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  1. #9
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 23
    CHAPTER 15
    REC #1 ATON
    MONDAY, JANUARY 14, 1991 8:01 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 151

    Aton would please speak this day, for my people are in great trouble and poised for destruction.

    It is recognized that in these final days of Kali there would be terrible things which Man would do against Man but it is painful, indeed, to watch the wondrous creations of beauty and gifted with wisdom, unused, act as cocks trained to battle. You will note, however, that the "cocks in charge" DO NOT do of the dying--if some of you would relate yourselves unto the beasts.

    You were warned, lo, the eons ago and the words have come unto this day--regarding the rulers in politics, religion and even the people themselves--"For when they say, Peace and Safety: then sudden destruction cometh upon them...and they shall not escape." (1 Thess: 5:3, 4)

    And, how quickly Man forgets--if he knows at all--those events which change the course of nations and planets. Precious children of myself, when this leader calls for "terrorism against the West", he means exactly that! The whole of the people of the Arab nations now call for "Jihad"--holy war, the moment the United States makes one aggressive move. They further tell you they will settle the Palestinian situation while they are "at it". They also mean exactly "that". They have weapons of which you have no idea, at their immediate disposal.


    What of these ones who proclaimed peace and wondrous co-existence? Where did they go? They were never present! "They are liars from the beginning." You have listened to the lies and accepted them as truth for you have not attempted to learn Truth or to teach unto your children, Truth.

    Have you forgotten the bombing by terrorists of the Marine barracks in Lebanon? This one act killed several hundreds of your Marines--and nothing was done. This was well known in the planning by those who call themselves my israeli and are not even Jews. The "Israeli (of Palestine) Mossad knew about this plan half a month, at least, before it took place and never warned any person. Who are your enemies? The intent, which apparently worked very well, was to blame the Arabs. Or, wouldst you speak of the bombing of the "bar" in Germany a few years back, in your counting, that gave Reagan opportunity to attack Kadaffi's headquarters in Libya? The terrorist act was NOT done by the Libyans, it was done by the Mossad and the Israeli "intelligence" told you it was Arabs. So you perpetrated an "act of war" against a sovereign nation and unto this day you tout it as a wondrous move to quiet a "madman". Who might be "mad"?

    Men YOU respected, such as Woodrow Wilson and Winston Churchill, conspired together for the sinking of a passenger ship named the LUSITANIA, with the loss of hundreds of lives, to get the U.S. involved in World War I.

    Worse, children; your "Day of Infamy", Dec. 7, 1941, when the Japanese bombed your naval base at Pearl Harbor, was after Roosevelt had deliberately driven them into a state of desperation. The attack was expected and your leaders, including the President, kept this attack a secret until it was too late for any to take action to defend your fleet or your men. You must confront yourselves as to the facts: the Pacific fleet was in that vulnerable position--on direct orders from the Commander-in-Chief himself--when he knew Japan would attack!

    Now you have come forth to be witness to the most heinous act of all--George Bush and his "advisers" at the leadership of one Henry Kissinger and cronies of the Council on Foreign Relations and some of the Trilateral Commission--now plan to destroy your entire prime military placed in the Saudi desert. Who will "start" this conflagration? The Israeli of Palestine MOSSAD! It will then be blamed on the Iraqis. If this does not happen, it will be simply because within the 24 hours Iraq acts more quickly and/or Russia demands cessation of this "madness". Russia has other plans for world domination and desires to achieve it without radiation problems to the territories she plans to conquer. You are on the eve of Armageddon and as in the days of Jerusalem 2000 years past--Man simply places "bets" upon these events which are forthcoming. The Hosts of Heaven weep for you-the-blinded lambs.

    The New World Order is a directly birthed conception of evil itself. Will there be this heinous war tomorrow, the 15th of January, 1991? It matters very little, children, for it will be in the coming sooner than later in any event for the time is at hand for the closing of the noose upon your necks who dwell in the delusion of "freedom" perception. All trouble-makers will begin to be eliminated for the PLAN is effective and projected to be fully operational by year 2000.

    You ask, "Why don't YOU do something? We pray and pray that YOU do something!" Why would I DO SOMETHING? What is it that you would have me do? Would you have ME undo that which you have been setting forth for over five millennia? Remember--"...from the beginning"! Would that indicate that you have been at this game, working toward this day for all time as perceived by yourselves in physical illusion? Moreover, you have just proven that you do not desire it to be changed--only given into your hands of winning! Nay, corruption has destroyed that which was my beauteous creation and a nation set forth to give freedom and prosperity to a world--a LAMP unto humanity, and you have destroyed it! You have allowed the thieves and murderers into my blessed sanctuaries and evil has taken control of the very essence of your beings. Nay--YE SHALL CLEAN OF THINE NESTS OR YE SHALL GO DOWN WITH THE BEAST FOR YE WERE GIVEN CHOICE AND FREEDOM TO EXPERIENCE AND YE HAVE ILL-CHOSEN! I know that which abides within the heart of each for it, in purity, is a reflection of my being. If it be evil, selfish and greedy, it shows like a blot of blackness and your world is indeed black this day.


    Nay, I shall not be in the telling of you how the scenario will move--for you already are in the knowing. It can be long in the playing if intervention comes at this 12th hour--in this place of the Arabian oil fields. If not--it shall come upon the morrow. Either way, it matters not, for the wheels of intent are in motion for the other aggressions planned to be brought upon my wondrous creation and it shall be played according to Truth--THE SORTING WILL TAKE OF ITS OWN COURSE. My people shall not again be martyrs! But it means that you of mine, must not turn away from ME nor from the Truth lest you be left by the way. Some of my blessed ones of closeness unto you who present these words, have chosen carelessly indeed!!!! He who places ANY before his God and Truth--chooses indeed badly and the consequences shall come as the wave sent forth from that one. If ye have not the faith to remain true--then ye were never true nor did you "believe".


    First, let us continue to unravel the intent of the Middle East and how this has unfolded so that there is no misunderstanding of intent nor actions. The ultimate intent is World Control, of course, but the event by event comings unto this point are worthy of note.

    Who would benefit most from the U.S. attack which would most surely follow? First, the International Oil Barons, in the form, specifically, of EXXON and British Petroleum; and, of course, your unstable allies, the Israelis who want to get rid of this Saddam in any manner possible. Even now, you have witnessed the total control of your Congress by these "allies" who have now gained control of three/quarters of your Houses of Leadership. You have just voted for the death of more than a million of your military troops. Oh, yes, I speak fact--you have over a million of your military personnel in that foreign land and some in the deserts of Mexico "thinking" they, too, are in the Saudi desert. They have been cleared from your nation so that there can be no resistance to that which the Government Administration has planned for you, now.

    Who would be the "fall guy" in the war that follows? The U.S., just as they have been in every war started by the Internationalists beginning before World War I. It would be your children who perish by the hundreds of thousands in heinous manners beyond the thought of the ordinary human entity. It would be your American children who would come home to suffer the remainder of their lives as cripples. It would be your mothers and fathers, wives and babies who would grieve for their dead loved ones. Once again, you-the-people, blinded by the lies, would come out losing, with nothing to show but death, suffering and unpayable debt--and further enslavement to International interests.

    Iraq attacked Kuwait with the willing collusion of your own President Bush--but, they were only to take the northern portion with the debated oil field and the little island a bit off shore. They misunderstood the rules and the signals and marched right through to reclaim all of their stolen property. You see, even that was "expected" as misinterpretation by those soldiers. The sanctions were already printed and approved and actions were instantly taken from your Administration. Instantly Bush came to the immediate rescue of the International Oil Barons, who have been his close friends for decades and are brothers in his same clubs of evil intent.

    But why would Russia become involved at all in this flare-up, if they intend to gain World Control by other means? Because they do not wish a Middle East nuclear war and they are the world's largest supplier of oil and they stand to gain more than anyone else, with the exception of EXXON and British Petroleum. Remember--the Soviets are in terrible financial circumstances.

    Nothing changes herein, this all just cements the final merger between the evil brotherhoods. George Bush was put into office for the sole purpose of being the puppet to bring into the light, the New World Order.


    It is as obvious as the words before your eyes--that the actions in Lithuania are to give you example of that which will come if you-the-people act against the chosen actions of your enslavers. They do not even bother to effort at "fooling" you to any great extent--FOR YOU HAVE VOTED AWAY YOUR POWER!!!

    Is there anything left to "shock" you? There is nothing of "shock value" any longer. You have been trained on violence, bloodshed and horror until it permeates your very souls. You WANT THIS WAR!! YOU CANNOT "WAIT" FOR THIS WAR AND ALL ITS DEATH AND HORROR!

    Well, months ago, Mr. Bush signed an Intelligence "finding" ordering the CIA to destabilize Iraq and get rid of Saddam--or so the paper read! No, that is not quite accurate--there was no intent to get rid of Saddam. The Administration and World Coalition need Saddam Hussein to make sure the actions are carried out. But let us consider consequences of such an order--just suppose the president of Russia put forth such an order on George Bush? What do you suppose you would do? It is a moot point indeed.

    It is not up to ME to bring survival unto America. It is up to the good people of America to bring this to pass. I shall await and witness and I will choose their delusions and bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spoke they did not hear; but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not--then nor now. I bless not evil and the veil cannot hide that which I can see from any vantage for ye reflect back unto me in exactness of detail that which ye are--and ye are your "thoughts" and intent--I hear not thine foolish words flooding from twixt your lips which lie.

    To my faithful and true, I hear and respond. I am omnipotent and omnipresent--I am incarnate within you and hear and heed your call--even unto the smallest feather of the most tiny creature within Creation. If my power be revealed, it shall be revealed through YOU on Earth as it IS in the Heaven. I shall give unto you that which you need to sustain you--but you will gather of it and take it into your places for use--with responsibility each for self and other and NONE expecting another to carry of thine load nor stock for thine larder--nor to dig of safety caves for your placement. You will unify to assist one the other--but none shall wait for another to serve his own needs. In these things you will first need look into your own transgressions and tend of them--and your time grows indeed short--perhaps to the very ending in this day. Heed your own errors and listen up to that which you say and do. Do you betray your brethren by calling attention unto my places and to my workers? Do you respond to queries with information which shall pull crowds and hordes upon my few? Do you suggest that you will move into underground places where you will have food stored--whereupon you leave open the path to the thieving and over-running of my safety places?

    Do YOU give of others false hopes and plans from the basis of that which is not yours to give forth? In this place, for example, we have no "group", no "cult"--none more responsible than another. I have always given you the facts that, in this place, each is responsible--not just the one or two. All is available unto you--BUT YOU WILL DO THE GLEANING--EACH!

    Ye ask that you not be lead into the temptations of flesh! I lead you only into the halls of Wisdom and Truth--YOU choose to continue to look upon the things of flesh with envy and greed--even unto your brethren upon whom you depend for your very daily bread. Oh, I shall recognize Truth--be sure and in knowledge of this point--I MOST CERTAINLY SHALL RECOGNIZE OF THE TRUTH ABIDING WITHIN EACH. You also pray that "yours is the kingdom within me" but ye mean it not! But I tell you .now--it is so, and I come again to reclaim that which is Mine. If ye have given it into evil it shall remain with evil for no evil shall come again into MY holy places for Mine is to know unto infinity of that which shall be.


    If ye be in balance with Truth, Wisdom and that which is given in instructions, if ye have taken that action which is given as instructions unto you-what difference does it make? Would you await the last blast to change of your path? It may well be that only a tiny few shall journey unto my highest places for the intent of the many is "only to make it through the doorway at the last moment". I think not! So be it.

    You who are my children and remain faithful and true, as you walk through the Valley of Shadows--I am ever with you. You must not be faint of heart and you must remain true in thine intent--I care not that which ye speak, deny nor present. I desire living entities who can take action through the physical passage for ye have manifested upon a placement which is coalesced into that which is the physical and therein must the play be brought unto conclusion. I suggest ye tend of your perceptions most carefully for that which ye perceive will be that which will be achieved.

    Who will hear these words? Perhaps millions! Who will believe them? Only a tiny handful of faithful ones. The rest who claim to "believe" do not "believe upon Me nor upon Truth but still cling to the lies of rapture and absolution by the blood of my most beloved creations" and so shall it be unto the ending for so it is written and Man will follow that which is given unto his physical consciousness.

    Dharma, I touch you child, for I sit with you at this moment in passing and see that you feel failure--again! I see that you perceive you have not done "enough", that somehow you should have done more. Precious ones, ye cannot do for another--you can only do of that which is YOURS TO DO! Ye ones have done well and I am well pleased. You perceive that ones come and go and are pulled away from that "which they believe" to move with another away from the path or seek to find "it" elsewhere--nay, THEY NEVER WERE IN THE TRUE BELIEVING! For truth of believing is that which IS and is not of the indecision of "perhaps" or "maybe" or "a little bit"--you either believe or you do not. Consciousness keeps the illusion changing and the doubts flying about--but I see beneath that facade and within the intent--most would find the intent to be only "wishful thinking" and "security seeking"--not "belief".

    I can give you another example of the other "side of the coin". Dharma often thinks she actually believes not! No, within there is only belief in total fullness--how can you tell? Here she sits day after grinding day--in my service while often the heart is faint and the body weary and the being in sorrow--BUT THE SOUL IS AT PEACE! It is the perfection of soul intent which I see and have compassion for that which is the conscious confusion of the moment. Man in his physical state is given into fear for all things are given unto his senses to cause this "thing". These are the labors of Man--to overcome and even until the final passage shall the human aspect be given into bits of terror at the unknown details and expectation of pain upon the physical being. Do you think that I do not understand the weakness of the flesh?

    But what do ye do? In your fear of that passage you turn away completely as if you "think" ye shall not face of it at any rate--ALL Men pass through the veil of physical expression--would it not show more wisdom to move with the light into the Light? It remains your choice. I await. I want no false grovelling or beseeching to "save thine assets"--I await your acknowledgment of truth and the vision of wisdom to come within thine perceptions.

    How many of your babies and loved ones are YOU sending into their transition without teaching and sharing truth? How many? These lessons shall be learned, dear ones--here or there, they shall be learned before you return into the oneness of the holy places.

    To those of mine who have remained faithful and true--let us rejoice in the passage for the glory of the experience is also at hand and ye shall rise above and pass through the veil of the sorrows which ye shall perceive for it is thusly MY PROMISE. YE SHALL NOT BE GIVEN BEYOND THAT WHICH YE CAN CARRY. TARRY WITH ME THAT WE CAN COME INTO UNITY THAT YOU FEEL NOT ALONE AS WE STEP UPON THE PATH OF THAT WHICH AWAITS. I GIVE YOU THE BLESSINGS AND JOY OF THE GRADUATION, YE WHO WILL STAND WITH ME IN THE LIGHT. SALU!


    I AM

    PJ 23
    CHAPTER 16
    TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1991 10:05 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 152

    Hatonn present to discuss these confusing events so that clarity is your strength. You do not understand these things going on about you for the plan has been orchestrated to the tinymost details--the maze ever more difficult to find safe passage. I cannot "force" you to act nor in all instances will actions bring positive consequences--but Truth is what IS is mandatory, lest you be tossed only with the tide in ignorance of your plight.

    The plan is to confuse you on so many varying fronts of actions that you cannot think. The contradictions will be blatant but--since you have capitulated to the most heinous and obvious delusion of all--it follows in the mental pattern already set that you WILL believe everything they tell you now. It is this way so that "if" you contradict that which is being told to you, say regarding Russia, you would have to contradict your own "wise" decision made regarding all other matters. Most egos cannot bear the confession of being wrong--the consequences of admission will bring such a burden of guilt that you have sentenced millions to death by your foolish conclusions. The plan works very well indeed and always has. You see, the evil leader does not have to change the story or the actions--the old ones work over and over and over again to perfection.


    Let us look at that which IS. Herein you will simply have to believe me when I tell you that there are replacement ones for your top leaders--and hundreds of "not so top" personages. The 28th George Bush was put into the picture on the 12th of January at Camp David. He was tested and "smoothed" on the 13th and presented again to you on the 14th. He did NOT go walk alone this morning (15th) to reflect and commune with God--he went to be alone so the messages from his puppet-masters--right out of Moscow--would not be monitored. I ask that, for the moment, that you accept this which I tell you and then we will discuss how this can be true for, of course, many men have died because they brought this information. But information, none-the-less, has been given to you-the-public as far back as 20 years past--regarding genetic/holographic robotoids which bear identical memory patterns but are subsequently "programmed". I have written of it in one of the more recent Journals but will repeat the information as I have time. Suffice it for now, please accept that which I tell you is not only possible but is, in fact, utilized in myriads of instances--right now!

    There are several places of top-security where these transferences are made and replica holographic information is garnered for necessary multiples. Camp David has been the prime location for transference of top leaders and associates to be later utilized, for it is used as the Presidential Retreat and often social gatherings, such as birthday celebrations, top-level meetings with diplomats, etc., are carried out. This technology has been perfected in the Soviet Union and thus you have the reason that your government seems so indisposed to do anything other than cozy up to Russia.

    Now, look at events to bring some level of confirmation to self. Your government/cartel Elite has emptied your own storage elevators of grain--to the communist nations, most especially Russia AND CHINA! Next, look at that which Russia is doing regarding their ally, Iraq. They have mildly stated that they believe Saddam should move out of Kuwait and they voted half-heartedly (after receiving more money and food supplies--$2 billion worth--recently) and yet at the time declared they would not "fight" if there should be war. Brothers, they have not even pulled their people out of Iraq! All the supervisors for the utilization of all the weapons, etc., sit right there in security bunkers with the most sophisticated weaponry of any place on your globe. They have beam weapons that penetrate every electronic security shield that you can put about your men, equipment or aircraft--and shoot them to blithereens in the same motion.

    Next, look at that which is going on now in the nice states which have sought freedom from the Bear. They have the tanks in the dooryards with bloodied bodies lying about the streets in great numbers. Some of the people, dear ones, as in China--were run over by the tanks themselves. If you actually think Gorbachev did not know, then you are worse off than even I suspected.


    I can only give you the outline of the plans as have been laid forth for, as one option is ill-advised, they instantly turn to another of many alternative actions.

    The point, of course, was many-fold. First, to cause some type of uprising in a very distant location to insure that there would be no resistance troops remaining to defend domestically as the "New-States/New Constitution", by Executive Order and National Emergency, came into control. This will include taking control of the economic, political, police, etc. It will allow for confiscation of all weapons, money, and property. It will allow a call to forced labor services as indicated as needed by the government--without pay. It will eventually take all property and allot living facilities, etc. Now, firstly, this will appear to be the work and accomplishment of the Banker's Cartel Elite--however, then the Zionists find a big hardened steel wall in front of them. You will be nicely secured and totally under control--especially if your multitudes of troops are dead and there is nothing left for resistance. Then the Soviets simply take control because they already have infiltrated with communist troops all over the U.S.--from the South and Canada. There will be no one to actually resist and, therefore, it would not likely be necessary to annihilate the land with nuclear radiation. Occupation of the nation is not a problem because your own police forces will attend the orderly transition. Resisters will simply be shot--by your own police and/or incarcerated in the already prepared detention centers. It has all been done, America!! It is already in place and you just allowed the signing of the total action to take place when you allowed the passage of the death sentence upon your military personnel.

    "This is insane--you are insane and the whole idea is insane!" you will say? Yes, the idea is total insanity but I am totally sane and this is what the plan for your future is! This, and the reduction of two-thirds of the global population! That, dear ones, is still a lot of bodies to get rid of so you can look for things to be most unpleasant in the months and years which may yet lie ahead.

    Who brings disinformation to you? Why would the nice people such as some of the ones of which, I myself, have spoken not have the picture? They do, some of them, and others cannot believe the extent of the circumstances any better than can you! Moreover, many of them are replacements for the purpose of beginning to allow you to see, bit by bit, that the game is real--the cover-ups real and when the time comes, you will rebel less. The point, of course, is to discount this truth and that of others who have tried to tell you and warn you--but you listened not--just exactly as it was predicted in the prophecies of the ancient times. Man responds to truth by killing the truth-bringer. So be it.

    Take a short break, Dharma, there is much confusion about.

  2. #10
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    Christ: Missing words on FourWinds Pdf found by Roel on:
    PJ 23
    CHAPTER 17
    WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1991 9:16 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 153

    Dharma, Commander Hatonn present, please. I have said the "truth will set you free", I have never said that it would not make you sick to your very beingness. There is no time for tears or emotional wallowing and you have done everything you could do to postpone the writing this morning. I am sorry, chela, we must write.

    You sit with a letter in your hand from a young youth in Saudi Arabia who had borrowed a Phoenix Journal Express and he is torn for he recognizes the truth and yet desires to discredit the source so that there is naught to confront. I wish to tell you a story which may offset, somewhat, the continuing blow to you ones. You may document this information.

    A military person from the service of Korea, and who, by the way, has a son in Saudi Arabia and expectations of himself being sent to Saudi Arabia, had come into the Express and verifies everything we have said regarding Korea and that which is going on in cover-up of military matters--and is helpless to make impact in any manner at all. Now, we shall speak of "freedom" and Constitutional rights--IT IS FORBIDDEN TO EVEN "HAVE" A COPY OF THE SPOTLIGHT IN YOUR POSSESSION--IF SENT INTO THAT AREA, IT IS CONFISCATED AS ARE A COUPLE OF OTHER PAPERS WHICH PRINT TRUTH. So will the Express soon be forbidden reading by your servicemen. At this point it is the ONLY way to get any information which allows the ones in the Asian sector to have any bits of truth at all. Please send this letter to the Editor of SPOTLIGHT.

    Dharma, when you first asked to write you were confronted most personally and told some things of which I will herein remind you. You were told that you would be given information which would mean nothing to you as far as technical information; you would be given proper credentials and the credibility of the information would come to pass in truth of action. You were told, in the presence of at least seven persons of credible reputation, that this would be so.--Has not this, and ever so much more, come to pass? I see that you feel that you cannot be the one to bring more news of lies upon your fellowmen, but chela, how else shall they come into this truth?

    Ours is not to interfere nor even intervene in the workings of your political governments--our commission is to bring forth truth for those who would hear as the world moves into confusion and chaos beyond that which Man has ever experienced in this cycle of experience. This, further, is the test of a scribe, chela. Will you write that which I bring or will you deny God along with the other of your species who have strayed so far afield from the circle of light? It matters not how many "accept" YOUR writing as Truth for our mission is to put it to historical reference that Man may look and see when he becomes ready to seek and find Truth.


    I herein block the visions--just write please. It is not a war over Kuwait, nor of Iraq or Saddam Hussein. You are squared off for the most destructive encounter of your imaginings. The wheels have been set into motion and the agony of the current decisions and counter-decisions are all but stressing out of ability to function, the replicas, for a replica has all memory, all observations with a major exception; no basic soul conscience. So, what do we have here? We have ones in effort to gain the top control in a global stand-off having arrived at your "today" by hook or crook, subterfuge and manipulation.

    What has happened? A worst scenario case for you "little people of the lie". A counter-point, near "checkmate" of the two major forces of the globe.

    You think Russia is your friend? You think you were witness to "freedom" and "democracy" coming to The Soviet Union? No, you watched a manipulation of a world--today tells the story and your government knows it!

    As of today--Russian media has fallen into total suppression and censorship by the government. This, of course, is to quell the atrocities coming forth to the foreign press. Let me assure you that what will now take place in the blackout will be heinous indeed.

    Now, what are YOU faced with? Well, your government knows you are cornered--you are vulnerable from every direction from an enemy who has set you up magnificently. The Soviets can get you from any direction--but they would prefer to do so without a nuclear war which brings too much devastation to the planet itself.

    They are awaiting your actions and thus the hedging and foiling attempts by your government to disallow the Russians knowledge of the planned first strike by the U.S. in an attempt to win first victory. This is not over a little dispute with a dictator, evil or godly.

    The plan of the Money Cartel was to gain control by ridding you of the Constitution and coming down in a Socialistic police force manner. The Soviets desired to wait until that was done and order restored to you in the U.S. and then simply move in for the government would already be in total control--so, what has happened? The beast has again confronted differences in who will control what--albeit the plan is to have total control over all people, with the least amount of damage to the globe itself so that the winner will have a playground.

    Do you not see, that a first-strike attack against the Soviet Union herself is your only hope of any type of victory? And yet, you do not have the surveillance information necessary nor do you have the ultimate space command to counter retaliation. You are NOT fighting a little three day war in the Arabian Desert--this is the confrontation of confrontations of evil forces for supremacy--you remain the pawns and expendables.

    Why did I not tell you before this moment? I did! The strike was well-planned for December 3--the dark of the moon. Now it is simply rescheduled for now, the dark of the moon--but it is anticipated. Again, the news gets leaked because the ones in the government have no ability to keep the truth away from their own puppet-masters!

    So, Hatonn--what will happen? There are a dozen possibilities, suffice it to say--it is indeed serious. I suggest that you ones carefully consider turning in Truth and proper lawfulness again unto God for in this scenario it is the ONLY choice of true survival. When will it happen? There are many possibilities, hence the misinformation being fed forth from every TV and radio broadcast in efforts to cover real intent and action--but I promise you that the Soviet change of attitude in this instant manner was in response to your first-strike against Russia intent. Those have not been love notes passed back and forth nor hot-line heavy breathing on the red phones. What you do in these next few days may well be the decision for instant annihilation or a postponement of some sort. The "chess games" has come to some very crucial final plays, dear ones.

    Dharma, I suggest you leave this for it is truly enough to chew this morning and you have other things of equal importance to attend. Do not fear, precious, I stand beside you and we work on the assumption of necessary preparations and no deadlines lest we not do of our proper work. God holds his people in the hollow of His hand and it is most adequate indeed. May He also shed mercy upon this suffering land and humanity.

    By the way, you will find most of the communications cut off from the Middle East when you return to the radio. It, too, will be kept from you but phone lines were squelched to the major media receivers at approximately the time you came to the computer to write or shortly prior--at any rate, you ones will not be getting other than propaganda for the world is in manipulation. You see, ACCEPTABLE LOSSES have naught to do with Iraq or Saddam Hussein and that may help you ones to better understand the horrendous decisions in the making. The element of surprise needed, is not against Iraq. It could be symbolized perhaps by the vision of a tremendous poison spider confronting a tremendous poison scorpion with each wrong dance-step bringing incredible destruction. Bless each moment given unto you and use it wisely.

    Forgive me, I am most occupied and I need to attend my own duties. Thank you for service--all of you, we are now in the fulfilling of our mission purpose--do not become faint of heart for as we stand within God's lighted truth, no harm can come upon us. So be it and Amen.

    Go in peace within that we might function according to calm response in properness. You have been trained well for the task at hand and so shall your performance be blessed. Salu and Saalome', I salute you brothers of my Command.
    PJ 23
    CHAPTER 18
    THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1991 11:07 A.M. YEAR 4 DAY 154

    Hatonn present in the radiance of God Creator. It is time that I reintroduce myself for ones about your place call my scribe and publisher, Satan and servants of Satan. I am Hatonn of Holy God serving in the Galactic Fleet in service as a forerunner (Host) for the return of the Christ Being. I suggest that you read this before forming judgment for this may well be the most important document you have ever witnessed.

    Aboard this craft and directly in charge of this mission is one we call "Sananda", meaning "God/One with God". It is a status recognition of achievement of the totality of perfection. HE returns for the reclamation of the planet and God's people.

    I personally am recognized as Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, in Command of the PHOENIX ship previously recognized as the BETHLEHEM. Identification has been changed to bring recognition and identification of the mission at hand. The fleet in charge of the Master's return is based, and training of personnel has originated most recently, from that star system you recognize as Pleiades. I care not that which you have heard from any Earth-based human being. What you have heard to the contrary is simply not true. In my higher capacity I am recognized as Aton and I request that you hold that label most carefully in your discernment for it means: The One Light! It is synonymous with "God".

    I choose to serve at this time as a Commander more nearly approximate to you of Earth human for I, too, must have some understanding of that which you perceive you are doing and to be more clearly attuned to my base opposition in this conflict who is clever only unto the ways and actions of Man.

    How can YOU trust me? You very likely cannot in the beginning with only ignorance as your foundation. You would need be privy to all that we have brought forth in these past months to see that everything (all) that I have projected has come or is in the coming to pass. I told you months ago that Desert Shield would be called Desert Storm; I told you days ago that the invasion would come in a massive manner at this time--I told you yesterday morning that it would be launched on the yester-afternoon (in your time) but within the days of the dark of the moon--when Satanic beings can work in the darkness which suits them best that their work may be hidden from the masses and the receivers helpless.

    You, the U.S., believe you have done a wondrous thing? The young men, itching to bomb targets and become heroes, feel wondrously good about blowing people limb from limb and babies into particulate? Is this your Godly mission to produce freedom and the "American Way!"? So be it for that is what the American Way has become and you saw it not.

    You have met far more than your match for "clever" in Mr. Hussein, my friends. So far all you have smashed and destroyed is exactly that which was probable forfeiture--you will note that all of General Hussein's people are quite well, alert and amused at your foolishness. Your war hasn't even begun! He allowed you, the world, to be witness to the most devastating bombing of continuing nature to ever strike any portion of your world. In one raid you dumped more bomb power on Iraq than three Hiroshimas--in just one raid. Does that make you proud? Well, the world saw it all and you tout your pride and you boast your advantage. If there is no retaliation at all, you will find that ultimately you will have LOST THE WAR! No man, woman or child on the face of the Earth will ever again believe your "thrust for freedom and human rights!" You just fell from your status of that which the world would mimic into the most heinous and deadly destructor and inhumane nation ever to serve on the face of the planet. BUT--THE WAR HASN'T EVEN BEGUN!!

    What will be coming forth will be beyond that which you can imagine. Do you actually believe that one, Saddam Hussein, will simply call forth "Uncle Sam" and it will all be finished? Even if he did so and marched out of Kuwait this hour--you are dead ducks in his line of fire--you have not begun to feel the scorpion's sting. You note there is no motion to move from Kuwait!

    You have rigged the press so that you do not know that which is going on. Most has been staged for your digestion without a shred of truth. Oh yes, the raids were real for Saddam desired the world to have no delusion that what will come from his sector is retaliation and NOT "FIRST" AGGRESSION. And you haven't the slightest notion of that which Russia is doing for they have blackened all news out of all Russia, also.

    Terrorists are taking up their stations all about the U.S.--those not already within the borders will come from both North and South and there will be no place "safe". So shall it be in Europe.

    I am pained to tell my beloved friends in New Zealand and Australia that you are not safe, either, for so many of the Elite installations for security are located in your islands. Listen to what this man has said to you: "...the Mother of all Wars has begun!"

    You have not touched the REAL facilities and missiles were not launched so that you could not pinpoint locations of the installations. Iraq has the most sophisticated and well-equipped underground shelter system of anywhere in your world--you inflicted relatively few casualties considering the incredible bombardment you sent forth. They do not need to evacuate to other locations, Baghdad--the people move underground where they have set up supply depots. IF THE "WAR" ENDED THIS MINUTE--YOU WILL NOT HAVE WON FOR, IN ARAB CULTURE, IT WILL NEVER BE ENDED--on the surface, perhaps--really, never!

    Why would they sacrifice any advantage by countering your massive attack and lose aircraft and trained personnel when their important installations are untouched and you bear the black eye of aggressor? IT IS AMERICA WHO IS UNPREPARED TO SAVE HER NATION--NOT IRAQ OR RUSSIA--YOU ARE THE ONES WITH NO SHELTERS OR DEFENSE IN YOUR DOORYARDS! There are many ways to bring down a nation and you just left the way wide open, dear ones.

    What WILL it be? That depends--it mostly depends on whether or not Russia is ready to take control but I can assure you that the world shall never again be able to rest at night for writhing in the FEAR for you have no ability to fight such an attack.


    Now I shall turn my attention to local matters. You shudder as citizens and denounce terrorism--let me show you right here what REAL terrorism is, and it comes from your own local "Christian Community"!!! As you will read the letter we will reprint herein, please read it with an eye to God and the Christ for whom you label your "churches" and see if you can believe that the Christ would utter the words and project such evil in any manner what-so-ever! You-the-public be the discernment bearers. This is happening over and over and has been constant for two years. I assure you that both the Master, and God Himself, are getting a bit on the side of annoyed.

    This cowardly anonymous person continues to say that America West is some sort of a "cult". There is not even so much as a "group" so how could this one be so foolish? America West is just another business in your community who publishes a very wide range of literature, the Journals and Expresses being only a small portion. Would you denounce Bantam Books for their publications? It seems to me that recently there was great outcry regarding Salmon Rushdie and sentence of the Iranians upon him in death pronouncement--this is THE SAME, ONLY WORSE--THIS IS AGAINST A PUBLISHER OF MANY VARIED MATERIALS AND ATTEMPTS UPON THE LIFE OF THE SCRIBE HAVE ALREADY BEEN BLATANT.

    Is this the kind of community you have, Tejas Shape' (Tehachapi)? Is this what you have in store for the Master upon which to set his feet again upon your Earth? You are of the chosen ones--IS THIS WHAT YOU ASK THE MASTER TO AGAIN RETURN UNTO?? So be it. As you read (keeping in mind that this letter is only one of many), ask yourselves whether or not this represents this New America of Christ?? Do you suppose this wondrous Christian who hides truth by destroying the documents to protect you from your selves, examples that which you offer unto God? Is this the face this beauteous little valley of radiance town wishes to show unto the world as example of freedom and brotherhood?

    You will see that this one refers to my expression of "your--this or that" and denounces me. I refer to it as YOURS for it most certainly is NOT MINE! I come forth from the temples of God and your planet is most certainly NOT MY IDEA OF A GODLY PLACE. Furthermore, I make no choice of you above any other and this writer of obscene letters suggests I should go to Cuba. I have also been "accused" of being an Iraqi--so be it, I am! I am ALL and I have love for the Man of Cuba and Iraq as I have for any other creature of God--for God recognizes no colors of skin or language of speech. I suggest this bigoted "brother of Christianity" might well be marching toward a bit of trouble on "Judgment Day"!

    I request that the letter of threats from this local person and/or group from Tehachapi against the publisher and business workers of these writings be published right here--next. For I wish to speak to it. For all of you who do not realize it--my scribe and these ones have literally been attempted in assassination and other vile attacks. They have received prior threats from cowardly anonymous threat senders and obscene personalities but it has become serious and I wish to comment regarding contents so that there is no misunderstanding of my rebuttal to these ones who believe themselves gallant and powerful--YOU ARE NAUGHT BUT COWARDS AND DECEIVERS AND AS YOU SAY YOU ARE WATCHING EVERY MOVE OF THESE ONES WHO SERVE GOD--GOD IS WATCHING YOU!! DO YOU STILL FEEL SO ALL-FIRED COMFORTED??

    This information has gone to the local news press and to the police. It is also sent with a cover letter to every major newspaper in the country and shall be put on every radio station. You believe you have done a clever and "christian" house-cleaning??? You have proven to every brother who reads the documents that you are evil in both person and intent--there is nothing "CHRISTIAN" about your being.

    QUOTE: (Exactly as written with no corrections, etc.)


    Your phoenix journal express is nothing more than trash. we cannot believe such a screwed up cult exsist in this present day and age. you people are so deceived, it boggles the mind. we have yet to find you listed in Walter martin's "Kingdom of The Cults", but we are sure your sect will make the top 10 list of the most misinformed cult of the 80's. you people seem to be in a time warp, you preach like some ignorant hippie's from the late 60's era. you certainly do not know much of those out there in the real world because you sincerely believe we do not know what is going on. you seem to think you have been given all the answers and are the ambassadors of truth. when in truth you are the ones out of touch with reality.
    we also now for a fact that most of those in charge of your operation are known draft doggers, and fags, along with not having normal family life styles.
    we are destroying your propaganda when found on public display and will continue to inform others of your trash publications. eventually the local christian community will be contacting you. your organization is not of christian origin that is pretty clear to any one who reads your work.
    you speak of "our country"(not yours), "our president"(not yours), which tells us that you do not consider yourself to be part of our society and government structure. not good. you should really take your false teaching somewhere else, like maybe Cuba. your office is being watched, we will take action against you, if need be. we will not tolerate such false doctrine being circulated with such treachours ideals against our community & our government. we are not afraid to use force against you.
    watch your back, and your property.
    we are watching your every move.
    think about it before you turn that ignition or that light switch on.
    you have made your organization to be a live target.

    leave this area while you still have the time.


    What have you to say, Community? Is this the wondrous place for God's return? You believe that which you will but I promise you--I SPEAK TRUTH and the time is at hand and I doubt there IS even one of your "Christian leaders and congregations" who will dispute the time is at hand! How did you think it would happen? To whom did you think the words would be brought forth? WHERE DID YOU THINK GOD WOULD RETURN?? Israel perhaps? Israel is Palestine--Israel simply is a word meaning "God's Chosen". You had better go and read Ezekiel, Chapters 38 and 39 for starters. So, where would you guess God would return? Well, I SUGGEST--ANYWHERE HE CHOOSES!

    Dharma, I ask that you obtain specific documents regarding the scripture of Ezekiel in point. I ask that you utilize a translation by one George M. Lamsa from the Holy Bible from the Ancient Eastern Caramaic text. Simply write it herein as translated from that text. Ones can take their own version of translation of the Holy Scriptures as they choose and use for comparison.

    There is nothing which says He shall come on some moisture fluff--it is told unto you that HE will come as on the clouds--HE WILL COME, BROTHERS, WITHIN THE SILVER SHIPS AS FROM THE CLOUDS AND YOU HAD BEST BE TAKING NOTE OF TRUTH INSTEAD OF SILLINESS. THE HOUR GLASS IS ALL BUT EMPTY!

    QUOTE: Ezekiel 38, 39; pgs. 868, 869, 870; HOLY BIBLE from the ANCIENT EASTERN CARAMAIC text.

    CHAPTER 38

    And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
    2 Son of man, set your face against China, and against the land of Mongolia, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him and say,
    3 Thus says the Lord God: Behold I am against you, O China, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal;
    4 I will gather your people together and put a bridle in your jaws, and I will bring you forth out of your country, both you and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed in armor, a great host with spears and shields, all of them handling swords;
    5 Persians, Ethiopians, and Libyans with them, all of them with shields and helmets.
    6 Gomar and all her army, the house of Togarmah, and the uttermost parts of the north with all their hosts, and many other people who are with you.
    7 Prepare yourself, you and all the people that are assembled with you and be a protection to them.
    8 You have been commanded in former days, and in the later years you shall come against the mountains of Israel and against the land which is at peace and free from the sword, whose people were gathered from many nations, and now all dwell safely in it.
    9 And you shall come up like a storm and like a cloud which covers the land, you and all your army and many people who are with you.
    10 Thus says the Lord God: It shall come to pass that in that very day thoughts shall come into your mind and you shall think an evil thought;
    11 And you shall say, I will go up against those who dwell in tranquility, without walls, and having neither bars nor gates.
    12 To take captives and to take a spoil; to turn your hand against the desolate places that are now inhabited and against the people who were gathered together out of the nations who have gotten cattle and goods who dwell in the beauty of the land.
    13 Sheba and Deran and the merchants of Tarshish and all its villages shall say to you, Are you come to carry off captives and to take a spoil., Have you mobilized your host to take silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, and to take a great spoil?
    14 Therefore, Son of man, prophesy and say to China, Thus says the Lord God: On that day when my people Israel shall dwell in tranquility you shall know it.
    15 And you shall come from your place out of the north parts, you and many people with you, all of them riding on horses, a great host and mighty army;
    16 And you shall come up against my people Israel like a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the later days, and I will bring you again my land, and the nations will know me, when I shall be sanctified through your defeat.
    17 Thus says the Lord God: You are he of whom I have spoken in former days by my servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied in those days and in those years that I would bring you against them.
    18 And it shall come to pass at the same time when China shall come against the land of Israel, says the Lord God, that my anger shall be consumed in my fury and zeal.
    19 For in the fire of my wrath have I spoken; surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;
    20 So that even the fish of the sea and the fowls of the air and the beasts of the field and all creeping things that creep upon the earth and all the men that are upon the face of the earth shall shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down and the towers shall fall and every wall shall rumble to the ground.
    21 And I will call for a sword against him throughout all my mountains, says the Lord God; every man's sword shall be against his brother.
    22 And I will judge him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain upon him and upon his princes and upon the many people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone.
    23 Thus will I magnify myself and sanctify myself in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord.

    CHAPTER 39

    And you, O Son of man, prophesy against China and say, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, O China, the ruler and the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal;
    2 I will subdue you and gather you together, and I will cause you to come up from the north parts, and bring you upon the mountains of Israel;
    3 And I will swerve your bow out of your left hand, and will cause your arrows to fall out of your right hand.
    4 You shall fall in the open field; for I have spoken it, says the Lord God.
    6 And I will send a fire on Mongolia, and on the people who dwell peacefully in the islands; and they shall know that I am the Lord.
    7 So I will make my holy name known in the midst of my people Israel; and I will not let them profane my holy name any more: and the Gentiles shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One of Israel.
    8 Behold, the day of which I have spoken is at hand, says the Lord God;
    9 Then the inhabitants of the villages of Israel shall go forth, and shall set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the spears, the bows and arrows and the hand-blades and the lances, and they shall turn them as fuel for seven years;
    10 So that they shall not need wood for fuel out of the field or the forest; for they shall burn the weapons with fire, and they shall take captive those who had taken them captive and plunder those who had plundered them, says the Lord God.
    11 And it shall come to pass on that day that I will give to China a place there for the burial in the land of Israel, the great valley which is east of the sea; and they shall close of the valley; and there they shall bury China and all his army; and it shall be called the valley of the annihilation of China.
    12 And for seven months the house of Israel shall be busy burying them; and then the land shall be cleansed.
    13 Yea, all the people of the land shall bury them; and it shall be to them a renowned day when I am glorified, says the Lord.
    14 Even seven months after, there shall be men who will travel continually through the land burying those who are left lying on the face of the land, to cleanse it.
    15 And every one who passes through the land, and sees a man's bone, then shall he set up a sign by it, till buriers have come and taken it and buried it in the valley of China.
    16 And the name of the graveyard shall be, The Mighty City. Thus shall they cleanse the land.
    17 And you, Son of man, say to all the fowls of the air and to every beast of the field, Thus says the Lord God: Assemble yourselves and come; gather yourselves from every place to the great sacrifice that I perform for you upon the mountains of Israel, and you shall eat flesh and drink blood.
    18 You shall eat the flesh of the mighty men and drink the blood of the princes of the earth, of rams, of fatlings, of he-goats, of bullocks, and of all the young bullocks of Bashan.
    19 And you shall eat flesh till you are filled and drink blood till you are drunk at the great sacrificial feast which I am preparing for you.
    20 Thus you shall be filled at my table with the flesh of horses and their riders, and with that of mighty men, and with that of all the men of war, says the Lord God.
    21 And I will set my glory among the nations, and all the Gentiles shall see the judgment that I have executed, and the heavy punishment with which I have punished them.
    22 So the house of Israel shall know that I am the Lord their God front that day and forward.
    23 And the Gentiles shall know that the house of Israel was carried into captivity for their iniquity; because they transgressed against me, therefore I turned away my face from them and delivered them into the hand of those who hate them, and they all fell by the sword.
    24 According to their abominations and according to their iniquity have I regarded them; and I turned away my face from them.
    25 Therefore thus says the Lord God: Now I will bring back the captivity of Jacob, and have mercy upon all the house of Israel, and will be zealous for my holy name's sake;
    26 After they have borne all their shame and their iniquity whereby they have transgressed against me; when they dwell securely in their own land, with no one to hurt them;
    27 When I have gathered them from among the nations and brought them back from the cities of their enemies, and am sanctified by them in the sight of many nations;
    28 Then shall they know that I am the Lord their God, who caused them to be carried captive among the nations, and that it is I who gathered them into their own land and have left none of them there any more.
    29 Neither will I turn away my face from them; but I will pour out my spirit upon the house of Israel, says the Lord.


    I harken you to recall my previous instructions regarding the Khazar Zionists. Recall that I told you they are not "Jews"--they are of the now referred to, Chinese Mongols/Russian/Nordic tribes, "The Thirteenth Tribe". I will not go into the remaining content of Ezekiel's projections but suffice it to say that there will be some most ugly days ahead in this passage of segment.

    I force nothing upon any of you--I bring the messages and you will do that which you will with the outlaying. I remind you that "IF A THING BE OF FORCE--IT IS NOT OF GOD!" You will EACH come into your own opinion and action but I further remind you--that which is evil and against the laws of God and The Creation--will not be brought into the holy places of God. It is a time of returning into Truth within the LAWS of GOD as given forth--that is the price of the ticket on "lift-off" day. No other's spilling of blood shall get your ticket to some fluffy clouds. If you will ascend it shall most surely be at God's direction and not to a bit of fluffy radioactive clouds! So be it. May God give insight into your understanding. Salu.


    I have no intention of replaying the thousands of pages of messages, herein. I ask simply that Esu's last two writings through Thomas be herein appended. Then I ask that you give understanding to my need for call to duty for if you fail to note--your planet is set to self-destruct and my command is most busy indeed. I shall be asking for more and more input from Sananda for two reasons. Man must begin to ready himself for that which is coming and, further, to give confirmation that Truth is not coming from only one or two sources but from many. Dharma also receives for Sananda but you of the readers must find your balance and ability to understand that Truth is Truth is Truth and is ever unchanged from one source unto another. It is time that you come up from your cots and open your eyes unto that which IS and cease your pretending for you cast your stones at the wrong "presenters". Why do you not attend properly those ones who have given you false teachings for lo, these many years? May God truly have mercy upon you blind lambs for you are so deceived that you know not Truth when it flows all about thee. You choose to follow the pious pretenders and await some "rapture"? Think about it and then let us discern who may appear to be "mad".

    Thank you for your attention. I ask that you continue to read as I bow unto my own Commander that His voice can begin to be heard throughout the land.

    1/16/91 SANANDA

    Let us begin Thomas. I Am Esu Jmmanuel Sananda present in the Radiance of Aton/God. I come in His Service within The Creation which is above ALL. There is weeping in heaven this day for your planet.

    You have gone past the artificial deadline established that The Plan may be initiated in its fullness. Soon the killing shall begin in earnest and the ones on the homeshores shall be left guessing..."did my son die, was he hit..." Those initiating such measures care not whether sons die for that IS The Plan...to kill off as many as possible. The Plan is so horrendous that those of the "christian" and "thinking" populace cannot comprehend such evil...yet you ones continally forget that it is Satan himself controlling the very ones who yield the scythe of death. The thoughts race among even mine own precious ones...will there be time...will there be time...what do we do...preparations must be made...how much time????? etc., etc., etc. Ever you ones may do that which you able with that with which you have to use at your disposal...nothing more and nothing less. To sit idly by at this time when the foreknowledge has been offered would be the worst kind of foolishness and one which you yourselves shall experience the consequences of. When the confiscation begins in America, and it shall indeed, the weapons shall be THE FIRST. Always it shall be much sooner than you expect so it is the better part of wisdom to make your preparations while there is still...time.

    What will be the reaction of the American citizenry when the tanks roll in? Will there even be a reaction at all for is there not a lot of troop movement for Desert Shield? Mostly the sleep will continue only to find that when the awakening is upon them they are found bound in the detention centers awaiting the execution...or worse. The plans are devious and dark indeed...for with Satan at the helm you may expect the very worst. And yet for some who "go along" it shall simply be another small adjustment to make...the troops on the corner...the curfews...afterall, you get no news now so the freedom of information won't change much...just more of what they want to show you. The Psychopolitics has been far far too effective. We come to offer man his way out...his ticket home unto glory if he will but listen. But alas the sleep has been too deep and all but the tiniest number shall take the path laid forth by the Master Deceiver Himself...like sheep to the slaughter. It will be a long time before the ones who take the left path find their way home unto God...but they shall...eventually, but it shall be a hard and long journey.

    Ever is the freedom of choice within the world of man. Yet this day the dye is all but cast...and it shall be red, BLOOD RED. There will be no washing of this blood from the hands of those who sent the beloved and brave men to the slaughter and God weeps for man's ignorance.

    Holy Spirit within may I walk in peace this day. May the Spirit touch the many who walk in fear and ignorance that the comfort may come upon them in the knowledge of your Presence. Holy Spirit, awaken within man the connection with your Source that he may come into wisdom. Let us be mindful this day of those who shall soon become dust upon your place for the decisions made by you the people. Holy Spirit, let me ever walk the road of red that the journey home be filled with glory in Your Presence.

    Let us close this Thomas, walk in peace.

    I Am Sananda

    1/17/91 SANANDA

    I am no longer Jmmanuel...I am returned as Sananda. I am come in Radiance and in service unto The Father/God/Aton...and I have returned to fulfill the prophecies of long past for this is the ending of a cycle and it is the dark period of the cycle indeed.

    Saddam speaks truth, "The Mother of all wars is now started." Oh, children of the lie, we weep for your ignorance. Blind aggression? What think you of bombing an entire nation? And you see it not, your nation sees it not. So few will walk with us and it is so sad, for the glory in these realms is beyond description. To serve the higher good of man is the greatest of all honors...particularly at the ending of an historical cycle...particularly on this planet. Give great thanks this day for thine participation within this Play for it shall unfold magnificently before you, yet so too I tell thee that there shall be much bloodshed, confusion, chaos, and the path will not be an easy one for the Controllers would have you working in their camps...their prearranged stations. Will you go without a struggle? Will you serve on the road crews quietly? How many among you will go as the sheep? And so too what merit it to struggle in the face of overwhelming odds only to result in death of the physical body? These questions shall all be answered before all is said and done.

    It is a time to gather in food stuffs. To think that such measures may not be required is dreaming...you have entered a dangerous, dangerous time and the net will soon fall all around you...and all straggling fragments shall be gathered in to perfection. These ones do their work extremely well...no matter the loss of life.

    Caution, in your efforts to garner supplies that shall indeed be needed at a later time do not diminish all cash reserves for you shall need this too for a time. If you are low on cash reserves, once again rebuild them so that this area also is covered for times of "inactivity" or "shutdown".

    For those even among our own grouping who do not listen to the warning we bring, you ones shall be left wondering. Charity shall be ever present in My House and those who abide with me...yet for any to expect it is most foolish indeed. We give great honor to you ones who are responding appropriately to the instructions as given. The preparations shall serve you well and shall be the cornerstone for the rebuilding...for there shall be rebuilding and there shall be the remnant. Let us hope that those who profess service unto us are among the ones serving at that hour.

    It is a dark day indeed for your world. The death blows now shall be tit for tat...only the death counts wilt not be in the single or double or triple digits. Walk ever within the Light and command the Holy Spirit Presence within to remain ever in alignment with The Laws and with His Will that His Plan may achieve be fulfilled. Walk in peace for the road shall grow most uncertain and strange.

    I Am Sananda

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