PJ 48


SAT., MARCH 28, 1992 7:52 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 225

As we write on these clandestine actions and ones involved in the perpetration, I am confronted with the doubts and inability to believe that such actions of deceit could actually take place.

I suggest you pay careful attention to the announcement accom­panying your President's decision to buy, for millions of dollars, Soviet advanced space technology. How could this even be pos­sible--haven't you been told that the Soviets are the ones who have stolen everything "advanced" from you? In addition, the announcer went on to state that Bush is quietly and without pub­lic discussion giving several BILLION DOLLARS in relief guarantees, food stuffs and credits and monetary assistance "to stabilize the Commonwealth". Your nation is falling apart, in the midst of the worst depression of all time, millions of Ameri­cans out of work, industry fleeing to "free-trade" countries where labor is cheap--and your leader GIVES AWAY MORE BILLIONS TO YOUR ENEMY??? So be it--continue to sleep and dream, little ones, for the awakening will be devastating. You ARE AT WAR IN SPACE--ACTUAL AND SHOOTING--AND YOU HAD BETTER TAKE A LONG, HARD LOOK AT POSSIBILITIES.


You continue to ask guidance in "politics". I have given you so much material that some ask me to "quit it, already!". You ask about Clinton and "would he be better than Bush?". Let me re­mind you of what I gave you a year ago at the time of the Bilderberg meeting (it is now time for this year's meeting). Bill Clinton was the candidate chosen and groomed by the Bilder­bergers--for the Presidency. He is a direct servant of the Committee of 300 and funded by banks such as scandal-ridden BCCI.

I give full credit to Spotlight for having infiltrated the meeting itself (and expect them to it do again this year) and you were told by them and by me, about Bill Clinton. Let me restate the exact statement: March 16, in "News You May Have Missed", regarding Bilderberg coverage, they said: "Our penetration of the last meeting revealed plans to boost Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton who attended as the Democratic standard bearer." It has been suggested that that should be the headline every day--I AGREE.

You ones want to believe it is one way or the other--one is good and the other bad. No! Both are totally committed to the very same goal--world domination by the VERY SAME PEOPLE.


Back to the CIA and connections: I want to share some most interesting information from a TOP SECRET--CONFIDEN­TIAL DOCUMENT and see how just the introduction and sum­mary strike you:

Copy in point:

"TOP SECRET: SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS, AN INTRODUCTORY PROGRAMMING MANUAL". This surfaced quite by "accident" on July 7, 1986, when an employee of Boe­ing Aircraft Co. purchased a surplus IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale. It contained a manual with inside details of a plan, created in the formation days of the "Cold War", which called for control of the masses through manipulation of industry, peo­ples' pastimes, education and political leanings. It called for a quiet revolution, pitting brother against brother, and diverting the public's attention from what is really going on at any given time.

For all intents and purposes, this document has "come to pass" much as expected, just as direct and ongoing planning via the "Protocols".

I have the document and I shall be most happy to share it with all its diagrams and projections but that is for another sitting. At this point I only wish to awaken you to the absolute credibility of that which we are bringing you regarding the Elite Committee of 300, The "Foundations" and non-profit organizations, and the Special Clandestine Services, i.e., CIA, KGB, Mossad, etc.

Of course this is HEAVY reading--your world is at "destruct" AND IT NOW REQUIRES HEROIC MEASURES TO RIGHT THE INCREDIBLE AND DECEITFUL WRONGS. Keep those eyes and ears OPEN for you are seeing it happen--not to­morrow--THIS MINUTE! You must sound an alarm in Zion (and I do NOT mean Israel) for, though she presently dwells with Babylon's daughter (Micah 4 is pretty accurate), her re­demption draweth nigh. Truth bears no fear.

The following is taken directly from OPERATIONS RE­SEARCH TECHNICAL MANUAL TM-SW7905.1:



It is patently impossible to discuss social engineering or the automation of a society, i.e., (silent weapons) on a national or worldwide scale without implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction of human life, i.e., slavery and geno­cide.

This manual is in itself an analog declaration of intent. Such a writing must be secured from public scrutiny. Otherwise, it might be recognized as a technically formal declaration of do­mestic war. Furthermore, whenever any person or group of persons in a position of great power, and without the full knowl­edge and consent of the public, uses such knowledge and methodology for economic conquest--it must be understood that a state of domestic warfare exists between said person or group of persons and the public.

The solution of today's problems requires an approach which is ruthlessly candid, with no agonizing over religious, moral, or cultural values.

You have qualified for this project because of your ability to look at human society with cold objectivity, and yet analyze and discuss your observations and conclusions with others of similar intellectual capacity without a loss of discretion or humility.

Such virtues are exercised in your own best interest--DO NOT DEVIATE FROM THEM.

[H: I suppose you might easily guess to whom this is directed and to what type of "support teams".]


This publication marks the 25th anniversary of the Third World War, called the 'Quiet War', being conducted using sub­jective biological warfare, fought with 'silent weapons' . [H: Therefore, come May, 1992, I believe you will realize you are approaching the 38th anniversary!]

This book contains an introductory description of this war, its strategies, and its weaponry.

May, 1979 #74-1120


Silent weapon technology has evolved from Operations Re­search (O.R.), a strategic and ta9fical methodology developed under the military management in England during World War II. The original purpose of Operations Research was to study the strategic and tactical problems of air and land defense with the objective of effective use of limited military resources against foreign enemies (i.e., logistics). [H: You who have
been diligent in your homework will recognize that this stems directly from the Tavistock Institute and the Commit­tee of 300 mandate.]

It was soon recognized by those in positions of power that the same methods might be useful for totally controlling a society. But better tools were necessary.

Social engineering (the analysis and automation of a society) requires the correlation of great amounts of constantly changing economic information (data), so a high speed computerized data processing system was necessary which could race ahead of so­ciety and predict when society would arrive for capitulation.

Relay computers were too slow, but the electronic computer, invented in 1946 by J. Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly filled the bill.

The next breakthrough was the development of the simplex method of linear programing in 1947 by the mathematician George B. Dantzig.

Then, in 1948, the transistor, invented by J. Bardeen, W. H. Brattain, and W. Shockley, promised great expansion of the computer field by reducing space and power requirements.

With these three inventions under their direction, those in po­sitions of power strongly suspected that it was possible for them to control the whole world with a push of a button.

Immediately, the Rockefeller Foundation got in on the ground floor by making a four year grant to Harvard College, funding the Harvard economic research project for the study of the structure of the American economy. One year later, in 1949, the United States Air Force joined in.

In 1952 the original grant period terminated, and a high level meeting of the elite was held to determine the next phase of so­cial operations research. The Harvard project had been very fruitful as is borne out by the publication of some of its results in 1953 suggesting the feasibility of economic (social) engineering. (STUDIES IN THE STRUCTURE OF THE AMERICAN ECONOMY--copyright 1953 by Wesaily Leontief, International Sciences Press Inc., White Plains, New York.)

Engineered in the last half decade of the 1940's, the now Quiet War machine stood, so to speak, in sparkling gold plated hardware on the showroom floor by 1954. [H: Oh indeed, it gets even worse if you are considering your future circum­stances--and I most certainly hope you are so doing!]

With the creation of the maser in 1954, the promise of un­locking unlimited sources of fusion atomic energy from the heavy hydrogen in sea water and the consequent availability of unlimited social power became a possibility only decades away. [H: Now hold your breath--CNN did a short documentary YESTERDAY EVENING on the technology and how won­drously it has progressed in actual usage! YESTERDAY, MARCH 27, 1992!]

The combination was irresistible.

The Quiet War was quietly declared by the International Elite at a meeting held in 1954.

Although the silent weapons system was nearly exposed 13 years later, the evolution of the new weapon system has never suffered any major setbacks. [H: SALU!]

There have already had, many victories on many fronts throughout the world in this domestic war.


in 1954 it was well recognized by those in positions of au­thority that it was only a matter of time, only a few decades, be­fore the general public would be able to grasp and upset the cra­dle of power, for the very elements of the new silent weapon technology were as accessible for a public utopia as they were for providing a private utopia.

The issue of primary concern, that of dominance, revolved around the subject of the energy sciences.

[H: Please, let us leave this portion now and move directly to the summary writing. I hope that I leave you desiring more information for we move right into "energy" which was and is recognized as the key to all activity on Earth .]



MEDIA: Keep the adult public attention diverted away from the real social issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance.

SCHOOLS: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real law, and real history.

ENTERTAINMENT: Keep the public entertainment below a sixth grade level.

WORK: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no time to think; back on the farm with the other animals.



[H: Dharma, let us leave that and move on to the "SUMMARY" for there are some three to four pages which I do not wish to attend at this sitting.]

The people hire the politicians so that the people can:

(1) Obtain security without managing it.
(2) Obtain action without thinking about it.
(3) Inflict theft, injury, and death upon others without having to contemplate either life or death.
(4) Avoid responsibility for their own intentions.
(5) Obtain the benefits of reality and science without exerting themselves in the discipline of facing or learning either of these things.

They give the politicians the power to create and manage a war machine to:

(1) Provide for the survival of the NATION/WOMB.
(2) Prevent encroachment of anything upon the NATION/WOMB.
(3) Destroy the enemy who threatens the NATION/WOMB.
(4) Destroy those citizens of their own country who do not con-form for the sake of stability of the NAT1ON/WOMB.

Politicians hold many quasi-military jobs, the lowest being the police which are soldiers, the attorneys and the C.P.A.'s next who are spies and saboteurs (licensed), and the judges who shout the orders and run the closed union military shop for whatever the market will bear. The generals are industrialists. The 'presidential' level of commander-in-chiefs is shared by the international bankers. The people know that they have created this farce and financed it with their own taxes (consent), but they would rather knuckle under than be the hypocrite.

Thus, a nation becomes divided into two very distinct parts, a DOCILE SUB-NATION and a POLITICAL SUB-NATION. The political sub-nation remains attached to the docile sub-na-tion, tolerates it, and leaches its substance until it grows strong enough to detach itself and devour its parent.


* * * * * * * *


Let us leave this now. If you readers are not just a "tad" sick then I am most certainly disappointed in you.

INTERRUPTION: Dharma was just now interrupted with this information. "There is a 'mole' within the working business lo­cale and there are investigations going on by the FBI (identified), the CIA and the Pentagon."

I want you readers to know and understand that this is what our people face every day of their existence--simply for bringing YOU THE TRUTH. They are warned directly and bluntly to "...stay hidden on Fridays because the operatives can legally take you into custody and retain you for the week-end with no charges." Who are the "spies"? Ones who are obviously going to lose more than their integrity--of course I know who they are and have told you for a very long time of their presence.

The point is that there is nothing in any manner whatsoever sub­versive going on in my work--unless you wish to so classify telling you-the-people about your plight and loss of your Constitution. Vermin and vipers do not like their hidden places exposed--I told you: Evil cannot survive nor stand in the LIGHT OF TRUTH! I suggest it is time to expose the nest of thieves for I weary of the attacks. I prefer it come from Earth level of projection so we shall wait a few days to determine if that shall happen.

I DO suggest that you ones begin to take me and my pres­ence most seriously--we are not here to participate in a game of channels and joy-rides on silver wings--damage to my people is declaration of WAR!!! If you think poor Adam and Eve had it bad when discovered and kicked out of the "garden"--I suggest you study your own assets RIGHT NOW--YOU DECEIVERS AND LIARS, FOR IT IS NOT HIDDEN FROM GOD NOR HIS HOSTS AND THE ARM OF GOD IS SWIFT AND SURE--EVERY TIME!

Dharma, we have no time to give to this latest attack for surely you knew that when we disclose the actual "diggings" and sub­terfuge of such mammoth proportions as the underground facili­ties and warhead missile sites, that they would not simply ignore us. They have, in fact, helped give us the information so that we are not "blamed" for telling secrets out of school. I think perhaps wherein lies the problem is that I have cleaned up the lies and given you most hurtful (to them) and useful (to you) in­formation. It never pays to "try to fool Mother Nature" or tin­ker with the order of God's plans. So be it. Let us continue on the outlay on the Intelligence Cults. IT IS OF COURSE THE INTELLIGENCE CULTS WHO CARRY OUT THE ORDERS OF THE ELITE CONSPIRATORS SO THIS IS MOST VALUABLE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION.




Back, now, to the writings as presented in 1974 for it laid forth the structure and the massive control and shelter under which the Clandestine forces operated then and with even more shelter and secrecy today.


To the clandestine operations of the CIA, nothing could be more normal than the use of "dirty tricks" to promote the U.S. national interest, as they and their agency determine it. In the words of former Clandestine Services chief Richard Bissell, CIA men "feel a higher loyalty and .... they are acting in obedience to that higher 'loyalty' ." They must be able to violate accepted standards of integrity and decency when the CIA's objectives so demand. Bissell admitted in a 1965 television interview that agency operators at times carried out actions which "were contrary to their moral precepts" but they believed "the morality of . . . cold war is so infinitely easier than the morality of almost any kind of hot war that I never encountered this as a serious problem."


Perhaps as a consequence of the confused morality that guides him, a clandestine operator is dedicated to the utmost secrecy. Convicted Watergate burglar Bernard Barker, who long worked with and for the agency, described these operators in a September 1972 New York Times interview: "They're anonymous men. They hate publicity; they get nervous with it. They don't want to be spoken of. They don't even want to be known or anything like that." And nearly always accompanying this passion for secrecy comes an obsession with deception and manipulation. These traits, developed in the CIA's training pro-grams, are essential elements for success in the operator's career. He learns that he must become expert at "living his cover", at pretending he is something he is not. Agency instructors grade the young operators on how well they can fool their colleagues. A standard exercise given to the student spies is for one to be assigned the task of finding out some piece of information about another. Since each trainee is expected to maintain a false identity and cover during the training period, a favorite way to coax out the desired information is to befriend the targeted trainee, to win his confidence and make him let down his guard. The trainee who gains the information receives a high mark; his exploited colleague fails the test. The "achievers" are those best suited, in the view of the agency, for convincing a foreign official he should become a traitor to his country; for manipulating that official, often against his will; and for "terminating" the agent when he has outlived his usefulness to the CIA.

Operating with secrecy and deception gradually becomes second nature to the clandestine operator as his early training progresses and he moves into an actual field assignment. The same habits may at times carry over into his dealings with his colleagues and even his family. Most operators see no inconsistency between an upstanding private life and immoral or amoral work, and they would probably say that anyone who couldn't abide the dichotomy is "soft". The double moral standard has been so completely absorbed at the CIA that Allen Dulles once stated, "In my ten years with the Agency I only recall one case of many hundreds where a man who had joined the Agency felt some scruples about the activities he was asked to carry on." Even today that Dulles' estimate would not be far off.

As much as the operator believes in the rightness of his actions, he is forced to work in an atmosphere that is potentially demoralizing. He is quite often on the brink of the underworld, or even immersed in it, and he frequently turns to the least savory types to achieve his goals. Criminals are useful to him, and are often called upon by him, when he does not want to perform personally some particularly distasteful task or when he does not want to risk and direct agency involvement in his dirty work. And if the clandestine operator wants to use attractive young women to seduce foreign officials, he does not call on female CIA employees. Instead he hires local prostitutes, or induces foreign girls to assume the seductress's role, hoping to use his women to ferret information out of targeted opponents and to blackmail them into cooperating with the CIA.

Other CIA men regularly deal with black-marketeers to pur­chase "laundered" currency. The agency cannot very well sub­sidize a political party in South Vietnam or buy labor peace on the Marseilles docks with money that can be traced back to the CIA. Thus, CIA "finance officers" permanently assigned to Hong Kong, Beirut, and other international monetary centers frequently turn to the world's illegal money changers to support agency clandestine operations. "Sterile" weapons for CIA paramilitary activities are obtained in the same fashion from the munitions merchants who will provide arms to anyone able to pay the price. And when untraceable troops are needed to assist a CIA-sponsored revolution or counter-revolution, the agency will put out the word in such mercenary centers as Brussels, Kinshasa, and Saigon that it is hiring soldiers of fortune willing to support any cause for a price.

Yet there are certain standards the CIA's clandestine operator must maintain in order to hold on to his job and the respect of his colleagues. By the agency's code, he is not supposed to profit personally from his activities. If he were involved in nar­cotics traffic for his own gain, he would probably be fired for having been "corrupted by the trade". But if the same CIA man were involved in narcotics traffic because he was using his nar­cotics connections to blackmail a Soviet official, he would be considered by his colleagues to be doing his work well.

While the CIA has never trafficked in dope as a matter of of­ficial policy, its clandestine personnel have used this trade--as they have used almost every other criminal activity known to man--in the pursuit of their goals. In Laos the CIA hoped to de­feat the Pathet Lao and North Vietnamese (and thus, "stop communism"); for that purpose, it was willing to supply guns, money, and training to the Meo tribe, the part of the Laotian population most eager to fight for the agency. The CIA was willing to overlook the fact that the Meos' primary cash crop was opium and that they continued to sell the drug during most of the years that they participated in the "secret" war as the "cutting edge" of the anti-Communist force in Laos. While the planes of the CIA proprietary airline, Air America, were on occasion used to carry opium and while some of the highest military officers supported by the agency were also the kingpins of the drug trade, the agency could still claim that it did not offi­cially sanction these activities. But not until the heroin traffic from Southeast Asia was perceived as a major American prob­lem a few years ago did the CIA make any serious effort to curb the flow of the drug, for it mattered not what sort of people the Meo were--what mattered was what they were willing and able to do for the CIA. The agency would hire Satan himself as an agent if he could help guarantee the "national security". [H: And of course--they do!]

* * *

Let us take a rest break before continuing on the "key to a suc­cessful espionage operation". You need a rest and we need to attend some other matters which cannot wait. I suggest, right now, that if the response to Mrs. Lockwood and her attorney is unacceptable--simply ask Scott to file a countersuit IN­STANTLY--also consider a full Cease and Desist action against her. I am weary of having ones act in such greedy and selfish behavior while calling their work "Constitutional Justice"--it blackens the very meaning of the work of the gallant patriots.

I further suggest that Mr. Tips respond immediately to her "threat" to bring him before the Bar Association for having rep­resented you--I believe this goes beyond all bounds of decency and respect. This person undoubtedly desires to live off the unjust wages of "lawsuit" collections. I shall not tolerate such without recourse. So be it.

Hatonn to move to stand-by. Thank you for your service. In love and protection of you of my crew, I give unto you the peace of knowing of our presence. AHO

PJ 48


MON., MARCH 30, 1992 8:34 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 227

MONDAY, MARCH 30, 1992


As we move into moment-to-moment critical times I shall effort to give you thoughts to bring peace and "order" within--some simple reminders of Truth and reality if you will.

Please listen-up! YOU have now, and always have had, through the power of thinking as laid forth for you in detailed physical outline in PLEIADES CONNECTIONS, the full outlay of "how it works". If you choose not to avail self of this information, so be it. I come not to force or coerce--we just "present" informa­tion.

We now have a lawsuit thrust against my people (scribe and Oberli), threatened and apparently in progress, to allow the pe­titioner to gain great sums of money from being "defrauded"--as unto all you-the-people. My people follow my teachings and evil shall not prevail against them unless it be for ultimately coming into greater benefit for our work. It does, however, cause much time consumption in replies and data gathering on the level of the physical dealings with these types of people who operate only in ego power and total greed. I would welcome all charges against me for I shall most enjoy taking on the physical wimps in the courtroom or anywhere else they lay a battlefield. Whether or not you ones wish to believe in our presence--WE ARE HERE.

In the case of the property already in four years of litigation, we now have a written document from the Judge presiding in the immediate hearings which proves he is not only biased but fully intends to cause these ones to have to "settle" which means total loss of everything they have. Fortunately, they have nothing and therefore ones who come against them cannot prevail with their greed and insult.

I commend the lawyers in their immediate work to counter the Judge's correspondence for you have done excellent work for this day. I would hope that at some point our precious ones will take time to read my input--for I shall give you all if you but ac­cept. So be it.

To you precious ones who send personal gifts to Dharma, thank you in her behalf for I don't seem to allow her time for those gracious sharings of personal notes in timely manner--she begs understanding and WILL get at it yet. For you, like the "Telephone" group who sent funds requesting something special to be reminding of friendship each viewing--I shall share, friends, that she put it together with another gift and has a porcelain sculpture of nesting doves with babes. It is beautiful and represents the peace of God with family and hope for this weary planet in renewal in life.

We have also attained, in the same manner, a gift of the heart from an Ogalala Sioux artist who put self into the artpiece. It is a stretched skin upon which he has joined the sacred Buffalo skull and the Thunderbird, the four directions and the sacred paths of color. Also in the "bundle" is a "dream pipe" wrapped in the softest of buckskin worked in chewed leather and a bound Raven's wing bound in the same skin and bearing the represen­tation of the red road of Truth and beaded with the symbol of the black road of opposition. It is held in reverence in the teachings and it shall be held in reverence by the holder. The skin is from a young deer whose gift of sustenance was blessed and honored in the traditional way. Therefore the painting is wondrous and encircled with the endless circle of all things. We know that you ask to share in personal measure and this is why we wish to describe that which comes from your gifts for these things hold the memory of life and the thoughts are that which bind you together as the one tribe which you are. The things are never considered "for Dharma" alone--but rather, for all as she simply gifts it unto we of the Hosts that it might be blessed and draw us close until we can share in the openness of joy. You are of the physical so you must have things of the physical to keep you in the "remembering" so that you can grow into the "knowing" of that remembering. It must be through the emotional remindings that you can come to see and hear for those things allow the focus of higher being. If you focus on solely the "money" it has no lasting value for it only represents a "thing" which "allows" and given in love it brings great emotional links, one to the others.

We had a most unusual gift brought to us from dear ones on this week-end. They brought some herbs and fruit from their garden--but what they did not realize was. that the sage they brought was that special kind which, when smoked, cleanses in the special way of the native tradition and these blessed items of that culture (which is your own) shall be in the cleansing of the gifts as well. AHO.


Through this power of thinking, you have power over all the kingdoms of the earth. If you but know it, YOU have now, this moment, only to Think and speak the word--realizing your power, and that within your merging with God, will bring about the results--and the waiting consciousness of the invisible cells of all matter upon which your will and attention become focused--which waiting consciousness is God consciousness, remember--will begin immediately to obey and do exactly according to the image or plans you have prepared by your thinking.


When you can once realize this and can know that the I AM Consciousness within you is ONE with the Consciousness of all animate and inanimate matter, and that Its will is one with your will, which is "MY" Will, and that all your desires are "MY" Desires, then will you begin to know and feel "ME" within, and will acknowledge the Power and Glory of Idea, which is eternally expressing Itself impersonally through you.

All you need to do is to turn within unto GOD, and let God direct your thinking and your desires in the path of goodliness (the red path). Then will your desires be fulfilled and in that change from the evil of physical manufacture you can move into the grand harmony, your world a "heaven" and your self one with God. In that change there is no note taken of that which once appeared to be necessity for things of the physical plane of experience take their rightful place of "things to utilize" but are left when the time is come to move on into higher wonder.

When you have begun to realize this and have glimpsed some-what of its inner meaning, then you will be prepared to grasp the real import of what follows. But first, must come the WORD so that you can align self with the "Original THINKER", Creator.

Our poor little adversary is going to litigate against these ones for she says that we bring fraudulent and "cheating" against you ones. Is to bring God into your attention--fraud? The child in point deserves compassion for she truly believes she is somehow wronged. She says she works to save the Constitution and demands her Constitutional rights--while denying these ones, theirs. Pity and compassion are needed in abundance for these ones who labor under "selfness" and ego bondage which allows not the vision to see the deceiving of the practiced lie nor under-stand the journey itself. Yes, the person (individual) should be sovereign but it cannot deprive another of sovereignty lest it separate itself away from the very thing touted as the goal.


"They" tell you that the "Space Shuttle" has conserved enough energy to exist another day or so in orbit. In the same breath "they" announce that now, the multi-million dollar ultra-violet camera has also blown a fuse. My, my--this is a total disaster in fuse blowing--so be it. What is truth of the situation is that your crew and suborbital craft and satellite station is being held hostage by the very ones whose space platform you destroyed along with many cosmonauts. It depends on how much ransom is paid and how much capitulation your evil national masters are willing to give as to whether or not the craft and astronauts are blasted out of existence. I would guess, ultimately, if you do not play properly, you shall be missing the craft and crew--and they will emerge elsewhere to be used against your govern­ments. I can think of worse uses. It seems time to uncover some of the lies in a physical manner instead of simply through these routes which are now dubbed to be from crackpots and fraud perpetrators.

It causes great pain to these ones for people to come uninvited into this place and share, take and act as if they love--only to move on when having been asked nothing from--to go and pounce upon us like the sheepskin clothed wolves in the flock. When you effort to challenge with evil intent, God--ye have blundered. There is no "group" here and nothing is asked from visitors save open friendship. We do not even turn away those whom I know to be "black-intentioned". Our purpose in this place is to bring forth the WORD that you might have oppor­tunity to find Truth and discern that Truth from the living lies about you. Dharma writes and speaks as my secretary and translator--nothing more. To sue her for "fraud" indicates that every minister, priest, rabbi, etc. who claims to speak the word of God--should be banished and sued for his "fraudulent" prac­tices. Every moment spent in these legal defenses is that mo­ment lost forever to the bringing of the WORD which holds in the balance your very life journey instructions.


I hope all watched 60 MINUTES last evening. You would have gotten some confirmation regarding the Elite Kissinger and ac­tivities--all of which are denied--of course. Even the small amount which slips through to you can give you that confirma­tion of truth for which you demand daily. Then, you will have also enjoyed a visit with Ross Perot. You will have noted how he COULD win a nomination and the Presidency. You will, however, also have noted that some of his "solutions" are not workable nor made within KNOWING of the full Truth of the circumstances within your world. Chelas, it will be only through KNOWING that you can bring about the necessary changes.

Bush sits smugly on his throne and watches--you see, he already has in his hands the LEGAL POWER to do anything he wants. If you believe me not--GET THE DOCUMENT: PART IV: THE PRESIDENT; Emergency Preparedness Functions: EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921. This is from the "Federal Reg­ister" dated Tuesday, June 15, 1976. It begins with "Adjusting Emergency Preparedness Assignments to Organizational and Functional Changes in Federal Departments and Agencies.... By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, and pursuant to Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958.... " And, yes, I shall reprint it for you IF we can be left to our writing long enough to get it done. We have actually given you total summary on at least three prior occasions but it seems ones do not remember or have not yet accessed prior JOURNALS.

You are now dismissing thousands of reserve troops and Na­tional Guard units--in other words, dismantling any military support you-the-people might have for any measure of protec­tion whatsoever. Cheney will stand before you and tell you that "the people have demanded military cuts and defense cuts and this is the only way to accommodate those demands!" This is almost verbatim from hearings in the immediate past week. By the way--that was a "Congressional" hearing and Powell sup­ported everything the idiot said. Meanwhile Bush grinned all the way to the fishing boat to ensnare a helpless fish which he wouldn't eat if his broccoli depended on it.

You will also note daily outlays of advanced laser and water projects which somehow are "just now" being made a fuss over--to allow you to know that funds will not be given into these projects, either--well, the end goal has been reached and why spend more on military arsenals--publicly. The "black projects" will continue with more aggressiveness but the other projects will be given token R&D attention for they will appeal to you‑the-people as "peaceful" projects. You are watching it unfold even without being given any valid news reporting. You who have doubted my projections --OPEN YOUR EYES for it is there to be seen--all around you.

In this vein I shall now continue with the CIA uncovering and again give honor to the writers and daring patriots who came be­fore--if you are allowed to see further--it is because of the giants of patriots come before. I salute them in their daring efforts to save your freedom and reveal the lies. All they ask from you is that you now get off your backsides and get busy and stop this insanity.


The key to a successful espionage operation is locating and using the right agent. There are seven basic areas of agent rela­tions--spotting, evaluation, recruiting, testing, training, han­dling, and termination. Each deserves extended examination.

Spotting: This is the process of identifying foreigners or other persons who might be willing to spy for the CIA.

The agency operator mingles as much as possible with the native population in the country to which he is assigned, hoping to spot potential agents. He normally concentrates on officials in the local government, members of the military services, and representatives of the intelligence agencies of the host country. People in other professions, even if recruitable, usually do not have access to the kind of strategic or high-level information which the CIA is seeking. Most operators work out of the local U.S. embassy; their diplomatic cover allows a convenient ap­proach to their target groups through the myriad of officials and social contacts that characterize the life of a diplomat, even a bogus one serving the CIA. Some agency officers pose as mili­tary men or other U.S. government representatives--officials of the AID, the USIA, and other agencies. In addition to official cover, the CIA sometimes puts officers under "deep cover" as businessmen, students, newsmen, or missionaries.


[H: Please note that in local operations you will usually have two or three telltale clues as to WHO might be an operative. You will have ones who, in checking, were not particularly effective at whatever they claim to be proficient in doing-­i.e., a private investigator or claimed investigator who can't find a single worthy piece of research investigative material. Then you will have these ones clinging to other predeter­mined ideas with refusal to thoroughly study the work in current operation or presentation. There will be a quite un­responsible lack of "reason" for having assets which are "somehow" available for living expenses, etc.--in other words--no visible means of support. These introduced oper­atives have a genuine desire to "fit in" and participate but never get close enough to actually do much WORK. These ones only bring attention and I personally rather like them for they are so obvious. They are usually quite helpless in appearance which sucks in the "suckers" who provide and tattle all into their waiting recording devices.

A good clue to intent is, in this place at least, a clinging to very "physical" aspects of living with total focus on physical presentation, lack of "actual" participation in work aspect, a clinging to other "belief" presentations and gurus when there is no need to spend five minutes with us otherwise. Nothing holds anyone to this place, for instance, except whatever personal calling they have to which to respond.

Why don't I "reveal them"? Because they are never "lost" until they say they are "lost". I will, however, have to take the covers off of one or two because it is costly in time and scarce funding for them to continue their damaging input. Most operatives, however, will NEVER take On the devious ways of simply "selfish" individuals for that would defeat the purpose and bring suspicion focus. The point is to become integrated--but agents and operatives never quite "fit" ac­tions with output from the mouth. Aren't they dangerous? Why? We do nothing to call anyone against us if they be of good intent--including the government. My point is to bring Truth of the people involved and the system as a whole--not overthrow anyone--not even Kissinger. This does not mean, however, that I shall not speak in freedom of speech, all truths, no matter how black in intent or lighted in glory. If they be lighted in glory, they shall also be told. If ones ob­ject to the presenting of their own projections as in letters of threat, then they MUST BE HIDING SOMETHING MOST DEVIOUS OR THEY WOULD WANT IT PUBLISHED UNTO THE FOUR DIRECTIONS! If this brings charges of "defamation" then who might be defaming who?? MAN de­fames self just as he only makes a fool--OF SELF. If there be no foundation upon which to cast "doubt", then how can there be defamation?? Does denouncing my Truth and my presence make my presence and Truth less valid?? Ah so, I see that the light dawns in some of your minds regarding many events and accusations. If I project Truth to you which unfolds in its confirmation--how can I be offering "fraud" unto you?? So be the "food for thought".



Books such as "...THE 300" which is an exposé is "iffy" in intent to squash because the information is already out there in the public in many places--already available. Coleman has only integrated and compiled succinctly the information. Some do not like the revelations but the ones AT THE TOP OF THE POWER LINE LOVE IT FOR THE RECOGNI­TION OF THEIR POWER. It may be "sick" but it IS true.]

The CIA operator is constantly looking for indications of vul­nerability on the part of potential foreign agents. The indicators may come from a casual observation by the operator at a cock­tail party, gossip picked up by his wife, suggestions from al­ready recruited agents, or assistance furnished--wittingly or un­wittingly--by a genuine American diplomat or businessman. The CIA operator receives instruction, based on studies made by agency specialists or American college professors under contract to the CIA, on what kinds of people are most susceptible to the intrigues and strategies of clandestine life. Obviously, the per­sonality of the potential spy varies from country to country and case to case, but certain broad categories of preferable and sus­ceptible agent types have been identified. The most sought-after informants are foreign officials who are dissatisfied with their country's policies and who look to the United States for guid­ance. People of this sort are much more likely to become loyal and dedicated agents than those whose primary motivation is monetary. Money certainly can go a long way in obtaining in­formation, especially in the Third World, but the man who can be bought by the CIA is also a relatively easy mark for the op­position. On the other hand, the agent who genuinely believes that what he is doing has a higher purpose will probably not be vulnerable to approaches from the KGB or other opposition ser­vices, and he is less likely to be plagued by the guilt and the ac­companying psychological deterioration which frequently ham­per the work of spies. The ideological "defector in place" is the prize catch for CIA operators. Other likely candidates for spy­ing are officials who have expensive tastes which they cannot satisfy from their normal incomes, or those with an obviously uncontrollable weakness for women, other men, alcohol, or drugs.

The operator does not always search for potential agents among those who are already working in positions of importance. He may take someone who in a few years may move into an important assignment (with or without a little help from the CIA). Students are considered particularly valuable targets in this regard, especially in Third World countries where university graduates often rise to high-level governmental positions only a few years after graduation. In Latin American and African countries the agency puts special emphasis on seeking agents in the armed forces, since so many of these nations are ruled or controlled by the military. Hence, the "cleared" professors on the CIA's payroll at American universities with substantial foreign enrollments, and military training officers at such places as the field command school at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, are prime recruiters.

In the Communist countries, as we have said, agency operators tend to focus on members of the opposition intelligence ser-vices in their search for secret agents.

EVALUATION: Once a potential spy has been spotted, the agency makes a thorough review of all information available on him to decide whether he is, or someday will be, in a position to provide useful intelligence. The first step in the evaluation process is to run a "namecheck", or trace, on the person, using the CIA's extensive computerized files located at headquarters in Langley. This data bank was developed by International Business Machines exclusively for the CIA and contains information on hundreds of thousands of persons. Any relevant biographical information on the potential agent found in the files is cabled back to the field operator, who meanwhile continues to observe the prospect and makes discreet inquiries about his background, personality, and chances for advancement. The prospect will probably be put under surveillance to learn more of his habits and views. Eventually a determination will be made as to the prospect's probable motivation (ideological, monetary, or psychological) for becoming a spy. If he hasn't any such motivation, the CIA searches for ways--blackmail and the like-- of pressuring him. At the same time, the case officer must determine if the prospect is legitimate or if he is an enemy plant--a provocation or a double agent. Some member of the CIA team, perhaps the original spotter, will attempt to get to know the potential agent on a personal basis and win his confidence.

RECRUITING: At the conclusion of the evaluation period, which can last weeks or months, CIA headquarters, in consultation with the field component, decides whether or not the prospective agent should be approached to spy for the agency. Normally, if the decision is affirmative, a CIA outsider will approach the prospect. Neither the spotter nor the evaluator nor, for that matter, any member of the local agency team will generally be used to make the recruitment "pitch"; if something goes wrong, the individual being propositioned will therefore be unable to expose any of the CIA operators. As a rule, the CIA officer giving the pitch is furnished with a false identity and given an agency-produced fake American passport. The "pitchman" can quickly slip out of the country in case of trouble.

Once the recuriter is on the scene, agency operators will concoct a meeting between him and the prospective agent. The pitchman will be introduced to the target under carefully prearranged--and controlled--circumstances, allowing the operator who made the introduction to withdraw discreetly, leaving the recruiter alone with the potential agent. Steps also will have been taken to provide the recruiter with an escape route in the event that the pitch should backfire. If he is clever in his approach, the recuriter makes his pitch subtly, without any overt statements to reveal his true purpose or affiliation with the agency.

If the potential agent has previously voiced opposition to his government, the recruiter is likely to begin with an appeal to the man's patriotic obligations and higher ideological inclinations. Ways by which he could aid his country and its people through secret cooperation with a benevolent foreign power will be suggested. If, on the other hand, the prospect is deemed susceptible to money, the recruiter probably will play to this point, em­phasizing that he knows of ways for the right individual to earn big money--quickly and easily. If the subject is interested in power, or merely has expensive habits to satisfy (sex, drugs, and so forth), if he wants to defect from his country, or simply wishes to get away from his family and social situation, the re­cruiter will attempt to concentrate his efforts on these human needs, all the time offering suggestions as to how they may be met through cooperation with "certain parties". People volun­teer to agree to spy on their governments for many reasons. It is the task of the recruiter to determine what reason--if one ex­ists--is most likely to motivate the potential agent.

If the agency has concluded that the prospect is vulnerable to blackmail, thinly veiled threats of exposure will be employed during the pitch. In some cases, however, the recruiter may di­rectly confront the potential agent with the evidence which could be used to expose him, in an effort to shock him into accepting the recruitment pitch. And in all cases the meeting between the recruiter and the prospect will be monitored either by audio surveillance (i.e., a tape recording) or some other method--photographs, fingerprints, or anything which will produce evi­dence that can later be used to incriminate the prospect. If not at first susceptible to blackmail, the prospect who wittingly or unwittingly entertains a recruitment pitch may afterward find himself entrapped by evidence which could be employed to ruin his career or land him in jail.

After the prospect accepts the CIA's offer, or yields to blackmail, the recuriter will go into the details of the arrange­ment. He may offer an agent with high potential $500 to $1,000 a month, say, partly in cash but mostly by deposit in an escrow account at some American or Swiss bank. He will try to keep the direct non-escrow payments as low as possible: first, to pre­vent the man from going on a spending spree which could attract the unwanted attention of the local security service, and, second, to strengthen his hold over the spy. The latter reason is partic­ularly important if the agent is not ideologically motivated. The recruiter may pledge that the CIA will guarantee the safety of the agent or his family, in case of difficulties with the local po­lice, and he may promise a particularly valuable agent a lifelong pension and even American citizenship.

The fulfillment of such pledges varies greatly, depending on the operational situation and the personality of the CIA case of­ficer in charge. Some are cynical, brutal men whose word, in most instances, is absolutely worthless. Others, though, will go to extraordinary lengths to protect their agents. In the early 1960's in Syria, one CIA man endangered his life and that of a trusted colleague to exfiltrate an agent who had been "rolled up" (i.e., captured) by the local security service, tortured, and forced to confess his complicity in the CIA's operations there. Although the agent, rendered a physical and mental wreck, was no longer of any use to the CIA, the two operators put him in the trunk of a private automobile and drove him to, a nearby country--and safety.

The recruiter will try to get the new agent, upon agreeing to work for the CIA, to sign a piece of paper that formally and evidentially connects him with the agency, a paper which can later be used to threaten a recalcitrant agent with exposure, should he balk at continuing to work for the CIA.

The recruiter's last function is to set up a meeting between the new agent and the CIA operator stationed in that country who will serve as his case officer. This will often involve the use of prearranged recognition signals. One technique, for ex­ample, is to give the agent a set of unusual cufflinks and tell him that he will soon be approached by a man wearing an identical pair. Another is to set up an exchange of code words which the case officer can later use to identify himself to the agent. When all this is accomplished, the recruiter breaks off the meeting and as soon as possible thereafter leaves the country.

When the recruitment pitch doesn't work,


meeting with a potential agent/defector in a local "gasthaus" only to find that the occupants of the nearby tables were not Viennese but rather members of a KGB goon squad. In that instance, when fighting erupted, he managed to escape by fleeing to the men's room and ignominiously crawling to safety through the window above the toilet.

* * *

Dharma, I register fatigue so please allow us a rest break. We shall immediately take up the remaining elements in point begin­ning with "Testing".


Please be open to thoughts that flow in the guise of "thinking" about this information. At first, "action" must not be a reaction but a careful process in the reasoning aspect of logic. Let the ideas flow and as they do so you will find that some ideas will begin to grow and cannot be thrust away.

Have you noticed the relationship that Desire bears to such Ideas, and how, through thinking, that idea is finally brought to actual fruition?

Let us look briefly at this relation and process.

There is always first the Idea, not considering at this moment the necessity or occasion for its appearance but let us say it is stimulated by the information being given. It matters not whence the Idea comes, from within or without; for it is always God who inspires it or causes it to impress your consciousness at the particular moment that it does.

Then, just to the extent that you grow quiet and focus your at­tention upon that Idea, stilling all the activities of your mind and eliminating all other ideas and thoughts from your conscious­ness, so that Idea can have full sway, does God illumine your mind and cause to unfold before your mental gaze the various phases and possibilities contained within that Idea.

This takes place, however, up to this point, without any volition on your part--perhaps save to read or see, hear or touch, or fo­cusing or concentrating your attention upon the Idea.

Once your human mind is given a view of Its possibilities, and has enlisted your interest, then does your human personality take up its task for, as the Idea in your mind was created and in­spired, so were you given cause for that Idea to fructify therein to give birth to Desire--desire to bring into outer manifestation all the possibilities of the Idea, Desire thus becoming the mortal agent of God's will and supplying the motive power, just as the human personality is the mortal instrument used to confine and focus that Power.

Yes, all ideas and all desires come from God. They are HIS/YOUR Ideas and HIS/YOUR Desires which are inspired in your mind and heart in order to bring them through you into outer manifestation.

Now, the bugaboo: You may wrongly interpret those Desires, those wondrous urges from within, and seek to use them for your own selfish purpose, but even while permitting this they still fulfill God's purpose--let that not elude you. For it is only by allowing your misuse of God's gifts and by the suffering such misuse brings, that you can be made into the clean and selfless channel required for the perfect expression of God ideas.

The next wondrous step is realization but I think you have quite enough to ponder for this sitting.

Blessings be unto you for your day of realization is at hand. Salu.

Hatonn to move to stand-by that rest might be taken. Adonai.