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  1. #1
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 74

    In the wondrous manifestation of physi­cal expression comes the need to "finally" understand that which IS and that which you ARE. It is the coming into knowing of the truth of your expression and the ability of your manifestation which allows the passage on to higher and greater expression and experience. May you walk ever in LIGHT for therein is ALL.






    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.


    ISBN 1-56935-019-1

    First Edition Printed by

    P.O. Box 27353
    Las Vegas, Nevada 89126

    August 1993

    Printed in the United States of America


    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... .......................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ...............
    WED., AUGUST 4, 1993...................................................................................
    ALL IS RADIANCE............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... .............
    TUE. JUNE 15, 1993..........................................................................................
    WHAT IS CREATION AND WHAT IS CREATOR?......................................
    LIVING IN TWO UNIVERSES?.......................................................................
    STATIC LIGHT............................................................................................... ....
    SPIRITUAL UNIVERSE IS POSITIVE.............................................................
    PHYSICAL UNIVERSE IS NEGATIVE AND MOTION................................
    QUESTIONS ABOUT HATONN, ETC ...........................................................
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... .............
    WED. JUNE 16, 1993 .......................................................................................
    WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU?.............................................................
    MAN'S "SILENT" VOICE.................................................................................
    SUBJECTIVE "MIND"......................................................................................
    FOREVER SEEKING.........................................................................................
    PROPHESY............................................................................................ ..............
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... .............
    THU. JUNE 17, 1993.........................................................................................
    THE ONE LIGHT............................................................................................... .
    SO, WHAT IS LIGHT?.......................................................................................
    LIGHT IS "MATTER" IS WAVE -- "MATTER" IS LIGHT.......................
    CONFUSION........................................................................................... ............
    ALL LIGHT PARTICLES ARE ALIKE............................................................
    ALTERNATORS AND CYCLES......................................................................
    LIGHT SIMULATION........................................................................................
    HOW ABOUT "TRAVEL"? .............................................................................
    IN MEMORY OF "PAUL".................................................................................
    BACK TO "LIGHT"...........................................................................................
    THAT FIRST STEP IS THE BAD OR GOOD ONE.........................................
    WHAT OF THAT OLD BUG-A-BOO "PHOTON" BELT?...........................
    ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HONOR.............................................................
    PAUL/DIMENSIONAL LIFE.............................................................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... .............
    FRI., JUNE 18, 1993...........................................................................................
    LIGHT!.............................................................................................. ...................
    WALTER RUSSELL...........................................................................................
    BACK TO LIGHT...............................................................................................
    THE DAMAGING SUN RAYS.........................................................................
    THE BODY IS A LIGHT BEING.......................................................................
    by Charles McWilliams, M.D......................................................................
    LIGHT............................................................................................... ...................
    AIR .................................................................................................... ...................
    WATER .................................................................................................... ...........
    PLANTS .................................................................................................... ..........
    HOMEOPATHY .................................................................................................
    INVISIBLE LIGHT .............................................................................................
    CHAPTER 5.................................................................................................... ............
    SAT. JUNE 19, 1993..........................................................................................
    SO, WHY ARE "WE"?.......................................................................................
    NIKOLA TESLA ................................................................................................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ........
    COLORADO SPRINGS NOTES........................................................................
    NIKOLA TESLA 1899--1900...........................................................................
    CHAPTER 6.................................................................................................... ............
    SUN. JUNE 20, 1993..........................................................................................
    FATHER'S DAY, 1993.......................................................................................
    LET US SPEAK A BIT OF THIS "FUTURE" CONCEPT..............................
    GRAVITY............................................................................................. ...............
    THE REMNANT............................................................................................. ....
    TO SUM IT UP--CHANGE!..............................................................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... .............
    MON. JUNE 21, 1993........................................................................................
    DEDICATION AND REMEMBERING............................................................
    WHAT DORIS THOUGHT AND GRANDFATHER......................................
    RESPONDED TO ON AUG. 11, 1991............................................................
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... .............
    TUE. JUNE 22, 1993..........................................................................................
    ALL WITHIN ALL .............................................................................................
    GOD'S WAYS AND GOD'S LAWS..................................................................
    HIGHER KNOWLEDGE....................................................................................
    22% NOT DEAD................................................................................................ .
    THESE WRITINGS AWAKEN YOUR REMEMBERING.............................
    DO YOU REALLY DESIRE TRUTH?.............................................................
    DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU AND ARE LOOKING FOR?.......................
    CHRIST'S VISIT .................................................................................................
    WHAT ARE YOU HEADED INTO?................................................................
    ARE YOU CIVIVLIZED?..................................................................................
    CHARACTERISTICS OF A GODLY SOCIETY.............................................
    CHAPTER 9 .................................................................................................... ...........
    SUN., JULY II. 1991...........................................................................................
    EZ-7-11.................................................................................................. ..............
    RUSSELL'S BOOKS...........................................................................................
    COMMANDER CONGRATULATES NON GROUP.....................................
    WE NEED TO LOOK AT "TODAY"...............................................................
    IRAQ/BAHRAIN............................................................................................. ....
    SAXES VS. FIDDLES.........................................................................................
    RON BROWN............................................................................................... ......
    FLOODS AND OTHER TERRORS..................................................................
    CHINESE AND ASIANS....................................................................................
    GIFTS FOR RUSSIA, LOANS FOR U.S. FARMERS......................................
    DID YOU NOTICE BENTSEN?........................................................................
    YOU WHO WALK WITH GOD.......................................................................
    NATIVE AMERICANS......................................................................................
    I SUGGEST YOU GET PREPARED!...............................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ...........
    FRI ., JULY 23, 1993..........................................................................................
    WHAT IS LUMINON?.......................................................................................
    LUMINON!............................................................................................ ..............
    HE'D MAKE FORD RICH AND WOMEN PRETTY......................................
    GLOWS LIKE A SUNSET.................................................................................
    PRESENT "COLD LIGHT" ATTEMPTS FUTILE..........................................
    WHERE LUMINON REALLY BELONGS......................................................
    TAKES ISSUE WITH MODERNISTS..............................................................
    ARTIST CHALLENGES NEWTONIAN THEORY........................................
    PRESENT IDEAS "PRIMITIVE"......................................................................
    SCIENTIST AND ARTIST DISPUTE NEWTON............................................
    AND KEPLER FINDINGS............................................................................
    THE PERFECT LAWS.......................................................................................
    MR. RUSSELL REPLIES...................................................................................
    LAW MERELY LOCAL....................................................................................
    FAIR TREATMENT ASKED.............................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ...........
    SUN., JULY 25, 1993.........................................................................................
    LET THERE BE LIGHT ....................................................................................
    ARTICLES ON WALTER RUSSELL...............................................................
    RESPONSE OF RUSSELL TO JACKSON.......................................................
    SUPPLYING NEEDED IMAGINATION..........................................................
    LAW MERELY LOCAL....................................................................................
    FAIR TREATMENT ASKED.............................................................................
    CHAPTER 12 .................................................................................................... ........
    MON., JULY 26, 1993.......................................................................................
    THE ARTISTIC "CENTRE"..............................................................................
    MUST ASSUME FOCI.......................................................................................
    NEWTON'S LAWS QUESTIONED..................................................................
    TO ACCEPT THEORY..................................................................................
    KNOWS SCIENTISTS' THEORIES..................................................................
    EFFECTS OF MOTION ILLUSIONS................................................................
    NATURE'S SIMPLE PRINCIPLES....................................................................
    LA PLACE'S MISTAKES...................................................................................
    WRONG BASIC CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................
    SCIENTISTS SHOULD EXPLAIN....................................................................
    CHAPTER 13 .................................................................................................... ........
    TUE., JULY 27, 1993.........................................................................................
    SHAKING SCIENCE'S FOUNDATIONS ........................................................
    "TWO·WAY" UNIVERSE............................................................................
    A COMPLETE CYCLE OF MOTION...............................................................
    SOURCE OF AN ERROR..................................................................................
    DUAL CHARACTER OF FORCE.....................................................................
    DR. MILLIKAN'S STATEMENTS....................................................................
    MR. RUSSELL MAY BE RIGHT......................................................................
    COORDINATION OF UNITS ...........................................................................
    OPEN TO CONVICTION...................................................................................
    KEPLER'S LAW NOT INFALLIBLE................................................................
    RUSSELL'S THEORY WINS APPROVAL......................................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ...........
    TUE., JULY 27, 1913.........................................................................................
    ADVERTISING!?....................................................................................... .........
    A HOLIDAY GREETING..................................................................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ...........
    WED., JULY 28, 1993.......................................................................................
    PROPERTY SEIZURE........................................................................................
    TESTING AND THIS JOURNALIST, HATONN............................................
    DEFLATION HEDGE?..................................................................................
    PEROT POWER............................................................................................... ...


    To the human species or mankind--that he may come to know



    WED., AUG. 4, 1993, 9:06 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 353

    WED., AUGUST 4, 1993

    As we again open unto the subject of "Light" being ALL and from Light comes forth ALL, I am required to reference other material than that marketed by Walter Russell through the later ­to-be-established (when Russell was near 9O-years) University of Science and Philosophy.

    Since we are not able to determine exactly WHAT is the US&P objection to our work in periodical format sharing the scientific realization of Walter Russell we must find other avenues of bringing to your attention the material on the scientific subject. We have no right nor wish to encroach on that which is an­other's property but scientific FACT is difficult to describe ex­cept AS the FACT. Truth is singular but the avenues of arriv­ing at that Truth is myriad. However, when you are in the "funnel's neck" and as Truth in fact is narrowed down to pre­sentation--it is impossible not to utilize the pre-offered bits and pieces. I have no wish to offend nor to usurp-but Truth is Truth is Truth--and ALL is LIGHT. YOU and YOU and YOU ARE the manifested thought focus of GOD who is LIGHT! Through eons of "teachings" God ends up presented as some "white" being. No--GOD IS LIGHT which is ALL colors be­coming ONE. If there was not present the red-bronze of the Native, the brown-bronze of the "Black", the golden hue of the Oriental and the blue-pale shades of other spectrum colors of the "White" and thus and so-there would be missing in the WHOLE. NOTHING is missing from the "whole" and there­fore ALL are a part of the ONE Creator Source--SPIRIT-­GOD!

    How that ONE CONGLOMERATE fits into all other expression as YOU PERCEIVE it to he is the MYSTERY OF THE AGES AND THE UNIVERSE. In explaining it in such a way that can be understood by an unenlightened hut awakening civilization of human expression--it is difficult indeed to start at void-point and reach apex of the WHOLE without being able to utilize that which you MIGHT understand. CAN we do it? Of course. Our prior offerings through the PLEIADIAN CONNECTIONS and "Master's" presentations was for the very purpose of bringing FORTH the very ones who would ultimately thwart the information's reaching you-the-people. Who is guilty'! No one­-for it is exactly as it had to be. The who first gave the false information to the US&P are the ones who hold the re­sponsibility of misrepresentation and damage assault--to bring down another--not even us. We were the prime target but even the workers did not know it.

    US&P reacted exactly as they were TOLD to react in effort to silence ME, HATONN. Interesting? Indeed--since I had little input into the volumes in pertinent point. It was somehow al­right for Russell to get HIS information from God--it was NOT alright for Dharma to get hers from GOD, much less "E.T.s" which, by definition blunt and total--IS GOD! IF GOD BE NOT AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL--THEN WHY DO YOU LOOK FOR HIM TO COME BACK FROM THE EX­TRATERRESTRIAL SPACES? INDEED GOD IS VERY MUCH AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL HAVING CREATED THE VERY PLANET WHICH APPEARS SO "REAL" TO THE PHYSICAL EXPRESSION--BUT IS BUT THE STAGE FOR GOD'S PURPOSE. YOU ARE BUT AN EXPRESSION OF GOD'S THOUGHT MANIFEST!

    So, what have we? We have a whole civilization who doesn't know what IS God or "realization". You have become shackled into a blinded, bound people without ability to find Truth for TRUTH IS HIDDEN FROM YOU BY YOUR BROTHERS WHO WOULD HAVE YOUR VERY SOUL IN DESTRUC­TION. THIS IS BUT THE COURSE OF "LIFE" PHYSICAL. BUT, TO BREAK THE CYCLES AND BINDINGS YOU MUST LEARN TRUTH--NOT MYSTICALLY OR IN MYSTICISM SOMEHOW BUT THROUGH UNDERSTANDING THE GREAT MYSTERIES OF FACTUAL PHYSICS OF THE COSMIC UNIVERSE. Through the coming into knowledge will come all other things added unto you--in abundance, be it on these places you now experience OR elsewhere as shall be the fruits of your participation in "creating".

    It is becoming more and more that man can communicate with the Universe in a universal tonal-light language. Less and less will translators be necessary as refinement and understanding and INTENT unto SOURCE is recognized and nurtured. HOWEVER, the myriads of "speakers" now flaunting their ad­vice and instructions are most PROBABLY not receiving from a Lighted Source. Remember the "game" and know that a thou­sand "false witnesses" only makes ONE massively false witness. It is fun to get confirmation-but that too is the game of reaching GOAL-- for the adversary.

    If a man claims to be God returned-or the Christ returned--in physical expression NOW, that one is false for that "being" is NOT ON YOUR PLACE IN PHYSICAL EXPRESSION. Those are sent, most "meaning" well, to distract you. You will find that "I" fit NONE of the categories claimed by "channels", prophets, and/or psychics. I come into your attention as a teacher, a messenger, a way shower and simply as a "Host". If we walk upon your place, we do so in holographic form SO THAT YOU CAN KNOWTHE DIFFERENCE IN THAT WHICH "CLAIMS TO BE" AND THAT WHICH "IS". We IDENTIFY individually, our energy and we DO NOT COME AS A CONGLOMERATE OF ANY KIND! If you are re­ceiving from a "Cosmic Group" of some kind and they refuse to give more-you are getting, at least partially, false testimony. It simply IS the way it IS. I have no exception to those who pre­sent--some in great truth (almost all in fact)--only clouded by the errors and ego. GOD KNOWS HIS TEAM, CHELAS--and He doesn't need many resources FOR SOON ALL WILL BE ABLE TO COMMUNICATE AND NO LONGER WILL THE OCCASIONAL "SPEAKER CHANNEL" BE EVEN NO­TICED. YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILTY FOR SELF--OR YOU SHALL BE DRAWN INTO THE SNARE OF "ANOTHER'S" RECITINGS AND OPINIONS.

    How can you know the difference? By studying the Truth instead of the lies-end you will recognize the Truth from that which is birthed within as the LAWS OF GOD AND CRE­ATION. YOU KNOW! YOU simply refuse to act properly on that which you know-through a preference to REMAIN IGNO­RANT IN THAT YOU WON'T HAVE TO TAKE RESPON­SIBILITY FOR THAT WHICH IS.

    Ah, indeed, many of those "teachers" will preach, "come to me and we will learn to ascend". B.S.--even ascension is a very PHYSICAL ability and it is NOT sitting on your duff WAIT­ING for a RAPTURE! Most are buried to the neck in confusion and pain of inability to cope in this time of chaos--so you search and search and FIND only that which tells you what you want to hear-but it brings not peace nor contentment--for the MIND knows the presentation is at least 50% total garbage. GOD TELLS YOU AND HAS ALWAYS TOLD YOU THAT YOU MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SELF OR YOU WOULD REPEAT UNTIL YOU LEARN THAT LESSON. SO BE IT--YOU HAVE LITTLE TIME LEFT IN "THIS" EX­PRESSION--HE HAS ALL THE TIME IN INFINITY TO WAIT FOR YOUR GAMES TO TAKE ON HIS RULES.

    Who am "I" to pronounce these regulations and rules upon you? I am probably that KNOWING VOICE within which reminds you OF WHO YOU ARE! I think I will request that our print­ers do that which a beloved brother has done with his writings:
    "Edited by - - - -". David Hatcher Childress offers great infor­mation to you and then offers himself as a compiler and selector of that information which, to him, is valid. That is all "I" do-­bring you my selections of material which is Truth and valid and necessary for correct passage--If YOU WISH TO HAVE IT. I do NOT have disciples as you now define "disciple" for that in­dicates a "following of a MAN". Are there ones on your place worthy of followers? Yes, but I am not on your place--I await the proper "time" of arrival. These other ones claiming to have been sent--may well have been--I do not discern for you nor judge actions for you. Those who are rooted, however, in the ego of physical presentation are DANGEROUS TO YOUR HEALTH IN PASSAGE. They may well teach many truths and do great miracles and magic--but it is the WORD OF TRUTH which is that which will give you passage ticket.

    Ones often come who reinterpret the Holy Books--WHY? Why do you dawdle in that which WAS or MAY BE when you HAVE TRUTH IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES AND EARS? Why would you turn only to that which is proven tampered and reconstructed as MAN translates and perceives--WHEN YOU HAVE THE TRUTH WITHIN YOUR VERY BEING? If a thing is WRONG a thousand Bibles will NOT make it RIGHT!

    Each of you will either deny God, wonder about God, believe in God, look for a "Hereafter" expression, HOPE for one or sim­ply don't give a damn. What of the latter category? Well, I suggest they may wish to continue reading our presentations for their understanding of their experience and that of the adversar­ial forces may allow some semblance of a better PHYSICAL time of it. You will note that the ones who DENOUNCE our work as evil or tell you "Do not read that evil garbage" are only protecting THEIR POSITION ON THE THRONE OR PULPIT. IF THERE IS SUCH DAMAGE IN OUR WORDS--WHY DO THEY FEAR YOUR REALIZATION OF IT SO GREATLY? WOULD NOT THE VERY EXPERIENCING OF THAT WHICH WE OFFER PROVE THEIR POINT IF INDEED THEY BE CORRECT? We ask that you read and hear EVERYTHING--AND THEN JUDGE THE WORK. WHAT PROOF DO "THEY" OFFER OTHER THAN CHANTINGS FROM A BOOK WRITTEN BY MEN? LOOK AROUND YOU AND YOU HAVE YOUR PROOF OF THAT WHICH WE OFFER UNTO YOU. SO BE IT.

    God promised to "SEND HIS MESSENGERS OF LIGHT"-­-REMEMBER? He also promised to send the WORD--that ye might KNOW! He did not say you had to believe it, live it or even READ it. He promised to SEND--BOTH. Again--so be it.
    As we again effort to bring that which is scientific fact, proven within the laws of universal physics-we shall do that which we can to give "understanding" to that which is offered. It requires that the so-called "educated" sector have open minds and realize that MAN, prior to self-was fallible and could err-even the great Newton, et al. Interestingly enough-those great scientists would be the FIRST to say, "I was not quite right for I did not have that which you have today to KNOW the truth of the whole of it!" Even Newton stated: "If I have seen further, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants who came before me!" He would never have claimed to be able to see BEYOND even to the extent that as with all the great scientists-he could not be SURE OF GOD AS SOURCE--only realizing SOMETHING FAR GREATER WHICH ORCHESTRATED A PERFECTLY FUNCTIONING UNIVERSEI Groveling and slithering before a perceived icon doesn't cut it--honest appraisal that "I don't re­ally know," does very nicely. True "ignorance" is the most ac­ceptable plus in the Kingdom of God--deliberate refusal to know and deliberate turning from that which is Truth--is the greatest negative action in Kingdom of God. Intent and knowledge are EVERYTHING. Both intent and knowledge are light energy of "emotional" category and are separate from that which is PHYSICAL. "Thought" is etheric--action is physical--guided by the "thought". So, you have come "a long way, babies"-- your thoughts are now controlled and given to you and thus your actions move with control by the "thought"--so you have LOST YOUR WAY. You march to drumbeats set forth by another-­just as PLANNED by those who would physically control, en­slave and USE your world for THEIR own purpose-you are forfeit!

    If I can cause just ONE to fully and totally understand the POWER in KNOWING--it is all that is required. If many of you come into KNOWING--then the game is over for the big dark brother who would bind your soul-you would put the bindings on him and toss him out of your realization! Why do you not do it now? Because you DO NOT KNOW FOR SURE WHAT COMES AFTER THIS EXPERIENCE--once you do--­the game is up for him--for it is so wondrous a venture that none would stay in "Satan's" game. The adversary is the testor and, being the testor--he can only affect the physical which is already manifest--he cannot CREATE. Therefore it is fact--all souls can be bound by him save ONE and STILL GOD WILL WIN! How? Because that ONE within GOD shall create all else-and cast out the adversary in expression.

    Do "I" test? Indeed--but I am not "THE Testor". I am a guide with the WORD who can lead the march with God's drumbeat­--against the enemy of your soul journey. YOU WILL MAKE THE CHOICE--IT IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS.

    In the unfolding of the MYSTERIES OF RADIANCE shall come your ultimate understanding. May we do our task well that you may find KNOWING.

    I AM
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 20:57.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 74


    TUE., JUNE 15, 1993 11:47 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 303

    TUE., JUNE 15, 1993

    The Creator ("God", as recognized in language by most of you readers of this writing) is ALL there IS. God is ALL that EX­ISTS.

    You have here a "universe" that SEEMS to exist in matter in motion which appears to exist. There is no "reality" to its ap­pearance for to your senses it simply sequentially disappears and then reappears. It but simulates reality through the illusion of two-way projected light--light reflections IN MOTION.

    God, recognized as THE CREATOR, is THE One Being, the One Person, if you will, the One Mind, the One Thinker, the One SELF, the ONE LIFE, the ONE SOUL of which you are a portion, the ONE POWER--THE ONE REALITY.

    God's CREATION is the imagined and patterned form of GOD'S own imagining, structured in IDS image. It IS the body of God, THE RECORDINGS OF HIS THINKING, created BY Him for expressing the ONENESS OF LIFE, LOVE, MIND-­-AND SOUL! IT ALSO EXPRESSES THE "POWER", ALL BEING WHICH IS IN HIM ALONE.

    God IS light. God is Universal Mind, "mind" is "light"--­MIND KNOWS!

    Mind "thinks" what it knows into consciousness. Mind "thinks" in two opposing LIGHTS simultaneously projected from their centering WHITE LIGHT SOURCE and IS sequentially repeated in cycles.

    God's thinking and imagining are qualities of God's ultimate KNOWING and creating resource. God's knowing Mind is without time and is absolutely "still" (motionless). Likewise, man's thinking and imagining are equally as timeless and still as is his knowing--but he remains too limited in his own conscious­ness to recognize his all-knowing capacity.

    "Stillness" (without motion) can NEVER be motion (action or moving), but it can appear to be. Motion merely seems while Stillness always IS. THE universal equilibrium can never be other than its own balance but it can seem to be, if you ponder this a minute. The "illusion" which is motion springs from stillness and always returns to that stillness. As strange as it may seem to the SENSES, this is a universe of REST. There is nothing except "rest" in the Universe. No time, no space-­nothing except "rest" which we will discuss as we move along.

    'Mind "KNOWS" its one Idea of Creation as a (ONE) WHOLE. Mind "thinks" its One Whole idea into seeming parts. Hence comes the illusion of motion which is called "Creation", and the illusion of substance which you call "matter".

    Matter, motion, time, change, dimension and substance have NO EXISTENCE. The Light of knowing Mind ALONE ex­ists. There is but ONE Mind and ONE Thinker.

    The one Light of knowing Mind is Self of God. It IS the Uni­versal Self which centers all omnipresent self-creating bodies of God-Selves. THIS ENTIRE SELF CREATING UNIVERSE IS THE MIND IMAGINED BODY OF GOD, AND RECORD OF GOD'S THINKING. In the final recognition and knowing ­there is ONLY LIGHT!

    You can most assuredly KNOW God. You cannot, however, KNOW His "body" but you can SEE it. Likewise you can KNOW man. You cannot actually know the body of man--but you can SEE it. Therefore, you have to realize that what God IS-man is. God and man are ONE and it is the illusion which "seems" to be more than one.

    You would "seem" to live in two universes simultaneously. These are represented as the still cosmic MIND universe of KNOWING and that moving thought-of-mind universe of SENSING through rhythmic waves.

    You cannot sense the cosmic universe of God's knowing nor can you know the thought-wave universe of God's thinking. The cosmic Mind universe of THE One Light of all-knowing is all that IS. The vibrating thought-wave universe of sensing merely "SEEMS".

    God is the ONE still light and IS the cosmic LIGHT which watches over all creating things at countless points locatable by man--but Invisible to man. Man's senses have misled him into believing in forces which he calls magnetism, i.e., that which attracts compass needles and lifts tons of, say, steel. The phe­nomena of motion are due to electricity AND NOT TO MAGNETISM. You are going to have to learn the difference and we must present it in such a way as to allow you to HAVE THE INFORMATION. We have offered it prior to now but it was removed from your ability to access it. THE Cosmic Light is absolutely at rest (STILL). It neither attracts nor repels.

    You must now comprehend the nature and purpose of the "magnetic poles' of suns, planets and all other moving exten­sions of that ONE LIGHT. Likewise, you must know the nature and purpose of the two electric 'workers" which interweave this light image of seeming motion and dissolve it sequentially for rebuilding. This will give you a foundation of knowledge which will enable man to see behind the illusions which DECEIVE your senses.

    You must now begin to seriously climb out of the material wilderness to your spiritual mountain peak. This means you must move more and more Into the cosmic Light universe of knowing and less in that sensing universe of mere electric waves.

    Man must come to know that his POWER lies in the stillness of his own centering Self AND NOT IN THE MOTION by which he manifests that very stillness.

    You must now come to realize and KNOW that your "Self" IS God within Self. Why? Because you must, if you are to find fulfillment in the journey, come into realization and awareness of this cosmic Light of God in Self. With this awareness comes also an awareness of purpose and fullness in manifesting that Light AND the power with which to manifest it.

    You must come to know the universe of God for that which it IS instead of what your senses have made you believe it to be.

    Further, you must know that this infinite creating universe which appears and seems so real, is but a movie of sorts written by that Masterful writer/Creator. You will come to know that the "seeming" reality is simply electrically projected, spectrum-­colored light and sound-wave "motion" pictures-a play of CAUSE AND EFFECT imaged on a screen of imaged space and time (both of which would be perceived as black in absence of Light). The CAUSE is very real indeed--the effect is a sim­ulation of the reality.

    You will note that the "self" of man is cause. His own self-cre­ating "body" is effect.

    God's universe of Light is static and magnetic. God's perpetu­ally creating and re-creating electric wave universe is TWO moving lights and is dynamic. IT IS FOREVER IN MOTION. So you have a projection through each other of the two moving lights--FROM the "static" ONE which creates an illusion of the "idea" they simply manifest.

    Creation is the product of mind-knowing expressed into and in "form" by mind-thinking. Know, however, that the product of mind is not the "idea" which it simulates for no idea of mind is ever "created". It IS but simulation by form and motion.
    Idea is infinite and eternal and belongs to God's ever-still uni­verse of KNOWING. "Form" of idea manifest is very transient but IS eternally repeated as transient form of idea.

    The foundation of the Spiritual universe is STILLNESS; the bal­anced stillness of the ONE magnetic Light of God. Balanced stillness is the positive principle of stability and unity--ONENESS. IN IT THERE ARE NO NEGATIONS.

    The very foundation of the physical universe is motion; the ever-changing, constantly moving motion arising out of pairs of unbalanced conditions which must infinitely move to seek the balanced stillness of unity from which they originated as multiple PAIRS of units. We will speak of this seeming dual­ity later. You MUST have pairs or you have no balance and yet, yes, there is still only THE ONE.

    "Unbalanced motion" is the negative principle of instability sep­arateness, multiplicity, etc., which is the physical universe made up of electric waves in octaves, of opposed lights.

    Realize that in the negative principle there is NO positive. It is composed entirely of pairs of negations which are infinitely voiding each other, canceling out each other's action and reac­tions, thus negating each other by never allowing either one to exceed its fixed point of zero of universal stillness.

    I realize this is a bit confusing as you begin to think out these fragments in KNOWING but you have to begin somewhere in your own creating power. If you never can tell the positive from the negative projection of what IS--how can you ever come to understand the very creation of SELF or grasp the POWER of that KNOWING?

    The still magnetic light universe of God's knowing IS an invisi­ble, unchanging, unconditioned and non-measurable QUALITY from which visible, changing, conditioned and measurable QUANTITIES spring to simulate those qualities through two-­way wave motion.

    Human physical language (in any language) has no WORD to express that "quality", just as you are lacking in total definition of several things--this being the most important. It requires the use of a multiplicity of words which hopefully express the same meaning but myriads of "connotations". We have to refer to this as consciousness, life, love, truth, mind, knowledge, bal­ance, harmony, desire, power and LAW. There is not one that expresses either singularly or together which truly expresses the perfection of the subject in point.

    The God-quality of the ONE Light is seemingly transformed into quantities by being divided into pairs of opposing condi­tioned light pressures of the electric universe. The divided pairs then are multiplied into infinite wave units (which are best ex­pressed as "octaves") of wave units of light pressures and set in opposing directional motion which creates the illusion of se­quence. It also creates the illusion of change, dimension, con­dition, and time in a universe where NONE of these states and effects of motion actually exist.

    You can consider a lake of water or even of sand. It is an un­changing and unmeasurable quality of ONENESS if it be STILL AND CALM. You will note no change and nothing to count or to measure upon the "calm" still surface. However, the moment that quantities of wave's spring from that quality of calm, those quantities can be measured as movement sets the wondrous par­ticles into "change". Likewise, they are forever (infinitely) changing, nor are there two points in them which are similarly conditioned to exactness.

    Realize, now, that this ever creating electric universe is com­posed of moving light waves, which frequencies originate from a calm "lake" of THE ONE still Light. It IS a universe of pairs in motion of quantities which simulate the QUALITY of still­ness from which those quantities originated. The quantities of divided and conditioned pairs of opposite lights which thus simulate the ONE are NOT the ONE they simulate. Do you under­stand--one is NOT the other.

    There is NOT division in the ONE Mind of Creator. Creation is ONE WHOLE IDEA OF MIND divided into countless simu­lated ideas of mind--THROUGH MOTION. The simulation of idea thus expressed is NOT the idea that it expresses. Parts of the ONE WHOLE IDEA are only seeming. There are NO two separate or separable things in the entirety of the universe. There is but ONE WHOLE SIMULATION OF THE ONE WHOLE IDEA.

    Everything that is of everything else that IS. All things are indissolubly united--everything is related to everything else-­without exception. THERE CAN BE NO EXCEPTION.

    Every "occurrence" anywhere manifests everywhere. The most tiny and almost weightless fluff floating in a summer breezy sky affects the balance of the whole universe of suns and galax­ies. Every individual part of the universe moves in interdepen­dent unison as the wheels of a watch move in unison. Watch wheels must be geared together mechanically--but the rhythmic wave universe is geared together ELECTRICALLY.

    The universe in its entirety is ONE and must be kept in balance as ONE. Changes of condition in anyone part are simultane­ously reflected in every other part, and are sequentially re­peated in it.

    The ONE (God Creator) is within ALL things, without ALL things-for Creator IS ALL THINGS.

    All things extend from Creator and are omnipresent because Creator IS omnipresent. All omnipresent things are also omni­scient for Creator is within each of them and Creator is omni­scient. Therefore, when man's consciousness tells him of God's presence within and without him he will then know all things-­for Creator knows all things. All things imagined by Creator (God) are imaged forms of God's imaginings. Power rests in them then to manifest the balanced Light which centers them in all instances, by making the ONE light appear as unbalanced pairs (two) which must sequentially but equally interchange. ALL things which man senses in his physical expression are waves of dual light which records God's electric thinking in the imagined forms of God's imagining.

    God alone has "BEING" and therefore the "imagined" forms of God's imagining have no "being". But don't let it concern you for the difference will make more sense in defining as we move further into the deciphering of the illusion and the "beingness".

    I will effort to now respond to inquiries which are echoed by most of you in varying degrees of interest and varying degrees of understanding.

    You will have to understand that I HAVE NO GOAL BEYOND THE SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING OF KNOWING. However, IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH--­THEN THERE IS NO WAY TO REACH WITHIN THAT TRUTH. Let us say you take a set of numbers and do some­thing to them to arrive at an answer--it will either be correct or incorrect. You may have several ways to arrive at the correct answer. However, if you do not know what the numbers are and/or if the teachers are incorrect or deliberately misleading in your lessons--you cannot even realize a "correct" answer and will continue over and over again to arrive at incorrect answers.

    This means that any "teacher" must give you background, cir­cumstances impacting the problem and finally, teach you HOW to structure your numbers to arrive at proper solutions. You cannot climb a ladder if it has no rungs.

    There is no intent herein by any measure of thought to use this example as expression of an example but let us consider the Jews who were supposedly murdered in the "Holocaust". Firstly "holocaust" is misused as a term. Secondly there is now touted that over 6 million (6,500,000 is the new "count") are claimed to have been killed in the holocaust. Well, right off it cannot be--for SOME would have died of "other" than holocaust (annihilation by fire) so now you have your first error. Next, let us say you take ALL "Jews" in the area at the time--THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH BY COUNT TO EQUAL A WHOLE COUNT OF SIX OR OF EVEN FOUR MILLION. There are more "Jews" receiving payment for their damages NOW than were accounted for at the time of the holocaust--so SOME­THING is incorrect in calculations. THIS HAS NOTHING to do with holocaust or whether or not there was damage and death of Jews (and others) but it merely remains that the CORRECT answer cannot be arrived at by misusing and mislabeling the numbers. In other words, two lies do not make a "truth". This certainly has no reflection on any sect, race, creed or color--IT IS SIMPLY THAT IT CANNOT MATHEMATICALLY BE A CORRECT STATEMENT NOR CAN "HOLOCAUST" BE THE ONE CORRECT WORD FOR WHAT HAPPENED.

    I think it worthy of taking time right now to offer and respond to a very thoughtful letter from a respected friend in Colorado. I shall have to ask that reprinting be offered, Dharma, because the responses will make no "sense" otherwise.

    I shall use brackets and bold type for my response, as usual, please. ([H:...])

    Dear Folks, greetings in the ALL Light.

    I am taking this opportunity of your invitation to communi­cate and as I had mentioned in a previous letter that I would like to do so. I address to our Elder Brother Hatonn and his co-­workers. The following is presented with all due respect and in recognition for the perseverance, dedication as well as the en­lightened disclosures that you and your co-workers have been instrumental in bringing about. Many of these were new to me and others drove home some very pertinent ramifications of that of which I have been already aware.

    Firstly I would like to comment on what I think is notable in that I perceive a difference in the character of your expressions now, as in comparison with those on tapes recorded from the "Galaxy" radio series of the 50s. It seems to me to not be the same Hatonn.

    [H: Thank you for allowing the people (readers) to realize that I have been "around" for a very long time and actually sharing with you through communications. I AM the same being--YOU ARE NOT! Further, the lessons are now dif­ferent; the awakening right up against the clock; the realiza­tion of circumstance demanding of differing approach and teachings. Some still need the first kindergarten lessons but if we are to move a remnant into the higher security of being and physically make journey into fulfillment, then the teacher must grow even more adroitly than do the students. In many instances the lessons were misguided and misinter­preted--sometimes in error, more often through intent and deliberation. The adversary has been expecting our arrival far longer than your consciousness--so the distractions and outright lies began before I even began lessons--so very often the lessons were NEVER mine at all. I need make no com­ment about that for it has not changed as the deceivers are full-blown in attempts to misrepresent and discredit--CON­STANTLY AND INFINITELY.]

    Since you have stated that you have a very extensive com­puter system at your disposal, why is it that you have not been aware of records stored in the upper spiritual realms, some of which have been relayed to mortals over a hundred years ago? [H: Ah, and why your ASSUMPTION that I know not of such records? ALL things are stored in the LIGHT and this is why I gave you the foregoing message regarding LIGHT. You must understand that all things physical (computers--a poor example perhaps) are ILLUSION and only that which is LIGHT has meaning. You are now getting ready to give me my lessons which are fine but realize that I do not agree with you simply because I am polite and gracious in ex­change for your honest petition.] Namely those records as portrayed in a book that I mentioned to you several years ago named "Oahspe"? These records, in my opinion, are very im­portant to mankind at these times since they convey to him the various responsibilities associated with each level of development he attains. It also points out to him the preparations that are necessary for each step of the way starting with the lowest level as a mortal, and the vital importance of his awareness of it at the present moment. It also gives man a fairly good account of his past historical record of 100,000 years.

    [H: Ah, but what of "beyond" 100,000 years? Further, when you have no "time" and no "space"--what means you by "100,000 years?" I get equally as many letters stating that I am remiss for not using this or that "other" set of written rules and thoughts and presentations from the so­-called "Holy" Bible, Torah, Keys of Enoch and on and on. Why would I come as teacher if I but say go read and study this mammoth book called "Oahspe"? The first question asked would be "What Is that?" and "I don't have time to read that old stuff-give me the scoop now!" Also, IF IT WERE THE ANSWER--YOU WOULD ALL ALREADY HAVE THE ANSWER AND WOULD NOT BE WHERE YOU ARE TODAY! I desire no input to that which you choose to read and accept--you are responsible for your opinions and perceptions--and they are not mine. If the words and meanings are Truth-you have no problem. If they are NOT, all the arguing in the universe will not make them right. I am come now to walk you through awakening and show you THE WAY to finish this journey in the physi­cal expression and prepare a place here and you for "there" who would make that transition. I care not who or what is in charge of planet Earth except as it affects the souled cre­ations of Creator LIGHT.]

    Oahspe expresses clearly and quite realistically why and who is in charge of the affairs of planet Earth, how he was selected for this responsibility by our Creator. You have acknowledged a number of high raised Elder Brothers in various responsible positions, but if you have ever done so with the Chief executive of planet earth, then somewhere I have missed it. A concern is ... is it that the ever increasing light of our Creator is being in­terpreted by you in your own way and being applied according to your comprehension irrespective of the activities of those labouring in the realms above you?

    [H: An interesting concept--"those labouring in the realms ABOVE you." THYRE ARE NO REALMS ABOVE ME. I am projecting as God, Imaging oft-times as a Space Com­mander herding you through the path of safety and Truth. Other times I must hold your hands while you let-go of the ties of perception that keep you from full realization--most from teachers who write the myriads of books. The Truth is usually never allowed to get spread about the public. Oah­spe is a good example for there is much Truth in the words and therefore the adversary will not ever allow its full distri­bution for he always presents the misinformation as he has compiled It. However, when you effort to break down into "Chief executives ••• of planet Earth ••• ", etc., you have erred greatly in accepting that kind of notion into your head. YOU ARE THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF PLANET EARTH UNTIL YOU CAN UNDERSTAND THE ONE-NESS WITHIN THE ONE--YOU AREN'T GOING TO GET TO THE GLORY OF THE JOURNEY. YOU ARE THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE! Furthermore, if you try to arrange the hier­archy of the "higher realms" to suit the seating arrangement of a presumed banquet feast-you are going to find zilch at the feast save the adversary.

    Do I interpret the "ever increasing light of our Creator" in my own way? No-I present the Truth of the ever increasing light of our Creator AS IT IS.--AND NOT THROUGH ANY INTERPRETATION. Since you are dealing with LIGHT ONLY, and Creator within and being the ONE LIGHT SOURCE-you cannot have "reality" within an "illusion". Therefore "reality" can ONLY come into KNOWING as you move out of the illusion and into that knowing. I have to express it the best way I can for the most understanding of the most entities expressing in your dimension of experience. You have YOUR job and I HAVE MINE! Is mine somehow "bigger"? "Bigger has no meaning--My job does, however, have infinite responsibility and Importance since MAN has forgotten just about everything he KNEW at beginning of expression. I would suggest that ones in projecting OAB­SPE, for example, are PRESENTING THEIR OWN IDEAS and interpretations according to THEIR preferred perceptions. How can I be so sure? Because they express on 100,000 years (according to your writing)--and CREATION and CREATOR is infinite and without time or space. If you are interested only in "history" books, fine--but herein we are speaking of infinite BEING without beginning and with­out ending. I AM and I have no other to offer. Perhaps this is WHY my name is ATON, the ONE LIGHT??]

    Concerning your statements that you are from the Pleiades???? Is it possible that you are from a much nearer place? Perhaps right from the Earth? Or from within it? If you are more local, I can understand why it might be that you wish it to be believed that you are from a much more distant place.

    [H: I am from everywhere and nowhere! I shall express from wherever I can reach your perception as a species of Creation. Pleiades is a physical destination wherein you ones of physical expression can relate to selves ill experience­-an illusion manifest for your expression until you can come Into KNOWING. If you do not understand this then I would hope you continue to utilize the lessons as we bring them so that you can know your own potential and expression. In my present state I AM NOT OF PLANET EARTH IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM. Why, further, would I wish you to believe I am from an even farther distant place? You are now moving into the magical mystical world of illusion within the illusion. Since I am one with our Father Creator­--I am much closer as you suggest-right within you and right within your soul and MIND. I cannot be distant nor closer--­I AM and the difference IS--I KNOW IT! You have yet to REMEMBER it! If you have to have a "Chief Executive Of­ficer" to make your journey--then you have a long journey yet ahead of you in KNOWING. Do you need leaders and teachers? Indeed! BUT--you are the boss, friend, and until you accept that POWER and quit giving it to ancient writers with their hierarchic instructions, you are going to be in danger of missing the boat to REALITY.]

    Reincarnation. A moot subject. [H: How so, moot? How so that you have already formed your opinions and Insult my "possible" response. It so happens, precious, that your per­ception is incorrect and, therefore, I have to assume that there may be errors in Oahspe if that be from where you gained your own insight. Is it wrong, bad or whatever? No­-it just IS.] Now, I do understand that at some point of devel­opment one may take on any form one wishes for whatever pur­poses it may be necessary to do so. I'm sure that there are those so experienced and developed that if they chose to do so, they have the power and know-how to put arms and legs on a stick and animate it on this mortal plane. However, I seriously doubt that a newly born into the spirit has the know-how to create a mortal body and inhabit it. If reincarnation, as it is taught, were a reality, how is it that there are teeming millions in the lower spiritual realms, who had been taught reincarnation while in the flesh, who are striving--clamoring hopelessly to reincarnate? How come, now and down through the years, there literally are hundreds who claim to be the reincarnated Christ, Buddha, Cleopatra, Napoleon and many others? A quote from those heavenly records: "Each and every man-child and woman-child born into life will I quicken with a new spirit, which shall pro­ceed out of Me at the time of conception. Neither will I give to any spirit of the lower or higher heavens power to enter a womb, or the fetus of a womb and be born over again. Neither created I him imperfectly that he should be born over again. That which I do is well done." [H: Heavenly records? What heavenly records? Where did YOU get them? How do YOU know these things? Do you KNOW or do you presume or believe what another has told you? You do not have to be­lieve ME, either--for you are to discern, Judge and act for self. Your "thinking" that one presenter brings Truth with­out further investigation into possibilities otherwise is that which is limited to the physical perception. You will not make understanding in TRUTH until you reconcile with KNOWING. Moreover, that which is done by God is not "well-done"--it IS PERFECTION.]

    Also there are records of those that have taught reincarna­tion, that have passed into spirit, that are efforting to retract their teachings stating that there are no methods or ways by which to reincarnate that they can find in the spirit realms. [H: Simply "passing into spirit" doesn't mean a thing except lack of physical body--there certainly does not instantly come KNOWING or even very much "smartness". If you make your passage in ignorance you will find yourself--in spirit--in ignorance.] An Indian Sage, Fakir of India, stated from spirit, "Yes, I did teach that you could come back or return to earth from spirit world, but never did I teach that you could come back as a mortal." If indeed a condition existed where a mortal who was underdeveloped and needed to return from spirit back into mortal form, where in the world would he get the know-­how/knowledge-wisdom that would be required to create a com­plicated physical form in which to reincarnate? [H: Good grief, I wouldn't know, child. WHO IS THIS INDIAN FAKER­--ER, ER--FAKIR? Are my writings so difficult that you do not cause him to answer to his own projections--or is it that you express your discomfort with me because you are more COMFORTABLE WITH HIS TRUTH? The actual fact of this matter is that you DO BELIEVE MY TEACHINGS. YOU THRUST OUT IN EFFORT TO HOLD YOUR AR­GUMENT BUT IF YOU DID NOT BELIEVE MY WORDS YOU WOULD SURELY NOT TAKE TIME TO READ SO MUCH OF MY WORK FOR YEARS--NOR WOULD YOU TAKE SUCH TIME TO WRITE AT SUCH LENGTH ON THESE MATTERS. Why do you concern yourself with these things?--It Is your relationship with God which is im­portant, NOT what might be flying through the ethers seeking re-entry into mortal form. You are working with WORDS of man and ARGUING points of view--I have nothing upon which to argue with you one way or another­--HAVE IT ANY WAY YOU CHOOSE! HOWEVER, THERE WILL BE ONLY "ONE" WAY IN THE ENDING! "Believe" whatever you like about reincarnation or anything else--for it is what you KNOW which determines destiny in infinity of Truth.]

    If he or she is not knowledgeable, educated and wise enough to even reach his proper place in the spiritual realm? [H: There was no finish to this question so I guess I can't give a suit­able response.] Our Creator certainly does not create empty physical forms for this purpose. [H: Wait a minute--perhaps He "doesn't" or "does"--but He certainly CAN if HE so chooses. Are you perchance giving your own perception and opinion of what God will or will not do?] For all is created in perfection in its place and time. [H: So perhaps even a few empty physical forms may be necessary? Unnecessary? Who is to say what is God's imagining--perchance He would like a few empty forms around? Perchance it is YOU who judge need who would not have these "around"? Limit God and ye have totally limited SELF.] Whether it be a blade of grass, man, animal or a galaxy. Furthermore, a mortal low in spiritual development ends up in the lowest of spiritual realms where there are no educational systems capable of teaching one of extensive creative principles. I am aware that there are many obsessions that take place at time of new births that do pass off as reincarnation. [H: Can you be so exact in your percep­tions? Is it possible that you simply do not KNOW the full perfection of God's plan and are only stating that which you have heard or read? It matters not, you see, for until you KNOW you have only narrow perceptions of "thinking" about anything in an effort to come into KNOWING. If you go off in the scattered directions of "thinking" and "thinking" only what others "think" you will lose the path­--for until you KNOW in God's "thinking" you will be incor­rect!]

    A mortal obsessed by a long time resident of the astral realms, could have obsessed many mortals and thereby have had many experiences through those obsessions and then able to relate those experiences through his present mortal obsession. It is then not a history of a reincarnation but one of many obsessions at the expense of that mortal's loss of experiences by having his body usurped by an ignorant or mischievous spirit. Past lives may be revealed through a mortal who may be obsessed at vari­ous times by many spirits who can represent thousands of expe­riences of recent or centuries past. [H: How can you have "past lives" If you have no "past lives"?] Nevertheless, rein­carnation is not that big of an issue for, should it be so, and those of us that have no belief in it, would take but a small effort to adjust to it at the appropriate place and time. [H: Ah, but YOU are not sure, are you? Now you are going to buffer the possibilities with what you "think" in order to secure your middle-of-the-road perception. Let me put you at ease a bit, child: If you are expressing within an illusion--then you can only be reproduced in another illusion at any cir­cumstance--since the physical projection is but God's think­ing made manifest. Therefore, incarnation or reincarnation have no REAL meaning. To say, however, that you cannot re-express or re-experience in the mortal physical plane--IS AGAIN, LIMITING GOD along with failure to UNDER­STAND the expression of God Creator. Worse, perhaps, may be that you leave no expression save the movement into realms of density of further lack of ability to express in full LIGHT by refusing to accept Truth Instead of the assump­tions of "others'" "thinking" instead of coming into KNOW­ING. What do you consider the proper place and time? Ah so, there is no time or place--and hence all you are ever go­ing to have in KNOWING is what you accept in KNOWING­--beyond that blithering and confused "thinking" about some­thing of which you can physically and consciously only sur­mise or about which you must speculate--for you have all forgotten the truth of REALITY.]

    Excellent reference on this subject is a book called Thirty Years Among the Dead by Dr. Wickland. He had discovered that many ailments of his patients were caused by obsessing spirits who had that particular ailment at the time of their demise. Most of these obsessing spirits did not even know that this was what they were doing or that they were even dead as to a physical body. They were not aware that they were now a resident of a spiritual realm. The Dr. records dozens of these incidences and the various peculiarities of each. It would be good reading for those not acquainted with the conditions of spiritual realms. Another good one is called "Wanderer in the Spirit Lands". These books are available from "Health Re­search", Mokelumne Hill. Ca.

    [H: Indeed, I agree that they are "good reading" but that does not mean that I agree with the offering in whole. The realization that boundaries are present in Spirit is worthy. To take such offering as the "gospel" for evolvement of soul progression is not too wise-for perchance there may be some errors-since Dr. Wickland was also a "mortal" man. I would, further, sense that you are somehow "arguing" with me or efforting to convince me of some physical worldly stance. I have DO argument-for until you come to KNOW you will play at "what if". You are going to do that with or without my participation. You see, chelas--(students) all of you: You do not even need read my presentations much less ARGUE my offerings. If I be wrong in your perception­ then put aside the offering. BUT, PERHAPS I AM RIGHT? Well, that is your judgment and discernment--but I suggest: STUDY ALL I OFFER BEFORE MAKING THINE JUDG­MENT FOR YOU MAY BE WRONG IN CONCLUSIONS.

    I am grateful for the considerations extended to me and for all of the new information that I have gleaned from your efforts and those that work with you.

    Since I am no longer a regular subscriber I would appreciate receiving the singular issue that may contain any commentary concerning my views, for which is enclosed payment.

    [H: Ah, precious, you have made my point for me. You have perhaps studied and can recite and with clarity project the exact meaning of each and every phrase in, say, OAH­SPE? Why do I ask? Because you obviously have partaken of very, very little of my work and wish me to go through the lessons of thousands of teachings and messages to counter your perceptions of something of which I have no in­terest. I ask that the money be returned to you, dear one, for the lesson is quite free. You cannot base your passage and move into KNOWING from fragments of instructions and insight. If you do not care enough to find and seek truth in ALL I offer, please do not JUDGE AT ALL! I wel­come your inquiries and please understand our inability to respond to each one personally unless the lesson is FOR ALL for I work through human hands and the "answers" have al­ready been presented. If you want those "answers" in un­derstanding then you shall have to study the work presented for Truth in accomplishment of KNOWING is that which we have worked and written in over 75 volumes, thousands of hours of lessons on tape and weekly in the paper. This is YOUR journey and all I can do is OFFER the Word in or­der to show the way. You will use that which you choose and I can do no more. I bless you and offer you that which I AM and that which I KNOW--but my KNOWING is not YOUR KNOWING--THAT must be achieved for self.]

    To the Ekkers and their co-workers I extend my most heart­felt regards for their efforts to enlighten their fellow man.

    With Love, Wisdom and Power,


    (Please do not use my name in any references. Thanks.)

    * * *
    Thank you for your kind words and thoughts for we are but family walking in this wondrous experience--each moving in our own role of expression. May wisdom ever be your guide and KNOWING ever be your goal. YOU WILL LEARN TO RECOGNIZE TRUTH AS YOU GROW. Let not your hearts be weary or faint for the searching is long. You have, however, but one TRUTH to KNOW--your relationship with GOD. When THAT is right--all else will fall into its proper placement.

    You must come to the place where you KNOW that you shall not longer place Earth before God, gaining all of Earth and nothing of God. For God "thinks" Earth and Earth appears, dis­appears and reappears ever in balanced rhythms of HIS "thinking". Man's "Earth" and MAN are but God's imagining, to come and to go with HIS imagining. "It" is not "God" nor is it him; nor is it even what it "seems" to be to Man. You must come to see no more with "outer" eyes alone for you have knowing eyes to void the illusions of your "sensing". WIS­DOM KNOWS! Ponder it.

    May you walk in the beauty of that which IS and perceive in the wonders of that which is presented for your "thinking" so that you might find total balance in the wondrous PRESENCE of KNOWING.


    PJ 74


    WED., JUNE 16, 1993 11:33 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 304

    WED., JUNE 16, 1993

    [trans="번역됨: 당신은 누구인가?"]


    This is, of course, the quest for resolution for EVERY individ­ual with SOUL. It will only be the soulless or near-soulless be­ings in expression of physical form who will not have THESE questions as their ultimate search. If one tells you, "I care not my place nor purpose," he lies or is without "probable" (for with God ALL THINGS are possible) soul center and focus. He may not be a mechanical fabrication of "man" but he is not functioning as a soul centered energy form. He may as well be a simple functioning or mechanical robotic entity. These ones will be totally centered in the "physical" humanistic aspect of expression and will not recognize "God" as anything more than an idea which is, further, considered a "bad" idea.

    The souled being will always seek balance, harmony, peace and Truth--ALWAYS! He will, further, seek it in the places and in the presence (openly) of God. He will be the same in his private dealings as in his public presentment and there will be firm stance within that creed. He will be gentle, giving and loving to his fellow-man. He will do unto others in a manner reflecting his inner light of expectation of a return of that caring. He will not secretly abuse another--even in his most secret places--most especially, I should say, in his most secret places. He will, further, search for his "power" not from the physical force but from his inner strength and wisdom. He may not be matured in his actions but his heart will always be driven to finding the an­swer within the lighted "goodness" of that which is Creator's "man". He will stray from Truth but his "conscience" will al­ways teach lessons in an effort to pull the being back within the intent of God. It is for many to learn through stumbling--NOT THROUGH FORSAKING AND DENYING GOD. He who denies God shall be DENIED before God.

    Man further seeks his relationship relentlessly, to the universe, to man, and to God. Representatives of soulless humanistic people seek only the moment, "things", or power through force or deceit as if there is NO after expression. For them there is not usually much to look forward to in that "after" expression so they serve the Satanic Beast in effort to fill need of human senses. Their source of power, for instance, is drawn from hu­man ability to force through brute command.

    Souled man seeks always to find from whence comes his power and what IS the source of THAT power. He will endlessly search for a way to KNOW Truth and find what IS Truth. He will search tirelessly for balance and effort to have his dealings with his fellow men reflect an interchange which would enrich both.

    There are myriads of religions and religious teachings--and myriad are the teachings of the commandments to goodness--but goodness remains a veiled searching like a fog which ever hides God's light and the seeking continues on and on. Why? Be­cause in the FINDING is the KNOWING--and there is no need for further. When you KNOW--you ARE in the Light. So man in his searching is destined to stumble in that seeming dark pas­sage and, being in unbalance, falls. If he then holds forth his hand to GOD to seek rebalance, so shall he find it--but he most often grabs the offered hand of the physical senses. He realizes not that he CAN utilize the physically sensed hand for assistance and STILL HOLD ONLY TO THE HAND OF GOD.

    The inner and heartfelt prayer from the souled being searching for Truth is always for his "brother" and for his own ability--not to achieve great material "things' --but for the removal of the blinding veil which hides the path to God in HIS infinite LIGHT. Since the beginning of man's journey it has ever been thus, that the unanswered question arising from the souled heart of man be known and recognized in KNOWING.

    Civilizations of man come and go, always progressing in cycles­--always IN CYCLES. As each cycle moves there will always be new comprehension of "being-ness" which will transform mankind into higher forms of "beingness". You are now in one of those most enlightening cycles--in progress.

    Centered in the consciousness of man is recognition of his ever-­present KNOWING but he cannot remember--he forgets quickly and must experience the actions of remembering and data trig­gering of that which is stored in his KNOWING. God's omni­science, omnipresence and omnipotence is at the very core in every person's consciousness and it is "conscience" which guides actions. Very few, however, can recognize their own self-soul as being WITH the Universal Self-Soul. Each "cycle" of experience brings man nearer to his awareness of his ONE­NESS with the Light of his Self-Source but it takes many mil­lennia to come into consciousness of this knowledge, much the less, to express and fully comprehend as much.

    Can you realize that you actually live in a world of "EFFECT"? Harken, please, back to yesterday's writing regarding Cause and Effect. Your "world" is an effect of which man knows not yet the CAUSE. It is seeping through now into the collective con­sciousness, but equal efforts are being placed upon "man" to disallow him access to full comprehension. Because of its seemingly infinite multiplicity and complexity, man fails to vi­sion the simple underlying principle of balance and total need for perfect "harmony" in ALL things. Man, therefore, com­plexes Truth until its many angles, sides and facets have lost all balance with each other and, as well, with him. Balance is sim­ple; Truth is simple but man efforts to instill complexity. Bal­anced interchange in rhythmic measure between all pairs of op­posite expression in human relationships, as well as in natural phenomena, is the most consummate art of God's universe which is LIGHT. It is THE law most clearly expressed in per­fection. In this singular Universal LAW lies the balanced conti­nuity of all creative expression in God's "electric" wave uni­verse of two conditioned lights in seeming motion which record God's ONE whole Idea of Creation into countless seemingly separate parts of that whole idea. Again, I ask you to refer to my prior writing of yesterday to find comprehension of meaning in the "electric" nature of God's Universe and the realization of "pairs" or "two conditioned lights", 'seeming motion", etc., for I have not time nor space in this human presentation to repeat. As a matter of fact, this entire subject of information IS a total repeat of that which we have been banned in presenting in its prior form. Therefore, we must handle the subject material with great care and respect to the courts and orders therefrom.

    It is for this very reason that "I" am dictating this material for we will not even "confuse" this with that of Germain's prior presentations. If some things seem vague and disjointed--it is for THIS reason, to protect our people from assault, threat or accusations. There is only ONE Truth but many ways to arrive at that ONE Truth. It is difficult, however, when the facts are purely "physics" in nature to express "differently" a very identi­cal and factual summation. For instance, suppose someone has already expressed that 1 plus 1 equals 2 (1 + 1 = 2). What do I do to change that presentation? I can say that ½ + ½ + ½ + ½ = 2, or ¼ + ¼ + ........, and so on, but the very subject and sum limits my ability to present the fact of 1 + 1 equaling 2 without repeating that which many have already expressed. This, however, does not alter the truth or rightness of 1 + 1 equaling 2!

    I can, for instance, speak at great length on "duality" of presen­tation. But Little Crow sums it up and I am free to express his version and explanation wherein my scribe is prevented refer­ence to other valid resource.

    Little Crow: "That world of duality--you have good, you have its opposite or opposing side. That holds true for everything in Creation. Why would it not? Why would it be different? It is the same for all Creation. For everything that is in its positive state, it has its negative state which exists with the same freedom and abundance as its other side. So there is no one place holier or less holy than where you now sit." [This sharing shows the intent of the entity to get Truth and understanding unto the peo­ple, his brethren, rather than hide the secret unto himself so that Truth cannot go unto ALL the expressions (If God that they can become ones in KNOWING.)

    There is a timeless, silent voice within every being--even unto the relations which express as plants, animals, and thus and so. Even a plant has a "silent 'voice'" which gives instructions and guides expression. This always presents seemingly unanswered questions, however. The silent voice within every man is ceaselessly speaking to the awakening consciousness: EVERY desire written upon the heart and soul of man is carried to the SOURCE, and its answer will come, but few there are who ask comprehensively and fewer still now hear, or even really listen.

    It comes through the ages of preparation that man finally begins to realize and listen within for man's consciousness is greatly shrouded from his Source by sensations of his electrically con­ditioned sensing body which he incorrectly believes as being his mind and his personal Self.

    The "objective" mind is only the seat of electric sensations. He mistakes this for "thinking" but it is actually only an "electric" awareness of things sensed and recorded within the cells of his brain for repetitive usage through what is termed "memories". Memories have NO more relationship to knowledge of Univer­sal Mind which is IN man than a magnetic audio tape is related to the source of the recording thereon. What man thinks of as his "living" body is only an electrically motivated (NOT chemi­cally motivated) machine which simulates life through motions extended to it from its centering self-soul. The self-soul alone lives and wills the body to move. The body is electrically--NOT chemically, motivated. A body can be structured from an as­sortment of chemicals BUT the body COMES ALIVE through electric stimuli, just as a watch made of beautiful and precious stones and metals--IT REQUIRED ELECTRIC POWER TO MAKE IT MARK TIME. How valuable "as a watch or clock" is a "thing" which is lovely but gives no reading of time pas­sage--if reading of time passage IS its purpose? It simply be­comes an ornament or bracelet without energy.

    A man's subjective mind IS his consciousness, his spiritual storehouse of all-knowing, all-power, and all-presence. That consciousness is his SELF, his ETERNAL SELF through which his omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence is expressed as he becomes aware of their presence within himself.

    The electrically oscillating nerves (wires) which operate his bodily mechanism act almost entirely through automatic reflexes and instinctive control and, to a very small extent, through mental decisions. Each cell and organ of a body has an electri­cal awareness of its purpose and each fulfills that purpose with­out any mental action whatsoever upon the part of the Intelli­gence which occupies that body. The heart will beat, purely automatically, as example. Red blood corpuscles will carry oxygen to the body, white corpuscles of the blood rush to repair injuries to the body, macrophages will rush to eradicate foreign bodies-ell automatically and instantly as in turning on a switch. This is simply a "body" with an electric recording brain.

    In this body and its electric recording brain, man thinks that he "thinks" and "lives", "experiences" and "dies". He thinks him­self conscious while awake and unconscious while sleeping; un­aware that in all Nature there is no such condition as uncon­sciousness when sensation ceases in a state called "sleep". Do you go about saying that your finger is unconscious when it is anesthetized? How about a tooth being "unconscious" when a dentist deadens the nerves for attention? The interesting contra­diction here is that man falls to realize the actual truth which IS that the tooth CANNOT be CONSCIOUS and neither can the "body". Nor does man yet know that "consciousness" never sleeps, never changes, for consciousness in man is his Immortality--his only way of expressing KNOWING. It is the LIGHT which he is unknowingly seeking but assumes that the sensation of his brain is his thinking. WRONGI Remember, man is still quite new as he is just barely out of the dark of his wilderness. In the years of cycles of his unfolding he has relied upon sensation for his actions and the evidence of his senses for his knowing. He has been aware of the spirit in him only a very few cycles of years as you would count your sequence of growth. In this newness and "beginning" of his new awareness he is totally confused, knowing not which is mind in him, which is consciousness in him and which is sensation.

    He has not yet learned that bodies are but self-created mecha­nisms which manifest their centering self, and that self manifests God as One with it. Further, he has not yet learned that bodies neither live nor do they "die", but repeat themselves continu­ously and forever as all idea of mind likewise repeats itself.

    I personally like the example as given by the wheel which has a rim, spokes and centrally a hub. Only a tiny part of the rim of the wheel touches the ground at anyone moment, feels it, then leaves it, to disappear from reach of the sensations which con­nect rim, spokes and ground. But then that same spot reappears as the cycles continue.

    When this happens to man we say, "He was born, lived and then he died." When it happens to the fruit, a flame, or a plant, you say, "The fruit was eaten, the flame has gone out and the plant has decayed". I use these examples because some will actually say the tree has died or the "flame died" but the concept is un­derstood as different from "dying" as in a person "dying". Why do you say this? Because only a tiny part of the cycle of any idea comes within the range of your senses. The larger part of the cycle is out beyond your range of perception at anyone given time segment, just as the larger part of the wheel is be­yond the sensed perception of the ground.

    You do not yet have realization that the invisible portion of the cycles of ALL "IDEA" is as continuous as the wheel is a con­tinuous loop-circle-cycle. The cycle of a piece of fruit of any kind is light reaching from the sun and earth to that positive half of the fruit cycle which you can hold in your hand. The nega­tive half of the cycle is light returning to sun and earth for rep­etition as another manifestation of the eternal idea of the fruit. The same is true of the flame, the plant or any other part of the ONE WHOLE IDEA OF CREATION.

    A flame "goes out" to your sensing, but it still IS. Likewise the plant, the tree, the forest, the mountain, planet and nebulae of the far heavens appear, disappear and as surely reappear. So too does man appear to disappear and reappear again and again in infinite cycles to express eternal life of the spirit in eternal repetitions of that part of the man cycle which the body of man can sense. Man never dies. He is as continuous as eternity is continuous. Man shall not see death for there is no death to see or to know.

    Interestingly enough, neither does the body of man "live" and, having never lived, surely it cannot die. The spirit alone LIVES. The body only manifests the spirit. That which you think of as life in the spirit of man manifests itself by willing the body to act. Actions thus made by the body under the command of its centering SOUL have no motivative power or intelligence in or of themselves for they are but machines motivated by an omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent intelligence extended unto them.

    These things you do not yet know, for man is in his infancy and is but beginning to know the LIGHT and SOURCE. It becomes our task as elder brothers to share this Truth as messengers from THAT Source.

    Man continuously and relentlessly seeks the Light to guide him on his long tortuous path which leads from his body's wilderness to the mountain top of his awakening soul. Man is forever finding that Light, and is being forever transformed as he finds it. Always the result of diligent and devout seeking for Truth shall be given the finding thereof. As he finds it he gradually finds also the Self of himself which IS the Light. As he be­comes then more and more transformed by the God-LIGHT of the awakening Self within, he leaves the wilderness farther be­low him in the dark.

    There are men who seek the Light who are discouraged because they seemingly cannot find it. They are completely unaware that they have forever been finding it. They simply do not rec­ognize it when they find it--always seeking something which is NOT. Unknowing ones expect to find it all at once in some blinding flash of all-power, all-knowing and all-presence. It does not come that way until such time as one is nearing his mountain top. And even as he takes that final step to the very top-there often comes the Interceptor to disallow the final glory of KNOWING while doubts pull back into wondering. That Interceptor comes in every form imagined to distract the fulfill­ment of soul. As a matter of fact, man can neither bear nor comprehend ALL Light at a time while his body is still so new and too near its wilderness. This is shown by the fact that all who are well out of that wilderness have already found enough of the Light to illume their way on out of its dark depths--if they but choose to continue.

    He who is far out of the wilderness and still seeks the Light is forever "finding" it, and is forever being transformed as he finds it.

    One cannot for one moment remove his seeking eyes from his goal of lighted knowing, for ever so slight a glimpse be­low him into the dark brings him back to the fears of that darkness, which then tempts him to plunge back within them.

    Look, therefore, forever upward into the Lighted places of in­spiration, where glory awaits the fearless all-knowing seekers of beauty, balance and harmony for these are the purity of the Uni­versal Light. To him whose focus is to the Light it will forever come, and he shall be forever transformed as he finds it. The dark road from the wilderness to his mountain top of glory be­comes ever more illumined during the ascent from body into spirit. It is a sometimes difficult, but always glorious road to climb and ALL must make the climb as individual self. "Another" may assist--but none can do it FOR another. The as­cent of man from the Dark to the Light is the infinitely repetitive play of man on the planets of suns expressed in physical form.

    When all mankind has found the Light, the play will simply be finished, Likewise the planet will be finished as an abode for man. It will then be rolled off into its ever expanding orbit while another place is being rolled onto the scene to become the stage for the next repetition of the ascent of man in his given system. We actors of the play must, therefore, be content with the lines of the play revealed to each of us in Light. We must, likewise, be joyous at our continuously cycling transformation, as each learns a part, line by line, the better to fulfill it worthily.

    All parts of the play are experiences which become the action of the play unfolding. All man's experiences are part of his un­folding. Each experience is but a part of his journey from the dark into the Light. All experiences are steps in that wondrous journey to the mountain top of glory. All experiences, there­fore, are "good" experiences. Evil must be transformed to a simple experience expressed as "good"--then evil itself becomes nothing. There is NOTHING but LIFE--there is no death. AHO.

    Next always comes the argument of that which is "prophesy" in an attempt to find direction on the path into and unto the Light.

    Man is unsure of his own understanding and therefore always looks to teachers and memories for his confirmations of travel. He allows prophesy to awaken in him a remembering knowledge of the future, hopefully in expectation that it discloses Light unto him in its manifestings--somehow backwards.

    Let us take the sun as an instance, as a great etheric vacuum molding Light in its very essence and projecting it, has perceiv­able observation. It is always assumed that if one has a high enough vibration he can literally enter into the sun without dis­aster. This is true, but does this not also tell you that you are quite a way from the mountain top of realization to experience that for self at this moment? How do you achieve that glory of expression? We have offered you the way and it is NOT through mystical magic but actually through physics of Univer­sal LAW.

    When you can enter such an etheric vacuum, there is discernible therein ALL the acts of every person reflected backward into their sources. It matters not if those acts have not yet come to pass for they will BE, thus the future is the present beheld in its achievings--it CAN be no other.

    Let us refer again to such as the sun as a mirror for cosmic hap­penings on planets within its orbit. Such a sun has its own fac­ulty for collecting backwards as well as radiating, since true ra­diation has its retrograde movement and light is born by impact of ether-wave on ether-wave caused BY thought rebounding.

    If all were simply projection, there could be no projection, since thought could not grasp such as projection for it would have no standards by which to make comparisons. Therefore, in the in­finite cause and effect, cycle and recycle there could be no re­bounding if there be no bounding. So what do you perceive as that which is "light" to the vision? It is but wave upon wave of ether disturbance in frequency, made by "Thought" entering into and going out of the vacuum, impounding and impacting, with incandescence created when the process takes place at a proper pace in the proper coagulation of ether. This is perceived as "seeing". Never mind that the whole of the KNOWING is not present--this is what you perceive you "see".

    Perhaps through this bit of perception you can look at the pro­jection of prophesy as history only written backward as it re­turns to the etheric mirror and reflects it. Each thing must be in balance of the other and with the other. All things ARE. All things however are not perceived, since man is slow to grasp that which IS. He goes in degrees from point to point and calls it change--albeit it is not change at all. Change defies man's sensings in that it perceives him as quite slow in his wits for change is always and constant at once. Change is ONLY perception.

    Man would be far ahead if he quit depending upon such as 'Prophesy" to determine his actions for IF he be prepared and in the proper path of seeking--HE HAS NOTHING TO FEAR but has only to "anticipate" as glory achieved in and by each action. Since God is Light and creates through His Lighted Thought and therefore you ARE Light in created manifestation--can you not also CREATE THE GOAL IN THAT WHICH SHALL BE? IF NOT YOU--WHO??


    In this closing segment may I remind you of a TRUTH you most often miss:


    When you learn this secret of the Ancients--so shall ye have learned the secret of Life. You cannot expect to receive that which you already HAVE. Ponder it.

    Last edited by web master; 2010-08-16 at 10:43.

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