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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 13

    TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1990 8:15 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 202

    Hatonn to speak of serendipity in the light of Radiance and the passing of "time. Also, I will remind you of things already dis­cussed in the Journals such as SURVIVAL--not to bore you with repetition but rather, to assure you that this is not a "new" matter, but only a misplaced focus.

    As far back as your early 80's these same ones whom I honor today, for baring truth, were hard at it to get the attention of the masses and few listened. Ron Paul, Gary North, Arthur Robinson, Antony Sutton, John King, etc.- - - the list is long indeed. IT

    In the early 80's you could have taken satchels full of money in cash to your local precious metals dealers and walked out with unaccountable assets. It is harder now, but still possible. Remember, I must speak to a wide range of people in the Journals so you must be patient on either end of the economic chain. Obviously, if you have no assets--you will not be able to buy coins. Please use your heads and fit information to your situation. We can give you basics and then fringes--we cannot individually contact and instruct 6 billion persons and customize a plan.

    For instance, you can still buy gold and silver coins if you take care and pay attention to quantity lumps. There are still many reputable dealers and there is nothing to prevent your doing business with all if you have funds enough. You can get good invest­ment value by buying precious, jewelry at pawn shops. You can buy goods at swap meets unfortunately, that is also a place for "fenced" goods. You can buy used or discounted durable consumer, goods and tools and equipment to be used later as barter. There are still some exceptional opportunities but there are plenty of other writers who can tell you these things. I have no wish to utilize another's material---we want you to wake up and use that information already available unto you.

    Let us speak more in generalities and from a realistic perspective.

    Since the plans of the Illuminati, which is the faction of the "Power Elite" whose power is money---woops! I have already lost my scribe and therefore, I will have lost a great number of you good readers---so be it, we shall return to basic definitions and descriptions.

    "EPHESIANS 6 10-13:"

    My brethern, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand iu the evil dui, and having done all, to stand. So be it.* * * * * *


    The idea of riot and revolution in America is no longer unthinkable to most Americans--it is now occurring daily. Yet, there is a conspiracy to not only overthrow your form of government but to destroy most of your population and reduce the United States to a weak outpost under the dictatorial rule of an international government. HEAR ME WELL AS I LAY DOWN THE BASICS ONCE AGAIN. IF YOU ALREADY RECALL AND KNOW THESE THINGS--READ THEM AGAIN FOR WHEN I BREAK DOWN THE FACTIONS WHO WAR ONE AGAINST THE OTHER YOU WILL NEED THE INFORMATION.

    The plan to accomplish world government has been secretive. At most, there are only about 5,000 people in the entire world who have any significant understanding of THE PLAN. That is what we are about, as are many of your fine writers whose material shall be given at the ending of this Journal. I will utilize no bibliography as such, for I need none--but you need confirmation and further instructions--I am only to give you the precipitant to cause you to seek and find--quickly! Further, I do not endorse ALL material from any "one" author or group but there are some writers who act in total integrity and their work is valid indeed. I am now being prepared for lawsuits because, "Hatonn has NOT used some author's material." Well, perhaps the author's intent is wondrous indeed, but conclusions are incorrect and therefore renders almost useless the information preceding the conclusions. Some authors have conclusions which are totally accurate and reached them through incorrect assumptions---always the latter is the more acceptable.

    Incredible and unbelievable efforts have been thrust forth to keep the true nature of the plan from leaking out to those people who would oppose or expose the plan--unto murder, torture, and destruction of a man's reputation, career and family structure.

    There have, however, been numerous individuals who have uncovered various aspects of the conspiracy. Many of these individuals have put their discoveries in print. Some of the most daring speakers and authors have defected from highest ranks of the CIA, FBI, SATANIC/WITCCHCRAFT CIRCLES, KGB, CONGRESS, ETC. FOR EVERY ONE WHO IS STRAIGHTFORWARD, THERE ARE DOZENS STILL ON THE PAYROLL OF THESE GROUPS AND ARE OUT TO DISCOUNT, ANNIHILATE AND SMEAR THE WORD OF THE LEGITIMATE. You, the receivers, must be in the discerning and hopefully you are paying attention to the discernment tools and clues we give unto you.

    As just a touch of witchcraft history, I would say that in 1624 there landed upon the American shores a group of Puritans---at a port called Collins Bay. This place is just northeast of what you now call Boston. The ship that brought them was owned by one, Francis Collins. Mr. Collins was a "witch" of Celtic descent. He built his home at Marblehead just south of what is now Salem Bay. Francis Collins built the Salem Church. It was this church that was the source of the Salem witch trials. Suffice it to say, how­ever, that true to form, there were witches present but you can jolly-well bet that none of the people put to death were actually the witches.

    From that Collins family have decended major heads of the "Witch" cults such as the Druids with their Council of Thirteen and true and open Satanism. A very brave defector who was once Grand Druid High Priest of a thirteen state sector, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas (name withheld for his family is in great jeopardy) has tales to tell which would put SATAN'S DRUMMERS in a kindergarten classification for reading material.

    In the year 1971, when this man was Grand Druid Priest, over 90% of the politicians in that thirteen state area received financial support through him personally, from the Grand Order. These politicians took orders regarding political decisions from him personally. The orders were passed down from the Rothschild Tribunal to the Grand Druid Council and then the Council passed them on to individuals and organizations under their authority.

    This person was personally responsible for murder of an officer while in the military service. He was tried and convicted. How­ever, when his prison cell mate was released, "Sir X" asked him to get word to a certain individual in the U.S. who Sir X knew to be a witch (this killing occurred in Germany and thus the incarceration was in Germany). Within days a U.S. Senator and a Congressman showed up at the prison. Twenty-four hours later Sir X received an honorable discharge with all information of the shooting incident purged from his record. And just what do you think will be the ulti­mate penalties for the Iran-Contra scandals? Yet a man in your country who runs for President and brings forth truth--is sent away to prison and his young staff is imprisoned for 72 and 86 years respectively--for raising campaign funds.

    When Sir X arrived in the U.S. after his release, his mother sent him to New York City. After he arrived he was trained for six months by Dr. Raymond Budkland, Chairman of the Druid Council of Thirteen. Following that he traveled out to the West Coast where he was trained for another six months by Mrs. Louise Hubner, another member of the Druid Council of Thirteen. (Remember, at that time the family name was Collins).

    In 1972, Sir X was shown a chart giving THE PLAN FOR WORLD TAKEOVER. Just take a deep breath and we'll dive right in for you have had your toe testing of the waters.


    Remove President and Vice-president

    Republican Successor Throws Election to Democrat

    Democrat President Gets Following Laws Enacted:

    1. New gun law to take away guns from citizens.
    2. Removal of tax exemption from churches.
    3. Genocide Act
    4. Presidential martial law powers
    5. The Anti-Hoarding Act


    Caused by Israel State battling over petrol, farmlands and chemi­cals.


    Make every person totally dependent on the government by:

    •1. Creating a pseudo-fuel shortage.

    •2. Confiscating all guns.

    3. Calling for "Helter Skelter"
    (All trucks, trains, and ships stop. Charles Manson leads army of some 200,000 white prisoners and motorcycle club members to create mass insanity in the streets (six months after his release) by bombing churches, raping, murdering and other fear tactics). "It will be when the lights of New York go out for good"--Rothschild Tribunal.

    4. Declaring Martial Law - suspend Congress. Activate National Guard to keep order. One policeman for every five people.

    5. With Anti-Hoarding Act outlaw all food and medical supplies from being stored.

    6. Issue a Security Card to govern all buying and selling.
    7. Destroy monetary system (All money, etc., becomes worthless).

    8. Issue new currency.

    9. Destroy all cropland. "There will be nothing south of the Mason-Dixon Line over two inches high from the Atlantic to the Rocky Mountains."--The Rothschild Tribunal.

    Rothschilds send all countries except America against Israel for the oil. Use of neutron bomb allows destruction of people while all buildings, natural resources and croplands remain intact. When war is over the world will be run from Jerusalem.

    * * * * * * * * *
    Oh precious ones, I do not jest, this plan is the "End Plan", THE PLAN 2000--AT LEAST ONE FACTION THEREOF.


    Look carefully at the above chart and compare with today, almost two decades later--you see, only some of the players change--not the plan! See how it harmonizes with the rise of the world politi­cal ruler prophesied in Revelation.

    In addition to the chart for world take-over was a letter from the Rothschilds--on Rothschilds stationery that stated, "We have found a man who is willing to become world ruler and remain obedient to the Illuminati. (shocker coming His name is Jimmy Carter."


    In 1972 the total population of residents was listed as approxi­mately 500,000. Out of that half million, there were at least 100,000 people connected directly with witchcraft.

    Well, beloved ones, you must recognize right now: He that is within me is greater than he that is in you and I can bind all your spells so that they won't work and everything will go wrong. All you have to do is ask! For it is through the lighted path that you will come to overthrow Satan, demons, drugs, habits, additions, and threat of assassination. But you will find that few will in the onset following your changes toward the lighted pathway and then more and more and you of the light will unify and will stand as a wall of light over and through which no darkness can pass. This ability will come only through understanding of the problems as they exist without blurred vision and in truth. Pick up the banner of truth as the ones who have come before are damaged by the evil enemies. Hundreds came bravely before these recent scribes--honor them, support them and protect them. Those who act in truth, defend and protect the speakers and identities---those of evil intent shout the names and addresses from the airwaves---those ones, in these days, shall be given to reap the tares and thistles which they sow, for God is moving, brothers---God is moving!

    The illuminati was started by the Rothschild dynasty in cooperation with Adam Weishaupt. The Rothschilds rose from obscurity in Germany to become the most powerful banking family in the world. The formation of the Illuminati occurred after the Rothschilds met Adam Weishaupt. Weishaupt was born the son of a Jewish Rabbi but he defected from Judaism and became a Franciscan monk. He studied in France where he became close friends with Robespierre who later led the French Revolution. Weishaupt also became friends with several people in the French royal court. These friends practiced the black mass, baby sacrifice and other vile rituals, as entertainment. It was through these associations that Weishaupt became acquainted with "Satanism" (to be distinguished from "witchcraft").

    Weishaupt desired to acquire copies of the "Kabala", "The Major Key of Solomon" and "The Lesser Key of Solomon." These books told how demons could be controlled to do an individual's bidding by using occult practices and rituals. The Rothschilds had copies of these books and as a result were brought into a joint relationship with Weishaupt. The consequent result was the first union of Satanism with the Kabalistic crafts.

    The Rothschilds persuaded Weishaupt to leave the Catholic Church and unite the various occult groups. This he proceeded to do. One of the covens created by Weishaupt was "'The Golden Dawn" which became and still continues as the private coven of the Rothschilds.

    Weishaupt and the Rothschilds proceeded to put together the creeds of the Golden Dawn. The Rothchilds gave what they considered to be important and Weishaupt was the priest who put it in final form. The result of all this was the Illuminati officially formed on May 1, 1776. To witches, May 1st is the birthday of Baltane. To them, it is the day when the Sun which is "the god of light" returns to the atmosphere from the underworld where he has been at rest. The lower witches know him as "Pan" but higher witches know him as "Lucifer". To witches the world over, May 1st is the New Year's Day of Witches. The fact that Communism celebrates its birthday on May 1st should reveal to the world that the same conspiratorial personalities who rule the western capitalistic countries through banking control also rule the communist countries the same way.

    The most important truth (lie) in witchcraft is the so-called Prophecy of Truth: "When the Son of Lucifer takes his throne, then will witches have peace forever mono (morning)." The goal of witchcraft has been and remains to be the placing of "The Son of Lucifer" - the Satan empowered world ruler - on his throne so that witches the world over can lead the world, by whatever means, to worship Lucifer as the sole god of the world.

    Towards this goal they have already built a behind the scenes net­work that effectively rules the basic six areas of society: (1) Re­ligious (2) Political (3) Economic (4) Educational (5) Military and (6) Social. In every area only those personnel at the very top know the true nature of the purposes and activities of their orga­nization. Those individuals at the lower and middle levels often feel they are working to accomplish some noble humanitarian goal.

    The power of the Illuminati is money. In the area of money their resources are almost limitless. Their organizational structure is depicted by three pyramids and a sphinx. The three pyramids show the same four groups at the top: The Rothschild Tribunal (3 members) depicted by a triangle around the eye of Lucifer. Immediately beneath is the Druid Council of 13. Under that is the Council of 33 (Free-masonry). Below them is "The 500" known infamously to outsiders as the "Bilderbergers". From that point the groups are different. In the three pyramids representing the Occult and Religious; the Political, and the various organizations, only a few of the most important groups will be shown herein. There are other groups under the control of the Illuminati but the ones herein given are very representative of the most important groups. The Sphinx shows the power flow of the Illuminati. It must be remembered that to understand the chart the driving force is MONEY!

    The Illuminati changed its name several years past because of a number of writers who began to expose it. The name used within the organization more currently is "Moriah" meaning "The Conquering Wind".

    Suffice it to say that people still recognize the meaning of the term "Illuminati" and cringe when anyone is on target in describing its activities---like this moment!

    Please allow space in this Journal to reproduce diagrams. Therefore, allow us to take a break at this point and it will allow ease of pagination for the formatting.

    Thank you, Dharma, let us take respite, please.

    Hatonn to move to stand-by, Salu.


    Dharma, the diagrams will be placed immediately following this notation. There is, however something which must be added into this record, at this point for it is timely unto the hour, and I will explain.

    To all you readers who think we are but silly children out for notoriety and to "pilfer" material from other authors and beloved Sister Thedra, I have the following to offer unto you.

    Please turn to Appendix No. 1. This is a note received this day at 11:09 A.M. (Oberli, strike out all pertinent information as to location, etc. but leave America West for we must set up a protection shield around those beloved ones and we desire the public be made absolutely aware.) For you readers, Chuck, referred to in item No. 1, is our printer and I will leave his location unidentified in this document.

    The manuscript referred to is CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOENIX. For you ones who do not take seriously, the dangers and intrigue involved, please take most careful note of the following:

    Appendix No. 2: This is most fearful indeed and is being laced in this document in addition to placement in CRUCIFIXION OF THE PHOENIX since its printing is delayed because of the prior notice. Place it in the appropriate placement as an addendum with a special notice as to content and source. Mark it well for there must be no misunderstanding as to its source--it must not be construed as being of our input for we shall neutralize its content and remove its energy therefrom before reprinting.

    The reason the Satanist's letter is so very important is that it was sent to George Green in denouncement of him and a Satanic curse placed upon his person following the fiasco with the Billy Goodman/Bill Cooper program on February 28, 1990 (last week). The letter was sent in support of William Cooper and his group who placed all the calls into the station. This source, brothers, is as evil as you will ever encounter--Satan is taking a direct stand---yes, the "Big Boy" himself.

    I wonder if Mr. Cooper wishes to accuse us of plagiarism of his documents henceforth? I care not what Mr. Cooper does, it is just extremely important for Mr. Cooper and Mr. Goodman to KNOW who is specifically backing their activities. We are going to print it exactly as it was received. I want you to note that Satan is a Master at confusion and deception---he hasn't missed a trick and yet, neither has he failed to place clues throughout and all over the documents. If you are unable to pick up the pale print of the Satanic sign which is almost a watermark in the stationery, I suggest you look closely and you can discern it. It is actually a shadow print.

    Since Mr. Cooper accuses us of word for word plagiarism of docu­ments of his authorship of some 50 pages from a 26 page document---could these be the other 24 pages? We know not of that which he speaks.

    And as regards to the Gatehouse---this one who calls himself Satan is also in protection by verbal commitment, to beings who surround the Gatehouse---what might that mean?

    Perhaps you can now see why Mr. Cooper's phone call to George Green threatening to "take out that 'channel'" was taken most seriously by us. When one is set-up as a tool for the Satanic team it is also made sure that the person becomes totally without reason and irrational. I suggest Mr. Cooper listen most carefully indeed, to his friends such as John Lear, whose research was shared liberally with Bill.

    Allow me to tell you what it means; it means you are not playing over some tiddle-de-winks of foolish nonsense. It means that the Evil King himself will stop at naught to stop truth and you cannot tell for sure, where he aims it. I suggest you call in the God of Light, brothers, and wrap yourselves in the cloak of God and the Infinite Sacred Circle of the Cristos because you who leave your­selves open are indeed in trouble.

    We have confronted some of his henchmen and he is totally aggravated. He always fights in this manner. He, further, utilizes some person who is already in unbalance and destroys all he touches. Not only is this a most valid letter, as well as the message of intent, but he has openly called the hand.

    Now the clues: In the mass of confusion as to full meaning of the document, it might well appear that this energy is denouncing the word within the Journals as false. Nay, nay, nay--not so. He is telling you exactly where the falseness lays---he blesses Mr. Cooper and Mr. Goodman and actually writes upon the paper for the world to see---"P.S. I curse you, George Green, and all your associates. Including the Paladians (Pleiadians, of course)."

    Further, he and his flock went through the whole ritual experience and exercise to do exactly that. I tell you, however, to fear not for this mite upon the skin of God is naught for the evil prince has dared come to the heartplace of God and his taunts and threats are naught but a chill of fear upon a troubled land. The truth be­ing, that things have become most serious and disastrous indeed, upon your world and he claims his kingdom of dominion over your world and slashes the boundary line between himself and his troops and God and the hosts of heaven.

    I have worse news for you who plotted that little fiasco on that radio program--you are all on his "throttle" list because you staged it so badly that he lost the battle. It is important that Mr. Goodman know that numerous ones have written and called George Green to apologize for the terrible injustice of that program. Satan doesn't like it when you boys botch a well-laid plan. You had best think very carefully about it.

    I further suggest that Mr. Cooper and Mr. Goodman get off the SPACE GATE document and on into the important material such as SATAN'S DRUMMERS and see if they want credit for all that material also! How about we just get my scribe and publisher off the hook and give Mr. Cooper credit for all of the literature we are putting forth? So be it! It pays greatly to know about that which you soap-box.

    For you, beloved Sister, and dear, dear Tuieta--look carefully, in­deed, at this material for the problem is not around this source and/or resource and Dharma has been badly, badly accused and used. Now the effort will go forth to destroy Sister's credibility and that of Ed DeMar, etc. If you cannot see the truth of these documents, then I have naught more to offer thee as evidence.

    There is naught but love of all creatures of all species and all creeds, colors and races of human coming from this placement and we have watched the very ones closest unto these beloved workers crucify them and spread lies about them in most heinous manner of ridicule and incredible, blatant lies. Neither do these ones have anything to fear for Sananda/Aton stands squarely betwixt Satan and these workers and truthbringers. This, however, does not diminish the pain of being stricken and accused by ones they trusted and honored above others.

    Please label the copies as to beginning .portion and signal ending for we want this reproduced exactly, including the information whereby the author can be reached--as he says, for "additional in­formation".

    I further request that copies of this portion and the attachments be sent to Bill Cooper, Sister Thedra, Tuieta, Billy Goodman, John Lear, etc., as well as the ones who receive regularly. Then I wish to know if you would like an Express on the subject.

    I would hope that the receivers who plan litigation look most care­fully, indeed, for you have openly named names and slandered these ones upon the airwaves of a nation. You have labeled them hoaxters and deliberate liers and thieves. I suggest you look most closely at libel laws for the Constitution of the United States of America is still somewhat operative and you have publicly defamed mine workers and sent the material filled with accusations and lies unto the four corners of the continent. Yes, indeed, I would think most carefully upon these things. Mr. Goodman has betrayed the trust of his audience who respected and revered him.

    As we move further along and get into the impact on religion, education, and other societal structures, the impact will worsen. You who claim to be of light and truth and claim to wish only to share that truth--I plead with you now to look within and find thy truth for the trumpet call has sounded and most have missed of it. So be it.

    The father wipes of thine eyes, Dharma, for He shall keep you in care that thine heart find peace and ye must be in the allowing of others to find their own way, chela. All will be tested unto the ending and hallowed be the blessed ones who stand strong against the storm for the lamp of truth and Light shall be held for all to see and know. Amen.

    Let us leave this for this segment for your heart is too heavy to work further. Ye ones shall be given buffering against the blast--allow that knowledge into thy beings. I further give comfort unto George, Chuck, Desiree and others who bear the hurt of these slings and arrows--ye shall be in our protection at every moment. Do not throw any more of this material away for it is important we counter every message of this nature. Further, it must not go forth even into the trash heap without the de-energizing of it. Cleanse everything it has touched, even unto the trash bin. Do not feel foolish in the so-doing for you ones do not yet understand beams and energy thrusts--stay in protection.

    I stand aside now, that you might unwind thy stresses, chela, and we shall resume our work as it is suitable.

    Hatonn, in behalf of the Lighted Brotherhood in service unto the Lighted Hosts, Mother/Father Creator, The Creation of Allness-- and unto thee, our beloved family of the Great Spirit of the Lighted Realms, to place my benediction upon you and about you that you be kept in security. Salu! Hatonn to clear frequency, please. Thank you.

    PJ 13

    WEDNESDAY, MAR. 7, 1990 7:15 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 203

    Hatonn in Radiance, Dharma. We will take one step at a time, chela, one step at a time. This first portion is personal for this date but it needs to be shared with all receivers of these Journals and Express literature.

    We plead "human overload" and petition for "patience" as we sort how best to be able to respond in a timely manner to ALL for we cherish ALL and will respond to ALL!

    George, with the next mailings, please enclose a simple check-off form with room for suggestions, please. Let us ask the recipients how best we can be of more service in an orderly manner. And, herein, let me respond to one or two petitions to which I shall more extensively respond a bit later on a personal basis.

    We invite correspondence for so many of the more pertinent queries are covered and they are usually inclusive of information that all are asking in one way or another. Would you please designate if a separate small Journal on a regular basis containing "correspondence" material, would be desired? Some of the material will be placed in the Journals themselves and/or bits and pieces in the Express but we are inundated and Dharma has only 24 hours per day and therefore, human restrictions apply. Perhaps if I outline our problems as they currently exist, it would help you dear ones to understand.

    Request after request comes forth for the material to be put to audio tape. We realize that it would be most advantageous for many ones have vision problems and messages can now easily be listened to during other activities---worse, a poll was done in the U.S. within the month showing that well above 60% of the people in the U.S. do not read books. Still worse, the educational system is out to deprive your population of basic abilities such as the ability to read, write and handle mathematics.

    We can only beg indulgence with the taping for we simply have no time at present and ones who have volunteered to assist have no means of support and must, therefore, be paid for the service. Further, to produce the sets of tapes is financially out of the question until such time as the publication expenses are balanced. It would help greatly to have a response from you ones in that we might consider the best and most expedient route to take. It has simply come to the point where we must have feedback regarding your desires. Great appreciation to C.M. of Brasstown, N.C. and I shall make a personal response a bit later. I accept your intent and we are most grateful indeed but we are forced by circumstances to take one step at a time. These dear ones are being threatened daily with lawsuits and business problems and we must place our thrust where it can reach the most persons. We will also need translators into other languages as early on as possible. These ones are not interested in "doing it all" but rather, there is no further funding available in this location for these services. So be it, for all shall come forth in its time. In behalf of my "team" on this side, I humbly thank you for your willing offers. As it can be afforded there must be a press and readers---all the component personnel to further the word in every manner---in the interim, we shall do that which we can and ask that you ones share statistics which will allow us to serve in the best manner possible. I bless you for your unselfish considerations.

    In the clash of events and denouncements of ones who had originally been receivers, some of our most beloved contacts have been too filled with fear to continue. So be it. Blessings unto them and we thank them for their services unto this point. It is terrifying when not only the CIA and government, but the religious community and now, the Satanists threaten and badger.

    For over three years now, Dharma and Oberli have devoted 100% of their time and all assets unto this mission while struggling against all odds to simply remain in their dwelling. The formatter of the writings has given every cent he has and/or will have along with 100% of his time to this information dispersion. We have one young lady, Elizabeth, who has given 100% of her time but now must take outside employment for her reserves have been exhausted. We have another two who have assisted greatly in any manner of service within their ability to share as well as family members who have basically supported these parents.

    The publisher has found this to be greater than he and his wife's ability to cover the load for the two of them handle publication, as well as distribution, from the central source while expending thousands upon thousands of dollars in publishing expenses. Thus far, brethren, there has been not one cent from this information which has not been turned right back into the very printing and disbursement expenses. Those ones who taunt and shout "riches" are foolish indeed. Further, Foundations are being established to allocate monies into research projects to perfect apparatus for specific purposes. Please be gentle when ye hear of them being denounced and battered. KNOW those are the responses of our enemies who know of the truth of these documents and be patient with our inability to respond instantly to your requests and input. We shall effort to not allow more than a week to pass without personal response. Blessings unto you who are so willing to assist and, as we move along, ye shall begin to see of thy place within the plan for we shall need ones from every walk of life, including the retired who wish security and service---age is only an asset of knowledge and your children are begging for a return to knowledge and "how to". Your children cannot survive with the information being given unto them--they cannot cook of their food without microwaves and they vegetate in front of a T.V. which gives them poison. Ah, even an infirm body does not hamper the mind--the mind only grows insufficient because it has nothing upon which to feed in thy old ages for the body wearies of the journey of nothingness. However, income must be built into the system so that all can survive, hopefully in comfort and fulfillment of needs for there will ultimately be no help from a government in collapse and turmoil.

    Therefore, we must build a foundation of business whereby income can be garnered or barter established. It becomes more difficult because your reserve food supplies have been emptied and given unto your enemies--your silos are all but empty. To some of your questions as to what to do and how to manage---there will be no answers. We are not magicians nor mystics--there simply will be no wondrous answers but we will do all we can to inform you as to the probabilities of the best route to take as we discern it. We can do no more, beloved ones, and remember, our input must be asked for God nor the Universal Laws allow intervention or force.

    It would appear, therefore, that God has the lesser stick for Satan seems to have it all. Well, he cannot use force either--he works directly through humans and plays to the earthly greed, terror and all manner of physical desires. God allows, for man must turn unto God and come again into righteousness lest he perish in the void of evil thrusts. We can only show you the way and allow you to see the destruction already upon you and where it is headed if it is not stopped. The probability of stopping the evil marchers upon your placement short of disasterous consequences is slim to minus. That does not mean that God and his truth shall not prevail---GOD WILL PREVAIL IN GOODNESS AND BALANCE FOR THE DRAGON SERPENT SHALL ULTIMATELY CONSUME OF ITSELF---YOUR PORTION IS TO ALLOW THE PASSAGE WITHOUT BEING CONSUMED ALONG WITH IT.


    Ones come unto us and ask how they can protect all their assets, money, etc. You can do some things to help yourselves---if you are simply trying to hide large sums of wealth so that you don't lose of it---forget it---the evil plan is too efficient. You can do those things which we point out unto you and they will help for a period of time but, brothers, you will probably not escape un­scathed. Some will, most will not--it depends on how willing you are to act and prepare.

    The secret of business will basically be in the allowing of the bankers, etc., to build of the businesses and then when they confiscate them you can allow of their repossession without great losses. You must operate within the guidelines and laws of the "planners" themselves and it will allow you quite a nice period of time to gain a foundation. It will be THE WORD going forth and the army of awakened humanity that ultimately make the operation successful. Man has been duped for such a long time that he is all but helpless and he only knows to do that which is about him--act in foolish and hurtful demonstrations which only cause the Conspirators to come down very hard on the groups of rioters.

    You will note that we are called doomsayers and gloom bearers. Would you rather us tell you to sit in a circle and hold hands and wait and it will change about? Yes, you would---the facts are it would be a lie. Then when they come to shoot you, we simply say, "Woops, sorry, we told you that which you wanted to hear--sorry about your life and enslavement--we THOUGHT the chants might work and someone would do of the work--so be it!"

    What about those pulse beams out there? What about the list of possible retreat and survival goods? What about a breakdown of the various systems of the Global 2000 One World Conspiracy? Ones before Hatonn have written it down but have ALL partaken of the information?


    Well, brethren, we come at the request of hundreds of thousands of you people and we will sort and scan all information going forth unto you and give credit unto those who give you valid assistance and will not give of you information in these Journals which is not of valid perspective.


    Back now, to the writing, Dharma. The most often asked question regarding preparation is a breakdown of items, possible safety measures, etc. We will take time herein to devote the remainder of this chapter to perspectives on preparations. It is not new information but it will give ones an idea of involvement and some ideas of well-thought out methods, quantities and shelters for adequate survival. As gun control, monetary changes, economic collapse, etc., come upon you, yes, it shall be harder and it is even more difficult for me to tell you one on one that which you should do--in the saving of time I can only refer you back unto the Journals on the subject and beg patience until we can enlarge on certain subjects. Remember--first you must know the problem as it confronts you and then, and only then, can you counter and work out solutions. That does not mean you must wait to begin--begin wherein you can for we have efforted to lay out the Journals in sequence which lays foundations first and then increases with the really hard lumps to swallow.

    We shall just lay down some listings herein and will work far more extensively subsequently.


    Now, how are they going to accomplish this? Let us define termi­nology before we go further. Let us call all of these groups of elite controllers "Conspirators" to simplify writing and so you will know, in general, to whom we refer--most often we will refer to them as "they" and you as "you", so that we might move right along with this portion. Thank you.

    As to personnel the Conspirators will be counting on all those people at the hard core of all the organizations controlled by them. They will count on those in the drug culture, the rock music culture, the motorcycle gangs, the white prisoners in the prisons, and a standing army now recruited and trained for revolution--now this, of course, is more along the lines of the Illuminati, rather than the Bolsheviks and/or Banker's Cartel. But it will suffice for this purpose and therefore this list is mostly organized in such manner as if you only had the Illuminati with which to contend. When you get into the Bolshevik plan for nuclear holocaust and beam destruction and economic devastation of the Bankers Cen­tral elite--there needs be alterations to suit needs and locations.

    I refer to "white prisoners" because if you refer to the appendix "letter from Satan", no. 2, you will understand. This does not mean "ONLY" it means "MAJORITY".

    If the plans for gun control and martial law are voted into law then they will have all of your nation's military forces and national guard at their disposal. The plan is most simple. After disarming the citizenry they simply order their revolutionaries to begin mass terror and murder in the streets. When the citizenry objects and cries out to the President he declares martial law, disbands Congress, mobilizes the National Guard and you have an instant dictatorship with roughly one out of every five people in the pop­ulation belonging to the military.

    Although we do not concede the Illuminati's plan will work we do believe the probabilities are excellent that if you counter those, you will be well on your way to positive protection in a physical manner and allow perpetuation of the message of truth. It has been the lesson of history that when deceivers have gained dictatorial control through conspiracy, subversion and then force that it is not long before the citizenry realizes they have been deceived and are willing to work for a return to a society with moral be­havior and principles.

    To that end we offer the following material for you to consider as to what you might do to begin to prepare for the highly probable time of riot and revolution.


    What did the Lord's people do in Bible clays during times of riot and revolution? It is instructive to ponder the behavior in manifold times of oppression.

    You must pay attention to the help which is given unto you for the truth has not changed in all the generations.

    Jesus foretold the destruction of Jerusalem. He commanded His disciples to flee to the mountains when they saw Jerusalem encompassed with armies (Luke 1: 20-24). By obeying Christ there was not one Christian killed when Titus launched his second attack against Jerusalem.

    Jesus has also foretold a great persecution that will come against His people in the days of the Tribulation. He has also commanded those who are believers in that time to flee for refuge into the mountains. (Matthew 24: 15-22; Mark 13: 1420).

    During the great persecution against the church in apostolic days it is recorded that the Christians found it necessary to flee for the preservation of their lives (Acts 8: 1-3).

    Farther back, Nehemiah was the man who led the Jews to rebuild the walls around Jerusalem. The people found it necessary to labor with a trowel in one hand and a sword strapped to their side. BROTHERS, GOD HAS NEVER TOLD YOU TO STAND IDLY BY AND DEFEND NOT THINESELF IF IN FURTHER DEFENSE OF THINE OWN PEOPLES AND LIFE. READ IN PRAYERFUL DISCERNMENT THAT WHICH SHALL ALLOW YOU TO ENDURE DURING THE TIMES THAT SATAN SHALL ATTEMPT TO ANNIHILATE ALL DEFENSELESS PEOPLES OF GOODNESS.

    1. Set your own house in order spiritually and stay right with God constantly.

    2. Pray earnestly for revival and the defeat of Satan's plan.

    3. Serve the Lord the most effectively you can in spreading the word of truth, edifying God's people and strengthening His people.

    4. Seek to expose the plan of Satan for world takeover in a discreet manner.

    5. Resist the political objectives of the Conspirators by seeking to influence state and federal politicians in a way that will work WITH them. Oppose legislation that promotes the Conspirator's plans.

    6. Prepare for civil disorders that will grow in intensity:

    • (1) Trucker strikes, coal and oil producer strikes, steel strikes, rail strikes and so forth, that will produce food and other shortages.

    • (2) Terror tactics that will be designed to produce a fear hysteria among the citizenry.

    • (3) Riots growing in size and intensity.

    • (4) Revolution.

    7. The survival preparations in order of priority are:

    • (1) A retreat located away from the major cities. In the beginning a rural home of relatives or friends may suffice (but make pre-arrangements and contribute to the resources). At the end, it will require an "armed" camp, if the Conspirators are successful in achieving their goals. A group retreat in which each family is responsible for their own home or shelter, food and arms is by far the best.

    • (2) Food, water and supplies. Dehydrated food is best. It lasts indefinitely along with well-stored supplements.

    • (3) This one is going to get harder and harder to accomplish: Sufficient arms to protect your loved ones against those who would maliciously harm them. Killing to protect loved ones and even yourself when life is threatened is the moral thing to do on behalf of your loved ones and on behalf of innocent society whose lives are endangered by a person or persons who would kill and destroy them. There must be live humans to make this transition, beloved ones.

    When an agressor attacks an innocent person, he not only threatens that person's life but he and his actions threaten innocent society as a whole.


    1. The defender (or those he is defending) must be the object of an unjust action. (Killing a properly authorized officer in his duties of arrest would not qualify.)

    2. The defender must use only the force necessary to prevent the threatened unjust aggression.

    3. The defender's primary intent must be to stop the aggression rather than to kill or injure and all alternatives must be utilized--first.

    * What chance does a 115 pound woman or child have against a 250 pound man whose intent is to assault, rape or kill? Practically none short of some form of firearm.


    • 1. LOCATION

    A. Ideally - 200 miles from am major city and frankly, for you dear Southerners in the case of the Illuminati--get your safety place north of the alleged Mason-Dixon Line.

    B. Ideally - 30 miles from a major multi-lane highway (freeway). Population density should be less than 10 per square mile unless the population is in cooperation with the re­treat.

    C. Ideally - the retreat should be located where retreaters can make the trip from home to the retreat in daylight hours of one day.

    D. Ideally - the retreat should not be in a nuclear target area or in the wind-fall area of nuclear fall-out.

    E. Ideally - the retreat should not be located in an area that would flood should a dam be destroyed or be endangered from any type of hazard such as that.

    F. Ideally - it should be located on the highest point of elevation over the immediate surrounding area, or near a summit whereby the backside of the retreat is protected by hill­side. A placement of this type with its own water supply is ideal.


    A. Housing

    There are three basic concepts:

    1. An isolated single dwelling

    2. A large condominium or apartment type dwelling with housing on top floor and preferably built "down" instead of "up". Common purpose quarters should be at a low or un­derground level.

    3. Family dwelling built in the form of groupings with dome type structuring.

    a. Homes should be built in the concept of the "wagon train or snowflake circle" for community as well as defense.

    b. A community building can be built in the center of the housing area for meetings and other group needs.

    c. Upstairs is for living quarters of daily use; lower "basement" is for storage and more intensive protection periods. This area would have pantries for foods, freezers for frozen foods and allow ample storage of dehydrated foods, water containers, etc.

    d. The outward facing wall of homes should be built so as to be defensible from attack. Concrete or compressed block, small windows (bullet proof or covered by steel plate). Patio with planter boxes (attached in sequence) a minimum of three feet high and at least two feet in thickness of the same material--preferably compressed "shan-stone" brick. Carefully laid natural rocks can also be utilized.

    e. Wood or alternative fuel stoves for heating and cooking must be supplied. If storage facilities are adequate then butane or propane might be stored, however, be prepared to have ability to convert to natural plant or solar ability. This will be covered at a later date.

    f. Cast iron cooking utensils. These are the most efficient and durable if cooking is required on open fires.

    g. Lighting should be provided by high efficiency gas lamps which use fuel oil but fuel oil must then be stored in quantity. Electric lighting may be installed but may fail and therefore be prepared with backup generators---these will also require large storage of fuel.

    h. High intensity floodlights should be mounted facing outward from the front of homes.

    i. Some type of protective housing should be provided for animals (perhaps community building). This will be covered greatly in the portions planned for sheltering facilities.

    B. Grounds

    1. Garden area should be located behind house.

    2. Front of property should include grass grazing area and a "Safety Zone" of 350 yards cleared completely for defensive purposes.

    3. Effort should be made to insure that traffic on an incoming road should be visible.


    • A. An arsenal to store weapons, powder, ammunition and etc. should be separate from main structure and buried underground. It should be concealed so as not to be capable of being located by search.

    • B. Suggested Guns

    1. Defense Rifles. Mostly this shall be left up to your discretion. Obviously, you should have at least as good as you can obtain to match that which will be in the hands of the enemy.
    .223 Caliber(Ar 14; Ruger Mini 14, etc.)
    .308 Caliber (MIA: M14; H & K 91)
    30.06 Caliber (Surplus Military Rifles)

    2. Hunting Rifles
    30.06 Caliber (Remington 760 or 700 etc.) .308 Caliber (Remington 760 or 700 etc.) 30/30 Caliber (Marlin 336 etc.)
    .22 Caliber (Any reliable make-semi-automatic)

    3. Shotguns
    12 guage - Remington 870 Pump with long magazine for extra shells is recommended. This gun can be equipped with different barrels.

    4. Pistols
    .357 Ruger, Dan Wesson, Colt and etc.
    .45 Caliber Colt 1917 Government Model Mark 4
    (Accurized if possible)

    C. 1000 rounds of ammunition per gun (or more), or equivalent in reloading components

    D. Reloading equipment and supplies for your guns


    A. One year's supply of storable food is recommended.

    1. The Central Valley of California produces about 25% of the United States food supply and more than 40% of your vegetables. (You can count on a failure of growing seasons if for no other reason than disruption of irrigations facilities.)

    2. Canada and U.S. produce 70% of the total food exports in the world.

    3. The average home in U.S. has less than one week's food supply.

    4. The average U.S. city has a food supply of only 8 days.

    5. Should there be crop failure, riots, strikes, etc., that slow or stop food supply to the cities then food costs would become exorbitant.

    6. Should there be revolution there will be no food available from stores.

    7. At such a time food would only be available from:

    a. supplies previously stocked
    b. bartering
    c. foraging
    d. plundering
    e. gardening (and that takes "time")

    8. Excess food for bartering and humanitarian purposes is worth much consideration and planning. The investment will ultimately be more valuable than gold.

    B. The Method of Stocking Food

    1. The easiest method is purchasing a 1 year food supply from one of the manufacturer's suppliers.

    2. Buy a sample pack of food from a reliable supplier. Then pick foods that suit your taste.

    3. Area suppliers may be located by checking with camping stores, health food stores, and sporting goods stores. We also highly recommend the Mormon Church advisors for they have excellent food storage plans already laid forth. We have also recommended one prior to this but there are many and if you wish to share the information as you locate pod suppliers, we will be most happy to print the information. This holds true for any information you wish to share with your brethren.

    4. The Basic Plan

    a. Three months supply of "wet pack" (this is Super Market canned food). Record a typical week of food for your use then multiple by 13. This must be dated. It will only be good for about 3 years and should be turned upside down every month.

    b. A portable three months supply of freeze dried foods. This will have a shelf life of about 15 years (unopened).

    c. Supply for long time storage should include:
    Grains, non-instant powdered milk (100 lbs per person.), freeze-dried meats and some vegetables (freeze-dried is the most expensive but is necessary for some vegetables).

    ** Also some TVP (textured vegetable protein) as a supplement. (Air-drying is least expensive and is adequate for many fruits and vegetables). Air-dried fruits and some vegetables. (Least expensive method)

    d. A pure water supply
    ** If water source is questionable then a thermos size
    PCP from a survival source will handle some 1500 gals.

    e. Wheat, flour, sugar, honey, salt, and salad oil - all vacuum packed. Butter powder, shortening powder and peanut butter powder may be mixed with salad oil or shortening to add variety to menus.

    f. Sourdough Mix
    g. Yogurt Starter
    h. Multi-vitamins
    i. Vitamin C in large quantity.
    j. Seasonings: Pepper, Chili powder, curry powder, allspice, basil, thyme, oregano, cinnamon, paprika and seasoned salt, and of course, plain salt (pref. sea salt).

    • C. Economical Long Term Food Storage

    The basic four foods:
    1. 300 pounds of hard Red Winter Wheat
    2. 100 pounds of powdered milk (non-inst.)
    3. 100 pounds of honey
    4. 8 pounds of salt

    ** These basics plus vitamins B+, C, D, E, and K will sustain one person for one year with 2000 calories per day.

    The wheat must be clean and uncracked (to preserve germ) with low moisture and at least a 12% protein content (15% is better).

    The milk should be non-fat and non-instant and commercially packed. To enhance flavor get a supply of imitation cream powder.

    The other items should be vacuum packed in AN INERT NITROGEN ATMOSPHERE. NEW 5 GALLON CANS MADE OUT OF ENAMELED STEEL WILL WORK. It takes 9 cans for each 300 pounds of wheat.

    Directions: Place a fist-size piece of dry ice in the bottom of the can. Fill the can with wheat, grain or beans, put the lid on loosely in place. When the lid stops "burping" tighten the lid quickly so that it seals.

    ** Purchase a small wheat grinder--hand operated.

    ** Supplement above diet with fish, fowl, and game taken by fishing, hunting, and trapping or however--you might use barter, and also use additional fruit, vegetables, meats or meat substitutes, liquids, bread or cereal.

    • D. Water Sources:

    1. Swimming pool
    2. Water Beds
    3. Water stored in containers, cistern, etc
    4. Pure water stream or spring Water purification may be provided by water purifying tabs available at drug stores or:

    a. 8 drops (5.25%) of Chlorine Bleach per gal. in stored water will preserve it. Questionable water should receive twice as much and allowed to stand 1/2 hour. Do not be disturbed over chlorine taste.

    b. Tincture of iodine or iodine crystals:
    12 drops per gallon normally or 24 drops for questionable water with 30 minute waiting

    c. Boiling
    d. Silver-ion purifiers
    e. Charcoal purifiers
    f. PCP purifiers sold commercially

    E. Medicines

    1. Aspirins
    2. First Aid Kits
    3. Surgical Kit
    4. Medicine required by individual retreaters
    5. Extra bandages and bandage materials
    6. Alcohol
    7. Hydrogen Peroxide
    8. Pain relievers without aspirin
    9. Other available medicines which would control vomiting, diarrhea, etc., as might be obtainable


    A. Garden Seeds: An adequate supply of grain and vegetable seeds chosen according to retreater's preference with attention given to a balanced diet. Do not choose hybrid seeds as they deteriorate in quality with each generation and some only produce one time.

    B. Garden Tools

    C. Ample and Suitable Clothing. * It should be durable and comfortable such as cotton underclothing and woolen outerwear. If flamed, man-made fibers will melt and the heated substance can cause serious burns beyond the flaming. Woolen outerwear is excellent. But utilize what you can obtain because protection from the elements must be first considera­tion. Get good outdoor work shoes. Warm hats or caps. For storage the clothing can be packed in plastic with an insulation layer of brown paper. Include mothballs and packets of silica jell (for moisture control). The mothballs control pests in the natural fiber cloth.


    E. A footlocker in the car with survival items provides a measure of instant mobility if necessary and will tide persons over until they can reach the retreat or safety.

    F. Communication Equipment:
    CB's - Base Unit and mobile unit
    Walkie Talkie (Realistic combines quality and economy) Power Pack - Generator (absolutely mandatory)

    G. Canning, Equipment
    Pressure Cooker
    Canning jars, lids and large extra supply seal lids

    H. Bible! and other inspirational books as well as
    "How-to" books. For long periods of time you will enjoy
    cook-books geared to camp style foods, simple carpentry, canning instructions and sewing.

    I. Have adequate and extra needles, threads and items of sewing materials for mending, sewing, etc., such as scissors for material, utility.

    Miscellaneous supplies---the list is as long as you have time and resources:


    Gasoline and Oil
    Batteries Work Boots
    Hatchets and Axes, wedges etc
    Hunting Knives (good quality) and sharpening stones--quality is mandatory for these
    Survival Books
    Compass Canteens Topographical maps
    Eating Utensils and pots

    Add to your list as you ponder it and keep it handy for inspirational items such as candles, tape, rope, string, etc., etc. I can only give you an idea at this point and basic necessities. For instance, those matches will have to have waterproof containers---you must carefully think of things you would need if you were alone indefinitely. I gave you several good resources for listings and outlines in SURVIVAL so I shall spare Dharma the further listing in this portion. We can ask ones later to put together a specific guide--several of you who are adept in this subject could assemble a comprehensive guide which we could put forth as a Journal and/or supplement.

    I am well aware that this is not sufficient for your needs but there is plenty of available information and as you ones begin to network you will be able to form partnerships for the production of various and specific needs. At this time, if you write in with your talents and desires, we can share the listings for you and you can work by mail, etc. Much can be accomplished even at great distances while there is still a system within which to function and relocations can be accomplished later if necessary or desirable. Use that technology which is available.

    If you are willing to share your talents or resources, let us know and we can get connections made as to close locations, etc. We must come into "Community" to succeed--that does not necessarily mean proximity--it means exactly that which it says-­COMMUNITY--not commune--COMMUNITY!

    Dharma, enough to this section, please. Let us take rest time, please. Thank you, chela.

    Hatonn to stand-by. Salu.

  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 13

    FRIDAY, MAR. 9, 1990 7:15 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 205
    Hatonn present in the Light of the Radiant One. Let us pull the cloak of light about us for we are going to embark on subjects which are all but totally hidden from the masses. However, if you stick your head in the sand, one thing is for sure, you'll get your rear kicked.

    Ones kick and pick and say, "God and His Hosts would not speak of these things!" What would God speak of? You ask for help in a sickened world--would you simply have Him speak of how it will be in the sweet by and by while your very existence collapses upon you? You see, things are not what they seem--they are what they are and excuses are your lack of faith in your own power. Ones form up attitudes and too often want justice--"just for me". I would like to place a thought in your minds as you decide whether or not to step over the threshold and participate---some people try to softly tip-toe through life so that they can arrive at death safely! But, when it becomes more difficult to suffer than change--you will change! Life is what is coming and act that which has been and it is, further, that which happens to you while you make other plans. So be it and let us discuss some of the wondrous things "man" has laid out for your journey in the coming segments you call time.


    The current world society has been on the decline long enough to create an irrevocable world-wide situation. So, again, the Great Bird is in the process of immolation (to offer in sacrifice). This time, however, it will be quite different. This time after the awful retching and death within the fires, there will be no "Keeper of the Sun" to stir the descendants of survivors into starting wars, building cities and amassing wealth. This time the weeding out will be more thorough, and those surviving the purge will be a unique kind.

    And where will you as a people be when it all comes down and you find that you have been duped? Would you not have instructions and truth? Though rendered impotent, remaining will be those who still cling to false gods. But the Remnant will have a King. He will be the Mighty Messiah, brothers---for that is what this journey is all about! He will guard and guide His people; wars, the vehicle by which tremendous fortunes are made and the kind of progress leading to decay and eventual doom, will have ceased, never again to blight and destroy.

    And with no impugnment nor attack intended upon any one, we must discuss that which is coming forth in difference and opposition unto that which we are laying forth for your consider­ation.


    Again, I must name labels for there are the ones going about on lecture circuits pronouncing great knowledge and erroneous conclusions. Attempting to avert that which their queasy guts tell them is inevitable, top minions of Earth's heathen gods flail about in a sea of confusion, indecision and calamitous situations. Wittingly or unwittingly, men/women like Cooper, Lear, Stevens. Friedman, Girard, DeMar, Oribello, and "Commander X" as well as Crockett and Beckley, Howe and Goodman and so forth, conceal the fact that drawing attention from exploding events, mingled with enough truth to create credibility, their story clearly points to the cupidity and cleverness of the plotters. What could you do about it if all these half-century old tales are true? Some are truth! Well, the conspirators depend on these ones to sell you on the idea of doing nothing to change of your plight.

    Just as it behooved the occult leaders of the great new American nation to rid themselves of the inscrutable Redman as quickly as possible and by any means necessary, so do the facets of the Con­spiracy need to get rid of all "thinking" men of all colors and creeds.

    The binding thread of their culture, the presence of the well-concealed portals and much of the mystery of the fearsome world beneath and within your Mother planet has been known by Indians throughout North America and into and about all of the Americas---actually, throughout the "uncivilized" world---"civilized", of course, by the barbarians called elite.

    Strange indeed, considering the urgency of the time and the need to know, it turns out to be Caucasians of European descent revealing truths known by the Redman for unnumbered gen­erations. Lying propaganda has turned the Redman against the Whiteman, yet the feeling of the average White for the Indian is one of admiration and awe, understanding and sympathy--but this is lost in the burial by the Conspiracy. If you think the "Fairskined" has not also been abused and disenfranchised---you had better look again. Well, shake in your boots a little more---the Redman is ready to write the truth of it--SOON!


    Ed DeMar made great, great sport of Oberli and what he called the "Pig Iron Fiasco". That story is too ridiculous to even be dis­cussed, however, there is a subject right here and now which will be discussed.

    There is a lot of gold and other metals of far more value floating about and everyone wants it--and will stop at nothing to get it. It is the treasure of Atlantis which they covet. They have no idea what it is they really want and as is usually true in the greedy aspect of human--the point is missed and the more valuable of the various substances is missed in the ever continuing desire to grab the gold.

    In the mid 70's a very large amount of gold somehow came into the hands of a tainted bunch of scoundrels---billions and billions of dollars in value. This was a portion of the Atlantis cache stored underground prior to the sinking of the continent. The information was wheedled out of the Indians and the tunnel system was penetrated (and this was just in the Ozark mountain range---small compared to other placements).

    Today's conspirators want the gold of Atlantis for it is the world's number one conductor of electricity; therefore its value as the agent best able to make the most sophisticated electronic in­ventions tick outstrips even its value as a medium of exchange.

    It is quite well known by all the elite conspirators that Earth planet is indeed, doomed--the leaders of the world are fully aware of that status--'tis only you the people who are lied to about it. So, what is their point regarding the gold? It has nothing to do with Earth but everything to do with other planets in your system, such as the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus----where they have been hauling gold off Earth for years.

    Well, what of these little "tenders" of the gold? The "little greys" and the "little Moon-eyes" that the Indians knew at least 10,000 years ago? Well, surprise, little Earthian friends, they are guardians of the sacred treasures from the elder continents and keepers of the sacred speakings. At least most of them are and those that are not are equally ill-used. The plan is to spread terror among the populace and cause great confusion and then make an effort to "bomb them out of existence". You can bet that your "MJ-12" revealers and projectors of a planted scenario have the guardians isolated and penned and are at war with these strange creatures whose scientific skills exceed man's most ambitious dreams. Well, most of them are "saints" from the cosmic spaces and let it be recognized---the Hosts of Heaven are on the way from deep space and the Elect need have no fear of these beings---WE ARE ON YOUR SIDE!

    It is for this reason that so much underground testing is done of weapons which can be destructive at great depths into the earth.


    I greatly honor Mr. Baker and I urge you to get his information. He publishes a review report prepared for Youth Action News. P.O. Box 312, Alexandria, Virginia 22313. Please make sure delivery information is placed in the Appendix of this Journal.


    Before discussing the military impact of the covert "beam" systems, I want to lay a heavy load upon you as "you the people". I have spoken on this subject in depth verbally and in prior Journals, but you must now pay great attention for these are the weapons of choice set up to "take you out".

    I have previously suggested you might wish to obtain ELECTRIC POWER LINES AND CANCER, a compilation of research reports which can be gotten through Dr. Sutton's FTIR. Also, THE BODY ELECTRIC, by Robert O. Becker, M.D. and Gary Selden who describe the effects of ELF (Extra Low Frequency) fields.

    Now, I am not going to give you "lab results" to toy with--get the material and check it out--I am going to tell you how it IS!

    Let us speak first of a simple 1-gauss magnetic field, which is the strength found near high-voltage power lines. In this field the memory and ability to do simple arithmetic declines. There is a substantial interruption of thought flow through the synapses within the brain. There is almost always hyperactivity and dis­turbed sleep patterns found in persons within these fields. The first perception is that of upgraded feeling of well-being and even euphoria. Even mild pulsed beams of this low frequency change brain cell "firing" rates. For relative measurement, that would be about the influence of a light bulb at 10 feet distance. This is most specifically the basis of Confusion Beam Weaponry.

    The Soviets developed such Confusion Beam Systems and are now utilizing them in satellites and spy ships to influence the behavior of military personnel and airline crews while in flight. This ability, coupled with Cosmospheres (I will discuss later), can sink any ship or pull down any aircraft.

    These fields are also found around underground power lines which are also related to increased suicide incidents. These weapons are widely used against submarine crews, surface ship crews and airline crews to induce slowed mental and motor reaction times and other unalert behavior experienced by your own U.S. sailors and officers. We shall speak of the U.S. Naval accident rate in 1989.

    Microwave weapons are also widely in use. These are similar to the type utilizeL by the Soviets against the American Embassy in Moscow and can cause Microwave Sickness. The manifestations are chronic excitation of the sympathetic nervous system which is called "stress syndrome" and high blood pressure. This would also include headache, dizziness, eye pain, sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, stomach distress, nervous tension and INABILITY TO CONCENTRATE!


    The KGB runs a mind control program which is given unlimited funding. They have some of the world's best minds to perfect a new ability to subdue and control the western world. People in your sector simply are not prepared to think about these things, but you are already victims of widespread mind control---for you see, your government also has this ability.

    However, the Soviets are a long way out in front of you and the techniques are already in functioning ability and use.

    A person's thinking processes can be scrambled and fear and confusion implanted at will. The thinking process can be "jammed" in the same manner that signals coming in from a radio transmitter can be jammed. By scrambling a targeted victim's thinking, you can make the enemy commander do something totally contrary to his training and his loyalty to his own country. A patriot can easily and instantly be turned into a traitor--IT IS THE ULTIMATE IN THE PENETRATION OF A WESTERN GOVERNMENT BY A COMMUNIST POWER.

    You ask, "Why haven't we been told of these things?" You have! Back in Nikola's (Tesla) time, he told you of these things and had an operational beam system. That warning has been continually updated to the point that the "tellers" are called crack-pots and radicals. Therefore, few are aware of recent research establishing that brainwaves and other biological functions can be entrained from a distance, by magnetic waves of critical frequencies.

    The psychotronic patterns/effects can be modulated onto electromagnetic signals, even of very low intensity, and still affect living systems because of the kindling effect; i.e. the psychotronic virtual state modulations are stripped off by a living system in the acupuncture points near the surface of the skin and introduced onto the human nervous system where they begin to superpose coherently as time passes. Such collections eventually reach the quantum threshold and observable physical changes result. Then, by modulating psychotronic signals onto electromagnetic carriers, visible light squelching can be overcome. The psychotronic modulations are then delivered to the biological targets through the light. Light photons pass through other photons without interaction except in the most extreme cases---and activate the acupuncture points. Acupuncture points form plexuses or groupings, that are frequency sensitive. Further, these plexuses are co-ordinated with and to specific body locations. By choice of frequency, one can therefore determine what part of the target's body is affected. A Czech engineer, Robert Pavlita, has been per­fecting psychotronic weapons for over thirty years and has developed two quite specific ones--one is effective at any distance and one is extremely and instantly effective for 320 kilometers. These weapons are capable of causing anything from powerful and uncontrolled emotional seizures to paralysis and death. Pavlita is still in the service of the Soviets!


    NASA engineers are a prime target of Soviet KGB zapping weapons. Recall a couple of years past, twenty-eight to thirty-five year-old engineers at NASA were dropping dead for no apparent reason---at two and a half times the sudden death rate for the rest of Florida.

    Over 22 researchers working in NATO countries on the U.S. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)--which has long been a prime Soviet target for destruction--have met mysterious deaths, many of which offer evidence of Soviet mind zapping weapons. These KGB zapping weapons have a very wide variety of application--from inducing cancer and sudden heart attacks in victims, to creating thoughts of depression and suicide. The alleged causes of some of these deaths include: "Death leap, decapitation, suffocation, asphyxiation, drug overdose, asphyxiation, auto accident, suffocation, auto accident, heart attack, electrocution, death leap, electrocution, electrocution, asphyxiation, auto accident--as reported in sequence." Although it was recognized that some of these deaths were obviously the work of old fashioned KGB/SS mobster methods, others are clearly the work of brain disorientation brought on by sophisticated mind control/confusion devices. Even your U.S. Defense Department (FINALLY), is reviewing this amazing series of deaths.

    And what will come out of the recent revolutions in Europe? The cancer deaths of Romanian exiles employed by Radio Free Europe are now under investigation by your FBI because infor­mants have given information that this was the work of agents of the Communist Bucharest government--by directed beam waves! They were killed with a radiation device designed by Romania's DIE intelligence service, with help from the soviet KGB and sanctioned by the Global Conspiracy, also funded by same.

    The radiation weapons were employed to prevent tracking. DIE has clandestinely killed dissidents for several years. The weapons are designed to kill its victims by simulating natural causes. The radiation dosage generates lethal forms of cancer---and what think you of your "cancer clusters"?

    There is a radiation gun that kills people by giving them cancer and other diseases. The gun fires a burst of radiation that causes cellular mutations in the body. Sometimes these mutations lead to the development of cancer within weeks shades of Mr. Casey? What of the Shah? And how about Marcos? Which do you think "they" will use on Noriega? In some instances, the cancer may not show up for several years. That little toy gun is widely used on prisoners and an entire citizenry in Afghanistan.

    The human brain has various rythmic waves which represent what is called envelope pulsations of the entire electrical system. It is not, however, the electromagnetic force fields represented by these pulsations which are important: It is the summed-zero (prana, and now called scalar) patterning of the entire complex of neuron firings, which represents the real activity of the brain, and represents its thoughts and emotions. Dr. Tesla has already cov­ered quite a bit of this very pertinent information in a prior Journal.

    The human brain rhythms are riding along relatively entrained resonance waves of the natural resonance of the earth's magnetic field. All the patterning of the brain is grouped together into giant overall orders, and one or more of these is normally synchronized to your natural environment.

    If a varying magnetic signal of extremely low frequency (ELF), of say 10 hertz, bombards the brain with greater power than the earth's magnetic field, it is possible for the brain's rhythm to be "forcibly entrained" to synchronize with that signal, rather than with the normal resonance. Scientists on your placement refer to this as "Shumann resonance". If a large number of brains are forcibly entrained to such a signal, and the signal is artificial, then a master coherent phasing of all the brains to the transmitted signal has been accomplished.

    That can be utilized, and is utilized, by anyone in control of the system. A lot of to-do about the Woodpecker signals (a Tesla sys­tem) is taking place and rightfully so. It is utilized widely by the Soviet Union presently---more so than by your own Conspirators at this time. These Woodpecker signals have frequently been de­tected with up to 16 carriers, each with a 10 Hertz modulation, and with all the 10 hz modulations in phase. At times, the system signals have shown 16 carrier frequencies which contain the same 10 Hertz modulation, and which are all kept coherently sync-locked. If those signals and the modulations are strong enough, the brains in the targeted area demodulate the 10 Hertz signal and phase-lock to it.

    The genetic code of the human brain has been broken and now exists the ability to implant thoughts, emotions, visions, etc. The proper signals can now simply be recorded and utilized for specific thought transformation from "human guinea pigs", using scalar technology and instrumentation. They can then be tailored onto the carriers, such as the Woodpecker system, and used as a means to affect specific areas and functions of the brain---the targets can be specific indeed.

    Understand this: The brain has a most unique characteristic. If a signal arises from inside itself, it interprets that it, itself, originated the signal. Thus, actions can be engendered in masses of human beings.


    You might well pay attention for this is a prime signal of the "ending times" as predicted in Revelations 13. 666 is the Mark of the Beast that is to be implanted on the hands or in the forehead. That little beastie that came up out of the earth had two horns like a lamb and he spake like a dragon--etc. Well, the Woodpecker signals have two separate components, the high frequency part goes into the ionosphere and is reflected off of the earth-ionosphere cavity and bounces back to earth--from the direction of heaven. The second part of the transmissions involve ELF signals that go down through the ground and then come up out of the earth at the targeted area. The little beastie "maketh fire to
    come down from heaven on earth in the sight of men".

    Your human electromagnetic nervous systems also have your own software. It has special storage media contained in its brain, its cells, and its genetic material, and within its actual nucleons. All of these storage media are continually telecommunicating via electromagnetic means. You are what each of you is, and is largely what you have experienced, felt, thought, and performed through action. Your whole functioning conscious system has been evolved by your experience, and it continues to be "you" by means of continual reference to the record base. Well, the record base can now be altered via electromagnetic manipulation and means. BROTHERS, A TOTALLY NEW, AND ULTIMATE, FORM OF SLAVERY HAS EMERGED AND IS BEING STRUCTURED RIGHT NOW IN A MASSIVE PLAN FOR UTILIZATION.

    The electromagnetic fields act directly on the central nervous sys­tem, bypassing the known sense organs. There are already identi­fied five separate resonating systems in the human body: in the heart and aorta, the skull, the third and lateral ventricles, the sensory cortex and in each hemisphere of the brain, WHERE PULSATING MAGNETIC FIELDS OF OPPOSITE POLARI­TIES ARE SET UP, THESE BEING VERY SENSITIVE TO ENVIRONMENTAL FIELDS and providing a mechanism by which the brain picks up information from the environment through resonant feedback---simple indeed to impact those resonating systems. With deliberately constructed elec­tromagnetic energy, any or all of the conscious/subconscious portions of the mind can be available for engineering and control and/or change. So be it.

    Dharma, allow us to pause for respite.

    Hatonn to stand-by, thank you.

    PJ 13

    SUNDAY, MAR. 11, 1990 8:00 A.M. YEAR 3 DAY 207

    Esu Sananda to visit with you ones for a while. The path is filled with confusion and you are not given to see. It is to insure your security that causes you ones of my faculty to be kept in the "semi-knowing". You shall prevail in the challenge, for man, armed with truth, can come into his own inheritance and march unto his goal. You ones who are in the writing and printing of the word are experiencing the efforts to stop you --- even unto the most absurd of manners. This is not of psychic fortune-telling---ye will make of your own fortunes and ye can be in the fore-knowing if ye will but face what it is ye seek and do. No more and no less.

    Ones who have been in communication with astral beings are finding, very often, that the beings were not truly of the lighted realms but rather, perpetuators of the false myths. These ones are compelled to do all in their power to dissuade you from your work. As the example with the dear ones from New Mexico. It does not work well to simply denounce---that has proven to gain even more attention to the truth---so, let us stop the writer, is the next (as well as the first) thrust.

    As in the instance with the effort at rest and separation from the resource of truth--i.e., sever communications for fourteen days at the advice of some "unknown" entity who calls himself a Master. These energies already know you receive from God and THE Master Teacher so who would have authority to require you to speak not with us? The hope is to pull down confidence within your conscious selves that your contacts arc not valid. The facts are, however, that if anyone suggests such a thing---you can be quite positive that your resources are indeed truth and valid and the thrust is to cause you to turn away in doubts.

    As the truth becomes more similar to super science fiction, you ones will become more questioning of your own sense of disbelief---therefore, you must have come into your foundation of stability upon the rock, which I am, that you do not break in the confronta­tion of truth.

    I am most humbly grateful for the participation of ones who share the beginning journey with resources upon which the foundation of our work can be begun. I give great appreciation unto one who has allowed the setting up of the institute which can be the heartcell of our work and the receiving placement of the Journal's rewards to be distributed in ever widening circles. It will allow ones who hold the "keys" of knowledge regarding apparatus to begin to function again, in properness.

    The projects already planned shall find fruition for it must come to be in its proper sequence for we plan no communes for ones to sit and twiddle and indulge selfish "me-ness". Rewards shall be great and sharing shall be the central focus but not as other communes" have structured the socio-political systems. We are about our Father's work and the system must function in a most human physical world. To mentally dwell with God is indeed fine--but you ones tend to forget--God dwells within thee! That means that as long as you dwell in the human format--God must also function in the physical format for that is His chosen experience.

    You need not concern yourselves with the building of anything in the etheric realms---there are billions of energies who construct in perfection in the etheric planes. Why would you appoint your­selves in the density of physical format to presume to build in realms of your total ignorance? You must build and perform in action to impact and requalify the truth of your own experience--a most physical manifestation. It is through your works upon your own placement that determines your progress through the schools of perceived passage of soul journey.

    Beware of those who preach "mystery schools" and "having keys to the magic or mystery realms"---God is no secret and God does not give keys unto a selected few---he gives forth and those, who are willing, pick up of the key and open the locks. You have mastered life when the "how-to's" are irrelevant. You all move forward and the "how" will become evident, but you must be in motion lest the goal be too big or too distant.

    Beware of all "secret" so called truths, given only unto the few--for you must realize, chelas, that the "few" have given their own wishes and desires unto self that they might hold of their lofty po­sitions as self-proclaimed. This is why you do not know of this scribe--there are no secrets and she holds them not unto herself but pens the words and they can then go forth unclouded by need for physical ego hoarding. All ones must come into balance with that which we give forth for you have been trained by human ego projections upon you to be tended and ordered about, governed, an manipulated by ones who have "assumed" their placement of power for they have convinced you that you are not capable. Therefore, you do not study nor even object as your very "knowledge" and education capabilities are removed from you--you sit and wait for "them" to tell you what you must do--at the point of a gun. You forget that if you do not start of a journey it is certain that you shall not arrive. Yes, making "no" decision is already having made a decision. And, giving your decision into the hands of another will not be an accepted reason" at the point of "judgment" of YOUR journey. Excuses will not count when confronting thine own God within on passage day! You will always get exactly that which you expect---good or bad, consciously or unconsciously. OTHERS CAN STOP YOU TEM­PORARILY, ONLY YOU CAN DO OF IT PERMANENTLY! It is, however, indeed truth that most ones are willing to work, only if they can start at the top and work up! Little do they realize that from the willingness to start at the very bottom--they are already in achievement of the top.

    Heed not those who try and try and try--trying and "effort at" are not the same. Trying provides two excuses--an excuse for not doing and an excuse for not having. There are actually only two things which you have in life--"reasons" or "results"--reasons are most often excuses and therefore reasons are not counted in the ending--only the results and you have no way to measure your success or failure according to the rule stick of God. If you hold back because somehow you feel constantly misled or mistreated, you must know that you are fully cooperating with the treatment and have given over control unto another to do that which they will with you. Further, if you worry constantly about that which might be and wonder and worry over that which might have been---you will ignore that which IS. To break out of your prison, you must first realize that you are incarcerated. The latter is the purpose of the Journals thus far---to show unto you that you are indeed, incarcerated, and begin to allow you to understand that you have the power to escape the bindings.

    You can worry until the ending trumpet but you will have missed the point of experience---worry comes directly from the belief that you are powerless instead of all-powerful. If you grow into maturity then you will have come into the realization that you are no longer being deceived nor taken in by one's self. You will come into honesty with self for the sake and morality of honesty and not because honesty is the "best policy", for if you base honesty upon being the best policy--then your honesty is corrupt. If you worship at another's truth then you shall always be sepa­rated from the glory of self wherein God dwells. Harken unto the ones who share truth and show the way---pay not heed to those who tell you it IS the way through anything other than the glorious self. The Laws of God and The Creation are perfection, therefore, if you abide by those laws ye shall have perfection for God is within---not without---and therefore truth is brought into balance from within---not without! Listen to teachings always from within thine own heartcell for another's truth is his--only that which is yours--is yours! YOU ARE THE ONLY TEACHER YOU WILL EVER HAVE---PONDER THE TRUTH OF IT. If you do not know what direction to take, you have not acknowledged where you are!

    Since YOU are the cause of everything that happens to you--be most careful of that which you cause, for in fact, there is no actual right or wrong---only consequences. You can have everything in life that you want--if you will help enough other people get that which they want. At any time in your journey that you care not for the games people play--turn away and make up thine own games--for the winning or losing will be yours to hold, not another's. Strange things occur during a journey of truth unto balanced passage, one is to realize that you have no choice but to feel what you are feeling--the choice comes in changing the mind regarding it. If you have lived to simply make yourself important--notice how unimportant you have actually become!

    If your life is not working the way you perceive you want it to be--look carefully and you will see that you are lying. There are but three kinds of people in the ending; those who make things happen, those who simply watch things happen---and the ones who haven't the slightest idea what is happening. Learn that which is truly happening and you can change of it. As you go about thine searching be cautious indeed for if you think something outside of yourself is the cause of your problems, you will err in looking outside of yourself for the answers. Dear ones, in the physical life journey you will never "have it all" that would be like trying to eat once and for all. Can you not realize that all unhappiness is caused by perception and comparison? Ye can only be that which ye perceive yourself to be. Your success is measured only by your ability to complete things and the more clear you are on that which you, want, the more power you will have and you must hold uppermost to all thy senses---GOD DOES NOT MAKE FAULTY PRODUCTS. If you have problems, so what, solve them so that they no longer annoy you--confront them in truth, sanity and reason and solve them---they, too, shall pass. Hold my hand and walk with me for I am sent as the wayshower to heal of thine life through showing you the way of truth. I come again as Sananda--healing life-source, that you can be lifted up and walk in wholeness and perfection--you dawdle in the mud puddles when you could traverse the heavens to touch of the stars. Can ye not accept of your perfection?

    This scribe nor these bringers of the word of truth set not them­selves above or beyond any other--they simply are the couriers of Aton Creator to remind you of your perfection. Ye need of no in­terpreters nor mediators--your soul knows of that which is truth if ye will be harken, Share of the truth of the word and your heart will blossom into glory for thine brother knows he is sick and weary. You who turn to substances to change and shroud of the mind--when you find that life is destroyed and you can no longer face the addictions or the drugs which you depend upon to hide you from yourself--you will change back into "reality" and remove yourself from the ranks of the walking dead. There is a fine solution and a "bad" solution to every problem--you just don't keep enough reserves of good solutions in your larder. The choice is always yours! What kind of choices do you make?

    If you cling unto the security that you perceive you have, if it be not of God-ness--then ye shall doubtlessly miss the journey into abundance and success--ye shall simply remain clinging to that which might have been for from the cradle unto the grave of physical man--THERE IS NOT SECURITY SAVE THAT WHICH IS OF THE SOUL DESTINATION. ALL ELSE IS BUT A FLEETING MOMENT OF PERCEPTION OF CHANCE AND YOU MUST MAKE OF YOUR CHANCES.

    I do not plan to speak in riddles--I do plan to speak in thoughtful truth. I am come to bring my Father's people home unto him--are you one of mine family or not? The eleventh hour approaches--what is your "happiness" level of measure this day? If it be not full and filled with peace, I suggest you give the Lighted path a chance--what possible loss could you sustain therefrom? Perhaps ye shall gain of the Kingdom!

    Beware the secret orders for they are filled with people who lay the rules and limits and then keep the rules from you by their own pronouncements. You need no priests, ministers, lawyers, judges nor go-between interpreters to be with ,truth and God--YOU CAN HAVE NO 0-BETWEEN BETWEEN SELF AND SELF--PONDER IT! YOU HAVE BECOME PEOPLE OF THE LIE AND 'TIS TIME YOU COME INTO THE TRUTH OF THE WAY IT IS AND NOT AS YOU ARE TOLD IT MUST BE!

    Your journey will be as good or s bad as you make of it for God Creator has granted that reasoning free-will gift unto you--thy measure of the .journey is what ye have done with the gift. If ye send out bigotry--ye shall reap of bigotry against thine self. If you send out love and giving--it shall flow a hundred fold back unto self--it is the law of the universe. If ye plant of corn--ye will reap of corn, sow peace and ye must reap of peace--ye have been about sowing of the lie and now comes the harvest thereof--but it can be of the last crop of thistles if ye refuse to further plant of the beast's seeds. The harvest is at hand--YE CAN CHANGE OF THE CROP. But first, you must recognize of that which has been planted in your fields--did you plant it? Did you allow use of your fields and allow another to plant his own crops in your garden? Perhaps you need to take control of the planting within your own fields lest there be naught to reap at harvest but abundant weeds. Look unto thy European neighbors this day--the larders are bare and half a planet is in starvation of body and soul--what is that YOU sow in your fields--or, do you wait for another to tend of it for you? If you deny truth, then you are thereby denying thine own talents--no decision is having made a decision--unfortunately! So be it--will ye miss of the lifeboat whilst ye await the helicopter? 'Tis not likely thine salvation will come from the ones who have perpetrated the slavery upon you. The slavemaster and trader are not likely to set the slaves free! So be it and selah for the Word of God is the sword of freedom---I AM THE WORD AND THE WORD SHALL GO FORTH UPON THE WINDS AND WATERS OF THE PLANET THAT MAN CAN CHOOSE!

    I release now, this scribe, that she might have rest. I bring the benediction of the Totality of God that you ones might find clarity and sort away the confusion--ask and ye shall receive--seek unto me and ye shall find of the way for I am the Way, The Truth and The Light!


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