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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar

    Default PJ#046, TANGLED WEBS, VOL. IV

    PJ 46
    VOL. IV
    Order can only be brought forth when that which causes the chaos is recognized and understood. Ours is to bring into Light the dark deceptions which have fed off your very beings--taken your freedom and stolen your heritage. God promised you that He would prepare a place for you--HE HAS. Then, he promised that He would bring forth the WORD that you might see and know--HE IS.




    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the ‘sorting' period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity-based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these joumals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.

    The Phoenix Journals includes bibliographical references and indexes.
    Contents: [Tangled Webs] -- [Crucifixion of the Phoenix -- [etc.] -- Pleiades Connection (8 vol's).
    1. Spirit writings. I. Hatonn, Gyeorgos C. (Gyeorgos Ceres) II. Dharma, Computer person. III. Phoenix Journals.


    ISBN 0-922356-65-3
    First Edition Printed by America West Publishers, March 1992

    P. 0. BOX 27353
    LAS VEGAS, NV 89126


    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ...................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ...............
    TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1992..........................................................................
    LIGHT REVEALS--EVIL CONCEALS............................................................
    DANGEROUS SECRETS...................................................................................
    BUT THE NICE MASONS!...............................................................................
    SKULL AND BONES.........................................................................................
    THE GREATEST SECRET................................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1992............................................................................
    RED CELL................................................................................................ ...........
    CUBA................................................................................................ ...................
    HOT BOAT FOR NEW INVASION..................................................................
    LATIN AMERICAN OPERATIONS.................................................................
    PERU................................................................................................ ....................
    JUNGLE FORT BRAGG....................................................................................
    BOLIVIA............................................................................................. .................
    THE TRACKING OF CHE.................................................................................
    CHE GUEVARA WOULD "SET AFRICA AFLAME" ..................................
    FRENCH JOURNALIST CONFESSES.............................................................
    THE CHE OBSESSION......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1992............................................................................
    GLOBAL 2000 AND MORE LA ROUCHE QUESTIONS.............................
    LA ROUCHE AND THE ADL...........................................................................
    HATONN AND COLEMAN..............................................................................
    ONE ON ONE WITH GOD................................................................................
    TRACKING CHE, CONTINUED......................................................................
    GUEVARA CAPTURED....................................................................................
    GUEVARA EXECUTED....................................................................................
    CHE'S DIARY............................................................................................... ......
    THE FLIGHT OF ARGUEDAS.........................................................................
    THE CIA-ARGUEDAS DEAL...........................................................................
    IRAQ PRESIDENT KILLLED...........................................................................
    LONE SURVIVOR............................................................................................ ..
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ..............
    TUESDAY, MARCH 3, 1992............................................................................
    CIA CONTINUED........................................................................................... ....
    PROPRIETARY ORGANIZATIONS................................................................
    "THE INTELLIGENCE ESTABLISHMENT"..................................................
    PROPRIETARY CORPORATIONS..................................................................
    RADIO FREE EUROPE & RADIO FREE LBERTY.......................................
    RADIO SWAN................................................................................................ ....
    THE DOUBLE CHEK-CORPORATION..........................................................
    INTERARMCO.......................................................................................... .........
    BIG FLEET............................................................................................... ...........
    FLYING TIGERS BECOMES CAT (CIA OWNED).......................................
    FROM PENTAGON PAPERS:..........................................................................
    EARLY VIETNAM FAILURE...........................................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ..............
    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1992.....................................................................
    CIA CONTINUED........................................................................................... ....
    PROPRIETARY ORGANIZATIONS................................................................
    DAVID DUKE................................................................................................ .....
    THE MARK OF THE ADVERSARY................................................................
    REAL JEWS ASKING FOR HELP....................................................................
    CIA, DAVID DUKE AND AIR AMERICA......................................................
    PILES OF MAIL................................................................................................ ..
    OIL AND THE GULF WAR..............................................................................
    THE "MIRACLE" OF THE JOURNALS..........................................................
    CIA: CONTINUED AIR DROPS.......................................................................
    CAT SPLITS INTO 3 AIRLINES.......................................................................
    CIA OPERATES CHINA'S AIRLINES.............................................................
    SOUTHEAST ASIA OPERATIONS..................................................................
    PIERRE SALINGER & CONTINENTAL AIRLINES......................................
    WHAT AIR AMERICA HAS DONE................................................................
    AIR ASIA................................................................................................ .............
    SOUTHERN AIR TRANSPORT........................................................................
    ILLEGAL SALES OF BOMBERS TO PORTUGAL.......................................
    HELMS WON'T--HUMPHREY WILL.............................................................
    THE CIA IN NEPAL...........................................................................................
    DIFFICULTIES OF SELLING A PROPRIETARY...........................................
    SELLING SOUTHERN AIR BECOMES A FIASCO.......................................
    A "GIVEAWAY" FOR SECRECY....................................................................
    NO LAWS FOR CIA EXPENSES......................................................................
    NO REAL AUDITS OF CIA...............................................................................
    COMING UP! GEORGE DOOLE.....................................................................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............
    THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1992.........................................................................
    COMPUTER VIEWS..........................................................................................
    UNDERGROUND FACILITIES........................................................................
    ELITE GOING UNDERGROUND....................................................................
    SPREAD THE WORD OF TRUTH...................................................................
    NO FORTUNE TELLING..................................................................................
    PHYSICAL OBJECTS DON'T HEAL...............................................................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............
    THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1992.........................................................................
    ALABAMA............................................................................................. .............
    ALASKA.............................................................................................. ................
    ARIZONA............................................................................................. ...............
    ARKANSAS............................................................................................ ............
    CALIFORNIA.......................................................................................... ............
    COLORADO............................................................................................ ............
    CONNECTICUT, MASSACHUSETTS, RHODE ISLAND ...........................
    FLORIDA............................................................................................. ................
    GEORGIA............................................................................................. ...............
    IDAHO............................................................................................... ..................
    ILLINOIS............................................................................................ ..................
    INDIANA............................................................................................. ................
    IOWA................................................................................................ ...................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............
    FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1992................................................................................
    PICTURES ON BATHROOM WALL;.............................................................
    GLASSES FOR PETS.........................................................................................
    REPTOIDS............................................................................................ ...............
    APOLOGY............................................................................................. ..............
    HOLOCAUST TATTOOS..................................................................................
    A RACIST IS A RACIST....................................................................................
    IT WAS MOSTLY THE SOVIETS, NOT THE GERMANS...........................
    WHO DO YOU BELIEVE?................................................................................
    THE FABULOUS GEORGE DOOLE...............................................................
    IN EFFECT: FREE SERVICES..........................................................................
    DISAPPEARING JETS.......................................................................................
    IT'S STILL ARMS MERCENARIES.................................................................
    PRESERVING THE SECRET EMPIRE............................................................
    GRITZ DEBATES NOMINEES.........................................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............
    FRIDAY, MARCH 6, 1992 ...............................................................................
    TAPE 1 SIDE A: MISSILE SITES.................................................................
    KENTUCKY & TENNESSEE............................................................................
    KANSAS.............................................................................................. ................
    LOUISIANA........................................................................................... .............
    MAINE............................................................................................... ..................
    MICHIGAN............................................................................................ ..............
    MINNESOTA........................................................................................... ...........
    MISSISSIPPI......................................................................................... ...............
    MISSOURI............................................................................................ ...............
    MONTANA............................................................................................. ............
    NEBRASKA............................................................................................ ............
    NEVADA.............................................................................................. ...............
    NEW HAMPSHIRE/VERMONT.......................................................................
    NEW JERSEY.............................................................................................. .......
    NEW YORK................................................................................................ ........
    NEW MEXICO.............................................................................................. ......
    NORTH CAROLINA..........................................................................................
    SOUTH CAROLINA...........................................................................................
    OHIO................................................................................................ ....................
    OKLAHOMA............................................................................................ ..........
    OREGON.............................................................................................. ...............
    PENNSYLVANIA........................................................................................ .......
    SOUTH DAKOTA..............................................................................................
    UTAH................................................................................................ ...................
    TEXAS............................................................................................... ..................
    VIRGINIA/WEST VIRGINIA............................................................................
    WASHINGTON STATE.....................................................................................
    WISCONSIN........................................................................................... .............
    WYOMING............................................................................................. .............
    ALBERTA, CANADA........................................................................................
    PUERTO RICO................................................................................................ ....
    NOW FOR THE CITY AREAS......................................................................
    ATLANTA, GEORGIA.......................................................................................
    BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS.........................................................................
    BALTIMORE, MARYLAND............................................................................. BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA............................................................................................. .............
    BUFFALO, NEW YORK....................................................................................
    CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.........................................................................................
    CONTINUED........................................................................................... .....
    CHICAGO, ILLINOIS.........................................................................................
    CINCINNATI, OHIO...........................................................................................
    CLEVELAND, OHIO..........................................................................................
    COLUMBUS, OHIO...........................................................................................
    DENVER, COLORADO.....................................................................................
    DALLAS/FORT WORTH..................................................................................
    DETROIT, MICHIGAN......................................................................................
    HOUSTON, TEXAS............................................................................................
    LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY..............................................................................
    KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI..............................................................................
    MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE...................................................................................
    MIAMI, FLORIDA............................................................................................. .
    LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA........................................................................
    MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN............................................................................
    INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA..............................................................................
    MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA.........................................................................
    NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA.........................................................................
    NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK......................................................................
    PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA...............................................................
    PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA....................................................................
    PHOENIX, ARIZONA........................................................................................
    PORTLAND, OREGON.....................................................................................
    SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH................................................................................
    SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA..............................................................................
    SAN FRANCISCO AND OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA....................................
    SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS...................................................................................
    SEATTLE, WASHINGTON...............................................................................
    ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI......................................................................................
    TAPE 2 SIDE B..................................................................................................
    ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI......................................................................................
    WASHINGTON, D.C. ........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............
    SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1992.........................................................................
    TODAY'S WATCH.............................................................................................
    $10 BILLION TO ISRAEL.................................................................................
    BUSH IN TROUBLE?........................................................................................
    JEB BUSH AND CUBA GRAB.........................................................................
    DISTANCING FROM ISRAEL..........................................................................
    GRITZ FOR PRESIDENT...................................................................................
    (IMA): CIA, CONTINUED................................................................................
    PROPAGANDA AND DISINFORMATION....................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ............
    SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1992..............................................................................
    TODAY'S WATCH.............................................................................................
    LOOKING BACK TO THE PAST.....................................................................
    CONSPIRATORS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT............................................
    GATES IN CIA AND THORNBURGH IN U.N...............................................
    MOSQUITO-BORNE ENCEPHALITIS............................................................
    REMEMBER GORBACHEV? AND THE IMF...............................................
    BAR ASSOCIATION AND ANTI-SEMITISM................................................
    CIA, CONTINUED........................................................................................... ...
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ............
    SUNDAY, MARCH 8, 1992..............................................................................
    CIA: PROPAGANDA & DISINFORMATION.................................................
    THE RADIOS.............................................................................................. ........
    CNN REPLACES RFE & RL.............................................................................
    OTHER PROPAGANDA OPERATIONS.........................................................
    PROPAGANDIZING AMERICA......................................................................
    USING DEFECTORS FOR PROPAGANDA...................................................
    CIA BOOK PUBLISHING..................................................................................
    THE PENKOVSKY PAPERS.............................................................................
    CUBAN MISSILES............................................................................................ .
    KRUCHEV'S BOOK...........................................................................................
    OUR ENEMY REVEALED...............................................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ............
    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1992...................................................................
    MISSING SHIP OF MISSILES...........................................................................
    CUBA................................................................................................ ...................
    EVIL IN THE ALL-AMERICAN CITIES.........................................................
    HOPE................................................................................................ ....................
    CIA: ESPIONAGE AND COUNTERESPIONAGE.........................................
    BUGS AND OTHER DEVICES.........................................................................
    THE TECHNICAL COLLECTION EXPLOSION............................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ............
    WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1992................................................................... ESPIONAGE AND COUNTERESPIONAGE (CONT'D) ................................................................
    NSA: CODE BREAKING...................................................................................
    UNBREAKABLE CODES.................................................................................
    MULTILATERAL SPYING...............................................................................
    BCCI: CLINTON............................................................................................. ....
    EMBASSIES TAPPED........................................................................................
    SATELLITES AND OTHER SYSTEMS...........................................................
    U.S. USING OBSOLETE TECHNOLOGY.......................................................
    MORE DATA LESS EFFICIENCY...................................................................
    ARMED FOR BLACKMAIL.............................................................................
    DAHMER: CONTROLLED BY WHOM?.......................................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ............
    THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1992......................................................................
    TODAY'S WATCH.............................................................................................
    UNTAMPERED BIBLE?....................................................................................
    WORLD EVENTS.............................................................................................. .
    UNITED NATIONS............................................................................................
    CIA/FBI RELATIONSHIP..................................................................................
    MORE KGB IN CIA THAN AMERICANS......................................................
    CIA'S SOVIET BLOC DIVISION......................................................................
    CIA PRIVATE ARMY OF THE ADMINISTRATION....................................
    LT. COL. WHALEN...........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ............
    FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1992..............................................................................
    TODAY'S WATCH.............................................................................................
    TYSON: UNCONSTITUTIONAL TRIAL........................................................
    HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BANKING SCANDAL............................
    ANNIHILATION OF S. AFRICA......................................................................
    ELDERLY RIP-OFF............................................................................................
    ESPIONAGE AND COUNTERESPIONAGE...................................................
    COUNTERESPIONAGE CONTINUED...........................................................
    U.S. EMBASSY FILLED WITH "BUGS".........................................................
    DOMESTIC OPERATIONS...............................................................................
    CIA TRAINS LOCAL POLICE..........................................................................
    DOMESTIC DECEPTION NORMAL...............................................................
    1970: CITIZEN SURVEILLANCE?..................................................................
    THE CIA AND THE FBI....................................................................................
    BIG BROTHER ALREADY HERE...................................................................
    CHAPTER 16 ATON................................................................................................ .
    SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1992......................................................................
    TODAY'S WATCH.............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 17.................................................................................................. ............
    MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1992..........................................................................
    CONTINUATION: CIA......................................................................................
    COLLEGE CAMPUS ACTION.........................................................................
    RECRUITING SPIES..........................................................................................
    DRUG PROGRAMS CONCEALED.................................................................
    COVERT ABSORBS DOMESTIC....................................................................
    FUNCTIONS BROADEN IN U.S .....................................................................
    CIA/KGB/MOSSAD ARE ONE--BRITISH CONTROLLED.........................
    NO TIME TO STUDY........................................................................................
    KOREAN "STEALTH" SHIPS...........................................................................
    SPEAKING OF POLITICS.................................................................................

    To those wondrously patient "Keepers of Wisdom" who have waited long and held Truth within their traditions against this day of changing of mighty cycles and migrations--unto and into new beginnings within and beyond the dreams. The drums have begun the beating as the breath of the dance is breathed again unto the places of the Great Spirit.

    I bend my knee unto your counsel as we join our spirits and bring our people home. For this do we serve and recognize our purpose. The enemies of MY PEOPLE shall be gathered into the whirlwind and this place shall know them no more. AHO


    TUE., MARCH 17, 1992 6:40 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 214

    TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1992

    It is only when you see and recognize the planned chaos abounding about you that you can begin to regain order. In the knowing is the resolution and quieting of the confusion. First you must know who spins these webs of entrapment and then, who enforces the laws and plans the intrigues (the glue) that holds you in the trapping webs. The adversary of Truth and or­der has arranged that your path be twisted and all the map-readings be mislabeled so that you walk on crushed glass. As you peer at your feet bleeding your life substance upon the roadway--you are distracted from all else which swirls about you. But the world and the life is made up of all other portions and pieces within your existence--yet you are now trained to only see the blood upon the ground and feel the pain of the steps as the glass shards become larger and ever more sharp and cut­ting with each step--stopping you as surely as any guard at the door with weapons.


    How do you function in such chaos? You take unto you the Laws of God and the Light of Source--knowing that God's plan is put forth to render the enemy helpless for he cannot function in the Lighted Presence--as Man takes control of his destiny in purpose of goodness. If the adversary has a plan of physical entrapment--KNOW THAT GOD HAS A PLAN TO RENDER IT IMPOTENT AND MEANINGLESS. BUT YOU MUST KNOW THE PLAY AND THE VARIOUS PLAY WRITERS, SEE THEIR PURPOSE AND KNOW YOUR OWN. IF TWO DOGS MEET YOU ON THE PATH AND THEY APPEAR IDENTICAL BUT ONE HAS RABIES AND THE OTHER BUT A FRIENDLY TRAVELER--HOW WILL YOU KNOW WHICH IS WHICH IF YOU KNOW NOT WHAT TO DO SO THAT YOU CAN PROTECT SELF?

    In this journey wherein it seems the adversary of Truth and Freedom has already won the battle, how do you take control and thwart the marching army? You take your own weapons of Light and you stop his ability to finish his plan. All you really have to do is stand in the middle of the path in front of him and reveal all his secret deception in the Light of God--BEFORE THE WORLD.

    You innocently march to Satan's drum-beat. In your eagerness to serve and share you join organizations and participate blindly in that which appears to be goodly. You join the churches of various doctrines, organizations which serve the community, place your children into organizations where they can share and grow in what you assume to be, healthy goodness. So, what has happened? Mostly nothing other than participation and good­ness. But it is through this illusion of goodness that the Con­spirators take control. They set up the higher orders of ritual and practice in secret rituals so that you-the-people do not see. They make it a game to entice the challenge of participation and set the hook within. It only has to be the shroud of blindness so that selected fragments of the "order" can function in the truth of their creation in evil purpose. It is never purposely shown to you, this evil intent or action. You become the cover and open facade of deception which shelters the Conspirators in their evil practices.

    Can you begin to see that as you ponder your own "initiation" rites and chantings, candle ceremonies in the secret places wear­ing secret symbols--you can see the hidden bits of evil, death and control foisted upon you? You can hear the words, perhaps for the first time, which bind you and hold you binded to the se­cret puppet-masters. This is NOT OF GOD for God is open, giving, limitless and does nothing in dark, dank and secret dark corridors--God is the Light which negates the dark cata­combs wherein the lies flourish and the dark deeds are hidden.
    What do YOU do that you keep hidden and do in the darkness in effort to hide from God?

    What do these dark "orders" have to hide? If there be nothing but goodness would it not be plastered in the headlines of every paper that you might get credit for your deeds of such goodness? That which you do in goodness and without shame is done, touted and shared with as much light as can be garnered.

    First, you must come to acknowledge that you practice these hidden agendas. Then you must look within to see what causes you to do these things and cover them with darkness and se­crecy. Next you must look and see what it is that forms the or­ganization and how it requires that you "tell not" the secrets of the "order". Under penalty of "what"? What will "getcha" if you tell and show? I thought so!! Now you will note at this point you actually become held by fear--fear of discovery, fear of discovered participation and thus and so. Next--WHO causes these games to be played? If you have an "order" such as Freemasonry--it is surely not the local doorkeeper or gavel holder that made those original rules. Who made them and how did they become enforceable? Who enforces the rules? Do you not become a tool of enforcement--against another? Do "they" in control not make it easy and expected that you tattle anony­mously against a brother who breaks the puppet-master's rules?

    Do you not realize that the association becomes only as good or bad as the people in it? Since this be true, then you must look unto the source as to why and how a given entity developed and what was its purpose. How can it be that a movement conjured in dark secrets comes to control a planet? Easy--slowly and deliberately a plan is made and unfolded in actions which encap­sulate you into a cocoon which at first seems soft and silken with desires fulfilled--too late you realize that you are enclosed within a prison from which you cannot escape and instead of coming for dinner as a guest to the feast--you ARE the dinner feast. The black widow spider lays her nest within the tempting web and entices in her lover--he ends up her feast and that upon which she feeds her offspring. You are nearing the focal point nest of the widow's trap, my precious brothers. She has stung you with her poison and put you into sluggish near coma wherein you tumble and twist ever tightening the bindings and whilst you entangle selves deeper and deeper into the heart of the woven pit--you fail to see the escape door. That door she labels "entrance" so that you cannot reason well enough to real­ize the sign is borne on the wrong side of the door and therefore the passage is the "exit". After a while she needs not even guard the door for none effort to escape. Where are you, world, in this silken web of la-la land?


    Secret organizations, most especially politically--which all in bottom-line definition are--and have been--extremely dangerous to the social health and constitutional vitality of any society. In a truly free society the exercise of political power must always be open and known. Realize, please, that this was and is the purpose of the Constitutional structure of your government--that all would be done in openness before the public "we-the-peo­ple".

    Organizations devoted to violent overthrow of political struc­tures, moreover, have always been by necessity, secret organizations. As example in your time, Communistic cells rep­resent such revolutionary organizations and they function only because they are secret for society would not tolerate their open practice--therefore such organizations MUST be secret and hid­den in intent while gaining strength.

    In brief, secrecy in matters political is historically associated with coercion. Furthermore, the existence of secrecy in organi­zations with political ambitions or with a history of political ac­tion is always suspect. Freedom is always associated with open political action and discussion while coercion is always associ­ated with secrecy.

    Because our thrust herein has been to unravel some of the binding hidden webs we have spoken of clandestine activities and hidden agendas along with functioning organizations with outlay of origins and purposes. I think we can summarize through ex­ample a trail easily followed herein.

    There are numerous historical examples to show this truth of premise. In the late 17th century, for example, the Elector of Bavaria, the constitutional government of Bavaria, banned the Illuminati organization. Accidental discovery of Illuminati documents demonstrated that a secret organization was devoted to the overthrow of the Bavarian state and establishment of a world society run by elitist Illuminati.

    So, you comment, "But we have a Constitutional government and you, Hatonn, speak of it as - - - -". No--you do NOT practice as a Constitutional government--while you slept and were distracted the treasonists and thieves broke into your government and stole it away from you--you practice gov­ernment and dictator rule by THEIR rules--NOT THE CONSTITUTION AS LAID FORTH AS FOUNDATION FOR THIS NATION UNDER GOD--INDIVISIBLE.


    Yes, what of those nice masons? I have no comment about nice masons other than that they remain uninformed about that organization which they joined for the social advantage of so-doing.

    In England there are startling discoveries involving use of the Masonic movement by the Soviet KGB to subvert and infiltrate British intelligence. You can forget that particular line of action because the British intelligence is behind every one of the world's secret clandestine organizations--all feeding the Black Widow in the silken pit.

    As a matter of fact, however, the Khazarian Zionist Soviets through the KGB did become a functioning organization which finally came to head the British intelligence organization. It is recognized as British Israel. Note that I did NOT say "Jewry"-- it is all a piece of the puzzle for world take-over.

    Next, in England, what happened was that in 1984 Scotland Yard in London advised all its police officers NOT to join the Freemasons lest its reputation for impartiality be lost. This was in realization that freemasonry had become a self-serving orga­nization always discriminating in favor of its own members when it would come to contracts, jobs, careers and promotions. This is factual--ask any "brother" within the ranks of any "bound" organization. With the judicial system is the "Masonic order" which holds the biggest following.


    Now, given this very brief background, the Order, a secret soci­ety also known as Skull & Bones, is a clear and obvious threat to constitutional freedom in the United States. There will be a similar organization in EVERY country. Its secrecy, power and use of influence is greater by far than the Masons, or any other semi-secret mutual or fraternal organization.

    How secret is this organization?

    They are the most secret of even the secret societies of Yale--the penalty for divulgence of secrets is punishable by death and it is practiced.

    The members never mention their names, nor refer to them in any way in the presence of anyone not of their own number, and as they are all seniors, there are no old members in the class above them to tell tales out of school.

    This intense secrecy even extends to documents printed for internal use. But--secrecy attracts attention, suspicion of inten­tions--this in turn generates action to break the secrecy--so, there will always be the breakers of the secrecy for whatever purpose.

    Why this example in point? Because your current President came up through those ranks as outlaid. He and his father be­fore him are members of Skull and Bones and, when George be­came head of the CIA, under his tutelage it became ever more deeply secret in clandestine operations to actual assassination of national leaders, including your own. It has its own wars using your resources for its own purposes and now he is a prime pup­pet of the Committee of 300 Global Dictators--all serving the fat Black Widow on the Silken throne.

    You must know the web weavers if you are to break the bondage of the web. You must know the "getchers". You must know the operatives, who they are, why they are and WHO THEY SERVE.


    That which is the greatest secret of all, among the Elite Con­spirators--is that of OUR presence. Our presence is known throughout the universe and within the halls of the Elite de­ceivers on your own placement. They know who we are and why we have come.

    Do you not see that "they" must cover this truth at all costs? We are the Hosts sent forth and it is well realized that with the insight we bring, you will stop their great plundering, rape and pillage. WE REPRESENT YOUR STRENGTH, "WE-THE­PEOPLE", AND WE BRING THE WORD, THE LIGHT AND THE TRUTH. We also come to show you the way from the tangled webs--WE ARE THE ENEMY OF THE PRINCE OF DECEIT AND OURS IS TO UNCOVER THE HIDDEN LAIRS AND LODGES.

    If you serve God in Light--you have no enemy among US. If you serve evil purpose in service to his throng of evil thieves--then WE ARE YOUR DEADLY ENEMY.

    Simply our "presence" destroys evil where it stands--therefore, if ye be evil--I am your enemy. That means, however, that if ye are a child of God seeking passage--I am thine staff and Light through which no man can pierce the shield. So be it.

    I suggest you cease limiting God by your perceptions and false teachings--for God is infinite and unlimited and you are to come face to face with that reality very soon. It is time you look into the book of Truth as confirmations are unfolded before your eyes in current experience--then I suggest you look into the heavens from whence will come thine help. God is present to reclaim His own. This is why the serpent is coiled to strike for he knows that within the web he has woven for your entrap­ment--HE HAS TRAPPED HIMSELF!

    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 22:21.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 46


    MON., MARCH 2, 1992 10:35 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 199

    MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1992


    For those of you who witnessed 60 Minutes yester-evening I be­lieve you will begin to find our writings regarding the outra­geous infiltration and violence within your "intelligence" groups to be quite accurate and denial should lessen considerably.

    I found much humor afoot and you will note that the most ludi­crous of all of the American intelligence services is making the most fuss about infiltration, as terrorists, of your own special forces into the Navy's installations. I sincerely hope and pray that you are beginning to see all things through different "eyes" these days as your awareness is piqued.

    As we begin a new volume of the JOURNAL I find my scribe dismayed that we are into our fourth document and still are only on page 135 in the book upon which we started out to focus at­tention. So be it--we have as long as we have and all matters become as urgent as the other in point.

    For you who missed the previous and have access to this first, let me say that I shall not give background information. Suffice it to say that I am utilizing a document censored by the CIA prior to allowing printing and that censorship was upheld and, in fact, required, by your judicial system. We are identifying the author as "I.M. Anonymous (IMA)" for security for I desire the missing information be brought or sent to me and I shall see to its publication. It must be without knowledge of the author for he would be in direct contempt of court.

    As we trip off onto side issues you will find that we are giving you that information at any rate as we set the players of the Elite Conspiracy Cartel into focus. I only wish you readers to get "turned-on" and to the point of "I won't take it any longer"--but I do not ever suggest violence nor disadvantageous actions which are illegal in any way whatsoever.

    Please note that I make remarks in brackets ([H:]) and effort to set up the areas of deletions exactly as has the author--in cen­tered space in bold lettering. The work is the outlaying of the workings of the CIA which in turn, structures all Intelligence Cults to great extent. All are simply branches springing from the Mother Web--the controlling Committee of 300 rulers and rule-makers and their official enforcement group--British Intelli­gence. Even your "Jewish" leagues are ALL branches of British Intelligence--NOT "Jewish".

    Dharma, we will not delay with background as ones can obtain all the background desired from the prior volumes. We shall simply start exactly where we left off at quarter-page down on page 135. Thank you. You will find the writing outdated for the original document was published in 1974. It suffices for in­formation on the establishment and working organization of the service in point and you will be able to update for self if you ac­quire our other documents or those of other writers of inside in­formation.


    Latin America in 1954 was the scene of one of the CIA's great­est paramilitary triumphs--the successful invasion of Guatemala by an agency-organized rebel force. And it was in Latin America that the CIA seven years later suffered its most notable failure--the abortive invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs. But the agency was slow to accept defeat in the Cuban operation. The only reason for the failure, the CIA's operators believed, was that President Kennedy had lost his nerve at the last minute, refusing more air support for the invasion and withholding or reducing other possible assistance by U.S. forces. [H: We have covered all of this in other writings as it REALLY happened. You must constantly keep in mind that you will be receiving information herein from the perspective of ones experiencing that which they can uncover at the time and cannot be totally accurate in the forefront of the issues in point. Remember always--hindsight is much better and--yet, in these matters--still deliberately hidden and clouded.] Consequently, the agency continued its relationships with its "penetrations" of Cuban exile groups--in a way reminiscent of its lingering ties with Eastern European emigré organizations from the early Cold War period. And the CIA kept many of the Bay of Pigs veterans under contract, paying them regular salaries for more than a decade afterward [H: Moreover, you will find these same operatives popping up at every major event of scandal such as Watergate, Iran-gate, etc.]


    Time after time, the Cuban government would parade CIA-sponsored rebels before television cameras to display them and their equipment to the Cuban public and the world. Often the captives made full confessions of the agency's role in their ac­tivities.


    Nevertheless, the CIA kept looking for new and better ways to attack the Castro government. Under contract to the agency, the Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics at Groton, Connecticut developed a highly maneuverable high-speed boat designed for use by guerrilla raiders. The boat was supposed to be faster than any ship in the Cuban navy, and thereby able to move arms and men into Cuba at will. There were numerous delays in putting the boat into pro­duction, however, and no deliveries were made up to 1967. By that time, the U.S. was too deeply involved in Southeast Asia to think seriously about a new invasion of Cuba. The CIA, therefore, quietly dropped the boat project and turned the developmental model over to the U.S. Navy.

    Also during the mid-1960's


    By 1968, almost everyone in the Clandestine Services had fi­nally accepted the fact that special operations against Cuba had outlived their usefulness. To be sure, there were still some diehard veterans around who would continue to propose new schemes, but even "Frank Bender"--the heavy-accented, cigar-smoking German refugee who had helped manage the Bay of Pigs fiasco--could no longer bring himself to believe in them. The death knell for CIA Cuban operations was sounded that year, seven years after the Bay of Pigs, when the agency closed down its two largest bases in Florida. One of these, located on an old naval air station at Opalocka, had served as an all-purpose base for CIA-sponsored raids on Cuba.


    While the CIA was largely concerned with Cuba in its Latin American operations during much of the 1960's, the rest of the continent was by no means neglected. For the most part, the agency's aim was not to overthrow particular Latin American governments but rather to protect them from local insurgent movements. The CIA generally avoided getting involved in any large way, instead using relatively small amounts of covert money, arms, and advisors to fight leftist groups. While this switch in tactics reflected the counterinsurgency theories popular in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, it also came as a result of the diversion of a substantial part of the nation's mili­tary resources--covert and otherwise--to Southeast Asia.


    The CIA assumed the role of coordinator of all U.S. gov­ernment counterinsurgency activities in Latin America, and other agencies--particularly AID, with its police-training pro­grams, and the Defense Department, with its military-assistance and civic-action programs--provided the CIA with cover and ad­ditional resources. Much of the agency's manpower for Latin American special operations was furnished by the U.S. Army's Special Forces; small detachments of Green Berets were regu­larly placed under CIA control. These soldiers usually came from the Third Battalion of the Seventh Special Forces, located at Fort Gulick in the Canal Zone. The agency had its own paramilitary base in the Canal Zone, and even when the Special Forces carried on missions outside the CIA's direct command, agency operators kept in close touch with what was going on. Since 1962 more than 600 Special Forces "mobile training teams" have been dispatched to the rest of Latin America from Fort Gulick, either under direct CIA control or under Pentagon auspices. Green Berets participated, for example, in what was the CIA's single large-scale Latin American intervention of the post-Bay of Pigs era. This occurred in the mid-1960's, when the agency secretly came to the aid of the Peruvian government, then plagued by guerrilla troubles in its remote eastern regions. Unable to cope adequately with the insur­gent movement, Lima had turned to the U.S. government for aid, which was immediately and covertly forthcoming. [H: If you find this kind of action unacceptable to your belief system--then I suggest you hear what Col. Bo Gritz (who has one of those cute little green berets) has to say about his own stint in Panama, etc.]


    The agency financed the construction of what one experi­enced observer described as "a miniature Fort Bragg" in the troubled Peruvian jungle region, complete with mess halls, classrooms, barracks, administrative buildings, parachute jump towers, amphibious landing facilities, and all the other accoutrements of paramilitary operations. Helicopters were furnished under cover of official military aid programs, and the CIA flew in arms and other combat equipment. Train­ing was provided by the agency's Special Operations Divi­sion personnel and by Green Beret instructors on loan from the Army.

    As the training progressed and the proficiency of the counterguerrilla troops increased, the Peruvian government 14 grew uneasy. Earlier, the national military commanders had been reluctant to provide personnel for the counter-in­surgency force, and thus the CIA had been required to re­cruit its fighting manpower from among the available local populace. By paying higher wages than the army (and of­fering fringe benefits, better training, and "esprit de corps") the agency soon developed a relatively efficient fighting force. In short order, the local guerrillas were largely wiped out.

    A few months later, when Peru was celebrating its chief national holiday, the authorities refused to allow the CIA-trained troops into the capital for the annual military pa­rade. Instead, they had to settle for marching through streets of a dusty provincial town, in a satellite observance of the great day. Realizing that many a Latin American regime had been toppled by a crack regiment, Peru's leaders were unwilling to let the CIA force even come to Lima, and the government soon moved to dismantle the unit.


    As large and successful as the CIA's Peruvian operation might have been, it was outweighed in importance among agency leaders by a smaller intervention in Bolivia that oc­curred in 1967; for the CIA was out for bigger game in Bo­livia than just local insurgents. The target was Che Gue­vara.


    When he vanished from the Cuban scene in the spring of 1965, there were reports that Ernesto "Che" Guevara, the Ar­gentinean physician and comrade-in-arms of Fidel Castro, had challenged the Cuban leader's authority and, as a result, had been executed or imprisoned. There were other reports that Guevara had gone mad, beyond all hope of recovery, and was under confinement in a villa somewhere in the Cuban provinces. And there were still other reports that Che had formed a small cadre of dedicated disciples and had gone off to make a. new revolution. At first no one in the CIA knew what to believe. But eventually a few clues to Guevara's whereabouts began to dribble in from the agency's field stations and bases. They were fragmentary, frustratingly flimsy, and, surprisingly, they pointed to Africa--to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, now called Zaire. Yet another insurrection was going on in the former Belgian colony, and information from the CIA's opera­tives in the field indicated that foreign revolutionaries were par­ticipating in it. Some of their tactics suggested the unique style of Che Guevara.

    Before the intelligence could be verified, however, the rebel­lion in the eastern inland territories suddenly evaporated. By the fall of 1965, Lake Tanganyika was again calm. But the CIA mercenaries (some of them veterans of the Bay of Pigs opera­tion), who had been assisting the Congo government in repress­ing the revolt, were convinced, as were their agency superiors in Africa, that Che had indeed been in the area.


    Later it was learned by the CIA that Guevara and a group of more than 100 Cuban revolutionaries had infiltrated into the Congo from neighboring Tanzania in the spring of 1965. They intended to set Africa aflame with rebellion, but their revolu­tionary zeal was not matched by that of the native guerrillas or the local populace. In disgust, six months later Che secretly re­turned to Cuba to lay plans for his next adventure. At the time, however, the CIA knew only that he had once again disap­peared. Again conflicting reports as to his whereabouts and status, health and otherwise, began to drift into the agency. By early 1967, almost a year and a half later, the information avail­able to the agency pointed to the heart of South America, to Bo­livia.

    While many of the officers in the CIA's Clandestine Services firmly believed that Guevara was behind the insurgent move­ment in the southern mountains of Bolivia, a few of the agency's top officials hesitated to accept the fact. Despite that air of doubt, some agency special operations personnel were sent to the land-locked South American country to assist local forces in dealing with the rebel movement. Ironically, at this point not even Bolivian President Rene' Barrientos thought that Gue­vara was involved in the guerrilla movement.

    A couple of months later, in April, two events occurred that dramatically underscored the belief of the CIA's clandestine op­erators, both in Bolivia and at headquarters, that Che was lead­ing the rebels. Early in the month a Bolivian army unit overran the base camp of the guerrillas at Nancahuazu, capturing docu­ments, diaries, and photographs which the fleeing insurgents had left behind. Included in the materials seized at the guerrilla base camp were photographs of a partially bald, gray-haired man with glasses who, upon close examination of certain features, bore a striking resemblance to Che Guevara. In addition, a couple of smudged fingerprints on some of the documents seemed to match Guevara's. The documents, furthermore, clearly established that a number of the guerrillas operating in Bolivia were Cubans, probably some of the same men who were thought to have been with Guevara in the Congo.


    Ten days later Regis Debray, the leftist French journalist, who had disappeared months earlier upon arriving in Bolivia to do a geopolitical study, was captured near Muyupampa, along with two other foreigners suspected of having been in contact with the rebels. According to his statements months later, the journalist Debray was saved from summary execution by the CIA men accompanying the Bolivian forces who captured him. Afterward he was confronted with secret evidence by the same CIA operatives, disclosing that the agency knew a great deal more about his activities abroad and in Bolivia than he had thought possible. Denying, at first, any knowledge of Gue­vara's connection with the rebel movement, Debray soon wilted and began to talk in an attempt to save himself from trial and execution.

    Even with the rapidly mounting evidence, Director Richard Helms still could not accept that the legendary Cuban revolutionary had indeed reappeared to lead another rebellion. He scoffed at the claims of his clandestine operatives that they had acquired proof of Guevara's presence in Bolivia; Helms guessed Che was probably dead. Thomas Karamessines, then chief of the CIA's Clandestine Services, who had presented the case to the Director, would not, however, back down from the con­tention that his operatives were now hot on Guevara's trail, and Helms' attitude seemed to spur the clandestine operators to great efforts. More agency "advisors", including Cuban veterans of the Bay of Pigs adventure, were soon dispatched to Bolivia to assist in the tracking down of Guevara. A team of experts from the Army's Special Forces was sent to la Paz from the Canal Zone to train Bolivian "rangers" in the art of counterinsurgency operations.


    The Clandestine Services were obsessed with Guevara, and even somewhat fearful of him. He was in part a constant and ir­ritating reminder of their failure in the Cuban operation. Unable to vent their frustrations and anger against those U.S. officials who had undercut that desperate effort, and incapable of gaining direct retribution by destroying Fidel himself or his Soviet and Chinese allies, the CIA's Clandestine Services were left to brood over their failure--until Guevara exposed himself. In so doing he presented himself to the CIA as an inviting target; his capture or death would provide some measure of revenge for past failures.

    Let us take a respite at this time. We shall take up the next chapter utilizing this same subject of Che.

    Hatonn to clear, thank you.
    PJ 46
    MON., MARCH 2, 1992 3:39 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 199
    MONDAY, MARCH 2. 1992

    I cannot do this subject justice AND get on with the CIA--which I feel must come next in the outlaying. I am continually asked to comment on LaRouche and now, with the release of Dr. Coleman's book (which I have recommended highly), comes more inquiry.

    I want you ones to discern intent of the LaRouche thrust. I will say that his all-out effort to "get" Kissinger is what has ended him in prison with a life sentence.

    You want me to sanction, somehow, this man. I do not. He had a most unConstitutional treatment and that does need to be looked into most closely. He also saw what was coming down and WHO was doing it.

    "Well, he claimed the Jews were this or that or the other." No, he did not. Your assumption is that he did because the Anti-Defamation League set him up and brought him down.


    In order to discredit LaRouche, over the prior 15 years the ADL accused LaRouche of being an anti-Semite--the term used against anyone "they" want out of the way. In this instance it was primarily due to LaRouche exposing the international drug traffickers, which the ADL fronts for and protects. The testi­mony of one Irwin Suall of the ADL totally discredited the charge that LaRouche was an anti-Semite. Suall "swore under oath that he did not know what a Jew was. He defined an 'anti‑Semite' as one who attacked the Anti-Defamation League or Edgar Bronfman! He had called LaRouche a 'small-time Hitler', but testified he had no first-hand knowledge of LaRouche's writings or actions. Suall thus admitted that he had made no effort to discover facts which might prove or disprove hearsay reports that LaRouche was alleged to be an 'anti-Semite' ." So herein you have the actual facts of the matter. The accusation of "anti-Semitism" actually means anti-Anti­Defamation League and Israeli Political Action Committees and Lobbyists.

    Now we will get to the reason for the confusion: During the trial John Weber, a member of the Club of Life (hold this in your heart a moment) AND the B'nai B'rith (ADL), testified about his lifelong involvement with Jewish affairs and his personal as­sociation with LaRouche. He stated: "If Lyndon LaRouche is an anti-Semite, then I would have to be called an anti-Semite, and no one who knows me would ever call me that." Right--so you see, one has no reference to the other than the picture which has been erroneously painted for you to swallow.

    Then another name enters the picture; Roy Innis. Innis is a founding member of the Club of Life and Chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). So, if all these types of men are LaRouche's allies then what could have been the mat­ter? More important is the fact of an Anglo-American-Soviet Conspiracy.

    The important thing in this scenario which might allow you to see more clearly is the lack of God in LaRouche's plans. There is also only minimal intention to utilize the Constitution of the united States to any great extent. There is a total focus on the "HUMANISTIC" (physical human aspects of physical being)--without "under God" being considered in much of any way ex­cept as a useful item in countering the Pugwash crowd and the Kissinger crowd.


    You will find that Dr. Coleman has covered this subject. I hap­pen to take differing views in some instances but I do not wish, at this time, to distract from the volume just come to public of­fering. You can begin to shift your country about through use of strictly "human" means but you will not find solutions for life existence without God as your focus and goal intent.

    I will take time to present this to you without taking sides in the issue. I will effort to simply lay it out for you and then you will be able to measure against other documents at your disposal and perhaps you can get an objective view of the differing "sides" in the issue in point.

    Yes, I realize that by my writing on the subject I shall distract from Dr. Coleman's project. I cannot, however, allow such human ego to disallow you-the-readers from having the informa­tion. There are many writers who will discount Dr. Coleman's accounting as with all men--for or against an issue. My job is to bring the facts in addition to that which is given and therein you can begin to discern for self. Am I biased? Indeed--for I come only in service to God of Light and the Perfect Creation. I am a "Host" come to set preparations for this return unto the human experience of this Divine Being and one human OPINION above another makes very little difference to me. Truth is what is of­fered and it is very delightful when there can be overlay and confirmation from the human aspect--it becomes easier for you of the human experience--to accept and understand. Otherwise it simply becomes one more confusion quarrel over "opinions". I remind you--you can "judge" a thing (not a man) by the LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION. If the presentation deviates from the given LAWS then the projection is of false intent. If the thrust is only unto the physical expression--it is not of God but projection of MAN. SINCE ALL PHYSICAL MEN ARE HUMAN--THEN YOU WILL FIND ERRORS IN DIS­CERNMENT AND JUDGMENT TOWARD THIS OR THAT OF THE HUMAN ASPECT. MINE IS TO SEPARATE AWAY FROM THAT FOCUS AND OFFER THAT WHICH WILL ALLOW YOU TO MOVE WITHIN THE HUMAN. ASPECT TOWARD THE SPIRITUAL FULFILLMENT OF THE JOURNEY INTO FREEDOM. ALL THINGS FOCUSED SOLELY ON THE "PHYSICAL" LEAD ULTIMATELY INTO SLAVERY WITH ONLY THE NAMES IN POINT CHANGING TO SUIT THE NEEDS OF THE PROJECTORS. SO BE IT.

    I ask that you be reminded as we speak of Constitutional rights, etc. A human can be quite vile and rightfully be deserving of consequences of his actions--HOWEVER, if his Constitutional "RIGHTS" are violated and injustice brought down--the two wrongs do NOT make the circumstance correct. Please do not confuse the two things. Mine is never to cause interference in JUSTICE--only INJUSTICE--for JUSTICE IS GIVEN AS A PROTECTION BY YOUR CONSTITUTION AND A PERSON IS PRESUMED INNOCENT UNTIL AND "IF" PROVEN TO BE GUILTY. IF A MAN BE GUILTY THEN THE INVES­TIGATION SHALL PROVE THE FACTS "IF" THERE IS NOT TAMPERING WITH THE JUSTICE OF THE EVI­DENCE.

    A man's belief or non-belief in Sovereign Holy God is between that Man and God--it is none of my business. If a man be ac­cused of a "crime" of physical perpetration and he be innocent, he deserves the full extent of the Constitutional laws to protect him and God belief has naught to do with it on that personal, physical level. The "crime" is in point--not the man's spiritual belief system.




    Dharma, enough on the matter for now. I see that I shall have to interrupt the CIA to cover these myriads of questions regard­ing the "above" but I do wish to move on with the "intelligence" information for it will become a major discerning tool in all material given. Therefore, let us immediately take up where we left the printing. Thank you. I do not give Dharma opportunity to read material prior to our writing for I want not her opinions to give pain if they differ from that which I must write. John has made the material available for her reading--I have given her no time to do so except in small portions which would be given for your reader's input. She, too, has the listing of the names on the Committee but has had no time given to check them out except on specific ones of curiosity. This is so that if there is contradiction, she is not troubled by the material--if she knows no other input then there can be no contradiction. Af­terwards, she can do as you--go read it all if she can find time and then she can have all the "opinions" she wants regarding the matter. She is my secretary and, although she may be a large part of "management", her opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of myself--THAT IS OUR CONTRACT AND WE EACH HONOR THAT CONTRACT--ALWAYS.

    I am not here to argue with man--any man. If the answers were correct and you lived according to that Truth--there would be perfection in your place--not the confusion and chaos which reigns. Ponder it.


    During the summer of 1967, while the agency's special ops ex­perts were assisting the Bolivian army in hunting down Guevara, information as to his entry into Bolivia became available. It was learned that in November 1966 he had come to La Paz from Havana, via Prague, Frankfurt, and Sao Paulo, traveling on a false Uruguayan passport and disguised as a balding, gray-haired merchant with horn-rimmed spectacles--a far cry from the familiar poster picture. He had been preceded by fifteen Cubans who would assist him in his Bolivian venture. There was no longer any doubt in anyone's mind that Che Guevara was in the country and in charge of the guerrilla movement in the southern mountains. Both President Barrientos and Helms now accepted the fact. The Bolivian government offered a re­ward ($4,200) for Guevara--dead or alive. It was only a matter of time until Che would be run to ground.


    In the months that followed, the guerrillas suffered defeat after defeat at the hands of the American-trained, CIA-advised Boli­vian rangers. One battle, on the last day of August, resulted in the death of the mysterious Tania, the lone female in Guevara's rebel band. Although she evidently was a Cuban intelligence agent, a link between the guerillas and Havana, it was rumored by the CIA that the East German woman was actually a double agent. Her employer supposedly was the Soviet KGB which, like the CIA, wanted to keep tabs on Guevara's Cuban-spon­sored revolutionary activities in Latin America. Less than six weeks later, on October 8, Guevara himself was wounded and captured near the small mountain village of La Higuera.


    As they had done for Debray earlier, the CIA advisors with the Bolivian army tried to bring Guevara back alive to La Paz for in-depth interrogations. The Bolivian commander, however, was under orders to execute Guevara. All that was to be brought back were the head and hands--incontestable proof that Che had failed in his mission and was dead. [H: Remind any­one of John the Baptist?]

    While the CIA advisors stalled the Bolivian colonel, the agency's station chief in La Paz tried to convince President Bar­rientos of the long-range advantages of bringing Guevara out of the mountains as a prisoner of the government. Barrientos was adamant. He argued that the Debray affair had caused enough difficulties and that the arrival of Che Guevara, alive, in the capital might spark disturbances among the students and leftists which his government would not be able to control. In desperation, the station that night appealed to Langley headquarters for assistance, but to no avail.

    Going on the assumption that neither the station nor headquar­ters would be successful in getting Barrientos to change his po­sition, the senior CIA operative at La Higuera, ( DELETED ) attempted to question Che. The revolutionary, however, would not cooperate. He was willing to discuss political philosophies and revolutionary movements in general, but he refused to per­mit himself to be interrogated about the details of his operation in Bolivia or any of his previous guerrilla activities elsewhere. The CIA would have to settle for the contents of his personal di­ary, which he had been carrying at the time of his capture.

    Final word came from the capital early the next morning. The prisoner was to be executed on the spot and his body, strapped to the landing gear of a helicopter, was to be flown to Valle­grande for inspection at a local laundry house by a small group of reporters and government officials. Afterward the corpse was to be buried in an unmarked grave outside of town. On hearing the order, ( DELETED ) the CIA operative, hurried back to the schoolhouse where Guevara was being held, to make one last attempt at interrogating Che. There was not much time left; the execution was to be carried out in the next hour or two.

    Guevara's last moments were recorded in a rare, touching mes­sage to headquarters from the CIA operator. The Cuban vet­eran, and agency contract officer, noted that Guevara was at first still confident of somehow surviving the ordeal, but when he finally realized that he was about to die, his pipe fell from his mouth. Che, however, quickly recovered his composure and asked for some tobacco. His painfully wounded leg no longer seemed to bother him. He accepted his fate with a sigh of res­ignation, requesting no last favors. (DELETED) clearly felt ad­miration for the revolutionary and compassion for the man he had helped to capture and thereby condemn. Minutes later Che Guevara was dead.


    The following summer Che's diary suddenly surfaced and soon found its way into the hands of his comrades in Havana and certain American admirers (Ramparts magazine), who immedi­ately verified its authenticity and published it, much to the cha­grin of the CIA and the Bolivian government, which had been releasing only those portions which buttressed their case against Guevara and his rebels. In the midst of the confusion, charges, and countercharges, Antonio Arguedas, Bolivian Minister of the Interior, disappeared in July among rumors that he had been the one who had released the document. Arguedas, as Minister of the Interior, was in charge of the Bolivian intelligence service, with which the agency had many close connections. And Arguedas himself was an agent of the CIA.


    It was quickly learned that Arguedas had escaped to Chile, where he intended to ask for political asylum. Instead, authori­ties there turned him over to the CIA station, and the agency man who had been his original case officer was dispatched from headquarters in Washington to cool him off. But despite the CIA's counsel, Arguedas spoke out publicly against the agency and its activities in Bolivia. He denounced the Barrientos regime as a tool of American imperialism, criticized the gov­ernment's handling of the Guevara affair, and then disappeared again, precipitating a major political crisis in Bolivia.

    At various times during the next several months of 1968, Ar­guedas popped up in London, New York, and Peru. Alternately cajoled and threatened at each stop by CIA operatives who wanted him to shut up, the former minister nevertheless admit­ted he had been the one who had released Che's diary because, he said, he agreed with the revolutionary's motives of attempt­ing to bring about popular social, political, and economic change in Bolivia and elsewhere in Latin America. And ulti­mately, much to the horror of the CIA and the Barrientos government, Arguedas announced that he had been an agent of the CIA since 1965 and claimed that certain other Bolivian offi­cials were also in the pay of the secret agency. He described the circumstances under which he had been recruited, charging that the CIA had threatened to reveal his radical student past and ruin his political career if he did not agree to participate in its operations.


    Eventually the CIA was able to strike a bargain with Arguedas, and he voluntarily returned to Bolivia--apparently to stand trial. He told a New York Times reporter on the flight from Lima to La Paz that should anything untoward happen to him, a tape recording detailing his accusations against the CIA and the Bar­rientos government would be delivered to certain parties in the United States and Cuba. The tape, he said, was being held for him by Lieutenant Mario Teran. Teran, inexplicably, was previously identified as Che Guevara's executioner.

    Arguedas, during his interview, hinted at the magnitude of his potential revelations by disclosing the names of several CIA of­ficers with whom he had worked in the past; Hugo Murray, chief of station; John S. Hilton, former COS; colonel Ed Fox; Larry Sternfield; and Nick Lendiris. He also identified some of the agency's contract officers who had assisted in the tracking down of Guevara; Jolio Gabriel Garcia (Cuban), and Eddie and Mario Gonzales (Bolivians). Arguedas credited the Gonzales brothers with having saved Debray's life. He now claimed, however, that Barrientos and even the U.S. ambassador were unaware of the full scope of the CIA's penetration of the Bolivian government, undoubtedly a concession to the powers that arranged his safe return to La Paz.


    The final chapter in the episode was acted out the following summer, almost two years after Che Guevara's death. President Rene Barrientos was killed in a helicopter crash while returning from a visit to the provinces. Six weeks later Antonio Ar­guedas, the self-admitted agent of the CIA who had yet to stand trial for treason and releasing Che Guevara's diary, was appar­ently shot to death on a street in La Paz. A month later Herberto Rojas, the guide for the Bolivian rangers and their CIA advisors during the final trackdown of Guevara, and one of the few people who possibly knew where the body of the rebel leader was buried, was assassinated in Santa Cruz.


    The incriminating tapes Arguedas claimed to have given to Mario Teran for safekeeping have never surfaced. Arguedas himself, however, managed to survive the Che episode. In 1970, he mysteriously appeared in Cuba, having brought with him the death mask and embalmed hands of the charismatic rev­olutionary.

    * * *

    We shall move on to Proprietary Organizations when we write on this subject next.

    I would like to leave you with a thought for self in the confusion of weighing facts and making discernments in this time of awakening. Every human being has an attendant spirit; and wise are they who obey its signals. If it does not always tell you what to do--IT ALWAYS CAUTIONS YOU WHAT NOT TO DO!

    Good evening, Hatonn to stand-by reminding you: Your Spirit is your inner guide. Your Spirit never, never, gives you wrong direction. Because you are human, it is all too easy to deny the voice from within and those sent to your assistance from with­out. Some call this voice within, conscience. Often your be­havior may belie what your conscience KNOWS is right--even­tually you suffer for it. As you grow and awaken--it will be­come much more easy a task for you to discern that which is right and will move you to your perfect goal. A sense of secu­rity and peace always accompanies the partnership between each of you and your Spirit--don't betray SELF. SALU.

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