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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 13
    CHAPTER 11

    TUESDAY, MAR. 27, 1990 11:40 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 223

    Let us again turn our attention to the location of the bases. Even in this area Hitler had planned far ahead and at long range. Obvi­ously guided by the possible occupation and subsequent loss of Germany itself, he had cast around for land still available for colo­nization and found that Antarctica was, at that time, the only con­tinent still unclaimed. With his usual dispatch, a polar expedition was organized, the preparation of which was kept secret. The force consisted of several large vessels, at least two of which were aircraft carriers, not the present-day type but rather large ships with float-equipped airplanes on board. The planes were rocket-catapulted off special ramps at the end of the ships and retrieved out of the water via a crane. This secret Nazi Expeditionary Force was headed by Kapitan Ritscher and took place in 1937-38. The force landed in the area of Queen Maud Land and established bases there. Large float planes of the Dornier-Wal type, with the unusual pusher-puller propellers were used to explore a huge area of Antarctic terrain. Over 11,000 photographs were taken for mapping purposes. Significantly, a Swastika flag was dropped every 20 kilometers to substantiate the German claim to that land, comprising over 600,000 square kilometers in all. In this way, not only was a terrain claimed by Germany, larger than Germany itself, but more significantly, for the first time, ice-free oasis (warm lakes) were found by this secret Nazi expedition. They were pho­tographed along with Alp-like mountain ranges of over 4,000 meters in height. Naturally, the explored areas were given German names and so you have today places like "Ritscher Gipfel", or, "Ritscher Peak", named after the leader of the expedi­tion. The hot oasis amongst the eternal ice was called "Schirmacher Seen Platte" -- "Schirmacher Lake Group". These are also often referred to as the "Rainbow Lakes". The different colored appearances of these inland lakes are caused by algae found floating in the sweet water and vary in color from lake to lake as the algae color differs. The waters are warm enough to allow swimming and bathing with just bathing suits and swim trunks.

    Added credence to the secret bases thesis is found in remarks at­tributed to Joachin von Ribbentrop at the outbreak of the war. "In accordance with Germany's long-range political strategy, we have taken into firm possession the Antarctic area, called New Swabia (New Schwabenland) to ensure a safe retreat in case of necessary."

    If you compare the German area to the size of the United States it is huge in comparison.

    Other factors intake Antarctica an ideal place for these bases. There is no rust, no germs, and consequently very little illness or decomposition. Food remains edible forever, since the entire re­gion acts rather like a giant freezer. The shed, for instance, where Scott spent some months pre-W.W. I, before he launched his ill-fated antarctic expedition, was recently discovered. The food which remained in the shed, from almost 70 years ago, was still as fresh and edible as on the day it arrived in Antarctica, and wooden boxes, tin cans, cups, candle and paper (in fact ev­erything), are as well preserved as if by inanimate suspension. Antarctica has no flies, no bugs, and no bacillus can survive the cold temperatures of the surface location.

    Could all of this have taken place in the 20th century without de­tection? Hardly! What steps were taken to discover the truth? What has been done on your placement to do something about the secret bases now that their existence has been established and established beyond a doubt? Why did the world not hear about these incredible events? Good questions indeed and it is surely past time that you the people, open your eyes and look around.

    Obviously, Hitler's escape was discovered immediately, otherwise the statements of Stalin and of Eisenhower and all other quoted sources would be an exercise in insanity. It has even been totally recognized that the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials were staged, to a great extent, in the hope that the "Last Battalion" could be drawn from their impregnable, inaccessible hideouts, and thus force the Fuehrer's hand. A large armed force of elite troops surrounded the whole of the Nuremberg area during the long agonizing months of the typically-Bolshevik show trials. Perhaps there are readers who will be able to recall from newspaper pictures or newsreels the "tight security" that existed in the whole of Germany during those trials. Some S.S. men were actually caught, tried and convicted for attempting to free their leaders, but when the cry of strangulations and torture was over, the Fuhrer was still no-where to be found. Some UFO overflights and activities were reported but no actual armed clashes or incidents took place.

    Washington, Moscow and London then decided to really "get into the act"; in fact, eight countries in total decided to do some "scientific" work in Antarctica, of all places!!! A large expedition, lavishly financed, was quickly put together. It consisted of over 4,000 specially selected elite U.S. navy troops along with an eight month food supply. Thirteen ships under the overall command of Admiral Byrd made up this purely "scientific" expedition, com­posed mostly of military-types and very few scientists.

    The U.S. Antarctic battle fleet left Norfolk, Va, on Dec. 2, 1946 -­three distinct battle groups, comprised of the Mount Olympus, Admiral Byrd's command ship, the ice-breaker, "Northwind", the catapult ship "Pine Island", the destroyer "Brownsen", the aircraft-carrier "Philippines Sea", the U.S. submarine "Sennet and the two support vessels, "Yankee" and "Merrick", as well as the two tankers "Canisted" and "Capacan", an additional floatplane carrying ship, "Currituck" and the destroyer "Henderson".

    At the same time it was announced officially that a similar En­glish-Norwegian force was operating in a support capacity in Antarctic waters around Bahia Marguerite. A Soviet contingent was also participating in the "research".


    The Soviet participation is an interesting one, since Winston Churchill had already spoken of an "Iron Curtain" and felt that "they" -- the crusaders to Europe had "killed the wrong pig". Ob­viously Churchill realized that they should have destroyed Bolshe­vik Russia and not Germany. So be it.

    The general public (YOU) was told that the "RESEARCH" mission was interested in locating uranium and studying the weather. Admiral Byrd, who had already undertaken a similar, though much smaller and speedier, investigation of the north pole was asked why he had recommended the establishment of armed observation camps. His reply, "Because the pole lies between us and our enemies" -- El Mercurio, Santiago, Chile, July 7th, 1947. Further questioning as to which enemy meant, since the Axis powers had just been defeated and had "unconditionally surren­dered", brought no response from the "great" man.

    It was soon learned, however, that as well as the scientific jobs, the mission had the task of "observing the activities of a foreign power in the South Pole Region". Questioned further on this part of the expedition's activities, Adm. Byrd reportedly replied, "To break the last desperate resistance of Adolf Hitler, in case we find him in his Neuberchtesgaden inside 'New Schwabenland' in the Queen Maud Land region, or to destroy him." How interesting indeed.

    Also most interesting, the Byrd expedition was equipped with the very latest devices, amongst them were thermo-magnetic detectors.

    The U.S. expedition duly arrived and landed in Antarctica. With them the very latest in military gear, gadgets and troops. With them the very latest in military carriers, helicopters, floatplanes and every other conceivable military apparatus. Bases were estab­lished and quickly expanded. Observation planes were sent out all over the region. Thousands of photographs were taken and mapping missions flown.

    One particular flight stands out amongst all those reported and one with Adm. Byrd, himself, aboard. The instruments went totally haywire and the performance gauges and altimeters be­haved in a most erratic manner, causing Adm. Byrd to abort the flight and return to base on "visual" control. All instruments returned to normal as soon as open terrain had been reached.

    It was reported, and it is true, that Admiral Byrd located the Se­cret Nazi Base (among other things we shall speak of later) and was approaching it when the above incident took place causing abandonment of the flight, but not before he dropped an American flag and a bomb or two on the approximate spot of the base. This was done, of course, to warn Hitler he was not entirely safe even in his Shangri-la.


    Woops--what of an error or two? Vengeance was swift and the Fuhrer was not in a humorous mood. Within 48 hours, four of Byrd's planes had been lost, some without a trace and others without any survivors. Adm. Byrd hastily abandoned all his efforts and disembarked, with all his force, for home.


    On board his flagship "Olympus" he gave the following startling in­terview, translated from the Spanish as it was reported in the pa­per El Mercurio, Santiago, Chile on March 5, 1947. It appeared on the front page under the headline "On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas".

    "Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defence measures against hostile regions. The Admiral further stated that he didn't want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which would fly from pole to pole at in­credible speeds. (Earlier he had recommended defence bases at the North Pole). Admiral Byrd repeated the above points of view, resulting from his personal knowledge gathered both at the north and south poles, before a news conference held for International News Service."

    During the press conference the Admiral also stated that in a quickly shrinking world the United States could no longer derive any sense of security from its isolation or on the geographic dis­tance of the poles or oceans. The Admiral affirmed once again his belief that the entire Antarctic continent should be closely watched and surrounded by a "wall of defense installations, since it represented the last line of defence for AMERICA". (THESE DEFENSE MEASURES HAVE SINCE BEEN TAKEN). Admiral Byrd further stated that no one could give a more accurate accounting of the true significance of the situation than he could, since he had had occasion to employ the latest scientific developments and from what he had learned he could make cornparisons for he had encountered the effect of the secret weapons.

    When Admiral Byrd had arrived back in the U.S. and the significance of his findings had found their way into the press, he was mysteriously hospitalized. No hard information was ever un­earthed but his grand statements to the press in South America and on board the Olympus were not appreciated by the powers in Washington. Less appreciated were the actual facts regarding his expedition which I shall enlighten you about a little bit further on in this writing.

    He was among the first victims of a long string of prominent people "removed from circulation" for their honest belief in Unidentified Flying Objects and encounters with higher forces.

    You can gain great insight into important conclusions from the foregoing:

    1: The final outcome of W.W. II is yet to be decided. This is borne out by the late General and former President Eisenhower's statement--"The second world war has not yet ended," and cor­roborated by Admiral Byrd's alarming phrase "in the case of a new war". Hitler's Last Battalion is waiting for its golden opportunity to be "the tip of the scale" in any conflagration yet to come. SO BE IT, BROTHERS, SO BE IT!

    2: Hitler has defended his secret lair as successfully against Byrd as he had his numerous headquarters in Europe, during the war against the Allies. Byrd was forced to retreat and to acknowledge the superiority of the UFO's, and their secret weapons.

    3: The over fifty small wars since 1945 including Korea and Vietnam, were supposed to provoke a premature "showing of hands" by the Last Battalion.

    4: The "New Third Reich" has maintained its crucial time/technol­ogy advantage over its W.W. II adversaries -- even decidedly in­creased it.

    5: Idealism (spirit) has triumphed already over Materialism (money), since only the German state was destroyed but not the ideology of National Socialism.

    6: There has been a 30-year cover up by brain and more often by brawn, about the true identity of the UFO's or at least many of them. Their origins have been known, but deliberately suppressed by the rulers of the Unholy Alliance of 1939-45.

    7: The real and only reason for the insane UFO cover up, now falling apart, is to be found in most UFO's German origin. The Allies in East and West have told so many lies about the barbaric, sadistic behavior of the Nazis, that they now fear wide-spread panic amongst their populations, should the truth become known. After all, if the Nazis are still around, would it not be logical and natural for them to take revenge one day? With U.F.O. power? Come now--what does the symbol of a swastika really mean? LIFE ONGOING AND WITHOUT END! No, I did not say that I adore and cherish the Third Reich--I said that the swastika means Life! All the liars are not yet out of the woodwork, my friends.


    For over 40 years some of the world's most imaginative people have wondered about the "strange" behavior of their governments when it comes to the questions of the UFO's. If the UFO's are extra terrestrial and the humans on your planet have no "defense" against them, then why annoy these beings by orders to "SHOOT TO KILL"? It is interesting that once again you see perfect harmony of approach between the U.S. and the Soviets. In the 70's there was a very detailed report about the Soviet Air Forces having stumbled upon some secret UFO bases in far off Mongolia. The Soviets went in their usual barbaric style, bombed and burned everything to the ground. This was well documented by Dipl. Ing. A. Schneider in the Viennese newspaper, K.Die aktuelle Serie, P.a. Sat. Sept. 14, 1974 as follows:

    . . . the following remarkable report reached us to­day from the Soviet Union: April 24, 1970 was a day that all hell broke loose. A supersonic Soviet jetbomber in a secret mission from Moscow to Vladivostok was lost without a trace over Siberia. The pilot was in voice contact with ground control stations when suddenly the transmission was interrupted. An intensive search by nearly two hundred planes was quickly organized over the area where the pilot was last heard from. Almost simultaneously a number of pilots reported to ground control, "We are not alone up here, above us are flying objects, maybe 25 or even more. They are huge, they are so high we cannot get near them." That same afternoon in Krasnojarsk, red alert was sounded and troops were deployed around the city because an entire formation of these silvery, silent visitors circled over the scared town. Apparently, entire salvoes of ground to air missiles were fired at hundreds of flying discs which crowded the airspace of the Sino-Soviet-Mongolian frontier area. There was a concerted action by the strange intruders against the town of Ulan Bator, where all flights seemed to emanate from and end. A spokesman for a group of touring German students said after returning from Mongolia, where they had been at the time of the "UFO invasion", "That the So­viet Union had destroyed a secret UFO base of immense proportions consisting of many miles of subterranean tunnels, and dozens of pyramid like structures in the northern area of Mongolia." However no photographic proof or documentary evidence exists. The Soviets are always very secretive.

    After Admiral Byrd's hasty retreat from Antarctica he not only suggested bases around both poles and a ring of armed camps, but offered this plan: Turn Antarctica into atomic test ranges where atom and hydrogen bombs could be dropped to be "tested". Well, this is a quote from an incorrect source--it was not Admiral Byrd who suggested such a thing, he was simply blamed for it.

    A strange thing, however, as soon as such a plan was put forth. Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. received an official visit. There is not a UFO fan who has not seen the historic photograph of an entire "swarm" of U.F.O.'s flying over the nearby Congressional Buildings and the White House in perfect formation. Interesting to note that the Antarctic test site idea was never again seriously considered.

    Hundreds of sightings took place around the world from Japan to Korea, where you have a particularly good example of a UFO de­materializing in front of the cameras. One must then ask, "Why do these UFO's always show themselves, but why do they not land?" etc., etc., etc. Well, realizing the fear responses and the need to keep the lies hidden--it is indeed unsafe, isn't it? This is appropriate for terrestrial ships as well as extraterrestrial visitors.

    The UFO cover-up is most similar to other actions of the other unholy alliances such as the mass murders of Operation Keelhaul, at Katyn, Dresden and Hiroshima. Let anyone dare to "not conform" with "the establishment's" version of things and you can see people being hounded, defamed and persecuted on a daily basis--not the least of which are our own scribes--just for receiving this information.


    More distractors and I will investigate herein. Let us look from some other viewpoints, please.

    Often, your UFO fans have advanced the theory that the strange flying objects come from distant planets and galaxies to check on your "atomic experimenting", and some people state "contactees" have been told that the UFO's would prevent an atomic war on the planet earth. Why should we? Why should we care? We certainly do not demonstrate any great desire to colonize the earth -- at least not in any great numbers. Well, perhaps some of these "aliens" are already scattered about earth. We have all sorts of reasons why we will not allow atomic devastation to wreck your planet:

    These are speculations as presented by some sources who feel an alliance exists with space aliens, etc.

    a) The UFO's are, by now, driven by electro magnetism, consequently all secrets surrounding electric power have been discovered. Since all modern communications and guidance systems are based on electronics, it is an easy task to "listen in", decode and prevent the start or to re-direct whilst in flight, any vehicle or space craft, now in use by the "allies".

    b) The destructive power of atomic weapons is therefore much more of a threat to the powers who possess them and have them stored in silos, in subs, in planes or on their own soil than to those countries who do not have these weapons at all, since they could quite easily be set off by remote control from the UFO's, before they were even launched.
    Please keep in mind that these are projections put forth from your placement--not mine.

    c) The UFO's will undoubtedly prevent atomic war to prevent the extinction of the White Race. At the moment the white people are outnumbered ten to one on the planet and should there be an atomic exchange the ratio would be a hundred to one in the white's dis-favor.

    Well, a few of your better thinkers have found some interesting conclusions which might be worth pointing out.

    No man of the calibre of Adolf Hitler, deeply committed to the survival and resurgence of Western Culture, would ever allow this tragedy to happen to the White Race if he could at all help it.

    There is a most interesting aside which I might note for you. Per­haps a few of you readers will already know the following, that in the region of the South Pole (Antarctica), and to a lesser extent the North Pole, it is possible to escape from the earth's magnetic pull and death through radiation because the Van Allen Belts open up, funnel-like, at both of these extremities. It is possible to launch a spacecraft, with very little radiation protection from this area avoiding enormous weight, a crew needs no radiation-pro­tective gear.

    Now I am going to lay forth some other speculations which might bear contemplation.
    You must remember that Hitler had massive feasibility studies of space stations, based on very specific and valid data.

    He authorized launching an artificial satellite to be rocketed into space in 1947 with the A9-A10 rocket, in a steep angle away from the axis of the earth, and counter to the earth's rotation. From this point it would have been possible to observe any spot on earth within any given two hour time period, and hit any spot on earth with accurate missiles, bombs, radar-guided or other gadgets such as "mirror beams" or "death rays".

    The Rosenbergs mentioned these platforms in their testimony during their espionage trials. They called them "Warships of space". Where did they get this information about top secret plans, not realized by the Allies until some 25 years later? From the same documents that gave them the atomic bomb, of course. Yes, this would definitely seem as if spaceflight was already known to a mysterious group of beings, would it not?


    The American astronomer, Prof. Dr. James Greenacre and four of his colleagues made an astounding observation from Flagstaff, Ariz. Observatory and reported it to a Conference on "Moon Problems" in New York City in May of 1964. Because of the UFO cover-up policy still in force in the U.S. government, Prof. Dr. Greenacre was only able to give his report verbally to colleagues who were present at the Conference. Here is roughly what he said: "On 29th Oct. 1963 we observed several colorful spots on the Moon, the spots moved in formation across the motionless face of the moon." One month later Prof. Dr. Greenacre observed the same phenomena. The May 1966 issue of "UFO Nachrichten" Vol. 117 reproduced what Dr. Greenacre had stated he had observed. . . "Prof. Dr. Greenacre saw on or close to the moon at least 31 space craft of gigantic size. Some were from 300 meter to 4.8 kilometers long. They were in motion while being observed through the telescopes. Also, clearly discernible were numerous smaller craft approximately 150 meters in diameter, which moved past or alongside the huge craft, the "mother craft" occasionally changing color, as in the often-reported, pulsating style." (The distance from the earth to the moon is 384,000 kilometers). This was the end of the report.

    The American Professor thought at first the Russians might have beaten the Americans to the punch. But not so! So, therefore, who is out there in the wild blue yonder? Well, Prof. Dr. Phillips of Berlin, Hitler's wartime comrade, claimed he knew. He even sent the author of much information on the subject, some charts and time tables of his flights and they match, my friends.

    Before we leave this area of investigation and take a break, we have to look into the repeated reports of "glowing" or "pulsating" lights emanating from U.F.O.'s. You can find an interesting refer­ence to this phenomena from a brilliant German metallurgist who had created "a metal harder than diamonds" called appropriately enough "Impervium". This metal glows alternately in the colors of the rainbow when heated to a high degree. This seems to tie up another loose end and again, the timing is interesting. The metal was used for the first time commercially in 1935-36. The laboratories were located not at Schramberg as Michael X reports but at Starnberg and Starnberger See. However, this could be a simple spelling error by someone not too familiar with the German language. Oh, so much to learn, haven't we?

    Dharma begins to see the handwriting on the wall and is quite un­nerved at t its time, therefore, I request a break and allow settle­ment. It is fine, chela, everyone keeps nagging for "new" informa­tion and perhaps it is time to begin to scatter it around a bit. You will stay closely in the light shield, chela, for as we tread on the proper toes the nasties will get more intense. So be it--the God of Light and Truth shall prevail and this word will go forth. Yes, I know ones are quite dead who have spoken of these things--I do note, however, that you are quite healthy and we intend to keep that status current.

    I move now, to stand-by that we might have a break.

    In love and total light of radiance I salute you for your service.

    Hatonn to clear, please

    PJ 13
    CHAPTER 12


    FRIDAY, MAR. 30, 1990 9:00 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 226
    Hatonn present this morning that we might continue work on the Journal. I come in the Light of the Radiant One and clear all neg­ativity from this place. We shall speak of this herein, Dharma, for knowledge is your shield.

    The vibration pulses of which you are so acutely aware within the past 48 hours are intentional indeed. While you ones were absent a new monitoring grid was integrated into your electrical system within your dwelling. You will find that circuits will overload quite easily in effort to lose of your computer data, etc. You will be bombarded with ELF cycles through the equipment. You are "field" recycled in that your own nervous system counter-balances the energy integration. For a while you will be acutely aware of the vibrations from all things you touch for the cycle impulses are different from your own and you will note the clash of sequence perception until you adjust. Know it is intended and that you are in protection. However, I request that you remain conscious of the input and challenge to your system in that you are constantly aware and recognize all changes.

    Your system will automatically adjust but you will find exhaustion your constant companion for a while during the adjustment and all within the property will recognize contusion, depression and sleepiness until all is in total integration.

    I speak of these things herein because we choose to make a public statement of conspiracy attempt to stop of your writing. We herein place the conspirators on notice that we can play this game far more perfectly than they can bombard. I ask, however, that all entering your physical space take extreme care and use superior caution. As the script plan is unfolded unto you ones, the serious­ness of the impact must be ever present. You are to use caution--not fear. Be receptive to intuition (all of you) regarding any and each who enters into your space. I did not say to be distrustful--I said to "pay attention'. This is both for the guest/visitor as well as for self.

    The readers of these Journals must come into realization that the material to which they are now being made privy, is truth, is dan­gerous, and is your very guidelines to change as well as transition.

    The threats have now been officially laid at my table to cease and desist with the bringing forth of these truths "or else". Dharma has requested that she be allowed to continue our work and we place her in protection, however, there is great risk in many forms. We are now to the point of "picking-up" where others were forced to "leave-off". The game gets rougher as we move along. Therefore, I must ask patience and indulgence of the readers in that we must work rapidly on the Journals and personal kibitzing over nit-pick­ing attitudes of personal nature will probably be set aside to re­spond to later in the upcoming weeks.

    I humbly thank each and every one of you who have so generously given of your time and efforts. The training has been exceptional and the pressures constant. The building shall begin shortly and you will have great success. It is not the building of good business that is the problem; it is, rather, the bringing forth to public view of these atrocious lies which have been perpetrated and perpetuated through the last decades. As we tell you of the truth and then give you PROOF of same, it will be hard indeed, to comprehend and yet you will all find it logical, reasonable and totally valid.

    We of the higher Command ask your patience and indulgence and an open mind that you might receive in clarity and purity of in­tegrity. The very hope and subsistence of your placement depends upon your changing of attitudes and ability to rethink circum­stances. So be it and I plead for the granting of your attention and kindness.

    Dharma, ye shall not be yet given to remember these things for it is unsafe, chela. Allow the "fog" to bring you comfort and security instead of confusion for it is your safety net--believe me, chela, "they" know you know nothing of these things any more than any reader of the material.

    The information is coming forth from several locations of which you must remain basically unaware, for that, too, is your security shield. All "they" can do is discount and discounting can no longer be successful as the logic of truth comes into the attention of mass consciousness. Hold tightly to my hand, little one, and fear not for the hosts of the heavens walk with you and the valley of the shadows is just that--shadows. The physical is ultimately of no importance what-so-ever and the time is at hand to bring these things into public awareness. So be it in the Light of God Source. There is no darkness in this place, in this receiver nor in the entities from which she receives. We come as the host with the Master Teacher in the service of the Universal Source.

    Allow the above message to remain within the writings of the Journal. We shall now move on to continuation of the Journal material.

    We were speaking of the Antarctic, counterfeit money and conspiracy.


    It is important that you ones have input of general geographical and physical nature regarding the area of your arctic regions, both South and North. We shall deal herein with the Southern location for most of the incredible activities are being exploited there.

    Your Admiral Byrd wrote great dissertations regarding his experi­ences in that location beneath the arctic area and he was discred­ited and finally, murdered. He was declared insane and promptly taken out of public circulation--he was murdered as a broken man as was Forrestal, Priore, Rife, Tesla and hundreds of other great men.

    Byrd met with the beings of alien locales and his documents can be obtained--through your rather underground resources; therefore, I shall not dwell at great length in this chapter re­garding that matter. I wish to give you purely physical data for confirmation at this writing. Further, for you ones who have access to your National Geographic Journals--please refer to April, 1990 which will be released shortly. Ah yes, Dharma, you need to know that more than do others. In fact, we shall utilize a map or two from their presentation that you might have confirma­tion. There are no coincidences, chela, and ye shall be given all the credentials and confirmation that ye need.

    If you will look at a globe of your planet you will find that there are two land masses close to the Antarctic regions--South America (namely, Argentina and Falkland Islands) and Australia. This is most important indeed in deciphering logically that which we give unto you.

    Let me note right here that you of the U.S. have great bases in Australia with space flight, data collection, exchange shuttle fa­cilities, nuclear testing and great underground facilities for se­curity and survival.

    Now Australia, (remember that Australia is a branch of Great Britain), has endorsed plans for a commercial space launch station using Soviet rockets, to be built on the Cape York peninsula in the continent's remote northeast. The plan is for a $450 million in­stallation to be functional not later than in the mid-90s. This, too, can be confirmed from reliable sources on your placement. Further, what of the USSR offering to make available to Japan over 59 technologies in the military and space fields as part of an effort to establish joint ventures with Japanese industry? Soviet officials have actually proposed joint ventures that would give the Japanese access to the Soviet Buran space shuttle. Still sleepy??? Do you still wonder about the importance of the Falkland Islands off Argentina?


    I give Bryan Hodgson of National Geographic great honor and appreciation for I shall utilize his updated information to great extent in these current chapters for you need the confirmation of Earth scientific published material. Perhaps as you move along in truth you will subscribe to the Geographic to support the works of these outstanding researchers.

    The Antarctica is larger than Europe or Australia, but it has no "native" human population. It contains more than two-thirds of the world's fresh water in the form of ice, yet some areas receive less than two inches of precipitation a year. Antarctica is the high­est, coldest, most desolate place on the globe (on the surface of it). But it irresistibly draws visitors. The fifth largest continent is a giant outdoor laboratory where scientists strive to decipher clues to our planet's history and detect early warning signs of global pollution. That which is called "earth's last terrestrial frontier" is drawing increasing international attention---and only a minute fraction of a percent of humans have the slightest idea as to "why".

    In 1959 thirteen nations joined the twelve original signatories as voting members of the Antarctic Treaty. Research stations were constructed and a voting coalition was formed to be eligible for voting on control of resources on the continent. There are some 40 year-round bases on Antarctica at present (known publicly). Fourteen additional nations have gained observer status, introducing a strain of international politics to a gentleman's agreement that guaranteed only that Antarctica would be used for peaceful purposes--without specifying clearly what those purposes might be. And there you have it. NO PLACE IN YOUR ABILITY TO ATTEND IS ALLOWED PEACEFUL EXISTENCE--NO PLACE! THIS IS NO DIFFERENT AND ALL REALLY IMPORTANT AND "SECRET" BASES AND INSTALLATIONS ARE ALLOWED NO VISITORS OR RESEARCHERS AS YOUR MAJOR POWERS HAVE THEM SEALED OFF BY TERRITORIAL CLAIMS.

    In October 1989 in Paris, the 15th biennial treaty meeting was thrown into turmoil by an unscheduled debate sparked by the an­nouncement of France and Australia that they had revoked their approval of a 1988 agreement prohibiting minerals exploration without the unanimous consent of all members. Instead, they joined environmental groups demanding an outright ban on minerals activities and establishment of Antarctica as a world park. Some nations, such as Chile and Argentina, saw this as the first direct threat both to the treaty and to territorial claims they had agreed to hold in abeyance. (AND YOU THOUGHT THE RIFT WITH ARGENTINA AND CHILE WAS OVER DRUG DEALINGS!)

    Antarctica has never been truly isolated but I doubt any of your little school children realize this---were you taught this? Although it is surrounded by a barrier of swirling ocean currents and ferocious winds and crowned by a gigantic ice sheet averaging nearly two miles in thickness, this coldest region of the planet is a powerful weather maker for the Southern Hemisphere. Its frigid waters surge along the deep seabeds into the Northern Hemisphere, modifying ocean temperatures and carrying nutrients to nurture marine life.

    More recently, scientists have discovered that Antarctica is a sen­sitive barometer of mankind's use and abuse of the planet.

    Comparing today's atmospheric gases with those trapped in core samples of ancient Antarctic ice, they have found that the burning of fossil fuels has helped raise carbon dioxide to the highest level in history. Some have warned that this might cause a melting of the ice sheet by trapping heat from the sun. Other scientists have learned that man-made gases called chlorofluorocarbons, trapped over Antarctica by a stratospheric vortex of winter winds, react with spring sunlight to release chlorine atoms that destroy much of the ozone, which helps protect living organisms from harmful ultraviolet radiation. This is accurate enough to allow it to go undebated by me, at this point. Man always precipitates his own environment and therefore a debate at this point would be futile and useless. Further, this segment of writing is from the scientific viewpoint of very human observers and is not for my input. Let us just tell this segment as human sees it.


    As early as 1975 scientists had warned that Antarctic waters were being overfished. In 1980 an agreement was reached on a Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Re­sources. By 1983 Soviet fishing fleets had seriously depleted the population of Antarctic cod around the French islands of Ferguelen. Other fisheries appeared on the verge of destruction.

    There is a fish at South Georgia called Champsocephalus gunnari, which was most popular and is now most endangered. A fishing, limit of 10,000 tons of gunnari was recommended by a group of in­volved nations in 1986. However the Russians immediately reported catching over 69,000 tons--seven times the proposed limit. They claim the numbers estimates were wrong and that the protein would go to waste unless fishing is done at the optimum level.

    At this point the good old U.S. Congress got into the act and re­quested a major study of Antarctica's marine ecosystems. This put up all sorts of wondrous distractors and gave excellent reason for infiltrating the area and checking on the security systems already in place. Oh, of course, Congress thought it was all a study of marine life--most of your Congress is as ill-informed as the masses of the population.


    With all the military intrigue and installations, ships from many countries come into the waters of Antarctica claiming to be re­search vessels but are actually otherwise. For instance, in 1989 an Argentine supply ship Bahia Paraiso ran aground after hitting underwater rocks near Palmer Station, apparently because of inaccurate navigation charts. Thousands and thousands of gallons of diesel fuel fouled beaches and killed untold numbers of wildlife. Where was Exxon when you needed them?

    The Soviets have intensive activity of massive amount and take marine life in uncountable amounts. Reports which could be verified were that the Soviet vessels were taking over 20 tons a day of gunntheri at Shag Rocks. At the South Shetlands some 18 vessels were taking krill at 85 tons a day and at the convergence 400 miles northeast of South Georgia, one boat reported catching two tons of squid within a few hours.

    Right across the Strait of Magellan and Cape Horn you find Punta Arenas, Chile's southernmost city. It is a thriving commercial center, whose harbor, shipyard, airport, and communication facili­ties have made it the major gateway to the Antarctic Peninsula and is only a couple of hours flight to King George Island, site of Chile's Teniente Rodolfo Marsh station and airfield.

    There are eight other nations which have research stations on the island: Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Brazil, Poland, South Korea, the Soviet Union, and the People's Republic of China. King George's popularity stems more from its location, only 600 miles from Punta Arenas, than from its scientific potential. This should also tell you readers a lot of information.

    It gets easier and easier to get to Antarctica as the French and British are building new airstrips. On the continental ice plateau you can land ski-equipped aircraft almost anywhere. It is also easy to land large-wheeled transports on areas of permanently bare ice, such as those near the Vinson Massif. The U.S. plans to establish a base there to give regular airway from Punta Arenas to the South Pole. Further down the coast from Punta Arenas is a place called Ushuaia---which means "Jesus" or in Hebrew--Jesuhia or Yeshua (spelled for pronunciation). How do you suppose that could have happened? Surely the Pale Prophet couldn't have gotten into that region also! So be the mysteries of "time".

    Chile's base on King George Island is actually a colony, with quar­ters for some 240 airmen and scientists. Many sign on for two-year tours and live with their families in a suburban-style apartment complex called Villa Las Estrellas, which has its own bank (of course), post office, commissary, hospital, and a school­house which serves around 11 students.

    This complex, together with the tourist facilities, reflects Chile's long-standing policy of "proving up" its territorial claim to a large sector of Antarctica, even though such claims are held in abeyance under the treaty.

    Argentina has a similar policy. There is an Argentine Army base on the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula a hundred miles south of King George Island called Esperanza.
    Why am I giving all these nitty details which hold no interest for you? Because they had better start holding interest for you for you will be hearing a lot about them very shortly in what you per­ceive as your future.

    Argentina and Chile have been frequent adversaries to the U.S., but their huge and overlapping territorial claims have made them allies within the Antarctic Treaty organization. Issues such as mineral exploitation will loom very large in 1991, when under terms of the treaty any voting member may propose a reexamination of its provisions.


    The Antarctic Peninsula and its island chains have been an international crossroads since 1820 when Russian explorer Bellingshausen arrived to claim first sighting of the continent after braving the savage weather of Drake Passage in wooden ships.

    Today's mariners are better equipped, but some things have not changed. Storms are quick to form and deadly.

    The U.S.A. has ongoing "studies" under the guise of NSF's Division of Polar Programs and travels the region's rich bird and marine life habitats regularly (too regularly), since 1965 when the jaunts could no longer be kept secret due to the traffic in the area. Note that Byrd's expedition was in the 40's and continuous monitoring was begun at that time.

    One of the major stops on the "scientific" journey is Deception Is­land, where a placid lagoon fills the ten-square-mile caldera left by an ancient volcanic catastrophe. Don't count on it remaining simply "ancient". Today one can find a smattering of abandoned buildings and wooden boats that line the haunted shore which still steams with volcanic heat.

    Records show that in 1924 the entire bay literally boiled, blistering the paint on a fleet of factory ships used to process some of the thousands of whales killed in these waters. There have been major eruptions in 1967, 1969, and 1970 which destroyed Chilean and British bases.

    This is in the area of the Bransfield Rift and is a very active volcanic zone. It has widened considerably over the past several years and recent seismic activity can tell you the magma is welling up again.

    The type of magma found in that area creates a fairly quiet erup­tion above ground, since it is highly fluid and has time to cool to crystals when it contacts air. But on the seafloor it reacts instantly with water to produce a tremendous explosion. There will be ongoing and more frequent eruptions in the current "time" seg­ment.

    The food chain of the Antarctic is under heavy study. Microscopic plants called phytoplankton bloom in the ocean each spring, nourishing vast swarms of the shrimplike crustaceans called "krill"- (interesting label) that form the main food for many of the continent's creatures. Commercial krill catches now approach 500,000 tons a year, and scientists are concerned about the effects of heightened levels of ultraviolet radiation on phytoplankton.

    So far you have no way to measure the volume of krill swarms accurately but one must look at the population of penguin colonies which numbers in the hundreds of millions and they feed only on krill.

    Now, how do you suppose the Cooper group came up with a name like O.H. Krill in relationship to visiting "aliens"? Little gray men from outer space? Oh, I think not! Are these plots set up by your "free-people" government? Oh, I think most definitely, yes!

    Krill have some interesting points about them, not the least of which is that they present an almost unlimited food supply for the human inhabitants of Earth.


    The life span of krill is around seven or so years. They reproduce beginning in the third summer. The eggs are laid between mid-December and early March with the eggs sinking to between 600 and 1,200 meters before hatching while moving into the warm incubating waters. The larvae hatch and ascend through the water "column" to begin maturing. Ocean currents can move krill swarms far out of reach of bird colonies and protect the growing babies. An adult krill can go without food for as long as a year and survive nicely, larvae as long as two months without nour­ishment--a necessary defense against seasons in which phytoplankton are scarce or hard to find.

    But now you have an interesting happening. The krill feed on phytoplankton which use sunlight to produce food by photosynthesis, utilizing carbon dioxide and such primary nutrients from the sea as nitrogen and phosphorus, plus trace elements. The threat of increased ultraviolet radiation pouring through the ozone "hole" over Antarctica has made the question of the effect on phytoplankton a most appropriate and urgent one.

    Isn't this just getting more and more interesting? What about those Rainbow Lakes---and more important, what about that ostensible Rainbow City(s) of mythology--past and current? All so! The little phytoplankton glitter like jade, others are brown, etc., the microscopic seawater is a wondrous garden of the sea with a brilliant three-dimensional universe crowded with exquisite translucent organisms. There are tintinnids which are cone-shaped and which feed on bacteria, and squarish-looking organisms which are diatoms. Their outer shells are made of silica, so they are really like plants in glass houses. A tiny sample will contain over 10 species of these minute single celled organ­isms which link up to form colonies that look like a string of beads. The species and numbers change continually, decreasing as winter darkness approaches.

    The lovely part of the lifestream of these little wonders is that they can adapt to increased amounts of ultraviolet radiation by producing their own sun-block pigments or by using a mechanism that, through exposure to daylight, enable them to repair UV damage. Would this not indicate that selective evolution indicates that these little fellows have experienced this same type of cycle prior to now?

    The Australians are developing a sunscreen preparation for use by humans based on UV-absorbing compounds found in coral. Similar compounds have been found in fungi. Eighty-five percent of lichens in Antarctica have compounds that absorb radiation in the ultraviolet ranges.

    Before we discuss the ozone and ultra violet radiation, let us take a rest-break, please. I shall move to stand-by. Thank you for your attention and you, Dharma, for your service. Salu,

    Hatonn to stand-by.

  2. #8
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 13
    CHAPTER 13

    SATURDAY, MAR. 31, 1990 7:30 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 227
    Hatonn present in the Light of the Radiant One. Good morning. May we please continue with our Journal and may we begin where we stopped, with further discussion of ultra violet light (radiation).


    Studies are ongoing in Antarctica for measuring amounts of ultraviolet radiation. Ozone is not the only thing that affects UV reaching the ground. Glacial ice, for instance, reflects as much as 95 percent of UV back to the sky. The ocean reflects 5 to 30 percent, depending on the amount of ice cover. One of the im­portant goals of this study is to determine to what extent clouds block UV. With the opening in the higher ozone levels, the UV levels are showing up in amounts in October which would normally be measured in December. This means that the Antarctic summer has become approximately two months longer in duration. Remember, however, that it is almost impossible to actually measure these variances due to short monitoring and you ones have the incorrect perception regarding the ozone layer.

    Changes, however, are becoming more and more evident and that point is indisputable. Even your rather crude studies of heightened UV effects on sea organisms have used artificial light. Conditions in the real world are radically different.

    It is extremely difficult to accurately measure these rays but it is a pretty close estimation that red light penetrates 10 to 20 meters, blue as deep as 90 meters into the ocean and ultraviolet is undetectable at 20 meters or there-about. Ice laden cloud move­ments also make impact on true readings.

    When you effort at determining the effect of these factors on life, i.e. phytoplankton, one finds that temperature, salinity, and light all determine whether the lifeform makes a good living, or bad living, or no living at all.

    To base, scientifically, results set in concrete is impossible. Phytoplankton, for instance, changes depth as water layers are mixed by wind and heat. They also quickly produce pigments to protect against increased sunlight. They also make U V-absorbing compounds, and therefore, it is reasonable to hypothesize that these can also limit UV damage.


    There are many minerals. There is a lot of coal in the Transarctic Mountains. Geologists have found traces of copper, gold, and sil­ver on the Antarctic Peninsula. But these wouldn't be economic even if you found them in Minnesota or Montana.

    Petroleum is still in great question as the U.S., Brazil, France, Norway, West Germany, Poland, Japan, Australia, Britain, Italy, and Russia have all done seismic research. The Japanese have been surveying for eight or nine years. Only the U.S. and Australia have released hard data, as required by the Antarctic Treaty. But at any rate, you need a five-to-ten-billion-barrel field, something like Alaska's Prudhoe Bay, to make it pay, even at a price of $70 to $80 a barrel.


    Uncertainty plagues your scientists about the possible effects of the warming of earth s climate in general. Glaciologists know that Antarctica's ice sheet, which covers 98 percent of the continent, moves toward the sea in the form of glaciers and ice streams. But they can't conclude as to whether it is shrinking, growing, or re­maining pretty much balanced.

    The world sea levels show definite signs of rising as much as six millimeters a year, but that is thought to be caused by a combina­tion of thermal expansion of the water plus a melting of Northern Hemisphere glaciers--but why would Northern Hemisphere glaciers be melting? And so it goes.

    It is pretty well established that ocean currents carry warmer wa­ter under the seaward edge of the ice shelf and melt it from the bottom at about three meters each season. Now it is planned to bore through the ice shelf down to water level and place 40 permanent temperature, current, and salinity sensors. Those should tell you whether warming currents you know nothing about are causing melting a hundred kilometers "inland" from the ice edge.

    As a fact, as far as Antarctica is concerned, you have no real ability to place confidence in today's computer-generated climate models, because none of them can explain how the previous ice age came to an end. Why was the earth 2 degrees centigrade warmer between 5,000 and 8,000 years ago? There is no answer for you and if you can't model the past, you can't model the future, can you?

    It is obvious that "romantic" ideas don't make it in Antarctica. It is certainly not a place to go relax and escape from life's tensions. So what could be so desirable about a ice laden piece of land mass?

    Let's speak of the first U.S. station, built for the International Geophysical Year of 1957-58. It lies buried almost a mile from where it was established, carried away from the geographic South Pole by the constantly moving ice sheet. Now the dome of the present facility, completed in 1975, is being slowly buried by snow as well.

    A large snowdrift has formed on the downwind part of the dome, and its weight has depressed and torn portions of the dome's base. First the snow must be removed and then the entire base must be "jacked" up and the base repaired. Next, it is considered that a solution might be to build an artificial snowdrift using lightweight polystyrene foam, shaped aerodynamically to allow real snow to be blown away. That would extend use of the dome for about six additional years. I am continually appalled at conclusions and un­reasonable solutions reached by supposedly educated and intelli­gent people; further, is there no limit to funds you ones will pour into foolishness?

    As many as a hundred scientists and support workers occupy the South Pole station during summer months. During winter only 20 people inhabit the end of the earth. The reason? To monitor the planet's air quality. The South Pole, it is said, has the cleanest air on earth because prevailing winds blow 98 percent of the time from the so-called "Clean Air Sector" - between 20 degrees west and 110 degrees east. By the time the air reaches the pole it is well mixed and there are no remaining sources of air pollution.

    Air-quality monitoring has been going on since 1957 and has found constantly increasing carbon dioxide levels. Recently, a new sophisticated laser device has been installed by the University of Rome to measure the height and thickness of polar stratospheric clouds, which form during winter darkness over Antarctica.

    In 1986 scientists discovered that molecules of chlorine compounds adhere to ice crystals in the clouds. This makes possible a catalytic reaction, triggered by the sun's first spring-time rays, in which chlorine atoms destroy as much as half the ozone over Antarctica between September and November.

    Scientists believe most of the destructive chlorine comes form chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, which find their way from the industrial areas of the world to the stratosphere and are then carried south over Antarctica, there to be trapped by an annual atmospheric phenomenon called the polar vortex.

    While chlorine in the atmosphere was found to have increased by about 10 percent in three years, some scientists thought the change so dramatic that they wondered if other factors might be involved. And so on and on it goes. Chelas, I simply cannot go on with this foolish dissertation.

    Your world is suffocating in the pressure of six billion people, many of whom are starving to death, the air is so polluted in all of your major cities and most of your landscape as to be a hazard to simply breathe and what has over 40 years of research given you except a high cost? Most of the science has produced only contro­versy and the only response is, "Well, you have to remember that science is done by human beings." I quote one, Dr. Edward Zeller.

    Now take that thought with you as you visually stroll with me through the industrial sprawl of McMurdo base. Please avoid the huge junkyard and fuming trash dump, which will soon be gone as part of a new TEN-MILLION-DOLLAR cleanup program. The chapel offers cleanup programs of a different sort: a Bible class and an Alcoholics Anonymous session. The noncommissioned officers club has reached a level of activity that might generate candidates for both.

    I now quote Bryan Hodgson's reading of a symbolic bumper sticker which reads "GREAT GOD--WHAT AN AWFUL RACE". The sign bore the insignia of an organization campaigning to make Antarctica a world park. Would the authors ban humans? Their slogan parodied the bitter words that Robert Falcon Scott scrawled in his journal after reaching the South Pole: "Great God! this is an awful place" he wrote, after finding the footprints of humans who had gone before. Well, so you have it.

    Therefore, it is quite obvious that all of the activity around the Antarctic regions is not scientific nor to establish summer camp­sites. So what is the purpose of this Journal discussion? I am going to tell you what is truth about your Antarctic area and you are not going to care for it very much at all. None-the-less, I support those brave men who have gone before and now speak from this dimension--it allows truth to flow ever so much more freely, brothers. Ponder it. Truth has no need of "shading" from this placement in the heavens.

    The next sections will read like something out of James Bond Goes Beyond Sanity. I suggest you stick with me through it, however, for you are going to find truth, my dear friends, and I trust it will shake you up accordingly.

    Ones continually barrage this scribe with my doom and gloom fear tactics--well, I certainly advise paying attention. Fear and panic, no! Pay attention and utilize your God given resources and what you have is HOPE! Continue to hide the truth and ye shall never find freedom--truth shall set ye free--naught else. Truth in the Light of God Source who will suggest you turn about and unto His laws and ye shall find freedom.

    I have several pieces of correspondence awaiting response and I shall take them up a bit later for it becomes urgent that this Journal be finished and sent forth. The pressures are getting too heavy upon these ones and therefore, delays must be avoided.


    To give proper placement of background, you must return in your memories back to April of 1982. Move back to the Falkland Islands and South Georgia Island and the war between Argentina and Great Britain over these barren, wind-swept wastelands. Or, were they? Oh, dear ones, what you have not been told would fill mammoth volumes and we haven't time for that. I am going to give you information which is well-known in certain circles but hardly known at all to the populace--you the people. A few have come into this information; enough to confirm the truth of my writings at any rate.

    On the surface the whole incident represented a dispute between Argentina and Great Britain over those barren islands. But surely you have learned by now, that nothing is as it seems. You are told exactly that which you are to believe and you diligently go about following the orders.

    The so-called Falklands crisis was just the visible tip of a giant military operation. During the month of April 1982, fierce naval battles were taking place, not only in the South Atlantic but also in the South Pacific.

    The hostilities were very effectively kept under arrest by wartime censorship on all sides of the dispute (and yes, the U.S. was most certainly in the dispute).

    On April 30, a total naval and air blockade of the Falklands by the Royal Navy began. At the same time a counterblockade had been declared by Argentina in the same area.

    To be effective, a blockade must be imposed over a period of time, but the Royal Navy didn't have sufficient time. Winter was coming on in the South Atlantic, and the British supply lines were overextended. Having traveled so far, however, Her Majesty's navy could not simply drop the blockade and sail away in a few weeks time without drawing blood from Argentina. As a result the British would be forced to undertake military operations very quickly no matter how risky they might turn out to be.

    There was also another reason why the Royal Navy had no choice but to engage the Argentine forces in combat. That reason was that the Royal Navy had already suffered losses in secret combat that same month. Only when publicly admitted fighting erupts would the British dare to admit that they had already suffered great battle losses. And further, to obtain that cover-story, the British had no choice but to sail into combat; but in so doing, they would be risking even heavier losses on top of those already sustained. In short, Her Majesty's navy sailed directly into a trap.

    The events which unfolded in the South Atlantic carried strange, ironic echoes of your past. For weeks you had been hearing countless commentators referring to the British task force as an "armada". The British of all people ought to have been very uneasy with that description. The original Spanish Armada some 400 years ago was renowned as a seemingly invincible fighting force, but it came to grief in a naval disaster so complete that it changed the course of history--and it was none other than the English navy that destroyed the Spanish Armada.

    The original Spanish Armada put to sea in 1588 during the reign of England's Queen Elizabeth I. The Armada was an invasion fleet carrying thousands of crack fighting men to invade England. They were met by the daring sea dogs of Sir Francis Drake. Drake and his small fast ships turned the tables on the Spanish Armada by changing the rules of battle. The English fleet was equipped with new longer-range guns, and it stayed upwind and out of reach. From there the English pounded, smashed, and shattered the big ships of the mighty Armada. When it was all over, barely half the Spanish fleet was left to limp back to port. Drake's defeat of the Spanish Armada was a shock to the world. It opened the door for England under Queen Elizabeth I to start its expansion into a truly global empire.

    Four hundred years later, history seemed to have come full circle. Queen Elizabeth II witnessed the dismantling of the world empire whose heyday began under Queen Elizabeth I, and now the cultures of England and of Spain were once again in confrontation. Once again a so-called armada was preparing for invasion, but this time the armada was British, not Spanish. Four hundred years past Sir Francis Drake was the hero of the day; today, the ghost of Francis Drake would once again be on the scene.

    Please note that the South Atlantic war zone was at the eastern end of the Drake Passage around the southern tip of South America. The defeat of the Spanish Armada four centuries ago broke the back of Spain's naval supremacy, and now it appeared that the defeat of the new British armada might very well break the back of what remained of the once glorious Royal Navy.


    When the Falkland Islands crisis began in early April it looked at first like a mere tempest in a little teapot. For a century and a half since 1833, the Islands had been controlled by Great Britain. During that entire time, British sovereignty over the Falklands had been disputed by Argentina. There had been countless threats by Argentina to seize the Islands, which it called the Malvinas, but the threats had always come to nothing in the past and Britain had never even gotten very concerned over them.

    The Islands are four times as distant from Argentina as Cuba is from the United States, and they are not much of a prize, it would seem, under any circumstances. After over 150 years of occupancy, the Falklands are home to fewer than 2,000 British settlers and a great number of sheep and some lovely penguins. In short, the remote Falkland Islands would hardly look like some­thing to fight over, and yet there you were watching another crisis take place. You watched as literal gun-battle war erupted between Great Britain and Argentina and further, without much more than fanfare on your news media presentations.

    The Thatcher government was acting as if it had forgotten all about its usual preoccupation with the Soviet threat at NATO's doorstep. Instead, Britain was throwing almost everything it had at Argentina--aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, submarines, as­sault ships - you name it and if they had it they used it. Luxury cruise ships were even commissioned and turned into troop carriers overnight. Wave after wave of additional assault troops were activated and sent to join the fleet even after it sailed. Ships and submarines were pulled off station from normal NATO duty and sent to reinforce the task force. The initial 40-ship force grew steadily over the ensuing weeks into an armada numbering over 70. Over two-thirds of the entire Royal Navy was already de­ployed to the South Atlantic off Argentina.

    As this was watched in the unfolding, a lot of people were asking: What's this fight really all about? The most popular answer suggested in the major media was "oil". Vast deposits of oil were known to exist under the continental shelf between Argentina and the Falklands (or so it was projected) and that had been espoused for well over a decade. In no way could it explain the timing of the sudden military offensive by Argentina, and oil explained even less about the Argentine seizure of South Georgia Island.

    South Georgia Island is some 800 miles east of the Falklands with no known oil deposits anywhere near it; and compared to South Georgia, the Falklands are quite an island paradise. South Georgia Island is covered with rugged mountains, treacherous valleys, glaciers, and semi-permanent snow. Most of it is uninhabitable. On top of all that, Argentina had absolutely no legal or historical claim to South Georgia Island. In that respect it stood in sharp contrast to the Falklands.

    In your early 1830s the Falklands were occupied for a while by Ar­gentine colonists. In 1833 the British expelled them and took over the Islands. For that and other historical reasons, Argentina ar­gued that the Falklands actually belonged to Argentina, not Britain.

    But no such argument was possible for South Georgia Island. It was always controlled by Britain, never by Argentina or Spain. The Argentine seizure of South Georgia Island looked even more unreasonable from a military point of view. Argentina's leaders were military men and they thought in military terms and this should be a great clue to you readers. They were well aware ahead of time that far-off South Georgia Island could not possibly be held for long. By seizing it they were setting themselves up to absorb a military defeat, as the Island was retaken by Britain. So the question was: Why did Argentina's military junta bother with the seemingly worthless South Georgia Island at all?

    The answers to all those questions were, of course, military, not political or economic. South Georgia Island possesses an enormous military secret! It is a giant underground installation buried under the mountains at the northwest end of the Island. The real reason for the so-called Falkland crisis was this secret installation, together with two other similar installations which I will also describe in a moment.

    The secret military complexes had been in existence for many years; they were not new. What was new was an accelerated nuclear war timetable of the American Bolshevik war planners in Washington D.C. For the prior two months reports of details of that war plan were leaking out as quickly as they could be verified.

    The plan called for NUCLEAR WAR ONE to erupt by September of the year 1982. It was that fast-approaching nuclear war threat that caused the so-called Falklands crisis to erupt when it did.

    What was actually taking place was a coordinated effort to soil part of the Bolshevik grand strategy for the coming nuclear war. The mutual enemies of the American Bolsheviks in the U.S.-- namely, the Rockefeller cartel--and Russia's new rulers in the Kremlin were behind the crisis. They were trying to ruin Phase #3 of the "PROJECT Z" war plan which has since been revealed---go look it up, please.
    That phase was to be world domination by the American Bolsheviks after both Russia and the United States had been destroyed in NUCLEAR WAR ONE. The key to this plan was the existence of secret weapons stockpiles in various places around the world!

    The American Bolshevik military planners in America were working with other Bolshevik agents in key military positions of other countries to set off war. Having done that, they intended to ride out the nuclear holocaust they had caused, safe and cozy in Government war bunkers! When the warring nations would finally lie smoldering and exhausted, the Bolsheviks would leave the shattered remains of their host countries. They would rendezvous at the secret weapons installations and bring their weapons into the open. They would confront the world with the only remaining fresh, up-to-date powerful military force on earth; and using that military power, they would become the undisputed rulers of the world. They planned to do all that, and they planned to pave the way for world domination by setting off NUCLEAR WAR ONE within mere months of that April---remember, September!

    The Rockefeller cartel and Russia's new anti-Bolshevik rulers were working together in a race against time to time to head off the Bolshevik war plan.

    The Bolsheviks in the U.S. were already benefitting from war preparations which were started by the Rockefellers long before. It had only been about three years since the Rockefellers were dislodged as the prime movers of the United States Government by the Bolsheviks. Since that time the United States Government had been a house divided, torn by internal power struggles between rival Bolshevik and Rockefeller factions. But prior to that, the United States had been dominated for decades both economically and politically by the four Rockefeller brothers.

    In 1961 the Brothers launched a new long-range plan for world domination. It was a two-pronged strategy, half visible and half secret, which has been described prior to this writing. It was a plan for the United States to arm to the teeth in secret while ap­pearing to disarm gradually. Without repeating all the details, the basic idea was grandiose indeed, yet simple. By deliberately ap­pearing weak, the Rockefeller-controlled United States would ma­neuver itself into a nuclear war with Russia. Then the secret weapons, including superweapons, would be unleashed to smash Russia and take over the world.

    When they set the grand plan in motion in 1961, the Rockefeller Brothers were looking ahead to a nuclear war by the late 1970s. Their military analysts concluded very early that the war being planned would have very different effects on the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Both superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, are located well up in the Northern Hemisphere; so are the other full-fledged nuclear powers--Great Britain, France, Red China, and India. By contrast, the strategic targets for nuclear war in the Southern Hemisphere are relatively few and far between. In other words, it was expected that the coming nuclear war would be essentially a Northern Hemisphere war.

    In an all-out nuclear holocaust it is known that serious radioactive fallout would gradually spread to affect even areas not initially hit by war. But there are limits to how far the war clouds can spread. It was discovered long ago that there is very little mixing between the air of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In the northern half of your planet, cold air from the North Pole works its way southward toward the equator, then it works its way back to the north as warm air. A mirror image of this process takes up the southern half of the planet. Northern and Southern Hemisphere air meet in the equatorial zone, but very little of the air changes places.

    The military conclusion is this: The coming nuclear war could ruin vast areas of the Northern Hemisphere for generations forward; but if the calculations are correct, the Southern Hemisphere could escape virtually unaffected by the war. This was surely music to the ears of the four Rockefeller Brothcrs. A quick look at the globe of the world shows why this would be a reasonable calculation. The Rockefeller cartel has dominated Latin America ever since World War II. As discussed in prior publications, Nelson Rockefeller solidified the cartel grip on Latin America during the war. He accomplished this as so-called "Coordinator of Hemispheric Defense" for then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt. So that takes care of the South American continent and its natural resources.

    Then let us turn to the African continent. There, too, Rockefeller control was already in effect over wide areas of Black Africa, es­pecially south of the equator. All this was thanks to the efforts of John D. Rockefeller III, as previously detailed elsewhere.

    Looking around the globe, the most important remaining land masses from the standpoint of world domination are AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. Thanks to World War II, both were wide open to the Rockefellers.

    The Rockefeller Brothers decided to establish secret military in­stallations in the Southern Hemisphere for use after the coming war. By this means they expected to become the masters of the surviving southern half of planet Earth after the Northern Hemisphere gradually recovered from the nuclear holocaust, the Rockefeller empire would be able to pick up the pieces. In this way the third generation Rockefeller Brothers expected their family dynasty to inherit the Earth.

    In order to control the Southern Hemisphere militarily after the war, some means would have to be available to project military power onto any land mass. For example, revolts against Rockefeller domination would require troops--not a blast from the beam weapons on the Moon (another very interesting story).

    The most critical factor for postwar military domination of the world was found to be a NAVY! A minimum of two secret naval fleets would be required--one based in the South Atlantic, the other in the South Pacific. Since the reserve naval fleets were to be kept secret until after the Northern Hemisphere nuclear war, they could not be built in existing shipyards. New construction facilities had to be built and they had to be hidden. To hide an entire shipyard is no small task; they take up a lot of space. On top of that, it was essential that the ships remain hidden after they were built. The best way to achieve that was to combine the shipyard and naval base into one over-all secret installation. Finally, the secret naval installation had to be invulnerable to nuclear attack; otherwise if its existence were ever discovered prematurely, the secret navy might be wiped out.

    The combined requirements for secrecy, space, and protection against attack were formidable; but one day in 1959, while all these plans were still in the early stages of development, the an­swer presented itself. During a so-called banking trip to Sweden, David Rockefeller was given a tour of a unique hidden naval port. The port is hollowed out from solid granite cliffs which come right down to the water. The entrance to the port is a gigantic hole in the side of the cliff which can be sealed off with enormous steel doors. Inside this big doorway on the water a huge cavity has been hollowed out to accommodate ships.

    The Rockefeller Brothers and their military advisers decided that a bigger, more secret, better protected version of the Swedish hidden port was just what they wanted. A survey of candidate sites was then initiated. The site survey covered coastal areas throughout the Southern Hemisphere. Many areas were rejected very quickly because the topography was wrong. Other areas were rejected because they were too close to the equator. Still others had to be ruled out because there were too many people living nearby, making the desired level of secrecy impossible. Finally, it was essential that the sites chosen for the secret naval installations be totally secure politically.

    At last the sites for the secret naval installations were selected. In the South Pacific extreme southern New Zealand was selected. New Zealand would be extremely important during a coming war.

    In order to obtain the necessary space, the secret New Zealand naval installation had to be divided up into two sites located close together. One is at the extreme southwest tip of South Island where the mountain range known as the Southern Alps comes down virtually to the water's edge. The other part of the installa­tion is built into the northwest tip of Stewart island, which is off the tip of South Island. The Stewart Uskabd facility is hollowed out within a rise known as Mt. Anglem.

    The New Zealand location met all the requirements. Ever since World War II the government of New Zealand has been tied even closer to the United States than to Great Britain. The location is far from the equator, and the installations are buried deep under mountains, protected from nuclear attack. They are also too deep to be reached by particle-beam attacks, and the New Zealand site is well situated to command the entire South Pacific.

    In the South Atlantic an even more perfect site was found. That site, my friends, is South Georgia Island. It is located perfectly for naval domination of the entire South Atlantic. The tall rugged mountains provided a perfect location for the secret installation at the northwest tip of the 100-mile long island. It is controlled by Great Britain whose government, like that of New Zealand, was willing to cooperate; and South Georgia Island was virtually unin­habited except for a whaling station on the northeast coast. The whaling station was some 50 miles away from the secret new installation which was being built, but Britain took no chances. In 1965 the whaling station was closed down. Since that time there have been no inhabitants on South Georgia Island except for a few dozen alleged Antarctic scientists.

    Construction of the secret naval facilities--two in New Zealand, one on South Georgia Island--began in the early 1960s. The tech­niques were adapted from those used previously to build other large underground facilities, such as the NORAD installation inside Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado (there are others well protected underground but we shall not go into those presently). However, these installations and techniques were adapted in radically new ways to achieve construction access directly from the sea instead of overland. In this way, the sheltering mountain was left undisturbed in appearance both during and after construction.

    The cuts in the mountain side which were necessary to let ships in and out were kept as small as possible and were well camouflaged. Like the Swedish hidden naval port arrangement, the entrances to the secret installations can be sealed. When sealed, the entrance is virtually impossible to detect unless you know exactly where it is; and unlike most large construction projects, there are no tailing or piles of leftover rock lying round to attract undue attention. The man-made caverns which house the secret naval installations are enormous, but all the rock and debris was disposed of at sea.

    Once the secret naval facilities were built, they had to be outfitted for ship construction and dockside storage. The fake disarma­ment of the United States during the 1960's contributed greatly to this task. From 1961 to 1968 one man played a pivotal role in this elaborate Rockefeller scheme. He was then-Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. All through the 1960's McNamara presided over the public paring back of America's visible military power. This included the closing down and dismantling of entire shipyards. What you were not told was where all that shipyard equipment went afterwards. Where it went, my friends, was to the new secret installations which were being outfitted in New Zealand and South Georgia Island!

    The secret naval installations have been used as duplication facil­ities to reproduce certain ships and submarines designed and built here in the United States. As Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger told Congress, "It is cheaper to build two ships at a time." That is most especially true if the second ship is an exact duplicate of the first. This has become even more true in recent years through the use of computerized manufacturing techniques.

    The secret naval fleets which have been built at the secret instal­lations are made up of duplicates--EXACT DUPLICATES of certain other ships and submarines. They are all nuclear powered--nuclear "subs"; nuclear cruisers; nuclear destroyers; and yes, nuclear aircraft carriers, at least three of them. A secret twin was built for the U.S.S. Nimitz, for the U.S.S. Eisenhower, and for the U.S.S. Carl Vincent. All have been financed through the gigantic cost overruns, so called, that you constantly hear about in the De­fense Department and can't find anything about due to above top secret designations; all three carriers have been provided with a full complement of aircraft whose manufacture was financed in the same manner.

    The ships of the secret American Bolshevik naval fleets are all du­plicates of other nuclear-powered vessels. Even so, the secret naval ships possess one key difference.

    The so-called "Stealth Program" may not be too effective with the planes, etc., you have been allowed to witness but, oh my, lots of interesting things go on with things you aren't given to witness.

    There was developed a type of electromagnetic invisibility shield­ing. This technique makes an object invisible from a distance by distorting light waves in its vicinity.

    A whole new fleet of Phantom warplanes went into crash production under a top secret shield. They utilize this principle; and all of the secret American Bolshevik navy ships have already been outfitted with similar Stealth-field equipment! The Stealth principle is actually easier to apply to ships than to airplanes be­cause there is more room for the powerful equipment that gener­ates the force field.

    After NUCLEAR WAR ONE, the secret Stealth navy of the American Bolsheviks would be light years ahead of any other navy left on earth. It would be perfect for the intended role of world domination. The Rockefellers set it all in motion long ago--but about 1979 they lost control of the United States Military. Now it is the American Bolsheviks who are in control, and they are most surely bent straight ahead on war.

    Now don't go about forgetting about the Nazi war machine also in the Antarctic---isn't this just about as much intrigue as you can take at one sitting?

    No, Mr. Cooper and now, Dr. Sutton--I hardly think secrets from your '40's is very interesting any longer, nor is there one whit of basis to believe "little gray men aliens from space" are going to dominate and enslave your planet. YOU ONES HAD BETTER OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AROUND--YOU ARE MOVING DIRECTLY TO DOOMSDAY AND IT IS ALL PLANNED AND PERFECTLY ORCHESTRATED AND HAS NAUGHT TO DO WITH LITTLE GRAY MEN FROM SPACE!



    Others who have dared bring you truth have been murdered and this scribe has had attempt after attempt made on her life--do you never weary of protecting the evil among you? Do you actually enjoy being totally lost in the lies? If so, then why do you continue to blame God for your plight and ask for insight, if you continue to fail to utilize it or recognize of it?

    You want documentation of the MJ-12 material--ask anyone in the metaphysical community or UFO chasers. It is commonly circulated about your placement--it does not make of it valid!

    And further, to have little alien faces all over your TV would mean not one iota of anything. I could stand in full nine and a half foot format right in front of you and you would still consider it a ploy and trick. I certainly wish all of you well, for you are go­ing to need those good wishes if you don't pay attention soon.


    Hatonn, in service of the Radiant Master, to stand-by status. Rest, Dharma, for our work is long indeed. Adonai, chela, and thank you. Do not allow the oppression to rest heavy upon thee for thine is the legacy of the eons--not a brief moment of physical timing. Ye ones keep very close unto God and ye shall be safe. We can seal our plasmic shields far more effectively than can the Earth human pierce them. So be it and Selah.

    Out. Thank you for your attention. We shall resume with further discussion regarding the above matters.

    PJ 13
    CHAPTER 14
    SATURDAY, MAR. 31,1990 4:00 P.M. YEAR 3 DAY 227

    Hatonn in the Light of the Radiant One, to continue.



    As we move along and to make things clear, we shall discuss the referred to "PROJECT Z" I mentioned in the previous chapter. It is the new Bolshevik three-phase strategy for NUCLEAR WAR ONE. However, since it didn't come off on schedule I feel we will not be misleading if we stick with references to the area of the Antarctic. The most skeletons to arise from the dead to getcha are all parading around "under" and "within" the Southern Hemi­sphere and that, after all, was the subject of this Journal. I do have trouble keeping to one subject for all facets are so in­tertwined.

    The plan in 1982 was that of an elite group of American Bolshevik military planners by which the U.S. would strike the first nuclear blow, followed by all-out thermonuclear war with Russia.

    After having set off the holocaust, the Bolsheviks in the U.S. and in certain other countries planned to ride it out safely in com­fortable war bunkers already in place and well stocked with luxu­ries. Finally, after NUCLEAR WAR ONE fizzled out in stalemate, they planned to leave behind the ashes of the U.S. and her allies. Activating Phase #3 of their grand strategy, they planned to unveil their secret weapons, especially their secret naval fleets. With these they planned to conquer and rule what would be left of the world. The United States as you know it would be long dead and gone; but in the eyes of the Bolsheviks themselves, this outcome would constitute victory for many reasons.

    Up to April of 1982 the nuclear war timetable was still on track.

    They were still shooting for nuclear war to begin by September of that year. Actually this continued right to the date set of September 17, 1982.

    What saved you is that the Bolsheviks were running as fast as they could toward war; but, the Bolsheviks are not the only runners in the race. They have two deadly enemies, both of whom are equally determined to trip up the Bolsheviks. One enemy of the Bolsheviks in the U.S. is the Rockefeller cartel; the other enemy is the new anti-Bolsheviks ruling class in Russia: and now these two mutual enemies of the Bolsheviks are pooling their efforts in certain ways.

    The new anti-Bolshevik coalition is now much more firmly estab­lished but in 1982 it was still quite new and was working between the Rockefeller cartel and the Russians. The January 26, 1982 meeting between Haig and Gromyko in Geneva, Switzerland, was a turning point in the formation of this coalition. It is now a re­ality, and is responsible for the so-called "Falkland crisis" which dominated the headlines in April and May of that year. It should be emphasized that the new relationship between the Rockefeller cartel and Russia fell far short of a true alliance, at least at that time. They have very major disputes to be settled between them, but they called a truce between themselves to deal with the mutual deadly enemy--the Bolsheviks in America.

    The first priority of the Russians and the Rockefellers is to slow down the Bolshevik preparations for imminent nuclear war. If they could do that, time would be on the side of the Rockefeller cartel in certain political movements. A slow-down in the nuclear war timetable will also give more breathing space for additional anti-Bolshevik actions to be implemented.

    The joint Rockefeller-Russian planners decided by mid-February of 1982 that military action against the Bolsheviks was essential very quickly. No other type of action had any hope of taking effect fast enough to prevent nuclear War by the end of the summer.

    The exact details of the "PROJECT Z" war plan were not known to either the Rockefellers or the Russians, but the general outlines were known-to be pretty well outlined and set-up.

    It was decided that military action should be devised that would undermine Phase #3 of the Bolshevik war plan--that is, the Bolshevik-controlled secret naval installations and fleets in the Southern Hemisphere should be attacked and crippled. By working together, the Rockefeller cartel and the Russians were able to devise an attack plan which neither could have carried out alone. The Rockefeller group, who built and originally controlled these bases, provided detailed intelligence about the best way to attack them. The Russians with their enormous military machine provided the muscle to actually carry out the attack.

    It was essential to devise a scheme that would enable both secret fleets in the South Atlantic and South Pacific to be attacked. Survival intact of either fleet would leave the Bolshevik war plan still workable.

    Military analysts concluded very quickly that a direct assault on the New Zealand facilities was out of the question. There was no combination of commandos, frogmen, or other military force which could possibly keep an attack secret from the outside world. Any attack on the New Zealand bases would set off the very war which the Rockefellers and Russians wanted to prevent.

    But the situation in the South Atlantic was a different matter. In a way, the greatest asset of South Georgia Island was also its Achilles' heel. The extreme isolation which protected the secrecy of the South Georgia base also made a covert military assault fea­sible. The key lay with Argentina and her long-standing claims to the Falkland Islands.


    The Rockefeller cartel had dominated all of Latin America for decades. Cartel operatives were sent to Argentina to work out a deal with the government military junta there. The historic dis­pute over the Falkland Islands was to be used to provide a ruse, a military cover, to enable the South Georgia base to be attacked. The Argentine generals were not told everything about the situa­tion by any means, but they were told enough to make clear what they were to do.

    As an inducement to cooperate, the Argentine leaders were promised handsome rewards. They were guaranteed that after the shooting was over, the Falkland Islands would remain in Argentine hands. This guarantee included the promise of covert military assistance as needed against the Royal Navy. And, to bolster the troubled Argentine economy, it was promised that the Rockefeller cartel would help develop the immense offshore oil reserves. With those combined promises of military glory and financial rewards, the Argentine military junta agreed to the plan.

    So, backing up to March 19th Argentina carried out Act One in the joint attack plan. A group of Argentine scrap-metal merchants, of all things, landed at the abandoned old whaling station on South Georgia Island. Supposedly they were there to dismantle the old buildings and carry them off to sell. While they were at it they also raised the Argentine flag over the work-site. The British, always nervous about South Georgia Island, promptly reacted exactly as expected. The British Antarctic survey ship "Endurance" put 22 Marines ashore to clear up that little mis­understanding.

    They drove off the scrap merchants and promptly tore down the Argentine flag. The incident provided the exact desired excuse for the Argentine Junta to bring the simmering 150-year-old Falklands dispute to a boil. From time to time in the past, Argentina claimed that South Georgia was part of the Falklands because it is administered that way by Britain. That argument was very flimsy but it then came in most handy indeed. It was nothing new to hear that claim from Argentine leaders, so there was no hint of what was really afoot.

    During late March, Argentine military forces started assembling for an assault on the Falklands. The British command thought there was nothing new for Argentina had carried out threatening maneuvers in the past many times. It was believed that they were about to do it again; but on April 2 Argentine forces did the unexpected. After many past false alarms, this time they actually invaded and seized the Islands. All Argentine public statements emphasized the long-standing historical claims to the Falklands themselves; but just for good measure, the next day a small Argentine force also seized far-off South Georgia Island. The force was so small that it gave the appearance initially that it was just a side show from Argentina's point of view; however, the small contingent of 22 Royal Marines were overpowered and bundled off the Island along with a group of 13 alleged scientists. That was a moment of pay-off in the joint Rockefeller-Russian attack plan.


    Thanks to the elaborate distraction staged by the Argentine forces; a special commando team got onto the Island totally undetected. Based on the detailed Rockefeller information about the base, the team moved to the location on the mountain directly above the cavernous secret base. Special high-speed drilling equipment was set up by the Rockefeller members of the team while the Russian members concentrated on military defense. By late that same evening, April 3, the military high command in London finally learned what was really taking place. The secret South Georgia base was under attack by virtually the only means possible. The joint Rockefeller-Russian team were drilling a shaft down through the mountain toward their hollowed out cavern in­side. It was only a matter of time until their drill would break through the ceiling of the giant hidden naval base. Once the hole was made, the next step was obvious. The Rockefeller-Russian team would put a weapon of some kind through the hole. The best guess was that it would be probably nerve gas---it just doesn't pay to "guess".

    The shock waves that went through the highest levels of British government on the evening of April 3 can hardly be described. The Thatcher government, like the so-called Reagan Adminis­tration in America, is Bolshevik controlled. Well, the Russians told you they would rule the world and it might very well be done without firing a shot!

    That was why Margaret Thatcher always said, "Me, too." any time the Reagan Administration said it would do anything to Russia. Please note that it hasn't changed very much. What of the Stinger missile "sting" in Florida and the "I agree and support the U.S." in Panama this past December? Both governments are party to the secret nuclear war plan in complete betrayal of the people of their respective countries, and on the evening of April 3 they suddenly discovered that their precious war plan was in deep, deep yogurt, I believe you call it--amongst other terms.

    Immediately the Thatcher government started assembling a naval armada to sail for the South Atlantic. Haste was their order of the day. The drilling on South Georgia Island was proceeding around the clock. The best estimates were that the drilling would break through into the roof of the of the naval base in about three weeks, on or about April 24--but it is a very long drive from England to Antarctica on the best of ships. If help did not reach South Georgia by then, the secret installation might be doomed. The forces stationed at the installation itself were unable to de­fend themselves under the circumstances. Their mighty naval ships were ships in a bottle. They did not dare open the bottle to sail out and fight because the Russian commandos were armed with far superior technical and nuclear weapons. (Who do you think might be the closest allies to the Nazi undercover workers?) We are talking about ones who do not care greatly for the Jewish element, much less the Zionist affiliated Jews. To open the blast-proof entrance doors would be suicide.

    On April 5, just two days after South Georgia Island was seized, some 40 naval ships began moving out of British ports. The same day Lord Carrington was sacked as Foreign Minister. He was forced to resign because he had assisted the Rockefeller attack plan by downplaying the Argentine attack preparations. Even the evil don't have any way to count on their own.

    That same day, April 5, New Zealand, the home of the other secret naval fleet, broke diplomatic relations with Argentina. The two hidden New Zealand facilities had been placed on "Red Alert" (no pun intended). As a precautionary measure, all submarines at the twin base were ordered to sea. Several surface ships were already at sea undergoing "sea trials", but that still left seven major ships inside the hidden twin naval base including one of the nuclear aircraft carriers.

    On that busy day of April 5, Argentina's Foreign Minister, Costa Mendez, was at the United Nations in New York. Come on readers, go look it all up in the records--don't just stand off and accuse me of insanity--go look and find for yourselves.

    Mendez was alarmed by the deployment of such a large part of the Royal Navy. Costa Mendez hurried to Washington to seek reassurances from certain U.S. officials. Of course he got them!

    For the next two weeks or so the news was filled with stories about the allegedly slow movement of the British fleet while negotiations went on. That was only a cover story. The Royal Navy was actually joining up and paddling as rapidly as possible toward South Georgia Island. If the task force arrived in time to save the secret base, a major battle was likely. The official stories about "slow movement" of the British armada were intended to give a cushion of time for that battle. If need be, the fleet would have several days to retake South Georgia Island, then it could move on to arrive near the Falklands on the announced schedule. In that way the crucial importance of South Georgia Island would be hidden and the big secret preserved.

    It was initially expected that advance elements of the British fleet would reach the vicinity of South Georgia Island within two weeks. That would have been soon enough to attack the joint Rockefeller-Russian commando team and stop the drilling before it was completed. But Russian Cosmospheres and submarines made a shambles of the plan.


    Key advance elements of the South Georgia attack contingency left Ascension Island early April 14, two days before it was announced officially. Shortly after they did so, they ran into trouble. Russian Cosmospheres and attack submarines closed in on a single ship which was critical to the planned counterassault on South Georgia Island. The Cosmospheres bombarded the bridge and combat information center of the ship with neutron radiation. In moments the ship was without any command, its communications and radar silenced. Then a Russian "sub" closed in and quickly finished off this key British ship with torpedoes. It broke apart with secondary explosions and sank rapidly. So far as was known, there were no survivors.

    That unexpected shock in the mid-Atlantic produced two results, both very important: First, it caused a slowdown in the race toward the South Atlantic by the British armada. The task force had to be regrouped into a configuration better suited for an enroute defense, but that cost valuable time. Public announcements from London about the progress of the fleet reflected the slowdown. The timetable for arrival on battle stations near the Falklands started stretching out longer and longer. All this bought extra time for the joint commando team on South Georgia Island. And so the drilling continued.

    The other result of the sinking was equally important. Word was flashed to the South Pacific Stealth navy to prepare for possible action. It was obvious that the Russian Navy was getting involved in the Atlantic, which meant that the Royal Navy could be in big trouble. During the dead of night, early April 15, the seven Stealth ships put to sea from their twin secret bases in southern New Zealand. They deployed to a secret operational headquarters area in the Antipodes Islands, 450 miles southeast of New Zealand. Their electromagnetic shields were operating to provide protection from attack. These shields make it impossible to communicate with the outside world or even to see it. But once they arrived at the Antipodes, the Stealth ships hooked up to buoys equipped with shielded communication cables to the Island headquarters. The Island headquarters, in turn, was in constant touch with the South Georgia base by way of a transoceanic cable around the tip of South America. The deployment of the available ships of the South Pacific Stealth fleet was exactly what the joint Rockefeller-Russian planners had hoped for. The ships had been flushed out from their essentially invulnerable hiding place in New Zealand!

    The British ship's sinking of April 14 was also followed by other events. On April 15 the Argentine Navy started moving out of port. The same day, Alexander Haig arrived again in Buenos Aires. Supposedly he was there as a diplomat, but in reality he was there as a General, dealing with Generals. Haig was the top Governmental operative of the Rockefeller cartel. He was making sure that the Argentines did not get cold feet and back down at that critical moment. Four days later, April 19, Haig left for Washington. As he boarded his plane, Haig somberly told reporters, "Time is running out." And so it was, my friends, for the secret South Georgia base. We shall also have a lot more to say about General Haig in future writings.


    The very next day, April 20, the drill broke through into the hol­lowed-out cavern of the naval base. Bolshevik military analysts in London had not expected that it could be completed until at least the following weekend. The British fleet was still out of range.

    THE WEAPON WHICH THE COMMANDO TEAM INSERTED DOWN THROUGH THE LONG HOLE WAS A SMALL, COMPACT RUSSIAN NEUTRON BOMB. When it was detonated inside the confines of the huge artificial cave, the effects were, of course, totally devastating. The intense radiation instantly killed everyone inside the base. Also the heat and blast effects of the bomb are believed to have damaged all of the ships inside sufficiently to badly disable them.

    Meanwhile, Russian Cosmospheres and submarines were converging on the Stealth ships which were near the Antipodes Islands awaiting orders. From a distance, the ships were invisible to the eye due to their protective shields, which also protect against beam-weapon attack; but they were sitting ducks for the tactics which the Russians employed.


    Floating overhead, the Cosmospheres located the seven ships using their Psychoenergetic Range-Finding equipment known as PRF. There is no method known by which PRF can be jammed. The Cosmospheres radioed the exact locations of the ships to the attack submarines. The "subs" were armed with special non-homing, non-nuclear torpedoes designed to explode on impact. More sophisticated torpedos would have been thrown off course or detonated prematurely by the protective shield of each ship; but these simple torpedoes just cruise right through each invisibility field to strike the ship and explode. Within 15 minutes after the attack began, all seven Bolshevik Stealth ships were on their way to the bottom, and with them went their Bolshevik Com­manders and mercenary crews collected from around the world.

    The South Pacific action took place just after sunset local time. The time in Washington was around 2:00 P.M. April 23. That evening Secretary of State Haig was seen briefly in public with the new British Foreign Minister, Francis Pym. Pym was wearing the typical artificial pseudo-smile which diplomats are taught always to display in public. But not Haig. Haig was grinning from ear to ear, and no wonder. The joint Rockefeller-Russian military operation had been a brilliant success. The secret Bolshevik South Atlantic fleet had been virtually wiped out, bottled up inside South Georgia Island; and the South Pacific fleet, while not totally wiped out, had been badly crippled. By working together, the Rockefeller cartel and the Russians had won the secret naval war of the Southern Hemisphere.

    Dharma, you are too fatigued to continue today so let us leave this for now. We will discuss the ensuing Rockefeller fear campaign against nuclear war when we resume. Thank you for your service and blessings unto you dear ones. Rest well and we shall resume tomorrow morning. Good evening.

    Hatonn to clear frequency, please. Adonai and I salute you of my command.

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