN TIME OR WILL HE CONTINUE TO GIVE HIS POWER UNTO THOSE ONES OF EVIL VILENESS WHO MISLEAD, LIE, AND SELL THE COUNTRY INTO THE HANDS OF THE EN­EMY?

    This great nation is the last bastion for a dying world. Take up the banner of courage and continue as you ones have been...for we greatly honor you and the mission before you. We shall be working closely indeed in the days and years ahead. This is merely something of an introduction, for I have not come to Thomas for some time now...I have been most busy indeed. Greetings Thomas, you are coming along nicely. We shall get there, friend, we shall get there.

    I stand and salute all ones of the circle who have given so much of themselves to the putting forth of the Journals. You may not know the magnitude yet of that which you do, but I tell thee surely that it will change of a world and it will be recorded through the eons. Your work is affecting hundreds at pre­sent...eventually it will affect millions throughout the globe. Keep your shields ever about you for the HOST stand present to assist. Honor one another for the load is different and heavy on each. Blessings this wondrous day of inde­pendence. Give great thanks and breathe the breath of freedom, and hope that man awakens in time to ensure that you live to experience yet another year of it.

    So be it, I take my leave. May the violet flame transmute all negativity in your lives to the perfection that you are. Blessings. I Am Germain


    WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1990 10:24 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 321


    Hatonn present in the Light of Truth and in service unto God and You of His wondrous people. Forgive yourselves for that which you knew not and allow us to move forward that we might reclaim of freedom. Honor the magnificent message from Germain, the leader of the unfolding of your nation back into the freedom which has been stolen from you in your sleeping and trusting. Do not spend wasted time in mourning that which is past--reclaim that which is yours and rejoice! Place Germain's message afore this writing that your brothers can share of the truth of it.

    We will continue on with our Journal for much lies in front of us. We enjoy watching the children at play as they figure and encourage one another in their ignorance, to "set us up" for the disclosure of who knows what? Those who carry a hate and destruct against God's truth shall surely perish in their own laid traps. Do not tremble, Dharma, for as they toy with "how" to get Ha­tonn in Las Vegas and discount truth, they will cease to need to butcher you physically. Enjoy the respite, chela, that we can accomplish our text-books. We shall speak later of the Center for Action meeting which suddenly has Stockwell, Cooper and other major adversaries added to the program oppo­site Patrick. What a stupid game is being played while your nation writhes in her death throes. I shall take time later to write an appendix to this segment of time regarding the ones planning to unseat Hatonn; your brothers are waiting for information which matters.

    The truth is laid before the world and even I am all but embarrassed for ones who tout lies. I will go forth on record, right here--that not only did Billy Goodman KNOW that his program from Las Vegas was going to be cancelled but so did all the people working with and around him. Yet, the hype for the upcoming UFO Conference touts him as "Vanishing", "time loss", "sudden cancellation without notice", "mysterious silence during the hours he would or­dinarily fill on the radio" and on and on with such jibberish and falsehoods as to allow anyone connected to the man to KNOW the sham. Come, Dharma, do you really "fear" the harbingers of lies?

    I do herein request that George speak with Eustace and alert him to the set­up for Eustace will be an early speaker and we might well have a bit of fun early on. This meeting was not set forth for this purpose of foolish encounter. It was touted to be a conference to restore the Constitution and how blisteringly deceitful to see it fall into another NEW AGE/UFO LIE AND SHAM. It is an insult unto the credibility and integrity of Commander Gritz. But then, why does Commander Gritz spend so much time in Washington? Could it be that ? I shall monitor most closely for they know not that which they do for us and truth! So be it. I do sincerely request that we he informed about the possibilities for I would want our people to all know in advance so they do not miss the show. We are going to get your Constitutional mess covered, my friends, and perchance have a little truth finding session in addition, IF THE ONES WHO REFER TO DHARMA AS A "SLIMY LITTLE PUKE" ARE NOT, INDEED, TOTAL COWARDS IN ADDITION TO OTHER ILL-BEGOTTEN TALENTS. GOD DOESN'T LOSE, PRECIOUS ONES. REMEMBER WELL, GOD DOES NOT LOSE IN A CONFRONTATION WITH EVIL INTENT! THESE ONES BELIEVE THEY ARE GOING TO TROUNCE ALL OVER A LITTLE 58 YEAR OLD GRANDMOTHER--I THINK NOT!

    Conspiracies to seize the power of government are as old as the institution of government. In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can know it was planned to happen that way. During the past two centuries when the peoples of the world were gradually winning a partial freedom from monarchies, the major banking families of Europe and America were revers­ing the trend by forming new dynasties of political control through in­ternational financial alliances. The goal was to create a world-wide system of financial control in order to dominate the economy of the world and the po­litical system of each country. And, furthermore, they have thus far been in­conceivably successful and the Plan 2000 is at this point, ahead of schedule.

    The United States is dominated by a hierarchy of wealthy families. The con­trol of private wealth is held by families and family alliances, reinforced by marriages among their members, that guide the banks and control the corpo­rations. Historically, government has been the servant of private wealth. The first fortunes in the New World were political creations. Land and trading privileges were granted by the British and Dutch crowns upon favored individuals and companies. Every great fortune that came out of the nine­teenth century was rooted in fraud. In their absorbing passion for the accu­mulation of wealth, men were plundering the resources of the country like robbers and burglars looting a palace. The public has been deluded about the material aims of a few and the very existence of those who rule the majority. Rule through money has been fashioned into the ultimate system for securing and maintaining power.

    Nineteenth century American author Edward Bellamy, concerned with the ex­tent and consequences of man's inhumanity to man, describes how the "system" operates in a writing called THE PARABLE OF THE WATER TANK: There was a very dry land and the people needed water very badly. They did nothing but look for water and many perished because they could not find any. There were, however, certain men in that land who were more cunning than the rest and they gathered supplies of water where others could find none. Mr. Bellamy labelled these ones as Capitalists. Because it is his story, I shall not take objection to the title but it is not accurate in the whole.

    The people came unto the capitalists and begged for water and the capitalists answered: "Be ye our servants and ye shall have water." And so the capitalists organized the people and they made a great tank for the water, and the tank was called the Market. The capitalists said unto the people: "For every bucket of water that ye bring us, we will give you a penny, but for every bucket that we give unto you, ye shall give to us two pennies, and the difference shall be our profit, seeing that if it were not for this profit we would not do this thing for you and you would all perish." And after many days the water tank, which was the Market, did overflow and the capitalists said unto the people: "Bring us no more water till the tank be empty." But when the people re­ceived no more pennies from the capitalists, they could buy no more water. And when the capitalists saw that they had no more profit, they were troubled and said among themselves, "We must advertise." But the people had no pennies to buy the water and the situation was called a "crisis".

    The thirst of the people was great, but the capitalists would not give of the wa­ter, saying "Business is business." But the capitalists were disturbed because the people bought no more water, and so they acquired no more profits. They then sent for the soothsayers to interpret this predicament. The soothsayers were men learned in dark sayings, who joined themselves to the capitalists so that they would have water, and they spoke for the capitalists and did their bidding for them. The soothsayers said that the people bought no more water because of "overproduction" and others said it was because of "lack of confi­dence". The capitalists were comforted and they sent the soothsayers unto the people who saw the emptiness of their wisdom and did mock them. The capi­talists became fearful that the people would come upon the tank and take the water by force. And so they brought forth certain holy men who were false priests to testify to the people that this affliction was sent to them by God for the healing of their souls, and if they would bear it in patience and lust not af­ter the water, nor trouble the capitalists, it would come to pass that after they had given up the ghost they would come to a place where there would be no capitalists but an abundance of water.

    When the capitalists saw that the people were still discontent and would not be still, neither for the words of the soothsayers nor of the false priests, they came forth themselves and set their fingertips in the water that overflowed from the tank and they scattered the drops upon the people and the drops were called "charity". But still there was great unrest among the people. The capitalists sought out the mightiest and all who had skill in war and they be­came a defense unto the capitalists. And after many days the water was low in the tank, for the capitalists wasted the water for their pleasure. When the capitalists saw that the tank was empty, they said, "The crisis is ended". They hired the people to fill again the tank that was the Market, and gave the peo­ple a penny for each bucket the people brought and took two pennies for each bucket they did give unto the people. - - -

    Nineteenth century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli commented that the world is governed by very different people from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. We have already spoken at great length about operations within this network. When we speak of an Atlantic alliance, etc., it refers to the belief that England was an Atlantic rather than a European Power and must be allied, or even federated, with the United States and must remain isolated from Europe. This intent is shown more clearly in the an­tagonism engendered by the tunnel under construction between England and France. There is pure hatred festering into terror actions over that one con­nection. The chief point of this belief, however, is not so much that ones feel this way about the matter, but rather that the instigators demand to remain unknown and within secret working societies so that this can he accomplished without citizen knowledge.

    Political and economic power in the United States is concentrated in the hands of a "ruling elite" that controls most U.S.-based multinational corpora­tions, major communications media, the most influential foundations, major private universities and most public utilities. Founded in 1921, the Council of Foreign Relations is the key link between the large corporations and the fed­eral government. It has been called a "school for statesmen" and is simply an organ of the "Power Elite" -- a group of men, similar in interests and outlook shaping events from invulnerable positions behind the scenes. The creation of the United Nations was a Council project, as well as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Council members are headed by Henry Kissinger and include dozens of prominent men such as Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Haig, Schultz, Weinberger, Mondale

    Twelve Council members were part of President Lyndon B. Johnson's Senior Advisory Group on Vietnam. (Does this make you feel cuddly safe and se­cure?) Even though we have been over the lists prior to this, a reminder is in order. Richard Nixon appointed more than 110 Council members to key gov­ernment positions during his administration. The majority of major appoint­ments to the State Department by Jimmy Carter in 1977 were members of the Council. Most CIA directors have been Council Members, including Bush and Casey. Nearly all (well, now it is ALL) major media in the U.S. are at­tached to the Council. The president of your country's largest labor union, the AFL-CIO, Lane Kirkland is a member. Membership includes a high con­centration of corporate leaders from companies such as ITT, IBM and all the major Oil companies. David Rockefeller has been a director of the Council since 1949 and chairman of the board since 1970. The Council has been called 'The Establishment", 'The Invisible Government", 'The Parallel Gov­ernment", 'The Shadow Government", "The Kissinger Government", "The Zionist Government" and 'The Rockefeller Foreign Office".


    Please recall my discussion regarding gold and diamond magnate Cecil Rhodes who stated his total commitment to the establishment of a World Government in his will called the "Secret Society Will". His aim was indeed clear: "The extension of British rule throughout the world." The secret society at that time was called 'The Round Table", which worked behind the scenes at the highest levels of the British government. They organized Round Table Groups in those nations under British dominion and in the United States. In New York, it was known as the Council on Foreign Relations. The members of the council are persons of tremendous influence in their communities. They have used the prestige that their wealth, their social position, and their education have given them to lead your country into total bankruptcy and military debacle. They should check their hands for they are covered with blood, dried and fresh. Administrations are set up by them and there is no longer any semblance of outward appearances otherwise. The "insiders" con­trol both the Democrat and Republican parties completely.

    There is, on the international level, the organization equivalent to the Coun­cil, called the Bilderbergers as you will recall, created by former Nazi SS storm trooper Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. This is called the most exclusive club of the Western establishment, and this group includes the world's most powerful financiers, industrialists, statesmen and intellectuals, who meet each year for a conference on world affairs and set the plans for world function. Attendees are the same as listed above with Henry Kissinger always noted first; then also you will find British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and leaders such as Helmut Schmidt, Giscard D'Estaign and so on from all promi­nent nations.

    A World Government has always been the objective of Communism. Re­member that the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917 was a turning point in world history. The main purveyors of funds for the revolution, however, were neither the crackpot Russian millionaires nor the armed bandits of Lenin. The real money came from certain British and American circles which for a long time past had lent their support to the Russian revolutionary cause.

    Some of the world's richest and most powerful men financed the Bolshevik Revolution, a movement that claims it will strip these very same men of their power and wealth, men like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs, Morgans, Harrimans and Milners. There is no proletarian, not even a Com­munist movement, that has not operated in the interest of money, in the direc­tion indicated by money, and for the time being permitted by money--and that without the idealists among its very leadership having the slightest suspicion of the fact of it.

    Well, it is happening again and now the money-mongers are even smarter-‑they take your blood and money and send it all away to your very deadliest enemies while you are flushed down the toilets, and worse, you applaud while they do of it. You line the streets to glimpse the major enemy and bow to him for a shard of freedom only spoken of--no freedom in practice, my dear ones.

    The program of the Communist International of 1936 states that world dicta­torship can be established only by victory of socialism in different countries or groups of countries, after which the Proletariat Republics would unite on fed­eral lines with those already in existence, and this system would expand, at length, forming the world union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Socialism means government ownership and/or control over the basic means of produc­tion and distribution of goods and services. State ownership and regulation of the entire economy means government control over everything. The evolu­tion of economic history shows a straight line movement toward consolidation of wealth. This evolution flows from competition to combination, and from large combination to colossal combination, and it flows on to socialism, which is the most colossal combination of all. Communism is totalitarian socialism. Communism is a movement created and manipulated by some of the world's most powerful and wealthy men in order to gain control over the world, first by establishing socialist governments in different countries and then consolidating them through a "Great Merger" into an all-powerful socialist dictatorship. CAN YOU NOT SEE IT COMING DOWN EXACTLY AS PLANNED?

    Well, it is written that before the great epic of Millennial peace, humanity would be subjected to a ruthless, world-wide dictatorship which would at­tempt to make all men subservient to it or be killed. Reread Revelation 13:17. If you do not learn from the past and pay attention to the prophecies as given, how else can you make of the changes in course to avert the disas­ter?

    Founded in 1944 at a U.N. Monetary and Financial Conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, the International Monetary Fund oversees the world economy. With its headquarters in Washington, the International Monetary Fund encourages financial cooperation between nations and lends money to governments which MUST COMPLY WITH PRECONDITIONS BEFORE THE LOANS ARE GRANTED, as in this week's Bush forgiving of $15 billion to Latin debtors. The preconditions will strip them bare with no recourse whatsoever.

    Dominated by Western nations, the International Monetary Fund ma­nipulates the economies of industrialized nations and the developing coun­tries. British economist Lord John Maynard Keynes envisioned it as the cen­tral world bank that would issue currency and control the world economy. Founded in 1944 along with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank lends billions of dollars for economic development projects in underdeveloped countries, which must first join the International Monetary Fund before becoming eligible for World Bank aid.

    The Trilateral Commission, conceived by David Rockefeller, consists of an elite group of prominent business, political and intellectual leaders from Western Europe, North America and Japan. Membership holds the same persons along with strategic additions. The Commission, established in 1973, promotes central management of the global economy by the largest of the multinational corporations in order to bring about the New World Order.

    Oh sorrow, beloved ones, and forgive Plato's divergence from the wondrous and balanced teachings of Socrates (who probably has returned to diligently set things to right; feeling responsible for misinterpretation of truth). Simi­larly, I would suspect "Saul" Paul might be back to set his own erroneous teachings to straight.

    Plato's REPUBLIC is the source book of all dictatorships. Plato's blueprint for a new society begins with breaking up the existing social structure by whatever means necessary, including force, in order to establish the "ideal" society. There would be three classes: the special ruling class, a powerful army and the working class. There would be slaves also, but slaves would not be considered citizens. Marriage would be eliminated. Women would be equal with men--equal to fight wars with men and perform labor like men. Sexual activity would be controlled and limited by the State. There would be selective breeding of children and children considered inferior or crippled would be de­stroyed. People would be induced to believe falsehoods taught as religious principles. Myths would convey important "truths" to young or untrained minds. Religious institutions would be regulated by a recognized national au­thority. Priests would have no authority over beliefs, but would be officials whose duty it would be to perform rituals. War would cease when all states are united in a world-state according to the principles prescribed by Plato. And Plato was prepared to place the control of the State in the hands of a sin­gle man. So you suppose Henry Kis-er, er-a, umm, Plato is feeling success breathing on his neck? Do you suppose the Zionist Khazars are grinning in their boxes? So be it!

    I am going to close this portion with a discussion regarding your heavenly banner--your flag.

    Much is made of flag burning, etc., in the present days and of making amend­ments to set laws and so on and so forth. YOU HAVE LAWS GOVERN­ING THE FLAG AND THEY COVER IT ALL. TRY STUDYING THE "FLAG CODE": Title 36, U.S.C., Chapter 10, as amended by P.L.344, 94th Congress, Approved July 7, 1976.

    I am not going to do your homework for you--you go look it up and study it well. Herein, however, I shall give you (§)176. Respect for the flag:

    No disrespect should he shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regi­mental colors, state flags, and organizations or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor.

    (a) The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger of life or prop­erty.

    (b) The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise.

    (c) The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free.

    (d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red be­low, should be used for covering a speaker's desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general.

    (e) The flag should never be fastened, displayed, used, or stored in such a manner as to permit it to be easily torn, soiled, or damaged in any way.

    (f) The flag should never be used as a covering for a ceiling.

    (g) The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, pic­ture, or drawing of any nature.

    (h) The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, hold­ing, carrying, or delivering anything.

    (i) The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any man­ner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown.

    (j) No part of the flag should ever he used as a costume or athletic uni­form. However, a flag patch may be affixed to the uniform of military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic organiza­tions, the flag representing a living country and is itself considered a living thing. Therefore, the lapel flag pin, being a replica, should he worn on the left lapel near the heart.


    Please take note of how many of the "shoulds and should-nots" are fla­grantly disregarded. The obvious intent is to allow morality and free­dom to the individual by use of the word "should" and not "must" by law.


    Oh, by the way:

    178. Modification of rules and customs by president

    Any rule or custom pertaining to the display of the flag of the United States of America, as set forth in section 171-178 of this title, may be altered, modified, or repealed. or additional rules with respect thereto may be prescribed, by the commander in chief of the armed forces of the United States, whenever he deems it to be appropriate or desirable; and any such alteration or additional rule shall be set forth in a proclamation!


    Walk carefully and gently, friends, for the road is washed out ahead and the bridge removed. God will guide thine feet in passage if ye will but ask, listen and act! Saalome

    May this not be America's last celebration of Independence for your days are surely numbered.

    Hatonn to clear, please.

    PJ 17


    THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1990 10:07 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 323

    Pandora's box is open, friends, and we must stand with our brothers that they do not need stand alone against your adversaries.

    First we give honor and appreciation to a Special Investigator, James P. Tucker Jr., for he has now paid the price of his obtaining information from the Bilderberger meeting near White Plains, New York (May 10-12, 1985).

    Keep in mind that the Bilderbergers are not a Congressional branch. They are the very ones who are out to destroy your Constitution and your country by any means possible. Their meetings are secret and yet they, above all, con­trol your world.

    Jim Tucker infiltrated the Bilderberger meeting and was given opportunity to view Sen. Charles Mathias' (R-Md) portfolio--at least the portfolio which was "assigned" to the Senator. He did not steal it nor take it from the Senator's possession--it was only "assigned" to Mathias.


    Instantly upon revealing truth to the Spotlight, your "Congress" stripped Mr. Tucker of his credentials as a congressional correspondent. Mathias brought immediate demand for the action.

    Mathias was angry because Tucker obtained viewing of the portfolio which contained texts of speeches, private telephone numbers and the confidential (as opposed to the public) list of the several hundred global power brokers at­tending the shadowy secret conclave.

    Information was confirmed to be accurate and portions were printed in the Spotlight on May 27 and some small portions were utilized in the story. How­ever, most information put to press was gleaned simply from observation and connections with persons at the hotel who thought Tucker was a member of the Bilderberg group simply because he was "there". Tucker has specialized in Bilderberg and Trilateral Commission coverage for over ten years and the service performed for "you the people" is beyond measure. The meeting was held behind the locked and guarded doors of the exclusive Arrowwood Hotel.

    Let us look at how the incident has been handled and then discern for your­selves the extent of control by these groups of secret elite.

    Word that Tucker had been found out and that his credentials as a member of the congressional press galleries would be revoked came in an angry phone call from Roy L. McGhee, superintendent of the Senate periodical press gallery.

    McGhee said he was acting on the complaint by Charles Muller of New York, who heads the Bilderberg staff in the United States.

    McGhee shouted, 'They (the Bilderbergers) have a right to a private meeting. None of the other papers carried anything."

    Tucker countered, "This was NOT a 'private meeting', it involved elected offi­cials and other high officials of the State Department and other agencies. The public has an overriding right to know when public business is conducted be­hind closed doors."

    McGhee threatened to lift the credentials of all correspondents for the non­political publication Tucker was serving on a free-lance basis unless Tucker surrendered his own credentials.

    (The Congressional press galleries give credentials to publications, not indi­viduals, so a writer serving several will be technically representing one.)

    Tucker called his supervisor at the publication that had provided him the cre­dentials, asked to be fired, and surrendered his credentials.

    "If not offending a senator is a condition of carrying the card, I don't want it. I have a lot more senators yet to offend,." he said.

    The incident that enraged Mathias and his fellow Bilderbergers occurred after Tucker had entered the Bilderbergers' hotel meeting place. Once inside, Tucker spent considerable time interviewing hotel staff members (who were required to have at least three years service and promise secrecy) as well as Bilderberg members. Tucker also examined numerous secret "in-house" doc­uments.

    Tucker saw a stack of simulated leather portfolios, each bearing the name of a participant, called a cab, explained that "the senator needed a briefing" and read the documents, then departed.

    It is assumed that a member of the Bilderberger staff discovered Tucker's identity in the brief moment when he flashed his press card as "identification" just prior to departing.

    It is closed meetings of these types attended by some of the world's most powerful individuals who chart the course for the entire world operation and con­trol that McGhee of the Senate press gallery defended, saying that these eli­tists have a "right to a private meeting".

    At such "private meetings", however, decisions are made over whether the Federal Reserve Board will generate inflation or deflation (refer to your Con­stitution as outlined earlier in this Journal), profit-producing wars are ignited or heads of state toppled.

    Well, they didn't rush to defend James Tucker, I assure you. They are part and parcel of the plan to pull your country down; making great distractions regarding incidents already well covered for attention within the Constitution.

    What has happened to your Constitution? What has become of the First Amendment? Where is the freedom of speech that your Founding Fathers bequeathed you?

    Without the First Amendment (or even that which is left of it), newspapers such as the National Educator, The Spotlight, Christian News, and the Justice Times--as well as scholarly publications like the quarterly Journal of Historical Review--couldn't publish these stories that (if known by enough people) could turn world politics upside down--which, of course, is the point of the shut-out. The Phoenix Journals and Express is a prime, prime target as is the scribe putting the information to paper. But they can't do much with us except ef­fort to stop the press for we don't need the investigators except as to give con­firmation to you readers. It is most infuriating to the elite who will stop at nothing to shut us down. And what might be some of the stories in point?

    * The drive to audit, reform and abolish the big banker-controlled private money monopoly known as the Federal Reserve System.

    * The backstage maneuvering of the Bilderberg group, the Trilateral Com­mission and the Council on Foreign Relations;

    * Who killed John F. Kennedy--and why?

    * Rockefeller's secret ownership of a vast share of "Japan, Inc." [This one thing should shout CLUE, CLUE, CLUE TO ALL JOURNAL READERS!] The big boys are livid, furious and irrational regarding our telling you of the counterfeit plates, etc., from the Antarctic. Now you can see how Rockefeller is rebounding from the coup against him set up in that region by the Brits/Falklands/Haig firing, and so on.

    * The hidden truths about World War II history, such as the secrets of Pearl Harbor, Eisenhower's death camps, and the Establishment's favorite myths about the holocaust, and

    * Who really profited from communism since 1917? This alone, is one very big and important subject, dear ones.
    All of these subjects are buried, distorted and cover-up stories conjured by the Establishment press--the cover-ups are endless. Independent ideas and opinions--and the facts--are suppressed, distorted or altogether ignored by the Media Monopoly in your country.

    It is, however, a fact that freedom of speech is fast becoming a dim memory of the past in all the "democracies"; in France a man was sent to jail for committing a "hate crime". His crime? Having in his possession a small pamphlet which claimed there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz! Well, there were no gas chambers in Auschwitz--not even for purposes of parasite control which had to be handled in an outside area--but that is not yet our central subject; we will get to that one after we investigate your vanishing Constitution.

    Can the First Amendment be trampled like that in America? Of course. Right now well-organized groups such as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)--an unregistered foreign lobby for Israel--is pressuring your Congress to adopt similar measures to the incident above. This is, of course, the same ADL that once gave pornography kingpin Hugh Hefner the ADL's coveted "Freedom of the Press" award! This is the same one who has offered false evidence and sent LaRouche and his staff to prison with life sentences. This is the same Zionist lobby along with the World Zionist Organization who sets-up anybody who questions America's one-sided support of Israel's imperial aim, to be considered a danger to the community, to be guilty of a "hate crime". If you take a stand of belief in any of the "commandments" as given in the Bible, you are "bashing" those who practice otherwise; this little law could include any of you.

    The U.S. Justice Department is already laying the groundwork for such legis­lation. And remember, the Israel lobby controls over 60% of your Congress--hook, line and sinker! Under a new law just passed by Congress, federal agen­cies are now compiling official annual statistics of so-called hate crimes and who is involved. Everything from a "joke" to speaking out against any area of perceived "negative" behavior. I speak not of "criminal actions", I speak only of telling a "joke" or making a statement of opinion.

    The United Nations is working on a scheme that would allow that one-world body to regulate the free press in every sovereign nation around the globe. The UN calls this a plan for "a new world information and communications order".

    It is nothing more than another insidious ruse by the UN and their Bilderberger ­and Trilateral-backers to limit your freedom of speech, among other things. This conspiracy is not news, it has been in working form for years.

    Study your Constitution and KNOW IT! Then find groups with which to par­ticipate as we are bringing to your attention. Choose up a favorite or get with them all and contribute whatever talent you have. There is one already es­tablished and fighting to protect your freedom of speech: the Foundation to Defend the First Amendment (FDFA), and is the only foundation of its kind. You MUST begin active participation in these groups or found your own but it is easier to gain momentum if you work together in unison.

    At this particular time (July, 1990) if you make even a $20 contribution this group will send you, along with joining, a copy of the Bilderberg-Trilateral plan to ban free speech that the UN has prepared, and also additional ex­planatory materials which reveal the origins of this incredible scheme--and save me quite a lot of time. You need to see this document so that you can see for yourself the nature of this conspiracy hatched by these international­ists. Send it to FOUNDATION TO DEFEND THE FIRST AMENDMENT, P.O. BOX 70392, Washington, D.C. 20024 and please mention the Phoenix Journals/Express and ask for the document. I will be speaking on the matter later but the thrust of this Journal is regarding the Federal Reserve and I do not wish the distraction. Thank you for your attention.

  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 17

    FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1990 7:30 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 324
    Be alert! You have just witnessed the selling of a world. As Mr. Bush and Mrs. Thatcher emerge with their broad smiles signaling to the world PEACE; they have just finalized the joint contracts and bindings with Soviet Russia--a major step in disarming your world and now things will be moving rapidly into the final stages of fulfillment. It has been planned for years and years and came off without even a quarrel. May God have mercy on you blinded lambs.

    Dharma, let us go back to the beginning of the Federal Reserve so that you can see how it was-‑

    In the 'beginning of darkness upon your lands" there came along one named Nelson Aldrich. On a special evening in November (22), 1910, a crowd of newspaper reporters gathered at the Hoboken, N.J., railway station. They had been tipped off that some very highly-placed people were coming over to Hoboken from New York City to board a train and go away on a secret mis­sion. What the mission might be, or who the personages involved, none of them knew, but they were certain that an extremely important event was in the making.

    Senator Nelson Aldrich was their proof of good copy. He was tied up with the powerful rubber trust and the tobacco trust. As one of the coalition of five Republican Senators then ruling the Senate, Aldrich had used his elective po­sition to enact a series of tariffs and laws favorable to his own interests, and had been denounced many times for his callous disregard of his oath of office as he devoted his power to the program of the international financiers.

    Aldrich had just recently returned from Europe with the National Monetary Commission, of which he was head. This was a Commission appointed by Congress in response to public feeling against big bankers after the artificial "Panic of 1907". The commission had been charged to make a thorough study of financial practices before formulating banking and currency reform legisla­tion for Congress. It was pointed out at the time that such legislation seemed unlikely to offer genuine reform under the leadership of a man with Aldrich's known sympathies and employment but Congress was blithely impervious to this criticism.

    Senator Aldrich and the National Monetary Commission had spent nearly two years touring Europe at the American taxpayer's expense. He and his en­tourage had dissipated more than $300,000 of public money and in those days that was a LOT of money, although they had been wined and dined by all the important European financiers and seemed to live off the land wherever they traveled. Since his return to the U.S., Sen. Aldrich had made no effort to re­port to Congress the outcome of his trip, nor had he yet offered any ideas as to banking reform. The nation waited for him to provide a cure for the recur­ring financial panics which had upset business and small fortunes continually since the Civil War. He had not come to any definite plan for such a cure.

    There was another person with Aldrich who was most important, also, A. Piatt Andrew, professional economist and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, who had traveled with Aldrich to Europe as Special Assistant to the National Monetary Commission. They were followed by Aldrich's private secretary, and a number of reporters. Since they carried a lot of luggage, evidently they were going away for an extended time. The crowd of reporters, representing most of the great New York daily papers, were convinced that the secret mis­sion must have some connection with the proposed financial reform.

    Aldrich, being an aloof elitist, dealt with the reporters by walking past them without answering any of the questions shouted at him--and his companions had obviously been instructed to not even acknowledge the reporters. This is how to win friends and influence people! It is also the assumption of silent conspiracy later to be labelled "top-secret" which the public accepts without question. You see the stage is always set in the most clandestine manner--a private train car, pull all the shades down and look mysterious and powerful mafia-like. And it always gets better as you look at the scenario from objec­tive distance.

    The curiosity level rose when they saw two more bankers come into the sta­tion, followed by a group of porters. Here was Frank Vanderlip, who had risen from working as a farmhand to become President of the National City Bank of New York, the most powerful bank in the U.S., representing the Rockefeller oil interests and the railroad systems owned by the banking house of Kuhn, Loeb Company. (Of course you have heard of them and you will hear more as we move into Rape, Ravage, Pillage and Plunder of Justice and Legal Murder by Profession--The Medical Profession. I repeat--your world is owned and operated by a mere handful of elite. You will see the same names come up at the top EVERY time and only the hoods who enforce the laws of the elite change from time to time according to pecking order.)

    The National City Bank had large interests in South America, and had been charged in 1898 with getting the U.S. to go to war with Spain. At any rate, the National City Bank came out of the Spanish-American War as the proprietor of Cuba's sugar industry.

    With Vanderlip was the austere Henry P. Davidson, senior partner of J. P. Morgan Company, and Charles D. Norton, President of Morgan's First Na­tional Bank of New York. These three financiers were dominant in the small group of New York bankers which had been accused of controlling the entire money and credit of the United States. In response to the reporter's question, Mr. Vanderlip declared that they were only going away for a quiet weekend in the country.

    These men controlled the oil, railroads, communications and heavy industry of your entire country. What plan of action brought them skulking out of New York to board a private train on the other side of the river? Men as powerful as these had no reason to hide their comings and goings, and in the past they had been openly scornful of public opinion and public interest. No large new enterprise could be undertaken without coming to one or more of these men, and they saw to it that their advice and aid were well recompensed. They elected Congressmen, appointed judges, and bought and sold newspapers and publishing houses whenever they needed a job done. One of their number had once earned a sort of fame by exclaiming "The public be damned!" These were the egotistical elite and it was not in character that they should cloak themselves in such mystery.

    But the plot thickens, for the next person to appear was not so well-known; Paul Moritz Warburg, a German immigrant who had been in your country less than eight years, but who had so availed himself of the privileges of your land of opportunity that he was already a partner in the banking house of Kuhn, Loeb Company, New York, at a salary of $500,000 a year. His family house of M. M. Warburg Company, of Hamburg and Amsterdam, was the chief Ger­man representative of the great European banking family, the Rothschilds. Now you knew we wouldn't leave the Rothschilds out in the cold. Liberal amounts of Rothschild funds had enabled Jacob Schiff (yes, the pharmaceuti­cal giant) to purchase a partnership in Kuhn, Loeb Company and less than 20 years later achieve an unchallenged domination over the large railway systems in the United States. Some people are just incredibly multi-talented.

    Paul Warburg had not devoted much attention to business since he arrived in your country. Instead, he had spent much of his time writing and lecturing on the subject of monetary reform. This seemed to be in direct conflict with his personal interests and the interests of his employers, for a genuine monetary reform would certainly reduce their profits and power, it would appear. But his work along these lines brought him an increased income and even more time to advocate banking legislation which would set up a central bank in the U.S. similar to those of Europe. Warburg was already known as the "banking brain" of New York, and commanded large audiences among the city bankers when he spoke at the meetings of the Chamber or other bankers' fraternal groups.

    With Warburg was Benjamin Strong, who had come to prominence on Wall Street during the Panic of 1907 as an able lieutenant of J. P. Morgan, when he demonstrated his ability to carry out orders. This was a money panic which had been called by Morgan to wipe out the competition of the Heinze-Morse group in the banking, shipping, and iron industries. Strong's appearance as companion of Warburg was no accident, for the J. P. Morgan interests and Kuhn, Loeb interests had formed an alliance in 1901, known as the Northern Securities Company, which dominated the country ever since. This alliance had put Theodore Roosevelt in as President of the United States in 1904 to delay the prosecution of the Northern Securities Company by the Department of Justice. Roosevelt was successful in doing this, and the Morgan-Kuhn­Loeb alliance was able to work out a more complicated and much less vulner­able system. For this work, Roosevelt was given the name of "trust-buster" which story you probably should have herein.

    Northern Securities was the consolidation of the Rothschild Empire in America, J. P. Morgan and Company having become international agency in 1869, when J. P. Morgan and Anthony Drexel went to London and concluded an agreement with N. M. Rothschild Company that J. P. Morgan Company would henceforth act as their agent. Thus Drexel Company of Philadelphia, J. P. Morgan Company of New York, Grenfell and Company of London, and Morgan Harjes and Company of Paris were able to hide under a less known name. J. P. Morgan had been chosen for this high honor because of the affair of the Hall carbines during the Civil War, when he swindled his own govern­ment (your government) by selling to the Union Army from a Federal arsenal carbines which the Army had condemned. Is it any wonder he destroyed Nikola Tesla? Further, J. P. Morgan's father, Julius S. Morgan, was a partner of George Peabody and Company, the financial agents of the federal govern­ment in London during the Civil War, and as such, had acted in the interests of the Rothschilds. Isn't this just the most conspiratorial collusion you ever read about--since yesterday? Ah yes, truth is far, far stranger than any "fiction". The truth will always outdo the fabrications.

    Warburg and Strong were silent as all the others, and the reporters just watched the train leave the station without so much as a quote from any of the bankers. NOT A SINGLE METROPOLITAN PAPER CARRIED THE STORY.

    The first public mention of that mysterious mission appeared some six years later, three years after the Federal Reserve Act had been passed and was in operation. It is interesting to note names herein also, the reference was in an article by E.C. Forbes in Frank Leslie's Magazine, a feature in praise of Paul Warburg which incidentally told a story called "Jekyll Island", giving the first revelation of what happened in November 1910. Bit by bit, Forbes' account was enlarged upon during the next thirty years, in statements and biographies of the principal characters, until finally the entire story had come forth.

    Aldrich's private car, which had left Hoboken Station with drawn shades, had taken the financiers to Jekyll Island, Ga., to the Jekyll Island Hunt Club, a very, very exclusive club owned by J. P. Morgan and a small group of influen­tial New York bankers. The club was very isolated, and was used as a com­fortable retreat far from the cares of the New York money market. Its advantageous location made it much in demand for pursuits other than hunting, and on such occasions members of the club were informed that they should not appear there for a certain number of days. When Aldrich's group left New York, the club's members had been notified that the club would be occupied for the next two weeks.

    The Aldrich group was not interested in hunting for they had their prey al­ready well stalked. They had come to get a lot of work done, and they wanted to do that work in absolute secrecy. For that reason, the customary atten­dants at the club were given two week vacations, and new servants brought in for the occasion. The Aldrich group felt that it was imperative that their iden­tity be kept secret, and allowed no visitors during the next two weeks. They were so anxious to prevent any knowledge of their mission leaking out that they never used last names, calling each other by their first names only, such a Henry, Ben, Paul, etc.

    This proved to be so satisfactory for all concerned that it was made more for­mal after their return to New York, when they organized the "first-name-dub" and limited its membership to those who had been on Jekyll Island.

    Why all this secrecy? The Aldrich group went there to write the banking and currency legislation which the National Monetary Commission had been or­dered to prepare. At stake was the future control of the money and credit of the United States, my dear friends--your future! If any monetary reform was passed by Congress which was not written by and for the New York bankers, their power would be ended. As the most technically-informed of the bankers, Paul Warburg was charged with doing most of the drafting of the plan. Sen. Nelson Aldrich was there to see that it came out in a form which could be gotten through Congress, and the other bankers were there to offer suggestions and help on banking problems. Instead of making a report to Congress or to the American people on the results of the National Monetary Commission's trip to Europe, Senator Aldrich went to Jekyll Island to write a bill which later was passed by Congress and signed by President Woodrow Wilson as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

    The Jekyll Island group remained at the club for nine days, working steadily to complete their job, for Congress was already complaining that the National Monetary Commission seemed to have no solution ready. Despite the com­mon interests of all present, the work did not proceed without friction. Sena­tor Aldrich considered himself the leader of the group, and, as the dictatorial type, could not help ordering everyone about. Aldrich also felt somewhat out of place as the only member who was not a professional banker. He knew very little about the technical aspects of financial operations, previously hav­ing been content to see to it that the country's laws took care of this business for him. Paul Warburg felt that every question demanded a lecture, and he never lost an opportunity to go into a long discourse or to impress the others with the extent of his technical knowledge of banking. This often seemed a waste of time, and drew many barbed remarks from Aldrich, so that it some­times required all the diplomacy of Henry P. Davidson to keep them at their work. Also, Warburg's thick alien accent grated on them all. As the lone out­sider in this clique of American aristocrats, he realized the delicacy of this position, but nevertheless quarrelled on any occasion concerning technical prob­lems, which he, of course, considered his personal field. Things and personali­ties change very little over the years and yet the "squeaking wheel" always gets the grease, does it not? You ones had best keep squeaking as much as you can.

    One of the main difficulties in working out a monetary reform plan which could then be presented as the work of the National Monetary Commission was to keep hidden the obvious authorship of the bill. So great was popular resentment against bankers since the Panic of 1907 that no Congressman would dare vote for a bill bearing the Wall Street taint, regardless of who paid his campaign expenses. The plan which was being worked out at Jekyll Island was a plan for a central bank. There was in American history a long tradition of war against inflicting a central bank on the finances of your country, and there had until 1896 been a continuous struggle against totalitarian domina­tion of your financial resources. It had begun with Jefferson's fight against Alexander Hamilton's scheme for the First Bank of the United States. It had continued with Andrew Jackson's successful war against Nicholas Biddle's Second Bank of the United States (Biddle had been backed in that fight by James Rothschild of Paris), a fight which was a financial Civil War, and it had resulted in the setting up of the Independent Sub-Treasury System which sup­posedly had kept the United States' funds out of the hands of the great bankers. Because your funds were in the Sub-Treasury System, the bankers had precipitated the money panics of 1873, 1893, and 1907 and so the tradi­tion continues to the current day. This caused widespread suffering through­out the country and aroused the public to demand that congress enact legisla­tion to prevent the recurrence of artificially inspired money panics. Such monetary reform now seemed inevitable, and it was to head off and control such reform that the National Monetary Commission had been set up with the multimillionaire Nelson Aldrich at its head. The financiers' inner circle was now gathered at Jekyll Island to write banking legislation which would protect their interests; legislation which would he publicized as a "people's banking bill".

    The main problem, so Paul Warburg informed his colleagues, was to avoid the name of "Central Bank", and for that reason he had come upon the designa­tion of "Federal Reserve System". This would allay suspicion in the popular mind that the bill was a central bank plan. However, it would still function as a central bank, fulfilling the three main functions in that tradition, that is, it would be owned by private individuals who would draw profit from ownership of shares, and who could control the nation's issue of money; it would have at its command the nation's entire financial resources; and it would be able to mobilize and mortgage the United States by involving you in major foreign wars.

    Are any of you sick to your tummies yet? Do you still think an entire world cannot be fooled? Satan always has brilliant, secret ways and it gets more horrendous as you move into the spiritual guidance of humanity. I mean really rotten.

    The next principal consideration was to conceal the fact that the proposed "Federal Reserve System" would be dominated by the operators of the New York money market. The Congressmen from the South and the West partic­ularly could not survive a vote for a Wall Street plan. Farmers and small businessmen in these sections had suffered most from the repeated money panics, and there had been ever since the Revolutionary War a considerable amount of popular resentment against Eastern bankers. The private papers and letters of Nicholas Biddle, which were not publicly printed until nearly a century after his death, show that even at that time the Eastern bankers had to take into consideration the feeling against them.

    Paul Warburg had already worked out the primary deception which would keep the people from recognizing his plan as a central bank. This was the re­gional reserve system, an organization of four (later passed as twelve) branch reserve banks located in different sections of the country. No person unac­quainted with the details of the nation's credit structure would be likely to realize that the present concentration of most of the nation's debt and money in New York made the operation of a regional service system farcical, since the regions would finally be dependent on the amount of money or credits available to them from New York.

    Most important of the provisions incorporated in the legislation drafted by the financiers was the selection of the administrators of the Federal Reserve Sys­tem. Aldrich was the first to point out that the officials should be entirely ap­pointive offices, and that Congress should not have anything whatever to do with them. As an experienced Senator, he knew that any congressional con­trol over the administration of the System would embarrass the Wall Street in­terests, because the hick Congressmen would lose no opportunity to investi­gate irregularities and prove to their constituents that they were fighting the traditional enemies, the Eastern bankers. This was indeed an astute observa­tion.

    Removal of the System from congressional control and supervision made the entire Federal Reserve proposition unconstitutional from its inception. Please allow me to repeat this: Removal of the System from congressional control and supervision MADE THE ENTIRE FEDERAL RESERVE PROPOSITION UNCONSTITUTIONAL FROM ITS INCEPTION. THIS WAS BECAUSE THE FEDERAL RESERVE WOULD BE A BANK OF MONETARY ISSUE, AND CONGRESS IS EXPRESSLY CHARGED IN THE CONSTITUTION WITH THE ISSUANCE OF MONEY. Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 5, states that:


    The Supreme Court, in its great wisdom, has held that the delegation of the coinage prerogative to private banks is constitutional because Congress thought it "necessary and proper" to do so. "Necessary and proper," says the Court, "means convenient." Of course the most "convenient" method of han­dling a constitutionally delegated power is to abdicate that power to private interests. (McCulloch vs. Maryland, 4 Wheat 316, 4 L. ed 579.)

    Enactment of Warburg's Federal Reserve System meant that the legislative department of your government would lose its sovereignty, and that the sys­tem of checks and balances of power set up with so great a struggle by Thomas Jefferson in the Constitution would be destroyed. Administrators of the System would control future issue of the nation's money and credit, and would themselves be controlled by the executive department of government. The judicial department (Supreme Court, etc.) already was controlled by the executive department through the wangle of appointive offices, and now the legislative department would be effectively castrated, making possible a rapid centralization of power behind the White House in Washington.

    Four years after the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, the United States had been involved in the First World War, and was in the grips of an absolute dictatorship of three men, who imprisoned anyone who objected to them. A Presidential candidate of the Socialist Party, Eugene Debs, was sent to Atlanta prison by Woodrow Wilson (does this ring of LaRouche, my fair and just friends?). Your heavy industry was under the dictatorship of Wall Street gambler Bernard Baruch--(yes, the same one sent forth to meet our contact craft); food and agriculture were under the dictatorship of Paul War­burg, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, whose first alle­giance was to his family banking house of M. M. Warburg Company of Ham­burg. M. M. Warburg was at that time financing the Kaiser's war against you, and Paul Warburg's firm of Kuhn, Loeb Company had five representatives in the Treasury Department in charge of Liberty Loans, thus financing your war against the Kaiser.

    Baruch's partner in the Alaska-Juneau Gold Mining Company, Eugene Meyer, was head of the War Finance Corporation. Eugene Meyer collected commissions on the hundreds of millions of dollars of Liberty bonds which he bought from and sold to himself as head of the War Finance Corporation (this is REAL insider trading) to Eugene Meyer and Company, 14 Wall St., New York. No wonder he bought control of the enormous chemical trust, the Al­lied Chemical and Dye Corporation, and became publisher in Washington, owner of the extremely left wing Washington Post, the staunch defender of the traitor Alger Hiss.

    I apologize, readers, I realize that you precious ones have asked for less repe­tition but there is no way to tell the story of your life without repeating--the same ones are endlessly responsible for your nightmares while you slept on.

    With this sort of power at stake, it is not to be wondered that the Aldrich group traveled a thousand miles in a sealed railroad car to prepare their plans for taking over this country. The writing of the plan, however, was only the first step.

    The first serious break in the work of the Jekyll Island group came when Sen. Nelson Aldrich declared that he could not let Warburg's proposed designa­tion of "Federal Reserve System" be attached to the bill. His name had al­ready been associated in the public mind with monetary reform, and he ar­gued that it would arouse suspicion if a bill were put before Congress which did not bear his name. Warburg argued in vain that the use of Aldrich's name would certainly condemn the bill as representing the great Wall Street inter­ests, for Aldrich was popularly known for his tariff bills in favor of the tobacco trust and the rubber trust. Aldrich, however, had made up his mind that the legislation must bear the name of Aldrich, and he would not hear any objec­tion to it.

    Most of Warburg's suggestions had already been incorporated in the bill, and his colleagues saw in this disagreement a chance to defeat him on at least one point, so that Warburg found himself alone in his opposition to Aldrich. Pre­dicting that the name alone would make their work in securing its passage much harder, if not impossible, he devoted himself to helping them polish up the bill, and, some ten days after they had sneaked out of the city, they re­turned to New York with a completed financial act which would be presented to Congress under the name of 'The Aldrich Plan".

    The point which Warburg had most successfully gotten into the plan was the matter of a uniform discount rate, to be imposed on all the banks of the United States by the proposed system. This was the method employed by the big European central banks about which Warburg knew so much. A discount rate imposed by a central bank on the entire nation meant the power to cre­ate a money panic not only on the New York money market, as had been the case in the Panics of 1893 and 1907, but also the power to make the money shortage a truly nationwide condition. Consequently, there occurred the Agri­cultural Depression of 1920-21, and the Great Depression of 1929-39, for both of which, as you shall see, the Federal Reserve System was directly re­sponsible.

    Mr. Warburg was given credit, "The Federal Reserve Act is the work of Mr. Warburg more than any other man in the country." This credit being given by many historians giving later accounts from direct participants.

    With the return of the Jekyll Island group to New York, the financiers now sponsored a nationwide propaganda movement to sell the people on 'The Aldrich Plan". All national banks were forced to contribute to a slush fund of $5 million, and the great universities were used as strongholds of propaganda, abetted by the university presidents and the professors of economics. This is the same type of tactics utilized by today's propaganda machines to sell the public on everything from gun control to world government. And over and over, the public repeats the same old mistakes and joins the hoopla with ban- ners waving as they march to the sea-cliffs as the lemmings to jump in, sink and drown.

    Woodrow Wilson, President of Princeton University, was the first prominent educator to speak in favor of the Aldrich Plan, a gesture which immediately brought him the Governorship of New Jersey and later the Presidency of the United States. During the Panic of 1907, Wilson declared that: "All this trou­ble could be averted if we appointed a committee of six or seven public-spir­ited men like J. P. Morgan to handle the affairs of our country." This plea for financial dictatorship had brought him favorable notice from the bankers, and he had been invited by Frank Vanderlip to a luncheon with James Stillman, then President of the National City Bank. Stillman afterwards remarked to Vanderlip that Wilson was not a great man. Nevertheless, the support of the National City Bank gave Wilson the Presidency of the United States after Wilson promised to enact the Federal Reserve Act.

    Much of the bankers' campaign fund was spent under the auspices of an or­ganization called the National Citizens' League, which was not national and might properly have been called an economists' league, since it was made up principally of college teachers who wished to get on in the world. It was headed by J. Laurence Laughlin, the most prominent gold standard economist in the country, and head of the Department of Economics at Rockefeller's University of Chicago. The League soon numbered among its members most of the economists and college presidents in the East and Middle West. The League printed and distributed many abstruse and technical volumes pointing out the need for a central bank and other features of "monetary reform".

    The Aldrich Plan was presented to Congress as the result of three years of work, study, and travel of the National Monetary Commission, at an expense of more than $300,000. Actually, only two members of the Commission had anything to do with the plan. Senator Aldrich and A. Piatt Andrew, who was not a member of the commission but a special assistant. The other members had a two year joy ride around Europe and cheerfully signed everything which Aldrich asked of them.

    In 1911, the Aldrich Plan became the official platform of the Republican Party. This was a case of the broom riding the witch, for the Republican party had, ever since the Civil War, fought bitterly all efforts at monetary reform up to 1910, and had spent the largest sum of money employed in a Presidential campaign up to that time, in the campaign against William Jennings Bryan in 1896. Bryan was running on a campaign of monetary reform, and was arous­ing such response that international bankers here and in Europe poured money into a Republican fund and purchased votes by the millions. The amount of money spent in the campaign has never been determined with any degree of accuracy, but subsequent congressional investigations put the figure at from $6 to $16 million. The same bankers who had given money to fight monetary reform in 1896 were in 1911 giving liberal donations to see that re­form legislation was enacted.

    The Republican Party had become identified as the representative of the con­servative classes in money matters, and its sudden about face on this issue caused some suspicion. Monetary reform had, until this time, been the pre­serve of the Democratic Party. William Jennings Bryan had very nearly se­cured the Presidency on a bimetallism platform, although, as he remarked to the economist Arthur Kitson, "Free silver is only window dressing. The real issue is the control of the nation's money and credit." As the candidate of the Democratic Party, Bryan had made his famous "Cross of Gold" speech, in which he enjoined the New York bankers not to crucify the American citizen on a cross of gold. How picturesque is such a vision, but no one listened--and the full intent was to thoroughly crucify the American citizen in any manner possible, at any rate.

    In 1911 there were still many independent and public-minded newspapers, whose editors were not in the pay of bankers and whose mortgages were not subject to foreclosure from New York. These editors saw in the Aldrich Plan its concealed threat to their communities, and began a forceful and vigorous campaign against it. They pointed out, as Paul Warburg had foreseen, that Senator Nelson Aldrich did not represent the common people of your coun­try, or anyone else who had less than a million dollars, and there was plenty of evidence to prove the fact. Consequently a nationwide opposition sprang up against the Aldrich Plan. The outcry against it created an atmosphere favor­able to passing the same plan under the sponsorship of Woodrow Wilson and the Democratic Party as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

    Louis Bardeis led the fight against the Aldrich Plan in the Harper's Weekly with a series of articles on the great money trust. The period in literary his­tory to be known as the "muckraking" period was then in full swing. Ida Tarbell wrote a series of articles in the American Magazine exposing Senator Aldrich's illegal activities, and a definitive history of Rockefeller's Standard Oil, pointing out that Rockefeller's gigantic expansion would not have been possible without the funds advanced to him by the National City Bank and Kuhn Loeb Company.

    Miss Tarbell graphically described the poverty in which the workers in the Aldrich's factories lived, while he grew orchids in hothouses within sight of the slums. Aldrich had secured Senate approval for the great trusts formed in the last decade of the nineteenth century, and he himself was a partner in two of the largest of these corporations, the tobacco trust formed with Duke as its head, and the rubber trust, led by Rockefeller and Guggenheim. The techni­cal aspects of handling these great mergers were perfected by a brilliant young financier name Bernard Baruch, who was just coming into prominence on Wall Street.

    Harper's Weekly of May 7, 1919, editorially commented that "Finance and the tariff are reserved by Nelson Aldrich as falling within his sole purview and ju­risdiction. Mr. Aldrich is endeavoring to devise, through the National Mone­tary Commission, a banking and currency law. A great many hundred thou­sand persons are firmly of the opinion that Mr. Aldrich sums up in his per­sonality the greatest and most sinister menace to the popular welfare of the United States. Ernest Newman recently said 'What the South visits on the Negro in a political way, Aldrich would mete out to the mudsills of the North, if he could devise a safe and practical way to accomplish it.'"

    The Aldrich Plan was a safe and practical way to accomplish the desires of Aldrich and his class, as was the Federal Reserve Act. Aldrich was a dictator of the banker type which the Communists, during the 1920's, were to make immortal--the "bloated capitalist" of whom J. P. Morgan became the symbol. The organizers of the trusts had completed most of their work in the previous twenty years, and it was up to them now to secure their gains. This could be done only through control of money and credit, for, under your financial sys­tem, ownership of the trusts could not be maintained if somebody came along with more money to buy them. Rubber, steel, heavy industry, railways, and public communications were securely in the hands of a few family dynasties. The Guggenheims, Seligmans, Schiffs, Warburgs, Baruchs, Lehmans, and their satellites controlled banking and politics. It was certain that the power of these trusts could be attacked in only two ways: by uncontrolled money, and by uncontrolled popular movements which might gain a majority in Congress and force the oligarchy to give way. Thus, the movement for monetary reform coincided with the great reform movement which was designed to corral and emasculate any popular protests against the international elements. Theodore Roosevelt provides an excellent example of this, accepting $500,000 in campaign funds from Schiff and Morgan in 1904 while he was stomping up and down the country bellowing about what he was going to do to the trusts. The trusts survived his term of office, however.

    THE SHERMAN ANTITRUST ACT AND THE CLAYTON ANTITRUST ACT will begin our next chapter, Dharma. This has become too lengthy for adequate digestion. Let us leave this portion at this point. Thank you.

    PJ 17
    SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1990 10:40 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 325

    Perhaps you ones should understand slavery a bit better and you can better see how your freedom has been removed. You don't realize yourself a slave until you find out you can't do the things you wish or keep the things you have labored for--to label a nation "free" does not make it free. To be a slave is to be abused and have your God-given rights and things taken away by force and be abused and simply bear it--compelled by violence and power to suffer wrong. It is to see your government ship billions of dollars away to foreign lands and forgive billions of dollars of debt on money YOU have loaned and your Women, Infants and Children's services don't meet starvation levels of giving care to nurture your own babies--and you are helpless to stop of it.

    It is servitude and slavery to simply serve the unwise and, dear ones, there is no wisdom in your bureaucracy; there is only mockery and contempt from those you serve. And finally it always happens when man has been enslaved in so subtle a manner as have Americans--he looks and ponders that which is incorrect, feels helpless and finally loses everything to his chains, even the de­sire of escaping from them. The fact is that servitude and slavery debases men to the point where they end up liking it. Evil has spread across your lands and all spirits are enslaved which serve things evil. HOW LONG WILL YOU SERVE? WILL YOU SERVE AND RELINQUISH UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE? IT IS SOON TOO LATE!
    Man must rise above his selfishness but move into self-love as meant by God; to love self and revere self is Holy for man will honor in truth that which he es­teems and it must not be that man misdefines love and selfishness. Selfish persons are incapable of seeing anything other than through the eyes of how it affects them personally, as if the world rotates to simply annoy or impact self, as if no other spouse fails to pick up the dirty socks--all is "personalized" in a most negative manner. Human history is the sad result of each one looking out for himself for selfish persons are incapable of loving others, but they are not capable of loving themselves, either. It is that living only for self is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live.

    It would be wise for all to look carefully at self for if you had to tolerate in others all that you permit in yourself, life would become completely unbear­able. And, in giving into demands for indulgence to others, especially to chil­dren or loved ones, is in fact only self indulgence under an alias--to allow for quiet and always the demands grow beyond satiability. Your government has grown beyond that point and most of your populace--look around at your own life circumstance and see that which you do populace--look keep peace" at any cost. Indulgences, not fulfillment is what the world permits you.

    Can you as a citizenry rise to meet the needs of this wondrous country who is your mother--your wife? What will you do to save and nurture her and re­claim her to her original health and status? Or, will you abide by the old say­ing, "When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her." Well, it isn't going to be that way in case you think, "Just let the nation go and I'll slide by." YOU will become the slave to the new couple and support them while they indulge in making the fool of you. You are already in that position and you hardly noticed for the subterfuge was so subtle. Has it come to the point where all mankind censure injustice, fearing that they may be victims of it and not because they shrink from committing it?

    I remind you of something I have said to you before, an injustice which lasts for long years, especially through a century or longer, and exists among mil­lions of people over thousands of square miles of territory, is no longer simply injustice--it is an accomplished fact of life. That is what has been staged for you and if you act not, that which is planned will simply become a fact of life.

    Let no man say that I say nothing new, for what is "new"? I desire to say nothing new to you ones who are in confusion; the arrangement of the subject is new. Perhaps a symphony rearranged can be heard more sweetly within the mind. So be it, for if it appears that I repeat and most especially if it seems I repeat that which another has spoken unto you--sic, sic--why have you not heard it? Why have you failed to change your course?? And, if you denounce and pull your brother from the word for these reasons--have you not commit­ted double jeopardy?? The word is simply that--the word! Manifestation is that which comes upon you according to the word. If evil and enslavement come upon you it is because human beings have heard a word and acted upon it with manifestation; and therefore, to change the manifestation, action of like kind must be undertaken. The "word" alone will never do it. Truth shall set you free for the word shall show you the way; actions will manifest the freedom. Faith without works shall avail you nothing.

    Let us continue with the subject in point of this Journal. We are attempting to give you historical line of how you oozed into the mire of chaos. Specifically, in point, is the Federal Reserve System. You need the historical lineage so that you can see the connections to the conspirator's netting. If you do not know how a bomb is constructed, how can you defuse it? This bomb is set to explode momentarily! You better pay attention to the "wiring", my friends.

    These Acts were written by the oligarchy for the oligarchy (oligarchy means: a government in which a small group exercises control, especially for corrupt and selfish purposes) to prevent anyone else from breaking into the circle af­ter things have been set up. The result of these "antitrust" laws was to render the big corporations secure from popular interference. The antitrust laws were the greatest encouragement to the forming of the great corporations for it was already decided who would own the big corporations.

    This was due to the fact that only the giant aggregations of corporate interests could survive those legal entanglements created by government legislation. Small outfits, unable to afford the services of a large legal and administrative staff, were forced to sell out to the trusts. A new profession, that of corpora­tion lawyer, sprang up to devise ways to make the government helpless to reg­ulate the trusts. The Attorney General could bring suit against a corporation to dissolve a "conspiracy in restraint of trade", but, by the time he had secured a court order and begun legal action, the corporation's lawyers would have worked out a new and more foolproof organization. Now-a-days, the Attor­ney General simply starts on "their" side and changes the laws to suit the cause of the elite without even further bother of facade, and the public "assume" the actions to be lawful.

    Even back then, the Attorney General's dissolution of corporations and their subsequent reforming was usually a highly profitable event for the owners. This is why you ones must be clever and utilize the "laws" written for the "big boys" in your quiet insignificant manner and you come under the same secu­rity shelter--just KNOW what you are doing, keep small and insignificant and you gain back your country the same way they stole it from you. You see, if you have enough power you need no "laws", you make the rules and proclaim them "legal" and that is what has happened.

    The reforming of the corporations meant that the stocks of the old corpora­tion could be manipulated on Wall Street while action was pending, and the forming of a new organization meant a large issue of stock, most of which would be overcapitalization, so the net result of a Department of Justice ac­tion against a corporation often meant the reaping of more millions of dollars for the interests which the government pretended to attack. You win the game by sometimes not even issuing stock and by having all stock relatively worthless even if you do. If a company never shows a profit, who will come to steal the profit from you? There are other ways to use the would-be profits and literally have profits for the participants--all the participants. You will be taking the old concepts and virtually reversing the procedures. Of course it will be a time consuming procedure for these ones have been at global control for centuries and millennia--you are only just catching on to the scheme.

    The era of the trust as a dynamic political force had been inaugurated in 1890, when New Jersey passed a law permitting corporations holding incorporations in New Jersey to hold the stock of other corporations, thus permitting the abuse of interlocking directorates, which allow a few men to exercise direct control in many corporations, some of which supposedly were competitors. There still is no competition--only collusion and manipulation while the public "thinks" there is competition.

    The farcical nature of the "reform Presidents" is shown by the record of the first of them, Theodore Roosevelt, who was even nicknamed "trustbuster". The facts are, however, that any Justice Department investigations of the trusts were started well before Roosevelt came into dictatorship--and did in fact, take place WITHOUT HIS APPROVAL.

    The reform movement, although principally bought out and corrupted, was not without honest spokesmen in Congress. But then, as now, you must have the masses take interest in support of the daring speakers who effort at change. For instance, how many of you even know what WICS stands for? OK, Women, Infants and Childrens Services. How many of you know there are Congressional subcommittee meetings going on this week because the programs cannot meet even 30% of the needs of your citizens? How many know that the Director of the program did not even petition for increased funding? How many of you know that the infant formula companies (pharmaceutical houses such as Schiff, etc.) have been giving a rebate per can of formula of at least $1.25 and have now formed a conspiracy to only rebate 75 cents, moving to 50 cents? Worse, the industry (along with the physicians) convinces the public that an infant must have "formula' at a hundred twenty five times the cost of milk (milk being THE basic product of formula and/or soybeans which are even cheaper) and thusly your babies go malnourished and hungry. It is a drive to have slower responding children and thusly a more docile bunch of slaves. This is only one example from a daily list we could point out.

    Well, even before the Panic of 1907 the selling was full blown. Jacob Schiff, senior partner of Kuhn, Loeb Company had said in a speech before the Chamber of Commerce of New York: "Unless we have a central bank with adequate control of credit resources, this country is going to undergo the most severe and far-reaching money panic in its history.' The powerful banker's threat soon became a reality. The Panic of 1907, which occurred in a good crop year, when industry was productive and the country enjoyed a general prosperity, aroused public indignation and forced Congress to take a token action against a recurrence by passing the Aldrich-Vreeland Act of 1908. This Act provided for the issuance of currency against securities in case of another money panic. Its provisions were put in use only during the last months of its being, in the early part of 1914, when the sudden withdrawal of large sums of European gold from your country, occasioned by the beginning of the First World War, caused a temporary money stringency. The Federal Reserve Act, although already law, was not yet in operation, and the Aldrich-Vreeland Act was used as the basis for issuing $400 million to cover a loan due the firm of J. P. Morgan Company from the Bank of England. Do you see how insidious?

    The real purpose of the Aldrich-Vreeland Act was the creation of a National Monetary Commission. Any prospective monetary legislation coming to Congress in the next few years would have to be referred to this body, which effectively prevented the public indignation from manifesting itself in any con­structive form. Two years and $300,000 later, under the leadership of Sen. Nelson Aldrich, the National Monetary Commission advanced Paul Warburg's Federal Reserve Plan under the name of the Aldrich Plan.

    On March 2, 1911, the New York Chamber of Commerce officially adopted a plan of its Special Currency Committee, of which Paul Warburg was then Chairman, for a Central Reserve Bank. This was the same as the Aldrich Plan, except for the distribution of reserves. This plan openly provided for the centralized reserves to be kept in New York, and was immediately branded as the official Wall Street Plan, to divert attention from the Wall Street sympa­thies of the Aldrich Plan.

    The campaign for the Aldrich Plan was sincere, in that Aldrich and its sup­porters in the Republican Party honestly believed that they could win with it and get it enacted into law. More than likely they could have, had they had anyone less notorious than Nelson Aldrich as its head. The Federal Reserve Act, the official platform of Woodrow Wilson and the Democratic Party in 1912, was in all its essentials the same plan for a central bank, and was pro­moted by the same New York banking interests (a rose by any other name - -). It was an alternate stratagem which made it impossible for the bankers to lose. No matter who won the election, they would get their central bank. It is like only having two kinds of bread to buy and they have the same ingredients--what difference in the label?

    The propagandists for the Aldrich Plan carried on their fight without regard for opposition. The opposition stated flat out that Aldrich would take from the people and give to the bankers the absolute control of the people's money. It was apparent that in such a body of bankers there would be no op­portunity for the people, or their representatives, to make their wishes known effectively, if their wishes conflicted with those of the banking interests.

    This history of the Federal Reserve Board since 1914 shows clearly that there has never been a method or opportunity for a citizen to protect his interests when the Board has decided upon a change of policy in the interest rate or in their open market operations.

    Hear a little defensive argument as put forth by Carter Glass and Cordell Hull and other powerful Democratic Congressmen in 1913 who fought all efforts to exclude or limit membership of bankers on the Board of Governors of the System. They pointed out that if some of the restrictions of members of the Board were enacted, you would be turning over supervision of your banks to "mechanics and farm laborers". This seemed a bit strange even then, for Glass was a Congressman and mechanics and farm laborers voted to send him to Congress again and again for 30 years. Also, mechanics in their union and farm laborers in cooperative associations have done about as good a job in keeping up their credit as have most American bankers.

    Congressman Charles Lindbergh was one of the most forceful speakers against the Aldrich Plan. He spoke to the House of Representatives, 'The Aldrich Plan is the Wall Street Plan. It is a broad challenge to the govern­ment by the champion of the money trust. It means another panic, if neces­sary, to intimidate the people. Aldrich, paid by the government to represent the people, proposes a plan for the trusts, instead. It was by a very clever move that the National Monetary Commission was created. In 1907 nature responded most beautifully and gave this country the most bountiful crop it had ever had. Other industries were busy, too, and from a natural standpoint all the conditions were right for a most prosperous year. Instead, a panic en­tailed enormous losses upon us. Wall Street knew the American people were demanding a remedy against the recurrence of such a ridiculously unnatural condition. Most Senators and Representatives fell into the Wall Street trap and passed the Aldrich-Vreeland Emergency Currency Bill. But the real pur­pose was to get a monetary commission which would frame a proposition for amendments to our currency and banking laws which would suit the money trust. The interests are now very busy everywhere educating the people in fa­vor of the Aldrich Plan. It is reported that a large sum of money has been raised for this purpose. Wall Street speculation brought on the Panic of 1907. The depositors' funds were loaned to gamblers and anybody the money trust wanted to favor. Then when the depositors wanted their money, the banks did not have it. That made the panic.

    Can you see the re-run? Let us look at what happened back then and see if we can correlate it to today.

    Another Senator, LaFollette, was another spokesman against the Plan, and together he and Lindbergh had become rallying points for opposition to the Aldrich Plan in general. They had also aroused popular feeling against the power of the money trust, so that Congress was forced to consider taking ac­tion.

    Lindbergh pointed out that the government prosecuted other trusts, but sup­ported the money trust. He said he had waited for several years for an oppor­tunity to expose the false money standard, and to show that the greatest of all favoritism was that extended by the government to the money trust.

    Senator LaFollette charged that a money trust of 50 men controlled the na­tion. George Baker, partner of J.P. Morgan, simply said it was a sensational accusation and was absolutely in error. Does any of this sound the least bit familiar to you ones? But guess what the punch-line and sick humor to the Baker story is: "I know personally that not more than EIGHT men run the country."

    Despite the high-minded detachment, by and large, there did evolve plenty of evidence that the money trust exercised its influence for bad. Not only was it despoiling the natural resources of the United States at a very rapid rate, but it was not above the most ruthless application of gangster tactics, especially in politics.

    Congress finally made a gesture of appeasing popular feeling by appointing a committee to investigate the control of money and credit in the United States. This was the Pujo Committee, which conducted the famous "money trust" hearing in 1912, under the leadership of Congressman Arsene Pujo of Louisiana.

    The hearings dragged on for five months and the testimony given made four volumes of some 6,000 pages. The bankers, month after month, made the train trip down to Washington from New York, testified before the commit­tee, and returned to New York. The hearings were extremely dull, and those who had expected that much startling information would be turned up at these examinations were sorely disappointed. The bankers solemnly agreed that they were bankers, insisted they operated in the public's interest, and claimed that they were animated by the highest ideals of public service, like the Congressmen. Insofar as the hearings were concerned, this seemed to be true. The bankers were asked few questions which were embarrassing, and nothing was brought out by which the public might have been excited. The newspapers played up the hearings, carrying headlines each day about the money trust, but the paragraphs below the headlines had little in them that was interesting in the least.

    The nature of the hearings may be better understood if you look at the man who single-handedly carried on the entire investigation, Samuel Untermyer.

    He was also one of the main contributors to Woodrow Wilson's campaign fund. Untermyer was one of the wealthiest corporation lawyers in New York. In Who's Who in American Jewry of 1926, he stated that he once received a $775,000 (can you even calculate the relative value today?) fee for a single le­gal transaction, the carrying through of the merger of the Utah Copper Com­pany and the Boston Consolidated and Nevada Company, a firm which had at that time a market value of more than a hundred million dollars. A man who could make nearly a million dollars in one operation would not be likely to at­tack sincerely the wealthy men of his own class and profession.

    Neither Lindbergh nor LaFollette, who were responsible for the money trust hearings, was asked to testify or aid in the investigation. In fact, a concerted effort was set forth to silence them. A great deal of favorable publicity ac­crues to politicians associated with such hearings, and the bankers did not wish either of these men to be noticed by the public.

    Samuel Untermyer was Special Counsel for the Pujo Committee. The con­gressional members of the committee, including its chairman, Arsene Pujo, seem to have been struck dumb from the moment of the hearings' com­mencement to their conclusion. An examination of the thousands of pages of minutes reveals that these eleven Congressmen did not ask a dozen questions apiece during the months of investigation. One of these silent servants of the public was James Byrnes, of South Carolina, who later achieved fame as Bernard Baruch's man in charge of the Office of War Mobilization during the Second World War. (Ho Hum-mm?)

    Such delicate subjects as the system of interlocking directorates by which a few bankers controlled the nation's finance and heavy industry were not gone into at the Pujo Committee hearings, nor did Samuel Untermyer see fit to dwell upon such items as international gold movements (the cause of money panics; speaking of; how many of you know that all your gold stores have been removed? How many realize the gold from Ft. Knox is gone?) or the interna­tional relationships between American bankers and European hankers. The international banking houses of Eugene Meyer, Lazard Freres, J. & W. Seligman, Speyer Brothers, M. M. Warburg, and the Rothschild Brothers, did not arouse Mr. Untermyer's curiosity in the least, although it was known that all of these family banking houses either had branches or controlled banking houses in New York City. When Jacob Schiff appeared before the commit­tee, Mr. Untermyer's adroit questioning allowed Schiff to talk for some min­utes without revealing information about the banking house of Kuhn, Loeb Company, which Sen. Robert Owen had defined as the representatives of the European Rothschilds in New York.

    The aging J. P. Morgan, with only a few more months to live, came before the committee to justify a half century of financial piracy. He stated for Mr. Un­termyer's edification that "money is a commodity". Mr. Untermyer did not quarrel with that statement.

    J. P. Morgan also declared that, in making a loan, he always considered a man's character before any other factor; even the man's collateral or his abil­ity to repay were not as important. This astonishing observation startled the blasé members of the committee. Here was a banker who began his career by swindling his own government. He sold faulty rifles to the Union Government at a great profit during the Civil War, collecting his money from the Treasury before he paid for his original purchase. He was charged with defrauding the United States. In 1895, he forced President Grover Cleveland to purchase a hundred million dollars worth of gold from the Rothschild Brothers after threatening to paralyze the country with another money panic. Mr. Un­termyer, however, did not touch upon these incidents in the great man's ca­reer.

    The farce of the Pujo Committee finally ended. The country was convinced that the New York bankers did have a monopoly on the nation's money and credit. However, the bankers and their subsidized newspapers claimed that the only way to break that monopoly was to enact the banking and currency legislation then before Congress, the bill which was to he passed in the fol­lowing year as the Federal Reserve Act. And so goes the cycle of frying pan to fire under the guise of a fire extinguisher. The New York monopoly was to be broken somehow by turning over administration of the System to the most powerful of the New York bankers, Paul Warburg.

    Let us leave this serial soap opera and take a rest, Dharma. We will take up the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, Woodrow Wilson's part and let you ones realize you have seen the show before and failed to recognize the story line--for the authors are exactly the same, the story is the same and the Prince of deceit and lies is the same. So be it.

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