PJ 23
SUNDAY, JANUARY 20, 1991 8:05 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 157

In the beauty of this wondrous day, I come to share. We shall walk the path laid forth by God unto our proper growth through His Grace. Hatonn.

Ah, the heart rebels against the isolation caused by the attacks upon your person--Dharma, ‘tis the way of it, child. Do not become faint of heart for there are others who also bear this task of bringing forth that which IS and they, too, feel abandoned by brothers and neighbors and it is not theirs to carry this burden alone--any more than it is yours. We shall be strong enough and big enough to meet the task for it is the promise of Creator that we be given no more than we can bear. Do not tarry in worry about GG for there is nothing that YOU can do about it save stop the writing. We will tend of GG and DG and the others if they keep within our shield--YOURS is to write that which is given for the awakening and historical data to be preserved by the written word. The confusion comes ONLY from the CONSCIOUS MIND--not the receiving pulses.


Very, very easily. First you program the masses and then give them a story-line conjured to bring a desired effect. Let us consider recent days and contradictions which are noticed by only a tiny, tiny few--and later, they cannot even be sure that they heard what they thought they heard. You see, slip-ups do occur frequently and then again, your own "reason" and "logic" tell you that what you are receiving cannot be factual. Pay attention and wait and within a few hours to a few days the story will change. TRUTH NEVER CHANGES!!!

Let us consider day before yesterday and what was pronounced just prior to a break for advertising, on CNN. (You must understand that all reporters of news and all interviews on CNN are structured from scripts to impact Saddam Hussein and mislead you-the-people. They tell you that fact over and over again.) Just prior to break it was announced that in the upcoming segment (after break) there would be pictures of Iraqis "parading" captured U.S. prisoners--through the streets. NEVER AGAIN was it even mentioned, much less, shown. The people at the studio greatly erred. However, to fit the story and make you furious--TODAY came the message that Iranian T.V. had taken pictures of the Iraqis "parading" "blindfolded" U.S. captives in the streets. Well, after much interrogation, so they said, it was such that nothing could be actually identified, etc. But "parading", etc, is against the Geneva treaty for treatment of prisoners--"and we will treat all captives solely by Geneva rules" you proclaim. First you denied there could be any captives and then you pronounce a whole different scenario to cover the first lies.

Then next, in every interview it is stated that the material is "for emotional impact on Iraq". Finally, it came through yesterday that pamphlets were dropped along with bombs on the Iraqis to "...turn the populace against Hussein". Oh yes, this came from your military leader in the sector!

I tell you, again, that all anchor persons and network owners and managers have instructions to release nothing uncensored nor show any pictures not made available by the government and military as approved. THE MEDIA IS TOTALLY (100%) CONTROLLED! But, you can know what IS GOING ON by that which they lie to you about--if you pay attention.


In view of "all the bombing by Scuds" in Israel, it has become necessary to offer the Israelis more cover and protections "to keep them from retaliation". So, they tell you that they "...are going to ship in some Patriot missiles for anti-Scud protection". Then, within one hour they are setting up these "incredibly technical launchers which it will take the Israelis weeks to learn to operate" with your military personnel and within another hour these "incredibly technical launchers" are in place and ready for use.

When that story simply did not fly, they came back and said, "Well, the system was already in Israel--in case something like this happened!" By the way, I assume you noticed that Eagleburger and the Undersecretary of Defense (advisors to the President) are in Israel!!!

Did you not also marvel that of six Scud missiles which "...were haphazardly launched and poorly targeted", etc., etc.; that death and/or destruction was missing in Israel? In Tel Aviv alone, one landed in an empty apartment "...and must have carried a weak payload because it did very little damage". Another landed in the street directly in the middle and blew off the fronts of buildings but no one was injured. The deaths which did occur were caused by the Israelis themselves, two of which were children who had suffocated in the gas-masks incorrectly fitted.

Dear ones, Scud missiles are sophisticated and can be directed through an open doorway (from any type of Scud launcher) over fifteen hundred miles away from target. Does not "something" smell of rotten fish in this scenario?

Now, this morning comes "intelligence" information that Iraq has "...at least 140 more Scuds neatly parked deep underground on movable launch pads--mostly aimed at Israel. Where are the SIX "perhaps missed in the massive bombing raids of over 2000 sorties a day"? Oh by the way, the same intelligence source said that Saddam has "KNOWN nuclear facilities with bombs--also deep underground"! P.S. There have been NO missiles sent to any Saudi Arabian city. The Iraqis did knock out a desalinization installation near the Kuwaiti border.

Now, you will also note that the ONLY participants on programs such as interview programs and Larry King are PRO-WAR personalities who rave at "...the brilliant job President Bush is doing!"


This morning came the word that an additional 350,000 reserves would be called up. The same announcement said that this can be done because of the "...signing of the National Emergency order allowing for same." Dear ones, with the signing of that ONE order, you lost your rights--all of them and I shall prove of it to you.

In this neighborhood of a typical town in Southern California--in the heart of "California oil" go to the Chevron distributor and ask to have, say, a 4000 gallon tank filled with diesel fuel. You will be told that "they", along with "the MAJOR oil producing companies..." are on daily ALLOCATIONS and can not even service their own "old" customers with full loads and are having to make up short-fall with more expensive week-end deliveries--in smaller increments. When asked, "Why?" you will be told that the "companies" are on a "PRODUCT CONTROL PROGRAM AT THE ORDERS OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!" So be it.

I tell you right now, that the COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA HAS BEEN TAKEN OVER BY THE ADMINISTRATION! Let us go right down the list now, that have become orders through the Executive Order now in effect, number 11490. Read them and weep, America. I further tell you that the Governor of California said this morning: "The demonstrators will be removed by force, if necessary, from the campus of your State University, UCLA." The edict has come down, moreover, to "STOP THE DEMONSTRATIONS AGAINST THE WAR."

Remember a few writings back I told you that already into effect were orders making transportation, food and medical care priority for military? Read on----:

1: EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 takes over all communications media.
2: EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 takes over all electric power, petroleum, gas, fuel and minerals.
3: Executive order 10998 takes over all food resources and farms.
4: EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999 takes over all means of transportation, controls highways and seaports.
5: EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 drafts all citizens into work forces under governmental supervision.
6: EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 takes over all health, welfare and educational functions.
7: EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 empowers the Postmaster General to register all citizens nationwide.
8: EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 takes over all airports and aircraft.
9: EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 takes over and finance authorities. Housing designated as "unsafe," establishes new locations for populations, relocates communities, build new housing with public funds.
10: EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 takes over all railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities.
11: EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 designates responsibilities of the Office of Emergency Planning giving authorization to put the above orders into effect in times of increased international tension or economic or financial crisis.


Don't believe me? Let me quote from John F. Kennedy, speaking at Columbia University in 1963: "The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy America's freedom and before I leave office, I MUST inform the citizens of their plight." TEN DAYS LATER, JOHN F. KENNEDY WAS ASSASSINATED!!!!


Not only are you facing disaster in Saudi Arabia where your President has gone against everything America stands for to further his New World Order, but the Congress of the U.S. doesn't take action of prevention, either. There are a lot of you angry taxpaying voters out there on the lines but, dear ones, the clamps are coming down hard and swiftly to silence you. Note that the clamps are coming first upon the young who simply do not wish to go and perish for a political war--even though they do not understand the full ramifications of the actions under way.

Strange things have happened, citizens, which might merit some thoughtful pondering. For half a century, your government has told you that they were the ONLY force standing against world communism, and they have milked hundreds of billions (three trillion alone, for your current military arsenal) for "defense against the USSR". Yet, on at least fifteen major occasions made public and dozens never having been made public, the Administration has stepped up and saved that "evil Empire" (I believe the Soviet Union was called by your Presidents) when on the edge of total bankruptcy. It has been YOUR GOVERNMENT which has stepped in and bailed them out while giving billions of dollars into the hands of the corporate Elite.

Next, and this has been going on for the past several years, you give the Soviets two billion dollars worth of "food credits". You had already bargained to give them all the grain in storage in your country--finalized at Gorbachev's visit. Now you speak of giving them another 2 billion "food credit". There is NO food shortage in the Soviet Union, only an inadequate method of distributing it--just as you are headed for, my friends. All the while, there is no cutback in military buildup nor armed forces increase. The armed forces of the Soviet Union are building faster than at any time in the history of the nation.

You-the-people are told that it is the "humanitarian" thing to do. But you notice there is no humanitarian effort to, say, deduct 50% from the Congressional pay increases to set aside for the humanitarian gifting. Aren't you taxpayers a bit weary of feeding your enemy, housing your enemy and watching your own over 3 million citizens go homeless and countless millions actually in hunger?

Why do you not demand from the Administration and Congress just what mechanics allow the spending of funds, or making gifts of your property, to feed or house your enemies?

The same group of International Gangsters who now have you involved in Saudi Arabia set up the previous wars involving the United States of America. And now, your Congress is three/quarters in control of the Zionists. The buildup of troops in Saudi Arabia has left your own homeland totally devoid of any defense system what-so-ever. You have NO combat ready troops remaining in your national boundaries and very few ready reserves--they, too, are moving out as quickly as the political facade can arrange.

How was the United States of America set forth and founded? Let me remind you for you, as a nation, have forgotten and abdicated your responsibilities. You, as God's blessed and chosen, were given responsibilities, the exercise of which would bring the promised blessing to the other nations and families of the earth. Let us look at just four of them:

1. You were to provide healing for the sick, the blind, the deaf, and the lame.
2. You were to be God's instrument through which oppression would cease, and prisoners be released.
3. You were to transmit to other nations and peoples the benefits of the righteous Law of God.
4. You were to spread throughout the rest of the world the knowledge of the grace and love of God.

You were sent forth and gifted with a nation set above all other nations that you might fulfill your task as laid forth--further, you were set up and sent forth as "caretakers" for the creation as represented in your wondrous planet. Yet, from the beginning you allowed the evil to come within and eat away your very substance. Now you have given away the wondrous gift of freedom and God blessings into the hands of the manipulators and deceivers. Wrathful God? Well, God speaks for self but if I were in the shoes of the ones who allowed this and abetted the evil in bringing this upon your blessed nation--I would be most nervous indeed.

You hide your head from Truth and treat facts of Truth as if they are poison. Let us consider just one issue--that of "RACE".


Double standards on the question of Race are now so common they no longer evoke surprise. Discrimination has become a mortal sin in this age, but can be perpetrated by anyone, anywhere, and with absolute impunity--as long as it is against Caucasians. Whether or not a "thing" is "deserved" rests solely upon the decision of those making the judgment. Before coming again into the sanctuary of Holy God in HIS kingdom--you will cease this butchering of brother--for God recognizes no race or color!

Look at that which has happened regarding racism. When a white man or woman practices his right to be with other white persons or desires his "own kind", he is immediately labeled as a "Racist monster". When practiced by anyone else, anywhere in the world against the white race, not a single organization, be it Black, Jew, and most churches, will condemn it. Is this not somehow a bit unbalanced? I condemn any inequality practices by any race against that of another--but you of Earth human draw sides and act in deplorable manners. You have, even as a white race (which is no effort on your own part that you are pale and another dark) have literally become brain-washed into feeling guilt and allow being stamped by smear terms, which are part and parcel of the psychological (psychopolitical) warfare whereby millions of white persons are now being intimidated. You have been made prisoners of your own self-induced fears. ALL of you, in all races, allow that which is evil to prevail so as to "...NOT APPEAR PREJUDICED--AGAINST ANYTHING, RIGHT OR WRONG, MORAL OR IMMORAL AND SO FORTH."

"Racist", "anti-Semitic", "Racial discrimination", are three of the worst "smears" used. They are actually never defined, so that the victim has no way of defending himself against the accusations hurled against him. Instead, most "brainwashed" people simply assume automatic condemnation without trial and refrain from again using whatever term brought the blast.

Correctly defined, a "racist" is a person who approves of their own race; who maintains respect for his own kin, and prefers to live among his own kind. It does NOT imply hostility of any kind towards others who differ from them.

According to this "correct definition", most all of humanity are "racist". Yet what do you find today?

The true racist, who loves what he considers "his own people and cultural uniqueness", is immediately smeared and persecuted for no other reason than that he has the desire to defend his own native kin, and who is determined to follow God's Natural Law according to his own definition of "kind" and practice his cultural traditions. Are the traditional Jews, for instance, not "white"? Are the fair-colored Blacks not "white"? and thus and so? So, what are we actually speaking to in this discussion? The man-conjured unacceptability of being that which you are in freedom and equality!

I speak of this "thing" grown like a cancer upon your societies which pull you apart in every direction because you have fallen prey to the intent of exactly that cause. If I speak the word "Zionism" you instantly thrust back "anti-Semite" at me when I speak not of Jews at all. Is it not interesting that the Mormons also are often called Zionists? Do you begin to understand my point? You believe anything that is fed to you through careful psychopolitical means. You are told that the term Zionist is "racist" and wrong and, therefore, you are required to stop the usage of the term. And yet, the very ones who instigate the requirement set up their own organizations called World Zionist Organization (W.Z.O.) and Zionist Occupation Government (Z.O.G.), etc., and publicly announce they are Israeli organizations and yet, when another citizen speaks the term--they are cast down as bigots and racists. This is for the sole purpose of causing you to allow the taking over of your own government and placing it in the hands of the ones who began the "trend" in the first place.

Your leaders and advisors base policies of "reform" (and "revolutionary change") on the assumption that racial differences are "skin deep", that races are potentially equal in mental ability, and that belief in racial differences exhibits a superiority complex which is shameful and evil--in other words, it requires self-hatred no matter what color or creed you bear.

All races may be fundamentally the same intellectually if given the identical set of circumstances--but all have differing concepts, needs of societal traditions and cultural uniqueness. Somehow this is unacceptable and causes one who feels "superior" to murder all that he considers "inferior". The facts are that you have no facts! You do not know of that which you cast forth--for you are not given to know differences in genetic structure which gives discernment regarding race. Perhaps it is not as you suspect--only Creator is in discernment in that matter. You are further inundated by the mass media, as they saturate the gullible public with scientific fraud whose aim is not that of compassion for others, or a search for Truth, but for the mongrelization and collectiveness of Mankind. This reduces the individual to a "nothing" state of being which allows for total enslavement of the multitudes.

The question of "racism" boils down to the fundamental right of all peoples, brown, yellow, black, or white, to preserve themselves, and fit themselves into their natural forms of tradition, family life-styles, even nations and specific civilizations. It does not preclude equal respect and justice.

"Race" differences are factual. A man cannot change that which he is, nor should he desire to do so for any reason--the very uniqueness is a wondrous gift of Creator. That which he IS--he IS. TO deny Race is to deny self. Race is not merely a kind of popular superstition, it is one of the most crucial, yet least understood subject in your world. It means not equality of soul--it does represent differences in physical presentation. To deny such differences is neither sound nor sane and those who emphasize and press this denial, for the most part, have ulterior motives for so doing and usually intend to somehow gain control over the group in point.

Intellectual dishonesty on the part of your politicians, educators, and most surely the clergy, is fundamental immorality. To ignore the forces of race, nation, family, and the immense powers of tradition, history, civilization, and religion, is to make oneself guilty, not only of intellectual dishonesty, of the worst kind, but of suicidal folly. For, in ignoring these facts, one becomes an instrument of destruction--which of course, is the intent of the ones who train you to think in these patterns.

It is as with the Iraqis and Arabs in general. Seven months ago it was wondrous to be an Iraqi--today the world spits upon the blessed Iraqi and Arabs are shunned and investigated in your own "free" and "beloved" land. How think ye the people? How easily you are duped and trained into the bigoted teachings of your puppet-masters.

Seven months ago Saddam Hussein was a beloved friend of your nation--within one day he somehow became an Arab Mad-man!

If you cannot see this process being thrust upon you and taking place before your eyes, it is because you have deliberately shut them to the truth!

Your political and religious leaders refuse to recognize publicly that the worldwide campaign against racial discrimination in the halls of tradition and justice comes from deliberate calculation on the part of the Zionist/Communist combine, whose aim it is to arouse anger rather than reason, and to inflame the Black and all people of color against the whites, or any other grouping, for that matter. The ultimate end of eradicating all "races" and nations of the world is in specific intent to bring about the Global Control. It is again the matter of apples and bananas--they are both fruit of a plant--but they differ. A Black is at least in appearance, different from a Caucasian. Does that make one superior to the other? No, only different. Calling the "White man" "Oriental" does not change the circumstance or the fact.

This is a most dangerous thing you ones of Earth have going on herein for it sets you against your brother and these are the most heinous wars ever brought forth--race against race.

In this matter of race you ask, "What changed Jesse Jackson into a party-line conformist?"

Just prior to the announcement of his joining the Trilaterals and being appointed to the CFR, he spent a weekend with Bush at Camp David. Does that answer your question?

Pay attention to House Speaker Tom Foley--he and his wife will go to Camp David this very weekend for "attitude adjustment". A lot of leaders are being brought into line.

I will speak more on the "Jackson" change at a later time for he is to be a key person as clamps are tightened around the Black youth but it is a distractor in this writing.

I would have you take notice of something important, herein. It is the Jewish population who scream "anti-Semitism" and "bigots" against those who speak out; yet note, please, it is the Jews who have moved within the Zionist culture (and the Zionists Khazars are not Jews) who are the most racist of all races. They are fanatically race conscious--more so than all other races on your globe or in all of history. That, in itself, should tell you the truth of the facts. You cannot pronounce yourself a "RACE" if you are not. Jews are a Race, so to speak--Zionist Khazars are not. They are of the lineage of Mongol, Nordic and Russian.

It is further interesting to note that in Talmudic Judaism (not Hebrewism of the Old Testament), these ones are taught that they alone are human beings. Isn't it interesting to note that the Native Indians of America were also pronounced to be non-human??? Please now, surely you do not think GOD gave forth such a bunch of lies. The spokesman for the Zionists, Samuel Untermeyer, most modestly put it to words in the early ‘30's, "We are the aristocrats of the world!" Their very religion teaches them that they were made by God to rule the world and that all non-Jews will be their servants and slaves! Do you actually believe that God projected such a thing?

Religion and Nation have become so closely fused with Judaism and Zionism that no one today can say where one ends and the other begins. They are fiercely race conscious for themselves while being just as fiercely against race consciousness in the "goyim". Goyim being anyone who is not Jewish/Zionist.

This is a very difficult subject to discuss in any manner what-so-ever because of the psychopolitics involved and the repulsive and radical supremacy groups who are heinous in the opposition. These are the very things which Man must rise above to move again within the balance and Truth of God's laws. These, however, are the fundamental differences projected upon you as world citizens to divide and, through division, you as a civilization are captured and lost to freedom. Anyone who controls a man's thoughts and perceptions, controls the man--and you are there, my friends--you have just proven as a nation that you are there. You, as a nation, now commit those very acts which you claim to disallow. You have become, United States of America, the world's most blatant aggressor. The other nations of the world no longer spend much time "laughing" at your ignorance--they now hate you for your villainy and pronounce you "suckers" and "stupid idiots" who are controlled by that very thing you claim to deny. So be it--if the shoes fit, my friends, you are destined to wear them. ACTIONS PRONOUNCE TO THE WORLD THAT WHICH YOU ARE--NOT THE WORDS YOU PROCLAIM FROM BEHIND THE GUN! May God have Mercy upon you blinded lambs who have fallen to the rhetoric and harangue of the puppet-masters. You have been sorely deceived as a world civilization and too late you come to see of it.

We offer our hands in support and assistance--but you must take of them for none shall force another into Truth--that is a path to be taken for self. Salu.

Hatonn to move to stand-by, please. Good day.

PJ 23
MONDAY, JANUARY 21, 1991 10:46 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 158

This World War in which you find yourself is primarily a heinously atrocious farce through which to gain emotional control of the world people--who continue under the delusion that the world has not changed. You have been warned that the stakes would increase, confusion would be the code word of each new day, terror will be the tactic and lies would be all that is projected on your media presentations. You have been told this--YOU ARE STILL TOLD THIS RIGHT FROM THE MEDIA ITSELF.

Things are planned to come off on "distractor days" involving holidays, Congressional recesses and Super Bowls. The non-news is so saturated with lies that are totally obvious and the intent is to cause you-the-people to cease even watching that which is given forth. Meanwhile, all manner of Executive Orders can come into mandate and action and the entire of the population will likely miss it.

Mr. Foley, for instance, is being programmed with and by Mr. Bush this very weekend under the facade of denouncing Iraq for prisoner mistreatment, to bring the House of Representatives under control to back the government clampdown on you-the-people.

The lies in the war are so obvious that I am embarrassed to hear my informed people pronouncing that which is totally blatant, as even generalized substance. For instance, I told you yesterday morning that there had been no "Scud" missiles aimed and shot at Saudi Arabia. I continue to tell you the same--THERE HAS BEEN NO MAJOR ATTACK AGAINST SAUDI ARABIA FROM IRAQ. The entire scenario is given as a show for the world who watches the screen like a B-grade movie. Do you realize the show would not even be rated as grade A movie plot material?

There was a big and obvious show of "protecting Israel" with missile launchers already in place and now to prove how efficient they are YOU have launched ONLY three missiles over the city in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh. One of them was so poorly aimed as to fall into the ocean. The other two were launched (and they were not Scuds) and then shot down with your 50% failure Patriots. The numbers of pictures representing different missile destruction were simply photographs of the same interception from many camera locations. This is why every newscast laid it on very heavily that "...and now Israel should feel more secure!" But, on the other hand, there have been at least three times as many missiles into Tel Aviv as reported and the ones they SHOWED YOU BY FILM were not the actual Scud missile explosions caused by Iraq.

Why? Because the Global World Order and World Controllers are gaining total control of the world through the hazy fog and shield of this ridiculous war in which hundreds of thousands will be slain. Even Russia is utilizing the cover to bring all those nice newly freed countries right back under the iron fist and prison shackles. You of Earth are into the beginning of Armageddon and you see it not. You are even fighting in the very place of Armageddon and still you refuse to see that which is coming down.

How many of you readers have even bothered to take an atlas or map and REALLY look at the places under discussion in these days of happenings? Look to Israel and Jordan and other places around Jerusalem and then look to Riyadh and yes, Dharma (city in SA) and really SEE! Do you really think that God would allow his chosen (israel) truth-bearers to perish in the barren deserts of the Middle East? Ah, yes, that is where the battle known as Armageddon shall take place for that is where the anti-Christ shall be in fullest measure. So be it. Do not limit nor underestimate God, my friends.

Allow us closure of this for it is sufficient to finish the current Express under formatting. Perhaps later today we shall have time to discuss a bit of information regarding genetic duplicates and holographic/cellular manifestation of new bodies and the mechanism of programming. The concept is so simple that I am almost embarrassed to discuss it for, as with all things scientific in "nature", you will find total simplicity.

May God walk gently and mercifully with you, through these days of trial, confusion and transition. Salu.

Gyeorgos C. Hatonn, Cmdr.