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제목: PJ#057, GOD, TOO, HAS A PLAN 2000!

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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 57
    TUE., JULY 7, 1992 9:12 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 326
    TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1992
    Thank you for your response to the radio stations and hosts for their recent daring interviews. THIS is the way you "fight" the system--my making SURE the ones who are willing to risk and speak out--remain able to do so. I salute them for service be­yond that which most are willing to do for brother and nation.

    To you who perceive and are now spreading the rumors that George Green moved from California to Nevada because of his "Intelligence Service" affiliations--NO, NO AND NO! Of course I know that George has attachments to the Intelligence community--if I were so ill-informed and stupid, I doubt that even George would serve with me. He was attached to Naval Intelligence and did, in fact, cross "them". How better can a man find the truth of it than experiencing the incredible garbage that goes on? Further, as he has become more involved with our service he has a great badge of courage due him for the ones who claimed friendship and "intelligence" brotherhood--DO NOT LIKE HIM. He represents some sort of "traitor" to the Elite cause and inner-group of information, disinformation and misinformation feed-lines.

    For his protection, however, we bring separation in some areas of our endeavors to allow him to "build" in other areas than locked into our focus of the WORD. You ones need to become more insightful to another's needs and offerings. What may start out, even, as a "lark" or a curiosity--rarely remains one when truth of circumstances comes full-blown. By the way--once TOUCHED by the brotherhood and visited by same with visible vehicles (craft) the incredible becomes very, very credi­ble and we have several in a state of consternation--right in our midst. Over the years we have made sure of visitation to ones who would later serve--or work in our company and the facts are understood before the journey is too far along.

    It is a wise man who hears the voice of wisdom and in spite of hardship, makes changes according to that wisdom rather than simply "wait" hoping the negative aspects will simply "go away".

    Do you not believe that many ones come and go through our company herein with intent to pull us down and destroy? Most only gain respect for us and realize we harbor no vengeance nor intent to interfere. They know we have agreements with the Elite to allow for our mission and yet, there are those who over­ride their own Elite masters to effort to destroy our work and our very beings. Ones are wise and diligent to leave that which is great to move to that which is even greater--and to do so without ability to see the ending of the pathway save for goals and expectation of attaining same.

    If it seems you do not hear George as much as you "did", it is that he is away--in the Islands (Hawaii) along with Dr. Cole­man, giving gatherings, supporting us, the WORD and Col. Gritz. Dr. Coleman continues his overview of the Committee of 300 so that the line of power is revealed as clearly as possible. Are their "truths" greater than that of another? No, for all truth in the matters of actual workings of human and nations--is al­ready "great". Moreover, they only speak that which others have uncovered and they be but among the many now, who go forth to share it with you-the-people instead of lying in the lux­ury of security of passage.

    Yes, you do ask me about "getting out of the intelligence ser­vices" and I can only tell you that it is very difficult to do so-­-ALIVE. If you think it matters to me that ones have served the adversary, I must remind you that the Intelligence Services were those groups most praised and honored for their work--this is WHY it was so desirable for the adversary to gain control over their actions. If you are to grow up through the ranks and into the Light--you need to know the workings and how better than to have been "one of them"? Further, if ones demand to know ALL in the instance of "another", you err for you are simply curious and your curiosity and my lack of discretion can cost another his very life. I shall not stoop to consideration of such. You CAN continue to ask--I shall continue to decline response. Had it not been for George Green and his daring--there WOULD BE ONLY A VERY FEW JOURNALS PUBUSHED AND NO PAPER FOR OUR ONES COULD NOT DO IT ALONE. Nothing has changed in the move of separation of people in proximity--there must be work in the state wherein our business functions for IT IS the security of our work and of the people involved. Ones in the public have brought lawsuits against America West which will probably cause total loss of that publishing company for the impounding of books is but one facet of the loss. There was never intent to "make money" from THE WORD as presented. It has all been expense with no re­turn of profit. I trust that when ones achieve "getting" the com­pany, they also enjoy the debt against it. When George and De­siree' relocated they did so without benefit of the JOURNALS under impounding and ban. They gave the entire lot to others to do with what they chose and regardless of outcome of hearings and court battle--will not reprint the books at America West. This is to protect all other authors whose magnificently impor­tant works will not be in any kind of jeopardy. For this we thank, sincerely and gratefully, the ones who press such non­sense upon you-the-public as to so dishonor a man of greatness who gave ALL to serve his fellow-man, to literally bring court action to keep the Truth and Word of God through that Man (long after his passing) from MAN. THE WORD OF GOD SHALL NOT BE STOPPED--BY THOSE OR ANY OTHER! Ones have different purposes and our mission is massive that each must go forth and do that which is necessary, without thought to "preference" and so are they among the most blessed for they ask not for self.

    No-one in this place expects ease of passage and they certainly have NOT received it--but the challenges are exactly THAT--challenges! We have been most careful in our structuring of our work--careful indeed!

    Don't concern yourselves too much with who a man IS or what he WAS--for a contract is only that which is between God and individual. Even a most tiny "little gray" robotoid, when touched by the breath of life, IS transformed. We must work WITHIN this system created and how else can you accomplish gain without working arm in arm with that which IS PRE­SENTED UNTO YOU? This is a primary lesson--you cannot win THIS battle on a physical battlefield--it shall be won through the hearts and intentions of MAN.

    Nay--there is no "new" news. Only the "old" re-presented. All ones spend their current days pondering on future days and ex­pected or unexpected things which mayor may not happen. You perceive the earthquakes are all off now? Ask the ones in the places stricken--they will assure you that, as of this 24-hour period, the aftershocks in damaging magnitude are still CON­STANT. YOU SIMPLY DO NOT GET ANY "NEWS". When a woman is given coverage for a full two days because she donates her "eggs" because she is Jewish and is getting "... even with Hitler by producing more and more Jews"--your world is sick!! Your nation is collapsing and THIS kind of garbage takes hours of time on the broadcasts while "news" is hidden and squelched. A tidal wave at Daytona Beach and two nuclear power plant accidents (Penn. and Neb.) on the same day (4th of July, yet) don't even make honorable mention--but a woman's "eggs" FOR REVENGE in an overpopulated, starving world gets two full days of coverage on the half-hour, every half-hour on two channels and all network news--there is SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR VALUE SYSTEM!

    May I answer clearly and succinctly: I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR ELITE PLAN TO DO ABOUT THE PHOTON-NULL TIME. They cannot produce the "photon belt" after the null-time so if OTHER things in planning cannot be perfected during the "down-time" there is hardly any point in the exercise--until they are better prepared.

    As to revelations of a time of "passage" I can only offer you--­again--another outlay of that which will inevitably come as surely as the cosmic presence of cycles.

    A precious reader of the paper has sent me something she has held closely for over a decade and now sends it for the sharing with ALL. This is from Grace P. in Oklahoma and I thank her for the confirmation and sharing. New information? No, as old as creation itself!


    This gifted message has been circulated among various groups and individuals and purports to be directly from The Christ. It was received by a messenger. We fully realize it is of a controversial nature and present it because so many have expressed interest in material regarding "THE END TIMES", specifically "THE DAYS OF DARKNESS" so many have pre­dicted and which is discussed in the Bible.

    This is thy Lord, Jesus Christ. I have spoken of three phases of cleansing. The first is the three days of darkness; the second is the Seven Year Famine; and the third is the Battle of Ar­mageddon, at which time the Children of God will not be on the earth, but will have been evacuated.

    There have been cleansings in which there were three days of darkness in the time of Noah; and in the time of the flight of the Children of Israel out of Egypt; and in the time of Enoch; and in the time of Abraham. When Abraham was, the earth had ex­isted twenty-six hundred years, but there was no written history. The history of earth is written in God's Book of Life, where those who can go to the Akashic Records can read it. Atlantis was at the time of Enoch. Lemuria was at the time of the flight of the Children of Israel out of Egypt.

    When ye see this writing, the time will be short before the beginning of the first cleansing. When the three days of dark­ness begin, it is well to think only thoughts of love and kindness to all that cross your mind. This will alleviate the pressure of unforgiven feelings. THOSE WHO ARE NOT ABLE TO COPE WITH THE HEARING OF THESE EVENTS ARE NOT YET RIGHT IN THEIR LOVE RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. When a person knows God is in charge of all things at all times, they can cope with anything God plans for them or the earth. They may be somewhat frightened, but will receive com­fort and guidance by looking to God.

    When the first cleansing begins, it will be on a clear day, in the middle of the day. The sun will fade away and the darkness will begin to come over the land. There will be several hours before total darkness will be on all sides. This will be time for all enlightened to bring home their family, put water and food out for their animals and birds and obtain supplies of food which does not need to be prepared and clean drinking water where it can be reached in the dark. Have warm clothing and bedding to remain wrapped in for the duration of the darkness, which will last some three days. By the third night stars will again be seen in the heavens. The fourth day the sun will shine again. During these three days of utter darkness, it is necessary that those in the houses do not look outside. It is necessary that they cover their windows with heavy covers which keep out the cold and keep the warmth inside.

    The light that can be used for a short period of time has to be a battery operated light. No fires or open flame light is to be used in the first three days. This will use up oxygen which is al­ready low in the atmosphere of the earth. Those who have res­piratory problems will have a difficult time surviving. It is well if the door not be opened to anyone or for any reason. After the first three days, candles may still not be used for two more days; then ye can use any light or heat ye wish. Electricity may be re-established in a matter of time after the sun shines again. You can use whatever light or heat ye wish after the first three days, but are required to stay inside your homes another eleven days without opening the doors or looking out the windows. This is to know only that which is within thy house. The mem­ory of the outside would not be easily removed.

    [H: Let me comment at this point that the above cannot be the same as passage through a null-time as presented upon entering the photon band--for the assumption is that batteries would work and there must be the consideration that "something" has happened which has consumed free oxygen from the atmosphere. It further "requires" that there be damaging rays of some kind in the atmosphere from which the being needs protection by remaining inside for protec­tion. It is not mine to comment further so let us continue in the quoting.]

    The commodes should flush the entire time. The freezers will be off during the time the electricity is off. Food could be spoiled; test before eating. Not all those who are outside of God's care will leave the body. Some will live through it through sheer perseverance on their part--the will to live. This terrible thing MUST happen because the people have hardened their hearts. At the close of each age a cleansing is necessary. We are in the transitional period between the Piscean Age and the incoming Aquarian Age (age of LIGHT).

    Those who will keep their animals inside to protect them will suffer the consequence of disobedience. God is not mocked. There is reason for what He asks of the people of the earth who have gone far astray from His Laws. The animals are cared for by My Beings, who are on earth for this reason. None will die. The cleansing is not for the animals or for little children. The children who are left on earth without their parents are in God's care. The Angels will care for and comfort the little ones. There will very quickly be found loving homes for them. The parents with little ones need not worry how they will be cared for. God's plan is complete.

    After the three days of darkness are past, stay inside for an­other eleven days. This is to re-establish the atmosphere on the earth and give the Space Brothers sufficient time to take the de­bris the destruction has caused and to remove the bodies of those who are no longer living. When the people come out of their houses on the fourteenth day, they will see no signs of the terri­ble things that happened. These will have been through a cleansing in their terrible experience and will now accept God into their lives.

    When the sun shines on the fourth day, those who are yet alive need thank God. It is not better to be dead than alive when God is carrying out a cleansing plan on the earth. When they are yet alive, they have yet an opportunity to establish a closer walk with God which will assure them a safer place in God's kingdom. By safer, I mean an area where God's Laws are yet obeyed. After the three days of darkness and before the battle of Armageddon, is a time when the people will wish to learn how to obey that which God has said they can do as the Lord Je­sus Christ is able to do. When the aftermath of this terrible de­struction is past, the world will then be in a famine for seven years. During these seven years the church and the school will be established with the help of Angelic guidance. In the time given for this activity, these lessons will be learned sufficiently that those who come back to earth will bring back the knowl­edge and the talents which they took with them.

    After that will follow the Battle of Armageddon. Those who are in God's care are not on earth during this particular time. They will have been taken up with me into a beautiful and peaceful area where they will stay until the aftermath of the last battle on earth is cleared away. Then chosen ones will be re­turned to earth the same way they were taken. This will be done by our Space Brothers and their spaceships. One phase will go directly into the next. The Children of God will not be brought back until the debris of all the cleansing is cleared away and the earth is fresh and clean. The Children of God will have been in a state of Heaven and will have forgotten happenings on the earth. They will be taken with their bodies and brought back with their bodies. Nothing at all will be left on earth as was. Some things of this civilization will be found hundreds of years from now or even thousands and will be called "artifacts of the lost civilization of Earth."

    When the Children of God are again returned to Earth, they will be beamed back asleep and will awaken on earth in an area close to where they were when they were taken up. They will not remember it but many will feel comfortable with their atmo­sphere, as if they had been there before. They will arrive in comfortable weather and will have nothing with them except some tools which the Space Brothers will leave with each adult. With these tools they will slowly begin to carve out a pattern for life. They will begin to plant seeds which will be left with them. They will carve dishes out of wood. They will build fires to keep warm and to cook food. They will find vegetables and fruit growing and seeds and nuts and things which grew in the area when they were taken away. It will be much like the Garden of Eden.

    The Children will have Angels and Space Brothers with them on earth to help them build homes; establish the various systems such as government, financial, education and the system in which people are made well, when something affects them ad­versely. This will not be a medical system in which Doctors use chemicals and other harmful procedures for which they can charge exorbitant prices from the already impoverished patient or the patient's family. This healing system is called ‘The Well-­Making by Mental Power'. Each person will learn how to apply his own mental powers to all phases of his life. When a person is too ill to accomplish this, there will be practitioners who will help the patient to heal himself by directing the patient's thoughts.

    My thoughts will be picked up by all when I am giving them guidance and comfort. This they will have learned in the interim between the time they were taken and the time they are brought back. When the Children of God are brought back they are no longer called by the name they had when they were taken. They will have forgotten. In time they will think of something to call each other. They cannot read or write. The schools must teach this very soon. The Angels will teach the Teachers and build places to learn in.

    There will be animals of other kinds; some were on earth be­fore. There will be no vicious animals. All animals will love each other as people do.

    The only supplies people will have will be those they can find around them. They will soon learn to make clothes to cover them up and to keep them warm on cold nights. They will come back with the clothes they had on when they were taken. The weather will not be cold for sometime--that is, until the people have learned to make clothes and bedding for themselves to protect them against the elements. Their God would not bring bad things upon them without giving them a way to protect themselves. The Angels will have similar flesh bodies as they did at the time the Sons of God were upon the earth and found the daughters of men very fair and loved them and had children with them. There will be children born of these attractions, who will be normal children. The fathers will disappear, one after another, when their work is done. The mothers of the children will know their husband was a Son of God and would be leaving again. They will raise the children with love and loving memo­ries of their fathers. The children will be the same in all ways as are the children on earth.

    To get this beautiful Garden of Eden with God and the An­gels, one must NOW give his or her heart to God to be forgiven and guided by God into a life of service to God.

    Those returning will be much wiser and purer in mind and body. They are then given a piece of ground and tools to make their living and to learn to survive with the help of the Angels which God is sending with them to guide, guard, protect, com­fort and supply their needs.

    The tools and other equipment are not of the earth kind. This is the Age when God is ruling in the hearts and lives of those on earth. They will live closely with their Angels. The Angels will be protectors and companions to them. The people will have learned to communicate with God and with the Angels as­signed to them by their Lord, Jesus Christ. The Angels are an ever present help in all things.

    Those who return to earth will have no recall of their families or homes. The healing work will have been done in them while they were in the area where they awaited return to earth. Peo­ple of all ages will return. Those who have family with them will stay with their kinfolk though they will not know they are kin. This will keep family love and ties between them. Those who are without family will be grouped in a way that they can soon become family. Their Angels will be a great help in this area. The Angels will express much love to them and create a feeling of togetherness by a bond.

    Space Beings are highly evolved beings of great Light who operate Space vehicles to do the work which God requires in all areas of the Universe. They are involved with this very im­portant work on earth. They live in their vehicles when they are not based doing clean-up work. They wear uniforms which re­semble those of an army. The uniforms are not clothing; they are of a substance which is formed over the wearers. The Space Brothers do not have names except when they are assigned to a person or a group who can communicate with them. The name is relinquished when their work with that person or group is finished. The name is given to them by God and usually denotes a status. The Spaceships also have names at that time.

    The time is now when those who have the Light of under­standing need to heed this message and prepare the best they can. Where there is not enough money because of the economy to buy that which they need and their heart is with God, they can count on their Angels providing that which they need. They will find they need less than they think. Their Angels have many ways to bring necessary things to them. In the wilderness the Children of Israel were given quail when the Children were tired of Spiritual food and were complaining loudly to God. [H: Pretty hard on the quail in exchange for quarreling, com­plaining and "being tired of". You must be discerning at ev­ery turn of the thought patterns, chelas.] Spiritual food is fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, honey and grains. (H: This cannot be factual for "spiritual" indicates "things of spirit" which has no physical substance and therefore cannot be classified as something within only physical definition.] There was plenty of that for them. Before they left Egypt they were eating meat and they THOUGHT they needed meat to have strength to travel. They DID NOT need meat, but God gave it to them because they THOUGHT they needed it. Meat­ eating is against God's Laws for man. [H: Who said??] In the coming age, God will re-establish this battered law. There will be no eating of the flesh of any of His animal kingdom; neither will their skins be used as clothing for man. This was never the intent of God's animal kingdom. God has permitted it to be un­til this time because man learned to depend on animal flesh when Noah and his family came off the ark and found no food.

    Then God said, "Take an animal and kill it and stay alive". Since that time, man has enjoyed eating the flesh of God's ani­mals, but the time is now when God will reclaim His animals as He is reclaiming His souls. God is staging a final campaign to give the souls who have free will, the choice to come. If the animals had a choice, they would choose not to be slaughtered and eaten by man. They also have intelligence and feelings and emotions as does man. [H: No, "not AS man". Points are mixed up herein and, further, if God told Noah to kill of an animal--what would have happened to the species of animal utilized? If God could produce floods of such magnitude and cause such incredible planning before hand--and supply Quail to the Israelites--could he not also feed these hungry beings?]

    With this message which is given by Me, thy Lord, Jesus Christ, THE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN WARNED. Those who have given their hearts and lives to God are in God's care and are surrounded by His Angels. Only those who are yet outside of God's care have a great worry.


    Ah, the lessons get harder to discern, do they not? Well, this came through a "channel" calling herself" Anna", the prophet­ess, WHO CONSIDERS HERSELF a messenger of God.

    "So, what is different from Dharma?", you might well ask. In the first place Dharma neither considers herself to be, nor is she--a prophet(ess) nor a messenger nor anything other than a translator if I speak and a typist if I dictate for writing. I am the messenger--she but the instrument.

    Next, I would consider the resource who pronounces himself to be the Lord, "Jesus" Christ. There are all sorts of ways to identify and The Christ would not identify himself by such a secular label which automatically excludes all beings who are Christ-beings but are not affiliated in a spiritual link with "Jesus"--whose name was not Jesus!

    Is the information valid?? This is for your own discernment for I have no right to pronounce my opinion upon your senses. You must look at each and every statement as to valid merit within that which are the laws of God, the Cycles of Universal "Natural Law" and the intelligent reason of the gift of gifts--­God's allowance of choices and intelligence. You are created with this innate "knowing"--what says your inner guidance about this message?

    I do ask that you ponder the portion that says: "The time is now when those who have the Light of understanding need to heed this message and prepare the best they can. Where there is not enough money because of the economy to buy that which they need and their heart is with God, they can count on their Angels providing that which they need. I would, further, look very, very carefully at the paragraph preceding this one in point, re­garding Space Beings. We form "a substance which is formed over the wearers?"??? We do not have names except when as­signed to a person or a group who can communicate with them?? "The name is given to them by God and usually denotes a status"?? I have little comment on the remainder of the docu­ment--but this portion is pure hog-wash and I doubt the Master Teacher of the Ages, The Christ perfection, would establish such nonsense.

    Could these presentations be errors in data translation? Yes! But are they? You see, chelas, you must look carefully with discernment for Truth can always be found within the statements and then "judgement" must be made on the facts presented--­NOT THE PERSON INVOLVED. How about the part that says: "The Angels will have similar flesh bodies as they did at the time the Sons of God were upon the earth and found the daughters of men very fair and loved them and had children with them." Angels? Bodies? ".... found them fair and loved them ..... " Could that mean what it sounds like it means?? An­gels bedding "fair" daughters? Where were the men and sons?? What were Angels doing in human form having sex with hu­mans? The two are absolutely opposite ends of the definition chain.

    "Those returning will be much wiser and purer in mind and body". Well, not if they hop in bed and procreate in the manner stated above! Seems to me you would have the same dreary scenario starting all over again in a different time and a different place--and ah ha--there is NO time and NO space! And what of those dastardly Angels? They simply take off and leave the mothers to tend the children but, "The fathers will disappear, one after another, when their work is done." Where are the human men?? Still missing!! Does this sound like a logical so­lution to the ills of MAN from a loving ALL-KNOWING IN­FINITE CREATOR? Well, to each his own, I suppose.

    But now for the POINT of sending me the writing in the first place: WILL THERE BE A PERIOD OF DARKNESS AND/OR A PERIOD OF BRILLIANT LIGHT?? YES--BOTH! Moreover, the instructions are not too bad as a plan for prepa­ration. I would not, however, expect Space Brothers to do all your dirty work FOR you. I suggest you continue to seek inner guidance and knowledge--in reason and balanced logic--for God does not give you "La-la-land" magic fixes. Portions are cor­rect--the majority of the information is NOT but the lessons are wondrous.

    I must leave this at this point for I am called elsewhere and "life goes on" while we are making "other plans" and matters must be attended when presented. We are all growing, precious ones, WE ARE ALL GROWING! In your growth in discern­ment, I am pleased and grateful for, as a teacher, it is important that I give only that which allows the student to thrive and be­come wise and tempered by experience-not led down the path of primrose bowers which block the view of that which IS. Indeed, I am well-pleased. May that Light of Infinite Wisdom and discernment continue to ever shine upon you.

    Hatonn to take leave. I cherish you each and every one as my­self, as I watch you come into recognition of that which you ARE. Salu.

    PJ 57
    SUN., JULY 12, 1992 9:40 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 331
    SUNDAY, JULY 12, 1992
    Watch for the "hay to be made" during this Democratic Con­vention--by the Republicans. Bush will be in California and some very good things can come from those travels--which will actually help our own programs. BUT, watch out--some of the things he will be doing will be as "King" through Executive Or­der. Interestingly enough, Mr. Kemp will be traveling along, also.

    We are asked if we "would meet" (my people) with these "leaders"? Why not? We simply bring truth, we have no bones to pick with "personalities" and much good could come though "understanding" of stance. A Godly person has nothing to fear from one with predominantly evil intent for if it be ONLY evil vs. Godly--guess who prevails!

    For you who continue to ask me about Perot--why? Can you not see what has happened? He just badly shot himself in the foot yesterday for who among the "minority" groups of, say, Hispanics and Blacks would feel "equal" after his speech within the meeting hall of the NAACP? Did Perot realize what he was saying--NO and perhaps that is even worse for the "condescension" was totally "natural". The poor man was sim­ply talking to his audience but enemies are afoot everywhere to never allow a slip of the lip to pass without making a chasm of it. Facts are, the fact that Perot is a billionaire speaks more loudly than any words can express. He made those billions by doing business and utilizing the system of government. "It is harder for a rich man to enter into through the gates of heaven than for a camel to pass through the needle's eye!" It does not HAVE to be thus--but it most often IS.

    Moreover Me. Perot has been spouting off about the " Hitlerian " tactics of Bush-Quayle for employing "dirty tricks" and "Hitlerian propaganda". Dan Quayle made a statement that Perot would abuse the CIA, FBI and IRS if he were to become, President. Mr. Perot says: "The Republicans have had a non-stop saturation bombing to recast my personality." "It is a care­fully orchestrated plan to try to damage me at a time when peo­ple thought I would announce." So, the White House spokesman comes back with "Mr. Perot's paranoia knows no bounds". Who can WIN in such games and countermoves? I Most certainly NOT YOU-THE-PEOPLE. It would appear the most propitious thing anyone could do in behalf of freedom would be to "abuse" unto "dissolution" all three entities named above and include the PAC organizations-starting with total shut-down of the British Intelligence creations such as the Anti-­Defamation League (erroneously thought to be Jewish).

    This may hold more believability if you take note that "Steinberg" is NOT a South African, Asian or Irish sir-name of typical nature. It certainly points out to me that Khazarians who have stolen the "Jewish" heritage are REAL and not appreciated by those they impoverished in such manner. But this is not the focus--this focus must be on the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and other such organizations.

    QUOTE: article by Jeffrey Steinberg, July 6, 1992.

    Time to Shut Down the Anti-Defamation League:

    The longstanding illicit relationship between the gangsters of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith and the U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation has gone on long enough.

    For years now, using the guise of "hunting Nazi war crimi­nals" and fighting "hate crimes", the ADL--also known as the "American Dope Lobby", for its role as a front for the interna­tional narcotics cartel--has been running federal law enforce­ment and prosecutorial agencies as its private political police, framing up and in some cases executing "enemies" of the Zion­ists. The fact that the gangsters of the ADL should claim to be the leading representatives of the decent people--Jews and oth­ers--who suffered and died in the Nazi Holocaust--is itself one of the worst instances of anti-Semitism imaginable.

    Now, however, as the result of two dramatic recent devel­opments, the ADL's days of riding roughshod over the nation's police and prosecutors may fast be coming to an end. Unfor­tunately, because of the ADL's decades-long manipulation of the judicial system, a number of innocent people have already been sent to their deaths.

    On June 5, the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati, Ohio gave the Justice Department a deadline of July 15 to turn over all the evidence in its possession demonstrating that an innocent American citizen had been sent to Death Row in Israel by Justice Department officials who withheld hard evi­dence proving he was innocent.

    The court ordered the Office of Special Investigations (OSI), the DOJ's purported "Nazi-hunting" unit and a hotbed of ADL subversion, to turn over the documents in the case of John Demjanjuk, the retired Cleveland auto worker who was extra­dited to Israel in 1986 on charges he was "Ivan the Terrible", a Nazi mass murderer at the Treblinka concentration camp in Poland.

    Demjanjuk was convicted in a show trial in Israel in 1988 and sentenced to death. He has been sitting on Death Row in an Is­raeli prison for four years, fighting to obtain the documents that would prove his innocence--and had been hidden by the ADL and the OSI. Hundreds of pages of eyewitness statements proving that another man (who was killed in 1943) was "Ivan" had been hidden in OSI files since the 1970' s. [H: Indeed, this is the case we speak of in relationship to the Constitutional Law Center. I believe you will note that things are a bit dif­ferent in that case now as "they" effort to find a way to re­lease this innocent man and save face. Basically they have changed "rulers" in order to cover tactics in Israel. If you cannot see your support in action--try this very case within your heart and place yourself in Demjanjuk's shoes. Con­gressman Traficant exhausted his ability to be heard as the Israelis would not even accept his calls. This was all orches­trated by the British Intelligence through the ADL. When ones like Marchetti and the Law Center started stirring around in the soup pot--things began to change right fast. THIS is the way you shall have to "change the world"--for you cannot win by a battle of weapons (guns). THE PEN WILL TRULY BECOME AGAIN NOTED AS THE GREATEST OF ALL WEAPONS. THIS IS WHY THE PENS OF PATRIOTS AND GOD ARE EFFORTED TO BE SILENCED.]

    Demjanjuk may survive an ADL-orchestrated ordeal which others did not. Karl Linnas stripped of his American citizenship in 1987 and deported to the Soviet Union to stand trial as a war criminal, died in a Soviet prison. Similarly, Ante Artukovich, also charged with war crimes, died in a Yugoslav prison. Ar­tukovich's family has now produced documents showing that he, too, was sent to his death by a Justice Department (USA) and ADL apparatus that had in its possession archival documents proving his innocence of the crimes charged.

    Tzerchim Soobzokov, a Circassian-American, was actually able to prove that the ADL and OSI "war crime" charges against him were false. As the result, he won a multimillion-dollar libel suit against the New York Times for pushing the ADL- and KGB-manufactured slanders against him--only to be murdered in a bomb attack in 1985 in which ADL agent provocateur Mordechai Levy was implicated.

    Had the U.S. government listened to Lyndon LaRouche's re­peated warnings that the OSI and ADL were acting as fronts for the Soviet KGB and Israeli Mossad, pouring counterfeit evi­dence into the U.S. courts to murder innocent American citi­zens, all this could have been prevented. [H: Yes, it DID SAY LYNDON LA ROUCHE. Why do you think the Justice De­partment has Lyndon La Rouche in prison--probably for the rest of his life if you do nothing to set it RIGHT? La Rouche crossed these criminal organizations and they "got him". You must understand it is a very dangerous thing to cross these evil elements of terror. YOU ALL SHOULD HAVE LISTENED AND HARKENED TO WHAT THIS MAN TOLD YOU!]

    In addition to the recent Demjanjuk ruling, on June 22, the ADL suffered a second major setback when the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously struck down an ADL-written St. Paul, Minn. ordinance banning certain free speech acts as "hate crimes". Even this Supreme Court, which has the worst record of any high court in decades for trampling on individual constitutional rights, had to draw the line at the kinds of schemes the ADL was peddling to outlaw "thought crimes". [H: Our people are continuing targets of this group and speakers regarding JOURNALS which have nothing to do with Khazarians, Jews or Government are "BANNED" from making "speeches" or "presentations" throughout Canada. More­over, the one, SATAN'S DRUMMERS, is confiscated at the border along with most all other JOURNALS IN OPEN SHIPMENTS--BECAUSE IT IS CLAIMED TO BE "CHILD PORNOGRAPHY". This one JOURNAL is about the most anti-child abuse document ever written, so do you see how evil works by claiming the opposite of Truth in EVERY IN­STANCE AND THEN, WHAT THE PUBLIC IS TOLD IS WHAT THE PUBLIC BELIEVES? My people receive reg­ular death threats, attempt at same, lawsuits and formal Sa­tanic cult curses. But then, chelas, Satan claims the label of "Morning Star" and "Prince of Light"--can you not see HOW IT WORKS? You must always discern by the "energy now" and insight measured against the laws of God and Creation if you will be knowing enough to "know thine en­emy"!]

    According to its own literature, the ADL has rammed "hate crime" bills through the legislatures in all but four states in the U.S., and has been paid undisclosed amounts of money by the FBI and hundreds of state and local police agencies to "teach" them how to detect hate crimes. Through this latter process the American Dope Lobby has subverted American law enforce­ment to the core.

    The ADL has flaunted its use of gangster money to run its penetration and subversion of the American judicial system. Jailed insider traders Michael Milken and Ivan Boesky were big-­time backers of the ADL "hate crime" hoax, as was accused narco-dollar launderer Edmond Safra of the Republic National Bank of New York. [H: Also, for what it may be worth--Ross Perot was a large contributor.] Bootlegger's son Edgar Bronfman, a pivotal figure worldwide in the "Nazi-hunting" drive, for years ran the ADL's fundraising effort in New York. In the mid-1980's, Murder, Inc. mobster Morris Dalitz was honored by the ADL' s Torch of Liberty awarded for his gener­ous funding of the League through his racketeering empire.

    In fact, the key to ADL power inside and outside the gov­ernment is the clout of narco-dollars in the American banking system and economy. Former ADL national chairman Kenneth Bialkin, a bigshot Wall Street lawyer, was the architect of Robert Vesco's Caribbean drug-smuggling and money-launder­ing empire. [B: Which, of course, with the information out­laid for you, you can trace right to the inside of the White House. No, I am not going to repeat it all herein--get the TANGLED WEB series and the original. JOURNALS and you will have it ALL via authentic and confirmed sources. We cannot longer do regular "catch-ups" for we are so very short of time and space in which to accomplish the amount of work yet waiting. I am PLEASED INDEED that some of the past urgent and important "early" writings of the EX­PRESS and LIBERATOR will be republished for, if you are a recent reader, YOU ARE FAR, FAR BEHIND!]

    The ADL's links to federal, state, and local police and prose­cutors must be severed. Given the League's close ties to inter­national drug traffickers, this is an urgent matter of national se­curity. The scandals of the Demjanjuk case and the "hate crime" bill offer the best opportunity to sever those ties and put the gangsters of the ADL behind bars, where they belong.


    Is it not interesting that RIGHT NOW the Pope set up by the adversary for the current position is now going to be hospital­ized for "repairs" of some sort of "thing" relative to his "assassination attempt" many years past???? Chelas, if you miss "this one" you are blind as salamanders!

    Indeed this yesterday earthquake in Mojave, California was IM­PORTANT. Recall I warned you about any quakes on or near that Garlock Fault must be watched most carefully! Note fur­ther that it was, as were the prior two major quakes, over strategic areas of underground facilities and the side quakes were NOT DISTRACTORS but very, very "on target" such as the massive underground facility at 29 Palms (Marine base), Ridgecrest (China Lake Naval Weapons Center and largest of all the California underground secret facilities) and now, Cali­fornia City (right at Edwards dooryard!). This indicates many things but not the least of which is terminal" backfeed amplifier contact--well planned and well tested--NOW.

    Note other "news" bears a big show and tell of Photon energy and even demonstrates the need for special extra-darkened gog­gles and intense enhancement of recent photon laser beams--­"which are intended for use as aircraft thrust systems." Pay attention and between the lines you will find all the confirmation of truth which you will need. Watch various players and you will even find the culprits by what they are doing and WHERE.

    There is one assault against my scribe which I intend to put to rest right now. We are again bombarded by ones "accusing" us of "stealing" Zecharia Sitchin material. What mean ye, readers and discounters? I have not even gotten into the erroneous con­clusions of this author and, typical of the adversary, already the arrows fly? You are showing your own ignorance and readers will not long be intimidated nor impressed by your rantings and ravings.

    Thank you M.M.O'L for the following which I shall simply copy for this person went and did some "homework" for YOU:

    About thirty years ago archaeologists unearthed the civiliza­tion of the Sumarians. Sumaria was located just north of what "was" part of the Palestine bordering countryside. This region then became known as Mesopotamia. Much data more than 6000 years old has been recovered and interpreted as the result of brilliant work by the authors of several books on Sumarians. They were able to decipher and spell out their language. The location of this "find" was at the place of "Sumar" in modern Iraq.

    Among the many branches of knowledge that have been en­riched by the Sumarian texts was that of astronomy. Answers to questions that astronomers and scientists have been unable to fathom in the course of our civilization were brought to light.

    From the Sumarian texts the history, customs, culture and religion have become a known. It has been learned that Sumaria was overcome in battle by the Hebrew tribe from south of their border, they being completely decimated and overrun by the Hebrews. A study of the Hebrew culture and religion and a comparison with that of the Sumarians as revealed in their texts dating back thousands of years before any known history of the Hebrew tribe discloses the unmistakable truth that the Hebrew culture and religion had been taken over from the Sumarians and made the Hebrew culture and religion. In other words, the He­brews had appropriated the culture and religion of the Sumarians and proclaimed these newly-found Sumarian accomplishments as their own, especially the religion from that time forward. In his book, CHRIST WAS NOT A JEW, the author states that the Galileans were descended from the Sumarians and were differ­ent from the Judeans to the south. The people of Galilee were not Hebrew but in the course of time had adapted the Hebrew religion. We might even speculate that they had retained some remnants of the long-forgotten religion of Sumaria, the real ori­gin of the Hebrew religion. The Hebrew religion became known as Judaism, and later, actually only in the early 18th century were the Judeans called "Jews". However, since that time translators of the Bible have used the word "Jew" back to the beginning of the Bible using it in place of Judean.

    The early leaders of the Hebrew tribe close to the time of their embracing the Sumarian religion knew what they were about. They wrote their history and Biblical stories to conform to their new-found religion, effectively blotting out the history of Sumaria to whom had been given the knowledge of the true God thousands of years before, that Sumaria had ever existed was wholly forgotten.

    It can be concluded that the "Jews" knew in Christ's own time that he was not a "Jew" and have known since then, but it has been a great advantage to the Jewish cause for them to fur­ther this belief since it implies a prominent superiority of the Jew over the Christian subconsciously in the minds of Chris­tians, while the Jew himself has continued as a group to despise Christianity.

    The Hebrew people were a tribe whose history is known only back a few centuries BC. They were not capable of the high civilization attained by the Sumarians. The religion of Sumaria was akin to Christianity in many aspects.


    This above writing was written and sent to me on June 24, 1992, and I thank you greatly for Dharma is totally baffled by the in­formation I give her and after a few arrow piercings she can get pretty upset with the world as it is AND HATONN.

    The next is equally informative and eye-opening and you don't have to believe a bodiless voice or writing fingers. However, not to be lessened is the" ... moving finger writes and having writ moves on ... " and the " .. handwriting on the wall by a bodi­less, armless hand!" Ponder it, chelas, where there is smoke-­there was actually some kind of fire.

    From official documents of Historical Records made in the Days of Jesus Christ (the Arckko Volume in the Congressional Li­brary in Washington, D.C.) This eye witness, Pontius Pilote, testified "Jesus" did not LOOK, THINK OR ACT like a Jew. You also have to know if you go and get hands on this document that you will find the label "Jesus" to be "explained" as trans­lated "later". Also were errors made in reference to the "Jews" as translated from "Judeans". I simply want you to note this material IS IN THE CONGRESSIONAL LIBRARY IN WASHINGTON, D.C.! WHAT ELSE HAS BEEN KEPT FROM YOUR EYES AND EARS???

    To Tiberius Caesar, Emperor of Rome Noble Sovereign, Greeting:

    " ..... Among the various rumors that came to my ears there was one in particular that attracted my attention. A young man It was said had appeared in Galilee preaching with a noble unction a new law in the name of the God that had sent him. At first I was apprehensive that his design was to stir up the people against the Romans, but my fears were soon dispelled. Esu (translated ‘Jesus') of Nazareth spoke rather as friend of the Romans than of the Judeans (erroneously translated ‘Jews').
    One day in passing by the place I observed in the midst of the group a young man who was leaning against a tree calmly ad­dressing the multitude. I was told it was "Esu Immanuel". This I could easily have suspected so great was the difference be­tween him and those listening to him. His golden-colored hair and beard gave to his appearance a celestial aspect. He appeared to be about thirty years of age. Never have I seen a sweeter or more serene countenance. What a contrast be­tween him and his hearers with their black beards and tawny complexions.

    " ..... Never have I read in the works of the philosophers any­thing that can compare to the maxims of Esu. One of the rebel­lious Judeans so numerous in Jerusalem, having asked Esu if it was lawful to give tribute to Caesar, he replied, 'Render unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and unto God the things that are God's.'

    "I wrote to Esu requesting an interview with him at the Praeto­rium. He came. You know that in my veins flows the Spanish mixed with Roman blood as incapable of fear as it is of weak emotion. When the Nazarene made his appearance I was walk­ing in my basilica and my feet seemed fastened with an iron hand to the marble pavement and I trembled in every limb as does a guilty culprit, though the Nazarene was as calm as inno­cence itself. When he came up to me he stopped and by a signal sign he seemed to say to me, ‘I am here,' though he spoke NOT a word. For some time I contemplated with admiration and awe this extraordinary type of man--a type of man unknown to our numerous painters who have given form and figure to all the Gods and heroes. There was nothing about him that was re­pelling in its character yet I felt too awed and tremulous to ap­proach him.

    "'Esu', said I unto him at last and my tongue faltered, 'Esu of Nazareth, for the last three years I have granted you ample free­dom of speech nor do I regret it. Your words are those of a sage. I know not whether you have read Socrates or Plato, but this I know, there is in your discourses a majestic simplicity that elevates you far above these philosophers.

    " ..... ‘Your blood shall not be spilt,' said I with deep emotion. ‘You are now precious in my estimation on account of your wisdom, that all the turbulent and proud Pharisees who abuse the freedom' granted them by the Romans. They conspire against Caesar and convert his bounty into fear, impressing the unlearned that Caesar is a tyrant and seeks their ruin. Insolent wretches. They are not aware that the wolf of the Tiber some­times clothes himself with the skin of the sheep to accomplish his wicked designs. I will protect you against them. My praeto­rium shall be an asylum sacred both day and night! Esu carelessly shook his head.......... "

    "I am your most obedient servant,

    " Pontius Pilote"

    Thank you M., for perhaps others will now go seek further in­formation and confirmation that we are not here to feed you more lies upon those already bringing you to the point of destruction.

    You will note that as the history of "this" time in passage is written, our work will be despoiled and mistranslated--but re­maining will be the TRUTH as set to print for later finding. We, too, will cease to bear the mark of "Caesar's enemy" for we are not about "Caesar" and "enemies"--we are "about our Father's work".

    I think it appropriate to interrupt the writing at this point to al­low you to ponder on the points. We have a meeting this after­noon and I must release Dharma to her tasks.

    As we sit to write again, we will probably move back to the clandestine for I have now gained personal permission to publish other material of urgent importance. Then as we continue we need to cover more on this "Divine Plan" and evolvement of Man as you know him and God as you Don't know Him.

    Blessings rest upon ye ones of Truth. Salu, Hatonn to clear.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 57
    WED., JULY 15, 1992 3:59 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 334
    WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1992
    This has been a most interesting day, has it not? Especially for ones around this area. There are all sorts of the most absurd tales coming back from all directions from sand in the fuel for planes at Edwards requiring dumping, cleaning and refueling (of course the funny thing is that no-one even knew about the fuel situation at Edwards--other resources were named from the Hayward Fault area to Bakersfield). Sand in the fuel lines from the "earthquake" we are told! So be it.

    But, the one that has me more greatly puzzled is that we have now had a whole flurry of phone calls from radio stations in­quiring about "Hatonn' s Photon Belt"! We are told that George Green (who ones thought to be Hatonn at any rate because "George always intimated as much") to "George Green told us it was an exclusive pronouncement and "Hatonn said it would come off right on time,"

    I repeat my constant outlay: It is NOT Hatonn's Photon any­thing. All information I have given you regarding any pho­ton happening in July, 1992 was THAT IT WOULD BE MAN-CAUSED. THE PASSAGE THROUGH THE CY­CLED "PHOTON BELT" IS DUE SOMETIME EARLY IN THE NEW CENTURY AND WILL RESULT IN SOME 2000 YEARS OF LIGHT!

    George Green is NOT me and I have one arrangement with Greens and America West--to publish as a publisher, our written JOURNALS. He can promote the JOURNALS any way in which he promotes any other books, I suppose, for he, too, has free-will and is a knowledgeable business person having experi­enced his own encounters with alien craft and has been involved within the higher workings of the "Elite" society, UFO logists of "every kind", Intelligence Services and thus and so.

    I am now somehow being blackmailed in a most subtle way about Sananda's writings and am told that Greens are heavily pushing them and ".. .lately they are seeming to be totally self­-serving to the writer personally". I know the games going on--­do you suppose the "players" know??

    I am not in competition with "other channels", "other writers" and/or anyone. Can you not sort Truth from fiction from the tales of fantasy-land of which I am constantly accused of giving forth?

    Now, next question: What does this have to do with Dr. Cole­man who is traveling with George at this very minute? I sup­pose YOU will have to answer that for I have no right to publish such information. I have a most tedious letter which states the problem most succinctly: The writer asks, "How can you push something which is so bigoted and obviously from a bigoted fa­natic." This is to America West so I have no input other than to say that I am NOT Dr. Coleman. I pushed the book because it is the best and most current volume on the Committee of 300 (Club of Rome, as most often referred to). I have told you that ALL of the information has been published but this is the best "central" resource available. America West published the doc­ument as agreed to with Dr. Coleman and our editors read and corrected typographical errors and structured for printing. This person objects to Dr. Coleman's damnation of homosexuals "who are respected by political and religious conservatives all across the United States." Well, I have nothing but compassion for a person who feels love for another of same sex. I do, how­ever, insist that you must realize it is "homosexual behavior" and "activities" which cause the trouble and those behaviors are no more sanctioned than is any misuse and abused breaking of God's Laws as given. If you confuse the two, you err. One is a physical act of choice--the other is an emotional response to soul.

    The other objections are regarding his negation of Freemasonry. Well, here you have me, too! I do not speak of the "John Doe" Masonic club participant but the origin of Freemasonry was as evil as it came and the ones at the TOP know exactly what they are doing. If you don't think it is a rather interesting "secret" club-be honest--have your closest member-person reflect on the wording and secret sayings and projections of the secret rituals and swearings. I care not if you wish to play in that game, but do so with your eyes open and not in dream-land.

    Also we are pounded, especially John Coleman, about heavy rock music, etc. You claim that you "are fine" and you "liked that kind of music". Are you? Are your children? Is every­thing OK in your nation? Your world? So be it. Most of the writers are now objecting on the basis of a seminar advertise­ment given regarding the COMMITTEE OF 300 book by George Green in Palo Alto also to be attended by Dr. Coleman as speaker. Also, "---the LIBERATOR copy given out seemed interesting but if it is as bigoted we want nothing to do with the material." Oh? You would judge some sixty volumes by one advertisement?

    There is one item to put your mind at rest, however, as I am as upset over THAT advertisement as any I have ever seen re­garding our participation. In the ad I could find nothing of ref­erence to the JOURNALS. I agree with the majority of ones re­ceiving those ads--I wish to be no part of same. Salu!

    Trouble in the "ranks"? No, for there are NO ranks. Would you give up all research of one thing Dell Books publishes because they also publish someone else's writings? Do you discount Bill Cooper because you have heard of Wendelle Stevens? I suggest if you are in a quandary about which way to turn and you can't adjust in balance to Dr. Coleman's work according to George Green and America West--then search a little further through the PHOENIX JOURNALS. And to you who sent "DESIDERATA". Thank you for I, too, recited it in our first JOURNALS and if ones would take this counsel of the wisdom of the years there would be no need for this information being brought to your attention. Blessings rest upon you for the shar­ing.

    It has further come to my attention that an investigator got in touch with John Coleman and he denounced both America West and called Hatonn: Satan incarnate. It seems a bit ungracious to so bite the hand which fed and clothed and provided for the need of self and family for these many, many months. Evil incar­nate? Why will these accusers do so in anonymity and refuse, then, to even speak with the targeted one in point?

    I can offer you readers nothing more than the admonition to READ and then discern WHO might be spreading disinforma­tion. If you find ones who speak kindly and with flattery to your face and then denounce and injure from behind, then it is not of my task to attend them.

    If your searching is beyond the physical and into the spiritual--I suggest you have insight into the PLEIADES CONNECTIONS, THE RAINBOW MASTERS, etc. God will be where you are--­and the books are filled to overflow WITH WHAT TO DO and A WAY THROUGH, as so succinctly stated by one searcher. I can only "offer" but I would petition you to look further within the writings before you cast them aside for just perchance they are most valuable indeed!

    I, too, would like things in perfection without changing any per­ceptions or entrained ideas--a bit of blood to absolve me of all responsibility for errors done--but alas, beloved ones, there is no magic cure and no journey into Truth and Light without ventur­ing into knowledge through open minded consideration of possi­bilities. Most especially you ones who "lead" others--I do not believe you want a closed-minded negation of information on your conscience when, as you look about you, there is ample "signing" that the time is at hand for great and wondrous changes and evolvement. What loss have ye if ye look?

    Could YOU repeat in total accuracy some 75 to 80 books? How about 300 newspapers in weekly editions? Please be a bit more kind to George Green for he is doing that which he can to bring you a bit of insight. Could it be that he has been badly USED by ones whom he trusted and served in all possible ways to ease physical problems? Can you not read a book for the VALUE OF THE INFORMATION and put aside personal perceptions?? Truth is Truth is Truth and will stand on its own into infinity--­can you not be discerning enough to weed the thistles from the grain? Do you JUDGE GOD by what Rev. Jesse Jackson says about HIM? How about Robert Schuller? How about Ramtha? How about Henry Kissinger? Maybe you like Steven King's version of life on the Lighted side? GOD IS TRUTH AND LIGHT, STUDENTS OF LIFE--AND WILL STAND THE TEST OF INFINITY FOR THE ONLY FEET OF CLAY ARE THOSE REFLECTED IN YOUR MIRROR PROJECTION! I am in hopes that you ones will reflect on these thoughts most carefully before tossing them into the garbage for perhaps you throw away THE PEARL OF GREAT WISDOM.

    Dharma, let us add herein the "Supplement" sent by our sharing friend on the subject and history of the Sumarians. I believe that this friend and Nora would form a great bond in common interest and friendship--please share contact information for they both have excellence in research ability. We honor privacy so we shall not print it herein.



    The New Testament, the account of the Life of Christ, His teachings and the foundation of His Ecclesia superseded all that was previously recorded.

    The Old Testament was compiled by the leaders of the He­brew tribe and begun a few centuries before Christ's appearance as accepted. It was gradually added to and built up. When the Hebrews overcame the Sumarians and discovered the amazing civilization and the religion of the Sumarians they rewrote their Old Testament to conform to the Sumarian religion attributing all revelation contained therein to themselves as having been given to them. Actually they substituted themselves in place of the Sumarians. However, it was necessary to rearrange the events of their own short history to conform to that of the Sumarians. In so doing discrepancies and vague language ap­pears in the Old Testament.

    In the course of time as their history developed more books were added and the order of the books was changed. The story of Exodus was placed second after Genesis and was a complete fabrication. The purpose of the book was the building up of the Hebrew pride in their own race. The Hebrews recognized the superiority of the Sumarians and other races. The way to over­come this difference between themselves and others was to claim direct contact with the Supreme Being.

    The Hebrew history did include their sojourn in Egypt which had been evidence of the charity of the Pharaoh who permitted them a refuge in Egypt. Their stay in Egypt was marked by a growing discontent of the native Egyptians because of the ob­noxious and arrogant behavior of the Hebrew people. Finally Pharaoh expelled them from his kingdom. When Moses led the people out of Egypt it was an exodus demanded by the Egyp­tians. They left Egypt with stolen property--jewels and fine raiment. In the account they give in their book Exodus they boast of their theft as one recommended by God Himself be­cause they were of mankind His chosen people. Pharaoh did pursue the Hebrews after they left Egypt in order to recover the jewels and rare raiment they had stolen. These Pharaoh re­covered and returned to Egypt.

    The author, Jacob Elon Connor, of CHRIST WAS NOT A JEW, tells of the discovery of the tomb of this Pharaoh with his mummified body reposing therein. No publicity was given this event that is not known to the world.

    Many books of the Old Testament with their beautiful max­ims were taken in their entirety from the Sumarian religious writings. The history of the Hebrew religion subsequently in­cluded in the Bible as we know it today was made part of the Christian Bible solely because of the beauty of these Sumarian writings such as the book of Ecclesiasticus and especially the Psalms, all Sumarian, and most of all because of the Prophecies concerning Christ's coming or, as the Hebrew religion called it, the coming of the Messiah, which they still expect as a future event for them.

    The history of Christianity then had its beginning in the lost civilization of the Sumarians and their origin of Christianity is now brought to light by God Himself at this critical point in time to expose the duplicity of the so-called self-styled "Jewish" race (which is not a "race") who have foisted on the people of the world several major deceptions--hoaxes--to gain their consuming ambition to rule the world and make all nations subject to them. The hoax of the Old Testament is the major hoax, that Christ was of their own race was another, and now in this century the extraordinarily successful hoax of the Holocaust in the Second World War is another major hoax causing the continuing sup­pression of the truth of their centuries of deceit.

    The New Testament has also been tampered with. The birth of Christ predicted in the Prophecies to take place in Bethlehem was not brought about at the time of census of the family of David. David was not the ancestor of Esu Immanuel (Jesus) through His Mother or by adoption through Joseph. These are untruths introduced into the account of His birth to make His de­scent from David an absolute fact to establish that He was of the "Jewish" race. His Mother Mary was of Sumarian origin and could not have been "Jewish". The Evangelist writers gave a lineage for Mary that is presumed since there was no record to substantiate it.

    The Council of Nicea separated the books of the Bible, dis­carding books that were obviously false. They retained all the books that were considered genuine including all books con­taining the prophecies of Christ's coming. The Council of Nicea had accepted the authenticity of the "Jewish" Old Testa­ment. False statements could have been made part of these prophecies. These prophecies can now be read in their original context in the Sumarian writings.

    Why, we ask, does God permit such a tremendous contradic­tion of the truth to become successful for two thousand years? We cannot answer this question except to say that God is infinite in His Wisdom and His decisions to allow evident lies and evil conditions to prevail and grow over centuries upon centuries can only be understood if we realize that time is an element confined to planet earth. God surveys the whole history of earthly time and brings all things together into good over the whole range of human history.

    June 30, 1992

    Books by L.A. Waddall, A.B. PhD; for reference:

    In view of these texts I want you to ponder that which you continually thrust upon me for interpretation: THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS which reside with the Israelis. I ask you: What do YOU think about them and the possibilities involved with their not being allowed to be brought into public notice EX­CEPT AS ALREADY TRANSLATED AND WITH NOTHING AGAINST WHICH TO EVALUATE AUTHENTICITY OF TRANSLATION. SEEMS A BIT TOO SUSPICIOUS TO ME--BUT WHO KNOWS?!

    Let us now return to the original subject within "The Divine Plan" and at this time I am utilizing Sitchin's projections for they are valid indeed. Please, readers, get his material for you need this kind of information as given in GENESIS REVIS­ITED. I have no input at this time on other of his works nor on ALL subject material in the book in point.

    In addition to priorly mentioned findings of the Apollo is an­other which also stands in the way of accepting the coaccretion theory. The Moon's surface as well as its mineral content sug­gest a "magma ocean" created by partial melting of the Moon's interior. For that, a source of heat great enough to melt the magma is called for. Such heat can result only from cataclysmic or catastrophic event; in the coaccretion scenario no such heat is produced. How then can one explain the magma ocean and other evidence on the Moon of a cataclysmic heating?

    [H: Now for you who proclaim loudly that "Hatonn only uses information already known!" Indeed, for we write "journals"--then you can go get your confirmation. I am sent to carry out a mission--not do all your homework when able men with integrity and purpose have done a superb job. But how many of you would KNOW this wondrous in­formation if I told you not? I come in competition with no one for I have no interest in your material planet whatso­ever, except as it regards my mission which is of spiritual in­volvement. But you don't know your spiritual status now or ever--you have forgotten as a species and civilization what you were and ARE. The material is being sent forth for God's people so that they might heed the trumpet call. What the remainder of you entities do, who wish not my en­croachment upon selves--thank you for not participating.]

    The need for a birth of the Moon with the right amount of an­gular momentum and a cataclysmic, heat-producing event led to a post-Apollo program hypothesis that has been dubbed the Big Whack Theory. It developed from the suggestion by William Hartmann, a geochemist at the Planetary Science Institute in Tucson, Arizona, and his colleague Donald R. Davis in 1975 that collisions and impacts played a role in the creation of the Moon ("Satellite-sized Planetesimals and Lunar Origin," Icaris, vol 24). According to their calculations, the rate at which plan­ets were bombarded by small and large asteroids during the late stages of the planets' formation was much higher than at pre­sent; some of the asteroids were big enough to deliver a blow that could chip off parts of the planet they hit; in Earth's case, the blown-off chunk became the Moon.

    Well, Hatonn simply requests that you get the book in point and read it for selves for I have no interest in collision theories, etc. I am only interested in the Sumarian projection of truth in the matter and thus you have to go back to Sumarian cosmogony for the answer regarding that "old moon".

    The first help it offers modern science is its assertion that the Moon originated not as a satellite of Earth but of the much larger Tiamat. Then--millennia before Western civilization had discovered the swarms of moons encircling Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune--the Sumarians ascribed to Tiamat beyond Mars, which would qualify her as an outer planet; and the "celestial horde" was acquired by her no differently than by the other outer planets.

    When the scientific theories are compared with Sumarian cos­mogony, it is found that not only modern scientists have come around to accepting the same ideas found in the Sumarian body of knowledge but are even using terminology that mimics the Sumarian texts.

    Just as the latest modern theories do, the Sumarian cosmogony also describes the scene as that of an early, unstable Solar Sys­tem where planetesimals and emerging gravitational forces dis­turb the planetary balance and, sometimes, cause moons to grow disproportionately.

    You have had a scientist, George Wetherill, who updated his calculations of multi-collisions, in 1985. The terms used by this scientist and those of the Sumarian texts are amazingly similar as presented in the Enwna elish. He speaks of "lots of brothers and sisters" moving about, colliding with each other, affecting each other's orbits and very existence. The ancient text speaks of "divine brothers" who "disturbed", "troubled", "surged back and forth" in the heavens in the very zone where Tiamat was, near her "belly". He uses the expression "battle royal" to de­scribe the conflict between these "brothers and sisters". The Sumarian narrative uses the very same word--"battle"--to de­scribe what happened, and recorded for all time the events of Genesis as the Celestial Battle.

    You can read in the ancient texts that as the celestial disturbances increased, Tiamat brought forth her own "host" with which "to do battle" with the celestial "brothers" who were en­croaching on her:

    She has set up an Assembly
    and is furious with rage ....
    Withal, eleven of this kind she brought forth ....

    They thronged and marched at the side of Tiamat;
    Enraged, they plot ceaselessly day and night.
    They are set for combat, fuming and raging;
    They have assembled, prepared for conflict.

    Just as modern astronomers are troubled by the disproportion­ately large size of the Moon, so were the authors of the Enuma elish. Putting words in the mouths of the other planets, they point to the expanding size and disturbing mass of "Kingu" as their chief complaint.

    According to this ancient cosmogony, one of the eleven moons of Tiamat did grow to an unusual size because of the ongoing perturbations and chaotic conditions in the newly formed Solar System. How the creation of this monstrous moon affected these conditions is regrettably not clear from the ancient text; the enigmatic verses, with some of the original words subject to different readings and translations, seem to say that making Kingu "exalted" resulted in "making the fire subside", or "quieting the fire-god" and humbling/vanquishing the "Power-weapon which is so potent in its sweep". This would have something to do with the perceived "pull" of gravity.

    It turned out, so the story goes, that it was the "sin" of Tiamat, her giving Kingu his own orbital "destiny", that enraged the other planets to the point of "calling in" Nibiru/Marduk to put an end to Tiamat and her out-of-line consort. In the ensuing Celestial Battle, as described earlier, Tiamat was split in two: one half was shattered; the other half, accompanied by Kingu, was thrust into a new orbit to become the Earth and its Moon.

    Well, good old Kingu was reduced to the status of a mere satel­lite, deprived of orbital momentum. The Sumarian observation that Nibiru/Marduk made Kingu "shrink" refers to its reduction in "rank" and importance--not size.

    The Sumarians asserted that Kingu was turned into a DUG.GA.E is intriguing. It means "pot of lead". Apollo dis­coveries suggest that the Sumarian term was not just figurative but was literally and scientifically correct.

    Ah, but there remains much unanswered as to your "Moon" such as "why" its crust is so unusually rich in radioactive ele­ments such as uranium. There is also evidence of the existence of extinct radon. These elements decay and become lead at ei­ther final or intermediary stages of the radioactive-decay pro­cess. This product is also utilized in alchemy of "gold" by ex­traterrestrial travelers. Gold is the metal of choice for circuitry. It is now obvious that that "old Man in the Moon" was a witness to creation of your planet--to "Genesis".

    I would like to end this segment by reprinting a presentation called In the Astronauts' Own Words:

    Feeling changes of "almost a spiritual nature" in their views of themselves, of other humans, and of the possibility of intelli­gent life existing beyond Earth have been reported by almost all the American astronauts.

    Gordon Cooper, who piloted Mercury 9 in 1963 and co-pi­loted Gemini 5 in 1965, returned with the belief that "intelligent, extraterrestrial life has visited Earth in ages past" and became interested in archaeology. Edward G. Gibson, a scientist aboard Skylab 3 (1974), said that orbiting the Earth for days "makes you speculate a little more about life existing elsewhere in the universe."

    Especially moved were the astronauts of the Apollo missions to the Moon. "Something happens to you out there," stated Apollo 14 astronaut Ed Mitchell. Jim Irwin (Apollo 15) was "deeply moved ... and felt the presence of God." His comrade on the mission, Al Worden, speaking on the twentieth anniver­sary of the first landing on the Moon on a TV program ("The Other Side of the Moon" produced by Michael G. Lemie) com­pared the lunar module that was used to land on and take off vertically from the moon to the spaceship described in Ezekiel's vision.

    "In my mind, said Al Worden, "the universe has to be cyclic; in one galaxy there is a planet becoming unlivable and in another part or a different galaxy there is a planet that is perfect for habitation, and I see some intelligent being, like us, skipping around from planet to planet, as South Pacific Indians do on is­lands, to continue the species. I think that's what the space pro­gram is all about.... I think we may be a combination of crea­tures that were living here on Earth some time in the past, and had a visitation by beings from somewhere else in the universe; and those two species getting together and having progeny.... In fact, a very small group of explorers could land on a planet and create successors to themselves who would eventually take up the pursuit of inhabiting the rest of the universe."

    And Buzz Aldrin (Apollo 11) expressed the belief that "one of these days, through telescopes that may be in orbit, like the Hubble telescope, or other technical breakthroughs, we may learn that indeed we are not alone in this marvelous universe."
    May I simply leave you now with these thoughts to ponder. Thank you. Salu

    PJ 57
    WED., JULY 22, 1992 7:20 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 341
    WEDNESDAY. JULY 22. 1992
    I can only hope you are "keeping up" with the non-news with "insight" for there is not time to dwell on each pertinent item. The world situation worsens in relative chaos as the level of im­pact against the U.S. grows.

    As ones paddle from flooded houses in flooded streets and sur­vey irreversibly damaged crops in some parts of the nation, oth­ers are still baking in drought. New strains of HIV (AIDS) are presented along with condom use and films of explicit sexual acts (to stem unsafe sex practices); TB is at almost plague lev­els; mosquitos are bringing uncontrollable malaria; termites which can destroy a home in less than two years have invaded; bees which attack and kill have invaded; troops in battle gear (with machine guns at ready) patrol around your airports in ma­jor cities; troops are stationed outside all major cities for riot control; aircraft are being electronically voided and deliberately crashed (with visible light beam); you are planning another go at Iraq because they won't let you into their "Agriculture" building to look for nuclear weapons. They say " ... this won't be a "carpet bombing" like in the war [what happened to the "surgical precision" bombing?]; you are already in Czechoslo­vakia and Yugoslavia (along with your "blue helmeted" thugs); Egypt is sending troops into that area because people of "different cultures and nationality can bring and maintain or­der better if the people are strange and alien"--and ones are going to teach Desiree' and George how to better present them­selves on stage (over my dead vapor) to have a "more interest­ing ‘show'" and Dharma and E.J. have had enough of the assaults and accusations from our enemies "from within". And how IS your day?

    Let me tell you something which will not be on the news until "after the fact": Within the last two hours the WHOLE of Cali­fornia from above San Francisco to below the Mexican Border is showing activity in CONSTANT motion of approximately a level 2 points and rising-THIS MOMENT! Predictors with sensitive apparatus for measuring (who, by the way, have been "right on" from the past dozen quakes) say this fault "cannot hold" past the 24th and, more likely, will go by the 22nd [that's today!]. Calls are flooding us daily with updates and now any­one in Southern California can "feel" the movement if you just stop long enough to attend it. Is today "your day"? The expec­tations are of magnitudes of 10 to 12 (or higher) impact. Hun­dreds of thousands are expected to "transition" --will you and your children be among them? While you legalize sodomy and abortion, you also set up death by quakes and volcano eruptions. To each his own, but I would certainly be efforting to get square with GOD, my friends.


    Reports are that earth movements are being felt and registered in almost as constant a measure in New York and the full length of the Mississippi River. Remember the preparations of NASA and FEMA for plans for handling tidal waves and rerouting of the Mississippi?

    The next article comes from a San Antonio, Texas newspaper via the New York Times, Los Angeles:

    Two weeks ago, one of the largest earthquakes in California history slammed through the Mojave Desert, leaving one person dead, hundreds injured and scores of scientists astonished and shaken.

    Astonished because this earthquake did weird things, like setting off earthquakes more than 500 miles to the north, ripping across four existing faults to make a single larger fault, and helping give rise to a new tectonic system that is shearing Cali­fornia away from the rest of North America and nudging it to­ward Alaska.

    And shaken because the nation's most dangerous fault, the San Andreas, just got more dangerous.

    Having examined their preliminary data, scientists now say the twin earthquakes that struck on June 28--7.4 (upgraded to 7.5) on the Richter scale of ground motion near Landers and a magnitude 5.6 (upgraded to over 6) near Big Bear--significantly increased the likelihood that the south part of the San Andreas will soon generate a magnitude 8 or greater (10 to 12) earth- quake, popularly called the "Big One".

    Precisely how soon, they cannot say. [Strange thing is that I am now being denounced and assaulted because YOUR SCIENTISTS HAVE PLACED A PHOTON BELT ENTRY TO OCCUR RIGHT ON JULY 25TH, 1992--WHICH HAS SOMEHOW BECOME "HATONN'S PHOTON BELT". May I remind you, please: HATONN HAS SAID THIS IS NOTHING OF GOD'S ORDER--THE PHOTON BELT WE EXPECT IS A "GREAT BARRIER" OF ENERGY (PHOTONS) AND WILL ENDURE FOR SOME 2000 YEARS TO FOLLOW. THAT IS NOT DUE UNTIL EARLY IN YOUR NEXT CENTURY. WHAT IS LACK OF READING ABILITY? THIS IS YOUR PHO­TON SOMETHING OR OTHER AND IS A LOT MORE "DEADLY" THAN ANYTHING GOD MIGHT HAVE IN MIND. ISN'T IT EVEN STRANGER THAT THEY CAN PINPOINT A PHOTON BELT ON JULY 25 AND CAN'T PREDICT THE "BIG ONE" WITHIN YEARS WHEN BOTH ARE MAN-CAUSED?] Four years ago the U.S. Geo­logical Survey estimated the probability of a huge quake's striking the southern end of the San Andreas Fault at 60 percent in 30 years (they have said this for about 40-50 years). But in interviews last week, most scientists said they expect it to hap­pen much sooner.

    "Most of us have an awful feeling that 30 years is wishful thinking," said Dr. Allan Lindh, director of USGS Seismology Branch in Menlo Park, Calif. "Everyone agrees that Los An­geles and San Bernardino should treat this like a final warning. It's like when you clean up camp. It's time to make that last pass through our cities, homes and lives and act as if the damn thing will happen tomorrow. "

    Dr. Lucille Jones, a leading expert on the southern San Andreas at the USGS office in Pasadena, Calif., said: "This is a wake-up call. I think we're closer than any 30 years. It could be two years or five years or longer. But that doesn't mean people should panic this week. I ask them: 'What are you willing to do for the next two years? We have a higher hazard.'"

    Scientists usually take each other's claims with reserve until they have been reviewed by independent experts and published in a scientific journal. The California seismologists have only just begun to analyze the data from the June 28 earthquakes and have not had time to write any papers. But they at least are taking their results seriously.

    Scientists at the agency, Jones said, have bolted down book­cases, put Velcro on computer equipment and double-checked water supplies, batteries and backup power systems.

    The southern end of the San Andreas Fault has not ruptured for over 300 years, Jones said. When it does, the shaking will be many times stronger than the Landers earthquake and could last up to three and a half minutes. The Landers quake lasted 32 seconds.

    Such a catastrophic earthquake could devastate cities like San Bernardino, Riverside and Palm Springs, which are within 20 miles of the San Andreas Fault, said Dr. Thomas Henyey, di­rector of the Southern California Earthquake Center at the Uni­versity of Southern California.

    But Los Angeles and San Diego, which lie farther west, could also sustain serious damage if the shaking lasted three minutes. Some older structures on soft soils, built before strict building codes were adopted, won't be able to handle that much shaking, Henyey said.

    So geologists and seismologists are feeling a sense of urgency as they crawl over the newly ruptured faults to find out what happened and what is likely to happen next.

    In the meantime, they are trying to solve mysteries about the recent quakes.

    [H: Ah ha--in the final sentence is the meat of the story. There are so many "mysteries" to be solved with absolutely no ideas about how or what happened! Man tampers with "Mother Nature" and, boy, the sting will come back to give pain almost instantly!)


    Activity of various magnitudes with some ready to erupt and some are erupting, right now--all along the entire "rim of fire" or "Ring of Fire" as many of you refer to the Pacific circle.

    Nothing is changed that I can see, except you are already wit­nessing "tit for tat" games utilizing pulse beams--in Russia and then in the U.S.

    Will "they" pull a full "null-time" on you? Well, they have a bit more difficulty since a good portion of the U.S. equipment satellites have been destroyed--but there is still planned a "show and tell" of great magnitude as a full demonstration of POWER!

    Why would a Ross Perot drop out of the Presidency race? Who, in their right mind, would continue such a venture with constant death threats and with no future expectation of being able to change anything even if he could somehow win. Can Gritz win? Probably not but I can guarantee he would make himself known if he was given as much "push" as was given Perot. It is strange to note that, with this sug­gestion, teams tore into the possibilities only to find that in most instances the Perot contacts had "never heard of any­one named Gritz" while, not shabbily at all, Gritz is on the ballot in some 19 or more states already! Any of you still think there is no control of the media?

    Perhaps, since all were impressed with FIRST BLOOD II (RAMBO), you should simply run Stallone for President and he could shoot his way through the government. If I were a "violent warrior" I might think that one pretty good planning. Praise GOD for the keepers of wisdom because "reason" and "sanity" go before the fall. Where are YOU in that line of ac­tion?


    You ones in the world, in every instance around your globe, have "de facto Governments"--not de jure.

    GOVERNMENT: DE JURE: The system of polity in a state; that form of fundamental rules and principles by which a nation or state is governed, or by which individual members of a body politic are to regulate their social actions. A constitution, either written or unwritten, by which the rights and duties of citizens and public officers are prescribed and defined.

    GOVERNMENT DE FACTO: A government of "face". A government actually exercising power and control, as opposed to the true and lawful government. A government not estab­lished according to the constitution of the nation, or not lawfully entitled to recognition or supremacy, but which has nevertheless supplanted or displaced the government de jure. A government deemed unlawful, or deemed wrongful or unjust, which, never­theless, received habitual obedience from the bulk of the com­munity.

    USURPATION: The unlawful encroachment or assumption of the use of property, power or authority which belongs to an­other. An interruption or the disturbing of a man in his right and possession. The unlawful seizure or assumption of govern­ment to supreme power by force or illegally, in derogation of the constitution and of the rights of the lawful ruler.
    The many books and articles in patriot libraries give mute testi­mony to the definitions of words just given. These definitions as used, came from BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY.

    The usurpation is not isolated to anyone department or agency only but has saturated the totality of government. But there is a more sinister evil than mere usurpation and the two following words bring that element into clear focus. (Thank you, The Connector, July, 1992.):

    SWINDLING: Cheating and defrauding with deliberate artifice. Usually applied to a transaction where the guilty party procures the delivery to him, under a pretended contract, of the personal property of another, with the felonious design of appropriating it to his own use. The acquisition of any personal or movable property, money, or instrument of writing conveying or securing a valuable right, by means of some false or deceitful pretense or device, or fraudulent representation, with intent to appropriate the same to the use of the party so acquiring, or of destroying or impairing the rights of the party justly entitled to the same.

    FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT: The hiding or suppression of a material fact or circumstance which the party is legally or morally bound to disclose. The employment of artifice planned to prevent inquiry or escape investigation and to mislead or hin­der the acquisition of information disclosing a right of action; acts relied on must be of an affirmative character and fraudu­lent. . . The test of whether failure to disclose material facts con­stitutes "fraud" is the existence of a duty, legal or equitable, arising from the relation of the parties; failure to disclose a ma­terial fact with intent to mislead or defraud under such circum­stances being equivalent to an actual "fraudulent concealment." Fraudulent concealment justifying a rescission of a contract is the intentional concealment of some fact known to the party charged, which is material for the party injured to know to pre­vent being defrauded; the concealment of a fact which one is bound to disclose being the equivalent of an indirect representa­tion that such fact does not exist.

    Without going into great detail, the words just shown and de­fined give one some legal perspective by which to judge those that use such devious tactics to achieve their goals. The acting government of the U.S., certainly, fits those definitions down to the last jot and tittle, almost as though these job descriptions were written just for them.

    Fraudulent concealment and swindling touch upon every gov­ernment transaction in some form or another from entering the military to traveling on the highways. All intercourse with gov­ernment, commercial or otherwise, involves criminality on the part of government, much of it obvious but some of it more de­vious and difficult to identify and, of course, most of it is ob- scenely hidden through "secret" discourses and conspiracy.

    As we move on, I would ask that we share a few brief thoughts for if we do not turn unto GOD we shall surely be turned away from his secure placements.

    From the point of Light
    within the Mind of God
    Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
    Let Light descend on Earth.
    From the point of Love
    within the Heart of God
    Let love stream forth
    into the hearts of men.
    May Christ return to Earth.
    From the centre where the
    Will of God is known
    Let purpose guide the little
    wills of men--
    The purpose which the
    Masters know and serve.
    From the centre which we
    call the race of men
    Let the Plan of Love and
    Light work out.
    And may it seal the door
    where evil dwells.
    Let Light and Love and
    Power restore the Plan on Earth.
    [Thank you, John]
    I think that this next item should grasp you where you live--in your pocketbook/bank.

    EXPRESS-NEWS, Saturday, July 18, 1992:

    FDIC BOSS PREDICTS MORE BANK FAILURES. Taylor denies 'December Surprise' theory. [H: Ref. Dec. Surprise in ***recent issue of the LIBERATOR.]

    AP: OKOBOJI, Iowa--Strong profits for the banking industry this year have only delayed another round of large failures, the ' chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. said Friday.

    But William Taylor again denied [H: Anytime they DENY, pay attention!] there is a conspiracy to put off the bank closings beyond November's election. Taylor also said Congress may have to increase the $30 billion it already has provided for bank failures.

    "Low interest rates may make things look better, but they will not sustain unsound institutions. There are a number of banks that won't survive," he said.

    Taylor spoke at the annual meeting of the Iowa Independent Bankers, an organization of community banks with assets rang­ing from $10 million to nearly $600 million.

    Last year, as Congress was acting to shore up the bank insur­ance fund, the FDIC predicted it would close banks with about $80 billion in assets this year. But Taylor told the bankers that so far banks with only about $22 billion in assets had failed.

    "We are behind schedule on this macabre objective," he said.

    The brighter than expected performance so far this year has led some economists and politicians to allege a Bush Adminis­tration conspiracy to delay bank failures until after the election--­a theory popularly known as "The December Surprise". [H: Ti­tle gleaned from "October Surprise" in which Mr. Bush was a major operative in the holding of hostages in Iran until af­ter elections.]

    "I'm here to tell you that bank failures have indeed been de­layed and perhaps a few avoided by low interest rates and other factors. But there has indeed been no effort by the agencies I know to delay the closure of insolvent banks", Taylor said.

    A law that takes effect in December authorizing regulators to accelerate bank seizures could raise closures toward year-end.

    Taylor said about 80 banks, representing $25 billion to $30 billion in assets, already fail to meet the new standards.

    "The 'December Surprise' is like the surprise that comes down the chimney at the end of the year. It may be a surprise to some, but not to those who have been around," he said.

    [It shouldn't be a surprise to you either!]

    What do YOU think is going on? Do you actually believe that your trouble with Iraq is over the Agriculture building? Could it be that Gonzalez and his committee are getting close to the truth about Banca Nazionale del Lavoro? And what about Saddam and Noriega AND Bush in the BCCI coalition? But--can one nation just simply murder another to keep the dirt under the rug? Still want that One World Government with U.N. troop en­forcement? You are watching it at work from the Elite stealing from you-the-people to wars on the basis of a whim and to cover past indiscretions. Do you ACTUALLY THINK Bush can al­low Saddam a hearing in all his "mess" of criminal activities? Does this smack of " ... yes, we have some U.S. prisoners in Russia!"? Will you pick up your faded and straggled yellow ribbons and bow down to his majesty again? Well, it certainly looks as if you will have the chance to find out.

    By the way, how many of you think maybe the murders in Italy are connected to your U.S. government AND the story in point?? THINK AGAIN!

    Let us look at the poor bedraggled "Oliver North" of this fiasco cover-up: Christopher Drogoul. You will hear this name again and again so let us get acquainted.

    (Peter Matius)
    Headline: The Atlanta Journal/The Atlanta Constitution, June, 1992. [H: This is a bit outdated but it fits right in with what is unfolding TODAY.]

    Christopher Drogoul has the reputation of a man who an­swers a question with a riddle.

    But since FBI officials raided the Atlanta bank office he man­aged in 1989, Mr. Drogoul himself has been the enigma.

    Federal prosecutors say the Atlanta bank manager "silently picked the pocket of a major Italian bank" by masterminding $5 billion in secret loans used by Iraq to rearm in the years leading up to the Persian Gulf conflict. Mr. Drogoul, 40, approved the loans while he was manager of the Atlanta branch of Italy's Danca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL).

    Today, Mr. Drogoul is expected to plead guilty in federal court in Atlanta, even as Congress convenes a hearing in Washington on whether to seek a special counsel to investigate the administration's prosecution of the BNL case and its policies toward Iraq.

    Unambiguous answers may be all that stand between Mr. Drogoul and decades in prison.

    But more than his personal fortunes are at stake.

    Lawmakers trying to unravel the BNL scandal have raised questions about the Reagan and Bush Administrations secret support for Saddam Hussein before Iraq invaded Kuwait in Au­gust 1990.

    Rep. Henry Gonzalez (D-Texas) questions whether those se­cret policies were affected by personal interests of administra­tion officials. Recently, he released a memo showing that President Bush waived conflict-of-interest rules for 11 Cabinet level officials so they could help set policy toward Iraq in 1990.

    The answers to Mr. Gonzalez's questions may lie with Mr. Drogoul, a slender, curly-haired, 6-footer born in New Jersey to a French father and German mother. He studied in France and graduated from Temple University in Philadelphia, acquiring several languages along the way.

    As a banker he was known more for aggressively seeking new business than for driving a hard bargain. He was consid­ered casual about details and seemed to crave the approval of his subordinates, associates recalled.

    Paul von Wedel, Mr. Drogoul's top assistant at BNL, re­counts that after signing a particularly important loan agreement, the Iraqis showered him and Mr. Drogoul with gifts. Mr. von Wedel opened one box and blurted: "My kids will love it. A G.I. Joe watch!"

    Mr. Drogoul, flushed with embarrassment, quickly corrected his assistant. The face on the Swiss watch was that of Saddam Hussein--not G.I. Joe.

    Mr. von Wedel says that during the late 1980's he saw a gentle man turn into "a ruthless, compulsive liar, who cheated and deceived everyone" and has agreed to testify against him.

    Often those who speak out about Mr. Drogoul today have something to gain from undermining his credibility, while those who know him best keep their silence.

    For example, Bruce Kirwan, a former attorney for the bank, called Mr. Drogoul a con man in court last April and said his in­sistence on cooperating with the FBI was "the ultimate act of someone who thought he could still con the world."

    On the other hand, his public defender, Sheila Tyler, does not return phone calls.

    And his wife, standing last week with a toddler on her hip in the front yard of a $200,000 home in Avondale Estates, would not talk about her husband. Mr. Drogoul recently filed for pro­tection under federal bankruptcy rules to keep creditors from seizing their home.

    Mr. Drogoul, who is charged with 347 counts of fraud and conspiracy, told U.S. District Judge Marvin Shoob to expect him to offer a detailed explanation of the loans today. He has no sentencing agreement with prosecutors.

    That means Mr. Drogoul is pinning all hopes for leniency on how favorably Judge Shoob, an appointee of President Jimmy Carter, views his statement.

    "The fact that he is pleading guilty is not surprising, but it is shocking that there is no sentencing agreement," said Edward Tolley, who represents another defendant who reached a ne­gotiated plea.

    In April his bond was revoked and he was jailed, in part for his own protection. Judge Shoob said: "If there are other people involved [in the Iraqi loan scheme], he might be better off in a safe place rather than where he is on the outside."

    Mr. Drogoul's road to protective custody in the Atlanta Fed­eral Penitentiary began when he was named head of BNL's At­lanta branch in 1984.

    Under his direction, the Peachtree Center branch office loaned nearly $2 billion to finance agricultural exports to Iraq.

    According to prosecutors, Mr. Drogoul recorded the Iraqi loans on a secret set of books because they far exceeded the of­ficial limits imposed by BNL headquarters in Rome.

    Until whistle-blowers called in the FBI, it had been a rela­tively simple matter to fund the Iraqi loans by borrowing money on the world market and paying it back as the Iraqis repaid their loans.

    Immediately after the scandal broke, Mr. Drogoul was a model of cooperation with both his superiors and prosecutors.

    At the bank's request, he immediately flew from Europe, where he was on vacation, to BNL's offices in New York. Then he hired the law firm that the bank recommended. Fi­nally, with the blessing of that firm, he waived his rights against self-incrimination and told the FBI his role in the scheme.

    In an interview earlier this year with Il Manifestor, a Com­munist newspaper in Italy, he said it was his "impression" that former BNL general director Giacomo Pedde knew of his loans to Iraq. But when asked if Mr. Pedde or others knew the details of his scheme, he said: "Not everything ... but they knew the general direction."

    And when asked to comment on the Bush Administration's knowledge of the Iraqi weapons program financed by BNL, Mr. Drogoul said, "I never understood why in Washington they tell us not to do this or that in our relations with Iraq when the State Department and the Commerce Department and even the White House examined all of the licenses of exportation and ap­proved them."

    So, what have we here? Could this be the reason the Agricul­ture Building in Baghdad is THE specific building of choice un­der siege by the "inspectors"? You have to recall that the mas­sive loans for arms, etc., were funneled out of the United States as AGRICULTURE LOANS! Would it not be likely that very important documents regarding same would be housed some­where in Iraq's" Agriculture Department" buildings? Ponder it!

    I release you now to shore up the loose objects and mat the computers. If necessary, someone should perhaps make a trip into the city to make sure all instruments are latched down. I do not see enough care being taken with our project equipment. Thank you.

    Hatonn to clear, please.

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