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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 43
    CHAPTER 11


    FRI., JANUARY 31, 1992 8:38 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 167

    FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1992


    In the beauty of the morning comes the illusion of proper se­quence and seasons and I am in such longing to simply speak of wonders and wondrous things which can be yours for the ac­cepting. However, our journey through the veil is not yet com­plete. Even Dharma petitions me to "...please, not more, oh God, please, no more. Can I not be allowed to dream of sugar­plums and fairy-godmothers and a world in order (as they tell us it will be? Can't we rest a bit for the mind is in overload and the sadness great". I watch and my own longing for your peace and contentment overwhelms my own senses for I feel your anger, resentment, frustrations and hopelessness. But I come to wipe away the hopelessness for in Truth and understanding there is naught save HOPE. No, I cannot allow even one day of ma­lingering for what if this be the day of your transition? What if any one of you makes transition this day from this physical plane? Your work, if not finished, goes unfinished into the space of infinity.

    Sandy asks as she reads early writings of this week and is stunned by the use of "hate and despise" and "I shall strike them with an iron rod and shatter them as potter's pots..." and she cries out: "Does God of Total Love have such feelings"? In­deed! Perhaps the terms be ill-advised for your balanced under­standing of intent but the blind assumption that God is only a positive, passionless and passive entity of some sort is to only blind selves further. You have no language terms to describe the perception and/or Love of God. Let us, however, speak in parable:

    If you have a child of God, say Dharma, and she has followed faithfully and trustingly within our circle of care and she serves to the best of her ability--along with being one to bring forth the WORD as given and she is stricken by the evil brought against her--what think ye?

    Let us further note that the evil ones have come and lied as to the intent of God and in her innocence she believes them and the lies presented. Say, she has pain and stiffness in her joints to the extent of being unable to write, which is coming to be in fact. Now, ones come whom she trusts and says to her: "God told me that if you allow us to have a scorpion sting you, the venom will act as a antidote and you will be healed"--and she accepts that. Now, the liars bring forth a thousand scorpions and set them upon her--WHAT THINK YE GOD OF LIGHT WOULD DO? Let me tell you--he would hate and despise the actions and callous emotions which precipitate those actions and he would strike them as a crystal goblet 'neath the hammer. When God has taken leave of a being and they serve only evil--they will be left to the fate of the evil planners and they will be stricken as surely as night follows day in your perception. Evil is the total opposite of Love and if you are unwilling to stand against evil actions and loathe and despise (yea, even hate them) then you are not in total service unto God. IT IS THAT WHICH YOU DO WITH THOSE EMOTIONS WHICH IS THE TEST OF A BEING AND STRENGTH OF A MAN. You ones perceive only one avenue of action in the "sense" of, say, hate: REVENGE. God allows; revenge is not present. Further, He respects His own enemy and KNOWS HIS EN­EMY--but nonetheless--the enemy is real in opposition to the Godliness which must be attained in order to turn about the steady march to doom of a planet and civilization.

    What you ones desire is the father who allows you to GET AWAY WITH ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU DO--EVEN IF IN DIRECT OPPOSITION TO THE LAWS OF GOD. NO--YE ACT, WHICH IS "CAUSE" AND THE EFFECT OF THAT ACTION WILL COME AGAIN UNTO YOU AS SURELY AS YOU EXPERIENCE THE THOUGHT OF EXISTENCE--IN KIND. Remember, chelas, as the sequence comes to pass and the migrations are complete--God shall move on with His people in check and security and the place of experience shall be left to those choosing of the evil ways to live out their experience. You have been given the lies to keep you imprisoned by those projections of "MAN" which confuse, con­found and mislead to keep you helpless as the lambs to slaugh­ter. You further forget--the very adversary is God's rod of iron! YOU JUST DON'T YET RECOGNIZE THE INFINITE GOD!!


    I need to ask you ones who wrote to us almost a year ago and have had no response as to subject nor inquiries--you must know that mail from farther back than a year past has been held by the Post Office. There is, for example, urgent information regard­ing the Ekker property case, etc., and Tom Valentine of Radio Free America in the pile of unreceived letters. I mention this because the dear ones who sent information that Valentine was looking for these people feel that their efforts are unappreciated. No--our people were not in the receiving of the correspondence. We retrieved a large packet of such material only yesterday. Both the correspondence and the circumstances will be turned over to the Constitutional Law Center. A most valuable docu­ment was the cause of the holding but I am not free to speak of it openly.


    We are plied with inquiries regarding John Coleman and his circumstance. As the word has spread forth of his death ones seem to feel it appropriate to inquire of America West. Well, if you use your thoughtful reasoning--you will not do that, please. I have asked them to cease and desist speaking of his situation. He was brought into protection in order to write information for you-the-people and beyond that--YOU WILL NOT BE TOLD MORE. It matters not if he writes from your placement or MINE. He will be presented where it is appropriate. The secu­rity of a person often entails that little time is actually spent on your dimensional plane of experience. You will come to know as much.

    More important--you who receive such calls and interrogations will be silent lest you be considered among the enemy.

    There is so much clandestine activity in the Area of Tehachapi, Edwards, Northrup and such places that there will be recur­rences of actual military soirees against our people just as there were against Dharma Friday last. I speak now of deliberate military attack by laser weaponry.

    Linda, who asks about sounds from the "bowels of the earth" in your location.--You are near natural caves and will note more and more closure of public access to the public area in point. What you are hearing are the tunneling machines making open travel grid connections. If the park service takes your living fa­cilities--you will not be able to stop them, chelas--don't be fool­ish for town meetings will not stop it, in this instance for very long and it becomes very dangerous for you ones abiding there.

    Hear me, Chelas: IT IS OVER! YOU MUST NOW COME UP THROUGH THAT WHICH ALREADY HAS BEEN EF­FECTED FOR YOU WILL FIND THE POWER ALREADY IN THE HANDS OF YOUR DEADLY ENEMIES--RIGHT IN YOUR OWN NATION. YOU MUST REALIZE THAT BY MY TELLING YOU THIS OR THAT OF THE ENEMY'S "SECRETS" WILL DO NOTHING EXCEPT MAKE YOU DISCOUNTED! You are simply experiencing personal and specific assault and the overall scenario must be considered and not just your local and isolated circumstance. Use this for your confirmation and you gain strength for when you ones take back your GOD POWER, you can prevail but you have reached the time of "either"-"or".


    I cannot wait for you to simply stumble into important points of his subtle two-sided speech in point on Tuesday last. I wanted you to ponder the total seriousness and finality of his infor­mation to his own groups.

    He referred to his "program" already being accepted and ap­proved by "30 states". He also simultaneously referred to "Constitution", etc. That point was missed by you-the-people: HE WAS SPEAKING OF THE "NEW STATES" AND THE "NEW STATES CONSTITUTION"--ALREADY IN PLACE AND IN EXPERIENCE BY FEDERAL DISTRICTS. (Go read RAPE, RAVAGE, PILLAGE AND PLUNDER (RRPP)).

    The "announcement" was projected to the "inside Elite" that things would be according to his planning--soon. He further told you bluntly and succinctly that he was in control and that you will do whatever you are ordered to do through Executive orders. Now, how do you know this:?


    TODAY IS THE OFFICIAL BIRTHDAY OF GLOBAL NEW WORLD ORDER BY FORCE AND COALITION. TODAY BASICALLY BECOMES THE DAY THAT YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT HAS FALLEN AND THE NEW HAS TAKEN OPEN AND PUBLIC CONTROL. THINGS WILL NOW GO TICK, TICK, TICK ACCORDING TO THE NEW WORLD ELITE. Today in America at the UN is the first official meeting of the NEW GLOBAL GOVERNMENT. You will notice, also, that the presiding personage is Majors, OF BRITAIN! You will also note that there are 15 nations attend­ing but only five involved actually.

    Now note further what Yeltsin talks about, along with new agreements, etc., missiles and nuclear weapons. The intent is to form a coalition through the UN to: "have a shield about the planet which blocks and contains all missiles". That, dear ones, is the system just hooked up and now totally operational with U.S. headquarters right at Edwards Air Force Base and ar­eas attached. These alien "listening stations" are nothing but total monitoring stations to monitor every last one of you con­stantly. The guillotine has fallen. Fall on your knees and thank your God, chelas--that Yeltsin is a nothing and the higher POWER is above that grid shield and not in his control--YET!

    Another airlines bites the dust? TWA goes under? NO--total control of the airlanes is underway. Planes from these defunct airlines are stockpiled right at places such as Mojave airport--where they are totally controlled and orderly in arrangement by the Elite One Government. This is a remarkable method--already successful--for monitoring and curtailing citizen travel. There will soon come the time when you will not be able to travel across state lines, district lines and/or national boundaries.

    Your right of free speech is also now on a time schedule of ex­tinction--you heard it from the horse's mouth: Bush insists on a New World Order "without racism and/or anti-Semitism being allowed"! "Crime will now be brought under control"--but what of his "war on drugs"? No mention? How strange?!?

    Major demoralization and depopulation are now under way as the mandatory immunization programs are stepped up. New types of weapons will be issued to the new police forces of the UN whereby you will be brought under control and weapons will be retrieved without your even realizing it. Soon there will be no effort to conceal the defiance to your Constitution--for you now have a new form of Government and it has NONE of your old Constitutional RIGHTS.

    Today is filled with subtle projections which might well bring chills unto your very central beings if ye be of God and for na­tion and freedom. You are seeing it being unfolded in your very presence and still, you seem to see it not. Peace through unit­ing, the Puppet-Masters will shout to you and raise their glasses in celebration over "peaceful" coexistence and neighborly coali­tion.

    Please note, too, that Kissinger has surfaced with his robotic grunting and gravel speech to tell you that China will surely be brought into compliance, he is quite sure. Of course he is sure--but the entire group undersells the Chinese. The puppet at the meeting is only in exampling what will happen to dissenters EVERYWHERE--not just in a square in China. Your nations are set to go to war.


    One of the letters received from the P.O. contains a copy of an advertisement from the New York Times of April 22, 1991. (One of the reasons the mail was NOT DELIVERED!). It was run in the paper by Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews. It is worthy of reprinting and scattering about your nations like chaff in the winds. You of the "Jews" are first and most fiercely tar­geted for destruction and, yet, you seem blinded by the false information. Dharma, please copy the writing:


    (26TH IN A SERIES)
    We Jews became a nation on Mount Sinai where G'd (written correctly) gave us the Torah. Only the Torah and its believers constitute the Jewish nation. Only those who scrupulously ob­serve the Torah and serve as spiritual guides can qualify as leaders of the Jewish people. The founder of Zionism, AN ATHE­IST, abhorring and rejecting Judaism, wrote in his Diaries that first he planned to convert all the Jews. Later he decided to change the identity and belief of the Jewish people by inventing Zionism. By creating a state the Jewish religion would be downgraded and non-observance of Jewish law would not only be encouraged but even forced. Notable is the abduction in the early fifties of Moroccan, Yemenite and Teheran children and the brainwashing of these and other observant Jews lured by the Zionists.


    Zionism denies that a Jew is a Jew by virtue of the Torah and that G'd gave us the Holy Land and sent us into exile because of our sins. Zionism says that Jews are a nation like any other na­tion and the reason they were exiled was because of a weak army. Even if the Zionists advocated religious observance, it would still be an ATHEIST state because our belief is that only G'd alone without any human effort or intervention will redeem us from exile. At that time there will be universal peace. This will be after the coming of Moshiach and the prophet Eliyu'. We have been foresworn by G'd not to use human force to bring about the establishment of a state, not to rebel against the na­tions, not to leave exile ahead of time (Talmud Tractate Ksubos III).


    * Creating anti-Semitism as a rallying point.
    * Shedding blood. Their slogan has been "only by blood will we have the land".
    * Brainwashing, bribery, deception, pressure tactics, trickery, threats, provocation.
    * Assassination, notably the murder 67 years ago of the dedi­cated Jewish statesman, Professor Jacob DeHaan, the right-hand man of Grand Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld (Yiddish symbols have had to be deleted due to inability for printing), the greatest fighter against Zionism in Palestine at that time.


    Rabbi E. Schwartz
    P.O. Box 1030, New York, NY 10009



    George, it is time to contact these brothers and see if there is workable coalition possible. You will have to go through the Box number "probably" for in the long run it will be faster than tracking the location. You who have felt the attacker's knife in your back can appreciate the plight of your brothers who speak out in Godness.

    As our own new book is here and available: DESTRUCTION OF A PLANET--ZIONISM IS RACISM, we, too, come under heavier attack. I am sorry, chelas--ye were never promised the bed of rose petals.

    This is simply to acknowledge receipt of the letter regarding the subject in point. I cannot take time to respond and, further, I would not give direct information regarding other researchers without further input. I only herein wish to acknowledge that the letter has been received and was among the documents held by your Post Office. For your own confirmation, the inquiry came from Florida and was written on May 8, 1991.

    I can tell you, however, that capability of developing images on the new film is deliberately negated. The company involved, of which you speak, is totally in the control of the adversary. There will be ways around the problem but not with that avail­able film and I cannot speak of it herein. Thank you.


    Confirmation time, please. The following is from a very recent Wall Street Journal.


    "Boris, Give us Bread"! reads the headline of an article in the December issue of Ogonek. Boris Yeltsin assured Russians that they would not starve this winter. The West has chipped in with large-scale food aid, both from government and private chari­ties. But there is significant evidence that the former Soviet Union is flush with grain, if only Mr. Yeltsin can get at it.

    On Nov. 30, the daily newspaper Izvestia published a table listing Western credits received over the previous 11 months for the purchase of food. The U.S., the European Community and Germany, separately from the EC, provided almost
    $8 billion; six other countries gave $2 billion more. Ivan Silayev, then chairman of the Inter-Republic Economic Committee, an­nounced that those funds would buy some 50 million metric tons of grain from the West as well as much more. In addition, ac­cording to the same source, the government purchased 42 to 43 million metric tons of domestic grain during 1991, which amounts to approximately eight or nine million metric tons above annual consumption by the population in all 15 republics of the former Soviet Union.

    There are even more compelling reasons to believe that Rus­sia may be overflowing with grain. The "granaries of the moth­erland"--the state storage facilities--may hold huge quantities. According to some calculations, storage capacity exceeded 240 million metric tons in the early 1970's and increased to 290 million metric tons by 1981, with a target of 362 million metric tons by the end of that decade. MOST OF THAT HAS COME FROM WESTERN IMPORTS, ABOUT HALF OR MORE FROM THE U.S. A LARGE PART IS STORED IN UNDERGROUID SHELTERS DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND A NUCLEAR BLAST AND FALLOUT. University of North Carolina economist Steven Rosefield has asserted that these supplies could feed the entire population of the former U.S.S.R. for three years; It may actually be four. [H: But your silos are empty, you have food reserves for less than a week and YOU HAVE NO SHELTERS AT ALL.]

    Then there are special military-related peacetime stocks. Mr. Silayev revealed the existence of a Centralized Food Fund. Last year it added almost 14 million metric tons of grain to a stock­pile that is large enough to feed the armed forces, Moscow and the so-called closed cities--where nuclear weapons and their components are manufactured--in case of war. There are 87 such closed cities in Russia alone, each guarded by a regiment of Interior Ministry troops.

    According to the most recent Soviet Military Encyclopedia, edited by former Chief of Staff Marshal Nikolai V. Ogarkov, state reserves include--apart from food--fuel, materiel, capital equipment, spare parts, and other supplies to fight and recover from a war.

    Vitaly V. Shlykov, deputy chairman of the Russian Defense Council, revealed on American television last fall that the mili­tary-industrial complex also stockpiles enough supplies to last at least three months. These can be opened only on orders from the highest authority. Mr. Shlykov was quoted by the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun on Oct. 25 to the effect that, if all materiel were transferred from such state reserves to defense plants, industrial production would increase by 50% This could mean that the stockpiles of materiel for the military-industrial base total more than 200 million rubles, or one-fourth of the current GNP.

    As Commander in Chief, Mikhail Gorbachev, must have known about these vast expenditures for backup supplies, which had grown from 4% of annual national income after World War II to 5% or even 6% today. Such huge reserves would have permitted the Red Army to fight 90 days in Western Europe and 180 days in China.

    ....The existence of these stocks may well be the reason why Mr. Yeltsin seems so certain that Russians will not starve....



    We get so many inquiries about Lyndon that I am stymied as to how to answer you. Inquiry after inquiry comes as to how much and "should I" continue to support his campaign, etc., etc. I can't tell you what to do. I only point out that he is in prison because the big-boys want him there. Do you really think that they are going to allow him out--much less run for, and possibly win, a Presidency? I make no comment as to the man in point--I DO suggest you think about what you are doing and how apt it is to be the best and most useful focus of your support.

    Would it not possibly be better to give support to the Constitu­tional Law Center and get him first, OUT? Then, and only then can consideration be given to his position if indeed there is to be one. The push is misguided as it is now directed and only fur­ther divides and dilutes voters who might otherwise contribute to unification of voters.

    I am amused and appalled at what is happening with the Repub­lican Party and David Duke. It, again, has nothing to do with candidates--do you not see the total negation of Constitutional Law? So why struggle against the monster--go unify and all support a central candidate (preferably one with NO EXTEN­SIVE OR EXTREME POSITIONS TO DISTRACT), go with an Independent Party and get SOMEONE ON YOUR SIDE--ELECTED! The only one strong enough to pull it off is Gritz, at this time.

    This becomes obvious by that which the adversary is doing. He is being denied even "900 numbers" and every effort is being thrust forth to stop him even entering any state ballot. In other words--if you ones can't find him to support, you can't do anything. He is the only "unknown" in the crowd and therefore becomes the most dangerous to the Establishment for they can't bury him in lies and controversy. I believe America West is working with James at a very fundamental level so you who in­quire of me as to how to find "Bo" are speaking to the wrong individual--I am not the proper contact. However, if you wish to participate--the Phoenix Institute can accept and redirect your participation correspondence. I, Hatonn, will not give forth information nor targeting. My people, will however, forward anything you send--to him.


    You wonderful friends who have buried us in letters and appre­ciation to Terry (Vietnam veteran). I have permission to give a P.O. box whereby YOU CAN CONTACT HIM DIRECTLY. I am asking him to come to visit with me at his earliest conve­nience so that we can identify possible service. Terry's father translated and serves with me, at the time of our first contact. Please be as gracious, readers, and send your letters to him di­rectly, for 'tis so much more meaningful to realize your gift of simple sharing--personally. I think each would be astounded at what gifts of understanding are gleaned from the simple act of sharing of self. It is a time when your enemy has divided in or­der to conquer--more of you have identical and lonely feelings than you can imagine. It is through this kind of love by which this world can be turned about--and it shall be far more easily accomplished than you can imagine. He can be reached by ad­dressing to Terry (I choose to not list his last name--he may share as he chooses): P.O. Box, Sun City, AZ 85372.


    Your letter and information have been received. I honor your opinion and you may do that which you wish; however, please do not consider me to be one of your group in any manner whatsoever. I realize that is not likely since you feel my opinion and writings regarding the Zionists and Israelis is of "very little value". Your accompanying literature and projections are as nearly those which can be considered "hate mail" and "hate crime" as I have ever seen in one claiming to enlighten free Man. The point, friend, is to inform the people, not shout in­sulting and horrendous distortions upon a beloved people.

    You suggest that your information might "enlighten" me as to the insidious behavior of the Israel/Zionist conspiracy. So be it. I am already quite informed and consider you to be a most dan­gerous tool of the adversary you claim to assault. You ask me to join in your "CRUSADE". I JOIN IN NO CRUSADE OF ANY KIND--THE VERY TERM INFERS ASSAULT AND WAR BASED ON NOTHING SAVE "OPINION" AND BIG­OTRY. THOUGH YOUR INFORMATION IS PERHAPS CORRECT IN CONCEPT--THE MODE OF PASSING KNOWLEDGE IS QUITE DASTARDLY AND DAMAGING.

    You, for instance, have inferred a quotation by Shamir: All you Stupid American Goy better give Israel our $10 Billion Plus or I am going to blow you away just like I have blown away over 1,000 unarmed children.. HEIL! The greater eretz Ysrail. We are the Chosen Ones and it is our destiny to rule the world". The facts are bad enough--to state such a thing as being a state­ment from one such as Shamir is most unfortunate--he is not foolish enough to utter anything so sinister publicly wherein you could get at it. If you deceive and project hate instead of infor­mation--then you become no better than they. Further, when you invoke God as your bedmate in terror--you deceive your brother, self, and insult God of Light. You have such a gift of sharing truth that I would ask that you consider bringing outrage into control and work within "reason" that you would be heard. What you are sending out is representative of a group "out of control" and this is exactly what your enemy wants of you. Ponder it.

    Dharma, allow us to close this so that it can be placed in the pa­per at the earliest possible time. Hatonn to clear, thank you.

    PJ 43
    CHAPTER 12

    SAT., FEBRUARY 1, 1992 8:12 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 168

    May you have the courage and the faith to pursue your hopes and dreams.

    May you dare to change with an inner willingness which truly reflects your spiritual center/core.

    May your fear of being vulnerable dissipate with your tak­ing of risks.

    May your sacredness and the difference you make, never be more evident to you--than it is with every breath we're given.

    Little Crow


    STOP!! Stop this nonsense of reading a passage, a sentence or a word and making foolish conclusions. I am Hatonn, and I bring you that which I have to offer--no more and no less. Thank you for reading all with an eye as to personal input--HOWEVER, remember that the writings ARE THE WORD and are written for over 6 billion individuals. I am in receipt of many letters wherein the author demands to know why I am in­terested in your money to how dare I say I know what happens to a soul. I know because I AM. We write on all subjects--es­pecially your security and privacy--BECAUSE THAT IS THE MOST REQUESTED. YOU ARE STILL IN A TIME WHEREIN THE WISH TO SAVE A THOUSAND DOLLARS IS MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU THAN AN ETERNITY OF SOUL EXPERIENCE. THE CALL COMPELS THE ANSWER! If you find information that annoys or distracts you--consider it any way in which you wish. Then, I suggest you take up another subject which DOES answer YOUR petitions. If, however, you have seen fit to read a particular JOURNAL relative to a particular subject in point--I suggest that you WANTED that information or you would not have chosen the book--there ARE 50 (fifty) NOW FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. Thank you.


    You who continue to be honestly irate regarding Zionism. I suggest you study carefully ALL the information on the subject along with outside confirmation. Then, remember--Zionists are usually NOT JEWS! In fact the Elite controllers--ESPECIALLY THE ZIONISTS--were "birthed as a concept" from the Committee of 300 headed by the Crown of England--(hardly Jewish). If you cannot be open enough to deal with these possi­bilities and investigate, then I have nothing to offer you. I will not, however, cease nor desist in bringing the WORD for it is my mission and your privilege to deny it.


    This is the only subject I shall take up in today's projections for I want it documented as to event and date. Then we shall move on with the subject of "Christianity" and on to the CIA cult.

    You will please recall that I told you it is about time to introduce "the touting of extraterrestrial hostilities" from your govern­ments to unite you as nations into this One World Government--opened yesterday. You will further recall that in about 1987 Reagan made a petition to Soviet Russia to join in a venture to secure the planet by a defense system worldwide to PROTECT YOU FROM EXTRATERRESTRIALS. The speech got buried instantly--but we wrote about it often in 1989-90--for the pur­pose of THIS DAY, Feb. 1, 1992. You have now heard it an­nounced and Yeltsin and Bush are meeting this weekend to fur­ther decide restrictions on you-the-people. The statement is that you will join together to form a defensive shield around your planet--and then in small print--from outside attack. This is IT. You will note two things, please.

    1. The summation will be that it is to protect you from hostile extraterrestrials. That means in fact: From the hosts of God come to reclaim God's people. You of God have no enemies in space--only those who deny God and serve Evil have ene­mies out here.

    2. The Russian Cosmospheres are a real threat to your planet's evil coalition and now that there ARE capabilities of bringing the spheres down if found "in time"--the shield will give warn­ing.

    THE NETWORK (SHIELD) is now in place--hooked up and tried for efficacy on January 1, 1992. You will be able to see the connecting towers all over your landscape. As a note of attention--to ones in this immediate area, there is one at the cut-off to California City and another as you approach Bak­ersfield--to the left, headed into Bakersfield--off "58". These towers are easily recognized for they are of metal web some 150 feet tall with short antennae on a triangular platform-appearing installation on the top and, just below, an attachment that looks like the sign of a fish, sans tail. Signals run through the air, off satellites, across waters and within the Earth itself.

    Bush and Yeltsin are at Camp David with their Puppet-Masters this very day, and weekend, to get instructions completely straight--from the Committee of 300. Majors is the British pup­pet sent to call the meetings as you noted yesterday.

    You will also note that three-quarters of the people questioned in New York didn't even know there was a Summit meeting--even as they were stranded in the stoppage of traffic. Shudder now and get it over with--for there is no more time for cowering in the fear bubble. You ones are going to have to act now or you will forfeit your time of actions.

    Just as Bush is going to send the Haitian refugees back to Haiti and to death--so will you be ending up in internment camps if you speak out. This is planned to come down soon so you will act while you can--in the name of the Constitution or you will be caused to accept the consequences of your non-actions.




    I haven't time to pursue this subject again, on this day. Just KNOW that The Defense Department lists 2,267 U.S. service­men as officially missing from the Vietnam War, more than 8,100 from the Korean War and nearly 75,000 from World War II, some of whom were released from Nazi prison camps by Red Army soldiers at the end of the war but never returned to the United States. This is because they would have risen up against the government because they KNEW the terrible lies and conspiracy.

    Declassified Pentagon records also indicate that, from 1950 to 1953, U.S. prisoners were shipped in trains to Siberia from battlefields in Korea. Further, as information continues to leak out of the fractured former Soviet Union, more disturbing stories are being reported.

    I promise you, chelas, that what is making its way to you is very minimal and grossly on the low side of counting.


    It is now EXPOSED that U.S. and British Intelligence investi­gators who linked Libya to the terrorist bomb that downed Pan Am flight 103 in 1988 were following a trail laid down by the Israeli Mossad. Israeli government sources are THE ones that, after the transatlantic airliner was disabled by an on-board bomb and crashed into Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 people, fed a stream of secret "memoranda, documents and other information on Libyan terrorism" to the CIA and its British counterpart, known as MI-5.

    Yes, I will write of this as we move on to the subject of the CIA--however, it bears mention herein because it is a blatant example of the "BLACKMAIL" abounding to coerce your government to capitulation with Ariel (The Butcher) Sharon. The case in point, however, was set up and orchestrated by British Intelligence working through MI-5.

    The cover-up and blackmail is running back to the feet of Bush and Nixon and involves set-up for downfall of these two for their major part in the assassination of your John Kennedy.

    You are experiencing the final take-over plans unfolding of the ADVERSARY OF GOD--TO TAKE TOTAL 100% CONTROL OF THE PLANET AND ALL THINGS ON IT.


    Dharma, allow us to move on with the subject of Christianity and other "false" doctrines--made false by the continued lying and deceit of evil adversaries of God and God's people.

    WITH LIGHT? and

    Bishop Brown (an Atheist and National Chairman of the Com­munist Workers International Relief in 1933) wrote a number of works including one entitled "The Teachings of Marx for Boys and Girls", and seventeen short works on sex for children which were widely distributed. A survey of those who attended the First World Congress of the Fellowship of Faiths reveals that all of the organizers and speakers were Freemasons. We do not simply make such a statement--they are listed on rosters
    and membership lists open for YOUR inspection.

    The Fellowship of Faiths, established as a Freemason front, formed a new organization called the League of Nations Union which played a profound role in the influencing of the outcome of the Paris Peace Conference which, more than anything else, guaranteed that there would be another major war, the Second World War.

    As Sir Francis Youngblood stated, "It (the Fellowship) is here to provide a firm spiritual basis for the League of Nations". We can best judge what KIND of spiritual basis was provided sim­ply by looking at the United Nations, successor to the League of Nations. It is within the confines of this body and its religious executive committee, the World Council of Churches, that a re­vival of the Fellowship of Faiths as a One World Government RELIGION is taking place.

    CHRIST vs. CHRIST-ianitv--Christianity

    You in the West cannot afford to turn a blind eye to this revival, which is gathering momentum as the falsehood that Communism is dead in Europe takes hold. Either you believe that the CHRISTian religion is the basis for your Constitution and stand by that, or you will perish.

    It is time that you take your stand on Christianity and make it central to the political and economic future of your nation. It is also time you fully recognize that that which is touted as "Christianity" by the so-called "Christian leaders" is NOT CHRIST-ianity.

    Christ is God Incarnate, who brought to your world a perfect system of economics and politics, but which have both become so prostituted as to be virtually unrecognizable today. The teachings of Christ in your spiritual, political and economic life were at onset an immediate remedy, nearing perfection as a way of existing in coalition with the Commandments of God--IF fol­lowed. They are of extreme and unequaled value.

    Christ remains without peer. I said "CHRIST" in whatever form presented within the Laws of God and Creation. Chris­tianity, in Truth, has no equal and no rival--by whatever label that "Christ" was called. Christ's enemies and the enemies of the Christian church would have you believe otherwise, hence the revival of the Fellowship of Faiths as a One World Govern­ment entity.

    This is not a religious issue only, it is a matter of the survival of your nation as a REPUBLIC based upon the laws of God, and NOT a democracy based upon the voted-in laws of MAN. It is also a perfect economic system which your forbears did all they could to protect, for they knew full well that once Indian Baby­lonian "Capitalism" gained ground, it would be but a short time before the United States of America, the greatest and most civi­lized country the world has ever known, would perish. So be it.


    Abraham Lincoln and John Kennedy were two U.S. Presidents who were assassinated for the cause of justice. They knew what Babylonian "Capitalism" had done and was doing to the country. Were these "perfect" men?--NO--but they did see beyond the immediate greed.

    Abraham Lincoln wrote... "We gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they have ever had--their own paper money to pay their own debts. These were called 'Greenbacks' ".

    Lincoln caused to be printed $449,338,902 of these dollars and shortly thereafter the London Times said that Lincoln's action "was a mischievous financial policy" and called for the destruc­tion of his government.


    President John Kennedy also knew that the Federal Reserve Board was the absolute ruination of the nation so, on June 4, 1963, Kennedy signed a presidential document called Executive Order 1111, which further amended Executive Order 10289 of September 19th, 1951.
    This gave Kennedy as President of the United States, legal clearance to create interest-debt free money that would belong to the people, and by-pass the Babylonian Federal Reserve Banks. On record is the fact that $4,292,893,825 of cash money was issued. For this (and some other, perhaps lesser reasons) Kennedy was brutally and mercilessly gunned down. He had become an enemy of the Elite "higher cabal" who run the United States of America.


    It is in this light that you are duty-bound to regard the emer­gence of a "new" One World Religion, which seeks to destroy the Constitution and then Christianity itself.

    Today, a strenuous and deliberate war is being waged against Christianity and that means against the foundations on which the institution of the Republic of the United States of America rests.

    The forces supporting a One World Government seek to replace Christianity with "isms" of all kinds, including Deism, which they want to establish as a world religion.

    The facts remain that it is not "religion" which is at point herein, it is Christianity at stake. History reveals that when Christianity begins to wane, civilization goes into a steep de­cline. True CHRISTianity extends well beyond the portals of any Church. If you simply "allow and watch" your own destruction in the name of "non-bigot", "non anti-Semite" and "vote anything in as OK" then you are simply NOT CHRIST­ian--you cannot have both--CHRISTianity and that which you tout are mutually exclusive terms and opposites in definition.

    The "anti-Christian" crusade will pick up speed as the big lie that Communism is on the wane spreads throughout the world. With it will come a renewed cry for "equality, liberty and fraternity" and brotherhood. To achieve this goal you will be told it is necessary for you to give up "old ideas"--to establish a "fellowship of faiths"--and you will have to give up Christianity.


    This most serious of all revolutionary attacks is the ongoing pro­cess started with Weishaupt which has continued unbroken ever since 1776. 1776 was a significant year indeed. Leading the revolutionary assault is the World Council of Churches (WCC), formerly the Federal Council of Churches (FCC), whose activi­ties in the political field have resulted in profound changes in both politics and economics. The WCC is not so foolish as to believe that CHRIST-ianity belongs in the portals of the church.

    The Federal Council of Churches was run totally by radical anti-Christian groups--which its very constitution mandated, many of the radical groups being members of the Third International. The aim of the Third International was to destroy Christianity. The Federal Council of Churches was run by totally militant revolutionaries.


    The Federal Council of Churches claimed 20 million members in its heyday, a claim which is a total lie. The Federal Council of Churches, further, was financed through carefully disguised Communist front organizations.

    The FCC was active in setting the stage for the plague of homosexuality and lesbianism which has descended upon your lands. The FCC published explicit sex instruction of an abominable kind. It is from this beginning that the WCC picked up on "homos" and "lesbians" and promoted this filth, and have ever since fully supported same. Again, it goes beyond any measure of "preference" and into a direct negation of the NATURAL LAWS OF CREATION. Sexual preference has nothing to do with anything. IT IS THE "ACTIVITY" ASSOCIATED WITH THAT PREFERENCE THAT IS THE EVIL SHROUD OF CONTROL OVER AN INDIVIDUAL. Sharing the emotion of "love" does not spread fatal disease--THE PHYSICAL ACTIV­ITIES PRACTICED UNDER THAT PROCLAMATION ARE WHAT IS "WRONG". A man "LOVING" another man is not the point at issue for love is always abundantly wondrous--it is the intentional debasement of all that is holy about an individual in his most wondrous ability to create--which is "wrong". "Well, Hatonn, we have a right to do anything we please", you say. I respond: YOU MOST CERTAINLY DO AND LOOK WHERE IT HAS GOTTEN YOU AND YOUR CIVILIZA­TION!

    What was the objective of this push? It was the destruction of Western morals as epitomized by 90% of the filth turned out by "Hollywood". And WHO runs Hollywood? Look again!

    The FCC was backed from upstart by the American Civil Lib­erties Union (ACLU). Anyone of substance who attacked the FCC and the Fellowship of Faiths, soon found themselves in trouble in the courts. The same holds good today, and any pa­triot who openly conflicts with ACLU ideas will soon find him­self on the receiving end of lawsuits of all kinds.

    The Fellowship of Faiths in its revived and revised form is con­centrating on making and consolidating opinions for the Chris­tian Church worldwide. One of the strongholds of the Fellow­ship of Faiths is the Bahai Movement.

    Let us stop here, for those of you who are not familiar with the "Bahai Movement".


    The movement was started in 1844 in Persia (Iran), by Mirza Ali Muhammad. He was also known as "Bab" or "Gate". Un­fortunately for Muhammad, in 1850 he was shown to be quite mortal and was shot at Tabriz for his "revolutionary activities".

    Bahaism teaches that Zoroaster, Buddha, Confucius and Jesus Christ were leaders who prepared the way for the coming of the Mighty World Educator "Baha u'lla (The Glory of God). Abdul Baha, his son who died in 1921, taught Bahaism.

    The Bahai Movement is very strong in Iran, Australia and Britain. What is worthy of attention is that Bahaism is merely FREEMASONRY WEARING A DISGUISE, AS IS, LET US SAY, MORMONISM AS PRACTICED IN THE SECRET IN­NER-SANCTUARIES, and since Masonry and Theosophy are virtually indistinguishable, it is no wonder that the Bahai reli­gion became a world force with which to be reckoned in such a short time.



    I speak of the "doctrines and rules" of ANY so-called group. Who makes the rules and who has to follow them? God speaks equally unto ALL--so who has right to decide the rules FOR you? I care not whether ye are in the I AM group, the Mor­mon, the Baptist or the Church of England. If MAN makes the doctrines and rules--it is MAN'S cult. If GOD is within the group--the rules are for ALL, totally JUST--and follow the Commandments. Look, therefore, at that which you espouse as your "faith and belief" and see how it measures up to these sim­ple guidelines. If YOU have given your power, assets and faith into the hands of MEN then so shall ye perish at the hands of MEN. STOP BLAMING GOD FOR THAT WHICH YOU HAVE CHOSEN.


    In the United States of America and spreading into the global realms, the ecology shock troops who will be unleashed in an all-out war against industry, has thousands of Bahais in its ranks. It is here where the revived "Fellowship of Faiths" will take greater hold. The ecology shock troops will be used in much the same manner as the Dantoon-Marat Paris street mobs were used in the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution. The major thrust of the ecology movement is NOT to bring bal­ance unto the planet but rather, power unto the Elite, get rid of industry and glean material wealth unto selves.
    The Bahai Movement claims to be the perfect unity of all reli­gions, an idea which Freemasonry projected in the past and continues to do, although you will find not as openly as it once did in its articles in the American Freemasonic publication, The Builder. As for the Bahais, they say that Masonry sprang from their religion--so there you have it by their own disclosure. Factually, it is not accurate but it points out even more blatantly, the direction of thrust.

    Madam Helena Petrovna Blavatsky greatly favored the Bahai Movement, so it is worthwhile to include a short statement of facts concerning this woman in point, probably the most re­markable charlatan in recent times.


    Blavatsky got her start through Herbert Burrows who promoted her through the Society for Physical Research which was a se­lect club for the aristocracy, the rich and politically powerful of Victorian London. She was later described by H.G. Wells, a member of the Society for Physical Research, as "one of the most accomplished, ingenuous and interesting imposters in the world".

    Madam Blavatsky was initiated into the Carbonari by Mazzini, a leading Freemason in Italy who claimed he received information from the "Mahatmas". Blavatsky was a close associate of Garibaldi and was with him in the battles at Viterbro and Men­tana.

    She was greatly influenced by Victor Micahl and his circle which included Rivail, all of whom were revolutionaries and Freemasons of the Grand Orient. She is reported to have greatly influenced the degenerate Scottish Rite Master Mason Albert Pike who was one of Mazzini's advisers and probably Mazzini's closest confidant. Blavatsky ran the Theosophist So­ciety up to the time of her death in 1891.


    Her mantle was picked up by Dr. Annie Besant. Mrs. Besant was Co-Mason under the control of the Grand Orient Lodge in Paris, which made her a Vice President of the Supreme Council and Grand Master of the Supreme Council for Britain. It is here where the convergence of Freemasonry, Theosophy and Fellow­ship of Faiths is clearly recognizable.


    Shortly before the close of the First World War it became virtu­ally indistinguishable from world Zionism and following the close of that war, emerged as the League of Nations. Then just before the Second World War it surfaced in the Bahai Move­ment, and in England as the Oxford Group, which was suc­ceeded by Moral Rearmament.

    Following the close of the Second World War, it played a major role in the formation of the United Nations and penetrated the American political scene through the liberal left, where it was allied to student revolutionary groups and a number of political organizations such as the following:

    * The League for Industrial Democracy.
    * Social Democrats U.S.A.
    * Institute for Policy Studies.
    * NATO, Political Wing.
    * Club of Rome.
    * The Cini Foundation.
    * Cambridge Policy Studies Institute.
    * Anti-Defamation Fact Finding League.
    * Committee for a Democratic Majority.
    * The United Nations.
    * The Lucis Trust.
    * New Democratic Coalition.
    * War Resisters League.
    * The Aspen Institute.
    * Stanford Research Institute.
    * Greenpeace.


    The Fellowship of Faiths is a project of the "Olympians", or if you prefer, the Committee of Three Hundred. This ensures that spokespersons for some of the richest and most powerful corpo­rations in the world will actively promote the Fellowship of Faiths' aims.

    The Tavistock Institute will do its share by promoting a new breed of rock singers whose lyrics will bring the message of a universal religion--and I believe you will already find that prevailing. This has been in the works for the past two years as the next step in the take-over and Global domination moves forward. It will be used to quiet the wave of resentment sweeping through America over the horrifying and explicit rock lyrics promoting sex, drugs, suicide, murder and the worship of Satan.

    Tavistock is owned by the Eagle Star Group, so it is assured of unlimited funding for the "Aquarian" assault on Christianity. The Canadian and British Broadcasting Services, under the di­rection of the Queen of England, will throw their considerable weight behind the Fellowship of Faiths. You will see hundreds of Christian ministers who should know better get sucked into the Fellowship of Faiths, or whatever its new name will be to shroud Truth.

    The interlocking families of giant companies owned by the "Olympians" can be verified by paging through Standard and Poors, Dun and Bradstreet and the American and British WHO'S WHO.

    This has been explained many times but you can't seem to inte­grate it into fact--Everything that happens in the political wing, even of NATO, is controlled by the "Olympians". Thus you can expect the reorganized NATO to continue being used to promote the Fellowship of Faiths, as it rapidly gains the upper hand of the military wing.

    Everything can be traced back to the founders, corporate offi­cers and board members and owners of the multinational banks and companies of the Committee of Three Hundred in the Lon­don centered bankers, traders and international drug traffickers.

    As this includes the BBC, ABC, NBC and CBS, it can be fully expected to have a mushrooming of religious programs which will be used as trial balloons to test support for the idea of a One World Religion--and, I can promise you NOW--it will be picked up and touted in wonderment by the Trinity Broadcasting Sys­tem throughout the world. This will be in full support of a "rapture" and One World Religion.

    The same Madison Avenue propagandists who sold the Ameri­can public the idea that Gorbachev is quite different from his predecessors, have almost completed their draft of how the me­dia will handle the onslaught against Christianity.

    Just as the American people were sold the idea that it was better to let Lithuania go to the wall rather than upset the good rela­tions between Moscow and Washington, so too, will you be sold the idea that it is better to sacrifice Christian principles if it means that peace will descend upon the world.

    The Social Science new scientists and the theologians of Libera­tion Theology will be trotted out, one by one, to convince the skeptics that this is indeed a step forward for humanity. They will be backed by Judeo-Christian ministers who will jump on the bandwagon in haste to join the "modern" movement.


    Only it is not a modern movement, but the revival of ancient ideas whose origins are lost in antiquity. The "ecology" move­ment will feature prominently in coming events, under the di­rection of Atlantic Richfield company chairman, Robert 0. An­derson, a protégé of Robert Maynard Hutchins, probably the closest collaborator whom H.G. Wells ever had.

    Anderson went to school with Mrs. Katherine Meyer Graham, mistress of the Washington Post, and you can expect to see a flurry of articles appear in that paper, all in support of the Fellowship of Faiths or whatever it is decided upon by which to label it.

    Anderson is the controlling light behind "Earth Day", whose shock troops have already launched a series of attacks on indus­trial targets and has extensively funded "Friends of the Earth" and the United Nations Conference on the Environment. Anderson is a high ranking inner-core member of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

    Anderson's influence reaches far beyond the shores of the United States. In 1976, Anderson bought the Observer Ltd. newspaper and installed Club of Rome members and One World Government officials Thorton Bradshaw, David Astor, Sir Mark Turner and Frank Stanton to run it.

    Allied with this group of "environmentalists" is a powerful dope (drug) hierarchy which includes Kleinwort Benson. Turner is on the board of the Royal Institute for International Affairs, and chairman of Bank of America, the Toronto Dominion Bank and the National Cash Register Company.

    These facts are offered to give you a very clear understanding of the forces arrayed on the side of the Fellowship of Faiths in the coming onslaught against Christianity.

    In the Soviet Union, Mrs. Risa Gorbachev had been coordinat­ing unity with the Russian Orthodox Church and her so-called Cultural Society and is linked to many of the above orga­nizations through Armand Hammer and David Rockefeller. Thus the stage is set for the renewal of the Fellowship of Faiths.

    During the historic meeting between Gorbachev and Pope John Paul II, it was Gorbachev who proposed a religious "summit" between the Eastern religions in his country and the West. This was enthusiastically received by the Pope. Does not the entire scenario smack of total deceit as the two proclaimed "religious" beliefs are totally opposing in nature and fact?


    What Pope John Paul II has in mind differs from what Gor­bachev and the Fellowship of Faiths expect to achieve and, as there are at least 120 high-ranking Masons in the Vatican, it is the Fellowship of Faiths which will infiltrate and dominate pro­ceedings of the Synod.


    What happened to good Pope John Paul I? He lost his life (death by murder) because he gave orders to Cardinal Vilot, the then Secretary of State, to immediately rid the Vatican of Ma­sons. Pope John Paul I was poisoned the same night he gave the order to Vilot.

    Cardinal Vilot died a short while later under very suspicious cir­cumstances as well. When Pope John Paul II took over the pa­pacy, the long tradition of carrying out the wishes of the previ­ous Pope was dropped. Vatican Freemasons remain more firmly entrenched than ever before.

    On the advice of one of these, or perhaps even a number of Ma­sons, the Pope chose Velehrad in Czechoslovakia as the site for the Synod. Velehrad is where the tomb of St. Methodius lies, who, along with his brother, St. Cyril, Christianized the Eastern regions.

    A significant comment was made by the President of Czechoslo­vakia, Vaclave Havel, also a Mason, who stated: "I dare say that in this moment I am participating in a miracle. The miracle is that, in the country devastated by the rule of the ignorant, arrives a messenger of love".

    Speaking to students at St. Charles University, Pope John Paul II said: "If Europe's historical memory does not reach beyond the ideals of enlightenment, its new unity will have superficial foundations". This is exactly the situation the Fellowship of Faiths hopes and expects to create.

    Continuing, Pope John Paul II said, "Christianity, brought into this continent by the Apostles and penetrated into various parts by the actions of Benedict, Cyril, Adalbert, and countless hosts and saints, is at the very roots of European culture". Whew, I don't think I recognize any of them as among God's Hosts.

    Now the Pope was not talking about ANY OTHER RELIGION. Pope John Paul II was explaining how Christianity had made it possible for a European civilization to grow. He did not say that this growth was due to the Albergensians or the Cathars; it was Christianity alone that had brought about the de­velopment and civilizing of Europe.


    It is now the destruction of this once unifying force that the Fellowship of Faiths has determined to destroy. This is a movement identical to the one in America that led Henry Steel Olcott and George H. Fell to form the Theosophy Society of America as a force to counter the spread of CHRIST-ianity. This force is again at work in full-force and intent.

    The new "club name" will be changed at an appropriate time to push you off the track--so watch for the underlying intent of what you are given.

    1992--A KEY YEAR

    This year is a very crucial and critical period in the road toward the One World Government. KNOW that this thrust under the guise of peace and religion is in no-wise a "religious" matter. The ramifications of this are so vast as to boggle the mind and it will affect every facet of your lives and the lives of generations to follow. It is actually THE key factor as to whether or not your nation will survive!

    Dr. Coleman has graciously given us a chart of organizations, past and present, allied with the Fellowship of Faiths. It fol­lows.

    I am in great appreciation to this beloved right arm of God who shares irrefutable information and research--in proof for you readers. It will be ones such as he, to whom the legacy of free­dom upon your globe shall be owed.


    Hatonn to clear, please. In love and communion I take leave.

  2. #2
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 43
    CHAPTER 15


    MON, FEBRUARY 3, 1992 11:31 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 170

    MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1992


    It has been long since we penned on this subject so I will refresh you as to mode of presentation. I am utilizing material from one who PARTICIPATED in the story at point. I do not identify this person except as "I.M. Anonymous" (IMA) because I wish to work from an aspect of ability to publish material yet un­known to him as such. He has been prevented by government authority to print all his material--the CIA requiring preview of the publication and ability to redact and censor ALL. I am in the process of noting (as the author did in his work) the dele­tions as to numbered sentences, etc. My comments are in brackets as is customary when I utilize verbatim information, ([H:]).

    As you are daily now walking through the hell of the CIA cover-ups and governmental changes of a Constitutional Repub­lic into a total One World Global Government set up through the U.N., I can only have compassion for you are getting a fully public blast of truth--in the JFK murder. Do not narrow your focus--to be of value, ALL documents on ALL assassinations and evil plans must be uncovered. Just imagine, as you read through the upcoming document, what is probably MISSING and watch as ones you know walk through in heinous crime without ability to touch the hem of their garments. There were other agencies before the CIA which were as heinous but you didn't realize it and the names were conveniently changed just like the "KGB"--the operations get worse and more criminal. They ALL circle back to originating right from the British Intel­ligence Service of the Crown of England--Even the Anti-Defamation League, which you thought to be Jewish. It is Jewish when referred to as the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, etc. It is for the purpose of bringing the world into a New Order under Global Government--by year 2000. My sub­ject herein is the CIA and we will effort to restrict it pretty much to that matter. I will undoubtedly require at least two vol­umes to sort through the tangled web of deceit, lies and crime.

    We were speaking, when we had to write on other topics, of the Clandestine Theory and we were to the topic heading of:


    (6-1/2 lines deleted)

    The primary and proper purpose of any national intelligence or­ganization is to produce "finished intelligence" for the govern­ment's policy-makers. Such intelligence, as opposed to the raw information acquired through espionage and other clandestine means, is data collected from all sources--secret, official, and open--which has been carefully collated and analyzed by substantive experts specifically to meet the needs of the national leadership. The process is difficult, time-consuming, and by no means without error. But it is the only prudent alternative to naked reliance on the unreliable reporting of spies. Most intelli­gence agencies, however, are nothing more than secret services, more fascinated by the clandestine operations--of which espi­onage is but one aspect--than they are concerned with the pro­duction of "finished intelligence". The CIA, unfortunately, is no exception to this rule. Tactics that require the employment of well-placed agents, the use of money, the mustering of mer­cenary armies, and a variety of other covert methods designed to influence directly the policies (or determine the life-spans) of foreign governments--such are the tactics that have come to dominate the CIA. This aspect of the modern intelligence busi­ness--intervention in the affairs of other countries--is known at the agency as covert action.

    The United States began engaging in covert-action operations in a major way during World War II. Taking lessons from the more experienced British secret services, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) learned to use covert action as an offensive weapon against Germany and Japan. When the war ended, President Truman disbanded the OSS on the grounds that such wartime tactics as paramilitary operations, psychological war­fare, and political manipulation were not acceptable when the country was at peace. At the same time, however, Truman rec­ognized the need for a permanent organization to coordinate and analyze all the intelligence available to the various governmental departments. He believed that if there had been such an agency with the U.S. government in 1941, it would have been "difficult, if not impossible" for the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor successfully. [H: Now keep in mind that the attack on Pearl Harbor was thoroughly known and assisted in the planning by your very government administration. So, the facts are not, once again, anywhere near the touted "reasons". It must become obvious that the presence of the secret organizations not only allowed such action but insured its perfection.]

    It was, therefore, with "coordination of information" in mind that Truman proposed the creation of the CIA in 1947. Leading the opposition to Truman's "limited" view of intelligence, Allen Dulles stated, in a memorandum prepared for the Senate Armed Services Committee, that "Intelligence work in time of peace will require other techniques, other personnel, and will have rather different objectives... We must deal with the problem of conflicting ideologies as democracy faces communism, not only in relations between Soviet Russia and the countries of the west but in the internal political conflicts with the countries of Eu­rope, Asia, and South America". It was Dulles--to become CIA director six years later--who contributed to the eventual law the clause enabling the agency to carry out "such other functions and duties related to intelligence as the National Security Coun­cil may from time to time direct". [H: Yes indeed, such as Kissinger, Scowcroft, Eagleburger and so on.] It was to be the fulcrum of the CIA's power.

    Although fifteen years later Truman would claim that he had not intended the CIA to become the covert-action arm of the U.S. government, it was he who, in 1948, authorized the first post­war covert-action programs, although he did not at first assign the responsibility to the CIA. Indeed he created a largely separate organization called the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC), and named a former OSS man, Frank G. Wisner, Jr., to be its chief. Truman did not go to Congress for authority to form OPC. He did it with a stroke of the presidential pen, by issuing a secret National Security Council Intelligence directive. NSC 10/2. (The CIA provided OPC with cover and support, but Wisner reported directly to the secretaries of State and De­fense). Two years later, when General Walter Bedell Smith be­came CIA director, he moved to consolidate all major elements of national intelligence under his direct control. As part of this effort, he sought to bring Wisner's operations into the CIA. Truman eventually concurred, and on January 4, 1951, OPC, and the Office of Special Operations (a similar semi-independent organization established in 1948 for covert intelligence collec­tion) were merged into the CIA, forming the Directorate of Plans or, as it became known in the agency, the Clandestine Services. Allen Dulles was appointed first chief of the Clandes­tine Services; Frank Wisner was his deputy.

    With its newly formed Clandestine Services and its involvement in the Korean War, the agency expanded rapidly. From less than 5,000 employees in 1950, the CIA grew to about 15,000 by 1955--and recruited thousands more as contract employees and foreign agents. During these years the agency spent well over a billion dollars to strengthen non-Communist governments in Western Europe, to subsidize political parties around the world, to found Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty for propaganda broadcasts to Eastern Europe, to make guerrilla raids into mainland China, to create the Asia Foundation, to overthrow leftist governments in Guatemala and Iran, and to carry out a host of other covert-action programs.

    While the agency considered most of its programs to have been successful, there were more than a few failures. Two notable examples were attempts in the late 1940's to establish guerrilla movements in Albania and in the Ukraine, in keeping with the then current national obsession of "rolling back the Iron Cur­tain". Almost none of the agents, funds, and equipment infiltrated by the agency into those two countries was ever seen or heard from again.

    In the early 1950's another blunder occurred when the CIA tried to set up a vast underground apparatus in Poland for espionage and, ultimately, revolutionary purposes. The operation was supported by millions of dollars in agency gold shipped into Poland in installments. Agents inside Poland, using radio broadcasts and secret writing techniques, maintained regular contact with their CIA case officers in West Germany. In fact, the agents continually asked that additional agents and gold be sent to aid the movement. Occasionally an agent would even slip out of Poland to report on the operation's progress--and ask for still more agents and gold. It took the agency several years to learn that the Polish secret service had almost from the first day co-opted the whole network, and that no real CIA under­ground operations existed in Poland. The Polish service kept the operation going only to lure anti-Communist Polish emigre's back home--and into prison. And in the process the Poles were able to bilk the CIA of millions of dollars in gold.

    One reason, perhaps the most important, that the agency tended from its very beginnings to concentrate largely on covert-action operations was the fact that in the area of traditional espionage (the collection of intelligence through spies) the CIA was able to accomplish little against the principal enemy, the Soviet Union. With its closed society, the U.S.S.R. proved virtually impenetrable. The few American intelligence officers entering the country were severely limited in their movements and closely followed. The Soviet Union's all-pervasive internal security system made the recruitment of agents and the running of clan­destine operations next to impossible. Similar difficulties were experienced by the CIA in Eastern Europe, but to a lesser degree. The agency's operators could recruit agents somewhat more easily there, but strict security measures and efficient se­cret-police establishments still greatly limited successes.

    Nevertheless, there were occasional espionage coups, such as the time CIA operators found an Eastern European communist official able to provide them with a copy of Khrushchev's 1956 de-Stalinization speech, which the agency then arranged to have published in the New York Times. Or, from time to time, a highly knowledgeable defector would bolt to the West and give the agency valuable information. Such defectors, of course, usually crossed over of their own volition, and not because of any ingenious methods used by the CIA. A former chief of the agency's Clandestine Services, Richard Bissell, admitted years later in a secret discussion with selected members of the Council on Foreign Relations: "in practice, however, espionage has been disappointing.... The general conclusion is that against the Soviet bloc, or other sophisticated societies, espionage is not a primary source of intelligence, although it has had occasional brilliant successes". (This and all subsequent quotes from the Bissell speech come from the official minutes of the meeting. The minutes do not quote Bissell directly but, rather, paraphrase his remarks).

    It had been Bissell and his boss Allen Dulles who by the mid-1950's had come to realize that if secret agents could not do the job, new ways would have to be found to collect intelligence on the U.S.S.R. and the other Communist countries. Increasingly, the CIA turned to machines to perform its espionage mission. By the end of the decade, the agency had developed the U-2 spy plane. This high-altitude aircraft, loaded with cameras and electronic listening devices, brought back a wealth of informa­tion about Soviet defenses and weapons. Even more important was communications intelligence (COMINT), electronic trans­missions monitored at a cost of billions of dollars by the Defense department's National Security Agency (NSA).

    Both Bissell and Dulles, however, believed that the successful use of human assets was the heart of the intelligence craft. Thus, it was clear to them that if the Clandestine Services were to survive in the age of modern technical espionage, the agency's operators would have to expand their covert-action op­erations--particularly in the internal affairs of countries where the agency could operate clandestinely.

    In the immediate postwar years, CIA covert-action programs had been concentrated in Europe, as communist expansion into Western Europe seemed a real threat. The Red Army had al­ready occupied Eastern Europe--and the war-ravaged countries of the West, then trying to rebuild shattered economies, were particularly vulnerable. Consequently, the CIA subsidized po­litical parties, individual leaders, labor unions, and other groups, especially in West Germany, France, and Italy. It also supported Eastern European 'emigre' groups in the West as part of a program to organize resistance in the communist countries. "There were so many CIA projects at the height of the Cold War", wrote columnist Tom Braden in January 1973, "that it was almost impossible for a man to keep them in balance". Braden spoke from the vantage point of having himself been the CIA divisions chief in charge of many of these programs. By the end of the 1950's, however, pro-American governments had become firmly established in Western Europe, and the U.S. government, in effect, had given up the idea of "rolling back the Iron Curtain".

    Thus, the emphasis within the Clandestine Services shifted to­ward the Third World. This change reflected to a certain extent the CIA's bureaucratic need as a secret agency to find areas where it could be successful. More important, the shift came as a result of a hardened determination that the United States should protect the rest of the world from Communism. A cornerstone of that policy was secret interventions in the internal affairs of countries particularly susceptible to socialist move­ments, either democratic or revolutionary. Years later, in a letter to Washington Post correspondent Chalmers Roberts, Allen Dulles summed up the prevailing attitude of the times. Referring to the CIA's coups in Iran and Guatemala, he wrote: "Where there begins to be evidence that a country is slipping and Communist takeover is threatened...we can't wait for an engraved invitation to come and give aid".

    The agency's orientation toward covert action was quite obvious to young officers taking operational training during the mid-1950's at "The Farm", the CIA's West Point, located near Williamsburg, Virginia, and operated under the cover of a mili­tary base called Camp Peary. Most of the methods and techniques taught there at that time applied to covert action rather than traditional espionage, and to a great extent training was ori­ented toward such paramilitary activities as infiltra­tion/exfiltration, demolitions, and nighttime parachute jumps. Agency officers, at the end of their formal clandestine educa­tion, found that most of the job openings were on the Covert Action Staff and in the Special Operations Division (the CIA's paramilitary component). Assignments to Europe became less coveted, and even veterans with European experience were transferring to posts in the emerging nations, especially in the Far East.

    The countries making up the Third World offered far more tempting targets for covert action than those in Europe. These nations, underdeveloped and often corrupt, seemed made to or­der for the clandestine operators of the CIA. Richard Bissell told the Council on Foreign Relations: "Simply because (their) governments are much less highly organized there is less se­curity consciousness; and there is apt to be more actual or po­tential diffusion of power among parties, localities, organiza­tions, and individuals outside the central government". And in the frequent power struggles within such governments, all fac­tions are grateful for outside assistance. Relatively small sums of money, whether delivered directly to local forces or deposited (for their leaders) in Swiss bank accounts, can have an almost magical effect in changing volatile political loyalties. In such an atmosphere, the CIA's Clandestine Services have over the years enjoyed considerable success.

    Let us give you a lunch break, Dharma. We will resume with the "Swashbucklers and Secret Wars". Salu, Hatonn to stand aside. Thank you.

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