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  1. #5
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 46


    FRI., MARCH 6, 1992 3:10 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 203

    FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1992

    As we finally sit to write this day I am reminded to warn all you computer users about this "virus" under point. You are actually caught between a rock and hard place because most of the "fix-it" virus eater programs are actually infected with a much worse program to hit you later. I suggest you check your equipment often and STORE YOUR MATERIAL DAILY IF POSSIBLE.


    This is urgent to "Harry". Do not allow this mildew and mold to continue its growth--the whole experience is completely out of hand and you will find yourselves becoming unbalanced be­cause of it. You focus too much on this "picture" formation and have not realized that you are allowing a very dangerously toxic situation to build on your walls. I not only see what it is that you "see" but I see many, many more which you did not point out to me. Please stop attending these outlined visions for none are of the Light and all are very negative to your mental peace. Have those walls scoured with and disinfected with a bleach so­lution which kills mold and mildew and paint the walls or what­ever is necessary. I realize this may not be possible but surely there is someone in your area that could help you in the cleans­ing for that much mold and mildew hosts very toxic bacteria--you have allowed that to grow for over a year and it is not good.

    The same with the spider webs--get them cleaned up for they are capturing the spores from the grime, molds and mildew and can create a most toxic environment. Please, I ask you to attend this as soon as is possible. Do not "wait" longer to see what devel­ops for only disease will develop.


    Dear one who writes about goggles for beloved pets, I have no real answer for you. To my knowledge there are no places to get such goggles but surely if you can rig them and they are available, you can utilize them. Aminals tend, however, to take better precautions than do humans and will seek dark places for protection--with eyelids shut while depending on other senses to find safety. I'm sorry, chelas, I have no magic for you ones and I do not take your questions lightly for beloved pets become as family and God gives them into your care so certainly the con­cern is understood. I suggest that something can be adjusted to cover the eyes for vets do so in eye injuries where protection is mandatory. That will have to be up to you as individuals for there is no protection provided by us of the Command--just as you must attend your own protective covering.


    To "Robert" in AZ. Thank you for information and suggestion regarding Reptoids. I would have to, unfortunately, remind you that the reptilian appearing humanoids are mostly fabrications of gene and DNA splicing right on your planet by very "human" hands and test-tubes with appropriate hosts. These are unstable, fragile and are "manufactured". These beings are created be­cause of the Elite hierarchy who represented themselves as "Serpent people" and are most adversarial in intent. They are now proliferated to scare the daylights out of humanity because the human is now trained to hate and fear the snake. This is most unfortunate indeed. These beings who create this "species" of controlled entity are very much isolated to the area of Earth. If you are set-up by the adversary and move with ad­versarial (physical) intent you may very well be concerned. If you are within God's circle--you have nothing to fear and cer­tainly not from "space".

    I am working as fast as the scribe's hands will go to get that very information out to you--involving many of the projections. We must, however, take the most urgent in proper sequence. If you have no society left--then it matters little about those things.
    We must give you information first which can allow you ability to CHANGE.

    As to those who claim that the government and workers are hostage to these aliens and little "grays", I have but this to say about it: if this be true why do those very ones keep the under­ground for their own use and YOU ARE NOT EVEN AL­LOWED TO KNOW WHERE THEY ARE??? If the govern­ment and military were not the perpetrators and developers wouldn't they just turn them loose on YOU? These pale sala­mander people might well exist but it certainly seems that the government keeps them all to selves. For that matter what causes you to think that we won't usurp some of those safety tunnels for you-the-people?

    You know why you can tell who is doing what to whom--by the level of "evil" in every form of activitiy! God hides nothing in the secret places and HIS security is open as the Light of which it IS.


    I apologize to Mrs. "Biron" who contacted America East and sent 8 or 10 pages of material "setting me straight" on the Bible and offering to sign me up in some Bible Study classes in order to save my soul and those of our workers. I am most at peace directly with God and certainly do not believe that lessons on Canaan, etc., will improve my lot very much. I do, however, thank you for the time and effort in outlaying such a lot of in­formation from the Bible as regards Noah, Ham, etc. I believe you have stated about every verse I have used and only our con­clusions are at total opposition. I hope to find time to share with our readers for I appreciate your input. Please bear with me in patience until we can get into these other subjects, or, I shall hand it over to my Captain, Sananda, and you will get a far better response at any rate.

    My plea to all of you is to withdraw from tedium on past subjects, get yourselves right with God--NOW and allow us to attend that which MUST BE TENDED to entend this experience into suitable evolution. To witness is wondrous indeed but to witness with incorrect conclusions is dangerous at best and without actions, simply witnessing does naught.



    I personally have no interest in your Holocaust--MY MISSION IS TO BRING TRUTH AND I SHALL PRESENT IT AS IT IS--NOT AS SELECT GROUPS PREFER IT TO BE TOLD IN THE TOTAL ABSURD CHANGING OF HISTORY AND EVENTS OF HISTORICAL NATURE. You who wish to re­main uninformed and cast stones upon the questioners--so be it for the ultimate "loss" will be yours!


    I am not an anti-Semite, Ma'am, I AM (WAS) A SEMITE. I CAN PROMISE YOU, HOWEVER, THAT YOU ARE NOT. I was a Judean and I was a Semite from the tribe of Shem and it is unlikely that I CAN BE an anti-Semite. It is you ones who have not your factual history and places straight. I do not un­derstand the measure of your "racism" in that it seems un­thinkable to question facts and mathematical numbers regarding an incident when the uninformed simply blast back in heinous insult and bigotry offering death to the speaker. Is THIS not racism? Is this not anti-Something? Fact is, ma'am, it is being anti-Semitic and you have your facts quite wrong. By your very intent and words you WERE NOT PRESENT IN THE HOLO­CAUST--I WAS! I suggest you ponder this. I shall be happy to publish your letter for I am open and sharing. I do not, how­ever, intend to pursue the matter a moment longer at this writ­ing. You are ready to move into Holocaust beyond anything ever happening now or before on your planet--I think you had best be in preparation for this one and set the other to the side and refocus importance of survival. What do the "Jews" have to hide in that you are so unrelenting to thought? Why do you continue this hatred? I suggest you look into the reasons there­for--and you will find them in this information. You have been made the dupe and the fool--and you are most welcome to tell all the Jewish organizations you can find. I can not believe that anyone FORCED YOU TO READ THE PAPER NOR THE JOURNALS SO I SEE NOT YOUR PROBLEM. WHAT IS IT THAT YOU DESIRE TO HAVE "NOT QUESTIONED"? YES, I BELIEVE WE BOTH KNOW THE ANSWER TO THAT ONE. GOD TELLS YOU TO STUDY BOTH SIDES OF ALL AND THEN TRUTH CAN FLOW THROUGH IN­SIGHT AND KNOWLEDGE--NOT BY ENFORCEMENT OF THE SECRET. WHERE IS YOUR "PROOF" OF SUCH HAPPENINGS?

    The worse atrocities happened in the Khazarian Zionists run camps hidden by the ones called "Soviet". The horrors upon the "Jews" were thus inflicted--why does your American fellow-citi­zen stand responsible? Why do you come forth in America and deny Constitutional freedom to your brother who believes not as you? You must understand something quite important madam--I come for those who wish to receive me--I come not to thrust anything upon anyone--including you, and if you do not believe me to be who I say I am--then should I turn you over to the Cosmic Council Organization (CCO)? Would that not be as ap­propriate as your informing the ADL and WZO? I see, racism is alright for you but not for your brother! So be it.


    My subject in point is the CIA and I would like to return to that information. We have interrupted far too long with the other dictation of the day. It is late and the day has been hard and long, Dharma. Please let us just write for a while and then we will close for this day. I must remind you to disallow the slings and arrows, chela, for the adversary is always at his work through the ignorant and "trusting"--those who have "faith" in their leaders and political strong-arms. You should never have "faith" in politicians--only in God should there be "faith"--politicians and elite Man should always be considered with sus­picion and NEVER ON FAITH.

    Don't abuse the old term: "Learn from mistakes" as regards re­peating errors. Your Elite Conspirators aren't doing this mas­sive criminal activity through lack of learning--they learned per­fectly and are doing exactly that which will destroy you--be­cause they know how and have practiced the scenario over and over again. Global 2000 is at hand and you will hear ones in the political campaigns even referring to Bush's Plan 2000. I sug­gest you get informed for it is being brought into your attention now in preparation for the "boom" to fall.

    Let us just launch right into:


    Although the boards of directors of the air proprietaries are studded with the names of eminently respectable business lead­ers and financiers, several of the companies' operations were actually long in the hands of one rather singular man, George Doole, Jr. Until his retirement in 1971, Doole's official titles were president of the Pacific Corporation and chief executive officer of Air America and Air Asia; it was under his leadership that the CIA air proprietaries blossomed.

    Doole was known to his colleagues in the agency as a su­perb businessman. He had a talent for expanding his air­lines and for making them, functionally if not formally, into profit-making concerns. In fact, his proprietaries proved something of an embarrassment to the agency because of their profitability. While revenues never quite covered all the costs to the CIA of the original capital investment, the huge contracts with U.S. government agencies resulting from the war in Indochina made the Pacific Corporation's holding (CAT, Air America, and Air Asia) largely self-suffi­cient during the 1960s. Consequently, the CIA was largely spared having to pay in any new money for specific projects.


    Some of the agency's top officials, such as the former Exec­utive Director-Comptroller and the chief of Planning, Program­ming, and Budgeting, felt uncomfortable with the booming busi­ness Doole managed, but they did nothing to change it. The Executive Director once privately explained the inaction: "There are things here better left undisturbed. The point is that George Doole and CAT provide the agency with agreat number of services, and the agency doesn't have to pay for them." Among the other services he provided was his ability as a straight-faced liar: asked by the New York Times in 1970 whether his airlines had any connection with the CIA, Doole said: "if 'someone out there' is behind all this, we don't know about it". At that time Doole had been working for the CIA for seventeen years, and for most of those years had held a CIA "supergrade" position.

    Doole's empire was formally placed under the CIA's Di­rectorate of Support on the agency's organization chart, al­though many of its operations were supervised by the Clan­destine Services. But so little was known inside CIA headquarters about the air proprietaries which employed almost as many people as the agency itself (18,000) that in 1965 a CIA officer with extensive Clandestine Services expe­rience was assigned to make a study of their operations for the agency's top officials.

    This officer spent the better part of a year trying to assemble the relevant data, and he became increasingly frustrated as he proceeded. He found that the various proprietaries were con­stantly trading, leasing, and selling aircraft to each other, that the tail numbers of many of the planes were regularly changed; and that the mixture of profit-making and covert flight made ac­counting almost impossible. He finally put up a huge map of the world in a secure agency conference room and used flags and pins to try to designate what proprietaries were operating with what equipment in what countries. (The CAT jet that crashed on Taiwan in 1968 was on lease from Southern Air Transport.) This officer later compared his experience to trying to assemble a military order of battle, and his estimate was that his map was at best 90 percent accurate at any given time. Finally, Helms, then Deptuty Director, was invited in to see the map and be briefed on the complexity of the airlines. A witness described Helms as being "aghast".

    That same year the Executive committee for Air (Ex Comm Air) was formed in order to keep abreast of the vari­ous air proprietaries. Lawrence Houston, the agency's Gen­eral Counsel, was appointed chairman, and representatives were appointed from the Clandestine Services, the Support Directorate, and the agency's executive suite. But the pro­ceedings were considered so secret that Ex Comm Air's ex­ecutive secretary was told not to keep minutes or even notes.

    In 1968, Ex Comm Air met to deal with a request from George Doole for several million dollars to "modernize" Southern Air Transport. Doole's justification for the money was that every major airline in the world was using jets, and that Southern needed to follow suit if it were to continue to "live its cover". Additionally, Doole said that Southern should have equipment as effective as possible in the event the agency had to call on it for future contingencies in Latin America.

    Previous to Doole's request, the agency's Board of Na­tional Estimates had prepared a long-range assessment of events in Latin America. This estimate had been approved by the Director and sent to the President as the official analysis of the intelligence community. The conclusions were generally that political, economic, and social conditions in Latin America had so deteriorated that a long period of instability was at hand; that existing American policy was feeding this instability; and that there was little the United States could do, outside of pro­viding straight economic and humanitarian assistance, to im­prove the situation. The estimate strongly implied that contin­ued open U.S. intervention in the internal affairs of Latin American nations would only make matters worse and further damage the American image in that region. This estimate came much closer to recommending future American policy than al­most any other paper previously prepared by the Board of Na­tional Estimates. The board member in charge of its preparation was a former division chief and chief of station in the Clandes­tine Services. He and his colleagues apparently hoped that the estimate would have a direct bearing on future agency covert operations in Latin America.

    At the meeting on Southern Air Transport's moderniza­tion request, Doole was asked if he thought expanding Southern's capabilities for future interventions in Latin America conformed with the conclusions of the estimate. Doole remained silent, but a Clandestine Services officer working in paramilitary affairs replied that the estimate might well have been a correct appraisal of the Latin Ameri­can situation and that the White House might accept it as fact, but that non-intervention would not necessarily become official American. The Clandestine Services man pointed out that over the years there had been other developments in Latin America--in countries such as Guatemala and the Do­minican Republic--where the agency had been called on by the White House to take action against existing political trends; that the CIA's Director had a responsibility to pre­pare estimates for the White House as accurately as possible; but that the Director (and the Clandestine Services and Doole) also had a responsibility to be ready for the worst possible contingencies.


    In working to strengthen Southern Air Transport and his other proprietaries, Doole and the Clandestine Services were following one of the basic maxims of covert action: Build as­sets now for future contingencies. It proved to be persuasive strategy, as the Director personally approved Doole's request and Southern received its several million dollars for jets. When the CIA tried to sell off Southern in 1973, only three propeller-driven planes were listed in its inventory. It is not known what happened to the jets, but it is a safe bet that somehow they have been transferred to a better-hidden CIA proprietary.

    The meeting ended inconclusively. Afterward the CIA offi­cer who had been questioning Doole and the Clandestine Ser­vices man was told that he had picked the wrong time to make a stand.


    So if the U.S. government decides to intervene covertly in the internal affairs of a Latin American country--or elsewhere, for that matter--Doole's planes will be available to support the operation. These CIA airlines stand ready to drop their ligiti­mate charter business quietly and assume the role they were es­tablished for: the transport of arms and mercenaries for the agency's "special operation". The guns will come from the CIA's own stockpiles and from the warehouses of Interarmco and other international arms dealers. The mercenaries will be furnished by the agency's Special Operations Division, and, like the air proprietaries, their connection with the agency will be "plausibly deniable" to the American public and the rest of the world.


    Doole and his colleagues in the Clandestine Services have worked hard over the years to build up the airlines and the other assets for paramilitary action. Their successors will fight hard to retain this capability--both because they want to preserve their own secret empire and because they believe in the rightness of CIA clandestine intervention in other countries' in­ternal affairs. They know all too well that if the CIA never in­tervened, there would be little justification for their existence.

    * * *

    We shall take up the subject, next, of propaganda and disinfor­mation. This seems to be what these secret services are the very best at doing.


    I would like to comment before leaving, on the recent interviews and debates in which Col. Gritz is participating. As patriotic Americans--I cannot imagine that your heart is not beating a bit more strongly with that kind of a devoted person at the helm of your ship. Of all the ones "debating" in his circles--HE IS THE ONLY ONE STICKING SOLELY TO THE CONSTITUTION AS 'WRITTEN WITHOUT ASSUMING "RIGHTS" NOT CONSTITUTIONAL TO A MAN WHO MIGHT HEAD THE GOVERNMENT. AH, BUT WOULD THAT IT BE POSSI­BLE TO UNITE AND WITH THAT LEADERSHIP YOU COULD TURN THIS "SHIP" (OF STATE) ABOUT IN REV­OLUTION BACK TO THAT WHICH WAS FREEDOM AND SOVEREIGNTY. MAY THE MASSES BE GIVEN INSIGHT INTO UNDERSTANDING AND THEN INTO ACTION.


    Hatonn to clear. Peace be thine partner. Good evening.

    PJ 46


    FRI., MARCH 6, 1992 8:25 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 203

    FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1992


    H: Good morning, Dharma. Thank you for attending my needs this day. I would prefer that we put these military bases with installations on them and sites of missiles and underground facilities onto a tape. It is too time consuming the way we were working with it yesterday. All we need are general locations but I find that everyone is getting very tedious about it, wanting extremely large amounts of information and I'm not going to go into that. So I feel that the best approach to this is for you just to sit here and you're going to have to learn to deal with this sit­uation of looking. I will effort at giving you the locations and I believe that spelling these proper names will be your biggest problem so, please bear with me if I forget. All you've got to do is go and look upon a road map of some kind but I will en­deavor to spell things as we go along and then whether Dharma or someone else takes it off of the tape to list it, it will save us a great deal of time.

    We have made it to Kentucky and as our treasure maps are laid forth, Kentucky and Tennessee are adjacent and also on the same pages. Again, I am stressing that I am utilizing in­stallations big enough that they were started in construction many years past and have been continually in development. There will be one or two that we will list, as in California in the area of facilities, as with Angeles Crest National Forest, where those missile sites were put in and since removed, as far as you know. However, those silos have been utilized and the tearing down of those bases and the vandalism which ensued was all very purposeful and other facilities have been built on top of those areas which you would recognize as something else--either a youth camp, some surface governmental installation or private incarceration facility--so that you are not curious about it. I can tell you now that every vacated missile silo is attached to some­thing underground. I cannot possibly list all of those places.

    You in local areas put out your grapevine. You'll find out. It's like our friend, Mr. Quade, said, "Well, that's not a con­spiracy and that can't be a conspiracy because everyone knows." No, everyone doesn't know and a conspiracy is two, three or more working together to secretly plan an illegal act--as a result, these are conspiracies. It's very hard to keep total si­lence but you will note in the area of Tehachapi most of the ones who work and live in the area work in those underground facili­ties, or have in the past as they are ending their construction phase, so you will find almost a vacated city. There are reasons why ones remain quiet. For one thing, they don't know what they're doing, they just simply work at one of those facilities but that's neither here nor there. Let us move on now. I believe we're ready to begin. We're going to start with Kentucky.

    There is an extremely large base and facility that runs north of Hopkinsville, down south inclusive to the west of Fort Camp­bell Military Reservation. This one will receive water from the great reservoir there, the lake to the east, Lake Barkley and it will also pull from the underground of the Cumberland River. This is an extremely large installation with silos with a lot of stuff going on underground. This is the major Tennessee in­stallation. It's difficult to leave out the installations which cross borders, so we'll move over to Kentucky and to the north at Madison, Indiana. Just across the border close to Carrolton, you will find the Jefferson Proving Ground. There is a very large experimental installation in that area, mostly on the side of Indiana.
    Moving downward to Louisville and on west, you will find Fort Knox. We've spoken of that before. I won't go into it. It's a military reservation with installation.
    Moving eastward to Danville inclusive of Perryville, there is a large installation.
    Those are the major points of importance as far as defense or research in both Kentucky and Tennessee.

    We will go to the east of the state to Manhattan Military Base with installation at Fort Riley Military Reservation that includes Ogden and it runs under Interstate 70.
    Then eastward to Leavenworth. There is a Fort Leaven­worth, this is an extremely, extremely important installation with large facilities underground. There is a federal prison and there is a massive installation beneath that prison.
    Anywhere where you have major prison facilities such as you do in Tehachapi, California, you're going to have installations beneath that prison and they use prison labor and especially ones who are put into isolation for any period of time and ones that you would recognize as being on death row, they are utilized for labor for these underground installations.

    Move southward from Shreveport to Leesville and you will find Fort Polk Military Reservation. That is a reservation and an installation. That is the only important site in LOUISIANA even though there are many other bases.
    You will have to understand that areas along the Mississippi River are not utilized for underground facilities, there are other plans for that river and it doesn't protect those underground fa­cilities.
    While we are here, however, I feel that we should mention Mississippi because in conjunction with LOUISIANA, you see, the federal government divides your nation into districts, it does not divide them into states and we have a little problem for your understanding and there's going to be overlapping of states so if I mention them twice, please, understand.
    Moving to the east along I-10, you will come to Biloxi, passing Gulfport, to the Beauvoir Jefferson Davis Home which is a park setting. Again, pay attention to where they have these parks. That is Keesler Air Force Installation. That is a very, very important area with a massive underwater installation.

    At the very upper part of the state, at Caribou, just to the north of it including a place called Limestone, is a rather large inland facility.
    Moving all the way to the south of the state to the area of Brunswick, you will find the entire area under Popham Beach is a water facility with submarine capability and underwater mis­siles. By the way, some of the missiles are Russian or Soviet missiles and have been in the area for a long time and this is part of the reason for the installation as a defense mechanism against those Soviet missiles out there offshore.

    Michigan is clean. That is not good news. That is because there is full expectation when the New Madrid Fault goes, it is expected to take Michigan with it or at least the northern part of the state of Michigan.

    Minnesota is clean. You have a lot of area above the ground but no major, major sites where great research is going on. There are some missile sites in and around Minnesota but no in­stallations or research.

    The only one of notable worth is the one at Biloxi.

    You have two major experimental facilities with missiles.
    Whiteman Air Force Base at Knob Noster. It will take in the entire area between Knob Noster and south to Windsor. This will encircle to the east of Sedalia.
    Southeast to Waynesville, you will find Leonardwood Mili­tary Reservation. This is a very large installation.

    A large area around Kalispell, south and including Marion and it takes in all of the Bitterroot Lake Recreation area.
    Moving south to Missoula, encircling an area from French-town to Milltown including Potomac and including all of the area under the Forest Service Fire Department buildings and that part of the forest. It's a National Forest. It is the Lolo Na­tional Forest. A lot of the work is performed through the Uni­versity of Montana. Much genetic development, DNA replica­tion studies have been performed in that area.
    Great Falls and to the west of the city taking in the area of a place, not necessarily a military reservation, but a place called Fort Shaw.
    South of Dillon just north of a little place called Dell on 1-15, under it, there is an installation and there are underground mis­siles.
    Please note that in many of these descriptions I'm giving you, they actually are on or under major transportation routes.
    Now north and east find Glasgow. This is Fort Peck Recre­ational Area. This is a very large area. It is just north of Fort Peck Lake and uses a lot of water from that lake.

    One of the most important of installations, Norad, is located very near and north of Omaha. This runs approximately to Blair, west almost to Winslow and the Elkhorn River runs di­rectly through it.
    Moving southward to a very, very important place where a lot of the monkeys meet and it would seem a totally unreason­able place for them to meet until you consider Norad and then you have to realize there are massive underground facilities.
    Just south of Omaha at Offutt Air Force Base is a major, critical, crucial installation.

    Nevada district will take some doing, so bear with me. There are some extremely important major, major facilities. They are so important that I hesitate to even... I should just take Nevada as an entire state and call it dangerous.
    Beginning at the north almost mid-section of HWY 95 at a place close to, well it would be identified as Granite Peak on mapping, just north of Orovada, is a major missile underground site.
    Moving down HWY 95, just south of Imlay, is an under­ground missile site very close to Ryepatch Reservoir. The im­portant landmark is Star Pk.
    Moving back up HWY 95 to where it changes into Interstate 80, southeast of Golconda, on 1-80 is an underground missile site.
    Move on across 1-80, when you get to HWY 93, go north and just north of Wilkins is a small installation right under that HWY.
    Moving on to the east on 1-80 about midway between Oasis and Wendover with a landmark of Pilot Peak. By the way, Pilot Peak is quite a way from that road but that is the siting land­mark. There is a pretty good sized underground missile instal­lation and it probably is referred to in the, circles as Silver Zone Pass.
    Go back to the western part of the state. North of Reno and Sparks on a road 445, you will find the Reno Naval Air Station. That's an extremely important one.
    Traveling along 1-80, west of Lovelock, you will find two landmarks. These are catacombed with missiles. One is the Humboldt Sink and the other Carson Sink. These are both areas which are closed to the public. One extends under 1-80. You will find practically no reference to these two most important missile sites.
    South near the western border with California near Hawthorne is a massive Department of Defense Depot. It actu­ally is a disposal site. This is a massive, very, very important installation and from this area comes a lot of the contamination that is surfacing in the Mono Lake area in California.
    There is massive activity of every kind in the Toiyabe National Forest.
    Just north of Gabbs on 361 is an underground missile pod. These missile pods or sites are big enough for underground of­fices and living facilities.
    East of Lida, under the intersection of 266 and 95 is an un­derground missile complex.
    Under 95 at the intersection of 374 at a place just northeast of Beatty is a large installation of underground missiles. This is di­rectly connected to the California installation which includes an underground missile facility under road 395 attached to the U.S.
    Naval Ordinance Test Station and, of course, is attached to the China Lake Military Reservation. This is an extremely impor­tant, critical facility.
    In California to the southeast you'll find the China Lake Naval Weapons Center and Fort Irwin Military Reservation and then between Yermo, on 1-15, and Baker is a major under­ground missile facility.
    At the California/Nevada border is another underground mis­sile facility, quite small, but these ones on these highways are set for surfacing and the installation will be brought above ground and these will be your ways of stopping interstate travel. Most especially, it will be important to stop travel from Califor­nia, for many reasons, into Nevada.
    In Nevada, of course, and surrounding the entire area of the Nellis Air Force Range, all the way from Warm Springs, west to Tonopah, circling down to the facility and Lida, through and including Scottys Jct., on down to Beatty, including Lathrop Wells, Indian Springs, circling back up in a wide circle to Alamo, you will find in that area a large underground missile base. It's hard to identify. Its HQ is on Hwy 93, just south of Alamo.
    Moving up through Hiko and then making a swinging easterly circle back to Warm Springs, that includes all of the Nellis Air Force Range. It includes Papas Lake which is dry and at that point you find the Nevada Test Site. You are going to refer to it as Yucca Flats, I believe, and within that you're going to find Yucca Mountain and you're going to find it interesting to realize that it is not even attached to Nellis Air Force Base except by tunnel.
    Moving southward to Las Vegas, you will, of course, find Nellis Air Force Base just barely to the NE of the city.
    You will find a major missile base midway between the junc­tion of 168, 317 and 1-15 near Mesquite.
    Two underground missile sites, one on 1-15 near the border of Calif. just a little west of Jean and then, moving south to Searchlight on Hwy 95, another just north of the intersection of 163.

    These are only separated by the river. These have to be ex­tremely general. They are military installations but they are unmarked and for all practical purposes would never be known.
    In the northwest upper corner of New Hampshire, under the area of the Jay Peak Ski Area, then to the Cochran Ski Area, in­cluding the Bolton Valley Ski Area and south including the Mad River Glen Ski Area, near Woodstock is the Killington Ski Area, then the Magic Mountain Ski Area and the Mt. Snow Ski Area.
    Now to Vermont: to the east of Franconia are large under­ground installations with missiles at Cannon Mountain, circling down into the area called Old Man of the Mountains.
    West of Conway is Waterville Valley Ski Area.
    Then Sanbornville Moose Mountain Ski Area and then, of course, you get to Portsmouth, all of the area under Rye Har­bor. These are rather sophisticated living facilities included along with the missile and defensive installations. A lot of re­search takes place in these areas but, as much as anything, this is a facility for Elite housing with a protection of these sophisti­cated missile systems.

    New Jersey is basically a forfeit state with most installations being quite public. There is a large installation with missiles in place at Fort Dix Military Reservation. That is near Wright­stown.
    South to Browns Mills and just south along a little road of 539, almost including Whiting, is a large Air Force missile in­stallation and facility.

    On HWY 11 from just south of Watertown to just north of Pulaski, a very long distance that includes underneath the town of Adams, is a large missile installation and facility.
    Northeast of that area on HWY 11, under HWY 11 at the intersection which would enter Fort Drum Military Reservation, there is a missile installation under that road at that intersection attached to Fort Drum. A very large military reservation with missile and facility.
    West Point is a very critical underground facility.
    I have very little to say about Long Island Sound, it is forfeit. New York is forfeit, by that I mean New York City.

    This is Side 2 regarding military installations with under­ground and major security facilities and missiles and also missile sites with small facilities.

    You will find only a couple of underground facilities but, of course, they are absolutely, incredibly huge.
    The entire area of White Sands Missile Range around Alam­ogordo, all the way south into Texas at El Paso, crossing the river and taking in a little bit of borderland of Mexico, under­ground. You've got massive facilities above the ground. You have incredible, incredible multi-level underground facilities. Beneath the ground, you have alien alternates; that will be where your shuttles have been stored--this is the biggest lie on your planet.
    Now, as you consider New Mexico, you will find every ma­jor freeway and roadway has multiple, multiple missile and fa­cility sites for blocking all incoming traffic from every direction. These will rarely be at cities or towns. They will always be out in the open between places so I can only give you the general mid-location.
    We'll start with the one to farthest west on 1-40, that is also Route 66.
    There is one very near the border east of Lupton, midway to Gallup.
    There is one at a little place called Blue Water, almost in the little town running under the little town.
    As you get to Albuquerque, of course, you have a large mil­itary installation with facilities at Kirtland Air Force Base.
    On 1-40 between Clines Corners and Santa Rosa.
    North on 1-25 there is an installation with missiles at ap­proximately Pecos.
    Further north on 25 is a regular size installation with missiles at Fort Union National Monument, approximately. That is midway between Watrous and Wagon Mound.
    Up 1-25 is a small one midway between Maxwell and Raton.
    Then outside Raton at the border at Raton Pass is another very large one, missiles with facility.
    In Colorado, north of Trinidad, also on 1-25 is another. Let us move now on down through the state.
    At Clovis, you have a large facility with missiles under Can­non Air Force Base and there is an oasis there that is just north­west of Portales.
    Back to 1-25, a missile base and large facility to the west of White Sands, under 1-25.
    On I-10 midway between Lordsburg and Deming is a large missile underground facility.
    Along the border and overlapping into Texas, I think you would call it almost a four corners, east of Malaga, is just a large facility and there is very little in that area. It is well hid­den. It is almost unknown. It is a large facility underground, secret.

    Fort Bragg Military Reservation.
    In the area of Jacksonville, unlisted, but is a military installa­tion.
    At the ocean where the New River empties, you will find Camp LeJune and around Cherry Point is another military in­stallation with missiles.

    Of course, you have the entire area around the Savannah River Plant, which we've already spoken about, with lap-over or underground connections to Fort Gordon in Georgia.
    Now realize that is the Savannah River Plant I just spoke of because there are other major installations at Fort Stewart at the city of Savannah.

    A unique state with very little secret underground activity. Note that none of these installations are for public utilization un­der any circumstances. They are for Elite survival only or they are major defense and/or Elite research facilities, very advanced research facilities.

    There are four major military installations.
    One at Enid, at Vance Air Base.
    Then toward the south, Fort Sill Military Reservation at Lawton.
    West to Altus. At Altus, you have also Altus Air Force Base.
    Then to the south on 1-44 you will come to Sheppard Air Force Base and that is at the border or close to the border of Texas near Wichita Falls.

    Large installation across the border into Washington at Rich­land and Kennewick, in that area, not well defined.
    South into Oregon on 1-84 between Boardman and Echo is a missile facility. This will be a major disposal station for trav­ellers.
    There are so many and so much going on in the area from, approximately, Le Grande, all the way to Ontario, at the border of Idaho, east into Idaho and west to almost HWY 395 that I cannot isolate them for you. That entire area is catacombed.
    On HWY 84 at Biggs is a missile installation, military con­trolled, of course.
    The coastal important one to note, and this would include great underground water capability tunneling is around Coos Bay. There is a naval air station and this, of course, is con­trolled by Naval Intelligence.
    East across the state to Burns, in that general area, mostly in the forest area or what you would call the Ochoco National For­est, there's a large conglomerate type of installation.
    At the intersection of 78 and 95 there are two, one being at that intersection more critical than the other and then a regular missile silo facility. But at that intersection is a major, im­portant missile station.
    Now let us move back to the west and there are some military underground installations in these general areas: Jacksonville, Applegate, around Medford all the way to Butte Falls and then south of Klamath Falls at Keno, on and under road 66.
    Around the general area of Lakeview there are some winter sports areas and some geysers. There would be some thermal activity utilized by that particular installation.

    At Erie, great underwater facilities.
    On 1-79 south of Meadville, midway to the intersection of I­80, missile installation.
    On 1-80 at regular intervals, midway between intersection I­53 and Moshannon, and midway between intersection of 880 and intersection of 15, missile facility.

    Major underground facility in the area of Buffalo.
    Missile facility under HWY 281, south of Aberdeen.
    To the east of Rapid City, almost at New Underwood on I­90, missile facility.
    Reminding you that these are on heavily traveled thorough­fares for traffic control. They would also be targeted by any enemy for destruction of interstate travel facility or capability.

    I need two or three hours on Utah but I'm not going to be able to have it, obviously. Let's just start in the upper north­west.
    The entire area of Hill Air Force Base and Hill Air Force Range. These are near the Great Salt Lake and include all of Ogden and Brigham City.
    The Wendover Range, Desert Test Center, and Dugway Proving Grounds. No (unauthorized) body is allowed into these areas under any circumstances.
    Then the Desert Range Experimental Station down west of Milford on 122.
    On 1-15, north of Beaver, is a missile guard installation.
    On HWY 89, between Kanab and Glen Canyon, is a small missile installation.
    Now let us move back up to 1-70. I don't know how to ex­plain this area to you. There is at least 180 miles of area in that barren desert including what is called the San Rafael Swell. This is to the west of Green River. There is an extremely large, important missile facility underneath 1-70. There was a missile site at Green River; that was a diversion. It was a testing mis­sile launch site; everybody knew about it but the important one was this area in point.
    East of Green River near the Colorado border is another major missile installation under 1-70, including a portion of the Colorado River as it runs through that area. In this particular part of Utah are massive, massive research, technology and UFO bases. Some are legitimate UFO bases. These are not necessarily your friends. I don't want to get into aliens at this time. I'm just telling you where these facilities are and these are military, United States of America Military, so don't confuse it with aliens. In this particular area enough research has been going on that it has been monitored continually by "alien" craft--many, many sightings, legitimate sightings--in that area because we've really had our eye on what has been going on there. In this given area, all around in this area, it's divided off into dis­tricts and in some of those cliffs, buttes, mountainous areas, you have a lot of things going on including cattle mutilations, etc. I'm not going to get into all of things and ramifications of that statement here, either. Utah is a hotbed of advanced technol­ogy.

    Texas is another area that I'll have to by-pass. I will mention as we go through in some of the cities. There are so many in Texas that I cannot, by any means, begin to label them all.

    The same is true of Virginia and West Virginia but I would tell you to keep your eye on the area of the U.S. Marine Corp. Reserve in the area of Triangle and at Port Royal, Camp A. P. Hill.

    Large facility at Winthrop.
    Another at Snoqualmie Summit Area on 1-90. It's a winter sports area.
    Area of Tacoma, including Olympia, are large underwater experimental facilities.
    Between Grand Mound and Lacey is a missile installation on 1-5.
    To the east, all of the U.S. Military Reserve at Yakima. It's called the Yakima U.S. Military Reserve.
    Further east, of course, most important is Hanford, north of Richland, and it takes in quite a bit of the Columbia River.
    Set up to guard that place is an installation on 1-82.
    Down the Columbia River on 1-84, just over into the Oregon side, between approximately the junction of HWY 74 and the intersection of 730, under the Columbia River and 1-84 is a mis­sile facility.
    When I get to the area of discussions of specific cities, I'll be a little more specific.

    The only one I see of any importance really is the one at New Glarus.

    Southern border in Wyoming. I will only give you the major locations of the missile sites.
    On 1-90, southeast of the intersection with 1-95, midway. to Gilette is a missile installation underground.
    South on 1-25, midway between Buffalo and Casper, just north of HWY 378 intersection is an underground missile in­stallation.
    1-80 is pock-marked with these things all the way across your nation.
    Midway between Fort Bridger and Little America is a large underground missile facility.
    At the Continental Divide is a large underground facility with missiles.
    East of Walcott, then past McFadden, northwest of Laramie.

    I have to tell you about Alberta, Canada. There is a massive underground installation, extremely important in the area of the Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range. This is an incredibly important joint venture with the United States and I might add, a little Soviet and, of course, Great Britain.

    In Puerto Rico, all around the San Juan Naval Air Station.


    To the northwest, in the area of Smyrna, you will find an Air Force Base.
    To the east, in the area of North Decatur, you'll find a Vet­erans Hospital. A lot of research takes place in that Veterans Hospital and in some underground laboratories located there.
    In Atlanta, Fort McPherson and, of course, the Federal Prison. Then south to William Hartsfield International Airport. There are facilities there, military controlled.

    You have the Navy Yards that are presumed closed. They are very much open and operable with much underwater activ­ity. Very important area at the International Airport called General Edward Lawrence Logan International Airport.
    The U.S. Military Reservation at the very opening of Boston Harbor.

    In the area of the city, South Locust Point Marine Terminal. Moving around the lake, Dundalk Marine Terminal.
    At Curtis Bay at a point on a north projection, Maryland Port
    Then, of course, you have the Baltimore/Washington Inter­national Airport area, a very, very large facility.
    East to the GSA Depot across the water to the U.S. Coast Guard Depot.

    Very important one at the Birmingham Municipal Airport.

    Many military controlled installations.
    One at the Niagara Falls International Airport.
    Fairly large one at Greater Buffalo International Airport. One at a little place called Buffalo Air Park.
    Another little one called Orchard Park Airport.
    There is a military controlled facility at Fort Erie.

    Chicago is riddled, even though it is not expected to survive a shift because of other problems in and around the Chicago area and the Lake Michigan area. You will find many small facili­ties, military facilities that do not show publicly as military in­stallations. This means that most of the installations involved will be underground, many of them housing missiles.
    Chicagoland Airport.
    Pal-Waukee Airport.
    Glenview Naval Air Station.
    Big problems at Chicago O'Hare International Airport. Inland south, Lewis Lockport Airport.
    Argonne National Laboratory is extremely, extremely im­portant.
    Rocky Glen and Signal Hill, all of that area.
    To the south of that, Forinier Institute.
    Straight across to the Crestwood Powell Airport near Trinity Christian College.


    This is tape #2 of underground missiles, locations with facili­ties and military controlled installations underground with mis­siles. This is a continuation of the area of Chicago.

    The Chicago Midway Airport, Soldier Field on Lakeshore Drive--all that area. There are planetariums, museums, aquari­ums, etc., including a place located at Douglas Tomb State Monument.

    Installation at Blue Ash Field which is the Cincinnati Munici­pal Airport.
    One at Camp Livingston and then the Cincinnati Municipal Airport Lunken Field.

    All along the lake shore, the coast guard station, Burke Lake Front Airport, Cleveland Municipal Boat Docks.
    To the south: the Naval Training Station, Halloran Park and Brook Park at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport.
    In East Cleveland: Nela Park which is a General Electric In­stitute--EXTREMELY IMPORTANT.
    Cuyahoga County Airport.

    Ohio State University Airport.
    Court Columbus International Airport overlapping into the Devince Construction Supply area.
    A very small airport at Norton Road and Alkire Junction, (unnamed) VERY IMPORTANT.
    Then there is the small South Columbus Airport.

    Major installation to the northeast called the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. Watch these arsenals. They are extremely important.
    In the same area : Stapleton International Airport, Fitzsim­mons Army Medical Center and Lowry Air Force Base.
    Buckley International Guard Base. In almost all of that area they are shown as separate facilities. They are all inter-con­nected.
    In midtown west of the State Capital is a U.S. Mint--IM­PORTANT FACILITY. A lot of tunnelling, a lot of under­ground connections so that money, etc., can be moved under ground.
    The Denver Medical Center.

    Saginaw Airport
    Meacham Municipal Airport.
    Carswell Air Force Base. There is a large facility at a sub­urb called Richardson, the University of Texas at Dallas is at that location.
    Dallas, Fort Worth Airport-large, large area.
    Dallas Love Field--large area.
    The Veterans Memorial Center south of Dallas and then right in the heart of Dallas near the Amtrak Terminal under that fed­eral building.
    Grand Prairie Airport, Lucas Airport and Dallas Naval Air Station.

    In Detroit: Mettetal Airport and Willow Run Airport.
    There is a large facility at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport.
    There are large, large amounts of research and underground facilities at the Ford Motor Company at the University of Michigan at Dearborne, including Greenfield Village and at­tached to the Veterans Hospital.
    The Ford Motor Company River Rouge Plant, the Cadillac Plant and the entire area under Fort Wayne Military Museum.
    The Great Lakes Steel Corporation and taking in the Cana­dian Steel Corporation in Windsor.
    Also in Windsor: the Ford Motor Company and the Chrysler Corporation as well as the Windsor Airport. Surprising to find that your motor companies all house military facilities.

    Northwest: Collier Airport
    South of Collier: Andrau Airport
    William P. Hobby Airport and then of course, Ellington Field, that's the U.S. Air Force field.
    Pearland Airport at Pearland.
    In Clear Lake City there's a branch of the University of Houston and the Lyndon Johnson Space Center which is, of course, NASA.

    The U.S. Quartermasters Depot.
    The V.A. Medical Center and American Printing House For The Blind--very interesting.
    Bowman Field.
    Standiford Field Airport and West U.S. Ordinance Plant.

    Fairfax Municipal Airport.
    Kansas City Downtown Airport.
    Kansas City Stockyards--that's very interesting. Heart Airport.

    One at DeWitt Spain Airport and then the Memphis Interna­tional Airport is a large installation.

    Swarms with them. All surface ones are almost in alignment, inland from the coast. I say surface because these are going to house missiles in the guise of other things, but you have to un­derstand that you're working at the Atlantic Ocean seacoast and a lot of these will also be tunnelled to that coastline, again I re­mind you that most of Florida is expected to be lost.
    Palm Beach County Park Airport.
    Pompano Beach Air Park.
    Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport.
    Then the North Perry Airport, Opa-Locka Airport, the Mi­ami International Airport.

    There are so many that I don't even know how to name them. I'll just start at the top, work across as in writing from west to east and back again.
    San Fernando Airport.
    Whiteman Airport.
    Camp Sterling.
    Wild Wood Lodge.
    Switzers Camp.
    Opids Camp.
    Valley Forge Lodge.
    Mt. Wilson Observatory. Sturtevants Camp and Fern Lodge.
    Webber Camp.
    Van Nuys Airport.
    Hollywood-Burbank Airport.
    The La Vina Sanatorium Farnsworth Park.
    San Dimas Camp and Wolfskill.
    El Monte Airport.
    Brackett Field.
    Cable Airport at the Botanic Gardens.
    Ontario International Airport.
    L.A. International Airport.
    Hawthorne Municipal Airport.
    Compton Airport.
    Fullerton Municipal Airport.
    Then there is an area at the San Bernadino County Line. Southeast of Diamond Bar is an area called Battle of Chino.
    It is a large military controlled underground facility with mis‑
    The Chino Airport.
    Corona Laboratories Naval Reservation.
    South Corona Municipal Airport.
    Prado Dam.
    Coast Botanic Gardens.
    The Long Beach Naval Shipyards--a biggy, biggy, and you will find that those tunnels with water, submarine capable, will pass under the Veterans Administration Hospital which will have a facility underground through Los Alamitos Naval Air Station.
    One branch will go north under the Fullerton Airport heading inland toward San Bernadino and branching northward to Ed­wards Air Force Base.
    In the Seal Beach area you have the U.S. Naval Weapons Station and the Golden West College Meadowlark Airport.
    A whole complex near Santa Ana: the U.S.N. Helicopter Field--a lot of helicopter activity from the Navy and the Santa Ana Marine Corp. Air Base (El Toro) near Tustin off 1-5.

    The Lawrence J. Timmerman Airport.
    The Lowell Damon State Historic Site at Hoyt Park. Installation at National Soldier's Home.
    To Lake Michigan Coast: at the Milwaukee War Memorial and Art Museum.
    U.S. Navy Reserve Armory.
    General Mitchell Field.
    The Air Training Center. Those are overlapping, very large installations.

    Fort Benjamin Harrison and the Army Finance Center--isn't that interesting?
    U.S. Veteran's Hospital at Riverside Park.
    Benjamin Harrison Home--which is a landmark.
    The American Legion National Headquarters World War Memorial.
    U.S. Naval Avionics Center-EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. Indianapolis International Airport and including, once again, stockyards.
    The Indianapolis stockyards--you see, a very good place to get supplies.

    Crystal Airport.
    Twin Cities Arsenal.
    St. Paul Downtown Airport which is Holman Field.
    Fort Snelling Military Reserve.
    Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport--it's called Wold Chamberlain Field.
    Fort Snelling National Cemetery--it overlaps into the Metropolitan Stadium at the southern border.
    South St. Paul Municipal Airport which is the Richard E. Fleming Field.

    New Orleans has a couple or three very interesting ones lo­cated (these are military installations underground) at:
    The V.A. Hospital at the Louisiana Superdome.
    The U.S. Federal Court building.
    The Customs House.
    New Orleans Lake Front Airport.
    U.S. Naval Station.
    U.S. Coast Guard Reservation.

    Secret military facilities: Teaneck Armory.
    Teterboro Airport.
    Hall State Historic Site.
    LaGuardia Airport.
    Flushing Airport.
    The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.
    The S.U.N.Y. Maritime College.
    The point called Fort Totten which is supposedly closed. Ellis Island Pass.
    Fort Jay.
    The Military Ocean Terminal Bayonne.
    Fort Hamilton.
    Fort Wadsworth and the Veteran's Administration Hospital. The Coast Guard Heliport and the U.S.N. Reserve at Jamaica Bay.

    The Melrose Academy.
    The North Philadelphia Airport.
    The Navy Aviation Supply Office.
    U.S. Mint area including an area called Independence Na­tional Historic Park and Olympia.
    Philadelphia Naval Hospital.
    Philadelphia International Airport.
    Kennedy Stadium, Philadelphia Naval Shipyard.

    Large one at Greater Pittsburgh International Airport.
    V.A. Medical Center and V.A. Veteran's Hospital--these are pretty self-explanatory. You will find many of these in very, very well-secured secret facilities at places where the Elite can travel by air to these facilities.

    The Phoenix Military Reserve.
    Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.

    Fort Vancouver National Historic Site
    Pearson Airport.
    Portland Air Base at the Portland International Airport. The facility is under the Portland Air Base.
    The U.S. Veterans Hospital at Sam Jackson Park.

    The Salt Lake City International Airport.
    The newly active (approximately 1986) University of Utah area and north. It's all in the Fort Douglas Military Reserva­tion. It was inactive--it has now been reactivated for these mas­sive underground research facilities.
    An area overlapping that into the U.S. Forest Service Heli­port. That goes almost to the area of Westminister College.
    The Salt Lake Municipal Airport Number 2 and Alta Air-park.

    All along the coast many tunnels, many water facilities, many incarceration facilities where you are going to have military per­sonnel doing some pretty good labor jobs.
    Of course the Miramar Naval Station--that entire area, a huge area.
    Montgomery Field.
    Gillespie Field at Santee.
    The Naval Radio Station that is near Vista La Mesa. U.S. Marine Corp Base.
    Lindbergh Field Airport.
    The Fort Rosecrans Military Reservation--all of this area is inter-locked. It's hard for me to separate it.
    The entire peninsula that has the U.S. Naval Reserve. The North Island Naval Air Station.
    The Coronado Naval Amphibious Base.
    The San Diego Naval Station.
    The Imperial Beach Naval Radio Station.
    Inland to Brown Airport is a linking underground facility.

    Fort Riley U.S. Military Reserve.
    The Veterans Medical Center.
    The Presidio Military and National Cemetery--huge area un­derground.
    The French Hospital.
    The U.S. Mint--they have facilities under all of the U.S. Mints.
    Down by San Bruno: the Golden Gate National Cemetery
    area taking in the entire 12th U.S. Naval District Headquarters. Treasure Island Naval Air Station, all of Treasure Island. The Oakland Army Base.
    The U.S. Naval Supply Depot and the Alameda Naval Air Station.

    The major facilities (all inter-connecting, by the way): San Antonio International Airport.
    South West Research Institute.
    Lackland Air Force Base.
    Kelly Air Force Base.
    Stinson Field.
    Brooks Aero Medical Center.
    North to Fort Sam Houston and Joe Freeman Coliseum.
    San Antonio has a little bit different type of underground connecting network because of the massive military location that San Antonio represents.

    Sand Point Naval Support Activity area.
    Boeing Field International, King County Airport. Renton Municipal Airport.
    Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

    The entire area of basically Bellefontaine Neighbors. Bear St. Louis International.


    This is a continuation to Side A--Underground facilities with missile capability in the cities within the United States.

    We are continuing with St. Louis.

    Granite City Engineering Depot--U.S. Army.
    Weiss Airport.

    Absolutely all of Washington, D.C. in the downtown area is one gigantic facility. All around that area every airport from little ones like Bower Airport to Andrews Air Force Base which, of course, is a large facility, to the Goddard Space Flight Center which is NASA--all of these areas have facilities under­neath. They are rather large facilities, as a matter of fact, and everything under Washington, D.C. is catacombed with tunnels and, of course, there is missile capability. There are defensive missile silos that will open up and the surface of the area of Washington, D.C. will not be worth even experiencing. It is, of course, made for interim facilities for workers in and around the Capital who have their free tickets to security. That will only be ones attached to the Elite guard and the political hierarchy who are left in Washington, D.C. for unexpected raids. The major luxurious facilities for the high Elite, depending on the state of war that is occurring, will be shifting to Australia and other places for longer-term survival depending on the type of en­counter that you have. If it is nuclear, the moment that it is re­alized that it will be nuclear, ones will be taken out of the Northern Hemisphere. There will be even a more select group removed at that time, but there are facilities under Washington, D.C. for your honorable Congressmen--some of them. There are not facilities enough for all to survive for a very long period of time. There will be the facilities where you can get, for in­stance, underground to places like Andrews Air Force Base for your royal family, the Bushes.

    I believe that concludes sufficiently a breakdown of where these underground facilities are that were started some years ago against this day and are now in full operation and basically fin­ished in construction.

    I'm sorry that it has taken so long. I hope you can brief it up. I think everybody needs the information or wants the in­formation. If you don't already have your ticket, I can assure you that you are not included. You are not going to be welcome into any of these facilities. These are not general facilities. Some families of workers and scientists who have been guaran­teed security will be allowed in, but they will only allow these people in with credentials. I don't suggest that you stop building your own underground shelter. Salu.

  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 46
    SAT., MARCH 7, 1992 7:35 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 204

    SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1992

    Three things to watch very closely daily:

    Note that in a select "poll" the Wall Street Journal stated that 33 % of voters would maintain sanctions on Saddam Hussein, 27% favor assassinating him and 10% want to use ground troops and wipe out Saddam and the military.


    By the way--watch those "SCUD"s waiting to be off-loaded in the Gulf--they are headed to places such as Syria and Iran and it bodes bad-news for Israel.


    Watch the "hot mush" over this one--again. New "anti-Semite" ravings are now out against ones testifying in the U.S. congres­sional hearings. Now Economists are saying to not only deny the $10 billion but also end all subsidies to ISRAEL. This is a last ditch effort to put off the would-be King of Israel in favor of the already King of Banks.


    This remains to be unraveled. Remember that Bush doesn't re­ally care about the Presidency other than that someone be put on the throne that can be totally controlled by the throne of the U.N. (the new government of the world). Those slots may be filled in part by some wary Israelis but they will be Communist Khazarian Zionists under the monarchy/dictatorship of the Head of the Committee of 300.

    You still have to have a big upset in order for Bush to TAKE TOTAL CONTROL of your government--war is always the best plan according to the lessons of history. So let us now look to the next probability: Cuba (we wrote about this several months ago). I remind you that Jeb Bush runs the faction for war and will spring it to assist "Daddy" for he is also the one in charge of Florida's Bush campaign. Isn't it nice that they will have these few days to make final plans?


    Tremendous amounts of money can be made by pulling Castro down and toppling the Cuban government--and highest on the list for intake are the Bushes. This has been in the offing since they murdered Kennedy.

    Jeb Bush, George's second son, is in a business partnership with Cuban-American entrepreneur Armando Codina Jr.--how else do you think Miami remains the number one import area for drugs? This Codina is known as a wealthy real estate speculator but we know that is a cover, don't we? What is the plan? "To bring real capitalism to Cuba after Castro falls"--says this Cod­ina.

    Bush and Codina are not the only promoters planning to clean up after the collapse of "Communism's last bastion" in the Caribbean. "It will be like the gold fever all over again," pre­dicts Cesar Garcia, who owns the Bonanza Auto Center in South Miami (CIA proprietary??). "Anybody can make a mint down there."

    The thrust and push is on right now on Wall Street to set the op­eration into smooth running order. The New York Times is duti­fully setting forth the details for the money-mongers as usually and as so-ordered. They think a "liberated" Cuba should possi­bly have the same crippling debts along the same line as the United States. They are already taking "bets" on the outstand­ing Cuban bonds of thirty years ago, says the Times--"AS THE FALL IS EXPECTED VERY SOON IF MILITARY ACTION IS REQUIRED!"

    Those worthless bonds have been selling, if at all, for less than a nickle on the dollar. Now, suddenly, the price has tripled. This is always a sure sign the financial markets are getting ready for dinner.

    But look who will benefit the most and holds most of those bonds--ones around the Bush consortium. Part of the inner cir­cle is Jorge Mas Canosa, chairman of the Cuban American Na­tional Foundation, who has eclipsed other exile leaders in the late 1980's by becoming known as President Ronald Reagan's favorite Cuban politician.

    Mas Canosa is a multi millionaire by many trades, and fully in­tends (no secret) to take charge of Cuba with the full support and backup of the Bush administration after some OTHER FORCE--economic ruin or resistance fighters (aided and abetted fully by the CIA)--overthrows Castro.

    The interesting thing is that they do not need to use either of the above plans if Bush (George) can squeak by without a war. All they have to do--and they already have set up as their first desir­able plan of action--is to use debt.

    The plan is already worked out and authority "assumed" by Canosa, and negotiated to have huge debt "deals" for post-Cas­tro Cuba.


    Bush and Codina are already active in several joint ventures which are established and ready for the big payoff after Cas­tro's ouster. The most profitable promotion is a company registered as Oriental Imports Inc. It brings in cheap goods from Communist China--cheaply enough as to be made by prison labor (ouch)--for distribution in the United States and Latin America. This is all nicely fronted by the nice guys in the CIA--YOUR CIA.

    This kind of shady trafficking in Communist slave-labor (or yours) products proves these so-called exile "leaders" have nothing but money on their pin-head sized brains. These are common criminals by any description and would seem to fit your description of "carpetbaggers" of old--among the most re­pulsive figures in any community.

    Well, chelas, there is one hope for Cuba, but it becomes a long-shot that he can stay alive--one called "Rivero". Rivero (no, not Geraldo--it is Felipe) is the more popular person for the people and would free Cuba. If this happens you will have to have war or Bush will lose a bundle. You shouldn't have to wait much longer to see what works out in this little tricky deal.


    I think you can see the GAME at play herein whereby the ef­forts are to bring distance between the U.S. administration and Israel. Don't let this fool you--every time there is war ready to be played--the distancing always comes first to protect the Is­raelis. The new assault against Baker and "anti-Semitic" nas­ties--is public show of intent to fool you-the-people and hide Is­rael from the REAL PLANS. Bush and Baker are both on the "endangered species" list with contracts out on Bush under which Baker is dealing--so I think you will be seeing a lot of dancing and growling and then a major incident.


    The only prayer of pulling your government back into Constitu­tional order is to get Gritz elected or at least second on that ad­ministration team. You MUST UNIFY TO GET IT DONE. I see no other one with intent to restore, fully, the Constitution and sweep clean the multitudes of criminals. NOT ONE OTHER. ALL the others desire bandaids and bailing wire and PLAY POLITICS--WITH YOUR NATION AND YOUR EX­ISTENCE AS A NATION.



    You have been forced by the gross minority of people to accept and act in aberrant and deviant behavior and your nation is ready to destruct from the impact--as the entire world--but YOU MUST START WITH AMERICA AND THE WORLD CAN FOLLOW.

    I marvel at your attitudes--even the New York St. Patrick's Day Parade--Irish yet! What are you doing? Why would you have a "gay group" to march?? Do you label the Irish already marching in honor of St. Patrick as "heterosexuals"? If a man or woman is homosexual, wouldn't it be more reasonable that they simply march as an Irishman in the Parade? If they are not honoring St. Patrick and the Irish--WHAT WOULD THEY BE DOING IN THE PARADE AT ANY RATE??

    Why do you cower and allow the so-called Jews (or anyone) to call you bigot or anti-Semite as if you bear the plague of death? The ones who bear the plague of death are defended and forced to spread the disease among you--by LAW. WHY ARE THESE DEVIANTS ALLOWED TO DEFAME YOU FOR YOUR OPINIONS AND YET YOU MAY NOT EVEN VOICE AN OPINION REGARDING THEIR BEHAVIOR? BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN BRAINWASHED TO FIT WITHIN THE GUIDELINES OF THE GLOBAL PLAN 2000--ACCORDING TO THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ZIONISTS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE ELITE ADVERSARY TO GOD--THE GLOBAL RULERS OF THE PLANET.

    Why are allowed to be labeled an insulting title if you say you don't want to send any more housing money to a foreign nation or if you say you prefer it go to Mexico across your own bor­der? Are you a "jew-hater" because you want to feed and clothe your own child? THEN STOP THIS SICK NONSENSE. YOU ARE PROTECTED UNDER THE CONSTITUTION TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND BELIEF.

    I DENOUNCE THESE COUNTERFEIT KHAZARIAN ZION­ISTS WHO PROCLAIM THEMSELVES "JEWS" TO FOOL YOU--THEY ARE NOT!! The Holocaust of World War II COULD NOT HAVE PHYSICALLY HAPPENED AS THE ORTHODOX PRESENTATION IS PRESENTED BY THE "JEWS"--THE NUMBERS DO NOT BALANCE!!! Now, what is WRONG with my stating as much?? If their numbers can prove otherwise--then I shall stand corrected! This does not mean that I either hate, slander nor appease a group or nation which has stolen from another of God's people, the Palestinians.

    And the Blacks? What about the blacks?? They are God's people--ALL, unless they deny that relationship. The British enslaved the blacks of Africa and still do so. There is NO COLOR, CREED NOR RACE IN THE HEAVENLY REALMS OF GOD--ONLY LIGHT!

    I can only suggest that every one of you go STUDY THE CONSTITUTION AND THEN, STUDY MOST CAREFULLY THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ZIONISTS (AKA: COMMITTEE OF 300 GLOBALISTS). And may God give you insight as you do so. You as a mass of wondrous creations--have given away your inheritance of perfection and wealth--even in the physical experience. You have GIVEN away your POWER gifted by GOD UNTO YOU. SHALL YOU PERISH OR RECLAIM IT?? YOU CAN DO IT BY "VOTING". If you turn back unto God of Light and Truth--you shall not even need "fight" for it but until you are worthy in intent--you shall strug­gle and if you refuse to see and act back within those Holy Rules of Balance--so shall you ultimately fall. You do not need to de­populate the planet--God has prepared placement for all who will hear and come. There are other wondrous places to experi­ence in physical form and we can take you there--there is no need to perish in the darkness of evil tradition. Ponder it.


    In psychological warfare . . . the intelligence agen­cies of the democratic countries suffer from the grave disadvantage that in attempting to damage the adversary they must also deceive their own public. Victor Zorza, Washington Post, Nov. 15, 1965

    By the mid 1960's most of the professionals in the CIA's Clandestine Services thought that the day of the balloon as an ef­fective delivery vehicle in propaganda operations had long since passed. Years before, in the early rough-and-tumble era of the Cold War, agency operators in West Germany had often used balloons to carry anti-communist literature into the denied areas behind the Iron Curtain. These operations, although lacking in plausible deniability, normally a prerequisite in covert propa­ganda efforts, had scored high--judging from the numerous angry protests issued by the Soviet Union and its East European satellites.

    Since then the propaganda game had evolved into a subtle contest of wits, and the agency's Covert Action Staff had devel­oped far more sophisticated methods for spreading ideological messages. Thus, there was a sense of "deja you" among the covert-action staffers when officers of the Far East Division suggested in 1967 that a new balloon operation be under­taken. The target this time was to be mainland China.

    The People's Republic was at that time in the midst of the cultural revolution. Youthful Red Guards were rampaging throughout the country, shattering customs and laws alike; confusion, near chaos, engulfed the nation. But the CIA's China watchers in Hong Kong and elsewhere on the periphery of the mainland had detected that a reaction was settling in, es­pecially in southern China around Canton and Foochow in the provinces of Kwangtung and Judien. They believed that a kind of backlash to the excesses of the Red Guards was building for, increasingly, groups within the military and among the workers were beginning to resist the Red Guards and to call for a return to traditional law and order.

    To the agency's operators, these were conditions worth ex­ploiting. No one really believed that Communism could be eliminated from the mainland, but the short-term political objec­tives which might be achieved through covert propaganda were too tempting to pass up. China was an avowed enemy of the United States and the CIA felt that each bit of additional domes­tic turmoil that could be stirred up made the world's most pop­ulous country--already experimenting with long-range ballistic missiles--that much less of a threat to American national secu­rity. Furthermore, if Peking could be kept preoccupied with internal problems, then the likelihood of Chinese military inter­vention in the Vietnamese war, in a manner similar to that so effectively employed years earlier in Korea, could be dimin­ished. Perhaps, too, China could be forced to reduce its mate­rial support to North Vietnam and to cut back on its export of revolution to other areas of the developing world.

    The operation was accordingly approved by the 303 Com­mittee (now the 40 Committee) and the agency took its balloons out of storage, shipping them to a secret base on Taiwan. There they were loaded with a variety of carefully prepared propa­ganda materials--leaflets, pamphlets, newspapers--and, when the winds were right, launched to float over the mainland provinces due west of the island. The literature dropped by the balloons had been designed by the agency's propagandists to appear as similar as possible in substance and style to the few publications then being furtively distributed on a small scale by conservative groups inside China. Names of genuine anti-revolutionary or­ganizations were not used; fictitious associations, some identi­fied with the army, others with agricultural communes or urban industrial unions, were invented.

    The main thrust of all the propaganda was essentially the same, criticizing the activities (both real and imaginary) of the Red Guards and, by implication, those leaders who inspired or permitted such excesses. It was hoped that the propaganda and its attendant disinformation would create further reactions to the cultural revolution, on one hand adding to the growing domestic confusion and on the other disrupting the internal balance of power among the leadership in Peking. The CIA calculated that when the Chinese realized they were being propagandized, the U.S. government could confidently disclaim any responsibility. The assumed culprit would most likely be Chiang Kai-chek's Taiwan regime, the agency's witting and cooperative host for the operation.

    Almost immediately after it began, the balloon project was a success. The CIA's China watchers soon saw evidence of in­creased resistance to the Red Guards in the southern provinces. Peking, apparently believing the reaction to the cultural revolu­tion to be greater than it actually was, displayed strong concern over developments in the south. And within weeks, refugees and travelers from the mainland began arriving in Hong Kong with copies of the leaflets and pamphlets that the agency's pro­pagandists had manufactured--a clear indication of the credence being given the false literature by the Chinese masses. It was not long, therefore, before the Clandestine Services were searching for other ways to expand their propaganda effort against the new target.

    A decision was therefore made to install on Taiwan a pair of clandestine radio transmitters which would broadcast propa­ganda--and disinformation--of the same nature as that dissemi­nated by the balloon drops. If the Chinese people accepted the radio broadcasts as genuine, the CIA reasoned, then they might be convinced that the counter-movement to the cultural revolu­tion was gaining strength and perhaps think that the time had come to resist the Red Guards and their supporters still more openly.


    Against a closed-society target, simply providing information and news that the government wishes to keep from its people can have a significant effect. If, in addition, some clever disin­formation can be inserted, then so much the better. The listen­ers, realizing that much of what they are hearing is true, tend to believe that ALL they are told is accurate.

    One source of news used by agency propagandists was the CIA's own Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), which daily monitors open radio broadcasting around the world from more than a dozen listening posts located in such varied places as Hong Kong, Panama, Nigeria, Cyprus, even San Francisco. The product of FBIS was also utilized to deter­mine whether the broadcasts of the clandestine transmitters were reaching their target in China and creating the antici­pated effect.

    There was a third (and deleterious) way, however, in which the monitoring service played a role in the operation, and the Clandestine Services were slow to correct it. Unlike most of the intelligence collected by the agency, the programs monitored by the FBIS are widely disseminated within the U.S. government and to certain subscribers among the press corps and the academic community. These daily reports, verbatim transcripts translated into English, are packaged and color-coded according to major geographical area--Far East (yellow), Middle East/Africa (blue), Latin America (pink), and so on. But even though the FBIS editors are members of the CIA's Intelligence Directorate, the operators in the Clandestine Services are reluc­tant to reveal their propaganda operations to them. As a result, for its Far East daily report the FBIS frequently monitored and distributed the texts of programs actually originating from the agency's secret stations on Taiwan along with the transcripts of broadcasts from real counter-revolutionary organizations on the mainland.

    CIA operators seemed untroubled by this development and the accompanying fact that the agency's own China analysts back at headquarters in Washington (along with their colleagues in the State and Defense departments) were being somewhat misled. Nor did they appear to mind that unwitting scholars and newsmen were publishing articles based to some extent on the phony information being reported by the FBIS. Eventually the CIA analysts at home were informed of the existence of the clandestine radios, but no steps were taken to rectify the false data passed on to the other U.S. government agencies or to the press and academia; operational security precluded such revela­tions. Besides, Communist China was an enemy, and the writ­ings of recognized journalists and professors publicizing its state of near chaos and potential rebellion helped to discredit Peking in the eyes of the world--which was, after all, in keeping with the CIA's interpretation of American foreign policy at the time. The CIA's secret radios thus proved to be highly successful, even after the Chinese government discovered their origin and announced to its people that the broadcasts were false.

    Meanwhile, the agency's operatives turned to outright disin­formation in their effort to exploit China's internal difficulties. For example,


    began to show results. The Red Guards turned their fury on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, demanding that Chinese diplomats, too, be cleansed of Western ways and rededicated to Mao's principles of communism.


    * * *

    I hope that you readers are now getting the realization of how the system works to give disinformation and, actually, how easy it is to brainwash people into accepting information from "supposed" valid and honest sources. Let us consider CNN a minute--this IS the authorized CIA and Administration disinfor­mation network. From this releasing of information all other networks (ABC, NBC, etc.) follow suit with the disinformation. There is enough "nothing" sprinkled among the disinformation to stop your "thinking" and insure your acceptance of "everything"--true or false. As example, say, Mr. Umpty Ump says he is "tired of paying for Israel's debt". By the time the ADL and other Elite organizations call Umpty names and bash him about and CNN takes up the cry and hue and Larry King interviews the opposition--let me assure you that you will think "Umpty" is not only a bigot but a citizen unworthy of less pun­ishment than death or life incarceration for felony hate crime. Before the barrage is over there will be thrust forth something such as "...and Umpty, in high school, struck a (minority per­son) in a bigoted fist fight over a girl who reported he raped her. The (minority person) was only defending the girl." Now, you see, they have set up a past history of "bigoted and violent" be­havior against which no person can respond for the "defendant (Umpty) is NEVER GIVEN TIME FOR REBUTTAL IN ANY FORM WHATSOEVER. FURTHER, LET US SAY UMPTY IS FOUND "INNOCENT"--THAT WILL NEVER HIT THE FRONT PAGE OF ANY PAPER--PROBABLY NOT EVEN THE BACK PAGES.


    Let us please take rest. Thank you. Hatonn to stand-by.

    PJ 46
    CHAPTER 10


    SUN., MARCH 8, 1992 7:52 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 205

    SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1992



    Looking back has but one purpose of value: To garner lessons against the day at hand.

    Good habits do not form easily and belief structures come even more slowly and with difficulty. Therefore, one must always search for that which is hidden within the complex presentations of that which is presented in the intent and purpose of gain of another.

    It is true that if one is to habitually speak well, read well and discern in wisdom--one needs to form habits including these practices. However, if one waits to "think" until he is proficient in all graces--he shall never "think" for self. One has to grow up with good talk and good habits to form such a habit, but you can learn and change in wisdom as information and light is brought unto you--each day is a new gift for you to be anything that you wish to be. You can grow up again amidst the good habits of other--and it becomes self.

    To look backward for a while is to refresh the eye, to restore it, and to render it the more fit for its prime function of looking forward in full vision. This is what we are offering you. We offer you an opportunity to see that which has been the habit and practice of the adversary to pull you down and render you helpless in the tentacles of the ever-strengthening octopus of power while your own power is drained and taken from you. If you learn to witness unto the power-monger's actions, laws and hidden agendas--you can counter with your own power to stop them in the present--FOR THEY NEVER CHANGE THEIR PATTERNS OF ACTION.

    On any journey, you must find out WHERE YOU ARE before you can plan the first step. You are now finding out where you are--and then, you must seek and isolate the goal of the journey. That which is in between on the journey itself will be laid forth as a blueprint as ye maintain the goal in view--BUT YE MUST KNOW WHERE YE HAVE BEEN AND WHERE IT IS YOU ARE GOING. IF YOU GO UNTO AND WITH GOD YE SHALL BE GIVEN THE WAY, THE NEEDS AND THE PATH FOR YE SHALL BE GIVEN TO SEE AND HEAR AND KNOW. IF YE GO WITHOUT GOD YE SHALL FALL PREY TO THE SCAVENGERS AND THIEVES FOR THEIR SOLE PURPOSE IS TO DESTROY YOU THAT THEY MIGHT GAIN ALL IN THE PHYSICAL REALM. GOD WAITS TO SEE WHAT SHALL BE YOUR CHOICE.


    Dharma, since we are again facing the possibility of you being in court for some ten days to two weeks, I suggest we write as much on the CIA as we can print.

    I ask that you who desire to know the Conspirators' Hierarchy and organizations, etc., get John Coleman's book by that title. I shall offer listings as we move along but you need to know the players now, before you make more errors in discernment in placement of leaders. Know that in the political world, the ones in the Republican Party and Democratic Party who have no dif­ficulty--are placed there in full intent. However, also know that the ones who are against the staid principles and action of the "fixed" parties--CAN BECOME INDEPENDENT CANDI­DATES. YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR GOVERNMENT IF YOU BUT RESPOND WITH WISDOM--IT IS NO VALUE TO SIMPLY REPLACE ONE CONSPIRATOR WITH AN­OTHER--AND THAT IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU KNOW NOT WHO ARE THE CONSPIRATORS.


    If you watch you can see. Gates was put into the "head" posi­tion of the CIA by Bush--to ensure continuation of all the black operations of that secret presidential army of corruption--to make sure crime remains unchecked.

    Thornburgh was head of your U.S. Judicial System--Attorney General. Yet he was devastated by a major drug scandal in­volving his top Justice Department staffers and even a member of his own family--this was the man in charge of "fighting crime" and "stopping drugs". He became, further, quite un­electable as you people saw through his own criminal behavior. This did not stop him, however, for Bush simply got him placed into a top level post in the United Nations, Under-Secretary General for Administration and Management. This places Thornburgh in CHARGE OF ALL PERSONNEL AND BUDGET DECISIONS.

    This is total insult to the so-called Third World. Under his At­torney Generalship, the U.S. codified its self-proclaimed right to intervene militarily into the internal affairs of any state it wishes. Under the pretext of "arresting" government officials accused of breaking U.S. laws (a crime in point was Manuel Noriega), the U.S.-killed thousand of Panamanians in order to "arrest" him.

    In a trip to the Soviet Union back in 1989, Thornburgh lauded the so-called "new" KGB as a "model" police agency with which the United States could readily collaborate--and you have done so. This was prior to the "clean-up" of the KGB for public viewing, chelas.

    This is simply a planned positioning of Bush to take over the United Nations for the New World Empire in service to the Committee of 300--Global Dictatorship.


    The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta has warned of the presence in the United States of a mosquito-borne encephalitis virus which kills a third or more of its victims. Toward the end of February the "tiger" mosquito ("accidentally" imported from Asia), was found in tests to be the prime carrier of this deadly encephalitis virus. How interesting. Funny that you "...can't get the HIV virus from mosquito bites but deadly encephalitis virus is primarily distributed in that manner!" I wonder if "safe sex" prevents mosquito bites?

    I'm sorry, chelas, the next step planned for you is the next bar­rage and epidemic of a "deadly virus". Please take care and pay attention.


    Funny that you don't hear much about Gorbachev any more, other than he isn't "...getting all that was promised to him in rewards for stepping down". However, they fail to mention that he is a high-ranking and highly paid officer of the Kissinger and Associates Corporation in Moscow. In that capacity he contin­ues to pass out his wisdom and control in a far more powerful way that he could as a "defeated" state leader. A widely viewed German TV channel showed Gorbachev urging that the mone­tary affairs of Russia and other former Soviet republics should be put under tight International Monetary Fund control. (The Committee of 300's money committee.)

    He asked for full convertibility of the ruble, which he said would ease the full integration of the Eastern economies into the World Bank and Market. He called for a ruble stabilization fund based on HARD CURRENCY AND ADMINISTERED BY THE IMF!


    As these ones return to court, they do so with the new mark having been established of "anti-Semites". Yes indeed, the opposition actually has entered Phoenix material into the case to "prove" anti-Semitism--whatever that might have to do with Santa Barbara Savings and Loan and the Resolution Trust Cor­poration failure to follow legal procedures and thereby stealing the Ekker's home and property. I would remind you all of something when it comes to so-called "Jews", "anti-Semitism" and such in the profession of "Law". Remember the Protocols wherein "....send your sons forth to be lawyers and doctors. . . " Do you not remember that when Dan Quayle, your Vice Presi­dent, spoke before the American Bar Association and said it appeared to him that there were too many lawyers, etc, etc? THE LAWYERS AND THE BAR ASSOCIATION AT THAT MOMENT CALLED QUAYLE AN "ANTI-SEMITE"! I ask YOU, what would that mean? It obviously means that the Bar Association is an instrument of the Khazarian Zionists who pronounce themselves "Jews" and anyone who speaks against the association in any manner whatsoever, true or false--is labeled an anti-Semite and is pronounced guilty of "hate" crime. This is exactly the way the disinformation network works. Lies are planted with no ability for re­course--and whamo--you have a totally new perception in­troduced unto and into the masses--"hear a thing often enough, repeat it again and again--and you will believe it."

    Can't the Constitutional Law Center do something? Perhaps in time--but not now while the case is stalled for the fourth year. Further, while the Ekkers are basically the only supporters of the Law Center it becomes tedious to utilize the facility to its full intent. The Center is focusing on far more urgent cases. Some have supported the Center but it has been only a tiny few and it is difficult to continue under these burdens of responsi­bility. It becomes appalling to realize that people say they want justice and representation but they also want "another" to do the giving and the work while they wait to reap the rewards of the actions. It simply does not work in that manner. We have even set up a plan whereby a "donation" can be fully backed and still, the investment is only made by a few counted on one hand.

    It is fine, chelas--but when the hordes of evil are upon you and your Constitution is dead and gone and you are wondering what hit you--these are things to ponder. You want Gritz to clean out your government houses for you--and yet the group supporting him with all expenses cannot even pay the phone bill and, again, my crew is asked to pick up the burden. If you cannot assist, surely you can write a letter to Ross Perot (who could help) and ask him to support this man. If you expect your voice to be heard then you must speak out in any manner you can be heard. Since the controlled press will not allow public address nor will the media--then you will have to utilize the only method remain­ing at your disposal--MAIL and spreading the word any way you can.

    You ones ask and ask and petition again and again: "Give me a 'safe' place and when should I go there?!" There are not going to be ANY SAFE PLACES if you fail to turn about this steam­roller in the process of squashing you. God only sends the in­structions and tells you "how"--you must do the task. What have YOU done this day toward saving your nation, your family and your neighbor--or do you wring your hands in disbelief and trauma and finally announce that these ones are simply "anti-Semite" bigots?

    You have been told since the beginning that God would return and that he would send his Hosts to give you "THE WORD" and announce the return. You have been told since the be­ginning that there would be places prepared for you who follow HIS laws and ask HIS sanction. How did you think HE would come? How did you think HE would speak to be heard? Ah so--could it be - - -??? Salu.

    Now, let us move back into discussion of the President's private hit-squad, the CIA.


    We were speaking on the subject of Propaganda and Disinfor­mation, we shall pick up the document at midway, page 169. Thank you.

    To be sure, propaganda and disinformation are not new phenomena. Nations and factions within nations have long em­ployed such techniques to enhance their own images while at the same time attempting to discredit their enemies and rivals. Yet the great advances in communications during the twentieth cen­tury have vastly changed the potential of propagandistic effort, making possible rapid, widespread distribution of propaganda material. Nazi Germany refined and made enormous use of the "big lie". The Soviet Union and other communist countries have used many of the methods invented by the Germans and have added new twists of their own. Although the United States did not actively enter the field until World War II, when the OSS and the Office of War Information (OWI) started their psy­chological-warfare programs, its propaganda effort has grown--under the eyes of the Covert Action Staff of the CIA's Clandes­tine Services--to be thoroughly expert.

    Working on the CIA Staff are sociologists, psychologists, historians, and media specialists--all skilled at selecting "reachable" targets, such as the youth or intellectuals of a par­ticular country, and at getting a message through to them. In planning and carrying out its activities, the branch often works closely with other agency officers in the area division. The idea for an operation may be initiated by a field component--say, a station in Africa or Latin America--that sees a special need or a target of opportunity within its area of responsibility; it may originate at headquarters in Langley, either in the propaganda branch or in one of the area divisions; or it may come from the White House, the State Department, the Pentagon, or any mem­ber of the U.S. intelligence community in the form of a re­quirement for the CIA to take action. If it is considered to be a program of major political significance or entailing an inherent high-risk factor--that is, if its exposure would cause substantial embarrassment for the U.S. government--a project proposal developed in the Clandestine Services is submitted to the Di­rector's office for review. Subsequently, the plan will be sent to the 40 Committee for final approval. Thenceforth, control of any propaganda operation and responsibility for its coordination within the Clandestine Services and the government may rest with either the Covert Action Staff or an area division. Certain long-standing operations, such as Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, were traditionally under the control of the CA Staff. But responsibility for the newer and smaller operations usually is determined on an ad hoc basis, with the CA Staff serving in ei­ther an advisory or controlling capacity, depending on the cir­cumstances of the particular undertaking.

    A propaganda operation might not be anything more sinister than broadcasting straight news reports or rock music to the countries of Eastern Europe. Others are far more devious.


    The CIA also makes considerable use of forged documents. Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt [H: Same one who shot John Kennedy.] was questioned in 1973 about his forgery of a State Department cable directly linking the Kennedy Adminis­tration to the assassination of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem. "After all," Hunt told the federal prosecutor, "I had been given some training in my past CIA career to do just this sort of thing . . . floating forged newspaper accounts, telegrams, that sort of thing." During the mid-1960's, for in­stance, the agency learned that a certain West African country was about to recognize the People's Republic of China, and that the local government intended to force the withdrawal of the diplomatic representatives of Nationalist China. This was con­sidered to be contrary to American foreign-policy aims, so the CIA went into action.


    The Pentagon Papers have revealed some other examples of CIA propaganda and disinformation activities. One top-secret document written in 1954 by Colonel Edward Lansdale, then an agency operator, describes an effort involving North Vietnamese astrologers hired to write predictions about the coming disasters which would befall certain Vietminh leaders and their undertak­ings, and the success and unity which awaited the South.

    Lansdale also mentioned that personnel under his control had engineered a black psywar strike in Hanoi: leaflets signed by the Vietminh instructing Tonkinese on how to behave for the Viet­minh takeover of the Hanoi region in early October, including items about property, money reform, and a three-day holiday of workers upon takeover. The day following the distribution of these leaflets, refugee registration tripled. Two days later Viet­minh took to the radio to denounce the leaflets; the leaflets were so authentic in appearance that even most of the rank and file Vietminh were sure that the radio denunciations were a French trick.

    Lansdale's black propaganda also had an effect on the American press. One of these bogus leaflets came to the atten­tion of syndicated columnist Joseph Alsop, who was then touring South Vietnam. The leaflet, indicating that many South Viet­namese were to be sent to China to work on the railroads, seemed to have been written by the Communists. Alsop naively accepted the leaflet at face value and, according to Lansdale, this "led to his sensational, gloomy articles later.... Alsop was never told this story." Nor, of course, was the false impression left with Alsop's readers ever corrected.

    CIA propaganda activities also entail the publication of books and periodicals. Over the years, the agency has provided direct subsidies to a number of magazines and publishing houses, ranging from Eastern European emigre organs to such reputable firms as Frederick A. Praeger, of New York--which admitted in 1967 that it had published "fifteen or sixteen books" at the CIA's request.


    Many other anti-communist publishing concerns in Germany, Italy, and France were also supported and encouraged by the agency during the post-World War II years, ( ** DELETED ** ) According to a former high-ranking agency official,


    and the Parisian newspaper, Le Combat. This same ex-offi­cial also recalls with an ironic smile that for several years the agency subsidized the New York communist paper, The Daily Worker. In fairness to the Worker's staff, it must be noted that they were unaware of the CIA's assistance, which came in the form of several thousand secretly purchased prepaid sub­scriptions. The CIA apparently hoped to demonstrate by this means to the American public that the threat of Communism in this country was indeed real.

    * * *
    Although the CIA inherited from the OSS responsibility for covert propaganda operations, the agency has no specific authority in the open law to engage in such operations--other than the vague charge to carry out "such other functions and du­ties related to intelligence affecting the national security as the National Security Council may from time to time direct." [H: This is a most important point for in all the "new" laws which would come forth from the New World Order--the in­terpretations are just as vague and solely at the discretion of the one in authority. This is the theme throughout all new laws and legal rulings--so that you can't have any way to "fight back", for the ones in power will interpret the laws in any manner serving their purpose.] Yet, since its founding in 1947, the CIA has spent over one billion dollars for propaganda [H: This was only 1974 at this document writing. The amount is into the multi-billions today.] (mainly foreign but also domestic) to further what it perceived to be the national in­terests of the United States.

    Sometimes this means simply telling the truth to an audience (called "white" propaganda); other times a mixture of truths, half-truths, and slight distortions is used to slant the views of the audience ("gray" propaganda); and, on occasion, outright lies ("black" propaganda) are used, although usually accompanied for credibility's sake by some truths and a few half-truths.

    "Black" propaganda on the one hand and "disinformation" on the other are virtually indistinguishable. Both refer to the spreading of false information in order to influence people's opinions or actions. Disinformation actually is a special type of "black" propaganda which hinges on absolute secrecy and which is usually supported by false documents; originally, it was something of a Soviet specialty, and the Russian word for it, dezinformatslya, is virtually a direct analogue of our own. Within the KGB there is even a "Department of Disinforma­tion".

    On June 2, 1961 (less than two months after the CIA's humiliating failure at the Bay of Pigs), Richard Helms, then Deputy Director of the Clandestine Services, briefed the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee on Communist forgeries. Helms discussed thirty-two fraudulent documents "packaged to look like communications to or from American officials". Twenty-two were meant to demonstrate imperialist American plans and ambitions; seventeen of these asserted U.S. interference in the affairs of several free-world countries. Of the seventeen, eleven charged U.S. intervention in private business of Asian nations. One was a fake secret agreement between the Secretary of State and Japanese Premier Kishi permitting use of Japanese troops anywhere in Asia. Another alleged that American policy in Southeast Asia called for U.S. control of the armed forces of all S.E.A.T.O. nations. Two forgeries offered proof that the Americans were plotting the overthrow of Indonesia's Sukarno; the remaining two were merely meant to demonstrate that the U.S. government, despite official disclaimers, was secretly sup­plying the anti-Sukarno rebels with military aid.

    These last examples concerning Indonesia are especially interesting. A cursory examination of the documents, as sub­mitted by Helms, indicates that they were indeed rather crude forgeries, but their message was accurate. Not only did the CIA in 1958 support efforts to overthrow the Sukarno govermnent, but Helms himself, as second-ranking official in Clandestine Services, knew it well. And he knew that the "official disclaimers" to which he referred were deceptions and outright lies issued by U.S. government spokesmen. Helms' testimony was released to the public with the approval of the CIA, which was, in effect, targeting a propaganda operation against the American people. Not only did he lie about the Communists' lying (which is not to say that they are not indeed culpable), but Helms in the process quite ably managed to avoid discussion of the pervasive lying the CIA commits in the name of the United States.

    * * *

    Let us take a break please, before we take up "The Radios".

    Hatonn to stand-by.

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