PJ 23
FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 1991 4:25 P.M. YEAR 4 DAY 141

It is a firm principle of Psychopolitics that the person to be destroyed must be involved at first or second hand in the stigma of insanity, (Hatonn: i.e. B.G. proclaiming that these Journals, etc., come from the "mad ravings of an insane mind!") and must have been placed in contact with psychopolitical operators or persons trained by them, with a maximum amount of tumult and publicity. The stigma of insanity is properly placed at the door of such persons' reputations and is held there firmly by bringing about irrational acts, either on his own part or in his vicinity. Such an activity can be classified as a partial destruction of alignment, and if this destruction is carried forward to its furthest extent the mis-alignment on the subject of all loyalties can be considered to be complete, and alignment on new loyalties can be embarked upon safely.

(Hatonn: Or this can be accomplished by irrational acts by the persons wishing to discredit truth and the truth-bringers, i.e. Bill Cooper announcing to the world through the Billy Goodman talk show in Las Vegas that "The Phoenix Journals are the biggest hoax ever perpetrated against mankind!" in further efforting to make his case he insisted that some 50 pages of his own work had been directly plagiarized (from a 26 page document) by this scribe and Commander Hatonn. He did not, fortunately for himself and his friends who joined in the "show and tell" episode, denounce Commander Hatonn as being non-existent! The point was to discredit the writer and publisher so that their work would go unread. Didn't happen, did it? Truth will always find its "out" and I believe that it is NOT the Journals which are now in disrespect as being untruth!!!)

By bringing about insanity or suicide (Hatonn: This has not been an effective approach to Dharma and/or Oberli but in direct anticipation of involvement, their son was conditioned and did commit suicide!) on the part of the wife of an important political personage, a sufficient mis-alignment has been instigated to change his attitude. And this, carried forward firmly, or assisted by psychopolitical implantation can begin the rebuilding of his loyalties, but now slanted in a more proper and fitting direction.

Another reason for the alignment of psychopolitical activities with the misalignment of insanity is that insanity, itself, is a despised and disgraced state, and anything connected with it is lightly viewed. Thus, a psychopolitical operator, working in the vicinity of an insane person, can refute and disprove any accusations made against him by demonstrating that the family itself is tainted with mental imbalance. This is surprisingly effective in Capitalistic countries where insanity is so thoroughly feared that no one would dream of investigating any circumstances in its vicinity. Psychopolitical propaganda works constantly and must work constantly to increase and build up this aura of mystery surrounding insanity, and must emphasize the horribleness and hopelessness of insanity in order to excuse non-therapeutic actions taken against the insane. Particularly in Capitalistic countries, an insane person has no rights under the law. No person who is insane may hold property. No person who is insane may testify. Thus, we have an excellent road along which we can travel toward our certain goal and destiny.

Entirely by bringing about public conviction that the sanity of a person is in question, it is possible to discount and eradicate all of the goals and activities of that person. By demonstrating the insanity of a group, or even a government, it is possible, then, to cause its people to disavow it. By magnifying the general human reaction to insanity, through keeping the subject of insanity, itself, forever before the public eye, and then, by utilizing this reaction by causing a revulsion on the part of a populace against its leader or leaders, it is possible to stop any government or movement.

It is important to know that the entire subject of loyalty is thus as easily handled as it is. One of the first and foremost missions of the psychopolitician is to make an attack upon Communism and insanity synonymous. It should become the definition of insanity, of the paranoid variety, that "A paranoid believes he is being attacked by Communists." Thus, at once the support of the individual so attacking Communism will fall away and wither. (Hatonn: note that anti-Communists are labeled as "right-wing extremists," paranoid, etc.)

Instead of executing national leaders, suicide for them should be arranged under circumstances which question their demise. In this way we can select out all opposition to the Communist extension into the social orders of the world, and render populaces who would oppose us leaderless, and bring about a state of chaos or mis-alignment into which we can thrust, with great simplicity, the clear and forceful doctrines of Communism.

The cleverness of our attack in this field of Psychopolitics is adequate to avoid the understanding of the layman and the usual stupid official, and by operating entirely under the banner of authority, with the oft-repeated statement that the principles of psychotherapy are too devious for common understanding, an entire revolution can be effected without the suspicion of a populace until it is an accomplished fact.

As insanity is the maximum mis-alignment, it can be grasped to be the maximum weapon in severance of loyalties to leaders and old social orders. Thus, it is of the utmost importance that psychopolitical operatives infiltrate the healing arts of a nation marked for conquest, and bring from that quarter continuous pressure against the population and the government until at last the conquest is effected. This is the subject and goal of Psychopolitics, itself.

In rearranging loyalties we must have a command of their values. In the animal the first loyalty is to himself. This is destroyed by demonstrating errors to him, showing him that he does not remember, cannot act or does not trust himself. The second loyalty is to his family unit, his parents and brothers and sisters. This is destroyed by making a family unit economically non-dependent, by lessening the value of marriage, by making an easiness of divorce and by raising the children wherever possible by the State. The next loyalty is to his friends and local environment. This is destroyed by lowering his trust and bringing about reportings upon him allegedly by his fellows or the town or village authorities. (Hatonn: This has also been publicly foisted off upon my scribe with the municipal court Judge mis-ruling and continued insulting words and behaviors by Santa Barbara Savings and Loan Association. This is fully intended to turn the entire of the village against the "old couple" involved.) The next is to the State and this, for the purposes of Communism, is the only loyalty which should exist once the state is founded as a Communist State. To destroy loyalty to the State all manner of forbiddings for youth must be put into effect so as to disenfranchise them as members of the Capitalist state and, by promises of a better lot under Communism, to gain their loyalty to a Communist movement.

Denying a Capitalist country easy access to courts, bringing about and supporting propaganda to destroy the home, creating and continuous juvenile delinquency, forcing upon the state all manner of practices to divorce the child from it will in the end create the chaos necessary to Communism.

Under the saccharine guise of assistance to them, rigorous child labor laws are the best means to deny the child any right in the society. By refusing to let him earn, by forcing him into unwanted dependence upon a grudging parent, by making certain in other channels that the parent is never in other than economic stress, the child can be driven in his teens into revolt. Delinquency will ensue.

(Hatonn: You may as well quit holding your breath as you read, for yes, it gets worse as the nail is struck upon its head over and over and over right before your eyes!)

By making readily available drugs of various kinds, by giving the teen-ager alcohol, by praising his wildness, by stimulating him with sex literature and advertising to him or her practices as taught at the Sexpol, the psyschopolitical operator can create the necessary attitude of chaos, idleness and worthlessness into which can then be cast the solution which will give the teen-ager complete freedom everywhere--Communism.

Should it be possible to continue conscription beyond any reasonable time by promoting unpopular wars and other means the draft can always stand as a further barrier to the progress of youth in life, destroying any immediate hope to participate in his nation's civil life.

By these means the patriotism of youth for their Capitalistic flag can be dulled to a point where they are no longer dangerous as soldiers. While this might require many decades to effect, Capitalism's short term view will never envision the lengths across which we can plan.

If we could effectively kill the national pride and patriotism of just one generation we will have won that country. Therefore, there must be continual propaganda abroad to undermine the loyalty of the citizens in general and the teen-ager in particular. (Hatonn: This was effectively perfected by the Vietnam War and since, the citizens of the United States, for instance, have been unable to find true purpose in any actions of the U.S. administration. There is not the slightest notion by the military as to why they are REALLY IN SAUDI ARABIA--BUT IT CERTAINLY IS NOT PATRIOTIC NEED FOR PROTECTION OF FREEDOM OF THE UNITED STATES.)

The role of the psychopolitical operator in this is very strong. He can, from his position as an authority on the mind, advise all manner of destructive measures. He can teach the lack of control of his child at home. He can instruct, in an optimum situation, the entire nation in how to handle children--and instruct them so that the children, given no control, given no real home, can run wildly about with no responsibility for their nation or for themselves.

The mis-alignment of the loyalty of youth to a Capitalistic nation sets the proper stage for a realignment of their loyalties with Communism. Creating a greed for drugs, sexual misbehavior and uncontrolled freedom and presenting this to them as a benefit of Communism will with ease bring about our alignment.

In the case of strong leaders amongst youthful groups, a psychopolitical operator can work in many ways to use or discard that leadership. If it is to be used, the character of the girl or boy must be altered carefully into criminal channels and a control by blackmail or other means must be maintained. But where the leadership is not susceptible, where it resists all persuasions and might become dangerous to our Cause, no pains must be spared to direct the attention of the authorities to that person and to harass him in one way or another until he can come into the hands of juvenile authorities. When this has been effected it can be hoped that a psychopolitical operator, by reason of child advisor status, can, in the security of the jail and cloaked by processes of law, destroy the sanity of that person. Particularly brilliant scholars, athletes and youth group leaders must be handled in either one of these two ways.

In the matter of guiding the activities of juvenile courts, the psychopolitical operator entertains here one of his easier tasks. A Capitalistic nation is so filled with injustice in general that a little more passes without comment. In juvenile courts there are always persons with strange appetites whether these be judges or policemen or women. If such do not exist they can be created. By making available to them young girls or boys in the "security" of the jail or the detention home and by appearing with flash cameras or witnesses one becomes equipped with a whip adequate to direct all the future decisions of that person when these are needed.

The handling of youth cases by courts should be led further and further away from law and further and further into "mental problems" until the entire nation thinks of "mental problems" instead of criminals. (Hatonn: Note that the heavy, heavy thrust in the courts is to convince you that criminals are NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR CRIMES! i.e., "...he had a bad, abusive childhood", "...he was deprived as a child", "....he is mentally unbalanced" and on and on ad nauseam.) This places vacancies everywhere in the courts, in the offices of district attorneys, on police staffs which could then be filled with psychopolitical operators and these become then the judges of the land by their influence and into their hands comes the total control of the criminal, without whose help a revolution cannot ever he accomplished.

By stressing this authority over the problems of youth and adults in courts one day the demand for psychopolitical operators could become such that even the armed services will use "authorities on the mind" to work their various justices and when this occurs the armed forces of the nation then enter into our hands as solidly as if we commanded them ourselves. With the slight bonus of having thus a skilled interrogator near every technician or handler of secret war apparatus, the country, in event of revolution, as did Germany in 1918 and 1919, will find itself immobilized by its own Army and Navy fully and entirely in Communist hands.

Thus the subject of loyalties and their re-alignment is, in fact, the subject of non-armed conquest of an enemy.

Dharma, allow us closure at this point, please. I want to take up the subject of "obedience" in this textbook presentation and it is a mouthful to chew because you will see it unfolding before your eyes--how you have been suckered into allowing one who "takes charge" through power to require obedience and receive of it. To this very extent, you have given up your rights to Constitutional freedom into the hands of would-be dictators and world controllers.

Is this information a bit provoking to your minds? Is it perhaps shocking? I certainly do hope so for you are all but "had" as you smile and salute all the way to the chop-block!

Good evening.

Hatonn to clear.

PJ 23
SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1991 7:57 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 142

Hatonn. Good morning.

We will only write for a short while this morning for there is need for you to be away from this location; there are also other things which need attention.

Please take note of the "flap" regarding news reporters in the Middle East ("physical fitness"; censorship by the military, etc). This goes along with that which we are writing--this is to insure total control of all news. You will be told that the news will be censored and controlled to keep the enemy off guard. No, it is to disallow your parents and loved ones and objective governmental officials to know truth.

By the way--Botulism and Anthrax are deadly diseases and there are no effective vaccines for either. At best, there are some very dangerous "partial" vaccines--still in research and which I would not utilize on any animal which would be mine enemy. Again, you are lied to. The same one, from your great halls of wisdom and national research, has announced this--"Sandy", as CNN's Larry King fondly calls his regular visitor on this enlightening "show and tell" (that which is intended for you to swallow whole). When confronted, he also ADMITTED that "innocent" microbes were introduced into the subway system of New York as an experiment. It was estimated that 500,000 people were directly introduced to the microbes and almost 400,000 came down with the "infection". He added with a smile, "But it was totally harmless microbes." HOW COULD IT BE HARMLESS IF, IN FACT, YOU COULD DETERMINE THAT ALMOST 400,000 (ACTUALLY, THE COUNT WAS GENERALIZED AT 367,000) CAME DOWN WITH SYMPTOMS WHICH COULD BE IDENTIFIED? I WARN YOU PEOPLE, IF YOU DO NOT STOP THIS SORT OF THING--YOUR SELECTIVE POPULATIONS WILL BE WIPED OUT BEFORE YOUR EYES, ALONG WITH YOU!

What of the meeting of Iraq and the U.S. in Geneva? You are told a great deal about facts, if you pay attention. Bush continues to say "no-deal" of any kind. But, the meeting is arranged for on the brink of deadline and, further, in neutral territory. YOU ARE MAKING HEADWAY, PEOPLE OF THE WORLD--ESPECIALLY THE RUSSIAN WORLD OF CONTROLLING POWER. BE GRATEFUL FOR WHATEVER WE CAN GAIN IN "TIME" WITHOUT BLOWING YOUR WORLD AWAY. Watch the sleight-of-hand: the administration--with Kissinger now on TV with his monotone, emotionless, robotic voice of a computer, projecting the next move--that of economic disaster in the face of stalled-out war. The need is to pull down America very soon so that the other controlling factors can come into play and be totally operational by year 2000. I believe you can see from that which we are presenting here regarding psychopolitical sweeping of the world--America in specifics--the plan has alternative measures and ALL are functional. They only needed one generation to pull you down, America--and they got it! The plan is to sacrifice all of your current youthful generation. It is up to you of the prior generation to get this thing of freedom back on track for your children, nation and God. The youth are caught in the jaws of control and chaos and have nothing to which to relate--YOU WILL DO IT, OR IT WILL NOT BE DONE.

Please, Dharma, back to the laying forth of the Russian plan and textbook mandates for world dominion through the mind: PSYCHOPOLITICS; MIND-CONTROL. We will begin this portion speaking about "OBEDIENCE":. TOTAL OBEDIENCE THROUGH FORCE. You have many examples throughout history and, now, even beauteous America is ruled by police force established unlawfully, unconstitutionally, and through the Elite--by the acts of violence and fear. Harken back to history: Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Tse-tung--all ruled in this manner. Dear Desiree', I dare say you would not have enjoyed a relationship, of any type at all, with Alexander, per your distractor and deceiver projectors! He was simply not a nice person!


Again note that I will Quote from the document as written. My comments will be in parens, in italics.


Obedience is the result of force.

Everywhere we look in the history of Earth we discover that obedience to new rulers has come about entirely through the demonstration on the part of those rulers of greater force than was to be discovered in the old ruler. A population overridden, conquered by war, is obedient to its conqueror. It is obedient to its conqueror because its conqueror has exhibited more force.

Concurrent with force is brutality, for there are human considerations involved which also represent force. The most barbaric, unrestrained, brutal use of force, if carried far enough, invokes obedience. Savage force, sufficiently long displayed toward any individual, will bring about his concurrence with any principle or order.

Force is the antithesis of humanizing actions. It is so synonymous in the human mind with savageness, lawlessness, brutality, and barbarism, that it is only necessary to display an inhuman attitude toward people, to be granted by those people the possession of force.

Any organization which has the spirit and courage to display inhumanity, savageness, brutality, and an uncompromising lack of humanity, will be obeyed. Such a use of force is, itself, the essential ingredient of greatness. We have to hand no less an example than our great Communist Leaders, who, in moments of duress and trial, when faced by Czarist rule, continued over the heads of an enslaved populace, yet displayed sufficient courage never to stay their hands in the execution of the conversion of the Russian State to Communist rule.

If you would have obedience you must have no compromise with humanity. If you would have obedience you must make it clearly understood that you have no mercy. Man is an animal. He understands, in the final analysis, only those things which a brute understands.

As an example of this, we find an individual refusing to obey and being struck. His refusal to obey is now less vociferous. He is struck again, and his resistance is lessened once more. He is hammered and pounded again and again, until, at length, his only thought is direct and implicit obedience to that person from whom the force has emanated. This is a proven principle. It is proven because it is the main principle Man, the animal, has used since his earliest beginnings. It is the only principle which has been effective, the only principle which has brought about a wide and continued belief. For it is to our benefit that an individual who is struck again, and again, and again from a certain source, will, at length, hypnotically believe anything he is told by the source of the blows.

The stupidity of Western civilizations is best demonstrated by the fact that they believe hypnotism is a thing of the mind, of attention, and a desire for unconsciousness. This is not true. Only when a person has been beaten, punished, and mercilessly hammered, can hypnotism upon him be guaranteed in its effectiveness. (Hatonn: Note that torture of P.O.W.'s is NOT for the purpose of gaining information but, rather, for total indoctrination!)

It is stated by Western authorities on hypnosis that only some twenty percent of the people are susceptible to hypnotism. This statement is very UNTRUE. Given enough repetition and/or punishment, ALL of the people in any time and place are susceptible to hypnotism. In other words, by adding force, hypnotism is made uniformly effective. Where unconsciousness could not be induced by simple concentration upon the hypnotist, unconsciousness CAN BE INDUCED by drugs, by blows, by electric shock, and by other means. And where unconsciousness cannot be induced so as to make an implantation or an hypnotic command effective, it is only necessary to amputate the functioning portions of the animal Man's brain to render him null and void and no longer a menace. Thus we find that hypnotism is entirely effective.

The mechanisms of hypnotism demonstrate clearly that people can be made to believe in certain conditions, and even in their environment or in politics, by the administration of force. Thus, it is necessary for a psychopolitician to be an expert in the administration of forces. Thus, he can bring about implicit obedience, not only on the part of individual members of the populace, but on the entire populace itself and its government. He need only take unto himself a sufficiently savage role, a sufficiently uncompromising inhuman attitude, and he will be obeyed and believed. (Hatonn: For this reason, a good hypnotherapist in working with a client MUST have discipline and often REQUIRE the subconscious mind respond with truth. If the practitioner simply gets more emotional and sympathetic, strokes the hand in agreement, etc., the mind continues to be reinforced with the negative input already in command. In other words--truth must be confronted in order to change of the behavior structure. It matters not to the subconscious mind what the instructions are, it will function and cause function of the individual to continue with the dominant and structured input available until such time as new instructions are given and accepted which override the prior commands.)

The subject of hypnotism is a subject of belief. What can people be made to believe? They CAN be made to believe anything which is administered to them with sufficient repetition, brutality and force. The obedience of a populace is as good as they will believe.

Despicable religions, such as Christianity, knew this. They knew that if enough faith could be brought into being a populace could be enslaved by the Christian mockeries of humanity and mercy, and thus could be disarmed. But one need not count upon this act of faith to bring about a broad belief. One must only exhibit enough force, enough inhumanity, enough brutality and savageness to create implicit belief and therefore and thereby implicit obedience. As Communism is a matter of belief, its study is a study of force. (Hatonn: Note that as ones are brought into the shelter of the "Church", gradually the Laws of God have been broken in total by a "voting-in" and "modernization" and "allowance" of all the negative and moral values. You can SEE that the actions are both destructive and incorrect and yet the BELIEF IS ENGENDERED THROUGH THE PRESSURE AND FORCE OF THE TEACHERS, PREACHERS AND COUNCILS WHO CHANGE THE LAWS BY HUMAN CONTROL FACTORS.)

The earliest Russian psychiatrists, pioneering this science of psychiatry, understood thoroughly that hypnosis is induced by acute fear. They discovered it could also be induced by shock of an emotional nature, and also be extreme privation, as well as by blows and drugs.

In order to induce a high state of hypnogogy (hypnosis) in an individual, a group, or a population, an element of terror must always be present on the part of those who would govern. The psychiatrist is aptly suited to this role, for his brutalities are committed in the name of science and are inexplicably complex, and entirely out of view of the human understanding. A sufficient popular terror of the psychiatrist will, in itself, bring about insanity on the part of many individuals. A psychopolitical operative, then, can, entirely cloaked with authority, commence and continue a campaign of propaganda, describing various "treatments" which are administered to the insane. A psychopolitical operative, must at all times insist that these treatments are therapeutic and necessary. He can, in all of his literature and his books, list large number of pretended cures by these means. But these "cures" need not actually produce any recovery from state of disturbance. As long as the psychopolitical operative or his dupes are the only authorities as to the difference between sanity and insanity, their word as to the therapeutic value of such treatment will be the final word. No layman would dare adventure to place judgment upon the state of sanity of an individual whom the psychiatrist has already declared insane. The individual, himself, is unable to complain, and his family, as will be covered later, is already discredited by the occurrence of insanity in their midst. There must be no other adjudicators of insanity; otherwise it could be disclosed that the brutalities practiced in the name of treatment are not therapeutic.

A psyschopolitical operative has no interest in "therapeutic means" or "cures". The greater number of insane in the country where he is operating, the larger number of the populace will come under his view, and the greater will become his facilities. Because the problem is apparently mounting into uncontrollable heights, he can more and more operate in an atmosphere of emergency, which again excuses his use of such treatments as electric shock, the pre-frontal lobotomy, trans-orbital leucotomy, and other operations long-since practiced in Russia on political prisoners. (Hatonn: Do you believe the tremendous increase in "insanity" just happened? I suggest you go back and very carefully reread the Journals dealing with the Conspiracy, Global Plan 2000 and all Eustace Mullins' material. In J. E. Hoover's iron law FBI days, forceful incarceration and "mental adaptation" or life-long incarceration in the institution was the modus operandi!

It is to the interest of the psychopolitical operative that the possibility of curing the insane be outlawed and ruled out at all times. For the sake of obedience on the part of the population and their general reaction, a level of brutality must, at all costs, be maintained. Only in this way can the absolute judgment of the psychopolitical operative as to the sanity or insanity of public figures be maintained in complete belief. Using sufficient brutality upon their patients, the public at large will come to believe utterly anything they say about their patients. Furthermore, and much more important, the field of the mind must be sufficiently dominated by the psychopolitical operative, so that wherever tenets of the mind are taught they will be hypnotically believed. The psychopolitical operative, having under his control all psychology classes in an area, can thus bring about a complete reformation of the future leaders of a country in their educational processes, and so prepare them for Communism (Hatonn: and/or "New Age" inaction, thought "beingness" and "allowing").

To be obeyed, one must be believed. If one is sufficiently believed, one will unquestioningly be obeyed. (Hatonn: If you ones do not see this in action right out of "THE LIPS" then I fear for our ever reaching stability again upon this earth. You-the-People are being pushed to the limits of that which you will accept! And, brothers, you go beyond the controllers wildest hopes.)

When he is fortunate enough to obtain into his hands anyone near to a political or important figure, this factor of obedience becomes very important. A certain amount of fear or terror must be engendered in the person under treatment so that this person will then take immediate orders, completely and unquestioningly, from the psychopolitical operative, and so be able to influence the actions of that person who is to be reached.

Bringing about this state of mind on the part of a populace and its leaders--that a psychopolitical operative must, at all times, be believed--could eventually be attended by very good fortune. It is not too much to hope that psychopolitical operatives would then, in a country such as the United States, become the most intimate advisors to political figures, even to the point of advising the entirety of a political party as to its actions in an election.

The long view is the important view. Belief is engendered by a certain amount of fear and terror from an authoritative level, and this will be followed by obedience.

The general propaganda which would best serve Psychopolitics would be continual insistence that certain authoritative levels of healing deemed this or that the correct treatment of insanity. These treatments must always include a certain amount of brutality. Propaganda should continue and stress the rising incidence of insanity in a country. The entire field of human behavior, for the benefit of the country, can, at length, be broadened into abnormal behavior.

Thus, anyone indulging in any eccentricity, particularly the eccentricity of combatting psychopolitics, could be silenced by the authoritative opinion on the part of a psychopolitical operative that he was acting in an abnormal fashion. This, with some good fortune, could bring the person into the hands of the psychopolitical operative so as to forever more disable him, or to swerve his loyalties by pain-drug hypnotism.

On the subject of obedience itself, the most optimum obedience is unthinking obedience. The command given must be obeyed without any rationalizing on the part of the subject. The command must, therefore, be implanted below the thinking processes of the subject to be influenced, and must react upon him in such a way as to bring no mental alertness on his part.

It is in the interest of Psychopolitics that a population be told that an hypnotized person will not do anything against his actual will, will not commit immoral acts, and will not act so as to endanger himself. While this may be true of light, parlour hypnotism and general welfare therapy, it certainly is not true of commands implanted with the use of electric shock, drugs, or heavy punishment wherein the entire structure of thought processes are altered permanently. (Hatonn: An excellent example of this point is G. Gordon Liddy of Watergate fame and now a recognized speaker, writer and talk-show participant. This man is totally indoctrinated into extremes and mindless actions--without compassion or ability to recognize immorality.)

It is counted upon completely that this will be discredited to the general public by psychopolitical operatives, for if it were to generally be known that individuals would obey commands harmful to themselves, and would commit immoral acts while under the influence of deep hypnotic commands, the actions of many people, working unknowingly in favor of Communism, would be too-well understood. People acting under deep hypnotic commands should be acting apparently of their own volition and out of their own convictions.

The entire subject of psychopolitical hypnosis, Psychopolitics in general, depends for its defense upon continuous protest from authoritative sources that such things are not possible. And, should anyone unmask a psychopolitical operative, he should at once declare the whole thing a physical impossibility, and use his authoritative position to discount any accusation. Should any writings of Psychopolitics come to view, it is only necessary to brand them a hoax and laugh them out of countenance. Thus, psychopolitical activities are easy to defend.

When psychopolitical activities have reached a certain peak, from there on it is almost impossible to undo them, for the population is already under the duress of obedience to the psychopolitical operatives and their dupes. The ingredient of obedience is important, for the complete belief in the psychopolitical operative renders his statement cancelling any challenge about psychopolitical operations irrefutable. The optimum circumstances would be to occupy every position which would be consulted by officials on any question or suspicion arising on the subject of Psychopolitics. Thus, a psychiatric advisor should be placed near to hand in every government operation. As all suspicions would then be referred to him, no action would ever be taken, and the goal of Communism could be realized in that nation.

Psychopolitics depends, from the viewpoint of the layman, upon its fantastic aspects. These are its best defense, but above all these defenses is implicit obedience on the part of officials and the general public, because of the character of the psychopolitical operative in the field of healing.


I request that this portion be closed at this point. I would like, further, to respond to the queries regarding the term "Communism". That term was chosen for it connotes that which a moral man would like to achieve--balance, charity, all for all, etc. It is only a label given to this particular movement for global control to further fool the masses of humanity. There is nothing of true communistic intent in any manner and perhaps this is where the public awakening must begin! The PRINCE OF DARKNESS AND DECEIT has pulled it off again and again right before your eyes! You-the-citizens of the world have become mesmerized into dullness and stupefaction and know not that which has come upon you. WAKE UP! I certainly care not whether you believe me real or figment--THE TRUTH LIES IN PHYSICAL/MENTAL DISPLAY BEFORE YOU! IT SHOULD NOT REQUIRE ONE OF GOD'S HOSTS TO POINT IT OUT UNTO YOU, BUT SO BE IT! WHATEVER IS REQUIRED WILL BE GIVEN FORTH--IN LOVE AND ALLOWANCE OF CHOICES. I WOULD HOPE THAT THE LIGHTED CHOICES SHALL BE TURNED UNTO TRUTH AND GOD. SALU.

Hatonn to clear, please.

Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.