PJ 45


FRI., FEBRUARY 28, 1992 7:54 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 196



America, what are you going to do to your politicians who have lied to you? How is it that the reports are flowing that there will be at least 72 American prisoners (FROM VIETNAM) released within the next short while? How is it that Kerrey went to that area only to find no prisoners--the government couldn't seem to find them--and yet Col. Gritz found them? Don't count them before they hatch, however, for these are all "Special Forces" men and--unless they have been tampered with and reprogrammed--they will have either "sold-out" or, for some other reason, won't talk. Governments play very rough when they are out to gain the world.

Oh indeed yes, the men are there--along with a couple of thousand more--at least.


I have told you many times that the Russians took prisoners also - -from Korea and Vietnam. This was spoofed beyond the above statements. Funny thing--NOW THEY TELL YOU THAT THE SAME PEOPLE IN POINT (i.e., Kerrey) HAS BEEN GIVEN KGB INFORMATION THAT VERIFIES THE FACT.


The banks are hitting the fan in Japan at this writing. The economic situation is at high boil and ready to burn the pot, house and all. Since you have been watching the downfall of the banking industry into one global system you can now objectively watch it in full swing in Tokyo. The banks in Japan are ex­pected to collapse at any moment. What do you think that will do to American Banking--especially Japanese owned banks--predominantly big ones in California?


Why might it be that America has held up the Japanese banking system as a model? When the Treasury and the Fed support a truly National Banking System, they have in mind an America where over 13,000 banks telescope down into less than 300 and then into ONE with branches here and there. You now have about 10 SUPER-banks and almost 300 BIG Regional banks. This would certainly force reform for the only way you would be able to bank without banks and without cash supply--would be through debit cards?????

The Japanese did exactly what the insiders in the U.S.A. did and what the junk bond salesmen did--ran up, through inside trading--land prices which had no reality to anything.

They then used this extra money to buy American stocks and bonds. Sometimes they speculated in more and more Japanese real estate--this pushed the real estate market up another notch, and started another upward spiral of bank borrowing. This eventually catches up to the reality of the big world.


Japanese Corporations belong to groupings, built around a BIG bank. Each company in a group buys shares in the other com­panies in the group. The banks at the center buy shares in all of the companies allied with them. Each bank became a queen bee with a massive hive. As the stock Market rose in Japan from under 1,000 after WW II to 40,000 just a few years past---the value of shares went up steadily. When corporations wanted to expand or to modernize or to either buy-up or build factories, etc., or a whole company in America, they went to their Bank and asked for a loan. They used their land and stock holdings as collateral. This is the element which is most dangerous of all. Now ponder what I have told you about the Federal Reserve and banking loan ratios against money as collateral and check this out: Japanese Banks were allowed to count 40% of the increase in value of their stock holding as BANK CAPITAL. With stocks on the rise, the banks had a lot of surplus capital and money flowed quite cheaply. Just as within the U.S.--every­thing was built on borrowed money--and--money gleaned and washed from crime and counterfeit published currency (remember those printing plates??).

The moment of truth is about to be upon you and I hope you will take heed to my warnings--the Japanese banks are ready to fold and, with the attitude as is at present--the U.S. will not only al­low it but will insist upon its happening.

As you try to figure out what to do with your assets if you are in Japanese banks--I suggest you do a couple of things. Follow the path of the banks as they have evolved. For instance--begin with Bank of America. Find out WHO owns it NOW. For a while, at least, and perhaps presently--it was owned by a major Japanese consortium who decided not to change its name. It in turn has bought up many S&L's in failure and collapse--such as Santa Barbara Savings (just the good deposits and assets) as bad debts were left to you-the-people. Locally, Lloyds (of London) was bought and became Sanwa. I am not going to follow these for you for that is your job to attend but it is time to make these connections and ponder the next proper move to protect what as­sets are available to you.


The whole edifice of banking in Japan was built on borrowed money--just as your own national economy. It all depended on high and rising land values, high and rising stock prices, low and stable interest rates. But then the entire system began to unwind. Interest rates began to rise, making it difficult to carry debt. Fewer new borrowers could afford to buy real estate. And for good reason. Prices were so high that rents could not begin to cover interest payments. Speculators lost interest in real estate. Now you had less money coming in and the price of land began to stabilize and then started to fall off. The prices had been so puffed up--as in California--that there was no "reasonable" place to go except down. The Japanese Central Bank and the Japanese Government were fully in favor of Real Estate coming down in price but they desired it over a genera­tion and under totally controlled conditions. Despite all efforts to prevent a sudden drop--it happened at a shocking rate.

This occurrence blasted the market and as land fell so did the price of stocks. Check it--after only a couple of years, the Japanese market has declined over 50%. The bankers are now at the brick wall.

Japanese banks have watched capital ratios shrink massively as the value of stocks and real estate have fallen.

We have written on this at length but bear with me a moment while I remind you that the key range of the Nikkei Stock Av­erage is between 20,000 and 21,000. Below that level, Japanese Banks would lack enough capital to stay open...and some would go bankrupt. This would trigger demands for loan-payments and bring down the house of cards--just as in America. So, doing their duty, financial in­stitutions have injected massive amounts of money into stocks to shore up the average. JUST AS IN AMERICA.

America has depended on Japan to purchase your DEBT AND BONDS. They can't, so guess what? You are in worse shape than they--for you owe your soul "to the company store"! The Federal Reserve--branch of the Global ONE Bank of the Elite in Basel, Switzerland.


It was smugly thought that the American Stock Market could be held up until the first week in March. It was really thought that they could shore up the market with stock prices alone, without having to dump in real estate and other securities. But it has happened and the crisis is at hand. Let me outlay another's projections and view of this mess in Tokyo. This scenario is geared and primed to pull down the ruling party in Japan. Japan's banking structure comes in layers: International Banks and Inside Japan Banks--and mortgage loan companies who bor­row money from "City Banks". They then re-loan the money to buyers of property. The mortgage loan companies hold loans worth TWENTY TRILLION DOLLARS. This gives you a rel­ative measure of the inflated value of Tokyo real estate which beats the worst in the U.S.A., even. But then, JUST WHERE DO YOU THINK THE JAPANESE LEARNED TO DO BANKING BUSINESS? AND WHO CONTROLS ALL THE BANKS IN THE WORLD? AH YES--GREAT BRITAIN AND THE COMMITTEE OF 300 BANKERS.

Let us continue with the explanation: Given the decline in Japanese land values, it comes as no surprise that big borrowers are defaulting on loans. You are already "told" that some of the BIG speculators are now missing--having disappeared, unwilling to face the shame of foreclosure. Up to over 22% of outstand­ing Tokyo mortgage loans are 6 to 12 months in arrears. MORTGAGE BANKS ARE QUITE UNABLE TO KEEP UP ON INTEREST PAYMENTS TO THE CITY BANKS. Japanese Bank stocks have fallen in price by one-third since La­bor Day. Eight mortgage loan companies may be already col­lapsing under debt loads. The word received FROM BRITISH BANKING SOURCES DOING BUSINESS IN TOKYO is that 23% of the capital of some 12 large Japanese "City Banks" is tied up in loans to mortgage loan companies. The situation is bad enough so that Japanese Bank stocks have fallen in price by one-third since Labor Day, 1991. The investors in Tokyo know what is going on, even if American officials keep on looking the other way and hoping in vain for Japanese buyers to show up at your Government Bond auctions. The Money flow from Japan is being shut down not from spite but because they see them­selves at risk of mass default and insolvency and KNOW AMERICA WILL HAVE TO DEFAULT ON YOUR DEBTS AND BONDS.


I suggest you heed this as a warning and ponder actions--imme­diately. As we worked in the past it appeared the San Andreas Fault would go prior to the bank collapse and a big Japanese-backed bank was the best maneuver for that moment in time. Therefore, for our people on the West coast, a Japanese Bank on the Eastern side of that fault, in the event of a collapsed com­puter clearing system, would serve better. Obviously, if the bank itself may fail with no hope of shoring-up except from the World Bank, I see that it is not likely to survive the first slash.

This is all just one more step in world control but it is indeed difficult to move correctly through the morass in order to keep funds secure and obtainable for necessary building. DO NOT, HOWEVER, GET CAUGHT WITH SUMS IN THESE JAPANESE BANKS--THE TIME FOR THE NEXT PER­SONAL MOVE IS NOW.

For you who grumble--I don't believe God ever told you it would be either easy or certain that you could salvage any of your THINGS! But we need building funding and operating funding to sustain things such as the Constitutional Law Center and the probabilities are all that we are given with which to work.

It gets more and more difficult to find banks that will hold gold reserves as collateral. Each day the curtain comes lower and lower and flexibility is the name of the game. Each day it gets more difficult and one or two more sources have been located for limited utilization. The nice thing about the folding of the stock market is the certain rise of precious metals for it always happens just before the bottom drops out of the world economy and the world enters great depression.

The bad thing, of course, is that with the bottom dropping out the world does dandy things to increase the economy--they allow increased destruction to the planet and bring about great and horrendously expensive WARS!


You will soon be able to have visual proof of that which went down into destruction--not beneath waves of the ocean but into smithereens into the atmosphere--Atlantis. You who have won­dered where you experienced and why the Greek Isles are so like home--remember your heritage--Atlantis is found three civ­ilizations straight down but being recovered only to realize there is an even more advanced civilization beneath it!! Actually the next beneath is Atlantis. You will have your own archaeologists tell you this city can stand alongside any street in America and look right at home. And what is found at the center of the downfall? The "BANKS" with hoards of gold--with NOTHING found in the outlying villages. So be it!!


I still suggest the best bank is the one owned by the biggest of the Cartel "game-players" for they will be the last to collapse and are geared to service the criminals to the very end--along with being unlikely in stealing their own collateral assets. Just to give you a bit of insight--Safra (Israeli bank) has now closed its loan-against-gold service so you can guess that they are NOT insiders, after all, but rather, Israel is only a tool of the Elite.

Also, I would wish that you who continue to feel sorry for poor old Bill Clinton and his getting caught with things in other peo­ple's places--HE WAS, IS, INVOLVED IN THE BCCI SCAN­DAL--TO HIS EYES.

Financial resources and sources allowing Clinton, the Bilder­berger, to run for President are linked to the burgeoning Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI).

The major Clinton fund-raiser is a little-known (that is OUT­SIDE of banking circles just like most of the Committee of 300 players) and almost reclusive Little Rock, Arkansas billionaire, Jackson Stephens, who brokered the deals in the 1970's which enabled BCCI officials to gain control of two American banks now at the center of the biggest banking scandal in history.

The two banks--First American Bankshares and the National Bank of Georgia--became clearing houses, as part of BCCI's international operations, for an assortment of some of the world's biggest crooks, dictators, spies and drug kingpins.

Clinton's link with all of this comes from his dealings with the Worthen National Bank of Little Rock, of which the Stephens family has a controlling interest. Ten percent of that bank be-longs to a Saudi oil sheik, Abdullah Taha Bakhash, who is a business associate and personal friend of the principals in the BCCI scandal. Worthen National's part in the BCCI scandal is now under quiet investigation.

Clinton's ties, however, with the Stephenses' financial empire began in October 1990, when the governor was running for re-election and found himself in deep trouble. He called for help to the Stephenses and asked them to raise some $50,000 for his campaign for which he could promise some return favors. He got the money the following day--from the Bank in point.

Now where are we? Aside from $2 million in a line of credit, the Stephenses and their associates have raised more than $100,000 in additional funds for the Clinton presidential drive. One of those associates is Curt Bradbury, a former employee of Stephens Inc., and now the chief executive officer of guess what: Worthen National Bank. The connections run the full cir-cle which includes Bert Lance of Carter notoriety and lumps them all right into the middle, along with George Bush, of BCCI.

Is Clinton aware? Come, come. It is all public record and was noted as far back as when Clinton got over $2 million from Worthen National, of which Jackson Stephens is Chairman, in a credit-line. Connections? I would certainly note that if the man is so ill-informed as not to be aware he wouldn't make a good leader at any rate! But perhaps the more important point: Why the intense desire to pull him down? These outlays of "secrets" are in full intent to destroy the man--why? Who? How is it that Bush can still keep the most horrendous things of a criminal background hidden? YOU HAD BETTER CONSIDER THE POWER INVOLVED IN THAT STATEMENT AND QUESTION. THIS IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER IN ACTION, READY TO TAKE OVER AS THE ONE WORLD GLOBAL CONTROL RESOURCE WITH A ONE WORLD MILITARY FORCE, ONE WORLD BANK AND THE ONE WORLD IS "THEIRS " --NOT " YOURS ".

Please take this off the equipment, Dharma, for there are some things herein which may need some consideration soon. We will then go back to the "Tavistock network".


This has gone into a miserable round with Feds and more garbage causing new delays until March 9th. The RTC has come up with a new one, though, which we should share with you--ah, how well lies are taken-in in ignorance. The RTC now has a new power play which is referred to as "Federal Common-Law". I toss this in for you Common Law people, Constitutional people and lawyers of all types. Another little tid-bit: The RTC lawyer tried to "snow" the new Judge. Judge Randall, having exhausted every Judge in the system of Kern County, Bakersfield, sent a volume of this case for review to a wondrous Judge-Davis. (Which is where I wanted it all along the way.) Davis agreed to take on the case based on the brief explanation only to have made agreement to hear the case one day and receive "the other thirteen volumes of records" the next. He has years on the bench, however, and with great humor and patience keeps a casual courtroom so the trial itself should be good and worthy of attention and witness. The manipulations and horrendous misadventures of intentional deprivation of the Ekker's became evident in just a few minutes of "motions" explanation by the RTC and its foolish lawyer, Horn.

This is excellent exercise for our Constitutional Law Center legal eagles who, by the way, are totally swamped in legal petitions--some of international merit. We will run a press release probably in the next issue of LIBERATOR for you ones will de­sire to keep abreast of activities.


For you Patriots who may not know: three of the Pilot Group organizations were raided by the IRS and all records and equip­ment confiscated. This was done under police force, all things loaded onto accompanying trucks--the invasions were nearly simultaneous.

I remind you that it is true that you are in a system of non-Con­stitutional force and violation of "rights". I must remind you, however, that the man with the big gun is always "right" and everything the government or big thugs do under the gun is "legal", even if unlawful.

This is why I do not recommend massive measures at defying the "big boys" at the level of some groups although we will do all we can through the Constitutional Law Center to get justice for these ones. When ones set out to act, however, in greed and personal gain--it always backfires and fundamentally the Pilot Group seemed to handle taxes and citizenship on the basis of beating the Big System. I continue to tell you that if you are intent on protection of assets in service unto Constitution and God-ness--go the route we have suggested for it is all within the laws as "they have written for their own protection". This is more for reassurance for you of "my beloved" ones who have done your homework and listened. I am most uncomfortable about you ones in "trusts", for instance, for you can be identi­fied and the axe can fall upon you if you cover enough funds to be a desirable "catch" for the IRS thugs. If you have a corpora­tion which shows no assets, only loans and notes--how can they accuse or confiscate If you have it not as assets--there is naught to confiscate? Further, as the laws now stand, in Nevada "they" cannot even know who owns a Corporation. Not even the State of Nevada knows the owners of corporations nor do they wish to. How long will this last? I don't know but I assume for quite a while because the "Big Boys" created the safety net for them­selves. It will be the impossibility for good banking which shall ultimately shut down operations for the most part--so all must be done in perfect legal and intelligent fashion.

You must understand something. We are not here to save your "taxes". I don't care about your taxes. I DO care about Con­stitutional RIGHTS and if you use the Constitution to claim nothing but greedy returns for self--then I cannot weep for your indiscretion. If you claim to do something "under the Constitu­tion" and expect help from the Constitutional Law Center--it better have been in honest effort to retain your Constitution. Tax EVASION will merit you prison and fines--Constitution or no Constitution--so you had better read carefully and hear care­fully, for never shall I suggest EVADING any rules.

You are again into the time of the year when the big hand will come down everywhere about your nation to SHOW YOU the power of the IRS and make example. "Constitution" and "rights" will be denied at every turn and the legal hassle will be long and hard and there is no promise of "winning".

If you wish to salvage your nation you are going to have to re­tain, reclaim and properly restructure under that wondrous Con­stitution--but you are going to have to do it properly or you will simply be subdued by force. So be it. Further, during this time of chaos and force come-down, you will not be treated fairly under any circumstance and there will be no PERFECT way to do anything nor retain ANYTHING. THE INTENT IS TO RENDER YOU HELPLESS IN THE PHYSICAL AND RE­MOVE ALL ASSETS AND PROPERTY! THERE WILL BE NO PERFECT WAY IN WHICH YOU WILL PROSPER AND BLOSSOM WHILST YOUR NATION AND PEOPLE FALL. YOU DO NOT, HOWEVER, NEED EITHER LOSE ALL NOR PERISH IN THE TIDAL WAVE--IF YOU SET EGO ASIDE AND FUNCTION WITHIN THE INTENT OF GOD. GOD'S REMNANT SHALL BE BROUGHT THROUGH--THOUGH THE JOURNEY MAY BE DIFFERENT THAN YOU HAVE PLANNED. YOU WILL ALSO REMEMBER THAT GOD'S DELAYS ARE NOT GOD'S DENIALS--CHECK YOUR OWN INTENT!! WHAT IS IT YOU ARE EFFORTING TO SAVE AND WHY? THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION MEANS EVERYTHING.

Let us leave this now and get back to the unraveling of the webs which have you, as a world, caught and entangled. Will you be just one more layer in the ruins of history? I hope not!

I will make time soon to speak of Atlantis and some of the other past civilizations and what happened. You must understand that new dark ages come upon the lands--the assumptions are as re­lated to that which IS in perception. Atlantis, for instance, didn't "Just Sink". Most of it just ceased to exist and what re­mained may or may not have been submerged. I can assure you, however, that most of it was blown into particulate and by having vanished so rapidly and the particulate falling again upon the remaining, it gives the appearance of volcanic eruption and burial in some portions and sinking within the ocean at others. Where Atlantis vanished is a core "sink" of some 8 MILES in depth--which shows a "blowout" of incredible and unsurpassed power. I hope you ones will take interest and pay attention for you are going to learn from the past or be destined TO REPEAT IT! SALU.

PJ 45


FRI., FEB. 28, 1992 10:25 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 196



Please, as we move along here you must pay close attention be­cause as we switch countries on you, you will get fully confused if you have skipped and slipped through this outlay of infor­mation. Since we have spoken of London and Tavistock and British and Tavistock it will be hard for you to grasp the next statement.


At the center is the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, founded in 1947 by Rees to supersede the old clinic. Unlike the clinic, which has only informal relations with other institutions and members of the "network", the Institute from its inception moved to establish direct relations with like-minded individuals and institutions in other countries, most notably in continental Europe and especially in the United States. Funding for the project came from the British government and from the Rocke­feller Foundation, and a number of large corporations such as Unilever.

For the operation to be successful, it was required that new institutions be created to train social controllers in the "Tavistock method". These controllers were to create yet another layer of institutes to spread Tavistock's ideas throughout the population.

On the other side of the Atlantic, the Tavistock network had as its core group the circle around Kurt Lewin, the German emigré psychiatrist who developed the field theory of psychiatry and its corollary, the concept of group dynamics.

It was these credentials of the Lewin group that identified them as the key American collaborator of the Tavistock crowd. Like Rees, their concern was the use of wartime psychological war­fare techniques for peacetime "mind control".

Even before the war ended, Lewin's group began planning for postwar activity. In 1944, Lewin established the Center for Re­search in Group Dynamics at MIT while simultaneously setting up the Commission on Community Interrelations for the Ameri­can Jewish Congress. The former was to be a base of domestic operations for the Lewin group similar to Tavistock. Its key personnel, including Gordon Allport, Dorwin Cartwright and Rensis Likert, were seeking to "multiply" themselves--to create a new generation of controllers schooled in Lewin's small-group brainwashing techniques. The CCI, on the other hand, was one of the first sophisticated projects in racial and ethnic profiling dealing with the question of cultural assimilation. While the CCI received money from the AJC and similar funding con­duits, the CRGD received its funding from both MIT and pri­vate grants, including the U.S. Navy.

In 1966 the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) was set up at Sussex University in England. The SPRU is cited in the book the Handbook of Future Research (1978) as the mother in­stitution for all comprehensive "future oriented" research in the postwar period. The SPRU incorporated Tavistock's group dy­namics and related social manipulation techniques into policy planning. It quickly established itself as a principal think tank and training institution for other future-oriented planning cen­ters. As such, the SPRU was able to locate--or as referred to in military parlance "second"--key Tavistock agents into planning positions in major European centers. Significantly, such planners are aided in proliferating these techniques among govern­ment and corporate layers by Tavistock personnel who ran seminars for SPRU.

By the 1970's, no major center for long-range planning, either private or public, had avoided the long arm of SPRU. It is im­portant to note that the SPRU has done direct contract work for the NATO command and that this relationship, while the details may be classified, is nonetheless a widely acknowledged fact.

The parallel U.S. institution to the SPRU is the Institute for So­cial Research at the University of Michigan. ISR is the product of the 1947 merger between the Survey Research Center founded in 1946 by Lewinite Rensis Likert and the Center for Research in Group Dynamics headed by Dorwin Cartwright which moved from MIT following Lewin's death. The ISR, along the Tavistock model, is the most "Action-oriented" psy­chological institute in the U.S.A., conducting a myriad of pro­ject studies in every aspect of social life. Of particular signifi­cance is Rensis Likert, who functions as director of the Survey Research Center, described as the preeminent social profiling institution in the U.S.A. Likert and his staff, through their con­nections to other polling services, such as the Gallup Poll and Harris Poll, have the ability to get instant readings on the popu­lation's response to policy intitiatives, and to reshape response. More importantly, Likert has trained or supervised the training of market researchers for major corporations, including General Motors and Ford, thereby playing a role in determining what products will be placed on the market and when.

The Institute for Social Research, set up with original funding from the National Institute of Mental Health, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Department of Navy now does contract work for well over a hundred of the nation's "Fortune 500" firms. In addition, the ISR has effectively taken over the "education" departments of several major unions, most notably the United Auto workers, drafting worker education plans and plans for dealing with inplant troublemakers, drug addicts, and alcoholics.

ISR exists as a key American resource for the Tavistock cabal.

At present the ISR command structure is in the hands of former Lewin students: the institute's director is Alvin Zander, the CRGD is headed by Dorwin Cartwright, while the Survey Research Center is still headed by Rensis Likert. [H: For more current update as to players in the lead roles, I suggest you refer to Dr. John Coleman's book for I do not wish to take time herein to update information.]

The third institution is the National Training Laboratories, founded in 1947, by Ronald Lippett, Kenneth Danne, and Leland Bradford, all students of Lewin, with funding from the Office of Naval Research, the Carnegie Corporation and with direct assistance from Tavistock. Its staff comes from the Michigan ISR and from Tavistock. From its inception, NTL had one mission--to put as many key leaders of society as possible through Lewinite small group brainwashing sessions and to guarantee that these methods were applied in educational systems and in corporate environments. The NTL, which eventually became the NTL Institute of Applied Behavioral Science, set out to train a new circle of "controllers". This was done through a series of "workshop seminars", some on site at corporate headquarters, or at the NTL mansion at Bethel and later in Florida. The hallmark of NTL "training techniques" was the so-called T-group sessions, which were more generally popularized towards the end of the 1960's. The encounter groups stressed the development of "organizational" identities, with NTL group leaders infusing values into the flaccid minds of the participants. Special emphasis is made on techniques for establishing "noncoercive" small group sessions for all levels of corporate management and in using "group dynamics" as a basis for planning "new responses" to "discontinuous developments" in corporate existence.

From the mid-1950's on NTL has run similar sessions for the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Civil Service Commission. Each of these seminars or consulting projects has involved input from Tavistock, which has drafted portions of the NTL program.

From 1964 onward, the NTL became a direct part of the National Education Association, the largest organization of teachers in the United States with membership of more than 2 million. The NTL institute is funded by the NEA as well as the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and drafts programs for the training of the nation's primary and secondary school teachers. Under the NTL's supervision, the NEA has set up "group sessions" for its affiliates and pushed such educational "reforms" as the open classroom. Here, as in other NTL operations, Tavistock has had its input in a massive and major way.

The NTL has spawned literally hundreds of similar institutions around the country, including the establishment of a West Coast base of operations, the Western Training Laboratories in Group development. The NTL Institute has no firm figure on the number of Americans that have gone through its "group dynamics" program or spinoffs at satellite institutions. All estimates place the figure at well over one million.

The Tavistock network does not stop here. In another location, we show the development of a California nexus. The network goes even farther. The Center for Research in Group Dynamics was set up as part of the Sloan School of Business Management at MIT; Lewin operatives such as Gordon Allport worked out the School of Business and its management division at Harvard.

The point is that Tavistock controls the key business schools and related think tanks around the country (world). The case of Eric Trist is exemplary. Trist came to this country from Tavistock in 1960 after first heading Tavistock's management division and then its human resources center.

Trist then proceeded to make some assigned rounds. In 1960-61 he headed for the Stanford Center for Advanced Behavioral Sciences, where he joined fellow Tavistock operatives Bertram Gross, Fred Emery and Dorwin Cartwright in solidifying Tavistock' s West Coast operations; then he headed for Case University in Cleveland where he spent 1964 establishing a Tavistock management program; from 1967-71, Trist was seconded to the chairmanship of the graduate business school at UCLA; and fi­nally, in 1971, Trist "landed" the chairmanship of the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School's Management and Behav­ioral Science Institute. The Wharton School, one of the leading economic think tanks in the country, is effectively a branch of Tavistock.

Since 1965, Trist has been directly involved in establishing a network of primarily corporate-linked psychological "problem solving" operations that are grouped under the heading of Orga­nizational Development. There are two levels to this operation. At one level on the shop floor in as many as 500 factories, schools, etc., OD is a sophisticated small-group-oriented, brain­washing project. Through the application of controlled stressful situations, workers and employees are "broken from their individualism" and given a "team spirit". They are then "allowed" in "consultation with management" to set their own working rates, which Trist has found are "higher" than normal. In short, they are induced to speed themselves up. The program is coordinated directly with ISR and the NTL Institute. Wharton publi­cations speak highly of the way such methods "increase produc­tivity".

On a second level, OD deals with training corporate manage­ment in using these techniques.

An NTL brochure describes a course in the Tavistock model of group dynamics: "This model provides participants with oppor­tunities for increasing their understanding and awareness of group processes, with particular emphasis on the covert dynam­ics which occur in groups with regard to the issues of authority, leadership and followership.

"The learning focus is upon groups rather than individual per­sonalities. This perspective is emphasized in order to facilitate a new understanding of institutions, organizations and commu­nities. The focus of the staff is upon the major problems of group life--those encountered in the exercise of authority based upon competence, power or both. It is assumed that people who understand something about the nature and exercise of their own authority, as well as that of others, are thereby equipped to deal more effectively with these issues as encountered in any work setting."


[H: This is an incredibly important section so please attend it closely.]

When the first results of Tavistock's profiling of NASA were turned in, an alarmed mobilization took place. In May 1967, the Scientific and Technological Committee of the North At­lantic Assembly and the Pennsylvania-based Foreign Policy Re­search Institute (headed by NATO Ambassador Robert Strausz­Hupe) organized the Conference on Transatlantic Technological Imbalance and Collaboration in Deauville, France. Among the participants were Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, then on the staff of the State Department Policy and Planning Council, and Dr. Au­relio Peccei, the current head of the Club of Rome and during that time the chairman of NATO's leading think-tank, the Eco­nomic Committee of the Atlantic Institute in Paris.

That conference was one of many in that period in which a deci­sion was shaped to put an end to the scientific-technological ad­vances of the United States. Two books were produced out of those deliberations. Brzezinski's TECHNETRONIC ERA and Peccei's THE CHASM AHEAD. From the ideas presented in these books, the Club of Rome was later formed.

In his piece, Brzezinski wrote that America was moving into a society "increasingly unlike its industrial predecessor", a "technetronic" society that could easily become a "technocratic dictatorship". The society would be characterized by an "information revolution", "Cybernetics", and the replacement of "achievement-orientation" by "amusement-focus" based on "spectator spectacles (mass sports and TV) providing an opiate for increasingly purposeless masses."

"In the technetronic society," Brzezinski announced, "industrial employment yields to services, with automation and cybernetics replacing individual operation of machines." This will occur simultaneously with "the increasing availability of bio-chemical means of human control". In addition, "new forms of social control may be needed to limit the indiscriminate exercise by individuals of their new powers. The possibility of extensive chemical mind control...will call for a social definition of com­mon criteria of restraint as well as of utilization."

A brave new world? In a critical passage further in the text, Brzezinski laid out the following chilling description of the "technetronic society":

The challenge in its essence involves the twin dangers of frag­mentation and social control... The next phase may be one of sullen withdrawal from social and political involvement, a flight from social and political responsibility through inner emigration. Political frustration could increase the difficulty of absorbing and internalizing rapid environmental changes, thereby prompt­ing increasing psychic instability.

At the same time, the capacity to assert social and political con­trol over the individual will vastly increase... It will soon be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citi­zen and to maintain up-to-date complete files, containing even most personal information about the health or personal behavior of the citizen, in addition to more customary data. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.

Moreover, the rapid pace of change will put a premium on an­ticipating events and planning for them. Power will gravitate into the hands of those who control the information, and can correlate it most rapidly. Our existing post-crisis management institutions will probably be increasingly supplanted by pre-cri­sis management institutions, the task of which will be to identify in advance likely social crises and to develop programs to cope with them. This could encourage tendencies during the next several decades towards a technocratic dictatorship, leaving less and less room for political procedures as we now know them.

Finally, looking ahead to the end of this century, the possibility of bio-chemical mind-control and the genetic tinkering with man, including eventually the creation of beings that will func­tion like men--and reason like them as well--could give rise to the most difficult questions.

This transformation means that America, having left the indus­trial phase, is today entering a distinct historical era, a different one from that of Western Europe and Japan. This is prompting subtle and still indefinable changes in the American psyche, providing the psycho-cultural underpinnings for the more evi­dent political disagreements between the two sides of the At­lantic. ....Europe and America are no longer in the same his­torical era. What makes America unique in our time is that it is the first society to experience the future ... be it pop art or LSD. Today, America is the creative society; the others, consciously and unconsciously, are emulative."

This, Brzezinski continued, will have enormous international repercussions. "The instantaneous electronic intermeshing of mankind will make for an intense confrontation, straining social and international peace." There could well be a "three-way split into rural-back-ward, urban-industrial and technetronic ways of life" that will "only further divide man".

The "implications of a truly new era" will require a "universal intellectual elite" and a "world superculture" produced "inevitably" by the "the network of electronic communications". Brzezinski demanded "creative interpreters of the new age" to develop a concept of "regionalism and due deference to the symbolic meaning of national sovereignty". This could be best thrashed out at "a special world congress, devoted to the tech­netronic and philosophical problems of the coming AGE." [H: If this doesn't point out from where came all your "channels" and false religious teachers with BS for information, then I don't know what will convince you. You are direct victims of the LIE as it was constructed and thrust upon you step by certain step.]

* * *

We need a break and this is quite enough to digest at this sitting. We will work into this scenario the connections between Brzezinski and Peccei when we write next but let us consider a thing or two of the above message.

All changes have been directed at the original thrust of the ad­versary to pull you down into finite physical limitations by brain manipulation and LIES. The Tavistock Institute and all other such institutions and organizations have simply been the formal thrust in recognized format for the final devastating thrust for control.

The mission has been aided and abetted by thousands of others who either thought they served peace and/or deliberately were part and parcel of the overall plan. I have no intent to discern, for you, which is which. If it is against God it is against me. If you turn from God along the path and deny God, God will deny you!

You will find personal pain and growth in my scribe this day as Sister Thedra and ASSK have attacked again for the acquisition of money for some past perceived non-production. This time, at least they do not invoke the name of Sananda or Christ to garner material possession. I suggest that is indeed wise for I suspect the next statement from Sananda would be, "I know them not!"

This relationship is very close with the workers of evil in the United Nations as ones such as Donald Keyes set you on a course whereby this very governmental unification against you could be put into final motion for fulfillment. Innocent? NO--deliberate and orchestrated!

Are the followers in the "New Age" innocent? No, for they have now had ample opportunity to gain TRUTH and they refuse--in continued attack on Truth-bringers and further delib­erate pulling of the citizenry away from that truth.

It is up to each that which you will do but if you do not come into responsible individual recognition of the shroud cast upon you, soon, it shall be too late for action for you can see from the projections in planning that the end is nigh. So be it.

Hatonn to clear, thank you.