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  1. #13
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 23
    CHAPTER 23
    TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1991 7:53 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 159

    Hatonn present in the service unto Holy God and brotherhood of Man. Salu.

    I am queried as to whether or not this article or that article might be included in the Expresses. I ask that you keep bringing these things unto my attention but I will do a little corrective thinking in this matter. I will write or ask things to be entered INTO the document. My purpose in bringing forth these writings is to bring forth Truth--nothing more and nothing less. What you do with it is up to you, the human, physical participants. If there are others who write and publish I leave it to the publisher of the Express what will "go with not in the Express" if it is not of my direct choosing.


    The ones who commit treason against your nation are in the highest seats of government--but YOU put them there and formed a system which gives them ultimate power over that which your nation becomes. I shall continue to point out these things for it impacts the journey and the choices taken. I do, however, warn you to have discretion. DO NOT PUT THESE THINGS FORTH "IN THE NAME OF - - -". I neither tout action in the form of murder of any method what-so-ever nor do I advocate actions which will only result in the closing down of the writings due to controversial actions of the people involved.

    If documents go forth it MUST always be separated in message circulars fully stating that it is "something being done by groups about the country and perhaps you would be interested." We of this place have building to do and Truth to write. If the publisher finds information, and more and more will be coming, do that with it which the publisher feels appropriate--DO NOT ATTACH SUCH TO OUR WRITINGS. I ADVOCATE YOU RISE AND TAKE ACTION FROM FULLY FUNCTIONAL THOUGHT AND SIGHT. WE DO NOT MOVE OFF ON "SOME CAUSE" WHICH CAN ONLY STOP OF OUR INTENDED WORK FOR THE WRITING IS ONLY A SMALL PORTION OF THAT WHICH IS OUR TASK. The "Message from Veterans to the Troops at Fort Saudi Arabia", as a for-instance, might well be shared but NOT through my documents. Perhaps if you desire the public have this information, simply take a whole mailing and send nothing other than copies of material sent to the publisher giving support, actions, contradictions--poison pen letters, etc. WE REPRESENT THE VOICE OF GOD AND THERE SHALL BE NOTHING WHICH CAN STOP OUR WORK GOING OUT FROM WITHIN.

    We come in Truth, in love and not to "overthrow". Ours is to build stability and means for a transition--not to blast one another with beams and nuclear substance. Ours is not to ask defiance except as one chooses within moral self. Each must choose of the journey for self, based upon valid information--we must not turn the blessed Journals and Expresses into fomenting, revolutionary material. Simply bringing Truth is dangerous in its whole, as you all have been given to witness and experience. We do not manipulate Truth albeit appearances suggest otherwise; it is simply that Truth is so outrageous in these closing days of chaos that it appears such. We will continue to tell that Truth as it IS and ones must glean from it that which they will. So be it.


    Be alert and aware in these coming days of heightened military confrontation. Heed that which your Secretary of State and your President have said, watch the outlaying of actions (especially the Soviet Union) and then allow integration with that which I have brought for your consideration. I warn you, again, that there is most likely to be a horrendous nuclear war--FOR YOUR ADMINISTRATION AND PENTAGON ARE CONSIDERING USE OF "THE BIG ONE"--IN THE VERY NEAR FUTURE.

    It has been known from onset that Iraq has full nuclear capability and only this week it has been made public that they not only have the capability but have the weapons in deep underground protection. We won't even discuss strike needs and capabilities against Russia at this point of reference.

    I REPEAT: YOUR ADMINISTRATION AND PENTAGON FULLY INTEND TO USE NUCLEAR HYDROGEN WEAPONS IN THE NEAR FUTURE! Thus far the war has been based on that which they call PSI-OP. Full barrage of false information, emotional hype and incredibly terroristic maneuvers--on both sides!! Brothers, you are at war and the rules of the game are not the same as playing on your computer--"as if".

    Hussein has a lot of your military men as prisoners and he will place them in strategic sites to prevent bombing--but it will not do so. Your President, yesterday, said it will make "no difference" in coalition actions.

    The U.S. and Mossad are doing some atrocious things to have it appear Iraq is bombing and destroying Holy sites, etc. Come now, the press also says that ALL incoming missiles are being destroyed by your Patriots--along with lots of Patriot missiles being "technically blown up through error". At the least, you should realize that every little false demonstration and misfire of either the Patriot or Tomahawk missile is over a MILLION DOLLARS EACH. So if you launch a missile for "show and tell" and shoot it down with a Patriot for more "show and tell"--TWO MILLION DOLLARS IN PROPAGANDA. I believe you can see how valuable they feel the propaganda episodes are in expectation.

    You can also count on any "suggested attempts to bomb and destroy i.e. the Aswan Dam, is not believed that Iraq will do so, but you can be sure it will be damaged at the hands of the allies. First the seeds of threats are planted and then when the actions occur it is immediately announced that Iraq has done it. This is the very point of terrorism and you have the head leader terrorists on YOUR SIDE!!--REMEMBER?


    Do you realize that you have a non-elected person in Israel making commitments for you, in Israel. Eagleburger is simply an "advisor" to your President--I suggest you watch your own newscasts at the smiling brotherhood obviously already established long prior to now. Who will protect the Palestinians and Lebanese? Who is protecting the Lithuanians and Latvians?

    Well, nothing has changed in my projections unto you--the Soviet Union does not yet want a nuclear war, but I promise you they will give you a lesson beyond all lessons if you drop one of those bombs--anywhere.

    Why Camp David every weekend for the President? I told you WHY and further, it requires constant attention to keep the participants in control. And, for my local inquiring minds--yes, we can work nicely with some of their programmed persons. In many ways it is far easier--you ones must keep restraint and avoid argument or outlay of information for they will expound on their own programming plots and not really notice what your intention might be. It is beyond their capability to believe that you would be working with them if you were in opposition to them. Just allow them to talk and talk and talk and you will learn information undreamed of for they are programmed to "overdo" the point in discussion.

    Back to nuclear weapons. They are already setting you up for the kill. They are telling you that you will have smoke "winter" from burning oil fields, etc. At some point you will be "surprised" and the bombing will happen and then you will be told it was "...the only thing left to do to prevent the total destruction of the globe".

    You are already being readied--further, you are now being told that there is strong opposition and the war can be very long in duration--EVERY DAY THE STORY CHANGES--just like, "No new taxes; read my lips." But I tell you right now that the confirmation is "leaking" forth from "insiders" as to the intent of utilization of the nuclear attack, so watch out--when the leaks begin to flow to these "proper" parties, such as ones connected hereto--it is important to take note! They want the "word" to go out. Therefore, I suggest you take this under careful consideration for the information of confirmation has come from a most remarkable source very close to the President, himself.


    On December 23, 1990, Richard Cheney told the international press that he would not rule out an "absolutely devastating" chemical or even nuclear attack against Iraq if war should break out. Cheney furthermore declared that President Bush "has a full spectrum of weapons available for hostilities", a fact confirmed by the deployment of nuclear weapons carrying aircraft carrier groups in the Persian Gulf region. That's right, they are already on board and at ready.

    Further, the Israeli government is at Bush's disposal for detonating a conflict in the region which could also be nuclear, or provide an excuse for same. Actually, it would be set up so that claims could be made to the "remaining" world that somehow the Iraqis had accidentally detonated their own weapon(s). This would sell because you have already been told they "do not have the expertise capable of successfully using a nuclear bomb". A high school student can and has, years ago in America, built a nuclear bomb as a project--it requires practically no expertise at all. Handling same after creation is a bit different but not unduly difficult. The triggering incident is fully expected to be Israeli-precipitated and the European community is getting prepared. Do you not witness the French stripping the shelves of the markets for preparation while the government says "no danger!" and arrests ones for "hoarding".

    You get no news but even in England the nuclear threat by the Bush administration garnered banner headlines and continues to do so day after day. The German press is in constant referral to the threat.

    Now, what do you Americans who are nervous about your sons being killed for oil, think about American first use of nuclear weapons, with all the attendant complications with the Soviet Union?


    The Soviet technical advisers are still right in Iraq and full service attention. The potential role that these advisers play with Iraqi Soviet-supplied weaponry, as well as the political complications, have been completely down-played and the subject barred from open media discussion.

    These Soviet advisers volunteered to remain in Iraq, after negotiations between Moscow and Baghdad were successful in paving the way for their return home. Flimsy excuse fed to you-the-people: "...they choose to stay in Baghdad because, at worst, there is more food on the Iraqi shelves than in Soviet cities." How could that be? Didn't you just give $2 billion in food to Russia (Moscow)?


    Here we go again: Of course, the use of nuclear weapons, including such items in the U.S. arsenal as the neutron bomb, would have broader implications than its effect on Soviet citizens in Iraq. In fact, even the threat of using nuclear weapons shifts the international equation into a situation similar to that of 1973 (does anyone remember?), when Kissinger was also directing the actions of another American President.

    Kissinger, of course, tried to make a strategic asset out of the insane threat of nuclear assault--claiming that if a head of state threatened to do something so insane, he could back his opponent down. George Bush fully intends to follow such strategy and follow-through if necessary.


    Eagleburger is in Israel setting it up right now! While the Bush administration continues to insist on unconditional retreat by Iraq, the Kissinger-linked forces who control the present Israeli government are carrying out a series of provocations which could easily lead to the detonation of such horrific outcome of nuclear intervention.

    Remember, dear ones, Eagleburger is directly from the Kissinger Corporation--literally. Does anyone recall the "China incident" and "followup visits" before the bodies cooled? There is nothing too heinous for these ones who intend to control the world--nothing!

    You think this cannot be? Listen up! Throughout the entirety of the 1980's, "black" operations run jointly by U.S. and Israeli agents with clandestine funding from oil-rich Persian Gulf nations have killed millions of people worldwide and subverted American Foreign policy.

    The detailed account of how the Mossad, Israel's secret service, working with an inner circle of dual-loyalist Washington bureaucrats and with subservient CIA officials used laundered Arab billions to spread its covert-action network from Panama to Ethiopia is the most anxiously guarded secret inherited by the Bush team from the Reagan administration.

    There are identified trouble spots where the Mossad and the CIA launched joint operations with clandestine Arab financial backing.

    In Nicaragua and Afghanistan, where Israeli agents were called in by the late William Casey, then serving as CIA director, to supply weapons, training and other support services to anti-communist resistance forces, U.S. strategy was "derailed and frustrated". In Nicaragua, more than a century of U.S. regional hegemony ended when UN troops were brought in to disarm the resistance forces and install a coalition government largely dominated by communists. In Afghanistan, the campaign of the mujahideen freedom fighters was sabotaged and aborted by Israeli agents who feared that an anti-communist victory would lead to the installation of a fundamentalist Islamic regime in this strife-torn nation.

    In Africa, where most governments broke diplomatic relations with Israel in the 1960's, the Mossad re-established a broad spectrum of influence by running covert operations, selling arms and training local enforcers from Angola to Zaire. (Please refer to THE MOSSAD.CONNECTION, a Phoenix Journal.)

    Israeli agents have unleashed horrifying violence and destruction on the dark continent. Just last year one of the bloodiest civil wars in African history was taking place. The turmoil was triggered by the brutal repressive tactics taught to the Liberian army by Israeli instructors brought in at the suggestion of the influential U.S. Embassy. The same scenario is discovered in place after place in such far-flung and formerly peaceable nations as Sri Lanka, Rwanda, Sudan and Guatemala.

    This secret information regarding worldwide covert Israeli intervention, sponsored by dual-loyalist U.S. national security officials and often financed with money contributed by wealthy gulf rulers is one of the most important stories of the 1990's, dear ones, and you have yet to note it. Will Congress investigate this? You be the judge--Congress is three-quarters completely controlled by the Israeli Zionists--whose police are the Mossad.


    Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other oil-rich gulf states have contributed billions and billions of dollars in deep-cover secret funds to worldwide covert operations run jointly by the CIA and the Mossad--mostly since 1981.

    Behind a curtain of blackout secrecy, this clandestine alliance has financed "black" (meaning evil--not color) operations and paramilitary expeditions that triggered regional wars and civil strife around the world with millions of victims. This is KNOWN within the higher circles of the United Nations. There is "hard documentation" right in the UN's secret files.

    It has also been confirmed, the existence of deeply hidden Arab-Israeli secret service links. They have been traced to the late William Casey, a most shadowy wheeler-dealer who served as President Reagan's director of CIA until his murder in 1987.

    William Casey had intimate contact with Saudi financiers, and of course at the CIA he inherited close ties with the Mossad. Remember that Casey came to the CIA from Wall Street. He was a born dealmaker and he simply merged the two. One of the first things Casey did was to replace the dean of the Arab diplomatic corps with a stooge which could be manipulated--Prince Bandar bin Sultan, an influential member of the Saudi royal clan.

    Bandar proved a perfect stooge for Casey for, "back home", he referred to King Fahd as "Uncle" and he immediately attached himself to Casey in the same manner. Arab diplomats have efforted at total security regarding this involvement--however, as with all such evil charades--leaks do happen. In recent weeks there has been tremendous outbursts over the reports of collaboration with U.S. and Israeli agents and which ultimately triggered the present confrontation. Please, however, do not lose sight of the undenied fact that it is a part and parcel of the Global 2000 Plan of World Domination--which your President refers to sweetly as peace-building New World Order.

    There have never been and continue to be no plans for Iraq to invade Saudi Arabia. Will they invade Saudi Arabia--NO! They may, however, very well set the Saudi oil fields afire, although I see that the Israelis still intend to do that little trick, instead. Remember the scenario which was planned and I laid forth for you: There "is planned" an Israeli maneuver utilizing Iraqi marked aircraft to drop chemicals on the UN troops in fly-over and ignite some of the major oil centers in Saudi Arabia--in the same mission. The point, of course, to blame Hussein and unite the world. This new thing that has been announced yesterday of the people of several of the Islam nations declaring a Jihad against Iraq is propaganda and total fabrication. Further, you can KNOW that terrorism in the U.S. will in large measure be attributable to the Mossad in fact, but blamed on Arab terrorists. THERE IS A WORLD DOMINATION AT STAKE HERE--NOT OIL NOR DEMOCRACY.

    I cannot explain each of these points in detail, friends, for I have written at great lengths in prior Journals and I have no intent nor "time" to repeat and repeat--I can only suggest that you get your hands on the prior material and do a bit of homework--I give you nothing which you cannot now go forth and PROVE.

    Let us leave this, Dharma, as there is pressing work otherwise to be tended. Keep within our shields, chelas; for the way is indeed tamped full of obstacles and fraud to pull you from your task. Remember that in the ending--God wins and it isn't over until HE does so. Salu.

    Gyeorgos C. Hatonn, Cmdr.

    PJ 23
    CHAPTER 24
    WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1991 8:39 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 160

    Thank you for clearance, Hatonn present.

    Comments on the happenings this day become so foolishly ridiculous that I hesitate to allow you to think that I think you readers to be so trite. However, the hidden may not be so trite.

    The people in our publisher's office continue to get calls from objectors to this Truth we bring. Now I am told that a local letter in the paper rebuts "our" documents. If that is so, friends, then I would correct a few items and I further suggest GG write a note to this paper thusly doing so.

    Firstly, there is direct note to "anonymous" material; we are hardly "anonymous" since the material bears my own logo and signature of identification along with phone numbers--recently, full quarter page notice and phone number. The material we have received in return, however, bears no labels what-so-ever. I thank, graciously, the person sending in the "opinion" letter for I most certainly agree with this entity. It IS a time of unlimited and constant support for your loved ones who are pawns and helpless participants in this fiasco called war! Pray constantly to God for their protection and then YOU ONES GET BUSY AND BRING THIS THING TO A HALT. I JOSH YOU NOT--YOUR ADMINISTRATION IS PLANNING ON THE USE OF THE HYDROGEN AND/OR NEUTRON BOMB IN THE NEAR FUTURE!

    Further, Iraqi forces are sitting on hundreds of Air/Fuel tipped missiles. This particular bomb explodes above ground at detonation point (completely accurate), forces waves of "butane" gas for some mile and a half and then detonates the gas. First, all oxygen is absorbed, then everything in the path for that diameter is killed by the blast and heat. In many ways it is far worse than nuclear detonation but leaves no radiation. This particular bomb came directly from and through the United States and West Germany. This is only ONE of their arsenal of hideous toys.

    For ones about this vicinity--or anywhere, who strive to believe that we do not support the innocent troops in Saudi Arabia, I ask that you avail yourselves of all the information we have produced, take two aspirin and call me in the morning--with suggestions as to HOW to shut this insanity down--NOW! Your government has fallen into the hands of your enemies. Yes, please, we have urged and urged time upon time--write, call--DEMAND that your elected representatives DO SOMETHING TO STOP THIS MADNESS COME UPON YOUR NATION.

    Blessings be unto all of you who turn unto God of Holy Lighted Source and petition for Truth and sanity in this time of chaos--you most certainly owe this debt of service unto your prime youth who are lined up as cannon fodder to test all the toys of destruction man has conjured.

    Let me speak of one such weapon, bear with me, regular readers, for I have spoken of it prior to this, but this is a "must" for information. You recently were enthused and greatly pleased in the local area to be getting a partial contract to produce portions of what is called a "cluster bomb". Have you any idea what that might be? It is being used as the prime tip for the air-to-ground missiles carried by your air forces and used on Iraq. The pilots with crews come back in overwhelming joy at striking targets. These are pre-computerized missiles which explode just above ground and scatter other explosive tipped (clusters) of deadly side bursts in every direction for a distance of a quarter to half-mile radius. One such bomb landing near a school would kill every person within that radius.

    I repeat that the news is geared to the "new emotional aspect of this war" as labeled by your media--you are getting no accurate news in any manner whatsoever--for the media of your country is completely and totally controlled by the government AND THEY TELL YOU SO, CONSTANTLY, ON THE MONITORS. THE WAY TO SUPPORT YOUR TROOPS AND LOVED ONES IN THIS DEADLY CHARADE IS FOR YOU AT HOME TO WAKE UP AND TAKE MEASURES THROUGH YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS TO STOP THIS THING.

    A young soldier from the desert wrote me and said he was there to insure the right of these individuals to have freedom of speech--. No, that is NOT why he is there--he is there to make sure you end up with NO FREEDOMS AT ALL, for through Executive Orders and National Emergency--you have no rights remaining, and certainly the young person in the field of duty HAS LESS! This war is staged and orchestrated to bring about the Global Control by a few Elite would-be dictators who strive for the "New World Order". I suggest you all study up on just what that means--it most certainly does NOT mean an "orderly world". We continue to fight, and die if necessary, for the right of those young people to grow old in their chosen careers and watch their families grow in some semblance of freedom and Truth--that is MY PLEDGE UNTO THEM--WHAT MIGHT YOURS BE? These would-be-Kings know exactly that which they do--‘tis only you-the-people who are deluded. I further suggest that all ones take a much better look at that which is "being circulated" through public channels and THEN, after careful study of the documentation, get your confirmation and then consider how many stones might be worthy of your throwing.

    One last point on this particular matter--for what do you pray to this wondrous Christ God? Do you ask for protection of your own forces in deference to the innocent civilians and children who will be slain by these weapons of destruction? God is a just God and I recognize not this "Christian God" to whom you ask favors of evil success. I travel with the Christed being whom you await and He is sickened by that which is done in His Holy name. So be it. The time is at hand for coming into Truth and I am sent forth as a precursor and preparer of the way for this very "Christed being" that you claim to adore and await.

    Whether or not you like to think there are, or are not, whatever silly thing you might consider a UFO, I am among the fleet members who come in service unto that Christed being on his return unto HIS Kingdom. I come forth as Commander of United Federation Fleet of the Inter-Galactic Federation Command. If you continue to think I jest, I suggest you do some inquiring as to just what are some of the things stashed in the hangers at Edwards Air Force Base! Salu. You of Earth have all but reached the point of no return and you SHALL NOT bring your wars and heinous behavior into the Cosmos nor into the spaces of God of Truth and Justice. If you still feel like laughing at this possibility--I suggest you consider who shall have of the last laugh for you approach the days of Armageddon, little sleepy-heads. How did you think HE would come? Ponder it.


    The media is intent upon making fools of you and themselves. Let us consider the "non"-attacks on Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. Dear ones, the Arabs don't react and continue with what they are doing when the sirens sound because they are not kept ignorant as are you! They know that Iraq is NOT attacking Saudi Arabia--much less, Riyadh. They would, however, be wise to take some caution for your own forces, under the tutelage of the Mossad (Israel's secret service), are very apt to blow away half the city in order to blame Saddam. You fire up one of your own missiles and, hopefully, shoot it down with one of your own missiles and call that an attack. Two missiles are filmed in pre-recorded format and shown to you from every photographic location on the map. The citizens of the city know what is happening, dear ones; it is just you-the-people paying for this charade with life and money who are lied to--"in this war of emotional ‘PSI-OP'"--as your Pentagon tells you. There is no "Holy War" (Jihad) being formed "with" the coalition, friends--you are dealing with the most ruthless and wealthy rulers that the world has ever known. The Emir of Kuwait, which you plan to replace into the "rightful" government of Kuwait, has 80 wives in his harem and untold numbers of black chattel slaves in his household. Is that the freedom and democracy that you ask your children to fight and die for? I thought not and it is past time you-the-people of the lie wake up and look at facts for it is planned that YOU BE THE NEXT BATCH OF SLAVES--TO YOUR OWN ELITE SLAVE-MASTERS. Already you produce the "money" to give unto the world. You pay over a million dollars for every missile--whether it works correctly or is shot "in error". You are in serious trouble, precious children, and still you see it not. It is upon you, this beast of a thousand claws, and you had better read on for I am going to explain about the Russian money exchange!


    You nice Americans have just given Russia nicely multicolored minted currency for Russian exchange--right off your lovely presses. The beginning of the money exchange is under way--it was ONLY THAT YOU THOUGHT it would be done in America. No, it is part and parcel of the whole agreement for Global World Plan. Do you see, America, what they have done this day? They locked the banks in Russia and set low limits on the sums which might be withdrawn and then set up exchange limits and centers wherein the currency is being exchanged for nice multi-colored paper which you will find, when it comes down in the U.S., will match! That good old "one world currency" you have been anticipating. When can you expect it? Pretty soon--when things are so hot that no one will dare take notice and, if they do, there is naught they can do about it. I suggest no one be lax about the handling of your "dollars" for they are destined to be written out of existence--just as soon as the chaos level is sufficient to render you helpless. What is going to happen in America is mirrored in Lithuania, Moscow and Latvia. You have allowed your Constitution to be written off and the full government turned into the hands of a dictator whom you call President--by Executive Order and National Emergency.


    I speak of missiles. It appears that your Patriot missile system failed good old Israel. No, there simply must be enough incidents to cause the "enforcement of war" and retaliation. You must have some "reason" to present to the world, fact or fiction, to blow away half the globe and two-thirds of her population as given forth in the prophecies. It is being carefully set up and orchestrated right this moment with Eagleburger and Shamir as to what the next step shall be in the terrorist retaliation. How better to arouse a world than to commit atrocities of unspeakable nature and leave documents which blatantly define the culprit as Iraq. The Mossad, dear ones, are the terrorists master-teachers of your world from one corner to the others.

    When the anti-Christ meets the anti-Christ--the fur doeth fly, dear world citizens, and the Soviets haven't even shown you their toys, as of yet, and it is full intent on their part to ultimately win the entire game while you wonder what happened to Glasnost. They told you "we will bury you" and "they (meaning the U.S.) will sell us the rope to hang them"--THEY HAVE CHANGED NOT and have had means of gaining control of your government and your military--without firing a shot!

    Is this not dangerous for us the exposers of this information? Not too much so except from your own government--for it is well known in most circles who participate and has been for decades. They have simply and efficiently deceived you-the-people. Henry Kissinger and his entourage call the plays in overall while Gorbachev is the Eastern Director and George Bush is the Western Director. Both are not that which they appear. The rungs on up the ladder are Henry Kissinger for Zionism and David Rockefeller for the Banks and Oil interests. Ah, and WHO MIGHT BE HEADING THE SHOW AND TELL? I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT BEGIN TO SEE THE POSSIBILITIES, AND, IT IS VERY BIG INDEED!

    How did you think the ending cycle would come about? Would God be sent to attend lesser than the Big Boy himself? You are "in it" beloved children and the sorting is under way along with the choosing of directions.

    We are no threat to the top level of players--we are only at risk from those of you deluded people who are the only ones who do not know the facts and continue to function in the programmed manner of robotic behaviors. Our immediate purpose is to bring the word of Truth as commissioned by Higher Authority and prepare passage facilities and that which can be laid forth as foundation for the radiance to come, and, bring a remnant of God's human species through in order to restructure and continue the "play". It is the time of the closing of the cycle for the Planet and as of the midway point between the 14th and 15th day of February you will move into day 182.5 of year four of the new calendar of the Ancients. This means that as of that date you will have concluded the first 3 and 1/2 years of the important segment of timing! It might serve very well to take special attention unto that which is unfolding about you as related to those prophecies of Revelation, Ezekiel, Daniel and others you honor as truth-bringers.

    Perhaps you can listen with new ears and see with new insight the Truth upon you. Perhaps you can see and hear that the place you call Israel is Palestine by any name you choose. Israel means "israel--God's chosen" and has naught whatsoever to do with geographic location. You will find that the ones who occupied the land of Palestine call themselves Jews but are NOT. They come from the Nordic, Mongol, Russian tribe of the Khazars who proclaimed themselves Jews but are NOT! They come from what is known as the "Thirteenth or Lost Tribe of Israel"--they are the anti-Christ. Further, they have infiltrated every fiber of every nation on your globe and have taken control of your very own government in the United States of America which was a blessed and gifted nation for God's children to flourish and give guidance to a world already in trouble. "What have you done with my gifts, oh Israel?" Interesting question, dear ones, what have you done with HIS gifts?

    None shall escape the cleansing and evolution of this time of transition--but consider how you will measure up when confronted by self and God! In the closing era--how will YOU measure up to the commandments and laws of God or will you say you "thought" it was alright to break them all? Man has strayed far afield but in the ending shall meet face to face the TRUTH and I just ask again, HOW DO YOU MEASURE AGAINST TRUTH AND ACTION?


    I wanted to make a point regarding the facade of the gas masks handed out in places about your world. What are YOU doing? The gas chemicals and bacteriologic substances are invented right in good old America--so what are YOU doing? All it requires is to have a little "accident" nearby and you are dead ducks. So, on the yesterday some of our people went into a place supplying military "stuff". The counter person said funny thing about these supplies they send us, "..as with the gas masks, fine; they come with a canister but there are NO additional replacement canisters and a canister only works for about eleven hours." The same with the masks in Israel, etc. What about the hour twelve? Nobody bothered to tell people they were dead after eleven hours--so be it. Is anyone beginning to get a flicker of the show going on for your benefit of total confusion? Those of you who wish to confirm this in this location--just go into "Uncle Sam's" outlet in Bakersfield and ask for extra canisters for the gas masks.

    Patriotic? Oh, beloved brothers, we are so patriotic for America that our very energy flames with it for you are the Chosen--you ARE the precious crown jewel of God and you have forgotten. May the light shine ‘round about you that you come into the seeing of it--the remembering of it; for HIS IS the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever--Amen!


    As you tend to put away the news media-outlays from sheer boredom and rehashment of lies--look beyond and really see and hear that which they DO give you from which to glean facts.

    They now tell you that accuracy of air strikes has not been that which they have given you prior to now and give you endless stupid statements to cover the stories up to now. For lo, they try "too hard" to deceive and cause their own lies to pour out in foolish contradiction and deceit.

    You think there are only a pittance of prisoners in Iraq control? No, and Saddam has supplied pictures and interviews with dozens of them--YOUR GOVERNMENT CHOOSES WHICH PICTURES WOULD BE OUTLAID FOR YOUR CONSUMPTION to bring down the emotional craze of Geneva violations. You are at war, people, and war is ugly unto putrid and vile; you are not playing a game of chess for matchsticks--you are about to blow away your planet and civilization!

    May I, lastly, in this writing, ask you to pray with me for you have learned only to ask for self and the words from the lips are not attended--the emotional thrust from thine heart is that which is honored by God in Truth and response.

    My Spirit and most Holy Source, you are ever present; ever powerful in all things. May your realm be incarnate within me that I may serve my relations who falter and suffer this day for in my service shall I be served.

    May your infinite power reveal itself with me, on Earth that I reach out beyond self for that which will serve my brother--as it is in the Heavenly Places of your wondrous promise.

    Give me, please, this day that which I need in order to have strength, discernment, judgment and clarity to serve in the way of your Truth and Light according to your Laws and within Thine Commandments--that I may always act for another and not for self--knowing that as I do and share with "other" I receive a hundred-fold.

    Let me, please, recognize my transgressions and errors, for only then can I serve in Truth and forgive all others their transgressions and perceived wrongs against me, in that which I have sent forth and now comes back into my own being.

    Lead me, Father, into Truth and from the temptations of self, flesh and personal desires and allow me clarity to recognize Truth from confusion and always witness beyond that which is presented unto me by Man. Deliver me from those errors of choice and personal ego of humanness that I may grow beyond that which binds me to the Earthly plane and sickens and weakens my very soul.

    These things I ask, Father, for yours is the realm within me--the temple blest, and the power and the knowledge forever. May I be given to look into the mirror and see a reflection of you in myself for that is the Christ son of Thineself gifted unto me as a fragment of Your Infinite Self.

    May I be open and giving in services according to that which you command--in every moment and in every way. Amen. May I be given to walk with Thee in the Power and the Glory and that Knowledge forever that I might be worthy of Thine Radiance upon me.

    Saalome'. I salute you of my brothers upon that Blessed, yet painful, land. We come forth only to serve God in Truth and within His Holy Laws--we are the Hosts come to prepare the way--for He went forth and prepared these places for YOU!--ACCORDING TO HIS PROMISE UNTO YOU!

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.

  2. #14
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 23
    CHAPTER 25
    FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1991 8:11 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 162

    May we walk in light, Truth and understanding within His Holy Presence; I am Hatonn.

    Blessings upon the massive flood of truthful information which is now springing forth upon your senses. It is not and never was intended that Truth be brought from a single source and there are now myriads of ones writing from factual documentation of these things--from your plane of function. Even WE are not first in most instances of information outlay--but man was not ready to see and hear, much less take action in his own behalf. I cannot list all the wondrous publications which would confirm Truth nor would you read them if I so did. However, I do urge you to read the Journals for we have covered dozens of facets of information which allow background and unfoldment in such a manner as to allow for understanding of "how you got to here"


    Firstly, Ceasar has no world. God has a world which means that YOU have a world--anything that "Caesar" or your puppet governments and rulers have--is STOLEN FROM YOU!

    Another thrust at the validity of these writings is that "God would not speak or participate in such things of Man's world!" Oh, how foolish a concept! God dwells in His temple within EACH AND EVERY ONE!--REMEMBER? God shall dwell wherein He chooses and within wherever His temple abides. Are YOU proud of the places in which you take God? Are you in every moment pleased with that which you cause Holy God to participate! Are you pleased with the thoughts and actions of self which are NEVER HIDDEN FROM GOD? SO BE IT.


    One of the most "telling" statements was recently made by a public spokesman--"...people are now lumping Bankers in the same corrupt barrel with politicians." And yet you allow the same politicians that have caused you years upon years of comic cartoons and helplessness to control their antics, to again send your loved ones off to die in a foreign land for the purpose of further enslaving a world. Is there true logic in that which you do and allow? You not only carry these politicians as monarchs but you lay your sons and daughters upon the altar that they might walk upon their bodies instead of in the pools of blood. Does that make your hands less bloodied?

    Mrs. Bush is "...concerned that the children must watch all this war horror on the TV!" Why do you object? This is that which you teach your children from birth! But you see, evil likes to hide behind cover-up and hidden curtains so that the truth cannot be discerned. If you have not read my dissertation on Psychopolitics, I request that you do so--immediately. You imprison ones who demonstrate and speak out against war--you label them non-patriotic. Where in the world are your minds? Ones who speak out to bring your loved ones home from this terrible aggression in behalf of a dictator/monarch are labeled "non-patriotic"! WHO, ACTUALLY, ARE THE NON-PATRIOTIC ONES? ARE NOT YOU WHO ALLOW THIS HORRENDOUS TREASON TO BE VISITED UPON YOUR NATION THE NON-PATRIOTS?


    You may feel God has no place in the marketplace and yet the petitions from the masses are: "Help me know what to do with my assets!" and, "I hear all these terrible things and I see it coming, what shall I do?" Dear ones, if you have asked in sincere intent of response, you will receive response--whether or not you heed the instructions is of your own choosing.

    If you have read the past recent information you will find that you are "all but ‘had'" for that is the full intent--to glean and capture all of everyone's assets. There is full intent to close the banks and reorganize same under the World Banking Cartel guidelines, confiscate what personal asset you have garnered under Executive Order and "National Emergency Regulations" and change the currency into the One World Currency, etc. The plan is further to confiscate precious metals--i.e. specifically gold, from private holdings. They can seize, under these regulations, all deposit boxes and contents thereof. They can seize all assets stored within your homes and so on and so forth--GET YOUR CONFIRMATION; FOR I GIVE YOU TRUTH AND YOU CAN FIND IT IN THE REGULATIONS AND STATED INTENT OF THE CONTROLLERS.

    Well, you say that I have told you that you can invest in, let us say, the Institute and use gold as collateral for notes against money which can - - - - -. Indeed I have, for it is one of the last maneuvers I see to help you. That action along with Nevada Corporations where there is not yet integration with the Federal IRS police force. Will it come? Probably, but each day bought is a day toward survival and protection for the evil-mongers will continue to write-in their own protection network of loopholes. On both of these measures you can gain information from America West Publishers. They can tell you who to contact to get more information.

    I repeat--Russia is a mirror for that which is headed your way even if there were no war to consider. The money being exchanged right this day is from U.S. printing presses right out of Fort Worth, Texas. Except for language it represents Universal World Currency as will come forth as soon as you are in total chaos and the government can handle the load of exchange and seizure.

    Why would they not just seize the gold held against the notes? They can--BUT, to seize same would mean that they must seize assets of collateral from their own banking Cartel. And further, in a note of human/God relationship--there would be investment in information dispersment. IT IS PAST TIME TO GET YOUR PREPARATIONS MADE AND HIDDEN!

    One, Rousas Rushdoony said it very well and you might take note: "Politics for the most part now means promising more and more to the people, while taking more power and wealth from them to concentrate power in the state. Wars are fought in the name of the people. Modern tyrannies rule in the name of the people." And see and hear this quote from H.L. Mencken: "No government is ever in favor of freedom of the individual. It invariably seeks to limit that freedom, if not by overt denial, then by seeking constantly to widen its own functions....All governments, of course, are against liberty....Elections are sort of advance auctions of stolen goods."


    By whatever label you wish to call it--America is in a dismal, disastrous, deflationary, depressionary decline which is irreversible! You are NOT in an "inflationary recession" as the economists will tell you.

    The White House and Wall Street have finally acknowledged that you are in a slight recession. The White House, however, maintains that the recession will simply be a typical post-World War II downturn, except shorter and milder, with a recovery well underway by the second half of ‘91. These are the SAME PEOPLE who, six months ago, said there would be no recession.

    This is the same Administration "Lips" who said you were sending troops to protect American lives, interests and prevent invasion of Saudi Arabia. "Naked Aggression" would not be tolerated--"...we will insure return of this little nation to its rightful rulers!" Funny thing--for these rulers, you are obliterating Iraq AND Kuwait. You are murdering mass numbers of innocent citizens and destroying every asset of both nations. This is "...the American Way", you are told. Here again I can quote: (Machiavelli): "But the great majority of mankind is satisfied with appearances, as though they were realities...and they're often more influenced by things unseen, than by those that are."

    You are experiencing the accelerating IMPLOSION of America's $14 TRILLION (AND GROWING AT BILLIONS PER DAY) debt pyramid. This is totally decimating the banks, S&L's, insurance companies, real estate and bond markets--JUST AS PLANNED. "You are absurd, Hatonn, it is ridiculous that anyone in their right mind would do such a thing!" Ah so--right! This is set up for one purpose--to bring Global Control unto the Elite Cartel and One World Dictatorship by the most heinous beings ever to walk your plane.

    You are futher entrapped by the Cartel Banks getting free of all debts through bankruptcy and non-requirement of restitution at any measure. You MUST take that which they dish out to you for you have lost all your Constitutional rights--the Executive Order calls in Emergency Regulations and it becomes mandatory and lawful to do whatever they will with your precious assets--including your very lives.


    Perhaps it is worthy of brief repetition for the new readers but I ask that follow-up details be gathered from prior writings, say, SPIRAL TO ECONOMIC DISASTER, a Phoenix Journal.

    The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight-of-hand ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin...Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and with a flick of the pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like yours will disappear. And they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in...But if you want to continue to be the slaves of the bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit. Hatonn brilliance? No, directly from quoted material from Sir Josia Stamp, former president of the BANK OF ENGLAND.

    Your nation, and the world, faces an unprecedented situation in having even your largest banks operating on, or conceivably, over-the-edge of insolvency.

    Tens of billions of dollars in leveraged buy-out loans floated by America's largest banks, and backed by you-the-taxpayer, are now coming apart as dozens of huge corporations go bankrupt. Worse news: your own guide, Moody's Investors Services expects a minimum of 25% of all leveraged buy-out loans (LBO) to default. Before it is over--it will be 100%. Your own House Banking Subcommittee says that most of the nation's largest banks are now teetering on the brink of insolvency.

    Following a $1 billion bank run, the Bank of New England (Boston), one of America's largest banks with over $13 BILLION in assets, was declared insolvent and closed on January 6. That was only the beginning--and moreover, ask yourselves WHY THERE WAS A BILLION DOLLAR "RUN"? Strange thing, though, is that the Bank of Harlem folded and the government simply allowed the businessmen and depositors to lose their assets--not so with New England--YOU WILL BAIL IT OUT FOR THOSE WEALTHY DEPOSITORS. This was only the tip of the beginning as the dominoes fall according to the plans of the Elite Global Planners. What was the reasoning for such biased behavior? Well, W. Seidman said that "the decision was made to protect all depositors because of the fragility of the New England economy, and worries about neighboring Rhode Island, where 45 banks and credit unions were forced to close down on January 1." Point: At the Bank of New England alone, there are over
    $2 billion in deposits over the $100.000 limit coverd by FDIC (WHICH IS

    HOLD-UP FOR THE PUNCH LINE: this bailout of ALL deposits, large and small, is because the Bush Administration had deposited over $1 BILLION in U.S. government fund in the Bank of New England--"to help prop up the failing bank," and those funds would have been lost without a 100% bailout. NOW, consider another point herein---as this was being structured, dozens of individuals deposited massive amounts of money in the same bank--representatives of the Bush family assets for one major point in fact.


    Let me now tell you why you have very, very little time to tend your banking and why the Emergency Banking Regulations WILL come to pass--soon.

    One of the most sobering images of the 20th century is that of a run on the bank. Seared into the national consciousness is the sight, the sound, even the smell of fear as panicked customers crowd the teller windows demanding their money--there is even a nice regularly shown Holiday movie, it's a Wonderful Life, depicting this. Hollywood has made dozens of pictures on these subjects. Almost unheard of since the days of the Great Depression, the specter of a run on the bank is now confronting you--in imminent sequence. The New England situation is only a mirror reflection of that which would happen--AND, THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT INTEND ALLOWING IT TO GO THAT FAR!

    The better-informed American quietly began moving to cash in 1990 as evidenced by ever increasing numbers of forms to be filed for withdrawals, with an increase in cash held in all 12 months. The growth of currency in circulation grew to an astounding 17% in late ‘90, up from a modest 3-4% money growth in prior years. The cash component of the money supply is outside the direct control of the Fed--the Fed simply prints notes to meet the demand for those notes. The increase in currency in circulation is a mirror image of the decrease in bank and S&L deposits. This is being quietly done to hopefully draw no attention but the impact is notable and the Global Cartel will not much longer tolerate the outflow. Well, where is this money going? Some into money market funds; some into U.S. Treasury paper; some into foreign government paper---but very little, if any, is going into the U.S. or foreign STOCK MARKETS or the REAL ESTATE MARKET.

    Your Fed figures indicate that there were net withdrawals from the banks in 1990 of over $35 billion and an increase in cash in circulation of $21 billion. So, 60% of bank withdrawals appear to have gone into cash. So, people are wising up and expecting a bank run, bank holiday, and/or total financial crisis. Wouldn't it be nice if you are one of these thoughtful cash-holders? Well, but now looms another blockage in the maze--if you have many assets in cash what can you do with it? The Elite Cartel knows what THEY plan to do with it! Take away all "large" bills and make you turn them in for other denominations--and they WILL set upper limits on the exchange (JUST AS THEY ARE DOING THIS VERY DAY IN RUSSIA). Then, when things are totally chaotic and you are distracted by a little extended war in Saudi Arabia, etc., you will get a new one sprung on you--all currency will be exchanged for these worthless colored notes--just as in Russia today--your notes are all printed too! Just waiting the proper moment and your President continues to tell you that "things are right on schedule".

    This is the same President that told you this would be a "short war" and nothing like Viet Nam--at onset. Yesterday, he denounced you-the-people, "...who somehow think this will not be a long war!" What is with these "Lips"? It is now your fault that you were "foolish" enough to believe what you were told. They are brainwashing you with the TV and media blitz and preparing you for anything which may come down and you will stand forth and proclaim it "necessary"!

    How do you know the new currency, etc., will come to be? Listen-up! It must be remembered that the government, the Treasury, and the IRS HATE cash! They consider all large quantitites of cash to be untaxed and hence fair game for taxation or confiscation, and they consider anyone with large amounts of cash a criminal, a money launderer, a drug dealer or all of the above. They ARE PROSECUTING AND JAILING U.S. citizens, stock brokers, coin dealers or anyone violating their myriad of cash handling/reporting requirements or privacy laws. (Ask your banker, accountant or attorney.)

    The ultimate goal is to push America into a cashless society where all transactions are run through the computerized/trackable banking or credit card system. People wishing to raise cash as a hedge against a coming financial crisis should NOT violate any of the IRS cash reporting requirements--for if you are caught, they will prosecute and jail you like any common criminal. It is happening to hundreds of Americans at this writing. Your bank or S&L WILL REPORT YOU for any violations or suspicious behavior lest they be jailed themselves. Dear ones, there is no "perfect way to avoid that which is coming" there are only the few ways I give you to perhaps be able to keep something a bit longer.

    There are blatant evidences of this coming new currency if you but watch and listen to that which is before you: 1) There are denials from high officials and Administration sources; 2) There is a tremendous quantity of old, worn out, faded Federal Reserve notes now in circulation without replacement. These are usually removed from circulation as they pass through the banks and replaced with new ones. That doesn't seem to have been happening over the past year.

    If you are concerned about this banking system and wish to diversify your assets, consider gold or U.S. Treasury paper instead of cash. Or, you can investigate the method we have pointed out as a possibility--but I assure you, there will be no laws broken by anyone in the group handling MY suggestions for it is only a service to you and we will not jeopardize our mission with any even remotely shady activities. The things we offer are totally lawful and useable--but probably will become rapidly a less viable shelter as time passes. Now, it is most viable and totally lawful--and private.

    Mr. Seidman says the FDIC lost $4 billion in 1990 and will lose $5 billion in 1991--that is blatant insult to your intelligence for you can see that it lost that much in the Bank of New England.

    So, you are "little" and haven't enough to deal with over $100,000 so you are safe? No, the FDIC is bankrupt! "Well then," you say, "I certainly don't have enough to form a corporation and invest and cover it with gold and notes and, or, and, or - - -". Then what precludes you from joining with others of your friends, forming a Nevada corporation, pooling assets and putting it into gold with the contracts for amounts worked out within your new corporation? There are as many creative ways to manage these things as there are individuals on your globe---legal and workable. I TELL YOU AGAIN: THE GOVERNMENT IS GOING TO STOP THE WELFARE STATE AND THEY ARE NOT GOING TO FIX ANYTHING FOR YOU--THEY PLAN TO "FIX YOU"!


    Oops! That one has already been destroyed as the Resolution Trust Corporation (private enterprise) has taken control of what happens to property. You are IN a real estate depression and property grab by the Big Boys.

    Real estate is the achilles heel of the U.S. economy. As it collapses across the country, it's taking with it the banks, S&L's, insurance companies, credit unions and pension funds. First, the real estate depression struck in Texas, the Southwestern U.S. and Alaska--associated initially with that good old bug-a-boo, OIL. Next it ran rampant through the farm states as far back as the mid-‘80's with the onset of an agricultural depression. Next, in the latter half of the ‘80's it moved to the Northeastern U.S., in the wake of the stock market crash of ‘87, where it is now decimating banks, S&L's, and credit unions. Next, it began to spread down the Eastern seaboard, into the Southeast and into Florida. Now it has jumped, like a wild forest fire out of control, to the western U.S., (California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii). Over 90% of the U.S. is now in a generalized real estate depression which should last at least until--who knows when, before it worsens.

    Real estate is caught in the giant downward spiral with the economy, the banks, the S&L's, insurance companies and accelerating private and corporate bankruptcies. Each of these areas is feeding on the other. Meanwhile, lending for commercial properties is drying up, and the scarcity of financing for real estate purchases can create a vicious cycle; illiquidity in the market drives down values; that causes bankers to set up bigger loss reserves; and that further crimps their lending.

    Ones who can qualify for a loan, even in this ridiculous time segment must anticipate the value inputted against the loss at foreclosure or bank closure. DO NOT PURCHASE A HOME, FOR INSTANCE, AS INVESTMENT. IF YOU CAN INCREASE YOUR LIVING STANDARD IN THE INTERIM--THEN DO SO--IF--YOU KNOW THAT YOU ARE VERY APT TO LOSE THE INVESTED FUNDS. YOU MUST STUDY THE SITUATION ON A ONE BY ONE BASIS. For instance, in one instance familiar to the local writers, there is a young family needing to vacate present rental facilities. The young man is an engineer working toward his Master's degree and has a fine job with the Utilities system of Los Angeles. Water and Power facilities will be forever necessary and thus he can be considered to have a fairly stable position--if such a thing now exists at all. He can qualify for a mortgage at about the same expense monthly as the increase in rental required for a move--due to income tax regulations. His down payment can be balanced out in savings over a period of time against that income tax deduction and if and when the job is lost the forfeiture of the property will be no more than the expense which would have accrued at any rate for increased rental necessities. You must simply look carefully at individual cases and make intelligent decisions. The point of the government is to gain control and ownership of all property in the ultimate scenario. All you can do is handle your affairs to extend your assets as far and well as possible against that day.

    In summation of the above points, I can only again urge you to "get liquid", get out of debt if you can for whatever you owe on can be captured, reduce all exposure to banks, S&Ls and insurance companies (while you are reducing that involvement, make sure you are in a quality institution), avoid the stock and corporate bond markets; avoid all money market funds except those in U.S. Treasury bills, bonds or notes; dramatically REDUCE YOUR REAL ESTATE HOLDING (to a maximum of 25% of your net worth--remembering also, that what you owe and own can also allow for tracking of You-the Owner!), and pay down the debt on same as possible; establish a second source of income for your family via some sort of "cottage" business corporation; develop food self-sufficiency via gardening, farming OR A RESERVE STORAGE PROGRAM--KEPT PRIVATELY LOCATED, avoid purchases of any ILLIQUID investments such as partnerships, real estate or insurance annuities; acquire at least one pistol, rifle and shotgun for hunting and/or home protection; develop three or four alternate (non-establishement) sources of information; and get yourselves into balance with GOD so that you can receive wisdom, guidance and perspective on these incredible times of transition--for he who asks in intent of service--shall receive guidance for "THE CALL COMPELS THE ANSWER".

    I am herein responding to the myriad calls for this information so if you have not asked, please understand that we write for a planet with over 6 billion people and you will learn to abide your brother's needs and you too, may learn from the information asked by another.

    Dharma, allow us closure of this segment for I have other work for you to attend in preparation. I ask that this simply be given into the tending of others that you may get at your other task at hand. I ask that ones of the publisher's staff give me a status report as to what and where we are in pages for the present Express. Thank you.

    I move to stand-by and offer you my hand in friendship,
    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.
    United Federation Fleet, Inter-Galactic Federation Command

    PJ 23
    CHAPTER 26
    SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1991 9:17 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 163

    "In the beauty of the lilies, Christ was born across the sea. With a glory in His bosom which transfigures you and me." ... No! Christ was birthed in the realms of God and that is the glory which abides within his bosom. His manifested body was brought forth in a land of dust, hate and barren plains--there were no beauteous lilies to decorate of his landscape. He came forth--not to die FOR YOU, He came forth as a teacher to tell you the way it IS and give you directions--YOU SLEW HIM! He later gave the breakdown of how it would come to end, this cycle of infinite destruction and pulling down of human--IT IS NOW UPON YOU!

    Hatonn present in that glory, in the presence of that Radiance--in service unto that glorious Presence, to remind you of your outlined journey.

    You wish times and places, "who"--with faces--listen-up for it is unfolding before you and most are missing all.

    "Wars fought in the dark, between governments both hoping for victory, are gambles; and they enlist the same passions as gambling for money. There is not only avarice, or more probably debt and destitution, but even more prominently there is love of excitement, faith in one's luck, and eagerness to try a system said to work miracles. Such war is barbarous, not only for being cruel and wrathful, but for being hysterical. The herd instinct at work produces frenzy in individuals otherwise sane. There is a rush of a thousand hearts in a vague cause, simply because it has become the common cause. (George Santayana)" Think upon the words!


    NO! Whatever happens with Iraq, etc., it will NOT be a short war! Listen to your clues and realize that there must be a focus to cause you ones to fail to the slayer without recourse--THERE MUST BE A SEVERAL-YEARS WAR! FURTHER, IT MUST BE HEINOUS!--and so it shall be.

    Why and when? You were told there would be clues such as when the Euphrates would be dry; three and a half years and three and a half years; one would come forth and be proclaimed "God"; Israel (not Palestine where this "new" Israel is located) would be in great persecution and its youth scattered afar--oh yes, dear ones, you are IN IT!

    Pay attention to the non-news for the clues. On the 13-14th of February next--ends the first three and a half years. Yesterday in the streets of Palestine they proclaimed Arafat a Holy leader and HUSSEIN--GOD! Could it be? I suggest you pay attention most carefully! Now what does it mean from that statement in the timing of war? Some have given you 29 years as a probability worthy of note--it most certainly has not been a "six-day war" thus far. Yesterday was the first attempt of Saddam to actually even send a Scud into Riyadh and Tel Aviv--and you see, they hit marks in spite of your ridiculous Patriot Missiles. You are only in the very tiny opening of the Pandora's box of evil "strike-back" for all up to now is set-forth to get the world behind your own evil slavemasters. This is "PSYCHOPOLITICS" in fine flower, children, and see how well you bite of the poison lies. "They" actually tell you openly that they are lying to you and still you believe the garbage fed you is worthy of goodness.


    Oh, Saddam will clean up that nice big oil slick he has created--where are your memories? He is going to burn it, chelas! He said he would and he will do so. This day--even if you are not told of same--it has been ignited. You see, dear ones, crude oil must be heated to burn and therefore, must have igniters. Now, once burning it heats nicely but a bit slowly but with steady flow of new fuel source it will burn on forever--intensely with inability of anything to pass through the flames from the surface. This is why the moat around Kuwait which will hold burning crude oil is laced with drums of napalm--to instantly ignite the oil trough. Your war has only begun, dear ones--Hell is only a breath away and you turn your eyes and ears unto your leaders who were "liars from the beginning"! You are massively mesmerized by the psychopolitical brainwashing of years of stuporous input from your vidiot boxes. It is intended to accomplish this end so that you focus on distractions while your "real" world comes tumbling down before you and without objection. Soon there will be no objection allowed! VERY SOON!

    The one man who could upset the scenario was double-crossed and now the play can go forth as planned by the Global Elite.

    I ask that the writing of 11/17/90, NOW LOOK AT WEAPONS, be repeated herein. Then I suggest you go back and read other portions of writings wherein I have described the missile system, etc., in more extensive detail. I SUGGEST ALL OF YOU READERS STOP THROWING ROCKS AT MY SCRIBE AND CO-WORKERS AND START LISTENING, FOR YOU ARE A SET-UP READY FOR DESTRUCTION--RIGHT IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA--STARTING WITH YOUR MILLION TROOPS IN SAUDI ARABIA!


    Look at that which the U.S. is doing and sending into the Saudi sector. You had better be getting very, very nervous, chelas, for what is planned is heinous and a lot of people are going to get maimed and killed.

    I want you to especially pay attention to the defense capabilities of Iraq: I ask Dharma to copy the article published this week in SPOTLIGHT as given to Oberli. I will further remind you that Iraq HAS ATOMIC WEAPONS AND ALL MANNER OF "DOUBTS OF SAME" AS PRESENTED BY YOUR MEDIA IS NULL AND VOID--YOUR CIA HAS CONFIRMED THE WEAPONS IN STOCKPILE. YOU ALL KNOW THAT ISRAEL HAS A STOCKPILE OF ATOMIC WEAPONS AND IS POISED AND READY FOR USE THEREOF.


    Iraqi military strategists have built a complex system of trench defenses along the Kuwaiti border with Saudi Arabia, reminiscent of those built by France at "bloody Verdun" during World War I.

    Declaring "they shall not pass," French Gen. Henri Philippe Petain built a series of trench and other earthwork defenses along the infamous salient of Verdun. Numerically superior German forces hoped to bleed the French army dry at the Verdun defenses, but the battle continued for months with the eventual loss of a million killed and wounded from both sides.

    Now, 75 years later, military analysts are predicting that something like the mass slaughter at Verdun could be repeated in the sandy desert wastes along the Saudi Kuwaiti border.
    After the tragedy of Vietnam, with 55,000 American dead and the trauma of that war still causing the nation pain, the American people are not ready for the repeat of Verdun, with all its horrors--massive artillery barrages, bloody charges over barbwire defenses, poison gas attacks by the enemy, etc. But this is just what they will witness should war break out.


    From a variety of sources, SPOTLIGHT has pieced together what American troops will be facing if the administration of President George Bush, currently seeking an excuse for war, orders the U.S. military to invade Iraqi-occupied Kuwait.

    First, there is a line of razor wire, backed up by three parallel rows of minefields, each of which is several hundred yards deep and covered with buried anti-personnel and anti-tank mines, which the Iraqi government has obtained from Red China, the Soviet Union and France.

    Between the minefields are anti-tank ditches, each about 12 feet deep and up to 10 feet wide. They were dug with earth-movers and bulldozers obtained by Iraq from Japan.

    In these ditches, the Iraqis have placed 55-gallon drums of deadly napalm and have piped in crude from Kuwait's oil fields.

    Oil-laden tankers, ready to be set ablaze, creating a sea of fire, await invading U.S. Marines off Kuwait's shores. This tactic alone would result in the worst man-made environmental catastrophe in history.

    According to British intelligence sources, behind the "obstacle belt" of oil and napalm-filled ditches, designed to slow down or stop American armor, are Iraqi infantry, dug into deep trenches reinforced with concrete-coated wire mesh.

    This first echelon of Iraqi forces is intended to further slow attacking troops. A second echelon, according to the British sources, is strung out in a line that starts south of Kuwait City and extends west-northwest to the Kuwaiti border with Iraq and extends for some distance into Iraq itself. This second echelon consists of highly mobile mechanized armored units and is designed to penetrate and disrupt the attacking forces.

    A third echelon consists of a cluster of heavily armored units north of Kuwait City. It is intended to be used in a counterattack.

    Finally, further north and on both sides of the Iraqi-Kuwaiti border is a large reserve force, according to the British sources. It is intended as Iraq's primary force to defend the Iraqi homeland in the event that all of the other defensive lines fail.




    Iraqi forces have also deployed hundreds of fortified artillery pieces, ranging from 81-millimeter mortars to an awesome array of at least 300 155-mm howitzers.

    The howitzers, which were largely responsible for decimating Iranian infantry and armor during the eight-year Iran-Iraq War are the best in the world.


    Iraq has also developed, with German and U.S. technology, a new type of high-explosive weapon, which, according to Pentagon officials, is capable of delivering a blast similar to a small nuclear explosion over an area several miles wide.

    Known as a fuel-air explosive, or FAE, it would be particularly effective against air bases, oil fields or troops in open terrain.

    The bomb or missile warhead contains either propane gas or ethylene oxide. An initial explosion disperses the gas in the air, and a second, time-delayed detonation ignites the mixture of fuel and air, creating a huge fireball and shock wave.

    Iraq reportedly can deliver the FAEs by aircraft-carried bombs or guided missiles.

    U.S. forces will also face Iraq's probable use of poison gas weapons. The Iraqis are known to have blistering agent-type gases, as well as the more deadly nerve gases.

    It is questionable if U.S. troops have adequate protective wear to counter such weapons, which the Iraqis can deliver either by guided missile or aircraft bombs.

    Few military experts would disagree that American forces, primarily due to vastly superior air and naval power, will win a confrontation with Iraq. They will also not disagree that such a victory will not be without high cost.

    As Iraq's brutal leader, President Saddam Hussein, has said, "We are not Panama."


    I have already discussed, at length the types of cannon capability and missile power Iraq has ready and aimed. I have also told you that state-of-the-art Soviet surveillance and intercept equipment is available and aimed--YOU CANNOT HAVE AIR SUPREMACY. FURTHER, ALL OF THESE ABOVE NAMED WEAPONS CAN BE LAUNCHED TO ANYWHERE IN THE AREA AT PIN-POINT ACCURACY, INCLUDING CHEMICAL AND ATOMIC, TO OVER 5,000 MILES FROM ORIGIN.



    This, too, is a reminder of something upon which I wrote extensively in prior segments so I shall only briefly remind you and ask that you follow-up for self.

    You cannot, as Americans, understand that which is happening and you stand strong for that which you have been "told", afraid to speak out and appear bigoted or "against" anything regardless of how heinous the actions. Why? Because you are at the point of open warfare in the form of Psychopolitical actions called "brainwashing" and the citizens of a government run by robotoid humanoids programmed to do exactly that which they are doing.

    You have never gotten a "real" answer as to why you are in Saudi Arabia! You get mush and idealistic double-speak but no reasons for the REASONS are totally unacceptable to you, in concept--but, as time goes on and the brainwashing lies continue, you take sides and come forth in favor of "patriotism as conceived by the Elite" and push into war, WAR, WAR!! Why? Because the Global Plan 2000 is closing the loop--around the world's neck. You are just now looking at the possibilities that some of the ones you considered your "best friends" are your deadly enemies.

    The two major malefactors in an American war with Iraq--Israel and the Soviet Union--are already reaping incredible rewards right from you-the-people. Israel will pick up at least another 15 billion dollars and you are "giving" to the Soviet Union as rapidly as it can be handed out. They, further, have explicit plans in place for seizing the oil-rich Middle East for themselves--and they actually "love" Saddam Hussein and will fully share with him after he locks in the "winner number".


    Israel, in cooperation with the Soviet Union, is positioning itself to seize the great Saudi Arabian oil fields in the aftermath of this bloody confrontation which the Israelis were totally prepared to ignite themselves--if it had become necessary (they always have at least four alternative plans for any accomplished goal).

    You see, a few well-placed fires and detonations has brought the world to defend Israel and offer money and magic weapons and, and, and ad nauseam--and you bite on it like the starving dogs to a bone.

    Let there be no mistake about it, the Israelis of PALESTINE are not friends of the United States and have no qualms about killing young American servicemen.

    They have displayed their treachery on two glaring occasions in recent history at which you can look and see for self.

    During the Six-Day War of 1967, Israeli Air and Naval Forces knowingly attacked the American reconnaissance ship, the USS Liberty, in international waters. Thirty-four American sailors were sent to their graves and more than a hundred others were injured and maimed after being bombed, machine-gunned, torpedoed and napalmed. (Perhaps the segment I wrote on this subject should be included herein). Israeli gunners even shot up their life rafts--you must refresh your memories or find out facts, for most of you were not looking or hearing other than the ball games and missed of the event.

    The treachery of these ones continued and proof came forth that the Mossad bosses all knew of and participated in the barracks bombing of the U.S. Marines in Beirut. That was in October of 1983--surely you can remember that little news item. BUT--nothing was done in either event even after facts were proven to pin-point these ones and even after full disclosure admission of both. Dear ones, the U.S.A. nation and families, friends and lovers lost 241 young American Marines who were simply blown away.


    I also told you that the Mossad has an active spy operation, known as "El", in place in America to steal U.S. secrets and create clandestine activities which appear to be acts of others, depending upon WHO is the target for voiding.


    Remember the scenario which I asked you to envision? This is only ONE of several already planned and prepared for action.

    Let us say a group of Palestinian or Iraqi terrorists, or a group POSING as Palestinian terrorists, crosses into Israel from Jordan and perpetrates some terrorist act in Israel. The Israelis react by invading Jordan to attack the terrorist camps. Iraqi President Saddam Hussein moves to aid Jordan, and the U.S. reacts by moving against Iraq from Saudi Arabia.

    While U.S. forces are pinned down by Iraqi defenses along the Saudi-Kuwaiti border, Israeli armored forces plunge through Jordan and deep into Saudi Arabia from the west, pushing ultimately to the sea.

    Meanwhile, U.S. forces are held back and severely mauled by Iraqi defenses, including their use of chemical and biological warfare weapons.

    America's current Arab allies on the front lines would quickly pull out of the fight, considering Israel's attack into Saudi Arabia a far worse danger than Iraq.

    Meanwhile U.S. forces are being horribly cut up and burned up by Iraqi forces, who are still being supplied and trained by the Soviet's more than 3,000 advisers training Iraqis in the use of sophisticated Soviet-supplied weapons. Making matters even worse, America's supposed Arab allies, such as Egypt and Syria, defect from the "multi-national force" (which they will as soon as they see this scenario unfolding) due to the Israeli intrusion. The Soviets now have several options or windows of opportunity.

    As weak as the Soviet Union is internally (or so you think), its army is still numerically superior to the remaining Western forces in all of Europe--they have never ceased arms buildup or military troops increasing. The Soviets no longer need to consider any danger from the NATO forces for YOU dismantled NATO by taking all your people to Saudi Arabia along with armor and weapons. The Soviets have non-aggression pacts and various peace pacts signed with European NATO countries, particularly Germany and France. Shudder now, for it gets worse and worse.

    The Soviets now have freedom to move against Iran and its rich oil fields, which they have long coveted. OR, they could treacherously attack Iraq from the rear, seizing Iraqi and possibly the Kuwaiti disputed oil fields--but they don't need to do that because they are already in control from within. Just as within the U.S. they have governmental control and a defenseless nation which is only left the need to "occupy" in some manner--through your own police departments now trained by the Soviets in methods and allegiance.

    This scenario might end with Israel and the Soviet Union sharing the great Middle East oil fields. The American Army is effectively destroyed, and the Soviets win their ultimate victory in their decades-long struggle with the United States, without firing a shot in anger at U.S. forces. In fact, all the while they will have been collecting mammoth sums of money and assistance. Israel realizes the "Zionist dream" of Eretz Yisrael, with a hammerlock on the Western World's major producing oil reserves. The Soviets, already the world's largest oil producer, realize even greater fortunes and monopolistic power from Middle East oil and achieve their long-sought desire to be linked by land to the Persian Gulf.

    And the U.S., its military wrecked in the Middle East, its economy in a shambles, and its major source of badly needed foreign oil cut off, is no longer a major world power.

    Congress, completely dominated by the Israeli lobby, is already in place and on line and will not raise so much as a whimper in protest--just as they are continually doing before your eyes. The President, already on "their" side and controlled by Henry Kissinger and his henchmen, won't so much as challenge the resulting status-quo. He will simply go on the airwaves with his "Lips" and you will bow and scrape at his feet on some pretext or another. Then the ultimate, the media will actually discount all costs and deaths and will CONGRATULATE ISRAEL ON ITS "STUNNING VICTORY"

    The scenario is to be coordinated with a terrorist campaign within your country--it will have a mortal effect on the U.S. dollar, spelling the end of America's leading role in the world's financial community, and economic and civil chaos will reign supreme. But, as it comes down around you, the President will invoke all Executive Orders in line with National Emergencies of all sorts and you will come into total enslavement, without recourse.

    If you STILL miss the point, wait up--it is intended that you, the American taxpayer, will also be forced to pay foreign aid to rebuild the devastated nations in the Middle East!

    You had better look at this scenario for these are the shoes which will go upon your feet in America for the times to come--planned, orchestrated and under way! Fear-bringer Hatonn? Accept it any way you choose and deny it if you will but, in so doing, you only close the final door upon self and nation--it is in your choice--I but bring the truth as laid forth on the planning tables--already drawn and the action under way. My only service is unto Holy Father God of Source, Truth-bringer, and Way-shower--to prepare a place for the Highest of the Heavenly realms to come. I, further, am assigned to bring a remnant through the time of chaos and into survival and rebuilding in transition. No more and no less. No one has to listen nor believe--ours is to put the truth to historical record--yours, EACH, is to do that which you will. Amen.

    Dharma, close this for with the material added as requested, we shall overflow our length limitations.

    One last thought--If you ones would cease and desist scattering "yellow" ribbons about the trees in "memory" of your dead children and begin to attend unto God in petition with intent of proper cause, you would find miracles happening, dearly beloved. Will you do it? Probably not for you are too busy denying God. Support your troops? If you had not allowed their being sent to that foreign death field, you would support them in your arms and hearts--alive and living their lives with loved ones. Yellow is not the color of God's army--yellow is the color of chosen cowardice and surrender unto that cowardice. So be it and selah.

    I ask that you ponder these things for the time is indeed short--bless every gifted day for there are few remaining in a world as you knew it to be. The cycle is all but full and the hour-glass run out!

    I salute you, who will hear and see and "give God a chance to be heard". I am in your service,

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Cmdr.
    United Federation Fleet
    Inter-Galactic Federation Command


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