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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 48
    CHAPTER 11


    FRI., APRIL 3, 1992 9:04 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 231

    FRIDAY. APRIL 3. 1992
    The headquarters building, located on a partially wooded 125-acre tract eight miles from downtown Washington, is a modernistic fortress-like structure. Until the spring of 1973 one of the two roads leading into the secluded compound was totally unmarked, and the other featured a sign identifying the installa­tion as the Bureau of Public Roads, which maintains the Fair­banks Highway Research Station adjacent to the agency.

    Until 1961 the CIA had been located in a score of buildings scattered all over Washington. One of the principal justifica­tions for the $46 million headquarters in the suburbs was that considerable expense would be saved by moving all employees under one roof. But in keeping with the best-laid bureaucratic plans, the headquarters building from the day it was completed, proved too small for all the CIA's Washington activities. The agency never vacated some of its old headquarters buildings hidden behind a naval medical facility on 23rd Street Northwest in Washington, and its National Photo Interpretations Center shares part of the navy's facilities in Southeast Washington. Other large CIA offices located downtown include the Domestic Operations Division, on Pennsylvania Avenue near the White House.

    And in Washington's Virginia suburbs there are even more CIA buildings outside the headquarters complex. An agency training facility is located in the Broyhill Building in Arlington, and the CIA occupies considerable other office space in that county's Rosslyn section. Also at least half a dozen CIA components are located in the Tyson's Corner area of northern Virginia, which has become something of a mini-intelligence community for technical work due to the presence there of numerous electronics and research companies that do work for the agency and the Pentagon.

    The rapid expansion of CIA office space in the last ten years did not happen as a result of any appreciable increase in personnel. Rather, the technological explosion, coupled with inevitable bureaucratic lust for new frontiers, has been the cause. As Director, Richard Helms paid little attention to the diffusion of his agency until one day in 1968 when a CIA official mentioned to him that still one more technical component was moving to Tyson's Corner. For some reason this aroused Helms' ire, and he ordered a study prepared to find out just how much of the agency was located outside of headquarters. The completed report told him what most Washington-area real-estate agents already knew, that a substantial percentage of CIA employees had vacated the building originally justified to Congress as necessary to put all personnel under one roof. Helms decreed that all future moves would require his personal approval, but his action slowed the exodus only temporarily.

    When the CIA headquarters building was being constructed during the late 1950's, the subcontractor responsible for putting in the heating and air-conditioning system asked the agency how many people the structure was intended to accommodate. For security reasons, the agency refused to tell him, and he was forced to make his own estimate based on the building's size. The resulting heating system worked reasonably well, while the air-conditioning was quite uneven. After initial complaints in 1961, the contractor installed an individual thermostat in each office, but so many agency employees were continually readjusting their thermostats that the system got worse. The M&S Directorate then decreed that the thermostats could no longer be used, and each one was sealed up. However, the M&S experts had not considered that the CIA was a clandestine agency, and that many of its personnel had taken a "locks and picks" course while in training. Most of the thermostats were soon unlocked and back in operation.

    At this point the CIA took the subcontractor to court to force him to make improvements. His defense was that he had installed the best system he could without a clear indication of how many people would occupy the building. The CIA could not counter this reasoning and lost the decision.

    Another unusual feature of the CIA headquarters is the cafeteria. It is partitioned into a secret and an open section, the larger part being only for agency employees, who must show their badges to the armed guards before entering, and the smaller being for visitors as well as people who work at tine CIA. Although the only outsiders ever to enter the small, dismal section are employees of other U.S. government agencies, representatives of a few friendly governments, and CIA families, the partition ensures that no visitor will see the face of any clandestine operator eating lunch.

    The CIA's "supergrades" (civilian equivalents of generals) have their own private dining room in the executive suite, how-ever. There they are provided higher-quality food at lower prices than in the cafeteria, served on fine china with fresh linens by black waiters in immaculate white coats. These waiters and the executive cooks are regular CIA employees, in contrast to the cafeteria personnel, who work for a contractor. On several occasions the Office of Management and Budget has questioned the high cost of this private dining room, but the agency has always been able to fend off the attacks, as it fends off almost all attacks on its activities, by citing "national security" reasons as major justification.

    * * *
    Questions of social class and snobbery have always been very important in the CIA. With its roots in the wartime Office of Strategic Services (the letters OSS were said, only half-jokingly, to stand for "Oh So Social"), the agency has long been known for its concentration of Eastern Establishment, Ivy League types. Allen Dulles, a former American diplomat and Wall Street lawyer with impeccable connections and credentials, set the tone for an agency full of Roosevelts, Bundys, Cleveland Amory's brother Robert, and other scions of America's leading families. There have been exceptions, to be sure, but most of the CIA's top leaders have been White, Anglo-Saxon, Protes­tant, and graduates of the right Eastern schools. While changing times and ideas have diffused the influence of the Eastern elite throughout the government as a whole, the CIA remains perhaps the last bastion in official Washington of WASP power, or at least the slowest to adopt the principle of equal opportunity.


    It was no accident that former Clandestine Services chief Richard Bissell (Groton, Yale, A.B., Ph.D., London School of Economics, A.B.) was talking to a Council on Foreign Relations discussion group in 1968 when he made his "confidential" speech on covert action. For the influential but private Council, composed of several hundred of the country's top political, mil­itary, business, and academic leaders, has long been the CIA's principal "constituency" in the American public. When the agency has needed prominent citizens to front for its proprietary companies or for other special assistance, it has often turned to Council members. Bissell knew that night in 1968 that he could talk freely and openly about extremely sensitive subjects because he was among "friends". His words leaked out not because of the indiscretion of any of the participants, but because of student upheavals at Harvard in 1971.

    It may well have been the sons of CFR members or CIA officials who ransacked the office housing the minutes of Bis­sell's speech, and therein lies the changing nature of the CIA (and the Eastern Establishment, for that matter). Over the last decade the attitudes of the young people who in earlier times would have followed their fathers or their fathers' college roommates into the CIA, have changed drastically. With the Vietnam War as a catalyst, the agency has become, to a large extent, discredited in the traditional Eastern schools and col­leges. And, consequently the CIA has been forced to alter its recruiting base. No longer do Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and a few other Eastern schools provide the bulk of the agency's pro­fessional recruits, or even a substantial number.

    For the most part, Ivy Leaguers do not want to join the agency, and the CIA now does its most fruitful recruiting at the universities of middle America and in the armed forces. While the shift unquestionably reflects increasing democratization in American government, the CIA made the change not so much voluntarily as because it had no other choice if it wished to fill its ranks. If the "old boy" network cannot be replenished, some officials believe, it will be much more difficult to enlist the aid of American corporations and generally to make use of influen­tial "friends" in the private and public sectors.

    Despite the comparatively recent broadening of the CIA's recruiting base, the agency is not now and has never been an equal-opportunity employer. The agency has one of the smallest percentages--if not the smallest--of blacks of any federal de­partment. [H: And take note of the fact that many of those serve in the dining areas and maintenance areas. This is a White-Anglo-Saxon elite organization established by the Committee of 300 through British Intelligence.] The CIA's top management had this forcefully called to their attention in 1967 when a local civil-rights activist wrote to the agency to complain about minority hiring practices. A study was ordered at that time, and the CIA's approximately 12,000 non-clerical employees, and even the proportion of black secretaries, clerks, and other non-professionals was considerably below that of most Washington-area government agencies. One might attribute this latter fact to the agency's suburban location, but blacks were notably well represented in the guard and char forces.

    Top officials seemed surprised by the results of the 1967 study because they did not consider themselves prejudiced men. They ordered increased efforts to hire more blacks, but these were not particularly successful. Young black college graduates in recent years have shied away from joining the agency, some on political grounds and others because of the more promising opportunities available in the private sector. Furthermore, the CIA recruiting system could not easily be changed to bring in minorities. Most of the "spotting" of potential employees is done by individual college professors who are either friends or consultants of the agency, and they are located on predominantly white campuses where each year they hand-pick a few carefully selected students for the CIA.

    The paucity of minority groups in the CIA goes well be­yond blacks, however. In 1964 the agency's Inspector General did a routine study of the Office of National Estimates (ONE). The Inspector found no black, Jewish, or women professionals, and only a few Catholics, ONE immediately took steps to bring in minorities. One woman professional was hired on a proba­tionary basis, and one black secretary was brought in. When the professional had finished her probation, she was encouraged to find work elsewhere, and the black secretary was given duties away from the main ONE offices--out of sight in the reproduc­tion center. ONE did bend somewhat by hiring a few Jews and some additional Catholics.

    There are extremely few women in high-ranking positions in the CIA but, of course, the agency does employ women as secretaries and for other non-professional duties. As is true with all large organizations, there is a high turnover in these jobs, and the agency each year hires a thousand or more new applicants. In a search for suitable candidates, from the mostly white small towns and cities of Virginia and the neighboring states, Maryland, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Washing­ton, with its overwhelming black majority, supplies compara­tively few of the CIA's secretaries. Over the years the re­cruiters have established good contacts with high-school guid­ance counselors and principals in the nearby states, and when they make their annual tour in search of candidates, interested girls are steered their way, with several from the same class of­ten being hired at the same time. When the new secretaries come to CIA headquarters outside of Washington, they are en­couraged to live in agency-selected apartments in the Virginia suburbs, buildings in which virtually all the tenants are CIA em­ployees.

    Security considerations play a large part in the agency's lack of attention to urban areas in its secretarial recruiting. All agency employees must receive full security clearances and women from small towns are easier and cheaper to investigate.

    Moreover, the CIA seems actually to prefer secretaries with the All-American image who are less likely to have been "corrupted" or "politicized" than their urbanized sisters.

    Agency secretaries, as well as all other personnel, must pass lie-detector tests as a condition of employment. Then they periodically--usually at five-year intervals or when they return from overseas assignment--must submit themselves again to the "black box". The CIA, unlike most employers, finds out nearly everything imaginable about the private lives of its personnel through these polygraph tests. Questions about sex, drugs, and personal honesty are routinely asked along with security-related matters such as possible contacts with foreign agents. The younger secretaries invariably register a negative reading on the machine when asked the standard: "Have you ever stolen gov­ernment property?" The polygraph experts usually have to add the qualifying clause, "not including pens, pencils, or minor clerical items".

    Once CIA recruits have passed their security investiga­tions and lie-detector tests, they are given training by the agency. Most of the secretaries receive instruction in the Washington area, such instruction focusing on the need for se­crecy in all aspects of the work. Women going overseas to type and file for their CIA bosses are given short course in espionage tradecraft. A former secretary reported that the most notable part of her field training in the late 1960's was to trail an in­structor in and out of Washington department stores. This woman's training proved useful, however, when in her first post abroad, ostensibly as an embassy secretary, she was given the mission of surveilling an apartment building in disguise as an Arab woman.


    The agency's professionals, most of them (until the 1967 NSA disclosures) recruited through "friendly" college profes­sors, receive much more extensive instruction when they enter the CIA as career trainees (CTs). For two years they are on a probationary status, the first year is formal training programs and the second with on-the-job instruction. The CTs take in­troductory courses at a CIA facility, known as the Broyhill Building, in Arlington, Virginia, in subjects such as security, the organization of the agency and the rest of the intelligence corn­munity, and the nature of international communism. Allen Dulles, in his days as Director, liked to talk to these classes and tell them how, as an American diplomat in Switzerland during World War I, he received a telephone call from a Russian late on a Saturday morning. The Russian wanted to talk to a U.S. government representative immediately, but Dulles had a date with a young lady, so he declined the offer. The Russian turned out to be Nikolai Lenin, and Dulles used the incident to urge the young CTs always to be alert to the possible importance of peo­ple they meet in their work.

    Afterward, CTs go to "The Farm", the establishment near Williamsburg that is disguised as a Pentagon research-and-test­ing facility and indeed resembles a large military reservation. Barracks, offices, classrooms, and an officers' club are grouped around a central point. Scattered over its 480 mostly wooded acres are weapons ranges, jump towers, and a simulated closed-border of a mythical Communist country. Away from these fa­cilities are heavily guarded and off-limits sites, locations used for super-secret projects such as debriefing a recent defector, planning a special operation, or training an important foreign agent who will be returning to his native country to spy for the CIA.

    As part of their formal clandestine training at "The Farm", the CTs are regularly shown Hollywood spy movies, and after the performance they collectively criticize the techniques used in the films. Other movies are also used, as explained by the for­mer clandestine operator who wrote about his experience in the April 1967 Ramparts:

    We were shown Agency-produced films depicting the CIA in action, films which displayed a kind of Hollywood flair for the dramatic that is not uncom­mon inside the Agency. A colleague who went through a 1963 training class told of a film on the U‑ 2 episode. In his comments prefatory to the film, his instructor intimated that President Eisenhower "blew his cool" when he did not continue to deny that the U-2 was a CIA aircraft. But no matter, said the instructor, the U-2 was in sum an Agency tri­umph, for the planes had been overflying Soviet ter­ritory for at least five years. During this time the Soviet leaders had fumed in frustration, unable to bring down a U-2 on the one hand and reluctant to let the world know of their inability on the other. The photography contained in the film confirmed that the "flying cameras" had accomplished a re­markable job of reconnaissance. When the film ended and the lights came on, the instructor gestured toward the back of the room and announced; "Gentlemen, the hero of our film." There stood Francis Gary Powers. The trainees rose and ap­plauded.

    All the CTs receive some light-weapons training, and those destined for paramilitary duties receive a full course which in­cludes instruction in explosives and demolition, parachute jumps, air and sea operations, and artillery training. This paramilitary training is also taken by the contract soldiers (who greatly resent being called "mercenaries") who have been sepa­rately recruited for special operations. They join the CTs for some of the other courses, but generally tend to avoid the younger and less experienced recent college graduates who make up the bulk of the CT ranks. Many of these mercenaries and a few of the CTs continue on for an advanced course in ex­plosives and heavy weapons given at a CIA training facility in North Carolina. Postgraduate training in paramilitary operations is conducted at Fort Bragg in North Carolina and at Fort Gulick in the Panama Canal Zone.

    * * *

    This will do nicely for this chapter for we have other business requiring our attention.

    When we return we shall take up with "Fringe Benefits" and believe me, there are a lot of them.

    This day you have your own troops being shifted all over the nation and great convoys of military equipment and men are seen in movement in every state. I can only tell you that the boom is ready to fall. Reports are especially focused on the massive movements along your I-15 moving from West into Utah, Idaho and Montana and on I-80 to and through Nevada and on over into Wyoming.

    There are equal numbers being shifted around East of the Mississippi River but the reports are, of course in this area, coming in about local movements. It is far beyond serious, chelas--you are IN IT.

    I might herein remind you of the "Plan to Surrender America to the New World Order".

    Let me just outlay a bit of factual information and see how it fits into your recall mechanism of that given before. It seems you must have reminders or you become swamped in the myriad of attention fragments so that you lose continuity of the "Plan" and the level of development according to the Plan.

    Let us begin by giving you some "Public Law":

    None of the funds appropriated in this title shall be used to pay the United States contribution to any international organization which engages in the direct or indirect promotion of the principle of one-world government or one-world citizenship. --Public Law 495, Section 112, 82nd Congress.

    So, at this point you have clearly defined the terrifying war-maldng functions of the United Nations Security Council. Now, look at some of the international sleight-of-hand which has transferred your soldiers to the United Nations army.


    For this part of your search you must turn again to the military articles of the United Nations Charter. Under Article 43, Chapter 'VII is found the basic "treaty law" for establishing an "Armed United Nations".

    All members of the United Nations, states Article 43, in order to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security, undertake to make available to the Security Council, on its call and in accordance with a special agreement, or agreements, armed forces, assistance, and facilities, including rights of passage, necessary for the propose of maintaining international peace and security.

    Now, as we write along here, just pause from time to time and think on the numbers of persons intended for discharge status in your military forces, national guard and reserves. What will they do? Who will hire them when there are already over 12 million Americans out of work? Do you not think those ones will jump wildly at the opportunity to serve in the brave new United Nations Army? So be it.

    The most cursory examination of Article 43 permits only one conclusion: It is the intent of this article to provide the United Nations with unlimited war-making powers.

    Article 43 will wipe national boundaries off the map. It will create an irresistible international army. And it will chain the people of the world to the wheel of a military juggernaut.

    You have now arrived at the concealed objective of the United Nations Charter.

    Absolute, monolithic world military power is the concealed ob­jective of the United Nations.

    However, this monstrous goal cannot be achieved by raw force alone. Force must be preceded by brainwashing, which will condition the population to accept a world military dictatorship. Therefore the Planners employ Fabian Socialist techniques to accomplish their purpose.

    The internationalists, by gradualism and indirection, have made collectivism an acceptable political philosophy. And, through the media of mass propaganda, they have conferred legal status upon illegal acts.

    In illustration of this technique, we might recall that on Septem­ber 1, 1961, the United States Government filed with the U.N. Secretary General a plan for the transfer of our entire military establishment to the United Nations.

    Yet--there was no cry of outrage from the American people.

    The policy document for surrender is State Department Publica­tion Number 7277, titled "Freedom From War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World".

    In it, your State Department calls for "...progressive reduction of the war-making capability of the nations and the simultaneous strengthening of international institutions to settle disputes and maintain the peace..." Which means, of course, the disarming of the United States and the establishment of a United Nations Army.


    Our government now states that we must pluck the deterrent to Communist aggression from the control of American citizens and place your defense forces in the hands of the Communist-dominated U.N. Security Council.

    Allegedly acting in the name of the American people, and for the "nations of the world", the U.S. State Department set forth the objectives of their program of general and complete dis­armament in a "Declaration on Disarmament" in a world where adjustment to change "takes place in accordance with the princi­ples of the United Nations".

    "The Nations of the world," says your State Department, "declare their goal to be the disbanding of all national armed forces and the prohibition of their reestablishment in any form whatsoever, other than those required to preserve internal order and for contributions to a United Nations Peace Force."

    "The Nations of the world," says your State Department, "will establish an effective International Disarmament Organization within the framework of the United Nations, to ensure com­pliance at all times with all disarmament obligations."

    "The Nations of the world," says your State Department, "will institute effective means for the enforcement of international agreements, for the settlement of disputes, and for the mainte­nance of peace--in accordance with the principles of the United Nations."

    Under this plan, the United States will finance and man a totali­tarian U.N. military complex. You, of course, will exercise no control over this international army.

    The State Department proposes that the disarmament of the United States and the concurrent build-up of the United Nations Army be accomplished in the following three stages:

    Stage One: "The States shall develop arrangements in Stage One for the establishment in Stage Two of a U.N. Peace Force."

    Stage Two: "During Stage Two, States shall develop further the peace-keeping process of the United Nations to the end that the United Nations can effectively in Stage Three deter or suppress any threat or use of force in violation of the pur­poses and principles of the United Nations."

    Stage Three: "In Stage Three, progressive controlled disarma­ment and continuously developing principles and procedures of international law would proceed to a point where no state would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened U.N. Peace Force."

    There you have it--neatly spelled out by your own State De­partment: a totalitarian, one-world government--its edicts en­forced by an international army--already established and in place.

    To implement the U.N. take-over, of course, it was and re­mains to some tiny extent, necessary to go through the mo­tions of translating the policy of State Department Publica­tions 7277 into so-called law and to assure brainwashed Americans that this "law" is in their own best interest. I be­lieve you will note that this has also been accomplished.

    I will, however, go over, again, the way it was worked but that will have to hold for another opportunity to write.

    Thank you for your attention.

    Hatonn to clear.

    PJ 48
    CHAPTER 12


    SUN., APRIL 5, 1992 9:54 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 233

    SUNDAY. APRIL 5, 1992

    Although agency personnel hold the same ratings and receive the same salaries as other government employees, they do not fall under Civil Service jurisdiction. The Director has the au­thority to hire or fire an employee without any regard to normal governmental regulations, and there is no legal appeal to his de­cisions. In general, however, it is the CIA's practice to take extremely good care of the people who remain loyal to the orga­nization. There is a strong feeling among agency management officials that they must concern themselves with the welfare of all personnel and this feeling goes well beyond the normal em­ployer-employee relationship in the government or in private in­dustry. To a certain extent, security considerations dictate this attitude on the part of management, since an unhappy or finan­cially insecure employee can become a potential target for a for­eign espionage agent. But there is more to it than that. Nearly everyone seems to believe: We're all in this together and anyone who's on the team should be taken care of decently. The em­ployees probably feel a higher loyalty to the CIA than members of almost any other agency feel for their organization. Again, this is good for security, but that makes the sentiments no less real.

    Some of the benefits for agency personnel are unique in the federal bureaucracy. For example, the CIA operates a summer intern program for college students. Unlike other government agencies which have tried to hire disadvantaged and minority youngsters, the CIA's program is only for, the sons and daugh­ters of agency employees. Again the justification is security and the expense of clearing outsiders, but it is a somewhat dubious claim since the State Department manages to clear all its interns for "top secret" without significant expense or danger to secu­rity.

    If a CIA employee dies, an agency security officer immedi­ately goes to his or her house to see that everything is in order for the survivors (and, not incidentally, to make sure no CIA documents have been taken home from the office). If the indi­vidual has been living under a cover identity, the security officer ensures that the cover does not fall apart with the death. Often the security man will even help with the funeral and burial ar­rangements.

    For banking activities, CIA employees are encouraged to use the agency's own credit union, which is located in the head­quarters building. The union is expert in giving loans to clan­destine operators under cover, whose personal background statements are by definition false. In the rare instance when an employee forfeits on a loan, the credit union seldom prosecutes to get back the money: that could be a breach of security. There is also a special fund, supported by annual contributions from agency officers, to help fellow employees who accidentally get into financial trouble.

    The credit union also makes various kinds of insurance avail­able to CIA employees. Since the agency does not wish to give outsiders any biographical information on its personnel, the CIA provides the insurer with none of that data that insurance companies normally demand, except age and size of policy. The agency certifies that all facts are true--even that a particular em­ployee has died--without suffering any proof. Blue Cross, which originally had the agency's health-insurance policy, demanded too much information for the agency's liking and, in the late 1950's, the CIA switched its account to the more tolerant Mutual of Omaha. Agency employees are even instructed not to use the airplane-crash insurance machines available at airports but to purchase such insurance from the credit union.

    Attempts are made even to regulate the extracurricular activ­ities of agency employees--to reinforce their attachment to the 169 organization and, of course, for security reasons. An employee-activity association (incorporated for legal purposes) sponsors programs in everything from sports and art to slimnastics and karate. The association also runs a recreational travel service, a sports and theater ticket service, and a discount sales store. The CIA runs its own training programs for reserve military officers, too. And it has arranged with local universities to have its own officers teach college-level and graduate courses for credit to its employees in the security of its headquarters building.

    The CIA can be engagingly paternal in other ways, too. On the whole, it is quite tolerant of sexual dalliance among its em­ployees, as long as the relationships are heterosexual and not with enemy spies. In fact, the CIA's medical office in Saigon was known during the late 1960's for its no-questions-asked cures of venereal disease, which State Department officers in that city avoided the embassy clinic for the same malady be­cause they feared the consequences to their careers of having VD listed on their personnel records.


    In many other ways the CIA keeps close watch over its em­ployees' health. If a CIA officer gets sick, he can go to an agency doctor or a "cleared" outside physician. If he undergoes surgery, he frequently is accompanied into the operating room by a CIA security man who makes sure that no secrets are re­vealed under sodium-pentathol anesthesia. If he has a mental breakdown, he is required to be treated by an agency psychia­trist (or a cleared contact on the outside) or, in an extreme case, to be admitted to a CIA-sanctioned sanitarium. Although no statistics are available, mental breakdowns seem more common in the agency's tension-laden atmosphere than in the population as a whole and the CIA tends to have a more tolerant attitude toward mental-health problems and psychiatric therapy than the general public. In the Clandestine Services, breakdowns are considered virtually normal work hazards, [H: Doesn't this make you feel secure to know that the ones supposedly in charge of your most secret information may well be, at pre­sent, eligible for the "nut-farm"? I suggest you refer attention to ones such as G. Gordon Liddy, etc. These ones are total disaster waiting to explode on you. I again urge you readers to rent the motion picture EXECUTIVE ACTION with Burt Lancaster, Robert Ryan, etc. It is accurate and that accuracy in portrayal is owed to Mark Lane. It is the best overall portrayal of the Kennedy assassination on film--it surpasses Oliver Stone's version, or at the least, integrates the "facts" with the "JFK" film. You are going to get nothing of value from the CIA disclosures of the files for you have the fox painting the story for the demise of the chickens he just killed. This film shows exactly how the CIA prepares for and executes such operations and pays off the agents while setting up the fall-guys. I recommend that--if you do nothing else this month--go get a copy of that motion picture. If you can't locate one, notify THE WORD through America West and we'll see what we can do about loaning you a copy--I feel it is that important.] and employees are encouraged to return to work after they have completed treatment. Usually no stigma is attached to illness of this type; in fact, a number of senior officers suffered breakdowns while they were in the Clandestine Services and it clearly did not hurt their careers. Ex-Clandestine Services chief Frank Wisner had such an illness, and he later returned to work as the CIA station chief in London.

    Many agency officials are known for their heavy drinking-- which also seems to be looked upon as an occupational hazard. Again, the CIA is more sympathetic to drinking problems than outside organizations. Drug use, however, remains absolutely taboo.

    While the personnel policies and benefits extended by the CIA to its employees can be justified on the grounds of national security and the need to develop organizational loyalty, these tend to have something of a personal debilitating effect on the career officers. The agency is unconsciously viewed as an omniscient, omnipotent institution--one that can even be considered infallible. Devotion to duty grows to fanaticism; questioning the decisions of the authorities is tantamount to religious blasphemy. Such circumstances encourage bureaucratic insulation and introversion (especially under strong pressures from the outside), and they even promote a perverse, defensive attitude which restricts the individual from keeping pace with significant social events occurring in one's own nation--to say nothing of those evolving abroad. Instead of continuing to develop vision and sensitivity with regard to their professional activities, the career officers become unthinking bureaucrats concerned only with their own comfort and security, which they achieve by catering to the demands of the existing political and institutional leaderships-- those groups which can provide the means for such personal ends.


    A number of years ago the CIA established a secret historical library, later a secret internal professional journal, and ultimately began the preparation of the exhaustive secret history of the agency, being written by retired senior officers.

    The Historical Intelligence Collection, as the "special" library is officially known in CIA, is a fascinating library of spy literature, containing thousands of volumes, fiction and non-fiction, in many languages. The curator, a senior career officer by trade but by avocation a bibliophile of some note, is annually allocated a handsome budget to travel around the world in search of rare books and documents on espionage. [H: Now you know who writes those biographies which are presented in the form of memoirs and life stories such as Oliver North, Nixon, etc. They are as well planned a part of the program as any of the other deceptive material. Not only do you have clandestine speech writers manipulating the politicians but you have others in conjunction with the close writers writing the story of what happened--in their desired outlay.] Through his efforts, the CIA today possesses probably the most complete compilation of such publications in the world. In recent years the collection has been expanded to include intelligence memorabilia, featuring exhibits of invisible inks, bugs, cameras, and other equipment actually used in certain operations by spies or their handlers.

    The CIA's own quarterly trade journal is called Studies of Intelligence. Articles in recent years have dealt with subjects ranging from the practical to the theoretical: there have been ar­ticles on how to react when undergoing enemy interrogation; how the National-Estimate process works; how to covertly infil­trate and exfiltrate heavily guarded enemy borders. After the Cuban missile crisis the journal ran a debate on whether the CIA had failed to detect the Soviet missiles early enough or had suc­ceeded in time to allow the government to take remedial action.

    Some articles are of pure historical interest. In 1970 there was a fascinating account of the successful efforts at the end of World War II of the couturier Count Emillio Pucci, then in the Italian army, to keep out of German hands the diary of Mus­solini's Foreign Minister (and son-in-law) Count Ciano, who had earlier been executed by the Duce. Presumably, stories of this kind would be of interest to ordinary citizens but Studies in Intelligence, while bearing a physical resemblance to many reg­ularly published magazines, is different in one important re­spect. It is stamped SECRET and is therefore available only to CIA employees and a few selected readers elsewhere in the in­telligence community. Even its regular reviews of current spy novels are withheld from the American public.

    The most important of the CIA's private literary projects is the massive secret history of the agency that has been in prepa­ration since 1967. Recognizing the irresistible tendency of for­mer intelligence officers to write their memoirs and, thereby, often to embarrass their organizations and their government with their revelations, Director Helms prudently agreed to permit the preparation of an official secret history of the CIA and its clan­destine activities. A professor of history from a Midwestern university was hired to act as coordinator and as a lit­erary/research advisor to those officers who would participate in the project. Retired senior officials were hired on contract at their former salaries to spend a couple of additional years with the agency putting their recollections down on paper for even­tual incorporation in the encyclopedic summary of the CIA's past.

    Helms' decision was a master stroke. The history will never be completed, nor will it ever be published. By definition it is a perpetual project and one that can be read only by those who have a clear "need to know"--and they are few indeed. But the writers, the battle-scarred old hands, have gotten their frustra­tions out of their systems--with no harm done--and they have been paid, well paid, for their efforts. (Probably better than they could have been had they gone public.) As for the CIA, it, too, is content with the arrangement; for it is its arrangement, a pact made among friends and colleagues, one that conveniently shuts out the primary enemy of those possessed of the clandes­tine mentality--the public.


    Policy must be based on the best estimate of the facts which can be put together. That estimate in turn should be given by some agency which has no axes to grind and which itself is not wedded to any particular policy.
    Allen Dulles

    [H: As you might guess, a lot of deletions pop up in this sec­tion.]

    Workmen had already started to put the White House Christ­mas decoration in place on a December day in 1969 when the President met in the Cabinet room with the National Security Council. The

    out to the interested parts of the federal government the previous April, bureaucrats had been writing position papers to prepare their chiefs for this meeting. There was sharp disagreement within the government on how hard a line the United States should take with the


    Now the time for decision-making was at hand, and those pre­sent included the Vice President, the Secretaries of State and Defense, the Under Secretaries of State and Commerce, the Di­rector of Central Intelligence, a representative of the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Admiral Thomas Moorer, the newly named Chairman of the JCS, was attending his first NSC meet­ing in this capacity. The President noted the occasion by intro­ducing him to all assembled as "Admiral Mormon".

    The President opened the session by stating that the NSC had before it some very complex problems--complex not only in the usual foreign-policy sense but also in a moral context which, the President noted, concerned a large portion of the American population. Nixon then turned to his DCI, Richard Helms, and said, "Go ahead, Dick".

    The NSC meeting had officially begun, and as was custom­ary, Helms set the scene by giving a detailed briefing on the po­litical and economic background of the countries under dis­cussion. Using charts and maps carried in by an aide, he de­scribed recent developments in southern Africa. (His other­wise flawless performance was marred only by his mispro­nunciation of "Malagasy" [formerly Madagascar], when re­ferring to the young republic.)

    Next, Henry Kissinger talked about the kind of general pos­ture the United States could maintain toward the ( DELETED ) and outlined the specific policy options open to the President. In the case of


    the United States to do so. To what extent Helms' arguments played a part in the presidential decision can be answered only by Richard Nixon himself. But, the following year, at the re­quest of the British, the United States did end its


    was such an established factor that it was not even under review at the NSC meeting.

    Some of the statements were quite revealing. Early in the meeting Secretary of State William Rogers jokingly pointed out, to general-laughter in the room, that it might be inappropriate for the group to discuss the subject at hand, since some of those present had represented southern African clients in earlier law practices. Vice President Spiro Agnew gave an impassioned speech on how the South Africans, now that they had re­cently declared their independence, were not about to be pushed around, and he went on to compare South Africa to the United States in its infant days. Finally, the President leaned over to Agnew and said gently, "You mean Rhodesia, don't you, Ted?"

    It was extraordinary for Helms to speak out to the NSC about the detrimental effect his agency would suffer if the ( ** DELETED ** ) since the DCI's normal role at these sessions is limited to providing the introductory background briefing. As the President's principal intelligence advisor, his function is to supply the facts and the intelligence community's best estimate of future events in order to help the decision-makers in their work. What Helms was saying to the NSC was entirely factual, but it had the effect of injecting intelligence operations into a policy decision. In theory at least, the decision-makers are sup­posed to be able to choose the most advantageous options with the benefit of intelligence--not for the benefit of intelligence.

    * * *

    Let us break here, Dharma, for you have other business. Salu.

  2. #8
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 48
    CHAPTER 13

    MON., APRIL 6, 1992 9:43:54 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 234
    MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1992
    It is probably time to remind you that the portions of this docu­ment which bear "deletions" come directly from a book written by one whom I call "I Am Anonymous" (IMA) for this interim time in focus. The CIA deleted the information where same is indicated. I am asked about this often now, so I recognize that you ones are reading the information out of proper order. I ex­plained all of this in detail at the beginning of writing about the CIA Cult of Intelligence. I give full credit for the work utilized from the author in point and I fully intend to fill in the blanks, with or without his input for he is under court order never to di­vulge the missing information. You are playing with "rough" individuals and I intend to protect persons who assist in this transition--you who object will simply have to do so with my blessings and compassion for your lack of understanding--your desire to know it all does not surpass the right of individuals who have risked it all, to share with you, the danger of undue exposure. So be it. Please, let us continue so that we can move on to other pressing information discussions. I ask to stay right with this topic until we can conclude it as to the era when first presented. Thank you.


    Many, but by no means all, intelligence professionals agree that the primary and, indeed, paramount purpose of the intelli­gence process is to produce meaningful, timely information on foreign developments after a careful analysis of secret and open sources. The finished product should be balanced in perspective and objective in presentation. Under no circumstances is intelligence supposed to advise a particular course of action. The in­telligence function, when properly performed, is strictly an in­formational service.

    This is the theory, but in actual practice the U.S. intelligence community has deeply intruded--and continues to--into the pol­icy-making arena. Perhaps it is unrealistic to expect that a $6 billion activity with more than 150,000 employees working in over 100 countries would do otherwise. Nevertheless, it should be understood that when someone like Richard Helms publicly declares, as he did in 1971, "We make no foreign policy," he may be technically correct in the sense that CIA officials must receive approval from the White House for their main pro­grams; but he is absolutely incorrect in leaving the impression that the intelligence community, apart from supplying informa­tion, does not have a profound determinative effect on the formulation and carrying out the American foreign policy.

    The very existence of the CIA as an instrument for secret in­tervention in other countries' internal affairs changes the way the nation's highest leaders look at the world. They know that if open political or economic initiatives fail, they can call on the CIA to bail them out. One suspects that the Eisenhower admin­istration might have made more of an effort during its last ten months to prevent relations with Cuba from reaching the break­ing point if the President had not already given his approval to the clandestine training of a refugee army to overthrow the Cas­tro regime.


    The extreme secrecy in which the CIA works increases the chances that a President will call it into action. He does not have to justify the agency's activities to Congress, the press, or the American people; so, barring premature disclosure, there is no institutional force within the United States to stop him from doing what he wants. Furthermore, the secrecy of CIA op­erations allows a President to authorize actions in other coun­tries which, if conducted openly, would brand the United States as an outlaw nation. International law and the United Nations charter clearly prohibit one country from interfering in the internal affairs of another, but if the interference is done by a clandestine agency whose operations cannot readily be traced back to the United States, then a President has a much freer hand. He does not even have to worry about adverse public reaction at home or abroad. For example, after Salvador Allende had been elected President of Chile in 1970, President Nixon was asked at a press conference why the United States was willing to intervene militarily in Vietnam to prevent a communist takeover but would not do the same thing in Chile to prevent a Marxist from taking power; he replied that "for the United States to have intervened in a free election and to have turned it around, I think, would have had repercussions all around Latin America that would have been far worse than what happened in Chile."

    The President failed to mention that he had approved


    but by keeping his action secret, he was able to avoid--at least for the time being--the "adverse political reaction" which he feared. If there had been no CIA to do the job covertly, the U.S. government almost certainly would not have tried to involve itself in the Chilean elections, since it was obviously not willing to own up to its actions.

    Clandestine operations can appear to a President as a panacea, as a way of pulling the chestnuts out of the fire without going through all the effort and aggravation of tortuous diplomatic negotiations. And if the CIA is somehow caught in the act, the "deniability" of these operations, in theory, saves a President from taking any responsibility--or blame. Additionally, the CIA is equipped to act quickly in a crisis. [H: Please read this portion again for you have witnessed this "cover" in action in two MAJOR scandals where the President claims no information or involvement.] It is not hindered nearly as much by a cumbersome bureaucracy as is the Pentagon, and it has proved its ability to move with little advance notice, as it did in the Congo during the early 1960's, to put an "instant air force" into action. And the agency's field personnel do not demand the support facilities of their military colleagues. In Laos forty or fifty career CIA officers assisted by several hundred contractees ran an entire "secret war", whereas the Pentagon, given the same mission, probably would have set up a military-assistance command with thousands of personnel (as it did in Vietnam) at a much greater cost to the United States. Also, CIA operators are much less likely than the military to grouse publicly that political restrictions are forcing them to fight "with one arm tied behind our back", and this makes the agency attractive to a President who has no desire to engage in a running battle with his generals over the tactics to be used in a particular situation.

    The CIA does not originate an American commitment to a country. The President and the State Department do that. But once CIA operations are started in a foreign land, the U.S. stake in that nation's future increases. Certainly the American interest would be even larger if the President decided to send in combat troops instead of his covert warriors, but such open intervention would have to be justified publicly. In the 1950's and early 1960's neither President Eisenhower nor President Kennedy wanted to make such a commitment in Vietnam or Laos. Yet, by using foreign-aid funds and heavy doses of covert operations, they were able to create and then keep alive anti-communist governments in both countries. When these palliatives proved insufficient later in the 1960's, President Johnson chose to send American ground troops into Vietnam and to begin the systematic bombing of Laos by the U.S. Air Force. It might be argued that the CIA's covert operations put off the day when more massive amounts of American power would be needed, but it also might be said that if the agency had not managed to keep the governments in Saigon and Vientiane functioning for such a long time, the United States would never have intervened openly at all.

    In neither Vietnam nor Laos was the CIA acting without the approval of the nation's highest policy-makers. Indeed, all the agency's major covert-action operations are approved by the 40 Committee, and the President himself closely reviews this committee's decisions. But even approved clandestine activities have a way of taking on a life of their own, as field operatives loosely interpret the general guidelines that come down from the White House through Langley. By not closely supervising CIA covert operations, the nation's highest leaders have allowed the agency to affect foreign policy profoundly. For example, dur­ing the CIA revolt against the leftist Guatemalan regime in 1954, an agency plane bombed a British freighter which was suspected of carrying arms to the embattled government troops. In fact the ship was loaded with coffee and cotton, and, fortu­nately, no one was injured when only one of the bombs ex­ploded. Richard Bissell admitted to the New York Times on April 28, 1966, that the attack on the British vessel was a "sub-incident" that "went beyond the established limits of policy". Bissell continued, "you can't take on operations of this scope, draw boundaries of policy around them and be absolutely sure that those boundaries will not be overstepped."


    The CIA got involved in another "sub-incident" while it was training Cuban exiles at secret bases in Guatemala for an inva­sion of their homeland. In November 1960 a rebellion broke out against the Guatemalan government which had been so gra­cious in allowing the agency to use its territory as the jumping-off point for the Cuban operation. The CIA returned the favor by sending its B-26 bombers to help crush the insurgency. It is not clear whether White House permission was given for these attacks, but there was no question that the CIA had again inter­fered in Guatemalan internal politics--this time to make sure that no new Guatemalan government would oust it from its secret bases. Once embarked on the attempt to overthrow Castro, the agency had become involved in a chain of events which forced it to intervene militarily in a second country to protect its opera­tion against Cuba. The President may have set the original pol­icy, but there was no way he could have known that simply by approving an attack on Cuba he would set in motion agency paramilitary activities against Guatemala.

    CIA operations can have another unforeseen effect on American foreign policy: they can subject the country to black­mail if something goes wrong. For instance, within five days after the CIA pilot was shot down and captured by Indonesia in 1958, the U.S. government approved the sale for local currency of 37,000 tons of American rice and lifted an embargo on $1 million in small arms and other military equipment. Consider­ing that at that moment the CIA was actively backing an armed revolution against the Sukarno regime, these would have been strange actions indeed for the U.S. government to take if it were not extremely concerned about saving the cap­tured pilot.

    A somewhat similar incident occurred in Singapore in 1960 after a CIA lie-detector expert was flown into the city to make sure that a locally recruited agent was trustworthy. When the agency technician plugged in his polygraph machine in a hotel room, he blew out all the fuses in the building. [H: AT THIS POINT AN ENTIRE LENGTHY FOOTNOTE (18 LINES) WAS DELETED. The lie-detector man, a CIA case officer, and the local agent were soon under arrest. The Singapore government and the British, who were in the process of granting Singapore its independence, were both disturbed by the incident. Negotiations then ensued to secure the men's release. Accord­ing to Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, the U.S. gov­ernment offered $3.3 million to get them out. Lee claimed that he wanted ten times as much and consequently took nothing. In any case, the two CIA officials were subsequently freed, and the newly installed Secretary of State, Dean Rusk, wrote a secret letter of apology to the Singapore leader. In a 1965 speech Lee mentioned the affair as an example of the type of activity en­gaged in by the CIA. The State Department issued a routine de­nial furnished by the CIA--State's press office not realizing the truth of Lee's charges. Lee reacted by publicly producing Rusk's letter of apology, and State was forced to retract its original statement, although it still maintained that no ransom had ever been offered. As well as embarrassing the U.S. gov­ernment and making headlines around the world, the incident caused the State Department to revamp its internal system for making announcements about intelligence matters.


    In general the presence of American intelligence facilities in a foreign country can have an important effect on American policy toward that country, especially in the Third World. Closely aligned countries, such as


    But to the less developed countries, the presence of an American installation is both a threat and an opportunity. The threat comes form domestic opposition forces who look on the base as an example of "neo-colonialism" and use it as a weapon against those in power. The opportunity arises out of the fact that the United States will pay dearly for the right to install its eaves­dropping equipment and keep it in place--as ( DELETED ) discovered.


    Both host governments have been severely criticized by internal forces and neighboring countries for giving the United States a foothold in their nations, but both have been handsomely re­warded in American military and economic assistance well into the hundreds of millions of dollars. While comparatively mod­est amounts of aid would probably have been supplied even if there had been no bases, the large size of the programs repre­sented, in effect, a direct payment for the intelligence facilities.


    Similarly, from 1956 until the end of 1969 the U.S. Air Force operated a huge base near Peshawar in Pakistan which was pri­marily an intelligence facility. For several years before Francis Gary Power's abortive flight over the Soviet Union in 1960, the CIA's U-2 planes used Peshawar as a principal takeoff point for reconnaissance flights over and along the edges of the Soviet Union. In addition,


    From the early days of the Eisenhower administration, the United States had allied itself more closely with Pakistan than with India in those two countries' continuing struggle. Yet at least some experts on the region believe that an important factor in the American "tilt" toward Pakistan, at least until the late 1960's, was the desire to hold on to the base at Peshawar.

    Another site of large American technical espionage installations iS the island of Taiwan. In this instance the United States did not have to provide the Nationalist Chinese government with much inducement to allow the construction of the facilities, since they were aimed against the Nationalists' archenemy on the mainland and some of the information gathered was shared with the Chiang Kai-shek government. Furthermore, in the fif­teen or so years after the Nationalists' expulsion from China, the CIA closely cooperated with Chiang's intelligence service to run covert missions against the mainland, and the Nationalists were so dependent on the United States for their very existence that they were in no position to extract a large payment from the United States for the intelligence bases. Yet, by giving the CIA and the other agencies a free hand to build virtually any kind of facility they chose, the Chiang government made it much more difficult for the United States to disengage from Taiwan and build better relations with China. Many of the most important installations for the surveillance of the mainland are located on the island, and they represent an investment valued in the hun­dreds of millions of dollars. All American military forces, in­cluding those engaged in intelligence work, will have to be re­moved from Taiwan before the United States meets the Chinese conditions for complete normalization of relations between the two countries.


    Recent history is full of other examples of technical espionage programs having a profound effect on U.S. foreign policy. The shoot-down of the U-2 over the Soviet Union in 1960 caused the cancellation of the Eisenhower-Khruschev summit meeting. The spy ship Liberty, while trying to monitor the action during the 1967 Six Day War, moved in too close (because a "warning" message from Washington was misrouted) and was intentionally shot up by Israeli planes and boats. Thirty-four Americans were killed. As a result, according to former DIA and CIA staffer Patrick McGarvey in his book CIA: THE MYTH AND THE MADNESS, the Joint Chiefs of Staff "proposed a quick, retaliatory air strike on the Israeli naval base which launched the at-tack." The Chiefs' recommendations was turned down. Mc-Garvey continues:

    The next year the North Koreans seized a similar ship, the Pueblo, and interned its crew. Again we were on the brink of war because of intelligence, the supposed secret arm of government. The JCS again recommended an air strike. The Pueblo incident was followed by the shoot-down of a United States reconnaissance plane (A Navy EC-121) off the coast of North Korea a little over a year later. And again JCS wanted to mount an air strike.

    There have been other disastrous reconnaissance flights-- these over China--that have gone virtually unreported in the American press. Some of these have been mentioned by the New China News Agency, but have apparently been dismissed in the West as communist propaganda. [H: What about the U-2 which was just brought down off South Korea within the past three or four months? It was brought down, crew killed and yet, after two days--nothing!] They include the shooting down of several CIA U-2 planes flown by Nationalist pilots and even more U.S. Air Force pilotless "drone" aircraft (The Chinese claim nineteen downed between 1964 and 1969) over the Chinese mainland. American SR-71s also flew regularly over China (and continue to do so over North Korea) until all reconnaissance flights were stopped as a result of Henry Kissinger's first trip to Peking in 1971 [that you knew about].

    At the very time in October 1969 when the United States was trying to resume diplomatic contact with the Chinese, Air Force Intelligence, with the approval of the 40 Committee, sent a drone over southern China. On October 28 the New China News Agency reported the downing of "a U.S. imperialist, pilotless, high altitude plane", but


    Another extremely provocative drone flight was proposed by the Pentagon in the period after the American invasion of Cambodia in 1970. The mission was approved by the 40 Commit-tee over the strong objections of the State Department which estimated that roughly one in three of these aircraft would be shot down.


    The official justification for all the espionage missions carried out by intelligence planes and ships is to gather intelligence which helps to protect the national security of the United States. But with literally hundreds of flights and cruises scheduled each month along the borders of and over unfriendly countries, inevitably there are embarrassing failures. That these abortive missions on occasion cause international crises is understood by the policy-makers who rather routinely give their approval, and is presumably figured in as one of the costs of acquiring the intelligence. Yet it is frightening to realize that some of these spying forays could have led--and could in the future lead--to armed conflict. Missions that violate the territorial integrity of foreign countries are clear violations of sovereignty and any country that shoots at an intruder inside its borders is completely within its legal rights.


    * * *

    In your Constitution there is no mention of intelligence, or spies, or intelligence agencies, or internal security--nothing of what is called the "American national security state" and certainly nothing about wars being staged by Clandestine Forces or inter­nal security apparatus that form the most intriguing aspect of the greatest military and economic power the world has ever seen.


    A curious paradox, and it is one created by that very document. The Constitution guarantees individual liberties, the right of the minority to dissent, and privacy. But it also gives the President of the United States broad powers in the conduct of foreign pol­icy--and, implicitly, intelligence operations--thus creating a dilemma for American democracy. The problem centers on the questions of secrecy: the conduct of foreign policy and intelli­gence operations is largely secret, and secrecy is anathema to democracy. The Constitution specifically states that ALL will be done publicly and openly. The evil intent speaks for itself for God is totally OPEN and evil always hides behind secret in­tent and ritual. You be the "judge".

    What you Americans have allowed is the moving of your enemy against the Constitution, within your very being, nurtured it and in every way demanded and now the "Piper" must be paid for he will not simply go away nor will he give up his toys.

    You are going to have to make your choices of direction and get up and DO SOMETHING. I do not, for instance, accept "I can't" for never will God give you that which "CAN'T BE DONE." So, DO IT--get off your "buts"; you know, those "but if I do, what might - -" and "but they might do - - -" and "but if - - -". It rests with YOU--not your neighbor or your buddy or your government--YOU!

    PJ 48
    CHAPTER 14


    TUE., APRIL 7, 1992 1:47 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 235

    TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1992

    While Allen Dulles professed to believe that U.S. foreign policy should be based on intelligence estimates developed by an agency with "no axes to grind and....itself...not wedded to any particular policy," his actions were not always true to these words. Consequently, he made possible the Bay of Pigs--the classic case of what can happen when intelligence is misused in the carrying out of a clandestine operation.

    The problem started on the eve of Fidel Castro's triumphant march into Havana in January 1959 while CIA analysts were preparing a report for the White House stating that the rebels' success was due largely to the corruption of the Batista regime and the resulting popular disgust among the Cuban people. Allen Dulles personally intervened in the intelligence process and rewrote this report to suit his own political biases. In Dulles' view, Castro's victory was not a natural development that could have been expected in light of the faults of Batista. Dulles' Calvinistic mind may well have seen the hand of the Devil at work, and he predicted that there would be a slaughter in Havana which would put the French Revolution to shame. "Blood will flow in the streets," he wrote passionately in the CIA report to the White House.

    For the most part, however, the agency's analysts took a more moderate tone in the months that followed. They stressed that Castro's Cuba, while something of an annoyance, was in no way a direct threat to the security of the United States. The Intelligence Directorate also tried to explain that Castro, despite his socialistic leanings, was fiercely independent and a devout nationalist, much like Indonesia's Sukarno, Egypt's Nasser, and Ghana's Nkrumah--all opponents of Western domination of the Third World but certainly not agents of any international com­munist conspiracy. Most important for future events, the ana­lysts wrote that, regardless of the emotional reports flowing from Cuban refugees concerning political unrest on the island, Castro appeared to have general support of the populace.

    Dulles did not accept this finding of his intelligence analysts, nor did he promote their point of view at the White House. In­stead, he seized upon the reporting of the Clandestine Services as more truly reflective of events in Cuba. Dulles had always believed that the field operator was a more reliable judge of events than the intelligence analyst back at headquarters. Prior to Castro's takeover, there had not even been a full-time CIA analyst of Cuban problems in the Intelligence Directorate, and the two that were added after January 1959 never really won Dulles' trust. He preferred to read the assessments of the Clan­destine Services' officers, who did their own evaluation of the clandestine reports received from secret agents.


    Sometime during late 1959 Dulles decided that the best solu­tion for the Cuban problem would be to invade Cuba with an army of Cuban refugees and to overthrow Castro. He was un­questionably influenced by the reports of the Clandestine Ser­vices, which, unlike those of the Intelligence Directorate, stressed the unpopularity of the Castro regime, its internal fric­tions, and its economic troubles. In March 1960, President Eisenhower, at Dulles' urging and with Dulles' facts at hand, gave his approval for the CIA to start recruiting and training the ill-fated invasion force. Robert Amory, the Deputy Director of Intelligence, was never officially told the invasion was in the works so that his experts could analyze the chances of success. Dulles was convinced that Cuba was ripe for an invasion, and as he was the President's chief intelligence advisor, that was that.

    When the CIA's military force failed to topple Castro in the spring of 1961, the agency's Intelligence Directorate temporarily gained equal footing with the Clandestine Services. This did not occur because there was any new found appreciation of the analysts' work but rather because the operators were in a gen­eral state of disgrace after the Bay of Pigs. John McCone took over as Director in November 1961, and after rising above his initial distrust of the entire organization, he ultimately saw the need for and the value of high-quality national intelligence.


    ... Castro, whose secret agents had penetrated the CIA's oper­ations long before the Bay of Pigs, knew perfectly well what the CIA was doing, and the ongoing American attacks against his rule may well have been an important factor in his decision in the spring of 1962 to allow the Soviet Union to install offensive nuclear weapons in his country. Assassination of Castro seemed to have been a recurrent idea in the CIA during these years. E. Howard Hunt claims to have recommended it before the Bay of Pigs, only to be turned down. In November of 1961, President Kennedy mentioned the idea in a private chat with Tad Szule, then of the New York Times. Kennedy asked the newsman, "How would you feel if the United States assassinated Castro?" When Szule said he thought it was a very poor idea, Kennedy said, "I'm glad you feel that way because suggestions to that ef­fect keep coming to me and I believe very strongly the United States should not be a party to political assassination." Lyndon Johnson told his former aide, Leo Janos, as recounted in a July 1973 Atlantic article, "We had been operating a damned Mur­der, Inc. in the Caribbean." Janos elaborated, "A year or so be­fore Kennedy's death a CIA-backed assassination team had been picked up in Havana. Johnson speculated that Dallas had been a retaliation for this thwarted attempt, although he couldn't prove it."


    The Cuban missile crisis that developed as a result produced one of the finest hours for the CIA and the intelligence commu­nity, although the last National Intelligence Estimate, prepared by the CIA a little over a month before President Kennedy went on nationwide television to announce the Cuban "quarantine", declared that it was unlikely that the Soviets would install nu­clear-tipped missiles on the island. The fact remains, however, that the CIA and the other intelligence agencies did discover the Soviet missiles in time for the President to take action, and they presented the facts to Kennedy with no policy recommendations or slanting which could have limited his options. This was how the intelligence process was supposed to work.

    The affair started in the late spring of 1962 when CIA ana­lysts noted that the Soviets were sending an increased amount of military assistance to Cuba. These shipments were not viewed with particular alarm in the agency, since there was still much to be done in the Soviet re-equipping of the Cuban army forces, which was then under way. Furthermore, the CIA had ways of keeping track of what arms flowed into Cuba.

    Since January 1961, when the Eisenhower Administration had broken diplomatic relations with the Castro regime, there had been no agency operators working out of an American Em­bassy in Havana, but the


    Additionally, a steady flow of refugees was arriving in Miami and being debriefed by agency officers permanently assigned there. As was true before the Bay of Pigs, the stories told by many of these refugees were hysterical but occasionally some valuable nugget of information would be gleaned from their tales.

    Based on President Kennedy's request, the USIB had set Cuba as a Priority National Intelligence Objective (PNIO), and the various military intelligence agencies had been assigned ex­tensive collection requirements by the USIB. New requirements were almost continually levied in response to the specific needs of the analysts. The Air Force and the Navy carefully watched the shipping lanes and photographed Soviet ships destined for Cuba. Surveillance was provided by the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean, by the Atlantic fleet (which even had a listening post at Guantanamo Bay inside Cuba), and by the Air Force. U.S. intelligence photographed ship movements and listened in electronically on Cuban communications. The National Security Agency tuned its huge antennae in on Soviet shipping and Cuban communications. ITT had operated much of the Cuban communications system before Castro's nationalizations, and the company worked closely with the CIA and NSA to intercept messages. Much of the old equipment was still in use, and the NSA was collecting large amounts of information. Finally, the CIA was flying two U-2 missions each month over Cuba, and the photographs taken by these spy planes were quickly turned over to the analysts.

    So while Soviet military (and economic) assistance to Castro was on the upswing in the late spring of 1962, there seemed lit­tle cause for alarm in the CIA or elsewhere in the U.S. gov­ernment. Moscow had recently eased tensions in Berlin, much to the relief of Washington policy-makers whose strong stand in that divided city appeared to have paid off. But still there were a few ominous signs. The CIA learned that Soviet military personnel were being secretly used in combat roles as sub­marine crews in Indonesia and as bomber crews in Yemen, a drastic departure from previous Soviet practice. Then, by July the analysts noted further increases in the arms being shipped to Cuba, along with the arrival of a large number of young men from the Soviet Union--who Moscow claimed were technical advisors to assist in economic development programs. The CIA doubted this, for, among other reasons, all the "civilians" were young, seemed to have a military bearing, and wore only two kinds of sport shirt. It was becoming clear that the Soviets were supplying too much military equipment for the Cuban armed forces to absorb. A small group of CIA analysts, expert in de­ciphering the ways Moscow and its allies conducted their for­eign aid programs, became convinced that an unprecedented military build-up was occurring in Cuba. Their efforts during August to alert top U.S. officials to this threat were hampered, surprisingly, by military intelligence agencies, namely the DIA and the NSA, which viewed the intensified Soviet activity on the island as mostly economic assistance. Perhaps it was because the CIA had performed so poorly with its inaccurate reporting on Cuba as a prelude to the Bay of Pigs that even the hawkish U.S. military establishment was now leery of the agency's ability to assess the Cuban situation. In any event, both the DIA and the NSA saw fit to counter the CIA intelligence reports with rebuttals in late August 1962.

    The basic reason that the CIA analysts were able to monitor the Soviet arms build-up more closely than the other intelligence agencies, which had essentially the same information available, was the more refined technique that the CIA had developed, including a special analytical tool known as "crate-ology"--a unique method of determining the contents of the large crates carried on the decks of the Soviet ships delivering arms. With a high degree of accuracy, the specialists could look at photographs of these boxes, factor in information about the ship's embarkation point and Soviet military production schedules, and deduce whether the crates contained transport aircraft or jet fighters. While the system was viewed with caution by many in the intelligence community, CIA Director John McCone accepted its findings, and his confidence in the technique proved to be justified.


    Nevertheless, the CIA's analysts did not spot the first shipments of Soviet offensive missiles, which arrived in Cuba during the early part of September. The Soviets escaped the scrutiny of the "crate-ologists" by sending the weapons in the holds of huge freighters, not in crates carried on deck as had been their usual practice when delivering bulky military equipment. On September 19, the USIB approved the National Intelligence Estimates which, while noting the disturbing Soviet arms buildup, declared it unlikely that the Russians would bring in nuclear-tipped missiles. During this period McCone personally suspected the worst of the Soviets, but, to his credit, he did not put his private views forward as the CIA position since, as he would later say, it was based on "intuition", not "hard intelligence". Nevertheless, he did urge the White House to approve an increased schedule of U-2 flights. The President agreed in early October, but, at Defense Secretary McNamara's urging, responsibility for the reconnaissance missions was turned over from the CIA to the Air Force because of the danger that Soviet SAMs (surface-to-air missiles) posed to more frequent flights.

    Just as the new wave of U-2's was starting surveillance of Cuba, on October 9, 1962, the mainland Chinese used a SAM to bring down a CIA U-2 flown by a Nationalist Chinese pilot. A SAM of the same model had knocked Francis Gary Powers out of the air over the Soviet Union two years earlier and would down an Air Force plane over Cuba late in October at the height of the missile crisis.

    On October 14 an Air Force U-2 brought back photographs of six medium-range ballistic-missile sites which were nearing operational readiness and four intermediate range sites in the early stage of construction. CIA analysts were able to verify these pictures indisputably with the help of information previously provided by satellite surveillance of similar installations in the U.S.S.R. and from documents supplied by Penkovsky, and also by comparing the


    And thus the Cuban missile crisis began.


    By the end of October, Nikita Khrushchev had been outmaneuvered 'by Kennedy and he promised to withdraw his country's offensive weapons from Cuba, in return for an American pledge not to invade the island. (This was a pledge that the CIA, with White House approval, seems to have violated systematically by continuing its guerrilla raids on Cuba until the late 1960's.) The CIA and several military intelligence agencies maintained their surveillance despite persistent rumors in the press that the Soviets had hidden some of the missiles in caves. The CIA even noted that a group of IL-28 jet bombers had been removed from a hiding place which the agency had (unknown to I the Soviets) previously discovered.

    President Kennedy chose later to view the missile crisis as a nearly disastrous intelligence failure, since the CIA had been unable to give early warning of the Soviet offensive build-up and had predicted in its last estimate the unlikelihood of Soviet missiles being placed on the island. He was not willing to con­cede that the agency's warning of heavily increased Soviet mili­tary activity on the island during the summer months (when mil­itary intelligence was claiming otherwise) compensated for the CIA's inability to predict that nuclear-missile sites would be constructed--even though it was as a direct result of the agency's warning that surveillance of the island was intensified and ulti­mately led to the discovery of the missiles. To what extent the President still mistrusted the CIA for its Bay of Pigs blunder is unclear, but Kennedy obviously expected better information.

    The Cuban missile crisis illustrated the inherent limitations of intelligence, among the most important of which is that certain events simply cannot be predicted with accuracy or confidence. Khrushchev's decision to install nuclear missiles in Cuba was not knowable until the Soviets had actually embarked on that course of action. Careful psychological studies of Khrushchev's character could provide suppositions that he might act in an un­predictable way, but to have known exactly what he would do would have required divine analytical wisdom or spies in the in­ner reaches of the Kremlin--neither of which the CIA possessed. As for those people in the intelligence community whose vis­ceral feelings led them to expect the worst of Khrushchev and Castro before either had contemplated the missile gamble--to have accepted their speculations as intelligence would have been the height of irresponsibility. Allen Dulles and his Clandestine Services lieutenants had had their own gut reactions to events in Cuba nearly two years earlier, and when their "feelings" were presented to the nation's leaders as intelligence, the outcome was the Bay of Pigs. John McCone proved himself a much more responsible intelligence officer than his predecessor when, unlike Dulles, he refused to impose his own suspicions upon the President. Hindsight may indicate that the Dulles technique, employed by McCone, would have had more favorable results--but hindsight is too easy.

    The CIA and the rest of the intelligence community con­ducted extensive post-mortems of the missile crisis. They found that enough bits and pieces of information and other tenuous evidence had been available to have warranted an earlier judg­ment that the Soviets were installing their missiles. Bureaucratic entanglements and frictions, coupled with some degree of hu­man imperfection, however, prevented even the most astute in­telligence officers from determining the true purpose of Khrushchev's actions. Yet intelligence seems to have done the best it could in the existing circumstances; the one or two accu­rate agent reports picked up during September were buried among thousands of useless, inaccurate, or misleading ones. The collection of huge amounts of secret information from a multitude of sources and the availability of analytical staffs even larger than those available at the time are by themselves no guarantee that the CIA and the intelligence community will pro­duce correct predictions. Intelligence is in essence a guessing game, albeit one that is grounded in fact, logic, and experience. It can be a useful tool to the policy-makers, but it is not, even in its purest form, a magic art.

    * * *


    As I speak on the various encounters and major actions set forth through the CIA I am continually amazed that even with our in-depth writing about the various situations, you are not informed as a citizenry. Things are staged so as to distract you from ev­ery important circumstance. As massive changes come upon you so, then, do the distractions increase until, as today, you have turmoil and uprising, chaos and terrorism in every part of the globe. Since these Clandestine Operations are kept secret, you don't know about them until after the fact and by then the trail is hidden in confusion and wonderment as to what hap­pened, why (even to the lies they tell you) and certainly no one can figure out just what resulted. This is most especially true with a neighbor less than ninety miles from Florida.

    I have told you exactly what happened and how your politicians were totally involved and still are, in an attempt to gain control and business interests in Cuba. The Bush family interests were uppermost at the time of the Cuban Bay of Pigs and still are. I do, however, realize as we write that most of you still don't know what the whole thing was about even as the government presented it to you. Therefore, Dharma, I see no alternative than to speak a bit about the subject.

    The CLAIM was that Cuba was "going communist" and you couldn't have Commies on an island so close to you. The facts were that business interests were being taken back for Cuba by Fidel Castro's government. There was a great "civil" war going on and passions ran very deep in that Cuban civil war, and the American intelligence community was perplexed by events on the island overflowing with turbulence. This, of course, goes back to the 1950's when Fidel Castro was in his very early thir­ties. He wanted great things for Cuba and was optimistic that he would have his way.

    The war went on for some time and Castro and his rebels qui­eted which gave cause for Batista to believe the confrontation was over. Government troops eventually even gave up hunting for the rebels, and announced, in a time of wishful thinking, that Castro and over half of his landing party had been slain. Far from dead, Castro, with his two companions, crawled out of the sugarcane field one day and fled into the Sierra Maestra to form a new guerrilla army. Just over two years later, on New Year's Day 1959, Castro led a triumphant procession of that army into Havana. A few hours before, dictator Fulgencio Batista had fled into exile, carrying nearly $300 million in cash with him, the proceeds of bribes paid by the owners of Havana's Mafia-run gambling casinos.

    Fidel Castro was a charismatic, engaging, intelligent and voluble man whose political outlook seemed rather vague. Throughout his years in the mountains, when he was often portrayed in the American media as a dashing guerrilla leader, Castro had been careful to fudge his political agenda. He even drew flamboyant movie idols into his cause--such as the young Errol Flynn who enjoyed the exciting escapades of such daring adventure.

    Sensitive to the political persuasions of Latin American revolu­tionaries--especially those operating in the country only ninety miles from the American mainland--the CIA made several as­sessments of this curious figure, which generally concluded he was not a Communist (even then there was no overabundance of true "brains" in the operation). Overlooked continually, some­how, was Castro's extensive involvement with Communist rev­olutionary organizations in Venezuela and Mexico during his two decades of political exile from Cuba. Also missed were Castro's own avowals to friends during that period pro­claiming himself a Communist.


    During an executive session only a few days after Castro took power, Allen Dulles informed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the new leader of Cuba did not have "Communist leanings". Yet only weeks earlier, the CIA Di­rector had dropped off at the White House an intelligence report that greatly upset Eisenhower. "Communist and other extreme radicals appear to have penetrated the Castro movement," the report warned. "If Castro takes power, they will probably par­ticipate in the government." The CIA, unsure as to Castro's bona fides, was emitting mixed signals. But events in Cuba in the months following Castro's victory confirmed the worst fears.

    The next that I am going to give you must draw your attention for this is what can happen when governments become subject to the rule of the man in authority--exactly where the United States is headed NOW. Note that in the confusion and upset in Peru this very 48 hours in living--the one taking charge Cancelled the Constitution of Peru.

    So, first, Castro told the moderates in the July 26th Movement coalition that he would NOT RESTORE THE CUBAN CON­STITUTION AND CIVIL LIBERTIES--AS HE HAD PROMISED IN ORDER TO WIN THEIR SUPPORT DUR­ING THE WAR AGAINST BATISTA. SOUND FAMIL­IAR?? "Read my Lips!!" Less than two weeks after taking power, Castro re-legalized the Cuban Communist Party; in March, promised national elections were postponed. Amid ar­rests and executions, upper- and middle-class Cubans began fleeing the island to Miami; by 1960, over one hundred thou­sand Cubans had left. Finally, the nationalization of Ameri­can businesses on the island, worth millions of dollars, caused a distinct frost on already chilly U.S.-Cuban rela­tions.

    We shall continue this at the next writing so that you can begin to look at segments as a part integrated into the whole. You, as a remnant, be it possible--must see the whole and relate to the timing of sequences which have brought you to this day in your counting.

    It is hard to associate things which are only vaguely dim memo­ries in your minds or are absent altogether and if present, are related only as lies instead of truthful facts.


    It is, however, ALL a part of the bits and pieces being played out by the Adversary to have control of ALL by year 2000. It is aptly called the Plan 2000. I have given you the following writing prior to this and I honor the writer who put it first to print, David Lewis:

    In the grim years ahead, the time is 2000. The place: Earth,---now a desolate planet slowly dying by its own accumulated er­rors and follies. Its dying is the end result of man's wasteful years, his growth of technologies in the wrong direction, his fear of being conquered and his inability to cope with the reality that people are a human entity of God and not to be used or misused as a tool of whimsical temperament to deprive, starve or destroy at will.

    By man's own choice, the earth in Global 2000 lies barren of its forests while sand dunes rapidly spread over the fertile farm lands that once served so well. Nearly two million species of plant life has withered on the burned stalks; birds, insects and animals have vanished from sight; the once sparkling rivers that gave life to the world are now dried and the river bottoms are likened to the skin of the crocodile. The fertile valleys, the golden wheat fields, citrus groves and millions of acres of veg­etables are now only a faint recollection of the past. Aircraft no longer fly over your cities and the traffic congested streets are the silent ghosts of an era past. Sidewalks are no longer the foot paths for hurried feet for, although they barely remain, the memory is now lurking in the shadows of the blackened fog of radioactivity that shrouds the atmosphere.

    Nearby and far off structures that once housed a metropolis of activity has changed from the architectural splendor into a dreaded nightmare of man's stubborn attempts to defy God and nature as he changes the atom into weapons of destruction. Yet with this aforehead knowledge firmly planted in the minds of most intelligent men, knowing that this era will come to a close, he is still propagating so rapidly that his momentum is carrying him even faster to a civilization demise.

    This bleak and solemn scenario is not science fiction to any degree but a detailed study of the real world's future in Global 2000, which is a prophecy that is merely waiting to be played out. Global 2000 could grow into an even darker picture prior to this great historical event if you continue to speed up the in­tricate acts and threats of wars, thus painting an absolute shocking picture of the world fifteen years from now. END QUOTE

    God did not plan our future but, knowing man as He does, His prophecies will ring true on that day of Global 2000 and 2001. Man has insisted on his own follies and has learned little by his mistakes, thus he has paved his own road to the abyss of hell-- taking with him--all of mankind.

    Today you live in an era where nearly everything is geared to-ward armament and destruction. Your guns are in readiness, your attitudes are tense, faces grim with the progressing news of world events. Frustration mounting and nerves frayed to near short circuits. You have approached that time in your society where it is now fashionable to burn all candles at both ends, outwardly demonstrate your greed and selfishness, stimulate riots and discontent and scoff at those who still show some Christ-oriented type of "goodness" background.

    To unmeasurable regret, government officials throughout the world have planted the seeds of deceit, spoken unforgivable words in their constant wrangling and planning, intrigues and conspiracies, prepared many guises in order to cover the actual intentions, led the masses to complete ignorance and have aided the communistic parties where they in turn can begin to take over your freedoms within your great nation once founded "under God" and now devoid of all allowance of God--now run, rather, by totally Godless men. Yet, in a war of nerves to the Americans and people of the world, they lead you to believe there will be no impending dangers--while they silently proceed with their plans toward a One World Government, a One World Order, A One World Religion, and for a money control--A One World Bank. Is this the freedom promised you under your Constitution?

    You are now dealing with that actual "tomorrow" now arrived. It is based solely on the truth of man's great follies and how you might survive those later days. What you can no longer do is back away from the conclusions of this fact anymore than you can sidestep the conclusions of Global 2000 now upon you--the stakes are far too high for the United States and for all mankind! Salu.

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