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  1. #3
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 44


    WED., JANUARY 15, 1992 9:34 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 152


    Oh "crunch"! What will the idiots do next? You have a situa­tion about to burst now, with China. You are going to impose trade restrictions against them after all the hullabaloo about open and favored trade, etc. That, of course, was to allow a good in­filtration of the banking system and Kissinger Associates to get ready, set and GO. I promise you that this will be a VERY bad mistake because of the sheer numbers of Chinese bodies.

    Can you not see that which your government is doing in the guise of saving "your jobs?" all the while they are moving all of your major industry into foreign countries? They are restricting you-the-citizens from having products either at lower affordable costs, quality worthy of purchase or having anything within range in depressed times. While your government claims non­isolation--they bulldoze dead ahead on ISOLATION--isolating you citizens from ability to obtain products. Do you not see? Even your own products will continue to be too high priced until depression strikes and no-one has funds for purchase at any rate, and also cause scarcity so that you have nothing either way.

    Do you realize that GM's cuts alone will bring another 500,000 unemployed to the bread lines?


    I have honored Ron Paul often in the past but I now take excep­tion LOUDLY to his projections at this time regarding the So­viet Union.

    He says: "In 1989-90 we watched the collapse of Soviet social­ism. In 1991, the Soviet Union itself vanished. Thus ended 74 years of the most brutal social engineering in world history--communism, the attempt to banish God, human nature, private property, and economic law...... "

    Balderdash: Nothing collapsed and nothing vanished! At this point not even the "name". This is typical of the confusion factors at work. They have simply moved their main point of operation to downtown New York and Washington D.C. They NEVER were Communist and when did you ever wit­ness ANYTHING "VANISH" BY SIMPLY CHANGING ITS NAME? Ah, does the cup in front of you "vanish" because you now call it a "jug"? I thought not!
    What else your Big Boys are telling you this day--"...there were far fewer casualties of Iraqis in the war than re­ported!" No, there were hundreds of thousands MORE--and you are now getting your "reverse information" tactics.

    My notation regarding Paul is not to discredit him, it is that he has decided "...not to seek the Presidency but rather fully sup­port Pat Buchanan." As of now there is ONLY ONE CANDI­DATE PLANNING TO RUN ON THE PLATFORM SOLELY OF RESTORATION OF THE CONSTITUTION--BO GRITZ. At times even he is swayed by the political manipulators and he must, further, come into understanding that your nation was "birthed one nation under GOD--not one under a man named "Jesus". This "man" and "christ" are not synonyms. This must be understood in its full intent of freedom for ALL--even those who could not know or recognize a person called Jesus. I insist you consider again--HIS NAME WAS ESU EMMANUEL! THE NAME "JESUS" WAS GIVEN THE MAN AFTER HIS "DEPARTURE"--BY SAUL OF TARSUS (ESU'S DEADLY ENEMY) AS HE WAS TRAVELING UNDER HIS CHANGED NAME (PAUL), IN GREECE. PAUL CHANGED THE TEACHING TO SUIT THE NEEDS OF THE ADVERSARY AND PULLED OFF THE COUP OF THE GENERATIONS. IF YOU DOUBT ME AND YET YOU WISH TO CHECK HISTORY--NOTE THAT THE JEFFERSON BIBLE HAS REMOVED ALL OF PAUL'S WRITINGS--INDEED THAT WAS THOMAS JEFFERSON!

    Therefore, you were birthed a "Christ--ian" in "Godness" nation to bear the lamp of freedom and symbol to a fallen planet as "God's chosen"--"i"sraelis. I am sorry, you born-again "Jesus" ones--it simply cannot be Truth, that which you are told to be­lieve. The "Jesus on the Cross" story has no bearing on your nation as a placement for the masses of God's children--most of whom are totally unaware the story is fabricated to fool you grabbers of the easy way out. I would rather see OUR nation fall through the blatant deceit and open lies than through a sub­stitute lie fostered by do-gooders. When ones come into under­standing of TRUTH, then and only then will they have God's support in the human endeavor! So be it.

    As we finally sit to pen on our work this day, I feel the frustra­tion at the interruptions and the changing of topics. Yes, we do need to write about immunizations and inoculations but the pub­lic must begin to think for selves. There are forms which can be obtained from the Common Law Service Center (3rd Judicial District, 564 La Sierra Drive, Suite 187 Sacramento, California Republic, Telephone: 916 487-1849) which can be utilized to get children into schools and get them out of the immunization circle if you choose to so-do. My advice? By all means, it is a horror and not that which it appears to be. I consider the pro­gram to be one of "The Poison Needles" if that might give you a clue. Others call it "Murder by Injection". It is as with any­thing that starts with merit and ends up as tools of evil and con­trol within the greedy tentacles of the Elite.

    Since your political world is in as severe straits as your medical world--I cannot take one topic at a time lest other information go begging. If you get the two Books recommended in the prior JOURNAL, then you will have enough information until we can get back to the beginnings of the immunization story and update it for you. Please bear with us, readers, as we are efforting to our utmost ability to cover it all and human limitations are most limiting.


    I have promised, and today it becomes imperative, to give you history and data of the CIA. I prefer to go with the ones who refer to the CIA as the "Cult of Intelligence". You will find that from onset it was structured under the guise of working "for" the Soviet Union while all ones involved thought it was "against" the Soviet Union. I can best give you the story through the eyes of ones involved. I am, however, faced with a most definite problem, the material in point is now found in a book which has deliberately been taken from print and buried in the pits with other truth-bringing. Therefore, I shall simply write and refer to the authors by initials until such time as I can be sure of security. I believe this to be one of the best outlays in incidental information from past years and can be confirmed by more recent information as it has been brought forth and as we will outlay it. I will have to do it in two volumes to keep the length within ability to handle but I believe you will find it most interesting indeed.

    My main need for immediate attention to this subject is that there is farcical thrust to "make public CIA documents which have been top-secret." I believe that you will find that there is information deleted from all documents even in the files, transposition of data, codes and total falsification of documents until, as with UFO phenomenon, there is no truth in that which will be foisted off on you in the public domain. The documents, further, will be interpreted FOR you and will disclose ONLY THAT WHICH IS INTENDED TO FURTHER MISLEAD YOU AS TO TRUTH. ANY­THING OF VALUE WILL REMAIN "NATIONAL SECU­RITY" AND I ASSURE YOU--YOU WILL GET NONE OF THE TRUTH!!!

    Indeed, I shall even change initials of the writers in point for they have paid dearly enough and then I shall contact the one still living, personally. We will call the first writer in Introduc­tion, IMA (I Am Anonymous).

    I remind you that the CIA is only a small branch of the KGB/Mossad and exposure is deadly. I believe as we outlay experiences and see the connections with Russia right from onset you will be able to set 1+1 to 2. Most of you don't have the vaguest idea when or how it came to be a CIA and it was so ex­citing to be in that circle or witness the intrigue, etc., that you lost all knowledge of what it was or is. You see, you think IN­TERPOL to be something out of "Get Smart" or "James Bond". That is a REAL serious organization.

    Since there is afoot a movement to disband the CIA, be cau­tious. It is as with the Soviet Union and KGB. Disbanding is NOT the point for there is NO INTENTION TO DISBAND ANYTHING--ONLY UNIFY AND STRENGTHEN INTO THE GLOBAL CONTROL FORCES. Again, changing the name of the "cup" to "jug" does not change a thing, it only con­fuses the user!


    This is a first person preface.

    My introduction to the intelligence business came during the early years of the Cold War, while serving with the U.S. Army in Germany. There, in 1952, I was sent to the European Com­mand's "special" school of Oberammergau to study Russian and the rudiments of intelligence methods and techniques. After­ward I was assigned to duty on the East German border. The information we collected on the enemy's plans and activities was of little significance, but the duty was good, sometimes even ex­citing. We believed that we were keeping the world free for democracy, that we were in the first line of defense against the spread of Communism--whatever that meant, for the system was neither communistic nor suited to any other political term save that which we had just endured and fought against.

    After leaving the military service, I returned to college at Penn State, where I majored in Soviet studies and history. Shortly be­fore graduation, I was secretly recruited by the CIA, which I officially joined in September 1955; the struggle between democracy and Communism seemed more important than ever, the CIA was in the forefront of that vital international battle. I wanted to make a contribution.

    Except for one year with the Clandestine Services, spent largely in training, most of my career with the CIA was devoted to an­alytical work. As a Soviet military specialist, I did research, then current intelligence, and finally national estimates--at the time, the highest form of intelligence production. I was at one point the CIA's--and probably the U.S. government's--leading expert on Soviet military aid to the countries of the Third World. I was involved in uncovering Moscow's furtive efforts that culminated in the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 and, later, in unraveling the enigma of the "Soviet ABM problem".

    From 1966 to 1969 I served as a staff officer in the Office of the Director of the CIA, where I held such positions as special as­sistant to the Chief of Planning, Programming, and Budgeting. Special assistant to the Executive Director, and executive assis­tant to the Deputy Director. It was during these years that I came to see how the highly compartmentalized organization per­formed as a whole, and what its full role in the U.S. intelligence community was. The view from the Office of the Director was both enlightening and discouraging. The CIA did not, as adver­tised to the public and the Congress, function primarily as a central clearinghouse and producer of national intelligence for the government. Its basic mission was that of clandestine oper­ations, particularly covert action--the secret intervention in the internal affairs of other nations. Nor was the Director of CIA a dominant--or much interested-figure in the direction and management of the intelligence community which he supposedly headed. Rather, his chief concern, like that of most of his pre­decessors and the agency's current Director, was in overseeing the CIA's clandestine activities.

    Disenchanted and disagreeing with many of the agency's poli­cies and practices, and, for that matter, with those of the intelli­gence community and the U.S. government, I resigned from the CIA in late 1969. But having been thoroughly indoctrinated with the theology of "national security" for so many years, I was unable at first to speak out publicly. And, I must admit, I was still imbued with the mystique of the agency and the intelli­gence business in general, even retaining a certain affection for both. I therefore sought to put forth my thoughts--perhaps more accurately, my feelings--in fictional form. I wrote a novel, XXX, in which I tried to describe for the reader what life was actually like in a secret agency such as the CIA, and what the differences were between myth and reality in this overly roman­ticized profession.

    The publication of the novel accomplished two things. It brought me in touch with numerous people outside the inbred, insulated world of intelligence who were concerned over the constantly increasing size and role of intelligence work toward bringing about an open review and, I hoped, some reform in the U.S. intelligence system. Realizing that the CIA and the intelli­gence community are incapable of reforming themselves, and that Presidents, who see the system as a private asset, have no desire to change it in any basic way, I hoped to win support for a comprehensive review in Congress. I soon learned, however, that those members of Congress who possessed the power to in­stitute reforms had no interest in doing so. The others either lacked the wherewithal to accomplish any significant changes or were apathetic. I therefore decided to write a book--this book--expressing my views on the CIA and explaining the reasons why I believe the time has come for the U.S. intelligence community to be reviewed and reformed.

    The CIA and the government have fought long and hard--and not always ethically--first to discourage the writing of this book and then to prevent its publication. They managed, through le­gal technicalities and by raising the specter of "national secu­rity" violations, to achieve an unprecedented abridgment of my constitutional right to free speech. They have secured an unwarranted and outrageous permanent injunction against me, requiring that anything I write or say, "factual, fictional or oth­erwise", on the subject of intelligence must first be censored by the CIA. Under risk of criminal contempt of court, I can speak only at my own peril and must allow the CIA thirty days to review, and excise, my writings--prior to submitting them to a publisher for consideration.

    It has been said that among the dangers faced by a democratic society in fighting totalitarian systems, such as fascism and communism, is that the democratic government runs the risk of imitating its enemies' methods and, thereby, destroying the very democracy that it claims to defend. I cannot help wondering if my government is more concerned with defending our demo­cratic system or more intent upon imitating the methods of total­itarian regimes in order to maintain its already inordinate power over the American people. IMA, 1974.

    [H:] What you are going to find as we go through here is that as the pages and sections would be returned to IMA there were great deletions. As we go along, I shall honor the author and also list the number of portions deleted, i.e., 1 line deleted, 3&112 lines deleted and thus and so.

    Hatonn will comment as usual, within brackets [H:]. I believe you will find these portions quite expressive without many comments for I intend to comment quite extensively at the end if it seems appropriate. Note that this information is two decades old and so with what is coming through currently I think the picture should come into focus quite clearly.


    Unlike IMA, I did not join the government to do intelligence work. Rather, fresh out of college in 1966, I entered the For­eign Service. My first assignment was to have been London, but with my draft board pressing for my services, the State De­partment advised me that the best way to stay out of uniform was to go to Vietnam as a civilian advisor in the so-called paci­fication program. I reluctantly agreed and spent the next eigh­teen months there, returning to Washington just after the Tet of­fensive in February 1968. From personal observation, I knew that American policy in Vietnam was ineffective, but I had been one of those who thought that if only better tactics were used the United States could "win." Once back in this country, I soon came to see that American involvement in Indochina was not only ineffective but totally wrong.

    The State Department had assigned me to the Bureau of Intelli­gence and Research, first as an analyst of French and Belgian affairs and then as staff assistant to State's intelligence director. Since this bureau carries on State's liaison with the rest of the intelligence community, I was for the first time introduced to the whole worldwide network of American spying--not so much as a participant but as a shuffler of top-secret papers and a note-taker at top-level intelligence meetings. Here I found the same kind of waste and inefficiency I had come to know in Vietnam and, even worse, the same sort of reasoning that had led the country into Vietnam in the first place. In the high councils of the intel­ligence community, there was no sense that intervention in the internal affairs of other countries was not the inherent right of the United States. "Don't be an idealist; you have to live in the 'real' world," said the professionals. I found it increasingly dif­ficult to agree.

    For me, the last straw was the American invasion of Cambodia in April 1970. I felt personally concerned because only two months earlier, on temporary assignment to a White House study group, I had helped write a relatively pessimistic report about the situation in Vietnam. It seemed now that our honest conclusions about the tenuous position of the Thieu government had been used in some small way to justify the overt expansion of the war into a new country.

    I wish now that I had walked out of the State Department the day the troops went into Cambodia. Within a few months, how­ever, I found a new job as executive assistant to Senator Clifford Case of New Jersey. Knowing of the Senator's opposition to the war, I looked at my new work as a chance to try to change what I knew was wrong in the way the United States conducts its for­eign policy.

    During my three years with Senator Case, when we were concentrating our efforts on legislation to end the war, to limit the intelligence community, and to curb presidential abuses of executive agreements, I came to know IMA. With our common experience and interest in intelligence, we talked frequently about how things could be improved. In the fall of 1972, obvi­ously disturbed by the legal action the government had taken against the book he intended to write but which he had not yet started, he felt he needed someone to assist him in his work. Best of all would be a coauthor with the background to make a substantive contribution as well as to help in the actual writing. This book is the result of our joint effort.

    I entered the project in the hope that what we have to say will have some effect in influencing the public and the Congress to institute meaningful control over American intelligence and to end the type of intervention abroad which, in addition to being counterproductive, is inconsistent with the ideals by which our country is supposed to govern itself. whether such a hope was misguided remains to be seen. ALSO A., 1974


    On April 18, 1972, IMA became the first American writer to be served with an official censorship order issued by a court of the United States. The order prohibited him from "disclosing in any manner (1) any information relating to intelligence activities, (2) any information concerning intelligence sources and methods, or (3) any intelligence information."

    To secure the order, government lawyers had appeared in the chambers of Judge Albert V. Bryan, Jr., of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, in Alexan­dria, on the morning of April 18, without having notified IMA. The government's papers recited that IMA had worked at the CIA from 1955 to 1969, that he had signed several "secrecy agreements" in which he had agreed not to reveal any informa­tion learned during his employment, that after he left the CIA he had revealed forbidden information, that he was planning to write a non-fiction book about the agency, and that publication of the book would "result in grave and irreparable injury to the interests of the United States."

    Among the papers presented to the judges was an affidavit (classified "Secret") from Thomas H. Daramessines, Deputy Di­rector of the Central Intelligence Agency, the head of the CIA's covert-activities branch. The affidavit said that a magazine arti­cle and an outline of a proposed book, both written by IMA, had been turned over to the CIA and that they contained information about the CIA's secret activities. The affidavit related several of the items and described how their disclosure would, in the CIA's opinion, be harmful to the United States. On the basis of that affidavit and others, including one by CIA Director Richard Helms, Judge Bryan signed a temporary restraining order for­bidding IMA to disclose any information about the CIA and re­quiring him to submit any "manuscript, article or essay, or other writing, factual or otherwise", to the CIA before "releasing it to any person or corporation". It was that order which United States marshals served upon IMA. The next month was con­sumed by a hectic and unsuccessful effort to have the order set aside.

    IMA asked the ACLU for assistance the day after receiving the order, and was in New York the following day to meet his lawyers and prepare his defense. At the first court appearance, on Friday, April 21, we unsuccessfully urged Judge Bryan to dissolve the temporary restraining order. He also refused to or­der the government to allow MA's lawyers to read the "secret" affidavit, because none of us had security clearance. [H: My goodness, citizens, we could stop right HERE! WHERE IS YOUR CONSTITUTION??? THIS PERSON NOT ONLY WAS KEPT FROM THE COURTROOM BUT, FURTHER, COULD NOT EVEN WITNESS THE PEOPLE OR IN­FORMATION USED AGAINST HIM--WAKE UP!!!] The following Monday we were in Baltimore to arrange an appeal to the United States Court of Appeals to argue there that the tem­porary restraining order should be dissolved. The court agreed to hear arguments two days later. During the Baltimore meeting the government lawyers announced that they had conferred se­curity clearance upon me and that I would be able to read the secret affidavit but could not have a copy of it. They said they would clear the other defense lawyers during the next few days. We were also told that any witnesses we intended to present at trial, to be held that Friday, would also require security clear­ance before we could discuss the secret affidavit with them. That was a hell of a way to prepare for trial; we couldn't even talk to prospective witnesses unless they were approved by the government.

    We argued the appeal before the Court of Appeals on Wednes­day, but that, too, was unsuccessful, and the temporary re­straining order remained in effect. Our only satisfaction was an order by the court prohibiting both the CIA and the Department of Justice from trying to influence our witnesses in any way.

    On Friday we appeared before Judge Bryan and reluctantly asked for a two-week postponement because it had been impos­sible for us to secure witnesses who could testify that day. The need for security clearance had made it impossible for us to dis­cuss the case with those witnesses who had at least tentatively agreed to testify for the defense. But, more depressing, we had had great difficulty finding people willing to testify at all. We had called a few dozen prospects, largely former members of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations who had reputations as liberals and even, in some cases, reputations as civil-libertari­ans. I'm still waiting for them to return my calls. Of the other half, most were simply frightened at the idea of being identified with the case, and some, including a few who had themselves revealed classified information in their published memoirs, agreed with the government that IMA's pen should be immobi­lized. In the end, our list of witnesses was short but notable: Professor Abram Chayes of Harvard Law School, and former Legal Advisor to the Department of State in the Kennedy ad­ministration; Professor Richard Falk, Milbank Professor of In­ternational Law at Princeton; Morton Halperin, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense and staff member of the National Security Council under Kissinger; and Professor Paul Black­stock, an intelligence expert from the University of South Car­olina.

    The next two weeks were consumed by the frustrating hunt for
    witnesses and by other pre-trial requirements, including examination of Karamessines and the CIA's Security Director, who were to be the government's chief witnesses.

    The trial started and ended on May 15. Essentially, it consisted of Karamessines repeating the contents of his secret affidavit. As interesting as it would be to describe the day in detail, I am forbidden to, for the public was excluded and the testimony of the government witnesses is classified. The result, however, is public. It was a clean sweep for the CIA, and Judge Bryan is­sued a permanent injunction against IMA.

    The results on appeal were not much better. The validity of the injunction was broadly affirmed. The only limitation imposed by the Court of Appeals was that only classified information could be deleted from the book by the CIA. The litigation fi­nally came to an end in December 1972 when the Supreme Court refused to hear the case. It was a great defeat for IMA, for his lawyers--AND FOR THE FIRST AMENDMENT.

    * * *

    American law has always recognized that injunctions against publication--"prior restraints," in legal jargon--threaten the root and branch of democratic society. Until 1971, when the New York Times was enjoined from printing the Pentagon Papers, the federal government had never attempted to impose a prior re­straint on publication, and the handful of such efforts by the states were uniformly denounced by the Supreme Court. As we learned from the Pentagon Papers case, however, the Nixon administration was not going to be deterred by a mere two hun­dred years of history from becoming the first administration to try to suppress publication of a newspaper. They ultimately failed in their specific goal of suppressing publication of a newspaper--but, for fifteen days, a newspaper actually was re­strained from publishing, the first such restraint in American history.

    The Times' resumption of publication of the Pentagon Papers immediately after the Supreme Court decision would seem to mean that the case ended victoriously. Although it was a victory, it was NOT a sound victory, for only Justices Black and Douglas said that injunctions against publication were constitu­tionally forbidden under any circumstances. The other members of the court made it perfectly clear that they could imagine cir­cumstances where such injunctions would be enforced, notwith­standing the First Amendment's guarantee of a free press. Nixon-administration lawyers could read the opinions as well as ACLU lawyers and they, too, saw that the decision in the Pen­tagon Papers Case was not a knockout punch. So only ten months after being beaten off by the New York Times, they were back in court trying the same thing again with IMA.

    Nine opinions were written in the Pentagon Papers Case. Out of all those opinions one standard emerges under which a ma­jority of the Justices would have allowed information to be sup­pressed prior to publication: proof by the government that dis­closure would "surely result in direct immediate and irreparable injury to the Nation or its people." We were comfortable with that standard because we were confident that nothing IMA had disclosed or would disclose in the future would have that effect. But we were not permitted to put the government to its proof through the testimony of our four witnesses because Judge Bryan agreed with the government that IMA's case was different from the Pentagon Papers Case. "We are not enjoining the press in this case," the government lawyers said. "We are merely enforcing a contract between IMA and the CIA. This is not a First Amendment case, it's just a contract action." The contract to which they were referring was, of course, IMA's se­crecy agreement.

    All employees of the CIA are required to sign an agreement in which they promise not to reveal any information learned during their employment which relates to "intelligence sources or methods" without first securing authorization from the agency. The standard form of the agreement includes threats of prosecu­tion and promises to deliver the most awful consequences upon the slightest violation. The only trouble with the threats is that until now they have been unenforceable. Apart from disclosure of information classified by the Atomic Energy Commission, it is not a crime to disclose classified information unless it is done under circumstances which involve what is commonly under­stood as espionage--spying for a foreign nation. The gov­ernment tried, in the prosecution of Daniel Ellsberg, to stretch the espionage statutes to punish his disclosure of the Pentagon Papers, even though he had had no intent to injure the United States, as required by the statute. Though that prosecution was aborted under the most dramatic circumstances, including a sur­reptitious attempt by President Nixon to influence the trial judge, it is unlikely that the appeals courts would have upheld such an expansive application of the espionage laws--assuming that the jury would even have brought in a guilty verdict.

    In any case, being doubtful about how far the threat of prosecu­tion under a dubious statute would deter IMA from publicly criticizing the CIA and inevitably disclosing some of its prac­tices, the CIA fell upon the contract theory as a device for try­ing to suppress his book before it was put into print. The theory struck a harmonious note with the federal judges who heard the case, and proved more successful than the government probably ever dared to hope and certainly more than we had ever ex­pected. But it cheapens the First Amendment to say that an agreement by an employee of the United States not to reveal some government activity is the same as an agreement to deliver a hundred bales of cotton. It ignores the compelling democratic principle that the public has a right to be well informed about its government's actions.

    Of course, some will be heard to say, "But these are secrets," and indeed much of the information you will read in this book has been considered to be secret. But "secrets" have been re­vealed before--there were literally thousands of them in the Pentagon Papers. Every high government official who writes his memoirs after leaving office reveals "secrets" he learned while in government service, and most had signed secrecy agreements, too. "Secrets" are regularly leaked to the press by government officers, sometimes to serve official policy, some­times only to serve a man's own ambitions. In fact, disclosure of so-called secrets--even CIA secrets--has a long and honorable history in our country, and the practice has proved to be valu­able because it provides the public with important information that it must have in order to pass judgment on its elected offi­cials.

    Furthermore, disclosure of "secret" information is rarely harm­ful because the decision inside government to classify informa­tion is notoriously frivolous. Experts have estimated that up to 99 percent of the millions of documents currently classified ought not be classified at all. But not only is disclosure of "secret" information generally harmless, it is a tonic that im­proves our nation's health. Government officers cried that dis­closure of the Pentagon Papers would put the nation's security in immediate jeopardy. When they were finally published in their entirety, the only damage was to the reputation of officials in the Kennedy and Johnson administrations who were shown to have deceived the nation about the war in Vietnam.

    * * *

    When you read this book, you will notice that, unlike any other book previously published in the United States, this one contains blanks. That is the remarkable effect of the government's suc­cess. You will also notice that the book has two authors, IMA and ALSO A. That is another remarkable effect of the govern­ment's success. After being enjoined, defeated in his attempts to win relief in the appellate courts, virtually ignored by the press, shunned by his former colleagues at the CIA, unable even to discuss the progress of his work with his editor at XXX (because the very purpose of the injunction was to forbid the publisher to see the manuscript before the CIA had the opportu­nity to censor it), there was serious question whether IMA would be able to write the book at all. His discouragement was profound and his bitterness sharp. If he had not written the book, the government's success would have been complete, for that was its real objective. Luckily, IMA and ALSO A came together and with a shared perspective on the evils of clandes­tine activities; they were able to do together what the govern­ment hoped would not be done at all.

    When the manuscript was completed at the end of August 1973, it was delivered to the CIA. Thirty days later, the time allowed by the injunction, we received a letter from the CIA which des­ignated 339 portions of the book that were to be deleted. Some of the deletions were single words, some were several lines, some were portions of organizational charts, and many were whole pages. In all, 15 to 20 percent of the manuscript was or­dered deleted. I won't soon forget that September evening when IMA, ALSO A and I sat in the ACLU office for several hours literally cutting out the deleted parts of the manuscript so that we could deliver the remains to It was the Devil's work we did that day.

    [H: Let's see now, if that was the Devil's work, I would hope that ones who might know of that deleted material turn it now into GOD'S WORK! I suggest that any who recognize this writing and know ones involved suggest that the infor­mation deleted somehow, someway anonymously get into my attention. I will be most happy to print the original with deletions, in full--and then print the deletions as an adden­dum in the second volume. I want no information as to source or resource. I ask that the prints be wiped of all identification and fingerprints and indeed, IT IS HARD TO SUE GOD!!! ALSO, YOU NOW HAVE SOME PRETTY STRONG BROTHERS TO BACK UP THE IN­FORMATION AND EVEN MY SCRIBE WILL NOT KNOW RESOURCE--I WOULD NEVER PLACE HER IN JEOPARDY. SO BE IT.]

    We filed suit in October, together with XX, challenging the CIA's censorship. By the time we went to trial on February 28, the agency had reduced the number of deletions from 339 to 168. Withdrawal of half their original objections should not be taken as a sign of the CIA's generosity. On the contrary, it was the result of our insistent demands over a period of four months, and the agency's recognition that we would go to the mat over the very last censored word. The authors gave up nothing, and rejected several invitations to re-write parts of the book so that it would be satisfactory to the CIA.

    There were three issues to be decided at the trial: did the censored portions of the book consist of classified information?

    Was that information learned by the authors during their govern­ment employment? And was any of it in the public domain?

    After a two-and-a-half day trial, including testimony by the five highest-ranking officials of the CIA, Judge Bryan decided the case on March 29. It was a major victory for the authors and the publisher. Bryan held that the agency had failed, with a few exceptions, to prove that the deleted information was classified.

    The decision was probably more surprising to the CIA. Accus­tomed as they have become to having their way, it is unlikely to have occurred to them that a mere judge of the United States would contradict their declarations about classified information, for it was the government's theory throughout the case that ma­terial was classified if high-ranking officials said it was classi­fied. Our view, presented through the expert testimony of Morton Halperin, was that concrete proof of classification was required. In the absence of documents declaring specific infor­mation to be classified, or testimony by the employee who had in fact classified specific information, Judge Bryan flatly re­jected mere assertions by ranking CIA officers that such in­formation was classified.

    Of the 168 disputed items, he found only 27 which he could say were classified. On the other hand, he found that only seven of the 168 had been learned by IMA and ALSO A outside their government employment, and that none of the information was in the public domain.

    The decision is obviously important. It allows virtually the en­tire book to be published (though the present edition still lacks the deleted sections cleared by Judge Bryan, since he postponed enforcement of his decision to allow the government its right to appeal); it desanctifies the CIA; and it discards the magical au­thority that has always accompanied government incantation of "national security". Hopefully, the higher courts will agree. [H: We have searched the bookshelves for a follow-up of this document and have located none. Therefore we will work from the assumption that a subsequent publication may not have been made. I will be very happy for any information which will set this to correct if in error. As ones come under such harsh and ceaseless attack, as now is happening with Oliver Stone and the JFK movie of truth, it is very hard to bounce back (if you survive at all) to serve further. These factions do not play fair, they are practiced at that which they do and the confrontation is indeed terrifying. Stone, for instance, has been asked in great pleading to film OC­TOBER SURPRISE, and has declined as he states that he can stand no more abuse and attack, "the pressure and con­sequences are simply too great". When no one is left who dares--where will you be, America?]

    There will necessarily be differences of opinion on the subject of the disclosure of secret information. The reader of this book can decide whether the release of the information it contains serves the public's interest or injures the nation's security. For myself, I have no doubts. Both individual citizens and the na­tion as a whole will be far better off for the book's having been published. The only injury inflicted in the course of the struggle to publish the book is damage sustained BY THE FIRST AMENDMENT.

    * * * * * * * *

    Let us have a break, please, and we can further decide just how we are going to handle this information. It is old and certainly damages not "national security" but I must always act in protec­tion of all ones involved.

    Hatonn to clear, please.
    PJ 44


    THU., JANUARY 16, 1992 7:35 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 153

    THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1992

    May the Light be your guide and your shield and through Grace may we find the path. Hatonn to continue.

    Anyone who thinks it is just a little coincidence that you have a U-2 plane down in "South Korea" by "accident"--is going to be a really good prospect to buy a few thriving S&L's. You have just had a MAJOR INCIDENT and won't it be fun to see how long it takes for you to find out the truth. How about a rerun of Gary Powers in 1960???


    I am not going to go into a lot of world "watching" today for I wish to get on with our writing of the CIA exposure for the heinous organization it represents. However, I wish to ask you readers to support Mr. Stone's efforts to bring you truth from all the lies in a way which allows you to SEE and perhaps better understand. He makes no claims to anything--he presents the FACTS as he finds them and only compiles testimony in such a manner as to be able to get pertinent information into his allotted time. You ones have been trained to not sit more than a couple of hours at a time for anything--fact or fiction. In fact, facts usually go begging and fiction in violence will hold your atten­tion longer.

    Please KNOW that this man is undergoing major "bashing" and yet, if you don't support his efforts to bring truth in the most ef­fective manner possible, on the screen, you are going to be locked into the lie forever. You must demand that truth flow and, further, that it be put on the media screens wherein the ad­verse "training" has taken place. That means that you-the-peo­ple are going to have to demand and reclaim your media from the Zionist controllers. You have no idea how much trouble this group of movie makers had in getting JFK to the screen. The assumption was that the scenario presented could easily be dis­counted through ridicule by the head-newsmakers such as Evans, Novak, etc. No, it isn't working because if Man has Truth--he will eventually SEE IT for he is given faculties of REASON and LOGIC and Truth will always 'out' eventually. When one lie is uncovered, other connecting lies will also be re­vealed.

    As you find the CIA involved "through proof" then you can more easily, for instance, look at that which we bring. I espe­cially would wish you to remember that we wrote about Kennedy in truth in our first JOURNAL. I am not herein ad­vertising but only pointing out TRUTH and CONFIRMATION so that you can feel a bit more comfort with our presentations for we have so little time to perfect our mission. We must all begin to pull on the oars together, in unison, if we are to set the boat to right. PLEASE, I IMPLORE YOU--GO WITH THE TRUTH AND NOT THE CONTROVERSIAL RESOURCE REPRESENTED HEREIN--THE LATTER WILL WORK IT­SELF OUT AS YOU FIND NAUGHT SAVE TRUTH IN THAT WHICH WE OUTLAY. ALLOW YOUR CONFIR­MATIONS IN OPEN-MINDS WITHOUT JUDGMENT UN­TIL AFTER YOU GLEAN THE INFORMATION. IF WE ARE CORRECT IN MOST THINGS AS YOU UNFOLD THE WRITINGS--GIVE US "POSSIBILITY" OF RIGHTNESS IN OTHER AND ALL THINGS FOR IT IS THROUGH REASON AND THE GIFT OF GOD THAT WE WISH TO REACH YOU--NOT IN MAGIC, MYSTICISM AND HOCUS-POCUS. YOU ARE NOW MOVING FROM THE ILLUSION AND INTO THE REALITY OF EXPERIENCE; DON'T MISS THE BOAT OR YOU SHALL MISS THE ONE GREATEST EX­PERIENCE OF YOUR LIFESTREAM.


    In November, 1971, Chairman, Senate Foreign Relations Com­mittee, Senator J. William Fulbright said: "But this se­crecy...has become a god in this country, and those people who have secrets travel in a kind of fraternity...and they will not speak to anyone else."

    I suggest that is one of the most gross understatements ever made.

    There exists in your nation today an incredibly powerful and dangerous secret cult--this "cult of Intelligence".

    Its holy men are the clandestine professionals of the Central In­telligence Agency as you recognize it--a worldwide Agency by many names that are hidden from you. This has been the en­forcement factor for insuring take-over by the Elite in its ability to hide EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING FROM YOU CITI­ZENS.

    Its patrons and protectors are the highest officials of the federal government. Its membership, extending far beyond govern­mental circles, reaches into the power centers of industry, com­merce, finance, and labor--recruitment into the force is begun in your high schools. It is easy to recruit young people for the as­pects are presented in the most wondrously intriguing ways imaginable along with the sex appeal of a James Bond type of charismatic hero actor. Its friends are many in the areas of im­portant public influence--the academic world and the communications media. The cult of intelligence is a secret fra­ternity of the American political aristocracy--not the one world "New World Order" enforcement wing, internationally. It is structured to cover all and any corrupt behavior of any person­ages in power.

    The purpose of the cult is to further the foreign policies of the U.S. government by covert and usually illegal means. This would imply that the whole of the organization and operatives would be American--not so, Americans make up the least of the population in the organization today. At the same time it was to have contained the spread of its avowed enemy, Communism. But funny thing--you now have more KGB Communists, terror­ist elite and Mossad agents in the organization than American leaders; the KGB and Mossad have been brought in specifically to take the leadership, training and authority. It is now called "working together as free nations" for a "peaceful world" under "democracy" which equates 100% to socialistic fascism and dictatorship/monarchy of puppets and puppet masters. Ah, yet traditionally, the cult's projected purpose has been to foster a world order in which America would reign supreme, the un­challenged international leader. I believe you can see that no matter how you lie to selves and wave flags, the facts remain that it isn't true. You have clung to the fantasy while the indus­trial and moral fiber of your very foundation has been sold or stolen from you. Wishing will no longer bring anything to right.

    Two decades ago the dream had tarnished by time and frequent failures--the next years and into today are examples of the ex­tensive corruption which has fingered its way around the globe in coalition with the criminals of the planet.

    I have several books to recommend to you for reading and I'll mention two of them here so that you can begin to get ready with your modern confirmations. Acquire the Books of Col. James "Bo" Gritz and IN SEARCH OF ENEMIES by Stock­well. There are so many, among which are coming out the best, soon--by John Coleman. These are what you need if you doubt my outlay. For your sake, friends, if you doubt me, don't sim­ply discount my word--go find your confirmation. If you turn away from Truth--you will have nothing left to rebuild. For in­stance, if you do not believe what I wrote about John F. Kennedy and his death--GO SEE "JFK"! There have been dozens of men who have brought you the truth of the circum­stance but you have REFUSED TO READ OR RESEARCH! YOU, AS A PEOPLE, HAVE PREFERRED TO SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL AND CERTAINLY, SPEAK NO EVIL. Well, soon you will lose all Constitutional Rights to see, speak or hear in freedom. THIS is the point--not who may or may not have shot a President. Coups take place all over the globe--why NOT in America? Are you sacrosanct?

    The cult's objectives rapidly became far less grandiose as time flitted by and one after another cover-up worked. It seemed to seek largely to advance America's self-appointed role as the dominant arbiter of social, economic, and political change in the awakening regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Its worldwide war against Communism sounded good as a rallying point but, as is now obvious, that was never the point in the first place. That has now become reduced to a covert struggle to maintain a self-serving stability in the Third World, using what­ever clandestine methods available--in order to serve the Elite Plan 2000.

    For the cult of intelligence, fostering "stability" may in one country mean reluctant and passive acquiescence to evolutionary change; in another, a determined effort to reverse popular trends toward independence and democracy. The cult attempts that which it believes it can accomplish and which--in the event of failure or exposure--the U.S. government can plausibly deny.

    The CIA is both the center and the primary instrument of the cult of intelligence as you recognize it to be. For our purposes herein we will leave that assumption intact to lessen the confu­sion of intent of this JOURNAL. Its purpose is to engage in es­pionage and counterespionage, in propaganda and disinforma­tion (the deliberate circulation of false information), in psycho­logical warfare and paramilitary activities. It penetrates and manipulates private institutions, and creates its own organization (called "proprietaries") when necessary. It recruits agents and mercenaries; it bribes and blackmails foreign officials to carry out its most unsavory tasks. This becomes quite easy because first the enticements to officials are through bribery and threat and blackmail becomes easy and logical. It does whatever is re­quired or desired to achieve its goals, without any consideration of the ethics involved or the moral consequences of its actions. As the secret-action arm of American foreign policy, the CIA's most potent weapon is its covert intervention in the internal affairs of countries the U.S. government wishes to control or influence.

    Romanticized by myths, the operations of the CIA are also be­clouded by false images and shielded by official deceptions. Its practices are hidden behind arcane and antiquated legalisms which prevent the public and even Congress from knowing what the mysterious agency is doing--or why. Thus the cult of intel­ligence justifies with dramatic assertions that the CIA's purpose is to preserve the "national security", that its actions are in re­sponse to the needs of the nation's defense. No one--in an age in which secrecy is the definitional operative of security--need know more than that.

    The cult is intent upon conducting the foreign affairs of the U.S. government without the awareness or participation of the peo­ple. It recognizes no role for a questioning legislature or an in­vestigative press. Its adherents believe that only they have the right and the obligation to decide what is necessary to satisfy the national needs. Although it pursues outmoded international policies and unattainable ends, the cult of intelligence demands that it not be held accountable for its actions by the people it professes to serve. It is a privileged, as well as secret, charge. In their minds, those who belong to the cult of intelligence have been ordained, and their service is immune from public scrutiny.


    The "clandestine mentality" is a mind-set that thrives on secrecy and deception--right from the onset of adversarial operations against you of "Godness" (goodness, love and honor in open sharing). It encourages professional amorality--the belief that righteous goals can be achieved through the use of unprincipled and normally unacceptable means. Thus, the cult's leaders must tenaciously guard their official actions from public view. To do otherwise would restrict their ability to act independently; it would permit the American people to pass judgment on not only the utility of their policies, but the ethics of those policies as well. With the cooperation of an acquiescent, ill-informed Congress, and the encouragement and assistance of a series of Presidents, the cult has built a wall of laws and executive orders around the CIA and itself, a wall that has blocked effective pub­lic scrutiny.

    When necessary, the members of the cult of intelligence, in­cluding your Presidents (who are always aware of, generally approve of, and often actually initiate the CIA's major undertak­ings), have lied to protect the CIA and to hide their own respon­sibility for its operations. The Eisenhower Administration lied to the American people about the CIA's involvement in the Guatemalan coup d'etat in 1954, about the agency's support of the unsuccessful rebellion in Indonesia in 1958, and about Fran­cis Gary Powers' 1960 U-2 mission. The Kennedy Administra­tion lied about the CIA's role in the abortive invasion of Cuba in 1961, admitting its involvement only after the operation had failed disastrously. The Johnson Administration lied about the extent of most U.S. government commitments in Vietnam and Laos, and all of the CIA's. And the Nixon Administration pub­licly lied about the agency's attempt to fix the Chilean election in 1970. For adherents to the cult of intelligence, hypocrisy and deception, like secrecy, have become standard techniques for preventing public awareness of the CIA's clandestine opera­tions, and governmental accountability for them. And these men who ask that they be regarded as honorable men, true pa­triots, will, when caught in their own webs of deceit, even assert that the government has an inherent right to lie to "its" people--as if IT owns you--and your opinions and existence have nothing to do with "IT".

    The justification for the "right to lie" is that secrecy in covert operations is necessary to prevent U.S. policies and actions from coming to the attention of the "enemy"--or, in the parlance of the clandestine trade, the "opposition". If the opposition is oblivious to the CIA's operations, the argument runs, then it cannot respond and the CIA activities stand a good chance of succeeding. Nonetheless, in many instances the opposition knows exactly what covert operations are being targeted against it, and it takes counteraction when possible. The U-2 over­flights and, later, those of the photographic satellites were, and remain, as well known to the Soviets and the Chinese as Soviet overhead reconnaissance of the United States is to the CIA; there is no way, when engaging in operations of this magnitude, to keep them secret from the opposition--especially when you and the opposition are working for the same end goal. It, too, employs a professional intelligence service--remember the KGB, and the Mossad. The Chinese have an even more sophisticated method of covert secrecy--they utilized a simple procedure of being secret from the entire world while they built their installa­tions and underground shelters, etc. They can come out now because there is everything already hidden and secure and they don't really care WHO knows their strength. In fact, they like to toss it around a lot, i.e., arms to every small nation in the Arab World as well as the great big ones. You are about to awaken the sleeping giant and you are going to be very, very sorry about that.

    Looking back to the time of the writing of the book in point you will find that from 1952 to 1964, at the height of the Cold War, the Soviet KGB electronically intercepted even the most secret messages routed through the code room of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. This breach in secrecy, however, apparently caused little damage to U.S. national security, nor did the Soviet government collapse because the CIA had for years secretly in­tercepted the private conversations of the top Russian leaders as they talked over their limousine radio-telephones. Both sides knew more than enough to cancel out the effect of any leaks. The fact is that in your country, secrecy and deception in intelli­gence operations are as much to keep the Congress and the pub­lic from learning what their government is doing as to shield these activities from the opposition. The intelligence establish­ment operates as it does to maintain freedom of action and avoid accountability.

    Your nation, as with all other mighty nations and civilizations (actually even the most tiny places), shall fall because of the en­emy WITHIN--again, not that one without. It is always that ones get control and maintain control and activities in the abso­lute secret shrouds of protection while they do their dirty work and destroy that which is YOURS. YOU are the ones who have laughed at the antics of the politicians and failed to choose bet­ter. YOU are the ones who fail to vote because, yes, it IS all decided but you have chosen not to make those ones accountable under your precious Constitution. YOU HAVE DONE IT AND IT IS UP TO YOU NOW, TO UNDO IT.

    A good part of the CIA's power position is dependent upon its careful mythologizing and glorification of the exploits of the clandestine profession. Sometimes this even entails fostering a sort of perverse public admiration for the covert practices of the opposition intelligence services--to frighten the public and thereby justify the actions of the CIA. Whatever the method, the selling of the intelligence business is designed to have us admire it as some sort of mysterious, often magical, profession capable of accomplishing terribly difficult, if not miraculous, deeds. Look at James Bond, as example, in His Majesty's Se­cret Service! Like most myths, the intrigues and successes of the CIA over the years have been more imaginary than real as to that which was laid forth as their "goal". What is real, unfortu­nately, is the willingness of both the public and adherents of the cult to believe the fictions that permeate the intelligence busi­ness.

    The original mission of the CIA was to coordinate the intelli­gence-collection programs of the various governmental depart­ments and agencies, and to produce the reports and studies re­quired by the national leadership in conducting the affairs of U.S. foreign policy. This was President Truman's view when he requested that Congress establish the secret intelligence agency by passing the National Security Act of 1947. But Gen­eral William "Wild Bill" Donovan, Allen Dulles, and other vet­erans of the wartime Office of Strategic Services--a virtually unregulated body, both romantic and daring, tailor-made to the fondest dreams of the covert operator--thought differently. They saw the emergency agency as the clandestine instrument by which Washington could achieve foreign-policy goals not at­tainable through diplomacy. They believed that the mantle of world leadership had been passed by the British to the Ameri­cans, and that their own secret service must take up where the British left off. Thus, they lobbied Congress for the power to conduct covert operations. Lumped in all this, of course, are the "Black" operations, "Black" budget and thus and so.

    That Truman attempted to create an overt intelligence organiza­tion, one which could emphasize the gathering and analysis of information rather than secret operations, was somewhat com­mendable--although not seriously contemplated. He thought he could control the advocates of covert action but that was, in ret­rospect, a gross error in calculations. His first miscalculation was that he held any power at all to do much of anything when not a direct disciple of the cult. In that instance, Congress, in an atmosphere of Cold War tension, allowed itself to be per­suaded by the intelligence professionals--even then controlled by the foreign interests of the Zionists who had already gained control of the Congress. With the passage of the National Se­curity Act of 1947 it allowed the new agency special exemptions from the normal congressional reviewing process, and these ex­emptions were expanded two years later by the Central Intelli­gence Agency Act of 1949. Of the greatest and most far-reaching consequence was the provision in the 1947 law that permitted EXECUTIVE ORDERS! This allowed the CIA to "perform such other functions and duties related to intelli­gence...as the National Security Council may from time to time direct". From those few innocuous words the CIA has been able, over the years, to develop a secret charter based on NSC directives and presidential executive orders, a charter almost completely at variance with the apparent intent of the law that established the agency. I use the term "apparent intent" because the "full intent" was exactly that which you have accomplished. The vague phrase has provided the CIA with freedom to engage in covert action, the right to intervene secretly in the internal af­fairs of your own and other nations. It has done so, usually with the express approval of the White House, but almost always WITHOUT the consent of Congress or even the knowledge of Congress, and virtually never with the knowledge of the Ameri­can public.


    Knowing nothing has meant that the public does not even realize how frequently the CIA has failed. Moreover, while the prac­tices were under way so was a disinformation and distraction campaign under way to pull your attention into every other av­enue of interest except world affairs and the games of the CIA. The media was in full coalition with the perpetrators and re­mains so to this moment. Pay attention as to WHO IS DE­NOUNCING "JFK"! Note who brings more and more outra­geous stories to the air annually making the Holocaust worse and worse until it has finally proven its own stupidity of projec­tion. When you have more people collecting restitution for be­ing injured in the Holocaust than there were "Jews" in the given area to be slain and worse, more Jews touted to have been mur­dered than there were Jews in the whole continent at the time--it seems to reveal its own miscalculations. That, however, has not seemed to cause you-the-people to open your eyes and ears and consider FACTS!

    In addition, the goodly workers of goodness save you from any responsibility at all. They come along and say, "What the Hell, so we finally get to our wondrous rapture and streets of gold." Literally, I heard your own Jan and Paul speaking of those "solid gold streets" as if they are paved throughout eternity. Are they bad people? No, the worst part of the parable is that they are wondrously good and motivated people--but they took the bait and instead of controlling the fish, the fish wags them. In the horrendous face of making your nation again "right", you are given another cop-out--just go sit and wait until God comes and gets you off the place and into glory. You botched it, you broke it, kicked it and battered it--but you somehow don't have to be responsible and even consider "fixing" what you did--just believe a man shed blood FOR YOU SO YOU WOULDN'T HAVE TO HAVE ANY RESPONSIBILITY and you will somehow float away to all those good and wondrous rewards of riches and wonders. You don't even have to change your cur­rent activities--in fact, you must not disagree with any group in any actions--but forgive and allow! Bless and commingle, sharing love everywhere if even in the illicit bed of another's spouse while spreading death along the way in disease and pain foisted upon the others involved. This precious Jan even stated that in the Swaggart example--"We should have been more Godly and not condemned nor talked about him in negative manner--we should have simply forgiven and supported him." Are you insane? You don't have anything to "forgive" or "judge" another about--even Swaggart. However, it is your duty to be discerning and judge the actions and teach your chil­dren wrong from right behavior--not just give the child a con­dom and advise safe sex with the prostitute. You ones have even twisted the already erroneous lies of the adversary and he is having a total "field day" with you now, for you have ex­tended the errors beyond anything he had thought to make part of the blueprint. Worse, you do it openly for evil in the name of God!


    The one just spoken of above is the master plan of all backfires--it will end up getting your goose cooked. However in the line of CIA backfires we have some interesting incidents to consider. Occasionally, clandestine operations do backfire spectacularly and do so in public. The U-2 shootdown and the Bay of Pigs invasion, for example--and further, investigations by journalists and uncowed members of Congress in some of those instances gave the public some idea of what the CIA was actually doing. In the Watergate scandal it was revealed some of the CIA's covert activities within the United States, providing a frightening view of the methods which the agency had employed for years overseas and totally in secrecy within your borders. The assis­tance given the White House "plumbers" by the CIA and the at­tempts to involve the agency in the cover-up pointed up the dan­gers posed to American democracy by an inadequately con­trolled security intelligence organization. But you can see today that it actually changed nothing except the depth of secrecy in ever enlarging circles of incredible activities. As the opportuni­ties for covert actions abroad dwindled and were thwarted, those with careers based in clandestine methods were increasingly tempted to turn their talents inward against the citizens of the very nation they professed to serve. Nurtured in the adversary setting of the Cold War, shielded by secrecy, and spurred on by patriotism that views dissent as a threat to the national security, especially of the people against the "rulers", the clandestine op­eratives of the CIA gained even more capability, resources, ex­perience--and inclination--to ply their skills increasingly on the domestic scene and through domestic avenues even when in­volved with outside factions.

    What I feel about the need of clandestine intelligence gathering as being necessary for a nation against its enemies is not of point herein. Anything out of control of the laws of the people and the land is wrong--no matter what the needs of the Elite. This is not my story in point herein and, therefore, I shall tell you what the authors in point feel about it.

    They state the following:

    There can be no doubt that the gathering of intelligence is a necessary function of modern government. [H: Note: "modern government".] It makes a significant contribution to national security, and it is vital to the conduct of foreign affairs. With­out an effective program to collect information and to analyze the capabilities and possible intentions of other major powers, the United States could neither have confidently negotiated nor could now abide by the S.A.L.T. agreements or achieve any measure of true detente with its international rivals. [H: I was wrong--I can't even finish the paragraph. You will note that all is based on the assumption that the government would work in honesty with integrity. What the cult of intelligence has done is forfeit and sell out your nations and cover the criminals until the dastardly deeds are done at whatever cost. The reason for recognizing this particular book is for its revelations--not its philosophical perception--for I con­sider the conclusions in philosophy to be in error. I see no way in which this type of structure can serve in honor for it is birthed from and by the criminal element in control. I do agree with their next statement regarding the book:]

    The aim of this book is to provide the American people with the inside information which they need--and to which they without question have the right--to understand the significance of this issue and the importance of dealing with it.

    [H: As we write keep in mind that this book was written in 1973 and this JOURNAL in 1992. If you keep that in mind you will be able to bridge the interim years with better clar­ity and insight.]

    Even Harry Truman questioned the CIA and its non-controlla­bility: Dec. 1963: "For some time I have been disturbed by the way CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational arm and at times a policy-making arm of the Government."

  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 44


    FRI., JANUARY 17, 1992 8:36 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 154

    FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1992

    Watch out America! The hype is coming upon you right now. The full intent had been to start another war to distract you and give excuse to boost the economy in behalf of Bush. So far the world is not cooperating. Cuba has gone silent, no pushes from Central or South America to speak of and there simply is not enough going on in Iraq to cover a deliberate attack against Sad­dam. In the Israeli sector it is Israel being the bad kid so no luck there either.

    Watch Korea and the downed U-2 plane. That is intended to cause an incident--prodded on by the "no longer communists"? THAT SPY PLANE WAS SHOT DOWN BY A COSMO­SPHERE AND YOUR MILITARY IS HOLDING ITS BREATH. You cannot win anything in that part of the world this day. It was really a bad political mistake to come back into the colonization by the British Zionist Crown. You don't under­stand--the RELIGIOUS DISORDER IS ALL THAT IS IN­TENDED IN ISRAEL--THE BANKING MONOPOLY IS IN SWITZERLAND RUN BY LONDON!

    Today, like yesterday, politics will "remember" its wars and fallen leaders. In other words you are reliving the "anniversary celebration" of the invasion of a pitiful country with your "surgical" bombing and, this weekend, assassination by the CIA, Mafia and Elite of Martin Luther King. Was Martin Luther King a holy and saintly man? No, but he was in the way of the Elite bigots. You ask about Jesse Jackson taking that place of leadership? He can't for he succumbed to the "Royalty" when he joined the Honorary Elite of the Council on Foreign Relations.

    What is good-old-boy Kissinger doing this week? Finalizing the establishment of his Kissinger Associates company in Moscow-WITH GORBACHEV AS PRESIDENT. It, of course, is just simply "good business".


    I am going to suggest that you simply set aside all the attacks and counter-attacks regarding "truth vs. lies" and you will watch an unraveling of the conspiracy. You can know this by the Elite posturing of ones such as Connally, the Kennedys and others who were immediately involved. You will, further, see the "Larry King Live" shows doing a good job of asking proper questions to bring out the absurdity of such a cover-up and con­spiracy. Connally, for instance, will say there is no connection with Ruby and no relationship to Oswald and blabber, blabber, blabber! The facts are, friends, if you pay attention--these are the very areas of TRUTH IN DOCUMENTATION AND NOT SPECULATION!

    Let me further suggest that you pay attention when the autopsy pictures, etc., are finally "under intense pressure" released. THE AUTOPSY PICTURES WERE TAMPERED WITH RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING AND THE FILMS ARE GOING TO SHOW A NICE SMOOTH EXITING HOLE IN JOHN'S HEAD--NOT THE FACTUAL BLOWING AWAY OF HIS SKULL. The scene is getting set to "right" now and is set up by the very ones who took part, literally. Why? Because they have obtained their safe tickets to Australia by so-doing. If you think Nellie Connally is not protecting her interests NOW--you are surely not very observant.

    Why would one continue the lie if truth could "out"? Come now, in this day after all these years--THEY HAVE NOTHING TO GAIN AND EVERYTHING TO LOSE BY TRUTH-TELLING. They have been rewarded handsomely for their si­lence and they see only personal disadvantage to telling. Moreover, as they would possibly come forward they also sign their own death warrant for it is easy, easy, easy to take out such blundering personages with one beam blast and cardiac arrest. These are very large stakes at risk for the Elite.

    Remember that the truth of one incident will open the can of clues to the dirty truth of all of the others and show the total in­volvement of government, CIA, Mafia and all the international involvements. You must realize that Oswald was not tangled up in Soviet intrigue and just "happened" to be in a place whereby the motorcade would pass--AFTER THE ROUTE WAS CHANGED AT THE LAST MINUTE! SOMEONE HAD TO KNOW AND CHANGE THE PARADE ROUTE! THINK ABOUT IT WITH REASON.


    Isn't it dangerous for us to be ripping more cover off the CIA? Indeed! However, when they have already efforted to silence forever, my work--and failed--it becomes a bit more difficult of pull off an "accidental" death. It is the one(s) who have spoken out in the past and continue to do so that I must protect for they are the ones who will be at ever increasing risk as people begin to pay attention to the subject. You see, it is not what was written before--even though it be truth--there was no way to get backup and so no-one paid enough attention to take action against a dragon so monstrously gigantic. People are now ready to take that information (just as we are reprinting herein) and recognize it as Truth. That is exactly what is happening with "JFK" the movie. Truth is out there and REASON compels the proper conclusions and curiosity to check.


    Of course. Yes, I know exactly WHERE they are and how to get in touch by your equipment within minutes. That does not protect the persons involved nor allow for the end result I seek. I want to produce the work that is unfinished--FOR the ones in point, not simply get them into deeper water without hope of life-ring.

    Please allow me to know •what I am doing--the job will be ac­complished. My problem is keeping the thing from coming to­gether so quickly as to blow the cover. Ones get very brave af­ter years of struggle but fail to realize the massive job yet to be done and the need for information and services as this erupts. Revelations bringers are going to get targeted HARD. The en­tire thought to close-out the CIA is merely a trumped up idea to negate the prosecution of the involved criminals. Bringing doc­uments public will not be worth much of anything. Ones who suggest the records will be intact are simply hoping the docu­ments will be salvaged by the Elite thinking no one suspects their actions. Ones bright enough to unfold and daring enough to project the story are not stupid enough to believe that the CIA will not tamper with anything or that the Warren Commission will simply hand over documents incriminating themselves. It happens if handled properly and IF the counter-agents are doing a good job of duplications. You ARE on the brink of great rev­elations. It is simply time for YOU to cease being A gullible, swindled people. You feel a thing as big as this kind of treason could not be! I understand that perception--just hold an open-mind and you will be given into the seeing and the proof. But YOU will have to demand it not be dropped and again` tucked away.


    Is Bush in trouble? Indeed, indeed. How is this for a bit of in­digestion and fainting information--the man was almost taken-out and a little flu-bug didn't do it. Worse, there' are probldms with the Soviets and Kissinger-pal. What you have unfolding is far beyond any kind of blackmail yet practiced and it is occur­ring through documents from both your countries, taken by the KGB and from abroad--all over the map.

    How many of you are going to be shocked to find that the shooting-down of flight of Korean Airlines No. 007--wasn't? It wasn't shot down! It was BROUGHT DOWN and the crew and most of the passengers were taken prisoner. There were some important personages on that plane.' It's all in documentation--by the KGB--and ready to be released to prove your'cover-ups.

    You see, the Soviet Union intends to have the world, old friends--all of it. You have just asked the anti-Christ enemy into your beds.

    Do you think the KGB has changed its spots? Come now, little children--freedom has not jumped all over you.


    What is really giving Bush a sick stomach? Oh, how would he like a little KGB revelation about secret files removed from the vaults of the KGB? Hundreds of secret files, including a big, voluminous dossier of Henry Kissinger and other Republican power brokers. These nice documents are being offered for sale to Western publishers and the diplomatic cor­respondents know of the blackmail. This was dumped as a very large load of you-know-what as Bush started his heavy handed dealings with the Japanese. There was no flu-bug--if this dam bursts, dear ones, revealing the truth of all the un­dercover dealings, subversion, corruption and crimes in Washington, it will be far worse than any Watergate ever conjured.

    The Soviets said they would take America (in fact, the world) without having to fire a bullet. You have put criminals in office who have done the job for them.

    I know you want the details of these above topics but I can't cover them all this day for I must move on with the CIA infor­mation already begun. We will be getting details and backup from many sources very soon now and get some relief for Dharma. However, it is yet premature and no way to get it timely to our own readers who have so backed and supported our unfolding in the face of ridicule, denouncement and total as­sault. I think you ones will find realistic interest picking up right away now as things unfold and somehow old Hatonn and Brotherhood will not look so far-fetched or fantastic.

    I shall try to give a whole day to the details of our topics, perhaps tomorrow. I would further say to you who are just beginning to look around that you have the best education right in the JOURNALS that you will receive and you are only just begun. However, I am most pleased to see that a distributor right out of California has nine full pages of titles which cover all of these "secret" subjects. Some are worthless and deceiving--but many are EXCELLENT. Further, America West will always make available any and all material I ask for in confirmation or give resource availability.

    I suggest you could all have a short-cut if you just get your act together and let's get Gritz into a position of "house-cleaning". Further, if you want names, places and full confirmation--get ready for Coleman's book. The first portion is almost ready for the final press and when it hits--the activities will burst. Please let us give these daring men some support on a most human level--publicity is what will keep them healthy--I can only keep them alive as long as they themselves allow it. What happens to intended leaders rests in the hands of you-the-people. We can protect the leaders who CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE--BUT NOT IF YOU ASK NOT FOR THEY ARE NOT EX­PECTED TO GIVE ALL THAT YOU HAVE TO GIVE NOTHING! There are ones who have tried to tell you for decades and decades--how it is and you have plugged your ears and avoided their outlay--calling them traitors and liars. There are ones from years back such as Arthur Robinson, Antony Sutton--Victor Marchetti. There are newspapers and newsletters with brave men who continued to tell even after infiltration by the very enemy himself. Perhaps the hardest of all has been the confronting of the system of the Religious Orders which slowly ate away at the very Truth of even God. Then there are the re­cent ones who speak out in full knowing of consequences for they have seen the nation fall into the clutches of your enemies. These are the Gritzes, Colemans, Stockwells, Joneses, Bacques and Mullinses. These, and more, shall be the ones remembered in the history of this world as the Socrateses, Esuses and Light of Civilization. What legacy WILL YOU LEAVE YOUR GENERATIONS TO COME AFTER?


    I think I have loosed the can of "curiosities" and will have to re­spond enough to quiet my own scribe. Today's watch has turned into something like the KGB files--bulging and bursting to be told. So, we'll try to do a bit of everything this morning.

    Let us look at a scenario which might be considered pretty "typical" in outlay. The entire detailed scenario is followed and not one item is missed by your friendly KGB because your Intelligence Cults have been in coalition for a very long time now. After all, Mr. Bush was head Cultist Master if you re­member your history at all.

    A typical KGB case file would trace the trail of a bomb smug­gled into the luggage compartment of a passenger aircraft, as an example, as follows:

    As the charge explodes, the giant jetliner breaks apart in the sky and plunges to earth, killing all aboard. The bereaved families of the victims and their government blame a notorious secret service for this terrorist outrage and demand the extradition of two undercover agents who allegedly placed the bomb aboard the aircraft.

    But the powerful secret service chief (Cult-Master) protects his agents, hides them behind cover jobs, blocks all extradition de­mands and finally frames an innocent man (like some likely Libyan or a John Demjanjuk) for the crime, thus aborting any hope of justice.

    The case history, however, will not actually refer to a specific Arab nation such as Libya or Syria. The secret service chief behind the two murderous undercover agents is, of course, George Bush, the former director of the CIA . The scenario is an accurate description of how a Cuban Airlines flight, No. 455, was brought down over Barbados on, say, October 6, 1976 by two CIA operatives identified as Luis Posada and Freddy Lugo. Sprung from prison, on direct orders from Bush, Posada still works for the CIA in an undercover Latin American job.

    A more recent and better example; take a "Gates" who is in­volved in crime up to and over his head--simply make him HEAD of the CIA. Well, there is risk involved in doing this because the ones who are in the CIA who actually serve nation and citizen will not sit still forever and--as others are brave enough to speak out and proof of incidents can be verified--the balloon will eventually burst.

    Back to the Cuban incident: An innocent anti-Castro militant, Orlando Bosch, framed by the CIA, spent more than a decade in prison for a crime he did not commit.

    Ironically, Bush did not order the downing of the Cuban air­liner! Things just took their natural route of "screw-ups". The CIA's plan was to explode the bomb as the plane was being re­fueled on the ground at Seawell Airport in Barbados, thus causing embarrassment and disruption to Cuba's communist government, rather than human casualties. It is hard enough to work, however, when the agents are ALL ON YOUR SIDE--but when you have a confusing mass of counter-agents and they are THE SAME, things get unwieldy. In this incident as with other innumerable CIA schemes, it went awry in a big way: Disaster was the result. Bush, who was serving as the CIA's top boss (Cult-Master) at the time, was directly responsible.

    SO WHAT?

    So--now you have a massive cover-up, blame and condemnation on a convenient scale at play. You have the Bush Administra­tion now demanding the extradition of two alleged Libyan undercover agents accused of having been involved in the tragic downing of a Pan Am jetliner over Lockerbie, Scotland some two years ago. That crash was a VERY emotional accident--it took out your children of prime worth and superior intelli­gence. Oops, now we get into backfire position.

    It is not as easy as it was to simply railroad Demjanjuk for the criminal alliance--Libya simply arrested the two accused opera­tives and has offered international jurists to act as observers of its investigation of the case. But, as you might guess, Bush, who knows the truth of the agents, wants the suspects, and their chief, extradited to the U.S. wherein there can be no trial with results other than as Bush demands.

    Why won't Libya play ball? Because you blundered, America--you have shown what you will do with a citizen in defiance of all Constitutional Rights--just like you extradited John Dem­janjuk to Israel and stripped him of his rightful U.S. citizen­ship and sent him to his death--AN INNOCENT MAN--you have no honor nor integrity. Further, you have a citizenly who will DO NOTHING BUT HELP HANG THE INNOCENT BEINGS ALL THE WHILE DENOUNCING AND ACCUS­ING WHEN YOU KNOW NOTHING OF TRUTH OR JUS­TICE.

    But back to the subject in point--KGB. The KGB has records, names and places and can nail the guilty parties right on the nose--for after all, they helped set it up. You see, since the So­viet Union has turned into the lighted path of democracy and disbanded this terrible KGB--they are just willing and able to tell all of the old stories. Ah, and you thought they were serving God and the U.S.? A bit of this kind of misunderstanding can (has) cost you your life and your nation. Yes indeed, ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT--NEW WORLD ORDER--THEIRS!

    Ah indeed, the Noriega case in Florida will undoubtedly take an interesting turn now as these KGB files float around! It is going to prove that the sordid Panama mess was the CIA's fault and who, but WHO, was in charge--oh surely not, Mr. Bush.


    Oops! Sorry about that! Let us look at another little scenario: Zaire. Here, with the joint efforts of the Mossad (Israel's secret service) the CIA has installed and maintained in power a corrupt military dictator very much like Noriega in Panama--Mobutu Sese Seko. The Bush Administration now faces a crisis very similar to the Reagan regime's long drawn-out Noriega troubles. After running a regime even more brutal and oppressive than Panama's and looting his country on a far larger scale, Mobutu is on the down-slide. The U.S. is very anxious to see him go and has been pushing every way possible to get Mobutu to hand over power to the opposition and simply retire into a billion­aire's comfortable exile. After all, it has worked before and might work again--it did in Moscow--touché!?

    But--Mobutu, much like Noriega, has entrusted his personal safety to who? Ah--both ends against the middle--the Mossad and his elite guard battalion trained and armed by Israeli agents. "Advisers" from the Mossad, the Mideast "innocent's" secret service, are in charge of Mobutu's security apparatus. Leaning on these mercenaries and their coalition with Big Brother through a new treaty with the Soviets (like in KGB), Mobutu has managed to defy every argument and pressure the White House has mustered for his ouster. Just as eventually always happens-­CIA--it is the enemy come within which shall bring your de­struction.

    Apparently, as in the Noriega case, direct military intervention will be necessary to remove this corrupt CIA puppet. The de­tails of the Zaire crisis suggest the scandalous Panama affair was not simply a case of Noriega's crooked rule. The main blame for these criminal and obstinate tyrannies should rest where it belongs--in Washington, with the CIA and its involvement in drugs and illegal business scams. It won't be as simple to hop over to Zaire as it was to Panama, however, though the stakes are as high--but a little blackmail by the KGB is awfully embar­rassing right now just when you need a good little war to protect humanitarian rights. Apparently the approach of the Bush ad­ministration is to send the humans "home to God" as the solution to the misadventures of wanton dictators.


    No--passengers, including Sen. Larry McDonald and crew, have been held and if you play your cards correctly right now, America, are still being held right in the good old "priorly" So­viet Union. I guess properly it is the "former" Soviet Union.

    It might be interesting to note that the facts SORT OF LEAKED OUT right from, of all places, Jerusalem.

    So what did happen to that plane: It was hit and damaged by two rockets launched by the Soviet pilot, Col. Osipovich, from his SU-15 fighter plane; the Korean Boeing 747 did not go out of control of its pilots.

    The airliner had a very nice soft landing near Sakhalin--an is­land occupied by the Soviet Union and which the Japanese and Soviets have both claimed, at least since the end of World War II.

    Begins to get sticky, doesn't it? Japan? Oh my goodness, could it be? It does look a bit suspicious in several ways, does it not? Oh, not yet--not suspicious yet? OK, how about I remind you who Larry McDonald is. He was a very active political person­age against the established political parties in the U.S.--he was a leader in the John Birch Society and therefor classified as a pop­ulist type of libertarian troublemaker. McDonald has been danced in and out of several prisons right in Moscow and the passengers were divided among various camps. The children were immediately placed in orphanages in one of the Soviet Middle Asian republics.

    The final version of your Establishment media of the fate of the plane, although nothing ever reported added up to anything, was that the plane went down at sea with no survivors. Immediate dispatches from the area, disseminated within minutes of the at­tack on Sept. 1, 1983, told a far different story--if anyone no­ticed.

    Associated Press, for example, in an "oops" of all time--re­ported KAL 007 "with 269 people landed safely early today on the Soviet island of Sakhalin." Even McDonald's brother said, "We've heard from the State Department the plane is down and the passengers are safe." Even Korean Air Lines officials initially said the craft landed on Sakhalin Island.

    Would it then not appear that someone is not telling you-the­people the truth? Would there not seem to be some interesting things going on regarding the Japanese-Soviet relationship over those Sakhalin Islands?

    Your work would seem to be cut out for you, America. There isn't going to be anyone to do it FOR you so isn't it about time you "bit the bullet" and got on with the house-cleaning? It may not save your nation as you would desire, but it will give you opportunity for change. You may even come to see your so-called enemy in a different light from time to time as we move along.

    Can God's people survive? Absolutely! But I suggest you start with a very careful look at self--so see if YOU fit into the cate­gory truly of "God's child". I can promise you that your interpretation of human physical demoralization is not conducive to fitting into the mold of "God's child".

    Oberli, please pass this information along to the Constitutional Law Center for it is mandatory that they begin shutting down the murder of Demjanjuk through the guilty parties who broke all the laws right in the State Department of the U.S. of A. Then personally, Gene, Scott, etc., had better make it clear that inter­national LAW will come upon Israel like the blight of God if they harm one hair on John's head before this can be heard be­fore the world. You must begin to help the demons devour themselves lest they never see the errors of their ways. Shamir is already in trouble but it is a massive facade of pretend. You are being manipulated by the masters in the game. Get that man back into the U.S.A. as quickly as possible--if it is not yet too late. The intent is to execute him before you can accomplish that task. The Constitutional Law Center can do it by title alone! Go for it, brothers. And you Americans, wake up and DO SOMETHING FOR YOUR ENTRAPPED BROTHER! ARE YOU WORTHY OF GODNESS OR HAVE YOU EARNED THAT WHICH YOU ARE RECEIVING? THE FATE OF AN INNOCENT MAN RESTS IN YOUR HANDS AS TO WHETHER OR NOT YOU WILL ALLOW SUCH HEINOUS TREATMENT OF A FELLOW-CITIZEN. I CARE NOT WHAT YOU "THINK" ABOUT IT--JOHN DEMJAN­JUK IS AN AMERICAN CITIZEN BY LAW OF THE CON­STITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE BEGUN AMERICAN CITIZEN­SHIP THROUGH NATURALIZATION HAD BEST LOOK AT THIS FOR ALL OF YOU, SAVE THE AMERICAN NA­TIVE INDIANS (HUMANS), FIT THE MOLD OF ANCES­TORS FROM ABROAD! WHERE ARE YOUR YELLOW FLAGS IN SUPPORT OF THIS INNOCENT MAN BEING MURDERED BECAUSE OF A LIE PERPETRATED AGAINST THE WHOLE PLANET? MUST YOU COM­POUND YOUR INSANE BEHAVIOR AND INSULT AGAINST GOD OF CREATION? STOP THIS THING!

    Dharma, I haven't time to now begin on the CIA past material. Let us attend our other business of this day and we can start afresh. It is a time of great happenings, great change and opportunity to move a world from the darkness into the light--but the "piper" must be paid and the enemy recognized. So be it.

    In total love and willingness to assist--I stand aside that you may get at your other labor. Salu.

    Hatonn to clear, please.
    PJ 44


    SUN., JANUARY 19, 1992 9:49 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 156

    SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 1992

    Instead of dealing with "today's" garbage, let me respond to in­quiries about what I wrote a couple of days past. I thanked Ed Y. for input and circulated his letter. The letter spoke of an ex­plosion and it spoke a bit, in addition, to the Stanford Research Institute (SRI--for you who wondered). The strange thing is that almost NONE of you knew about any explosion and/or--if you had heard--you certainly learned nothing about it prior to its burial in the vaults of silence. It is important.


    At about 11:15 in the morning on Jan. 2, an explosion at Stan­ford Research Institute (SRI) International in California killed one experimenter and injured three others. These were mem­bers of a top team, who were conducting a series of experiments on cold fusion.

    The force of the explosion was such that, not only did it blow out windows in the laboratory where it occurred, but the con­cussion was felt in offices doors away. So far there is no explanation of what went wrong. Prior to the explosion there were no indications that anything was amiss. Strange thing is that the blast (vibration) waves picked up significant intensity as they moved outward and the explosion was heard/felt more strongly than at the epicenter, in outlying areas.

    When the so-called accident occurred, Dr. Andrew Reilly, who was killed instantly, was removing from the calorimeter a canister used in the experiment. Its dimensions were approximately six inches in height, with a two-inch radius. (Anyone ner­vous??? This is about the size of a cough-syrup bottle). No ra­diation was reported which tells you a lot in itself.

    The team of experimenters had been conducting a series of ex­periments intended ultimately to prove the feasibility of gener­ating electrical power using cold fusion cells. The research was contracted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) of which Ed spoke. EPRI is a California-based research consor­tium which is in the main supported by U.S. electric utilities. Now, you MUST be beginning to get some interesting questions stirring.


    Ah, the notes stated that these gentlemen were studying and re­searching for "better understanding" of electrolytic experiments involving palladium--as the host metal for deuterium. Now, dear ones, deuterium is the base element utilized for "heavy water". By any other label (as with a rose by any other name, -- -) this is the cold fusion "outrageous, unworkable, nonsensical and stupid approach" of Pons and Fleischmann in the Utah "ridiculous presentations" category pronounced by great and learned scientists. Funny thing--other nations--even Egypt, is making the "stuff" work and produce electricity. So--you now have a basis for more understanding of the Godly Elite clamp­down on your information flow. And, WHAT IS AN ELEC­TRIC COMPANY WHICH DEALS WITH WIRES, PUMPS, GENERATORS, ALTERNATIVE ENERGY, I.E., WIND AND SOLAR, DOING PLAYING WITH AN "UNWORK­ABLE AND STUPID IDEA"?


    I am going to take just a minute here to speak of this "heavy water" and a bit about this "cold fusion" for most of you are probably confused and you will need this information later as Tesla gets more "into" our work.

    The experiments involve electrolysis, using heavy water--that is D20 rather than H(2)O. The hydrogen isotope, deuterium, is separated from the oxygen and absorbed into the palladium cathode. Fusion occurs when the nuclei of two elements fuse to form either a heavier isotope or an entirely new isotope. I might suggest, further, that to fully isolate the substances involved, ones will have to move into the Russell charts or forever play in the limits of what is formally recognized.

    In the case of Fleischmann-Pons, two deuterium nuclei are thought to fuse, creating either the heavier isotope tritium, or the element helium. However, in the words of Fleischmann, the unique feature of his experiment is the occurrence of heat far in excess of what can be accounted for by traditional physics the­ory.


    I am certainly not herein going to give you the facts involved here because you are already on a deadly course and I refuse to contribute to the foray. However, know that in the sensor satel­lites which were to be set to monitor first strike detonations--the sensors would penetrate and immediately pick up several things--among which is helium. I suggest that the studies at SRI have nothing to do with your morning electric supply to perk your coffee!!!!!


    The claim is that SRI had been experimenting using closed cells which functioned at relatively high pressures. In this instance the experiment was of a more conventional character; however, there is always the danger when working with hydrogen or deu­terium and oxygen that they will recombine, releasing energy. Under high pressures such recombination can be explosive. But how explosive if only heat was being measured in a calorimeter--that dear ones is a heat monitor for measuring heat per calorie (simplified). But, too, if you are simply combining things as in the Pons-Fleischmann manner (an open wash basin), why would it be under pressure? Why would ones even remotely be expecting any kind of "explosion" to even speak of to the media? Believe me, they had to go a long, long way to bury this one!

    Now, some clues--the research at SRI was being funded by EPRI to the tune of $2 million, which would give some indica­tion of the seriousness with which they regarded the Fleis­chmann-Pons cold fusion experiment--after totally denouncing and thoroughly discrediting the original scientists. Moreover--wait until you find out how much "Black Budget" money is be­ing poured into SRI for that project.

    More interesting as to the people involved--considering the dis­crediting of the media and scientific community--Andrew Reilly had been PROJECT MANAGER OF THE ENGINEERING GROUP AT THE NATIONAL COLD FUSION INSTITUTE IN UTAH! He was only 34 years old and had already shown much talent as an "expert" in the field of electro-chemistry.

    I asked G.M. to get in touch with Pons and/or Fleischmann a couple of years ago. When are you ones going to recognize that I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING? How can God give you the answers to the puzzles if you won't look? While you ones go off in search of the pot of gold--you invariably MISS IT THERE UNDER YOUR NOSE! NO, I WILL NOT TELL YOU EV­ERYTHING OR YOU WILL END UP EXACTLY DEAD--JUST LIKE DR. REILLY. IT IS TIME TO USE YOUR MINDS AND GIVE UP FANTASIA LAND.

    So be it, let us get on with our work. And KNOW--there is nothing irrelevant.

    Back, now, to the wondrous CIA intrigue and our story un­folded by IMA and ALSO A. By the way--both Gene Dixon at the Constitutional Law Center AND Oliver Stone know this au­thor! Thank you for asking, Dharma.



    "For some time I have been disturbed by the way CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an opera­tional arm and at times a policy-making arm of the Govern­ment." President Harry S. Truman, Dec. 1963.


    HENRY KISSINGER [H: Already? We haven't even hardly begun before the name leaps forward.] made that statement not in public, but at a secret White House meeting on June 27, 1970. The country he was referring to was Chile.

    In his capacity as Assistant to the President for National Se­curity Affairs [H: A former KGB operative???], Kissinger was chairman of a meeting of the so-called 40 Committee, an interdepartmental panel responsible for overseeing the CIA's high-risk covert-action operations. The 40 Committee's mem­bers are the Director of Central Intelligence, the Under Sec­retary of State for Political Affairs, the Deputy Secretary of De­fense, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (At the time of the Chilean meeting, Attorney General John Mitchell was also a member.) It is this small group of bureaucrats and politicians--in close consultation with the President and the gov­ernmental departments the men represent--that directs America's secret foreign policy.

    [H: Hold up please, Dharma is again bewildered and I should, through interest and as confirmation of our truth--share some things with you. Dharma made it to the top of Kissinger's hit list right early in the game of writing in 1989. In that next year a person very, very close to her came to visit. She was not expecting what she encountered, When I say "close" I mean "close". This was one who had not visited in over 10 years and yet would not stay overnight in the dwelling. Was on an "anniversary celebration" trip to Las Vegas by way of "debriefing" at Nellis Field and prior to arrival at the house--also at Edwards Base. Strange for some­one out of the "service" for two decades?

    Knowing of the concern for possible problems, Dharma im­mediately told the visitors that she had somehow made it to the top of Kissinger's hit list and it was only fair to tell them BEFORE any visiting. The response??: "Well, yes, it's easy enough to get on Kissinger's list!" It was blood-freezing time! More, as visiting took place at a local restaurant in­stead of the house, there was absolutely only trivial and mundane conversations and the conversation was obviously being taped (but we are used to that). Worse, however, was the final realization that these two people were NOT who they claimed to be. You see, chelas, duplicates aren't per­fect and the programming can be seen-through if you know how to probe. We had a bit of trouble coming up out of that particular shock. However, all of you who actively serve, such as John, George, E.J., etc., will be faced with this sort of thing continually. Dharma didn't even know "NEW AGE" from "OLD AGE", never heard of a "what?" Hatonn until summer of 1987 and didn't trust or believe me then. You must understand that the lack of direction in purposeful presentation is on purpose--to keep you alive and well until you are at face with serving your portion of the mission.

    None of you can equate to this kind of intrigue--intergalac­tic--because it is so unreasonable and outlandish to the ordi­nary person's mind in acceptance as fact. You perceive it is easier for ones who are already into intrigue? Not necessar­ily for, as with Gritz and others, when you realize you have killed, maimed and done other heinous things in the name of total evil, you are stunned! A man serving what he believes to be a Godly people and government/nation and finds truth to be that it is evil criminals and that the Constitution of that nation is LOST--the shock is as great as to this little grand­mother.]

    On that Saturday in June 1970, the main topic before the 40 Committee was:


    The Chilean election was scheduled for the following September, and Allende, a declared Marxist, was one of the principal candidates. Although Allende had pledged to maintain the democratic system if he was elected, the U.S. Ambassador to Chile


    Most of the American companies with large investments in Chile were also fearful of a possible Allende triumph, and at least two of those companies, the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation (ITT) and Anaconda Copper, were spending substantial sums of money to prevent his election.

    Ambassador Korry's superiors at the State Department in Washington


    Richard Helms, then director of the CIA, represented a somewhat divided


    press--perhaps with help from the Soviet KGB--or by American reporters, and that such disclosures would only help Allende.

    Helms' position at the 40 Committee meeting was influenced by memories of the Chilean presidential election of 1964. At that time he had been chief of the Clandestine Services* and had been actively involved in planning the CIA's secret efforts to de­feat Allende, who was then running against Eduardo Frei.** Frei had won the Presidency, but now, six years later, he was constitutionally forbidden to succeed himself, and Allende's candidacy therefore seemed stronger than before.

    * The official name for this part of the CIA is the Directorate of Operations (until early 1973 the Directorate of Plans), but it is more appropriately referred to within the agency as the Clan­destine Services. Some members of Congress and certain jour­nalists call it the "Department of Dirty Tricks", a title never used by CIA personnel.

    ** Nine years later Laurence Stern of the Washington Post fi­nally exposed the CIA's massive clandestine effort in the 1%4 Chilean election. He quoted a strategically placed U.S. intelli­gence official as saying, "U.S. government intervention in Chile was blatant and almost obscene. " [H: You can be sure, right off, that it was a "planted story" because the Washington Post is a primary Establishment paper.] Stern reported that both the State Department and the Agency for International De­velopment cooperated with the CIA in funnelling up to $20 mil­lion into the country, and that one conduit for the funds was an ostensibly private organization called the International Devel­opment Foundation.

    Anti-American feelings had grown in Chile since 1964, and one reason was widespread resentment of U.S. interference in Chile's internal affairs. The Chilean leftist press had been full of charges of CIA involvement in the 1964 elections, and these reports had not been without effect on the electorate. Addition­ally, in 1965 the exposure of the Pentagon's ill-advised Project Camelot had further damaged the reputation of the U.S. gov­ernment. Ironically, Chile was not one of the principal target countries of the Camelot project, a multimillion-dollar social-science research study of possible counterinsurgency techniques in Latin America. But the existence of Camelot had first been made public in Chile, and newspapers there--of all political stripes--condemned the study as "intervention" and "imper­ialism." One paper said, in prose typical of the general reaction, that Project Camelot was "intended to investigate the military and political situation prevailing in Chile and to deter­mine the possibility of an anti-democratic coup." Politicians of both President Frei's Christian Democratic Party and Allende's leftist coalition protested publicly. The final result was to cause Washington to cancel first, Camelot's limited activities in Chile, and then the project as a whole. While the CIA had not been a sponsor of Camelot, the project added to the fears among Chileans of covert American intelligence activities.

    In 1968 the CIA's own Board of National Estimates, after carefully studying the socio-political problems of Latin America, had produced a National Intelligence Estimate on that region for the U.S. government's planners and policy-makers. The cen­tral conclusion had been that forces for change in the devel­oping Latin nations were so powerful as to be beyond outside manipulation. This estimate had been endorsed by the United States Intelligence Board, whose members include the heads of the government's various intelligence agencies, and had then been sent to the White House and to those departments that were represented on the 40 Committee.

    The 1968 estimate had in effect urged against the kind of intervention that the 40 Committee was in 1970 considering with regard to Chile. But as is so often the case within the government, the most careful advance analysis based on all the intelligence available was either ignored or simply rejected when the time came to make a decision on a specific issue.


    Henry Kissinger, the single most powerful man at the 40 Committee meeting on Chile,

    25 1/2 LINES DELETED [H: Please, chelas, keep in mind the reason the lines are deleted--"national security". Is it not terrifying to find that one man can yield such power and bears the past of a foreign agent, no less??]

    During the next two months, before Allende was officially endorsed as President by the Chilean congress,


    Some months afterward President Nixon disingenuously ex­plained at a White House press conference: "As far as what happened in Chile is concerned, we can only say that for the United States to have intervened in a free election and to have turned it around, I think, would have had repercussions all around Latin America that would have been far worse than what happened in Chile."

    The following year, in the fall of 1972, CIA Director Helms, while giving a rare public lecture at Johns Hopkins University, was asked by a student if the CIA had mucked about in the 1970 Chilean election. His response: "Why should you care? Your side won."

    Helms was understandably perturbed. Columnist Jack An­derson had only recently reported "the ITT story", which among other things revealed that the CIA had indeed been involved in an effort to undo Allende's victory--even after he had won the popular vote. Much to the agency's chagrin, Anderson had shown that during September and October 1970, William Broe, chief of the Western Hemisphere Division of the CIA's Clan­destine Services, had met several times with high officials of ITT to discuss ways to prevent Allende from taking office. (The ITT board member who later admitted to a Senate investigative committee that he had played the key role in bringing together CIA and ITT officials was John McCone, director of the CIA during the Kennedy administration and, in 1970, a CIA consul­tant.) Broe had proposed to ITT and a few other American cor­porations with substantial financial interests in Chile a four-part plan of economic sabotage which was calculated to weaken the local economy to the point where the Chilean military authorities would move to take over the government and thus frustrate the Marxist's rise to power. ITT and the other firms later claimed they had found the CIA's scheme "not workable". But almost three years to the day after Allende's election, at a time when severe inflation, truckers' strikes, food shortages, and interna­tional credit problems were plaguing Chile, he was overthrown and killed in a bloody coup d'etat carried out by the combined action of the Chilean armed services and national police. His Marxist government was replaced by a military junta. What role American businesses or the CIA may have played in the coup is not publicly known, and may never be. ITT and the other giant corporations with investments in Chile have all denied any involvement in the military revolt. So has the U.S. government, although CIA Director William Colby admitted in secret testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee (revealed by Tad Szulc in the October 21, 1973, Washington Post) that the agency "had some intelligence coverage about the various moves being made," that it had "penetrated" all of Chile's major political parties, and that it had secretly furnished "some assistance" to certain Chilean groups. Colby, himself the former director of the bloody Phoenix counterintelligence pro­gram in Vietnam, also told the Congressmen that the executions carried out by the junta after the coup had done "some good" because they reduced the chances that civil war would break out in Chile--an excellent example of the sophistry with which the CIA defends its strategy of promoting "stability" in the Third World.

    Even if the CIA did not intervene directly in the final putsch, the U.S. government as a whole did take a series of actions de­signed to undercut the Allende regime. Henry Kissinger set the tone of the official U.S. position at a background press confer­ence in September 1970, when he said that Allende's Marxist regime would contaminate Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru--a stretch of the geopolitical imagination reminiscent of the South­east Asian domino theory. Another measure of the White House attitude--and an indication of the methods it was willing to use--was the burglarizing of the Chilean Embassy in Washington in May 1972 by the same men who the next month staged the break-in at the Watergate. [H: Ah ha! Getting interesting, isn't?] And the U.S. admittedly worked to undercut the Al­lende government by cutting off most economic assistance, dis­couraging private lines of credit, and blocking loans by inter­national organizations. State Department officials testifying be­fore Congress after the coup explained it was the Nixon admin­istration's wish that the Allende regime collapse economically, thereby discrediting socialism.

    Henry Kissinger has dismissed speculation among journalists and members of Congress that the CIA helped along this eco­nomic collapse and then engineered Allende's downfall; pri­vately he has said that the secret agency wasn't competent to manage an operation as difficult as the Chilean coup. Kissinger had already been supervising the CIA's most secret operations for more than four years when he made this disparaging remark. Whether he was telling the truth about the CIA's non-involve­ment in Chile or was simply indulging in a bit of official lying (called "plausible denial"), he, along with the President, would have made the crucial decisions on the Chilean situation. For the CIA is not an independent agency in the broad sense of the term, nor is it a governmental agency out of control. Despite occasional dreams of grandeur on the part of some of its clan­destine operators, the CIA does not on its own choose to over­throw distasteful governments or determine which dictatorial regimes to support. Just as the State Department might seek, at the President's request, to discourage international aid institu­tions from offering loans to "unfriendly" governments, so does the CIA act primarily when called upon by the Executive. The agency's methods and assets are a resource that come with the office of the Presidency.

    Thus, harnessing the agency's clandestine operators is not the full, or even the basic, solution to the CIA problem. The key to the solution is controlling and requiring accountability of those in the White House and elsewhere in the government who direct or approve, then hide behind, the CIA and its covert operations. This elusiveness, more than anything else, is the problem posed by the CIA.


    This is a good place to interrupt the writing for we need to be elsewhere. When we begin the book again, we will start at page 44: Intelligence Versus Covert Action. Thank you, Dharma. We will try to pace this so that the burden of this extra work is kept to a minimum of inconvenience to you as well as the read­ers. You will simply have to trust me that this is a most im­portant exercise in bringing public this information in this man­ner. Ones involved in today's uncovering will come under the gun more acutely than in their first revelations. This is because so few paid attention early-on--NOW, the public will begin to listen but breaking the law or blatantly contempting court orders will NOT help--it would be a most destructive distractor. Ones in contact with these writers--please emphasize need for discre­tion and actions within total legal limits. We need help--not a bunch of incarcerated patriots unable to do anything save give us more problems and expense of gaining release. We must not be in distraction through foolishness--we need no incarcerated nor dead martyrs. This job requires very "alive" and able-to-work patriots and Godly people. Chaotic demonstrations are set in­tentionally to distract and confuse--WE MUST WORK WITHIN TOTAL REASON WITH A SINGLE GOAL--OR PLEASE, DO NOT YET ACT AT ALL SAVE IN SECURE MANNER. TRUTH WILL "OUT" IF WE DO OUR WORK PROPERLY AND ALWAYS WITHIN "TOTAL REASON" FOR THE EN­EMY WORKS THROUGH DECEIT AND CHAOS WITHOUT "THINKING". REASON PRESENTED CAUSES MAN TO "THINK" AND THUS CAN HE LEARN TO SEE AND HEAR. LET THESE TRUTHS BE SELF-EVIDENT AND WE SHALL PREVAIL--BUT ALWAYS, WATCH YOUR BACK­SIDES BECAUSE THE ENEMY IS OUT TO GET YOU! FURTHER, HE WORKS BEST WITHIN YOUR OWN SPACES WITHIN--BE MOST CAUTIOUS.

    SALU, Hatonn to clear.

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