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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 48
    WED., APRIL 1, 1992 7:50 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 229

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1992

    Copies of great advertisements have been sent to me with ques­tions and ponderings. They came, however, too late to get re­sponse unto you readers. I trust that you in other parts of the country have been exposed to same for one who calls self "Ram Dass" is making seminar presentations around your country. This, however, is not the question in point--the Advertisements begin: "Dharma" will spend a - - - -!" The immediate outlay comes from Salt Lake City.

    I do not see how you could be confused, even by the ads, if you actually read our material. I don't want any of you deceived, however, so I will simply state that we have nothing to do with religious services of any kind--we serve ONLY GOD and you need no "in-betweens" telling you how it is, especially ones who have trained with Tavistock engineers such as Leary, etc. There is only ONE GOD and YOU ALREADY HAVE A DIRECT LINE!

    Who then, is Ram Dass? One of very human aspect who has chosen that name to fit his needs. Much of the presentation of­fers possibilities of insight and steps to higher learning. I personally consider Ram Dass to be computer terms. RAM: An acronym for RANDOM ACCESS MEMORY. RAM is the "working memory" of the computer into which applications pro­grams can be loaded from outside and then executed. It is a memory into which the user can enter information and instruc­tions (write), and from which the user can call up data (read). DOS: An acronym for DISK OPERATING SYSTEM. A specialized, disk-oriented program that provides an easy-to-use link between the user and a computer's disk drive.



    There is too much for which to watch and see this day for me to spend precious time at it--note Libya being BLACKMAILED by your country under the guise of the U.N.; note what Bush is giving away to the Soviets along with blackmail to the rest of the "new" nations as well. Note that monies given will be "Global" currency through the International Monetary Fund and The World Bank. Note also that the "package" has already been ap­proved and the treaties signed--Bush is just telling you about it today. If you buy it--then, the Astronauts can come home. Boy, you have a lot to learn, Americans, and obviously you could not learn without experience for selves--a world in shambles didn't seem to even make you "nod".


    There is something to see in the winnings of SILENCE OF THE LAMBS, the story of serial killings of the worst imaginable kind. The acting was very good but I am appalled at the substance, except that these types of violent presentations (and above all--winning) causes you viewers to reconsider your attitudes regarding the content. It is only a blatant and intended shock to you-the-public to further cause you to drown in violence and decadence of the most horrific and debasing kind. What happened to entertainment? The Academy just couldn't bring itself to allow goodness to win--can you not see? Would I suggest you NOT see it? Come now, since when has Hatonn EVER TOLD YOU NOT TO SEE AND HEAR A THING? SEE AND HEAR ALL YOU WISH--ONLY ASK "GOD" TO SIT WITH YOU IN THE VIEWING CHAMBER AND SEE WHAT YOU GET IN SUBSTANCE. AHO.


    I shall effort to get to dictation via recorder a bit later today for we are again terribly behind and I weary of having to ask for your patience. Also, we will have a meeting on the week-end and we shall endeavor to compile questions in an orderly man-ner to cover and make available to you.

    We only "offer", for we have the meetings anyway and I cannot longer take the time from the JOURNALS to respond to questions--and some are spoken from many, many of you and need response. Will it not be nice when ALL can hear and understand and we need no speakers? Ah, indeed, we are headed there rapidly and Dharma, I believe, is the most relieved to have the encouraging word. Until then we simply keep on keeping on. The Pentagon, the CIA and Military Intelligence--as well as British Intelligence--are all after us. In this last LIBERATOR we show you pictures of the underground Northrop installations from the surface. This is to reassure you that we are not playing games with our information. Those sites were given in a general overview of the national picture of major construction and use.

    I suggest you all go forth and effort at breakneck speed getting Perot and Gritz into a team working together and you can pull off the remainder of the revelations of conspiracy against you.


    Note how your old friend--er--ah--well, not Dharma's old friend for she made it early onto the top of his "hit list". At any rate, note Kissinger defending his "Associates" and telling you he had no gain from any of his "connections". Chelas, if you allow the tiger to chew upon your carcass--guess what?? Can you now see that "Knowing Truth" is the only weapon you have remaining?? We of the "Hosts", through God and the Beloved Christed Ones, can show you the way and provide the transportation--but you have to desire to make the trip. Salu.


    To THINK is to CREATE, or, As you THINK in your HEART, so is it with you.

    Stop and think a moment on this that it may get firmly fixed within your mind. A Thinker is a Creator. A Thinker lives in a world of his own conscious creation. When you once know how "to think", you can create at will anything you wish--whether it be a new personality, a new environment--or a new world.

    If you will allow that wondrous tool to be guided in goodly transition you will come to KNOW that all consciousness is One, and how it is all God's Consciousness manifest in His creations. This understanding gives rise to the fact that all invisible cells will unite and form the various organisms for the expression and use of the different Centers of Intelligence in Association (CIA; according to God) through which God desires to "express".

    Well, chelas, you were created in God's Image and Likeness after which was breathed into you the Breath of Life and ye be­came a Living Soul.


    By creating man in God's Image and Likeness, He created an organism capable of expressing ALL of His Consciousness and all of His Will, which means likewise all of His POWER, INTELLIGENCE--AND LOVE! HE THEREFORE MADE IT PERFECT IN THE BEGINNING, PATTERNING IT AFTER HIS OWN PERFECTION.

    When God breathed into man's organism His Breath, it be­came alive with Him; for then it was He who breathed into it His Will--not from without, but from within--from the Kingdom of Heaven within, where always He IS. Ever af­terward He breathed and lived and had His Being within man, for He created him in His Own Image and Likeness ONLY FOR THAT PURPOSE.

    The proof of this is: man does not and cannot breathe of himself. Something far greater than his conscious, natural self lives in his body and breathes through his very lungs. A mighty power within his body thus uses the lungs, even as it uses the heart to force the blood containing the life indrawn through the lungs to every cell of the body; as it uses the stomach and other organs to digest and assimilate food to make blood, tissue, hair and bone; as it uses the brain, the tongue, the hands and feet, to think and say and do every­thing that man does.

    This power is God's Will to BE and LIVE in man. There­fore, whatever man is, God IS, and whatever man does, or you do, God DOES, and whatever you say or think, it is God Who says or thinks it through your organism.

    Please give some of your thoughts to this matter for you have been sorely misled and it shall be costly indeed if you see not the Truth and reality of your presence and reality. So be it.


    Back to the CIA and other dreary, dark secrets thrust against you. First in order this day in this writing is a further outlay of activities of Kissinger and Clone Bush because it is such an inte­gral part of the Intelligence Cult mentality and organization. I simply cannot rush through this uncovering in limited measure for it is all so entangled that it must be unraveled thread by thread. Thank you for your attention and please do not spend time flailing self for that which you knew not--come into KNOWING and then the creative thoughts for action will start to surge.

    I am overwhelming Dharma with information and I must take caution lest I rush toO quickly. I consider that if she can write it--you can read it in even less time and that measures my output to your needs--if you get behind, it is of your doing for I shall not slow the pace and yet you MUST realize from day to day that much is going on which I cannot even begin to touch upon.

    Two things of great importance are: First Colonel Fletcher Prouty (now famous because of the JFK uncover) has such abundant information of even more importance to you that I know not how to get it all to you. He has just exposed that there exists an Anglo-American "Murder, Inc." which targets and undermines the sovereignty of the European nations. So you see--the threads of the web move in all directions to encompass the globe--BUT THE HEART OF THE WEB ALWAYS RE­SIDES IN THE ONE FOCUS--THE GLOBAL CON­TROLLERS, IN PRACTICAL REFERENCE: THE COM­MITTEE OF 300.

    Second, you need to know all about the "collapse of Olympia and York Real Estate corporations".

    The Bank of England is right now coordinating a massive inter­national effort to prevent the insolvency of the Canadian-based real estate giant from bringing down the international dollar credit system. The effort involves Canada's central bank and the U.S. Federal Reserve. It is all a part and parcel of the "dope" business run by the Bush Brush Gang and I need to tell you about it, so please bear with us while I effort to run on through the Kissinger clone business.

    Chelas, PLEASE COUNT YOUR CALENDAR YEARS--THE CONSPIRACY LAID FORTH "PLAN 2000" AND THAT MEANS, BY ANY LANGUAGE--TOTAL CONTROL OF ALL NATIONS AND PEOPLE--BY YEAR 2000! You are IN IT, beloved ones, for time has run out for them to bring down the prison doors. PLEASE WAKE UP!!


    The farce of Bush's pantomime in support of the Kissinger China card very nearly turned into the tragedy of general war in late 1971. This involved the December 1971 war between India and Pakistan, which led to the creation of an independent state of Bangladesh, and which must be counted as one of the least-known thermonuclear confrontations of the U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. For Kissinger and Bush, what was at stake in this cri­sis was the consolidation of the China card.

    In 1970, Yahya Khan, the British-connected, Sandhurst-edu­cated dictator of Pakistan, was forced to announce that elections would be held in the entire country. It will be recalled that Pakistan was at that time two separate regions, East and West, with India in between. In East Pakistan or Bengal, the Awami League of Sheik Mujibur Rahman campaigned on a platform of autonomy for Bengal, accusing the central government in far-off Islamabad of ineptitude and exploitation. The resentment in East Pakistan was made more acute by the fact that Bengal had just been hit by a typhoon, which had caused extensive flooding and devastation, and by the failure of the government in West Pakistan to organize an effective relief effort. In the elections, the Awami League won 167 out of 169 seats in the East. Yahya Khan delayed the seating of the new national assembly and, on the evening of March 25, ordered the Pakistani Army to arrest Mujibur and to wipe out his organization in East Pakistan.


    The army proceeded to launch a campaign of political genocide in East Pakistan. Estimates of the number of victims range from 500,000 to 3 million dead. All members of the Awami League, all Hindus, all students and intellectuals were in danger of exe­cution by roving army patrols. A senior U.S. Foreign Service officer sent home a dispatch in which he told of West Pakistani soldiers setting fire to a women's dormitory at the University of Dacca and then machine-gunning the women when they were forced by the flames to run out. Chelas, this is evil at its height of horror. This campaign of killing went on until December and it generated an estimated 10 million refugees which caused inde­scribable chaos in India, whose government was unable to pre­vent untold numbers from starving to death.

    From the very beginning of this monumental genocide, Kissinger and Nixon made it clear that they would not condemn Yahya Khan whom Nixon considered a personal friend. Kissinger referred merely to the "strong-arm tactics of the Pak­istani military", and Nixon circulated a memo in his own hand­writing saying, "To all hands. Don't squeeze Yahya at this time." Nixon stressed repeatedly that he wanted to "tilt" in fa­vor of Pakistan in the crisis.

    One level of explanation for this active complicity in genocide was that Kissinger and Nixon regarded Yahya Khan as their in­dispensable back channel to Peking. But Kissinger could soon go to Peking any time he wanted, and soon he could talk to the Chinese U.N. delegate in a New York safe house. The essay and support for the butcher Yahya Khan was this: In 1962, India and China had engaged in brief border war, and the Peking leaders regarded India as their geopolitical enemy. In order to ingratiate himself with Chou and Mao, Kissinger wanted to take a position in favor of Pakistan, and therefore of Pakistan's ally China, and against India and against India's ally, the U.S.S.R. (Shortly after Kissinger's trip to China had taken place and Nixon had announced his intention to go to Peking, India and the U.S.S.R. signed a 20 year friendship treaty.)

    In Kissinger's view, the Indo-Pakistani conflict over Bengal was sure to become a Sino-Soviet clash by proxy, and he wanted the United States aligned with China in order to impress Peking with the vast benefits to be derived from the U.S.-P.R.C. strategic alliance under the heading of the "China card".

    Kissinger and Nixon were isolated within the Washington bu­reaucracy on this issue. Secretary of State Rogers was very re­luctant to go on supporting Pakistan, and this was the prevalent view in Foggy Bottom and in the embassies around the world. Nixon and Kissinger were isolated from the vast majority of congressional opinion, which expressed horror and outrage over the extent of the carnage being carried out week after week, month after month, by Yahya Khan's armed forces. Even the media and U.S. public opinion could not find any reason for the friendly "tilt" in favor of Yahya Khan. On July 31, Kissinger exploded at a meeting of the Senior Review Group when a pro­posal was made that the Pakistani army could be removed from Bengal. "Why is it our business how they govern themselves?" Kissinger raged. "The President always says to tilt to Pakistan, but every proposal I get from inside the U.S. government is in the opposite direction. Sometimes I think I am in a nut house." This went on for months. On December 3, at a meeting of Kissinger's Washington Special Action Group, Kissinger ex­ploded again, exclaiming, "I've been catching unshirted hell ev­ery half-hour from the president who says we're not tough enough. He really doesn't believe we're carrying out his wishes. He wants to tilt toward Pakistan and he believes that every briefing or statement is going the other way."

    Please don't act shocked, readers--the gist of these statements were printed and published in Jack Anderson's syndicated column, and reprinted in Jack Anderson's, THE ANDER­SON PAPERS (New York: Quadrangle/New York Times Book Co. New York Random House, 1973).

    But no matter what Rogers, the State Department and the rest of Washington bureaucracy might do, Kissinger knew that George Bush at the U.N. would play along with the pro-Pakistan tilt. "And I knew that George Bush, our able U.N. ambassador, would carry out the President's policy," wrote Kissinger in his memoirs, in describing his decision to drop U.S. opposition to a Security Council debate on the subcontinent. This made Bush one of the most degraded and servile U.S. officials of the era.


    Indira Gandhi had come to Washington in November to attempt a peaceful settlement to the crisis, but was crudely snubbed by Nixon and Kissinger. The chronology of the acute final phase of the crisis can be summed up as follows:

    December 3, 1971: Yahya Khan ordered the Pakistani Air Force to carry out a series of surprise air raids on Indian air bases in the north and west of India. These raids were not effective in destroying the Indian Air Force on the ground, which had been Yahya Khan's intent, but Yahya Khan's aggression did precipi­tate the feared Indo-Pakistani war. The Indian Army made rapid advances against the Pakistani forces in Bengal, while the Indian Navy blockaded Pakistan's ports. At this time, the biggest-ever buildup in the Soviet naval forces in the Indian Ocean also began.

    December 4: At the U.N. Security Council, George Bush deliv­ered a speech in which his main thrust was to accuse India of repeated incursions into East Pakistan, and challenging the le­gitimacy of India's resort to arms, in spite of the plain evidence that Pakistan had struck first. Bush introduced a draft resolution which called on India and Pakistan immediately to cease all hos­tilities. Bush's resolution also mandated the immediate with­drawal of all Indian and Pakistani armed forces back to their own territory, meaning in effect that India should pull back from East Pakistan and let Yahya Khan's forces there get back to their mission of genocide against the local population. Ob­servers were to be placed along the Indo-Pakistani borders by the U.N. Secretary General.

    Bush's resolution also contained a grotesque call on India and Pakistan to "exert their best efforts toward the creation of a climate conducive to the voluntary return of refugees to East Pakistan". This resolution was out of touch with the two realities: that Yahya Khan had started the genocide in East Pakistan back in March, and that Yahya had now launched aggression against India with his air raids. Bush's resolution was vetoed by the Soviet representative, Yakov Malik.

    December 6: The Indian government extended diplomatic recognition to the independent state of Bangladesh. Indian troops made continued progress against the Pakistani Army in Bengal.

    On the same day, an NBC camera team filmed much of Nixon's day inside the White House. Part of what was recorded, and later broadcast, was a telephone call from Nixon to George Bush at the United Nations, giving Bush his instructions on how to handle the India-Pakistan crisis, "Some, all over the world, will try to make this basically a political issue," said Nixon to Bush. "You've got to do what you can. More important than anything else now is to get the facts out with regard to what we have done, that we have worked for a political settlement, what we have done for the refugees and so forth and so on. If you see that some here in the Senate and House, for whatever reason, get out and misrepresent our opinions, I want you to hit it frontally, strongly, and toughly; is that clear? Just take the gloves off and crack it, because you know exactly what we have done, OK?" You can check this one out also--with references-- from Jack Anderson previously mentioned book. op. cit., p.226. I am not going to waste time referencing all my information--for several urgent reasons, but "time" is reason enough and you can follow on with what I do present.


    December 7: George Bush at the U.N. made a further step for-ward toward global confrontation by branding India as the aggressor in the crisis, as Kissinger approvingly notes in his memoirs. Bush's draft resolution, described above, which had been vetoed by Malik in the Security Council, was approved by the General Assembly by a non-binding vote of 104 to 11, which Kissinger considered a triumph for Bush. But on the same day, Yahya Khan informed the government in Washington that his military forces in East Pakistan were rapidly disintegrating. Kissinger and Nixon seized on a dubious report from an alleged U.S. agent at a high level in the Indian government which purported to summarize recent remarks of Indira Gandhi to her cabinet. According to this report, which may have come from the later Prime Minister Moraji Desai, Mrs. Gandhi had pledged to conquer the southern part of Pakistani-held Kashmir. If the Chinese "rattled the sword", the report quoted Mrs. Gandhi as saying, the Soviets would respond. This unreliable report be-came one of the pillars for furtlaer actions by Nixon, Kissinger and Bush.

    December 8: By this time, the Soviet Navy had some 21 ships either in or approaching the Indian Ocean, in contrast to a pre-crisis level of three ships. At this point, with the Vietnam War raging unabated, the U.S.A. had a total of three ships in the Indian Ocean--two old destroyers and a seaplane tender. The last squadron of the British Navy was departing from the region in the framework of the British pullout from east of Suez.

    In the evening, Nixon suggested to Kissinger that the scheduled Moscow summit might be canceled. Kissinger raved that India wanted to detach not just Bengal, but Kashmir also, leading to the further secession of Baluchistan and the total dismemberment of Pakistan. "Fundamentally," wrote Kissinger of this moment, "our only card left was to raise the risks for the Soviets to a level where Moscow would see larger interests jeopardized,"-- by its support of India, which had been lukewarm so far.

    December 9: The State Department and other agencies were showing signs of being almost human, seeking to undermine the Nixon-Kissinger-Bush policy through damaging leaks and bureaucratic obstructionism. Nixon, "beside himself" over the damaging leaks, called in the principal officers of the Washing-ton Special Action Group and told them that while he did not insist on their being loyal to the President, they ought at least to be loyal to the United States. Among those Nixon insulted was Undersecretary of State, U. Alexis Johnson. But the leaks only increased.


    December 10: Kissinger ordered the U.S. Navy to create Task Force 74, consisting of the nuclear aircraft carrier Enterprise, with escort and supply ships, and to have these ships proceed from their post at Yankee Station in the Gulf of Tonkin off Viet­nam to Singapore. Is anyone getting a bit scared at "what you don't know" and which has been hurting you all these years? Reread that again: "NUCLEAR AIRCRAFT CARRIER"- "KISSINGER ORDERED". DOES THIS REALLY SOUND LIKE THE GOOD OLD U.S.A. YOU KNEW AND LOVED??? WHO ARE YOU ASKING GOD TO BLESS WHEN YOU SING--"GOD BLESS THE U.S.A. "??

    In Dacca, East Pakistan, Major General Rao Farman Ali Khan, the commander of Pakistani forces in Bengal, asked the United Nations representative to help arrange a cease-fire, followed by the transfer of power in East Pakistan to the elected representa­tives of the Awami League and the "repatriation with honor" of his forces back to West Pakistan. At first it appeared that this de facto surrender had been approved by Yahya Khan. But when Yahya Khan heard that the U.S. fleet had been ordered into the Indian Ocean (undoubtedly for "regular exercises" as presented to you-the-people and I don't believe U.S. meant U.N. as a Freudian slip), he was so encouraged that he junked the idea of a surrender and ordered Gen. Ali Khan to resume fighting, which he most certainly did--instantly.

    Colonel Melvin Hoist, the U.S. military attache in Katmandu, Nepal, a small country sandwiched between India and China in the Himalayas, received a call from the Indian military attache, who asked whether the American had any knowledge of a Chi­nese military buildup in Tibet. "The Indian high command had some sort of information that military action was increasing in Tibet," said Hoist in his cable to Washington. The same evening, Col. Hoist received a call from the Soviet military at­tache, Loginov, who also asked about Chinese military activity. I told you long ago that you have never been anything other than allies with the Soviet Union. Loginov said that he had spoken over the last day or two with the Chinese military attache, Zhao Kuang-Chih, "advising Zhao that the P.R.C. should not get too serious about intervention because the U.S.S.R. would react, had many missiles, etc."

    At the moment, the Himalaya mountain passes, the corridor for any Chinese troop movement, were all open and free from snow. The CIA had noted "war preparations" in Tibet over the months since the Bengal crisis had begun. Nikolai Pegove, the Soviet ambassador to New Dehli, had assured the Indian gov­ernment that in the eventuality of a Chinese attack on India, the Soviets would mount a "diversionary action in Sinkiang".

    December 11: Kissinger had been in town the previous day, meeting the Chinese U.N. delegate. Today Kissinger would meet with the Pakistani Deputy Prime Minister Ali Bhutto, in Bush's suite at the Waldorf-Astoria. Huang Hua, the Chinese delegate, made remarks which Kissinger chose to interpret as meaning that the "Chinese might intervene militarily even at this late stage."


    December 12: Nixon, Kissinger and Haig met in the Oval Office early Sunday morning in the council of war. Yes, this is the same Haig who was on Larry King Live last evening telling you that ALL those little advisors, etc., MUST have limousine ser­vice at a moment's notice--also the same Haig that got fired when he was involved in "Nuclear War I" of which I wrote many JOURNALS back. Kissinger later described the meeting in point as a crucial meeting, where, as it turned out, "the first decision to risk war in the triangular Soviet-Chinese-Ameri­can" geopolitical relationship was taken.

    During Nixon's 1975 secret grand jury testimony to the Water­gate Special Prosecution Force, the former President insisted that the United States had come "close to nuclear war" during the Indo-Pakistani conflict. According to one attorney who heard Nixon's testimony in 1975, Nixon had stated that "We had threatened to go to nuclear war with the Russians." Those remarks refer to the meeting of December 12, and the actions it set into instant motion.

    Navy Task Force 74 was ordered to proceed through the Strait of Malacca and into the Indian Ocean, and it attracted the atten­tion of the world media in so doing the following day. Task Force 74 was now on wartime alert.

    At 11:30 a.m. local time, Kissinger and Haig sent the Kremlin a message over the Hot Line. This was the first use of the Hot Line during the Nixon Administration, and apparently the only time it was used during the Nixon years, with the exception of the October 1973 Middle East War. According to Kissinger, this Hot Line message contained the ultimatum that the Soviets respond to earlier American demands; otherwise Nixon would order Bush to "set in train certain moves" in the U.N. Security Council that would be irreversible. But is this all the message said? Kissinger comments in his memoirs a few pages later: "Our fleet passed through the Strait of Malacca into the Bay of Bengal and attracted much media attention. Were we threatening India? Were we seeking to defend East Pakistan? Had we lost our minds? It was in fact a sober calculation. We had some seventy-two hours to bring the war to a conclusion before West Pakistan would be swept into the maelstrom. It would take In­dia that long to shift its forces and mount an assault. Once Pak­istan's Air Force and Army were destroyed, its importance would guarantee the country's eventual disintegration.... We had to give the Soviets a warning that matters might get out of control on our side too. We had to be ready to back up the Chi­nese if at the last moment they came in after all, our U.N. ini­tiative having failed.... However unlikely an American military move against India, the other side could not be sure; it might not be willing to accept even the minor risk that we might act irra­tionally." Whew--watch closely--a man with such evil egotisti­cal attention desires will tell it all if you know where to look--start with Kissinger's memoirs.


    These comments by Kissinger led to the conclusion that the Hot Line message of December 12 was part of a calculated exercise in thermo-nuclear confrontations as chicken games in which it is useful to hint to the opposition that one is insane. If your adver­sary thinks you are crazy, then he is more likely to back down, the argument goes. This goes too, for ones moving into a war such as the one in Iraq. Make all you nice people supporting the atrocities--believe that the leader of the opposition is THE "Madman" in point and not the really "madmen" doing the atrocity--in this case, the United States of America through the invisible guise of the United Nations who didn't know what had hit them. By the way--yellow ribbons represent the desired "let them show that they are cowards" presented by Bush and Kissinger. You must remember that the advisors still on board after Kissinger left--ARE MEMBERS OF KISSINGER AND ASSOCIATES. KISSINGER'S LEAVING, AFTER THE CHINA PROBLEMS, MEANS NOTHING EXCEPT LESS FOCUS WHILE HE CONTINUES HIS WORLD-WIDE SWEEP. Kissinger's reference to acting irrationally recalls the infamous RAND Corporation theories, of which we have elabo­rately written, of thermo-nuclear confrontations as "chicken games"--you might see identical messages.

    The conclusion can only be, chelas, that on December 12, 1971, as you spoke of Christmas and shopping, the world was indeed at the very brink of thermo-nuclear war.

    And so--where was little Georgie Porgy, Puddin' and Pie? We will take that up after a bit of a rest break so we can end this chapter before it fills the whole of the JOURNAL.

    Thank you. Hatonn to stand-by.

    PJ 48


    WED., APRIL 1, 1992 11:47 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 229

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1992


    Where was George? He was acting as the willing mouthpiece for madmen. Late in the evening December 12, Bush delivered the following remarks to the Security Council, which are recorded in Kissinger's memoirs:

    "The question now arises as to India's further inten­tions. For example, does India intend to use the present situation to destroy the Pakistan army in the West? Does India intend to use as a pretext the Pakistani counterat­tacks in the West to annex territory in West Pakistan? Is its aim to take parts of Pakistan-controlled Kashmir con­trary to the Security Council resolution of 1948, 1949, and 1950? If this is not India's intention, then a prompt dis­avowal is required. The world has a right to know: What are India's intentions? Pakistan's aims have become clear. It has accepted the General Assembly's resolution passed by a vote of 104 to 11. My government has asked this question of the Indian Government several times in the last week. I regret to inform the Council that India's replies have been unsatisfactory and not reassuring.

    "In view of India's defiance of world opinion expressed by such an overwhelming majority, the United States is now returning the issue to the Security Council. With East Pakistan virtually occupied by Indian troops, a continua­tion of the war would take on increasingly the character of armed attack on the very existence of a Member State of the United Nations."

    Bush introduced another draft resolution of pro-Pakistan tilt, which called on the governments of India and Pakistan to take measures for an immediate cease-fire and withdrawal of troops, and for measures to help the refugees. This resolution was also vetoed by the U.S.S.R.

    December 14: Kissinger shocked U.S. public opinion by stating off the record to journalists in a plane returning from a meeting with French President Georges Pompidou in the Azores, that if Soviet conduct continued in the present mode, the U.S. was "prepared to reevaluate our entire relationship, including the summit." Now, dear ones, keep uppermost in mind that Kissinger was a Soviet creation--a full blown member of the KGB. Perhaps you can tell ME how he got into the position of running the United States and through you--the world?? By ac­cident?

    December 15: The Pakistani commander in East Pakistan, after five additional days of pointless killing, again offered a cease­fire. Kissinger claimed that the five intervening days had al­lowed the United States to increase the pressure on India and prevent the Indian forces from turning on West Pakistan.

    December 16: Mrs. Gandhi offered an unconditional cease-fire in the west, which Pakistan immediately accepted. Kissinger opined that this decision to end all fighting had been "reluctant" on the part of India, and had been made possible through Soviet pressure generated by U.S. threats. Chou Enlai also said later that the United States had saved West Pakistan. Kissinger praised Nixon's "courage and patriotism" and his commitment to "preserve the balance of power for the ultimate safety of all free people." Apprentice geopolitician George Bush had carried out yeoman service in that immoral cause.

    After a self-serving and false description of the Indo-Pakistani crisis of 1971, Kissinger pontificates in his memoirs about the necessary priority of geopolitical machinations: "There is in America an idealistic tradition that sees foreign policy as a con­text between evil and good. There is a pragmatic tradition that seeks to solve 'problems' as they arise. There is a legalistic tradition that treats international issues as juridical cases. There is no geopolitical tradition." In their stubborn pursuit of an alliance with the second strongest land power at the expense of all other considerations, Kissinger, Nixon and Bush were following the dictates of classic geopolitics. This is the school in which Bush was trained, and this is how he has reacted to every inter-national crisis down through the Gulf War, which was originally conceived in London as a "geopolitical" adjustment in favor of the Anglo-Saxons against Germany, Japan, the Arabs, the developing sector and the rest of the world.


    1972 was the second year of Bush's U.N. tenure and it was during this time that he distinguished himself as a shameless apologist for the genocidal and vindictive Kissinger policy of prolonging and escalating the war in Vietnam. During most of his first term, Nixon pursued a policy he called the "Vietnamization" of the war. This meant that U.S. land forces were progressively withdrawn, while the South Vietnamese Army was ostensibly built up so that it could bear the battle against the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese regulars. This policy went into crisis in March 1972 when the North Vietnamese launched a 12-division assault across the Demilitarized Zone against the South. On May 8, 1972, Nixon announced that the full-scale bombing of the North, which had been suspended since the spring of 1968, would be resumed with a vengeance: Nixon ordered the bombing of Hanoi and the mining of Haiphong Harbor, and the savaging of transportation lines and military installations all over the country.

    This mining had always been rejected as a tactic during the previous conduct of the war because of the possibility that bombing and mining the harbors might hit Soviet, Chinese, and other foreign ships, killing the crews and creating the risk of retaliation by these countries against the U.S.A. Now, before the 1972 elections, Kissinger and Nixon were determined to "go ape", discarding their previous limits on offensive action and risking whatever China and the U.S.S.R. might do. It was another gesture of reckless confrontation, fraught with incalculable consequences. Later in the same year, in December, Nixon would respond to a breakdown in the Paris talks with the Hanoi government by ordering the infamous Christmastime B-52 attacks on the North. Is this not a most interesting way to celebrate the perfection of a Christ Child's birthing? These are the same evil liars who always give you the old song-and-dance about asking God to bless the actions and take care of you. They laugh at you innocent believing lambs all the way to the slaughter pens. It pains me beyond expression to see these mighty men of evil sit in a congregation in some Church or another on Sunday morning and then "stroll" home to allow themselves to appear Godly. This becomes Evil in its most degrading form. Further, the church leaders and other members of the congregations reach into the depths of the same evil by blasphemy in the blessing of their presence. What might I have against "religion"? Exactly THIS! Any time anyone asks for blessings in WAR--IS NOT OF GOD. WAR AND BLOODSHED IS NOT OF GOD'S INSTRUC'TIONS AND HE WOULD CER-TAINLY NOT BLESS SUCIFIN A TEMPLE IF IT BE HIS.

    It was George Bush who officially informed the international diplomatic community of Nixon's March decisions. Bush ad-dressed a letter to the Presidency of the U.N. Security Council in which he outlined what Nixon had set into motion:

    "The President directed that the entrances to the ports of North Vietnam be mined and that the delivery of seaborne supplies to North Vietnam be prevented. These measures of collective self-defense are hereby being reported to the United Nations Security Council as required by Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. "

    Bush went on to characterize the North Vietnamese actions. He spoke of "the massive invasion across the demilitarized zone and international boundaries by the forces of North Vietnam and the continuing aggression" of Hanoi. He accused the North of "blatant violation of the understandings negotiated in 1968 in connection with the cessation of the bombing of the territory of North Vietnam.... The extent of this renewed aggression and the manner in which it has been directed and supported demonstrate with great clarity that North Vietnam has embarked on an all-out attempt to take over South Vietnam by military force and to disrupt the orderly withdrawal of United States forces." Bush further accused the North of refusing to negotiate in good faith to end the war.

    The guts of Bush's message, the part that was read with greatest attention in Moscow, Peking and elsewhere, was contained in the following summary of the way in which Haiphong and the other harbors had been mined:

    "Accordingly, as the minimum actions necessary to meet this threat, the Republic of Vietnam and the United States of America have jointly decided to take the following mea­sures of collective self-defense: The entrances to the ports of North Vietnam are being mined, commencing 0900 Saigon time May 9, and the mines are set to activate au­tomatically beginning 1900 hours Saigon time May 11. This will permit vessels of other countries presently in North Vietnamese ports three daylight periods to depart safely."

    In a long circumlocution, Bush also conveyed that all shipping might also be the target of indiscriminate bombing. Bush called these measures "restricted in extent and purpose". The U.S. was willing to sign a cease-fire ending all acts of war in In­dochina (thus including Cambodia, which had been invaded in 1970, and Laos, which had been invaded in 1971, as well as the Vietnams) and bring all U.S. troops home within four months.

    There was no bipartisan support for the bombing and mining policy Bush announced. Senator Mike Mansfield pointed out that the decision would only protract the war. Senator Proxmire called it "reckless and wrong". Four Soviet ships were dam­aged by these U.S. actions. There was a lively debate within the Soviet Politburo on how to respond to this, with a faction around Shelest demanding that Nixon's invitation to the upcom­ing Moscow superpower summit be rescinded. But Shelest was ousted by Brezhnev, and the summit went forward at the end of May. The "China card" theoreticians congratulated themselves that the Soviets had been paralyzed by fear of what Peking might do if Moscow became embroiled with Peking's new de facto ally, the United States.

    Can you see how easy it is to deceive all with the simple as­sumption that you are enemies when in fact you are working hand in glove to accomplish THE SAME THING--REMEMBER "WE WILL TAKE YOU WITHOUT NEEDING TO FIRE A SHOT"?


    As you will see, bombing civilians got to be one of your expert tactics and was carried through brilliantly right into and through the "Gulf War".

    In July 1972, reports emerged in the international press of charges by Hanoi that the U.S.A. had been deliberately bombing the dams and dikes, which were the irrigation and flood control system around Vietnam's Red River. Once again it was Bush who came forward as the apologist for Nixon's "mad bomber" foreign policy. Bush appeared on the NBC Television "Today" show to assure the U.S. public that the U.S. bombing had cre­ated only the most incidental and minor impact" on North Viet­nam's dike system. This, of course, amounted to a backhanded confirmation that such bombing had been done, and damage wrought in the process. Bush was in his typical whining mode in defending the U.S. policy against worldwide criticism of war measures that seemed designed to inflict widespread flooding and death on North Vietnamese civilians. According to North Vietnamese statistics, more than half of the North's 20 million people lived in areas near the Red River that would be flooded if the dike system were breached. An article which appeared in a Hanoi publication had stated that at flood crest many rivers rise to "six or seven meters above the surrounding fields" and that because of this situation "any dike break, especially in the Red River Delta, is a disaster with incalculable consequences."

    Bush had never seen an opportunity for genocide he did not like. "I believe we are being set up by a massive propaganda campaign by the North Vietnamese in the event that there is the same kind of flooding this year--to attribute it to bombs whereas last year it happened just out of lack of maintenance," Bush ar­gued.

    "There has been a study made that I hope will be released shortly that will clarify this whole question," he went on. The study "would be very helpful because I think it will show what the North Vietnamese are up to in where they place strategic targets."

    Does this sound familiar? Bombing of the civilian shelter in Baghdad got only reference to "placing military machines within the shelters" and "we had to bomb the old churches because they were using them for military purposes" and on and on and on--and you waved your yellow ribbons and shouted "on Bush, on Satan and God Bless America!" What Bush was driving at here was an allegation that Hanoi customarily placed strategic assets near the dikes in order to be able to accuse the U.S. of genocide if air attacks breached the dikes and caused flooding. Bush's military spokesmen used similar arguments during the Gulf War, when Iraq was accused of placing military equipment in the midst of civilian residential areas. How about all those "strategic equipment sites, etc.", in the baby milk factories?--which each one had to be bombed twice to make sure ability to make baby formula would be totally destroyed forever. Then, you see, you can prevent food and milk from reaching the peo­ple and you have them squarely helpless from both directions while still touting to the world your expertise and precision sur­gical bombing skills. Again the yellow ribbons waved madly and the song of "God Bless America" rose to an even higher pitch. You could even persecute the people at home who spoke against the war and call them non-patriots and non-supporters of the troops--THEY WERE THE ONLY ONES WHO DID SUP­PORT THE TROOPS--IN AN EFFORT TO KEEP THEM ALIVE.

    "I think you would have to recognize," retorted Bush, "that if there was any intention" of breaching the dikes, "it would be very, very simple to do exactly what we are accused of--and that is what we are not doing." Did you get that? Read it again! It is exactly the modus operandi and you use it with your children all the time to get them to do your will instead of their own.

    The bombing of the North continued and reached a final parox­ysm at Christmas, when B-52's made unrestricted terror bomb­ing raids against Hanoi and other cities. The Christmas bomb­ing was widely condemned, even by the U.S. press: "New Madness in Vietnam" was the headline of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Dec. 19; "Terror from the Skies", that of the New York Times Dec. 22; "Terror Bombing in the Name of Peace" of the Washington Post Dec. 28; and "Beyond all Reason" of the Los Angeles Times of Dec. 28. The only really amusing thing of all is that these papers are run by the very ones who were fi­nancing and thrusting the war to all-out destruction.

    I would wish to spare your having to confront these things but I shall not spare you anything for you have allowed the evil beast to gain entry into God's very places of His most wondrous Cre­ations--YOU. I am accused of bringing you terror and fear? Are these things not fearful? Or, does fear only come from the one who tells you? In the telling does it require that I become your enemy? I warn you--I am fast becoming your only FRIEND!


    Yep, here we "go again".

    Bush's activity at the U.N. also coincided with Kissinger's preparation of the October 1973 Middle East war. During the 1980's, Bush attempted to cultivate a public image as a U.S. politician who, although oriented toward close relations with Is­rael, would not slavishly appease every demand of the Israelis at the time of demand and the Zionist lobby in the United States, but would take an independent position designed to foster U.S. national interests. From time to time, Bush snubbed the Israelis by hinting that they held hostages of their own, and that the Is­raeli annexation of Jerusalem would not be accepted by the United States. For some, these delusions have survived even a refutation so categoric as the events of the Kuwait crisis of 1990-91. The same "distancing" and "pretend quarrels" always go hand in hand with the most atrocious of all events as they are formulated. This is so you won't notice what they are really planning.

    Bush would be more accurately designated as a Zionist, whose differences with an Israeli leader like Shamir are less significant than the differences between Shamir and other Israeli politi­cians. Bush's fanatically pro-Israeli ideological-political track record was already massive during the U.N. years. But remem­ber--Israel is only a part and parcel of Great Britain so you must now realize that the subject has nothing to do with Judean Jewry. It has everything to do with location and strong footholds in the middle of the Arab world so that destruction and power can glean all the assets of the entire area.

    In September 1972, Palestinian terrorists describing themselves as the "Black September" organization attacked the quarters of the Israeli Olympic team present in Munich for the Olympic games of that year, killing a number of the Israeli athletes. The Israeli government seized on these events as carte blanche to launch a series of air attacks against Syria and Lebanon, arguing that these countries could be held responsible for what had hap­pened in Munich. Somalia, Greece and Guinea came forward with a resolution in the Security Council which simply called for the immediate cessation of "all military operations". The Arab states argued that the Israeli air attacks were totally without provocation or justification, and had killed numerous civilians who had nothing whatever to do with the terrorist actions in Munich.

    The Nixon regime, with one eye on the autumn 1972 elections and the need to mobilize the Zionist lobby in support of a second term, wanted to find a way to oppose this resolution, since it did not sufficiently acknowledge the unique righteousness of the Is­raeli cause and Israel's inherent right to commit acts of war against its neighbors. It was Bush who authored a competing resolution, which called on all interested parties "to take all measures for the immediate cessation and prevention of all military operations and terrorist activities." It was Bush who dished up the rationalizations for U.S. rejection of the first res­olution. That resolution was no good, Bush argued, because it did not reflect the fact that "the fabric of violence in the Middle East is inextricably interwoven with the massacre in Mu­nich....By our silence on the terror in Munich are we indeed inviting more Munichs?" he asked. Justifying the Israeli air raids on Syria and Lebanon, Bush maintained that certain gov­ernments "cannot be absolved of responsibility for the cycle of violence" because of their words and deeds, or because of their tacit acquiescence. Slightly later, after the vote had taken place, Bush argued that "by adopting this resolution, the council would have ignored reality, would have spoken to one form of violence but not another, would have looked to the effect but not the cause."

    When the resolution was put to a vote, Bush made front-page headlines around the world by casting the U.S. veto, a veto that had been cast only once before in the entire history of the U.N. The vote was 13 to 1, with the U.S. casting the sole negative vote. Panama was the lone abstention. The only other time the U.S. veto had been used had been in 1970, on a resolution in­volving Rhodesia.

    The Israeli U.N. Ambassador, Yosef Tekoah, did not attend the debate because of the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah. But Is­rael's cause was well defended--by Bush. According to an Is­raeli journalist observing the proceedings who was quoted by the Washington Post, "Bush sounds more pro-Israeli than Tekoah would have." Of course, this is why Tekoah had to be absent celebrating his innocent holiday of spiritual witness while the evil dragon breathed the fire that burned the world. This is the way they work, chelas, and if you don't learn this--you will perish in those flames. Which flames, by the way, are called "Holocaust"!

    Later in 1972, attempts were made by non-aligned states and the U.N. Secretariat to arrange settlement--the withdrawal of Israel from the territories occupied during the 1967 war. Once again, Bush was more Zionist than the Israelis.

    In February of 1972, the U.N.'s Middle East mediator, Gunnar Jarring of Norway, had asked that the Security Council reaffirm the original contents of Resolution 242 of 1967 by reiterating that Israel should surrender Arab territory seized in 1967. "Land for Peace" was anathema to the Israeli government then as now. Bush undertook to blunt this non-aligned peace bid.

    Late in 1972, the non-aligned group proposed a resolution in the General Assembly which called for "immediate and unconditional" Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories while inviting other countries to withhold assistance that would help Israel to sustain its occupation of the Arab land. Bush quickly rose to assail this text.

    In a speech to the General Assembly in December 1972, Bush warned the assembly that the original text of Resolution 242 was "the essential agreed basis for U.N. peace efforts and this body and all its members should be mindful of the need to preserve the negotiation asset that it represents." "The assembly," Bush went on, "cannot seek to impose a course of action on the countries directly concerned, either by making new demands or favoring the proposals or positions of one side over the other." Never, never would George Bush ever take sides or accept a double standard of this type, he proclaimed sternly.


    From January 28 through February 4, 1972, the Security Council held its first meeting in twenty years outside of New York City. The venue chosen was Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Bush made this the occasion for a trip through the Sudan, Kenya, Zambia, Zaire, Gabon, Nigeria, Chad and Botswana. Bush later told a House subcommittee hearing that this was his second trip to Africa, with the preceding one having been a junket to Egypt and Libya "in 1963 or 1964". During this trip, Bush met with seven chiefs of state, including President Mobutu of Zaire, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, President Tombalbaye of Chad, and President Numayri of the Sudan.

    At a press conference in Addis Ababa, African journalists destabilized Bush with aggressive questions about the U.S. policy of ignoring mandatory U.N. economic sanctions against the racist, white supremacist Ian Smith regime in Rhodesia. The Security Council had imposed the mandatory sanctions, but later the U.S. Congress had passed, and Nixon had signed into law, legislation incorporating the so-called Byrd amendment, which allowed the U.S.A. to import chrome from Rhodesia in the event of shortages of that strategic raw material. Chrome was readily available on the world market, especially from the U.S.S.R., although the Soviet chrome was more expensive than the Rhodesian chrome. In his congressional testimony, Bush whined at length about the extensive criticism of this declared U.S. policy of breaching the Rhodesian sanctions on the part of "those who are just using this to really hammer us from a propaganda standpoint....We have taken the rap on this thing," complained Bush. "We have taken the heat on it...We have taken a great deal of abuse from those who wanted to embarrass us in Africa, to emphasize the negative and not the positive in the United Nations." Bush talked of his own efforts at damage control on the issue of U.S. support for the racist Rhodesian regime: "...what we are trying to do is to restrict any hypocrisy we are accused of....I certainly don't think the U.S. position should be that the Congress was trying to further colonialism and racism in this action it took," Bush told the congressmen. "In the U.N., I get the feeling we are categorized as imperialists and colonialists and I make clear this is not what America stands for, but nevertheless it is repeated over and over and over again," he whined.

    On the problems of Africa in general, Bush, ever true to Malthusian form, stressed above all the overpopulation of the continent. As he told the congressmen: "Population was one of the things I worked on when I was in the Congress with many people here in this room. It is something that the U.N. should do. It is something where we are better served to use a multilateral channel, but it has got to be done efficiently and effectively. There has to be some delivery systems. It should not be studied to death if the American people are going to see that we are better off to use a multilateral channel and I am convinced we are. We don't want to be imposing American standards of rate of growth on some country, but we are saying that if an in­ternational community decides it is worthwhile to have these programs and education, we want to strongly support it."



    Bush spent just under two years at the U.N. His tenure coin­cided with some of the most monstrous crimes against humanity of the Nixon-Kissinger team, for whom Bush functioned as an international spokesman, and to whom no Kissinger policy was too odious to be enthusiastically proclaimed before the interna­tional community and world public opinion. Through his doggedly loyal service, Bush forged a link with Nixon that would be ephemeral but vital for his career, while it lasted, and a link with Kissinger that would be decisive in shaping Bush's own administration in 1988-89.

    The way in which Bush set about organizing the anti-Iraq coali­tion of 1990-91 was decisively shaped by his United Nations ex­perience. His initial approach to the Security Council, the types of resolutions that were put forward by the United States, and the alternation of military escalation with consultations among the five permanent members of the Security Council--all this harkened back to the experience Bush acquired as Kissinger's envoy to the world body.

    * * *

    I just want to ask in closing: Is anybody out there getting mad yet? How about mad enough to not take it any more? Oh well, perhaps God expects too much! Well, so what are you going to do about it? I suggest you go back and read as many of the JOURNALS as you can get your eyes on and then, perhaps, you shall get creative.

    If you will but turn unto God, and will carefully watch for and study these impressions which you are receiving every moment, and will learn to trust them, and thus to wait upon and rest in God, putting all your faith in Him, verily He will guide you in all your ways; He will solve for you all your problems, make easy all your work, and you will be led among green pastures, beside the still waters of life. I suggest you reach out and put your hand in the hand of the One who stilled the waters; put your hand in the hand of the One who calmed the seas--take a look at yourself and you'll see all things differently--then, put your hand in the hand of the Man from Galilee!!

    May the peace and WORD of God rest easily on your soul as you awaken. We are here to bring you home. Salu.

    Hatonn to clear, please.

  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 48


    THU., APRIL 2, 1992 7:34 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 230

    THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1992


    I am reminded that ALL thoughts are about "living" (not neces­sarily "life") and not about after "death". Perhaps it is time to integrate the two from the physical plane that you may have in­sight into that which is the glory awaiting. AHO.

    The path of life unfolds according to the needs of the one in ex­perience of this wondrous manifestation and it can be joyous or hell, depending upon attitudes and KNOWING.

    You shall learn that even in your business, or labor, or condition of life, are but incidents, or the outer vehicles chosen and used to carry you through certain experiences which are deemed best adapted to bring you to the great realization of God within from whence comes all thy strength and all thine blessings.. At the same time it quickens in you certain Soul qualities that know but imperfectly "express".

    If you can but KNOW God, dwelling thus in your being, ac­companying you to your office, to your shop, to your labor, whatever it be, and will permit Him to direct your business and all your ways; verily I remind you, when you can do this, you will at once become conscious of a new Power within you, a Power that will grow and flow forth from you as a gentle, kindly sympathy, a true brotherliness, a loving helpfulness to all with whom you come in contact--but with the foundation of the rock upon which the power resides, inspiring them to higher principles of business and of life, creating in them a longing to shed a similar influence within their own circle; a Power that will attract TO you business, money, friends, and abundance of all things you need; A POWER THAT WILL CONNECT YOU WITH THE HIGHEST REALMS OF THOUGHT, ENABLING YOU BOTH TO VISION CLEARLY AND TO MANIFEST CON­SCIOUSLY ALL GOD'S WONDROUS SHARED POWERS AND ATTRIBUTES EVERY MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE--HERE AND BEYOND INTO INFINITY. So shall it be.

    In this manner you will no longer need to feed from another's opinions of doctrines for you will have come within that which is wondrous. You will no longer feel need to go to churches or religious meetings save for the social aspect of such gatherings (if there be any of worthy nature), or even to read the teachings of God's revelations, in order to find GOD and to dwell within GOD. May you always walk with God that your journey may be wondrous and your experience worthy. Salu.


    That which we have been giving unto you is unfolding in the seeming reality of experience which is taking place around your beings. Everything from the lies attending Israel/U.S. arms to the buying off of the Soviets in blackmail.

    But you have just begun this journey into Truth and the road will be strewn with dead bodies of ones who saw not. You shall need pass them by and move forward if you will turn about the insanity of the nations into a course toward balance and har­mony among men.


    Dear ones, the reason you have opportunity to "buy" the Soviet advanced technology is because they no longer need it--their space technology has advanced beyond the need of nuclear thrust systems as you recognize them. In other words you are purchasing material which is obsolete and they laugh at you all the way to the bank. How much blackmail can you afford? Good luck!



    Save the children from Polio? Oh indeed, the presentation and great and wondrous "good" was showered upon you in the form of vaccinations, etc. Now what do I tell you? Oh no, Hatonn, you cry out. Oh yes, indeed, I must reply for the action against you was begun in the beginning of all "time" experience and through the ages one thing after another led unto this day.

    You quarrel and take exception with me that most of your "immunizations" are "killer" immunizations. Here, therefore, is a good example: Researchers have found concrete evidence that polio vaccines used in the 1950's carried a virus that causes AIDS in monkeys. You can now check it out through a Robert Bohanon, a molecular virologist and president of a company de­veloping AIDS test kits (if you find that more confirming), who has found that many stocks of polio vaccines used in major cities in the mid-1950's have tested positive for the virus in point.

    Vaccine discoverers Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin confirm the shots administered to millions of people around the world WERE LATER FOUND TO BE CONTAMINATED WITH NUMEROUS "MONKEY" VIRUSES--INCLUDING THOSE WHICH CAUSE AIDS-LIKE DISEASES.


    While you are hyping Jesse Jackson and his perfection as run­ning mate for Brown--perhaps you'd better look again. I have warned you that he is high on the list of Council on Foreign Relations which is an integrated (into your government and business) worker for the Elite. Perhaps if I give perspective in the area of MONEY, you will be able to see and hear a bit more carefully.

    $11,000 was paid for a Paris hotel bill for Jesse Jackson, his wife and a couple of other people--BY BCCI--after Jackson promised to lobby African central banks to redeposit their funds with BCCI. Nazir Chinoy, one head of BCCI's Paris branch, told a Senate subcommittee many African banks subse­quently moved their funds.


    Please note that Bush never ceases to amaze everyone in his varied enterprises. When have you had enough to refuse to "take it any more"?

    You seem to have great difficulty believing that I could be giv­ing you Truth--"it is just too far-out". How about hearing it from a responsible Representative from Texas--on the Banking Committee? How about Henry Gonzales who has uncovered yet another Bush Administration scandal, this one involving the ex­traordinary lengths Bush went to in order to protect Iraqi in­terests in the United States, even when Iraq was violating U.S. law. The massive cover-up went right on while your Ameri­can family members were at war with that country!

    Oh indeed, I told you--I also told you that Bush and Saddam had shared over $250 BILLION in BCCI. I hope that you precious ones will go back and catch up on your reading homework for you will find that we have missed very little. Hard to take? You had best believe it! Hard indeed!! However, your very survival depends upon that which you do about these things--AND YOU CAN DO IT WITH BALLOTS AND DEMAND OF RETURN OF YOUR CONSTITUTION.

    The U.S. Justice Department quashed an indictment back in 1989 and 1990 concerning a multi-billion-dollar bank fraud case involving the Atlanta branch of the state-controlled Italian (Mafia, remember) bank, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro. Yes, we just recently wrote about this bank in quite a lot of detail. The case included $500 million in U.S. loan "guarantees" to Iraq. Of course the loans are NEVER expected to be paid back--for this is the way you transfer money in those circles--just like bounced checks in the House bank. The Iraqis have, of course and as planned, defaulted on the loans, which have now fallen on the backs of U.S. taxpayers.

    At the time, the Bush State Department squelched any federal prosecutors from filing charges against the Central Bank of Iraq, a key player in the cute little scam.


    It is now recognized, but not by you-the-people, that all the dealings were dead wrong and destructive in intent and practice. Good Gonzales has been placing all his findings into the Congressional Record (that is wherein a speaker gives his speech to a vacant House because no-one is interested in the material). He has entered documents and official correspondence and most House members haven't the slightest idea that it is even there. They are off covering assets and campaigning, you understand-- not representing you-the-people.

    In late 1989 is revealed that once it had become clear that high-level Iraqis were involved in the $4 BILLION bank fraud, fed-eral investigators had tried to persuade the Agriculture and State Departments to deny guarantees of $500 million in loans to the Iraqi government, but to no avail. The loan guarantees were made under direct pressure from George Bush and his ad-ministration enforcers, freeing up Iraqi funds to exchange for sophisticated weaponry THAT U.S. TROOPS ULTIMATELY FACED DURING THE GULF CONFLICT WITH IRAQ--THEY DIDN'T EVEN SHARE ANY OF THAT SO YOU COULD PURCHASE THOSE NICE YELLOW RIBBONS TO BEDECK THE HALLS.

    The Iraqis not only have defaulted but refused to even consider hearing about the matter--which I'm sure, makes more sense than paying up for the pleasure of being precision and/or surgically bombed into oblivion--but, of course, only civilians.

    Funny things happened: At the time the warnings about the fraud were made known to the Agriculture and State Departments, the federal prosecutors wanted to bring charges against the Central Bank of Iraq for its involvement in the scam but were soundly rebuffed and ordered to cease and desist.

    However, interestingly enough, the day after President Bush ordered a cease-fire in the war with Iraq, then-Attorney General Richard Thornburgh announced a 347-count (that is quite a few counts) indictment against the Iraqi officials involved in the scam and former executives of the Atlanta branch of Bank Lavoro, as it is more commonly known. There are just simply bunches of documents between this Bank in point and the Federal Reserve Bank and any investigators who got "close" were thwarted at every turn. Do you not find this interesting?

    At the time the illegal banking scheme was under way, between 1985 and 1989, the Reagan and Bush Administrations were trying to build stronger ties with Iraq. Does anyone remember that phase of lies? After the end of the Iran-Iraq War in 1988, the United States began assisting Iraq to rebuild its economy, in spite of warnings Iraq was using the aid to build up its war ma-chine. But of course it would have to be that way because you were also sending the weapons.

    And what indictments finally came down? Charges that executives of the Atlanta branch defrauded the parent bank in Rome by arranging loans for Iraq without its knowledge. Some of those bank executives, who are also on the Elite list of good-kids, received hundreds of thousands of dollars in kickbacks from firms (also good-kids) seeking to do business with Iraq. This business, by the way, would have been quite impossible without the bank's huge infusion of cash. Where do you think the cash was coming from? I thought you might be beginning to see "connections" within the tangled webs. So be it.


    The illegal we do immediately. The un‑
    constitutional takes a little longer.
    Henry Kissinger

    Dharma, before we move right off into our "Intelligence Cult" subject--let me share a moment with you as to confirmations and facts.

    Rick has just come with a video tape rented from the local out­let. This movie in point is called EXECUTIVE ACTION, stars Burt Lancaster, Robert Ryan and Will Geer; an Edward Lewis Production, from Warner Brothers. It is a 1973 release so it is certainly not "new". And guess what! It is an outlay of things like the Kennedy assassination and also an expose' of such things as "the Plan" and the intention to reduce the world's pop­ulation to 550 million people, etc., etc. For you who are having difficulty accepting all this "new" information, please avail yourselves of such material and it will give you more balance to understand the magnitude of the cover-ups and deceit. You could not know of these things for all evidence was carefully monitored in modes of transmission and you were not ready to "hear" in the midst of "good times". Be forgiving unto selves and set the past aside--it is through the actions of realization that impact shall be made--not flagellation of selves for past igno­rance or non-attention as revelations occurred--THE TIME IS AT HAND--NOW, NOT "THEN".

    Let us now return to the CIA:


    TESTING: Once an agent has been recruited, his case offi­cer immediately tests his loyalty and reliability. He will be given certain tasks to carry out which, if successfully per­formed, will establish his sincerity and access to secret informa­tion. The agent may be asked, for example, to collect informa­tion on a subject about which, unknown to him, the agency has already acquired a great deal of knowledge. If his reporting does not jibe with the previous intelligence, he is likely to be either a double agent attempting to mislead his case officer or a poor source of information clumsily trying to please his new employer. When feasible, the agent's performance will be care­fully monitored during the testing period through discreet surveillance.

    In addition, the new agent will almost certainly be required to take a lie-detector test. CIA operators place heavy reliance on the findings of a polygraph machine--referred to as the "black box"--in their agent operations. Polygraph specialists are avail­able from headquarters and several of the agency's regional support centers to administer the tests on special assignment. According to one such specialist, testing foreign agents calls for completely different skills than questioning Americans under consideration for career service with the CIA. He found Americans to be normally straightforward and relatively pre­dictable in their responses to the testing, making it compara­tively simple to isolate someone who is not up to the agency's standards. But testing foreign agents, he says, is much more difficult. Adjustments must be made to allow for cultural differ­ences, and for the fact that the subject is engaging in clearly il­legal and highly dangerous secret work. An ideologically moti­vated agent, furthermore, may be quite emotional and thus un­usually difficult to "read", or evaluate, from the machine's mea­surements. One spying solely for monetary gain or to satisfy some private vice may be impossible to read because there is no way of gauging his moral limits. Congenital liars, psychopaths, and users of certain drugs can frequently "beat the black box". According to the polygraph expert, a decision on the agent's re­liability and sincerity is, therefore, based as much on the intu­ition of the tester as on the measurements of the machine. The agent, however, is led to believe that the black box is infallible, so if he is neither a well-trained double agent nor clinically ab­normal, he will more than likely tell the truth.

    [H: Of course, in the above matter--the agent will later be trained to defeat all such devices beginning with lie-detector equipment; it is a requirement prior to "graduation".]

    When training can be provided to an agent, he will be taught the use of any equipment he may need--a miniature camera for photographing documents, for example. He will be instructed in one of several methods of covert communications--secret writ­ing, coded or encrypted radio transmission, or the like. He will also learn the use of clandestine contacts. And he will be given training in security precautions, such as the detection and avoid­ance of surveillance.

    Depending upon the agent's availability, however, and his estimated worth in the eyes of the Clandestine Services, he may receive only a few short lessons from his case officer on how to use an audio device or how to communicate with the agency through a series of cut-outs. Or he may be asked to invent a cover story to give to his family and his employer that will allow him to spend several days or even a couple of weeks at an agency safe house, learning the art of espionage. He may even seek an excuse to leave the country so he can receive instruction at a CIA facility in another nation, where it is much less likely to be observed by his country's security service. Or he may even be monitored while here by the CIA Office of Security. Special training facilities for foreign recruits, isolated from all other activities, exist at Camp Peary--"The Farm"--in south­ern Virginia.

    While the tradecraft taught to the agent is unquestionably use­ful, the instruction period also serves as an opportunity for his case officer and the other instructors to motivate him and in­crease his commitment to the CIA's cause. The agent is intro­duced to the clandestine proficiency and power of the agency. He sees its tightly knit professional camaraderie. He learns that although he is abandoning his former way of life, he now has a chance for a better one. Good work on his part will be re­warded with political asylum; the government he is rejecting may even be replaced by a superior one. Thus his allegiance to his new employer is further forged. It is the task of the case of­ficer to maintain this attitude in the mind of his agent.

    HANDLING: Successful handling of an agent hinges on the strength of the relationship that the case officer is able to estab­lish with his agent. According to one former CIA operator, a good case officer must combine the qualities of a master spy, a psychiatrist, and a father confessor.

    There are two prevailing views within the CIA's Clandestine Services on the best way to handle, or run, an agent. One is the "buddy" technique, in which the case officer develops a close personal relationship with his agent and convinces him that they are working together to attain an important political goal. This approach can provide a powerful motivating force, encouraging the agent to take great risks for his friend. Most senior opera­tors believe, however, that the "buddy" technique leads to the danger of the case officer forming an emotional attachment to his agent, sometimes causing the CIA man to lose his profes­sional objectivity. At the other end of the agent-handling spec­trum is the "cynical" style, in which the operator, while feigning personal concern for the agent, actually deals with him in a completely callous manner--one that may border on ruthless­ness. From the beginning, this case officer is interested only in results. He drives the agent to extremes in an attempt to achieve maximum operational performance. This method, too, has its drawbacks: once the agent senses he is merely being exploited by his case officer, his loyalty can quickly evaporate.

    Agents are intricate and, often, delicately balanced individu­als. The factors which lead them into the clandestine game are many and highly complex. The stresses and pressures under which they must function tend to make such men volatile, often unpredictable. The case officer, therefore, must continually be alert for any sign that his agent is unusually disturbed, that he may not be carrying out his mission. The operator must always employ the right mixture of flattery and threats, ideology and money, emotional attachment and ruthlessness to keep his agent actively working for him.

    With the Soviet Oleg Penkovsky, his British and CIA han­dlers found that flattery was a particularly effective method of motivation. Although he preferred British manners, Penkovsky greatly admired American power. Accordingly, he was secretly granted U.S. citizenship and presented with his "secret" CIA medal. [H: How many of you-the-people could swing such a thing? Does this truly sound like the "America" you once knew and loved and served?] As a military man, he was quite conscious of rank; consequently, he was made a colonel in the U.S. Army to show him that he suffered no loss of status be­cause of his shift in allegiance.

    On two occasions while Penkovsky was an active spy, he traveled outside the U.S.S.R. on official duty with high-level delegations attending Soviet-sponsored trade shows. Both times, first in London and then in Paris, he slipped away from his So­viet colleagues for debriefing and training sessions with British and American case officers. During one of the London meet­ings, he asked to see his U.S. Army uniform. None of the CIA men, nor any of the British operators, had anticipated such a re­quest. One quick thinking officer, however, announced that the uniform was at another safe house and that driving there and bringing it back for Penkovsky to see would take a while. The spy was temporarily placated, and a CIA case officer was im­mediately dispatched to find a colonel's uniform to show to the agent. After scurrying around London for a couple of hours in search of an American Army colonel with a build similar to Penkovsky's, the operator returned triumphantly to the debrief­ing session just as it was concluding--uniform in hand, Penkovsky was pleased.

    [H: Do you think all of this is too preposterous to believe?? The next time you confront an army personnel--consider whether or not he might be who he says he is. Also, as you travel along the roadways--LOOK at the trucks. Do you ac­tually KNOW what is within, say, a Piggly Wiggly trailer? How about what is within a "toxic" labeled truck--how about those tightly wrapped, funny shaped loads on flat-beds? DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS WITHIN?? OF COURSE NOT. Do you know what is aboard a train tanker car? How about an enclosed Sea-Land "ocean" carrier?? Would you recog­nize a missile if you saw one? Would you recognize anything broken into component parts--even your automobile or re­frigerator, much less components for an atomic fueled stealth craft of some kind? You must begin to give thought to these things for THIS IS HOW they have fooled you--BY THE OBVIOUS!)

    Months later, in Paris, the CIA operators were better pre­pared. A brand-new uniform tailored to Penkovsky's measure­ments was hung in a closet in a room adjacent to where he was being debriefed, and he inspected it happily when the meeting was concluded.

    In the 1950's the CIA recruited an Eastern European intelli­gence officer in Vienna whose motivation, like Penkovsky's, was essentially ideological. While he was promised a good salary (and a comfortable pension upon the completion of the operation, at which time he would formally defect to the United States), his case officer avoided making any direct payments to him in Vienna in order not to risk attracting the opposition's at­tention to him. The agent well understood the need for such precautions, yet after he had been spying for a while, he shocked his case officer one day by demanding a fairly substan­tial amount of cash. He refused to say why he wanted the money, but it was obvious to his case officer that the agent's continued good work for the agency was contingent on getting the money he had requested. After consultations with the local CIA station chief and with headquarters, it was finally decided that the risk must be taken and the agent was given the money, with the hope that he would not do something outlandish or risky with it. Agency operators then put him under surveillance to learn what he was up to. To their consternation, they discovered him the following weekend on the Danube River cruising back and forth in a motorboat which he had just bought. A few days afterward his case officer confronted him and demanded that he get rid of the boat for it was not something a man of his ostensibly austere circumstances could possibly have purchased on his own salary. The agent agreed, casually explaining that ever since he was a small boy he had wanted to own a motor­boat. Now that yearning was out of his system and he was quite willing to give up the boat.

    Another Eastern European, who spied briefly for the CIA years later, refused all offers of pensions and political asylum in the West. He wanted only Benny Goodman records.


    One of the problems in handling an agent is caused by the changeover of case officers. In keeping with the CIA's policy of employing diplomatic and other forms of official cover for most of its operators serving abroad, case officers masquerading as U.S. diplomats, AID officials, Department of Defense representatives, and the like, must be transferred every two to four years to another foreign country or to Washington for a head-quarters assignment, as is customary with genuine American officials. A departing case officer introduces his replacement to all his agents before he leaves, but often the agents are initially reluctant to deal with a new man. Having developed an accept-able working relationship with one case officer, they usually are not eager to change to another. Their reluctance is often heightened by the agency's practice of assigning young case officers to handle already proven agents. In this way, junior operators can gain experience with agents who, as a rule, do not need as much professional guidance or sympathetic "hand-holding" as newly recruited ones. Most agents, however, feel that dealing with an inexperienced officer only increases the risks of compromise. All in all, making the changeover can be quite sticky, but it is almost always accomplished without permanent damage to the operation. If persuasion and promises are not adequate to retain the agent's loyalty, threats of blackmail usually are. The agency precaution of amassing incriminating evidence--secret contracts, signed payment receipts, tape recordings, and photographs-- generally will convince even the most reluctant agent to see things the CIA's way.

    In certain highly sensitive operations the problem of case-officer changeover is avoided in deference to the wishes of a particularly highly placed agent. The potential damage to the operator's cover by his prolonged service in a given country is considered of less importance than the maintenance of the delicate relationship he has developed with the agent. Similarly, in those situations where a


    the agency officer may serve as many as six or eight years on the operation before being replaced. And when he is eventually transferred to another post, great care is taken to select a re-placement who will be acceptable to the friendly chief of state.

    TERMINATION: All clandestine operations ultimately come to an end. Those dependent upon agent activities have a short life expectancy and often conclude suddenly. The agent may die of natural causes or by accident--or he may be arrested and imprisoned, even executed. In any such event, the sole consideration of the CIA operators on the scene is to protect the agency's interests, usually by covering up the fact that the individual was a secret agent of the U.S. government. Sometimes, however, the agency itself must terminate the operation and dispose of the agent. The decision to terminate is made by the CIA chief of station in the country where the operation is in progress, with the approval of agency headquarters. The reason for breaking with an agent may be simply his loss of access to the secrets that the CIA is interested in acquiring; more complicated is emotional instability, lack of personal trustworthiness endangering the operation, or threat of imminent exposure and arrest. Worst of all, there may be a question of political unreliability--it may be suspected that the man is, or has become, a double agent, provocation, or deception controlled by an opposition intelligence service.

    The useless or unstable agent can usually be bought off or, if necessary, successfully threatened. A reliable or useful agent in danger of compromise or exposure to the opposition, or an agent who has fulfilled his agreement as a spy and has performed well, can be resettled in another country, provided with the necessary funds, even assisted in finding employment or, at least, retrained for a new profession. In those cases where the agent has contributed an outstanding service to the CIA at great personal risk, particularly if he burned himself out in so doing, he will be brought to the United States for safe resettlement. The Director of Central Intelligence, under the CIA Act of 1949, can authorize the "entry of a particular alien into the United States for permanent residence....in the interest of national security or the furtherance of the national intelligence mission." The agent and his family can be granted "permanent residence without regard to their inadmissibility under the immigration or any other laws and regulations."


    Resettlement, however, does not always go smoothly. And sometimes this is the fault of the CIA. In the late 1950's, when espionage was still a big business in Germany, former agents and defectors were routinely resettled in Canada and Latin America. The constant flow of anti-communist refugees to those areas was too much for the agency's Clandestine Services to resist. From time to time, an active agent would be in­serted into the resettlement process. But the entire opera­tion almost collapsed when, within a matter of months, both Canadian and Brazilian governments discovered that the CIA was using it as a means to plant operating agents in their societies.

    Not all former agents are willing to be resettled in the United States, especially not on the CIA's terms. In the 1960's a high-ranking Latin American official who had been an agent for years was forced for internal political reasons to flee his native coun­try. He managed to reach Mexico City, where agency operators again made contact with him. In consideration of his past ser­vices, the agency was willing to arrange for his immigration to the U.S. under the 1949 CIA law if he would sign an agreement to remain quiet about his secret connection with the U.S. gov­ernment and not become involved in exile political activities in this country. The Latin American, who had ambitions to return triumphantly to his native country one day, refused to forgo his right to plot against his enemies back home, and wanted resi­dence in the United States without citizenship, thus presenting the CIA with a difficult dilemma. As long as the former agent remained unhappy and frustrated in Mexico City, he represented a threat that his relationship with the agency and those of the many other CIA penetrations of his government which he knew about might be exposed. As a result, CIA headquarters in Lan­gley sent word to the station in Mexico City that the ex-agent could enter the country without the usual preconditions. The agency's top officials hoped that he could be kept under reason­able control and prevented from getting too deeply involved in political activities which would be particularly embarrassing to the U.S. government.


    It is only logical to believe that there are instances when ter­mination requires drastic action on the part of the operators. Such cases are, of course, highly sensitive and quite uncommon in the CIA. But when it does become necessary to consider the permanent elimination of a particularly threatful agent [H: Such as Casey who was head of the CIA and could spill all the beans to Congress and you-the-people and who immediately came down with terminal, inoperable cancer of the brain which of course killed him in a matter of days.], the final de­cision must be made at the highest level of authority [H: Such as the President and Vice President (Bush) at the time.], by the Director of Central Intelligence. [H: You see, I believe you will agree that it probably was not Casey who decided it was time to meet his maker and therefore there would be only those higher authorities available and thus, you can know WHO ordered the murder.] With the exception of special or paramilitary operations, physical violence and homicide are not viewed as acceptable clandestine methods--unless they are ac­ceptable to the Director himself.

    * * *

    There is too much here to absorb, Dharma, so allow us to take a break from the writing and allow ones to settle their own thoughts.

    May insight into Truth be your guideline and shield. Salu.

    Hatonn to clear, please.

    PJ 48
    CHAPTER 10

    THU., APRIL 2, 1992 2:27 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 230

    THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1992

    This is a brief update and request for you who are now aware of a second resource for information: THE WORD. This is a designation so that the requests for audio information goes di­rectly to its source of "creation". There are two good reasons for this--one is that it goes directly for handling to a separate area immediately. Within a few days the post office box will also change and therefore I ask that you please be patient while all the rearrangements are being finalized here.

    I would, further, ask that all material sent which is desired for my attention be sent henceforth to "THE WORD" as it will come directly to the "horse's nose". If you send orders for America West it is fine if they are included so as to save postage and we will make sure they are sorted accordingly. I appreciate your cooperation as it was becoming too much of burden for the small staff at America West to handle all the load. The volun­teers who send the paper are our salvation for there is no way we could do the work without their unwavering labor, and do believe me, it is offered with such love and hopes.

    The second reason for this change is that the book inventory is being shifted and a lot of mailing will be coming out of Nevada and I do not yet know of finalized addresses, phones, etc. This bit of separation will relieve the office crew greatly during this changeover and all orders which may be combined can be sorted and sent to proper locations.

    We have been most grateful to the Greens for their support and taking of this massive burden and we wish to work in any way possible to make your service faster and their load a bit lighter. I am asking Dalene to basically take charge of the taping, etc., and Cort has set up a good, sound record keeping system and all have pitched in to make it as efficient as possible. Change is always difficult and unwieldy but I believe it can run quite smoothly as I shove off in increasing the information flow--the only way we can do it is to allow for audio tapes for we have about run out of Dharma's ability to increase in typing speed.

    If we err, please be gentle as our workers are so few and the load so tremendous. Thank you.


    There will be two volumes coming forth from America West in the near future which I wish to call into your attention to watch for because we have a tendency to allow slippage during great changover. Dr. Coleman is working on an outlay of the Foun­dations, etc., and I have no title for that as of yet, so I assume we are some weeks away from printing. However, the "300" book has been in such demand that it has brought notice of the "surveillance groups", so we are being sure we don't stub our toes.

    I ask that you ones understand that when I "push" a book, it is with great thought to the overall picture--not necessarily a blessing upon the belief system or projections of the author in point. This same assumption must work in reverse because some who bring truth in much of their work may well not agree with my discipline. My knowledge, however, is that before we are done and the play finished--they will!

    Also being printed very soon is a volume from Esu through Lit­tle Dru and, as always, it is wondrous--it will lay out the course of God quite bluntly, succinctly and with such love that you shall be overjoyed and uplifted in the very reading. We will let you know as soon as either are available. You are all much like Dharma--sometimes even God is not enough and you want to hear it from the gentle "lamb" of radiance come into His per­fection. Ah, 'tis the joy and "pride" of a father that I witness His growth in wisdom unto perfection. How wondrous for you ones who experience at this time that you might share in the moment of these great events. Will it not be wondrous when the circle is closed and is no more broken? Man longs for the "whole" and so shall it come to pass in your time upon the place of Creation as gifted unto you as a species and a civilization.

    Let us now return to the subject in point for it seems so much in­formation piles up that we shall never make it through and into the glories awaiting.


    Two aspects of clandestine tradecraft which have particular applicability to classical espionage, and to agent operations in general, are secret communications and contacts. The case offi­cer must set up safe means of communicating with his agent; otherwise, there will be no way of receiving the information that the agent is stealing, or of providing him with instructions and guidance. In addition to a primary communication system, there will usually be an alternate method for use if the primary system fails. From time to time, different systems will be employed to reduce the chances of compromising the operation. As with most activities in the intelligence game, there are no hard and fast rules governing communication with secret agents. As long as the methods used are secure and workable, the case officer is free to devise any means of contact with his agent that is suitable to the operational situation.

    Many agents want to pass on their information verbally to the case officer. From their point of view, it is both safer and eas­ier than dealing with official papers or using spy equipment, ei­ther of which could clearly incriminate them if discovered by the local authorities. The CIA, however, prefers documents. Doc­uments can be verified, thus establishing the agent's reliability. They can be studied and analyzed in greater detail and with more accuracy by the intelligence experts at headquarters. In the Penkovsky case, for example, the secret Soviet documents he provided were far more valuable than his personal interpreta­tions of events then occurring in Moscow's military circles.

    On the other hand, some agents want to have as little per­sonal contact as possible with their case officers. Each clandes­tine meeting is viewed as an invitation to exposure and imprison­ment, or worse. Such agents would prefer to communicate al­most exclusively through indirect methods or even by mechani­cal means (encoded or encrypted radio messages, invisible ink, micro-dots, and so on). But the CIA insists on its case officers having personal contact with their agents, except in exception­ally risky cases. Periodically, the spy's sincerity and level of motivation must be evaluated in face to face meetings with the operator.


    Each time the case officer has a personal contact with his agent, there is the danger that the two will be observed by the local security forces, or by a hostile service such as the KGB. To minimize the risk of compromise, indirect methods of con­tact are employed most of the time, especially for the passing of information from the agent to the operator. One standard tech­nique is the use of a "cut-out", an intermediary who serves as a go-between. The cut-out may be witting or unwitting; he may be another agent; he may even reside in another country. Re­gardless, his role is to receive material from either the agent or the case officer and then relay it to the other, without being aware of its substance.

    Another technique is the dead-drop, or dead-letter drop. This is a kind of secret post-office box such as a hollow tree, the un­derside of a park bench, a crevice in an old stone wall [H: Even a phone booth with a brown paper sack.]--any natural and unlikely repository that can be utilized for transferring materi­als. (One of the dead-drops used in the Penkovsky operation was the space behind the steam-heat radiator in the entry of an apartment building in Moscow.) The agent simply deposits his material in the dead-drop at a prearranged time; later it is "serviced" by the case officer or a cut-out engaged for this sin­gle purpose.

    Still another frequently used technique is that of the brush contact, in which the agent and his case officer or a cut-out meet in passing at some prearranged public place. The agent may en-counter his contact, for example, on a crowded subway platform, in a theater lobby, or perhaps the two will manage to get close together for a moment, long enough for one to slip some-thing into the other's hand or pocket. Or they may quickly ex-change newspapers or briefcases. Such a contact is extremely brief as well as surreptitious, and usually it is quite secure if well executed.

    Although the case officer makes frequent use of indirect contacts, he still must arrange personal meetings with his agent from time to time. Whenever there is a clandestine meeting--on a bus, in a park, at a restaurant--other CIA operators keep watch as a precaution against opposition monitoring or interference. This is known in the covert business as countersurveillance. The case officer works out safe and danger signals in advance of each rendezvous with both the agent and the countersurveillance team. In this way, the operator, the agent, or any member of the team can signal to the others to proceed with the meeting or to avoid or break off contact if something seems out of the ordinary. Safe houses (CIA-maintained residences) are also used for meetings with agents, especially if there is a lot to be discussed. A safe house has the advantage of providing an atmosphere where the agent and the case officer can relax and talk freely without fear of surveillance, but the more frequently one location is used, the more likely it is to be discovered by the opposition. The need for secrecy can keep the clandestine operator busy, but it is a need on which the clandestine operator thrives.

    [H: a favored place for shifting documents is at the copy machine and this is how, for instance, SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS came into the hands of we-the-people. The document had been "dropped" in the copy machine but something interrupted the receiver from recovering it. So when the old equipment was updated--out went the secret document (baby) with the "bathwater". It happens more often than you think.]


    A few years ago [remember, this was first written in 1974] Newsweek magazine described the CIA as the most secretive and tightly knit organization (with the possible exception of the Mafia) in American society. The characterization is something of an overstatement, but it contains more than a kernel of truth. In its golden era, during the height of the Cold War, the agency did possess a rare elan; it had a staff of imaginative and daring officers at all levels and in all directorates. But over the years the CIA has grown old, fat, and bureaucratic. The esprit de corps and devotion to duty its staff once had, setting the agency apart from other government departments, has faded, and to a great degree it has been replaced by an outmoded, doctrinaire approach to its missions and functions. The true purpose of secrecy--to keep the opposition in the dark about agency policies and operations--has been lost sight of. Today the CIA often practices secrecy for secrecy's sake [H: And to never have to answer for any of their actions. In other words--total non-accountability.]--and to prevent the American public from learning of its activities. And the true purpose of intelligence collection--to monitor efficiently the threatening moves of inter-national adversaries--has been distorted by the need to nourish a collective clandestine ego.

    [H: Please, "we-the-people", do not think the CIA files are being opened on the various scandals because you want to see within--the KGB is releasing files regarding your secret files and the you-know- what has hit the fan. The files had to be squared away and reproduced and tampered to allow bringing forth to counter the truth which the KGB intends to dump on you. Actually, they are "selling" the files to the highest bidders and guess who that will be in every instance! Moreover, it is exactly as with the obsolete thrust systems and other "advanced" technology you will buy--worthless and bringing a very high ransom price.]

    * * *

    After the U.S. invasion of Cambodia in 1970, a few hundred CIA employees (mostly younger officers from the Intelligence and Science and Technology directorates, not the Clandestine Services) signed a petition objecting to American policies in Indochina. Director Richard Helms was so concerned about the prospect of widespread unrest in the agency's ranks and the chance that word of it might leak out to the public that he sum­moned all the protesters to the main auditorium and lectured them on the need to separate their personal views from their professional duties. At the same time, similar demonstrations on the Cambodian issue were mounted at the State Department and other government agencies. Nearly every newspaper in the country carried articles about the incipient rebellion brewing in the ranks of the federal bureaucracy. The happenings at the CIA, which were potentially the most newsworthy of all, were, however, never discovered by the press. In keeping with the agency's clandestine traditions, CIA employees had conducted a secret protest.

    To agency personnel who had had the need for secrecy drilled into them from their moment of recruitment, there was nothing strange about keeping their demonstration hidden from public view. Secrecy is an absolute way of life at the agency and, while outsiders might consider some of the resulting prac­tices comical in the extreme, the subject is treated with great se­riousness in the CIA. Training officers lecture new personnel for hours on end about "security consciousness", and these ses­sions are augmented during an employee's entire career by re­fresher courses, warning posters, and even the semi-annual re­quirement for each employee to review the agency's security rules and to sign a copy, as an indication it has been read. As a matter of course, outsiders should be told absolutely nothing about the CIA and fellow employees should be given only that information for which they have an actual "need to know". The penchant for secrecy sometimes takes on an air of ludicrousness. Secret medals are awarded for outstanding performance, but they cannot be worn or shown outside the agency. Even athletic trophies--for intramural bowling, softball and so on--cannot be displayed except when in the guarded sanctuary of the head­quarters building. [H: Most of you will remember just re­cently that Oliver North made quite a tearful fuss over hon­oring those ones who could only be recognized in the secret places.]

    CIA personnel become so accustomed to the rigorous security precautions (some of which are indeed justified) that they easily accept them all, and seldom are caught in violations. Nothing could be more natural than to work with a telephone book marked SECRET, an intentionally incomplete telephone book which lists no one working in the Clandestine Services and which in each semi-annually revised edition leaves out the names of many of the people employed by the overt direc­torates, so if the book ever falls into unauthorized hands, no enterprising foreign agent or reporter will be able to figure out how many people work at CIA headquarters, or even how many work in non-clandestine jobs. Those temporarily omitted can look forward to having their names appear in the next edition of the directory, at which time others are selected for telephonic limbo. Added to this confusion is the fact that most agency phone numbers are regularly changed for security reasons. Most employees manage to keep track of commonly called num­bers by listing them in their own personal desk directories, al­though they have to be careful to lock these in their safes at night--or else risk being charged with a security violation. For a first violation the employee is given a reprimand and usually as­signed to several weeks of security inspection in his or her of­fice. Successive violations lead to forced vacation without pay for periods up to several weeks, or to outright dismissal.


    Along with the phone books, all other classified material (including typewriter ribbons and scrap paper) is placed in these safes whenever an office is unoccupied. Security guards patrol every part of the agency at roughly half-hour intervals in the evening and on weekends to see that no secret documents have been left out, that no safes have been left unlocked, and that no spies are lurking in the halls. If a guard finds any classified material unsecured, both the person who failed to put it away and the person within the office who was assigned to double-check the premises have security violations entered in their per­sonnel files.

    These security precautions all take place inside a headquar­ters building that is surrounded by a twelve-foot fence topped with barbed wire, patrolled by armed guards and police dogs, and sealed off by a security check system that guarantees that no one can enter either the outer perimeter or the building itself without showing proper identification. Each CIA employee is issued a laminated plastic badge with his picture on it, and these must not only be presented to the guards on entry, but be kept constantly in view within the building. Around the edges of the badge are twenty or so little boxes which may or may not be filled with red letters. Each letter signifies a special security clearance held by the owner. Certain offices at the CIA are designated as restricted, and only persons holding the proper clearance, as marked on their badges, can gain entry. These ar­eas are usually guarded by an agency policeman sitting inside a glass cage, from which he controls a turnstile that forbids pas­sage to unauthorized personnel. Particularly sensitive offices are protected, in addition to the guarded turnstile, by a combina­tion or cipher lock which must be opened by the individual after the badge is inspected.

    Even a charwoman at the CIA must gain security clearance in order to qualify for the badge that she, too, must wear at all times; then she must be accompanied by an armed guard while she cleans offices (where all classified material has presumably already been locked up). Some rooms at the agency are consid­ered so secret that the charwoman and her guard must also be watched by someone who works in the office.

    The pervasive secrecy extends everywhere. Cards placed on agency bulletin boards offering items for sale conclude; "Call Bill, extension 6464". Neither clandestine nor overt CIA em­ployees are permitted to have their last names exposed to the scrutiny of their colleagues, and it was only in 1973 that employees were allowed to answer their phones in any words other than those signifying the four-digit extension number.

    Also until recent years all CIA personnel were required to identify themselves to non-agency people as employees of the State or Defense Department or some other outside organi­zation. Now the analysis and technicians are permitted to say they work for the agency, although they cannot reveal their par­ticular office. Clandestine Service employees are easily spotted around Washington because they almost always claim to be em­ployed by Defense or State, but usually are extremely vague on the details and unable to furnish an office address. They do sometimes give out a phone number which corresponds to the correct exchange for their cover organization, but these exten­sions, through some deft wiring, ring in Langley. [H: Sounds like this computer--it just sort of prints out in about three covert places. My only objection to the arrangement is that when blocks of work get wiped out on this computer--they don't share with us and we have to rewrite. We have abso­lutely no bone to pick with anyone. We are here to bring the WORD OF GOD unto HIS PEOPLE. To get them to hear, we have to do all this tedious work and it frankly an­noys me.]

    * * *

    Dharma, allow us to close this chapter at this point for I ask that the first of the document be prepared in such manner as to go into the current LIBERATOR.

    Fortunate are the people whose roots are deep in the foundation of God's Light. But how often do you neglect your own roots? Do you nourish them so they in turn can fill you with confidence when your need is there for strength? To tend of thine roots you must come into knowledge of self and herein lies the most elu­sive knowledge of all--self-knowledge. Would you take a while to linger with me and be deliberate in listening to self and being gentle with self--gentle in the uplifting from thine backsides and into action? Be compassionate and loving unto self for you are all injured and the tears are near as the insult upon your senses are laying bare your souls. If the tears come--let them water your soul and bathe it in the love of non-pretense. Tears heal--and oh, chelas, the wounded are everywhere. But always be in the remembering: Pain is inevitable--SUFFERING IS OP­TIONAL. SALU.

    Hatonn to clear, thank you.

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