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  1. #5
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 45


    SAT, FEBRUARY 22, 1992 8:28 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 190



    A thought: If there be anything you wish to change in another or in a nation, you must first examine it and see whether or not it might be something that must first be changed in self! What might you change this day in self to set a good example TODAY? This becomes most evident and present in the training and rear­ing of children who can only learn by examples brought forth into their lives. Is everything you do pleasing to you--to be seen by your children? GOD? That which ye do in darkness and se­cret must be looked at most closely in the very light of God and Day. Are you actually serving the king of darkness or the Sovereign of Light?

    Can you set aside the problems of the physical for a moment and consider appreciating the more simple pleasures of this day? Are you at peace within--enough--to rejoice at the tinymost mir­acle of life? It is WEALTH, beloved ones--to be content! It means not that ye shall act not toward goals--it means only that ye rest in contentment with that which IS as ye travel upon the path unto that which will finally become perfection. Ponder upon these things, for I find you ones forget to commune with God and Creation but are racked and pulled by that which af­fects only the "PHYSICAL" ASPECT OF YOUR BEING. Learn to come unto the communion with your God--in listening, and let thine heart be the spokesman instead of thine lips--and ask that which ye might--for your brother! If ye attend that giving--so shall ye experience the wondrous rewards of the gift.

    Please remember what I told you in another lesson: "You shall finally learn that WISDOM comes ONLY when you stop looking for it and start truly living the life the Creator intended for you--for in the beginning--so it was with thee. " May you think upon these things this day. Perhaps we need a daily "thought pat­tern" upon which to center our thoughts and ourselves. I am in great, great love and cherishing of you, my people upon a diffi­cult path of learning and experiencing. Only through your suc­cess may I find fulfillment and success--yes, me, Hatonn, for we each are only the teachers for those who come after. And if it seems that I see further--it is because I have stood on the shoul­ders of wondrous giants who came before me! I proclaim and accept my responsibilities--what might ye do with yours?


    Chelas, you are seeing dirty politics at work--don't miss it. In South Carolina (Charleston)--Pat Buchanan was NOT AL­LOWED INTO THE REPUBLICAN MEETING HALL--ONLY BUSH! You ones better get into this fray and demand Constitutional rights of a "free society" or you will NEVER AGAIN HAVE FREEDOM. What can be done? Well, for one thing, you can urge these fine men who run in bits and pieces of territories--to unite. You must set up some alternative "parties"--preferably ONE wherein all dissenters from the two controlled and predetermined parties can vote and elect. Even if your choice at voting day is made for the runners within the party al­ready working--THEY WILL NOT WIN THE ELECTION FOR IT IS SO DETERMINED BY THE ELITE--ALREADY! Some of these brave Patriots MUST get into service wherein ability to change may begin--THEN you can change the system. BUT YOU CAN'T SIT AND DEMAND THE CONSTITU­TIONAL LAWS BE APPLIED ONLY TO THOSE YOU "LIKE" WHILE OTHERS ARE "PUT OUT". IF YOU AL­LOW ONE TO BE CAST OUT FOR WHATEVER REASON CONJURED--THEN YOU CANNOT EXPECT CONSTITU­TIONAL "RIGHTS" FOR ANOTHER. THE CONSTITU­TION ALLOWS AND DEMANDS EQUALITY FOR ALL AND THEN THE PEOPLE MUST DECIDE VALIDITY AND QUALITY.



    Who are you and where are you, America? A most beauteous and wondrous child of America has just won a gold medal for ice skating--and what did I hear? "Too bad she isn't REALLY an American--she is Japanese and they are STILL our enemy!" May God have mercy on your controlled and egotistical media--for with God there is no race, no color, no creed and above all--no bigotry. Worse, this has been stated in a manner to bring great chaos and further turn you against Japan. Japan has done nothing to you--not even in the World War--for your own Presi­dential Administration planned and caused the war. Without the Japanese economy your nation would have economically fallen decades ago. How bitter are the dregs of poison you cast upon your neighbor. This wondrous child comes from Fremont, Cali­fornia, which I believe, is still American!! I am going to re­quire that you look up her name for I will not give further cre­dence to your bigotry. I find the ones with the most objection coming from a group who also bear ethnic NAMES AND LA­BELS and object the most strongly against anti-this and anti-that. How dare you?! I cause you go look it up for not more than one in ten thousand even know of what or whom I speak--or, even if you know "mentally"--you will not know the name or spelling thereof. Where is YOUR bigotry today?


    So what??? It already says to you: "Kennedy? Why the CIA had no part in such a thing as his assassination and you won't find anything otherwise in all 300,000 pages on the case." Right on--you WON'T. Gates has said publicly: "We show no indication the CIA had any part in the assassination of President Kennedy. The declassification of documents I think will help persuade people of that" and "CIA WILL NOT BE FOUND LAGGING IN ANY BROADER GOVERNMENT EFFORT TO REVIEW AND DECLASSIFY THESE DOCUMENTS."

    I am quite sure of that point--they have had forty years (four decades) to make sure there is nothing in those files to indict--only clear them of taint. Wouldn't it be lovely for you people accused of tax evasion and other crimes and misdemeanors to be able to have four decades to destroy and rewrite the file AND HISTORY? Soon will follow a law which will disallow you to speak of the matter if it differs from the "orthodox" story given to the historians. Well, until then we shall go right on writing and speaking.

    I want you to pay careful attention as to WHO is on the "historical review" committee to study this information being released!!!


    Sorry chelas--I am not interested in your "breast enhancements". I feel that all surgery on the breasts for so-called "cancer" is un­necessary in the first place and I see no merit in falsely fasting to become a "twig" and then enhancing a particular portion of the anatomy to appear larger. You are indeed a foolish people and I abhor the entire matter. You are terrified of death in which you give up the old to claim the new and perfect--and yet you hate and despise that which was given unto you. I find an­other point most interesting--the FDA takes L-Tryptophan, which comes from milk, off the market and yet DOW CHEMI­CAL can continue to produce and sell deadly and disfiguring substance and it is protected and becomes an international point of confusion. Stop asking me, Hatonn, about your balance and probabilities--LOOK ABOUT YOU!

    Many opportunities to make choices present themselves each and every day--what choices will YOU make? You see, there are actually only a couple of ways in which to approach life as you experience it--as victim or as gallant fighter--and you must decide if you want to act or react (respond or react--very differ­ent in meaning), deal your own "cards" or play with a "stacked deck". If you don't decide which way you will "play" with life--LIFE WILL PLAY WITH YOU!


    Enough for this morning for I think you must learn to look at that which is offered--with clarity of inner vision. Can you not change the habits? Can you not be strong enough to face the re­sponsibilities before it becomes too late for change? One doesn't recognize in one's life the really important moments--not until it is too late. Must you always be "too late"? To wait for someone else, or expect someone else to make your life richer, or fuller, or more satisfying, more "free", more secure--puts YOU in a constant state of suspension; and you miss all those moments that pass. Chelas, they never come back to be experi­enced again--EVER.


    With "fixed" elections and criminals headed for ever higher placement in order to enslave you-the-people, we must move right on with the subject in point--George Bush and the CIA which are totally connected--IN CRIME! How better, for in­stance, to have a "war on drugs" and a "war on crime" than by the very ones who run the drugs and head the criminal ele­ments? Is it not easier for the fox to be locked "alone" in the hen house with all documentation of dastardly deeds becoming "national security top secret"? You have locked the empty barn, chelas--the horses got out long ago--before you thought to lock the barn. Now you will either fix your blunders or you will perish as a free nation and world. Literally--I mean PERISH for the intent is to depopulate your planet by some 6 billion peo­ple. WHAT ARE YOUR ODDS AT LIVING HAPPILY EVER AFTER?

    * * *


    Between October 1962 and April 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald and his Russian wife Marina were in frequent contact with a Russian emigre' couple living in Dallas, George De Mohrenschildt and his wife Jeanne. During the Warren Commission investigation of the Kennedy assassination, De Mohrenschildt was inter­viewed at length about his contacts with Oswald. When, in the spring of 1977, the discrediting of the Warren Commission re­port as a blatant cover-up had made public pressure for a new investigation of the Kennedy assassination irresistible, the House Assassinations Committee planned to interview De Mohren­schildt once again. But in March 1977, just before De Mohren­schildt was scheduled to be interviewed by Gaeton Fonzi of the House Committee's staff, he was found dead in Palm Beach, Florida. Death has a great field-day in these kinds of cover-ups and scandals, you will notice. His death was quickly ruled a suicide and autopsies, etc., are carefully avoided, usually by rapid incineration of the body or lock-and-key substitute burial if cremation is out of the question. After all--wouldn't an autopsy show that Jack Kennedy's skull was tampered with quite exten­sively? Besides, where are his brains? Do you-the-people re­alize that Kennedy's brains somehow got "misplaced"? One of the last people to see Fonzi alive was Edward Jay Epstein, who was also interviewing De Mohrenschildt about the Kennedy as­sassination for an upcoming book. Epstein is one of the writers on the Kennedy assassination who enjoyed excellent relations with the late James Angleton of the CIA. Isn't it absolutely amazing how these names keep coming up again and again and again? If De Mohrenschildt were alive today, he might be able to enlighten you about his relations with George Bush, and per­haps afford you some insight into Bush's activities during this epoch in point.

    Ah but so be it--again, the epidemic of suicide did its work. Jeanne De Mohrenschildt rejected the finding of suicide in her husband's death. "He was eliminated before he got to that committee," the widow told journalists in 1978, "because some-one did not want him to get to it." She also stated that George De Mohrenschildt had been surreptitiously injected with mind-altering drugs. Can you not see how the actions and pieces of the puzzles fit together?


    After De Mohrenschildt's death, his personal address book was located, and lo and behold, it contained this entry: "Bush, George H. W. (Poppy) 1412 W. Ohio and also, Zapata Petroleum, Midland." There is obviously foul play afoot be-cause George Bush had moved his office and home from Midland to Houston in 1959, when Zapata Offshore was constituted, so perhaps this little reference goes even further back to some time prior to 1959. There is also the number: "4-6355". There are numerous other entries, including one W. F. Buckley of the Buckley brothers of New York City, William S. Paley of CBS, plus many oil men, stockbrokers and the like.

    To have this have any impact at all--REMEMBER SOMETHING PERTINENT--George De Mohrenschildt WAS LEE HARVEY OSWALD'S CIA CONTROL OFFICER!!!

    George De Mohrenschildt recounted a number of different versions of his life, so it is very difficult to establish the facts about him. According to one version, he was the Russian Count Sergei De Mohrenschildt, but when he arrived in the United States in 1938 he carried a Polish passport identifying him as Jerzy Sergius von Mohrenschildt, born in Mozyr, Russia in 1911. He was, in fact, typical of CIA operatives who are "sheep dipped" to the point of losing all identity. He worked for a time for the Polish Embassy in Washington, D.C. De Mohrenschildt was acquainted with the chairman of Humble Oil, Blaffer, and Blaffer procured him a job. During this time De Mohrenschildt was also affiliated with the War Department. He later went to work for the French Deuxieme Bureau, which wanted to know about petroleum exports from the United States to Europe.


    De Mohrenschildt in 1941 became associated with Baron Konstantin von Maydell in a public affairs venture called "Facts and Film". Maydell was considered a Nazi agent by the FBI, and in September 1942 he was sent to North Dakota for an internment that would last for some four years. Do you find it interesting that these ones "choose" labels such as Baron, Duke of, and other familial labels of nobility? De Mohrenschildt was interrogated by police at Port Arthur, Texas, on the suspicion of espionage after he was found making sketches of port facilities. During 1941, De Morenschildt applied for a post in the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS). He was not hired but the strange thing is that it was not because of inability to garner "top security" ratings. Soon after this he went to Mexico where he remained until 1944. In the latter year, he began study for a master's degree in petroleum engineering at the University of Texas. During this period De Mohrenschildt was investigated by the Office of Naval Intelligence. They claimed it was because of his alleged communist sympathies--it was to have ample reason, secretly, to begin to set all the forthcoming activities to blueprint without public notice.

    After the war, De Mohrenschildt worked as a petroleum engineer in Cuba and Venezuela, and in Caracas he had several meetings with the Soviet ambassador. During the postwar years, he also worked in the Rangely oil field in Colorado. During the 1950's, after having married Winifred Sharpless, the daughter of an oil millionaire, De Morenschildt was active as an independent oil entrepreneur.

    In 1957, De Mohrenschildt was approved by the CIA Office of Security to be hired as a U.S. government geologist for a mission to Yugoslavia. Upon his return he was interviewed by one J. Walter Moore of the CIA's Domestic Contact Service, with whom he then remained in contact. During 1958, De Mohrenschildt visited Ghana, Togo, and Dahomey (now Benin); during 1959, he visited Africa again and returned by way of Poland. In 1959, he married Jeanne, his fourth wife, a former ballet dancer and dress designer who had been one of the directors of the Chi­nese Eastern Railroad.


    During the summer of 1960, George and Jeanne De Mohren­schildt told their friends that they were going to embark on a walking tour of 11,000 miles along Indian trails from Mexico to Central America. One of their principal destinations was Guatemala City, where they were staying at the time of the Bay of Pigs invasion in April 1961 (ummmm hmmm), after which they somehow made their way home by way of Panama and Haiti (not an easy task). By this time, De Mohrenschildt was also in frequent contact with Admiral Henry C. Bruton and his wife, to whom he introduced the OSWALDS (busy Indian trails!) Admiral Bruton was the former Director of Naval Communications.

    Between October 1962 and late April 1963, De Mohrenschildt was a very important figure in the life of Oswald and his Rus­sian wife. Despite Oswald's lack of social graces, De Mohren­schildt introduced him into Dallas society, took him to parties, assisted him in finding employment and much more. It was through De Mohrenschildt that Oswald met a certain Volkmar Schmidt, a young German geologist who had studied with Pro­fessor Willhelm Kuetemeyer, an expert in psychosomatic medicine and religious philosophy at the University of Heidel­berg, who compiled a detailed psychological profile of Oswald. Jeanne and George helped Marina move her belongings during one of her many estrangements from Oswald. De Mohren­schildt's influence on Oswald was so great during this period that he could virtually dictate important decisions to the young "ex-Marine" (Oliver North???) simply by making suggestions!!!


    De Mohrenschildt was not only aware of Oswald's alleged April 10, 1963 attempt to assassinate the well known rightwing Gen­eral Edwin Walker, but was the instigator of the operation. Ma­rina said she was present when De Mohrenschildt asked Oswald, "Lee, how did you miss General Walker?" On April 19, George and Jeanne De Mohrenschildt went to New York City and, on April 29, the CIA Office of Security found that it had no objection to De Mohrenschildt's acceptance of a contract with the Duvalier regime of Haiti in the field of natural resource development. De Mohrenschildt departed for Haiti on May 1, 1963. In the meantime, Oswald had left Dallas and traveled to New Orleans.

    De Mohrenschildt was serving as a CIA control officer who was in control of Oswald's activities.

    So--is it not interesting to find George Bush turning up in De Mohrenschildt's files and address books? Mainly in the PER­SONAL address book.


    The most blatant cover-up drive by the Warren Commission came in the absurd lengths to cover up the fact that George De Mohrenschildt was a denizen of the world of the intelligence agencies. This included ignoring the well-developed paper trail on De Mohrenschildt as Nazi and command sympathizer, and later as a U.S. asset abroad. The Warren Commission con­cluded:

    "The Commission's investigation has developed no signs of subversive or disloyal conduct on the part of either of the De Mohrenschildts. Neither the FBI, CIA, nor any witnesses con­tacted by the Commission has provided any information linking the De Mohrenschildts to subversive or extremist organizations. Nor has there been any evidence linking them in any way with the assassination of President Kennedy. "


    Let us close this loop fragment and then we shall return to the operations and structure of the CIA. We will continue to insert these vignettes as we go along so that you can flesh out the con­nections. Further, you may be able to insert the "missing" information in the CIA documents which the CIA deleted. Isn't sleuthing fun?

    On the day of the Kennedy assassination, FBI records show George Bush as reporting a rightwing member of the Houston Young Republicans for making threatening comments about President Kennedy.. According to FBI documents released un­der the Freedom of Information Act:

    "On November 22, 1%3 Mr. George H. W. Bush, 5525 Briar, Houston, Texas, telephonically advised that he wanted to relate some hearsay that he had heard in recent weeks, date and source unknown. He advised that one James Parrott had been talking of killing the President when he comes to Houston.

    "Parrott is possibly a student at the University of Houston and is active in politics in the Houston area. "

    According to related FBI documentation, "...a check with Secret Service at Houston, Texas revealed that agency had a report that Parrott stated in 1961 he would kill President Kennedy if he got near him." Here Bush is described as "a reputable business­man". FBI agents were sent to interrogate Parrott's mother, and later James Milton Parrott himself. Parrott had been discharged from the U.S. Air Force for psychiatric reasons in 1959 (boy, chelas--they don't miss a thing!); Parrott had a full alibi for the time of the Dallas shootings; he had been in the company of oth­ers in the Republican activist group. Even the "press" had to give account that ''Parrott could not have been involved but has been a member of the rightwing faction of the Houston GOP, which was oriented toward the John Birch Society and which opposed Bush's chairmanship." How interesting that it would be printed in this particular manner when the POINT was the Kennedy assassination.

    According to the San Francisco Examiner, Bush had not made any such call, and challenged the authenticity of the FBI docu­ments (read his lips). Several days later Bush's spokesman said that the candidate "does not recall" placing the call.


    One day after he reported Parrott to the FBI, Bush received a highly sensitive, high-level briefing from the Bureau:

    "Date: November 29, 1963
    "To: Director of Intelligence and Research, Department of State.
    "From: John Edgar Hoover, Director

    "Our Miami, Florida Office on November 23, 1963 advised that the Office of Coordinator of Cuban Affairs in Miami ad­vised that the Department of State feels some misguided anti-Castro group might capitalize on the present situation and un­dertake an unauthorized raid against Cuba, believing that the as­sassination of President John F. Kennedy might herald a change in U.S. policy, which is not true.

    "Our sources and informants familiar with Cuban matters in the Miami area advise that the general feeling in the anti-Castro Cuban community is one of stunned disbelief and even among those who did not entirely agree with the President's policy con­cerning Cuba, the feeling is that the President's death represents a great loss not only to the U.S. but to all Latin America. These sources know of no plans for unauthorized action against Cuba.

    "An informant who has furnished reliable information in the past and who is close to a small pro-Castro group in Miami has advised that those individuals are afraid that the assassination of the President may result in strong repressive measures being taken against them and, although pro-Castro in their feelings, regret the assassination.

    "The substance of the foregoing information was orally fur­nished to Mr. George Bush OF THE CENTRAL INTELLI­GENCE AGENCY and Captain William Edwards of the De­fense Intelligence Agency ON NOVEMBER 23, 1963, BY MR. W.T. FORSYTH OF THIS BUREAU."

    William T. Forsyth, since deceased (as all involved do become), was an official of the FBI's Washington headquarters. During the time he was attached to the bureau's subversive control section, he ran the investigation of Dr. Martin Luther King. Was he also a part of the FBI's harassment of Dr. King? Indeed, indeed!

    The efforts of journalists to locate Captain Edwards ended in total thwarting.

    This FBI document identifying George Bush as a CIA agent in November 1963 was first published by Joseph McBride in The Nation in July 1988, just before Bush received the Republican nomination for President. McBride's source observed: "I know Bush was involved in the Caribbean. I know he was involved in the suppression of things after the Kennedy assassination. There was a very definite worry that some Cuban groups were going to move against Castro and attempt to blame it on the CIA." When pressed for information or denial, Bush's spokesman Stephen Hart commented, "MUST BE ANOTHER GEORGE BUSH."


    Within a very short time, the CIA itself published the same damage control line. On July 19, 1968, in the wake of wide public attention to the report published in The Nation, CIA spokeswoman Sharron Basso departed from the normal CIA policy of refusing to confirm or deny reports that any person is or was a CIA employee. CIA spokeswoman Basso told the Associated Press that the CIA believed that "the record should be clarified". She said that the FBI document "apparently" referred to a George William Bush who had worked in 1963 on the night shift at CIA headquarters, and that "would have been the appropriate place to have received such an FBI report". According to her account, the George William Bush in question had left the CIA to join the Defense Intelligence Agency in 1964--and vanished, only to surface in 1988 with no reason to realize he was the "Bush" in contention at ANY time past or present having only served in a very low-level position.

    For the CIA to volunteer the name of one of its former employees to the press was a shocking violation of traditional methods [read Oliver North's lips which said all these people (agents) work and die in secrecy and should be honored publicly even if anonymous. There is even a special burial place for these "unknown" ones] which are supposedly designed to keep such names a closely guarded top secret. This revelation may have constituted a violation of federal law. But no exertions were too great when it came to damage control for George Bush.

    George William Bush had indeed worked for the CIA, the DIA, and the Alexandria, Virginia Department of Public Welfare before joining the Social Security Administration, in whose Arlington, Virginia office he was employed as a claims representative in 1988. George William Bush told The Nation that while at the CIA he was "just a lowly researcher and analyst" who worked with documents and photos and NEVER RECEIVED INTERAGENCY BRIEFINGS. He had never met Forsyth of the FBI or Captain Edwards of the DIA. "So it wasn't me," said George William Bush.


    Later, George William Bush formalized his denial in a sworn statement to a federal court in Washington, D.C. The affidavit acknowledges that while working at CIA headquarters between September 1963 and February 1964, George William Bush was the junior person on a three- to four-man watch which was on duty when Kennedy was shot. But, as George William Bush goes on to say, "have carefully reviewed the FBI memorandum to the Director, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State dated November 29, 1963 which mentions a Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency.... I do not recognize the contents of the memorandum as information furnished to me orally or otherwise during the time I was at the CIA. In fact, during my time at the CIA, I did not receive any oral communications from any government agency of any nature whatsoever. I did not receive any information relating to the Kennedy assassination during my time at the CIA from the FBI.

    "Based on the above, it is my conclusion that I am NOT the Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency referred to in the memorandum and neither do I have an 'H' in my name."


    So you are left with the obvious--that "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" referred to by the FBI is your own George Herbert Walker Bush who, in addition to his contact with Lee Harvey Oswald and Oswald's controller, joins the ranks of the Kennedy assassination cover-up. It is interesting that the Cuban matter would circulate around Bush because that is a place where George traditionally has had a constituency. George inherited it from his father, Prescott Bush of Jupiter Island, and later passed it on to his son, Jeb.

    I don't want to get into family spider webs at this time for we have spoken of placements of the "boys" in many prior writings but note that the involvement goes from Cuba, to South and Central America, Africa and Bahrain--not to even mention within and into the Savings and Loan debacles which have brought America to her knees.


    Let us close this portion for I ask that you do some serious thinking upon the situation in which you now find selves.

    Hatonn to clear.
    PJ 45
    SUN., FEBRUARY 23, 1992 8:44 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 191

    SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1992

    Hatonn present that the road may be a bit more easily travelled.


    As you grow through this wondrous experience upon the physi­cal plane you have such opportunity to choose. What important decisions shall you make this day? Will you be able to make them in knowledge or in ignorance? Will you choose religion or spirit growth? It seems the same? No--it is NOT the same. Religions are but MAN's doctrines set forth for guidelines within a group. The Great Spirit has given living rules which most churches have abandoned in favor of Man's doctrines. Worse--the Christ path is being excluded, even by name (Christ) from all of your public affiliations as quickly as can be legalized by your non-"Christ"ian government and legal system. The statistics are posted for you to see. Every moment is a choice--every breath is a choice--what important decisions shall you make this day? Will it be in fear or knowledge? So be it. When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that is in it­self a choice. Think upon it. And please remember, precious friends--nothing turns up in the world unless SOMEONE turns it up!


    I am bombarded by inquiries at this time of the year to speak on "taxability" and what to do. I cannot tell you what to do but I can give you some "legal" guidelines. I think that we will take "Today's Watch" and give you input from Dr. Larson on denying taxability. The Common Law Service Center and the Con­stitutional Law Center are both handling this kind of information but it is not quickly enough to reach all of you at this critical time. Each year I am brought to task about not giving "service" quickly enough. Well, I begin at the first of the year and work right through until the end--perhaps some of you don't look until this time of the year when it is too late?

    I have suggested right up until filing time that you not mail in your form. At worst, you would have delayed and at best, you could become more informed regarding Constitutional law re­garding same. Then paralysis seems to set in the moment there is challenge. Can you not see that the government controls you by fear and force?

    The important thing in dealing with any problem is to NEVER ignore communication for it is through the communication that you can act and respond. The following is exceptionally good advice and I hope it will be helpful to you. We have offered so much in response in SPIRAL TO ECONOMIC DISASTER, PRIVACY IN A FISHBOWL and YOU CAN SLAY THE DRAGON that I cannot take undue time in repetition. I can only offer--you must decide what to do. Please accept the fol­lowing as a valid way in which to handle this particular matter.

    When the income tax resister is placed on a witness stand and subjected to cross-examination as to why he/she did not file a Form 1040 or other, for a certain year, usually the first thing the prosecution does is to produce a return filed previously by the accused--to set the pattern.

    The fact such a document exists is taken for proof the witness has known he must prepare such a document and pay whatever tax is indicated thereon. By preparing and submitting such a re­turn, the person has unwittingly entered into a contract with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) a collection (private) service for the Federal Reserve (also a private corporation). Taxes DO NOT go for paying government expenses--100% of all income taxes go to pay the banks interest on the national debt. More money must then be borrowed to run the the government which keeps it fully and wholly in debt and bound by the banks. The illusion is thus created by the government of the United States which makes him a taxpayer and, by inference, such for the re­mainder of his life. In law, this is known as "presumptive evi­dence".

    This is the position taken by the IRS. Whether or not this is based on actual fact is a matter which is not determined. If you are in such a position you must counteract effectively. Remem­ber, there are two types of government and several types of "citizens" and, moreover, on the form itself and in the instruc­tions it says that the tax is VOLUNTARY and names the places and citizens subject to the tax. Any "State" of the union is set apart. I can't go into all that herein but please accept this brief explanation. It is the signing of that form and turning it in in the first place which gets you "hooked".

    This is indeed a very significant matter and must be dealt with if the accused is to have any standing in court. The way to solve the difficulty is to file a letter or an affidavit of renunciation explaining why a person declines to file a 1040. Such a letter might read as exampled here:

    (City, State)

    Dear Sir:

    Before 19_, I had never studied the internal revenue code in order to determine whether or not I am subject to income taxation and, therefore overwhelmed by publicity is­sued by the government, I simply did as I was told--namely, prepared a 1040 and paid whatever taxes were indicated thereon.

    However, in 19 I became alerted to the fact certain people were "refusing" to pay and I became very curious as to their reasons. I then obtained a complete copy of the code and began an intensive study thereof. I was amazed to discover that employees, as defined in Section 3401(c), consist only of officials of any division of the federal government or their employees. I found also that under Section 6331(a) levy and distraint in the collection of income taxes may be invoked only in regard to the wages or salaries of such personnel. Since I work in the private sector in the sovereign state of , I cannot be considered an employee whose income is subject to federal taxation. There are other sections of the code which corroborate this position.

    Since, therefore, under your own law, I am not subject to IRS jurisdiction or to federal income taxation, I am not fil­ing a 1040 nor paying any federal income tax.

    Respectfully submitted
    (Printed name)

    Be sure to keep a copy, as you will need it in court, and it is best if the letter is sent certified mail, return receipt re­quested. In order to make this more emphatic, you might have the document notarized and attested to by two qualifying indi­viduals. You will then call the letter an affidavit of renuncia­tion.

    I will not say the IRS will automatically agree that a state­ment of renunciation is effective. If you have a bank savings or checking account, they may seize all or part of it. However, if they take such action, you can sue them in court. If they bring you to criminal trial, it will be before a jury. (And the Bill of Rights guarantees you the right to a jury trial in all civil cases in which more than $20 is in controversy.)

    In such case, your statement of rescission should be very ef­fective. You can also use a similar letter to rescind your Social Security number.

    Of course, if you have no personal bank accounts, it becomes much harder for the IRS to attempt to seize your assets.
    All this is a vital part of the struggle now waged by patriots to defeat the onerous, oppressive personal federal income tax.

    If you live as a permanent resident of Washington D.C., etc., then you have a different set of problems but there is no "way of collection" built into the Constitution and therefore I suggest you get in touch with the Constitutional Law Center or the Common Law Service Center for further advice (916 487-1849).

    The Common Law Service Center can help you with legal methods of citizenship determination, etc. They can also help you as a "citizen" handle affairs in such a way as to get some measure or total security. I, Hatonn, personally only recom­mend a couple of ways in which you handle all through "Nevada incorporation" of self -----PROPERLY. Further, I SEE NO SAFE INVESTMENTS IN THE MARKET, BANKS, INSUR­ANCE COMPANIES, ETC.,--NONE. THE SYSTEM IS READY TO COLLAPSE AND UNLESS YOU ARE INDEED ON THE "INSIDE" AND SHREWD BEYOND MOST--YOU ARE SET TO LOSE! THE FULL INTENT OF THE "NEW WORLD ORDER" IS TO GET ALL YOUR PROPERTY AND ASSETS! ALL.

    (For assistance with Nevada corporations telephone Cort Christie at 805 822-8552.)


    Immediately look into the case of "Robert Martyr" who is incar­cerated in an institution--hopelessly. Remember they did this to ones such as Ezra Pound and other Patriots--simply lock them away in mental institutions until they are able to outright murder them under the guise of natural causes. These cases are in­creasing and MUST be looked into and at this time there IS NO PLACE FOR THESE ONES TO TURN. He is incarcerated at #48C, 2600 Center Street, N.E., Salem, Oregon 97310. He has run ads at his own expense to gain attention and still none comes. The ads are outrageous but attend them with the hope­lessness they contain and evaluate on the basis of THE MAN and not those incarcerating. It is his Constitutional Rights at is­sue, not his attitude about his shackle-keepers. I would herein run a statement to the "people" as honored by the AMERICAN'S BULLETIN (503/779-7709):

    Cruel and Unusual Punishment

    THIS country just celebrated the 200th Anniversary of the Bill of Rights. A document which almost did not get included in the corporate Constitution for these united States. Most Americans have been conditioned to believe that FREEDOM abounds in the "greatest nation on earth"! But for the true Feedom Fighter today, that is one of the biggest lies being told, because he knows--if not first hand--at least by study and interest, that many are suffering under the greatest oppression the world has ever seen. The New World Order, which has for many years been in place, has only recently begun to openly flex its muscle. Those who would respect and obey the true law of the land are imprisoned while the beast system and its media labels and libels their names and steals their property, all with citizens screaming their praises and showing their thumbs down, for the "illegal protester's" death and destruction. After all, most want their banks, their usury, their churches to tell them they're godly and all the rest of the goodies that Babylon the Great has to offer.

    Americans, for the most part are quite happy to support the starving children in India while letting their own children or neighbor children starve to death. They are outraged by someone being held prisoner in another land, but could care less about those who are prisoners in this their own land. They believe in the causes they are manipulated to care about and care less about the real issues which they come in contact with daily. They call evil, good, and good, evil.

    One such prisoner--who has nut ads at his own expense for many months in the pages of this paper--is Robert Martyr. His plight has been openly related to our readers. Yet, where is their outrage? 'Where is the concern? Most have dismissed his stories, as just that, "stories" from a "mental case" who has nothing better to do than complain about the situation he has assuredly brought upon himself.

    And yet, the fact that "they"--his government "keepers"--are now about to silence Martyr for good, through outright murder, should be indication enough that there is more to the story than one might think. After all, if all his "complaints" have been mere railings of a mad man, who would take them seriously? So, why IS someone taking them so seriously? So seriously in fact, as to take away all his food, and deny him all his basic civil rights--which especially should be enjoyed by those who are considered "sick", those less able to defend themselves?! Why is Robert Martyr such a threat to his keeper/jailers? And why is he singled out for such inhuman treatment? Treatment which we usually associate with foreign prisons--certainly not the progressive mental institutions in this country.

    Perhaps it is time to wake up to the fact that all those in mental facilities are not necessarily mental patients. Many, if not most, are political prisoners, like Robert Martyr. Many are those who have had the misfortune to discover information that they should not have found out about, for their own safety. Many are there because it was easy to put them there and take all their possessions, too boot

    And after "treatment", many of those patients turn up as "the homeless" on our streets, as drugged zombies who don't even know who they are, let alone arty one else.

    All this, at a continuing rising cost to the American "taxpayer" who pays for these and coming programs designed to solve these "complex" problems.

    So, what are YOU doing about it? If you are like many, you will do NOTHING, for fear of becoming a target of the New World Order yourself.

    As far back as the Second World War citizens were determined to be "enemies" of the government In 1952 lists were established by this government of over 500,000 American citizens as the basis for carrying out the FBI-directed "Operation Dragnet" in which, initially, from 3 to 12 thousand Americans could be picked up "overnight" for incarceration in federal detention camps as "potential" spies and saboteurs, enemies of the/our beloved government! While those plans have not yet been carried out they have been updated yearly. [H: And are now fully operational--waiting!]

    Robert Martyr is only the first, of perhaps thousands, who will follow in his steps through the halls of internment camps, be they prisons, mental institutions or concentration camps. You and I are probably on the list. It is a necessary policy of the New World Order. Those who would stand in the way of progress, peace and love, must be dealt with for the good of the rest of the peace loving citizens.

    Robert Martyr's case is important to you and me. What "they" are allowed to do to him, what they are allowed to get away with in his case, is only a prelude to what they will be able to do to you and me when we become their captive audience. It's time you took an interest in him--for your own good!

    f you are a true Believer and a lover of Truth, you just might sit down and write some letters and see what, if anything, can be done about this one situation involving Robert Martyr. Because if you don't you might be in his place sooner than you think. His blood will stain all.

    * * *

    I ask that you take this most seriously and let us see what there is which needs be done. Truth must be isolated and the protec­tion by the Constitution effected. If there are other extenuating circumstances, criminal activities, etc., it will OUT. The MAN IS INNOCENT UNTIL AND "IF" PROVEN GUILTY IN A COURT OF LAW BY A JURY OF HIS PEERS! REMEM­BER??

    Please listen carefully to me at this writing for you can actually get the man killed if you act rashly.

    You who will, please do the following:


    FIRST OF ALL, WRITE TO HIM. REMEMBER THE "MASTER TEACHER" SPOKE OF THESE THINGS SUCH AS "VISITING WHEN I WAS IN PRISON"? We are not to judge--only presume innocence and give love and assistance wherein we can do so. In the letters to him--please, also--write that you KNOW the matter is being reviewed right now by the Constitutional Law Center. This is so that "staff" cannot de­stroy the letters and carry through with any extenuating plans which may be afoot. Publicity is this man's only prayer and hope of getting out of there alive and whole in mind.

    Give Robert comfort BUT demand attention from the ones on the following list:

    Governor of the state of Oregon
    Barbara Roberts
    State House
    Salem, Oregon 97310

    Attorney General, State of Oregon
    % State House
    Salem, Oregon 97310

    Advisory Council on Mental Health Services
    J.D. Bray, M.D. Asst. Administrator
    MED Programs
    2575 Bittern Street NE
    Salem, OR 97310

    Oregon State Hospital
    George W. Bachik
    MSW, Superintendent
    2600 Center Street N.E.
    Salem, Oregon 97310

    The Oregon Advocacy Center
    625 Board of Trade Bldg.
    310 S.W. Fourth Avenue
    Portland, OR 97204

    Eva Kutas
    2575 Bittern Street N.E.
    Salem, OR 97310

    Attorney Spencer Neal
    500 Yamhill Plaza Bldg.
    815 S.W. 2nd Avenue
    Portland, OR 97204

    Department of Human Resources
    Kevin W. Conconnan, Director
    318 Public Service Building
    Salem, OR 97310

    Mental Health Division
    Richard C. Lippincott, M.D. Administrator
    2575 Bittern Street NE
    Salem, Or 97310

    If not YOU--WHO?? What would YOU do if you could find none to help and you were innocent? If YOU do not help your brother--WHO shall come to thine aid?

    I only have this to say about the case in point. The "time" given for "serving" in the incarceration of the institution was long since passed and still "they" will not release him for he is "politically dangerous"--"their" pronouncement--not mine!

    * * *

    I have a couple of things to share with you and then we will move back into the subject of the CIA and government abuses in other higher forms of killing.

    Pay very close attention to this next document:

    An Internal Security Emergency
    Detention Order
    (As Provided Under the McCarran Act)

    THE PRESIDENT of the United States has declared that an "Internal Security Emergency" exists. This Federal Bureau of Investigation is hereby authorized by the Attorney Gen­eral of the United States "to apprehend and detain the person named, designated and described below... as to whom there is reasonable grounds to believe that he/she probably will engage in, or probably will conspire with others to engage in, acts of espionage or of sabotage."

    The detention will be in the place designated below by the office of the Internal Security Division of the Department of Justice and as is authorized by the Attorney General of the United States.

    The detention of the below-designated person will last until the end of the Internal Security Emergency is proclaimed by the President of the United States or by a Concurrent Reso­lution of both Houses of the United States Congress, or until a release may be effected by either the Attorney General of the United States or by the Board of Detention Review.


    The Department of Justice "at no time is required to release any information the revelation of which would disclose the identity or evidence of Government agents or officers which it believes would be dangerous to the national safety and security to divulge."

    To knowingly disregard or evade apprehension of this deten­tion warrant is a federal crime punishable by a fine of $10,000 and imprisonment of 10 years, or both.

    A copy of this Federal Detention Order shall be supplied the person designated for apprehension and detention.

    Signed by the Attorney General of the United States.


    I suggest you all go back and read that document four or five times because you are "in it", America.

    I will leave you with one last thought:

    "Decency, security and liberty alike demand that government officials shall be subjected to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen. In a government of laws, existence of the government will be imperilled if it fails to observe the law scrupulously. Our Government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. f the Government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. To declare that in the administration of the criminal law the end justifies the means.... would BRING TERRIBLE RETRIBUTION. AGAINST THAT PERNICIOUS DOCTRINE THIS COURT SHOULD RESOLUTELY SET ITS FACE. "

    --Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438, 485 (1928)

    * * *

    We can offer insight and, even now, follow up with LAW. However, ultimately--IT IS UP TO YOU! IF NOT YOU--WHO???


    Let us take a break, please. Hatonn to stand-by.

  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 45
    SUN., FEB. 23, 1992 11:02 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 191
    SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1992

    A FEW INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE: Please make sure that Robert Martyr gets a copy of the prior writing--REGIS­TERED/RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED--AT THE LEAST. I SUGGEST YOU SEND HIM SOME SELECTED COPIES OF THE LIBERATOR. Please append a note and ask that he re­frain from utilizing accusatory language in any of his responses to us for all will henceforth become issue in his "case". We do not take "ads" as such, so all material he sends to us must be clear "as is" for publication reprint. The accusations and labels of Scum-nuts, Scum-Bags, Sluts and other derogatory slang only enhance the enemy's position and cause readers to "turn-off". Awakening "people" are quite incapable of handling such over­loads initially--let us always use discretion in our language of choice so that we do not simply aid and abet the attacker.

    You may wish to add a notation to the readers that "Registered/Return Receipt" or at least "Registered" mail is all that assures the correspondence at least reaches the institution. It then becomes easy to track whoever might hide or destroy mailings. Let us each and all do OUR portion and truth will OUT. If "illness" is in point--so shall it come to surface and ill-treatment and Constitutional violations (as will be found in this case) will also become evident.

    I suggest that Gene Dixon get immediately onto this--probably through "showing up" unannounced on the institution's doorstep and take it from there!! Thank you.

    If travel expenses are at point--pay them now and you can ex­pect repayment from the man for he has been running great ex­penses already--in placing advertisements. This very case can shock a nation if handled properly--either way. I promise you, however, that this man has made enough "fuss" that you will get no help initially, from any of the people listed--do not get predisposed for it will be an error in action--speak first to the person in point and then follow-up. Publicity MUST BE FROM FIRST MOMENT OR THIS PERSON IS VERY APT TO BE KILLED BEFORE YOU CAN GET HELP. THESE PEOPLE WILL DO ANYTHING, NOW, TO COVER THEIR ACTIONS. TAKE CARE.


    Miami, Florida, 1-16-92. MIAMI HERALD.

    Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis filed a $5 million lawsuit in Miami Wednesday against a former mistress of Fidel Castro who has linked Sturgis to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

    The suit, filed in federal court, says Marita Lorenz made the comments about Sturgis during recent appearances on TV's Geraldo and A Current Affair.

    "I had nothing to do with the assassination of President Kennedy," Sturgis said. "I want to put a stop once and for all to these libelous lies still being told by Marita Lorenz." [H: Lies? Well, "presumption of innocence until proven or ' if' --"]

    Lorenz, who met Castro shortly after the triumph of the Cuban revolution and had a short-lived relationship with him, could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

    Although Sturgis' lawsuit focuses on Lorenz's comments in the television shows, she first made the allegations 14 years ago. [H: And who listened 14 years ago?]

    In 1978 Lorenz testified before the House Select Committee on Assassinations that Sturgis met Lee Harvey Oswakl in Miami at the home of militant exile leader Orlando Bosch shortly before the assassination.

    Lorenz also said she heard Oswald, Sturgis and Bosch discuss plans to visit Dallas.

    She said that around Nov. 15, 1963, a week before the assassination, she traveled to Dallas by car WITH Oswald, Sturgis, Bosch and other exiles.

    Sturgis and Bosch have denied the allegations, and the committee said it could not corroborate the story.

    In his lawsuit, Sturgis says Lorenz made similar allegations without verification on the recent TV shows.

    In A Current Affair in November, Lorenz said that after Kennedy was killed, Sturgis bragged to her about it.


    "He came to see me and he said. 'You know that Dallas job we did?' and I said 'Not we-- you!' and he said, 'Well, we got Kennedy,' "

    I find it interesting that this man turns up involved in every major political scandal around!?!

    BACK TO:


    Covert action--intervention in the internal affairs of other nations--is the most controversial of the CIA's clandestine functions. It is the invariable means to the most variable ends. It is basic to the clandestine mentality. And the crudest, most direct form of covert action is called "special operations".

    These activities, mostly of a paramilitary or warlike nature, have little of the sophistication and subtlety of political actions (penetration and manipulation) or propaganda and disinformation. Although planned by the CIA's professionals, these operations are to the large extent carried out by agency contract employees and mercenaries--both American and foreign. Within the CIA's Clandestine Services, "special ops" have always been viewed with mixed emotions. Most of the professionals, especially in recent years, have looked down on such activities, even while at times recommending their use. It is widely recognized within the agency, however, that less direct forms of covert action have their limitations, especially when timely, conclusive action is thought necessary to put down a troublesome rebel movement or to overthrow an unfriendly government. In these cases, the CIA usually calls on its own "armed forces", the Special Operations Division (SOD), to do the job.


    By definition, special ops are violent and brutal; most clan-destine operators prefer more refined techniques. The CIA professional is a flimflam artist, involved in the creative challenge of plotting and orchestrating a clandestine campaign without resorting to violence. In such non-paramilitary covert action, the operator tends to keep his hands unbloodied, and his crimes are of the white-collar variety--conspiracy, bribery, corruption. His failure or exposure is normally punished only with expulsion from the country where his is operating. He is, in the end, merely engaging in a "gentlemen's" game. The paramilitary operator, on the contrary, is a gangster who deals in force, in terror, in violence. Failure can mean death--if not to the operator himself, then to the agents he has recruited. The SOD man wages war, albeit on a small and secret level, but none of the rules of warfare apply. His is a breed apart; in the CIA, special ops types are sometimes referred to as the "animals" of the agency.


    In the CIA's early years, and especially during the Korean war, many paramilitary (PM) specialists, mostly former military men, were hired as career officers. But the CIA soon learned that their military skills were not easily transferable to other types of clandestine work and that most of the PM experts were next to useless in the bureaucratic and diplomatic settings in which the agency usually functions. At times, when special op­erations were at a low ebb, the agency had difficulty in finding jobs that the PM specialists could handle. Hence, during the late 1950's PM manpower was gradually reduced to a cadre of a couple of hundred operators capable of doing the planning and the training for paramilitary operations. When more men were needed, the agency would hire them on short-term contracts. These contract forces tended to be a melange of ex-military men, adventurers, and outright mercenaries; others came to the CIA on direct loan from the armed services. The U.S. Army's Special Forces and the counterguerrilla units of the Navy (SEALS) and Air Force (SOFs) provided many of the recruits, since veterans of these branches already possessed the most up-to-date paramilitary skills. Sometimes these military men "resigned" from the service in order to accommodate the CIA's cover--understanding that eventually they would return to mili­tary service--their time with the CIA counting toward promotion and retirement. (This process is known in the intelligence trade as "sheep-dipping".) But the agency was always careful to keep direct control over the planning, logistics, and communications of its special or paramilitary operations. The contractees merely did the dirty work.


    The CIA set up training facilities in the United States and overseas to prepare both its own career operators and the tempo­rary personnel on contract for paramilitary work. Camp Peary--"The Farm"--in southeastern Virginia provided the basic courses. More advanced techniques, such as demolitions and heavy weapons, were taught at a secret CIA base in North Carolina. Instruction in parachuting and air opera­tions was provided at both these facilities and at the head­quarters of Intermountain Aviation near Tucson, Arizona. A secret installation in the Canal Zone was the site for jungle-warfare and survival training. Here the agency's trainees would play paramilitary war games, pitted against the elite of the U.S. Army's Special Forces.

    Large-scale paramilitary operations also necessitated special training bases for the mercenaries. For the 1954 Guatemalan invasion, the CIA built installations in Nicaragua and Honduras. For the 1961 attack at the Bay of Pigs, sites were established again in Nicaragua and this time also in Guatemala, which had become available to the CIA as a result, of its success there seven years earlier (** DELETED **) con­structed large support facilities in Northeast India and gave (DELETED) the guerrillas at a deserted army base in the mountains. And for its many Southeast Asia adventures, the Special Operations Division had "a home away from home" un­der Navy cover on the Pacific island of Saipan.


    Saipan, however, was not a U.S. possession, but rather a Trust Territory of the United Nations under U.S. care, and consequently there was some concern within the agency that the establishment and operation of a secret military base there would raise sticky problems in the U.N. But being masters of the art of cover and deception, the CIA contin­gent on Saipan merely "sanitized" the base whenever U.N. representatives visited the island on inspection tours. [H: Just as will the state hospital in the case of Robert R. Martyr in Salem, Oregon if they know in advance that you are coming.] According to natives of the island, trainees and instructors alike disappeared; the barbed wire and "no admit­tance to unauthorized personnel" signs were taken down. In a day or so, the camp was made to appear just like any other jumble of military quonset huts, which the inspectors ignored. As soon as they were gone, however, all was re­turned to normal, and the CIA's special ops training was begun anew.


    One former officer of the CIA's Clandestine Services, who was trained in special ops, wrote this account of his experiences for Ramparts magazine:

    The stated purpose of paramilitary school was to train and equip us to become instructors for village peasants who wanted to defend themselves against guerrillas. I could believe in that.
    Some of the training was conventional: But then we moved up to the CIA's demolition training headquar­ters. It was here that Cubans had been, and still were (in the mid-1960's) being trained in conventional and underwater demolitions. And it was here that we re­ceived training in tactics which hardly conformed to the Geneva Convention.
    The array of outlawed weaponry with which we were familiarized included bullets that explode on im­pact, silencer-equipped machineguns, homemade explosives and self-made napalm for stickier and hotter Molotov cocktails. We were taught demolition tech­niques, practicing on late model cars, railroad trucks, and gas storage tanks. And we were shown a quick method of saturating a confined area with flour or fertilizer, causing an explosion like in a dustbin or gra­nary.
    And there was a diabolical invention that might be called a mini-cannon. It was constructed of a concave piece of steel fitted into the top of a #10 can filled with a plastic explosive. When the device was detonated, the tremendous heat of friction of the steel turning in­side out made the steel piece a white-hot projectile. There was a number of uses for the mini-cannon, one of which was demonstrated to us using an old army school bus. It was fastened to the gasoline tank in such a fashion that the incendiary projectile would rupture the tank and fling flaming gasoline the length of the bus interior, incinerating anyone inside. It was my lot to show the rest of the class how easily it could be done. It worked, my God, how it worked! I stood there watching the flames consume the bus. It was, I guess, the moment of truth. What did a busload of burning people have to do with freedom? What right did I have, in the name of democracy and the CIA, to decide that random victims should die? The intellectual game was over. I had to leave.

    The heavy reliance on paramilitary methods in the CIA's special operations is a direct outgrowth of the clandestine guer­rilla programs undertaken by the Office of Strategic Services during World War II. The OSS, like its British counterpart, Special Operations Executive, made extensive use of indigenous underground resistance movements to sabotage the activities of German and Japanese armed forces in the occupied countries and to foment national unrest in these areas. In running such operations, the OSS officers performed as advisors and acted as channels for communications and support from the Allied pow­ers. Basic to the success of the OSS operations was the fact that the countries in which it conducted its covert activities were un­der the military control of foreign armies despised by native re­sistance forces. Even so, the resistance movements in most oc­cupied countries enjoyed limited success until the regular Allied forces had won sufficient victories to force the axis powers into an essentially defensive strategy of protecting their homelands.


    During the early postwar years, as we have noted, the CIA's initial reaction to the Cold War was to employ the wartime tac­tics of the OSS in new efforts to organize and promote paramili­tary resistance movements in such areas as Albania, the Ukraine, and other parts of Eastern Europe. Almost all of these operations were complete failures. (Similar setbacks occurred in agency paramilitary operations against China and North Ko­rea.) The controlling military forces in Eastern Europe, al­though supported by the Soviet Union, were for the most part of native origin--often directed by the same political elements that had cooperated with the OSS and other Allied intelligence services in the prior struggle against the Nazi occupiers. Despite a large amount of disenchantment with the communist regimes on the part of the indigenous populations, which the CIA grossly misinterpreted as revolutionary fervor, the war-weary populations were not willing to join, in significant numbers, resistance groups with little chance of success. And under the prevailing political circumstances of the times, there was little likelihood of eventual overt military support from the U.S. armed forces. Thus, the Eastern European governments, with their rigid inter­nal-security systems, were easily able to thwart CIA paramili­tary efforts against them.


    In those areas of the world not under communist domination, however, the CIA's clandestine paramilitary operations fared somewhat better, at least during the early 1950's. But unlike the OSS, which had supported partisan groups fighting against fascist-dominated governments, the CIA more often than not found itself in the position of supporting the counterinsurgency efforts of established regimes threatened from the left by local guerrilla movements. Blinded by its fear and distrust of communism, the CIA had gradually drifted into a posture whereby its paramili­tary operations were in support of the status quo. The agency, in pursuit of "stability" and "orderly change", increasingly asso­ciated itself with protecting vested interests. In the view of much of the world, it had become a symbol of repression rather than freedom. While the CIA's paramilitary activities were at times successful, many of the victories won took on a Pyrrhic quality. They always seemed to work against legitimate social and political change--for which the U.S. government would in later years be held accountable by the peoples of these countries.

    Dharma, enough for today. You are fatigued; please get some rest this afternoon. Hatonn to clear.

    PJ 45
    CHAPTER 10


    MON., FEB. 24, 1992 9:16 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 192

    MONDAY. FEBRUARY 24. 1992



    During the first years of its existence and particularly after the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950, the CIA recruited and trained large numbers of officers for special operations. Many were, of course, intended for service in Korea, but the Ameri­can commander there, General Douglas MacArthur, was not particularly fond of clandestine paramilitary operations, and he did his best to keep the CIA's special-ops experts out of his the­ater. The agency did nevertheless manage to launch a large number of secret operations, resulting in the loss of numerous Korean agents and few, if any, meaningful gains.


    With its newly expanded staff, the CIA's Special Operations Division was able to turn its attention to other countries in Asia. Attempts were made to develop resistance movements in China, but these efforts accomplished virtually nothing more than the capture of agency officers John Downey and Richard Fecteau-- and death for the Nationalist Chinese agents they were helping to infiltrate. Mainland China, like Eastern Europe, was not fer­tile territory for agency operations.

    There were some successes elsewhere. The Huk insurgence in the Philippines was put down with CIA help. Agency-sup­ported Nationalist Chinese troops in Burma (when not engaging in their principal pastime of trafficking in opium) were induced to conduct occasional raids into the hinterland of Communist China. In South Vietnam the CIA played a large part in con­solidating the power of the Diem regime--and this was consid­ered by the agency to be a major accomplishment.


    Such gains in Southeast Asia were offset by some rather no­table failures, most particularly the agency's inability to over­throw President Sukarno of Indonesia in 1958. While this CIA-supported revolt was going on, the U.S. government categorically denied providing any support to the anti-Sukarno forces. In March 1958, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles [H: Note how often this name pops up in every misadven­ture one way or another.] told a congressional committee that "We are not intervening in the internal affairs of the country." Six weeks later President Eisenhower stated that while "soldiers of fortune" probably were involved in the affair, "our policy is one of careful neutrality and proper deportment all the way through so as not to be taking sides where it is none of our busi­ness." These statements were, of course, false. The Indonesian government put little credence in the denials and denounced the United States for its intervention. The New York Times, how­ever, chose to believe the official American version and indig­nantly scolded the Indonesians for circulating false reports say­ing that the U.S. government was giving aid to the rebels. [H: See how helpful to have a fully controlled media? The New York Times is one of the MAJOR Conspiracy newspapers as we have discussed at great length prior to this document. If you have done your homework in the JOURNALS you KNOW what is going on--between the lines, so to speak.] The Times commented that the Secretary of State and "the President himself" had denied American involvement, and that "the United States is not ready...to step in to help overthrow a constituted government." The pattern of lying to cover up fail­ure was established; it would find further manifestation during the U-2 Affair, and again at the Bay of Pigs. [H: Now, you have two U-2 "affairs" to note! Don't overlook the one that crashed off South Korea in the past month--that was cer­tainly by no means an accident!]


    In 1959 the CIA found another opportunity to engage in spe­cial ops when the Tibetans revolted against the Chinese commu­nists who eight years before had imposed their rule on the mountain kingdom. Sparked by Peking's move to replace the Dalai Lama, Tibet's traditional religious and temporal ruler, with the Panchen Lama, an important religious leader controlled by the Chinese, there was a short-lived uprising. After its fail­ure, the Dalai Lama with several thousand followers and troops escaped to India, where he and his loyalists were granted sanctu­ary. Then,


    taken on a tour of friendly Asian and European capitals as living, though somewhat incongruous proof--since he was himself an autocrat--of Communist China's totalitarianism. Later, he was brought to the United States for a visit, during which he appeared at the United Nations to plead his case and to denounce the Peking Government.


    special ops officers began secretly training and re-equipping the Dalai Lama's troops--fearsome Khamba horsemen--in preparation for eventual clandestine forays into Tibet. Some of the Tibetans were quietly brought to the United States for special paramilitary training at Camp Hale, Colorado.

    Although the CIA officers led their Tibetan trainees to believe that they were being readied for the reconquering of their homeland, even within the agency few saw any real chance that this could happen. Some of the covert operators who worked directly with the Tibetans, however, eventually came to believe their own persuasive propaganda. Years later, they would flush with anger and frustration describing how they and their Tibetans had been undone by the bu­reaucrats back in Washington. This phenomenon of "emotional attachment" is not rare in the clandestine business, but it is particularly prevalent in special operations. The offi­cers who engage in special ops often have a deep psychological need to belong and believe. This, coupled with the dangers and hardships they willingly endure, tends to drive them to support extreme causes and seek unattainable goals. Several of them would turn for solace to the Tibetan prayers which they had learned during their years with the Dalai Lama.

    From the beginning of the Tibetan operation, it was clear that its only value would be one of harassment. Spot raids against Chinese facilities in the backward mountain country were an an­noyance to Peking and a reminder of its vulnerability. But the dream of reoccupying the land and reestablishing the Dalai Lama as its political ruler was an impossible one. [H: How­ever, now take a look at what happened in regards to the Dalai Lama and followers as currently as between 1990 and now. Politics leave nothing "sacred" nor any man un­tainted!]

    The guerrilla raids of the Dalai Lama's forces into Tibet, planned by CIA operators and on occasion led by agency con­tract mercenaries, were supported and covered by "private" planes of the Civil Air Transport complex, a CIA proprietary which was also instrumental in secretly supplying weapons ( ** DELETED ** ) part, the raids accomplished little beyond giving the Tibetan troops some temporary satisfaction and fan­ning their hopes that someday they would lead a true invasion of their homeland. Communication lines were cut, some sabotage was carried out, and from time to time an ambush of a small Chinese Communist force was undertaken.


    One such ambush resulted in an intelligence windfall. The Tibetans had waylaid a small military convoy on a lonely mountain road and were preparing to put the torch to the Chi­nese vehicles when it was discovered that one of them contained several mailbags. A quick examination disclosed that in addi­tion to the routine mix of general correspondence, the mail in­cluded official government and military documents being delivered from China proper. The mailbags were salvaged and re­turned to India by the Tibetan guerrillas, where they were turned over to the CIA operatives working on the operation. The contents of the mailbags were later analyzed in detail by the agency's China experts in Langley, Virginia. Data and insights as to the status of the Chinese occupation of Tibet were found in abundance. While difficulties were being encountered in im­posing communist rule on the feudal system of the mountain na­tion, it was clear that the Chinese were in full control of the sit­uation and were determined to have their way. Even more in­teresting to the agency's China-watchers, however, was authen­tic background information revealing that Mao Tse-tung's "Great Leap Forward" had failed in several crucial respects to achieve its goal of raising China from the depths of underdevel­opment. As incredible as it may seem in retrospect, some of the CIA's economic analysts (and many other officials in Washington) were, in the early 1960's, still inclined to accept much of Peking's propaganda as to the success of Mao's economic experiment. The acquisition of the Tibetan docu­ments was a significant contribution to the resolution of this particular debate within the U.S. intelligence community.


    Without any other noteworthy gains, the Tibetan operation sputtered hopelessly on. A few years later, at the end of 1964, the Chinese removed the Panchen Lama from power, setting off another minor revolt. But the Dalai Lama's CIA-trained troops, now more than five years in exile in India, were unable to come to the rescue of their countrymen. With the CIA's Bay of Pigs defeat still fresh in American minds, there was little in­terest in Washington in supporting the dreams of the Khamba horsemen. Gradually the Tibetan operation atrophied. By the late 1960's the CIA's clandestine operatives were interested only in seeking a graceful way to terminate their association with the Dalai Lama and his aging, now useless troops.

    * * *

    The Tibetan operation was soon overshadowed and succeeded by CIA involvement in the Congo. The chaotic strife which gripped that country almost from the moment it became inde­pendent of Belgian rule provided the CIA, along with intelli­gence services of many other countries, fertile ground for spe­cial operations. The U.S. Government's intent was to promote a stable pro-Western regime that would protect foreign investments, and the CIA was given much of the responsibility for carrying out this policy. At first the agency's covert activities were confined to political manipulation and cash payments to selected politicians, but as the Congolese political scene became more and more unraveled, the agency sent its paramilitary experts and mercenaries to support the new government. By 1964, CIA B-26 aircraft flown by Cuban pilots under contract with the CIA were carrying out regular bombing missions against rebel areas. Later, in 1966, the New York Times would describe the CIA planes as "an instant air force". While the agency was not completely happy with this publicity, many operators were pleased with the newspaper's recognition of the CIA's skill in putting the operation to­gether on comparatively short notice. [H: You must keep in mind that the kind of personality which allows for this in­trigue and dangerous work ALSO DEMANDS ATTENTION TO THAT WHICH THEY HAVE ACCOMPLISHED! These operatives contain massively huge egos.]

    Relying in large part on the considerable assistance furnished by the CIA and other U.S. government agencies, the central Congolese government under President Mobutu was finally able to impose some degree of stability throughout the country.


    During the years when the Tibetan and Congolese pro­grams were in full operation, the CIA and its Special Opera­tions Division were already becoming increasingly preoccupied with Southeast Asia. In Laos, agency operators were organizing a private army (L'Armee Clandestine) of more than 30,000 men and building an impressive string of bases throughout the country. A few of these bases were used as jumping-off points to send guerrilla raiding parties into North Vietnam and China.

    The secret war in Laos was viewed within the CIA with much more favor than the huge military struggle that eventually developed in Vietnam. The fighting was not highly visible to the American public or the world. In fact, the Laotian war was years along before the U.S. Congress even became aware it was going on. In Laos the CIA was in complete control, but at no time were more than forty or fifty operations officers required to direct the paramilitary effort. The dirty and dangerous work-- the ground fighting--was handled by hundreds of agency con-tract personnel and more than 30,000 Lao tribesmen under the leadership of General Vang Pao--whom the CIA from time to time secretly decorated with "intelligence" medals. The CIA's Laotian forces were augmented by thousands of Thai "volunteers" paid by the agency. Air support, an extremely dangerous business in Laos, was supplied by Air America--a CIA-owned airline--and on occasion by the Thai Air Force. Thus, while the CIA's special-ops officer masterminded the war and called all the shots, largely from the Laotian capital of Vientiane or from secure bases upcountry, most were not required to run the physical risks of war. The Laotian operation was, as special operations go, a near-perfect situation for the career officer.


    Meanwhile, in Vietnam the CIA supported and financed a force of roughly 45,000 Civilian Irregular Defense Guards (CIDGs), local guerrilla troops who fought under the operational direction of the U.S. Army's Special Forces. SOD operators and agency contractees ran the Counter Terror teams which employed similar methods to oppose the Vietcong's terror tactics of kidnapping, torture, and murder. The agency also organized guerrilla raids against North Vietnam, with special emphasis on intrusions by sea-borne commando groups coming "over the beach" on specially designed, heavily armed high-speed PT-type boats. At least one such CIA raiding party was operating in that part of the Tonkin Gulf in 1964 where two U.S. destroyers allegedly came under attack by North Vietnamese ships. [H: Many of those fast boats are now operating off-shore along the Gulf Coast of the U.S./Mexico. They are operated, still, by Vietnamese Cong in large measure!] These CIA raids may well have specifically provoked the North Vietnamese action against the destroyers, which in turn led to the passage of the Tonkin Gulf resolution by the U.S. Congress in 1964, thus setting the stage for large-scale Ameri-can military involvement in Indochina.

    The CIA's special operations in Southeast Asia were massive in scale and an important part of the overall U.S. war effort. Many of these operations are described in detail in official U.S. government documents published in The Pentagon Papers. Nevertheless, a few operations not mentioned therein deserve particular note.


    One involved the Nungs, a national minority of Chinese hill people who fought on the French side in the first Vietnam War and then came south in large numbers after 1954. The Nungs were known to be extremely fierce fighters, and they became a favorite source of manpower for CIA operations in South Vietnam. In fact, casual observers could nearly always spot secret CIA installations in the Vietnamese provinces by the Nung guards out front, dressed invariably in jungle camouflage uniforms.

    In addition, Nung mercenaries were often sent by the CIA on forays along the Ho Chi Minh trail. Their function was to observe North Vietnamese and Vietcong supply movements and on occasion to make attacks against convoys, or to carry out sabotage on storage depots. Since most of the Nungs were illiterate and had great difficulty in sending back quick, accurate reports of what they saw, the CIA technicians developed a special kind of radio transmitter for their use. Each trans­mitter had a set of buttons corresponding to pictures of a tank, a truck, an artillery piece, or some other military-re­lated object. When the Nung trail watcher saw a Vietcong convoy, he would push the appropriate button as many times as he counted such objects go by him. Each push sent a specially coded impulse back to a base camp which could in this way keep a running account of supply movements on the trail. In some instances the signals would be recorded by observation planes that would relay the information to at­tack aircraft for immediate bombing raids on the trail.

    The Nung units made special demands on their CIA case of­ficers, and consequently they cost the agency about 100 times as much per soldier as the Meos fighting in CIA's L'Armee Clan­destine in Laos, who could be put into the field for less than ten cents per man per day. The higher cost for the Nungs' services was caused by their unwillingness to go into remote regions un­der agency command unless they were regularly supplied with beer and prostitutes--thus, the agency had no choice but to provide flying bar and brothel services. Even though one of the CIA's own airlines, Air America, handled this unusual cargo, the cost of the air support was still high. The CIA's case offi­cers would have preferred to give the Nungs whiskey, which, while more expensive to buy, was considerably lighter and hence cheaper to fly in, but the Nungs would fight only for beer. The prostitutes also presented a special problem because the agency did not want to compromise the secrecy of the oper­ations by supplying women from local areas who might be able to talk to the Nungs. Thus, Air America brought in only pros­titutes from distant parts of Southeast Asia who had no language in common with the Nungs.


    With their characteristic enthusiasm for gimmicks and gad­getry, the CIA came up with two technical discoveries in the mid-1960's that were used in Vietnam with limited success but great delight


    In actual practice, however, whatever damage was caused by the chemical was quickly repaired by the Vietcong and North Vietnamese.

    The agency's other discovery was a weapons-detection sys­tem. It worked by spraying a special chemical on the hands of a suspected Vietcong and then, after a few minutes, shining an ul­traviolet light on his hands. If the chemical glowed in a certain manner, that meant that the suspect had held a metal object--in theory, a weapon--during the preceding twenty-four hours. The system's main drawback was that it was just as sensitive to steel farm implements as to guns and it could implicate a person who had been merely working with a hammer. The CIA considered the system such a success, however, that it passed it on through a domestic training program to the police forces in several American cities. [H: Now wouldn't this strike terror into your hearts? I suppose you can know which cities would use such ruthless devices?]


    * * *

    How many innocent people might be dying in prison because of such irresponsible apparatus as this? Let me assure that a part of the training of agents and operatives IS TO BE ABLE TO LIE WITHOUT TRIPPING OFF ANY DEVICE--MORE­OVER, ANY SUCH SILLY DEVICE AS THE ABOVE CAN BE OUTDONE BY SIMPLY WEARING GLOVES!! These devices are to set-up innocents--NOT catch criminals.


    Dharma, we must have a rest-break please. I need to attend some urgent tasks and you must allow rest for we have pushed far too hard and long over the last few days.


    When we return I shall respond to some very belligerent insults and accusations as to being a Satanic liar and anti-Semite be­cause I tell you that the Political Action Committees (PACs) are the most dangerous thing in your government. Millions of dollars are paid directly as bribes and vote buying by, mainly, the American-Israel Political Affairs Committee (AIPAC).


    For instance, over $100,000 (each) from the Jewish Lobby went to Heflin, Cranston, Wirth, Fowler, Simon, Harkin, Duren­berger, Baucus, Reid, Bingaman, Burdick, Pell, Daschle, Pressler, Gore, Sasser, Owens, Kasten and Rockefeller. These men, in return, give favors from their own committees which are: Foreign Relations, Foreign Aid and the Armed Forces. These ones are Israel's PAID representatives INSIDE YOUR GOVERNMENT AND WORK CONSISTENTLY AGAINST THAT WHICH IS IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF--AMER­ICA, AND MORE SPECIFICALLY, AGAINST "AMERICA FIRST".


    Hatonn to clear, please.

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