PJ 46


MON., MARCH 16, 1992 10:02 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 213

MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1992,
When CIA Director William Colby was asked at his Senate confirmation hearings, in the fall of 1973, what he believed to be the proper scope of CIA activities within the United States, his first response was, "We obviously have to run a headquar­ters here; we have to recruit people for our staffs, and so forth, and we have to conduct investigations on those people..." No one disputes the need for the agency to conduct certain routine administrative business within the United States, but few people realize that what the "headquarters" needs to be "run" include dozens of buildings in the Washington area alone, large training facilities at several locations in Virginia, a paramilitary base in North Carolina, secret air bases in Nevada and Arizona, communications and radio intercept bases around the country, scores of "dummy" commercial organizations and airlines, op­erational offices in more than twenty major cities, a huge arms warehouse in the Midwest, and "safe houses" for secret ren­dezvous in Washington and other cities. While most of these are oriented toward foreign operations, some are used full- or part-time for purely domestic activities.

[H: At this point I would give you some information which will be coming forth in the press as if in shock treatment, as example, of buildings and front organizations for purposes of clandestine activities--right in Washington. This is to simply show you that it goes on constantly, urgently, secretly and right under your noses in the shadow of the White House for convenience.

There is a private, non-profit, historical and cultural association called the Confederate Memorial Association (CMA) which operates a museum and library in Washing­ton. The intelligence community efforted diligently to take over the buildings and sham cover of that organization for money laundering and other clandestine operations. This will not "shock" you who are now versed in the strange world of covert intelligence, but it clearly illustrates how clandestine activities are hidden behind deceptive facades.

In this case, a legitimate, non-profit association was targeted for takeover by the intelligence community.

The association and the museum were struggling financially and the fact that the building was only eight blocks from the White House--it was immediately noted that funds would be made available "in exchange for - - -", etc.

Please understand, readers, that takeovers are usually done with great hidden dexterity. First, ones offer to help, then in exchange get a few members on the Board and then more and more until the organization ceases to function and the beast takes total possession. This one placement and opera­tion was directly hooked to the Iran-Contra operations, Oliver North, money laundering and other covert clandes­tine operations. This goes on continually in all parts of your globe. As in this case in point--the intelligence connections come full circle--from the early, innocent-seeming involve­ment in the CMA, in this instance, to the current litigation in the matter with "fixed" judges and participating legal counsel set forth to "insure" proper judicial outcome in fa­vor of the clandestine operations.]

Colby continued: "We have to contract with a large number of American firms for the various kinds of equipment that we might have need for abroad." Again, this is on the surface a legitimate function. The CIA every year purchases tens of mil­lions of dollars' worth of goods from domestic companies--ev­erything from office supplies to esoteric espionage equipment. But Colby carefully left out any mention of those other "purchases"--the services provided for by the CIA's contractual relationships with universities, "think tanks", and individual pro­fessors.


Many of these came to light in the winter of 1967 after Ram­parts first revealed the CIA subsidization of the National Student Association and as exposure followed exposure Richard Helms asked his Executive Director to report back to him exactly what the CIA was doing on American campuses. The Executive Di­rector quickly found that he had no easy task before him, since nearly every agency component had its own set of programs with one or more American universities and there was no central office in the CIA which coordinated or even kept track of these programs. A special committee was formed to compile a report and its staff officers spent weeks going from office to separate office to put together the study.

The committee compiled data on the hundreds of college professors who had been given special clearances by the agency's Office of Security to perform a wide variety of tasks for different CIA components. The Intelligence Directorate, for example, had a corps of consultants on campus who did histori­cal and political research, much like normal scholars, with the difference that they were almost never permitted to publish their findings; in a few instances, that rule was suspended on condi­tion that the source of their funding was not identified, and if the work neatly coincided with a prevailing CIA propaganda line.

Similarly, the Directorate of Science and Technology em­ployed individual professors, and at times entire university de­partments or research institutes, for its research and develop­ment projects. (This apart from the millions of dollars of work the S&T Directorate contracted out every year to private com­panies and "think tanks".) Research of this type included the development


commonly used).

In many cases, the CIA's research involvement on the cam­puses went much deeper than simply serving as the patron of scholarly work. In 1951, CIA money was used to set up the Center for International Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A key figure at the MIT Center was Walt Rostow, a political scientist with intelligence ties dating back to OSS ser­vice during World War II who later became President Johnson's Assistant for National Security Affairs. In 1952, Max Millikan, who had been Director of the CIA's Office of National Esti­mates, became head of the center. This linkage between the CIA and research institutions on campus and in the private sec­tor became standard practice in later years, just as it did for the Pentagon. But whereas the Pentagon's procedures could to some extent be monitored by the Congress and the public, the CIA set up and subsidized its own "think tanks" under a com­plete veil of secrecy. When in 1953 the MIT Center published The Dynamics of Soviet Society, a book by Rostow and his col­leagues, there was no indication to the reader that the work had been financed by CIA funds and that it reflected the prevailing agency view of the Soviet Union. MIT cut off its link with the center in 1966, but the link between the center and the CIA re­mained, and the agency has continued to subsidize a number of similar, if smaller, research facilities around the country.


The compilers of the 1967 study on CIA ties to the academic community also found that the Clandestine Services had their own research links with universities, for the purpose of de­veloping better espionage tools (listening devices, advanced weapons, invisible inks, etc.). But for the covert operators, re­search was not the primary campus interest. To the Clandestine Services the universities represented fertile territory for recruit­ing espionage agents. Most large American colleges enrolled substantial numbers of foreign students, and many of these, es­pecially those from the Third World, were (and are) destined to hold high positions in their home countries in a relatively few years. They were much easier to recruit at American schools--when they might have need for money, where they could be easily compromised, and where foreign security services could not interfere--than they would be when they returned home. To spot and evaluate these students, the Clandestine Services main­tained a contractual relationship with key professors on numer­ous campuses. When a professor had picked out a likely candi­date, he notified his contact at the CIA and, on occasion, par­ticipated in the actual recruitment attempt. Some professors per­formed these services without being on a formal retainer. Oth­ers actively participated in agency covert operations by serving as "cut-outs", or intermediaries, and even by carrying out secret missions during foreign journeys.

The Clandestine Services at times have used a university to provide cover or even assist in a covert operation overseas. The best-known case of this sort was exposed in 1966 when Ram­parts revealed that Michigan State University had been used by the CIA from 1955 to 1959 to run a covert police-training pro­gram in South Vietnam. The agency had paid $25 million to the university for its service, and five CIA operators were con­cealed in the program's staff.

* * *

The 1967 study on the CIA's ties with American universities covered all the activities described above, but the staff officer responsible for preparing it was told that no research program concerning the use of drugs was to be mentioned in the re­port. The agency's interest in drugs was more than a pass­ing one; one officer was assigned to travel all over Latin America, buying up all sorts of hallucinatory drugs which might have some application to intelligence activities and op­erations.

The final study that the Executive Director presented to Di­rector Helms was several inches thick, but the man who wrote it was still not sure that it was complete, less because he feared having overlooked some particular CIA component or propri­etary organization which had its own university program than because he suspected that information had been withheld from him, particularly by the covert operators.

Because of its sensitivity, only one copy of the study was made, and it was turned over to the Director. Helms reviewed it and agreed with its conclusion: that all the CIA's campus activities were valuable to the agency and should be continued, except for a few individual contracts that had become outdated or too exposed. In the end, there was selective pruning of these programs, but essentially the CIA's activities with and at the universities continued as they had before the NSA scandal broke. They do so today.

The lone copy of the study was placed in the CIA Executive Director's safe for future reference. Within a few weeks after Helm's review, the report had to be pulled out; a controversy had erupted at a Midwestern university over alleged contracts between a certain professor and the CIA. When the study was consulted to find out if the allegations were correct, neither the professor nor the program he was associated with was listed anywhere in the bulky document. There was a collective sigh of relief in the agency's executive suite and some mumbling about irresponsible students making ridiculous charges. Shortly there­after, however, the Director's staff found out that the espoused professor was genuine and had telephoned his CIA contact to discuss how he should react to the charges. He was told to get a teaching job elsewhere--and he did.

Soon after, another incident occurred.


Returning to Director Colby's explanation of the CIA's domestic activities:

We also, I believe quite properly, can collect foreign intel­ligence in the United States, including the requesting [sic] of American citizens to share with their Government certain information they may know about foreign situations, and we have a service that does this, and I am happy to say a very large number of American citizens have given us information. We do not pay for that information. We can protect their proprietary interest and even protect their names if necessary, if they would rather not be exposed as the source of that information. [H: That by any name represents turning in your brother, neighbor, etc. It was a typical ploy of the Nazi Secret Ser­vice and the KGB through Communist regimes. You have become that very thing which you claim to deplore!]

What Colby was referring to was the Domestic Contact Ser­vice (DCS). The DCS's primary function has traditionally been to collect intelligence from Americans without resorting to covert methods. Until early 1973 the DCS was part of the CIA's Intelligence Directorate, the overt analytical part of the agency. The DCS's normal operating technique is to establish relationships with businessmen, scholars, tourists, and other travelers who have made trips abroad, usually to Eastern Europe or China. These people are asked to provide information vol­untarily about what they have seen or heard on their journeys. Most often they are contacted by the agency after they have re­turned home, but occasionally, if the CIA hears that a particular person plans to visit, say, a remote part of the Soviet Union, the DCS will get in touch in advance and ask the traveler to seek out information on certain targets. In the past the DCS has, how­ever, shied away from assigning specific missions, since the travelers are not professional spies and may easily be arrested if they take their espionage roles too seriously.


On several occasions over the years, the Clandestine Services have expressed an interest in assuming control of the DCS--with the argument that in the interest of efficiency all CIA intelli­gence collection by human sources should be run out of the same directorate. During the late 1960's the Clandestine Ser­vices were specifically rebuffed after a crude takeover attempt, but as a compromise measure Director Helms allowed clandestine operators to be assigned to the DCS in order to better coor­dinate intelligence collection. The DCS itself remained under the Intelligence Directorate. But in early 1973 Director James Schlesinger approved the transfer of the DCS to the Clandestine Services. Although there was no public notice of this change and travelers were not informed they were now dealing with the CIA's clandestine operators, Senator William Proxmire some­how got the word and told the Senate on August 1, 1973, that he was "particularly disturbed" by the shift. "Mr. Colby says," Proxmire explained, "that this is to improve the coordination of its collection activities with those of the Agency abroad. I find this disturbing because of the possibility that the DCS, which has a good reputation, may now become 'tainted' by the covert side of the Agency." [H: This is all wrapped up and entan­gled with Proxmire later, at the time when shipments of gold were being secretly taken from your reserves. Remember also, that special arrangements were made which allowed Mrs. Johnson to even sell some of that gold in Mexico. The "web" goes beyond entanglements and into hard, permanent KNOTS which ever bind more tightly the whirling spiral of the cocoon enshrouding you-the-people.]

Again, Colby at the Senate hearing:

We also, I believe, have certain support activities that we must conduct in the United States in order to conduct foreign in­telligence operations abroad; certain structures are necessary in this country to give our people abroad perhaps a reason for operating abroad in some respects so that they can appear not as CIA employees but as representatives of some other entity.

Here Colby was undoubtedly talking about the CIA's training facilities, weapons warehouses, secret arrangements with U.S. companies to employ "deep cover" CIA operators, covert deal­ings with arms dealers, and other back-up activities necessary to support paramilitary operations and other clandestine doings overseas. He may also have been referring to the CIA's use of American foundations, labor unions, and other groups as fronts to fund covert-action programs overseas, or to the proprietary corporations which operate for the CIA around the world. In this last category are the complex web of agency-owned airlines--Air America, Air Asia, Civil Air Transport, Southern Air Transport, Intermountain Aviation, ( DELETED )-­all of which have headquarters in the United States, and some of which maintain extensive facilities here. These airlines are run in direct competition with private companies, receive charter contracts from the U.S. government, and often operate domesti­cally, in addition to taking on secret missions for the CIA abroad. [H: This bunch of thugs even infiltrates and utilizes the facilities of your environmental foundations such as Greenpeace, etc., to do their heinous and deviate work--all nicely sanctioned by your Administration. You must re­member that Administration "advisors", etc., are CHOSEN by the President--not elected by you-the-people and they only serve the Elite Conspiracy--NOT YOU-THE-PEOPLE.]


All these companies--and others not yet revealed--do much more than provide cover for CIA employees, as Colby implied. They represent businesses worth hundreds of millions of dollars that can be used in all manner of operations by the CIA both at home and overseas.

Colby concluded:

Lastly, I think that there are a number of activities in the United States where foreign intelligence can be collected from foreigners, and as long as there is foreign intelligence, I think it is quite proper that we do this.


In this instance Colby was referring in part to the CIA's ef­forts to recruit foreign students on American campuses, and a similar program, operated with the cooperation of military intel­ligence, to suborn foreign military officers who come to the United States for training. But the CIA also targets other for­eign visitors to the U.S.--businessmen, newsmen, scholars, diplomats, U.N. delegates and employees, even simple tourists. It is specifically for the recruitment and handling of foreign agents that the CIA maintains safe houses in Washington, New York, and other cities.

Another group of Americans who are very much targets of the CIA are recent immigrants. Almost from the moment Fidel Castro took power in 1959, CIA operators have worked closely with Cuban exiles, particularly in Florida. Most of the recruit­ing and some of the training for the agency's abortive invasion of the island in 1961 took place in the Miami area. Even after that fiasco the CIA has continued to use Cuban-Americans (few as celebrated as "retained" agent--and Watergate burglar--Euge­nio Martinez) to carry out guerrilla operations against the Castro government. It has also been quite active among Eastern Euro­pean emigres in the United States. In November 1964, Eerik Heine, an Estonian refugee living in Canada, sued for slander another Estonian named Jun Raus, a resident of Hyattsville, Maryland. Raus, who was American National Commander of the Legion of Estonian Liberation, was alleged to have de­nounced Heine as an agent of the KGB. Raus' defense in court was based not on the specifics of the case but on an affidavit submitted by then CIA Deputy Director Richard Helms stating that Raus was a CIA agent and had spoken out against Heine among Estonian-Americans under direct agency orders. Helms submitted two more affidavits to the court stating that the CIA had further ordered Raus not to testify in court, but explaining he had said what he had "to protect the integrity of the Agency's foreign intelligence sources". The federal judge, Roszel C. Thomsen, ruled in the CIA's favor and did not accept the plain­tiff's contention that even if the agency had ordered that the al­leged slander be committed, it had no power to do so under the National Security Act of 1947, which forbade the CIA to exer­cise any "internal security functions".


In his decision, Judge Thomsen wrote:

It is reasonable that emigre groups from behind the Iron Cur­tain would be a valuable source of information as to what goes on in their homeland. The fact that the intelligence source is lo­cated in the United States does not make it an "internal security function" over which the CIA has no authority. The court con­cludes that activities by the CIA to protect its foreign intelli­gence sources located in the United States are within the power granted by Congress to the CIA.

By extension, it might also be argued that any "foreign intel­ligence source" located in the United States, emigre or not, is fair game for the CIA. Clearly, American citizens traveling abroad are eligible; clearly, researchers in universities are el­igible; and if the agency can come up with a reason--such as the threat of "foreign influence" in American politics--then every­one's eligible. And that eligibility extends not only to the honor of being consulted, cajoled, and financed, but to the privilege of being investigated, suborned, or whatever else the covert oper­ators might wish to do.

* * *

I am told that we are concluding this Journal herein so I shall leave the subject in point as the conclusion. I will cover the "mentality" of these clandestine operatives as we continue with this unfoldment.

The work which has been done since this source information of 1974 and prior, is beyond your ability to comprehend. You are completely integrated (your CIA) into and within the KGB and Mossad of Israel.

Please look carefully at the scandals which pour in upon you, say, in the arms dealings around the world and specifically this day with Israel. All you have in such incidents as the Gulf War on Iraq is the U.S. military doing the dirty work of the British through the armed CIA and operatives backed up by your U.S. military machine. Remember that the major operations of the Clandestine Services ARE WITHIN THE MILITARY FORCES WITH THE NAVY BEING THE MOST DANGEROUS AND PERVASIVE.

You act incredulous and shocked that Israel would "sell arms" and "technology"! Why? You, through the intelligence com­munity give them the wherewithal, the technology, the samples and the hardware--along with instructions and facility to ship to prearranged recipients. There is every reason to KNOW this is going on--to your deadly enemies for the point is to TAKE CONTROL OF THE WORLD!

Israel has been arming nations such as China and South Africa through shipments and sales of sensitive American weapons and technology for decades--why do you act shocked and quiver in your boots--NOTHING IS DIFFERENT.

There is overwhelming proof that this kind of "business" is flourishing. This is under full cooperation of your Administra­tion and Intelligence community. The only ones not aware of even the details are you-the-people and your greedy, worthless politicians who supposedly represent you-the-people. I think you get the drift of their level of HONESTY by looking at the level of deceit and criminal activities in the House banking scandal of this day.

One of your major treasonists and criminals is Representative Stephen Solarz--I believe you will find him also among your top abusers of the banking overdraft show and tell. Moreover, you will find that he has at least one and a half MILLION dollars in his campaign larder which he will get PERSONALLY when he leaves office--ANY WAY HE LEAVES OFFICE, I might add. He serves directly as a tool of the Committee of 300 through powerful influence of the Israeli PAC via the Council on For­eign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. We could run this on out further but we have given you listings and you can do that homework for yourself.


I receive your complaints of "no time to study" and "...too much stuff to catch up" and "I can't read all that stuff"--fine, don't. It is only your existence and that of your civilization and if you can't assume enough responsibility to catch up with what is what--then I cannot help you. I can give you the information as in the horse watering facility--I cannot force you to drink!

You ones can quarrel and protest and denounce me and disagree and on and on and on and it means NOTHING to me. I tell you how it is, what you can do and if you choose otherwise--so be it.

If you do not believe my presentation that is disadvantageous in itself--but if you don't wish to believe in my resources or aspect of being--then don't. If a dinner plate with food is set before you--do you fail to eat when hungry because of the source (the chef may or may not be from Istanbul or the French Chef's school)? I suggest you look AT TRUTH and then consider the possibilities of my position. It matters not one iota what you think about ME. It does, however, matter what I THINK ABOUT YOU! Hold it in your hearts.

By the way--the cute little toys the Israelis have sent include air-to-air missiles, anti-tank missiles and cluster bombs which have also maDe a large market in Ethiopia and Chile. There are also very sophisticated aircraft radars and jamming devices.

Don't fool yourself into the thought that Israel simply uses your technology and then builds their own for sale. The United States supports Israel--hook, line and totality. You give them in cash as much as your own budget.

It reminds me of them telling you they won't use the money guarantees to build in occupied territory. What difference--you send ALL their funding so what they call their investments is of little significance. So, they can use their traditional "food aid" for building and the new funds are diverted to "food aid".


By the way, the "stuff" from Korea which is under discussion from those "phantom" ships is most interesting. These are very long-range missile launchers which launch nuclear thrust war­heads--which are mostly tipped with ANTHRAX. This biologic substance can kill a man in less than 30 minutes utilizing an amount less than a quarter of a pinhead in quantity. This ALL originated from your own arsenals. Rest well tonight!! By the way, number two: THEY ALSO PLAN TO USE SOME OF THESE CUTE TOYS ON YOU-THE-PEOPLE TO BRING YOU INTO CONTROL. WHETHER OR NOT YOU EVEN HAVE AN ELECTION THIS YEAR IS TOTALLY UNDER QUESTION--IT DOES NOT LOOK PROBABLE AS THE CLOCK TICKS AWAY.

The important character to watch today, however, is that newly bought off friend, Assad of Syria--he is just really, really upset over your attempting to pirate his expected toys. It is never wise to trust one who could be bought for $4 million dollars into his pocket and who didn't even perform then--HE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND AND THIS "OLD BUDDY" SYSTEM IS NOT GOING TO WORK.


It is no secret that George Jr. is into the pot in full boil. You also must realize that Clinton is but a tool of the same factions.

It is all entangled with the bunch from BCCI, Clifford Clark (personal member of the Committee of 300) and other ones such as Hatch of Utah, etc.

The Public Broadcasting Service intends to present Frontline in early April--outlaying the structure of this tangled mess. Let's see if anything of value can actually be given unto you viewers. I do suggest ALL OF YOU partake. The only way to dismantle the web is to untangle the strands one at a time. I think it a wor­thy subject to cover in more detail but I have no more time for such in this writing. Perhaps I can cover it prior to pushing forward on the CIA at next session. It will be interesting for you to have more of the players in mind and where they fit--and then, perhaps you can find some confirmation regarding these JOURNALS and offerings.

May insight be your gift as you digest this information and pro­cess it properly within your minds. How many of you will pass this test which follows: Will you dance always, to the good and not evil, and when it is all over--will you not have the feeling that you might have done better?