PJ 23
SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 1991 6:53 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 149

We must look at the sequence of events for this to have confirmation for your senses to comprehend. Let me just outline, again, the things which were transpiring across your borders.

In January 1977, the HOUSTON CHRONICLE ran a small news item stating that Mexican authorities had joined in a "bi-national" campaign against an outbreak of rabies and that the Mexican military were in the process of rounding up some 20,000 dogs.

By this time, the ban of travelers with CB radios had been lifted since the military equipment was already in place. Then followed a big "THING" over drugs and 1100 men were sent into the border area to search for drugs, the Mexican government reported. How interesting this count--one man for each of the 1100 runways which had been constructed. Hmmmm!

Intelligence leaks confirmed that it was KNOWN that the Soviets moved in heavy equipment moving transports, capable of handling the Soviet heavy tanks. A transport of this capability can also carry up to 65 metric tons of supplies and ammunition. It was at about this time that Mexican authorities announced the discovery of a huge oil field, which is some seven to ten times larger than Prudhoe Bay in Alaska--100 billion barrels of oil. This was to make Mexico economically "healthy", or so it was said. Strange thing--this find was in the same areas where there were known caches of Soviet heavy weapons--like, in five regularly spaced intervals just south of the U.S. border from East to West.

It is also interesting to note that the Mexican oil boom was centered around Villa Hermosa, where the States of Tabasco and Chiapac meet. It is at the lower curve of the Gulf of Mexico. This has been Mexico's major oil producing area since the beginning of this century. But they never had gotten more than 60,000 barrels per day from that area. Now suddenly(???) they were producing 1,075 million barrels per day, plus 1.5 billion cubic feet of gas.

But what happened to all that economy fixing? Mexico never got on her feet economically. Instead, the economic situation became worse and worse, until they are now at national bankruptcy. Well, of course it was politically managed--through intentional mismanagement.

Another strange thing about these locations--a major highway leads from each of these four major oil finds along the U.S. border, which just happen to coincide with the four major arms caches. From these four points, U.S. highways branch out into the interior of the United States--making it a nice smooth convenience for bringing in military equipment.

Most of you who have heard the story before will remember that an informer in the Del Rio, Texas area made his living taking out hunting parties during the deer season. In the fall of 1984, what he called the "good Mexicans" had moved at least 200 miles north from the border and he was forced to go into Old Mexico to get camp help. Since he is part Indian and speaks fluent Spanish, plus six Indian dialects, they think of him as one of them.

Each night after the "gringo" hunters bedded, the Mexicans would gather around the fire to drink and tell stories. The major subject was the large number of foreigners--not Americans--who had appeared just south of the border. They were contacting young Mexicans, offering large sums of money, $1,000 U.S., for them to cross the border and join with underground forces along the Mississippi River from New Orleans to St. Louis and then Chicago. Their mission would be to blow the bridges across the Mississippi with supplies which would be furnished by the underground and then spread out along the river, raising hell wherever possible.

What would happen to you if truck and rail traffic, say from the west to the east were halted? Most of the food products bound for the east coast come through Omaha, Nebraska, then cross the Mississippi via bridges at Cairo, Illinois and St. Louis, Missouri. If this traffic were to be halted, within two weeks you would see food riots in the eastern cities, as the super market shelves would be bare. What better way to begin the conflict than with this type of internal trouble? And what of those out-of-work farm laborers? A great majority are migrant workers and at this particular time have been so badly treated that they will do whatever is necessary to sustain family and home. In California's citrus belt it is immediately devastating for the crops are frozen.


The so-called oil field workers are not, of course. A Russian tank division consists of 9,815 officers and enlisted men, equipped with T-64/72 tanks. This division is divided into three tank regiments, with supporting regiments and battalions. I believe you might guess, by now, who all those supposedly "workers" actually are and why there is no visible increased oil "production". Most of you still fail to realize that the politicians and media continually give you disinformation--the world fuel crises have all been enormous deceptions. There has never been an oil shortage and you are faced with a tremendous glut right now! So you have periodically been caught up in a "shortage" to cover what was actually taking place, such as requiring higher prices for shipping through increased diesel for your trucking industry and even more important, it was a means of deception by the Internationalists to cover up military moves. The big oil discovery in Mexico was a major, major deception used to cover Soviet activity south of the border. Once something has been pronounced in the news, everyone goes back to sleep and if the subject comes up again--it is just "assumed" that - - -, etc. ANYTHING could be taking place in the house or apartment next door and you wouldn't know the difference. You have now been trained to trust no one, alienate from your neighbors and community, and actually tattle on your neighbors through hot lines, etc. You, as individuals have effectively been "isolated" and divided--therefore, united you could stand--so you have been divided!


Well, you might note that it is not easy to store such equipment and therefore, "Hatonn, you are nuts!" No, for located throughout Mexico are incredibly huge salt mines, the most massive in the world. These are easily used for storage of massive amounts of military equipment. "No way" you say? In your own state of New York there is a salt mine near the town of Restof. It is 1068 feet underground and covers over 5,000 acres. Workers, descending to the working level by elevator, must then take a 30 minute jeep ride to reach the working sites five miles away. The ceiling is a uniform 11 feet high, supported by rock pillars and the temperature remains a uniform 63 degrees summer and winter. Where do you think the term "...get back to the salt mine" comes from?

In Mexico, near Matamoros, there is a far larger dome. It is just south of the southern point of Texas. Little military activity has been sighted around this area. But only fifty miles further south, near San Fernando, there is intense activity of a military nature. A 48" oil pipeline has been under construction for a long time leading from the huge Cactus Petroleum plant and ending in San Fernando--conveniently! Just to the east of San Fernando is the Laguna Madre Bay which enters into the Gulf of Mexico. One branch of this pipeline goes to this area. There is reason to believe that work, supposedly being done on this pipeline, is nothing more than the digging of a ship channel for use in future unloading of amphibious ships. These would be able to drop off heavy Soviet armor which would be stored in the huge San Fernando salt dome for future use.

This channel would be around 16 feet in depth to accommodate the Soviet Alligator class landing ships which carry 1500 tons of cargo. It is rather doubtful that the Soviets would take the chance of one of these ships running aground in the shallow Laguna Madre Bay and being seen by American fishermen who frequent that area. However, the Soviets have two other smaller landing craft which would be suitable for that job. One is the MP-4 landing ship with bow doors and ramps and with a draft of less than 9 feet. The other is the POLNOCNY class Medium Landing ship with a draft of about 7 feet. Both are quite capable of carrying Soviet heavy tanks and armored vehicles.

In many of those "so-called" petroleum producing areas of Mexico, one can see what appears to be oil drilling derricks. They are not always drilling for oil, dear ones. Some are very busily creating the huge underground salt caverns, similar to the Bryon Salt Dome near Freeport, Texas, where the U.S. is storing emergency gasoline supplies--oh, didn't you know that?


It was indeed easy for the Soviets who appeared to be oil exploration crews, ostensibly to assist the Mexican oil industry, to survey the salt domes for storage of equipment and plan the storage facilities. It is NOT a secret from your government, dear ones--it is known that the military equipment is there. It is also known where it is stored. One day there were 200 Soviet tanks counted on the ground--the next day--whoof, nothing! This was in one of those handy areas just 50 miles south of the border.


"Now, you are really off your nut, Hatonn!" Hold on, little doubters. There were plans well laid for war against the U.S.--in the diplomatic mill for many years. As far back as 1980, Pres. Echeverria was accusing the U.S. of plotting to seize parts of Mexico in order to exploit the region's oil and uranium deposits--and you know what? They were right!

It is a known fact that the American military has made numerous excursions into Mexico, probably for reconnaissance purposes. The same has been true of Soviet forces who have been seen as far as 20 miles north of the border. Why has the media never covered this news? Want something more outrageous? Your military has moved a good portion of those "troops" who "think" they are in the Saudi desert, right down to Mexico! Free trade with Mexico? Not the way it is presented to you good citizens.

How can you conjure up a war? Easy--just like "they" do everything else behind your backs. One plan had been made by Soviet/Mexican officials in which a great deal of economic pressure would be directed against the northern Mexican States, which would bring these already distressed people to the brink of rebellion. Then elements of the Mexican Government would discover a plot in which these States would attempt to secede from Mexico and join the United States. Far fetched as this may seem, it would be picked up by the Mexican press and the world liberal press who would begin a vast campaign against American imperialism. This would set the stage for the planned invasion of the U.S. Of course, the U.S. would be in the role of the "bad guy with the black hat".


The Mexican military has been undergoing a modernization program for some time now and recently, YOU have been providing them with some of your most sophisticated weapons--paid for by a loan which will never be repaid. They have also used their "petro dollars" to purchase modern equipment from France, West Germany and of course, your staunch allies, the Israelis.

The Soviets have openly had military advisors in Mexico for many years, with a large contingent openly taking residency in mid-summer of 1985. Shortly after that a whole brigade of some 3500 Shiite Moslems (who are known as the "suicide boys") arrived, after six months in the Afghanistan combat zone.

Large numbers of North Korean troops moved into the Baja California area and they boasted that they would be in San Diego before the end of 1986 and you know what--they were! At the same time, in 1985, over 40,000 Mongolian troops moved into the Yucatan area.


All the while the build-up was first under way in a massive manner, the peasants of the area didn't know what to do about all the foreigners. Therefore, several large peasant land invasions in Mexico occurred in which large groups of armed peasants took over thousands of acres of land and set up camps which they said was to "keep alien peasants OUT".

In one such invasion the principal cities in 11 Mexican States were virtually shut down, power was turned off and stores and factories closed. Tanks and armored personnel carriers, camouflaged to look like tractors lined the roads and were moved under cover of darkness. The following morning all was somehow vanished.

At that time, Americans in the border towns of Nogales, Laredo, etc., knew there were thousands of soldiers in the area. On maneuvers, they were told.


Let us look at the long-standing capabilities AND the neutralizing of the border defense installations which you have, such as Ft. Hood--which is now a ghost place.

What is KNOWN? Take a deep, deep breath for you aren't going to be able to breathe for a while after we look at some facts. "THEY" have a tremendous invasion force of some 2-million men! Complete with landing barges and equipment--in the coastal areas of Siberia; maintained, rotated and raring to go! (YOUR entire armed force is less than a million.) Their strategy calls for an airborne strike against the Alaska pipeline and for that they have at least five specially trained airborne battalions which have been ear-marked for this purpose. It is also known by your government that while your administration has been playing "hands and toadies" with the Chinese Reds, following the same fatal path you took with the Soviets in 1945, at least eight divisions of Chinese engineers have been supporting the Soviet force.

In recent years, the Soviet Union has continued to enlarge its military force, building up a force which is capable of intervention in greatly distant areas. I care not what your administration, State Department and military tell you--your leaders know that you, the people of the U.S., are their number one target. After all, it cannot be a surprise--they have told you over and over and over again.

Now what have your "Christian churches" been telling you? Could it have been that some misconceptions have been set forth? Herein, I suppose, to get Dharma off the hook, I will just do some quoting--(plagiarism I ‘hope' they call it and let her off the hit-list):


The ultra-Zionist Baptist evangelist Jack Van Impe, in his book ISRAEL'S FINAL HOLOCAUST, states in Chapter 12: "Russia will invade Israel at a time when war is not expected." Knowing the situation in the Middle East, this seems to be extremely unlikely, since Israeli actions have brought about a condition where peace is impossible.

Van Impe goes on to say on P.134--"The weight of prophetic scholarship has gone with the conclusion that Russia is the chief aggressor....in their end time war with Israel." This part is true. The Bible does say that Russia will be the aggressor and that Israel will be their target. The problem comes in defining who Israel is. By no stretch of Scriptural definition, can the little nation of the Jews be called Israel, since they are "those who say they are Jews and are not..." (Revelation 2:9). (Hatonn: please pay attention here and, in addition, I will again give you the Webster's dictionary definition of israel: a people chosen by God. You must remember something important: The Israel as you refer to it, is Palestine.) The true israel nations are the primarily white-nations of what you refer to as Christendom, which any intelligent person will recognize as the target of the Zionist-Communist hordes. By no stretch of the most vivid imagination, does Ezekiel; 38-39 describe the Israelis or the Jewish nation.

Russia, according to the Scriptural account of Ezekiel 38-39 will "GO UP to a land of unwalled villages, where the people dwell in peace, to take a spoil of cattle and goods...." This certainly does not describe the Jewish country in Palestine. Any fifth-grader knows that if you "go up" from Moscow, you don't land in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. You continue over the North Pole into the heartland of North America. The Soviets wouldn't get much of a spoil of cattle from the Israelis, since their cattle herds are, less than in most counties in the U.S. Certainly the people of Palestine do not dwell in peace in cities having neither bars or gates. Most of the Israeli cities are armed camps. Of course Van Impe and others of his ilk say that, at this time, the Jews will have a peace treaty with their enemies. Seems very unlikely!


I do not wish to make further comment for I do not wish to get into dispute with any evangelist but I do suggest you take this very seriously into your thoughts.

Back to Russian capabilities for such an attack upon the U.S. Dear ones, the Soviets have at least seven airborne divisions of some 7500 men each. These units are strong in anti-armor and anti-aircraft capability and have a tremendous amount of firepower.

In addition, they have their regular motorized rifle regiments known as MRB's. These units are transported to the battle field via fixed wing aircraft. AS far back as 1985 the Soviets had 110 of these units, plus at least 50 tank divisions.

They have several aircraft which can move these men and their equipment. The AN-12, a medium transport plane powered with four turbo-prop engines which can carry up to 20 tons of cargo or 80 armed paratroopers. It has a range of some 2160 nautical miles.

They have one plane, the AN-22 which has a payload of 80 tons, a cruising range of 2,650 nautical miles at a speed of 600 kpm. They have a relatively new jet plane, the 11-76/CANDID, which can carry 120 paratroopers, a payload of 70 tons, with a range of 3,000 nautical miles and a cruising speed of just under 500 mph. The Soviets have about 1700 of these craft.

Precious ones, the above does not even touch on the Cosmospheres and stealth capabilities of the Soviets--these two items alone can take the world!


Well, you can stop blaming and taunting and flubbering about. Do you have time to prepare? I don't know!!! You would have if you had listened--now, I can only work on "possibilities" and "probabilities" for it can be on Tuesday or two years from Tuesday or, or, or ..... But I tell you this, war is coming to your country in one way or another and it is past due! I can only urge you, again, to make preparations for times of scarcity and probable deprivations. You should personally prepare as best you can for yourself and your loved ones' survival.

Noah built a survival barge and stored it with food for a flood he knew was coming. And what about Joseph? He hoarded the excess food from the good years, preparing for the lean ones. He didn't sell Egypt's corn to the Communists and give all the wheat away along with the butter and dried milk. Noah's personal effort and that of his family saved them--there will be no government welfare to bail you out, beloved brothers. It is simply intelligent to PREPARE--for there are always natural disasters, if not war, from which you can suffer greatly in non-preparation.

Many of you "good" Christian people say "you lack faith" when you make such a preparation and that, "God will take care of you." Just how does this work? I believe my Cosmic education must be lacking someway or another. MOST of these good people do work, although a great number do not, and have a "job" with which to provide for their family. They do not say from day to day that, "God will provide so I need do nothing." Most of you place great locks on your doors to keep evil men out. You purchase fire and life insurance policies and keep a first-aid kit somewhere around in case of an accident. Does that mean you have no faith in God? Come now, stop the ridiculousness.

Seems to me that one most quoted by you ones, Paul the Apostle said, "If any provide not for his own and especially for those of his own house (his kindred), he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel."

You have been warned and warned--there are some difficult days ahead no matter how you look at the circumstances. Too much is in chaos to get through without some drastic changes in your lives--even if there would be no war from any front. And now, beloved ones, HE has sent us of the Hosts, to warn you again--that the trumpet has sounded. He has again, in His mercy, given warning. I petition you to give heed.

Perhaps some in great "wisdom" have told you that you don't have to worry about these times because Jesus will come back and "rapture" you out of this mess before it gets that bad. Dear friends, you have been taken in by a false teaching which comes from the pits of hell and which makes cowards out of potential bearers of truth.

The Master Wayshower told His disciples about the time in which you are now experiencing. He said it would be so bad that men's hearts would fail them for fear of the things which were happening, (Luke 21:26). He told about Christians suffering persecution--words of hope in vs. 28, when He says: "When these things (wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, persecutions, etc.) begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." This says nothing about a RAPTURE. Your blessed truth is His return on the silver wings, dear ones. Keep watching the Heavens from whence will come your deliverance!

You have been given direct instructions and commands as to your actions during this time. "‘Occupy' until I come!" You do not "occupy" when you hide in a comfortable, air-conditioned spiritual hole, blindfolded while praying for Him to "rapture" you out of the mess you are responsible for creating. Occupation is an active, front line, military duty! It means having stamina to stand and put your life on the line, if necessary, as you face the evil which will surely come in its time.

You are surrounded by every danger set upon you and it is a time of terrible confusion and chaos and unfolding tales to be faced as through the nightmare. It need not be without a light for guidance nor despair--get as prepared as you can and get yourself set on a straight course with God--for with GOD--ALL IS! If nothing evil nor discontent befalls you--what have you lost? At the least, you will have gained those goods at a time which can give you some feeling of security and comfort while abundance is available. And then, if only for a day you are without power and it be cold, your extra blanket will keep you in warmth. So be it.

God walks and awaits all who will take of His hand and come with Him. We have prepared a place for you and we know the pathway home. God bless and keep you as we move together through these days--for those who come with Him, shall not be left to walk alone! Salu

Hatonn to stand aside. Dharma, we shall write again on the morrow for man must have more input on this subject. It is too large to hold and yet, it must be faced. Good night, chelas. Know that I appreciate you ones so very much and I cherish you as my very self. Saalome'

PJ 23
SUNDAY, JANUARY 13, 1991 8:27 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 150

God sits with us this day as we unfold mysteries at which to look and find reason. Reason does not necessarily mean right reason, it simply means "reason".

Invasion of America? Not if you move quietly and do not resist once the New Constitution and New-States are being implemented and become operational. I must outlay that which has been, and is, unfolding around you--for it has already been accomplished and tested. The Order will now take total control and perchance you ones will not realize an instant anything--you who sit at home.


They will either be kept there for a very long time or they will be annihilated. The military personnel had to be gotten away and into distant foreign territory so that no "coups" could take place--no military resistance to the full take over of your government and your nations.

Then why the massive buildup of Russia and her allies in the U.S.-adjacent countries? For occupation, dear ones. There will be tanks and armed personnel in every town to insure consistent non-rebellion and furthermore, YOU will supply your own police force to assist and do the dirty work of confiscation and putting down demonstrations.


It is important that you look closely at Lithuania this day for it is YOUR reflection. The iron fist of Russia has come down on her in her new "freedom" which never was. There are tanks in the streets and death everywhere along with 10,000 Russian troops. The same is happening to Romania this day! And what does your "free world" U.N. say? Hardly a thing. Mr. Bush says nothing other than sic Hussein and I am ready to take him out--for freedom and human rights.

"NATO is ‘monitoring'" (whatever that means) for you have stripped all NATO capability and sent the troops and equipment to the Saudi Desert.

What do your own government people say? "We are watching this very closely." By this length of lapsed time, in Iraq--you had sanctions against Saddam and troops on the way.

Dear ones, you-the-fish are CAUGHT! The prison masters are only going to have to wait for you to stop flopping about. If you flop too hard and try to get off the line, they will simply use force and kill great masses of you. If you go as the sheep as you have thus far, you will probably have some time to adjust to the slavery. The preference is selective killing of the considered "undesirable" elements of the minorities and maladjusted and diseased. The resistance ability has been removed to foreign soil--far, far greater numbers than you can imagine--you have empty bases in the U.S. Your land has been stripped except for the crews which will help establish the occupying personnel when the time comes for force. The hope and expectation is that there will be no requirement for force.

You-the-people were just put through a major test and you willingly allowed the government the license to kill every man and woman in your military forces. You just voted out your Constitution and all rights as citizens. You just voted that your Administration can now act solely as a dictatorship and you have no recourse. You did it with warning beforehand and still you allowed it.


Because it is assumed (and proven) that God's truth is no danger to them--yet. You deny and denounce and vote away your freedom--why should the enemy be concerned?

Now, they do not attack because they actually desire that someone tell you how it is so that they don't have the burden of "proving" it to you and messing up their plan of orderly take-over. You were tested to see how blind you are as a people--and they found all but total blindness! You had an opportunity to act in behalf of the saving of your own babies and you voted to kill them! What else does your enemy need to know? And, today, it is all but finished!

In the mess going on in your government and elsewhere--WHO is brought into attention on the news? Not your House Leader, not your Senate Leader, but rather--Kissinger, Eagleburger and Scowcroft!!!!!!! Each going on their respective missions to implement the New Order.


It requires no fortune teller nor space commander. It will go as has every other nation who has fallen to the Anti-Christ. All means of freedom will now be either slowly or, possibly, immediately and rapidly removed from you. The banks for private accounts will probably be closed shortly and funds mostly confiscated so that you-the-people cannot function. Food will be placed on more short supply and you will be "without" even bare minimum subsistence. There will be more and more terrorism in the cities to cause chaos and great numbers of people will be killed and/or incarcerated. Mostly killed for there is no suitable way to care for dissenters.

When things are really chaotic the police and new military will move on the cities in force to get rid of the gangs and opposition of all sorts--thousands more of your youth will be slain. The guns will be confiscated. I remind all of you who think you will save yours--if you withhold weapons, dear ones, they will simply kill you. In the take-over of a nation the size of the United States, there will be no mercy.

The government you perceive to be YOURS--is not! It has been put in place intentionally for this day and this action. Your government, in majority, are joint-venturers in the Global 2000 Plan of World Control!

Oh, well, England will come to the aid of us little brothers. No--she is a major, major part of the play itself.


I see not how it could get more doomy or gloomy!! All of you who have "things" in abundance and live "high" on luxuries, I suggest you trade that Mercedes for an old half-ton pickup for the "rich" will be sitting ducks for the picking and plucking by your own people.

I suggest, further, that if you have available money for investment or if you can get your hands on some--get rid of it. Give it away if necessary but get it away from yourself for it will represent your death notice. The plan is to confiscate everything.

"Well, but what about you, Hatonn?" "What about those plans you have been telling us about?" What about them? Even your enemy needs a place to start again. Your own enemy will help you build if he thinks it will benefit his cause. Even to the motion picture complex. Out of the chaos will come the next step--the settling of the masses and, furthermore, he will be happy to spread only good dreams and promises for he will be wallowing in his newly found ego power and will wish to feed you off peace and charity and dreams of that which he can now prevent you from fulfilling. He will not wish to longer feed you on violence and resistance but rather on things which quiet you for his purpose will change from intentional chaos to orderly control.

"Well, will he wipe out your people, Hatonn?" Probably the pressure will begin to be relieved on my people for your enemy perceives this as no longer any danger to his plan. He further considers that you will better lay-down and play dead awaiting "rapture" and "salvation" for you aren't going to have many other choices given you.

Will the writings continue? Of course--for a while and then, it is hard to predict. The message given is that which we were commissioned to bring--TRUTH. Soon, the battle changes in the prize--the battle will be openly for your souls! Strange things now begin to happen, dear ones--Dharma, for instance, came to scribe these Truths. Our commission is and was to bring the WORD and prepare for God's return by putting the word to print and dispersing it. The rest is up to you as a people and as individuals--what will you do? If you do no more than you have done with it thus far--it appears to be very little. God did not say there would be great billions of ones to go with him--HE SAID THERE WOULD BE FEW! And so shall there be. He has shown you that great masses would gather and move in unison and then all but a few would turn to the left unto the physical promises of darkness and only a few would turn unto the lighted right. And so shall it be.

You ones thought you would have to give up your worldly goods to death and passing into "wherever" you go after death of the physical? Well, you are now going to witness and experience giving them up before--right before your physical eyes. I would suppose that you who do not heed my words will cling to the false promises and horde of thine wealth and luxury and lose your lives--and your ticket home to God. That, dear ones, is each individual choice to make. Selah!


There are many ways your enemy now has to bring you to your knees and lower. He truly does not need fire a shot at you. He can cause great earth upheavals which will take thousands from your cities in death and destruction. He can insure your crops do not grow nor mature--or be infested with insects and your populace devastated with famine and disease. There are far more effective ways to break the backs of nations than to shoot them for even the Elite do not intend to live without the slaves, dear ones.

What you have witnessed in the worst of the oppressed nations of your globe will now be visited upon YOU. You have just signed the death paper and now you await the crucifixion in the coming days. I suggest you all go forth and reread the Bible prophecies for you have just fulfilled the major requirement to Armageddon and death of a nation. As a nation you were God's chosen and you have sold it, along with her wondrously beautiful and pure soul--to the evil slave-master. My very being is steeped in agony this day at that which my unseeing brethren have brought to fruition and still, you do not comprehend but only become angry at the writer and deny the Truth. Well, beloved ones--it is upon you and YOU WILL SEE! God offers HIS hand--my suggestion is that you take it! It is a black day in history--black indeed!

Dharma, go chela, for the path is hard and you ones have served without reward or ability to tend of your own needs--I request that you go forth and do that which you can and know--Ye who have not abandoned God shall not be abandoned by God, but you must trust HIS way and relentlessly continue as presented in possibilities unto you--in wisdom and courage. The pain of the day is upon the masses, not upon the true-believers and "knowers" in true service unto God and the total "truth". Our ones will make no loud anything nor effort to force anyone nor anything--for it is not the way of God. The greatest lies of all are the lies put forth through your "churches"--I suggest you do not cross them now. Our mission was and is to bring Truth and man shall do that which he will, with it.

We shall be most quiet lest what happens upon this land becomes blamed in total upon the Cosmic brotherhood. We will be ever present and ever watchful so you of our own must not despair nor feel abandoned--we must give them no quarter in allowing the blaming of God for this plight set forth by Man.

May the light be given to shine upon you and our beloved ones. May mercy be given unto those who are about to meet their own action's consequences for it is the justice and way of the cycles in the planting and the harvest for that which has been cast forth shall surely return. Salu.

Allow the heart to be heavy and weep if it eases the sorrow--but ye ones must not fall into the stupor of inaction to wallow in the self-pity of the moment. It is THE time of meeting of your commitments and obligations unto God lest ye end your days in the sorrow of self-punishment for your lack of standing within your commitment--having failed God and Brother. I suggest each and ALL of you take careful stock of status and stature this day for these are FINAL decisions, dear ones, and you have come face to face with the sorting. It is up to you which direction you go but the point of no return has all but been reached. If you have been given into a job which you have abandoned to any measure--move aside for your place must be vacated for the placement of another. Do not delude yourselves, especially our workers--the path is demanding, the instructions clear and succinct and the discipline hard. You must make your choices. And, you must make them without coercion.

If you are in the position of pulling another from the path and into some ego world of indecision or personal graft--I suggest you think most carefully regarding the consequences of those actions for you are about to be reaping the reward of that action. I care not which way you go for I am to allow your choices. I have given you that which is the Law and you will make or break of it--I shall no longer even "urge". Go within unto the counsel of God and make your decisions--do not come to Hatonn to pick the bones of pros and cons--you have had your lessons--IT IS YOUR CHOICE. Dharma, for instance, has "pull" only for herself! She can petition and petition on behalf of another--BUT--so be it, ‘tis the petition of the "self" which is attended. I shall hear no more of "I can't" for it means "I WILL NOT" and I can tarry no longer in the tending of the babes who cannot mature in Truth. So be it and Selah. For the Truth is the word and the word is given and so shall it be.

I move to the side that you may ponder these things and that which is about to come upon you. I and my hosts stand ever at ready and ever at the moment's response. The time is at hand!