PJ 46


FRI., MARCH 13, 1992 7:29 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 210

FRIDAY. MARCH 13. 1992


Hatonn present to continue with our writing. I apologize for starting so early this morning but the tape had to be done for the Constitutional Law Center regarding Tyson.


I make no judgment as to the man's innocence or guilt. I do say that the young man did not have fair hearing under his right of protection under the Constitution--and THAT is what you are about; not judging. The child in point went to this man's room of her own accord in the wee hours of the morning and regard­less of what is "said"--she expected to have, and did so, sex.

The Judge, then, in jury instructions disallowed all evidence re­garding "actions" which would indicate to the jury that the sex­ual encounter was simply consentual. This is what is wrong with the trial. The young man in point did not have a just trial or hearing. If you are going to be worthy of having Constitu­tional justice in your courts--you must set aside all predisposed notions of personal feelings and go with the Constitutional LAW. If there was a law broken--fine, allow that to be identi­fied justly. If the laws of God are in point--that is between God and individual. Yours is to bring back Constitutional Law unto the people and the judicial system. A person has a right to a "fair" trial by a jury of "peers".

You, Gene Dixon, as Acting Dean of the Law Center, must act NOW--before that sentencing hearing on the 26th. Do not let this young man go to jail, if at all possible, for his crime is not worthy of such treatment. The young lady is making great attention and payments in this "lie" and it is a good example of injustice--regardless of what the man's "habits" may be. I think you will find that the bad habits will improve right quickly. Pushing women around seems to be his great pleasure--I believe he will find that is no longer acceptable.

One major point of injustice is the 911 phone call made some 26-27 HOURS after the fact. That was obviously staged for wrongful purposes. A call which is NOT EMERGENCY made to a 911 number is punishable by discipline and fine. The 911 system is for emergency assistance when the crime is "in progress" or immediately thereafter--not after a day to make plans to "frame" another.


I ask that the information regarding the Law Center and the pa­per regarding the Tyson trial be inserted, separately if neces­sary, in this issue of the LIBERATOR for justice will have to be fought for in the pages of other than the establishment press which set up the injustice in the first place, for political reasons. Tyson made some enemies in the gaming circles and, regardless of actions, for that was he brought down into this injustice.


Is there new information regarding the misuse of the Bank set up for the House members? No. So I believe if you look carefully at timing, you will see this scandal comes at a time to add con­fusion and chaos into the election system. It is an effort to swing more Republican balance into the Congress in the up­coming elections. You are watching the pulling down of a gov­ernment right in front of your eyes.

Are the actions good? Of course not, and this type of action must be stopped if you are ever to have a free nation and an honorable government. With every political "game", you-the‑people can make gain if you will pay attention to "what" is hap­pening and "why"--then act accordingly--in wisdom.

You must bring back sovereignty unto individuals and unto the States where it belongs. Not even your nation is longer sovereign and the housecleaning must be done if you are to re­cover your working Constitution and freedom.


This is all the watching I wish to indulge in this morning with one exception: Africa. You are watching the total annihilation of a nation. I cannot take time to cover that subject today and yet, it is extremely important.

Donald S. McAlvany has done a brilliant review in the McAl­vany Intelligence Advisor newsletter--last published. Dharma doesn't have access to the copy so I have to simply suggest that you get a copy. It is a very long dissertation and I would guess a copy could be obtained for a minimal charge of a few dollars. I would suggest you call or write the Editorial Office: The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, P.O. Box 22484, Denver, CO 80222, 303:756-8538. This is extremely important material to those in South Africa but I believe you already are privy to McAlvany's work and insight. I will get to the subject as soon as possible but at present we must continue with the working en­forcement groups within the U.S. as the politics of the U.S. im­pact, inconceivably, the rest of the globe. Thank you for your patience. We must share this information distribution as we find valid writers for physical limitations are most burdensome.


This is to act as a "notice" please, to ones of our readers who have senior assistance from the government on your health care. Millions are being "had" by the government "secrecy" regarding benefits applicable to many of you. Somehow the government just hasn't reached most of you with the changes in coverage and you are paying for care and services which are actually covered. Somehow the news just didn't make it to all as some seem much more "equal" than do oth­ers. For instance, almost all ones eligible in Washington state--know it and have applied properly. Over 127,000 eli­gible ones in California have not even heard of added bene­fits. I suggest that ALL of you who may be eligible simply contact your proper offices and find out because the gov­ernment won't come knocking on your door until forced to do so. If you know of ones who may be eligible--please spread the word. This is a way in which the government can save and glean millions of dollars--at your expense. This is something which has been available for a very long time and yet, eligible ones were simply not notified.

Back to the CIA and IMA:


Neither the U-2 reconnaissance flights nor the first missions of American photographic satellites confirmed the fears of the analysts, but the U.S. government took no chances, and pressed fervently ahead with its own strategic strike programs, espe­cially the Minuteman ICBM and the Polaris submarine. By 1963 it was abundantly evident that the only "missile gap" which existed was in America's favor, created by the rapid deployment of U.S. systems. Khrushchev and his colleagues had deliber­ately attempted to mislead by cleverly implying a nuclear attack capability which the Soviet Union did not possess; apparently, they were somewhat encouraged by those U.S. intelligence es­timates secretly provided by Colonel Whalen which showed how worried U.S. officials were by the Soviet bluff. But even though deception was at first successful, in that U.S. officials believed the Soviet claims, it ultimately backfired as the United States chose to accelerate its own missile-development pro­grams, thereby placing the Soviet Union in a position of still greater strategic disadvantage than before.

Perhaps an even greater service which Colonel Whalen unintentionally performed for his country while spying for the KGB came during the Berlin crisis of 1961. At that time, in addition to building the wall to separate the east and west portions of the city, the East Germans attempted, with obvious Soviet support, to reduce access to Berlin from West Germany. The U.S. intelligence estimate was that the Communists were tough­ening and unlikely to back down. This gloomy but influential estimate was passed to the KGB by Colonel Whalen, probably along with other information that the United States would stand absolutely firm. When the Soviets suddenly and unexpectedly eased their position, both the White House and the intelligence community, although pleased, were confused by Moscow's turnabout. Only years later, during the preparation of the Whalen damage report, did the analysts get a better idea why their original estimates of Soviet behavior had proved to be wrong in 1961. With the benefit of hindsight, the analysts rea­soned: The Soviet leaders had decided to ease their stand when they realized the U.S. government would not back down, de­spite the estimate of Soviet intransigence. Apparently afraid they might be on the verge of provoking a major military con­flict, the Soviets abruptly softened their demands.


The unexpected benefits to the U.S. government stemming from the Whalen penetration, while clearly fortuitous, are not unique in clandestine operations. In 1964 it was learned that the American Embassy in Moscow had been thoroughly bugged by the KGB. Scores of Soviet audio devices were found throughout the building. Counterespionage and security specialists deter­mined that the equipment had been installed in 1952 when the embassy had been renovated, and that the bugs had been opera­tional for roughly twelve years. The damage report asserted that during this entire period--at the height of the Cold War--So­viet intelligence had probably intercepted every diplomatic cable between Washington and the embassy.


U.S. suspicions about the Soviet eavesdropping were appar­ently aroused early in 1964 when Nikita Khrushchev made a remark to Ambassador Foy Kohler about Kohler's role in blocking the shipment to the Soviet Union of steel for an impor­tant pipeline. Taken in context, Khrushchev's remark indicated to Kohler that there was a leak somewhere in American secu­rity. Kohler started a massive investigation, and, within a month or two, found forty-odd bugs embedded in walls through­out the embassy. Although Kohler would later claim there was no connection between the discovery of the bugs and the investi­gation he ordered after his conversation with Khruschev, the timing would seem to indicate otherwise.


Today the likelihood of the KGB eavesdropping on the activi­ties in an embassy code room is extremely remote. Most State Department communications overseas are handled by the CIA. The machines and other equipment are cushioned and cov­ered to mute the sounds emanating from them. The rooms themselves are encased in lead and rest on huge springs that further reduce the internal noises. Resembling large camp­ing trailers, the code rooms now are normally located deep in the concrete basements of embassy buildings. Access to them by sound-sensitive devices is, for all practical purposes, impossible.

* * *

The CIA's counterespionage operators not only try to recruit secret agents in opposition services like the KGB, they also work against the so-called friendly or allied services. Off bounds for the most part--in principle, at least--are the intelli­gence agencies of the English-speaking countries, among which there is a kind of unwritten agreement not to spy on each other.


Attempts are made by the Intelligence Directorate to re­strict the dissemination of highly classified analysis to foreign services, but for the most part these are limited to relatively minor deletions of references to collection sources. In some instances, the practice involves simply cutting out with a razor a few words here and there from the text of, say, a Na­tional Intelligence Estimate on Soviet missile capabilities. Usually this is done on only a few documents being given to the British or other English-speaking services.



[H: The next information is perhaps the most important as­pect of activities for you-the-people. Your police depart­ments are utilizing Special Forces in the guise of CIA opera­tives and are integrating at present, KGB and Soviet police into and within the very training process of your various policing departments. This is perhaps the most urgent and obvious change in your nation. Note the violence with which officers are increasingly being subjected to and subjection onto citizens. The force for maintaining public order is al­ready into practice against the day of needing to control the public. Please pay very close attention to this next subject and I believe you can update the information with that which is presented to you every day in every city and now, township. The Rodney King beating in Los Angeles is but one visible piece of evidence of what is happening. Surely you do not think that if there had not been a video tape of that incident that it would have ever even come to your at­tention! That kind of behavior is more the "norm" than the "abnormal"--listen to the reports as they are shared with you. It may be a black man today--but the police are not really selectors of color if they wish to abuse someone--it is simply, sad but true, easier to get away with the action in your bigoted society.]


On December 17, 1972, the New York Times revealed that the CIA had secretly provided training to fourteen New York City policemen. At the time, agency spokesman Angus Thuer­mer acknowledged that other American police departments had received "similar courtesies", but he would not specify how many. Thuermer said to the Times, "I doubt very much that (CIA Officials) keep that kind of information." But New York Congressman Edward Koch persisted in seeking precisely "that kind of information" from the agency. On January 29, 1973, the CIA's Legislative Counsel, John Maury (himself a longtime clandestine operator and former station chief in Greece), admit­ted to Koch that "Less than fifty police officers all told, from a total of about a dozen city and county police forces, have re­ceived some sort of Agency briefing within the past two years." But again the CIA was being less than forthcoming, for its po­lice training (which consisted of much more than a "briefing") had been going on for considerably more than two years cited by the CIA--at least since 1967, when Chicago police received instruction at both the agency's headquarters and at "The Farm" in southeastern Virginia. When queried by newspaper reporters in 1973, police authorities in Chicago denied that any of their men had received any such agency training. But Richard Helms, then recently departed as Director, specifically told a se­cret session of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at the beginning of February that Chicago police had been included in the agency training effort, and his disclosure subsequently leaked out to the press.

It was significant that when the CIA publicly owned up to training sessions in Maury's letter to Koch, the only time period mentioned was "the past two years"; it was likely true that in "the past two years" fewer than fifty officers from a dozen lo­calities had been trained. But if the CIA had confessed to the full extent of its pre-1971 police-training activities, the figures would have been much larger. More important, the agency could not have justified its domestic police-training program, as it did, on the grounds of a provision of the Omnibus Crime Con­trol and Safe Streets Act of 1968, well after the CIA training had started. Of course, once the agency had been shown to have carried out this domestic activity, it needed such a justifica­tion or excuse: the National Security Act of 1947 had forbidden it to exercise any "police, subpoena, law-enforcement powers, or internal security functions".


The tactics used by the CIA to cover its tracks in this instance were typical of the kind of deception that the agency has gener­ally used to conceal its numerous activities inside the United States. The subject of domestic operations is a particularly sen­sitive one in the CIA, and probably no other program is handled with greater secrecy.

CIA training of local police departments may seem like a relatively harmless activity, but it does raise several questions. Why did the agency at first try to cover up and then mislead Congress, the press, and the public about its activity? Why could the same training not have been given by the FBI, which maintains facilities and has legal authorization for that purpose? (Helms told the Foreign Relations Committee that the police re­quested CIA assistance because the agency's techniques in keeping intelligence files and in performing certain kinds of surveillance were more advanced than the FBI's.) And why have subsequent CIA Directors James Schlesinger and William Colby not specifically ruled out any future police training, even after the press and the Congress have raised the questions of il­legality and impropriety?

None of these questions has an obvious answer. In general, however, the CIA does not like to admit that it has been doing something it shouldn't have, and deceptive public statements by the agency are as much a standard reflex action as an indication that something particularly unsavory has occurred. Another ex­planation might be that during those days in December 1972 and January 1973 when the police-training incident was being ex­posed, the Watergate cover-up had not yet come unglued and the CIA might have been trying to keep investigators away from its domestic activities. A few months later, of course, the press would discover, and various public officials would reveal, that Richard Helms had been "most cooperative and helpful" in helping to organize the top-secret White House plan for domes­tic surveillance and intelligence collection; that the CIA had provided "technical" assistance to the White House plumbers in their 1971 burglary of the office of Daniel Ellsberg's psychia­trist; that the agency maintained "safe houses" in the heart of Washington where E. Howard Hunt was clandestinely provided with CIA-manufactured false documents, a disguise, a speech-altering device, and a camera fitted into a tobacco pouch; that five of the seven Watergate burglars were ex-CIA employees, and one was still on the payroll and regularly reporting to an agency case officer; that in the week after the break-in at the Democratic party's headquarters, high White House officials tried to involve the agency directly in the Watergate cover-up; and, perhaps most significantly, that top CIA officials remained silent, even in secret testimony before congressional commit­tees, about the illegal activities they knew had taken place. In fact, Helms' answers to the Senate Foreign Relations Commit­tee's questions on Watergate in February and March 1973 proved to be so evasive and misleading, particularly as subse­quent disclosures were made, that the Washington Post's Lau­rence Stern wrote on July 10 of the same year "that the word perjury was being uttered in Senate offices by those who were privy to the secret testimony given by Helms...."

At a February 7 hearing, for example, New Jersey's Senator Clifford Case told Helms it had come to his attention that in 1969 or 1970 the White House had asked the various govern­ment intelligence agencies to pool resources to learn more about the anti-war movement. "Do you know anything," Case asked Helms, "about any activity on the part of the CIA in that con­nection? Was it asked to be involved?" Helms replied, "I don't recall whether we were asked, but we were not involved be­cause to me that was a clear violation of what our charter was." Case persisted, "What do you do in a case like that? Suppose you were?" Helms answered, "I would simply go to explain to the President this didn't seem advisable." Case: "That would end it??" Helms: "Well, I think so, normally."


Four months later a memorandum written by former White House aide Tom Charles Huston leaked to the New York Times. It outlined a program for domestic surveillance of U.S. citizens that had been approved by President Nixon on July 15, 1970, and then rescinded by him five days later. Huston noted a series of meetings with top officials of the FBI, the CIA, the DIA, and the NSA, and the service intelligence agencies, and said, "I went into this exercise fearful that CIA would refuse to cooper­ate. In fact, Dick Helms was most cooperative and helpful." According to the Huston memorandum, the authenticity of which has been confirmed by the White House, the CIA was slated to be a full participating member.

But the facts and suspicions to emerge from the Senate Watergate hearings during the following months suggested that this is not at all the way such matters are worked out behind the scenes in the executive branch of the government, raising still more questions as to the reliability of the CIA's clandestine leadership--and the agency's role in U.S. domestic intelligence operations.

[H: Please remember that the Watergate Committee is/was a direct working operation of the Committee of 300.]


The CIA has always conducted clandestine operations within the United States, although for the most part these have been related to its overseas activities or their support. It was for this purpose that the agency originally established, a number of years past, a special component of the Clandestine Services, the Domestic Operations Division. But the separation between for­eign-oriented covert operations and those considered essentially domestic is often vague and confusing in the intelligence business. Thus, over the years there had been constant bureaucratic friction between the CIA and the FBI, which has primary re­sponsibility for internal security. Compromises and other working arrangements have had to be evolved, allowing the CIA a certain operational latitude within the U.S.A. and giving the bureau in return special privileges abroad in the agency's sphere of responsibility.

The Domestic Operations Division (DOD), with a staff of a few hundred people and an annual budget of up to $10 million, is a well-established part of the Clandestine Services. Division headquarters for Domestic Operations is not at the main CIA installation at Langley, but in an office building on downtown Washington's Pennsylvania Avenue, within two blocks of the White House. This is also the Washington "station", and its subordinate "bases" are situated in major American cities. These offices are separate from the agency's other facilities for routine personnel recruiting and overt contact with American overseas travellers. The "secret" DOD offices serve as spring­boards for the Clandestine Services' covert operations in Ameri­can cities.

The DOD is surrounded by extreme secrecy, even by CIA standards, and its actual functions are shrouded in mystery. The extent of the agency's unwillingness to discuss the Domestic division could be seen when the CIA officer preparing the agency's annual budget request to Congress in 1968 was point­edly told by the Executive Director not to include anything about the DOD in the secret briefing to be given to the Senate and House appropriations committees. In at least one other instance, Director Helms was specifically asked in a secret congressional session about the "Domestic Operations Division". In his an­swer to the unsuspecting legislators, he described the functions of the "Domestic Contact Service"--the overt agency office that recruits American travelers to be unofficial CIA eyes and ears abroad--which at the time was a complete separate entity housed outside the Clandestine Services.

The Domestic Division's task, like all agency clandestine area divisions, is the collection of covert intelligence and the conduct of other secret operations--but in this instance inside the United States. It operates some of the espionage programs aimed against foreign students and other visitors to the United States, but by no means all of them. Recruitment of a Soviet diplomat at the United Nations or in Washington would fall un­der the Clandestine Services' Soviet Bloc Division. Programs with Cuban-American in Florida would be handled by the West­ern Hemisphere Division, the Covert Action Staff, or the Spe­cial Operations (paramilitary) Division--depending on the agent's intended role.

There is relatively widespread feeling among observers of the CIA's Clandestine Services that the DOD would like to do more on the American scene than it apparently has up to now. It is also believed that if the Nixon Administration's domestic-secu­rity plan of 1970 and the related surveillance of American dissi­dents had ever been put into operation--which the White House has denied but various press accounts have suggested [II: Now in full operation for over a decade.]--the DOD probably would have become deeply involved. The rationale used by the CIA would most likely have been the same one mentioned by Director Colby at his confirmation hearing: that the agency can rightfully spy on Americans "involved with foreign institutions". To the mistrustful minds of the Clandestine Services, the prob­lems caused in the United States by dissidents, civil-rights ac­tivists, and anti-war protesters certainly conjured up the specter of foreign influences. After all, the covert officers reasoned, the dissident political groups in the United States were obviously receiving financial support from somewhere, and the sources could be foreign. The clandestine operators familiar with the CIA's secret efforts to aid and strengthen anti-government groups in Eastern Europe and elsewhere easily calculated that somehow the Communist countries were now getting even by using American groups to stir up trouble in the United States. CIA support for dissident movements in Eastern Europe never made any less real the source of their grievances, but that did not prevent the agency from using them to put pressure on the Soviet government and perhaps even to divert Moscow's atten­tion from its struggle with the West. And in the late 1960's and early 1970's American dissidents were certainly causing diffi­culties for the U.S. government. Since the Clandestine Services knew it had exploited similar circumstances in Eastern Europe, its operators naturally looked for KGB involvement in the United States. Clandestine Services had sympathizers every­where. H.R. Haldeman, in a secret memo made public during the Senate Watergate hearings: "We need our people to put out the story on the foreign or Communist money that was used in support of demonstrations against the President in 1972."


The Johnson White House, however, had chosen not to in­volve the CIA deeply in domestic clandestine operations at the time when it first asked, back in the beginnings of the anti-war movement. The Domestic Operations Division was given only a small piece of the action--namely, to increase its surveillance of the movement, and its activities against direct foreign involve­ment in the movement. The FBI, too, was instructed to expand its domestic political-intelligence capabilities. But the lion's share of the responsibility in the matter was given to the Pen­tagon--in particular, the Army--apparently under a newly dis­covered, but outdated, emergency law granting the President special power to utilize the military and take whatever measure he deemed necessary to put down domestic unrest and conspira­cies. Literal legal justification probably was not the sole reason why Army intelligence was assigned as the main instrument with which to attack the domestic targets; size was another consider­ation. Neither the CIA nor the FBI had the manpower for an all-out clandestine offensive against the radicals. Nor did either have available large numbers of young intelligence personnel who could actually penetrate the movement. But Army Intelli­gence soon blundered, and its domestic surveillance programs were exposed in January 1970 by ex-agent Christopher Pyle, writing in the Washington Monthly. During the following year the military services were forced to withdraw from their massive attack against domestic dissidents; the field was once again left to the "professionals"--the FBI and the CIA.

This situation, however, soon resulted in an open break be­tween the agency and the bureau. The New York Times at­tributed the split, in late 1971, to a minor event involving jurisdictional control over the handling of an informant/agent in Denver, Colorado. But shortly afterward Sam Papich, the FBI's officer in charge of liaison with the CIA, and a member of J. Edgar Hoover's immediate staff, was dismissed by the bureau chief. And only weeks later William Sullivan, head of the FBI's Division of Internal Security, the bureau's representative on the U.S. Intelligence Board, and a good friend of the CIA, was locked out of his office and fired by Hoover.

In the aftermath of the troubles at the FBI, the press carried a series of reports of Hoover's and the bureau's incompetence. Some comments, attributed to "authoritative sources" in the in­telligence community, accused the FBI of having done a poor job of protecting the nation's internal security in recent years. These same sources also noted that the bureau had uncovered only a handful of foreign spies in the United States during the past several years, and described the FBI as lacking in the "sophisticated" approach to modern counterespionage. Such statements, in substance and in phraseology, clearly originated with, or were inspired by, the CIA.

What the public was unaware of at the time, however, was that since 1970--long before the open CIA-FBI split--the White House had been planning to expand domestic intelligence oper­ations. And while the CIA had gone along with and encouraged the secret policy, the FBI had resisted it. It was, in fact, Hoover's personal refusal to support the new policy that resulted in the collapse of the White House plan. And it was in these circumstances that a paranoid President then established the in­famous "plumbers" squad, with which the CIA was evidently quite willing to cooperate--and with which the FBI seems to have been reluctant to become involved.

* * *

Let us leave the writing now, please, as we have other duties to attend. Thank you for your attention.

Hatonn to clear.

PJ 46


SAT., MARCH 14, 1992 7:58 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 211



Mitakuye Oyasin, Dharma, mitakuye oyasin: "for all my rela­tions"; "for the wakan; for Tatuye Topa". This, Dharma is why we write weary hour upon hour. For our relations which are ultimately only ourselves and for the wondrous spiritual and spiritual mystery unto the four quarters of the universe. Chela, there is nothing save the circles within the circles of infinity. All are of God, the Wakan Tanka, splitting into the fragments which all together make up the whole of ALL.

As one who marks upon the stones, the story of Truth, ones come to think of you as would the Lakotas think upon the being called "owl woman". This one stands watch at the door; the road to the spirit lodges. She looks at symbols and, in checking out the various markings upon a being, allows the being to pass or will refuse him entry--cast aside and "over the cliff", so to speak, to become a ghost traveler to roam the earth endlessly as a wanagi (ghost).

We of the winged tribes cannot fit our circled symbols within the limitations of the "square" which represents human of the white race. Those squares represent prison--cell doors, money papers, buildings and rooms of separation, televisions, radios--boxes upon boxes with nothing of value trapped within save the souls of brothers who are in prison within those boxes.

But why "you"? Why not "you"? If not "you"--WHO? You would leave it to the Red Eagle? Leave it to the Little Crow? Leave it to the Phoenix? How about the Cuckoo Bird? That is where it IS in your life at this time--your nest has been taken by the Cuckoo who has thrown your own hatchlings over the cliff to their doom while you feed the monstrous evil creatures and serve them while they take all of the physical experience into their evil traps. You have forgotten to watch for the signs and see the writings upon the mind--the stones, the moss, the winds--you fail to see the Raven with his black stone, symbolizing the winds which bear misfortune.

For each task comes strength for the completion of the task and a teacher who will hold your hand and bear you up when you become mired in the depths of despair or await your return when you stray into the forgetfulness which traps you into the world of the physical places of human disaster.

Why you? Because it is your journey--it is the markings of the golden Eagle and the bronzed sparrow. Always will stand with you the Red Eagle/White Eagle with sharing of heart so that the work can be done--the journey finished in wisdom and not left to the heyokas--those sacred clowns. When ones come to seek clarity of vision, to most you only represent a friend who has ear with which to hear more clearly. This is because ones do not yet understand for man is still only beginning to remember who he is and the assault against him is constant. Man reaches for his addictions to prevent the seeing of Truth as he blinds his eyes and ears and the feelings of touch leave and the soul is placed in limbo where for a moment in perceived "time" a being can physically escape. But the time allowed for "escape" has passed and reality in the remembering must be confronted.

You cannot pass your "work" on to another--for who is "another"? Who but YOU? You are but all of "them" and "they are but you". It is only through the Great Spirit within that you find higher wisdom reflected in your growth and unity as the symbols on the paper become the language of communi­cation. This is why the symbols--so that you can recognize your brother--yourself. Choices are made and ones must choose and decide whether or not to sit forever within the boxes of the physical or fly free within the circles of infinity.

That part of Man latches onto that which "seems" real--the things he can only experience in the physical manifestation of thought--"things". The soul longs to regain its freedom with its wondrous flight feathers--but the "golden" feathers weigh him down and keep him binded. Can you not see, wacasaska, that you are but a feather on the wings of God? You ARE a part of that which allows the whole to fly again--only "knowledge" can allow the proper remembering and we are among those who will bring the remembering as it IS--without the lies which entrap the soul and have plucked all the feathers from your being and trapped you in the tarpits of physical squares--holding gold in place of Spirit and binding you by the sheer weight of it to that which cannot be held except for a brief time of Great Spirit's allowing.

The message is simple--the task simple--and the "knowing" sim­ple--so simple indeed, that man cannot remember.

Why would I speak to your heart in this language versus an­other? Because we are of the tribes gaining insight and knowl­edge through the experiences of and among the higher constel­lations--so that we can recognize one another when the sacred stones are laid upon the sacred altar (owanka wakan)--that holy place of Great Spirit--universal; infinite. It is only a part of the remembering and each of you are only allowed to hold a portion so that you can awaken into alertness and not hide your heads beneath the blankets and refuse to see and do your work.

Your work is only different from that of another--for without the contribution of each--in perfection to his/her best ability--the whole is but a tattered flying machine which cannot soar. A wing without flight feathers is a useless thing and yet, to build a glider wing--one must know why another's did not work, what you have done to keep it non-functional and what will allow it to buoy up the whole into flight.

If you accept all the responsibility of all the feathers then you have caused them to be unable to know their own value--so you must not DO IT FOR ANOTHER. The "Owl Woman" at the crossing point is only "self" recognizing that it failed to gain the wisdom suitable to pass on into the mysterious and wondrous places beyond the door. Man will always conjure an "owl woman" to decide his fate for he desires to bear no responsibil­ity and then, he will effort to kill his own creation because it represents that which he failed to attain. What another thinks of you is none of your business, Dharma--anyone--for that is the problem or treasure of the one in the thinking. Man hates Truth for it reflects his soul failures for he reaches the point that he only hears the negative aspects of reflection and forgets that he is a reflection of the total perfection as well as that of the nega­tive and dark aspect of being. There is no way to "judge" an­other for none have privy to the contracts of the "other". So, you can only discern direction from the guidelines given forth from Great Spirit and Creation to guide you according to "Truth" unto the lighted places of freedom. Imperfection is that which allows growth for when perfection is achieved--there needs be no further experience--honor the imperfections that al­low you to experience and grow into wisdom that you might soar again within the Light as the Light which you ARE.

How do you want this play to end? Dharma, ponder a minute--how do you want this play to conclude? Let us assume you wish it to conclude with oneness again with God. How can you con­clude your play in that manner if you know not what IS GOD? So, how do you wish this experience to unfold? Do you wish those underground facilities to be of the brotherhood of Light? Do you wish them to be your security when evil comes to con­frontation? Then why do you not write that into your play? Why do you ones always allow the evil writers to write your play? This act within the play will unfold exactly as you desire it to unfold and as the players learn their lines and practice their roles--so shall it come to pass that the play will be exactly as you choose it to become and unfold. Do you think God not ca­pable of holding those secure places in the underground for your safety? All that is needed is to give life unto His creatures man­ufactured by Man in his evil intent and the very tools of his manufacture will be his destruction.

When you speak of enemies, say, aliens--what mean ye? If these "aliens" be of God--are they YOUR enemies? If the thrust is that "they" are enemies of your governments and the business community of thieves and war-mongers--does that make "them" YOUR enemy--or your salvation? It is up to you! Are "they" there? INDEED! I, personally, am as near as your breath and you would be surprised at where I might be in the holographic aspect at this moment of experience. Where would you have me be, scribe?? Would you have me within as your heartbeat or dancing on silver wings as thine enemy assaults you? It is wis­dom and maturity that knows that for which to ask. God often allows you to have that for which you carelessly ask--for the se­vere lesson gleaned from the having thereof. I suggest, rather, wisdom in all things and most especially when asking God to fulfill a request--it might just happen and then where would you be?

Now as to confronting questions and ones who seek more clarity through the wisdom of higher and farther vision; we must be patient for where the personal response is concerned, Man is given to experience the multitudes of fool's games and the wis­dom seems fuzzy. So, let us look in wisdom--say at E.Y. who is now again at crossroads of journey. What has changed in this place? What seems to be happening regarding transfer? Pay attention--if you can have the best of both circumstances--hear what God is saying to you in that inner knowingness. Be patient enough to wait upon the Spirit after you have turned your bur­den over unto His care. Seize the moment and the opportunity if it be reasonable. In this instance, E.Y. can have the positive of both--IF, he uses wisdom. He can continue to work with the ones who need his physical input--AND, in the allowing them their needs, he can require that if he needs "time" to journey or make presentation for his next experience--so be it. If the move is to be made sooner--the inner knowing will take care of the nudging.

You ones have worked hard and it is coming time for the return swing and some of the reaping of the harvest. E.Y. will be most invaluable in presentation of these project proposals to ones who decide that which will be invested and give credence from physical aspect to ones in the positions to make selections--be it for growing algae to type of housing. These are things that you ones must continue to foster and service until more magnifi­cent decisions come to pass for too few will come into the safety awaiting them--they will turn away calling good--evil. God can fly in all directions and can do so anywhere and anyway He chooses. ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE--IF YE ASK IN WISDOM AND SINCERE PETITION FOR YOUR RE­LATIONS AND NOT JUST TO SAVE YOUR OWN SELFISH ASSETS. IF YE ARE BOUND BY YOUR ASSETS THEN YOU SHALL BE LEFT TO THOSE ASSETS.

Who am I who speaks with such authority and reminds you of your journey and sometimes utilizes a good swift kick to thine assets? You need none of those "assets"--but you do need ME for I represent the strength and the knowing--in wisdom--of you‑
-each of you. It is not important in the least as to "WHO" am I‑

I wish to speak of the Law Center and Tyson and commitments, etc., but I wish to speak of it first in the meeting this afternoon for I wish to show you HOW things fit together if you allow God to unfold the vision and YOU see it. Then, timely, you must seize the moment, the hour and the day or the opportunity will pass you by as surely as you consider breathing for if you fail to grasp the breath as presented, the next may not come for you have wasted that which was provided. You must stop plac­ing restrictions and limitations of your own expectations upon that which God provides in the answered petition. It is the love of one heart-soul unto another and back with the response of same that keeps you going and growing. What may seem as no contribution--is often the very thing that moves another one step forward and thus moves the "whole". It is YOUR prayer in earnest intent which moves the "whole"--can you not see? It is not Dharma writing--it is YOU reading and seeing the Truth which pushes the dream--dances the dream--awake and into re­ality of conclusion. Do you not see that on a most practical level--if you want the safety of the very tunnels and facilities built to exclude you--YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL? Can you not see it?

Do you think I gave you locations of your national intent to have exclusive life extension just to allow you to know where your enemy is? No--those locations at some time will be your very security--IF YOU CHOOSE TO HAVE IT THAT WAY. ALIENS FROM THE UNIVERSE ARE NOT EARTH HU­MANS' PROPERTY AS THEY SEEM TO BELIEVE--YOU HAVE BUT TO RECOGNIZE FRIEND FROM ENEMY AND LISTEN AS THE INSTRUCTIONS COME BACK IN AN­SWER TO YOUR PETITIONS FOR WISDOM. For instance, do you actually believe that we would allow tunneling and dam­age to the magnificent focusing crystal center for communica­tions and navigation from your "star" to be damaged or .con­trolled? This planet belongs to Creator and ones have taken possession and damaged this wondrous living "mother". Do you actually believe Creator shall tolerate such devastation, even in illusion of perception? You will come into Truth of the illusion of manifestation or you may well live to wish you had. If you are of God, what possible thing could you have to fear? If you are of God you will KNOW that you are protected and provided for as the babe in the womb. It is when you pull away and turn from God that you get into mischief and trouble--hold My hand and I will take you home. Deny me and ye shall search longer for your home. Home is much closer than you think for Man is given to think with that which IS WITHIN THE ILLUSION as he fails to TRUST that KNOWINGNESS within his being.

You ones want gurus and go-betweens. Why? Because you have been trained to think you are not sufficient unto self. Why would not your desire to have security be as fulfilling as that of your adversary? Moreover, if ye be of God--ye have infinite capabilities and ye shall breathe the breath of life into that which is needed for your army and "war" will not be in the realm of need. War is that which your adversary to "life" plans this day against the unwitting and innocents of nations.

Do some on your planet have worry and trouble with "aliens"? Oh my, indeed yes--we are THE enemy of those who have de­stroyed, enslaved and torn down that which is God's property. Wrathful is this God? No--JUST! FAIR? According to whose perspective? But remember something as you read these words--you must discern your own perception. How knowledgeable are you? Do you see this as a fearful revelation or one of won­drous security?

You think Dharma somehow has the gift of writing? If you un­derstood not that which she writes--then you might well be as the rock-throwers and advise her that she knows not how to write at all and everything is beyond understanding. If you un­derstand that which is the "word" or compilation of symbols and words--who is the revelator? The writer or the receiver? Communication is simply that which is understood in intent. The point is to bring the communication into focus so that all know "explicitly" that of which we effort to understand. When the focus is clear and all see the same understanding and vision--so then, can you manifest that vision into reality. Ones who do not wish to understand and come into vision of reality away from the humanistic experiences of the fleshly senses--will NOT understand nor will he come close enough to receive. He will insist upon being left as the ship leaves port--do you see? You do not know if God will send a life-ring, a spacecraft or a shut­tle to take you underground beneath the horrors--WILL YOU KNOW WHEN GOD COMES? Will you be efforting to "ascend" when your security is to "descend"? Why must you make such foolish limitations on God and self as to follow a blind leader who teaches the limitations of God as he/she pro­nounces that they are teaching the unlimited qualities of God. If you are "with" God you will automatically ascend or descend as God discerns.

You want to cling to an idea of that which WAS--no, you are stuck with that which IS. Will you lose your very life in the need to hold to that which has passed and shall never come again as "was"? Do you want to experience the "crystal" of perfection from within as one with it--or always ponder the pos­sibilities according to "another's" description of how it might be? If you have already decided in the negative of "I can't" or "it isn't possible", you have already decided--for you will not bring it into creation--you will fail for that was your decision from onset. If you get off your assets and decide it will be ac­complished--anything and everything will come to be. If you take My hand I will show you where we are going but if you turn from Me--YOU SHALL NOT GO ON THIS JOURNEY WITH ME FOR YOU CANNOT TRAVEL IN BOTH DIREC­TIONS AT ONCE. I CAN GIVE YOU GLORY--OR YOU MAY TAKE YOUR CHANCES WITH THE DECEIVERS WHO HAVEN'T TOLD YOU TRUTH YET AND HAVE GIVEN YOU LESS. THEY HAVE PROVED THEIR DECEIT AND YET, STILL, YOU CLING TO THESE ENEMIES.

There you have it, precious ones--glory and freedom or bondage and struggle. My path is only through effort toward goodness. I shall hold out My hand unto you and I shall hold the lamp aloft so that you can see in wisdom--but I will snatch you away to nowhere nor drag you anywhere.

If you deny God, God will allow you to do so and in the ending if you continue unto your transition to deny then be prepared for God to take leave of you until lessons are learned and vision clears a whole heck of a lot. Equal opportunity does not mean "the same" opportunity. You will claim that opportunity offered unto YOU--for another's is not yours to claim. How many of you will deny the glories and treasure of your heritage to cling to the dregs of an elusive, fragmented and binding dream expe­rience?

It is the time of sorting and the decisions are made in the confu­sion of chaos because it is in that state of consciousness when Man makes his choices of life journey. It is the epitome of the battle between Truth and the lie. I did not say "good" or "bad"--I SAID TRUTH OR THE LIE. Which will it be?

Why do you concern, say, with those space aliens? If you are of God, you know the following: Evil cannot exist in the pres­ence of God so if they be evil they shall be smitten down--if they be of God then you are in clover--right? The only thing I can give unto you as assistance in deciding--IT SURELY SEEMS WISE TO ME, TO STICK WITH GOD BECAUSE HE IS GO­ING TO WIN EITHER WAY.

I force no-one to take my portions. I force none to read my pre­sentations. You can "argue" into infinity over the merits of one book above that of another--but if one book be wrong then your argument is unworthy. I argue not. I will always effort to give understanding--but I argue not so if you choose to denounce my gifts then I bless you and grant unto you your "right" to choice--it will be in the ending wherein the Truth shall be accounted and we shall see who brought Truth and who, the lie. Manifested experience is a game of choices, illusions and experienced ac­tions. Only through those actions can one measure growth and reality of purpose. If your desire is to remain mired in the igno­rance of human bindings--I cannot help you nor would I spoil your journey by my imposition upon your senses. But in the ending, dear ones, we shall most certainly see WHO was correct in the unlimited measure of God and Creation and who remained binded by the lies of that physical manifestation.

You see, if you are IN THE LIGHT, ye shall have no trouble becoming one with the Light and therein receiving your free­dom--your "ascension" if you will. If you limit your training to the physical expression of diversification, separation and opin­ions of others regarding "your" status--then you shall remain in­capable of the transition within that Light source. In your igno­rance you will slay the very thing you are struggling to save--your physical form. Why?

All of you--answer this most important question--why? What do you want? You run hither and yon seeking "safety"? Safety from what? What for? Why do you desire safety, say from an earthquake or struggle or death? Why do you want to determine that special "safe place" in Idaho or California, the mountain or the desert? Is it to prolong a bit of flesh in comfort--or to serve God's purpose? When you can honestly answer that question the insight will pour in upon you like the tidal wave you fear.

When you desire to survive only to serve your relations, then and only then have you found your place of safety for it matters not--you are simply--safe. If yours is only to save thine assets and necks--then you will search until you find the very place where you shall lose it all. I effort to give you ways of making this journey through the physical confusion a bit easier and vi­able while you make decisions. I give you instructions and the WORD so that you can come to trust Me in that farther vision. I do not come to drag you into anything for I only actually have the WORD to offer--THE WORD OF TRUTH THROUGH WHICH YOU CAN FIND YOUR FREEDOM. GOD IS BUT LOVE, LIGHT, TRUTH AND THE WORD. GODNESS IS THE KNOWING AND BEING OF THESE TRUTHS. WHICH ARE YOU? WHO ARE YOU? WHEREIN IS YOUR SAFE PLACE? The great Gurus of Truth only tell you there is higher. The false guru's pronounce limitations so that you fol­low them. Who would you believe?

Is Dharma the being in point, or the speaker/writer of the Word? Both--just as are you in that fragmentation of God Cre­ator, in His desire that you experience and find your Truth and experience your journey to fulfillment. But WHO shares this WORD? God--for God IS THE WORD, is the LIFE and the WAY. If ye come into My places ye shall come through Me and according to the Laws given so that ye might abide in Mmy places according to those ways which are acceptable. Fair? I care not about "fair"--this is simply the way it IS. If ye like it not--go away from Me and find your own desires and in the ending, so shall we see who guided you to perfection and who left you in the pits. I AM HE WHOM YE SEEK AND AWAIT AND SO IT IS WHETHER OR NOT YE WISH TO ARGUE THE POINT! Nobody even suggests you listen to Dharma in her physical garb for she is but YOU. I AM EXACTLY WHO I SAY THAT I AM--I AM ATON AND I SHALL SHARE THE JUDGING AND THE ACTIONS WILL HAVE SPOKEN ALL THAT IS NEEDED FOR THE OCCASION IN POINT. EVIL SHALL NOT BE BROUGHT WITHIN MY PLACES! AND, THAT, CHELAS, IS THE WAY IT IS WHETHER OR NOT YOU LIKE OF IT--IT IS NOT YOUR DECISION. Your only decision is unto whom and in what manner will you choose. MINE IS TO OFFER MY GIFTS--I DO NOT NEGO­TIATE NOR COMPROMISE BY GIVING YOU LESS THAN PERFECTION AND YOU SHALL NOT LESSEN THE VALUE OF THE HERITAGE UNTO MY PEOPLE BY YOUR FOOLISH CONSPIRACY TOWARD COMPROMISE AND VOTED-IN MORALITY OF A PLANE OF EXPERI­ENCE INDEED LESS THAN PRIMITIVE. EVEN THE PRIMITIVE NATURE RECOGNIZED THE MAGNIFI­CENCE OF CREATION. PONDER THESE THINGS MOST CAREFULLY.

You had better begin to confront these final choices for it is about time for you to meet whichever it represents to you--friends or enemies. The thrust will be put upon you soon now as the next portion of your adversarial outlay begins to stifle you and bring terror into your consciousness. Will we, on our ar­rival--be welcomed or only bring terror? To each his own for the Hosts have come to prepare the way for the reclaiming of property of the Source of Perfection. Which side are you on? Do we represent terror or joy? It is time for you to be in the deciding for our presence will shortly be made evident. If you follow the path of the adversary and the criminals (and we have now outlayed ways to discern which is which) then you have MUCH, PERHAPS ALL, TO FEAR--IF YOU WALK WITHIN THE INTENT OF GAINING AGAIN THE PROP­ERTY IN RECLAMATION OF AND WITH CREATOR--THEN I SUGGEST YOU ARE IN PROPER PLACEMENT AND AWAIT IN JOY. YE SHALL BE GIVEN THE DIS­CERNMENT TO RECOGNIZE THE ENEMY FROM THE BROTHER.

I once told this little band of brethren we call "ground crew" that one day the Phoenix material would save your lives--and it stands as stated: You who have unto selves "the word" shall have gained the security of the protection for ye shall bear the mark which is the sign of who is God's and who is desirous of remaining in the confinement of experience as is.

Ones who "will read it as soon as there is extra time" or "when I finish with whatever else I find to occupy me" are sorely ill-in­formed. There is NOTHING ON YOUR EARTH as important and you are running out of time. If you already have direction and KNOW--then it matters not--but if ye are filled with doubts and indecisions, ye had best be in the finding out. If your only intent is to "save your 'things" then I suggest that you will surely lose them all for even in transition from the physical plane of housed body--you lose them all at any rate. If they are atomized by a nuclear bomb--are they not lost to you? What is it ye do not understand? YOU UNDERSTAND--YOU SIM­PLY DO NOT WISH TO FACE IT AND IT IS TIME. THE TIME IS AT HAND FOR THE CONFRONTING OF TRUTH LEST YOU NOT HAVE A "TOMORROW" PAST THIS DAY.

I do not come to preach as such and certainly not to coerce--I COME TO TELL YOU HOW IT IS and you do whatever ye will do with it--but My people are going to come fly with Me in the glory of the universe. The tickets are available and are actually "free"--it is only your warped perceptions that causes them to seem too elusive and expensive--it simply means you have to give up that which "seems" real to get that which is of the only value but remains invisible. In other words, you cannot purchase this ticket home with anything on Earth in manifested form. So be it.

Dharma, it is time to leave this for we have a meeting waiting. I hope that all who read this document give most careful thought to it. If you are reading it--pause and give thanks that you had opportunity to find it at all for it indicates that you are given time to better discern thine own journey.