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제목: PJ#057, GOD, TOO, HAS A PLAN 2000!

  1. #5
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 57
    FRI., JULY 24, 1992 2:27 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 343
    FRIDAY JULY 24, 1992
    This moment is the last of all having gone before! It is also the beginning of all which is yet to come! What will you make of this moment?

    Ah, you want to know all the answers? No, you do not or you would study your lessons so that you can see the sequence un­folding before you.
    The adversary is the Prince of confusion--there can be no nega­tive input or fear brought upon you except in confusion for how else can you become helpless victims? Confusion is the primary tool of choice and it is utilized with a myriad of distractions. Therefore, let me give you some clues to attend and see if you had noticed and if you can relate each to the others. It is a wondrous game if you but consider it objectively.

    Late yesterday evening we had several reports from ones who had contacts within the NASA community--some at very high levels of management. The word has gone out to higher ech­elons to secretly spread the word of top-secret activities and the terms utilized are: "Tell the people you contact in your families and close circles to NOT panic but on the 26th or 27th there will be a period of total darkness with no electric power and a shutdown of all electrical equipment. The notification is not to go outside your immediate family units." Well, we are close family units, are we not?
    This SHOULD mean to you that the government and NASA are on top of everything coming down.

    There is a TOP-SECRET "test" of FEMA tomorrow (25th) and this word is straight out of Vandenberg, among other places. There will be a period of at least four full hours where FEMA will be placed in TOTAL control of the nation! Could this have anything to do with "null-time", "no-power", "riot control" and "earthquakes"?? Better look very, very closely. This will be a nationwide sweep of the systems. This is so top secret that when ones were questioned on the "inside" the reaction was one of total astoundment and "... how in hell did you get that infor­mation--no one knows THAT!" Obviously secrets don't get kept very well any longer.

    Cal-Tech has now issued a formal alert to all participants in the Fire Department, Emergency Preparedness, Rescue Forces, etc., etc., that there must be total alert for the San Andreas is going to "go" at a level of 8 to 12 points within the next 144 days (but expectation is within the next hours or immediate "days"). This is a little less spooky in accepting because one of our own people was one of the ones notified directly.

    Iraq's ambassador said emphatically that "there will be no war". He said this twice on Larry King's show last evening. How can he be so sure? Because word is out that it is a personal thing with Bush to bomb the Agricultural building in Baghdad. Therefore, Mr. Bush has to get the other nations of the Council (U.N.) to set it up and make the order. BUT--this won't be so good because Mr. Bush has been informed that if there is war over this--ALL INFORMATION REGARDING ALL BANK DEALS, WEAPONS BUILDUP THROUGH THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENTS, ETC., WILL BE MADE KNOWN. RECORDS ARE CAREFULLY KEPT AND INSPECTORS WILL BE DEMANDED FROM OTHER THAN INSPECTOR TEAM MEMBERS--AND THEY WILL BE TAKEN TO THE EXACT LOCATION OF "DUPLICATES" OF ALL TRANSACTIONS! I would guess, therefore, that it is a bit more awkward than simply ordering up a bombing raid. I do note, however, that most of the we-the-people questioned on the street are fully in fa­vor of going back to war to "get Saddam". (sic, sic)

    Please note, States, what is happening in California. There is still no budget and banking chits (IOU's) are now going to be refused--starting with Bank of America! This is far more im­portant than that which seems obvious. This coming weekend seems to be heading up to be most interesting if some of the plans don't get botched.

    All scientific registers on sensitive equipment--pointed (points) to, within these immediate 24 hours--not 144 days, for this big shaker in California.
    I'm sorry, chelas, but we aren't getting much information re­garding quakes, etc., from elsewhere than California. We note the rest of the country is being beaten with weather traumas and flooding. The NASA information, however, came straight from NASA headquarters--not California.
    If you must go tromping about and wheeling and dealing in the coastal areas of the Pacific and along the coastal areas of the Atlantic--TAKE YOUR EMERGENCY GEAR, FOOD AND CLEAN WATER, WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES. If they pull off major shakers on you along with an electric grid shutdown, you are going to be somewhat inconvenienced, I'm afraid. Highways are not expected to remain open--ESPECIALLY WITH FEMA IN CONTROL--FOR THE FIRST THING WHICH WILL HAPPEN IS A CLOSING OF HIGH­WAY TRAFFIC.

    You ones can argue with me about how ".... and I HAVE to go". So--go. Just expect to be blasted, battered and torn--and probably hungry if you don't prepare. I can see your tendency to "defy God", but FEMA??? I spread "fear"'? I just suggest you be on your good manners and behaviors as you say goodbye to ones who travel tomorrow--like as if it will be the LAST TIME YOU SEE THEM if you be in one of the stricken areas. If vacations won't wait--then priorities are somewhat disor­dered, I would suggest.

    NO--I can't tell you WHEN, then, it would be OK. You are getting what everyone is getting, and more upon which to make your choices and decisions.

    You might well say," ... God will warn me--if--" My, my, and what makes you think THIS IS NOT THAT WARNING? I would say that the adversary's plans are working precisely the way laid forth--confuse, fatigue and when you give up--­STRIKE. I note that ones in my own immediate team have already headed into the coastal area for a confounded semi­nar to push the book, COMMITTEE OF 300. I would note that Dr. Coleman, the author of that book, cancelled his own participation in the conference!! Be DOES get inside information and I would take that as a great clue and warning.

    I am informed from America West that the book IMMACU­LATE DECEPTION of which I have recently been writing--­should be ready for distribution by the 15th of August. I do, in­deed, highly urge you to get this volume for it is equal in high--­level information to the "Committee of 300" output. Are there some errors? Indeed--that is why you have been given so much other information against which to sort and discern. Sharing and probing is the only way you will ever find the story taking shape in correctly factual presentation.

    No, this is not a backwater "hick's recreational vehicle". This is some stupid label indicating that "they" have developed a nice new retro-virus which will ultimately be more deadly than HIV (all of them). You will find that it will "miraculously and coin­cidentally" match that which the "shuttle crew" was supposedly working on "in space". No, you are just being introduced to the next form of the "Last Great Plague". (Which reminds me to remind you that the PHOENIX JOURNAL, AIDS, THE LAST GREAT PLAGUE is one of the books trying to be banned by the adversary (along with the PLEIADES CONNECTION se­ries) because our colleague Walter Russell wrote a few chapters therein.) By the way, when the "lifelines" go down to the coastal areas--these diseases will contaminate EVERYTHING. I suggest you sit quietly down NOW and get things squared away a bit with GOD. What in the world do you have that is so all-fired important to get done "right now"? You've waited this long--can not your travels and games wait a few more days until at least the official officials give you a bit of an all-clear?

    IF your "allies" of the U.N. are stupid enough to bomb that building in Baghdad--watch out. You will explode some devices which will cause you to rue the day you ever heard of life­-forms. You think I jest? Forget it, this is beyond anything to jest about.

    Let us look at the things of which only lies have been brought back to you, including "surgical bombing" which is now called "carpet bombing (widespread and at random)" to " ... we have had to go in and destroy the rest of the Scud missiles." Oh? Then why, yesterday, were the announcements made that this " ... need to bomb Iraq 'before they can launch their SCUDS at Israel' is absolutely mandatory!" hogwash? Is it just an­other incident of "overlooked" intelligence? Or, are you-the-people in the frying pan again with no way out save by way of the fire?

    I can only offer that which is available. We do the very best we can to keep you right up but we only print on Tuesdays for the paper and then there is the mail.... I continue to write even if things are moot issues by the time of receiving the material for you can refer to the date-lines and know that we did what we could. If you are still around to receive this--then might we have a moment of prayer of thanks for being allowed a bit of additional time to serve and restructure?

    How many of you could watch Bush as he was booed out of his speech regarding the POW/MIA issue yesterday? Did you no­tice the response of the audience when he started his old saw and song:"... do you think your Commander in Chief would for one minute let even one man.....???" The group was "older" and "wiser" this time and he finally had to stop his speaking. But what I hope you noted was this man's steel-faced determi­nation to "have his way". Indeed there will be some hard skir­mishes before this November fiasco.

    You even had an officer of the Korean War KNOW about over 300 men who were taken prisoner and placed in Siberia--from the Korean war. He says that he even suggested the public not be informed and the facts be kept secret. Any of those boys belong to any of you? All of them!

    May I share Dharma's conversation with God as we sit to pen and all seems so dreary and hard. She ponders and vacillates in her "wants" and "don't wants" just as do all of you. Fear is no longer among her reactions, however, as I find is the case with all my workers herein. Frustrations and limitations of accep­tance are annoying--not earthquakes and null-times. Dharma longs for a few days where things don't work--especially com­puters and "radios". Also, our people are often desirous of "having a 'big one'" just to make a point. Well, that is not the way GOD works and so be the higher intelligence devoid of re­venge as a cause of action. All of you have been told over and over again--THE ADVERSARY WILL DESTROY HIMSELF-­-GOD DOES NOT MAIM, KILL OR DESTROY. GOD HEALS, LOVES AND CREATES. May your understanding grow until you find peace in all things.

    God IS my shepherd and I know that I need "want not"--but I constantly "do". I "want" until my very being is filled with it and I cannot sort one "want" from another. But I think, Father, that I only want to serve when the straws are loaded and I find my back is stronger now than ever before and my being is strong now that I have shed the entrapment of ego desires as separate from "being" wants. I wonder, Father, however, if I can serve well enough that Your message is received and Your honor served for I care not what is said of me--but my heart is torn when Your voice is so denied and ridiculed. Man cannot know that which he does and I anger and wish to strike-out and it does nothing but worsen the circumstance.

    You give me water from Your "still waters" and I seem to appre­ciate it not-and yet I know You will be there with more when my cup is empty.

    I know that we are now walking in the valley of the shadows-­-and death and misery shall be all about us and I wonder, Fa­ther, if I will be strong enough to LIVE in this form for I should surely rather go home and let another--any other--take this cup. There is no bitterness in this cup--only sweet and purely given love but I think I cannot face that which will come upon my brethren and those I perceive to be my own. They see not, they listen not and I cannot seem to reach them and yet I know that I must release it unto Your care for it is Yours that shall be done--not mine.

    Please let that which I do reflect brightly upon Your Own Being that others do not see darkness in YOU by looking upon me. I ask only to serve well and receive clearly that I NEVER mislead another or bring sorrow or pain deliberately upon another for I have been given the gift of gifts--to knowingly serve as Your Hands--not greater than any other--only it is that "I know" Your Presence and I do so wish that all could touch that moment as has become my corner of the universe.

    I don't understand, Father, but it seems alright that way for I know that at the proper time I will be given all as it comes into its time of unfolding. Survive? I don't wish to "survive"--I only want to get my job done so that I can come home--oh Father, I am so lonely to come home--I don't like it here very much for I couldn't remember how it would be and that the hardest things would be of the heart and soul and not of the physical. I do not understand how WE could take this most perfect and wonderful place and bring such degrading pain and agony upon her being­--is YOUR forgiveness big enough for this? I think that mine is not so I'll have to work at that I suppose. I think as I sit here that there is nothing to "forgive" except the asking You to for­give me for not "remembering" and "forgetting" so completely. Could I walk through this again and again and remember so lit­tle and learn so little? Must the lessons always be harder and harder and harder? The tasks are nothing--I know that my task is the least in difficulty--for I have not even to "think" and others must do so much to bring the Word to use. I am grateful and cherish my place--I must have done something right along the way--I wonder, Father, what it might have been for I don't re­member earning these stars in my crown.

    Please look after the lambs, Father, for I know that I cannot nor have I the "right", but I will do that which I can to hold the lamp so that others can see the way as it is shown to us who serve here in this garden overgrown with thorns and weeds--­perhaps we can sort some good from the chaff.

    Gyeorgos, what ever are we doing? I can't remember the way and I am weary of the trail--did we actually think we could do this job laid forth? I must rest on Your KNOWING because I try, but I cannot remember enough. My mind is stuffed to bursting with it all and, yet, it seems I cannot remember any of it worthy of reflection. I sit here and stare at symbols following each other across a blue background and marvel at the very daring of such a mission. How came "I" to do this? I cannot comprehend it and I know that the answer is kept just out of my reach and understanding. I miss Paul today, Father, and I want him to know that I am trying to do my job as he constantly re­minded me--in my own lack of understanding of purpose--will the child always lead the parent? How I wish to have him back to find what he saw that I could not see. We write on his grave marker, "He could see too far," and I can now understand at least that much and I missed the diamond for the moment of dis­content which I felt needed the "doing" more than "hearing" and the opportunity is lost forever. Please do not let me lose again because of failure to SEE.

    I sit here and I can feel the earth quiver and tremble--stretched unto the breaking and I wonder how much more she can take of the pulses before she rends apart. How much more of the pulses can we take before we rend asunder--I think my head will burst--­for I feel the time upon us and there is no place to hide and I want it OVER--just let it be over for the waiting is so hard--it is the waiting which seems endless. I hear voices from another time, another place and those from the room next door and I cannot separate them. I've seen the places prepared for us and they are wondrous--I wonder why man cannot see? How came it to be that I can see those things and others cannot? I am blessed but I know not why or how. I know that I, too, had choices--but why does it seem that there were no other alterna­tives save this one?

    I miss Little Crow today--he has kept the Wisdom and still has been human and strong--why can I not be strong and remember always-- Wisdom? He does not always practice in wisdom, how­ever--perfection is so blasted elusive. If we are to walk this path--why then, can we not "save" another? Would it not be rather nice? And yet, how smug of me, I see nothing to save. anyone "from", for they do that which they will in any event so why would "my" way be better than theirs? I CAN see THAT one--for I do know the end of my journey and the way to get there--most do not and I am sorry for that ignorance for they only have to look and take.

    So much for my prattlings. It seems there is so much and you ones of Your realms are here so much and, yet, I have no "time" or "space" to thank you for the gifts you give to me. It is hard for one cannot even "speak" for another but how great that we can "feel" for another--might this be the point? To truly "feel" with the soul must somehow be the point for I find no other. I further realize, this moment, that I do all this for myself and not magnificently for "others" and I suddenly know that this is the way it must be for there is only the ONE and I have found it. I think, sir, that I can go back to our work now for I am again "still".

    Thank You for hearing me, Father, for the days seem short and filled with confusion and I understand why ones write to You through me--for in the writing comes the understanding--the very act of putting thoughts into fabric woven into meaning. I shall look differently at the many letters which flow--for ones simply seek to touch and pen their thoughts and there needs be a re­ceiver-transmitter to share reality. The greatest gift which is given to me, after all, is the acceptance of that greater Source for which I represent a contact. May I always see the writings as the gift and love it is-and never a burden for ones share their hearts with You and I can visit in their quiet places and through that I am blessed. May I never treat it as a burden for it is in Your Hands--not mine. I can only apologize that my limitations, of necessity, become Yours as well. Please just let no one judge You as lacking by that which I cannot do for often I believe it to be that way.

    Thank You for Your Patience as we grope our way along and lag with our lessons. Thank You, too, for letting us grow together so that we are not alone for it is not enough to have YOU "there" and us "here" and, yet, it is hard to break the teachings of the eons of time--thank You, Sir, that the soul KNOWS so much more than the facade of physical for therein is the comfort­--within in the KNOWING.

    I once watched a man speak and he held such intense drive and knowing what he was seeking and his need to achieve. I re­member saying to self and others present, that "it would be so wonderful to have such a knowing of direction that NOTHING would be worthy of distraction from that cause nor any price too high to pay in service"--how wonderful to have found it! How wonderful to understand the thrust and drive of a patriot and Godly man such as James Gritz and others who now come into my knowing who will push forward at ALL costs to the physical being or material gain. I now can understand it and I am grateful for that understanding because I see ones seeking, so honestly, purpose and it is so hard to stand by and know they can find no help save God through self in the finding.

    Is it alright, Father--I don't like most of the lessons!? I simply do not like almost all of the lessons--but my soul seems to do so­--what a strange contradiction of experience. I believe that life is a total contradiction and someday I would like to spend time on that subject with You, please. Ah, yes sir, I do see--the contra­dictions are sorted through the wisdom gleaned from the lessons­--salu. Yes, I think I can handle that bit of insight and would You grant me someday, somewhere--TIME to think upon these things? Thank You for hearing my petition for my heart was truly weary this day and I thank ones for allowing me to take "their" time for self. I know that we all ask the same, Father--to not err and to not miss that which we should be doing as our portion. Please, just always let us see our steps that we miss nothing allotted to our attention and responsibility for that which each of us does--touches so many.

    I think back to a time sitting with a friend (a stranger then) in Mt. Shasta--by the name of John--who offered so much and "took responsibility" in a situation because he looked at me and said, "I dare not take the chance that this is not most impor­tant." I wonder if he remembers and could he ever know how much those few minutes have touched this journey over and over again. It was an unlikely meeting and yet over the years and only a couple of meetings since--paths have been changed and guidance and protection given and friendship cemented as if in eternal intent. I have been blessed with many of these guides and some who served as teachers which seemed to have adverse consequences--I wonder which gave the best lessons? I know which I prefer--I simply wonder which lessons are greater?

    I can discern now, Father, for You have taught me well--I blun­der so much less frequently now and the facades cannot stand in the light if they be ill-intended beings within the shrouds. I re­member Little Crow sitting and seeing more than I would ever see within myself and he knew me not, only just having met some half hour prior--is it always that others can see that which we cannot see for self? I do see that we must each do our portion or others cannot complete their own. I don't think I like that for it seems the responsibility is great indeed. Please don't ever allow, me to cause another to fail in his given task because I did not do mine. I guess we will know when enough is enough and it is finished--but on the other hand, I think that it shall never be finished.

    Yes, I see why the ten commandments are only eight in other places of God--because how can one discern the Sabbath for all days should be kept "Holy" and how can we discern when to rest (goof-off)? If nothing is ever "finished", only continuing for­ever--then some of those "man-made" COMMANDMENTS won't cut it for they place one man superior to another in power and control--ah ha, Father, I am learning quite a bit. I won't take more time, though, for I know that we have work to be done but I feel ever so much better and when I do have time to "think", I believe my thoughts will be more mature for the clearing of these minutes to talk.

    I would please take a break to attend the babies needing feeding. May I always remember that it is to be Your Will and not mine so that I do not become distracted. Aho.

    Dharma, it is fine, balance comes from chaos only by the taking of time to regain that which is found only in the attachment with Your Source. We all benefit from the one taking the time to re­claim strength and harmony--for we must each remember our responsibility to self as well as to others--for after all, we are but one when the chips are gathered--expressing in our myriad directions and perceptions. Would it not be wondrous to love each aspect of that ONE? We shall learn--indeed, we SHALL learn.

    I salute each measure of growth in my students, chela, so the time is not lost--only the gold molded more finely. The cup of knowledge can never be filled--but KNOWING can become ALL--so be it and blessed are the ‘seekers' for they shall be given to 'finding' if intent be in Truth. Salu.

    PJ 57
    WED., AUGUST 19, 1992 8:21 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 4
    WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1992
    BY CONTROLLING THE MEDIA IN ALL INSTANCES. We will consider the week-end events in this small town of Tehachapi as good examples.

    Keep in mind that the joint gathering for Citizen information and to allow hearing for a Presidential Candidate qualified in some 25 States and lead "write-in" candidate in many others, such as California, James Bo Gritz, was the largest event in the area. We will also note that the only reason there was anything in the Bakersfield paper was because of "return for advertising". This will point out that the papers are controlled by the SAME cartel.

    Let us look at local headlines: Radio Station dedicated for wind industry; Sand Canyon bus routes (school) increased; County hikes fee to rent Veterans Hall [Note, however, that for the Gritz meeting NO Veterans' Hall in either Bakersfield or Tehachapi was ALLOWED TO BE RENTED AT ANY PRICE]; Local ostrich ranchers strive for innovation in growing industry; Turn-of-century carriage restored; Boosters continue THS (school) stadium improvements and Soccer is added to list of athletic teams this year; Mountain Festival fun '92. Then on the inside front page: Unsecured property taxes due; Tax rev­enue for Tehachapi; Thomas announces 1992-93 Judicial Fel­lows (political) Program; New law is too expensive for Realtor; Walton's story worth reading: "Walton has been hailed as a genius for recognizing the potential in small towns." Then there is a page or so of Public Notices of Trustee's sales of foreclosed property, with a small ad which says: "Legal notices protect your right to know!." There is also a running type of "series" which is "Get ready to again support our troops as they prepare to valiantly serve," but don't see it this week in view of other important information.

    Funny thing, when we suggested that the Iraqi war was not such a hot idea--the "town" threatened to drive our people out of town, somebody took pot-shots (with guns) at Dharma's dwelling (and hit it) and put ads and articles in the paper about no "patriotism" (which got printed with no allowance for so much as defense letters-to-the-editor being allowed printing).

    At the local airport the only attention given by the manager was to demand that the "pick-up" vehicle "get off the area near the runway--(actually in the edge of the 'parking' area.)


    What will Bo Gritz do as President?

    * Establish debt free constitutional currency and eliminate the Fed.
    * Stop the income tax and get rid of the IRS.
    * Balance the Federal Budget.
    * Halt runaway spending by Capitol Hill.
    * End Foreign Aid (Federal) and the buyout of America.
    * Oppose global government and Bush's "New World Order".
    * Institute "Workfare" in lieu of welfare.
    * Roll back big brother, the Federal bureaucracy and legislative statutes.
    * Restore states' rights and personal liberty.
    * Secure the American dream.
    * Rescue our Prisoners of War.
    * Lift the lid on Washington, District of Criminals.
    * Cut costs and require contributions from federal officials.
    * Initiate "fully informed jury" legislation.
    * Bring back high standard of decency.
    and the list goes on - -

    I note a rather interesting plan in action: To fire and replace EVERY Presidentially appointed government leech. Totally re­store Constitutional LAW and the Bill of Rights and thus and so. One of his better suggestions is to cause Congressmen to be the FIRST sent to any "war" encounter and America's youth will NOT be sent to "foreign soil".

    I suggest that all of this (which CAN BE DONE IMMEDI­ATELY UNDER CONSTITUTIONAL LAW makes the bu­reaucrats PRETTY NERVOUS?!?) I suggest you get right on with electing Gritz, readers, whatever it takes to get it done!

    I am faced with a heartfelt cry for input from a reader and he petitions in behalf of "many readers". Yes, I agree, for we get stacks of letters asking almost the same question--often in identi­cal language.

    Important, # 1 :

    Dear Hatonn,
    I'm your average truth seeker who is in a spiritual dilemma about the good angels and bad angels. The general principles of understanding God's will in love, long-suffering, responsibility for our own actions, faith, etc., I'm not perplexed about. I un­derstand that intentional confusion of the dark forces abound.

    I've read several issues of the Phoenix Liberator and OWNER-OPERATOR MANUAL which seems correct to me.

    I recently wrote to POSITIVE STEWARDS, 1500 North Texas, Weslaco, Texas out of curiosity to get the rap on their business about how they plan on saving us from destruction. This is what they gave me (attached); I asked if they approved of your literature and work. They answered in a most unex­pected manner, since I felt you might be in a compatible situa­tion with them but obviously not! PLEASE!! Give me a better explanation than they didand who are "they"? This kind of stuff is hard on people's spirit. With Love and Respect and seeking to be with the Creator of the Universe in the brother­hood of the REAL "Christ" (Jesus they call him). E.S.

    P.S.: You can use this if you want to print it but no address please.

    [H: I will now print the small personal response to E.S. from this "A. T .A. Base" and then we will cover highlights of en­closed advertisements accompanying the note--from the same organization. I think I won't have to do much expla­nation to our readers. However, to E.S.: I can't offer much more than to ask you to get copies of the PHOENIX ma­terials which includes 60 volumes and covers all ways to sort for self, these organizations, accusations and claims. I do disservice to anyone when I pick and choose "sound-bites" and disassociated sentences as response to such a heartfelt and searching inquiry. I will, however, attempt to pick highlights of that which they offer and respond. The pre­sent "Armageddon Time Ark Base, Cosmic Corps of Engi­neers (ODF): 5-D Technology=perfection in full panorama minus experimental research!' By the way, to find out what THEY MEAN by the "stuff"--you spend $50.00 to attend a seminar (after you travel to Weslaco, Texas). Let us con­tinue:]


    To: The S. , Alaska
    Date: 3-Aug.-92
    From: A.T.A. BASE

    Subject: Your recent letter and inquiry about PHOENIX JOURNAL.


    Expanded answer: Absolutely do not acknowledge, support, or recognize as valid.

    TIME FUSION LEAKS FROM ABANDONED PATTERNS---possibly known To you as "demons"---abound Today. Phoenix Journal is merely one contact with abandoned patterns in a somewhat different style Than others, but is NEGATIVE all The same. [H: Editors: do not change spelling and emphasis­-this is a direct copy.]

    A.T.A. Base absolutely refutes, rebukes, condemns, defies, Totally denounces and Challenges Phoenix Journal as contact with abandoned patterns. Their contact is a lying and deceiving dead devil.

    This may be more answer Than you wanted, but we feel strongly about The way people are suckered into contact with "familiar spirits". Abandoned patterns will establish contact with any weak-willed person or any who have not The Positive Knowledge. The A.P. will give sufficient true information To establish Trust, but will always lead away from True Positive Survival, as only YAHSHUA HAMASIDIA can provide.

    Just consider how the demon will never identify by NAME who The CREATOR or HIS Positive Son really is. They only use stupid expressions, such as "THE ONE" or "The Great ALL", etc.

    Best to you! D.H.

    [H: Now we will simply run down the advertisement sheet briefly. In fairness, we will reprint EXACTLY that which is stated on the face page:]



    KNOWLEDGE FOR Y O U !: We're duty-bound under Universal Law To inform you about The available 5-D. TECH­NOLOGY and your rights To Positive SURVIVAL of ARMAGEDDON into The Millennial HEAVEN ON EARTH. Re­ject it, or ACCEPT IT!

    "OFFERING transportation for The FUTURE, To all Those who qualify with the O.D.F.": IT'S NOT A UFO. IT IS A 4 D.O. TIME ARK!, NO OIL OR GAS! It uses MONADIC GRAVITY!--Stress-free TRAVEL.

    THE FIRST STEP YOU MUST TAKE TOWARDS SUR­VIVING THE DUE ACTIVATION OF SEAL #6 AND EN­JOYING THE HEAVEN ON TIME STATION EARTH, is To shift The fulcrum of your intellect, so as To embrace The FULL 5-Dimensional Technology That your CREATOR allotted to YOU!. [H: Right off you can see a pattern of intelligence and education showing through: this Earth "spokesman" capitalizes ALL prepositions (to- "To", etc.). Any sick teach­ers reading? Didn't catch it? Let us go on for the content surpasses the ill-prepared document.]

    Consider the Positive Benefits of 5-Dimensional Technology, as Taken from The MEASURES. For a HEAVEN ON EARTH, Positive Survivors will be able To: TAP The 5-Di­mensional TIME BANK for free, UNLIMITED ENERGY (electricity) without Taxes or pollution.

    USE MONADIC GRAVITY in ALL Transportation. That automatically cancels out The death-dealing, octopus, outdated highway system with all its frustrating maintenance and sky­rocketing Taxation for extending Bondslavery.

    TRANSPORTATION VEHICULE'S with 1,000 year durability. CRASH-PROOF units That gather Their own ENERGY. Family-style model seats 12 plus luggage. Speeds up to 50,000 m.p.h. NO, your money is not good enough To buy one. These vehicule's are PART OF YOUR POSITIVE BIRTHRIGHT! [H: It is the "luggage which interests me--in Dimension 5 there is no physical body expression--why would you need luggage for it would not exist either! 50,000 mph? Why so slow, old friends? Fifth dimensional speeds are at the speed of thought so this "vehicule's" is going to get run-over pretty quickly in its "stationary" seeming non-mo­tion. Further, since fifth-dimensional beings are NOT physical projection in manifested form--why would it only seat a dozen? So much for facts!]

    CONSTRUCT THE LABORATORY OF LIFE with its 5-Dimensional TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT. for The instant pro­duction of M A N N A ----practical by simply bypassing 3-1/2 Dimensions of photosynthetic activity.

    This 5-D. MANNA----The same as was provided for the Historical Israelites---will be necessary for EVERY Positive Survivor To rebuild Their body cells TO DYNAMIC HEALTH.


    CONSTRUCT AND INSTALL The NATIONAL TOTAL ENERGY GRID consisting of safe, no-moving-parts Units, That will energize The whole continent, yet number far less Than you now have of The DANGEROUS nuclear plants in The U.S. alone. Anyone of These SAFE, FUNCTIONAL O.D.F. units can be camouflaged on a small city lot. They need no servicing and pose no danger To Human Beings or other living Things. This Positive Energy System eliminates all debt-claim service bills and dangerous, unnecessary, stupid high lines. SEE EX­HIBIT A FOR MORE DETAILS.

    OPERATE your Time Station as a HEAVEN ON EARTH, rather Than your present, willfully-created HELL on Earth, composed of bloodsuckers & Bondslaves.

    CONSTRUCT AND USE TIMRASCOPES for communica­tions, replacing The present negative, stupid forms such as Telephones, boob Tubes, radios, computers, etc. You are guilty of ENERGY ABUSE in The use of such negative forms of communicating.

    You have SPECIFIC RIGHTS To Life and Survival under: The POSITIVE BIRTHRIGHT SECTION OF UNIVERSAL LAW in This Point #1 of Armageddon. The Cosmic Corps of Engineers can Tell you about These Rights and provide you with your personal Survival Protocol. To learn more, see enclosed slip for INFO-PROTOCOL.

    [H: Now, for getting all this wondrous B.S.: "To obtain your Survival Protocol .... TO ENJOY THESE BENEFITS, YOU MUST SURVIVE S. DAY! YOU MUST QUALIFY IN PERSON!" in Weslaco, Texas OR pay expenses for these godlets to travel to your section "after you put together a pay­ing seminar".]


    After 6000 years under free moral agency, ending on September 3, 1966, occupants of The Positive Birthright Ter­rortory of Time Station Earth were found, by The OUTER DIMENSIONAL FORCES, To be abusing Themselves by still existing in The Stone Age, Thereby automatically being MEA­SURED as humatons.

    These humatons did retain some Knowledge of The Circle, shown by use of the Wheel, but have only been employing it in a negative manner by producing friction, and by gathering and distributing Dump Energy for The sole purpose of debt creation against The bondslaves.

    This ignorance, by self-restriction of Perfect Knowledge, has produced The End Product of capitalization of costly, deadly, Time-wasting Experimental Research, with its voluminization of material and noise pollution, man-made sickness, disease, and death.

    Humatons did go so far as learning how To square The Cir­cle, mainly from The MEASUREMENTS of The Great Pyra­mid, but have restricted its benefits To The negative use of numbers To satisfy Their perverse greed for The evil power of Man's inhumanity To Man.

    The O.D.F. has returned To find That The occupants of The Birthright Territory have degraded Their environment To a Ter­rortory of Evil. They have de-monadized The soil, water, air, and buffer zone.

    Timrascope Tests prove That Homo sapiens is afflicted with That Fatal Armageddon Disease (AIDS m and is now MEA­SURED as an endangered species.
    For 23 years The humatons of The U.S. have refused To ac­tivate The Protocol for The Tapping of The Universal Time Bank for unlimited energy.

    Seal #6 is now in functional position for activation at 6:00 P.M. preceding S. Day for The rendering of Time Station Earth safe for future habitation.

    When There is no vision, The humatons perish.

    When The original is lost sight of, humatons come To wor­ship a fancy of Their own.

    As They have discarded Their ancient Perfect Factual Knowledge, They have substituted and confined Themselves in a juzado of Ultimate Babylonian Mysteries Religious Philosophy, based upon The restricted limitations of belief and faith.

    The jailers who force The humatons To sweat and exist in This Stone Age juzaado (The grat American Dream That has Turned out To be a Nightmare) are The She-Man Devils, who perverfractionated The Perfect Knowledge, The False Prophets of The Many of The End Time, who are preventing you from knowing by restricting you To belief and faith, and The Big Brother Police State--- To insure That you remain in The Dark Stone Age of The Wheel, with its friction, pollution, disease, and Death as a reward for being a good bondslave.

    The Slavemasters could not exist without The continued cre­ation and voluminization of debt claims for expansion of The Gross National Product (GNP).

    This method has become largely The Capitalization of Calamity based upon inefficiency and poor-quality, short-life products. The achievers who built The nation--- The Efficiency Experts---were necessarily mentally executed by The end of World War II.

    If you do not understand This plain English which you are Trying To read, it proves That your mind is constipated by The enforced limitations of religious unreality. In such case, it is not always safe To physic your brains with Too much Knowledge, as it may result in a fatal case of varicose brains. Use Extreme Caution!

    Humatons (degenerated mankind) have proved Themselves Totally incompetent as Stewards of The Positive Birthright Ter­ritory, and have Turned it into a Terrortory of hate, false love, disease, death, and mutilation of bodies for profit.

    The emulate The Chinese Warlord System in That whichever Lord has The most Tax money To hire The most burglars and gunslingers (SWAT Teams and various raiders) Takes The most loot and prisoners To pack The Great American Gulag Archipelago. The great American Dream has become a night­mare of bloodsucking and Terrorism.

    The constipated minds of The bondslaves are kept in a state of bumbling with created Terrorism in other nations while solidification of The Big Brother Police State is activated in The Birthright Terrortory.

    The Indians are blamed by The white man for mutilating bodies, but The Indians only mutilated because of Their ignorance caused by religious limitation.

    The white man mutilates, not only because of being mentally retarded by his Mysteries Religious Philosophy, but more so To intentionally create debt claims Toward voluminizing The Gross National Product.

    In This present perverted society, debt claims are created from birth To death, whether you are in The slammer or out.

    The hospitals and fake health care fraud have become a vast industry of birth and death factories for creation of debt claims.

    In argument, The friendly undertaker puts down The doctor by informing The doctor That The undertaker has To bury The doctor's mistakes, and The undertaker eventually buries the doctor.

    Who buries The undertaker is like asking, "Which came first, The chicken or The egg?"

    Well, it's all good for debt creation in The bloody religions of fornication with The Harlot and worshipping The Beast.

    After all is said and done, if all The humaton Mattoids and Mentats escaped The self-created consequences of The due ac­tion of Seal #6, would you not be in The same Wretched Mess as now???



    The very nicest thing this person or group of persons has done for the Phoenix Material is to totally denounce it. Challenge me? There IS no challenge whatsoever. If you feel the above establishes " ... trust, gives sufficient true Information, but will always lead away from True Positive Survival, as only YAHSHUA HAMASHIA can provide"--take your chances! I suggest that perhaps the Freudian slip in the above, i.e.: " but will always lead away 'from' True Positive Survival. " is an informative slip of the lip.

    Why do I take time and space to respond to such mailings? Be­cause the seeker seeks in TRUTH of INTENT. The material has now arrived in my attention span some dozen or so times.

    I would note, however, that no one is spending $215 MILLION to STOP distribution of these people's material. Could it be - - - - -? Further, I cannot comment intelligently regarding these matters since I haven't the slightest idea what is meant by "juzgado", "terrortories", "Timrascope", "humatons", "Homo", "sapiens" and countless other terms. Neither can I determine what connection eggs and chickens have to do with undertakers, The Birthright Terrortory, Mattoids and Mentats have with the Gross National Product (GNP). I'm afraid, readers, you are on your own. If you are a reader of the Phoenix Material you are bored and/or amused by this "stuff" and if you are not--I can only suggest that you get caught up as rapidly as possible--OR, simply keep supporting as they suggest, "Donations help defray our expenses." and "Collect calls not accepted". If you want more information from them--"send a self-addressed, stamped envelope ..... or call Roger between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. (Central Standard Time)." I don't know what you are to do with our soul evolution during the other 23 hours. Since the MONADIC EN­ERGY MACHINE has no "moving parts" I suggest you watch the human moving parts--like the hand to pocket maneuver! So be it.

    Dharma, please allow for a rest break. Thank you for your ser­vice and you readers for your attention.

    Hatonn to clear, please.

  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 57
    THU., OCTOBER 22, 1992 1:47 P.M. YEAR 6, DAY 67
    THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 1992
    Boy, am I weary of the attacks against us for the outlaying of in­formation. I am getting more flak from the nice "Masons" than from the nice "Zionists". I do not denounce your work or your godliness. If you are of God, why hit me? Why DOES our work and WORD bother so many who in turn claim that "no­one listens to such rubbish and garbage"! Why is the AD­VERSARY so upset over that which we write? If it be NOT Truth, WHO WOULD TAKE NOTE?

    The following information was compiled by one Irving Stein. I have no further information sent with the information regarding this person or any publication. I wish to honor this person for the incredible research but I do not wish to bring any undue at­tacks upon his person. Therefore, until we hear from him per­sonally, I shall leave identification as is. I also suggest that if there is a better format than I shall use here with Dharma, that you editors are free to restructure the "diagrams".

    It is not longer a matter of how you readers WISH to interpret things or accept information--it is simply that the time has come to take the best of that which is interpretation and presentation and compile it for your inspection. It is THE TIME of' lifting the veils from the puzzles so that you can function in knowledge and in Truth for ultimately through those routes within the God KNOWING will you make your journey into and within the LIGHTED God Presence--and THAT does become important for HE is returned unto you and THAT FACT must be con­fronted. I have written on this subject prior to this in JOUR­NALS so I have to suggest that you get that information for I prefer to make little comment as we share this with you--we will be caught with "our proverbial pants down" if we don't simply move sharply along. (See CRY OF THE PHOENIX, JOUR­NAL #11, page 142-148 & MATTER, ANTI-MATTER, re­stricted list JOURNAL #30, pages 118-122.)

    It is important that "this" beast of computerized communications and international workings is now under "all stops out" way to have operational THE new international telecommunications system--BY THE END OF JANUARY, 1993. THAT IS ONLY THREE MONTHS--BROUGHT DOWN FROM OVER A YEAR FROM NOW--REASON? "TO BE ABLE TO STOP ALL MONEY TRANSFERS FROM AND TO ANY NATION IN THE WORLD AT THE PUSH OF A BUTTON! IN­STANTLY!!" We had not warned you about this prior to today because we wanted several sources of confirmation before springing such a load on you who are in the business of money management, wire transfers and those of you who are in Mutual Funds which will require resolution and/or have off-shore facil­ities and investment in other national currencies. This indicates that at the very most--you have less than two full months to get those financial arrangements made and finished. A word to the wise is sufficient'? I will write more on this tomorrow morning but I feel this is a place to introduce the network capability and intention because of our subject matter which will greatly in­volve computers, etc.

    As we have learned from the Bible the number seven signi­fies Yahuweh. The number six is the number of man and/or represents Satan. (666). From this we can establish a basis for putting together a system, using the English Alphabet. Using 6 as the base, each letter graduates by 6 (man's number-man's al­phabet).

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M
    6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78

    N O P Q R S T U V
    84 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132

    W X Y Z
    138 144 150 156

    Many people have tried to determine who the man is that his name totals 666. The "mark of the beast" is a SYSTEM, and one of the marks ("mark" meaning an impression, influence, power over men or things; effect on the mind, to induce) will have a great effect on man and his reasoning. One such "mark" is the dictionary) used by most people. The scribes of the most commonly used dictionary (Webster's) tell us what they want us to believe pertaining to words used in the English language. We accept these definitions and place them in our minds (forehead) and we carry the dictionary in our hand to verify the meaning of given words. Depending on this source of information, we have accepted the word (mark) of the scribes as being the FINAL WORD OF AUTHORITY!

    If we use this source to get Bible definitions, we are accept­ing FALSE INFORMATION with regards to the Bible. BY DOING SO, we have accepted the "mark of the beast".

    Let us take the name "Webster's" and see what the number value is:
    W 138
    E 30
    B 12
    S 114
    T 120
    E 30
    R 108
    S 114
    666 WEBSTER'S THE MAN WHOSE NAME IS RE­VEALED IN REVELATIONS "THE BEAST". [H: At this point Dharma shook her head and said, "Sir, this is not right for I rather think Kissinger would be more likely the culprit." That's right! SO, YOU GO ADD IT UP. KISSINGER'S NAME ADDS UP TO 666 IN MORE THAN ONE WAY. IN OTHER PLACES HE IS BETTER KNOWN BY HIS NAME BEARING THE INITIAL "A" AND "K"ISSINGER--THAT EQUALS: AN "A"=6 AND A "K"=66 or, "666" as well as totaling "Kissinger" by alpha­bet. It becomes a band tool--so read on. I let her stop to add it up and perhaps you would like to get your calculator and do that, too, before moving on.]

    Using this system, I have discovered that other things, places, names, etc ... total either 6-3-or 9. If we take anything that we know to be evil, and add the number value--then break it down to the smallest number, it will come up 6 .... i.e.:
    MURDER = 474: 4+7+4 = 15. 1 +5 = 6
    RAPE = 240: 2+4 = 6
    SATAN = 330: 3+3 = 6
    HATE = 240: 2+4 = 6

    Negative things will always come up 6. Positive things will be just the opposite. The "flip-side" of 6 is 9. Therefore, things that are of good as "defined" by Mr. Webster's, etc., i.e. "Yahuweh" will add up to 9.
    LOVE = 324: 3+2+4 = 9
    TRUTH = 522: 5+2+2 = 9 and so forth, to get the picture.

    Some things will add up to 3. This is a NEUTRAL number, meaning that it can be both good or evil, depending on how it is used and its designation:

    GOD = 156: 1 + 5 + 6 = 12. 1 + 2 = 3 (WHICH GOD?)
    KILL = 264: 2 + 6 + 4 = 12. 1 + 2 = 3 (KILL WHAT? SHEEP­-LAMBS- PEOPLE, ETC.)

    Webster's says Zeus is the sky god and is also known as Deus (Latin), Dio (Italian), Dios (Spanish), Dayus (Sanskrit), and Zeus Soter meaning Zeus the Savior. "Jesus" is not the correct name of the SON of Yahuweh! [H: Now, take "ATON", 6+120+90+84 = 300. 3+0+0 = 3 (ATON, BEING ALSO MY OWN LABEL--ALSO MEANS THE "LIGHT", THE "ONE" OR THE "SUN", ETC. You can also add up "Hatonn" and you will come out with only a "7" which means nothing either way for it is only an identification symbol and not my actual name. I don't want to belabor the point--just point out what you are doing here in concept. You also must recognize the identification according to lan­guage and definition so don't get carried away for we only want a "concept" and not get hung--up on counting and reciting the alphabet. We are only talking" concept and "concept as in English presentation".] The correct name is more as YAHSHUA (pronounced: ya-who-ah). Therefore, the name "Jesus" would come up a 3, depending on how you are using it.

    [H: Dharma is holding her breath so let's see how it adds up. Remember it must be considered "how" a word is being uti­lized: DHARMA = 24+48+6+108+78+6 = 270. 2+7+0 = 9. I do not, however, suggest you all rush out there and add up your names and fall into a funk because you cannot be sure of the spelling OR the meaning of your labels in al­most all cases. Let us take "kali" as example, it could be spelled, Cali, Calee, Kalie, Kali, Kalli, Kallee--etc. We sim­ply happen to KNOW the accurate spelling of "dharma". BE VERY CAREFUL AS YOU PLAY THESE GAMES OR YOU WILL MISS THE POINT.]

    The same applies to the word Christ, which comes out to a 3 also. (462 total). Christ means savior. Savior of what? If we join the name of Jesus (444 total) and Christ (462 total) it adds up to 906. 9+6 = 15. 1 +5 = 6. OOPS!

    HOWEVER: If you use the Son's correct name (Yahshua) which totals 498 (=3) and the number value of "Lord" (294) we arrive at the correct name and title.
    LORD 294
    YAHSHUA 498
    792 7+9+2 = 18. 1 +8 = 9

    To illustrate a bit further how this numerical chart works let's take the "mark of the beast" (Webster's Dictionary) and check it out, then also we will take Strong's Concordance:

    STRONG'S CONCORDANCE = 1242 = 1+2+4+2=9
    WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY = 1374 = 15=6

    Satan has a counterfeit for everything which is good! This not only applies to THE BIBLE DEFINITIONS but also to PO­LITICAL SITUATIONS. Satan has duplicated the Nation of America also. What we know to be the "United States of America", which is a 3 Branch Republic, has been duplicated and it is known as the District of Columbia. This new (counterfeit) United States was created by a flaw in the Consti­tution, Article I, Section 8, Clause seventeen, wherein the Congress of the Republic was allowed to fully control Legisla­tive Authority over a body of citizens and a 10 mile area of land known as the District of Columbia, Washington D.C. Not only does Congress have exclusive Legislation over that District but also over ALL LAND OWNED BY THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA which are subdivisions (enclaves) under exclusive Rule of Congress. Every citizen who resides in D.C. or any of its enclaves (territories) are subject to direct rule under Congress and/or the Federal United States. This happened during Nixon's Administration when he established 10 Federal Regions throughout the Sovereign States; 50 States divided into 10 Fed­eral Regions with clusters of 5 States per cluster. Each cluster was numbered 0-9 for all functions of Government, directly connected to the District of Columbia. Anyone (subjects/persons) who lives in one of these Federal Regions are considered to be resident/citizens of the District of Columbia, subject to Legislative Rule. A few years passed and Federal Postal Office introduced the new 2 letter State abbreviation, and the ZIP CODE. Now (the Courts have determined) if a person does not lawfully claim his residence in one of the Sovereign 50 States, he will then be considered as being a resident of the Dis­trict of Columbia! If a citizen accepts the 2 letter State ab­breviation and the Zip Code (rather than using his LAWFUL State abbreviation, i.e., Ark:. , Calif., Wyo., etc ... then he has just informed the Federal Government (also known as "United States") that he is a resident of a Federal Region of the District of Columbia and subject to all of the Statutes of Congress, in­cluding the Internal Revenue (Title 26 USC).

    This is just another one of the tricks of Satan. This "secret" United States is part of the "BEAST" system described in Rev­elation 13. The District of Columbia owns "States" such as: Puerto Rico, Guam, District of Columbia, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Pacific Islands. Seven entities termed "States" (HEADS) which make up the system of the Federal Beast (see title 42 United States Code, Chapter 7, Sec. 1301 a, 1.). The 10 "HORNS" de­scribed in Revelation 13 are the 10 Federal Regions established in 1972 by Pres. Nixon. The 12 "Crowns" of the Beast are the 12 Chairmen of each Federal Region. Who is the man repre­senting this part of the Beast? It would have to be a man of Sa­tan who has World Wide influence over the Nations being con­trolled, which makes up the complete System of the BEAST. (H: NOW, chelas, is the time to hold your breath!] The per­son who has this much Influence with World Leaders (could be) ....KISSINGER.

    KISSINGER = 666, on the number chart.

    For a couple of decades or more, Kissinger has been meeting with MANY World Leaders putting together the ONE WORLD ORDER. This One World Order is planned to take effect in 1992 or 1993 (H: FULLY OPERATIONAL BY YEAR 2000 WITH DEPOPULATION HAVING ALSO BEEN ACCOM­PLISHED! We do not state WHEN this document was scribed.] This explains why the Berlin Wall came down so un­expectedly. Satan is working on a time-table, BUT SO IS YAHUWEH! Satan knows that he and his angels (agents) are running out of time and they must hurry.

    Let's check these two (2) separate "United States" with the number chart:

    United States of America = 1368 = 18 = 9. (The correct "United States" .)

    "United States" = 942 = 15 = 6. (The counterfeit United States.)

    District of Columbia = 1194 = 15 = 6. (Known as the Fed. United States.)
    D.C. = 42 = 6.

    LAW = 216 = 9.
    EQUITY = 582 = 15 = 6.
    LEGISLATIVE = 720 = 9.
    LEGISLATIVE EQUITY = 1302 = 6.

    COURT = 462 = 12 = 3. (What kind of court?)
    TRIBUNAL = 582 = 15 = 6. (Article 1 Legislative Court under
    the District of C.)
    COMMON LAW COURT = 1116 = 2. (Article 3 Court under the United
    States of America.)

    [H: You who have followed our work know the concept of "2 nations" and the Judicial terms used above.] Remember: when using Law terms always use a Law Dictionary. When using Bible terms use a Bible Dictionary. When using man's terms use a standard dictionary. They will rarely give the same definition, if at all.

    Webster's Dictionary (666 on the Number Chart) tells us that the word "work" means any type of labor, occupation, job, etc... Since the King James version (as well as others) is writ­ten into English, most people accept the definition given by the Webster's "fact" book. According to Webster's: the word "work" and "labour" (labor) means virtually the same thing. However, according to the Bible Dictionary (Strong's) they are worlds apart in meaning. The term "work" in the English Dic­tionary (Webster's) has taken different words from the Hebrew Text of the Old Testament and assigned them to all mean one single meaning!! This is true with relation to "work", "labour" and "servile".

    To show how this can affect the average Christian let's take the Sabbath Day Commandment and translate it into its correct meaning.

    EX. 20:9,10.
    "Shesh (six) yowm (days) shalt thou Abad (labour) and do all thy MeLakal (work), but the SHeBIYiY (seventh) day is the Shabbath (sabbath) of the Lord thy God. In it thou shalt not do any MeLakal (work), ....

    Here are the correct definitions for the words (Hebrew) used in the original text:

    LABOUR (5647 Strong's) ABAD--aw-bad': to work in any sense; serve, till. enslave, bond service, labour.
    WORK (4399 Strong's) MeLA'kah--MEL-AH-KAW': deputy­ship. i.e. ministry. (Also same as 4397--to dispatch a deputy; a messenger; also a prophet priest or teacher);
    SERVILE (5656 Strong's) Abowdah--ab-o-daw': work of any kind: act, bondage, labour, ministering, office, service.

    Now we can see that Exodus 20:9,10 does not mean what Webster's Dictionary wants us to believe.

    The following is a correct translation of Exodus 20:9,10:

    "Six days shall thou work in any sense (labour, work, servile work, service, ministry, etc.) and do thy deputyship of ministry (as a messenger-prophet priest or teacher), But the, seventh day is the, sabbath of the, Lord thy God. In it thou shall not do any dutyship as a deputy of ministry all a messen­ger-prophet, priest or teacher."

    The Webster's Dictionary is the final work of definitions used by the general public. If you ask the average person to give the definition of "work" and explain where they got their definition, they will no doubt refer to the Webster's Dictionary! This is the authority. The book (dictionary) is the WORD of the English speaking people. It can also be titled: the "Mouth" of the En­glish speaking persons.

    REVELATION 13:5 "And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, ...."

    BLASPHEME: To speak irreverently of God; (Webster's)

    IRREVERENT. Not reverent; disrespectful. (Webster's)

    GOD: A being of more than human powers; a divinity; an Idol; any person honored unduly; any object esteemed as the chief good, false deities, etc... (Note: Webster's definition of God ... are these definitions not of "great things, and Blas­phemies? Webster's says that God can be either an "object" of false deities, an Idol, any person honored "unduly".)

    Of course Webster's doesn't give the correct name of the Supreme God (recognized here by the simple label of origin as Yahuweh), because this is considered IRREVERENT (meaning disrespectful). Webster's merely places God in the same cate­gory as deities, Idols, false deities and persons honored unduly. If this isn't BLASPHEMY I'll kiss your "chamar" or "etham" (chamar: see 2560---etham: see 386 in Strong's Concordance). Both words (chamar and etham) are given the same general word (ass) but these words are different the same way "WORK" takes on different meanings. To find out what I really said I would Kiss ... please locate the correct meanings!

    One (1) of the "marks" of the Beast in Revelation is Web­ster's Dictionary. If you accept the definitions of this book, for your biblical definitions, you have already accepted the MARK OF THE BEAST!


    Dharma, allow us to leave this for this afternoon. I realize this is the most tedious writing you have had to do thus far because of the poor structure of the document in point but I believe as we make it through the maze we will find it most interesting for consideration. Remember that the riddles all must be solved before we get the tapestry finished! Every clue is valuable in both concept and in actual application. This whole deviation from central meaning of "terms" is uppermost in importance for just as with unknowing in that which goes on about you--or more­over in NOT KNOWING TRUTH--you have no basis or foun­dation upon which to build accurate KNOWLEDGE. So be it. In love and honor I will now clear the frequency and allow you respite.

    Thank you,

    Hatonn to clear. Salu.

    PJ 57
    CHAPTER 10
    FRI., OCTOBER. 23, 1992 8:52 A.M. YEAR 6, DAY 68
    FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1992
    Do NOT put out your best porcelain figurines in fault line areas! You aren't finished YET!

    Let me point out a few things that you probably will not know!

    1. There is a very large "squawk" about launching a monitoring satellite from a multi-billion dollar "shuttle" when it could "... have better been launched from a cheaper rocket"! Oh my, but you would NOT have photon phasers and photo-pulse beam capability from a rocket. Chelas, there is massive evil afloat this day! The shuttle is primed and ready to strike--and, apparently, at many sites about the world, not the least is now the New Madrid Fault! The shuttle is to travel for about ten days in the same orbiting cycles as the satellite "beam bouncer" sphere. Do what you will and condemn if you wish--but you MUST KNOW THAT YOU WILL CONTINUE TO GET THESE THINGS FROM US WITHOUT LETUP--AS THEY SURFACE. We are quite accustomed to the "sticks and stones", and "words" can only help us get at­tention to the problem.

    Many in the area around Edwards Air Force Base (general area) witnessed massive flash after flash of brilliant light in the pre­dawn time this morning. The light came "pulsing" from the ground upward. Indeed, the lasers are being tested with the new receiver "bouncer" just established yesterday! You cannot hide lights of that magnitude--they would have been visible in the daylight hours also and noted by far more people, so the testing was done in the dark. Lower frequencies will be tested in the day hours until the satellite is "tuned". The testing has to be done at appropriate sequence of orbit.

    This same routine is being tested from every central phaser­-pulse (beam) base of operations within the grid.

    There is a full-stage alert and "quake drill" all. along the New Madrid Fault system today and running for the current 12 hours. After which, of course, and as in California, the toys go back in their collapsible hovels all neatly tucked away for assured dam­age, the hospitals go off alert and when no-one is expecting it--­like the thief in the night shall come the disasters. You do, however, have to have drills and alerts to allow for movement of equipment, monitoring stations, guard duty and operations run-throughs without note of the public as to what is happening.

    That election in the good old U.S. of A. is coming up very, very soon now!

    Does anyone take note that Clinton is under gaining attack by the Elite administration "whips". What is worse, they are find­ing all sorts of nasty little things. Does it also strike you as in­teresting that you have these earthquake alerts in AREAS WHERE CLINTON IS? First the San Andreas earthquake area and now the New Madrid location? So be it.

    Please, you ones who have Pension Plans and intend to do something with them--like withdraw assets--DO IT NOW! THE LAWS ARE BEING MORE STRINGENTLY APPLIED AND NEW ONES PUT IN PLACE REGARDING TRANSFERS AND WITHDRAWALS--IMMEDIATELY IN 1993.

    The massive changeover to a central emergency international phone system going into operation (in some areas like California by the end of Dec.) is for the sole purpose of stopping instantly all transfers of money from or to any place in the world. This is given forth for public consumption as a method to "stop another fall-out of the stock market computer system". Well, aspirin is good for you in small dosage too!

    New confusion: I am asked if one by the name of Willis Carto is actually Hatonn. The interpretation is that he IS! No, he is not­--Hatonn is Hatonn and Willis Carto is NOT an energy speaker at all. If he be human he cannot be ME! There seems to be a national connection being made with this person and the LIBER­ATOR. No, no and no!

    I told you that Queen Elizabeth, head honcho of the world and the richest woman in the world, is of German heritage stemming from the Khazarian background. Today you have it verified: she just visited the memorial sites of HER RELATIVES IN GERMANY (TODAY)." Confirmations ARE comforting, aren't they? I know you who have been faithful readers and ef­forted to get others to see and hear have been at great disadvan­tage for you have gotten such a pile of truth in such a short while that the circuits have shorted-out. The smile shall be coming from your side much, much more frequently now as things unfold and the adversary cannot keep it all under wraps.
    Are there POWs alive? YES! This recent show-and-tell is a ghastly and nasty way of lying to you and doing great pain and damage to those ones who survived. Keep up the pressures for old pictures can be produced against this day of reckoning and that is exactly what is happening right now--to, cover whatever is happening now or recently! Perot is correct and he DOES plan to look into it immediately if he gets the bid for "chief".

    Let us now turn to our subject in point, The Mark of The Beast. We have so many subjects to cover that you precious readers will have to be patient with us for we hurry as fast as we can and we must bring unto you that which is the most useful as we move along. Recognition of your enemy and his henchmen is uppermost in importance.

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