PJ 14


SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 1990 9:30 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 241

Hatonn here in the Light of the Radiant One. Good morning and blessings unto our friend who comes to have communion with us this day. This will not be lengthy, Dharma, for there needs he a personal visit, please.

Zechariah states that the flesh will fall from the bodies before the bones can hit the ground. THIS IS THE EFFECT OF THE NEUTRON BOMB, MY FRIENDS. Yes, they are available but you can further surmise that there will be smaller wars with simple little atomic bombs prior to the "big one'. It may not work that finitely but probabilities speak thusly.

As your counting goes and measured by the prophecies, mankind has set his play to scripting and the "big one" is not due until just before or about the mid-90s. You witness how quickly things can change in your dimension as the people change their minds regarding adventures.

Let me remind you of a few items for consideration--look to the signs! Before the Global 2000 Plan can be put into operation in a massive manner, the citizenry must be disarmed. That, brothers, means "they" have to get those assault weapons out of the children's hands by a massive "military/police" sweep of the cities. Then, they must coerce you into Gun control laws and so far they haven't quite convinced you of the advisability of doing that. The fact that more murders and assaults are conducted with weapons of kitchen knives and pipe lengths seems to carry no impact to the public.


So what happens next? Where do you go from here? You get busy and keep the truth spreading. You may need to do with your taxes that which many of the public are doing with their census reports--DON'T! STOP MAKING IT EASY FOR THE SLAVE MASTERS TO CAPTURE YOU. There is such ineptness in the systems that "govern" you and in the "mail system" that con­nects with you that even though not receiving something doesn't count--the courts still have to PROVE you deliberately practiced fraud. You must not do that until you have many to stand with you for we need no more martyrs--just "lose" these things and then go to bat with all the ammunition given you with which to function--corporations, Constitutional laws, etc. If you continue to allow passage of laws which further imprison you, you have only yourselves to blame for the consequences.

No, I do not suggest riot or pickets--I suggest a firm stand on your own legal and God-given rights. Quietly make arrangements so that there is nothing "worth" taking from you and if they come for your weapons--give them an old one with your blessings. Never FIGHT the system--simply defend yourselves when the system becomes an imminent danger to you and/or yours.

Remember, where there is no vision, there is no hope; where there is no hope, you will have no freedom and, dear ones, when there is no freedom, there is no escape and people will perish! Whole nations will perish. YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO ACT AND REFUSE THE HANGMAN'S NOOSE. IF THEY CANNOT FIND YOUR HEAD THEY CANNOT PUT THE NOOSE ABOUT YOUR NECK. PONDER IT.

What will it take to wake up the people? That depends on how well we do of our job. What you don't see in your tiny pods is that others are waking up-- the lack of return of the census forms tells you as much. Hold to those tid-bits of truth and the truth will spread.

We needed to lay groundwork in our own Journals to be able to have the public read our forthcoming Journals which will help you know that which to do. You cannot feed uncut beefsteak unto a three week old infant.

It appears that the wondrous Temple of Solomon is in full intention of being builded in the 90's and by the late 90's will be in the final stages of construc­tion. This will allow for the leader, "Anti-Christ", who will be admitted to this throne by the Catholic Pope, and the stimulation toward the all out and total War of Armageddon.

During that same period, there will be many wars and skirmishes of heated wars, then finally the holocaustal years, followed by more severe quakes far above the eight point reading on your measurement scale--for all sorts of man-made reasons. There will, therefore, follow that there must be tidal waves, land shifts, hurricanes, violent earth disturbances and devastating disturbances from your atmosphere.

Yes, he surely did--He said that you can change it if you choose to so do. If you do not choose such steps you will march right along to the script already laid forth and in action.

Right under your noses you see the signs for they cannot be missed. You have already had a taste of the Bible Prophecy in which it states the devastation of the pestilence will befall men prior to and during his ending years. Do you remember the plague of grasshoppers which infested many of your own west­ern states, including Oregon, Arizona, North and South Dakotas, New Mex­ico, Texas and other growing regions? Your own EPA declared those areas as emergency zones and have dumped tons of poison on those areas. Let us get something in focus--just eight (8) of these grasshoppers, known as locusts, can devour as much as one cow and when you compute out the damage of 100's of millions of locusts- - -well, the day of pestilence could be at hand. These crea­tures have all but destroyed the growing fields of China--and thusly, there went tons and tons of your reserve grains--in secret.

And what of your little 'palm bug' which is a relative of the beetle? It has been thriving on your earth's crust for more than three and a half million years. It is immune to every insecticide man has invented. They travel in groups of several dozen and their growth rate per female is 30 babes per week. To make matters worse, up until the late 70's and early 80's, not one palm bug has struck out against man. TODAY, THERE ARE THOU­SANDS OF CASE HISTORIES WHERE SUCH A BEETLE BUG HAS HOSPITALIZED HIS PREY (HUMANS). Their bite is infectious and very hard to heal.

The massive computer network to be used for the "Mark of the Beast" is now installed and functional as the base unit in the Colorado Springs Mountain wherein is a military/government city within the mountain. Then, of course, you know that the elaborate satellite system is now functional and the Society for World Interbank Telecommunication is operable. This system is con­nected to the main control computer in Brussels, Belgium where it will be virtually safe from the major world disagreements.

Your weather conditions are controlled now by beam systems, drought is worsening in growing areas and floods are devastating other areas. There is no such thing as accidental "acts of God" any longer--man has taken over the "accidental" controls.

Countries are now at total unrest against one another. You are presently facing kingdom against kingdom, government against government and gov­ernment against itself---and, of course, man against man, brother against brother and thus and so. There is not one family untouched by the confusion and destructive influences and discord with fragmentation. Every known function of your government and survival status is in crisis--economy, energy, food resources and on and on. The New World Order, the One World Bank and the One World Leader are all but in completed format. There is not one thing untouched from your churches to your atmosphere.


There are but two things to consider in looking ahead to the dreamless future. The first and foremost is SURVIVAL and the second is a SURVIVAL PLACE. If you are to survive, and there must be at least a remnant which survives, then you have a couple of avenues of approach in a most human physical manner.

It shouldn't require much imagination to visualize a large city after the catastrophe has struck--Mr. Rockefeller's groupies gave you some dandy motion picture pictorials of how that can be. In such a scenario, communications will cease immediately, transportation will completely stop and there will be no food shipped into the markets. This scenario can happen in some of your major populations simply from "natural" disasters. I can assure you--man is already in the mode of savage barbarism, and he will become totally without moral or legal restraint.

The obvious, then, is to get located out of the major metropolitan areas. Get to the largest land mass at connecting fault lines. Basically, get away from coastal areas for you might very well get swamped by tidal wave activity as well as disconnection from the mainland plateaus.

Rural community living has more to offer than any city now known on your placement. These smaller communities have much to offer and rural com­munities have better ability to survive than the great masses of humanity in the cities.

The rural community will come together in sharing and support much more rapidly and love will bond you into a cooperatively working group. When love is felt and practiced, the effort of sharing the pangs of hunger will be felt far less. Further, with anticipated preparation in place, survival rations can be quite adequate.

There must be pockets of working villages which can supply shelters durable enough to withstand the elements which shall become horrendous. There must be a variety of living necessities to pass the tribulation in wholeness--fire starters, woodsmen tools, etc. They will have no method of arriving from elsewhere so groups must be prepared. There must be a remnant to guide and survive as the masses awaken and "remember". All is known but only "forgotten", but as the final act comes about, the topography of your earth will be changed and lands will become islands and transportation between popu­lated areas will become all but impassable.

There must be locations whereby fields can be planted and irrigated and yet, you must also be located in such manner as to continue to function in the world in which you dwell presently. To obtain funding for the factories neces­sary, you must form exceptional "business" opportunities. You must further protect all assets in every possible manner to be able to collect the foods and items necessary for the remnant to survive. That means that basically the en­tire village must be given opportunity--not just the few who will be overrun.

You will note that the journey from here to there seems imperceptible but that is not necessarily so. Nothing is ever quite as it appears. Do not dwell on that which might be--dwell on the moment and continue in thy work and when more desperate signs physically strike thy neighbor you can do wondrous things in a very short time. Further, as you awaken and rewrite of your script-- the possibilities become reality. At some point the remnant shall "remember" their Godness and create that which is desirable.

The first thing of urgent need is to become comfortable in the "moment". If you dwell in the "what ifs" and magnitude of the perceived journey, you will falter and fall. Look unto the moment and free your thinking minds for action. Accept that things are the way they are and stop "fighting" anything. Accept that a thing is the way it is, stop of your judging in the realization of the truth that all only IS! Demand that your inner mind give unto you direc­tions and solutions and it will be so--if the task is laid forth in sincere anticipation, the answer is compelled to appear. The parts and pieces will come and if you are alert to each moment you will begin to recognize them as they come forth and you will know where to utilize them. THAT IS CREATING! THAT IS MANIFESTION FOR THE WHOLE COMES FROM THE PARTS. EVEN THE WHOLENESS OF GOD AND CREATION ARE BUT THE COMPONENT PARTS PULLED INTO ONE-NESS.

The moments of confirmation will come into focus. The looking upon the countenance of a given "one" will become truth cemented within your own knowingness. Many of these experiences can never be shared for it is most individual indeed. Recognize that as you are touched, it is yours to hold for­ever. God will always give unto you that which you honestly petition and you will be given to KNOW when thing is correct and whereby and wherein you can be fulfilled as to purpose and participation.

Allow God's countenance to shine upon you---look into His beingness and allow the simplicity of the IS-NESS of HIS presence. You must stop of the "struggles". God IS and is NOT a struggle. The illumination must come in the recognition of that moment of touch or vision of acceptance.

"But it would appear totally hopeless!" you would say. Nay, there is naught but hope, 'tis all in thine perspective. Doom and gloom? Only if that is your perspective. You MUST know the extent of the truth unto its bitter detail--and then, only then, can you the change through the hope and into perceived reality--‘tis your gift of life. If you begin your journey with the per­ception that you cannot do of the creating alone--so, until you realize the truth of it, take thy brother's hand and do it together.

Do you not see, precious brothers, as you let go of the things of evil that give forth only greed, sexual envy, competition over and for the perceived "prize", you gain power beyond any ability to touch you. POWER COMES IN THE RELEASING OF THE PHYSICAL "NEEDS RIGHT" AS LAID FORTH FOR YOU BY THE LIE. AS YOU "MOVE INTO TRUTH, YOU SEE THAT YOU NEED NOT THOSE THINGS AND THINE ENERGIES ARE NOT DISSIPATED AND DESTROYED. YOU BECOME THE ONE IN CONTROL AND YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES CEASE TO CONTROL YOU.

Always, however, aspire to the better and more abundant--expect it and it shall come forth. If ye move from dwelling--move unto another which brings even more pleasure and abundance--it may be a shack or a hovel, do not ever pre-judge the value of a thing or circumstance.

The passage through the transition shall be as easy or as difficult as ye choose it to be. It is anticipated that at least two-thirds of humanity will perceive it to be most heinous indeed. That means that one-third shall have it most pleas­ant--make sure you are in the one-third!

Every moment becomes the stepping forth into new experience. Man came forth from God in the creating of your environment in which to experience. You laid forth that which you desired as your stage upon which to act out your play. You knew the "lines" in the script when you came forth and you were having fun in being "bad" and being "good" and all the while you were "forgetting". You finally forgot what you came for and the game turned into an illusion of frantic entrapment and you have been desperate to find your way back into the pathway home as you don't like this play any more, but you have forgotten how to change it.

Ones become desperate to get home and all manner of vile appearing acts are created and death methods invented in order to try that route to get hack home--all the while the remembering would simply show you that it is won­drously effortless to return. All you need do is become one with the IS-ness and allow the memory to flood back within your being and the journey is over. When that knowledge strikes the consciousness--for the being experiencing will not usually realize such has happened, one of two things will occur. Ei­ther the frequency shall be so great that the return unto source will be instant, or through the acceptance of a purpose otherwise, you will go about your work in great difference of outlook and knowledge. The remnant groups are being allowed the acceptance in a positive manner which will allow for the continuation of functioning in the planetary density. Do you see, in the end all that is important, really, is THE WORD! In the beginning was the word and in the ending is the word---GOD IS THE WORD! All else shall be added unto thee as ye have need of it--but it will be by thine own actions and partici­pation. As more and more of you come into focus of the goal, the solutions shall come forth as a tidal wave.

Early on, in the presenting of the Journals we have projected many subjects--this is for the purpose of touching the consciousness of various interests. Ones will see and hear that which is intended and there will be a time of per­ceived sluggishness but you must release thy concern unto God and allow Him to do His work. There is nothing new upon your placement for you have all experience, all knowledge--therefore, it is only for you to remember that which you have tucked into your banks of forgetfulness.

There will come upon your place a great awakening and understanding for the very reasons laid forth above. Man is desperate and committing suicide in ev­ery imaginable form to reach back unto God. When the dawn bursts forth, man shall be in the seeing of it. Do not limit God in your efforts at removing limitations. Ponder upon it.

Nothing has "worked" so far. Nothing was supposed to "work" so far. It was never intended that things "work". It would not be a full experience if all "worked" in perfection--that was already present in the dimension from which you chose to come forth and experience. You lived in perfection and had no appreciation of it so you chose to create a place of experience and you simply have forgotten the path back. We of the higher brotherhood have been sent forth to work with you of the volunteer remnant, to remind ones of the way home. Further, we will be as patient as necessary to allow ones to return in the manner each aspect has chosen.

You can quit the task at any time you choose to so do. However, once truth and enlightenment have been remembered, there shall never again be the comfort of forgetting . You can quit - you cannot ever return into the un­knowing . As Dharma says, "Then I might as well go forward and get the job done. Touche! You are past the point of no-return, so you might just as well continue the walk with God and do of your work. None said it would be easy, only wondrous.

Look off unto the mountains and that which seems impossible to cross, is but an interesting hunting ground beneath the wings of the eagle. Perceive all from the eyes of an eagle and you will more clearly visualize the roadmap. But you must come into the knowledge of the negative existence as well as the beauty of the positive goal and then the most expeditious roadway will come into focus.

At some point ones must stop of the fretting and fussing about where the most secure and safe placement might be and when, to the hour, you might need of it. If you listen to your guidance you will be told when and where and if you miss of the knock on the door, so be it. You will never be given to know the moment nor the where in the intent of only securing your "perceived safety". Intent is always in the judgment of God. Go to a placement and relocation because that is where you can best serve and participate according to your to your choices--all else shall be added unto you. If one has chosen to pass dimensions, he shall do it from any location at exactly the proper time.

After passing into understanding of truth, you will further see why some things have been granted unto some of you out of their sequence so that you would cease distracting yourselves over inconsequential things. You are functioning in a human format and until you leave that density you will continue to func­tion in the impact of human domain. That does not mean that you need wal­low constantly in the mire of the human elements. Neither may you withdraw into an essence existence for you would lose of your value unto the mission.

Another secret for you ones--the ones who experience all this wondrous scat­tering about in astral travel, psychic peeking into the unknown, etc., have mostly missed of the point. When you are come into the knowledge of God you will mostly be totally unaware of same. You cannot experience God as an awareness of such and such a thing or feeling for it simply IS. You will, how­ever, become very discerning and recognize and be aware of that which IS NOT. You cannot force a state of being; there are no rituals, no colored shirts or flags, no crystals, no special phrases--nothing you do will give you the prize. The prize is found in the accepting and moving into the quietness and it will surround you like the light which He is. Nothing more and nothing less--it is there and it just IS.

Another little secret shall become quite amusing and interesting as you come into truth---all before has been a lie and you have forgotten that you can cre­ate and rewrite the lie. You can if you want to---most do not want to and thus the "probability" is that things will proceed exactly as the lie was originally written. You who have returned to serve at this time of passage, will move as the play goes for that is your agreement--preparation to function as the play unfolds. We will put the truth before the people--it is up to them, then, as to that which they will do with it and you, like us will accept the journey for it is your experience, also, but yours is a pre-agreement which already tinges your memory.

Further, if you train your minds to see only the beauty, the ugly shall be dis­solved by lack of energy. For instance, if you take a sewer pond and consider the beauty of flowers growing in pots or lily pads upon the pool--the place becomes a garden from the dung heap. If a drainage ditch across your property were landscaped, it would become a beauteous garden stream and pond. Learn to see the beauty and hear the beauty in all things and that which is dis­cord can become harmony.

It is as with the hawk which has been trained to kill another for his survival, if he learned to eat of the corn and seeds as the other birds he would be wel­come within the flock. Man is the same--man has been trained into his evil ways and must again learn that he can eat of the corn and live in harmony within the flock. It he does not, then he will perish from the evil and the doves of the flock can live in peace. The hawk blindly reacts; man can thoughtfully act. Think upon the difference. However, until the day that the harmony is present, the hens must be protected most carefully from the foxes and the doves from the hawks. So be it, for so must man have pain in the process. You shall learn to release of those things unto God who guarantees the bear­ing of the burden for He will give you nothing beyond that which you can carry, or ye shall be transformed and ye shall find the carrying of the burden quite easily accomplished. First, you must release it and accept that it IS. EXPECT that wondrous mind to present you with the way and so it must come to be. Never preset your expectations as to how a thing will come to pass--be ready for it to be of total unexpectation but take it when it comes--ye must be ever alert and think in multi-dimensions and aspects or ye might be in allowing a solution to slip past your attention. Especially in the occurrence of what ye perceive as error or negatives--look at all aspects from every angle, for the lesson play be great indeed and offer unseen opportunities.

Dharma, allow us to close this portion. I shall move to stand-by. Walk this day in beauty and peace for in all the perceived darkness, there is such light, precious ones. Even from the thistle bush comes the sweetest and most beau­teous flowers. AHO!

I AM HATONN, I am your brother; no more and no less--allow us to walk together. I am older and remember the way!

PJ 14


SUNDAY, APRIL 22, 1990 10:00 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 249

Hatonn present in the Light of Radiance. Good morning on this day dedi­cated to the greening of your planet. Mankind can clear on his nest if he but continues to grow in awareness. As man begins to give back unto that wondrous birthplace, She will return into abundance for nature heals without emotional restraint.


The great display of the billowing poison and sulfuric acid clouds spewing from the power production plants about your world, and the display of the horrendous problems of nuclear plants and toxic storage, as well as the less­ening water flows for your hydroelectric facilities presents a most formidable plight unto mankind. What alternatives might you have in the production of electricity?

What can you do with the emissions of automobiles that you can clean your nesting place and still have mobility? It is far more simple than you plight re­alize. You work under the assumption that you must invent a "wheel" of some sort to have the technology--nay, nay, nay! It is all invented and into service--just NOT by you the populace. You must look beyond and into the actual factual problems and persons who keep these wondrous things from the people.

There is technology available on your Earth which could place new worlds into space for the relocation of the masses and, in the least, grow food for the continuation of life until perfection could be brought forth upon these outer placements.


In Pleiades alone, are large populations of Earth humans who were relocated at prior time periods for extension of experience and growth. In a way we are the elder brothers who come now to offer assistance and we shall do so openly as soon as you can clean up your aggressive hostility for hostile energies will not be relocated to innocent star systems. If man cannot look into his per­ceived "future" and come again in to harmony with God, he shall simply march his already projected path to destruction upon your little orb. You are prison­ers upon your isolated placement for the technology for traversing star sys­tems has been denied you.

While the conspirators and treasonists of your planet have utilized technology sufficient to find relocation placement during temporary recovery of Earth, they have denied you the knowledge of the existence of these things.

You have had the method of production of "free" energy since prior to Nikola Tesla's death of physical being. You have had technology for earth buildings since the hogan was first utilized and you have not used of it.

You have destroyed your planet in every imaginable manner--you as a species have raped, pillaged and plundered until you have destroyed of your own birthplace.

Instead of ceasing behavior that overpopulates your planet, you preach "safe sex" in your third grade classes or moreover, tout intercourse as the thing to do in all instances. Do you realize that you now have some 6 billion people on your planet (your estimates are indeed low) and you are doubling that popula­tion figure every 12 years. That means that by 2002 you will have over 12 bil­lion people. You have devastated your atmosphere and ruined your growing fields---how does your future look to you???

Dear friends--look at the other planets in your solar system and see that which is human survival on those places. Human cannot survive on those places as in the garden setting of Earth. You are a long line of planet destroyers. We who come now represent remnants of prior human annihilations. Can you not come into realization that God would not leave you to such fate without sending guidance and solutions for your plight? Most of the planets in your system were as yours, with rivers and fields and they were destroyed--finally--­by atmospheric holocaust and heavens of fire.

Can you change your course? Of course--IF YOU WANT TO! But you shall not find it an easy path for, with the afflictions upon you already, there will be a transition of some two/thirds of your populations. But before they go, there will be further devastations of your growing seasons as man and nature con­tinue to tamper with the seasons and water supplies. You will have created the sequence of events which must now be played out in the reality. There­fore, even if the healing is brought about, which it most certainly can be, there will be great, great loss of life of physical beings and need for pockets of places for survival in good health. A sick people cannot till the fields and build and even repopulate. It is the cycle of dying and renewal--I know of no easy way in which to tell you these things. Hopeless? Oh no, it is total hope for if change and unification does not come about all will be lost. You who awaken and hear and move through the trying times will grow in abundance and beauty beyond your imagination. Nature herself will bring of herself back into balance with or without you for she, too, is a living, breathing cre­ation within The Creation and as such, is just as important as any or all of you humans.


You do it by opening your minds and hearing truth, seeing truth and then, acting in truth by coming back into the balance of the Laws of God and The Creation. You will have to stop the lustful, greedy carnal behaviors, teach your children truth and discipline of actions and intent and learn the truth of how it is NOW. You must know the details of the evil conspiracy and then you must stand firm in rising above them who would destroy. You will do that through knowledge and the use of your God given rights and powers and the tags and rags of what is remaining of your Constitution. You will stand to­gether as an unbending God power and demand your God-given freedom and removal of the evil slave-masters.

Yes, the poison has seeped into the very joints of your body of civilization. The evil has consumed all but a tiny remnant--but you have all you need if you will but use of it.

This is our thrust at present. You are not even convinced of our presence--how can you trust us when we say you are God-power in manifestation? You can't--but if we tell you truth and you find it all to be confirmed and re-con­firmed as being so--you will trust us and believe us when we tell you of your capabilities. We are but your brethren but we KNOW of our oneness with God and Creation and we can cause you to remember your truth of being--no more and no less. When the mass of man realizes his power, the show will al­most instantly change. As a matter of fact, if the blood flow of money were cut off, the conspiracy would begin to crumble instantly--instantly. But you have been convinced you must support the octopi of the slave-masters.

The major question arising from groups in dispute over taxes, for instance, shout out, "But who would support the government if everybody stopped paying taxes?" and, "Well, just we little people pay our taxes, the huge corpo­rations and money holders get all those write-offs and don't pay their share!" Ah, do you not see you have answered your own objection! You are con­trolled and if you refused to transfuse these leeches with your blood re­sources--they would die of starvation! But you have been brain-washed and called "cheaters", ad nauseam.

Can you not look it up for yourselves? For this is just an example--taxation, as handled in your country, is 100 percent (100%) unlawful by Constitutional Law!!! Does anyone hear me? It is unlawful by your own Constitution! The conspirator slave-masters are diligently and as quietly as possible, rewriting your Constitution so that you do nothing until you are convinced what they "TELL" you is truth and they make big unlawful fines and incarcerations to prove the lie unto you!

The Justice system has been raped and is your enemy--completely controlled and operated by the conspiracy--but public attention still carries great force because Satan is a worker in the dark, secret and underground routes. He never confronts--he always shoots in the back! Yes, the job is conceptually overwhelming. One step at a time, chelas--one step at a time. First we crawl (but ones have crawled before you and can assist you), then one step by step and then jog and then run and the race is won. But first must be truth--integrated so you can see it in a lump and go unto your libraries and confirm our messages and then there is no army which can stand against us--for when asked in, in peace by enough of you brothers, we will stand in form beside you and WE KNOW OUR POWERS. WE HAVE TECHNOLOGY WHICH WILL INSTANTLY HALT THE CONSPIRATORS AND THEY KNOW IT; THAT IS WHY YOU ARE TAUGHT FEAR OF US FOR THEY KNOW ONCE YOU HAVE ASKED US IN TO SERVE GOD BESIDE YOU---EVIL IS THROUGH!


Ah, the hard part coming up. First you begin by acceptance of truth and recognition of we who are sent to help. Then you must change of your perceptions and some will never give up the ways of the world, so you will have some real emotional hurdles to surmount.

Greed, Power and Lust are your devouring "termites" in your dwelling founda­tions. You are physical beings and you have been brain-washed into believing all wondrous things come from achievement of fleshly pleasure, money and power and control of the largest numbers of others possible. "Love" has nothing to do with it--sex is used for ALL THE WRONG REASONS--ALL. It is the downfall of mankind. It is used for control, power, lust, abuse, excite­ment, coercion, mistaken breeding of innocent offspring which are usually murdered at the very hands of the ones creating them--and on and on and on. I repeat that which I have said over and over--homosexual "LOVE" is blessed--homosexual sexual "BEHAVIOR" is abhorrent as is the misuse of sex be­tween any persons on any occasion what-so-ever.




Will man do these things? Most will not! That is the fact of the probabilities of it. Some shall and it shall be enough! To achieve thy truth and strength of God­ness--you must come again into the remembering of a love that surpassed all un­derstanding and which IS and evermore shall BE! When you have remembered and wipe away the veil of forgetfulness, ye shall rise again as the eagle and soar throughout the heavens in freedom. THAT, BROTHERS, IS THE HOPE AND TRUTH OF IT.


Your Earth brothers are doing quite well even though the groups of most out­standing notability are now infiltrated by the conspirators.

Further, go to SIPAPU ODYSSEY and reread the story. Remember, it is a short story for the purpose of motion picture "treatment" layout. There is a portion which will be a major portion of the movie--in holographic projection--of the plight of your world, and we put it to print over three years ago. We must be allowed to cease the re-writing and you ones do a little re-reading. If a child's whole youth is spent in nothing but potty training, how shall he ever learn to read and write? No one is going to do anything "for" you--you now have available thousands of books by daring authors and researchers who tell truth and are now offering it abundantly and totally unto us for the using. We will project the truth and you will then get the books and confirm for self, we have not time to digest it for each of you--our Journals must be short, shock­ing and wake you up--then if you give a flip for your perceived future, you will investigate further as we give you resources. We will honor no man who pro­jects lies without conclusion of truth but we will honor, above all, those who have researched and discovered truth and brought it unto you. God works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform--there is much of truth in the Holy Books for that is another trick of Satan. A lot of truth but sock it to you with the lies of lust, etc., and trick you into helplessness. Well, you are not helpless unless you choose to be--that is strictly up to each of you!

Most of you need not even risk thy hair-do to change of things, as these ones must lay their neck across the blade-grooves of the guillotine--for they break of the way for you and clear of the underbrush that the path is open for your feet. They give all and ask naught of you--but their legacy to a planet will be beyond measure. Who will join them? Who will walk beside this publisher and writer and bringers of this truth to humanity? There are others, hundreds of others and contributions are being funnelled into integration in this place­ment that truth in all areas of perception can be sent forth upon the life waves. Blessed are you who respond in even the most brief notes, for the way is frighting. When the word goes forth from a Henry Kissinger to "silence that writer, whoever it is" comes forth, it is terrifying indeed for these ones hold incredible physical human power. But they cannot hold a candle flicker to the flame of God which surrounds this chela.

What is this scribe like? Does she wear a halo? Perhaps she radiates rainbow lights and has wings? No--she is a 58 year old grandmother who must dwell in all ways as the human in impact, experience and loneliness for brother shar­ing. These ones are given no more than are any of you, except that they spend time with us on the other end of the line. Dharma is given to see much and remember much but in the human consciousness, it is mostly removed for she must not be made to bear such a burden. The others recognize of our pres­ence and honor our friendship and the joy of sharing--we are but your elder brothers.

Dear ones, do not think you protect these ones by hiding of the Journals--no, get as many out as possible. Safety comes in publicity or murder becomes obvious if the murder is of ones of public knowledge.

Well, what of the horrendous projections of Global warming, greenhouse ef­fect, pollution etc.?


On this day the inquiries rise like a wall of fog. The Global Conspirators tell you that which they desire you to believe. Extraterrestrials, who live in a high concentration of carbon dioxide and synthesize nutrients as plants, were in­vited and came to your planet,--the ships were brought down and the beings incinerated. You are having an increase of carbon dioxide from so many rea­sons I have not room to outlay in this portion. However, you are not having increased global warming and records of your own scientists over the past decade prove it. You ARE having intensified heating in the summers in many, many locations and more frigid winters. The extremes are compounded to atmospheric and manual manipulation of atmosphere. You will see less and less seasonal changes and more sliding from, say, winter to sum­mer and summer to winter, etc. The "typical" seasons as you would describe them, are all but absent.

With the extreme temperature changes, deforestation, melting of your polar ice caps, etc., there will be catastrophic changes in conditions with increasing wind velocities, irregular rainfalls with extreme droughts and flooding. It will be for protection from the elements, as much as for survival of wars, that your shelter and reserve food storage shall be most useful. You are moving into a time of incredible extremes which man is not evolved sufficiently to withstand. You must have protections, as must your domestic animals and food plants if you are to survive the cycle of change. Do you not see? With care and prepa­rations you can produce in a different and more abundant manner and move through the cycle most comfortably--but it requires "COMMUNITY" action--community of brotherhood and holding on to your resources and carefully utilizing them. We can show you the way--you must do of it! There are al­ready ones upon your place who know how, they have simply not been al­lowed growth for with growth and independence comes freedom and the con­spirators cannot allow of it. They must thrust upon you rules and regulations which break your back before you can be successful in order to maintain con­trol of you.

For instance, the most suitable and stable building substance in the world is compressed earth and yet the planning commissions all over California refuse to fully permit the use thereof for it is both cheap as the dirt at the building site and durable into infinity--totally biodegradable as the earth itself and thus and so. I believe you get the picture? Utilized in domes it both withstands the elements in perfection, regulates the temperature as in a cave and can be radiantly heated for temperature control and cooking facilities though simple solar methods. IT HURTS TOO MANY BUSINESS KINGS. IT IS TOO IMPACTFUL TO THE MARKET RICH WHO WOULD STRANGLE YOU WITH DEBT, KEEP THE HOMELESS, TO MAINTAIN THEIR CONTROL AND GREED.

Do you not see that underground facilities suitable for emergency shelters could also be set up to house the homeless and that, in exchange for tending of the facilities and other public facilities? Oh blessed ones, I plead with you to SEE!

So be it, Dharma, for our intent is not to overload. I only petition that ones will reach up unto, the hands we have extended unto you that we might join with you through this trial of a planet and civilization of man in trouble. If you try to walk the path without God of truth and continue in the way of the mis-­directors (even of your churches), you shall not make of it in wholeness. We petition you to allow the words so that you can then base of thine decisions on the merits of the presentation, logic and pure reason. Beware of those ones who refuse to read or hear and petition you to do likewise--they are unwitting tools for your enslavement and destruction--without exception. Only truth can set you free and you must see and hear of it for there is no other way. Further, it is all by free-will acceptance or denial for none shall force or co­erce--it is simply "here it is, take that which ye will". Salu.

Let us close this portion in love and grace, for ultimately there is no other.

I take my leave and move to stand-by. May your awakening be gentle without fear--for God is within and fear is not of God. AHO!

Go in peace,

Hatonn to clear.