PJ 44

SAT., FEBRUARY 8, 1992 9:19 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 175


Hatonn present in the Light of the Glorious Day gifted unto us that we might serve. Good morning.


As to the "Watch" for today--I don't wish to spend time at the matter but you students who do not realize what brought the plane to the horrendous crash in Indiana--I am disappointed. Every last detail of the incident is a clue, from the spiraling di­rection to the "no known cause". This is exactly what happens to a plane and crew hit by ELF beams. You are being reminded that you have no real control. What Gates (CIA) is setting up in the Middle East is a real NO-NO.' How dare you arbitrarily de­cide to go in with terrorists and "take out" the sovereign head of a nation (Saddam Hussien). The very thought of such interna­tionally illegal actions must boggle your minds. The insanity is almost beyond my comprehension. The point is to bring the Is­lamic world to war--NOW. YOU ARE ONLY A TINY MIS­TAKEN BREATH FROM NUCLEAR WAR. Can you not see that your administration must have a war or massive economic emergency, right now--for distraction?

To you who sent me the information on the United Nations, etc.--thank you. You, and it, shall be guarded most care­fully. You do great service to an awakening populace. It is through the sharing and daring that this task shall be served.


Even if the CIA's reputation for honesty and accurate as­sessment were unassailable (which it is not), there would still be a built-in conflict of interest in the system: the CIA draws up the intervention plans; the CIA is the only agency with the specific knowledge to evaluate the merits and the feasibility of those plans; and the CIA is the action which carries out the plans once they are approved. When the CIA has its assets in place, the in­clination within the agency is to recommend their use; the form of intervention recommended will reflect the type of assets which have been earlier recruited. Further, simply because the assets are available, the top officials of the U.S. government may well rely too heavily on the CIA in a real or imagined crisis situation. To these officials, including the President, covert in­tervention may seem to be an easier solution to a particular problem than to allow events to follow their natural course or to seek a tortuous diplomatic settlement. The temptation to inter­fere in another country's internal affairs can be almost irre­sistible, when the means are at hand.


It is one of the contradictions of the intelligence profession, as practiced by the CIA, that the views of its substantive ex­perts--its analysts--do not carry much weight with the clandes­tine operators engaging in covert action. The operators usually decide which operations to undertake without consulting the an­alysts. Even when pertinent intelligence studies and estimates are readily available, they are as often as not ignored, unless they tend to support the particular covert action cause espoused by the operation. Since the days of the OSS, clandestine opera­tors--especially in the field--have distrusted the detached view­point of analysts not directly involved in covert action. To en­sure against contact with the analysts (and to reduce interference by high level staff members, even those in the Office of the Di­rector) the operators usually resort to tight operational security--the "need-to-know" principle--and to bureaucratic deceptions when developing or seeking approval of a covert-action opera­tion. Thus, it is quite possible in the CIA for the intelligenceanalysts to say one thing, and for the Covert-action officers to get the authorization to do another. Although the analysts saw little chance for a successful rebellion against President Sukarno in 1958, the Clandestine Services supported the abortive coup d'etat. Despite the analysts' view that Castro's government had the support of the Cuban people, the agency's operators at­tempted--and failed--at the Bay of Pigs to overthrow him. In spite of large doubts on the part of the analysts for years as to the efficacy of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, the CIA continued to fund these propaganda efforts until 1971, when forced by Congress to withdraw its support. Although the ana­lysts clearly indicated that the wars in Laos and Vietnam were not winnable, the operational leadership of the CIA never ceased to devise and launch new programs in support of the lo­cal regimes and in the hope of somehow bringing about victory over the enemy. The analysts had warned against in­volvement in Latin American politics, but covert action was attempted anyway to manipulate the 1964 and 1970 Chilean presidential elections.

In theory, the dichotomy that exists between the analytical and clandestine components of the CIA is resolved at the top of the agency. It is at the Director's level that the CIA's analytical input is supposed to be balanced against the goals and risks of the covert-action operation. But it does not always, or even of­ten, work that way. Directors like Allen Dulles and Richard Helms, both longtime clandestine operators, tend to allow their affinity for secret operations to influence their judgment. Even a remote chance of success was enough to win their approval of a covert-action proposal. The views of the analysts, if requested at all, and if they survived the bureaucratic subterfuge of the clandestine operators, were usually dismissed by the agency's leadership on the grounds that they were too vague or indecisive for the purposes of operational planning.

Still, regardless of the preference of the Director of Central Intelligence, it is the President or his National Security Advisor who provides the ultimate direction and grants the final approval for any significant covert-action program undertaken by the CIA. Often in proposing such a program the agency's operators are responding solely to a presidential directive or to orders of the National Security Council. And always when a CIA covert-action proposal is submitted for approval, the plans are reviewed by the 40 Committee, the special interdepartmental group chaired by the President's National Security Advisor. [H: Scared yet? You realize that Kissinger sat in that "chair" until recently!] Thus, the desire of the President or his advisor to move secretly to influence the internal events of another country is frequently the stimulus that either sparks the CIA into action or permits its operators to launch a dubious operation. Only then does the apparatus get into motion; only then do the analysts become meaningless. But "only then" means "almost always".


In his talk at the Council on Foreign Relations, Bissell listed eight types of covert action, eight different ways that the CIA intervenes in the domestic affairs of other nations:

(1) political advice and counsel; (2) subsidies to an individual; (3) financial support and "technical as­sistance" to political parties; (4) support of private organizations, including labor unions, business firms, cooperatives, etc; (5) covert propaganda; (6) "private" training of individuals and exchange of persons; (7) economic operations, and (8) paramili­tary or political action operations designed to over­throw or to support a regime (like the Bay of Pigs and the program in Laos). These operations can be classified in various ways: by the degree and type of secrecy required by their legality, and, perhaps, by their benign or hostile character.

Bissell's fifth and eighth categories--covert propaganda and paramilitary operations--are so large, so important, that they will be discussed at length in later chapters; they are, as well, somewhat self-defining. But the other six categories need some explanation at this point.

The first three categories--political advice and counsel, subsi­dies to an individual, and financial support and technical assis­tance to political parties--are usually so closely related that they are nearly impossible to separate.


The reporters who covered that affair on April 10, 1971, appar­ently failed to notice anything unusual about the guests. Seated in the State Dining Room at long white tables forming a large E was the usual assortment of foreign dignitaries, high U.S. gov­ernment officials, and corporate executives who have become fixtures at such occasions during the Nixon years. The guest list supplied by the White House press office gave the titles and po­sitions for almost all the diners.


years later, he was elected mayor of West Berlin. Through­out this period,


he was a hard-working politician in Allied-occupied Berlin, and his goal of making the social Democratic party a viable alternative to communism


And that evening after dinner, singer Pearl Bailey entertained the White House crowd in the East Room. The Washington Post reported the next day that she had "rocked" the White House.



In certain countries where the CIA has been particularly ac­tive, the agency's chief of station (COS) maintains closer ties with the head of state than does the U.S. ambassador. Usually, the ambassador is kept informed of the business transacted be­tween the COS (who is officially subordinate to the ambassador) and the head of state (to whom the ambassador is officially accredited as the personal representative of the President of the United States). But Bissell mentioned cases in which the CIA's relationship with the local head of state was so special that the American ambassador was not informed of any of the details, because either the Secretary of State or the head of the host gov­ernment preferred that the ambassador be kept ignorant of the relationships.


Still another example of a country where the CIA enjoys a special relationship is Nationalist China. In Taiwan, however, the CIA's link is not with President Chang Kai-shek, but with his son and heir apparent, Premier Chiang Ching-kuo. One former CIA chief of station, Ray Cline, until late 1973 the State Department's Director of Intelligence and Research, became something of a legend within the Clandestine Services because of his frequent all-night drinking bouts with the younger Chiang.


In South Vietnam, Ambassador Ellsworth Bunker insisted on personally conducting all important meetings with President Thieu; sometimes Bunker was accompanied by the CIA chief when there was agency business to be discussed. But there has been another CIA officer in Saigon who has known Thieu for many years and who has retained access to the Vietnamese President. According to a former assistant to Ambassador Bunker, this CIA officer has served as conduit between Thieu and the American government when a formal meeting is not de­sired or when Thieu wishes to float an idea.


Each man has been thought by the agency to represent a strong anti-communist force that would maintain stability in a poten­tially volatile country.
Generally speaking, the CIA's ties with foreign political leaders who receive advice and money from the agency are ex­tremely delicate. The CIA is interested in moving the leader and, through him, his party and country into policies to the ad­vantage of the United States. In most countries of the Third World, the United States policy is usually to maintain the status quo, so most subsidies are designed to strengthen the political base of those in power. The foreign leader who receives money from the CIA is typically furthering both his own career and, presumably, what he believes are the legitimate aims of his country. But even that presumption is shaky; any politician's ability to rationalize his actions probably increases once he has made the decision to accept such funds.

* * *

Extensive CIA involvement with private institutions at home and overseas (Bissell's fourth category of covert-action tactics) is one of the few aspects of the agency's covert-action effort to have received a good deal of public attention. The 1967 expose by Ramparts magazine of the CIA's clandestine connections with the National Student Association was quickly followed by a flurry of articles in the press concerning agency subsidies to scores of other organizations. Some of these institutions, partic­ularly those used as conduits for covert funds, were under direct CIA control. Others simply were financed by the agency and steered toward policies that it favored through the manipulation of only a few of the organization's key personnel. Sam Brown, a former head of the National Student Association's National Supervisory Policy Board and later a leader in the 1968 Mc­Carthy campaign and in the anti-war movement, told David Wise and Thomas B. Ross that in the case of the NSA, the CIA would select one or two association officers as its contacts. These officers were told that they should be aware of certain se­crets and were asked to sign an oath pledging silence. Then, Brown said, they were told:

"You are employed by the CIA." At that point they were trapped, having signed a statement not to di­vulge anything... This is the part of the thing that I found to be most disgusting and horrible. People were duped into this relationship with the CIA, a relationship from which there was no out.

Not all the student leaders recruited over the years by the CIA, however, were displeased with the arrangement. Some later joined the agency formally as clandestine operatives, and one rose to become executive assistant to Director Richard Helms. It was this same man who sometimes posed as an offi­cial of the Agency for International Development to entrap unsuspecting NSA officers, revealing his "cover" only after ex­tracting pledges of secrecy and even NSA commitments to co­operate with specific CIA programs.

Tom Braden, who headed the CIA's International Organiza­tions Division from 1950 to 1954 when that component of the Clandestine Services was responsible for subsidizing private organizations, described his own experiences in the 1967 Satur­day Evening Post article entitled "I'm Glad the CIA is Immoral' ":

It was my idea to give the $50,000 to Irving Brown (of the American Federation of Labor). He needed it to pay off his strong-arm squads in Mediterranean ports, so that American supplies could be unloaded against the opposition of Communist dock work­ers.... At (Victor Reuther's) request, I went to De­troit one morning and gave Walter (Reuther) $50,000 in $50 bills. Victor spent the money mostly in West Germany, to bolster labor unions there...I remember the enormous joy I got when the Boston Symphony Orchestra won more acclaim for the U.S. in Paris than John Foster Dulles or Dwight D. Eisenhower could have bought with a hundred speeches. And then there was Encounter, the maga­zine published in England and dedicated to the proposition that cultural achievement and political freedom were interdependent. Money for both the orchestra's tour and the magazine's publication came from the CIA, and few outside of the CIA knew about it. We had placed one agent in the Europe-based organization of intellectuals called the Congress for Cultural Freedom. Another agent be­came an editor of Encounter. The agents could not only propose anti-Communist programs to the offi­cial leaders of the organization but they could also suggest ways and means to solve the inevitable bud­getary problems. Why not see if the needed money could be obtained from "American foundations"? As the agents knew, the CIA-financed foundations were quite generous when it came to the national in­terest.


Bissell's comments seemed to be in direct contradiction to the official U.S. government policy established by the President. But Bissell, no longer a CIA officer, wasn't challenging presi­dential authority, and his audience understood that, just as it un­derstood what, indeed, the Katzenbach committee had recom­mended. Bissell was merely reflecting the general view within the CIA and the cult of intelligence that President Johnson had been pressured by liberals and the press into taking some action to reduce the agency's involvement with private groups; that by naming Katzenbach (then considered by the CIA to be a "friend") as chairman of the committee and by making CIA Di­rector Helms the second of its three members, the President was stacking the deck in the CIA's favor; that the agency certainly could be criticized for its lack of professional skill in so sloppily funding the private groups; but that, especially, the President did not wish to change appreciably the CIA's covert-actions programs.

Once the Katzenbach report appeared, the CIA arranged se­cret exceptions to the much-heralded new policy. Two CIA broadcasting stations, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, which together received more than $30 million annually in CIA funds, were immediately placed outside the restrictions of the presidential order. And the CIA delayed withdrawing its sup­port for other organizations whose agency ties had been exposed until new forms of financing them could be developed. Thus, as late as 1970 the CIA was still subsidizing a major interna­tional youth organization through a penetration who was one of the organization's officers. In some cases, "severance payments" were made that could keep an organization afloat for years.

Although the CIA had been widely funding foreign labor unions for more than fifteen years and some of the agency's la­bor activities were revealed in Tom Braden's Saturday Evening Post article, the Katzenbach committee did not specify unions as the type of organizations the CIA was barred from financing. At the 1968 Council on Foreign Relations meeting at which Bis­sell spoke, Meyer Bernstein, the Steelworkers Union's Director of International Labor Affairs, commented:

The turn of events has been unexpected. First, there hasn't been any real problem with international labor programs. Indeed, there has been an increase in demand for U.S. labor programs and the strain on our capacity has been embarrassing. Formerly, these foreign labor unions knew we were short of funds, but now they all assume we have secret CIA money, and they ask for more help.

$50.000 IN OL BILLS

Worse yet, Vic Reuther, who had been alleging that others were receiving CIA money, and whose brother's receipt of $50,000 from CIA in old bills was subsequently disclosed by Tom Braden, still goes on with his charges that the AFL-CIO has taken CIA money. Here again, no one seems to lis­ten. "The net result has been as close to zero as possible. We've come to accept the CIA, like sin." So, for example, British Guiana's (Guyana) labor unions were supported through CIA conduits, but now they ask for more assistance than before. So, our expectations to the contrary, there has been al­most no damage.

In Vietnam, enthusiastic officials of the U.S. embassy in Saigon were fond of saying during the late 1960s that Tran Ngoc Buu was the Samuel Gompers of the Vietnamese labor move­ment. They did not say--and most probably did not know-



Bissell also identified "'private' training of individuals and exchange of persons" as a form of covert action:

Often activities have been initiated through CIA channels because they could be started more quickly and informally but do not inherently need to be se­cret. An example might be certain exchange-of-per­sons programs designed to identify potential political leaders and give them some exposure to the United States. It should be noted, however, that many such innocent programs are more effective if carried out by private auspices than if supported officially by the United States Government. They do not need to be covert but if legitimate private entities such as the foundations do not initiate them, there may be no way to get them done except by covert support to "front" organizations.

He was referring to the so-called people-to-people exchange programs, most of which are funded openly by the State Department, the Agency for International Development, the Agency, and various private organizations and foundations. But the CIA has also been involved to a lesser extent, and has brought foreigners to the United States with funds secretly sup­plied to conduit organizations. On occasion, the agency will sponsor the training of foreign officials at the facilities of an­other government agency. A favorite site is AID's In­ternational Police Academy in Washington. The academy is operated by AID's Public Safety (police) Division, which regularly supplies cover to CIA operators all over the world. And the CIA takes advantage of exchange programs to re­cruit agents. While a systematic approach is not followed, the agency considers foreigners visiting the United States to be le­gitimate targets for recruitment.

* * *

The CIA has undertaken comparatively few economic covert-action programs (Bissell's seventh category) over the years, pre­ferring the more direct approach of paramilitary operations or propaganda. And those economic programs attempted by the agency have not been notably successful. During the mid-1960's Japanese investors were used in an effort to build up the South Vietnamese economy, because American companies tended to shy away from making substantial investments in Viet­nam. The U.S. government hoped that the Japanese would fill the void at least partially, and eventually lighten U.S. aid re­quirements. Thus, CIA representatives promised certain Japanese businessmen that the agency would supply the invest­ment capital if the Japanese would front for the operation and supply the technical expertise for large commercial farms. Af­ter long and detailed negotiations, the deal faltered and then failed.


A few years earlier the CIA had tried to disrupt Cuba's sugar trade as part of its program to undercut Fidel Castro's regime.

At one point the Clandestine Services operatives proposed that the CIA purchase large amounts of sugar and then dump it in a certain foreign country so as to destroy the market for Cuban sugar. This plan also fell through, but a more serious attack on Cuban sugar occurred in August 1962 when a British freighter under lease to the Soviets docked in Puerto Rico for repairs. The cargo, Cuban sugar destined for the Soviet Union, was placed in a bonded warehouse while the ship was in dry dock. CIA agents broke into the warehouse and contaminated the sugar with a nonpoisonous but unpalatable substance.

* * *

As pointed out earlier, one of the advantages a secret agency like the CIA provides to a President is the unique pretext of being able to disclaim responsibility for its actions. Thus, a President can direct or approve high-risk clandestine operations such as a manned overflight of the Soviet Union on the eve of a summit conference, a Bay of Pigs invasion, penetration and ma­nipulation of private youth, labor, or cultural organizations, paramilitary adventures in Southeast Asia, or intervention in the domestic politics of Chile without openly accepting the conse­quences of these decisions. If the clandestine operations are successful--good. If they fail or backfire, then usually all the President and his staff need do to avoid culpability is to blame the CIA. [H: If any of you readers are missing the point--I think there is no hope for help in your situation. This is ex­actly that which has been done over and over and over again and only on a couple of occasions have you-the-people even blinked your eyes.]

In no instance has a President of the United States ever made a serious attempt to review or revamp the covert practices of the CIA. Minor alterations in operational methods and techniques have been carried out, but no basic changes in policy or practice have ever been demanded by the White House. And this is not surprising: Presidents like the CIA. It does their dirty work--work that might not otherwise be "do-able". When the agency fails or blunders, all the President need do is to deny, scold, or threaten.


For the CIA's part, being the focus of presidential blame is an occupational hazard, but one hardly worth worrying about. It is merely an aspect of the cover behind which the agency operates. Like the other aspects of cover, it is part of a decep­tion. The CIA fully realizes that it is too important to the gov­ernment and the American political aristocracy for any President to do more than tinker with it. The CIA shrugs off its blunders and proceeds to devise new operations, secure in the knowledge that the White House usually cannot resist its offerings, particu­larly covert action--covert action that dominates, that deter­mines, that defines the shape and purpose of the CIA. Amer­ica's leaders have not yet reached the point where they are willing to forsake intervention in the internal affairs of other countries and let events naturally run their course. There still is a widely held belief in this country that America has the right and the responsibility to become involved in the internal political processes of foreign nations, and while faith in this belief and that of doctrinaire anti-communism may have been somewhat shaken in the last decade



We will close this chapter at this point. When we pen again we will take up: The CIA and the Intelligence Community.

As you move on into involvement with a world in chaos--please remember an old adage: "We often give our enemies the means for our own destruction." Also it is most wise to always first KNOW THYSELF.

Before you can know your enemy, you must know your self. Try to recognize your own biases, and take them into account when you analyze the cause of your troubles. If you're black, sure, you want to blame racism. If you're male, you may auto­matically blame women or at the least, the Women's Rights Movements. If you're female then you think for sure that it is that "good ol'boy" network that's responsible for your plight. Sometimes you're right. And often, you're at least partially right. But superficial discrimination is always the easy answer, so culturally inbred that you don't bother to look further for deeper, more fundamental explanations.

Pay attention if you want the real truth. Find out WHO is get­ting rich, for instance. See WHO gains POWER. Nine times out of ten, even if they present themselves as "saviors" fighting to save you from disaster, those who profit from injustice and clandestine activities are also a "cause".

Follow the money and power trail. The trail inevitably leads to catalysts and cause of injustice. It is up to YOU to become ac­curate in discernment if you would change the plight of the na­tion as she is now directed.

Are my people not frightened at this unveiling of lies that you might find truth? Yes--however they hold very dearly the words: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death--lo, thou are with me so I shall fear no evil which passes my way. I shall be thusly protected from the slings and arrows of THINE enemy." We are never from thee, chelas. First of all, brothers--you are our FRIENDS and there is no greater honor to place upon another. So be it. Salu.

PJ 44


SUN., FEBRUARY 9, 1992 9:09 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 176


Dharma, and precious readers, I would but share with you as you walk through the shadows, disappointments and disillusion­ments. As ones come through in their own seeking and journeys only to bring intentional pain and while working for self-gain and bringing discredit to those of you who effort to share--even, yea, with them. Lessons, all, are these things and from each en­counter you gain knowledge and to tend of everything as in good business so that you are not continually stung and stricken.

The flowers of life are but illusions. How many fade away and leave no trace? How few yield any fruit? And the fruit itself, how rarely does it ripen! Are you angry that others disappoint you? Remember--at times you cannot depend upon yourself and this causes you to be more gentle on self in wallowing in self-pity of perceived offense. ONLY GOD, chelas, fills the void which in your breasts you bear. Yes, disappointment tears the bearable film of life. Just remember, all of you, everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was for all you have is NOW and wishing a thing to be different changes not an iota of it--forever. Only action and discernment can change the poten­tial of any action. I would also note that he who incites to strife is worse, by far, than he who takes part in it.



Dharma, as you are pressed 'neath the burden of the unwritten mountain of things to bring unto our people--be in realization that even after a bad harvest there must again be the sowing. Moreover, chela--that which another thinks of you and speaks of you is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--but only his own. Pre­cious, perseverance is more prevailing than violence and many things which cannot be overcome when they are together yield themselves up when taken little by little. We have our work for the moment--and that is all that is required of thee.


You must be able to see that "beyond" which is thine goal--al­ways and without distraction of the whole. To see things as they are, the eyes must be open; to see things as other than they are, they must open even wider and to see things as even better than they are, they must be open to the full. The main who sees little and only a short distance in personal manner always sees less than there is to see; the man who hears badly and receives in cloudy shrouded selfness always is seeking to hear something more than there is given to hear. Not only, chelas, is there but one way of finally doing and seeing in correctness, but there is ultimately only one way of perceiving them that is given into seeing the whole of them as related unto the magnificent goal. Always it must be remembered that it is not a having and a resting, but always a growing and a becoming, which is the character of perfection and only through gaining in knowledge
can culture conceive and become worthy of receiving perfec­tion.

Pretending at righteousness is folly indeed, dear ones, for in the pretense always is buried Truth and uncovering. It is better to openly offend than to enter through the gates of deceit for al­ways it is through that route that the enemy comes--even if he be innocent in perceived intent. The abuse of grace is affectation and pretense, as the abuse of the sublime is absurdity. If ye truly know GOD, you shall also know that God knows all and that God within will always ultimately see to the uncovering of the dark intent--Truth will ultimately always "OUT". So be it.

May the lessons for the one or few be lessons for the many. Salu.


It is again time to speak of New York City and the planned dev­astation of the area. I have spoken of this before and often in passing. As long ago as 1979 you ones were given information regarding the Russian intent of geophysical warfare.

To make my point today I have to go back to what was taking place in 1980 as preparations were stepped up in intention of decimating New York City. Why would this happen? Because the Russians fully intended to get rid of all Bolsheviks and New York is the headquarters of the Bolsheviks in America. Well, quite a few are now infiltrated and integrated into Washington D.C. and other major cities such as Los Angeles--but still a massive impact would be accomplished through a show of strength and power in the area of New York. I do not need speak of new intentions--let us see that which they were setting up back a decade.

At that time the plans extended into a northward direction and well into New England. Note I speak herein about geophysical and not missile warfare. You ones tend to think in terms of weapons of war when they have actually become totally unsuit­able in fact.

There is a little known but major fault that runs along the East Coast partly offshore, partly on land, and Russian cobalt bombs for earthquake generation have long been planted in eight areas along this fault in the Northeast--now increased to a much wider area but with full capability of blowing off an extensive area--back a decade.


So, where are the major locations of these ready-to-detonate bombs? South of Providence, Rhode Island; south of Norwich, Connecticut; several near Hartford, Connecticut; near New Haven, Connecticut; south of Springfield, Massachusetts; and near Northhampton and New Bedford, Massachusetts. But the focus is New York City which will suffer the major devastation by far. The reason is that New York, as I just said above, is the headquarters city of the Bolsheviks in America.

As Russia was setting up this mass of potential destruction there was an equally massive attempt to distract--in the form of the revolution taking place at the time, in Poland. Always beware widespread wars and revolutions--for they ARE ALWAYS pre­cursors to devastation in some form or another. You have the very setting in point--right now.

The same type bombs are placed at every major dam, bridge and all major earth faults such as the New Madrid, San Andreas, Hayward, etc. These insure that full devastation comes with any earth movement and under planned circumstances. My in­tent is not to "shock" but to inform--there are over a hundred earthquake-producing bombs buried beneath the waters around New York City at this time. All are now capable of being si­multaneously triggered by frequency beams.


Why am I reminding you NOW? Because you are as near to a devastating sequence of events as you have ever been in the history of the planet. The path of gaining power will take new and incredible lines of actions which you have not yet come to believe are possible. Part is to blame Space Brotherhood to continue in the "control" of you-the-people. You will note, at any rate, that you set aside nothing for the rebuilding of your cities and old cities such as New York are in dire need of care. The infrastructure is in near irreversible collapse. In addition, the social order has been deliberately turned into chaotic viola­tion of human dignity or harmonious life-style capability.

Man has structured all these things and so shall it be through the hands of physical Man that it shall come to pass as the prophe­cies projected--THEY wrote the prophecies according to the plan of acquisition and annihilation of the over-populations. Blaming God will not be of benefit in any measure whatsoever--either in bringing peace or in transition into infinite experience. Man has accomplished that which you will blame on God. Moreover, it changes not one iota of the facts--upon whomever you cast your blame--it always comes back unto thine own doorstep to roost. You can slay the messengers and all ye have is more on thine conscience in evil projection. It is your privi­lege to not listen nor see--IT IS MY MISSION TO TELL YOU AND SHOW YOU. THEN MY MISSION ENDS. SO BE IT.