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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 23


    ISBN 0-922356-33-5
    First Edition Printed by America West Publishers, 1991
    P.O. BOX 27353
    LAS VEGAS, NV 89126

    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.



    DEDICATION.................................................................................................... .........
    INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................... ... ...
    CHAPTER 1.................................................................................................... .............
    WHO WILL HEAR AND SEE THAT WHICH IS?.............................................
    COMMUNIST MANIFESTO PLANKS...............................................................
    CHAPTER 2.................................................................................................... .............
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    (PSYCHOPOLITICS).................................................................................... ...
    IMPORTANT--SO LISTEN UP, BELOVED LAMBS........................................
    ADDRESS BY LAVENTIA BERIA......................................................................
    CHAPTER 3.................................................................................................... .............
    PSYCHOPOLITICS: HISTORY AND DEFINITION..........................................
    MAN AS AN ECONOMIC ORGANISM.............................................................
    CHAPTER 4.................................................................................................... .............
    STATE GOALS FOR THE INDIVIDUAL AND MASSES................................
    EXAMINATION OF LOYALTIES.......................................................................
    CHAPTER 5.................................................................................................... .............
    ON PSYCHOPOLITICS...................................................................................
    CHAPTER 6.................................................................................................... .............
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    THE GENERAL SUBJECT OF OBEDIENCE.....................................................
    CHAPTER 7.................................................................................................... .............
    OF MAN................................................................................................. ...........
    DEGRADATION, SHOCK AND ENDURANCE................................................
    CONDUCT UNDER FIRE.....................................................................................
    CHAPTER 8.................................................................................................... .............
    TEXTBOOK) CONTINUED...........................................................................
    CONDUCT UNDER FIRE.....................................................................................
    THE RECRUITING OF PSYCHOPOLITICAL DUPES......................................
    THE SMASHING OF RELIGIOUS GROUPS......................................................
    PROPOSALS WHICH MUST BE AVOIDED!....................................................
    SUMMARY............................................................................................. ................
    CHAPTER 9.................................................................................................... .............
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... . ...
    CANCELLATION OF THE SOVIET/U.S. SUMMIT..........................................
    "CHRISTIAN" COUNTRIES?........................................................................
    SICK OF THE SUBJECT?.....................................................................................
    SPETSNAZ............................................................................................ ..................
    ALL OVER THE MAP...........................................................................................
    CONNECTIONS......................................................................................... ............
    INTERNATIONAL TERRORIST NETWORK....................................................
    TARGETS............................................................................................. ...................
    HOW MANY ARE THERE? LOTS!!...................................................................
    TRAINING............................................................................................ ..................
    MISSION OF THE TROPAS.................................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    TODAY'S WATCH IN SPECIFICS......................................................................
    A MEETING TOMORROW?................................................................................
    NOW FOR SPACE-MEN AND UFO's................................................................
    MARIE, IN COLORADO.......................................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    EQUAL OPPORTUNITY?.....................................................................................
    TAX CHANGES............................................................................................. ........
    TRUTH............................................................................................... .....................
    BLIND LEADING BLIND.....................................................................................
    AND WHAT ABOUT SOMALIA?.......................................................................
    EXPERTS............................................................................................. ...................
    COMMON SENSE............................................................................................... ..
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    POINTS TO PONDER............................................................................................
    NUCLEAR CAPABILITY.....................................................................................
    WHOLE THING?.............................................................................................
    DO YOU STOP AND PLAY DEAD?...................................................................
    RED DAWN UPON YOU?....................................................................................
    RETALIATION......................................................................................... ..............
    SOME ITEMS OF INTEREST...............................................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................... ..........
    OIL AND OTHER GOOD THINGS......................................................................
    NOW CONSIDER THE TRUTH OF THE SITUATION.....................................
    SALT MINES............................................................................................... ...........
    GOOD HELPERS............................................................................................. ......
    MEXICAN WAR AGAINST AMERICA?...........................................................
    GENEROUS UNCLE SAM...................................................................................
    PEASANT LAND INVASIONS............................................................................
    COULD THE RUSSIANS INVADE THE U.S.?..................................................
    OF YOUR WITS?.............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    TROOPS IN SAUDI ARABIA...............................................................................
    LITHUANIA TODAY............................................................................................
    WHY IS DHARMA STILL ALIVE?.....................................................................
    WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?....................................................................................
    DOOM AND GLOOM?.........................................................................................
    NATURAL PHENOMENON................................................................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    PEACE, PEACE--THEY CLAIMED....................................................................
    INTENT.............................................................................................. .....................
    WHY ON EARTH WOULD RUSSIA DO THIS?...............................................
    CAN YOU NOT SEE?............................................................................................
    HOW LONG WILL THIS LAST?.........................................................................
    CHAPTER 16.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    POISED FOR WHAT?...........................................................................................
    WHEN, AMERICA?............................................................................................ ...
    CHAPTER 17.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    THE WAR AT HAND IN THE MIDDLE EAST.................................................
    CHAPTER 18.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    TERRORISM........................................................................................... ................
    PROPHECIES.......................................................................................... ................
    EZEKIEL CHAPTER 38........................................................................................
    EZEKIEL CHAPTER 39........................................................................................
    MASTER ESU SANANDA "JESUS", THE PALE PROPHET..........................
    1/16/91 SANANDA............................................................................................. ..
    1/17/91 SANANDA............................................................................................. ..
    CHAPTER 19.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    CAMP DAVID............................................................................................... .........
    WHILE NO ONE WATCHES...............................................................................
    ANTARCTICA.......................................................................................... ..............
    DESERT STORM!.............................................................................................. ....
    ANOTHER WARNING.........................................................................................
    WORST CASE................................................................................................ ........
    HENRY KISSINGER--AGAIN!............................................................................
    PUNCH LINE................................................................................................ ..........
    CHAPTER 20.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    LIES? MIGHT THEY TELL YOU LIES?.............................................................
    COULD THERE BE A DOUBLED-UP DOUBLE-CROSS?..............................
    SAY "JEWISH":...............................................................................................
    PLANNED DESTRUCTION OF IRAQ................................................................
    COME IN, DR. GERALD V. BULL......................................................................
    PRETEXT IN ACTION..........................................................................................
    PRE-MEDITATED CARE AND CAUTION........................................................
    ADDITIONAL SICKENING ASPECT.................................................................
    WINNERS AND LOSERS.....................................................................................
    NO PLANS FOR THE FUTURE...........................................................................
    A REMINDER OF SOMETHING TO PONDER THIS DAY.............................
    CHAPTER 21.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    HOW DO YOU FOOL A NATION?.....................................................................
    PATRIOT MISSILES IN ISRAEL.........................................................................
    EXECUTIVE ORDER ALREADY ACTIVE.......................................................
    WILL NO ONE HEAR OR SEE?..........................................................................
    WHAT ABOUT RACE?........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 22.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    CHAPTER 23.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    TREASON AND ACCUSATIONS THEREOF....................................................
    NUCLEAR STRIKE!............................................................................................. .
    SHAMIR AND EAGLEBURGER.........................................................................
    HANDWRITING ON WALLS..............................................................................
    SUPER-POWER CONFRONTATION?...............................................................
    AGAIN---HENRY KISSINGER............................................................................
    THE ISRAELI CARD.............................................................................................
    WHAT ABOUT THESE WARS?..........................................................................
    CHAPTER 24.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    NO ARAB NOTICE IN SAUDI ARABIA............................................................
    LESSON IN CURRENCY EXCHANGE..............................................................
    WATCH THE PATRIOTS.....................................................................................
    GAS MASKS............................................................................................... ............
    LOOK AND LISTEN..............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 25.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    CEASAR'S WORLD?............................................................................................
    BANKERS AND POLITICIANS...........................................................................
    RECESSION? NO, DEPRESSION!.......................................................................
    HOW DID THE BANKING MESS COME TO BE?...........................................
    BANK RUNS................................................................................................ ..........
    "WELL, I'LL BUY REAL ESTATE!"..................................................................
    CHAPTER 26.................................................................................................... ..........
    PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!.....................................................................................
    A SHORT WAR?................................................................................................ ....
    ENVIRONMENTAL DISASTER?........................................................................
    NOW LOOK AT WEAPONS................................................................................
    FORMIDABLE DEFENSES..................................................................................
    FACE WALL OF FIRE...........................................................................................
    NEW TYPE WEAPON...........................................................................................
    GRAB FOR POWER..............................................................................................
    ISRAEL (PALESTINE) IS NO FRIEND...............................................................
    EASY TO START WAR........................................................................................
    CHAPTER 27.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    SPY SATELLITE COULD BE BEST IRAQI WAR TOOL.................................
    JANUARY 27, 1991..............................................................................................
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    WAR ON OIL SPILL?............................................................................................
    HOW ABOUT TROOPS AND RIGHTS AND PANAMA?...............................
    ABOUT TERRORISTS?..................................................................................
    CASUALTIES IN ATTACK ON BAGHDAD.....................................................
    SADDAM HUSSEIN WAS SURPRISED!...........................................................
    NOW BACK TO THE TERRORISTS...................................................................
    SAUCE FOR THE GOOSE AND THE GANDER...............................................
    THE BIG EAR................................................................................................. ........
    YOU ARE NO SAFER TODAY............................................................................
    ODDS AND ENDS................................................................................................ .
    IS GUN CONTROL A SERIOUS MATTER?......................................................
    AND WHY DID CONGRESS CLAIM TO VOTE FOR WAR?.........................
    ISRAEL/CHINA--GET READY!..........................................................................
    THIRD PARTIES............................................................................................. .......
    MORE HELP................................................................................................ ...........
    CHAPTER 28.................................................................................................... ..........
    TODAY'S WATCH............................................................................................... .
    A LITTLE BACKGROUND..................................................................................
    NOT PERFECTED........................................................................................... .......
    CHANGE OF SUBJECT--TO SPACE CRAFT....................................................
    RAINBOW DANCERS..........................................................................................
    END.................................................................................................... ...........................
    REC #1 ATON
    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1991 7:45 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 169

    This Journal is dedicated to SFC THEODORE BRUTON who resides in the desert of Saudi Arabia--lonely, frightened and expecting to die for that which he understands not. There are others, nameless for many reasons, whom we honor equally but we herein acknowledge this young man and his mates and so shall it come to pass as this transition of a blessed planet comes to fruition. I HONOR MY CHILDREN WHO HAVE GONE FORTH TO BEAR THE BANNER OF TRUTH EVEN UNTO THE PLACES OF HELL AND SO SHALL THEY COME INTO THE SECURITY AND SAFETY OF MINE ARMY AGAINST WHICH NONE CAN PREVAIL.

    Patriotic? Beyond your ability to measure! He is sent forth in service to his country and will serve to the best of his ability for as long as he can do so. He wants to come home so that he can bring truth to a blind populace.

    I have news for this young man--he is come to Earth for purpose and, albeit a strange place to find truth--where better? How could you be sent from Higher Cause into a nightmare to serve? Where better than where truth is even more hidden from thine eyes? Contribution to God is wondrous experience indeed.


    I speak to you and you will be tempted to disbelieve for you have been given into the lie for so long. I am that being named as the "Father" and again the "Master Son" shall present upon your planet that balance can again prevail. I send forth the Hosts of my Armies to bear truth and understanding in preparation for that coming again. Do not struggle with the perplexity of this message--simply know that measured against that which is perceived "real and physical about you" it is not nearly as incredible.

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr., is sent in MY service--most recently from the placement known to you as Pleiades. He is responsible for the reclamation and preparations for the return of the "Phoenix" (Christos now fulfilled as God). He is one of your cosmic space brothers and serves in the United Federation Fleet as Commander, under the authorization and auspices of the Inter-Galactic Federation Command and the United Federation Council. Sounds like Star Trek? So be it for if you will but go within into your place of knowledge you will recognize of the truth of that which I bring for your consideration.

    Dharma, put to print a letter received yesterday from a young man in Saudi Arabia that others might find solace in the petitions coming back into my attention for I wish to then give instructions for passage through the veil of Hell in which the youth find themselves in that place of madness. Why do I choose one name from the many to honor? Because I desire that he, and all be protected in security and yet, I must have ONE to which a physical message can be directed. I protect the sender of this forthcoming letter--let it be known to all who censor and discredit truth hereof.

    * * * * *

    Dear Sir, or Mam,

    First of all, I would like to thank you for the information I got from you. It is always good for me to hear the truth. The world we live in is not at all fair to the little people. It is for the people that have the big money, that can play with the lives of we little men.

    I read the paper I got from you, and I tried to find a lie in it, but it all came together. I wish I could have gotten your papers a long time ago. The truth is all I want to know, and with that, my life could have been better. I would pay for the information you gave me, it was that good.

    I am over here, about to go to war, and at this time, I can do nothing about it. It looks like I was not told the full story, until I got your paper. You have opened my mind to the truth about the world we live in. It is sad that most people don't, and won't, ever know the real story about the war games and all the other games the big boys play with our lives.

    If I make it out of here with my life, I would like very much to be a member of your paper. The truth is all I want to read about.

    It won't be too long, as you already know, before the very big boy says "let the dying begin". All I can do now is hope for the best. I'm a part of the little people.

    I don't know how you got my name but, I'm glad you did.

    I want to thank you again for telling me all about Saddam, and what we really face. I can not tell others of what I am reading in your paper because it will upset them, as it did me.

    I hope I will get the chance to read more of the truth in today's life time. You are the best in what you do, and that is a fact! Your information is the best I have ever read.

    Please send me the cost of the paper so I can get more while I have life in my body.

    Thank you for the truth,

    U.S. Army
    Operation Desert Shield/Storm
    6 Jan. 1991

    P.S. You have opened my eyes, and my mind.

    * * * * *

    Now, I shall respond to this particular inquiry for it is inclusive to all my Sons and Daughters upon your placement.

    Do not ponder too heavily upon HOW you might be found to receive of the information. The ones who scribe and send the word in my service, know not why I choose to send to specific ones. It is the "call" and it is the very purpose of the writings themselves. The word shall fall upon the eyes and ears of the populace of the world but some must have their call "up front" so that the miracles of the truth of the presentation can begin to unfold. It matters not that any about you know or do not know for--as it unfolds--all will come into the truth of my beingness.

    It has been written that if you follow in my truth and hear my instructions--you will prevail, and you, my workers are placed all about within and upon this wondrous Creation of that planet called Earth. It is said that you may be in the fields and to the left one will fall and to the right, another will fall and you shall be untouched. Keep my lighted shield about you and you shall not be harmed--DO YOU HEAR ME? YOU SHALL NOT BE HARMED IF YE STAY WITHIN MY TRUTH AND SHIELD! It is a time of instructions for you who serve--most of you knowing it not. You would say to me, I curse, I sin, I forget, I blunder--"I cannot be of God!"--REALLY! Ah, but those who set themselves up as my speakers in the churches and synagogues of MAN are blasphemous and teachers of the lies. I WANT NO PIOUS, BILIOUS FOOLS ABOARD MY SHIPS OF SILVER RADIANCE. ‘TIS NOT THOSE WHO WORK IN THE SERVICE OF EVIL WHO WILL COME ABOARD MY CRAFT OF "TOMORROW"--MUCH LESS IN THE PHYSICAL FORMAT. YE STAY IN MY CONTACT AND YE SHALL BE GATHERED UP INTO THE CLOUDS (THE SILVER CLOUDS) SO THAT YOU CAN LATER FINISH THINE WORK IN THE SERVICE OF YOUR BROTHER IN TRUTH IN GROWTH AS YOU FULFILL YOUR MISSION COMMITTED TO UPON THAT WONDROUS CREATION. You are not given to know all, for you would not understand the need for the type of service that only I CAN PRESENT and it is the child in darkness that needs your guidance--there are no atheists in foxholes. Your flag is a Heavenly Banner and your nation a chosen and blessed place which will again come into balance in service unto God and Man. Do not lessen truth by pious presentation--tell your men to hold to God and truth and they will be given into passage. No matter how it may appear unto your physical eyes--I SHALL GUIDE MY CHILDREN INTO WONDROUS PASSAGE FOR A REMNANT OF MY PEOPLE WILL BE THAT WHICH WILL PREVAIL!

    As you go into the fray, no matter what might be thrown against you, as you may be attacked, put your face into the scooped out sand, wrap mine light shield about you and the holocaust shall pass you by for I speak and as I speak, so shall it come to be--ye ones of mine own shall represent the miracles of the final days of change back unto the laws of Truth and Balance upon a rebirthed planet brought into Higher Status in her rightful glory. WE want no "heros"--I need your lives in full measure to bring MY PEOPLE HOME.

    You who hear MY CALL, hear it because you are sent of me and are intended to hear of it. Know beyond all doubt:


    FOR I AM!
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 22:23.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 23
    WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1991 7:46 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 167

    And it came to pass upon the lands in the days of chaos, that there could be found no peace and the rivers and seas were red with the blood of the sacrificed, both good and evil, for the time was at hand for the coming of the Lord. So be it and Amen. I am Aton.

    * * * * * * * * * *

    Hatonn present in the Light of HIS Holy Radiance to show the way unto those of His children who will find Truth and seek justice in His Holy Presence.

    Dharma, as time for the explanations and vision's solutions come to fruition, I shall share with you the Presence and the meaning of the time of Revelation that we might pen the Holy Word.

    Let us draw to a close, however, in these immediate days the book above named--for each explanation must come in its proper sequence. You must know and see that which has pulled you from the path of God and how it came to be. The world, and God's chosen place of the Americas are the more specific example of how evil through Psychopolitics has been brainwashed into believing that which is NOT--IS! How can this be? Easily. I shall have you quote from a beloved friend and warrior for Truth and this Journal shall be dedicated to ones whom I honor for their pursuit unto their own demise, the truth of the pulling down of a wondrous nation.


    This shall be the INTRODUCTION and first chapter of this Journal for I am going to give you example of how and from whom you have been blinded and misled.

    How many of you believe the story regarding the tank attack into Ra's al Khafji of last night? The story goes like this: A large group of Iraqi tanks crossed the border and approached the U.S. Marines with cannons pointing backward toward Iraq. The Marines thought they were surrendering and welcomed them. When they approached within range, they turned the cannon about and fired upon the Marines. But, the story continues--after hours of heavy fighting the Iraqis sustained extremely heavy casualties and loss of equipment while the U.S. Marines had only very light casualties and hardly any loss of equipment. Now, dear ones--how can you abide such an insult to your very intelligence! Firing upon unsuspecting soldiers dead aim and dead ahead indicates equally heavy "dead" soldiers. HOW CAN YOU ABIDE THESE LIES? A STANDING OVATION IS SUFFICIENT HONOR FOR THESE DEAD WHO ARE NOT EVEN RECOGNIZED? WHERE HAVE YOU GONE, AMERICA? So be it, for truth will out and when you are forced to see and hear--it will be too late--IT WILL BE TOO LATE, FOR THE EUPHRATES IS ALREADY DRY AND THE BLUE TURBANED MONGOL IS AT YOUR DOORSTEP HAVING TAKEN YOUR NATION WITH THE RED GOG AND MAGOG OF THE BEAR TO THE NORTH. AND YOU SLEEP ON!

    I shall repeat herein that which I gave yesterday but was not made public--regarding the planes of Iraq moving into Iran. How foolish can you be? Iran hates you, little brothers. All is fair in war; what silly games you play. The whole of the world--except you--know that the initial bombing of Iraq was led by Israeli war-planes who actually dropped the first bombs. The nations are only awaiting proof and recognition and a rousing of the people to fever pitch and then the nations will rise up against you by the swarms of people willing to perish to defeat you--you are coming upon Islamic/Moslem Holy Days and a great Jihad, for your leaders have lied to the world.

    Saddam has massive weapons stored. He is moving his planes out and into safety for when the winds change--YOU will be surrounded.

    Further, when Saddam tells you he has bacteriological, chemical and atomic capability on his missiles--he means it. He has them on the ends of the most elite and modem rockets in your world today, the Russian SS12's. Further, he has some 10-11 THOUSAND Russian advisers in Iraq to operate them. Mr. Bessmertnykh (who is that?--the new Soviet Foreign Minister) just reminded Mr. Baker that things are NOT as they appear to be. Mr. Baker said that Bessmertnykh reaffirmed that which had been given you prior to this--indeed he did! The so-called "pulling out of Soviet troops from the Baltic states is total facade for the news is totally controlled and you won't know whether or not the fact is accomplished. Don't be fools!

    You experienced your 29th replica of George Bush give you a perfect speech--it said all the properly emotional and idealistic substance--it represented the exact opposite of the actions being experienced and the nation could see it not. The words perfection, the lies covering the actions which strip you of your freedom and nation--along with the whole of the people of the world.

    Please note that this "perfect" speaker was not even in great resemblance to the "George Bush" of the past. He spoke with perfect elocution without reading and without error--Your old George Bush could not do so. Note that less than two weeks past when Bush smiled and spoke, he spoke from the right side (lopsided presentation of vocalization) of his face. Last evening his smile and words came more predominantly from his "left" face. Further, note that in past pictures the man had almost double lobes on his ears--last night his ears were quite different.

    HOW CAN THEY GET BY WITH THIS? Because you-the-people do not suspect that such a thing as genetic doubles can be truth--because THEY told you as much.

    Why, then, did the Congress and visitors applaud so enthusiastically? Because they voted to send your children to the desert and they are covering their assets and, further, note that the visitors who were featured were the very ones who gain royally from this battle in Armageddon.

    There should have been honor given to your soldiers in Saudi Arabia--I, too, stand in honor of them and I shall do all I can to cause you to hear and see so that you demand they be brought home into safety to grow old with family and friends. You ones confuse patriotism with war-mongering. You have lost your nation to your enemy and you do not even realize it has happened to you--how do you know exactly when you became Communistic and Socialistic state-controlled? Let me give you some thoughtful information presented by one I greatly honor:


    Americans, who have been watching the degeneration of our society, the increase in violence, drugs, pornography, and the national debt, often write us for advice about what to do "once the nation falls" into socialism, insolvency and surrender. Some use the forbidden "C" word, by asking what they should do "when the communists take over." My friends, when the Thought-theology (psychopolitics) of what we understand is communism finally takes over in America, it will NOT be called by that name. The Hammer and Sickle will probably never adorn any flag. (Communism will be called "democracy" and accepted by most Americans with dancing in the streets!)

    Does this sound preposterous? Think about it. How would you know "when communism, sold as democracy," is the ultimate law of the land? If those who are now employing "more powerful levers and more subtle webs" succeed in their plans, most of those living in this country may not notice much of a difference from what they think of as the American Way these days!

    Karl Marx, the Jewish hippy who invented what is known today as "Scientific socialism", was not himself a communist and never claimed to be one. Mr. Marx, it is now known, collaborated with some wealthy totalitarian socialists, and they let him put his name on their joint effort, and it was titled, THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO. It was a scheme of powerful levers and subtle webs. There is so little difference between socialism and communism that 70 years after the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO was published, Lenin, the socialist founder of modern communism, called himself a communist but named Russia and other conquered territories the Union of Socialist Republics. Regardless of what communism is called, it would be identified by at least ten basic planks as set forth in the MANIFESTO. These political planks need to be listed here, not only as a review but as a template by which to gauge the American government and policies today. (Hatonn: I have given you all of these but perhaps you will see and hear more clearly if they are again laid forth from Earth-man.)


    Did you know that the Federal Government of Washington, D.C. now owns over 40% of the land mass of the United States? That is more land than the entire country east of the Mississippi River. It does so in direct violation of the United States Constitution. The Federal Government now owns more than 10% of all industrial properties, and owns railroads, barge lines, etc. As the government buys more and more land, this property is taken off the tax rolls, and this increases the taxes all of us must pay on the land we suppose that we own. Most Americans think that they own their land. They think that a certain parcel upon which they live actually belongs to them. Have your lawyer explain to you why your deeds have been drawn as they have or why you and your wife are called "tenants in common" and other strange language and phrases. Here is the rule of law: If you must pay the state or county a "property tax", and the state or county can sell your property to someone else if you fail to pay the tax, you are not the actual and lawful owner of that land or property! Marx called the use tax on land, rent. Today it is called "property tax" and while universally accepted by most Americans, the property tax is 100% Marxist (communist) in nature. How then will you know when "communism takes over?"

    The land that is still informally held in private hands, is now subject to state and municipal controls called "land use" and you can only do certain things on land that you suppose you own. If you actually owned it, instead of being merely a "tenant with a vested interest in it", no city, state or federal controls could be imposed upon it. Yet, you accept zoning restrictions as normal and allow the city to impose "rent controls". You sit tight when the Federal Government tells you, via an unconstitutional statute, that you must rent "your property" to anyone who comes to your door, regardless of race, color, national origin and sexual preference. From where did they get the lawful jurisdiction to tell you what you can do on "your property"? If indeed it is your property, there is no such authority except that which you voluntarily submit to. However, since you are merely a tenant paying property use tax rent on the land, they have every right to tell you how you will use that property and how far from the property line you must build any house, etc. Can you imagine Patrick Henry putting up with such nonsense? Of course not! But then, Patrick Henry was a Freeman, not a communist. He did not hold communist ideas about the use of land, as most Americans today do. How about you? Are you a communist when it comes to land use? As to the use of land, every Senator and every Congressman is a communist today. Nothing much will change "when communism takes over", except that you will know that you are a mere tenant and not a land owner as you had supposed for years. Some of you tenants will be pushed off the state's land so that another tenant can use your nice home and farm and if you illegally resist, you may be legally shot.

    When the communist agent, Woodie Guthrie, wrote the now famous song, "This Land is My Land: this Land is Your Land..." he was writing with the communist understanding about land and land ownership. Yet patriotic groups, ignorant of communist objectives, often sing that song with the same attitude and reverence as they do with America, the Beautiful. Good grief!


    This is probably the best known of the Marxist-Communist political concepts in use today in America. If there is any communist statute or regulation that has been imposed unlawfully on most Americans, and one which affects their very lives and fortunes the most, the communist income tax has to be it. If there was any statute that employed more "powerful levers" or "subtle webs", you would be hard pressed to find it. As with the progressive tax on property, it is a communist idea of "from each according to his ability and to each according to his need" that finds exact expression in the federal and state graduated income tax laws. Yet 90% of all Americans accept that system of federal revenue taxation as if it were both Scriptural and American. It is neither. It comes from the Babylonian Talmud, and is the main cornerstone of communist Thought-theology, Marxism-Leninism is not only a political thought, but is also the religion of the communist-socialist. I was sitting at a restaurant meal with two Baptist ministers and their wives recently. These men had come to see me regarding several theological opinions that I hold and set forth in STAR WARS 4. During the discussion, the subject of the Marxist federal income tax came up, and I stated that I had not filed a return in over 20 years. One of the minister's wives blurted right out, "I think I should turn you in!" Here was a woman claiming to be a Christian who was perfectly at ease turning in another Christian to the federal authorities over the matter of a communist taxing system! What did the two ministers say concerning the outburst from this wife? Nothing. Now, how could they understand the deeper meanings of STAR WARS 4 when they were functional communists in Thought-theology (Psychopolitics)? Here is a plank of the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO so ingrained in their sub-conscious minds that they were silent when this woman suggested that I be turned over to the authorities! It is a well-known hallmark of communism when you see people turning in their neighbors to the authorities. It is now beginning on a large scale in America with such carefully prepared TV shows as UNSOLVED MYSTERIES, where the TV uses brutal murders, drug and child abuse crimes to get the public accustomed to thinking about turning people in so as to solve these crimes. You will become a "state hero" and even paid $1,000 for your help. Next, you will be paid for turning in people who own firearms or teach the citizenry about unlawful government activities. Will you really recognize the point "when communism takes over?"


    In spite of the federal Estate Tax of 1916, your Marxist government has yet to accomplish this objective. They have imposed a heavy inheritance tax, illegally confiscating a large part of that property a man leaves to his children. After a couple of generations, the property is gone. How many people do you know who still live on their grandfather's farm or ranch? Naturally, the lower classes, who have chosen not to save enough to purchase property, have no inheritances to leave. The super-rich have been provided the use of tax-exempt foundations so that their wealth is passed on to their posterity. It is the great middle-class that the Marxist objectives are directed toward, and which succeed very well in America. Where does the federal government get the authority and jurisdiction to tax the property of the deceased?


    Emigrants are people who leave a country, and that does not apply to Americans. However, look at what is done to Americans your government calls "rebels." All your government needs to do is allege that a person is a "tax resister" or a drug pusher and his property and real estate can be confiscated without due process. Some of you saw the story on INSIDE EDITION where a citizen's property was taken by the Federal authorities without due process merely because she had rented the house to people later determined to have been using the house for drug traffic. All your government needs to do is allege that property, real estate, cars, boats, etc., are owned by those involved in drugs, and this property can be taken and sold under Public Law 99-570 set in place in 1986. You have read the horror stories. Some minimum wage seaman can sneak drugs aboard a million dollar ship, unknown to the owners or the captain, and the ship is confiscated by the government without due process of law! HOW WILL YOU KNOW WHEN COMMUNISM TAKES OVER?

    It was through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 that the private banking cartel known as the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK came into being. It is through this scheme, with the government controlling the banks and credit for the benefit of the secret shareholders, that the effect of this objective of the communists came into being in the United States. The super rich bankers, while they liked the controls envisioned by Karl Marx, decided that all the usury and profits should go into THEIR pockets instead of the federal coffers. It is this small bank of International Bankers who decide how much interest you are going to pay on your home mortgage and they have the monopoly power to force other banks to charge the same rates. Individual credit can be given or withheld at the whim of these bankers. The private FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM is neither "federal" nor does it have any "reserves" as commonly thought. The local Federal Reserve Bank is not listed under agencies of the Federal Government in your phone book, but listed in the white pages as any other private business.

    The FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES, which you carry in your pocket, though printed by the federal government for those private banker's use, and identified as "legal tender", are in fact privately circulated bank notes. As "notes" they do not certify that the U.S. Treasury has gold or silver to "back them" but state on their face that the U.S. Government is in debt to that amount. You are not paying your bills with certificates of wealth, but with evidences of federal debt. You are passing the U.S. debt to the bankers around among yourselves as if it was lawful money. The private Federal Reserve makes huge profits for its member banks, and yet it pays no federal or state income taxes, and they have never been audited by any government agency. A couple of years ago, Senator Metcalf of Washington State launched a campaign against the FEDERAL RESERVE and had it put on the ballot to restore the right to create money to the Congress as specified in the Constitution. The people in Washington State were so ignorant or communist-minded that they actually voted it down! HOW WILL YOU KNOW...?

    In 1933, when so many banks lost their shirts and had to repay their depositors or close their doors, the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT was changed to incorporate the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) (Hatonn: Note "Corporation" which designates private.) Here is how that works, and we can see it with the current Savings and Loan scandals. In good times, the bankers make huge profits. However, in bad times, the American taxpayers are called upon to bail out the bankers, letting them retain their personal assets. How will you know when "communism takes over"? Most people are so accustomed to the yoke of communism, thrust upon them in the name of "democracy" and "social security", that they believe that these things must be the form of government our Forefathers gave us. They think it is normal to have total taxes in amounts to 50% of income. Where is their Great Republic based upon the Common Law and the Constitution? For all practical purposes, it no longer exists.


    All radio and television networks are licensed and permitted to operate only at the good pleasure of the federal government through the Federal Communications Commission. Because their programming is under strict federal guidelines, anti-communist programs are rarely aired. How many of you can recall one TV program, in the past 30 years, which set forth the communist objectives for the conquest of America and the world? Instead, all programming is designed to promote socialist thinking, and our country is never referred to as a republic but ALWAYS AS A DEMOCRACY. All news is designed to promote the communists and their leading individuals as reasonable people, and anti-communist nations, such as South Africa, are always cast in an unfavorable light. Communist objectives for America, such as degeneration of moral values, interracial marriage, promiscuous sex, and homosexual life styles, are treated in both the news and the "situation comedies" as totally normal and health behavior, and are given to us and our children on a daily basis.

    All transportation by air is under either the Federal Aviation Agency or the Civil Aeronautics Administration, and the government controls how these private businesses operate and the fares and rates that they can charge. The federal government controls every form of interstate commerce, and sets the rates that these private businesses can charge and even how long a truck driver can drive his own truck in a given day.


    The federal government now owns and operates more than 25,000 corporate units in direct competition with private enterprise. Most of these corporations are operated at staggering losses, even though they pay no property taxes and no interest on invested capital. All of these, along with their losses, are being operated without the slightest shred of Constitutional authority. Furthermore, according to figures taken from the Federal Budget, the aggregate losses of these federally owned businesses and property, including the lost state and local taxes thereon, exceed the total amount collected each year on the personal income taxes! According to the LIBERTY AMENDMENT COMMITTEE, from whom these statistices were taken, the sate of these unlawfully owned businesses would retire about one third of the national debt, and make the personal individual income taxes a thing of the past. This author is 100% in favor of bringing wastelands into cultivation and improving the soil. However, this must be done on a private enterprise basis, and not as the result of federal bureaucratic intervention. However, in accordance to the Marxist orientation of our government, swarms of New Officers (to use the language of the Declaration of Independence) have been descending upon our farmers. There is the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Mines, Environmental Protection Agency, and many others. I do not need to comment on the crisis now being faced by America's independent farmers. It is not the result of incompetent farmers but because of federal meddling in both their agricultural and financial affairs.


    In the first sentence, the emphasis should be on the word, liability. This is to be a "worker's paradise" and therefore all have an equality liability, a pecuniary obligation, to labor. Every citizen, according to Marx, is required to labor, and every person is to be assigned a job. There is to be no non-laboring middle class working as salesmen and shopkeepers. In spite of massive government boondoggles in agriculture, the American farmer has found a way to produce food that feeds not only our country, but those countries as the USSR and China which still suppose that the Marxist way for agriculture may someday work. Once the farmers finally fail in large numbers, not because of agricultural flaws so much as corporate debt, the Marxist agriculture armies, gathered from those "huddled masses yearning to be free", that now clog up the welfare rolls, will be sent forth to plant, till and harvest in the vain hope that they can feed the people.


    The destruction of the cities has been going on since the Roosevelt Depression. Socialist confiscatory property and business taxes on producers, and welfare handouts to non-producers, have driven commerce and industry out of the cities and provides the excuse for federal control of land use, environmental impact studies, and regional planning. Federal regional planning done between states and over state lines, is the way this Marxist plank is being carried out today.


    When Karl Marx wrote "free" he meant compulsory education of the children under the control of the State. Because of the contract with the State known as the "Marriage License", your children are legally Wards of the State. They must have "shots" and a Social Security number "required to protect the State's wards". State run and tax financed government schools began soon after the publishing of the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO, with the key leader at that time being Horace Mann. Next came socialized or often called "progressive" education under the guidance of John Dewey. How many of you remember having to read about the wonders of socialism in books by Lincoln Stephens in high school? The most socialist class in any high school is not history or social science but English, where the teacher can direct the children to read certain books and make reports on them. English is the only required class for all students, and it is there that the communists have directed their most attention. Under Biblical law, early American instruction, where students were studying Greek and Latin by 9 years of age, has always been the responsibility of the parents and their church assembly. Children were taught the moral values of the parents and of their church. Today, it is the State that determines what the standards will be for the children's education. Federal Aid to Education determines how the States will set up the basic teachings and philosophy and this is exactly what Marx had in mind. This form of education teaches the child to look to the State for help, and the State becomes the child's "god". Christian instruction, in contrast, teaches the child to look to God, and that if he needs a hand he finds one at the end of his arm. As you look at our youth educated in government schools, observe their appearance and their attitudes, and remember that crime and drug use is increasing 7X as fast as the population, you will see the evil genius of Karl Marx in full bloom. As you re-read this section, notice that I have drawn a clear distinction between "instruction" and "education". It is humanistic, New Age, and Eastern philosophy that man is intrinsically good. Hence the use of the word "education" by the modern socialist, which means from the Latin, "draw the good out". In contrast, the Bible teaches that all men are sinners, and that they are basically of a sinful, wicked nature. Thus, there is no way to "draw good out" of them. Christian philosophy, based upon the truth of the Bible, teaches that children are to be instructed, that is to have the good of God's Laws put into them so that they can be pleasing in God's sight. Today, those church groups that teach that God's Laws are still in full force and effect, always refer to their schools as Christian Instruction. Those churches who have gone the way of humanism, teaching that God's Laws, Statutes and Judgments were abandoned at The Cross, rightly call their schools "Christian Education". The term "Christian Education" is an oxymoron, an absurd contradiction in meaning to those of us with even a smattering of classical study.

    As to the second part of Marx's 10th Plank, children under 16 are not permitted to work for wages. All private apprenticeships have been abolished for children seeking to learn a trade before the age of 16. Roosevelt's socialist friends had the Fair Labor Standards Act passed in 1937 where apprenticeships are now under control of the State.

    I have taken .six pages to teach you what communism really is from the works of their founders, Karl Marx. Now, fellow American, how many of the Marxist Ten Planks have you accepted as normal, necessary, and indeed the American Way?

    (Hatonn: Please pay close attention to that which I will now quote from the same document but bearing more attention. After that I shall again ask Dharma to outline the Executive Orders which are now signed and in place in your government.)

    J. Edgar Hoover, in his classic book on the communist threat to America, MASTERS OF DECEIT, wrote that his greatest fear was that Americans would become "state of mind communists" while adamantly denying any interest or adherence to communism. My friends, that is exactly what has happened. Most Americans go along with every single plank of the Communist Manifesto and even suppose that it is the American Way!

    Now, my friends, the more powerful levers and more subtle webs have been set in place.

    Several months ago I wrote about the Marxist income tax and the reasons why I was opposed to it. I further stated in public print that I had not filed any returns for 20 years nor paid any tax in all that time. These ON TARGET Northpoint Team Reports are widely photocopied and circulated with my permission and encouragement. However, they go from friend to friend and then to the Christian ignorant among the silent majority, and ultimately to the socialist enemy. You cannot believe the letters we get from professing Christians! I have read their letter admonishing me to read Romans 13, supposing that I had not managed to read that far into the New Testament. They call my attention to Christ's words to "render unto Caesar..." and think that whatever is demanded by government under a pretext of law must be dutifully turned over to socialist schemes, heathen peoples around the world and social dropouts around the country as part of our Christian witness, testimony, and responsibility.

    According to these Christians, educated into the communist Thought-theology psyhopolitics of the government schools, apparently the American Colonists should have paid the tax on tea demanded of King George instead of "damaging their Christian testimony in an act of violence" by dumping it all into Boston harbor. The tax was, after all, "the Law" and imposed lawfully by those in authority. Worse than that, when the King wanted to confiscate "assault rifles" being stored in Concord, "Christian patriots should have turned them over to the Red Coats instead of killing people at Concord Bridge".

    Those early Americans are identified as Patriots, but those of us who object to the very same things today are thought of as unAmerican at best and unChristian at worst. Do you see the problem we have today? Christians are now "state of mind Communists" as feared and predicted years and years ago. How do I reason with a "state of mind" communist, who supposes that his political, moral and economic understanding comes right out of the Bible?

    The Federal Income Tax Statutes, and the Supreme Court decisions supporting them, clearly state that wages and salaries are not "income". Yet Christian communists in America, in what profess to be patriotic assemblies, have been conned into waiving that statutory provision and to "voluntarily" agreeing to pay the first part of their increase not to God's Law but to Caesar, in direct violation of God's Law set forth in Scripture. And they wonder why God stopped blessing America right after the Marxist Income Tax Statutes went into effect! Looking deeper still, we find that even the Marxist Income Tax Statutes made Constitutional by the 16th Amendment, applies only to those non-white citizens by privilege of the 14th Amendment. It also includes corporate officers, folks who live in Washington, D.C. and other Federal enclaves, military people and those who work in government jobs. But, people who exchange their time for wages, salaries, commissions, etc., are not required to file returns or pay federal taxes. Oh, your minister never told you these things? And your dad never knew them? Why are you giving the first portion of the wonderful blessings God gives you through increase of your land and labor of your hands and mind, to promote communism, totalitarian socialism and other wicked things at home and abroad? Shame on you! Repent of your ways.

    I will tell you why you pay without a whimper! It is because you are scared to death of the wicked agents of the Internal Revenue and their well-publicized cruel activities and brutal enforcement procedures. Most of you lack the guts for such basic Christian service to your country, if the truth was really known. Some of my best friends and most generous supporters have confessed this fear to me privately and I have wept for their souls. You must understand, Scripture teaches that the fearful, right along with the unbelievers, murderers, whoremongers, sorcerers, idolaters and liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone. Read Revelation 21:8 about those listed among the non-overcomers! Those who are afraid, are just as wicked in God's Eyes, as some of the most terrible of anti-Christ people! Take your STRONG'S CONCORDANCE and do a word study on all the variations of the word fear and it will open your eyes of understanding. Oh, how I pray that some of my wonderful Team Members and other financial supporters will turn from their fearful ways and not be included among that wretched lot at the end of time.

    Did you know that if you file income tax returns, you place your legal status under Admiralty Law, and waive your Common Law rights under the first Ten Amendments to the Constitution? The fearful, under an ironic twist to God's Law, find themselves unprotected by the 1st Amendment and cannot lawfully claim the right to religious freedom or the right of free speech, etc. They cannot claim the right to keep and bear arms as set forth in the 2nd Amendment. Since so few Americans remain who have these rights, the laws on the gradual confiscation of any "semi-automatic weapon" are now being enacted, beginning with the so-called assault rifles, and hand guns that have a n ammunition magazine or "clip". Are you surprised? These laws have been on the books for 20 years awaiting this day and hour! I know that some do not believe me on this, but see for yourself. Go to your local library and ask the librarian to show you where the UNITED STATES CODE books are shelved. There are 25 of these in the set, reddish-brown in color. They are printed by the United States Government. Select Volume 9 and turn to page 554. Read public law 87-297 signed into law by John F. Kennedy in 1961. Every President since then has worked to gradually enact its provisions, knowing that most Americans would not approve. Read along through that public law to page 559, and you will see that it calls for our Armed Forces to be eliminated from NATIONAL CONTROL, which in turn wipes out our sovereignty as a nation. In the third state we shall see a "zero military" and before stage one closes, all citizen-owned guns will be banned. This issue of national disarmament is now being discussed with world leaders, and the ban on certain defensive weapons here at home is not new at all, but part of a treasonous scheme to render America as a nation, and our citizens as individuals, helpless against the Socialist-Communist conquest of the world.

    Here is another problem: Are you sitting under a minister who is a state of mind communist, one of the fearful who still files income tax returns? Sure, he may be a nice guy. Sure, he may seem to be a kindly, loving man. But he is one of the fearful, classified by Godly John and Jesus Christ as being among the whoremongers and liars? Are you sending God's tithe and your offerings to any "religious group" that is claiming "tax exemption" and thus under the jurisdiction of our communist democracy of the District of Columbia? If you read our materials long enough, you will see a thread of theme about the ministers and preaching in America that is causing most of our problems. I remember back in the Old Testament, God's nation of Israel had some major problems under King Jeroboam. You might need to see how God dealt with His People in those days, as sort of a forecast of what is soon to pass in America. (I Kings 12, etc.) The bottom line then was that Jeroboam "made priests of the lowest of the people" (v.31). Christ, through St. John in Revelation 21:8, says that the lowest of people are the "fearful". You cannot be Godly and fearful at the same time, and the Bible world study suggested previously should have established that fact firmly in your mind. Therefore, all fearful are also ungodly, if you can follow that logic. The very first Psalm, a fantastic collection of distilled wisdom, begins with this most important truth: "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly--fearful..." How many of my wonderful friends and readers are still taking counsel of the fearful, men whom the Bible calls priests of the lowest of people, who it so often also appears, are state of mind communists?

    END OF QUOTING---and so be it.

    Now, Dharma, allow us to again present the executive orders which have now been brought into play--obviating even the need of Congressional agreement in order to become law against you-the-people.

    Before we do so, however, I am going to ask you a few questions and let us see if you REALLY see and understand that which I give you and that which IS!

    1. What is the name of the new Soviet Foreign Minister?
    2. What is the first plank in the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO?
    3. Who's picture is on the $20 Federal Bank "note"?
    4. What is an SS12? Who developed it? Where is it now?
    5. What did you have for breakfast on Saturday last?
    6. If you attend church, give me the doctrines according to denomination! Where did your minister get his "education" and did he get a "Christian Education" or "Christian Instructions"?
    7. What do you REALLY know about this "Christian Community" within your own town? Funny thing about the one in Tehachapi, California--they offer to drive these Satanic speakers from out of the city--or worse; death!

    WHAT DO YOU REALLY KNOW ABOUT ANYTHING? Tell me the top 10 stats from Sunday's Superbowl! Welcome Home America! God have mercy on your children in the Middle East!


    1. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 takes over all communications media.
    2. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 takes over all electric power, petroleum, gas, fuel and minerals.
    3. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 takes over all food resources and farms.
    4. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999 takes over all means of transportation, controls highways and seaports.
    5. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 drafts all citizens into work forces under the governmental supervision.
    6. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 takes over all health, welfare and educational functions.
    7. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 empowers the Postmaster General to register all citizens nationwide.
    8. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 takes over all airports and aircraft.
    9. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 takes over housing and finance authorities and housing designated as "unsafe". Establishes new locations for populations, relocates communities, builds new housing with public funds.
    10. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 takes over all railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities.
    11. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 designates responsibilities of the Office of Emergency Planning giving authorization to put the above orders into effect in times of increased international tension or economic or financial crisis.

    Then comes the big one: Under EXECUTIVE ORDER 11490 all of the above orders are immediately activated.

    John F. Kennedy, at Columbia University in 1963, said it perfectly: "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy America's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform the citizens of their plight." Ten days later, John F. Kennedy was assassinated! THINK ABOUT IT AMERICA!!

    Let us leave this segment, please. It is beyond time that I and/or my brothers who come forth as Hosts in preparation of the wondrous return of God, do any proving what-so-ever; I do, however, suggest that you ones of Earth start a little "change and proof" routine pretty quickly. You had best look at that which abounds about you and perhaps your own perspective may not be so absolute against God's scribes. Salu!

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.
    United Federation Fleet
    Inter-Galactic Federation Command


    PJ 23
    FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1991 7:58 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 141

    Dharma, Hatonn present in the Light of Radiance. As we communed in the small hours of your morning, there was intent and not simply to keep you awake from 4:00 A.M. As your nation moves ever closer to a conflict which can cause damage beyond your wildest imaginings, I must speak out again--about that which is hidden and yet boils in final conclusion of an epic adventure.

    You who have already forgotten past Journals might well go back and review them--especially those which regard Russia's intent.

    Russia now tosses the term "Peace" about as if there was never a disagreement between you and them. Not so, precious world citizens, not so. In "communistic" language, "peace" means the absence of any resistance against "communism". With the seemingly absence now, of the so-called "cold-war", you are under the impression there is no war between you and Russia--NOT SO! They have you exactly where they want you--like dutiful lambs in the holding pen.

    Where is Russian argument these days while you dig in deeper and deeper in the Middle East? Do you actually believe that if Russia and you were still in that "cold-war" that you would be taking the same stance you blindly take this day??? Would you not be facing the big guns of the Soviet Union in open nose-to-nose, weapon-for-weapon to bring this conflict to an instant stop? No, they are silently supplying your enemy so that they don't have to finish the plan that they are working to perfection. How can you know that this is true? Because of the training foisted off on the communists and the plan to completely control the minds and actions--without necessity of active involvement in actual war--of the free world nations, most especially the Americans.

    By the way, chelas, your government again lies to you this morning in counting of unemployed citizens. They tell you the unemployed picture is not as grim as expected and all will be well--but, the 8,000 layoffs from Citycorp and 21,000 employees from Sears and, and, and--goes into effect NOW. Do you realize that this is more people out of work in just these two instances, in the smaller towns across America. Worse, as the disasters come upon you one after another--there is no backup disaster funding remaining in the Federal budget nor in the State budgets of most states. Insurance companies are in deep yogurt already and (listen to the non-news) are not paying off the waiting insured along your Ohio River, etc. These ones sit without jobs, destroyed homes and no money. And still, the government continues the distraction of a war in the Middle East with no help available for you back home. The continued game of "cock of the walk" is totally obscene!

    Dharma, we shall simply have to begin writing on an additional Journal and pick up volume two of Pleiades Connections as we can do so. Quirks and quarks will still be around long after humanity is gone so we must take action where action is mandatory in priority.

    Why NOW? Because the Russians have gone quiet and that is deadly. You ones do not understand the workings of the communistic direct path to world domination and you must.

    Wherein reference of other commentators on this subject have utilized the word "Christianity", I shall instead use the term GOD or Godly. This is because your nation was NOT founded on "ONE NATION UNDER CHRISTIANITY" it was founded on "ONE NATION UNDER GOD!" Of course I realize that you ones aloofly shout at me that the terms are synonymous--but they are NOT. The very superior tone of the statement detracts from the point in question.


    There is a small booklet making its feeble way into the trash heaps and stolen by the communists to maintain secrecy. It is all but impossible to come upon the document but, interestingly enough, Oberli and Dharma have had a copy of the document since 1985--having received it from Gil Boyne--who also has a publishing company (which shall remain unnamed in this particular writing).

    There is another copy now on its way into the desktop entropy of my scribe from one of the most daring authors of your day--Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack" Mohr. I prefer to utilize the material immediately for every day's delay is now costly indeed. If you cannot see the facts of your conflicts then you have no notion as to where and how to rebut. I would hope that we now have enough readers to listen up.

    What you are about to read is simply a English language paraphrase of a Red Communist "textbook" used both in Russia and extensively in America to train Communist agents in the art of deceiving non-communists with words and false precepts. I would say that it most certainly has worked very well indeed.

    This spells out methods which secret communists use to "alter the loyalties" of citizens and then use those citizens, especially those in government positions, to take control of the nation. It describes these ingenious and effective methods of "mind-control", called "psychiatry" and "psychology", which are promoted as forms of "mental healing". Needless to say, the "Red Bears to the North" do not want Godly Americans to know these are false sciences by which they gain control of the minds of the people.

    You are going to find that it is even worse than presented unto you for as we go along I shall be speaking of Robotoids of DNA/RNA/Genetic duplication. To shock you a bit, what I am about to present to you was first brought forth by a very disenchanted communist and the man was "taken out" and the books "taken-up". This was in 1950 and the man was dead by the early 70's. Attempts have been made, since, to give warning to the American people for the thrust is directed, firstly, at the Americans--but you have denied it and turned away from the truth as you would from any and all truth that would require appropriate actions. You have watched as your country has been consumed by the Elite and your Constitution granting "freedom" is totally rewritten and destroyed.

    You have heard of the "art" of mind-control--I believe you call it "mental-adjustment" or "brain-washing", etc. You perceive it to only take place, however, with soldiers in the midst of war and especially as they are imprisoned by their enemies. Not so--nothing can compare to the slow intentional usurpation of the minds of the citizenry of the world. Whole nations have been captured by these so-called Communists who are not even truly "communistic" by definition. They care not what you call them--all the better if you DO NOT CALL THEM COMMUNISTS. The point is that you can subvert the minds of entire masses of people and basically put them to sleep while programming the mind.

    The objective is to gain control of the media and thereby directly control the visions and thought patterns, desires and morals of the entire populace. I would say that that has occurred and--funny thing about that approach--it has been accomplished THROUGH THE UTILIZATION OF THE ZIONISTS! You see, it is all the better if you can cause your enemy to destroy himself while you take control. Well, America and World, you have not listened to the decades of warnings and here you are today--at Armageddon and denying that, also.

    The same method of mind-control used on you-the-Americans and Europeans is THE IDENTICAL PROCESS USED BY THOSE RED CHINESE TO CAPTURE THAT NATION OF 400 MILLION PEOPLE. Just as with any other confrontation which must have confrontation if it is to be reversed--the TRUTH MUST BE LAID FORTH. You must come into truth of how it is done. If you understand the technique of "brainwashing" you cannot be "brainwashed" unless changes by surgical or chemical means have altered the actual brain. Even in those cases the truth can reverse the thought processes. "Knowledge of brain-washing gives vaccination against it." The word of truth is your weapon and books are your tools--or, any other way you can get the information into self. Psychiatry and psychology, in this instance of tampering with your minds, are the two weapons we will speak of herein.

    Basically, I do not wish to limit this concept to a communistic approach--it ACTUALLY is simply the Elite approach to world control and domination--but you will find in every instance--it is what you label "ANTI-CHRIST" or "atheistic" maneuvers easily thrust upon "allowing" and "forgiving" indoctrinated "Christians". Since, however, the document in point delineates "communism" then I shall not make issue--for you must learn to recognize intent in generalization and not pick at nits. It is your very survival at stake and you must come to recognize your enemy for they indeed camouflage themselves most effectively--usually behind the facade of being "Christ-like", "democratic" and "under God". The mark of the beast himself. I suggest you readers get this information spread about as rapidly as you can because only TRUTH shall give you freedom and only that allowance will bring your beloved families and friends home.

    The Master Teacher told His followers, "The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted Me, which they did, they will also persecute you," They have, and they are. He also said, "In the world ye believers in God shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (By truth and knowledge of immortality and by recognition of MINE ENEMIES!)


    The age is drawing to a close. The "Red Bear to the North"--"Gog and Magog", is spewing forth its last desperate attempt to destroy the concept of Godliness--through pronouncing themselves "Christian", "changed", etc., etc. And they work hand in hand with the leaders of the nations in turmoil and takeover--just as in America. The smiles, dear ones, are not of friendship--they are the smiles of completion and victory.

    I can only ask that--as you read along--you look around you at America today and at the world today and SEE what is before you. First I will print a speech made by one, Laventia Beria, the Jewish head of the Soviet Secret Police, as he confidently predicted the Communists would eventually "have dominion over the minds and bodies of every important person" in America and then would bring about the "quiet" conquest. This speech was made in 1936, May God have mercy upon you and your lands.

    You who project your Bible in effort to thwart this Truth and discount and destroy these writers of Truth--pay close attention to this:
    "The wicked plotteth against the just and gnasheth upon him with his words through his teeth."

    "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ shall suffer persecution from the wicked."

    "Through covetousness (desire for gain) shall they, the wicked, with feigned and deceitful words make merchandise of you and sell or betray you of God for money."

    "For man deceivers, non-Godly, are entered into the world, who confess not that Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver of believers and an Antichrist."

    So be it, you who continue to deny and cast stones upon our people--for we are come as the Hosts with God to be in the reclaiming of His Kingdom and bear witness of TRUTH!

    I suggest that you pay close attention to this material as it is outlaid. KEEP IN MIND TIIAT IT WAS PRESENTED WELL OVER HALF A CENTURY AGO--AND I BELIEVE MY POINT WILL BE MADE!


    This was presented in lecture to hand-picked AMERICAN STUDENTS who were sent to Moscow for indoctrination.

    QUOTE: (Dharma, to conserve space, do not indent quotes.)

    American students at the Lenin University, I welcome your attendance at these classes on Psychopolitics.

    Psychopolitics is an important if less known division of Geo-politics. It is less known because it must necessarily deal with highly educated personnel, the very top strata of "mental healing".

    By psychopolitics our chief goals are effectively carried forward. To produce a maximum of chaos in the culture of the enemy is our first most important step. Our fruits are grown in chaos, distrust, economic depression and scientific turmoil. At last a weary populace can seek peace only in our offered Communist State, at last only Communism can resolve the problems of the masses.

    A psychopolitician must work hard to produce the maximum chaos in the fields of "mental healing". He must recruit and use all the agencies and facilities of "mental healing". He must labor to increase the personnel and facilities of "mental healing" until at last the entire field of mental science is entirely dominated by Communist principles and desires.

    To achieve these goals the psychopolitician must crush every "home-grown" variety of mental healing in America. Actual teachings of James, Eddy and Pentecostal Bible faith healers amongst your misguided people must be swept aside. They must be discredited, defamed, arrested, stamped upon even by their own government until there is no credit in them and only Communist-oriented "healing" remains. You must work until every teacher of psychology unknowingly or knowingly teaches only Communist doctrine under the guise of "psychology." You must labor until every doctor and psychiatrist is either a psychopolitician or an unwitting assistant to our aims.

    You must labor until we have dominion over the minds and bodies of every important person in your nation. You must achieve such disrepute for the state of insanity and such authority over its pronouncement that not one statesman so labeled could again be given credence by his people. You must work until suicide arising from mental imbalance is common and calls forth no general investigation or remark.

    With the institutions for the insane you have in your country prisons which can hold a million persons and can hold them without civil-rights or any hope of freedom. And upon these people can be practiced shock and surgery so that never again will they draw a sane breath. You must make these treatments common and accepted. And you must sweep aside any treatment or any group of persons seeking to treat by effective means.

    You must dominate as respected men the fields of psychiatry and psychology. You must dominate the hospitals and universities. You must carry forward the myth that only a European doctor is competent in the field of insanity and thus excuse amongst you the high incidence of foreign birth and training. If and when we seize Vienna you shall have then a common ground of meeting and can come and take your instructions as worshippers of Freud along with other psychiatrists.

    Psychopolitics is a solemn charge. With it you can erase our enemies as insects. You can cripple the efficiency of leaders by striking insanity into their families through the use of drugs. You can wipe them away with testimony as to their insanity. By our technologies you can even bring about insanity itself when they seem too resistive.

    You can change their loyalties by psychopolitics. Given a short time with a psychopolitician you can alter forever the loyalty of a soldier in our hands or a statesman or a leader in his own country, or you can destroy his mind.

    However, you labor under certain dangers. It may happen that remedies for our "treatments" may be discovered. It may occur that public hue and cry may arise against "mental healing". It may thus occur that all mental healing might be placed in the hands of ministers and be taken out of the hands of our psychologists and psychiatrists. But the Capitalistic thirst for control, Capitalistic inhumanity and a general public terror of insanity can be brought to guard against these things. But should they occur, should independent researchers actually discover means to undo psychopolitical procedures, you must not rest, you must not eat or sleep, you must not stint one tiniest bit of available money to campaign against it, discredit it, strike it down and render it void. For by an effective means all our actions and researches could be undone. Our thrust must be utilized in conjunction with those of the mandates put forth by the Zionist men-of-wisdom.

    In a Capitalistic state you are aided on all sides by the corruption of the philosophy of man and the times. You will discover that everything will aid you in your campaign to seize, control and use all "mental healing" to spread our doctrine and rid us of our enemies within their own borders--send out your sons and daughters to fill the rolls of physicians and lawyers, business leaders and put them into the top positions of the governments so that control will be total but without early recognition by the citizens.

    Use the courts, use the judges, use the Constitution of the country, use its medical societies and its laws to further our ends. Do not stint in your labor in this direction. And when you have succeeded you will discover that you can now effect your own legislation at will and you can, by careful organization of healing societies, by constant campaign about the terrors of society, by pretense as to your effectiveness, make your Capitalist himself, by his own appropriations, finance a large portion of the quiet Communist conquest of the nation.

    By psychopolitics create chaos. Leave a nation virtually leaderless or mentally impaired. Kill our enemies, replace them with our programmed stand-ins and bring to Earth, through this method--through Communism, the greatest peace Man has ever known.

    Thank you.


    Note: Again I remind you that, in the Aesopian language of Communism, "Peace" means all cessation of hostility against Communism.

    Dharma, allow us a break now but I ask that you only take a very short respite for I want this out "last week" unto our beloved awakening brothers.

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