PJ 23
MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1991 2:57 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 144

Yes, our ships are most difficult to miss seeing this day and yet, most will not see them! Times are extremely serious in your world--it is simply the time of "madness", chelas--a time through which we must pass. Almost any subject I choose upon which to write seems indeed mundane.

Saddam says that if this conflict continues it will be the worst war, throughout the world, that the world will have ever known. I suggest you hear him, world! That is exactly that which is meant by his words--you have been led by the foolish into the jaws of Hell.


This news should tell it all. The summit is off! Why do you think that might be, chelas? Your government administration is pushing you into doom if you do not stop this terrible thing come upon you--you cannot win and the world might well be devastated. Mr. Bush says the cancellation is because of the Middle East Conflict and your (U.S.) objection to the way Mr. Gorbachev is handling the East Block Republics of the Soviet Union. NO, NO, AND NO! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

To the children of God, I can only give one bit of hope and peace: In Isaiah 54:17: "No weapon that is formed against you (Israel) shall prosper. . ." Now remember very clearly and succinctly the definition of Israel. Israel means: The chosen of God! It is not a place on a geographical map. That is what the Zionists who took the portion of land for their own chose to call it as they harkened back into the historical memories. In other words, it was a term the world would blindly purchase.

But, you had better listen up to this quotation for it is indeed most important: Revelation 6:4: "And there went out another horse that was RED: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another; and there was given unto him a great sword."


Well, if you believe there is truth in that which you wave about in proclaiming of truth--the Bible--you will find that it says therein that there is help. God tells you, in Second Chronicles, 7:14: "If MY (God's) people, which are called by MY name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; THEN WILL HEAR FROM HEAVEN, AND WILL FORGIVE THEIR SINS, AND WILL HEAL THEIR LAND." However, listen up, try Isaiah again, 59:1 & 2--for God will not even listen to your prayers until you get into a right relationship with Him. In verse 1, you are told that He is still the "God of old," that same God who did miracles for your forefathers. He has not lost His power, my friends, nor His ability to hear your prayers. But verse 2 tells you why He will not even listen to you most of the time: "But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you that he will not hear." There is one hope for you, especially in the Western northern continent of America (including that which you call Canada). And that is for her Godly people to repent of their waywardness, stubbornness, and selfishness and seek the face of God and plead for forgiveness. If you are willing to do this, then He has said He will forgive, and Heal. Are you going to quit your headlong drive and striving to do your own thing at the cost of everything in the world?--and turn again unto God and the Law?--or do you prefer the prospect of slavery and death at the hands of the "anti-christs"? The outcome remains up to you.


So be it, to you who are too weary and bored with the subject of Truth to go on. There are your brethren who are pleading for every tid-bit of information which gives them the power to know the enemy--for only in knowing your enemy can you prevail against that enemy.

I want to remind you of one of the most important statements made by any man on your earth: In 1973, Soviet President Brezhnev boasted: "Our aim is to gain control of the two great treasure houses on which the West depends. . .the energy of the Persian Gulf and the minerals of Central and Southern Africa." And so shall it come to pass. I further remind you that, as you take on Saddam Hussein, you are biting the foot of the Big Bear to the North.


You are not going to like that which we write this day but it is past time that you focus on that which is REALLY out to get you. When you cause the bear to leave his cave in the midst of his winter sleep--you have one angry bear!

SPETSNAZ is an action, an infiltration of special groups. The point is to have them in place in America and Western Europe, ready to strike on instant command. I suggest you all go back and read carefully, every word, over and over again regarding enemies infiltrating through Mexico and Canada, etc. I cannot continue to repeat and repeat for you ones who haven't done your homework.

While the nations of your "Free World" (the so-called "Godly ‘israel' nations") have been lulled into a false sense of security by the "glastnost" of Soviet Premier Gorbachev and his lovely wife, one of the most deadly organizations of super-warriors and terrorists of a state is being trained and deployed throughout the Free West for the purpose of "smashing you with clenched fist", when you have succumbed to their peace overtures.

I do not intend to isolate every act of violence in these current weeks and comment for it is the overall picture from which you ones must recognize the overall danger. This group, these specially trained warriors, have a mission to spread this terror everywhere, causing chaos and total confusion. They operate during the time of "cold war" or low-intensity conflicts through the world, during the time most of you consider the world to be basically at peace.

There are some 200 of these teams already in place in your country of the U.S.A., armed with, among other things, "nuclear backpack" weapons. These are "low-intensity" nuclear bombs of about 2 kt strength. They could not destroy a large city such as New York or Los-Angeles, but might cause 5,000 casualties. In addition, the F.B.I. acknowledged, in 1983, that they knew of the presence of more than 100,000 enemy agents in the U.S. But, as one F.B.I. official stated: "We cannot touch them under American law, until they make an overt move against our government or people." This, of course, is another of the lies of lies: you have witnessed that the American government, right in recent months, has taken militant action against Patriots whom they proclaim, without justice or trial, are dangerous to their totalitarian plans.

There are many different labels for these special groups. The official name of the specialized Soviet task force is SPETSALNAYA NAZNACHENUYA, or "Special Purpose Forces." The nickname is SPETSNAZ!


SPETSNAZ was extremely active in 1968, for instance, and were the ones who seized the Prague Airport and other key facilities in the capitol city, paving the way for the communist invasion of that country (Czechoslovakia) in 1968. This is the force which is so hated and feared and which will be first utilized to bring the rebellions into control in the U.S.S.R. Do not be fooled by what appears to be "freedom" sweeping those nations. This is a presentation of power beyond which you cannot fathom. It appears all well and good. No--the economies and resources of these nations are in chaos and there isn't enough money in the free world to shore them up and if you could, what then? There are no jobs and to supply jobs you are robbing your own nation of industry to move to the cheap labor areas and calling it freedom and free trade. You in the previously free and wealthy world are at the door of total collapse. Dear ones, this very day the news is filled with the take over of the Bank of New England and you are told it will constitute the biggest bail-out to date. The house of cards is falling apart.

At any rate, back to the subject of labels. It is good to hear the titles of the groups for you will then be more informed when you are told of them--at this time you have no inkling about that which is projected. In Czechoslovakia, they were called "Reydoviki"--remember?

In Afghanistan these terrorists were a joint operation of KGB/SPETSNAZ units, which stormed the national palace in Kabul and gunned down President Amin and his family, prior to the Soviet takeover in 1979. Are you under the erroneous understanding that the hostilities are over in Afghanistan? (sic, sic)

Now, how about a little James Bond"ing": In Sweden, this group of mysterious, under-water combat swimmers prowled all around the Swedish naval bases and strategic harbors and even entered the main channel of Stockholm with their little mini-subs, equipped with tractor treads, and moved up to within a mile of the royal palace. These mini-subs were launched from Soviet subs well inside the International water boundaries. A similar operation took place near Norway's major naval base at Bergen, far up the Hardanger Fjiord.

In Britain, these Soviet terrorists are well-known to the anti-terrorist investigators of Scotland Yard, who know them as a secret detachment of potential saboteurs and assassins who are located somewhere near the Royal Air Force Base called Greenham Common. This is the base where U.S. military personnel man the silos containing ground-launched cruise missiles.

Now the painful part for you Westerners. This sinister Soviet force has remained virtually unknown to you--UNTIL the defection of a very high ranking Soviet officer and he spilled a bit of information in a book called INSIDE SOVIET MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. I would, however, warn you that much, much disinformation has come forth from these sources in a very intentional and intense manner. You must read with discernment. Suffice it to say that there is enough truth to cause you to immediately be at attention.

I have told you that there are more KGB agents in the CIA than there are Western agents. Well, there is another group through the Soviet Military Intelligence, called, GRU, which has a terrorist "strike force" made up of approximately 30,000 men and women. The purpose of these forces? To burrow into an unsuspecting nation during peacetime and prepare to launch attacks in sudden surprise just as was done at Pearl Harbor--JUST PRIOR TO A SOVIET ALL-OUT BLITZKRIEG.

Their ultimate objective is to neutralize the, nuclear potential of an enemy by striking at personnel who control a country's nuclear force. Since only a few nations have this massive capability, this means that their major objective outside Europe is, of course, the United States. In your country, they would strike at command, control, and communication networks, starting with the President, Vice-President, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, as well as major military leaders and key congressional leaders. The idea is to neutralize the leadership of the target nation, especially those who could authorize a retaliatory nuclear attack.

You can see now why it is so perfectly drawn and acted-out for the Soviets at this present time--for all your major trained forces have been removed from NATO bases as well as any defensive troop capability in the United States itself.

Their secondary objective would be against your country's military and civilian communication networks. Your technology has become so centralized that the assault on and the destruction of a few computer centers would effectively neutralize much of your radio, TV, and microwave communications.

As any military person knows, when your communications are knocked out, you are in very serious trouble. This would reduce the ability of your air, naval and ground forces to meet a Soviet attack--IF INDEED, there were any of those forces and/or equipment left to do so.

Listen to your own top mouths who speak also through their "lips": U.S. Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense Noel Koch said, "Their job is to destroy a nation's infrastructure and kill key people. They are an important part of the Soviet Union's peacetime operations and, during war, would pose a grave danger to strategic disruption of NATO and the United States itself." And this was long before all your defense was shipped off to the Middle East. Do you think they all know something more than you-the-people? I would guess a whole bunch but, as I lay it out for you, my own scribe comes under attack from you very ones who say--"Why didn't you tell us before now?"

The Soviet authorities who control SPETSNAZ have the cream of the crop from among the young Soviet men and women who make up the Soviet military. In addition, the Soviet athletes who compete for the Soviet Union in the Olympic games are considered as a pool for SPETZNAZ recruits. Suvorov stated that some of the best Soviet Olympic athletes are SPETSNAZ commandos.

While participating in international sporting events, they have the opportunity to hone their deadly skills in marksmanship, martial arts, boxing and other lethal sports, while they become acquainted with a variety of cultures and nations in which they compete, and in which they may later operate.

The recruit is given a strict test of loyalty and must sign an oath swearing him to absolute secrecy about his unit and the very existence of SPETSNAZ. If this oath is broken, it means the death penalty--no if's, and's or but's.

The new recruit has usually had at least two years of military training. Initial training is carried out at the Special Forces Faculty of the Ryazan Airborne School and the Reconnaissance Faculty of the Higher Combined Arms School in Kiev. Officers receive special training from the Military Diplomatic Academy of the Soviet Army in Moscow.

SPETSNAZ training is brutal and effective. It must be, in order to produce brutal terrorists who will not hesitate to carry out any order given by their superiors. One of their training bases is at Zheltyye Vady, in the Ukraine. This is adjacent to a concentration camp for political prisoners. The camp inmates provide "living training aids" for the martial arts. The SPETSNAZ commandos can punch, gouge, and maim to their "heart's content". It gives the trainees a "taste for blood", and is much more realistic than punching a sandbag which cannot bleed. AND JUST WHO ARE THE MENTORS OF THIS LOVELY GROUP OF JOLLY KILLERS? THE WORLD ZIONIST NETWORK.

These special force troops enjoy better food, better housing, better pay, quicker promotions, longer leaves, foreign travel and earlier retirement than regular troops so there is always a steady stream of eager volunteers.

Typical training may involve being dropped, in a wilderness area for days or weeks, without any survival gear, including a bed roll. When assigned to a mission, they are issued the best equipment available, usually a Kalashnikov light automatic rifle (AK-74) with 300 rounds of 5.45 caliber ammunition; a bayonet which doubles as a saw and wire cutter; a P-6 silenced pistol; six grenades with grenade launcher; and a bizarre knife which can propel its lethal blade a full 30 to 35 feet.

The things which distinguish the SPETSNAZ from other Special Purpose forces in the Free World, is that to them "Peacetime is wartime". As he/she infiltrates the West, they become a sleeper agent. One of their missions is to contact and maintain liaison with domestic terrorists in the nation where they operate.

These domestic terrorists are supplied, trained, and even included in the SPETSNAZ operations: They are an internal and strategic link in the Internationalist Terrorist Network. Any observant, intelligent person should see the danger posed by the vast number of illegal aliens who are now flooding America's borders. In 1987, just along the Texas border, over 34 different nationalities were apprehended, most of them white, most of them coming from Eastern European WARSAW PACT nations. Many of these young men spoke excellent English, carried U.S. Social Security cards, and many had documents showing that they had served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Many were armed and carried large sums of money. Well, you can bet your last large or small bit of money that these were connected to this natty group called SPETSNAZ.


These SPETSNAZ force units are linked to domestic terrorists and have been evident in such terrorist organizations as the Communist Combat Cells of Belgium; The Red Army Faction of West Germany; Direct Action of France; the Red Brigades of Italy; the Revolutionary Cells of West Germany; and the Spanish Basque-ETA.

Before the current conflict and stripping of your NATO bases, the NATO facilities were the prime targets--such as petroleum and gas pipelines, oil storage tanks, computer centers and key military and civilian personnel. These, by the way, are the same targets SPETSNAZ would attack prior to a Soviet attack in Europe. If domestic terrorists whittle down the assets of the Free World prior to a Soviet attack, so much the better.


The Soviets and their mentors, the World Zionist network, use their terrorist networks to intimidate and destabilize the West, as well as to soften up a target country. The KGB, the GRU, the Israeli MOSSAD, all orchestrate this network, with six nations as major participants: Libya, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Cuba and Nicaragua. In these nations there are 110 known terrorist groups from which many splinter groups emerge. There are some 66 terrorist training bases in the Middle East (i.e. 18 in Libya; 20 in Iran; 12 in Syria and 8-10 in Lebanon--these are ones which are known and recognized--there are others which remain undetected). Twelve terrorists training camps have recently been pinpointed IN MEXICO, FUNDED BY THE COLUMBIAN DRUG MONEY. If a terrorist shows real promise, he or she is sent to a "finishing school" in the USSR. From there, they are sent on bombing, hijacking, kidnapping, or assassinations, all over the Free World. Thousands of these terrorists have infiltrated the Free World, probably nowhere as much so as in the United States, where it is known that thousands have crossed that good old Mexican border. Many of those terrorists are given sanctuary by the Sanctuary Church Movement. Well, it is called "cutting your own throat" but you are surely caught between a rock and a hard place as you effort to serve compassionately. YES, YOUR GOVERNMENT DOES KNOW ABOUT THIS--THIS IS WHY WE ARE BRINGING THIS THRUTH UNTO YOU!!!!!

There are several countries which are top-of-the-line surrogate countries utilized by the Soviets: Cuba, Libya, North Korea, Vietnam and so on.

You might be indeed alert for if there is a rash of SPETSNAZ activities in the U.S., or in Europe; it will likely signal a Soviet offensive. It will begin with assassinations, of which you have already had quite a few.


In prior writings I have already laid forth the targets which will be immediately sabotaged. Nuclear facilities would be assaulted and neutralized by demolitions teams, probably in conjunction with domestic terrorists. Could it be possible, do you think, that SPETSNAZ units in the U.S. will provide the equipment and know-how to blow the bridges across the Mississippi River? We have already told you that the saboteurs are already infiltrated and in place. Your government, further, knows that this is a part of the attack plan and that hundreds of thousands of aliens have been put in those positions along the river from New Orleans to Chicago.

They would also attack waterworks, sewage systems, introduce biologic organisms, hit power sources, pipelines, transformers, key transportation facilities and key communication centers--the vital nerve centers of your nation. SPETSNAZ units are TRAINED TO OPERATE WITH A HIGH DEGREE OF INDEPENDENCE AND CREATIVE INNOVATION.


Each Soviet military district has its own SPETSNAZ brigade. These are usually composed of 100 teams of between 5 to 12 members each. A typical unit member would be from 18 to 20 years old, led by slightly older officers in command. They are considered so highly reliable that they are the only Soviet military units who do not have a political officer. Each SPETSNAZ soldier is his own commissar.

Because the soldiers are young, the training is extremely strenuous, and includes underwater combat swimming, high altitude-low opening parachute jumps and high altitude-high opening jumps, as well as infiltrations, sabotage, clandestine communications and martial arts. He is trained to be a killer in every way imaginable. The most important part of his training is in the language, culture and folkways of the country where he will be assigned. This is something that even American diplomats do not receive and can be seen in the low standard of your foreign policy statesmanship. If you think the prior writings have been a bit gruesome regarding "Brain-Washing" of Americans by Psychopolitics--"YOU AIN'T SEEN NUTHIN' YET" compared to the total mind-control of the youngsters in these special forces--they are the tools to take the world and it is a deadly serious job which these children accept now as a challenging game. They are the true Rambos of the world and thoroughly indoctrinated by the Mossad--there is nothing too evil to be avoided.


SPETSNAZ training is capped by live exercises with a very realistic tour of duty in one of the world's combat areas with live "games"--such as shooting down helicopters and assassinating the people (such as Americans) abroad.

Now, something that will, and should, absolutely turn you livid--Britain and THE UNITED STATES have taken this threat so seriously as to include anti-SPETSNAZ training in their war plans.

Now, shudder again as you revel in this new-found chummy "no more cold-war"--WATCH WHAT IS GOING ON UNDER YOUR NOSES AND YOU WILL SEE THE SUBTLE CLUES.

Watch for an increase in the number of Soviet embassy personnel and freeing up of visiting regulations.

Check out the more youthful, athletic personnel replacing the older, paunchy diplomats.

There will be a marked increase in the number of TRADE DELEGATES, athletes and cultural exchanges with the Soviet Union.

A big opening of travel and tourism exchanges with the Soviet Union with apparent openness never before experienced in the Soviet Union.

You won't notice but there already is an increased number of Soviet fishing boats off your shores and an increase in the time they stay near sensitive areas.

Note strangers buying or renting real estate, homes and apartments near strategic locations.

Look at outside agitators infiltrating local peace groups and anti-nuclear protest movements. SPETSNAZ female agents have greatly infiltrated women's protest groups near the U.S. Air Force bases in Britain.

Well, as with all bad lawn weeds--the big crab-grass king has spread out his "little-brother" organizations which duplicate the mission during the time of war. They are in Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Vietnam, North Korea and you will always find top MOSSAD trainers at work.

Bad news--one of your most worrisome and "officially" neglected (overlooked intentionally) areas of potential terrorism concerns what is referred to as SOUTHCOM--the Southern Military Command, which encompasses the vast areas south of your borders with Mexico. Here Cuba's version of the SPETSNAZ, the TROPAS ESPECIALES (Special Troops) are extremely active. These were kept under the watchful eye of Ft. Hood as a special assignment--but, what now? You have emptied Ft. Hood and sent most of your tanks to Israel and the rest are now on their way to the Saudi desert.

These TROPAS ESPECIALES operated under the direct command of the Cuban DGI (the General Intelligence Directorate), which is, in turn, controlled by the Soviet KGB. The TROPAS have had extensive and impressive combat experience in wars on the African continent where they have been used as mercenaries by the Soviets.


Their mission is similar to their Soviet counterpart: to train and equip terrorists groups all over the Western Hemisphere, including the United States. To date, these terrorists in the U.S. have remained mostly underground.

While the U.S. government has concentrated their attacks against Christian patriots who are anxious to see your country return to Constitutional standards, including the re-establishment of the Monroe Doctrine, they have been negligent of the much larger danger from the south. Instead of stopping, or at least slowing down this enemy activity, a liberal Congress has added to this danger by unbelievably stupid immigration policies which have allowed foreign agents almost complete freedom to operate within your shores. These have teamed up with drug operators from Columbia, Peru, Bolivia and Cambodia. There is much evidence available that involvement in this drug business is protected by high government officials who are becoming rich in the process. Again, I recommend Col. Bo Gritz' taped message on the Cambodian situation. I believe it is labeled TREASON PROSPERS.

Mexico is the big prize as far as the TROPAS ESPECIALES is concerned and you must know that they have been imminently successful in their infiltration of that troubled country and, thusly, into yours.

Look for a moment at that which was called the MONIMBO PLAN, which is a joint Cuban-Sandanista plot known to American Intelligence agents. It is for the purpose of takeover of Mexico by native terrorists and left wing forces. Panic would result in some 20 million Mexicans pushing across the U.S. Border--and with them--?? What better way to infiltrate a few thousand TROPAS agents into the beloved U.S.? This action was in full planning and upstart in late ‘88 and it has been moved into higher and higher action constantly ever since.

The F.B.I. knows that Cuba-trained DGI agents infiltrated the U.S. during the Mariel boatlift in 1979. They also know that thousands of enemy agents have crossed the U.S. border since that time. But in spite of this, there has been very little public or official discussion of this most serious problem and it is seldom even mentioned by the media--how could this be? Oh yes, it, could--intentional indeed!! It has been known by your government that there are thousands of Soviet and North Korean advisors in Mexico and have been for years. Your State Department deliberately refuses to acknowledge this for political reasons--and further--all documentation is kept hidden under "national security" lockup.

If you write your Congressman, especially if he serves on any special commissions, he will answer you with goo so thick it could mire a tank. He will acknowledge the "ridiculous rumors", claim investigation and announce that, "To date, we have no evidence to substantiate any such activities."

Brothers, this is a biggy-lie if ever there were any. The State Department has been given ample evidence, including photographs, substantiating a huge Soviet and North Korean presence in Mexico and the locations of at least twelve terrorist camps.

Dear ones, it is just this kind of treasonous activity on the part of your State Department which has brought America to defeat in at least two wars, and which is deliberately undermining the safety of your country.

The U.S. Government has refused to disclose any of that which is taking place along the border with Mexico and continues to simply push for "free trade". You KNOW your border is not being defended for there are no bases active with which defense could take place. It is known that while this threat to your safety continues, your armed forces are interfering in an area where you have no business what-so-ever, the Persian Gulf.


In total love and compassion for you, my brethren, I move to stand-by.

I am,

Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander

To clear please, good-evening.

PJ 23
TUESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1991 9:00 A..M. YEAR 4 DAY 145

Love and Peace be with you of that troubled place. Hatonn present and I shall do a bit of ‘shocking' myself. I have received a "batch" of mail from Saudi Arabia--each letter more insulting and obscene than the one before. I have, further, been challenged by this fine, upstanding and literate group of your country's "best" to "publish this in your letter!" This challenge, of course, being placed on the envelope. Noting that the mail is censored--going in, and certain one's mail being censored coming out, I assume the government literary overseers have passed the contents as to Federal, State and Local laws.

I assume that the expression is some sort of "art form" or perhaps a simple demonstration of the high educational standards of graduate students in your educational system. I must assume this to be fact for the same language is demonstrated in various forms of spelling throughout each piece of correspondence--I would suggest, however, that there is a very limited vocabulary. I do not wish to offend any of the fine young men who wrote; however, I tend to believe that the subscribers to this Express would object if I printed them all--thus, showing favoritism. I ask that you publish (a copy, exactly as is) right at the start of this document! For you with tender ears and eyes--perhaps you may need to get someone else, stronger and more versed in the language of "America's finest" to read it to you. I appreciate the relevant information regarding my being a comedian and entertaining all your fine and lonely troops with my humor which throws them into "fits of laughter". I shall endeavor to keep up the good work--while hoping that they can continue to keep up their lives long enough to continue to be able to do anything, much the less, laugh! These young men, of course, do not sign their names--a total identification as to the level of their bravery!

Next, will you bear with me while I copy another letter from another soldier in Saudi Arabia as well as comments from a columnist of the Chicago Tribune who has found that in the hundreds of contacts he has with the public, HE FINDS THAT WELL OVER 90% OF THESE ARE AGAINST WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND INQUIRE WHAT TO DO TO STOP THIS MADNESS!! Let me quote from an interview with a very high ranking Saudi official when asked "..why haven't your young men been rushing to enlist and defend their land?" Well, he talked about the practice of using incredible oil wealth to hire foreigners to do the jobs that wealthy Arabs find distasteful. So he continued with a laugh, "..we just let our our ‘white slaves' do our fighting for us."

Oh, you think I made this up? Try the Wall Street Journal for source! "Slaves" is a bit much--try "Hired guns!"

Now, from a 22 year old soldier in Saudi Arabia, "At this moment, my unit is stationed about 120 miles from the border of Kuwait. Before I get into this message, I need to establish a couple of things for the benefit of the ‘thought police"

"I am not a commie or any other sort of radical, anti-establishment revolutionary. I love my country and believe in the ideals of the Constitution. I'm not a conscientious objector. Being in a combat unit, I will go to war when it comes time and do my job to the best of my ability.

"One of those reasons I'm writing is to thank those members of Congress who are saying: ‘Hold on, Mr. President.' And to thank you for raising questions about this situation in your column.

"From the newspapers we receive, compiled by the military, the views and morale of the troops are given the rosy treatment.

"But any visit we've had from the press has been preceded by an order from our superiors. They tell us, ‘If asked a question by the civilian visitors, refer them to the public affairs officer who accompanies any press group.'

"I can think of only two reasons why they don't want us to speak for ourselves, 1: To prevent disclosure of classified information. Is that something us peons are privy to? Hah! or 2: Fear that somebody might express a damaging public opinion that basically Mr. Bush is out of line and out of control.

"The truth is, our morale is not as high as they would have you think. We don't know why we're here. We're left in limbo by the absence of rotation and the freezing of all discharges and retirements. And the general consensus in this unit is that the professional army is going to lose many soldiers due to disenchantment after this is all over.

"Make no mistake, this is not from one disgruntled soldier. This is gathered from the daily grumblings of many soldiers. Why are we here???" Obviously, for his protection his name shall not be printed in this public print. This letter was also received by Mike Royko of the Chicago Tribune.

I suggest that this information is true--having been given confirmation by the list of restrictions handed down to the press core itself. The intent is to KEEP YOU VICTIMS OF THE LIES AND THE WAR PLANNED TO KILL OFF SOME 20-50,000 OF YOUR YOUNGSTERS (ACCEPTABLE LOSSES AS IT IS CLASSIFIED). 3M HAS ALREADY SHIPPED 50,000 BODY BAGS AND IS MAKING MORE. GUESS WHAT? 250,000 COFFINS ARE BEING READIED! THAT IS TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND!

By the way, we were asked by the large group writing the wondrous fan letters--"---where did you get my address and name?" FROM YOU FAMILIES AND FRIENDS WHO CARE ENOUGH TO SEND THE VERY BEST! Our publisher has deliberately refrained from sending unsolicited, unsubscribed to, information to Saudi Arabia. The troops in the field have little they can do about their situation and we have not wanted to bring further distress, although truth is the only tool they CAN HAVE! We bless and thank every single one who has cared enough to allow these citizens to know truth of their situation. IT IS, HOWEVER, UP TO YOU AT HOME TO STOP THIS NIGHTMARE!


Take note of that which is put forth from Congress leaks. "It is doubtful that Congress will ‘buck' the President but any support will be marginal at best. However, it has been made clear: ‘The President will ignore and disregard any actions by Congress in opposition to his plan.'" If you, as citizens, can simply sit and "listen" to this--I must ask, "Where is your head?"

Angry at the distasteful letters from the young men who have written? Oh no, we weep for them. They are but babes, terrified out of their minds if they give proper thought to their plight. They gather together and share the truth and what have they left to do? They conjure up jokes and give each other courage in an attempt to out-vulgar each other and then, "We'll show that S.O.B.!" Angry? NO--it is truly heartrending and I want to reach out and "fix it" for them and I can't! BUT YOU CAN!!! We are constantly given love and queried about, "How can your people dare to risk everything and just continue on in the face of such dangers to their lives?" Dharma says, "Two-thousand years ago I think I might have just stood there and let them crucify my friend--I KNOW that I denied his truth--at least three times, but I know within, I denied it more than that. This time I shall take my stand by HIS SIDE and if possible, I shall spare HIS." As for the publisher, and the others who continue in the front of the army--they simply say, "It's for me also--and it is the job I came to do! and, we will do it!" Further, it is most comforting as the word goes forth to find that there are wondrous ones already out there having been almost ready to quit the pursuit save the message arrived and confirmed their task. "Ones of God shall rise up as on the wings of Eagles and no evil shall prevail against them!" Ponder it! THE PHOENIX HAS RETURNED!! SO BE IT AND SELAH!


As we move along and I tell you things, it may appear you are getting them "late", however, please allow for mailing time - - -! Look what came through on the "fax" yesterday from Jan. 7th at a Prudential-Bache "daily update" "ticker" machine:





And the notation from the man who sent us this documentation: "There is no doubt that Israel's Plan is moving ahead!"


WHY? Your President has already told the world that there is NOTHING going to make any difference! How can this one man speak for a world of citizens about to perish? How can you call this "quest for freedom"?


Want a little "proof"? In Southern California recently (in about November), there was public inquiry about the strange craft over Southern California--spheres, triangle shapes, etc. This was so evident and so intense in the sightings that there was mandatory response. Here is what you were publicly told: "...it is only newly designed aircraft being tested . . ." "...the A-12 Stealth Attack Craft". Funny thing about that plane--NOT EVEN ONE HAS BEEN COMPLETED, MUCH LESS, FLOWN! THE PROGRAM IS NOW BEING DROPPED DUE TO OVER-RUNS AND FLAWS AND LACK OF FINISHED PRODUCTION, THE ITEM STILL BEING ON THE DRAWING BOARD!! This, from your own Secretary of Defense who urged abandonment of the project, which has now been approved. Not only does that mean there are NO such craft, but also you shall have another several thousand unemployed engineers, etc., immediately.

Who was "up there"? Well, WE were up there and there were some Russian Cosmospheres up there, and thus and so. It is a critical time for your nation and your world--you are just about to "self-destruct".


This is also for all of you precious ones who write with support and trust in the truth which we are commissioned to bring. To all of you who find pain in the response of your loved ones and friends--THEY DID NOT LISTEN TO THE MASTER EITHER! SO BE IT! As truth is borne out in living, breathing color, ones will begin to see and hear. Do not be distressed at those which will not hear or see for when the time is proper the Teacher not only appears--but more-over, is HEARD AND SEEN! FIRST, THE STUDENT MUST BE READY FOR THE RECEIVING--AND SO SHALL IT COME.

Dharma, there are other things for you this day so let us close this and perhaps fit it with the prior writing to finish an Express. It is necessary that the readers get all sides of this issue for a picture is worth a thousand words--ponder it!

Hatonn to stand-by. Go in safety and peace for preparations must continue. We simply cannot know how it will go in the next few hours and days, but this day it looks bleak indeed. We must simply move on for we shall pass through this veil of shadows lest we miss the radiance at the other side. Salu.