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  1. #3
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 46


    TUE., MARCH 3, 1992 7:35 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 200

    TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1992



    As far as depots of "untraceable arms", airlines and other installations are concerned, one wonders how the CIA could accomplish the tasks required of it in Southeast Asia without such facilities. Lyman Kirkpatrick, Former CIA Executive Director, U.S. News and World Report, Oct. 11, 1971.

    [H: Since the writing of IMA's book, the proprietary list has grown enormously but not quite as "obviously", due to scan­dals and Congressional hearings. All that actually happens is that the operations go further and deeper underground.]


    Late one windy spring afternoon in 1971 a small group of men gathered unobtrusively in a plush suite at Washington's Mayflower Hotel. The host for the meeting was Professor Harry Howe Ransom of Vanderbilt University, author of The Intelligence Establishment, a respected academic study of the U.S. intelligence system. He was then doing research for an­other book on the subject and had invited the others for drinks and dinner, hoping to gather some new material from his guests, who included ex-CIA officials, congressional aides, and David Wise, co-author of THE INVISIBLE GOVERNMENT and THE ESPIONAGE ESTABLISHMENT, two of the best books on the CIA and clandestine intelligence operations ever pub­lished. [H: I concur with that opinion--at the time--these same authors have presented more current work in various forms and I recommend them if you can still find them. These books are often written by a "team" but if you will search under the lead author you will be able to find the in­formation and whether or not it is out of print. Every book on the subject which can be really damaging is removed from the shelves in an effort to get it out of print. Some­times "establishment" publishers and/or printers will take a manuscript in full intention of burying it--it is accepted but simply never gets to wide publication. Patriots rarely get their material published by "establishment presses" in these days. Beware of the ones which do--for there is usually a bigger purpose on the part of the establishment.] That after­noon someone brought up the CIA's use of front companies.

    "Oh, you mean the Delaware corporations," said Robert Amory, Jr., a former Deputy Director of the CIA. "Well, if the agency wants to do something in Angola, it needs the Delaware corporations." [H: Pay attention here. This is no longer a valid place (Delaware) to get the best protection although there is still some shelter. Nevada remains as the only state in which privacy is assured, at this time.]


    By "Delaware corporations" Amory was referring to what are more commonly known in the agency as "proprietary corpo­rations" or, simply, "proprietaries". These are ostensibly pri­vate institutions and businesses which are in fact financed and controlled by the CIA. From behind their commercial and sometimes non-profit covers, the agency is able to carry out a multitude of clandestine activities--usually covert-action opera­tions. Many of the firms are legally incorporated in Delaware because of that state's lenient regulation of corporations, but the CIA has not hesitated to use other states when it found them more convenient. [H: They moved to the utilization of incor­porating heavily in places like Panama, the Grand Cayman Islands, etc., also. But their favorite, as with all entities wishing privacy--is Nevada, if in the U.S. This is an excel­lent opportunity to remind you to utilize those shelters set forth for the benefit of the few for they are totally legal and there is a reason for their existence. You can function in the same shelter streams if you attend your business, follow the rules and explicitly follow the laws--and remain small. You have no idea how much "stuff" did NOT GET NOTICED AS TO TRANSACTIONS in any of the scandals--because the people involved FOLLOWED THE RULES AS TO MAN­AGEMENT.]

    * * *


    The CIA's best-known proprietaries were Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, both established in the early 1950's. The corporate structures of these two stations served as something of a prototype for other agency proprietaries. Each functioned un­der the cover provided by a board of directors made up of prominent Americans, who in the case of RFE incorporated as the National Committee for a Free Europe and in the case of RL as the American Committee for Liberation. But CIA officers in the key management positions at the stations made all the im­portant decisions regarding the programming and operations of the stations.


    In 1960 when the agency was preparing for the Bay of Pigs invasion and other paramilitary attacks against Castro's Cuba, it set up a radio station on desolate Swan Island in the Caribbean to broadcast propaganda to the Cuban people. Radio Swan, as it was called, was operated by a New York company with a Miami address, the Gibraltar Steamship Corporation. Again the CIA had found a group of distinguished people--as usual, corporate leaders with government ties--to front for its clandestine activi­ties. Gibraltar's president was Thomas D. Cabot, who had once been president of the United Fruit Company and who had held a high position in the State Department during the Truman Ad­ministration. Another "stockholder" was Sumner Smith, also of Boston, who claimed (as did the Honduran government) that his family owned Swan Island and who was president of the Abington Textile and Machinery Works.

    During the Bay of Pigs operation the following year, Radio Swan ceased fits normal fare of propaganda broadcasts and is­sued military commands to the invading forces and to anti-Cas­tro guerrillas inside Cuba. What little cover Radio Swan might have had as a "private" corporation was thus swept away. Ul­timately, Radio Swan changed its name to Radio Americas (although still broadcasting from Swan Island), and the Gibraltar Steamship Corporation became the Vanguard Service Corpora­tion (but with the same Miami address and telephone number as Gibraltar). The corporation, however, remained a CIA propri­etary until its dissolution in the late 1960's.


    At least one other agency proprietary, the Double-Chek Cor­poration, figured in the CIA's operations against Cuba. Double­-Chek was founded in Miami (which abounds with agency pro­prietaries) in 1959, and, according to the records of the Florida state government, "brokerage is the general nature of the busi­ness engaged in." In truth, Double-Chek was used by the agency to provide air support to Cuban exile groups, and it was Double-Chek that recruited the four American pilots who were killed during the Bay of Pigs invasion. Afterward the CIA, through Double-Chek, paid pensions to the dead fliers' widows and warned them to maintain silence about their husbands' for­mer activities.

    When the CIA intervened in 1964, Cuban exile pilots--some of whom were veterans of the Bay of Pigs--flew B-26 bombers against the rebels. These pilots were hired by a company called Caramar (Caribbean Marine Aero Corporation), an­other CIA proprietary.


    Often the weapons and other military equipment for an oper­ation such as that in the Congo are provided by a "private" arms dealer. The largest such dealer in the United States is the Inter­national Armament Corporation, or Interarmco, which has its main office and some warehouses on the waterfront in Alexan­dria, Virginia. Advertising that it specializes in arms for law-enforcement agencies, the corporation has outlets in Manchester in England, Monte Carlo, Singapore, Pretoria, South Africa, and in several Latin American cities. Interarmco was founded in 1953 by Samuel Cummings, a CIA officer during the Korean war. The circumstances surrounding Interarmco's earlier years are murky, but CIA funds and support undoubtedly were avail­able to it at the beginning. Although Interarmco is now a truly private corporation, it still maintains close ties with the agency. And while the CIA will on occasion buy arms for specific oper­ations, it generally prefers to stockpile military materiel in ad­vance. For this reason, it maintains several storage facilities in the United States and abroad for untraceable or "sterile" weapons, which are always available for immediate use. Inter­armco and similar dealers are the CIA's second most important source, after the Pentagon, of military materiel for paramilitary activities.


    Direct CIA ownership of Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty and the Bay of Pigs proprietaries, and direct involvement in In­terarmco are largely past history now. Nevertheless, the agency is still very much involved in the proprietary business, especially to support its paramilitary operations. CIA mercenaries or CIA-supported foreign troops need air support to fight their "secret" wars, and it was for just this purpose that the agency built a huge network of clandestine airlines which are far and away the largest and the most dangerous of all the CIA proprietaries.

    Incredible as it may seem, the CIA is currently the owner of one of the biggest--if not the biggest--fleets of "commercial" airplanes in the world. Agency proprietaries include Air America, Air Asia, Civil Air Transport, Intermountain Avi­ation, Southern Air Transport, (DELETED) and several other air charter companies around the world.


    Civil Air Transport (CAT), the original link in the CIA air empire, was started in China in 1946, one year before the agency itself was established by Congress. CAT was an off­shoot of General Claire Chennault's Flying Tigers and during its early days it flew missions of every kind in support of Chiang Kai-shek's unsuccessful effort to retain control of the Chinese mainland. When Chiang was finally driven out of China in 1949, CAT went with him to Taiwan and continued its clandes­tine air operations. In 1950 CAT was reorganized as a Delaware corporation under a CIA proprietary holding com­pany called the Pacific Corporation.

    In a top-secret memorandum to General Maxwell Taylor on "unconventional-warfare resources in Southeast Asia" in 1961, published in The Pentagon Papers, Brigadier General Edward Lansdale described CAT's functions as follows:


    CAT is a commercial air line engaged in scheduled and nonscheduled air operations throughout the Far East, with headquarters and large maintenance facilities in Taiwan. CAT, a CIA proprietary, provides air logistical support under commercial cover to most CIA and other U.S. Gov­ernment agencies' requirements. CAT supports covert and clandestine air operations by providing trained and experienced personnel, procurement of supplies and equipment through overt commercial channels, and the maintenance of a fairly large inventory of transport and other type aircraft under both China (Chinese Nationalist) and U.S. registry.

    CAT has demonstrated its capabilities on numerous oc­casions to meet all types of contingency or longterm covert air requirements in support of U.S. objectives. During the past ten years, it has had some notable achievements, including support of the Chinese Nationalist withdrawal from the mainland, air drop support to the
    French at Dien Bien Phy, complete logistical and tactical air support for the Indonesian operation, air lifts of refugees from North Vietnam, more than 200 overflights of Mainland China and Tibet, and extensive air support in Laos during the current crisis....


    The air drops at Dien Bien Phy occurred in 1954 when the U.S. government decided not to come directly to the assistance of the beleaguered French force but did approve covert military support. 1954 was also the year of the airlift of refugees from North Vietnam to the South. These were non-secret missions, but the CIA could not resist loading the otherwise empty planes that flew to North Vietnam with a cargo of secret agents and military equipment to be used in a clandestine network then be­ing organized in North Vietnam. Like other guerrilla operations against communist countries, whether in Europe or Asia, this CIA venture was a failure.

    Dharma, it is time for you to go. Thank you for your service; we must continue to get as much to print as possible. Salu.
    PJ 46


    WED., MARCH 4, 1992 8:50 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 201

    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1992



    I am first asked by Dharma to make a statement herein about David Duke. This doesn't have much to do with "politics" but rather, unfolding of truth and insight in unexpected and casual ways.


    "FRONTLINE" had a program on the Public Broadcasting Sys­tem Network last evening--subject: David Duke. Duke was not interviewed but a fair expose' of his past and activities to cur­rent seemed rather benign except the program, of course, was totally slanted to the "anti-Semitic" approach, along with "Black" hatred.

    No, Duke doesn't "hate" either Jews or Blacks and is, in fact, a bit chagrinned over what to do with "Jews". The most embar­rassing thing to these politicians is that they know that most of the "so-called" "Jews" of today are NOT Jews but rather right out of the ranks of the "white" race. Jews cannot be set aside as a race any longer for there are only rare frag­ments of the Judean race or original tribes remaining. So, what the politicians are "against" are the "so-called", "self-styled" tools of the Elite One World Order. THESE KHAZAR­IAN ZIONIST ELITE ARE DIRECTLY FROM THE NORDIC, RUS AND MONGOL RACES AND, THEREFORE, ARE OF THE SAME RACE AS ARE THE BRITISH RULERS. LET US BE LOGICAL, READERS, DO YOU FIND MR. SOLARZ, LANTOS, ETC., TO BE "COLORED" IN SOME MANNER? You see, you can be accused of some­thing or other and often it only shows the total ignorance of the one making the accusation.


    However, this IS THE MARK of the adversary--to accuse in direct opposition to truth, with "authority", and all believe the accusation.

    The major hit against Duke shakes down to be his outright, outspoken statement that he believes there was no Holocaust as stated and "...if there are more 'survivors' getting pay­offs than there were Jews to be in the camps, there is something very wrong with the story." Now, I tell you the same thing--let REASON be the judge. If there were over 6-½ million Jews killed in the "death camps" and there were not even 6-½ million Jews in the European area in point--how can 6-½ million Jews have been killed? Oh, you quarrel, "...they say there were 6 million, not 6-½ million." You count again--this year THEY UPPED THE NUMBER BY 500,000--I REPEAT: THIS YEAR!

    Do you not see? If there had only been ONE--it is too many and to take pictures from Eisenhower's death camps and pictures taken of the starving in the Civil War and tout them as "helpless Jews" is heinous and deceitful by any measure of decency. This is gross dishonor to those precious beings who did have great atrocities against them and this degrades their own suffering.


    I have a stack of mail in which I am petitioned BY JEWS, to please help get the truth forth for they are stopped at every cor­ner by the Zionist Organizations. These groups run ads in every paper which will carry them and they have a great many organi­zations desperate for funding to get the TRUTH to the public. I must remind you--THE "JEWS" OF GOD ARE THE FIRST TO BE WIPED OUT BY THESE DECEIVERS IN SHEEP CLOTH. WHAT WILL YOU SAY THEN, AMERICA? "Oops, guess I was wrong after all and shoulda' listened???"

    This is not what Dharma was asking about--I wanted to honor these groups who work so hard, at all costs, for their honor, dignity and truth. I wish we had a daily press so that I could share all the information with you. But we will get there if we are but patient and continue in support of this work. We could fill three or four papers a day and still not get it all into your hands.


    As we are into the subject of the Proprietary Organizations of the CIA, we wrote yesterday on the Air Proprietaries and how and where they functioned. This is what stunned Dharma: On this program last evening, Duke was being pushed about his lack of participation in military services, etc. He countered with ap­proximately the following statement: "I was very active in Viet­nam--I flew on many flights in and out behind the enemy lines on air drops, rice drops, etc. Very dangerous missions these were and I served my country with honor--I went regularly be­hind enemy lines with Air America!!" Dear ones, by any note--THAT IS WITH THE CIA! So be it--I leave the deductions into your own hands.


    This does leave me opportunity to speak with you precious writ­ers who send mountains of mail to me. I am in great apprecia­tion and only ask that you be patient with us for Dharma simply cannot handle more load--I have over 200 pieces of mail need­ing response and I fear we are going to have to give her a rest at best, for her hands and arms are about to cease functioning. We tend them every day and we have encapsulated the tendons but even the elbow joints are now in serious handicap and we must begin to allow time for healing.

    The JOURNALS and LIBERATORS must take priority in writ­ing--I simply cannot ask that this mountain of mail filled with inquiries be attended daily. I do wish to say that I shall effort to respond to inquiries as quickly as we can--I would remind you, however, if you have only read one or two of the volumes--you are not getting the answers as, so far, 100% of the questions, other than personal ones, have been responded to at length, i.e., Melchizedek, Saul, Paul, the Church organizations, initiations, rituals, illumination, etc.

    Our people are working presently at getting an overall INDEX to the Journals but the indexer doesn't have the same pull to get these works done as I desire--for he has no interest in the mate­rial because he knows nothing of it. I must suggest that ones wish to participate and glean from my work--they WILL care about the important order of things or they shall not participate. I want these JOURNALS indexed and a separate volume cover­ing the prior printed books available to our readers. These are NOT novels--they are reference books for civilization and there can be no other "more important" jobs at hand. Our people are overworked, as the same ones who must do that job also must put together myriads of "project proposals" and we have to ask indulgence and patience from you precious readers.


    I use as an example of need of indexing, such a thing as Gen. Schwarzkopf's statements regarding the war. I spoke long and in detail about that war and the leaders of and in that war. Now comes the General to make a statement in Jan. 1992: "The war was over oil, simple as that." Schwarzkopf told an audience of more than 2,000 in Miami Beach. "Sixty-seven percent of the world supply is in the Middle East; when the West runs out, they will still have a 200-year supply."


    This is true--but the main reason was that Hussein would not play ball and would not succumb to the "New World Order". But the biggest LIE of all for you ones to attend is this one: "Most of their income (Soviets) came from selling arms throughout the world. No one will buy Soviet equipment any­more." Oh, my goodness--not only is the entire Middle East buying Soviet arms but also importing Soviet scientists at full-bore ahead.

    You need confirmation that I spoke of these things months and years past but I understand the problem--you can't find the in­formation in the conglomeration of the many documents--some 52 volumes in 2-1/2 years. This is why Dharma's hands and arms are shot and so, too, is her voice going because I talk a lot also. This has been an incredible job--which I believe you might classify as one of those asked-for "miracles". The amount of work presented, published and distributed in just a period of some 24-30 months is without matching--anywhere. Further, the writings are on everything from evil activities to the Source and Order of the Universe. Please be patient with us, for our ones are doing absolutely all they can--for life goes on and they are constantly under attack even into the courts. Dharma and Oberli go to court for a full trial by jury on the next Monday, over their home--against the RTC. Evil workers NEVER back off for their goal is never lost sight of for even a minute. You, too, must always hold strong and unbending as these slings and arrows come against you. Please be patient and "wait upon the Lord" and God shall work His plan in His per­fect time. Thank you.


    Let us just return to the subject in point. It is wondrous to be able to see and witness you ones putting the pieces together--I find a new awakening flowing across the lands as you see and hear with different intake--it is like new life to see reason and knowing of Truth, sorting out the lies and demanding truth of the presenters. You who become discouraged--know you are being heard. If your loved ones cannot find your truth--yet-­know that THEY WILL for they will soon not be able to hide as the house of cards falls. You must release, for force is not of God and ones who deny--must be allowed to find their way--THAT is of God.

    The masses feel panic as insight comes for the perception is that there is no way to counter this "thing" if it be true. You who KNOW must allow these precious ones to "find their own way into knowledge", part of your own journey is in the ability to stop judging and thrusting "your desires" upon another--make available the Truth and then "release it" for as the world comes apart--YOU OF TRUTH--are needed to fill your own missions and it will never be to "hold a single hand" for you are the guides of the many who must be gathered unto the Hosts that they can be brought into security of the fold. There will be many dropped to the wayside--and some of those will be pre­cious to YOU--THAT IS YOUR BURDEN TO RELEASE FOR YOU CANNOT DO IT FOR ANOTHER--ONLY SELF. FURTHER, TO SACRIFICE SELF-SOUL FOR ANOTHER IS BUT TO PULL TWO DOWN INTO THE PITS FOR ONCE IN "KNOWING" THERE IS NO RETURN INTO DARK IG­NORANCE.

    Dharma, let us begin at the point of discussion of "air drops"- regarding the CIA.


    By "the Indonesian operation", Lansdale was referring to the covert air and other military support the CIA provided to the rebels of the Sukarno government in 1958. Allen Pope, the pilot who was shot down and captured during this operation by the Indonesian government, was a CAT pilot. Six months after his release in 1962 he went to work for an­other CIA proprietary, Southern Air Transport. The attor­ney for Southern at that time was a man named Alex E. Carlson, who had only a year before been the lawyer for Double-Chek Corporation when that CIA proprietary had furnished the pilots for the Bay of Pigs.

    The "more than 200 overflights of Mainland China and Ti­bet" that Lansdale mentioned occurred mainly during the 1950's (but continued well into the 1960's), when the CIA supported, on its own and in cooperation with the Chiang Kai-shek gov­ernment, guerrilla operations against China. CAT was the air supply arm for these operations, and it was in a CAT plane that Richard Fecteau and John Downey were shot down by the Communist Chinese in 1954.


    By the end of the 1950's, CAT had split into three separate air­lines, all controlled by a CIA proprietary holding company, the Pacific Corporation. One firm. Air America. took over most of CAT's Southeast Asia business; another, Air Asia, operated a giant maintenance facility on Taiwan. The portion still called CAT continued to fly open and covert charter missions out of Taiwan and to operate Nationalist China's scheduled domestic and international airline. CAT was best known for the extrava­gant service on its "Mandarin Jet", which linked Taipei to neighboring Asian capitals.


    In 1964, about the time of the mysterious crash of a CAT plane, the CIA decided that running Taiwan's air passenger ser­vice contributed little to the agency's covert mission in Asia, and that the non-charter portion of CAT should be turned over to the Chinese Nationalists. CAT's former public-rela­tions director, Arnold Dibble, wrote in the Saturday Review of May 11, 1968: "A highly suspicious crash of a C-46 claimed the lives of fifty-seven persons, including that of perhaps the richest man in Asia, Dato Loke Wan Tho--the Malaysian movie mag­nate--and several of his starlets from his Cathay studios. The full story of this crash has yet to be unraveled; what is known has not been told because it has never been, for instance, an of­ficial airing of the part played by two apparently demented mil­itary men aboard who had stolen two radar identification manu­als (about the size of a mail-order catalog) in the Pescadores Is­lands, hollowed them out with a razor blade so each would hold a .45 caliber pistol. The manuals and one pistol were found, but fire and perhaps inadequate investigation marred the evidence. It was never definitely determined if the weapons had been fired."

    But the Nationalists' own China Air Lines had neither the equipment nor the experience at that time to take over CAT's routes, and the Nationalist government was not prepared to al­low the CIA to abandon Taiwan's principal air links with the outside world. The CIA could not simply discontinue service, because such action would have offended the Chiang govern­ment and made uncertain the continued presence of the agency's other proprietaries and intelligence facilities on Taiwan.

    The negotiations over CAT's passenger routes dragged on through the next four years. The CIA was so eager to reach a settlement that it sent a special emissary to Taiwan on temporary duty, but his short-term negotiating assignment eventually turned into a permanent position. Finally, in 1968 another CAT pas­senger plane--this time a Boeing 727--crashed near the Taipei airport. This second accident caused twenty-one deaths and provided that rarest of occurrences on Taiwan, a spontaneous public demonstration--against U.S. involvement in the airline. Bowing to public pressure, the Nationalist government then ac­cepted a settlement with the agency: China Air Lines took over CAT's international flights; CAT, despite the agency's reluc­tance, continued to fly domestic routes on Taiwan; and the CIA sweetened the pot with a large cash payment to the Nationalists.


    Air America, a spin-off of CAT, was set up in the late 1950's to accommodate the agency's rapidly growing number of opera­tions in Southeast Asia. As U.S. involvement deepened in that part of the world, other government agencies--the State Depart­ment, the Agency for International Development (AID), and the United States Information Agency (USIA)--also turned to Air America to transport their people and supplies. By 1971, AID alone had paid Air America more than $83 million for charter services. In fact, Air America was able to generate so much business in Southeast Asia that eventually other American air­lines took note of the profits to be made.


    One private company, Continental Airlines, made a suc­cessful move in the mid-1960's to take some of the market away from Air America. Pierre Salinger, who became an officer of Continental after his years as President Kennedy's press secretary, led Continental's fight to gain its share of the lucrative Southeast Asian business. The Continental po­sition was that it was a questionable, if not illegal, practice for a government-owned business (even a CIA proprietary under cover) to compete with truly private companies in seeking government contracts. The CIA officers who had to deal with Continental were very uncomfortable. They knew that Salinger had learned during his White House days of the agency's activities in Southeast Asia and, specifically, of Air America's tie to the CIA. They feared that implicit in Continental's approach for a share of the Southeast Asian market was the threat that if the agency refused to cooper­ate, Continental would make its case publicly--using infor­mation supplied by Salinger. Rather than face the possibil­ity of unwanted publicity, the CIA permitted Continental to move into Laos where, since the late 1960's, it has flown charter flights worth millions of dollars annually. And Continental's best customer is the CIA itself.


    But even with Continental flying Laos, the agency was able to keep most of the flights for its own Air America. This CIA airline has done everything from parachuting Meo tribesmen be­hind North Vietnamese lines in Laos to dropping rice to refugees in the Vietnamese highlands. Air America has trained pilots for the Thai national police, transported political prisoners for the South Vietnamese government, carried paymasters and payrolls for CIA mercenaries and, even before the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, furnished pilots for secret bombing raids on North Vietnamese supply lines in Laos. It has also been accused of participating in Southeast Asia, and its flights are almost never inspected by customs authorities. It has its own separate pas­senger and freight terminals at airports in South Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. At Udorn, in Thailand, Air America maintains a large base which is hidden within an even larger U.S. Air Force facility (which is ostensibly under Thai government control). The Udorn base is used to support virtually all of the "secret" war in Laos, and it also houses a "secret" maintenance facility for the planes of the Thai, Cambodian, and Laotian air forces.

    Before the cease-fire in Vietnam, Air America was flying 125 planes of its own, with roughly 40 more on lease, and it had about 5,000 employees, roughly 10 percent of whom were pi­lots. It was one of America's largest airlines, ranking just be­hind National in total number of planes.

    Now that the U.S. military forces have withdrawn from the Vietnamese theater, the role of maintaining a significant Ameri­can influence has reverted largely to the CIA--and Air America, under the circumstances, is finding its services even more in demand than previously. Even the International Supervisory and Control Commission, despite the membership of Communist Poland and Hungary, has signed a contract with the CIA pro­prietary to support its supervision of the Vietnam cease-fire. In 1973, Air America had contracts with the Defense Department worth $41.4 million.


    A wholly owned subsidiary of Air America, Air Asia, oper­ates on Taiwan the largest air repair and maintenance facility in the Pacific region. Established in 1955, Air Asia employs about 8,000 people. It not only services the CIA's own planes, it also repairs private and military aircraft. The U.S. Air Force makes heavy use of Air Asia and consequently has not had to build a major maintenance facility of its own in East Asia, as would have been necessary if the CIA proprietary had not been avail­able. Like Air America, Air Asia is a self-sustaining, profit-making enterprise.


    Until the CIA decided to sell it off in mid-1973, Southern Air Transport, another agency proprietary, operated out of offices in Miami and Taiwan. Unlike CAT, Air America, and Air Asia, it was not officially connected with the Pacific Corporation hold­ing company, but Pacific did guarantee $6.6 million loaned to it by private banks, and Air America loaned it an additional $6.7 million funnelled through yet another CIA proprietary called Actus Technology. Southern's role in the Far East was largely limited to flying profitable routes for the Defense Department. Other U.S. government agencies have also chartered Southern on occasion. In the first half of 1972 it received a $2 million AID contract to fly relief supplies to the new state of Bangladesh.

    But within the CIA, Southern Air Transport was primar­ily important as the agency's air arm for potential Latin American intervention. This was the justification when the CIA took control of it in 1960, and it provided the agency with a readily available "air force" to support counterinsur­gency efforts or to help bring down an unfriendly govern­ment. While Southern awaited its call to be the Air America of future Latin American guerrilla wars, it "lived its cover" and cut down CIA's costs by hiring out its planes on charter.


    When the CIA brought Tibetan tribesmen to the United States in the late 1950's to prepare them for guerrilla forays into China, the agency's Intermountain Aviation assisted in the training program.

    Then in the early 1960's CIA air operations grew by leaps and bounds with the expansion of the wars in Southeast Asia and the constant fighting in the Congo.


    But a reporter visiting Tucson in 1966 still wrote, "Anyone driving by could see more than a hundred B-26's with their ar­mor plate, bomb bays, and gun ports". Not long after this disclosure appeared in the press, ( DELETED ) were made available to ( DELETED ) to build hangers for the parked air­craft. Prying reporters and the curious public soon saw less.


    In 1965, Intermountain Aviation served as a conduit in the sale of B-26 bombers to Portugal for use in that country's colo­nial wars in Africa. The sale directly violated the official United States policy against arms exports to Portugal for use in Angola, Mozambique, or Portuguese Guinea. The U.S. gov­ernment, at its highest level, had decided to sell twenty B-26's to Portugal, and the CIA proprietary was following official orders. Theoretically, the embargo on weapons exports for use in Portugal's colonies remained intact--but not in fact. The U.S. government was, thus, doing covertly what it had forbidden it­self to do openly.

    Through the spring and summer of 1965, seven B-26's were flown from Arizona to Lisbon by an English pilot hired by an ostensibly private firm called Aero Associates. By September the operation's cover had worn so thin that Soviet and Hungar­ian representatives in the United Nations specifically attacked the transaction. The American U.N. delegation conceded that seven B-26's had been delivered to Portugal, but Ambassador Arthur Goldberg stated that "the only involvement of officials of the United States has been in prosecuting a malefactor against the laws of the country." This was a simple mistruth. Ambas­sador Goldberg, however, may have not known what the facts were. Adlai Stevenson before him had not been fully briefed on the Bay of Pigs invasion and wound up unknowingly making false statements at the U.N.

    The same techniques were used to distort the prosecution of the "malefactor". Ramsey Clark, at the time Deputy Attorney General, got in contact with Richard Helms, when the latter was the CIA's Deputy Director, and the agency's General Counsel, Lawrence Houston, to discuss the Portuguese airplane matter. Agency officials assured Clark that the CIA had not been in­volved. Recalling the case, Clark says, "We couldn't have gone to trial if they (the CIA) had been involved. I don't see how you can just prosecute the little guys acting in the employ of a government agency."

    Still, the United States had been exposed as violating its own official policy, and, for political reasons, those knowledgeable about the facts refused to intervene to aid "the little guys". Thus, one agency of the government, the Justice Department, unwittingly found itself in the curious position of prosecuting persons who had been working under the direct orders of an­other government agency, the CIA. Five indictments were fi­nally secured, but one of the accused fled the country, and charges against two of the others were dropped. But in the fall of 1966 the English pilot, John Richard Hawke, and Henri Marie Francois de Marin de Montmarin, a Frenchman who had been a middleman in the deal, were brought to trial in a Buffalo, New York, federal court.

    Hawke admitted in court, "Yes, I flew B-26 bombers to Portugal for use in their African colonies, and the operation was arranged through the State Department and the CIA." How­ever, CIA General Counsel Houston flatly denied under oath that the agency had been involved in the transaction. Houston did reveal that the agency "knew about" the bomber shipment on May 25, 1965, five days before it began, and that this informa­tion had been passed on to the State Department and eleven other government agencies. He also said that on July 7 the CIA was "informed" that four of the B-26's had actually been deliv­ered to Portugal; again the CIA gave notice to State and other agencies. He did not explain why, if the U.S. government had so much intelligence on the flights, nothing was done to stop them, although their flight plans had been filed with the Federal Aviation Administration and Hawke, on one mission, even inad­vertently buzzed the White House.

    The jury found Hawke and Montmarin innocent. Members of the panel later let it be known that they had not been con­vinced that the two accused had deliberately violated the law.



    Former Director Helms, however, refused to fly ( DE­LETED) because he believed that its commercial cover was too transparent. He preferred instead to travel on legitimate com­mercial airlines. Less reluctant was Vice President Hubert Humphrey, who often used ( DELETED ) Gulfstream during his 1968 presidential campaign.



    Perhaps the CIA's most out-of-the-way proprietary was located in Katmandu, Nepal. It was established to provide air support for agency-financed and -directed tribesmen who were operating the Chinese-controlled Tibet. CAT originally flew these missions, as indicated by General Lansdale's refer­ence to CAT's "more than 200 overflights of Mainland China and Tibet". But flying planes from Taiwan to the CIA's opera­tional base in northeastern India proved too cumbersome; thus the Nepalese proprietary was set up. As the Tibetan opera­tions were cut back and eventually halted during the 1960's, this airline was reduced in size to a few planes, helicopters, and a supply of spare parts. Still, up to the late 1960's, it flew charters for the Nepalese government and private orga­nizations in the area.


    The CIA's Planning, Programming, and Budgeting Staff back in Langley believed that the airline's usefulness as an agency as­set had passed, and the decision was made to sell it off. But, for the CIA to sell a proprietary is a very difficult process. The agency feels that it must maintain the secrecy of its covert in­volvement, no matter how moot or insignificant the secrecy, and it does not want to be identified in any way, either before or af­ter the actual transaction. Moreover, there is a real fear within the Clandestine Services that a profit will be made, and then by law, the CIA would be obliged to return the gain to the U.S. Treasury. The clandestine operatives do not want to be troubled by the bureaucratic red tape this would entail. It simply goes against the grain of the clandestine mentality to have to explain and justify such a transaction to anyone--let alone to the book­keepers at the Treasury. [H: It may make more sense now, as to why Oliver North's little personal gains such as fences and security systems might have been reasonable and acceptable--it was the way everything was handled. This is also why the ones involved in the Iran mess felt they had earned money return for their services rendered and profits made. It is you-the-people who don't seem to understand the system.]


    Unloading Southern Air Transport in 1973 proved to be something of a fiasco for the agency. Following past practice, the CIA tried to sell it quietly to a former employee--presumably at an attractive price--but the effort failed when three legitimate airlines protested to the Civil Aeronautics Board. They com­plained that Southern had been built up with government money, that it had consequently received lucrative charter routes, and that it represented unfair competition. When word of this prospective sale got into the newspapers, the CIA backtracked and voluntarily dropped Southern's CAB certification--greatly reducing the airline's value but guaranteeing that the agency could sell it off in complete secrecy.


    And with the Nepalese airline, CIA found a buyer who had previously worked for other agency air proprietaries. Since he was a former "company man", secrecy was pre­served. He was allowed to purchase the airline's for a small down payment. Following highly unorthodox business procedure, the airline itself served as collateral for the balance due. A CIA auditor at headquarters privately described the sale as a "giveaway", but this was the way the Clandestine Services wanted the affair handled. The new owner re­mained in Miami although all his airlines' operations were in Nepal. Within a comparatively short period of time, he liq­uidated all the airline's assets. He wound up with a consid­erable profit, but the agency made back only a fraction of its original costs. The Clandestine Services was pleased with the sale, in any case, because it had been able to divest itself of a useless asset in a way both to guarantee maximum secu­rity and to assure the future loyalty and availability of the buyer.



    While ethics of transactions of this sort are questionable, con­flict of interest laws presumably do not apply to the CIA; the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 conveniently states that "The sums made available to the gency may be expended without regard to the provisions of law and regulations relating to the expenditure of Government funds." In any case, the use of proprietary companies opens up to the participants an oppor­tunity to make substantial profits while "living their cover".


    The fact remains that CIA proprietaries are worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and no one outside the agency is able to audit their books. [H: Sounds just like the Federal Reserve and IRS, doesn't it???] And as will be seen later in this writ­ing, CIA headquarters sometimes has only the vaguest notion about what certain proprietaries are doing or what their assets are. Undoubtedly, there are wide opportunities for abuse, and many of the people involved in fields such as the arms trade, paramilitary soldiering, and covert air operations are not known for high ethical standards. While only a few agency career em­ployees would take money for personal gain, there is little to prevent officers of the proprietaries from doing so, if they are so inclined.

    As can be seen, the CIA's proprietary corporations serve largely in support of special, or paramilitary, operations, infor­mation purposes and, like most other covert assets, proprietaries can also be used on occasion to further the espionage and coun­terespionage efforts of the Clandestine Services. In the main, however, there has been a definite trend in the agency for more than a decade to develop the air proprietaries as the tactical arm for the CIA's secret military interventions in the Third World. The fleets of these CIA airlines have been continually expanded and modernized, as have been their base facilities. In the opin­ion of most CIA professionals, the agency's capabilities to con­duct special operations would be virtually nonexistent without the logistical and other support provided by the air proprietaries.


    The performance of the Pacific Corporation and its sub­sidiaries, Air America and Air Asia, in assisting the CIA's many special ops adventures over the years in the Far East and Southeast Asia has deeply impressed the agency's lead­ership. The exploits of the contract air officers in that strife-ridden corner of the world have become almost leg­endary within the CIA. Furthermore, the advantages of having a self-sustaining, self-run complex which requires no CIA funds and little agency manpower are indeed much ap­preciated by the Clandestine Services.

    Without the air proprietaries, there could have been no secret raids in Communist China. There could have been no Tibetan or Indonesian or Burmese operations. And most important of all, there could have been no "secret" war in Laos. Even many of the CIA's covert activities in Vietnam could not have been planned, much less implemented, without the assurance that CIA airlines were available to support such operations. Thus, it is small wonder that the agency, when it moved to intervene in the Congo (and anticipating numerous other insurgencies on the continent), hastily tried to develop the same kind of air support there that traditionally was available to special operations in Asia. And one can easily understand why the planners of the Bay of Pigs operation now regret not having made similar ar­rangements for their own air needs instead of relying on the U.S. armed forces.

    * * *


    Let us close this chapter, please. When we write again we shall speak of the fabulous George Doole who "really got around!"

    Hatonn to move to stand-by. I apologize for the over-long ses­sion. I do, however, note that you ones are very interested--isn't it refreshing to be on the inside with information instead of always the last to know? What you don't know CAN hurt you very, very badly. Good-day.

  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 46


    THU., MARCH 5, 1992 8:26 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 202

    THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1992


    First, let me remind my own crew to get the computers cleaned up so that you don't lose any documents to the insult spreading through the computer systems. This virus started as a quirk and whim to wipe out IRS documents but has now been turned to be used AGAINST you-the-people. If you lose documentation then the IRS will set its own estimates as to that which is "owed" to the "government banks". It is better to use the ounce of pre­vention in this instance and then stay on top of it because the full intent is for them to eventually have the ONLY computer records--the minute you go back to sleep. Especially you with inter-linkage systems are at great risk--this is why I deplore hooking into networks of any kind--you immediately lose all privacy as public air waves and phone lines are utilized.

    I can only ask that you use continuing backup into safe place­ment--for it is intended that you WILL lose your data before the game ends. The major targets as the "plague" gets more spe­cific is to all data exchange systems which hold forth legal foun­dation and all constitutional materials for the effort is to make unavailable case law prior to take-over by the changed judicial system.

    Authors will also lose massive amounts of writing if not attended regularly--this current "virus" is only a start and as you move along the diseases will worsen without warning. This is only a forerunner to warn "their own" that the attack is ready to begin. I cannot warn you ones strongly enough--big stuff is coming down in the weeks ahead and it will be you who take precau­tions which will make it through intact. You must have separate back-up of all disk systems, preferably two or three in different placements and constantly updated. I, for one and for instance, will not ask that Dharma REDO anything because of this game in point for you have been warned sufficiently ahead of time.


    Since speaking about the underground facilities around this Cali­fornia area, I am, as expected, deluged with inquiries regarding other placements. I will make a point of going through the vari­ous states and giving you some idea where the major installa­tions are and where there are missiles. I don't have time to be totally specific nor give maps with specific tunnel runs, etc. Please don't expect more for it is dangerous for these writers here to present such a thing but I will share some information so that you can be alert and you who do have contacts might get the areas more specifically defined and updated. Revealing the se­crets is the only defense you have.

    Most places are covered with rumors and things like, "...well, I'm working on 'need to know' basis and I said I wouldn't tell." This means that number One: they are working on something they actually know very little about. Two: they are working un­derground on installations but have no idea of the broad picture. Three: They are threatened on the basis of "national security" and threat of punishment for treason and Four: They (with fam­ily) have been promised the reward of safe placement IF they keep silent about the truth of the installations.


    Already the "big boys", as industry is shut down, are moving into the safe shelters--you are that close to probable danger.
    You will now find that you will get no help from your govern­ment in the building of shelters so you are on your "own", so to speak. You should continue to ask for public funding but do not expect it and do not base your security on the possibility.

    In areas of these massive underground installations and nearby "bedroom" areas, such as Tehachapi, you have a situation of "vacant census"--which means that you have many houses which are now partially (occasionally) occupied but which will empty very soon now that the facilities are operational and the major "building" and construction are finished. Places such as Tehachapi will likely end up pretty much a ghost town but will be quite ideal for young industry in food-growing, dairy farm­ing, etc. This is because the full underground cities will not be­come effective yet, for the Elite. Ones who are not invited within will have to move on to find work so much movement will need be back into the cities. IF YOU HAVE A JOB--HOLD ONTO IT FOR THERE IS NO PRIVILEGE OF SIM­PLY "QUITTING" BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE YOUR BOSS OR WHAT YOU DO.

    To ones in this group who await work in whatever, is built here--don't. Stay employed because there is not work yet and as things move rapidly along there may not be--ever. I have repeatedly asked ones coming to this place to come only if pre­pared to attend your own needs. A place will be found for transfer if possible but at this point only "borrowed" funds which MUST BE REPAID by one or two is all that there is available. We publish so rapidly that the books are but a burden and expense beyond belief to you readers.


    It may well be perceived that many books are sold--many books are, but many more are simply passed around and therefore no balancing income is garnered against the next volume. It is, however, the word which must go forth so we are indeed pleased if you share, copy, spindle or mutilate--truth is for all and we need it spread anyway you can find a way--FOR YOU WILL NOT BE GIVEN HEARING ON ANY MEDIA OR PRESS OF THE ESTABLISHMENT--WHICH IS ALMOST 100% OF ALL PUBLICATIONS. LARGE PUBLICATIONS WHICH SEEM TO BE YOUR HONEST RESOURCE--ARE NOT! PUBLICATIONS SUCH AS SPOTLIGHT ARE NOT WHAT THEY APPEAR TO BE BUT MUCH QUALITY INFORMATION CAN YET BE GAINED FROM THEM--IF YOU ARE SELECTIVE AND PERCEPTIVE.


    Dharma is deluged with petitions asking direction and instruc­tions for personal actions. She is not given information of that nature any more than are you readers. The only advantage she has against any reader is that she has typed all the work and therefore has become privy to that which is written--exactly as you IF you read ALL the information. She has no need NOR RIGHT to interpret for YOU. She is not given from day to day to even know the subject upon which we will pen. I would never treat my co-workers with such dangerous input and I ask that you not do so either.

    I will give you an example in the form of a letter received yes­terday from a most beloved and loving being. I ask that you ones measure these questions against ones you might ask and then consider your education in the JOURNALS. If this person was informed, there would be no letter except to say "thank you" for sharing. We are not in the business of "readings" or "fortune-telling" and, until the books are indexed, our ones sim­ply cannot remember which of 53 books contains specific infor­mation--but only generalization. In this instance, however, you will find the spiritual truth if you have read any of the JOUR­NALS--you will find the entire thought process and actions en­tirely adversarial in nature. Not that the techniques wouldn't work if the "healer" utilized God-power--but the person dishing out this garbage is USING people for his/her own ends--not the good of Godly passage and/or Godly healing.

    Dharma, print the letter and we shall comment as we move along, but only very, very briefly for I cannot tell you often enough--if you don't find it worth the effort to read the material presented--then you will simply NOT have the answers you re­quire for you will be left to the shysters such as in point. If you, precious writer M.R., spend as much time and energy on the JOURNALS as you do on the tricks and games, you would have the keys for which you seek. You already question and deny your resource of present--go again within and you will see that your inner truth is showing you the facts of the matter. It is good you write for in the seeing and thinking within the task of writing--the response has already come to you and what you actually ask is my confirmation of your perception.


    Dear Commander Hatonn,

    First of all I would like to thank you for the knowledge, wis­dom and understanding you bring. I enjoy reading and search­ing for higher spiritual knowledge. I know you are very busy so I will get straight to the point and try to keep it short.

    I want to know if you can recommend one of your books I may read dealing with the subject of holy divine light transmitted from the PALM OF THE HAND, used to heal, cleanse, or purify spiritually. We do this in a organization called Mahikari. We're told Mahikari's teachings are revealed from the highest dimension--the 7th dimension. They were revealed to a Japanese man called Sukuinushisama. Anyway we're told that Jesus gave light. We must WEAR AN OBJECT CALLED OMI­TAMA (IT'S LIKE A LOCKET ON A CHAIN WORN INSIDE THE CLOTHING) [H: And I bet you have to purchase this locket in some manner either by simply purchase of it or payment for this wondrous "so-called" course in "palm heal­ing"???] which intensifies the light, otherwise we cannot give light because of our spiritual impurities accumulated lifetime af­ter lifetime we've lost the power to radiate God's light and heal like Jesus once did. I know the light really works because I've experienced it over and over. It even purifies food and keeps it fresh longer. It's not a matter of believing because I didn't at first. I agree with a lot of Mahikari teachings because they are the same as yours and they count years as you do. But some teachings I'm not sure about such as having an ancestor altar and serving your ancestor food because they need the spiritual essence of food to help them through some of the hard and sometimes severe trainings many go through in the astral world. Still I don't understand why would man need a physical object [H: Touché--YOU DON'T!] to radiate God's Light to various parts of the body and pineal gland or 3rd eye. Please recom­mend one of your books and/or comment.

    I would also like to know should I be concerned about being on the Phoenix Liberator mailing list? A couple of people I have passed the paper along to said that the Gov't watches people who are on mailing lists receiving info like this. I don't want to give up reading the Liberator because I enjoy reading truth and searching for higher spiritual knowledge. But I still would like to know.

    Thank you and Dharma so graciously for your service,
    Peace be unto you,

    P.S• Please help me because sometimes I feel trapped. If I'm no longer a member I can't use omitama to give light--SO WE'RE TOLD. I would like to be able to always give light (God's Light) for it really helps any condition. I no longer rely on Drs. or medicine for colds. END OF QUOTING


    I can respond in one sentence: If a thing is caused to be uti­lized which is of the physical to do that which is of spirit (healing) then it is unworthy and taught falsely. If you are told by a physical being in the name of Spirit--that such and such is required and limited unto select few--it is a lie and so is the speaker. God is unlimited, equal for all, open with no secrets, requires no physical "objects" and would never limit his grace and Light to self-proclaimed gurus or speakers.

    These ones often prey upon the Spiritual aspect of believers and seekers--to glean that which is physical, i.e., money, recogni­tion, ego which sets self above another, etc., etc. God is within each and when you heal you only connect that power within self with the power within another--awaken it and allow it to heal. No more and no less. Yes, I suggest that you continue to re­main on the list for receiving information--God protects his people from the adversary if you deny HIM not. In seeking secu­rity you lose it for in the seeking within the physical you sever the protection of the shield of Light for which you serve. This is why the admonition of the Master Teacher/Messenger when he said: "To save your life, you must first give it."

    I make no statement regarding the above person in point--for if you come into understanding of TRUTH, the question is an­swered. There may be methods of physical nature which assist individuals in focusing their thought energy--but it will be as in­dividual as are you each unique. To, however, cause the wear­ing or using of ANYTHING PHYSICAL to focus or disperse GOD'S LIGHT is an impossibility for God utilizes nothing of the "physical"--if a device focuses in actuality--it can only focus that which is "physical" in nature or manufacture.

    Yes, the method may "work"--but it is because the person re­ceiving the focus--believes that it will work--no more and no less. Moreover, anyone who would tell another that to have a thing "work" that "you must be a member of the club" is purely fabricated to hold you bound to the physical. This is total car­nage of Spirit and binding of ones into blindness to limit ability to "find truth elsewhere". I ask that you ponder it. All of you--ponder this. God is ALL--UNLIMITED, INFINITE--GOD IS ALL--LIGHT, LOVE, HARMONY AND TOTAL BALANCE. HE IS THE WORD AND THE TRUTH AND ONLY NEEDS SPEAKERS AND WRITERS IN THIS SHORT INTERVAL UNTIL YOU ONES REMEMBER THAT YOU, TOO, HEAR AND DWELL WITH AND WITHIN GOD. YOU ARE THE LIGHT.

    Now, as to "getting on 'their' list" to be watched, etc. Dear ones, you are SAFE on this list of participants. The groups in which you are now tinkering are the most dangerous of all to be ON. They are considered "cults" and "occult" by the establish­ment and you ARE ALREADY ON 'THEIR' LIST. The inter­esting thing about the LIBERATOR and the PHOENIX JOUR­NALS is that accusations are made against them--but nothing can be found upon which to accuse of either false teachings or untruth and therefore, all accusations against them are simply "that"--accusations. It is well proven that we are none of the things of which accused and it is known throughout the world. We bring only truth of Spiritual reality, we come only to pre­pare a place for the next coming of the higher teachers (God if you will), we are not subversive--in fact our full thrust is to SAVE YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL FOUNDATION AS A NATION, we come in peace and even your adversary KNOWS OF OUR PRESENCE--IT IS ONLY YOU PRECIOUS "CITIZENS" FROM WHOM THEY HAVE HIDDEN TRUTH. GOD attends His own--you need no Mahikari, nor preacher, nor guru--no talisman or ritual for within the Great Spirit you are "whole". Even in the "Christian" "faith" you need not a "Jesus"--you only need your relationship within that "GOD" which he represents in truth and goodness--by whatever label you choose to call GOD. So be it and please think upon this lesson for it means the difference in your journey and desti­nation. The physical thrust will always be to bind you into the physical aspect through fear. I ask that you release the fear and limits--YOU DON'T NEED THEM AND THEY ARE THAT WHICH SHALL BE YOUR DESTRUCTION--NOT SELF IN­TERACTION WITH GOD. SO BE IT.


    PJ 46


    THU., MARCH 5, 1992 10:11 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 202

    THURSDAY MARCH 5, 1992

    As I sit to write this portion regarding missile sites and under­ground facilities--please understand, I simply cannot take time to do a run-down of the world. There are other Commanders in other parts of the globe and I, for time reasons, will only handle the United States. Keep in mind that what I am going to in­dicate does not have to do with simple military installations, etc. I am only going to deal with underground missiles and military installations underground. I will miss some for much is being enlarged daily--but now that most of the major construction is finished it will suffice for impact to allow you to recognize how truly uninformed you are as a nation. You in the other parts of the globe can consider that you are in equal or worse shape--es­pecially any "colony" of Great Britain.

    The logical inquiry regarding these massive underground installations is "how could they do that without having huge mountains of dirt to move and it would show!" No it would not--they have equipment now that will tunnel and melt the earth material into substance which can be utilized for the walling and shoring. This condenses the quantity of material into a small percentage of that with which the project begins. This tunneling equipment works with a diameter much larger than the average sized home so you can see how advanced is the technology.

    I ask you not to write me about specifics nor locations--I wel­come any information which any of you wish to share for either my private confirmation or for sharing but please do not expect me to give specifics or long dissertations on various locations for I shall not do so--I hesitate to even give this much informa­tion for I will have to increase the shielding for my own crew because of it. I am most pleased to handle any private correspondence but it will be one-way for a period of time, perhaps. Some of these areas will only represent having underground missiles.

    I will effort to give nearby sites as reference, i.e.: Alabama: Maxwell A.F.B. north of Montgomery, south of Rattville.

    Anniston Army Depot south into the Tallegeda National Forest under Cheah Mtn., drawing water from the Coosu River.
    Maxwell A.F.B, north of Montgomery, south of Rattville-‑drawing water from the Alabama River.
    Fort Rucker: MAJOR SITE--very large area. North to Brun­didge, east in Ariton, southeast to Ozark, south almost to Hartford and west, almost to Elba. Drawing water from the Pea River Res., predominantly.

    Massive water tunnels and underground facilities and missile sites in an area running from Kotzebue to Ruby to and includ­ing all of Norton Bay.
    In the Fairbanks area including all of the Harding Lake Rec. Area.
    Stoney Creek area, in the vicinity of the Redoubt Volcano. [H: You should pick up a great "clue" right here!]

    Arizona is so sprinkled with installations housing missiles that it is hard to separate them from Nevada so I will include the southeast corner of Nevada also.
    Small installation between Mesquite and Glendale.
    Large installations between Searchlight and Boulder City. Border of Nev./Ca. directly north of Needles, Ca. in line south from above installation.
    East of Kingman some 35 miles east, past junction of 40 and 93. Right under and around 1-40 directly in-line south of Peach Springs. Desolate territory with few landmarks.
    Area under 1-40 between (approx midway) Winona and Winslow.
    West of Phoenix under I-10, approx. midway between Winters-burg and Quartzsite.
    Between Yuma and Casa Grande on (under) 1-8, approximately midway between Mohawk and Sentinel.
    North of Yuma on H-95 approximately midway from intersec­tion of H-95 and 1-8 and Quartzsite.
    Fort Huachuca near border with Mexico in general area of Huachuca City.

    In Arkansas there is a different situation wherein you have a lot of useful natural formations which allow for utilization. Most of the facility activity has been focused on the Ft. Smith area taking in the entire Ft. Chaffee miliary res.

    California has so many installations that it is all but impossible to point to them all. The ones along the coast are set up so as to be open for massive underground moving of equipment in event of quake or coastal devastation. Underground tunnels are structured in order to move nuclear submarines from the Long Beach area to inland to tunnels to move ground equip­ment by surface to inland. We will not focus on any one area to great extent for as we list the area, say, of Lancaster, it will generally take in Lancaster, Palmdale, Mojave, Edwards and up to Tehachapi areas of Northrop, Lockheed, etc. Re­member that in this particular listing I am giving you "general areas".
    Starting at the north end of the state: a very large area including all of the Round Valley Indian Res.
    Area all around Ball Mountain intersecting area of Red Bluff and including Red Bluff.
    Massive area including just south of Alturas, including Likely and Madeline and east almost to Eagleville. Includes the en­tire origin of the South Fork which eventually makes its way to the Pit River.
    Yuba City and overlapping:
    Nevada City, overlapping south to
    Grass Valley (massive area).
    Lake Tahoe-Tahoma-Emerald Bay
    Placerville area from Coloma to El Dorado to Kyburz

    There is a NOTICEABLE absence of major facilities around San Francisco, but a MAJOR dual installation directly east in Nevada at Hawthorne and including (under) southern portion of Walker Lake.
    Coastal missile facility including Pacific Grove Monterey to Salinas--including Ft. Ord.
    West of King City, including all of Hunter Liggett Mil. Res. south including Nacimiento Reservoir east to overlap facility which takes in a large area including Camp Roberts and Paso Robles.
    Major crucial sites at area of Camp Nelson northeast of Porter­ville and entire area of Tule River Indian Res. and on south almost to Woody--in the Sequoia Nat'l Forest.
    China Lake--massive.
    China Lake Naval Weapons Dep.--massive.
    Fort Irwin--massive. On H-54 southwest of China Lake, north­east Tehachapi, approx. 50 mi. northeast Mojave--large fa­cility.
    Lancaster/Palmdale and points east: MASSIVE, taking in areas from northwest of Barstow to east of Barstow to some 30 or so miles east of Barstow on 1-15 (desolate area).
    This area is in conjunction with the mammoth area of the Nellis
    bombing and gunnery range and the entire Las Vegas area.
    In the Palmdale/Lancaster area must be included Edwards A.F.B., a facility on H-395 at Adalanto and a facility on 1-15 between Victorville and Barstow (about mid-way). These sites located on major interstates and well traveled roads are to allow for checking stations as you move further into the controlled environment. These are located in areas wherein there are major connections with interstate facilities--some three to five just between L.A. and L.V.
    The entire Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Base and area be­tween and including Ludlow to Twentynine Palms.
    Facility on 1-40 about midway between Ludlow and Needles. Long Beach is a massive underwater facility with water tunnels which connect all the way inland past San Bernardino with
    connecting travel tunnels to both Lancaster area and the Ma­rine Base.
    South to the Salton Sea--the entire area including Chocolate Mtn. Gunnery Range.
    The entire area just east (into Ariz) of the Colorado River Indian Res.
    Starting at Capistrano and south through all of Camp Pendelton, including Oceanside.
    Moving on south to southeast: Capitan Ind. Res., then on 1-8, the Manzanita Ind. Res., east to Brawley to include the Parachute Test Range and Naval Air Facility near El Centro and on east to the entire Yuma Indian Res.

    Moving west to east on 1-70: Parachute; Vail (large political fa­cility); site of Eisenhower Mem. Tunnel.
    On 1-25 south from Denver, all of the Air Force Academy, south to the area southeast of Colorado Springs (Ft. Carson). All of the area east of 1-25 at Fountain north of Pueblo; this is actually a place known as Peterson A.F.B. This is a major and important location.

    Woodstock (large facility both Mass./Conn.)
    New London
    Worchester (Quinugamond)
    Fitchburg (Ft. Devans)
    All the Military Reservation and Nat'l Guard Facility east of Buzzard Bay.

    Florida is a strange place in that major underground facilities are lacking but missile bases abound in clusters. This is because of the high water table and expectation that with planned earth activities the major part of Florida will be submerged. This requires that the underground bases be along the shore­line and house submarine-capable facilities.
    Major installation including Foley, Ala. and the entire of Pen­sacola Naval Station and eastward all the way and including Freeport and De Funiak Springs and around north to Crestview.
    Panama City: all of Tyndal A.F.B. (underwater and offshore) Large area on west coast at Palmetta.
    Interlocking pods all the way on east coast from Miami to the tip including Homestead A.F.B.

    Major dual installation at Atlanta in an area taking in Decatur to Jonesboro.
    Augusta: Total area including Fort Gordon and east to the Gov't area (massive) including the Savannah River Plant. This is a huge area.
    South to Savannah and including all of the Fort Stewart area. Ft. Benning at Columbus.

    MAJOR INSTALLATIONS AT THE U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMM. RES. north-west of Idaho Falls. This is a most im­portant facility and an extremely dangerous area.
    Southeast of Boise on H-84 just northwest of Mountain Home--perhaps 10-15 miles.
    All of Mountain Home military facility.
    Large installation on H-84 at Malta.
    There is another facility just across the border in Montana about midway between Coeur D'Alene and Missoula on H-10 and one south into Nevada on H-193 south of Contact.

    There are only a couple of important bases in Illinois because it is expected that with great earth changes there will be no Illi­nois. There is an installation and missile sites at Chicago and facilities of both kinds at Chanute A.F.B. south of Rantoul.
    Ft. Massac at the Ky. border north of Paducah.

    Atterbury Reserve Forces Training Ground including Brown County State Park.
    Crane Naval Weapons Support Center
    Jefferson Proving Grounds
    Vaconia and entire area connected to include Fort Knox and Federal Depository.

    Iowa can sleep well but don't expect to have an unexpected place to run for shelter. You have some scattered missile sites but no major underground facilities or major missile pods.

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