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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 43
    "Tangled webs are woven when the lies of Man are spoken. In the weaving is deceit, from which Man shall find no safe retreat. Through TRUTH shall come thine only route, for God attends the final bout".



    The Phoenix Journals are intended as a "real time" commentary on current events, how current events relate to past events and the relationships of both to the physical and spiritual destinies of mankind.

    All of history, as we now know it, has been revised, rewritten, twisted and tweaked by selfishly motivated men to achieve and maintain control over other men. When one can understand that everything is comprised of "energy" and that even physical matter is "coalesced" energy, and that all energy emanates from God's thought, one can accept the idea that the successful focusing of millions of minds on one expected happening will cause it to happen.

    If the many prophecies made over thousands of years are accepted, these are the "end times" (specifically the year 2000, the second millennium, etc.). That would put us in the "sorting" period and only a few short years from the finish line. God has said that in the end-times would come the WORD--to the four corners of the world--so that each could decide his/her own course toward, or away from, divinity--based upon TRUTH.

    So, God sends His Hosts--Messengers--to present that TRUTH. This is the way in which He chooses to present it, through the Phoenix Journals. Thus, these journals are Truth, which cannot be copyrighted; they are compilations of information already available on Earth, researched and compiled by others (some, no doubt, for this purpose) which should not be copyrighted. Therefore, these journals are not copyrighted (except SIPAPU ODYSSEY which is "fiction").

    The first sixty or so journals were published by America West Publishing which elected to indicate that a copyright had been applied for on the theory that the ISBN number (so necessary for booksellers) was dependent upon the copyright. Commander Hatonn, the primary author and compiler, insisted that no copyrights be applied for and, to our knowledge, none were.

    If the Truth is to reach the four corners of the world, it must be freely passed on. It is hoped that each reader will feel free to do that, keeping it in context, of course.


    The Phoenix Journals includes bibliographical references and indexes.
    Contents: [Tangled Webs] -- [Crucifixion of the Phoenix -- [etc.] -- Pleiades Connection (8 vol's).

    • 1. Spirit writings. I. Hatonn, Gyeorgos C. (Gyeorgos Ceres) II. Dharma, Computer person. III. Phoenix Journals.


    ISBN 0-922356-62-9

    First Edition Printed by America West Publishers, February 1992

    Published by
    P.O. BOX 27353
    LAS VEGAS, NV 89126
    Printed in the United States of America
    10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



    DEDICATION.......................................................................................... ...................
    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ...............
    RELIGIONS........................................................................................... ..............
    SURVIVAL OF THE REMNANT.....................................................................
    PAY ATTENTION........................................................................................... ...
    ONE THIRD--ONE THIRD--ONE THIRD.......................................................
    CHAPTER 1................................................................................................... ..............
    SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1992..................................................................
    TODAY'S WATCH.............................................................................................
    WHY SO WEARY?............................................................................................
    SECURITY............................................................................................ ...............
    SPEAKING OF COINCIDENCES.....................................................................
    GOALS OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300..........................................................
    ELYSIAN DAWN/LANTO................................................................................
    SANANDA............................................................................................. .............
    CHAPTER 2................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1992......................................................................
    TODAY'S WATCH.............................................................................................
    DISTRACTORS......................................................................................... ..........
    DR. COLEMAN............................................................................................. .....
    HOLY WAR Dr. J. Coleman.........................................................................
    CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... ..............
    TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1992.....................................................................
    TODAY'S WATCH.............................................................................................
    DOME OF ROCK EASIER TO UNDERSTAND.............................................
    CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... ..............
    WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1992..............................................................
    TODAY'S WATCH.............................................................................................
    HOTEL CANCELS SEMINAR..........................................................................
    NIXON AND BUSH ROLES IN THE MURDER OF JFK..............................
    CHAPTER 5................................................................................................... ..............
    THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1992..................................................................
    CONTINUATION: HOLY WAR CONSPIRACY............................................
    HONORS.............................................................................................. ................
    CHAPTER 6................................................................................................... ..............
    FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1992.........................................................................
    PLAYERS IN THE TEMPLE MOUNT CONSPIRACY .................................
    PLAYERS AT TEMPLE MOUNT.....................................................................
    CHAPTER 7................................................................................................... ..............
    SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 19921
    CHAPTER 8................................................................................................... ..............
    SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 1992.......................................................................
    AND QUATOR CORONATI LODGE............................................................
    SEPHARDIC ISRAEL.........................................................................................
    DESECRATION OF JUDAISM.........................................................................
    ORIGIN OF THIS CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE....................................................
    CHAPTER 9................................................................................................... ..............
    MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1992......................................................................
    TODAY'S WATCH.............................................................................................
    ONE WORLD CHURCH....................................................................................
    FUNDAMENTALISTS..................................................................................... ..
    BOLSHEVIKS.......................................................................................... ...........
    FELLOWSHIP OF FAITHS................................................................................
    KEDRANATH DAS GUPTA.............................................................................
    CHAPTER 10.................................................................................................. ............
    WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1992..............................................................
    TODAY'S WATCH.............................................................................................
    CONTRADICTIONS...................................................................................... .....
    STATE OF YOUR UNION.................................................................................
    WHY DIDN'T YOU KNOW?............................................................................
    CHAPTER 11.................................................................................................. ............
    FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1992.........................................................................
    TODAY'S WATCH.............................................................................................
    MESSAGES............................................................................................ .............
    COLEMAN............................................................................................. .............
    URGENT MATTERS BUSH'S SPEECH..........................................................
    NEW WORLD GOVERNMENT.......................................................................
    TRANSWORLD AIRLINES..............................................................................
    THE TRANSFORMATION................................................................................
    THE HOLD-UP OF A NATION (26TH IN A SERIES)....................................
    MEANING OF ZIONISM...................................................................................
    WHAT METHODS THE ZIONISTS USE........................................................
    SPEAK IN THE NAME OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE.......................................
    PHOTOGRAPHING "SPIRIT"...........................................................................
    RUSSIA HAS LOTS OF GRAIN--ASK THE ARMY......................................
    LYNDON LA ROUCHE.....................................................................................
    TERRY............................................................................................... ..................
    TO CRASS-HOPPER C.E.O...............................................................................
    CHAPTER 12.................................................................................................. ........
    SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1992 .................................................................
    TODAY'S WATCH.............................................................................................
    LEARN WHO THE ZIONISTS ARE!...............................................................
    NEW WORLD ORDER AND SAFETY "SHIELD"........................................
    HOPE AND FEAR..............................................................................................
    MIA/POW................................................................................................. ...........
    LOCKERBIE EVIDENCE WAS FAKED.........................................................
    and THE FELLOWSHIP OF FAITHS...............................................................
    CHRIST vs. CHRIST-ianity--Christianity.......................................................
    LINCOLN AND KENNEDY WERE AWARE.................................................
    JFK CROSSED THE ELITE...............................................................................
    WCC AND FCC................................................................................................. .
    NO 20 MILLION MEMBERS............................................................................
    BAHAI MOVEMENT.........................................................................................
    GOD OR MAN?................................................................................................ ..
    BEHIND THE ECOLOGY MOVEMENT........................................................
    HELENA PETROVNA BLAVATSKY.............................................................
    ANNIE BESANT.............................................................................................. ...
    WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FELLOWSHIP OF FAITHS?..........................
    "OLYMPIANS" PROMOTE FOF......................................................................
    BEHIND THE PUSH...........................................................................................
    POPE JOHN PAUL II..........................................................................................
    POPE JOHN PAUL I...........................................................................................
    ANTI-CHRISTIANITY AT WORK...................................................................
    1992--A KEY YEAR..........................................................................................
    CHART OF FELLOWSHIP OF FAITHS.....................................................
    CHAPTER 13.................................................................................................. ............
    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1992......................................................................
    NEW CONSTITUTION--DEATH OF FREEDOM..........................................
    WHITE HOUSE BLOCKS GRITZ....................................................................
    JAPAN............................................................................................... ...................
    "JFK" DOCUMENTS RELEASE and LIBERTY LOBBY..............................
    PROMOTION TO DISSOLVE CIA...................................................................
    ELITE TACTICS............................................................................................. ....
    STATE CITIZENSHIP ATTAINMENT............................................................
    CHAPTER 14.................................................................................................. ............
    REMNANTS--STATE CITIZENSHIP/TRUSTS..............................................
    CHAPTER 15.................................................................................................. ............
    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1992......................................................................
    BACK TO THE CIA--CULT..............................................................................
    INTELLIGENCE VERSUS COVERT ACTION...............................................


    This writing is dedicated to E.J. Ekker and George Green, who serve consistently and persistently in all hours of every day and night--and in myriads of diversified areas of work-kind. Names written in the history of this Earth Journey shall bear these ones along with the others of the Remnant. There are no human terms to express my appreciation and love unto these ones. I am pleased to work in your service. The slings and arrows shall be deflected and your legacy unto the generations to come shall be so-recognized.


    WED, FEBRUARY 5, 1992 9:40 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 172

    MATTHEW 24: 29,30:

    "Immediately AFTER the tribulations of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give off light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken; THEN WILL APPEAR THE SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN IN HEAVEN, and all the tribes of the earth shall mourn, AND THEY WILL SEE THE SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN WITH POWER AND GREAT GLORY".


    It is with anticipation of distress on the part of readers, that we pen these current volumes. There is such denial--both deliberate and passive--that it is hard to avoid bringing pain to almost ALL readers. If, however, you don't put aside willful refusal to lis­ten and see, you are destined for a most difficult journey in con­tinued misled traps.

    Ones pick a book from the JOURNALS, read a bit and bring the book back and blast the one who loans the material. They will read a few pages and then come back with inconceivable re­sponses. For instance, one who began the book, RAINBOW MASTERS, was totally absorbed and positive and then suddenly there was mention of the Bible and the book was slammed shut and the following interchange took place: "This is Satanic mate­rial and I won't read any more--he tells us not to read the Bible any more". Now, come, come--if anything, I have gone to great lengths to TELL EVERYONE TO READ EVERYTHING THEY CAN GET THEIR EYES ON. NEVER WOULD I, NOR WILL I, EVER TELL YOU NOT TO LOOK INTO ANYTHING AND/OR EVERYTHING.

    The most important fact, however, is that I care not whether or not you read or become informed. If you choose to continue in ignorance--then the choice is most certainly yours and you are welcome to it. I believe, however, that if you look around at what you deny you may well be wrong in your discernment.

    You can't believe in God presenting in this manner? You can't accept that you have been lied to? Come now, again--look around you for it is unfolding at breathtaking speed and you are caught in the whirlwind of chaos. The adversary certainly KNOWS who we are and is at breakneck speed trying to dis­count and bury the information. There are books confiscated at all entries into Canada under "hate crimes" and "child pornog­raphy". George and Desiree' were under total assault by a su­perbly planned attack on them during this month's visit into Canada. From terrified hotel managers to outright "tailing". In Canada the citizens are sick at heart for they lost their "rights" and didn't know it. In Canada, any mention publicly regarding speculation as to different possibilities of the German Holocaust is grounds for incarceration in prison. The Greens are called "hate-mongers" and "racists" because they handle material that mentions the words "Jew", "Zionist", Holocaust and others deemed "hate" by the very groups who openly call themselves Jews, Zionists, etc. If that is not "hate crime" and "racist", I cannot imagine what you would call it, and yet no protections come from the law and/or government. Ah yes, the adversary knows he has been nailed and he is going to do anything under the sun in criminal activities to squelch you-the-people.

    Your President has just told you the rules under which he is go­ing to play. He cares not for position of President--he will be a leading head of the UN Global Government. He is functioning under total blackmail tactics for his prior criminal activities--of which I share many in this book so will not present here in an introduction.

    Just as with the JFK cover-up, the CIA and government are in­volved in assassinations, drug running and total corruption in concert with the criminal Mafia--now flowing openly into your country from Russia.


    The world is flooded with hundreds to thousands of doctrines and religions. None bear the CHRIST-ianity as proffered by the Christ. We are going to set them to straight whether or not you enjoy the reading thereof. You are misled intentionally and the most powerful tool to your destruction was the gaining of total control over your religious faith.

    We will consider the New Age group to which we have been linked and thrust about. WE ARE NOT! New Age, as a cult movement, will be the final destruction of your globe. I use this broadly for ALL the OLD doctrines are actually NEW AGE. The Talmudic Cabalistic Elders have thrust the Protocols of One World Control, by year 2000, upon the nations and people and you swallowed it completely.

    Although the rainbow seems to be only a colored arc of light re­fracted through raindrops, to both Christians and New Agers it has very deep meanings--and this is only an example of the lies sent upon you.

    According to the Bible, which has much of validity in its pristine state--but written for your blueprint to downfall into the trap--the rainbow is symbolic of God's everlasting covenant that he would never again destroy the earth by flood. The facts are, He never destroyed the Earth by flood--check out Noah--he landed quite safely upon the Earth after the floods.

    However, in another direction the New Age Movement uses rainbows to signify their building of the "Rainbow Bridge" (antahkarana) between man and Lucifer who, they say, is the over-soul. Now if that doesn't hook you right in with the Con­spirators Plan 2000, then you can't read. Lucifer is the god of the Conspirators--and sweet ones, He is the anti-Christ by any name. The groups abounding now place Lucifer, (the fallen son) into the place of the Christ--the risen son. He lies to you and promises you that which will never happen for he is of the physical manifestation--restricted now to that level of existence through evil. Christ is the glory of that dimension yet to mani­fest.

    Then, ones who simply want to be good and forgiving people play into the hands of the deceivers. The rainbow decals, for instance, are signs to other members within the "Movement"--but some simply find the symbol a nice, friendly and warm dec­oration of brotherhood. In this are the hidden meanings and promises of entrapment, for it "marks" or "brands" you.

    Paul, the so-called apostle, could make his predictions about the "falling away" as laid forth in the Bible--for he set it up for you to use as a blueprint of action. Furthermore, if you do not awaken unto Truth--you shall march right through the destruc­tion as laid forth for your demise.

    I and my Hosts are come to bring you the WORD--not force it down anyone's throat. If you are not in the awakening into Truth of actions and intent--you are not of the lambs to come aboard God's places prepared for God's people. It is simple and succinct. This is the WORD, the instructions and the facts. You don't have to read them, see them or believe them--but you may well come to wish you had done so.

    If you base "your opinion" on another's interpretation or limita­tions--woe may well be yours for you will have given away your own God Power into the hands of others who can do naught for you on "judgment day"--alone will a man stand in judging ac­tions of his manifested journey--none can do it for you and "excuses" are cast aside.

    You don't believe in Hatonn/Aton or any of this material? So be it and spare me the time of adjusting to your argument. I do not come to argue, debate or concern with those who do not wish participation. I do, however, suggest you reason carefully and with logic even according to the word you do trust and then you may see the contradictions presented by those who call themselves Christians and leaders.

    You have no proper concept of God or existence and you refuse to listen to Truth as you prefer the lie which locks you into physical and total limitation. That is yours to accept or deny--it is simply that it makes not one iota of difference in the Truth of the circumstances.

    I know that these Truths as given have shocked and startled the apathetic who may still be unaware of your greatness that is giving way to Humanism to the extent of demise of the nation it­self. You must look at metro-government controls, Socialism and Communism, as being right in your living rooms now. But authors were warning you about these coming losses of free­doms in America for decades. You have been told long ago: "This nation sometimes appears to be no longer governed by the desires of the majority but rather by the minority who flaunt the laws of the Nation. Why these actions are condoned and are allowed to continue, is beyond all reasonable comprehension. The APATHY of the law abiding citizen is alarming and in due time will be the determining factor in the COMPLETE AND FINAL DECADENCY OF THIS COUN­TRY...and God has a deaf ear for those who are not vigilant and who slothfully relinquish their divine freedom".

    The above was written by Frank A. Phillips in an article enti­tled, TELL IT AS IT IS and is at least as far back as 1970 in re­peated projection.

    Those of you readers who have availed yourselves of the writ­ings in series of David H. Lewis, you would have come to the conclusion that there are those on the "not-so-great" planet Earth who are in Knowing that man's final destiny must be in a place of retreat and refuge as the remnant of your civilization. The place is not important nor the challenge--the time is at hand in the physical evolution to face the need of survival of this rem­nant.

    The Holy Remnant as well as the human remnant must prevail through these pressing tribulations...and you must fight for America's survival as well as your own. Now is the time to re­verse your declining direction lest it never have opportunity to be reversed. You have, actually, only one weapon which shall allow you passage--God. I suggest you ponder it and then get as informed as you can. Obviously, since you are in still down­ward motion--you have not been in seeing the direction neces­sary through the veil of lies.

    I am going to relay some information given forth in 1980 by one called David Lewis. I find it appropriate to share a bit of his "Introduction" with you readers. I do not agree with much that he writes but by and large truth is scattered in unmeasured re­source in his work. Let us just quote and give honor for I only want to draw you an already painted picture through his pen, so that you can vision some probable happenings even if war does not tear the planet apart in sudden demise.




    In the grim years ahead, the time is 2000. The place: Earth,---now a desolate planet slowly dying by its own accumulated er­rors and follies. Its dying is the end result of man's wasteful years, his growth of technologies in the wrong direction, his fear of being conquered and his inability to cope with the reality that people are a human entity of God and not to be used or mis­used as a tool of whimsical temperament to deprive, starve or destroy at will.

    By man's own choice, the earth in Global 2000 lies barren of its forests while sand dunes rapidly spread over the fertile farm lands that once served us so well. Nearly two million species of plant life have withered on the burned stalks; birds, insects and animals have vanished from sight; the once sparkling rivers that gave life to the world are now dried and the river bottoms are likened to the skin of the crocodile. The fertile valleys, the golden wheat fields, citrus groves and millions of acres of veg­etables are now only a faint recollection of the past. Aircraft no longer fly over our cities and the traffic congested streets are the silent ghosts of an era past. Sidewalks are no longer the foot paths for hurried feet for, although they barely remain, the memory is now lurking in the shadows of the blackened fog of radioactivity that shrouds the atmosphere.

    Nearby and far off structures that once housed a metropolis of activity has changed from the architectural splendor into a dreaded nightmare of man's stubborn attempts to defy God and nature as he changes the atom into weapons of destruction. Yet with this aforehead knowledge firmly planted in the minds of most intelligent men, knowing that this era will come to a close, he is still propagating so rapidly that his momentum is carrying him even faster to a civilization demise.

    This bleak and solemn scenario is not science fiction to any degree but a detailed study of the real world's future in Global 2000, which is a prophecy that is merely waiting to be played out. Global 2000 could grow into an even darker picture prior to this great historical event if we continue to speed up the intri­cate acts and threats of wars, thus painting an absolute shocking picture of the world fifteen years from now.

    God did not plan our future but knowing man as He does, his prophecies will ring true on that day of Global 2000 and 2001. Man has insisted on his own follies and has learned little by his mistakes, thus he has paved his own road to the abyss of hell--taking with him--all of mankind.

    Today we live in a era where nearly everything is geared to­ward armament and destruction. Our guns are in readiness, our attitudes are tense, faces grim with the progressing news of world events. Frustration mounting and nerves frayed to near short circuits. We have approached that time in our society where it is now fashionable to burn all candles at both ends, outwardly demonstrate our greed and selfishness, stimulate riots and discontent and scoff at those who still show some Christian background.

    To our deepened regret, government officials throughout the world have planted the seeds of deceit, spoken unforgivable words in their constant wrangling, prepared many guises in or­der to cover the actual intentions, led the masses to complete ig­norance and have aided the communistic parties where they in turn can begin to take over our freedoms within this great nation. Yet in a war of nerves to the American people, they lead us to believe there will be no impending dangers--while they silently proceed with their plans toward a One World Govern­ment, a One World Order, a One World Religion, and for a money control--a One World Bank. Is this the freedom promised you under our Constitution?


    You are now dealing with and within that "tomorrow"--it has arrived! It is based on the truth of man's great follies and how you can survive those later days. What you cannot do is back away from the conclusions as we present the scenarios unto you one after another. You can no longer sidestep and deny the conclusions of Global 2000. The stakes are now far too high for the United States and for all mankind.


    I suggest you clearly attend the following projections given in your long distant writings--especially you good, but misguided, Christians. What has been prophesied WILL HAPPEN, for man has brought these tribulations down on himself. It is common knowledge, and all experts on the subject will have to agree, that it is only a matter of time before you have a mal­function on the "safety systems" controlling the magnificent weapons, beam projectors, thermonuclear weaponry or some politician who has a terminal case of "belfry bats" unleashes a Holocaust by a direct or accidental means. Whether the "Big One" Holocaust comes by accident or design matters little to the victim.

    By the way, how is it that ones take my material and "assume", as with the Case of the Anti-Defamation League Zionist Jews, that the JOURNALS SPEAK OF A JEWISH/NAZI HOLO­CAUST? BY THEIR OWN WORDS THEY "...HAVEN'T ACTUALLY READ THE HEINOUS LIES IN THE JOURNALS". THERE IS A FAR BIGGER HOLOCAUST IN STORE FOR MANKIND THAN A BIT OF "SHOW AND TELL" IN NAZI-LAND. Further, Zionism once meant God's children finding God in God's city (home). "Zionism is simply a deceitful POLITICAL PARTY and actually has far fewer "Jews" than any other race involved. The "true Jews" are destined and planned for exclusion as soon as it can be arranged by the British Zionists through the Committee of 300.

    There is an interesting bit of information which may be of great interest to you--for IF you don't see that you are playing into the blueprint of the ones who wrote your demise in the book--you are going to experience it as surely as night follows day.

    Biblical Prophecy, other Holy Scriptures and competent military estimates all confirm that approximately ONE THIRD of the world populace, within the bounds of a "ground zero" will be executed in the initial set of explosions; an additional ONE THIRD will die of the after effects: radiation poisoning, con­taminated food and water, the lack of proper medical supplies, neglect and above all--exposure to the fallout. The military ac­tions that will certainly follow such a devastation--will take ad­vantage of the final ONE THIRD, who in turn will be drafted into total slavery, either by your own government or by the systems of the invading forces! You can verify these predictions in the book of Ezekiel, Chapter 5: verses 7-11.

    I suggest you stop trying to figure out if God may or may not be serious in His projections--but pay attention to that which is evi­dent before you.

    "Therefore thus says the Lord God: Because you are more turbulent than the nations that are around you, and have not walked in my statutes to the ordinances, but have acted accord­ing to the ordinances of the nations that are round about you; therefore thus says the Lord God: Behold I, even I, am against you; and I will execute judgments in the midst of you in the sight of the nations. And because of all your abominations I will do with you what I have never done, and the like of which I will never do again. Therefore, Fathers shall eat their sons in the midst of you, and sons shall eat their fathers; and any of you who survive I shall scatter to the winds. Wherefore, as I live, says the Lord God, surely, because you have defiled my sanctu­ary with all your detestable things and with all your abomina­tions, therefore I will cut you down".

    I believe this speaks for itself. This too, without acknowl­edgment of all of the other atrocities perpetrated upon this won­drous Creation and His other creatures. In this matter you stand WARNED and thy warnings are run out. So be it.

    Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton on this day counted 172, in your year 5 of the Great Cycle and time of Migration, do affix my seal. May you give heed to the call for the hourglass has been turned--by the adversary--in fulfillment of his planned takeover of that which is God 's.

    Since it is already KNOWN and so WRITTEN that GOD WINS, I suggest you give ample thought to your plight and on whose side is your service. Salu.
    첨부된 파일 첨부된 파일
    Last edited by web master; 2013-01-15 at 20:52.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 43
    SAT., JANUARY 18, 1992 7:58 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 155



    Dharma, the heart and mind are often bewildered and over­whelmed. You, like all readers, must simply keep going. You were never told that it would be an easy snap to reclaim freedom and your Constitutional "rights" as citizens. Nothing has changed since yesterday except that today "you know". Oh, I see--you would rather NOT know! Precious, that is simply not true or you would not be at the keyboard now for you know that when we sit we ARE going to write of these things. This is our mission.

    Know, dear ones, that as the going gets tough but the tough get going--you have far more help than you can possibly dream about--unless, of course, you are already dreaming of God! You don't know, for your world is so confused and chaotic, even who attends the Cosmospheres. Russians? Are ALL Rus­sians terrible KGB operatives? Are ALL Americans in the same CIA as deals drugs? Of course not. In every nation there are patriots struggling for freedom and human rights to live worthy and happy lives within God's balance and freedom. Do not dis­count your enemies--but neither discount your friends and al­lies. You know NOT the contract of God with another brother.


    You who read and effort to "act" are frustrated and abashed because it appears hopeless and overwhelming in scope. Yes, it is large but you must remember the world is run by a Committee of only 300 and "they" must solicit assistance from ones who expect something very large in return.

    Let us example David Duke and the Dallas Morning News to­day. There was a typical biased interview but the answers were good and the challenges met quite satisfactorily. Remember that the paper is one of the leaders of the organized Establishment press. The front page story was splashed in bold outline across the paper and all contents were cut and slashed and it appeared that Duke was still a cross-burning torture-monger.

    Then go to the next story presented for the day: "Mort Sahl hits another target". Then Mort Sahl presents on stage and in inter­view an Oliver Stone bashing. Dear ones, FACTS are that the movie is correct. Either way--right or wrong--Oliver Stone made a motion picture which only presented an alternative as­pect of "A" STORY. If, indeed, the story is so unreal and so false--what difference?? Oliver Stone made a motion picture which is business-wise doing well. He claims to be a movie maker--not a politician. Why the fuss from the Established media and Zionist masters?

    Let me tell you if you don't know. There is a lot you don't seem to understand even after I tell you and tell you and tell you! The Zionist movement with homeland is a fabrication--not of "Hebrew Jewry" but of, hold your breath: British In­telligence--MI6 and J10. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the head of the fact-finding committee of the ADL is one Irwin Suall, also known as John Graham. Oh yes indeed, you will get all sorts of denials--GO FIND OUT THE FACTS; IT IS WELL DOCUMENTED! Suel is, in re­ality, the James Bond of the ADL.

    If you can't remember the story of Iraq and Kuwait, I sug­gest you put down your yellow flag and start studying your world situation. YOU; AMERICA, FOUGHT A WAR IN THE MIDDLE-EAST PURELY AND SIMPLY AT THE ORCHESTRATION OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300 AND THE BRITISH CROWN. Great Britain has been controlling your nation since your war of 1812 and now totally controls you. Wherever you find war and unrest--you will find Great Britain sneaking behind the scenes utilizing the Zionists, the Americans, the CIA and any of their other arms of operations. You are literally pawns of the British Crown--with operations instructions from the Committee of 300 with the major ranking control club-THE CLUB OF ROME.

    I believe you DO want information and rather than go back and read 48 JOURNALS and still have missing pieces in this partic­ular area of action--you must have Dr. Coleman's book which I believe will be entitled: CONSPIRATORS' HIERARCHY: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300.

    Please, do not go forth and announce that this author or that au­thor already wrote "all that stuff". They have not and the ones who have done so have utilized Dr. Coleman's intelligence in­formation. You are being provided, readers, with Truth--most of it totally "original" from the "horse's mouth". Yes there is some excellent resource for information and many good vol­umes. I tell you, however, as to the hierarchy of the con­trollers--THIS IS THE BOOK. I urge you spell-checkers to move in your preparations--that book needs to be out NOW. We care not if words are out of order or misspelled--GET THAT BOOK PUBLISHED WHILE YOU STILL CAN DO SO. THERE IS NO OTHER SOURCE WHICH CAN EVEN BEGIN TO MEASURE-UP TO THE INSIGHT AND DOCUMENTATION. PUBLISH IT IN PORTIONS IF YOU CAN'T GET IT READY IMMEDIATELY BUT GET IT FLOWING! I DO NOT WISH TO DEVOTE THE LIBERATOR TO THIS MATTER IN TOTAL BUT YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO SET ANYTHING TO POLITICAL AND POWER RIGHT UNTIL YOU KNOW YOUR ENEMY!!!


    Why would I cover one man's name and then advertise another's? Because I have a purpose in the first as well as in the latter.

    I am compiling the integration of that which went wrong in tid­bits enough to cause you to pay attention--THEN, you must move on for self and glean Truth as to your plight NOW and know the players. John Coleman knows me and comes under my direct protection. The authors in point regarding the CIA document I am utilizing do not realize, yet, that they are work­ing with me. They will be quite surprised as they note that there are no coincidences.


    For the Constitution Law Center, please: Gene Dixon, please take note that as you work on the illegal activities in taking away Demjanjuk's citizenship arbitrarily, with malice and illegally--you have now contacted those who KNOW ALL THOSE LAWS BY HEART. Rubino, in the Noriega railroad set-up, knows all there is to know about the subject and will be most happy to share with you. Utilize every avenue made available to you for you will find the instructions in ALL of these various and sundry cases originate right back to the White House as a functional being of this Committee of 300-Club of Rome. Many of these cases are balloons to see how much the public will al­low and I believe you note that the public will allow any- and every-thing. Not only will they allow it but they will feast upon the blood of the victim and trample the path to the Elite door in bended homage to the beast. Do they love to bend to Caesar or evil? No, they just don't know any better for the Truth has not been given them so that they can understand the total control of practiced brainwashing.

    You who have been following my work know of the Protocols and Manifesto wherein the blueprint has been laid for genera­tions. I shall undoubtedly have to publish the list of actions again soon but let us assume you remember the one, two, three order of world take-over.

    Now, I am going to take the liberty of utilizing a small section of Coleman's treatise as presented in a form easily perceived. The goals of the secret elite group which calls itself the "Olympians " (these are the Elite in the Club of Rome/Committee of 300). These individuals sincerely believe that they hold the Royal right of Divine action through their god, Lucifer, and the other legendary gods. There is no humming and hawing--they will tell you right up front that Lucifer is their God. I tell you that Lucifer is the fallen god kicked out of the places of Holy God. These Olympians be­lieve they have been charged with implementing the follow­ing by that divine right. Well, they have! The only problem is that it is the Dark God of physical dimension who intends to claim all which is YOURS by the divine right of Lighted God of Hosts. They intend to control all material physical things and your SOUL. By the way--THE intelligence arm of this group and, actually, all groups of secret intelligence organi­zations except formerly in Germany, is the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIF). You will need to know this so that the understanding comes quickly when you get your hands on the well-written and organized operations manual for the group from Dr. Coleman.

    So, let us look at the list following as I brief it down for I am not going to give this book in parts as I have others for it is nec­essary that you have the information as laid forth and in proper order of outlay. You will not be bored as it reads more like a Who's Who of James Bondsville. This outlays the present working blueprint for the taking of your world--the operations manual for the Protocols/Manifesto of Global Conquest One World Government--Plan 2000.

    Thank you, Dr. Coleman:


    (1) A One World government-New World Order with a uni­fied church and monetary system under their direction. Not many people are aware that the One World Government be­gan setting up its "church" in the 1920's/1930's, for they (Editors: please do not correct s's to z's as John writes in the "King's English" and spells thusly) realised the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind to have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church" body to channel that belief in the direction they desired. [H: The changing of spiritual impact and thrust into the physical "blood" "death", cruci­fixion", "no responsibility for actions" and "rapture", "mysticism", "astrology" and "Jewish homeland at all and any costs" is a direct offshoot of this "new" religion. In other words, a shifting of goals from the spiritual into the physical display and actions for achievement.]

    (2) The utter destruction of all national identity and national pride.

    (3) The destruction of religion and more especially the Christian religion, with the one exception, their own creation mentioned above.

    (4) Control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Brzenzinski call "technotronics" which would create human-like robots and a system of terror be­side which Felix Dzerzinski's Red Terror will look like children at play. [H: This won't make a lot of sense at the moment but I intend to break down the Brzenzinski book which he wrote as a mandate from the Club of Rome. I have given you the breakdown of "technotronics" but I fear you won't put it together with this scenario. You are shocked each time I write of duplicates and robotic duplicates and synthetics. YOU HAVE THEM NOW AND THEY ARE PRE­SENT IN MASSIVE NUMBERS AND HAVE BEEN VERY FUNCTIONAL AND PROGRAMMED FOR DECADES. THERE WERE A HALF DOZEN "OSWALDS" RUNNING, AROUND DALLAS AND PLACES THERE-ABOUTS AT THE TIME OF THE KENNEDY MURDER. You must catch up with the story for you have been deliberately kept in the darkness and ignorant of these things by telling you it is not technically "possible". Ah, it is possible and it IS NOW! You are NOW IN THE FUTURE!]

    (5) An end to all industrialisation and the production of nu­clear generated electric power in what they call "the post-in­dustrial zero-growth society". Exempted are the computer and service industries. United States industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labour is available. Unemployables in the wake of in­dustrial destruction will either become opium-heroin and or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination pro­cess we know today as Global 2000. [H: If you think this is also far-fetched, then try this fact on for size: The Global 2000 Plan annihilates a minimum of 100 million Americans alone, by year 2050. They HOPE to have it accomplished by year 2000.]

    (6) Legalisation of drugs and pornography.

    (7) Depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. It is interesting to note that Pol Pot's genocidal plans were drawn up here in the United States by one of the Club of Rome's research foundations. It is also interesting that the Committee is presently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia. [H: Remember that there must be a trial run on any tactics and notice that you will find global chaos as focus or distractions as they are being tested. The impact is always one of total horror (as with the Vietnam test on individual and total control of troops) so that the very image of having to face such monsters prevents the citizens of the world from taking a stand against the Elite. Please note that in the nations where the pressure and control have been worst, however, many are willing to fight and die for the prevention of the return of the beasts.]

    (8) Suppression of all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Committee. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments presently being scorned and ridiculed by the Committee and its jackals of the press. Development of the fusion torch would blow the Committee's conception of "limited natural resources" right out of the window. A fusion torch properly used could create unlim­ited untapped natural resources from the most ordinary substances. Fusion torch uses are legion and would benefit mankind in a manner which is as yet not even remotely comprehended by the public.

    (9) Cause by means of limited wars in the advanced coun­tries, and by means of starvation and diseases in Third World countries, the death of 3 billion people by the year 2000, people they call "useless eaters". The Committee of 300 commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this sub­ject of how best to bring about such genocide. The paper was produced under the title the "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for action by President Carter, for and on behalf of the U.S. Government, and accepted by Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of State. Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the United States is to be reduced by 100 million by the year 2050.

    [H: Dr. Coleman will tell you to make a list of members as he rolls them off to you so that you can begin to study the news as they keep coming to the forefront. Some will be names you don't recognize only to find them popping up ev­erywhere and always serving and presenting a lie of goals. Cyrus Vance is a good one to watch as a for instance for he is constantly running around in the East Bloc nations in the name of the UN peace keeping forces. "They" have their people in all political power places, dear ones.]

    (10) To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demor­alise workers in the labour class by creating mass unem­ployment. As jobs dwindle due to the post-industrial zero-growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, demor­alised and discouraged workers will resort to alcohol and drugs. The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit. In this regard The Committee of 300 commissioned Tavistock Institute [H:Tavistock Institute for Human Relations--a part of Sussex University; Britain's Psychological Warfare Bu­reau.] to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research (Institute) [H: Getting close to home is it not?] to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon. This work later became known as "The Aquarian Conspiracy".

    [H: Ed Y., please take note for you will be hearing much more about SRI and I thank you for the information just sent to me regarding the Institute. There are incredibly dangerous beams being sent from that installation and there are no "countering" stations in the area save my own. Peo­ple have to wake up and some day they will realize how (literally) lucky they are to have various ones of our people in the vicinity where these games are played.]

    (11) To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then "managing" such crises. This will confuse and demor­alise the population to the extent where, faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result. In the case of the United States, an agency for crisis management is al­ready in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Manage­ment Agency (FEMA), whose existence I first disclosed in 1980. There will be more on FEMA as we proceed.

    (12) To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which include rock "music" gangsters. [H: For instance you will find the group, Rolling Stones, favoured by European Black Nobility--and, too, remember they were favorites of the Reagans. The "rock" groups which began with "The Beatles" were created by Tavistock.]

    (13) To continue to build up the cult of Christian funda­mentalism begun by the British East India Company's ser­vant, Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist state of Israel through identifying with the Jews through the myth of "God's Chosen People" and by donating very sub­stantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity. [H: Zionism, remember, is not "religious"--it is a POLITICAL PARTY!]

    (14) To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out experiments of the "Jim Jones" and "Son of Sam" type of murders. It is worth noting that the late Ayatollah Khomeini was a creation of British Intelligence Mili­tary-Intelligence Division 6, commonly known as MI6, as I reported in my 1985 work, "What Really Happened in Iran".

    (15) To export "religious liberation" ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions but more especially the Christian religion. This began with "Jesuit Liberation Theology" which brought about the downfall of the Somoza family rule in Nicaragua and which is today destroying El Salvador, now 25 years into a "civil war", Costa Rica and Honduras. One very active entity engaged in so-called liber­ation theology is the Communist-oriented Mary Knoll Mis­sion. This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll's so-called nuns in El Sal­vador a few years ago.

    The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely documented by the government of El Salvador. The United States press and news media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation in possession of the Salvadorian government, documentation which proved what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the country. Mary Knoll is in service in many countries, and played a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhode­sia, Mozambique, Angola and South Africa.

    (16) To cause a total collapse of the world's economies and engender total political chaos.

    (17) To take control of all foreign and domestic policies of the United States.

    (18) To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institu­tions of lesser effect by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the United Nations.

    (19) To penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of na­tions represented by them.

    (20) Organise a world-wide terrorist apparatus and negoti­ate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi who persuaded the Italian and U.S. governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnappers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier. As an aside, General Dozier is under orders not to talk about what happened to him. Should he break that si­lence, he will no doubt be made "a horrible example of in the manner in which Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and General Zio ul Hag. [H: In this book you will also find the line of ascent of one Henry Kissinger and how he is into everything, real or robotoid. You are already noting, I hope, that Henry Kissinger is into EVERYTHING--EVERYWHERE!]

    [H: If you can't see the results in perfection of this attack then I suppose we have nothing to discuss for the blindness may be terminal. This is a demand in the Blueprint of the Protocols and it has not only been attempted--IT HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED!!!]

    ***** THANK YOU, JOHN *****

    If the foregoing seems a thrust on my part to "advertise", then indeed, I have made my point. I realize that I give you sugges­tions as to books to obtain, constantly--this is a "MUST" if you wish to be informed. Others have written and I give great honor to ones such as Eustace Mullins who writes from research which is incredible and easily confirmed by documentation. Others write from experience such as the story in point on the CIA. It is that "experience" backed by the documented "confirmation" which gives you the unequivocal proof you claim to seek.

    If you will do your homework, Hatonn can get back to the won­drous and glorious things of the Universe which await you who will choose the Lighted Path. I do not like the blasts and denials and the destruction any more than do you, but I will serve in my mission as long as there is a breath of life on your planet wish­ing to find TRUTH. So be it.

    Now since, again, I have filled the document with other subjects than the one on the CIA cult, I shall offer one more bit of in­sight.

    We received a letter from one in Sedona who signs his work, Elysian Dawn and Lanto. Sananda relieved me of the duty to respond for which I am most appreciative since it seemed pointed at Sananda (Esu). I have my own response but some­how, as my mission is centered right now on physical and very clandestine matters, I will simply present the letter and the re­sponse as shared with me. Dharma did not receive the response--again, I am most grateful for she is extremely pressured and Sananda regularly transmits to both Thomas and Druthea. Without the sharing of this load of work, we have no hope of getting enough information out to serve the need. Thank you.

    First just copy the letter as presented:

    From: Don Barnebey
    General Delivery
    Sedona, AZ 86336

    [H: I publish this information since he has published ours and challenges me to a meeting with his Elysian Dawn and Lanto. I wonder--so far, channels who DO show up, never seem to produce their speakers!]

    Dear Folks -

    Have enjoyed many of the investigative reports of the Phoenix Liberator.

    Even if there does seem to be an element of paranoia in it and a right wing agenda against racemixing, feminists and gays, for instance as you stated in the Dec. 30 issue. Also holocaust revi­sionism.

    You have a right to your half truths and cosmic error like ev­eryone else. I try to use discernment so can separate some of the wheat from the chaff.

    At least you're not afraid to tackle subjects and material that most establishment media won't touch with a 10 foot pole.

    Have also read RRPP (JOURNAL) and found it interesting. Especially the matter that dealt with Sister Charlotte. Just hor­rible. Intend to research the matter further--have already alerted 2 people to the issue.

    I take my hat off to Commander Hatonn but there are times, it should be said, that he sounds more like hate-on.

    As an example, against gays. It is easy for him to pontificate, being an ET in some other dimension, perhaps.

    Maybe he should ask Sananda what it was like in ancient Greece when he (Sananda) incarnated as Socrates* and participated in the general culture of that time. Which included anal and oral sex among men.

    *(Both in my personal communion with Sananda (where he shared some lessons of that lifetime) and the Mark-Age group (which is the general hierarchal board group appointed to serve as liaison between old age and new) confirm that one of the life­times of Sananda was as Socrates. Of course both anal and oral sex are common (particularly the latter) among heterosexuals also).

    [H: I believe you will all take note that the Greek Empire also FELL. If a thing is not "right" for any number of very good reasons, then it was not "right" at any time--then or now. Neither do I care about your so-called "sexual preferences"--I only pronounce the practice of behavioral actions to be against the laws of Creation/Nature and God's Laws for maintaining balance. However, that which YOU do is none of my business and I neither judge, coerce nor intentionally "pontificate". I am sent to bring the Truth and if you care not for it--continue to do it YOUR WAY and we shall see who, in the end, might have been correct! By the way, Elysian, I think the Mark-Age group would likely pre­fer that you NOT bring them into your nonsense. I do not wish to comment on the Mark-Age topic at all--if you realize the Truth of "New Age" you will find response is unneces­sary. I do suggest that the ones of "Mark-Age" do not wish,, to confront me personally--either!]

    Is Commander Hatonn anti-sex? Is he repressed? Does he suf­fer from "emotional plague" that Wilhelm Reich alluded to? [H: Wilhelm Reich??? Where have you gotten all your learned information? It is a bit ghastly to blame poor Elysian Dawn for such correlations. What I may or may not be in regards to ET emotionalism is NOT that which has got­ten your planet in such a mess and perhaps that should take precedence over my presentation.]

    Sex is a part of human experience. [H: Wrong--half truth. Sex is an experience of ALL THINGS--even the rock or sand. Sex as you use it means "the act of sexual intercourse--for self power and pleasure, lust and self-service". It does not even bear the stigma longer, of "love"--just the phrase, "making love", meaning degradation and prostitution of the partners involved in almost all instances. The very duality of manifestation and projection of God into physical form bears the projection of two "sexes". I suggest you have Elysian Dawn gather the Germain material of the PLEIADES CONNECTIONS.] Hypocrisy is also, apparently (and perhaps common to ET's as well). [H: I don't spend a lot of time exploring the number of "ET's" who might be in Hypocrisy. However, if you are progressed in learning and KNOWING enough to be in this Command--you have long since shed a physical, earth-projection called Hypocrisy. I am appalled that Elysian Dawn didn't realize that it takes quite a lot of KNOWING to get to your place and experience from the distant places of the Cosmos. We simply don't have a lot of interest in your type of Hypocrisy--we give the laws as given and we abide by the laws as given. Since it is our place of experience--not yours--then it shall remain that way. If you care not for our laws and practices--then stay where you are and don't clutter our spaces. You have free­dom of will and action and your planet is sick unto death from your willful self-indulgent physical expressions. I don't have any intentions of interfering with your experience but neither will I tell you lies to hopefully garner your praise and agreement. If I be so weak as to practice in Hypocrisy at a time of massive change in your very existence--then I am embarrassed for you, child of misuse--for any Host Speaker for God, as you claim is Elysian Dawn--would know as much and not goad you into foolish projections from your mouth in New Age bantering.]

    The entire "Christian" religion has been anti-sex since its inception (as in Paul, the Apostle). [H: Paul was "Saul- of Tarsus!! and was never a Christian as in "follower of Christ". I, fur­ther, care not about his sexual interests. Since there are so many so-called "Christians" I suggest someone must have been interested in Sex. The act has been more badly abused than has the "religion", if possible.]

    Perhaps, to an extent, it is the shadow that Sananda casts. To, be anti-sex is to be anti-life and anti-truth and anti-joy: [H: WHO told you so? WHO gave this wondrous pronounce­ment? What happens to "life", "truth" and "joy" in the abortion room? Sex is the gift given to man and woman that procreation might be accomplished. It was given forth with instructions regarding responsibility of the act and all that accompanies same--in the Commandments. If you cannot read, Elysian Dawn, then I suggest you may have a wrong counselor.]

    Why else would one have a church on the one hand (as in Catholic mentioned per Sister Charlotte's account) which is anti-sex and anti-abortion yet in some cases at least, perpetrates rape and the most brutal of abortions. [H: Beats me!]

    Why do you have, among Protestants, such as Jim Bakker and Jimmy Swaggart who are so against sexual "immorality": but how they themselves practice a whole smorgasbord of tabu sex­ual liaisons? [H: Beats me! But I would surmise that they are not actually followers of the Christ path and lead very, very physical lust-filled lives of lies. They are set forth to pull down Truth into the garbage bins. Obviously you question their integrity but claim rights to practice in any manner you choose from ho­mosexual anal/oral lust fulfillment (which it never does) to expectations of perfection according to those laws you deny--by others. Can't have it both ways, Elysian Dawn.]

    Hypocrisy. A hypocrisy that has been part of the legacy and shadow of Sananda himself. [H: oooops! Pardon? Sananda's (Christ's) legacy? It is certainly obvious, Elysian Dawn, that you know not the Sananda who is come into oneness with God as Co-creator and in Christness by whatever name. You underestimate the Captain of this ship, my friend--there is no Hypocrisy aboard the Phoenix and I suggest you check carefully wherein you might have come up with such information!]

    Commander Hatonn, I give you a new and extended mission. To ferret out the hidden truths and lies also of even the most sacrosanct of the Hierarchal Board. [H: I already am doing as much--for you see, dear heart, and if you were of God you would know as much--there are no sacrosanct hierarchies in the realms of God and Hosts. Those councils and sacrosanct organizations are of physical projection and you should know as much, chela. Why would man need go to another and higher level of joy and life if there were such horrendous lies awaiting him? Ah so--could the place you bring to point--be "the other place?"]

    "As above, so below. As below, so above". If you would ex­pose darkness to light on this planet, (which is good work) I suggest the need to do so even more with some of the ancient distortions, lies, deceits and convoluted concepts of those of the Spiritual Hierarchy. [H: OK, we shall start with YOU. YOU are representing a deceitful lie of convoluted concepts and if you claim to be of the Spiritual Hierarchy then I believe we both know from which side of the lamp you come from. Who told you "as above, so below"? That is purely nonsense to make a very foolish speaker sound wise and mystical. IT IS NOT ABOVE AS BELOW--AND FOR THAT WE ALL BE MOST THANKFUL INDEED.]

    It is an entire universe and age that needs cleansing. The earth has been a testing ground and way station for those of many di­mensions and star systems. Indeed this planet has had to bear (along with the denizens on it) with much of fallout from the Lucifer* Rebellion and the Hierarchy's inability to acknowledge any error of its own and seek any kind of reapproachment with those of the Lucifer point of view.

    *(Lucifer, by the way, is not the same as Satan.) Satan was a "lieutenant" of Lucifer--both are separate cosmic entities as the Urantia Book clearly states).

    [H: Whew, Elysian Dawn, you are showing such lack of wis­dom in thusly speaking. Without comment as to the URANTIA BOOK, I would suggest that the author would rather you not project his opinions in such manner. How­ever, I care not from what BOOK you quote or argue--if the information is incorrect it is incorrect. Me thinks you protest too loudly regarding your friend Satan and Lucifer. I care not who is a lieutenant to whom or which. I do not say he has no place in your world--I do not, however, have to ac­cept him or his disciples into mine. YOU have no control over my places, chelas--NONE! How YOU wish it to be ac­cording to YOUR opinion of things--has absolutely nothing to do with either Truth and/or my placement with God. You may sit on your physical placement and play Gin Rummy with this nice Lucifer if you like--it is purely your choice, I simply suggest you realize your position in this mat­ter. If Elysian Dawn wishes to take on the Host Command I am sure something can be worked out suitably--but how are you dear speakers going to get into this dimension--as­cend??? Have you earned purity marks worthy of such as­cending into the places of perfection of God? So be it--if so, welcome aboard. Unfortunately, I do not welcome either Satan or Lucifer into my living room. So far each thing you have thrust at me is of physical MAN markings and interpretations and you know nothing at all of Spiritual Awareness.]

    If there is a degree of chaos on this planet it is due to the degree of chaos and ignorance/arrogance that reigns at higher levels of universe. [H: That cannot be true in fact, for there is no chaos in these realms and, further, ignorance and arrogance are both solely traits of human physical experience. Therefore, it must be assumed that the projection as written into this letter is of human physical penning and projection. A higher being of TRUTH and higher experience would know as much.]

    I would suggest to all to remember the parable of the Prodigal Son and to understand, that when the final outcome and resolu­tion is in--many of those who presently occupy high positions will be out and many of those who had previously been spurned and outcast will be "in". Perhaps even Lucifer himself. [H: I believe your last sentences said it ALL.]

    As it is, so be it.

    Elysian Dawn

    Commander of Joy
    Pioneer of the Eternal
    Champion of the Real
    Wayshower to the Beyond
    Child of Love.

    P.S. This whole business of blaming everything on Satan is puerile [H: Childish?--come, come--who blames poor old in­nocent Satan--put the responsibility where it belongs--on each of you experiencing beings. I certainly do NOT blame Satan--that one has done his job most well indeed.] projec­tionist, escapist, repressionistic and deceitful. [H: Satan usu­ally only utilizes four letter words--we are most impressed with the growth in vocabulary, all of which is totally balder­dash drivel double-talk to express that you do not know of that which you speak. Further, I see that you are now going to blame one of the finest Cohans of the Seven Rays, Lanto, for your remarks. You have chosen the wrong one,_Elysian­--indeed, the wrong Cohan to claim expression. Lanto ex­presses in the energy of the Second-Ray who gives special gifts of the Word of Wisdom and the Word of Knowledge. This great Master is much akin to the one who experienced in great wisdom on your place, Confucius. Lanto bears the ray of gold--i.e., the very tonal frequency of the "golden light" of that of the sun (Christ-ray). I suggest you have Lanto, your speaker, investigate the JOURNAL called RAINBOW MASTERS. He will be expressing right here again, on the subjects of the lost continents, their demise--causes and effects: Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria, etc. You have chosen to express in great foolishness instead of wisdom as Lanto only would. You sir, are an imposter with evil intent and I deny your validity as speaker in this correspondence or with/through this speaker.]

    Those of the spiritual Hierarchy must come to deal with their own pride, self-aggrandizement, hypocrisy, repression, arro­gance and ignorance without foisting all of their negative traits on the demon called Lucifer or Satan. (And the two are differ­ent cosmic entities, I assure you.) [H: And which one are YOU, speaker?]

    Come on guys--this is a time of cleansing for you (us) also--not just those residing here on earth plane. [H: Barf!]

    "Ever fresh and ever new, I am God and so are you".

    Why doesn't Sananda come out and acknowledge this more openly--we are all children (sons and daughters) of God. Not just one called Sananda.

    The Term Christos was used long before the Hebrews in both the Greek and ancient Egyptian cultures. Both Osiris and Ado­nis for instance were referred to as Christs. Osiris also, it is al­leged (as many an ancient prophet and savior) was born of vir­gin birth. [H: Does what MAN "alleges" make it so? I find it most often makes it pure fabrication.]

    Sananda is always alluding to his oneness with the Father. (What happened--did you kill Mother sometime in the long ago?) We all have union in the divine to one degree or another--even Lucifer and Satan do or they could not exist. [H: Dear sir, is there some reason that you must protect and defend Satan and Lucifer? Have you some problem which might be attended a bit more carefully? Wherein do you get all this information projected as being from Sananda for if you get it from these resources then you are badly misinterpreting and if you get it from elsewhere, then you should say so for you get none of this garbage from this place.]

    Sananda, you are unique--but not uniquely unique. Everyone is unique in their own manner. Each has their own role to play, mission to unfold, archetype to embody and flower. Sananda is just one of the 7 cohans of the Rays. He is only one of the Council of 12 and 24 that govern this local system. [H: He is none of the above and if you don't realize it then you are in very serious circumstances with your projections, especially if you have ones on Earth who listen to your prattling. I am, however, going to disclaim the next statement and then allow you to finish your prattle for Sananda responds as befits his position and authority. You are going to say some inane thing about Maitreya (Lord) who has attained at least one level of cosmic initiation above him. I know not this Lord Maitreya of whom you must surely jest. I suggest you, sir, check your connections for you have a most uninformed and unwise pronouncement. It is self-evident that you cannot disconnect from your totally physical experience and wish to bring the Hosts and God into your worldly experience with you--it simply will not work, Lucifer, and I suggest you try another avenue of attack for you have herein met your match, sir!]

    I understand that his master teacher (guru or god) is Lord Maitreya who has attained at least one level of cosmic initiation above him.

    So why all this mystification* and obfuscation--pretence. Ac­knowledge your limitation [as you do in Mark-Age channelings where you, Sananda state that there are some on earth who are more advanced at soul level--tho' not necessarily in outward manifestion--than you] and acknowledge also the degree of dependency/ interdependency in the Greater communion of Being we're all part of.

    *(Talk about Masonic secrecy and conspiracy. What about hi­erarchal? Two positive Masonic conspiracies by the way were the French and American Revolutions or are you folks Royal­ists? A good case can be made out that Jesus' role as mes­siah/savior was an Essene conspiracy as both Mary and Joseph were high Essenes).

    [H: Not so--read the JOURNAL, AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME IMMANUEL. The name "Jesus" was not appended to Esu Emmanuel until after he was no longer in the "Holy Land". That is a totally fabricated label given (historically authenticated) by Saul of Tarsus (Paul) during his travels in Greece. Sic, sic, you should have known "that". Further, Esu did not take time with the Essenes but did, in fact, say that he purposely did not stay with them because "they would later claim that their teachings were His and they were not". Neither Mary nor Joseph were high Es­senes!]

    [Sananda: I do not even acknowledge Mark-Age channelings much less my limitations. I have no limitations except as I choose to utilize such to relate better unto you who are in my care. There are none on Earth place more advanced at soul level than myself and I am not either on your place. You are filled with foolishness which is most deceitful unto your fellow brethren and that self-judgment shall rest most heav­ily upon you when the Truth is confronted. You further suggest that I "...acknowledge also the degree of dependency/ interdependency in the Greater communion of Being we're all part of." I am not dependent nor is there interdependency as you so assume. I am functioning "one with" and dependency has nothing to do with it. As to the Greater Communion of Being of which we are all a part--wherein have I ever expressed through this source--anything other?]

    Accentuate the roles of others in the Plan, rather than over-em­phasize your own, drawing so much attention to yourself. [Sananda: I suggest that I cannot overemphasize my role in this "Plan". It is not my being which has any merit--it is my oneness with Creator which is represented in your language as "Christ Knowing"--the label makes no difference be it pronounced differently in all and every language. I repeat something that you perhaps missed in your following of in­correct information givers. EXCEPT THROUGH ME (CHRIST ACTIONS AS GIVEN IN BALANCE; THE LAWS OF HARMONY AND BALANCE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT AND MOTHER/FATHER CREATION/CREA­TOR), SHALL YE PASS INTO THE PERFECTION OF THE SO-CALLED HOUSE OF GOD. You may tout and preach anything you wish--but I SHALL DECIDE, WITH MY BRETHREN OF THE LIGHTED BROTHERHOOD--WHO WILL COME ABOARD "MY CLOUD".]

    Hatonn, also, I would ask that you not overly identify with a particular role or mission--detachment has its place. [H: No, sir, only those who know not of that which they speak and know not their mission make such foolish lack of identification. I know who I am and I know my mission--I suggest you check into yours!]

    A commander of 1,000,000 craft needs a great degree of humil­ity to go along with it. [H: Humility, or indecision and worthlessness to better serve my own adversary? I rebuke you for your misrepresentation of your identity!]

    (Signed) Lanto,

    Resting in the Word
    that goes beyond
    the infinities of
    languages and scriptures
    into the formless,
    unconditioned, cosmic awareness.

    PPS: I'll be glad to meet with Hatonn and/or Sananda on any field of their choosing and face them truth to truth, joy to joy.

    [H: I think we can manage that encounter any time you wish to come here. We have great burden of work to do but we shall certainly be happy to meet with you. I do, however, demand that the meeting be with ones called Elysian Dawn, Don Barnebey and/or Lanto. I am weary of you channels who supposedly speak for the higher energies of perfection (except Elysian Dawn of whom I have never even heard) coming into and interrupting our work to simply annoy and irritate. It is the time of sharing WITH those energies and if they are of the Light--YOU WILL BE SOON INTO THIS PLACE TO SHARE THAT GREAT COMMUNION. SALU. HATONN]


    Dharma, please reprint the response from Sananda to Mr. Barnebey as was given to Thomas.

    You are a most foolish man. You know not from whence you come nor from whence your light is sustained. You limit God and you taunt God and dare God...you either have an in­finite degree of misunderstanding or truly none at all. I am in service to Holy God/ATON, NONE OTHER!! You say that you have had counsel with me as I shared experiences of old...I tell you surely that we have not had counsel and the one that you had counsel with has sorely misled you. It is the very use, abuse, misuse, and horrendous exploitation by man (and woman) of the very gift of creation...the procreative act of sex...that has brought your planet to the very eve of de­struction. And you would say to me, "If it feels good, do it"?! And I would say to you, foolish, foolish, blinded man. I will not stand aside as you cast stones at my workers and at my commander and myself. You say that you would meet us on any field of our choosing... COME AHEAD IF YOU DARE TO PRESENT SUCH A CHALLENGE... GOD DOES NOT BACK DOWN NOR DOES HE BOW TO ANY!!! Evil and darkness will not stand in our radiance. Be most careful of that which you project for you do not know with whom you are dealing. For too long we have patiently allowed man his foolishness. The sorting is upon you and it is man who will come into the TRUTH of it and once again in the WHOLE AND BAL­ANCED LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION or he will experience the most severe consequences of those decisions.





    Oh, friend--by the way: Hatonn is pronounced ATON about the cosmos--just in case you are interested!!! It might be worthy of note.

    Another writing and no CIA--well, Dharma, oft-times there is more important work to do for the discernment of Man.

    Let us take rest. I shall stand aside. Thank you. In love and humble service I honor you of our most precious brethren. Adonai. (Adonai--by the way number two--means "One with/in GOD").

    PJ 43
    MON., JANUARY 20, 1992 8:24 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 157

    MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1992


    Hatonn present in the Light of All Divine God, the Light. May we share that you might be given into seeing and hearing with clarity.

    Two things to watch and KNOW as you attend news and (just sit quietly a moment, Dharma, we will take care of the problem). [For you readers--when we have these interruptions it needs to be noted that when we are writing, this is also the way Dharma receives her communication. The individual attacks upon her through the route of the electronic equipment, i.e., this com­puter, are lessening considerably for the surveillance has not been able to break our code for some time. The efforts don't stop and occasionally in the "scanning for breakthrough" they manage to get a "hit". Since the military grid system became operational you will note a lessening of individual attacks to great extent. That, however, is not the main reason--the facts are that we have taken far more control over the situation and our people. You will note, further, in this area of almost daily and numerous blasts to the shield, that you have had a peaceful time since New Year's and the final "hookup" at Edwards. This is neither good nor bad, just different.

    You will all note the massive "receiving installation"--$100 mil­lion at Mojave. That is part of the above mentioned system but it also is to monitor our direct transmissions. They still cannot decode our pulses but can now take direct "dictation" onto their equipment without having to keep destroying Dharma's com­puter. But much more important for us--they have to stop de­stroying Dharma:

    The reason Spielberg and other notable private citizens were asked to participate is to allow you to think this installation is a private enterprise for seeking contact with possible ET's. It has been in all the news. Funny thing, however, it was up and op­erational before anyone told you-the-public. Further, it was brought into Edwards in massive pieces aboard six squadrons of four each of your largest transport craft. Don't be foolish, chelas--the point is to monitor all of you from specific coordinates throughout the "grid". The major receiving--station (Soviet) in Cuba can, with proper relays, have me whisper in California and it is monitored in Cuba on that equipment. By the way--it has been there and operational for decades.

    But, they are getting ready to make ET's known to you and are laying the groundwork for your next big misadventure--so be it. They are looking for ET's (other than US, be assured) for the Elite have also been misled by their own leaders and they fully expect there to be a back-up fleet coming to their assistance and "rapture". WE simply utilize your already present equipment and are therefore discounted. No one from the Cosmos, in evil actions, is allowed through OUR shield to get to you. If you have ones in the airspaces now, they belong to the Earth attach­ments and are totally restricted to your own galaxy and specifi­cally away from Earth! GOD DOES INTEND TO WIN THIS LITTLE ENCOUNTER WHEN YOU ARE READY TO CLEAN UP YOUR ACT!]

    We are all-clear so let us continue. I was going to speak of the receiving system at Edwards as we started to write and now, I believe we have covered it sufficiently to move on to more ur­gent attentions.


    This is a most urgent and potentially deadly circumstance un­folding in Israel. It is all orchestrated and, unfortunately for the world, is a nuclear war potential--like in a matter of days or weeks.

    Shamir will undergo a "confidence vote". He is not supposed to win. Note that the two groups pulling away from the govern­ment are more hard-line than Shamir's group remaining. They walked out because Shamir insisted on continuing "Peace Talks". Shamir had no alternatives remaining to him and, as always, the plans were laid and the blueprints are in fine order. Shamir is supposed to lose--Sharon is supposed to take control.

    At this time, remember, Sharon as "Housing Minister" IS THE ONE putting settlers by the hundreds into the "no-no" places. The blueprints have been worked out at the direction of the British Crown and are INTENDED TO WORK. The lines are being established to move right along into small wars (nuclear), pull down the Moslem world and present "the" temple of Solomon to the neighborhood. That is THE temple and, there­fore, all the misdirected religious Christian leaders will be whooping, supporting and bowing to the "chosen ones" while your planet surface is rendered totally incapable of sustaining life. Mark my words--you are watching the death of a planet and her people, IF YOU OF GOD FAIL TO TAKE NOTE AND ACT. TIME HAS RUN OUT IN THAT HOURGLASS. IT LAYS UPON ITS SIDE AWAITING YOUR AWAKENING OR CONTINUED SLEEPING. GOD IS PATIENT--HE HAS ETERNITY IN PERFECTION--DO YOU???

    It would appear that this is a "Jewish religious scheme". No, it is orchestrated, as are all of the adversarial actions, right out of the Committee of 300 with headquarters in the British Crown.


    The other activities scattered about this morning are simply dis­tractors. Iran is ready to take on Israel and has now acquired billions of dollars of equipment with which to do it--right into Tehran. Along with each hostage released, went billions of dollars in military equipment to Iran and $2 million for each re­leased person--in CASH. Remember, Iran still has the cream of the Iraq military flying resource. Further, the reason Bush wants to go back to war with Iraq is because they are again capable of a major war and, this time, they won't wait for the fun and games.

    Saudi Arabian "coalition leaders" (from the Gulf War) are, right now, asking more defense and military presence from the United Nations--they know they are in SERIOUS trouble. HELL IS JUST ABOUT READY TO HAPPEN. Do not look to old buddy ASsad, either. Syria will always go to the highest bidder and you will never know from day to day WHO made the highest BID.

    The United States is committed to go to war on the side of Israel and there you have it, America. Doom and Gloom Hatonn has struck again!!!

    In recognition of the fact that I have just been speaking of Israel, I shall go ahead and write for the next edition of the LIBERA­TOR and then we can get back to the CIA.


    Hatonn again pushing this Dr. Coleman? Ah, indeed. Do you want information or do you simply want to pick around in half-truths and "other peoples' reproduced information"? Dr. Cole­man is not NEW, chelas, he has been writing intelligence mate­rial for decades--The Insider Report, The World Intelligence Re­view, the John Coleman Report, etc. Others utilize his material constantly--mostly as "their own". When this happens--espe­cially without credit-line--there is truth to be gleaned and you had best pay attention.


    You don't like God's choices? Then continue with YOURS and allow us to see which ending is more wondrous and glorious.

    As things unfold according to the pre-planned blueprint of the Global Plan 2000 you will not be liking that which will become upon your place of habitation. There is full intent to depopulate the planet by those One World Kings. You then, in turn, peti­tion God to be merciful. You look to the wrong direction. It is not of "God's" doing and I promise you that the one unto whom you turn IS NOT MERCIFUL!

    I continually must remind you that God of Light is infinite in Love, in Law and in allowance: The ultimate decisions and choosing will be from SELF--GOD WAITS! BUT NOT TOO MUCH LONGER WILL HE WAIT FOR YOU WHO MAKE NO CHOICES IN HIS BEHALF--IF YOU MAKE "NO" CHOICE--YOU HAVE MADE YOUR CHOICE! AND SO SHALL IT COME TO PASS IN THIS GENERATION UPON THIS PLACE OF EXPERIENCE.

    Dr. Coleman has graciously granted offering of a Special Report he revised in 1990. (Just to show you that these things are not conjured to fit in with a particular discussion). He has written more, long prior to 1990 but Athis is the most suitable to insert at this time of evolution in the Israeli cause.

    If you don't already get John's newsletters, etc. I can only sug­gest you carefully consider doing so with claiming of prior writings as well. At my request he is efforting to push through his books which will integrate the evil octopus into and under its head of operations. To do this, it is difficult to stay right on top of all correspondence and regular documentations. I thank him for sharing. Will the Publisher please give instructions as to how to contact or subscribe to his work? His location is fully covered for reasons of protection but Mr. Green will be able to direct you for general ordering information. America West Publishers, P.O. Box 986, Tehachapi, California 93581, Tel. 1­800-729-4131.

    As is my system of comment, as we write and I need comment, I shall utilize brackets, i.e. [H:].


    Dr. J. Coleman

    (revised 1990)

    Jerusalem is a holy city for millions of Christians and Moslems, as well as for Jews. At the center of Jerusalem stands the second most holy site of Islam, the Dome of the Rock Mosque. The first is the holy city of Mecca, where the prophet Mohammed is buried, a city to which millions of Moslems make a pilgrimage during Hai. [H: Yes, I am aware that I have covered all this information very carefully in the JOUR­NALS; however, we have thousands of new readers who will not have any exposure to this information without hours of researching into the books. If you can't recite names, places, dates, actions and intentions--please be kind for it is important for YOU to refresh yourself. These are the inci­dents and locations which will focus your very existence and infinite journey.]

    For the past two years in Arab lands occupied by the Israelis, there has been a concerted drive to take away the land from its rightful owners without compensation, and the occupation of the West Bank is being solidified by "creeping" methods, as more and more militant Jewish settlers take Arab property by force and without compensation for its rightful owners. The de-facto leader of the movement to annex the West Bank rapidly and run the Arabs off is Ariel Sharon, a powerful figure with reputed links to the German Mafia, and until recently, he was the Israeli Defense Minister.

    Sharon destabilized the Middle East with his invasion of Lebanon, after he secretly received the go ahead "green light" from Alexander Haig, behind the back of President Reagan. Haig was Secretary of State at the time, a former NATO official and a serving member of the New York Council on Foreign Relations. Haig is also a low-echelon messenger for the Club of Rome headed by Aurelio Peccei. When copies of the illicit telex traffic between Haig and Sharon were given to President Rea­gan, he allowed Haig to resign instead of publicly firing him. At that meeting the President also got information implicating Haig in activities on behalf of the British, which showed that Haig favored the planned attack on the Falklands, about which the President had been kept in the dark. (For details please see the PHOENIX JOURNAL, SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET).

    President Reagan, like all of his predecessors, was a prisoner of the Zionist lobby in Washington. He did not dare to do any­thing which might be construed as "anti-Zionist" so he did not fire Haig, who at the very least should have been placed on trial for treason. The President could not very well punish Haig while allowing Sharon to cut a swath of death and destruction through Lebanon so he demonstrated his importance by failing to do the one thing which would have sent the Israeli army back to Israel; he refused to cut off military aid and money to Israel. Instead the President of the world's most powerful country was reduced to pleading with Begin to save his face and call his army back to Israel. Begin flatly refused. Then President Rea­gan wasted the time and money of the people of this country with useless diplomatic missions to Israel, missions which suc­ceeded only in making him look more and more impotent and weak. Because of his failure to act decisively against Sharon, Reagan was perceived by the Arabs as a leader who was unable to lead. Behind the scenes, just as it is with everything involving U.S. foreign policy, was the Black Nobility and the British aristocracy.

    I have explained many times before that the British have controlled the course of events in the Middle East for centuries, acting through a number of Arab specialists like Sir John Glubb Pasha, T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), Lord Cuzon, Lord Cromer, Wilfred Blount, Arnold Toynbee, and perhaps the greatest Arabist of all time, St. John. Philby. It is the British who began the agitation inside Israel between the Sephardics and the Ashkenazim, which is manifesting itself by acts of open hos­tility between the two strains of so-called Jews. The Sephardics have always been second class citizens in Israel and they are being taught how to develop a strong dislike for what they call the "European" Jews, meaning those Jews of Ashkenazim de­scent, who of course are not of Europe but are eastern, being of Indo-Turk origin. [H: Khazarian. Please also understand, readers, that Dharma, my scribe, has had to work in blind­ness as to acceptance in writing some 50 books and it is through these very writings (from Earth-place by research and historians) that she may have some confirmation for the days and long work hours and without reward. It is hard to name names, places and events and have no notion of any background or input except an envisioned resource from a Spacecraft. Keep in mind that it had to be given in this manner for verification of our own work--for 49-50 full books on a myriad of subjects in 30 months required no al­lowed time for "checking" or investigation. That is not only for HER confirmation-but for your own as well, as read­ers.]

    Rioting erupted in Jerusalem on December 27th, 1988, be­tween the two groups. The Sephardics painted slogans on the walls which read "Send the Ashkenazim to Treblinka and Auschwitz," and "The Sephardic revolution has begun." Swastikas were also painted on many buildings owned by Ashkenazim Jews. The Sephardics support Sharon; whom they view as the "new king of Israel". Most of the Cabinet members of the Israeli government are afraid of Sharon so nothing has been done to discourage such sentiments, and the Sephardics hailed Sharon as a hero, following his excursion into Lebanon. But no Ashkenazim leader will ever upgrade the "colored" Sephardics above their present level; in this way he does pay attention, he makes periodic tribal calls and appeals for unity to them.

    High on the list of priorities of the Sephardics is the open and forced annexation of the West Bank. Sharon has endeared him­self to their cause, and has suggested as a way to get rid of the Arabs, that the testicles of every male Arab on the West Bank be torn off. The fact that the West Bank is being slowly but surely annexed is not enough for the Sephardics, they want it done immediately and with force used to drive off the Arabs. [H: It gets very hard to discern as to who is behind what for you will find one group being prodded by the Elite and they fall into ranks and step with that which they do not even un­derstand. You have "religious" fervor unlimited pushed by the pressure of the Elite evil controllers. In this way you end up with a people totally without "reason" or "compassion"--it becomes blind passion with any means be­ing justified in the name of "religion" even if it be genocide against others of God's creations.]

    The Sephardic claim to the West Bank Arab land is being supported by over 40 million Christian Fundamentalist cultists led by Jerry Falwell; Billy Graham and a number of other preachers. Israel has been able to keep a chokehold on the USA with the help of this group, who support the holocaust story and the belief that the Jews are the people of the Old Testament, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Moses. Perpetuation of this misleading doctrine by Falwell and other "fundamentalists" is what keeps them on the TV screens of America and ensures the Israeli government of a large pressure group which will always support it, no matter how it acts, as we saw in the case of Lebanon. It is a pressure group which can be counted upon to tell any U.S. President not to stray too far off the pathway of support for Israel. Unfortunately for the Arabs, they have no such force in the U.S. which is available to them. [H: Do not "poo-poo" this information. I wrote in great detail about this movement and WHY Jerry Falwell headed the "Moral Majority" in Washington at the White House. You note he is no longer there since Bush (but that is another story and not necessary herein). Just note that Falwell made an an­nouncement on TV to the entire world---"I am proud to say that I AM A ZIONIST!" Keep in mind--Zionism is actually a POLITICAL PARTY--not a religious order.]

    The most effective ambassador which Begin has in America, is Jerry Falwell, backed up by Copeland, Van Impe, Bakker, Robertson and the powerful Billy Graham. These are the "mullahs" of America with a following of 40 million fundamen­talist cultists. They are being trained to lead America into a holy war, in an alliance between Zionist extremists and Chris­tian extremist-cultists against Muslim fundamentalist cultists. The spark to ignite the conflagration is the conspiracy of the Dome of the Rock Mosque, hatched by the Temple Mount Foundation run by Terry Reisenhuver. Even the Kimche broth­ers of Israeli intelligence do not pose as much a threat to the Arab nations as does Reisenhuver's crazy scheme. [H: Please do not embarrass yourselves by claiming, "This is Christian­ity". There are NO actions involved herein that even remotely smack or smell of Christ-like behavior or a reflection of any one, much less all, of the commandments of God. Remember also, God supposedly gave THOSE VERY COMMANDMENTS UNTO MOSES! How is it that they no longer seem to have any merit or value to either the Hebrew Jewry or to the so-called Christians?? YOU HAVE BEEN HAD, WORLD!]

    The money which leaves this country (USA--not to even mention others) each year for Israel should be a cause for con­cern to everyone in America and the Arab world, and those abroad who have a genuine interest in peace and stability for the Middle East. Huge Sums of money flow into the coffers of, Zionism from America each year. Take a note of the following figures and it will become apparent that there is no government in the world which would PERMIT such financial depredations to go on, other than the U.S. government.

    According to a report by Don P. Levin in the British mouth­piece on Wall Street, the Wall Street Journal: "Jewish charities raise huge amounts of money in the U.S". Levin tells the story of one university professor who is accustomed to giving $10,000 to Israel every year. Levin says "fund-raisers for Israel have become a way of life". He goes on to say that the "United Jew­ish Appeal umbrella organization for a number of Jewish chari­table projects domestically and abroad reported that last year (1982) the UJA received pledges for $567 million which is up from $542 million in 1981". [H: The sum, in face of the cur­rent events and Desert Storm War, is astronomical.] The UJA's annual budget is about one-third of the nationwide United Way's, even though the Jewish population in this country (the USA) amounts to less than 3 percent of the total population and is not very popular in general. The UJA raises more money each year than the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, the Muscular Dystrophy March of Dimes and the National Easter Seal Society COMBINED. Can you imag­ine that? Over $1 billion dollars collected for Zionism in two years? [H: Can you still assume that there can be no link in the "new modern born-again Christians" with new non-rules of behavior, voted-in morality and "raptures" for nothing more than simply believing that a man existed 2000 years ago and the world will have its glory when the Temple is built?? You who have fallen into this "fundamentalist" trap in your searching for truth had best do some "thinking" and "reasoning" about the Laws of the Commandments and the final day of confrontation you call "judgment". You want to tout the truth of your Bible AS WRITTEN while right under your noses in full-view and touted daily on TV--IT IS BE­ING REWRITTEN TO SUIT YOUR SATANIC ADVER­SARY--RIGHT UNDER YOUR NOSES WITH YOUR FULL CONSENT AND ASSISTANCE.]

    Now you must add to this staggering sum the mind-boggling sum of money given by you-the-taxpayer to Israel through our supine and spineless U.S. government every year. The amount for the current fiscal year was recently set at $3 billion by the Congress a few weeks ago! Add to this the efforts of Israeli Bond Agents, which this year sold some $80 million worth of bonds, and you get an idea of the magnitude of the problem of money flowing into Zionist coffers! [H: This is far worse a disaster and rip-off than any junk-bond operation and you don't even seem to take notice!] Then you can add the esti­mated $70 million dollars which Falwell separated from the pockets of his gullible sheep-like flocks last year (1989), and which also went to Israel; I wonder just how much the Reverend Falwell has sent to Lebanese Christians to relieve the misery and suffering inflicted upon them by the rampaging out-of-control Israeli military machine under the direction of the "Butcher of Lebanon", Sharon? Yet we, the majority of main-stream Chris­tians, are actually to blame for this state of affairs, because we allow it to continue, year after year, without a whimper or a smidgen of protest! [H: I am embarrassed to simply quote OLD figures and sums for each year the demands and out­lays become absurd and overwhelming in magnitude--but are paid with very little hesitancy. How blind can a popula­tion be? Well, in this town of "Little America" letters and phone calls to this publisher for publishing this material brings threat of death and "...the Christian community will be calling and drive you out of town--YOU WILL NOT LAST IN THIS TOWN, you anti-Semitic traitors". Why the attack? Because we said ones should look carefully at the Gulf War and we outlaid the plans. The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (Jewish ADL) went into full swing to block any information onto the media airwaves. The ADL, remember, is an organization set up to make lists of problem people, etc., for the British--structured right out of the Committee of 300 through the Royal Institute of Interna­tional Affairs (RIIA). Does that sound holy to you???]

    Mr. Levin continues with his explanation of why the Zionists are so successful in feeding the insatiable appetite of the cuckoo fledgling deposited in our nest. "Underlying altruism rooted in religion, (which does not extend to any other religion) to com­munity leaders and fund raiser professionals are deep-seated emotions--pride in Israel". It is a pity that such deep-seated altruistic emotion does not extend to the victims of the U.S. sup­plied and equipped Israeli Air Force, which bombarded Beirut, Tyre and Sidon without mercy, in a manner not seen since the Tavistock war criminal Winston Churchill ordered the destruc­tion of Dresden. [H: Remember, this was written prior to the Gulf War.] The senseless savage barbaric exercise of air power took the lives of thousands of Lebanese and wrecked property, including hospitals and schools, with damage running into the billions of dollars. Where is the Reverend Falwell when it comes to that side of the coin? Is he preaching out in con­demnation of the Zionists? No! He is actually exhorting his "fundamental" cultist sheep to support the barbaric actions of the Zionists!

    When Americans and even Jewish people began to protest, Mr. Begin did not turn to the Kimche brothers or to Moshe Arens; no, he phoned the Reverend Jerry Falwell and got him to tell the White House to back off! Falwell did more than that, he actually approved of the Zionist's activities in Lebanon, and told his shorn flock to do the same thing! According to the reliable magazine Action, 19,085 civilians lost their lives in Lebanon, yet Falwell and the 80,000 "fundamental" cultists' preachers raised no word of protest. This is all in accordance with the word of God, according to them!

    The figure I have given does not include the Palestinian refugees slaughtered in the Shatila refugee camp outside Beirut. No doubt the Reverend Falwell' places such barbarity in the realm of God's will. I would like to ask Falwell how much money he has collected for the Christian Palestinians who lost father's and providers in the horror of Shatila. Perhaps he doesn't consider them as Christians, since they don't belong to his "fundamentalist" cult. [H: They only follow that one called Jesus Christ and HIS messengers.] On November 11th, 1982, more than 400 Christian fundamental cult preachers gathered at the Silver Springs, Maryland Synagogue. The Jew­ish Week reporting from Washington said that "Enthusiastic ap­plause greeted Dr. John Walvoord and Pastor Randy Sager's call to 'support Israel' . Sager emphasized Israel's right to the land of Palestine". The Jewish Week reported that part of the two-day event was a "joint-worship of Jews and Christians at the Washington Heights Hebrew Congregation". If you did not re­alize that the Christian "fundamentalist" churches have become thoroughly Judaized, this report should convince you. [H: THINK back--the Jews denied the Christ as you call Him. They are still awaiting their "messiah" (Christ). Therefore, they proclaimed themselves "anti-Christ". Do any of you remember what that term means? You cannot be Jewish anti-Christ and Christian (pro-Christ) for the terms are mu­tually exclusive and total "opposites" in meaning. The term Judeo-Christian was formulated to lead you down the primrose path to a very evil lost cause. At the end of that very expensive path comes a mysterious and 'mystical "rapture", to some fluffy clouds and some kind of salvation of your physi­cal being along with, I suppose, a part of your soul. There is no explanation offered and you seem to demand none! If it feels good and sounds good--you do it and take it! I can promise you that on the basis of the effort to silence our work--WE MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT! The adversary is getting very, VERY uncomfortable as truth pours forth. In fact the groups are working faster and more in a frenzy to sucker you in BEFORE YOU REALIZE TRUTH. YOU are the target of the trap, brethren.]

    The theme of the "worship" was that evangelicals (the fun­damentalist cult) have been finding a lot of common ground with the Jews. The Christians invited Prime Minister Begin to ad­dress an "evangelical" meeting of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, an appointment Begin wasn't able to keep owing to the death of his wife. The Silver Springs gathering drew partici­pants from Texas and California. Another speaker was Azariah Rapaport, billed as an "advisor" to the Israeli Embassy in Washington. He urged the fundamental cultists to "go back and counter the lies being spread about Israel (he was talking about the atrocities in Lebanon) while also spreading the word of the Lord from Zion". The conference issued a declaration stating: "Fundamental evangelicals are committed to the security of Is­rael, oppose anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, and see the estab­lishment of Israel as an undeniable fulfillment of Biblical prophecy".

    An astonishing declaration was made by the Reverend Adrian Rogers, past president of the 14 million Southern Baptist Con­ference, "I love the nation of Israel", he declared. This confes­sion of love for Israel was made at a meeting of 12 "evangelical" cultists and 12 rabbis held at the embassy of Israel in Washington D.C. It was billed as a "dialogue, the first meet­ing of its kind" by the Rabbinical Council of America. But it was not to discuss the new found "common ground". It dis­cussed how best to put pressure on the White House not to stray too far from support for Israel because of criticism over its policies and its military in Lebanon. For the Christian fundamen­talist cult, Edward McAteer of the Religious Round Table (a 'Heritage Foundation funded front for the Club of Rome and a Fabian strong-hold), John Cummuta of the National Religious Broadcasters, and the Rev. Adrian Rogers of Memphis bent over backward to express loyalty to the Zionist cause. Rogers said "Some of the misconceptions we have inflicted toward the Jews and the Jews toward Christians will now be erased". I am left to wonder whether Rogers has ever read the Jewish bible, and if so, how can this square with what it teaches about Christ? [H: The entire Jewish Bible, Zionist Protocols and Manifesto are blatant instructions for KILLING OFF AND GETTING RID OF THE CHRISTIANS! Please, go read it.]


    Dharma, allow us a rest break, please, after I give you readers a little homework assignment--to see if you actually have any in­terest in garnering truth for selves.

    I suggest that all (each) of you simply pick out several of these so-called leaders who preach Christ and God' s instructions and ask them a couple of questions.

    1.What they think of the information sweeping the world called the Phoenix material.

    2. Demand that they tell you whether or not they have read ANY, ALL OR NONE of the material itself. The ones who report to me after writing and sending accompanying mate­rial is "This is of evil and you had better turn back to Christ Jesus." This is most difficult since I travel and serve WITH THIS CHRIST BEING.

    3. (For you) LISTEN CAREFULLY to that which they outlay from the podiums and airwaves and balance it against the LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION. Listen with an open mind and then read all that you can get your hands on of their work and reasoning on subjects such as Israel and Zionism and see if it actually fits with that which even you have been given in past lessons as to the actions of "Christ".

    Evil ones will always direct you to pull away from things and cast aside such information without reading or question of "their" authority as a "speaker" of the WORD. Well, just "wherefrom" do they claim to get this "word"? I can promise you it is NOT FROM GOD NOR CHRIST BUT I BELIEVE YOUR BEST LESSON IS TO GET IT IN DIRECTNESS FOR SELVES.

    Hatonn to stand aside. Thank you.

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