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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 15
    CHAPTER 15

    SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1990 9:00 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 290

    Dharma, let it be known that we sometimes spend as much as half an hour clearing space of dark brotherhood. I come in Radiance and henceforth in the Journals, readers must know that we write nothing without first assuring the area is clear and the frequency clean. It does, however, take room in the Journal and there is no need for such repetition as we work from one chapter to the next. Please remove this from the text each day if you choose to do so. I leave that in the hands of the editor. I want no distraction from resource of truth as in, "I don't believe in space men or UFOs." Forget the source if it pleases you--truth is truth is truth and herein lies truth. I care not that which is your religious status.

    You dubious ones had best be coming into realization that there is a God in the Heavens and you haven't the vaguest idea from what you are "taught" as to who and what He IS! That is a major portion of the Global Conspiracy plans--to infiltrate, discourage and mislead you. Anyone who tosses this work aside for reasons of "space belief' or "religious doctrine" are making grave errors indeed for we are lumping all your troubles into one kit bag so you can smile, smile, smile all the way to the solutions. Recently the stones marked "fakers", "evil" and "false" are shed like snow from Teflon. Proof of our words of truth are all about you now and more confirmation pouring in daily--personal attacks are still painful and dastardly--they no longer slow of our work. In fact we daily now, pick up new workers and new writers and our energies radiate the joy of grace.

    To relieve Dharma and give Thomas unto his task, there will be much from Jesus Sananda sprinkled through these Journals. You ones need the spiritual strength--Esu Jesus Emmanuel Sananda is not of any spiritual cult or doctrine--He is Universal Truth and Light made manifest! You ones will simply have to come up from your dungeon of lies and receive of the "modern-day" Christos Great Spirit. Of course He will bear a different label with the Natives and other cultures--your "languages" are Babelized! You had best look most closely at those who would urge you to denounce this material for they are going to be disclosed very soon now as the true workers of darkness.



    I have given you the Trilaterals, Bilderbergers, Council on Foreign Relations, Bolsheviks and Zionists. Now let us examine players from this very day.

    Have any of you heard of Richard Thornburgh? Do you know who he is? Well, he is the chief legal operative of your United States of America--he is the U.S. Attorney General.

    Is it possible for an individual to function honestly and competently as Attorney General, when he has worked closely with groups devoted to overthrowing the U.S. Constitution? What might ordinarily be a hypothetical question suitable to classroom civics discussions, has taken on a real urgency, my friends, now that Richard Thornburgh is serving as the nation's chief law officer.

    Since before his appointment and certainly since his appointment by George Bush, Thornburgh has trampled on the Constitution by promulgating the "Thornburgh Doctrine" (this is not tongue in cheek--this is true), which maintains that the U.S. has the right to invade another country and kidnap foreign nationals suspected of disobeying set-up (even though un­Constitutional) laws. He has campaigned vigorously to strip U.S. criminal defendants of any constitutional rights and to expand "white collar crime" prosecutions of savings and loan officials, industries in violation of environmental regulations, defense industry executives, and others--only you, the little people, are destroyed and at total risk. Where do you think the IRS gets all that authority to ransack homes, arrest and persecute citizens and destroy lives?


    Thornburgh is, and has been, a member of every group listed above and more. He serves as a Zionist mover and shaker. His contempt for constitutional principles is reflected in his past involvement in two outstanding groups which I have just written about at length: the Committee on the Constitutional System (CCS), and the National Taxpayers Union (NTU). These are the vanguard of the campaign to undo the work of your Founding Fathers.


    The CCS was established by former Carter White House counsel Lloyd Cutler in the early 1980s (yes this will be repetitious but you still don't have it all straight, my friends, and you MUST have it in understanding), to fulfill the aims he had laid out in the Fall 1980 issue in The Council on Foreign Relations Journal, FOREIGN AFFAIRS. There he sharply criticized the U.S. Constitu­tion for creating a political system that permitted the average citizen to have too much influence over elected officials (yes, this says exactly what it means!). "This", he complained, "impedes the imposition of policies which the Establishment elite deems necessary, but which would be politically unpopu­lar, such as deep cuts in Social Security and other austerity measures." "Thus", Cutler argued, the constitutional system should be scrapped and replaced with something less susceptible to constituency pressure, such as the British parliamentary system." Right from the as-er, horse's mouth in black and white print!

    Now, Thornburgh----he was a very, very active member of the group's BOARD. Thornburgh is clearly behind Cutler's overall aim already underway, to change the U.S. government to facilitate austerity measures--for you the people, not the elite. This last comes directly from Peter Schauffler, CCS coordinator.

    Official spokesmen for the CCS and NTU report that Thornburgh became involved in their efforts because of his long-standing commitment to an amendment to the Constitution to require a balanced federal budget. See how good you are getting, chelas? You picked it up instantly this time through--NO ONE IN THE ELITE WANTS TO BALANCE THE FEDERAL BUDGET--IT IS THE VERY LAST THING THEY WANT TO HAVE HAPPEN--THAT IS THE EPITOME OF THE WORST OF ALL NIGHTMARES INDEED.

    Presented as a panacea for the nation's fiscal woes, a balanced budget amendment would create an even bigger mess than now exists and every one of the CCS, NTU, CFR, AND, AND, SOBs are fully aware and know they don't have to have it--if--they can just change the entire Constitution in convention.

    Under current DEPRESSION conditions (oh yes you are!), real production is rapidly collapsing, and the tax base along with it, so that balancing the budget would require increasingly savage attacks on defense and social spending, leading to further shrinkage in revenues.

    It was, however, Thornburgh's touted commitment to the balanced budget insanity which brought him into the NTU. This group played a pivotal role in orchestrating the effort to get state legislatures to adopt resolutions calling on Congress to convene a second Constitutional Convention, to adopt a balanced budget amendment--and herein into the trap fell the poor misguided ones who "thought" they were working toward a good clean-up of the government--foxes raided again and ate the hens--only the chickens remained.

    Let me spill a bit more garbage on you; Thornburgh started an NTU spinoff called "Citizens for a Balanced Budget Amendment" (knowing already that a balanced budget is a full-blown ARTICLE in the Constitution). Thornburgh, then governor of Pennsylvania, served as co-chairman, along with Richard Lamm, the former Colorado governor who leaped into notoriety with his 1984 call for the elderly to "die and get out of the way". (No, I jest not--you of Colorado must remember the flap.) This, in fact, is the primary motive be­hind the balanced budget amendment drive: to force through such lethal cuts in spending that lots of people will have no choice but to "die and get out of the way". Anybody still feel safe and secure in your free democratic gov­ernmental system?

    Even before that, in 1986, Thornburgh had given favorable testimony before the New Jersey state legislature when it was considering a resolution to call for a Constitutional Convention.

    Thornburgh's anti-Constitution activity has drawn fire from groups such as the Sons of the American Revolution--a development which has not gone down well with Thornburgh's co-conspirators. An NTU staffer bitterly complained that "right-wing crazies in red polyester slacks" are "out to get" Thornburgh, by "trying to show that he is an evil person" because of his involvement with the CCS and NTU. Immediate arrangements were made to infiltrate the orga­nization--just as they will any you involve yourselves with--and begin to cause trouble and bring them in under the conspiracy system by placing leaders of their own in the top slots. It is already in motion for the group you will share with in July--do not be foolish enough to form a coalition--you can work diligently without forming any coalition with anyone!

    Indeed, the same "right-wing crazies", along with a coalition of liberal groups, have succeeded in getting two out of the 32 states which had endorsed the "Con Con" resolution, to rescind them. Despite these setbacks, a NTU official recently gloated that there is a good chance several other states may soon adopt such resolutions.

    With the Attorney General in their corner, the enemies of the U.S. Constitution may soon rack up some important new victories.



    Well, Mr. Kissinger is evasive "about tax hikes" as laid forth as orders to Bush from the Trilaterals and Bilderbergers. Now why would Mr. Kissinger have a confounded thing to say about increased taxes? The Bilderbergers heaviest thrust at their May meeting was to insure that taxes are raised and that "Cheney" keep troops in Europe.

    Well, I can see that even if we run longer into overload, I must tell you more about the Bilderberger meeting even if I give you no thorough background as to the Bilderberger empire which was founded by the Rothschilds.

    Don't be fooled by the contradictions, however, it is ALL the Global 2000 Plan well underway. (Ed, please make a notation to locate and extract this portion for a later Journal dealing with these groups more in depth and we will save the scribe a couple of hours of re-writing.)


    Let me just give you a little side-line tid-bit to show how "had" you are in your ignorance and sheltering of truth. Let me just quote a little news item from the SPOTLIGHT, May 28, 1990--no big deal, just a little 'TAX TIP":

    "Someone should tell President Bush that if he wants to collect many many millions of dollars which are presently not being paid, he might start looking at the World Zionist Organization (WZO), an agent if not actually part of the Israel government, which acts with total immunity from U.S. taxes even though it is an illegally unregis­tered foreign agent. In fact, contributors to the WZO (also known as the Jewish Agency) can deduct their contributions from their income for tax purposes. The WZO, even while illegally settling Jews on occupied Arab territories in direct conflict with U.S. policy, also operates at full steam in the domestic arena and has been accused of terrorism (boy, is that a mild statement), in this country. Its low profile boss, Jacques Torezyner, believed to be the most powerful and influential Israeli operative in the United States, reputedly directs all Mossad operations here."

    Now anyone could have told you that:

    "The State Department says Israel continues to violate the rights of Palestinians and that the deaths and injuries inflicted on the Arab population of the Occupied Territories were avoidable. The State Department noted that Palestinians were under martial law while Israeli Settlers and Israeli forces killed 304 Palestinians last year, while Palestinians and other Arabs killed only 13 Israelis."

    How is that for your State Department recognition of a "little" problem?

    By the way, another digression to update you little sleepy-heads for we should make sure the ongoing Panamanian "freedom invasion" not get lost to memory. Remember those "tiny few" Panamanian citizens who got in the way of military gunfire last December? Well, look what is dribbling out now and it still is insignificant compared to truth--but who will hear? It certainly will not make news on CNN or NBC! Even I shall protect the source but this is wide­spread fact in Central and South America and widely published as in El Siglo newspaper:

    "Panamanians exhume invasion's victims: Angry families of Panamanians killed in the Dec. 20, 1989 U.S. invasion began exhuming bodies of those buried in mass graves, and, according to the headline of the normally pro-government newspaper, El Siglo, of May 7, '4,000 bodies will be unearthed from one mass grave; some ca­davers were bound.' The paper described the first two days of excavating only the first of many mass graves in the Jardin de Paz cemetery in Panama City.

    'The exhumation is being carried out by the Committee of Families of Victims of the Invasion, whose president, Isabel de Corro, told El Siglo: 'We have begun with the common grave at Jardin de Paz, and we will continue with the rest until we are able to bury every last body in a dignified manner. These patriots deserve a special place among Panamanians.'

    "In just the first two days, 122 bodies were found, including three that were bound hand and foot. El Siglo commented, 'Everything indicates that they did not die in combat, but were killed in cold blood.' UPI ran a story on the exhuminations and said that 'unofficial estimates [of dead] are between 2,000 and 4,000.' (Ho hum-m-m!)

    The U.S. official estimate is that fewer than 100 civilians were killed in the invasion."

    Of course you can't figure out who is who, but I can and I can give YOU some hints. Carlos Andres Perez, President of Venezuela with its neighbor, Colombia and Nicaragua, is Henry Kissinger's "Trojan Horse"! Further the plan is to bring down Colombia and Nicaragua quite efficiently and quietly. Remember the new President Chamorro? That nice lady just elected re­cently? Well, her most important friend is President Carlos Andres Perez of Venezuela and he has become her guide and confidant. Er-a-hum, Mr. Perez just met in Washington with Henry Kissinger at the end of April and got quite a few marching orders from Mr. Kissinger on May 3rd--yes, less than a month past and again just before the Bilderberger meeting in May. (11th-13th).


    They had their little top secret meeting at the Harrison Conference Center and the talk of raising taxes never left the forefront of the discussions.

    The Bilderbergers claimed credit, and rightfully so, for Bush's recent agreement that, "Everything would be on the table," when the White House and congressional leaders would meet in the "Budget Summit" on May 15th--just two days after the close of the Bilderberger meeting.

    This is important so please pay attention: They also talked of how the United States would be "chastised' at the economic summit of the seven leading industrialized nations in June. There, all global economic problems are to be blamed on the U.S. budget deficit; and tax-hike calls are to be the centerpiece of international demands on the United States.

    And then further set-up of you the people: The President would continue to maintain expensive, long-range nuclear missiles and the immensely profitable strategic defense initiative (SDI) with Gorbachev at the big Summit meeting just ended. All sides know the money does not go into SDI but it is such a massive black hole in which to dump the funds stolen from you the people.

    Like their brother group, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg group discovered the issue of environmental deterioration. Those who were born to fortunes measured in the billions, thanks to ancestors who raped the environment in the oil and smokestack industries, embraced the Trilateral report on the environment because the potential profit in cleaning up the mess is IMMENSE!

    A funny thing happened on the way to the Bilderberg forum. White House Chief of Staff John Sununu, who is outspoken in his opposition to spending billions of tax dollars on overseas environmental projects, was summoned to his first-ever Bilderberg meeting for the express purpose of being pressured to change his position--watch out now!

    House Speaker Tom Foley, who also attended the Trilateral Commission meeting in Washington in early April, was summoned as well to the Bilderberg meeting to be briefed on strategies for raising taxes.

    Bilderberg men strongly prefer a dramatic increase in the federal income tax but recognize the "political difficulties" this would cause Bush after they had set up his "no new taxes" campaign in the first place--but no one expects politicians to mean what they say anyway. By the way, they even proclaim sympathy for Bush in this matter "for after all, Bush as a member of the Trilateral Commission, is one of our own."

    But, "George will do all right on the environment--he has to buck a bit now for the sake of the right wing', said a tall, lean and gray-haired Bilderberg partici­pant inside the Harrison Conference Center--in a most knowing manner as he shared the attention "with Henry Kissinger".

    "Whether the money comes through the World Bank or otherwise, the United States will pay its share for global environmental clean-up", responded the man of medium build standing beside him.

    Both then agreed that "Dick" goes along with "us" on getting as much for SDI and long-range missiles as possible--oh, well, yes--that is Richard Cheney, Secretary of Defense--who had just made those promises to the Trilateral Commission at their immediately earlier meeting.

    "And he will keep his troops in Europe--as many as he can," commented the tall dark stranger.

    "About a world war for the environment, George will have to do some grandstanding about U.S. spending money right now, and you know why don't you?"

    "Well yes, he is going to raise taxes in some way--something we have wanted for a long time. He will have enough problems from the right on that. We've gotten the word on that."


    The Bilderbergers also "took credit" for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently raising its quotas on member nations by 50 percent on May 8th--just a day before the secret manipulators began gathering for the Bilderberger confab.

    The increase in IMF quotas would be $12 billion for the U.S.--20% of all nations' input.

    The Bilderbergers' discovery of the environment came as no surprise. Their brother group, the Trilateral Commission, had issued a report for members to use in pressuring their governments to spend huge allocations of taxpayers funds on environmental projects worldwide. These projects will be profitable only to the brokers, bankers and other financial manipulators who happen to compose the bulk of the secret groups' membership. The IMF is actually withholding funds from the starving, for food, if the nations involved refuse to meet the requirements for environmental capitulation.


    The Trilateral report called for members to use a wartime analogy in urging quick billions to be spent. When a nation's security is threatened militarily, it said, nations instantly marshal all their resources. The same should be done in a global fight to save the environment, according to the report.

    Now, chelas, is, however, the time to get your proposals in for compressed earth machines, greenhouses for environmentally sound food growing, water conservation, sewage reclamation, et al. Energy "efficiency" will become big again if you insist on it and can hide the truth of it by hooking up originally into the grid so the nit-wits think they are still ripping off you-the-people! God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. If you utilize the laws they have re-written for themselves, we can build a fine city in post-haste manner with exceptional business practice and creative accounting and tax-sheltering corporate good-sense. If WE cannot learn, who can?

    Pushing this potentially profitable issue is easy for the world shadow government. The Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg group share many of the same leaders--how handy. All are men of immense influence and many are themselves high government officials. In addition to little Danny Quayle, Foley and Sununu, many high officials of the State and Defense Department are known to participate in an intensive integration in the meetings of both groups.


    David Rockefeller is the dominant force in the Trilateral Commission (at least on the surface-not to detract from Mr. Kissinger's hidden power), while he shares power with the Rothschild banking family and European financial moguls in the older Bilderberg group. Both groups meet each spring to plan global strategy. And you thought your government made the laws and plans, sic sic.

    Other world figures known to have attended the Bilderberg meeting included Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands (interruption and reminder: The largest investors in American business are in order from top to fifth: England, Canada, Australia (all British), then The Netherlands and Japan), Queen Sophia of Spain and the prime ministers of Austria and Belgium.

    Now what came out in your news-press regarding this meeting of the most powerful persons on your globe? One statement: "No statements will be issued or press conferences held."


    Despite the flimsy apparent balkiness of Bush and Sununu, the Bilderberg men remained complacent and smug in their confidence that the U.S. government would follow their dictates---and they have the Iran-Contra affair and Oliver North ready to squeal if there is even a hint of trouble in "seeing the merit of playing ball" as well as Mr. Noriega in the background just dying to tell his tales on Bush!

    "I tell you, we do not have to worry about George, either on the environmental project or the tax issue; he will do all he can in his own way," came the resounding confidence from a short and stocky, smiling attendee with initials H.K.

    The American leaned over and told his European colleague within the group--"Domestic politics requires Bush to do 'certain things' but it will all come out all right--you'll see." There were several additional comments by the American regarding, "Problems with the American 'right', a subject that was much on the Bilderberg's collective mind--but after all, Quayle was set up for the game and not by a George Bush, my friends.


    The presence of the Vice President at the meeting is terrible news for those who are urging Bush to dump Quayle from the 1992 ticket. It means that the international elite takes seriously Bush's pledge to keep him on the ticket and the prospect that Quayle will be elected President in 1996--after all the President is simply a directly "handled" puppet. Why do you think Quayle runs around the southern Americas to all the elections, etc.--that's where the Cartel sends him.

    Meanwhile, the global agenda of the Bilderberg group and the Trilateral Commission is clear.

    Taxes, in some or many forms, are to be increased for Americans. The new revenues are to be justified by the "deficit". But never in history have tax increases actually been used to reduce deficits; without fail, such increases are used for new spending, as the Bilderbergers are already planning. The new revenues are to be used for two main purposes:

    To send billions to the Third World countries to enable them to pay interest on their bank debts, as well as on new environmental projects from which the international financiers expect to reap huge new profits; and

    To send still more billions into the East-bloc countries to help them recover economically from more than seven ruinous decades of communism--ah ha, THE INTERNATIONALISTS WILL ENJOY IMMENSE PROFITS FROM THE "JOINT VENTURES" ALREADY PLANNED AND IN MOTION. Your own country has just been sold out to cheap labor and the buying up of previously state-owned enterprises at bargain-basement prices is already allotted and dispersed by secret contracts and agreements--and you are simply left holding the bills and a collapsed nation! So be it, world--'tis no longer an "American `thing"'--the entire globe is at stake and has been drawn and quartered.

    Doom and gloom? Oh my goodness YES! YES, YES, YES!

    You think a few can't do it? Well, you had better look around you--they just did! You and your Constitution are already dead and buried in their plans, my friends--it is up to you what you do about it; for ours is to tell you how it is--yours is free-will to do whatever you want to do--or not do as the case may be. Perhaps you better just go back to listening to the old boys and girls who spout that "to be" and come into personal balance and sit, is IT. But I assure you--the Conspirators have no intentions of allowing anyone to "sit and be" anywhere! There won't be any "good old welfare", my friends--you are marked for annihilation: no more and no less! Ponder it most carefully and then put that rock aimed at this scribe back down where it belongs--in a shelter system to save your assets!

    Leave this for this portion; we will have a group this afternoon. Thank you, Dharma, for dual service this day. Walk in light, chelas, for the road gets bumpy indeed and we must find better security as ones still want to treat this as a little romp through the primroses; nay, it is as serious as you can get.


    Hatonn to close out please. I will be available at 1:30 please.



    MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1990 6:10 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 292
    Let us begin, please. I am Sananda, I come in Radiance, I come in the light of the Father, which I Am. Blessings be unto all children of the Word, for the glory shall be theirs. Forever and ever, amen.

    I wish to speak to ones, this day, on acceptance, tolerance, judgment, and discernment. This writing is intended to be for the smaller group, but may prove to be of value to a wider circulation...I place that in your hands for decision.

    The human ego is a dangerous adversary to man. Let me divert. I always refer to man meaning hu-man, men and women equally, always. Please do not get "hung-up" on the term. For man, when he comes into truth, particu­larly so, feels somehow superior. Always remember that all are equal before God. It is always a question of balance, ever walking the path in light with the Laws of the Creation. Man ever wants to live his truth, which in most in­stances, when a little knowledge has been gained, means foisting it aggressively on every passer-by. No! There is a direct correlation between ego and aggression. For protection of the ego is primal to man...ever have the layers of insulation been gathered about him to ensure safety of self within "the world". When I said, "Love ye one another," and "Judge not lest ye be judged," I did not say, "Love ye one another except for so and so." I did not say unto thee, "Judge not except for him and her and him." All comes back unto self! All! When will man put away such foolishness and learn to live and work together, for the journey contains great difficulty. Honor one another, do not attack one another, honor one another. Hear me!

    Too, I tell thee to listen and hear one another, listen listen listen, for I tell thee that the one that hears not the other most often has the most to learn. So be it.

    "But Father, how may we discern and not judge if our discernment says something is amiss?" I am asked by others..You do not judge, you confront in light and truth with God as your shield and if you are unable to resolve your differences you part ways in peace with blessings...nothing more, and certainly nothing less.

    The task before thee is great indeed requiring ones of ALL skills and understandings. Would you limit God? Would you limit your own growth by having only those in your midst who would say, "Yes, yes, whatever you say?" Think!

    Hard? Nay, truth. Take your brother/sister's hand and work together. But, I repeat, listen and hear one another, for if you do not clear of the air the air becomes clouded with thought-forms which come back on thee surely. Heed the warning. I need troops who can work together and I will accept nothing less, for I Am Thy Lord God and I command thee to put ego and pride to the side and move forward together in the Light which I Am -- for great is the mission -- I expect much from mine ones and if ye can not stand of the heat get out of the kitchen!

    I believe I have made mine point. Those who have eyes, see; and ears, hear. So be it. If the toes feel pinched, check of thy shoes.

    I Come in Light and Truth. Get on with thy work and stop this non-sense.

    I Am Sananda

    Who are you? Are you sure?

    PJ 15
    CHAPTER 16


    SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1990 10:00 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 291
    In the beauty of the lilies life's reflection is shown; in the glory of existence is the secret tenfold shown. Hatonn in Radiance in the reflection of that glory. Dharma, look outward this day upon the Sego lilies blooming in the pasture for within is the self-contained life story from creation to transition.

    However, 'tis not enough to sustain man's passage. YOU are not a lily which can "be", for its intended journey is written within its very creation. Man must journey among the thistles and if he only "be" he shall be trampled and buried beneath the debris. Ponder it carefully.

    Those who would project that you bring fear and doom sayings must be cast aside from thine consciousness for they limit God and His caring and nurturing of ye His creatures. Satan lulls you to sleep in the "being", God awakens you to the alert and sends instructions and teachers which can point out the pitfalls and allow you the passage. He who would tell you otherwise is not your friend but your deadly enemy. God dwells within each--where else would He be at a time of trouble? Of course--right by thine side holding of your hand and guiding you through the path--He would not sit atop a mountain doing miracles to sensationalize thine eyes. How many have sold their souls and life work unto Satan thinking it to be of Lighted Divine God? Millions! Pacts are made with Satan who will first call himself Sananda, or Emmanuel or whatever; and the pact is made and a lifetime of work is fun­neled into the lie. Do not despair as ye learn the truth of it--rejoice that ye have learned of the truth of it in order to understand the difference and know of thine own journey and how to beware of the pitfalls. Give honor and praise unto those who came before and tried to bind you and could not for they are your testors and the testing is indeed hard.

    The passage WITH God is a truly physical perception through the earthly passage, else He would be experiencing on a Heavenly plane and not with thee. You are the human manifestation of experience of God--He needs not physical manifestation to experience "Heaven". Yes, he is as small as your heartache and as large as your Constitution which lies in jeopardy of total de­struction and with it, thine passage of freedom. God affirms the truth of it and tells you what you must do--Satan hides the truth from you, imprisons or kills the truth-bearers and insures your enslavement. Blessed ones, it is time to heed the call for some of your daring earth brothers have brought forth the warning and no one awakened! Let the sound of freedom again ring throughout your lands and ye shall be given to know the pathway back into truth.


    Let us have a tiny quiz and see how many have seen these little notices in public print: "FBI PLANS TO WIDEN RULES FOR USE OF DEADLY FORCE: 5/18/90; The FBI, largely out of concern about drug-related violence, is planning to break its own tradition and allow agents to shoot suspects even when they are NOT posing a direct threat to the life of either the agent or someone else, according to FBI bureau sources...."

    April 20, 1990 (Earth Day): "...The major presentation on the call was made by Dr. Michael Oppenheimer (Trilateral, Bilderberger, CFR) of the Environmental Defense Fund, who has served as an adviser to President George Bush's science adviser, Alan Bromley (also of all the above), and to William Reilly (most of the above), director of the Environmental Protection Agency.

    "In the midst of Ibero-America's devastating economic crisis, in which even the most fundamental necessities of life cannot be met, the environmentalists called for 'reorganizing the world's economy, so as to preserve the environment.' They called for halting the use of fossil fuels, and for a `development model' which 'would not go through the industrialization phase', adding that there is still time for Ibero-America to avoid industrial­ization. Recommendations included the use of ethanol and solar energy, stopping the use of cars, and reducing population growth. Participants on the call also denounced the use of nuclear energy.

    "Environmentalist Jan Hartke (Rockefeller product): 'We hope to create a wave of human concern so great, so diverse, so powerful, that it cannot be ignored by political, government, and business leaders around the world.' {H: Now I ask you, how can you have industry and income if you stop industrialization?)


    Who ruined the environment? Was it those nasty little starving peoples? Even in the Brazilian forests--who is destroying thousands upon thousands of acres a day? Is it the little farmer who hand chops a few trees to give growing patches or the lumber industry, cattle barons, etc? Do you not see that the same ones who made massive fortunes destroying the environment are now going to destroy the rest of "you the people" and make more incredibly massive fortunes "saving" it?

    Oh, you want a little religion in viewpoint? OK, April 21, 1990: "The Fourth General Conference of the Latin American Episcopate, to take place in Santo Domingo upon the 500th anniversary of the discovery and evangelization of America, will have as its primary objective the promotion of Latin American integration, according to the document prepared by its organizers," an AP wire published in the April 17 edition of El Occidental, in Guadalajara, Mexico, reported.

    "According to the report, the draft document prepared by the Latin American Bishops Conference (CELAM) affirms that "Latin America is a society in disintegration", and that the current political-economic crisis has taken from Ibero-America any power of negotiation or leadership in the world.


    Enough? No? One more then: "5/28/90: LAW OF RETURN. In over­turning a tax conviction, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that a return upon which the taxpayer claims the Fifth Amendment and other Constitutional objections is, "as a matter of law", a tax return. Ted Kimball was charged and convicted in 1987 for "willful failure to file". He had filed forms 1040 but noted Constitutional objections."

    Do you even know what the above means? I thought not. Well, we will do a whole Journal on the non-Constitutionality of the IRS and Income Tax system and one thing you do not do if you are going to use your Constitutional rights, is file a tax form of any kind!!!!!! It is stated succinctly that in filing the form you have "voluntarily" entered into the payment of tax agreement.

    One last item for attention. In May there were at least two meetings of such importance as to change your entire world--the meeting of the Trilaterals and Bilderbergers (these actually are only two of some fifteen different offshoots which met at summit level decision-making meetings). This is the "shadow" government that actually runs your world and how many of you readers even knew who they were or that they met? There was a media blackout as well as press blackout. This is unacceptable, chelas--totally unacceptable. Even in my own group only two or three were aware until I wrote about it.



    Is Justice dead? Is your Constitution in jeopardy? What do you think of lawyers in general as to looking out for the good of you, the little man? Are the jokes bearing some truth? Well, you don't find butchers, bakers and candlestick makers in Congress--you find doctors, lawyers, merchants and chiefs. THERE ARE 181 LAWYERS IN THE HOUSE AND 63 IN THE SENATE. I leave it to you to look up total numbers of each category in Congress for not more than one out of 10 have the foggiest idea. Lawyers dominate every legislature from sea to shining sea, my children. These parasites never have created anything but confusion and greedy confiscation of your funds. You should read the real story of the CONGRESSIONAL PAY HIKE. Get the book from Operation Clean Congress, 300 Indepen­dence Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. Please do your homework for we simply do not have the time to reprint everything. In fact, get two copies and send Dharma one for her confirmation for she continually teeters on the end of the limb. You can get 12 copies of it for $5, so it is reasonable indeed. No, lawyers are bought and sold at every case accepted and will always sell out to the highest bidder--it is the mark of the trade. Also get RAPE OF JUSTICE by Eustace Mullins. Available from America West. We are also going to do a full review of that subject as well as Medical Murders as soon as we can get to it--we are still trying to find time to jot our piece on the Churches. Human limitations are difficult to deal with even for we of the higher brotherhood. First things first--if you don't do something about your government and the Constitution crisis, you won't need any of the other information for it is all downhill after they "lawfully" remove any remaining freedoms. So be it.


    I promised a bit on the Bilderberger background and I will give it herein. However, this Journal is getting too lengthy so it will be as brief as can be and still have comprehension. We will look into it further later and give you information where you can find your own in-depth information. It is more important that we discuss the "New States" split up planned as a major part of your New Constitution and then we will get this Journal to the public as soon as is possible for timely usage.

    I urge you to not get distracted into total research and miss the point--YOUR CONSTITUTION IS IN ITS DEATH THROES AND MUST HAVE IN­STANT AND IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. The Bilderbergers, etc., are not going to go anywhere--away; so let us take priority steps first in order. To know who they are and what they do is sufficient for you to realize the danger and details of their history can be researched at leisure. If you lose your Constitution, you will certainly have plenty of time to study them for they will be your puppet masters.

    As good as anything to briefly give a rundown is just to present herein an article from The Register, A California newspaper. An entire portion of the Congressional Record of Sept. 15, 1971 is devoted to the Bilderbergers. Frightening isn't it, to realize it has been so prominent for so long and you didn't know? You can also get an entire book on the subject, including this particular record from the above address. Or, you can get the Congressional Record for about $45 per year from the Government Printing Office--or, perhaps your library would carry the record if they are requested to do so and if they do not already have same. No, I am not going to send Dharma to get YOUR confirmation; we do not have the time and she has grown to trust my truth for so far, I have not failed her in any instance!

    Washington: Vice President-designate Nelson A. Rockefeller and Sen. Charles Mc C. Mathias, R-Md., are accused by ultraconservatives of being part of the Bilderberger "secret conspiracy."

    What's a Bilderberger?

    It may sound like the name of a sandwich but it is not. A Bilderberger is anyone who attends the annual meetings of an informal group of American and European government leaders, bankers, scholars, businessmen and intellectuals who gather to discuss world problems.

    The ground rules of the meetings, since the first one was held at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Oostebeek, Holland, back in 1954, are that the whole show is off the record and that nothing will be published on the meetings.

    That is why, even though prominent journalists have accepted invitations to attend the meetings--the last one held in Megeve, France, April 19-21, 1974--virtually no word has appeared in the public press about the gatherings despite the top-level credentials of those on the guest list.

    For bankers and industrialists, such confidentiality is commonplace. For journalists to agree to attend under such ground rules may be uncomfortable to some purists, but background brief­ings are held in Washington every day under such conditions.

    For politicians such as Rockefeller and Mathias, however, their attendance raises questions among their opposition on just why they attended and what went on.

    Mathias, for example, has been the target of "Come Clean, Sen. Mathias", advertisements that appeared recently in both Washington D.C., and several Maryland daily newspapers. The ads were sponsored by the ultra-conservative Liberty Lobby.

    The advertisements questioned Mathias' attendance at the Bilderberg conference, saying, "We know that more than 100 of the world's richest and most powerful men attended this meeting...Your loyalty lies with your constituents, not to international bankers."

    The advertisements could be the signal of a right-wing advertising campaign to unseat Mathias, who is running for reelection to a second six-year term.

    Dr. Ross Z. Pierpont, Mathias's Republican primary opponent, also has criticized Mathias' attendance at the meeting.

    Mathias said when the ads first appeared in August that there was absolutely nothing improper about his attendance at the annual Bilderberg meeting. The conference, he said, has previously attracted many important officials, including President Gerald Ford when he was a congressman, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Sens. Edward Brooke, Clifford Case, Frank Church, J. William Fulbright, Bourke Hickenlooper, Gale McGee, Mike Monroney, Hugh Scott and John Sparkman, and journalists James Reston and Bill Moyers.

    "The aim of these conferences is to enable businessmen and educators and government officials (from many nations) to know each other and discuss common national and international prob­lems", Mathias said.

    In a one-shot tabloid published in September titled "Rockefeller Record" and proclaiming in bold headlines "The Truth About Rocky" it was claimed that Nelson Rockefeller and his brother, David, chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, were among the leaders of the Bilderbergers.

    "Not so strange", the sheet said, "is the fact that of 18 Americans attending the Megeve Bilderberg conference, seven, or 39 per cent, just happened to be Rockefeller agents. That would seem to be quite a working control."

    When Rockefeller's confirmation hearings are reopened after the November elections, questions will be asked.

    Also characterized as sinister the "most important Rockefeller-controlled organization" which is the Council on Foreign Relations whose "entire ideological slant...is Internationalist-Socialist."

    The Bilderberger meetings, Mathias press aide James Young said in an interview, were started after World War II ostensibly with the idea of "brainstorming ways to rebuild Europe."

    "The meetings are held behind closed doors so the leaders can get to know each other, express themselves with candor as individuals without binding their governments or organizations to what they say," Young said.

    He added, "There is a written report after each meeting but it is confidential and circulated only to those who attended the meetings."

    Because he is an elected official, Mathias has made some brief comments on the meetings in response to questions. Sen. Walter Mondale, D-Minn., also has responded to questions about his attendance at the meetings.

    Gerald Ford, at his hearings to be confirmed as vice president, was asked if he didn't think it was unusual to be a member of a "secret" society such as the Bilderbergers?

    Ford replied that he had been a member of many such groups, from the time he was a kid in college fraternities. He described the Bilderbergers as an informal group.

    A spokesman for the Chase Manhattan Bank, however, was noncommittal when asked about David Rockefeller's annual par­ticipation in the meetings ." And so it goes. By the way, in the aforementioned Congressional Record "Extensions of Remarks" is listed names, attendance, membership and relationship to Council on Foreign Relations. Keep in mind that it is, in addition, some two decades old. What think ye an organization with such power could have accomplished in 20 years?! Well, for one thing--they have stolen your Constitution and brought your world to the brink of total destruction and One World Control. They have placed the "Mark of the Beast" upon you while you slept!


    But can it really be so bad and widespread? Oh yes, and greater still. This whole network of One World Government conspirators comes forth from the fundamental network itself which is made up of a power-concentrating global network of financiers, academics and politicians promoting a one-world ambition.

    The network includes secret and semisecret organizations like the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA); the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)--an offshoot of the RIIA; the Trilateral Commission (TC); the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR); the Bilderbergers; the Anti-Defamation League; the World Zionist Organization (WZO)--etc., too many to list herein.

    The capitalists who make up the membership of this "network" always worked in partnership with communists and socialists in the U.S. The power these energetic leftists exercised was never their own power or communist power but was ultimately the power of the international financial coterie.

    The concept of world government was enshrined in a resolution passed at the Sixth Special Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1974, entitled "Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order" (NIEO). 1974??? Then why hasn't someone said something? They did and nobody listened.

    They told you that this world government plan could only be achieved by means of compulsion and cruelty and were at a loss to understand why there was so little public response to their repeated warnings. Why the dumb acquiescence, even among so-called conservatives, people with opinions and attitudes which are wholly incompatible with the requirements of one-world rule?


    The first part of the answer is that the drama of a one-world imperialist ambition is only part of a vastly bigger world-historical drama in which you are all, in varying degrees, held captive. This much bigger world-historical drama has to do with technics, the skills and resources available to you in your com­mand over nature. All human existence has been transformed by science and technology--and the process continues at an ever accelerating rate.

    What you "call" your modern civilization is little more than a gigantic worldwide manufacturing and marketing mechanism, with high finance as the control mechanism--at first only for commercial transactions, and eventually for everything, including politics.

    Most people in the West are so busily occupied in making this civilization function and in taking care of their private interests in the competitive struggle that they are unable to think and feel deeply about political matters. It is a civilization, moreover, in which dissent and non-conformity can be penalized in very varied and harsh manners.

    Moreover, total public brainwashing of Americans has been steadily and successfully underway for decades. We shall also thoroughly discuss this topic at a later time. You have been trained to believe ALL that you are told and ALL that you are shown by the controllers of your media and to accept whatever with no notice or reaction.

    One of the most important consequences of the new technics was the conversion of the whole face of the globe into a field of operations for the newly industrialized nations of the West, producing an age of rival imperi­alisms and colonialism.

    A global environment was created in which it was only to be expected that dreams of one-world government would take shape. Further, it would be sold to you in such manner that you would buy it hook, line and sinker--now you are dead fish on the line and will eat it, as poisoned as it is. Not only will you eat it but you will demand to have it as "your human right"! Oh, how they laugh at you blinded lemmings headed for the cliff into the sea. For with money the single repository and instrument of great power, and available in hitherto undreamed-of quantities, it now seemed possible for the intellect to control and shape world history as a whole, as hitherto it could influence only the separate histories of separate nations.

    There is even a word in your language for this daring concept: "historicism". Whether or not this historicism is feasible, whether or not it is in conflict with the ultimate realities of human nature, therefore also of history itself, is an issue which few modern thinkers have explored at depth but which has formed no part of debate for the politicians or the media.

    It is painful, is it not, to find that ones who brought you all that wondrous "truth" of nuclear winters and etc., etc., and had you building gigantic receivers in case there might be ones in outer space, are all a part and parcel of the lie? Oh yes, ones such as Sagan are totally a part of the conspiracy and the lie!

    A world revolutionary movement which has produced an age of conflict and suffering without any precedent in recorded history bears only a very superficial resemblance to world government enterprise as originally formulated and launched toward the end of the 19th century. But you need to know how it all began, and by whom it was begun, if you are to understand how and by whom it was converted into something quite different--the "network" or "conspiracy" with which the world now has to contend.

    The conspiracy, much of which remains to this day, if only in name, had its origin in the mind of Cecil John Rhodes, the multimillionaire who founded De Beers, the giant South African diamond mining sales conglomerate, and who expected his name to be immortalized in the name of a small country in central Africa--Rhodesia, now called Zimbabwe.

    Rhodes, a bachelor, became the living embodiment of a purpose which had already begun to motivate him strongly when, at the age of 24 and already wealthy, he made his second will and testament.

    In this he nominated two executors to whom he handed over all his money, "to and for the establishment, promotion and development of a secret society, the true aim and object whereof shall be the extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom and colonization by British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy, labor and enterprise and especially the occupation by British settlers of the entire continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the valley of the Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Candia [Crete], the whole of South America, the islands of the Pacific not hitherto possessed by Britain...the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British empire...finally the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render war impossible and promote the best interests of humanity."


    There can, therefore, be no doubt that the entire world government movement began as a British imperialist enterprise, the idea being to convert what was then the world's biggest empire into a single world state.

    By the time he wrote his seventh and last will, Rhodes had come to the conclusion that the best method of raising the British empire to the position of a world state was the promotion of a system of education at Oxford University where young men, carefully selected from universities all over the English-speaking countries, including America, could be brought together and inducted into the exciting mysteries of his grand vision. On second thought, after an interview with Kaiser Wilhelm, scholarships were also to be made available to a number of German students to pre-empt any possible opposition from that quarter.

    There was no mention of a secret society in the last will, because a secret society had already been set up with Rhodes as leader, plus a "Circle of Initiates", and an outer circle or Association of Helpers" later to be known as the Round Table Organization. Thus, the central part of the secret society was established by March 1894.

    There is a listing of the influential men who were drawn into that golden and diamond-studded circle of the chosen few, all dedicated to the attainment of Rhode's visions of the British empire as a world government. I shall not list them herein for time saving but it is all documented. In fact there is a great volume of work by one Carrol Quigley: TRAGEDY AND HOPE, which is wondrous in its comprehensive truth. It is however, now removed from the public and can only be obtained through a private source who asks to be left obscure. Since it alone is some 1,400 pages in brief format, I think you will be grateful that I only hit highlights from dissertation and excerption from such a volume. I will make information available to America West and ones with great interest can inquire. As you might guess, the volume is extremely costly.


    The idea of a network, including a secret society working for world government, had its origin in Rhode's mind, but not the idea or ideal with which it was inspired. This he acquired as a student at Oxford University when he came under the influence of a hitherto obscure writer and lecturer on the subject of art, John Ruskin.

    The Ruskin brand of idealism was propagated with the fervor of a new religion. Thus Lionel Curtis, writing of Lord Lothian, one of Rhode's strongest supporters: "He held that men should strive to build the kingdom of heaven here in Earth and that the leadership in that task must fall first and foremost upon the English-speaking people." Now does it come clear where the bigotry was really instilled in the human heart--Englishmen, dear ones, are "white".

    Worse, and most importantly, Ruskin's worldly gospel, with its promise of the kingdom of heaven on Earth, came at a time when the teachings of Darwin and others had shattered the foundations of orthodox Christianity as a personal faith, leaving many people, especially the educated classes, groping for some belief that could infuse existence with a sense of purpose and direc­tion.

    You find, therefore, that the visionary utopianism of Ruskin's "English idea", as understood by Rhodes and his circle, had much in common with the Marxist-Leninist gospel which is equally rationalistic and equally motivated by the notion of establishing a "kingdom of heaven on Earth", the ends of both being regarded as so noble and important as to justify even the most dubious methods.

    As events were to show, Rhodes and his instruments did not scruple to employ the foulest means to precipitate an armed struggle in South Africa which would create instead a precipitate upon Earth". It was a war of aggression which cost the lives of thousands of British and Boer soldiers in the field, plus the lives of an even greater number of women and children in the concentra­tion camps necessitated by Lord Kitchener's scorched-earth policy--without which the Boers could never have been conquered. I referred to this in a prior Journal.

    Dreams of the future bliss of all mankind were sufficient in their motivating power to turn South Africa for many years before and during the Anglo-Boer War into a snake-pit of wickedness in which all the basest impulses in human nature flourished as never before in centuries, one of the biggest and most poisonous of the serpents being a phenomenon that has plagued the world ever since--a prostituted press used as a weapon of political warfare.

    In South Africa came forth a new thing--newspapers owned, controlled and operated by a small body of men with the direct aim of bringing about conflict. An elaborate factory of misrepresentation and withheld information for the sole purpose of stimulating British action.

    To those unacquainted with the mechanism it may seem incredible that with modern means of communication it has been possible to poison the conscience and intelligence of a world. But when it is understood that the great presses receive and are controlled with information almost exclusively from the offices of the conspirators themselves, it becomes logical indeed.

    There was a gallant General, Sir William Butler, who resigned his post as commander-in-chief of British forces in South Africa because he saw that the British people were being drawn into a conflict that would do them and their country no good, and who wrote in his autobiography: "No one knew better than I did all we had suffered from false information during the preceding quarter of a century. . .[Now] all at once I was brought face to face with this old evil multiplied to a degree I could not have imagined possible, no longer sporadic, but systematized, gigantic, unscrupulous, powerful in means of execution, directed to one end, that end fraught with possibilities of the gravest kind."

    Nature permits and even prescribes, it would seem, whether or not true, the use of violence and deception in conventional warfare, but, as Rhodes and his associates demonstrated at Britain's great cost, peril ensues when methods of evil are used inside a society, when those in power feel morally justified in systematically deceiving their own people, convinced that they do it for the benefit of all. Is your skin crawling yet? How about those neck hairs? Does anybody give a hoot?

    Nevertheless, there is a significant difference between the main results produced by western imperialism before the turn of the century and such as have been produced by a world-revolutionary movement no longer dedicated to the task of building on the foundations of the British empire.

    Western imperialism, the British more so than any other, although bound to prove an appalling misadventure, did have some important positive aspects. Like Roman imperialism nearly 2,000 years earlier, it was also creative and constructive to a great extent. Satan always liberally sprinkles good among his thistles. In Africa the slave trade was suppressed, agriculture vastly improved, plagues and epidemics were eliminated greatly and a lot of good came from the changes.

    Destructiveness, on the other hand, has been the main feature of the one-world revolutionary movement by which the "English idea" was supplanted--hence an age of conflict and suffering without any precedent in recorded history.

    You can now see that the fatal flaw in Rhodes' world-government enterprise was the factor of deep secrecy. This he is said to have copied from the Jesuits and from secret societies like the Illuminati and Freemasons, whose inner workings had been exposed about the time of the French Revolution a century earlier. For it was this factor of secrecy which made it possible for Rhodes' "network" to be penetrated and taken over and used for purposes very different from those envisaged by its founders--including the total dismantling of the British Empire which was to have been a model of the New World Order.



    Dharma, let us take a brief break for the chapter will be too lengthy for this sitting and perhaps I had better leave ones pondering the last statement. It destroys myriads of fantasy tales told by most respected ones, especially in the new age movement--forget it, God has no secrets intentionally worked to delude you or give favored-status to the "few". Yes, chelas, it IS hard to find that the lie came first and was perpetuated on the very book of lies you con­sider Holy! If you just deal with the facts before you today, you do not need nit-pick the rest for it will all be brought into perspective--but your Constitution won't just sit and wait for you! Salu.

    Hatonn to stand-by.


    SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1990 7:45 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 291
    (Is this material I pen this day for the Constitutional book or other? Please inform me as to placement of material. Thank you.)

    Yes, Thomas, you shall receive clear instructions, just pen what I give to thee and it will be most clear indeed, have you known it to be otherwise?

    Community is a word which merits exploration, for therein lies the key to the rebuilding through the destruction. Why must man experience great hardship or natural disaster before the "community action" begins? Wouldn't it be glorious indeed if man worked within the feeling of cooperative venture in the day to day experience? But that is not like man, for man flourishes on hardship and struggle, not knowing that to relinquish the struggle is to regain balance.

    You are entering a time where the issues of great importance will be water, food, and shelter. The building of various underground facilities for the storage of food stuffs, arms, growing seeds (non-hybrid), will become increasingly imperative. And yet the controlled media blasts ones such as a Claire Prophet for preparing - why? If the ones in the recent disaster of Charlotte had underground medical supplies and food storage, the recovery would have been rapid indeed. And yet, what happens now is that there is not the concern or foresight to prepare, there is a disaster and in the midst of it all are devasted and know not which way to turn. Does it not make sense to you to have underground shelters, not only in the event of a war, but tornadoes, hurricanes, and earth quakes? Think!

    Even the very fabric of your structures must change. You may not continue the destruction of your forests by continually building with sticks...for there is coming a time soon indeed when the steady winds will blow so hard as to knock them down without effort. There are other building materials available, such as compressed earth (adobe-like bricks, only much harder), cellular cement, and domes, geodesic domes. You will need to build more structures in the shelter of valleys, against the hillsides...get away from the fault lines (on the west coast move east of the faults), and move from thy hill tops...seek the shelter of a valley or the side of a hill. Build a dome if you are able, for the wind will not harm a dome, but do not build the dome of wood. Put in thy stores, put in thy stores. If you are able, dig a well, or two. The drought on the land will be serious indeed, without water what will you do? What will you grow? Start to build your houses partially underground, perhaps one or two levels below the surface. I am giving you instructions, as have my brothers throughout all the Phoenix Journals, will you hear? Will you act?

    Most of the ones in this country merely struggle from day to day, to meet the ends. They have not the time, energy, or desire to think on these things, or the where-with-all. The city-dwellers, who will be BY FAR the hardest hit, think this is too far removed to affect them, no. And to think of taking action with these things is overwhelming. Where would I go? What would I do there? Well, while there is yet time, move away from thy cities and seek ye the shelter of the mountains. And yet, too, I tell thee ye will need of others within community that you may make it through the hardship before you. There must be a group effort put forth for the planting, or the harvest will not be wheat but thorns.

    It is up to each and all that which they are willing to do or not do. I do not judge, I am giving instructions for your survival. Further, the other Phoenix Journals outline for you exactly what you must do to make it through. Read and know! Knowledge is power, power to move mountain with faith in light. I have been sent with a host to bring the children of God home. There will be the Great Tribulation before thee, yet how difficult it is depends entirely on what preparations you make now. For years there have been the sooth­sayers, the doom and gloomers, nay, ever it has been thus. But I tell thee surely the time is at hand during this historic cycle on your earth counting when action is required or man will perish. Do not be so foolish to think that because you feel Jesus has saved you that you will automatically be taken from this place unscathed, that is the biggest lie of all. NO! All are re­sponsible for each and every action, and none, none may do of it for another. The brothers of Pleiades that I come with are at alert for a full planetary evac­uation if the need arises, but...hear me...the cosmic laws forbid this action ex­cept in the direst of circumstances. Anything short of that man must live or die through. Prepare, prepare.

    Beloved, do not allow your Constitution to be further tattered and altered. Come back to the original document, for it was as God truly ordained it to be.

    If you do not, woe unto thee, for the consequences of thine inaction will haunt you the rest of your, probably short, lives.

    Won't you come back into community? Won't you come back into family values? Won't you return to monogamous love...is not one other glorious light to share your journey enough for you? Please, I implore you, come back unto the balance which I Am, for I Am Sananda, sent. You may call me Jesus, although I Am one with Father now and have grown much while you have slept on. Won't you come back?

    Sananda, of Light

  2. #10
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 15
    CHAPTER 17


    SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1990 4:02 P.M. YEAR 3 DAY 291

    You ask me how things of such magnitude can be kept secret? They can't, it is that it becomes so absurd that the "secrecy" label covers the stupidity which grows and grows until mankind will disbelieve everything. In that confusion of disillusionment, all becomes valueless for the searching continues to turn up the lie--the truth then becomes too incredible to be accepted by the mind al­ready brainwashed to disbelief. Ones cease to even think about how ridiculous a story might in fact, be. Let me give you an example in point which will jog memories in most of you and can be reminded unto the unknowing for it is quite recent in timing.


    This story is true and deals with hostage release as part of the U.S.-Iran-Syria arms deal. Whatever the White House may be saying nowadays, money and weapons have been thrown into the balance of these latest rounds of secret negotiations between the United States and Iran (in other words the secret leadership thinks you won't suspect lightning striking twice in the same place) in order to obtain the release of Robert Polhill, former professor at the American University of Beirut, who was kidnapped on Jan. 24, 1987. But seven Americans, three British, two West Germans, four Belgians, two Swiss, one Irishman and one Italian are still being held hostage, not to mention the countless Lebanese and others who have also been kidnapped and whose fate is clearly of no interest to the White House and most other Western governments.

    Polhill is the first American hostage to be released since Nov. 1986. The last hostage was released as part of Oliver North's infamous "Arms for Iran" operation. Polhill, his colleagues, and others were subsequently kidnapped as the result of the exposure of what became known as the Irangate scandal. In order to politically survive the consequences of the scandal within Iran and prove his "revolutionary" good faith, Iranian President Hashemi-Rafsanjani personally had become involved in hostage-taking and, for example, ordered the kidnapping of Anglican Church mediator, Terry Waite, in Jan. 1987.

    Polhill's release was part of the most recent stages of American-Iranian negotiations which have been going on with numerous interruptions ever since 1986 this is enough to set the stage.

    The governments of Pakistan and Algeria were the go-between the United States and Iran. In Iran itself, the Swiss and Japanese embassies were called on to deliver messages. By late Feb., a deal was struck. On the military front, it involved delivery of large shipments of cluster bombs from Pakistan, originally coming from the stores of the U.S.-based International Signal and Control corporation of James Guerin, a maverick businessman whose companies have been used for the last decade by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency in the Middle East and South Africa. Teheran, on its side, sent additional financial support and military deliveries to the Hezbollah in Lebanon.


    None of these negotiations were smooth. In mid-March the deals almost went sour when the story of a direct phone call between the White House and Teheran became publicly known. Intelligence sources report that the White House had decided to make it public in order to preempt a scandal, floating the line that the President had talked to an "Impostor". In reality such a phone call had been reportedly agreed to at the last meeting in Pakistan. The plan was that Bush and Rafsanjani would get on the phone as the final con­firmation that the deal was on.

    The White House initiated the call, and Bush spoke with Mahmound Rafsanjani, the Iranian President's brother, and Foreign Ministry official, Sheikholislamzadeh. The choice of Mahmound Rafsanjani was no coincidence. He had been chosen by his brother to negotiate with the Lebanese Hezbollah. The phone call meant that he could additionally carry a verbal commitment from the U.S. President.

    Fearing that contents of the call, which was obviously monitored, would be made public by the radicals around Mohtashemi, the White House decided to go public with its own perverted version that Iran had initiated the call and that nothing had come of it.

    Meanwhile, to cover their own involvement in the affair, too, the Iranian leadership sponsored a wave of articles depicting the ridiculous efforts of Bush to get in touch with Iran at all cost. "Is another Irangate in the making?" the media trumpeted.

    At the same time, yet another game of manipulation of the public opinion was going on concerning Iraq. Timed with the latest round of negotiations in Pakistan, and the reaching of some kind of agreement, the U.S. news media discovered a great Iraqi military and political threat to the entire region. The game was easy enough: The arrest of a few Iraqis at London's Heathrow Air­port and widely publicized reports that Iraq was about to deploy a nuclear weapon, were sufficient to convince the Iraqi leadership that their country was coming under severe attack.


    There was actually more to it: American intelligence had provided Baghdad with precise information about an Israeli attack in the making. The information was provided by Washington in full knowledge of the effect it would have on the Iraqi leadership. A few days later, Iraqi President Saddah Hussein fell into the trap and went into a lengthy diatribe against Israel, threatening to annihilate with chemical weapons--just the kind of threat that worldwide media could use to further corner the Iraqi Tune in tomorrow, same station, same time and hear the explosive conclusion- - - - -.

    Well, OK, since you are paying attention - - - ‑

    That Iraq, equipped with chemical weapons, represents a regional danger, is true enough. Iraq's neighbors along the Persian Gulf are nervous enough about that prospect. Yet no one raised the real issues of the whys and hows of such a campaign.

    How is it that 90% of all of the companies supplying Iraq with deadly weapons are American? Why was it that, while this had gone on for more than four years, it was exposed just now? Why was it that, at the same time that Baghdad was involved in developing such dangerous weapons with American technology, Washington had taken the political decision to become increasingly dependent on Iraqi oil, whose supplies to the U.S. have more than tripled since 1986?

    And was it a coincidence that just a few days after Polhill's release, Bush sent a personal message to Saddah Hussein underlining his commitment to maintaining good relations between the two countries, just as the day before the U.S. State Department had sent a memorandum to the Iraqi authorities assuring them that Washington was pressuring Israel to the utmost not to at­tack Iraq?

    By the way, has anyone noted that Polhill, who was fatigued, etc., but in great health when he came back into American hands--and now he has serious cancer? He will also be terminal, dear ones, for he is set up as an ultimate martyr! In this world you may be better off with the enemy if you can figure out who and which it is. I'll assure you of one thing--you are NOT better off with the American government!

    Denouncing, Iraq was therefore just part of a broader game. It had several purposes: First, it could create a general environment in which, compared to Iraq's potential madness, both the Syrian and Iranian leadership would appear moderate. (Israeli reports about Syria's ability to deploy chemically equipped Scud-B missiles were conveniently ignored.) After all, even if both Syria and Iran possess exactly the same kind of weapon, neither Syrian Presi­dent Hafez al Assad nor Hashemi-Rafsanjani were indulging in the kind of diatribe used by Saddah Hussein. Oh, you read something different in U.S. News and World Report--well, you'll also find that the top people at that publication are listed members of the Trilateral Commission, etc., etc., etc.

    No less important, it paved the way for the next major U.S. offensive in the Middle East, together with the Soviet Union: the imposition of an Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces-type treaty over the entire region, ef­fective over both Arab and Israeli missiles--except Israel doesn't care for this particular solution. So be it.


    A direct result of this campaign has been Washington's ability to throw all caution to the wind in underlining the need for good relations with the terrorist states of Iran and Syria. The environment had been created, and a gesture was just what was needed; the release of Polhill was that gesture. Prior to it, Bush had sent a personal message to Hafez al Assad on the 44th anniversary of Syrian independence, in which Bush praised Assad's "personal efforts to eliminate the danger of international terrorism."

    Following Polhill's release, Bush's tone became even warmer. This was no surprise to Syria: Since the beginning of the year, it had hosted former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, former President Jimmy Carter, and U.S. Senate minority leader Robert Dole, keeping them informed of Damascus's role in the secret negotiations. Vance 's visit had been used to test the possibility of direct negotiations between Syria and Israel, on Syria's terms. This could only be welcomed in Washington, which is all too eager to establish a good working relationship with Damascus, if only as an efficient means of control over Israel. Enough already.

    I do find it even more interesting that the former head of the CIA would complain about intelligence information regarding the China incident and other quarters when he sits in the original stage briefings. I get good information from secret intelligence and I use the same sources he does. Oh well--now do you get my point? You people buy it all and therefore they will continue to sell it to you until you put a stop to the buying!

    Now let's get back to work. The Network Conspiracy.


    Ideas and dreams about a promised New World Order proliferated rapidly after the Rhodes plan had been set in motion.

    With American Rhodes Scholarship students arriving at Oxford University, the operations of the Round Table groups were extended to the U.S., giving rise to a movement for the reunification of Britain and America called "Union Now", which caught the fancy of many powerful and influential Americans, including Andrew Carnegie. For these men, too, the Ruskin gospel gave coherence, moral justification and social significance to lives otherwise concerned only with a sordid scramble for wealth. One of the most prominent hot-gospellers of the Ruskin "ethic" in the United States was Clarence Streit, who worked in the closest cooperation with the Rhodes Trust.

    At the end of the war of 1914, it became clear that the organization of this system (the Round Table group) had to be greatly extended. Once again the task was entrusted to Lionel Curtis who established in England and each dominion a front organization to the existing Round Table group. This front organization, called the Royal Institute of International Affairs, had as its nu­cleus in each area the existing submerged Round Table group. In New York it was known as the Council on Foreign Relations.

    The new organizations which largely replaced the Round Table groups had a double purpose. They served as a brain trust or intellectual power-house dedicated to the main purpose of promoting the one-world ideal. Having direct links with the top echelons of business, including the banks, with governments and political parties and with the universities, these bodies also served as informal employment agencies whose task it was to plant suitably indoctrinated Rhodes scholars in positions where they could be expected to exert the maximum of influence in promoting the shared vision of a one-world heaven upon Earth.

    The Council on Foreign Relations has played so important a part in shaping American policy, both internal and external, that it could once, without exaggeration, be described as America's invisible government. In the 38 years before 1972 every Secretary of State except three had been a member of the CFR. Henry Kissinger, President Richard Nixon's Chief Security Adviser and later Secretary of State, came to the job from the staff of the CFR.

    Much has been written about the CFR but nearly all of it is described as "underground literature"; that is, writings such as these not to be found in Establishment publications or on the counters of Establishment book distributors. I guess it must be understandable as to why not. They could afford to stand up to a small extent for a Salmon Rushdie and SATANIC VERSES because it was the political thing to do and the confounded book didn't say a thing about hardly anything. But lots takes place in advance of keeping such publications as these Journals off the shelves--distractors, distractors.

    Although the formal membership in the CFR is composed of close to 1,500 of the most elite names in the worlds of government, labor, business, finance, communications, the foundations and the academy, despite the fact that it has staffed almost every key position in every administration since those of FDR, it is doubtful that one American in a thousand so much as recognizes the Council's name and that is being gracious indeed.

    As was only to be expected, a large proportion of the CFR nominees placed in key positions in successive American administrations were Rhodes Scholars.

    In America, whence flowed powerful influences affecting political developments all around the world, the CFR hatched out a number of subsidiary organizations, one of the most important of these being the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) which, as its name implies, was concerned mainly with developments in the Far East, including China. There are at least 13 other organizations in which the CFR exerted a preponderant influence, including the American Committee on Africa.

    It would require a massive volume to record the worldwide ramifications of the network of powerful organizations which has grown out of the yearnings of Ruskin the dreamer and Rhodes the man of action, beginning with the secret society and the Rhodes Scholarship trust and Milner's Round Table groups of "helpers". I won't send forth massive volumes for I get constant complaints that the average 200 pages in these Journals is too much!


    It could only be expected that with the shift of the center of gravity of high finance from London to New York and the proliferation of agencies of the Council on Foreign Relations, the real control of the network also moved to America.

    What has been told so far however, is only less than half, and the less important portion as well, of the story of the Anglo-American network which has exerted so powerful an influence on global politics and is still hell bent on submerging all existing national regimes in a world government.

    As you must now realize, there had been a radical transformation of the Anglo, a change at the apex of control, a change of ownership-and a most important change of purpose and intention.

    Changes of this kind belong to a much-neglected field of human knowledge and inquiry--the operations of power in human terms.

    In your universities you can learn about other forms of power--electric, hydraulic, mechanical, even nuclear--but there is no science which makes it possible for you to determine precisely who makes the real decisions of any given situation; in other words, how and by whom power is exercised. And if there is one place you can be sure you shall never get the knowledge and skill you seek, it is in political science (totally mutually exclusive terms at best) textbooks.

    Knowledge in this area is a sort of wizardry passed on from father to son and confined to the inner coterie of those who "make things happen". The Eastern Establishment which formed the American end of the Anglo-Ameri­can network was completely dominated by J.P. Morgan and Co. from the 1880s to the 1930s, and it was Anglophile, internationalist, Ivy League, Eastern seaboard high Episcopalian and European-culture-conscious. As late as the 1930s J.P. Morgan and his associates were the most significant figures in policymaking at Harvard, Columbia and to a lesser extent Yale, while the Whitneys were significant at Yale, and the Prudential Insurance Co., through Edward D. Duffield, dominated Princeton.

    The decline of J.P. Morgan itself from its deeply anonymous status as a partnership founded in 1861 to its transformation into an incorporated public company in 1940 and its final disappearance by absorption into its chief banking subsidiary, the Guaranty Trust Co., in 1959. But the name still is tossed about as if it bore not these other labels.

    The less obvious implications of this shift were illustrated in a story which passed through Ivy League circles in 1948 in connection with the choice of a new president for Columbia University. This, of all the universities, had been the one closest to J.P. Morgan and Co., and its President, Nicholas Murray Butler, was Morgan's chief spokesman from the ivied halls.

    He had been chosen under Morgan's influence, but the events of 1930-48 which so weakened Morgan in the economic system also weakened his influence on the board of trustees of Columbia until it became evident that Morgan did not have the votes to elect a successor.

    A happening of enormous historical importance had occurred: the overthrow of a moneyed power elite which as "high Episcopalian" and others have described it as "WASP" (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant). When the WASPs lost top-dog position in Wall Street, they naturally also lost the power to decide who should head the leading educational institutions like Columbia University.


    Thus one "money and intellect alliance" was subtly replaced by another. And the fact that such an alliance of money and intellect behaves in much the same way regardless of who controls it at the top made the change even more difficult to detect.

    "Ruthless cynicism" as to methods was as much a characteristic of the network before the change of ownership and control as afterward; Rhodes and Milner, no less than the faceless ones who have controlled the network since then, recognized in Marxist socialism a means of concentrating in their hands control of financial and political power aimed at the setting up of a "New World Order" which they could also control.

    In the short term there is evidently not much difference between one set of totalitarian power seekers and another, but with the passage of time the results produced can be strikingly different.

    The highly dramatic but unreported happenings of those days may well have been in mind when it was suggested that people can be divided into three classes: a tiny minority who make things happen, a slightly larger group who watch things happen, and the great majority of mankind who haven't the faintest idea what happened.

    If you still do not have the detailed story of what happened about the time when Morgan found that he no longer had the power to nominate Columbia University s President, at least there is no secret about the results that have flowed from those occult happenings. The facts are everywhere to be seen in the U.S. and have been set down and well documented. Furthermore, no one can even pretend any longer that the masters of America are the WASPs.

    No historical research is more dangerous today than that which has to do with efforts to ascertain how, and by whom, power is exercised at the very highest levels. Any historian or writer who ventures into this field of inquiry is quickly made to understand that he does so at his peril and usually his demise.

    Those who insist on knowing truth and cannot be frightened off are bound to discover that there came into existence inside America's Eastern or Wall Street Establishment two mutually antagonistic power vortices.

    You can learn a lot from Henry Ford from the 1930s. He had to divide financiers into two classes, those who profited from war and used their influence to bring about war for profit, and the "constructive" financiers. Among the latter group he included the House of Morgan. It was further suggested that instead of the 60 families touted as directing the destinies of the nation, it might well be only 25 persons who handle the nation's finances; if so,the world's real warmakers would be brought into bold relief.

    The historical picture of those times might appear hard to read because both brands of finance capitalism were playing the same game and were using much the same methods--but it is but little changed--appearance and deceit are the name of the game. Both had instantly recognized in Marxist socialism a useful instrument for the expansion, consolidation and concentration of great financial power and its translation into political power. Both had helped to finance the Bolshevik Revolution and were involved in the financing of successive Soviet five-year plans.

    Inevitably, too, there was a good deal of overlapping of interests and even cooperation. Indeed, the battle line existed only in the minds of ad hoc segments of the two elites.

    However, the difference between the two power vortices was important enough to guarantee that Henry Ford would hate the one and love the other--even to love one he had formerly hated, but isn't that the way it usually goes?

    Let us consider the references at that time to the "anti-Semitism" of Henry Ford and of J.P. Morgan which strongly supports the contention that Ford came out in open support of the House of Morgan when he realized that Morgan represented the last stronghold of opposition to an international cosmopolitan finance which threatened to engulf America's own essentially WASP finance capitalism.

    Ah bigotry--what happens to anti-Semitism if Jews are not really Semites after all? Who is the real joke on? This is clearly the case with the Zionists and it must profoundly affect both the way that others look at Jews, and the way Jews look at themselves. Well, we will simply have to delay until another Journal an in-depth look at the Zionists. They are of the utmost importance (refer to the Protocols) but we must restrict fragmenting at this time.

    The New World Order in its original wrappings is still being peddled in the U.S. There is still some mileage in the "English idea" mystique. It still offers to those who can find salvation nowhere else that last "hope", poor dears.


    As was only to be expected, changes within the American Eastern Es­tablishment were accompanied by corresponding changes in the English power Establishment on the other side of the Atlantic.

    In the period 1939-40 the inheritors of the Rhodes-Milner apparatus fought their last great battle for control in British politics.

    Hitherto, the main influence had flowed from its original source westward; from now on the flow was in the reverse direction, and you need have no doubt that strong Eastern Establishment influence had a lot to do with bringing about the split.

    The British political scenario of the 1930s began with an English Establishment firmly united in opposition to war with Germany, if for slightly differing reasons.

    A split between the two main groups occurred in 1939-40, with the three-block people like Amery, Lord Halifax and Lord Lothian becoming increasingly anti-German, while the anti-Bolshevik crowd like Chamberlain, Horace Wilson and John Simon tried to adopt a policy based on a declared but unfought war against Germany and an undeclared but fighting war against the Soviet Union.

    Two radically different "worldviews", two radically different global ambitions, were involved:

    1. The original "English idea" in which a place was to be found for the Englishman's traditional cousin, the German; and

    2. An ambition which had taken root in the minds of Wall Street's new, cosmopolitan masters, partly fulfilled with the Bolshevik Revolution, which now most urgently required the destruction of a resurgent Germany.

    In the smoke and smother of propaganda and controversy then prevailing, few would have been able to get a clear view of the forces and issues involved.

    You can now see that there were two factors in the unfastening of the cohesion of an English Establishment which had so long dominated British politics and had formed the British end of the Anglo-American network. One of these was disillusionment about Adolf Hitler s actions and aims; Hitler, they felt, had made their situation impossible. The other factor was the in­creasing anti-German pressure from centers of Jewish high finance (Zionists) in Britain.

    The Rhodes-Milner set, later to be disparagingly labeled the "Cliveden set" (after the name of the mold of Lord and Lady Astor), fought at the political barricades and was decisively defeated. Silenced, too, was the voice of their principal public spokesman, Geoffrey Dawson, editor of the Times.

    It can be taken for granted that the Cliveden set were the English counterpart of that "high Episcopalian, European culture-conscious Ford-Morgan faction on the other side of the Atlantic', who firmly believed that a strong Germany was needed for the salvation of Europe and the fulfillment of the Rhodes-Ruskin vision of a new world order.


    With the overthrow of those who still adhered to the original "English idea", there would be no one willing or able to prevent the liquidation of the British empire, that empire which was to have been the foundation for the dreamed-of heaven upon Earth.

    What passed unnoticed and without comment in those days can now be seen more clearly in retrospect: The British empire was replaced by the Soviet Union as model and blueprint for the planned world government.

    (Note: The remainder of this chapter was lost to a computer "malfunction" and is continued in the following chapter.)



    FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1990 4:20 P.M. YEAR 3 DAY 289
    I am here. Let us begin please. I Am Sananda and I come in the Light which I Am.

    You as a people, as a nation (America) are observing the Master Deceiver in full form...always the front which is put on is picture perfect yet beneath the surface lies the dark evil, lurking in wait. You as the American public have become so trusting that you literally allow the elected ones and the lawyers to manipulate and distort the very principles on which the Constitution was founded. Doesn't this concern you? And why do you suppose it is that so much of these Journals are a total surprise to you? If there was not the effort to hide and bury this information, wouldn't you have a better idea of what is in store for you as a people? You ones do not get the news, you do not get the news...rather you get watered down oatmeal, with an occasional human interest story thrown in. Even the ones who you might perceive as being the "good guys" have themselves been caught in the web which is ever present around ones of any potential threat to the Controllers.

    Do you think all this talk of Conspiracy and Controllers and Puppet Masters is merely a severely paranoid mind ranting? Have you thought that somehow America was exempt from great hardship or manipulation by wealthy ones of evil intent? You have grown complacent and fat, and you sit and wait for another to do that which you must do. For if you do not, it will be lost, and then the wailing will begin in earnest...but too late. Hatonn, my brother, has brought you information by the bushel-full that may all be checked out to your satisfaction. Do you do so? Would you rather throw stones? If you choose not to check out this information as valid or, for that matter, choose not to read of it at all, then how may you arrive at an informed opinion? If the mat­ters do not concern you, for surely they will affect every aspect of your life, why is it that they don't concern you? Are you so addicted to material goods, entertainment, drugs, sex, that matters of great importance pass like the wind before you without so much as a second glance?

    I come with a host to help...yet I pity thee, thou misguided man...journey back to your source before it is too late, journey back. Regain your value system, for the values before thee, man, are as naught. Why does man not examine himself, his plight? Man may strike for 2 months for a 50 cent raise in pay, but ask him to consider his source of being and there "isn't time". Man is lucky indeed that God is All Patient and All Love, yet I tell thee truly, His patience is at its end and man will feel the effects. Come back unto the Father. Ask for guidance and light and help...it is right in front of you but you must reach out thy hand and take hold of it, for none may do it for another.

    Think on these things, beloved ones. Blessings pour forth to help bring the children of God home.

    In the Light of The Father
    which I Am
    PJ 15
    CHAPTER 18


    MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1990 9:27 P.M. YEAR 3 DAY 292

    Hatonn in radiance for explanation. Never persist at the computer when untoward things begin to happen; in fact, Dharma, you get out of the room immediately as the energy thrusts are intended for you.

    For the readers: The computer dissolved and lost forever over two hours of work dealing with the Zionist Factor. This is not an accident and although highly annoying, it is a good warning to bring you to attention. You will further note that it took a great deal of time to reorganize the computer this morning and with interruption of power it resumed its errors. If we have further difficulty this morning we shall have to change computers for this is, obviously, the most important portion of the description of the NEW World Order as is now controlled by the Zionist "Jews"; I hesitate to even utilize the label "Jew" to these bastards of the race who have even deceived the Jewish people and will pull them down into destruction first.

    It returns to the only method of countering this evil shroud: bring truth and see if mankind can hear! Again, I must remind you that first we deal with America for that is the last bastion of Constitutional Freedom. You will note that all new East Bloc nations who are setting up some type of democratic Constitution are being given the New Constitution which leads directly to dic­tatorship. As America goes, precious ones, so goes the world. Truth of information in this manner, raising as a unified call, is all that can turn it about. I give you blessings in your mission.

    We will take up with the remainder of the short discussion on the USSR--new `model'. I am sorry, Dharma, for I know how physically difficult it was to push yourself for over eight hours yesterday, but it must be repeated for it is far too urgent and important toward understanding of this New World Order. I have a good memory and with persistence we can finish our portion today or to­morrow and we will be almost a week ahead. You shall be given the stamina to sit with it, chela, and I shall be more attentive for I should have expected that maneuver; therefore, I apologize to you.


    I was speaking of seeing more clearly in retrospect that the Soviet Union replaced the British empire as model and blueprint for the planned world government.

    At this point in history the Rhodes Scholarship Trust and those other organizations set up by Rhodes and his disciples, like the Royal Institute of International Affairs and the United Kingdom Carnegie Trust, might have been expected to go into voluntary liquidation, since it was obviously no longer possible to give effect to the purposes for which they had been founded and funded.

    But, as you know, they were not liquidated: They were taken over lock, stock and barrel, along with all their accumulated "goodwill", their image of Establishmentarian respectability, their history, idealism and mystique--and, of course, their funds.

    It was, after all, the image of an Anglo-American network, burning with zeal to promote the "English idea", which had proved so attractive in the United States, winning for the American Council on Foreign Relations broad support among men of wealth and influence who relished the idea of being identified with the English upper classes in a fellowship which helped to sanctify their personal ambitions.

    If the network is still very much in existence and if the American end of it is no longer controlled by an "Anglophile, high Episcopalian American Eastern Establishment"--then by whom is it now controlled?


    What you must know is that the operations of the network, now as before, are characterized by a continuity of purpose and an inner discipline which cannot be attributed to chance. On the contrary, they presuppose an energizing and unifying principle at the center of things just as potent, if not more so, as the Anglo-Saxon imperialism of Rhodes and Milner. As fact, you have never dealt with more ruthless and cruel beings on the face of your planet.

    You also must realize that what happened to other authors and writers who have exposed the Zionists is only a minor episode in a campaign of mind control unprecedented in the history of English-speaking peoples. I shall deal with this in a later Journal for you all have been brainwashed beyond all recognition.

    The history of your twentieth-century as recorded in your textbooks and journals is all but totally inaccurate. Through foundations controlled by the elite, research by compliant and spineless academics, conservatives as well as liberals, has been directed into channels useful for the objectives of the elite essentially to maintain this subversive and un-Constitutional power apparatus. Even your astronomers and astro-physics doctors have bent to the lie--"for the security and good of the human species"--and for good stiff bribes and self/family security. The professors in academia settings are as corrupt, or more so, than the instigators for they have mostly become the instigators. How many journal publications are made for ego and professorship advance­ment'? Well, if you have worked within that system you will know--almost all. The universities, colleges, legal schools, medical schools and attached hospi­tals, etc., are the most political organizations in your lands--inclusive of the government!

    Knowledge of the existence of this global system of mind control is the first requirement for an accurate interpretation of contemporary history. "No-enter" areas have been established in the realm of inquiry and debate, with penalties for any kind of trespass. By far the most important of these "no-enter" areas, therefore most stringently guarded, is that which has to do with the organizational structure, operations and ambitions of modern Zionism, whose nexus with the highest concentrations of financial power is obvious.

    Even Quigley, who wrote the most extensive volume of the history of the world in your time, with references to Zionism so scanty that the word "Zionism" does not even qualify for inclusion in some 36 pages of index. Dharma is not so lucky--I shall refer to it frequently from here on in for this is the Anti-Christ segment you of Earth have been anticipating and by the time we are finished you will even know the leader thereof.

    By the way, they are again rewriting the Holy Bibles as you recognize them--new commandments to include all the vile activities and irresponsibilities touted in the Satanic Bible. The leaders of your "churches" have unity meetings and conferences and draw up the new set of rules--all of which are against the laws of God and The Creation, and you gobble them up like candy and call them "religion for the modern times". You cannot know what you are doing! They have been phasing out the truth of your Holy Books since the laws were first handed down by God and it amazes me that ones cannot seem to see of it. It is the brainwashing in mass, chelas, and you will either come into understanding or you will move into the entrapment without recourse.

    Barricades of intimidation have been set up in the realm of public opinion, humming and crackling with danger like electrified fences, all designed to dis­courage "outsiders" from trying to find out what is "being made to happen" and by whom.

    All these devices of misinformation and suppression, however, only tend to strengthen the hypothesis that, at the highest levels of power in the Eastern Establishment, hence also of the network, it is a Zionist imperialism that has replaced an Anglo-Saxon imperialism and a "Zionist idea" which has supplanted the "English idea" of Ruskin, Rhodes and Milner as the lodestar of those who seek to set up a new world order and to create their own brand of "heaven here upon Earth"--well, it won't be heaven for you ones, dear hearts. YOU ARE MARKED AS EXPENDABLE, EXCEPT THE VERY FEW WHO CAN SERVE BEST AS PUPPETS AND CONTINUE THE FLOW OF WEALTH. THIS IS WHY THE INTENT TO REMOVE THE ONES WHICH ARE CONSIDERED NON-PRODUCERS--THE INFIRM, EL­DERLY, NEWBORNS, ADDICTS, WELFARE RECIPIENTS, ETC.

    You ask, "What about all the AIDS babes in Romania?" They were set up to make sure the families of the babes were infected and thereby the population could be brought under control; only the babies considered genetically superior would be salvaged. If you are setting up a "superior" species you have to "kiss a lot of frogs", as in finding the prince. Heinous? Of course, you are dealing with evil and heinous beings. Then what went wrong? The leaders got out of control within their own ego structures and were simply "taken out" in the next step of the plan.

    As a great river can lose itself as a mere tributary to a greater one, so has the Rhodes-Ruskin global ambition or ideal flowed into, and been wholly absorbed by, another, of eastern European provenance and almost as old as history, the remnant multitudes of the Khazars, that mighty power that converted to Judaism in the Dark Ages, and whose subsequent exodus gave birth to the mainstream of the Jewish peoples as they now exist. The Jewish people must now stop and take stock of that which has happened to them, for it will change the way in which the Jews look at themselves and also the way the world looks at the Jews.

    I petition you to go back to the prior Journal and reread the PROTOCOLS. I will later give you a repeat of that along with history regarding these peoples but you need that information critically, as you study this crisis with your Constitution. All are interlinked completely.

    Winston Churchill seldom said anything of truth or honesty, in fact, but he did make one statement in 1922 worth repeating for you, "This worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality has been steadily growing...There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all oth­ers...The majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover the principal inspiration and driving power comes from Jewish leaders."

    I think you might be able to understand at this point, why he would feel this pressure--because the British idea was dead and being taken over by the Jews. Believe me, chelas, England and holders of the World Order ideal, including America, wanted to get rid of the Jews a lot worse than Adolf Hitler ever dreamt of. The plan backfired is all that actually went wrong--the Zionists were able to turn the scenario of the "death" camps into their prime brainwashing tool. Are you not beginning to see it as we unfold it in logic and reason?

    Hatonn anti-Semitic? Please, chelas, I was a Jew. My commander was born a Jew and the Zionists tried to destroy Him--keep within your balance and focus on the point--which is the intent to destroy your Constitutional FREEDOM!

    You may be positive that nothing has changed since Churchill wrote that passage, except that it has become increasingly dangerous for any political leader or other public figure to speak and write frankly about revolutionary movements and their instigators. As a former British prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli, put it: "No one must lightly dismiss the question of race. It is the key to world history, and it is precisely for this reason that written history so often lacks clarity--it is written by people who do not understand the race question and what belongs to it."

    You must see that this fits as a hand in a fitted glove with the prophecies of the ancient prophets. If you cannot fit the pieces into the whole then I suggest you return to read Revelations and other pronouncements given to the Jewish people for the ending cycles at the return of the Messiah. I shall leave it to you for the moment.

    Western historiography, therefore, makes no sense unless it takes fully into account the fact that the Jews are passionately race-conscious. The nation of Israel is more passionately race-conscious. It is a nation with interests and purposes fundamentally antagonistic to those of ALL OTHER NATIONS. Future generations will contemplate with amazement the way in which the peoples of the West were dispossessed of power during the 20th century.

    Will we lose the Jewish element from our work? I would certainly hope not--why would you think the Jewish people would know this truth any more than any of you other people? Myriads of Jews will fall first into the entrapment for the Zionists will first clean out their own stolen nest. The Jews most deadly enemies of all history are the Zionist false Jews.

    Well, what happened to Capitalism in all this subtle take-over? Let us look at it in what has been referred to as 'The three stages of Capitalism".


    It is the third stage which is most critical. The third stage of capitalism and its ramifications and influences is of such overwhelming significance in the history of the 20th century, that we must take time to touch on it herein.

    We shall "KISS"!:

    * What you call your modern civilization is now little more than a gigantic manufacturing and marketing mechanism--a product of the tools made available by science.

    * The control mechanism for all this activity is money.

    * In the second stage of capitalism, which prevailed until quite early in this century, the owners of business enterprises, most prominently represented by names such as Rockefeller, Carnegie, Krupp, Ford, Astor, Morris, etc., were also the owners of the money associated with the conduct of their activities; the banking was also theirs.

    * In the third stage the capitalism of the pioneer owners of the business enterprises is surpassed and superseded by the capitalism of those who are exclusively dealers in money; the profits to be made from dealing in money begin greatly to exceed the profits to be made by producing and distributing goods.

    * What came into existence, unplanned by anyone, an inexorable con­sequence of conditions created by the most energetic and enterprising people in the West, was a golden age for the Jews, who had for many centuries confined themselves almost exclusively to monetary transactions--in this way avoiding assimilation by the host peoples among whom they dwelt.

    * This is the power which now seeks national fulfillment in the dissolution of all other nationalities and the setting up of a world government wholly under its control.


    Capitalism in its "third stage", however, is only one of two major factors in the modern world government ambition. The other is the factor of intellect--what goes on in the minds of those who must be relied on to carry out the plans and purposes of those who have the money.

    It can thus be said that the great changes which have occurred in the 20th century--having begun much earlier--are the product of an alliance of money and intellect; for it is only with the compliance and cooperation of an educated class that money can be transmuted into power.

    Therefore, what has been going on in the minds of the peoples of the West during this century has contributed just as much to the power of those who rule as possession and control of most of the money. This is not a situation that anyone can claim to have planned. It was something which just happened, one of the wholly unavoidable consequences of the revolution in technics which changed almost everything in the West.

    Political disablement in the West can be considered under the next three categories:

    1. The new technics drew into its service many of the most gifted minds, offering them creative outlets which monopolized their energies and attention. In other words, the best minds were drawn away from the study and contemplation of political affairs, leaving the field wide open for inferior minds.


    3. The triumph of new technics resulted in a gross overvaluation of pure reason, with a corresponding undervaluation of feeling and instinct as a source of guidance in human affairs. Plus, to fit the need for total control, the rules of life are changed to suit the whims and desires of the populace while denouncing the laws of God to a category of "old fashioned and outgrown".


    You continually petition me with this question over and over: "What are the prospects for us?" Well, it remains a fact that what has already happened is more easily described than what is still in the process of happening--because what is happening is the product of countless influences and forces which are continuously changing, some under human control and others not.

    However, by identifying the powers and influences at work up to the present moment, you have a better chance of understanding changes in the total situation as they occur.

    We have had a century in which virtually all great power has been exercised through the instrumentality of an alliance of money (pure finance capitalism) and intellect (rootless, disoriented intellect). This alliance of money and intellect has, since shortly before the commencement of your World War II, been almost entirely under the ultimate direction and control of a Jewish na­tionalism, better known as Zionism.

    It is this triple alliance which has given the world an age of conflict and suffering without any precedent in recorded history, as it sought to undermine and smother every manifestation of national self-determination except its own Zionism.

    As you approach the end of the 20th century, you can see that two of the components of this alliance have begun to undergo an important process of change which could profoundly affect the progress of the world government ambition.

    The change in the realm of money consists of a shift of the center of gravity of industrial production, therefore of all real wealth production, from the West, where it had its origin in the Industrial Revolution, the Pacific area, southern Americas and now into the Eastern Bloc nations of Europe. The U.S., for long the world's leader in industry and finance, is now a major debtor nation. Tokyo is replacing New York as the financial capital of the world. But the British influences still invest the most money into the business of the United States, i.e., Great Britain, Canada, Australia--then Holland and Japan. On the other hand the amount of money flowing out in the other direction is right at the top: Israel in all manner of obvious and hidden manners.

    Simultaneous with this resurgence in the East, you see social and political disintegration in the West, some of it the price to be paid for a century and a half of imperialism and colonialism but most of it the result of a deliberate campaign of cultural undermining and poisoning conducted at great profit by the world's would-be new masters, the Zionists.

    By all the present signs, the West could quite soon cease to be the stronghold of wealth and influence from which it has been possible for the greater part of this century to conduct a one-world imperialism.

    Equally important and wholly unpredicted was the change which has occurred in the realm of the intellect, that second component of the triple alliance which has given us the kind of world in which we now live. Simultaneously all over the world, on both sides of the so-called Iron and Bamboo curtains, the educated classes find it impossible any longer to believe in socialism as a personal faith and program of world improvement.

    You see in the Soviet Union, in Red China and in nearly all of the communist countries what a transformation occurs when an entire leadership class, leaders, bureaucrats, police, army and all, suddenly cease to believe in what they are doing.

    A great idea, which at the turn of the century was loudly acclaimed by the educated as "the wave of the future", can now be seen on all sides as "the wave of the past".

    Socialism, which was to have been the political and economic blueprint for all mankind, could not be made to work, being out of register with the imponderable realities of human nature. Even in the "capitalist" West, where applied by parliamentary means, as in Britain, its works have had to be dismantled. All the educated classes are left with now is a vague one-world Universalist idealism, unsupported by any ideas about how this could possibly be achieved--except by the planners and conspirators themselves. It is now a necessity to hit the public while it is in gross confusion and rewrite the Constitution of Freedom out and bring in a new one which creates a dictatorship while it can still hide 'neath the shroud of "democracy". And there you sit today!

    As a widespread rejection of Christian orthodoxy created a vacuum in the western mind which socialism was quickly able to fill, so now the untenability of socialism has created another vacuum just waiting to be filled. You have not had to wait long to find out how the operation will be attempted--the new "religion substitute' will be the "Greenpeace" and internationalist, Universalist creed and movement supposedly designed to rescue the world's environment while the conspirators pull off their plan with your massive assistance.

    The seemingly boundless quantities of money suddenly made available for this movement and the enormous sympathetic media exposure given to its activities around the world should have warned you immediately. What is evidently intended is to set up innumerable "Green" parties, or establish a strong internationalist and Universalist factor in all the existing "Socialist", "Democratic" and "Labor" parties.

    The world government ambition, of which so much has been said and written and which is now even mentioned in Congress, is perhaps better understood as something you have had for a long time, rather than as something that could be imposed on you in the future, something to be avoided if possible.

    What has made it harder to recognize as world government is the fact that its role has been almost exclusively destructive; and you are not inclined to regard destructiveness as a form of government.

    Some have simply preferred to call it the 20th-century world revolution. Well, it is a "network' and has given you some account of its secret and subterranean nature.

    Whatever it is and whatever you care to call it, this 20th-century imperialism, which has swallowed up and succeeded all the separate national imperialisms of the 19th century and earlier, has exhibited a marvellous continuity of purpose.

    One of the most conspicuous features of this world government, or whatever you care to call it, is its obvious inability to create or set up anything that works. The USSR, which was to have set an example to the world, is now threatened with disintegration as all of its Captive Nations begin to struggle for freedom and self-determination. But they will turn to the guide which they "thought" held the secret of freedom and will end up mired even deeper into the trap.

    Only the massive flow of aid, both in money and trained personnel, now prevents scores of new states of the Third World from collapsing into total anarchy and famine--some are already lost in spite (or with intent) of the help--whichever is appropriate. Hundreds of billions of baseless dollars, pounds, etc., in loans have had to be written off, with no possibility of any improvement in any of these countries in sight. But that, too, was a part of the plan of the bankers to control the world. As the loans default the countries lose all the resources put up as collateral and the cycle is never-ending. How much longer can this continue? It is a sham as it is so it will be shored up as long as possible or until it fits the plan to dump it! You have one thing in your favor, timewise--the two factions seeking total control are not ready to have a treaty just yet. Unfortunately, anything so top heavy as your world economy, etc., will surely fall ultimately--the hope, of course, is to get your Constitution rewritten and ratified and then you can be brought into total control of the "system".


    For this worldwide conspiracy, the greatest single aggrandizement of power came with the dispossession of the American "majority", descendants of the people who with their energy, enterprise and intelligence raised America to the status of the wealthiest and most powerful nation in history.

    Those in the world who wish to understand what the concept of world government means only need to know what has happened to the United States of America--who finances the politics, who controls the mass media, who dominates the institutions of higher education, the book trade and so on.

    Of almost equal importance was the overthrow, dispossession and virtual genocide of the traditional ruling class in czarist Russia. There, however, a huge power-political thaw seems to have somewhat set in; and the situation in the Soviet Union today is very different from what was confidently expected by those western bankers who financed the Bolshevik Revolution.

    Vanished forever is the dream of the Soviet Union as the working model for a "world workers' socialist republic". The Soviet Union may cease quite soon to be "a riddle, wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma".

    Russian emigres with lines of communications into Moscow, Leningrad and other centers of power are convinced that it is Russian hands which now rest on the levers of power in the Kremlin and Russians who now control a much-altered KGB. It would be hard otherwise to explain the vastly increased freedom of published expression and of public protest in the Soviet Union.

    Indeed, there is undoubtedly more freedom of expression in the Soviet Union today than in most western countries, especially the United States, where an invisible and arcane censorship is just as effective as any ever imposed by the KGB and its predecessors.
    Altogether unpredicted, too, is another development of rapidly increasing significance: a resurgence of the religion of Islam, the faith of an estimated 1 billion people who, headed by fanatics, are seeking black power and have chosen this as the route.

    Any influence which the Islamic faithful can exert in world power politics is greatly enhanced, even compounded, by the way in which Moslems are distributed around the world, including nearly all the countries of the West and the Soviet Union. Britain alone is said to have close to 2 million Moslems, organized in communities around some 2,000 mosques. They are not going to be happy to abandon Dome of the Rock, I can promise you--so keep your eye on the prize!

    It is reasonable to suppose that Israel's agonizing problem in Palestine would have been snuffed out long ago were it not for the fear of an immediate chain reaction of grave consequences in many other places. A fundamentalist Islam in Iran has demonstrated as never before in this century the potential power of religion as a means of marshaling popular political resistance even if "religion" were not the basis of the activities in intent.
    The question is often asked, "How and why it has been possible for people in the West to be so unresponsive to repeated warnings about a world government conspiracy which would plunge the entire world into another prolonged dark age?

    One part of your answer is that you may be sure that all the peoples of the West have been caught up in an unprecedented prodigality of production and wealth creation made possible by modern science and technology--opening up new possibilities for the exploitation of human nature's inherent defects.

    Another and much deeper part of the explanation may perhaps be drawn out of a timeless Shakespearean quotation: "By an instinct divine, men's minds mistrust ensuing danger."

    In other words, you are required to learn through experience, because experience is the turmoil, sometimes even the chaos out of which all real innovation and progress are born. And it has evidently needed the most painful experience to convince millions of the educated that intellect, with its powers of reason, is of strictly limited utility in the life process for it can be so deceived.

    You can witness in the Soviet Union today, more clearly than in your own circumstance, what learning through experience can achieve and what happens when an affronted instinct FIGHTS BACK! It is time you paid very careful attention.

    Let's look very briefly at a form of resistance which could produce some highly dramatic effects in the next few years: namely historical revisionism.

    Remember: Who controls the present controls the past; who controls the past controls the future"--meaning that you cannot understand what is happening now and you have no control of what happens in the future unless you understand that which happened in the past. I didn't say go dwell in the past--I said UNDERSTAND it.

    It only needs the demolition of one or two of the 20th century's most elaborately contrived and most vigorously promoted lies--the "holocaust" lie, for example--to shade the foundations of that third component of the triple alliance which has given the world an age of conflict and suffering unprecedented in recorded history.

    Will you do something about it? It is up to you in its fullness but I would think you of the masses have been people of the lie quite sufficiently long. None­-the-less, it is only for me to point out the path--it is for you to walk of it. Saalome!

    Let us close this portion for respite. Thank you for your service, chela. We will continue with a discussion, brief I hope, on the plan for the "Newstates" for it is important to understand the plan is for the U.S. to be placed into ten segments instead of your 50! So be it.


    Hatonn to clear.


    WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1990 5:55 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 294
    Let us begin please. I Am Sananda, I come in Light. I come of the Father unto thee, a trouble people.

    This shall be my final portion for the current Journal. Placement of all portions thus far, with the exception of the Eqilogue, I will place into your hands, the editors.

    It is time, it is time to get busy and take constructive measures to insure a turn around. It can be done! Man does not like to be the fool, and once he knows, man will usually make it right. Well the time has come to make it right.

    Most all feel powerless, insignificant, unable to effect change...and perhaps as individual fragmented energies it is indeed a massive task. That is why there must be a concerted effort, for if many individuals act you have a collective. Remember that the hosts of heaven have come with me, in part, to insure that this free land not fall. You must take action and it must be sure and swift. Always, when working to effect change, ask for God's light to shield you...so, too, ask for guidance. But each must remember that we may not interfere unless invited. We may not intercede on anyone's behalf unless we are asked...do not be afraid to ask for help for your help has arrived. Always ask in the light of your God source, and you shall be fine. You shall be fine, that is, if there is not a Constitutional Convention. You have the tools before you, use them. It is not too late.

    I Am Jesus Immanuel Sananda, returned with a host, in the service to the One Father, who hears and knows all that goes on on your placement. You are not alone, neither are you the only planet going through this type of change. For each inhabited planet must, from time to time, be cleansed, and each must move slowly upward through the dimensional evolution, ever closer unto Creator. You ones must come back into harmony. Yet war is what occupies the mind of man, and as a man thinks so it manifests. Be careful what you think, all comes home to roost with thee.

    We are here; ask us in, ask for guidance. Do not err by thinking the Master Deceiver, the Fallen One and his dark brotherhood, do not exist...they exist! Be sure to ever shield yourself in the light of God and so ask and it shall be done. If you feel "attacked", overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, demand in the name of Jesus Christ Sananda and/or the light of God, that all dark energies remove themselves from your space at once and then call in the light around you and it shall be done in that instant! And, you know what? You will feel it...try it.

    The time is upon you to think of the importance of freedom for the gradual eroding seems insignificant until thy very foundation is laid bare. God has given you what you need, it's up to you to respond. It is your lives at the bargaining table.

    Blessings of the Father Pour over the land
    I Am Sananda

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