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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 43


    SAT., JANUARY 25, 1992 9:48 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 162

    SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1992

    Dharma, in view of the earlier writing today from Aton, I sug­gest we simply take up with the subject in point. Thank you. Rest assured, chela, that as with yesterday--I am never away from you even though the terrorists seem so unrestricted.


    As we begin where we left off, I remind you that we were speaking of Hiram who was thought to have built the Temple of Solomon according to the Freemasonry projections.

    There is ample proof, however, that--as with David al Roy and King David--so are Hiram and Hiram different people. The Hiram so beloved by Freemasonry is NOT the Hiram who was involved in building Solomon's Temple, but rather Hiram of Tyre, king of the Sidonians whose kingdom stretched from the Euphrates in the northeast to the Gulf of Aqubah in the south­east, a great commercial empire. It was with this Hiram that King David made a treaty. King David (1000-961 BC) was Is­rael's most successful ruler. Again, note that due to evolving terminology, we find it necessary to use terms such as "Jews" and "Israel" although at the historical time in point--NEITHER TERM EXISTED! We are caused to utilize that, however, to which you readers can relate in order to make distinctions in groups and locations.

    He did however breach the neutrality of Jerusalem, which he made his capital. It was during his reign that literary activity flourished. You can include "JUDGES" in this category which was in collected form from the "Yahwistic source" in the Pen­tateuchal tradition.

    When David died (see, everyone does), his son Solomon turned Israel into a genuine Oriental monarchy. He built the dynastic temple, which was a copy of Canaanite temples in decoration and design. Of course there were no cult statues; the Ark in the cella replaced that. Solomon's Canaanite-style temple was de­stroyed in the first three months of the reign of Jehoiachin. Nebuchadnezzar besieged Jerusalem, which fell to him in Jan­uary 588 BC. Note the use of the term Canaanite--this does not even SOUND like Shemite (Semite). The lies were poured upon you so long ago that you are totally blinded if your mind refuses to remember truth.

    The KINGDOM OF JERUSALEM, (which had the most com­plete feudal laws ever devised) FORMED AN ALLIANCE WITH VENICE, GENOA AND PISA, the motive being to tap the Red Sea trade; this being facilitated by the country of Edessa, the principality of Antioch and the county of Tripoli, all fiefdoms of Jerusalem set up by Baldwin, Bohemund and Ray­mond of Toulouse. With the departure of the Franks, the city was recaptured by the Moslems in 1187, and Jerusalem ceased to be an organized state.

    The role of Venice as a commercial power and a spoiler appears again and again throughout the eight Crusades, particularly in the Fourth Crusade 1201-1204. A glaring example of the power of Venice (which it retains to this day) came at the Meeting of Hagenau, where feuding Crusaders were supposed to come to an agreement under Pope Innocent III (Lotario de' Conti di Segni). Now, doesn't this just smack of "Honest Dude" the used-car salesman?

    Instead of carrying out the agreement reached by all parties to the Hagenau Meeting, Venice demanded 85,000 marks and that the Christian city of Zara be attacked. (Personalities don't change a lot over the generations do they?) In spite of Inno­cent's unbridled opposition, Zara was taken and sacked. Venice gained materially, while the Crusade was excommunicated, which of course had no effect on Venice. The Crusade was then diverted to Constantinople which was taken and sacked in 1204 in horror and unsurpassed brutality.

    So all you so-called Christians cannot point the finger at anyone; in fact President Bush's lies about Iraq sacking Kuwait, even if they might have been true, which they most certainly are not, would pale into insignificance next to the horrors of the sacking of Constantinople. A Venetian, Morosini, replaced the Greek patriarch. Venice got possession of more than a quarter of Constantinople, plus Adrianople, Galiopoli, Naxos, Andros, Eu­boea, Crete and the Ionian Islands. Pope Innocent was power­less to stop the Venetians, notwithstanding his outraged opposi­tion. It reminds one of Pope John Paul II who appears to be powerless against the Venetian Black Nobility steering the Catholic Church in the wrong direction. You who doubt all this, that is--you who still have capability of reading, GO LOOK UP THESE THINGS FOR THEY ARE THERE IN THE HISTORY ANNALS FOR THE ENEMY KNOWS SO FEW WILL BOTHER THAT IT ISN'T WORTH THE EF­FORT TO DESTROY EVERYTHING--THAT MIGHT MAKE YOU SUSPICIOUS. IT IS EASIER TO BRING FORTH IGNORANT AND DEGENERATE PEOPLE TO GIVE YOU LIES. JOHN JUDGE, OF "JFK" RESEARCH SAID IT MOST SIMPLY ON WEDNESDAY OF THIS WEEK--GO LOOK UP THESE THINGS IN THE RECORDS! THE IMPORTANT PIECES ARE THERE FOR YOUR SEEING.

    Herman Von Salza, of the Teutonic Order, was the first and only Crusader to deal fairly with the Moslems. He established relations with the Moslem leader, Malik al Kamil and, in the terms of the treaty agreement they signed, Von Salza was able to secure a corridor from Jerusalem to the coast for Christians. Unfortunately he was undermined by the Venetians (non-Chris­tians), and forced to return home, after which Moslem merce­naries took over Jerusalem in 1244.

    British Army General Allenby recaptured Jerusalem in 1917, using the celebrated Lawrence of Arabia to marshal Arab support to defeat the Turks, in exchange for which the Arabs would gain complete autonomy, especially in the land of Palestine, where there was to be no more Jewish immigration. Allenby totally betrayed the Arabs and Lawrence was murdered.

    Henceforth the flow of Jews to Palestine was accelerated ac­cording to the treasonous Balfour Declaration drafted by the Freemason Arthur Balfour and signed by Lord Rothschild with­out consultation with the Arabs and without their consent. In spite of the gross betrayal they had suffered, Moslems and Christians as well as non-Zionist Jews shared Jerusalem without much friction until the Israeli-Arab wars which started in 1946. Jerusalem, up until the time of King David was always regarded as a neutral city, but major violations of its status occurred throughout its history.

    The role of the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon throughout the Crusades was marked by treachery and violence. Because of their Masonic-type oaths and initiations, they were ordered disbanded by Pope Clement V (Raymond Bertrand de Got) in 1312 and declared heretics.

    From the Knights Templar sprang modern Masonry and, in 1717, the United Grand Lodge of England was founded. It be­came the Lodge of British royalty. Its present Grand master is Edward the Duke of Kent, cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of St. George, appointed to his post by Queen Elizabeth II in 1967. Edward takes the position of Counseller-of-State whenever Elizabeth is out of the country. He received this position the same year that he was appointed to head the United Grand Lodge of England, thus publicly estab­lishing the link between Masonry and the royal family.

    The United Grand Lodge of England, the "Mother Lodge", es­tablished the Scottish and York rites of Freemasonry, the former so named after Robert Bruce, the son of a Venetian merchant banking family who went to Scotland following a family quarrel, and once established there, usurped the throne. It is important to note the connection between Venice, the Scottish rite of Freemasonry and Jerusalem. [H: If you don't know your en­emy you cannot hope to ever set your path about.]

    The Scottish and York rites are taken directly from the Templars whose leader, Guy de Molay, was executed for his satanic be­liefs and anti-Christian heresies which included Rosicrucianism and Gnosticism. (Go look it up! Throwing stones at these his­torians won't change anything--it is YOU who have been "had"!) Queen Elizabeth and the entire royal family put Gnosti­cism far above Christianity. In fact even loosely related TRUE CHRISTianity is in no wise respected nor followed. The prac­tice of that which is called "Christianity" in England is but a rit­ualistic charade of Christ-teachings turned into acceptance of all the broken laws of God.

    The United Grand Lodge played a leading role in the "rediscovery" of Solomon's Temple. It is strongly believed by intelligence circles that the United Grand Lodge of England was deeply implicated in the attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II. This is absolutely true--but not for the expected reasons for the Elite elements set him into power. However, the world situ­ation was getting out of control as factions within the Elite orga­nizations were in serious conflict. The Lodge was completely involved in events that led up to the Temple Mount massacre and the temporary closing of the Al Aska Mosque by the Israeli military on October 9, 1990.

    It is a well established fact that Edward the Duke of Kent had strong links with the notorious Italian P-2 Lodge through its Grand master Lucci Gelli. The Masonic-ritual hanging of Roberto Calvi in London remains intentionally unsolved to this day, but intelligence sources know the purpose of Calvi's flight to London was to meet with Edward the Duke of Kent, a meet­ing which was not allowed to take place and instead, Calvi met with death.

    One of the most important assets of the United Grand Lodge of England was its British Arab Bureau which played a key role in deceiving the Arabs under the command of Colonel T. E. Lawrence. Its most important Arabists were St. John Philby, the father of the notorious spy, Kim Philby; Wilfred Blount, T. E. Lawrence and John Baggot, "Glubb Pasha". With the excep­tion of Lawrence, all were wittingly involved in setting up a Jewish homeland in Palestine. All were Freemasons of the Scottish Rite.

    The Temple Mount Conspiracy had its origin in the United Grand Lodge of England. Perhaps its most important member was Sir Charles Warren, holder of the Grand Cross of St. Michael and St. George, Knight of Justice of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, founder of the Grand Lodge of Israel, and a founder member of Quator Coronati Lodge Number 2076, which lodge has always played a leading role in fomenting the Temple of Solomon plot.

    Warren was a member of the Palestine Exploration Fund estab­lished by Edward, Prince of Wales (a Freemason). In 1862 Edward led a British delegation on a tour of the Holy Land, os­tensibly to establish links between Solomon's Temple and the Bible, but in reality to start the project of rebuilding the Third Temple of Solomon.

    One of the most prominent members of the Palestine Explo­ration Fund was Sir Moses Montifiore from the ancient family of court Jews of the same name. The Montifiore dynasty is old Venetian Black Nobility. Montifiore was the instrument used to get a toehold for Jews on Haram-al-Sharif. Queen Elizabeth II is the present head of the fund.

    It was Warren who wrote RECOVERY OF JERUSALEM based on the Knights Templar essays, UNDERGROUND JERUSALEM and THE TEMPLE AND THE TOMB, which contains a lot of spurious "data" about the location and purpose of the Temple of Solomon. From this point on the Freemason "bible" contained 20 or more pictures of Solomon's Temple.

    The most powerful families of the Venetian Black Nobility joined in the plot to rebuild Solomon's temple. Among these were the Luzzattos, Byzantine Jews, headed by Moses Haim Luzzatto, who moved the family from Venice to Safad in Pales­tine in the 18th century.

    In the 19th century, part of the Luzzatto family moved back to Padua in Italy, where they established the first of many rabbini­cal academies teaching Judaism. One of its teachers was Rabbi Samuel David Luzzatto. The Volpi di Musurati family are an­cient Black Nobility from Sicily who settled Venice, and they also joined the plot to rebuild Solomon's temple. The Luz­zatto's powerfully supported Theodor Herzl, their choice to head Zionism. Count Piero Foscari, head of yet another power­ful ancient Black Nobility family of Venice, got very much in­volved in Freemasonic plans to rebuild Solomon's Temple. These families were committed cabalists who embraced Freemasonry.

    The Quator Coronati Lodge number 2076 is very important in that you note the role played by this super-secret lodge in the Solomon's temple plot which began with the Knights Templar. Quator Coronati Lodge is the home of the "Nine Men", also known as the "The Nine Unknown Men", believed to be the originators of the "cycles of disturbances" which result in wars, plagues, famines, weather disasters and so on. Does this sound something like the Horsemen of the Apocalypse? So be it.

    Dharma, allow us to close this portion as I need you to be else­where. May the Light be given to penetrate into the dark re­cesses that you of Light may be given into seeing for your time of renewal is so very short. In love and care I move to stand-by for I am never from ye ones.

    Hatonn to clear the circuit, please.

    PJ 43


    SUN., JANUARY 26, 1992 10:57 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 163

    SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 1992

    Dharma, allow us to interrupt herein and print the article from yesterday's Los Angeles Times which was just presented to you. It is appropriate that you share this material for it is exactly that of which we were speaking above. The right of free speech. The case in point has been ongoing for so long that it is all but forgotten but it is most important. The point is always to run the victim out of funds for court battles and thereby win by default. You ones MUST SHARE THESE EXPENSE BURDENS SO THAT YOU ARE NOT LOST TO FREEDOM BY DEFAULT. Oberli, make sure this information gets to Dixon and Tips immediately.

    QUOTE: Los Angeles Times, Sat. Jan. 25, 1992: Court Ap­proves Suit in Holocaust Issue. Civil Rights: Man who claimed the genocide never happened contends that Jewish organizations and Los Angeles denied him his right to speak at a library convention. By Henry Weinstein, Times staff writer.

    A federal appeals court Friday ruled a man who charged that the Holocaust never occurred could sue Jewish organizations and the city of Los Angeles for allegedly preventing him from speaking at a library conference.

    The decision of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals--which brought passionate dissents from four of its 28 judges--reaffirms a November ruling from a three-judge panel that al­lowed the lawsuit, filed by the late David McCalden, to proceed. [H: This just about says it all, doesn't it?]

    In doing so, the full court said alleged threats by two Jewish organizations to disrupt the 1984 California Library Assn. conference in Los Angeles was not necessarily protected by the free speech rights of the 1st Amendment.

    Judge William Norris, writing for the majority, said that al­though some of the defendants' protests were constitutionally protected, they were not immune from liability for the alleged threats.

    McCalden asserted in his 1986 suit that the American Jewish Committee had contacted representatives of the library associa­tion and told them that if they did not cancel McCalden's con­tracts to speak and mount an exhibit "the conference would be disrupted, and the CLA would be ‘wiped out'".

    He also alleged that the Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holo­caust Studies, headed by Rabbi Marvin Hier, approved of the threats.

    Both groups denied making such threats. [H: This is very typical of these operatives--everything is denied and hidden.]

    McCalden, the self-described Holocaust revisionist, charged that as a result of pressure and threats from the Jewish groups, the library association canceled his exhibit at the Bonaventure Hotel. McCalden died of AIDS last year and his widow, Viviana, is continuing to press the suit. [H: How strange that he would die of AIDS??? Surely the enemy would not arrange for more discounting of the accuser!]

    Four of the court's 28 members issued a blistering dissent that evoked the horrors of World War II's Holocaust--[H: And do you still think that the judiciary system is not overcome with unConstitutional law enforcers? Is it not logical that if truth is present in the now 6-1/2 million Jewish deaths that it would be proven in all documents and would make an even greater impact on the revisionists and public when false ac­cusations are made--i.e., that there could not have been that many slain on any account? WHY MUST THERE BE LAWS THAT NEGATE YOUR VERY CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TO HIDE ALL SPEAKING OF POSSIBILITIES? PUBLIC--YOU MUST THINK! WHAT IS THIS INSAN­ITY? IF 'TRUTH IS ON THE SIDE OF THE JEWS--WILL NOT THAT TRUTH COME OUT IN THE QUESTION­ING? TO NOT ALLOW THE QUESTIONS PRESENTS THE TRUTH, DOES IT NOT? THE TRUTH, MUST THEREFORE BE, THAT THE ORTHODOX PRESENTA­TION OF THE HOLOCAUST BY THE JEWS IS A LIE!]--during which Nazis killed 6 million Jews. [H: It doesn't say perhaps, probably, maybe or allegedly--it says "killed 6 mil­lion Jews", without documents, proof, wincing or thinking.] The dissenters also charged that the court majority was stifling the Holocaust survivors' free speech and that, by allowing the suit to go forward, the majority was threatening the 1st Amend­ment rights of an array of individuals and groups, particularly the news media. [H: Funny thing--I don't recall the Jews standing up for the rights to be heard of the White Supremist groups, the KKK, the Holocaust revisionists or any other group who speaks out against so much as supporting $10 billion to Israel to build houses in Palestine. In fact, it seems to me there is a great outcry to those ones as Anti-Semitic and great denouncing and rabble-rousing. Further, how is it that this group in point can call them­selves Jews, Zionists and other things such as "chosen of God" but when another speaks the terms or claims the right to participate--it is against the laws of the land! You had better wake up, world--it is too late in Canada, Australia, England, New Zealand, the Soviet Union (well they don't count in the new downfall), Germany and many other na­tions. WELL, IT IS UP TO YOU, AMERICA--WHAT WILL YOU DO? IT IS YOUR CONSTITUTION OR YOUR ENSLAVEMENT! IT ACTUALLY HAS VERY, VERY LITTLE TO DO WITH JEWS OF ANY NATION­ALITY, RACE OR RELIGION.]

    "I had thought it inconceivable that one could be held liable for planning and organizing a political demonstration", wrote Judge Alex Kozinski. He wrote for himself and three colleagues who contended that the case should be reviewed by an 11-mem­ber panel of the appeals court.

    Kozinski said threats to hold a political demonstration are clearly constitutionally protected. He said no one should be surprised that people would mount a militant, perhaps disruptive protest, in response to McCalden's claims. [H: What if Mr. McCalden simply said "The world is flat"?]

    "Those who carry the mark of Auschwitz tattooed on their forearms, or who survived Treblinka, Dachau or Buchenwald; who were hunted down like animals in the streets of Warsaw; who saw loved ones perish during Kristallnacht or in frozen boxcars on their way to the death camps that are the shame and horror of modern times--they cannot be expected to react calmly, with deliberation, with gentility to one who would tar­nish the memory of those butchered in the Holocaust by pre­tending the whole thing didn't happen", wrote Kozinski, who is Jewish and came to this country from Romania when he was 12. [H: If this doesn't make the point of intended world control without recourse--I haven't seen another so blatant. IF THESE ATROCITIES ALL DID OCCUR--WOULD NOT RECORDS STAND ON THEIR OWN TO DENOUNCE THE STUPID DENOUNCERS? WHAT HAVE WE HERE? THERE IS NO ALLOWANCE OF EVIDENCE, RE­COURSE, LAW AND ORDER, DATA--JUST DENIAL OF ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW ALLOWING ANY AND ALL ACTIONS WITHOUT EXPECTATION OF ONES TO ACT WITHIN CONSTITUTIONAL BOUNDARIES.]

    Kozinski also said it was ludicrous to characterize the cen­ter's threats to hold a disruptive demonstration as extortion. The center's statements, Kozinski said, "were aimed at achiev­ing a political objective, not exacting protection payments".

    Appeals Court Judge Stephen Reinhardt wrote that demon­strations from the Boston Tea Party to the Vietnam War protests were often disruptive but served the important purpose of bringing important issues into the public spotlight.

    The dissenters approached the case in a sharply different fashion from the majority. Norris' majority opinion described the issue facing the appeals court as a technical legal question of whether McCalden had made allegations sufficient to move his case beyond the first hurdle--a motion for dismissal filed by the defendants.

    He wrote that federal pleading rules are quite liberal and a motion to dismiss the case has to be evaluated in the light most favorable to the plaintiff. Norris' opinion, joined by Judge Dorothy Nelson, said McCalden's claims merited hearings on his charges of interference with his contract and civil rights vi­olations.

    But Reinhardt said that in cases where free speech rights are threatened, the plaintiff's pleadings must be subjected to greater scrutiny than in an ordinary civil case. [H: Does it not strike you as strange that a "Maplethorpe" exhibit of pornographic material (by statements of the artistic group in point) was alleged Constitutional and yet one lonely man wishing to ex­press doubts and possibilities that the Holocaust might not be completely as stated--is unCONSTITUTIONAL? You have some serious dirty-work at hand here, chelas!]

    "The majority's routine treatment of the plaintiffs complaint--as if the action involving nothing more than a dispute over a bill of lading--is at odds with the last 30 years of 1st Amendment ju­risprudence", Reinhardt wrote.

    The Jewish organizations had been involved in a long-running political battle with McCalden by the time the library association controversy arose.

    During the course of the dispute in 1984, they convinced the Los Angeles City Council to unanimously pass a resolution urging the library association to remove McCalden from the conference and to end the city's participation in the conference.

    Soon after, the association canceled McCalden's contracts to rent exhibit space and to present a program entitled "Free Speech and the Holocaust". McCalden had frequently charged that Jewish groups had suppressed discussion of the Holocaust.

    In 1986, McCalden sued the Jewish organizations, the library association, the city and the Bonaventure Hotel, where the con­vention was held.



    The lodge, Quator Coronati Lodge, was founded by nine Ma­sonic brethren in 1884. The direct connection with Masonry and the Temple of Solomon is found in the number nine. The Templars or Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon was founded by nine men, all of whom practiced an early form of Egyptian Rite of Misraim.

    The Order of the Knights Templar was a decadent organization which became sated with plunder from the Crusades. Their money power made them a state within a state (what else is Freemasonry?) and threatened Philip the Fair, King of France. An inquisition was used against them.

    Those who escaped fled to Scotland and joined Robert Bruce--the beginning of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The Order of the Templars was abolished by the Synod of Vienne in 1312 and its property scattered. Pope Clement V was never forgiven by the Templars for his support of the Synod of Vienne, said to be the basis of the well-established hatred of Christianity by the hierarchy of Freemasonry.

    Besides its secret work, Quator Coronati is the top research arm of the United Grand Lodge of England, as well as its intelli­gence arm. The power of British intelligence is believed to come from this lodge. Its intelligence agents are said to have penetrated every intelligence service in the world, including the KGB and the Vatican security, in itself a remarkable feat.

    The Jerusalem-based office of Quator Coronati deploys religious fanatics and political agents of influence among Jews and Arabs. It is the principal backer of the move to make Ariel Sharon "King of Israel". Sharon is in control of the settlers project responsible for bringing Russian Jews to Palestine which began with Lord Balfour in 1915 and culminated in the Limmasol, Cyprus agreement between top-ranking KGB officials and Ariel Sharon.

    Quator Coronati was responsible for "finding and grooming" Theodor Herzl, the "father of Zionism" for his role as the leader of world Zionism whose main task it was to give Jews an iden­tity with Palestine. Many Jews do not like what is happening in Israel and disapprove of what the Zionists have done. We should at all times take note of this. Not all "Jews" are Zionists.

    The Quator Coronati's Washington office deploys agents of po­litical influence. President Bush, a member of the secret Ma­sonic Order of Skull and Bones, Secretary of State James Baker III, Kissinger, Cheney, and puppets of a lower order such as General Alexander "I'm in charge," Haig are frequently used by Zionist propagandist Larry King ("Larry King Live") to give a totally unbalanced, lying and distorted view of the reasons why the U.S. military is in Saudi Arabia. Quator Coronati Lodge has a whole slew of agents of influence in the House and Senate, not the least of whom are Dole, Lugar, Lantos and Solarz. All the above are referred to as "Circle of Correspondents" (of Quator Coronati). [H: Scared yet? You should be!!]

    Quator Coronati is behind the agitation to build the Third Tem­ple of Solomon on a bogus site of the old temple near the Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem. This is actually the spot where the Knights Templar stabled their horses during the Cru­sades. This dirty trick started 100 years ago, and it is one of the reasons (there are many others) why President Bush and his satraps refuse to link the return of Israeli-occupied land to the Palestinians with Iraqi withdrawal from Kuwait.

    A Scottish-born Jew, Asher Kaufman, is a tool of Quator Coronati's Temple of Solomon hoax. He was deployed to East Jerusalem in 1967 hot on the heels of the Israeli occupation to "find" archaeological proofs and support for the Third Temple of Solomon project. Kaufman's cover was a teaching post at the University of Jerusalem.

    The "evidence" Kaufman allegedly uncovered subsequently proved to be an elaborate hoax. Kaufman wrote a number of articles about the Third Temple of Solomon project in "Ars Quator Coronati", the lodge journal.

    The most compelling of Kaufman's articles was the one pub­lished in 1963 in the Biblical Archaeology Review, entitled "Where was Solomon's Temple?" It was not by accident that Kaufman chose a Christian forum to spread his lies, which ex­plains why he didn't publish it in the usual way, i.e., in "ARS QUATOR CORONATI".

    Claiming that he had new evidence to support the claim that Solomon's Temple once stood on the site now occupied by the Dome of the Rock Mosque al-Aksa, Kaufman's "proofs" were discredited by officials in the Cairo Museum--but it was enough to completely fool Christian fundamentalists in America, who flocked to support this fraud. Kaufman is a physicist who is not trained in archaeology.

    Kaufman's unsupported claims were backed by Barbara Ledeen, wife of Michael Ledeen, a one-time consultant employed by the National Security Agency. Christian fundamentalist leaders still support this aberration, the ultimate goal of which is to drive both Muslims and Christians out of Jerusalem and out of the holy land altogether. Kaufman has turned out to be one of the most important "Circle of Correspondents" for Quator Coronati.

    Kaufman's controller was Professor T. E. Allibone, the well-known atom bomb scientist and member of the Grand Mother Lodge of England, a leading member of the ultra-secret Quator Coronati Lodge and an expert on British royalty. Allibone and Kaufman were the direct contact points of entry by Quator Coronati into the Temple Mount project.

    Another Quator Coronati operative was the late Alex Horn, a 33rd degree member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and head of the Northern California Research Lodge (Grand Masonic Lodge). Horn wrote a book, assisted by Harry Carr, a former secretary of Quator Coronati in Washing­ton D.C. The Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite in Wash­ington D.C. promoted the book, which it considered a very im­portant work.

    While the book contains many elaborate hoaxes, it is clear that building the Third Temple of Solomon has NOTHING to do with Christianity, a fact which Pat Robertson and his fellow Christian fundamentalist leaders ought to explain to their follow­ers. If ever it was made clear that Freemasonry (in which Solomon's Temple features so prominently) is a NON-CHRIS­TIAN enterprise, Horn's book KING SOLOMON'S TEMPLE IN THE MASONIC TRADITION, leaves readers in no doubt of its purpose.

    In an indirect, but no less important a manner was Avigdor Es-kin, the son of a GRU (Soviet Military Intelligence) colonel. Eskin is presently living in the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba and sometimes does special speaking tours in the U.S. on behalf of the Temple Mount plotters, speaking tours which are aimed at Christian fundamentalist leaders and members of the U.S. Senate. Eskin is credited with turning Senator Helms around, which led to a meeting between Senator Helms and Ariel Sharon.

    Eskin is a polished speaker as he demonstrated in an "Americans For A Safe Israel" meeting in April of 1984. The thrust of Es-kin's message was that Israel must support the New Right in the U.S., including prayers in school, oppose abortion and homosexuality, and above all, be "Biblical Israel". It is easy to see how the Christian fundamentalists were taken in by this sophistry. Jesse Helms was very impressed by the seeming sin­cerity of Eskin. Apart from Helms, Eskin was a big hit with the Heritage Foundation, Paul Weyrich, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robert­son and Richard Vigurie. To them he stressed that Jewish immigration to Palestine was an absolutely vital component to bring Israel "back to Biblical glory".

    What Eskin didn't say was that the "Biblical Israel" he meant was the Temple Mount project to build the Third Temple of Solomon on the site occupied by the Dome of the Rock al-Aksa Mosque and thereby light the fuse for a "holy war" to erupt. On a visit to Washington, Eskin told a group of fundamentalists that it was necessary to blow up the Mosque and that erecting the Third Temple of Solomon on the site was a religious and politi­cal necessity.

    Eskin, it must be noted, was not speaking for Jews but rather, as a KGB-planted agent of influence in Israel. I, Hatonn, won­der if ones such as Falwell and Robertson would be as willing to demolish the U.S. Capital, White House, Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial and simply place the new Solomon's Temple in its rightful placement--right there! I fur­ther wonder if they will be happy to simply have their belong­ings tossed out into the rain and onto the streets and have the priests of that Temple simply take possession of their dwellings? Why is Temple Mount so valuable? It is not where the other temple was placed!! The Zionists of Israel and the British Orders already have possession of your governments, your media, your press and all major industries and operations--why not just put the Temple in downtown Washington and end the war in Palestine? Let the Israelis simply have and annex all of America and Canada--they don't want Mexico because it is too poor. Al­ready ones tell George Green: "When we finally get control--we'll show you who is who"! This, by the way was a "partner in business" who objects to George presenting anything about the Khazars and/or Holocaust. America is already referred to in the European Community as "Little Israel" so why do you not make it easy on the Palestinians and simply rename your own country NOW, instead of waiting for the United Nations under orders of the One World Government to do it for you? All you are doing is offering the Royal Crown of Britain a hoarding place for weapons and arms in the Middle East. You have and always will, fight the battles FOR Israel AND THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND (BRITAIN).

    One of Eskin's colleagues who works with him in the U.S. is Robert Jacobs whose self-appointed task is to build a strong bridge between the Temple Mount project and the New Right-Christian fundamentalists in the U.S. The New-Right Christian fundamentalists must share the blame for the attack on Arabs and Palestinians on the grounds of the al-Aksa Mosque on Octo­ber 8, 1990.

    The Biblical language used by proponents of rebuilding the Temple of Solomon had a powerful effect on Christian funda­mentalists. Here are some extracts: "The main pillar of our re­vivalism is based on a deep-seated hope of old to see once more the Priests and the Levites performing their rites will certainly be fulfilled very shortly". Rites? You mean those "blood sacri­fices and burnt offerings"? Those are the rites which are from the temples. What do you animal and human rights promoters and protestors think about that? I guess it is alright to slaughter or burn alive, chickens, doves and lambs--if it be in the name of the God of the Jews? The Jews certainly don't say: God of the Christians--THEY SAY: GOD OF THE JEWS! SO HOW IN THE DEUCE DID YOU GET INTO THE ACT ANYWAY? OH I SEE, YOU PAID FOR THE RIGHT BY SUPPORTING ISRAEL AND BELEAGUERING PALESTINE!!! THE FULL, AND PROJECTED OPENLY, INTENT OF THE JEWS IS TO GET RID OF ALL CHRISTIANS ANY WAY THEY CAN! That means, dear Judeo-Christian so-called "Christians" either are NOT CHRISTIANS IN THE NAME OF CHRIST JESUS OR ANY OTHER--BUT ARE IN FACT ZIONIST IN THE WORSHIP OF BURNT OFFERINGS AND SACRIFICIAL BLOODLETTING. AS ALWAYS--THEY MAKE THE RITUALS AND SOMETHING ELSE DOES THE SACRIFICING--SOUNDS A LOT LIKE GOVERNMENT TO ME!

    This bunch of ignorant so-called Christian fundamentalists know nothing about the wheeling and dealing carried out between the KGB and Ariel Sharon which took place in Limassol, Cyprus which culminated in the "return to the land of Israel" of 400,000 Russian Jews, nor about the Sharon-Drobles plan to populate the West Bank with
    1.5 million Russian Jews by 2010 or sooner (preferably in total by year 2000 to coincide with the Plan 2000 completion). It is most doubtful whether God approved of these plans which include driving the Palestinians out of their home­land in complete abrogation of the Balfour Declaration which was, in itself, as blatantly heinous as anything you have had pre­sented to the new world order citizens. I petition people in my Command of Hosts traveling with your Christ--and I find no condonement of such behavior--so WHOSE GOD MIGHT BE SERVED HEREIN???

    Her Majesty's government, far from doing anything to preserve the rights of the Palestinians as guaranteed by that Balfour Dec­laration, is actively engaged through the United Grand Lodge of England and the Quator Coronati Lodge in assisting Sharon and his backers to the detriment of the Palestinians and will do nothing to prevent mass deportation of this hapless nation which will come in the near future.

    Just as Captain George Hill, a top British Secret Intelligence Service agent was appointed to oversee Bolshevik plans for the revolution in Russia, so will British agents oversee plans to erect the Third Temple of Solomon. Hill was deployed to Salonika where he worked for 10 years to assist the Bolshevik high com­mand. It is interesting to note that Hill's father had been a high-ranking Freemason in Russia. For those who may want to learn more about how Hill operated, Dr. Coleman recommends Hill's book, GO SPY THE LAND. I am not familiar with the docu­ment but accept the evaluation as being worthy.

    As for the Christian fundamentalists, they will most probably regard the mass deportation of Palestinians from Israel as yet another fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Which is why Christian fundamentalist leaders like Pat Robertson and New Right spokesman William Buckley are so essential to Sharon and his backers. Using then special assistant to the President Morton Blackwell to make contact with Buckley in 1981, the Temple Mount Foundation people have received a lot of support from both men since then.

    Pat Robertson, a member of a wealthy old Virginia family and a Yale Divinity graduate has been a boon to the Temple Mount planners. Robertson apparently believes in the restoration of Solomon's Temple even though, as we have pointed out, the original Solomon's Temple conformed in every detail to Canaanite temples. Perhaps Pat Robertson is unaware of this fact? Or, is he anti-Christian? You cannot have it both ways, friends! Robertson's belief in the restoration of the Temple on the site of the Dome of the Rock Mosque is carried by approxi­mately 1500 radio and 100 television stations.

    Another group who would dearly like to see Palestinians forced out of their homeland are the Alawite Moslems of northern Syria, led by President Hafez Assad and his family. Assad has long conspired with Sharon to bring death and destruction to Palestinians and Christians in Lebanon. But for the timely intervention by Pope John Paul II, it is very likely that Assad would have succeeded in wiping out the PLO when he had its armed forces trapped in Lebanon.

    The Christians have not been that fortunate. The recent mas­sacre of Christians by Syrian army units in Lebanon (if you have forgotten--we wrote in detail about this atrocity and you should go back and refresh your memories). This massacre was carried out under the direct gaze of the United States State Department and with the full knowledge of President Bush, who felt that it was more suitable to get Assad as an ally against Iraq than pro­tect any Christians in Lebanon. This is truly in keeping with the secret agreement reached between Syria and Israel that any war in the region in the future would result in a "great Syria" and a "great Israel" (Eretz Israel).

    I do not wish to get into the various breakdown of Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewry because the factions are so hate-filled against one another that I truly do not wish to add fuel to the flames. Somewhere in the cracks have become lost the true Judeans who walked with and followed God of Truth and Light. Yes, there were some--for they followed a man called Christ--which indi­cates that there were ones on the path in seeking goodness and not political greed and power, theft and massacre of brothers.


    I can't, however, find a way to get around a discussion regard­ing this perceived "greater-Sephardic Israel". These are the re­ally "second-class" Jews in Israel and this has created a massive groundswell of hate among the citizens. We must look at this circumstance so that you have some idea of what factions are involved.

    The hero of Israel's Sephardic Jews is Ariel Sharon. Levantine Jews are closely allied with Sharon in his bid to turn Israel into a full-blown Sephardic state, an Eastern Byzantine state in the manner of King Solomon when he succeeded his father, King David. The Sephardics are more concerned about rebuilding the Third Temple of Solomon than are Westernized Jews from the U.S. and South Africa, for example.

    Soviet Sephardic Jews now flocking to Israel and the Sephardics already there will forever alter the "mix" of Israel. Douglas Kreiger, one of the chief fundamentalists operating in the U.S. on behalf of the Temple Mount project said: "What we are do­ing here is creating a whole new Jew. Most Western Jews, es­pecially those in South America and South Africa, are going to be so far removed from the Israeli Jew that it will be a hard bridge to cross".

    "Soviet Jewish emigration will fundamentally alter the com­plexion of Israel. We have to find an authentic Jewish culture. Judaism is Semitic. We weren't given the Torah in Europe, we were given it in Sinai. The Middle Eastern influence will come in and we will be Levantines". Then, further, the Torah is only followed as to setting--the Talmud is the book of rules which all Jews now are required to follow. This ties in with the thinking of the Assad family. Hafez Assad told Sharon that he does not fear Oriental Judaism, but he hates and fears "the New York Jews". Do any of you find that statement interesting? Are you getting a better vision of what Armageddon just may be like? Oriental Jews? Your education has been most limited, has it not?

    The Temple Mount project run by Quator Coronati knows that Israel will change from the Westernized society to an Oriental society. The change meets with Quator Coronati approval be­cause it will make the selling of the Third Temple of Solomon that much easier. As Alibone once said, "King Solomon was an Oriental king". This is another reason why Shamir is in the process of being ousted in favor of Sharon, who is being hailed by his Sephardic followers as the "King of Israel".

    While British Freemasonry runs the Temple Mount project, the day-to-day hands on control is run by the Israeli Government through funding of the "Temple Mount Faithful-Atteret Co­hanim" controlled by David Levy, at one time Israel's Foreign Minister. The ultimate goal of Atteret Cohanim is to drive Greek Orthodox-Roman Catholic and other Christian denomina­tions out of Jerusalem and the holy land.

    Coordinator of the "Temple Mount Faithful" is Stanley Gold-foot, the man suspected of master-minding the blowing up of the King David Hotel, an event which gave the British an excuse to abandon Palestine and leave the Arabs to their fate. Goldfoot stated that he believes Israel "must ruthlessly crush Islam". Former member of the terrorist Stern Gang, Yitzhak Shamir, supports the Temple Mount project.

    On October 9, 1990, following the shooting deaths of the 22 Palestinians near the Dome of the Rock Mosque, Shamir stated quite falsely that "Jerusalem has been a Jewish city for 3000 years." Shamir can't count well nor has he studied his history books, bad as they might be. He apparently simply chose to ig­nore the fact that the Israeli military who took East Jerusalem have been told by the U.N. no less than 67 times to give up the occupation of Jerusalem.

    Most directly to blame for the violence was Minister of Reli­gious Affairs, Avner Shakti, who called for a mass turn-out of Jews at the Wailing Wall. His full-page newspaper ad caused 36,000 religious Jews armed with machine guns and pistols to parade through the Muslim quarter of Jerusalem shouting insults in which Shakti joined, screaming, "They should learn that Jerusalem is indivisible". Apparently Shakti is another one who could use a lesson or two on the history of Jerusalem which has been "divisible" for many centuries.

    Although Christian fundamentalist leaders have not condemned the October shooting deaths of so many Palestinians, Cardinal John O'Connor called it "a conspiracy against Christianity". The cardinal was talking about the way in which Palestinians were set up in this Quator Coronati plot. Enraged Palestinians began to gather on the grounds of Haram-al-Sharif, after mem­bers of Temple Mount Faithful (with strong connections of Christian fundamentalist leaders in the U.S.) started distributing flyers that there would be a ceremonial laying of the foundation stone for the Third Temple of Solomon on October 8, 1990. Quator Coronati has plenty of experience in stirring up Arab feelings which it got through Lawrence of Arabia and Glubb Pasha. How would you ones feel if a bunch of British Monar­chists marched in full-blown intent of taking down your National Capital Building and laying a foundation stone for their Ruling Palace? Would it not annoy you just a little bit, especially if you were still under the false impression that you are a Constitution­ally Sovereign Nation?


    So here we go as to how it is done: By teaching that Islamic holy sites desecrate Judaism, Temple Mount Faithful guaranteed that not only Arabs, but also Jews are incited to violence. Sur­reptitious videotapes smuggled out of Israel showed that Israeli police and border guards made no effort at all to stop the provocative flyers from being handed out. No doubt they were acting on "orders" which, while undoubtedly local, had their origin in the Quator Coronati Lodge in London which must bear full responsibility for that which followed.

    The secretly taken videotape discounted Israeli police claims that they were obliged to shoot at Palestinian youths who were throwing stones at Jews praying at the Wailing Wall. In fact, a very large number of Jews who had been praying there were told to vacate the area BEFORE the rock-throwing began.

    Those of you who saw the "60 MINUTES" CBS documentary of the massacre cannot doubt that the stage was deliberately set for the sole purpose of creating dissension between Arabs and Jews. Teddy Kollek, Mayor of Jerusalem, said as much. It is as with the pictures of the assassination of Kennedy and the pictures of his head blown away; do they leave any doubt for the need of questioning? Further, it is also as with the numbers in point in the Holocaust--THEY SIMPLY DO NOT ADD UP PROPERLY!

    Who master-minded this dastardly affair in Jerusalem? Well, it will, as usual, go right back to the Crown in England and the British Intelligence, working on behalf of the Quator Coronati Lodge. The intent was to create sympathy for religious Jews and show how urgently necessary it is to level the al-Aska Mosque and build the Third Temple of Solomon on the site.

    The Catholic magazine 30 DAYS stated that the Temple Mount project is designed to drive Moslems and Christian out of Jerusalem. It would seem that I protect the Catholic Church in this instance but I would make note that Cardinal O'Connor and
    30 DAYS spoke out and condemned the massacre of unarmed Palestinians. In contrast, dear ones, Robertson, Falwell, Crouch, et al, remained totally mute when they should have spoken out in the name of humanity if nothing else.

    So it appears that now we have new thrusts and accusations added to our other tauntings. This now of "anti-Jewish" and "anti-Christian Fundamentalist" and so, let me say that the vast majority of Jews do not agree with what is happening in Israel under the auspices of Sharon and the United Grand Lodge of England. Jews are by rabbinical law forbidden to pray on Tem­ple Mount. I am certainly not opposed to Christians who gen­uinely believe in fundamentalism, but note that is because I have no intent of interference in that which you choose to believe or in which you participate--however, by and large the followers of these leaders are being sorely misled in ignorance--both on the part of the leaders and selves.


    Perhaps we need to examine the origin of this Christian doc­trine. It was the decadent British East India Company who es­tablished Christian fundamentalism in the U.S. through its ser­vant, the Reverend John Nelson Darby. Darby, besides being an Anglican priest, was also an agent for the Andre family of Switzerland. The Andres are top-ranking Freemasons. One of the Andres was hanged during the American War of Indepen­dence as a spy for the British Army. Today the Andre family runs a giant grain business and are in the forefront of grain ex­ports to the Soviet Union.

    Darby's sermons were based on "secret knowledge" which he said had been imparted to him by God. Funny thing about this statement--God doesn't keep secrets--WE JUST RIGHT OUT AND TELL IT ALL EXACTLY AS IT IS! THIS KNOWL­EDGE WAS BASICALLY DISPENSATIONAL PREMILLENNARIANISM. Darby said that a modern Israel would arise to its original Biblical glory. When this point would be reached, it would be time for the Apocalypse and the Second Coming of Christ followed by the Millennium. An essential condition of this is the restoration of the Temple of Solomon. When the Temple of Solomon was restored to its former (Canaanite) glory, a Biblical Israel would become the target of an attack of Gog and Magog, which battle would take place on the plains of Megiddo in the Middle East; the Battle of Armageddon as told in the Book of Revelations, which would be preceded by famines, pestilences--all signs that the Second Coming was at hand. Now I suggest this may all be quite true in personal in­terpretation--but the one thing missing from the outlay is that the projection is in no wise from GOD! IT IS FROM MR. DARBY! THEREFORE, THERE ARE SEVERAL VERY SE­RIOUS FLAWS IN THE PERCEPTION--ONE MAIN ONE BEING THE TEMPLE OF SOLOMON--HOWEVER, IT IS RECOGNIZED THAT IF THE WORLD ALLOWS THIS HEINOUS ACT OF VIOLENCE AND EVIL--TO OCCUR--THE REST WILL FOLLOW AS SURELY AS NIGHT FOLLOWS DAY.

    Darby manipulated Christians into believing that those Chris­tians who shared his "secret knowledge" would have nothing to fear from the disasters as they would be taken up directly into Heaven and thereby spared the horrors of what was going to happen. This "secret knowledge" teaching has strong links to Gnosticism, which is an essential part of Freemasonry. How many of you beloved "Christians" realize this historical truth? Go look it up! Don't sit around and throw stones at your chil­dren or loved ones and/or Hatonn because YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR HISTORY FROM YOUR EXPECTED RAP­TURE TICKET!

    This deceiving Darby abused the trust of Christians, who were not aware of his true intentions: namely to create an atmosphere whereby Zionism would flourish under the pretext of a "restored Biblical Israel". By this means Darby was able to create the impression that moral issues (like the shooting of the 22 Pales­tinians) mean little and should not be allowed to obscure the vi­sion of "the New Jerusalem". All events in the Middle East are understood by Christian fundamentalists as the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, a belief upon which the Zionist mercilessly play.

    This accounts for the seeming lack of Christian Fundamentalist protest over the massacre of Christians in Lebanon, both by Sharon and Hafez Assad, although I am sure that individual Christian fundamentalists condemn it--surely, please. Perhaps this is because Christian fundamentalist leaders believe that Lebanon is going to be part of a revived Biblical Israel. This view is drawn from the fact that Lebanon is mentioned 72 times in the Bible, nearly always in close conjunction with Israel. The rationale for failure to condemn Sharon and Hafez Assad ap­pears to be that events in Lebanon are part of biblical prophecy.

    Another intent of Quator Coronati was to stir up animosity be­tween Arabs and Jews which would prevent any peace plans from coming to fruition. This is not the first time that such tac­tics have been used. At one stage, Sharon directed "Unit 101" who killed Palestinians with the intention of derailing peace talks being conducted. Boy, does this sound familiar in the immediate circumstances? I warn you--in Britain, the Crown and the Freemasons in London, Assad in Damascus or Sharon in Israel, there is no wish for a peaceful settlement to the Israeli-Arab conflict over Palestine. Great Britain is looking out for the in­terests of number uno: Great Britain. How can you tell? Be­cause, as graciously given me by Dr. Coleman, the following more important backers of Sharon are:

    Lord Harlech (David Ormsby-Gore)
    Lord Carrington
    Sir Edmund Peek
    Nicholas Elliott (Top-ranking British SIS agent)
    Charles Douglas Home
    Rupert Murdoch (Publishing magnate)
    Lord Nicholas Bethel
    Alexander Haig (Liaison to Bush administration)

    There are more but this must suffice. Without this kind of pow­erful support, Sharon would never have been able to pull off his West Bank land grab and the emigration of Jews from Russia to settle on it. Remember also, that every one of the above mentioned are in the top echelon of Freemasonry whether you like to face it or not. So, before you pass judgment solely on the Is­raelis or through misguidance fail to RECOGNIZE ALL YOUR VARIOUS ENEMIES--YOU MUST GO TO THE HEART OF THE BEAST FROM WHICH THIS EVIL HAS BEEN BIRTHED AND NURTURED--MUCH MORE, FACILI­TATED.

    This-too; is why-Israeli flags fly side by side with the American Flag on the podiums of the Trinity Broadcasting Network conferences--in equal status with your own nation's importance and allegiance. It is also why the golden ribbons adorn everything and further explains the stunning failure of Christian fundamen­talists to criticize Bush for going to war with Iraq--after all, just a little sacrifice, burnt offerings and blood ritual. How many of you noticed last year, Crouch taking the Presidential Seal ornament and wearing it like a medal of honor at the Holiday Sea­son--sent to him from Bush through a personal envoy?

    Iraq was desired destroyed by the British Crown and Israel--no more and no less--and YOU paid the price in both honor, in­tegrity and finances--LOST.

    You must, therefore, also look in this context at the tragedy of Haram-al Sharif. It must be regarded as an elaborate pre-planned and orchestrated movement to bring on a conflagration in the Middle East that will leave Israel the supreme power in the region, an Israel bereft of Christians and Muslims alike. There will be other massacres in the West Bank with continuing frequency which will cause Arabs and Palestinians to flee and seek safety--ultimately, in Jordan--thus making Sharon's dream of an Arab-free Israel a reality.

    Ariel Sharon confirmed the facts that the massacre of Haram-al Sharif was pre-planned as he told reporters: "Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jewish people for 3000 years" (an absurd claim under all circumstances). Sharon ignored the fact that Is­raeli occupation of East Jerusalem is illegal, as it has been since 1967. Bush and his new-found masters at the UN do not seem to see this in the same light of Iraq's right to be in Kuwait. To keep the matter dormant to some extent, Bush continues to use the personal assault against Saddam in point of focus.

    Yes, chelas, there will be wars and rumors of war and the plans are to get the big one under way soon. If you cannot learn from history you are destined to repeat it--over and over and over and over and over - - - .

    Thank you Dharma, for the long hours of work this day. I re­lease you now, chela. God walks with you beloved ones.

    Salu, Hatonn to clear.

  2. #6
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 43


    MON., JANUARY 27, 1992 1:55 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 164

    MONDAY. JANUARY 27. 1992


    Ah, what a tangled web ye weave - -! Hatonn present. I'm not going to cover much today as to "news" as we run so short of time for necessary documents.

    I would allow you a few hours off, Dharma, but since court was only postponed to Thursday morning I feel we must work today instead.

    I do want the matter noted to documentation. Another "harassment" type of situation for which I ask that the Law Center pursue when the time is appropriate for counter-filing on the matter of the diesel tank. I do not believe that expenses in­curred to bring two attorneys down this great distance for court only to be told that the Judge hadn't taken time to review the case--is sufficient cause for two hearings. Typical? Yes. Correct and lawful procedures? No. Not according to the Consti­tution. We will speak of this at a later time.

    I do ask that the contacts be followed up by Gene and the Con­stitutional Law Center--within the week--with Leona Helmsley, Imelda Marcos, John Judge at the "Open the Files" place in the Kennedy matter and/or Oliver Stone directly. Judge is the most knowledgeable of the group who have written and investigated the incidents. Then move right on to Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. Robert's death was another "magic bullet". The prestige of the Law Center will open doors otherwise SHUT. In the matter of opening the case files--Gonzales of Texas is also an excellent contact. When the extent of the in­volvement of Bush and Nixon are revealed, there will be total chaos. It is that no one has had strength enough to get heard--I believe the Constitutional Law Center is strong enough to do nicely.


    The noose is getting very tight now that the One World Gov­ernment is on the table. I have had hundreds upon hundreds of petitions to speak on the matter of Christianity, Church, Zion­ism, etc., in this thrust for final power. Then I come and say to you that you no longer even recognize the TRUTH in "CHRIST"ianity. Your most fundamentalist so-called Christian leaders are in favor of "just wars" and how does this all equate with that which GOD IS?

    Dharma has sorely dreaded these days when we would confront the facts of religions for it causes such uprising in the blind fol­lowers of emotionally packed evangelical Pentecostalism. Moreover, what IS this church vs. state matter? Well, any more it is simply that the Zionists can say and do anything and you (all the rest) cannot speak back.

    The facts are that George Bush's New World Order has been the finalized modern creation of the Tower of Babel. The conspira­cies are so great that they well may reach unto the very heavens except the direction is quite incorrect in conception. And, as before when the Tower of Babel first came about--the people were scattered about and abroad from the place of God unto the face of all the earth. Genesis tells the tale quite nicely. The ones who pronounced themselves "chosen" and "of God" and built the Tower of Babel were, in fact, Godless. So today is the New World Order/One World Government--Godless. The facts are being laid forth most clearly to the very Christian leaders who object in any way to Bush's ruling party. Oh, he keeps ones like Falwell, Graham, Crouch, etc., on the line--but they are fundamentalists who have set their churches and doctrines upon the story given forth by your very enemies. The conservatives have no sails and their boats are sunk. From a "Christian" perspective, there is no role to be played in this so-called New World Order because it's godless, i.e., the Tower of Babel. It is going nowhere. It's totally humanistic. It is with­out faith and is foredoomed to failure.

    But how can this be? Bush continually invokes God's help and before the war in the Gulf he loudly proclaimed his own faith not only in the New World Order but also in God. He said he prayed to the Lord and the Lord told him to strike at Saddam Hussein. Why do you say the New World Order then, is God­less?

    What you see is NOT what you get! You have to remember some things--Billy Graham also showed up at the White House with the President before you struck Iraq.

    The way this false kind of faith alluded to works is that a presi­dent decides what he is going to do and then he calls upon God to bless what he has already decided to do.

    This is having a form of the faith but without any substance. It is all eyewash and lip service, and it's quite frankly the kind of thing God most hates and despises. In fact, I believe you also find the words representing God's position in the matter of this type of misrepresentation: "I will smash them with a rod of iron like they are potter's vessels".

    So, please know--when you have bits of prayers at the White House and mention the "G" word--as it should be called--that is, "God" and you have someone like Billy Graham, a noted leader with an "in with God" along, then that's not really the faith at all. That is something that is totally disgusting.

    You are living in remarkable times where some of the liberal church groups--not really Christian groups, just religious groups--are against every military action in the history of the world--but certainly are liberal in every other aspect of breaking the ten commandments. Then you have some who will change with the apparent flow of "Godliness" in action and what is politically proper for the time being. Even a blind pig can see that a stopped clock is right at least twice a day and keeps right on rooting. Usually these ones who were right about hating the Gulf War in point--were right for the WRONG REASONS.

    But then you get it: "Just war--this is a Just war!". To cover their own ignorance as to what the war was about, because we don't expose our congregations to any of this type of informa­tion because they consider it Heinous and Satanic--no indeed, it is far better to mumble "just war".


    Now here is where the boys got separated from the men in the "Christian" blood-lust. The Jerry Falwells of the fundamental­ists queued up right quickly to support the war. These preachers have allowed their religion to become politics. War is not of God. Defense is acceptable--going to war is not. I would sug­gest that if war were suitable you would send 100,000 troops into Washington D.C. and actually defend your nation and peo­ple. That, of course, would not be virtuous--but send them 10,000 miles away to put down a dastardly Hitler-like somebody seems to be OK. Now, no one ever showed that Saddam was a Hitler-like man--Bush certainly showed that HE IS.

    You went to war for the British and to put a vile pig with 80 wives back on a monarchial throne. I think that anyone who sits to simply read the commandments will find several things amiss in the Gulf War.

    At any rate, I have just been espousing the truths about the fun­damentalists and the connections with Masonic Orders and the British Crown.

    I have permission to utilize more of Dr. Coleman's fine research and am most happy to share it with you. The time appears to be right to draw attention to the lesser known activity of the Wash­ington-Moscow partnership in the religious theater of opera­tions. You must remember, religion control IS the primary rule for takeover. I'll just cruise along herein and sort some things that you might well forget to look at closely.


    You have been led to believe that the Bolsheviks are opposed to anything of a spiritual and religious nature. In fact this is NOT TRUE at all. Mt. Athos remained the center of religious in­struction for decades and indeed retains that position to this day. The Bolshevik's hatred of religion was directed solely at Chris­tianity.

    The revival of the Fellowship of Faiths is a sign of the times; barriers are allegedly down in Europe and the nations of Europe are said to be uniting in one big happy family. As long as di­verse religions remain a force, the advent of a One World Government will be delayed. Bertrand Russell once put it succinctly: "...religion is a nuisance, if we cannot take control of it, then we must get rid of it".

    So having failed to "get rid of it", other tactics are being em­ployed, using the shop-worn relativistic idea that all religions are the same and of equal value. Proof that the onslaught against Christianity has not diminished is to be found in the at­tack upon the U.S. Constitution, which is being mounted in in­creasing intensity by Lloyd Cutler who was recently joined in this effort by Attorney General Richard Thornburgh and today it is all-out free-for-all, especially through the Zionists/Holocaust proclamations.

    The same type of zealous denouncement came about with the Native Americans. Oh, you went out and you made them reli­gious all right--religiously hate the very sight of you so-called Christians. You see--they never lost Christ. They lived in bal­ance and harmony with God (Great Spirit) and the Creations of God. Yes, there were some "unGodly" Indians but, brothers, nothing to even begin to compare to unGodly Christians.

    But why the massive effort to put aside this great document called the Constitution? The U.S. Constitution is second only to the Word of God and would not work unless based on Christian LAW. It has ceased to work because you have always seen to the breaking of the Laws and not to the required enforcing of them. There is a Constitutional Law that REQUIRES BALANCING OF THE BUDGET THROUGH THE STATES EVERY YEAR! It has NEVER been honored.

    This political tyranny will sweep the land if you do not have the protection of the Constitution. It is one of the desired goals of the conspirators to bring the people of your country to heel under a tyrannical government to then be shifted under the rule of Britain through the UN. You will have a Soviet-run military force to see to its working. Only unrestricted private gun ownership is standing between the American people and those seeking to enslave them--right now. Yes, God does allow the defense of one's family and property.

    The spirit of evil, that hatred of the right to freedom embodied in the Constitution is gaining ground, and grows stronger with the passage of time. Spiritually wicked men in high places abound; they are everywhere at work to enslave men, not only physically, but spiritually also. A frightening example of how successful they have become confronts you in the largest slave empire the world has ever known, to whit, the Union of Social­ist Soviet Republics. Don't act surprised, please--they proclaim to the world to be Atheistic! That does not mean that the spiritu­ally Godly people ceased to be Godly. Remember that in the ending times of the world, as you know it--the evil would be more evil and the holy would be ever more holy. Be thankful of that in the Russian people for they often ride "white" horses.

    You are supposed to believe that the Soviet Union is disinte­grating and that, as a system, it will soon be archaic. There is no more cold war and on and on ad nauseam. "Communism" is also a LIE but THEY call it Communism so I call it Commu­nism. Communism as the Soviets practiced it will never change. It may do so on the surface but at the core there will be very little change. Remember that all of the men on the Lenin government--Communism government--roster were and still are "Jewish" in origin. Some, like Lenin--in fact most--simply have changed names to hide origin. We have written about this at length so spare us the time of argument herein. No one has torn up and scrapped (really) the Constitution of the USSR. There are still well over twelve million political and religious prisoners still incarcerated in those Soviet prisons. Some of them--yours! Men as far back as the Korean War.

    Note, too, that Bush has not made this a condition of any of the treasonous treaties he agreed to during the Gorbachev's "summit" meetings. When you should have been able to "read his lips" Bush was silent. The fact is--he is not in control in any way whatsoever. The Communists and Zionists are pulling all the strings--all moving back as a unit to the Committee of 300.


    What is this "term" and how does it fit in? What political events could be impacted? You will have to go first into the history of the One World Government movement. Remember the blueprint according to the Protocols, etc.?

    The idea of a unified religious faith is certainly not new. It seems to sound good until you consider that the Baptists can't even get along with the Methodists and neither can get along with the Catholics, much less the whole group melding in with the Mormons who have a SECRET ORGANIZATION to match only the Vatican. So, whose doctrines will you use? None fol­low the rules of the Great Spirit Creator--so whose will you choose? Well--so, you will democratically "vote-something-in". The concept of unified "religion" is as old as Christianity itself and even prior. You will find as you investigate the matter THAT THE OBJECTIVE IS TO DESTROY THE WHOLE CONCEPT OF CHRISTIANITY BY WHATEVER NAME.


    And what is Kedranath Das Gupta? Is it some kind of Amaranth goop? No. Who were the men behind a fellowship of faiths? The movement was the idea of Kedranath Das Gupta, who was a member of the Executive Committee of the pro-Communist War Resisters League which advocates armed proletarian revo­lution. There is no need to argue with me--GO LOOK UP THE INFORMATION.

    The formal first session of the Fellowship of Faiths in America was held in Chicago in 1933 (at least by that title) and the true nature and intent of the movement was soon declared by Sir Ra­bindranath Tagore, the founder of the pro-Communist school in India (British) that bears his name and underscored by Bishop Montgomery Brown, an Atheist-Communist keynote speaker. Montgomery closed one of his speeches with the following ad­monition to the delegates who wildly cheered him:

    "There will exist a complete World Fellowship of Faiths only when the Gods are banished from the Skies and the Capitalists from the Earth". Now is that not a beautiful thought, for you nice Americans especially? It is further interesting that Sir Ra­bindranath Tagore, a man whose ideas were so at odds with the beliefs of the British, was knighted by the very people he was allegedly railing against. Isn't history fascinating? Where were YOUR teachers of history?

    Sir Rabindranath was a great believer in sex education for very young children and so, I suppose his impact lingers on in your controlled society today. One would tend to think of this plague upon your children as a new thing, wouldn't you? Something that you could say is "new" and therefore "untried" and having failed otherwise---. Well, forget "new", it had its roots in the Cult of Dionysus (another name for Satan) so all of you who tout and tell me that you know this or that because Dionysus speaks to you--spare me the offense of having to set you straight. Some will say, "Oh, I have a guide 'Diomanalo', etc. Look again--because the lamp they bear is interesting (to say the least) and it was firmly established among the priests of Baal and the Egyptian priesthood of Osiris. Before you ones own up to "speakers" supposedly of the Heavenly realms--I suggest you do a lot more work in your history books.

    Well, but what of Hatonn? It is spelled and pronounced "Aton" and I think most of your "speakers" will quite quickly deny me, denounce me and finally threaten to "hang up on you" if you continue to use my name.

    It would be most surprising to have found Christian priests and leaders actually accepting the idea of a fellowship of faiths and actively working together with haters of Christianity back in 1910, if you did not see the very same thing happening right before your eyes as you enter the year AD 1992 in stepped-up measure.

    In 1910 a Sir Francis Younghusband (yet another Knight of the British monarchy) made the following statement:

    "The idea of a World Friendship of Faiths originated with an Indian and an American. Kedranath Das Gupta was a native of Chittagong in Eastern Bengal, a town whose inhabitants are composed of four of the great religions of the world".

    "The idea occurred to Mr. Das Gupta that a fellowship for the union of East and West might be formed for the mutual appreci­ation of each other's standpoint". Forget that either one or the other might be correct but that both could not be totally correct as shown by the fact of four separate entities, each differing. "He has worked for 25 years on this idea and latterly found a cordial co-operator in an American, Mr. Charles F. Weller, who had for years been working hard for a League of Neigh­bors".

    "When they spoke to me a few years ago about forming a Fel­lowship of Faiths, the idea made an instant appeal. In America a Parliament of Religions assembled in 1893. In Paris in 1904 commenced a series of sessions of the International Congress of the History of Religions, other sessions of which were held in Basel, Oxford and Leiden".

    It is not by accident that these cities were chosen, for especially in Basel, Oxford and Leiden, are found the organizations who promote Liberation Theology. The violent anti-Christian ideas generated there were nurtured and then turned into action throughout the world. Leiden today is THE center of revolu­tionary ideas, and some consider it to be the home of Liberation Theology.

    It was out of Leiden that the traitor Heissewitz came, the son of a Jewish Rabbi who succeeded in dividing the Christian church in South Africa and thus opening the door to the heathen black hordes of the African National Congress to swarm in. If ever there was a case of treason against the Christian faith, that dis­honor belongs to Professor Heissewitz, alias Professor Heynes, a dedicated spiritual enemy of Christendom.

    To return to the statement made by Sir Thomas Younghusband:

    "In London in 1924 a Conference of the Living Religions of the Empire (the British Empire, that is) was held. And in 1933 in Chicago, continued in 1934 in New York, a Congress of the World Fellowship of Faiths was convened under the presidency of the Honorable Herbert Hoover and Miss Jane Addams". Oh, you are appalled--England wouldn't treat us like that, you might object: DOES ANYONE REMEMBER A REVOLUTION? REMEMBER A REVOLUTION CALLED THE "AMERICAN REVOLUTION"? WHO DID YOU WAR WITH? WHY? DIDN'T YOU LEARN ANYTHING AT ALL FROM THAT WAR? BECAUSE OF THAT WAR DIDN'T YOU WRITE A CONSTITUTION FOR FREEDOM PROTECTION? FROM WHOM? IS ANYBODY OUT THERE?? YOU FOUGHT YOUR VERY WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE AGAINST ENGLAND--THAT IS "GREAT BRITAIN" AND THE QUEEN. PLEASE SPARE ME THE MOANING AND GROANING--THEY HAVE ONLY COME BACK WITH MORE SEVERE PENALTIES AND TAXES AND YOU HAVE ALLOWED THEM IN BY YOUR OWN DOING.

    What think ye, that makes today "DIFFERENT"? At each turn of eras--all things are possible--AGAIN--for you never finish in truth the wonders before you. You are given gifts of pearls from God and you cast them back into the path of the swine. Why would God "rapture" YOU--YOU who deny HIM??

    "The Maharajah Gaekwar of Baroda was elected International President; it is now proposed to hold in London in 1936 a sec­ond such congress".

    The most striking objection to such a "meeting of religious minds" comes from the words of Christ who asked, "...what communion doth darkness have with light"? In those few pro­found words lie the death knell of ideas of people who have long sought the demise of Christianity by merging, or better yet, submerging it in a floodtide of other religions. You think YOU would stand up as a Christian? NO--the fact that it is being dis­cussed indicates that YOU WOULD NOT!


    Please allow us a rest break and allow ones to ponder the words for that which we bring forth now is the basis for man's journey through this veil of expression. Be most careful as to your "druthers" for "druthers" don't count.

    Hatonn to stand-by, please.

    PJ 43
    CHAPTER 10


    WED., JANUARY 29, 1992 10:56 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 166



    In the midst of that which seems the total darkness is the most brilliant of insight for in the darkness the distractions are few if there also be silence. Hatonn present to share in Light and Loving care.

    The truths are hard to accept, as the training is long and well-prepared in the darkening of your world. It does not mean that potential for vision is gone, only that the picture is not clear.


    As with all things--two sides in minimum counting--exist and even in your dimension of locking into time and space restraints--you will find three.

    You cannot listen to a thing, say, Yeltsin saying that all is well and no longer will missiles be pointed at U.S. targets. It means NOTHING--for there is no longer need of the missiles in any type of war. You are locked into a new grid system with differ­ent types of weaponry.

    How can it be, then, that Hatonn can say Russia is your enemy and turn about and say that from Russia will come your help? Because evil is the enemy of goodness and, therefore, one facet of the Russia of which we example will be that which works with your portion of Godly people--but the U.S. Government may well be the deadly Russian enemy--that means that in taking down your government the perception and actually action will probably be to take out major portions of the nation. God's enemy has taken possession of the nations of the world. Who, for instance is your (God's child in Truth) deadly enemy? Your government which has fallen to the Elite evil and the intention is to enslave you ones of "the people".

    The worst news that you can get and yet, the most obvious show and tell, is Yeltsin coming to spend time with Bush at Camp David--that should send chills into thine very life center. How­ever, it means that Yeltsin has no control over the events of most importance in his own nations.


    The state of your Union is horrendous. Did Bush give you anything upon which to base attitudes of change? He even told you that there would come more and more deviations from the Constitution--specifically in Freedom of Speech--using "anti-Semitism" with the same abandon as the Zionists. If you really listened to the speech--it is all quite clear in intent. Moreover--he was simply announcing that you are going to be sucked along exactly as the plans run and you haven't anything to say about it.

    You are disarming America because you have been ordered to do so. The assumption is that you can be brought under control easily now and you have sufficient weapons for little interim nu­clear wars in the Middle East, etc. The toys are of no use or value as you recognize the weapons to be--the ones you are shown are totally obsolete.


    Don't come to me and say, "We had no way to know"! That is not so--for a century there have been ones bringing total truth. Just this past couple of weeks a series has been shown on cable network (public) on the Secret Intelligence. Perhaps it is not totally detailed but I promise you that there is enough informa­tion to have awakened the entire world if anyone had listened. The series was done in 1988, so yes, there are changes but it took your CIA through and into the SOD (Special Operations) and into the massive fingers of "Black Operations" and code-named projects. John Coleman, Eustace Mullins and dozens of others have been pleading with you to listen and you have turned from them and persecuted them or allowed their persecution. But it is now time, for you have gone about as far as you can go on the planet as is.

    Dharma is brought into awakening this morning with fourteen new projects needing tending and three different subjects to be penned into JOURNALS along with enough information needing sharing on an immediate basis--that we blew all the fuses and circuits. I had to call a central meeting to personally prioritize and hand out jobs. Please, readers, we are in receiving of so many wondrous things from you ones that we are slow to re­spond in just the sorting of them. We will get to them as quickly as possible and we have turned one or two superb writ­ings over to readers to evaluate. Not that I can't evaluate but, rather, some things are intended for insight assistance for the human receiver and must be looked at through human eyes. One is a summary of information for those who refuse to listen and refuse to effort to look at the material because of sheer magnitude of the job in point. Another is giving actual seminars on the eight PLEIADES CONNECTIONS, as are several--and this material is the most important section of material as regards manifestation and soul progression. Please accept that I receive all this information and am responding directly to the best of our communications exchange. Since there is a central focus here, I appreciate your sharing for I cannot allow misperceptions of our material to be spread about if receivers are incorrect. Keep it to the "in my opinion" category always, and you are safe. Time passage is bringing back ones who have actually attacked us per­sonally either through Thedra's group and/or opinions given by others about our work on the basis of mis- and dis-information from totally ignorant personages. There is never intent to actu­ally gain knowledge of the work if the point is to deceive or tear you away from you utilizing this material. If "they" study the material, they find it to be Ttruth and there is nothing available for the discounting. Therefore, to serve their own dark gods--ignorance must be maintained.

    A good rule of thumb to get over such encounters is to simply ask the denouncer: "Have you personally even read the mate­rial?" and "ALL OF IT??" "Every line of it?" "From where do YOU get your authority to critique the material" and "WHO TOLD YOU?" If they give you the old, "I've been bringing material for Sananda, Hatonn and God (Aton) for 45 years and thus and so--" see if they speak as ones speaking FOR GOD or allowing God to speak for self. The clues become man fo­cused and the argument will cease to be of God projection but defense is totally of physical level of protest. Then, I suggest you tell them quite succinctly and directly that "Hatonn claims to speak in direct authority from Aton and will speak with any energy form available to any human spokesman". See what you get for a response. I stand to­tally on the word of the Laws for I brought them, sent them and now bring them again. I come again with my people of the Hosts and with my spokesman of TRUTH in reclamation of that which is MINE. For those fragments who choose to travel with the dark energies--so be it.



    Dharma, again I believe that we shall speak on "Christianity" because we come close to the time of choices within each and the misperceptions far outnumber the correct assumptions. I want, as you ponder our recent writings of fundamentalism, that you harken to last evening and one present WITH the Presiden­tial family as a confidant and advisor--Billy Graham. Be cau­tious indeed, for you must realize that the Billy Graham you see is not that which WAS. Moreover, you can KNOW that for self--easily. Billy Graham had surgery for cancer years ago which would have left him virtually speechless. I believe you will note that he speaks a lot--all over the world. You again, are victims of the terrible lie against God and Christianity. There are no "JUST WARS" friends--for if only one side be "right" then obviously it is not a "just war" for the other. GOD CHOOSES NONE ABOVE ANOTHER AND THEREFORE ANY HUMAN PROCLAIMING A THING TO BE "JUST" ONLY SEES FROM THE SIDE OF HIS OWN PERSPECTIVE AND THE VERY VISIONING OF SUCH NARROW SIGHT--IS NOT OF GOD--FOR WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE GIVEN IN JUSTNESS!



    Christianity is unique; it stands alone; it is the basis of the eco­nomic system you call Capitalism. Shocking? Why? It is be­cause since the turn of your century, at least, Capitalism has had no real meaning in "fact". It has been totally and completely prostituted and abased by the Conspirators of the One World Government--just exactly as has been the term and realization of "Communism". Without Christianity, the world would plunge into a New Dark Age, such as overwhelmed it during the 15th century. Why? Because true Christianity takes in ALL creeds, all colors--ALL who function in the human form of knowledge and thought reason. It is a state of being or progression of con­sciousness toward the Christed workings of God of Light, according to the balanced guidelines and guarantees given by God through the LAWS for your species and orderly growth. The remainder of natural creation work within the Natural Laws which simply ARE and cannot be changed--only brought into imbalance and disharmony. This state of affairs in the physical manifestation is always accomplished through the human pro­jection according to his chosen direction. At some point in each "stage play" comes the point of total imbalance wherein balance shall be returned in natural sequence regardless of what the "human" does. He will bring self into balance or he shall be given lessons through the imbalance and ultimately Mother Na­ture will work it all out in very proper sequence of events.

    Bring MAN into balance and harmony and the rest follows as surely as the balanced order of the universe. So, it is MAN out of control for you have called your way "Christian" and yet moved directly in opposition to the Christed teachings and State of Being. All the arguing and voting will not change an iota of the fact of it. Until the direction and intent of man changes, things will further deteriorate.

    I get petition after petition asking for input and interference for "I am asking" are the pleas and "don't I count"? Indeed, in­deed--and if asking in serious and honest intent--YOU are in great shape, aren't you? Remember, however, that you cannot change another--only self. So yes, yes, your petition is heard and honored and you will find your path to be quite clear as YOU learn to release those who are blinded and deafened. Of­fer and then allow, is all you can do. Then WAIT UPON THE LORD. You cannot force and be of God. Each must desire the change and it is part of your coming into KNOWING to recog­nize as much and yet, continue constantly to call upon the Hosts for assistance for it keeps you attached and prepared for service in your own purpose. Remember that prayers are rarely ever answered as YOU BELIEVE THE RESPONSE TO BE--be­cause you know not another's contract nor the purpose of that which already IS. YOU, in honest intent will not be given more than you can bear--even if it seems otherwise. There are some wise words which the Master Teacher brought you--"To save your life you must give up your life"! Now how much are you willing to give up of the physical to save that of the infinite? All save sex on Friday nights? All save my security funds? All save talking badly about my neighbor and hating him just a little bit? What are you ACTUALLY willing to give up to save your own infinite soul? I didn't say you had to even give it up--I said what are you honestly willing to give up?

    You remind me of the monkey with his hand in the narrow-mouthed jar. He can grasp the peanuts within but cannot re­move them in clenched fist. Yet if he unfolds his hands he drops them all. Wouldn't it be higher intelligence to reason out the problem and simply turn the jar into another container? That is for the monkey--for human of higher reason--if that be all the peanuts on the planet--you had better eat one, save one and hopefully have one or two to plant. THERE IS RESPONSIBIL­ITY IN BEING IN THE HIGHER REASONING MANIFESTATION OF MAN! Further, you must understand that every action bears a reaction--cause and effect. If you eat all the peanuts the consequences are that you won't have any for later and none to grow. If YOU chose to eat them all--why do YOU then blame GOD for your consequence of reaction/effect? You of mankind have made some miserably poor and horrendous choices and now the consequences are upon you as effect. NOW you want God to make it all nice and shiny new for you while you dump your load on the blood of a murdered man of 2000 years past and most of the world never believed in that particular entity in the first place. Does that mean that the ma­jority do not have equal Christ presentation? No--ALL DO, for GOD IS JUST! IN OTHER WORDS--YOU DID IT, NOW YOU ARE CAUGHT IN THOSE CHOICES OF ACTION OR INACTION. YOU MUST UNDERSTAND INACTION REP­RESENTS AS MUCH ACTION AS DOES ANY OTHER CHOICE. I CAN'T HELP IT IF YOU CHOOSE TO DISBE­LIEVE ME OR MY PRESENCE--THAT IS SIMPLY AN­OTHER ONE OF YOUR CHOICES AND IN THE ENDING WE SHALL SEE WHO HANDLES INFINITY TO THE BEST ADVANTAGE. ULTIMATELY YOU SHALL HANDLE IT, YOU KNOW, AND YOU SHALL DO IT IN "MY" WAY. IN THE MEANWHILE DO THAT WHICH YOU WILL FOR I HAVE NO CAUSE TO JUDGE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER--I SHALL GATHER THOSE WHICH ARE MINE AND WANT TO COME AND YOU MAY DO WHATEVER THE ADVER­SARY OF THE PHYSICAL PLANE HAS TO DEAL OUT TO YOU--WHILE YOU LAST. DO I THREATEN YOU? NO--THIS SIMPLY IS THE WAY IT IS.

    The Christian creed was not appreciated by Sir Thomas Younghusband nor Sir Thomas Youngblood of recent writ­ings. It is not appreciated by the legislators of your country. The Fellowship of Faiths sought to merge Christianity with other religions and so cause it to lose its unique identity, and the legislators of your country have carried forward Youngblood's ideas. You can easily see it in the falsely vile doctrine of "separation of church and state". What is really meant by this term? It simply means the total suppression of CHRIST-ianity. The point in focus was the intent to turn a "State of Being" into a State of Religion so that the workings within the Laws of God would not need be noted.

    Youngblood did not explain the nature of the Threefold Move­ment and the League of Neighbors. No wonder, when it be­comes known that both the foregoing stood for the unbridled revolution against Christianity and the Western ideals which rest upon it. "But", you say, "...we are talking about something called the Church of Christ and/or Christian and ChristIAN Baptist, Methodist, Catholic ad nauseam". No, you are talking about MAN doctrines according to his opinion of how a "thing" SHOULD be structured--not according to the teachings nor state of being of Christ.

    As mentioned, the founder of the "Threefold Movement" was Kedranath Das Gupta, a real fundamentalized Communist revolutionary. Other notables who joined with Das Gupta were as follows:

    Keith Harkie: A Communist member of the British Labour Party.

    Felix Adler: A notable Zionist and founder of the leftist Ethical Culture Society in New York.

    H. G. Wells: Oops--ah er, "...you said, Hatonn, to go watch the Time Machine, etc". So? I certainly did and I hope you did so. You had better start seeing how its going to come out if you allow the Planners to complete the story.

    Representing Bertrand Russell and the pro-drug league headed by Aldous Huxley, Wells was an ardent socialist and a member of the Socialist International Society founded in 1919. Wells was also a member of the secret Masonic society Kibbo Kift Kindred (KKK). By the way, KKK as you recognize it is sim­ply more of the same type of secret actions from the very same source. You just kid yourself into some blathering about "white supremecy", etc. It is simply hate-mongering right out of the dark secret societies begun by the Satanic organizations of Freemasonry. Actions are used as tools to continue hatred and chaos--it certainly can have nothing to do with the CHRIST state of being. The Kibbo Kift Kindred and "Clarte" histories are very hard to dig up but ones have done so and shared with you.

    KKK-"Clarte" had its headquarters in the Grand Orient Nine Sisters Lodge in Paris, the same Freemasonic lodge which played a major role in the bloody French Revolution, of which Moses Hess, one of the most virulent Communists the world had ever known, was a member.

    Hess and Wells actively supported the offspring of Clarte; the Society for Cultural Relations with Soviet Russia. It was in the confines of the sinister Nine Sisters Freemasonic Lodge in Paris where Wells made the statement that set him in opposition to Christianity and which later appeared in his book, THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME: "Henceforth the new world govern­ment will not brook the competition of rival religious systems. It will have no place for Christianity. There must henceforth be only one faith in the world, the moral expression of the world community".

    Annie Besant. Besant was a notable member of the Fabian So­ciety established in London by Sydney and Beatrice Webb as a leftist club for the Elite of Britain, the sole purpose of which was to foment a climate in which Communism would become acceptable.

    Besant was the spiritual successor to Madame Blavatsky, founder of Theosophy. Besant was head of Co-Masonry and was allied with Clarte and the Grand Orient Nine Sisters Lodge. Besant was very active in promoting what she called "social democracy", one of the forerunners of Willy Brandt's "Socialist International".

    You shall come to see the great harm done by all of these peo­ple, and I shall mention the organizations they represented at the time, and whose successors now befoul this great land, the United States of America.

    Miss Jane Addams. Addams founded the Women's Interna­tional League in conjunction with Mrs. Pethwick Lawrence. Notice these are big "society" names, not the types one associ­ates with the mad bombers who were attacking the Czar and his family in Russia. Addams was a confidant of several American presidents, which is interesting because of the fact that she also belonged to the KKK-Clarte and Co-Masonry.

    Addams was an enthusiastic backer of Wall Street investment in the Soviet Union and a stockholder in Nicolai Lenin's Russian-American Industrial Corporation and the Communist Federation Press.

    Apart from Lenin, another close friend of Addams was Rosika Schwimmer. Schwimmer is interesting because she was a close confidant of Count Karolyi, the man who handed Hungary on a plate to the Red terror directed by the beast, the foul murderer, "Bela Kuhn" (real name: Cohen). It was Addams who arranged a lecture tour of America for Count Karolyi. Addams was a member of the Federal Council of Churches.

    Among her closest friends were the Freemasons Dr. Glen Frank, Dr. John Lapp and Dr. Newton Baker (all Communists).

    Mrs. Pethwick Lawrence. Definitely Mrs. Lawrence was a member of the British "upper crust" and a notable society figure in London in the early 1900's. Mrs. Pethwick was co-founder of the Women's International League along with Jane Addams. Like Addams, she was a member of Co-Masonry and a leading member of Blavatsky and Besant's Theosophical Society.

    Mr. Charles Weller. Mr. Weller was a Capitalist-Communist millionaire at a period in history where the term really meant something. He was not a Donald Trump type of millionaire. The task of organizing the American Chapter of the Fellowship of Faiths was given to Weller, who quickly obtained the blessing of Samuel Untermeyer, a leading American Jewish Zionist and one of the controllers of President Woodrow Wilson.

    Untermeyer received Weller's proposal with great glee and im­mediately took it to Woodrow Wilson who endorsed it on the in­structions of another of his controllers, Mr. Justice Brandeis. In fact the controllers of President Woodrow Wilson, Baruch, Untermeyer and Brandeis made no secret of their blackmail powers over President Wilson.

    A close associate, Mr. Samuel Landmann of the New Zionist Organization, said: "Mr. Woodrow Wilson, for good and suffi­cient reasons, always attached the greatest importance to the ad­vice of a very prominent Zionist". He should have said, "to three prominent Zionists".

    Oh, are we going to get back to the Zionists? Yes indeed, you will find it all started in the highest inner-sanctums of the British anti-Christs. By any name they are your enemy on this planet--the anti-Christ, as you like to refer to the adversary. WHY DO YOU THINK THEY WANT TO MAKE LAWS THAT YOU CANNOT SPEAK AGAINST NOR DENY THEM? USE YOUR GOD-GIFTED BRAINS, LITTLE EARTH­DWELLERS--THEY ARE ABOUT TO BECOME YOUR PRISON-MASTERS FOR THE REST OF PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE ON THE PLANET EARTH-SHAN. Bigot? Dear ones, there are not strong enough words in your Earth Lan­guages to express the extent of my loathing of this representative of the highest adversary of goodness in the dimension of physi­cal man. I respect my enemy--AND I KNOW MY ENEMY. LIKEWISE THIS ENERGY FORM KNOWS HIS LIMITATIONS AGAINST ME AND MY HOST AS WELL AS MY CHILDREN ALREADY IN CHOICE. If you are not con­cerned about the evil about you--then I suggest you are going to be most unpleasantly awakened one of these days very soon. YOU HAVE MET YOUR ENEMY AND YOU HAVE CAUSED HIM TO "BE". PONDER IT CAREFULLY.

    The "good and sufficient reasons" referred to by Mr. Landmann were the packet of love letters written by Wilson to Mrs. Peck who, in exchange for considerations for her embattled son, handed them over to Untermeyer and Baruch.

    "Oh come on, Hatonn," you retort, "...don't try to sell us on il­licit affairs all the way back to Wilson". No, I won't, for it goes much, much farther back than Wilson. We shall simply deal with Wilson for that is the subject in point. Woodrow Wil­son had a magnificent passion for affairs with women--married women, the Peck "romance" being one such particularly torrid one. Most foolishly (as is the usual case of such disregard for public attitudes), Wilson expressed his love-lorn sentiments in writing to Mrs. Peck. Peck was an "indiscretion" which crip­pled Wilson's Presidency and your nation along with him, and brought about America's entry into the First World War. Hard to accept, is it not?

    Both Wilson and Harding supported the League of Neighbours whose influence and input into the Paris Peace Conference al­most carried the day for the One World traitors, and we shall also further consider the Fellowship of Faiths in sequence herein.

    Rabbi S. Wise. Wise succeeded Brandeis as Chairman of the Provincial Executive Committee for General Zionist Affairs. Wise was also a member of the pro-Communist Emergency Peace Federation and 19 other inter-connected Socialist/ Communist organizations, including the Fabian Society.

    Many of these organizations are quite well, alive and kicking in the U.S. under other names today in 1992, and are just as much of a menace to your "Republican" United States of America as they were in 1919.

    Wise was the leading light of the Jewish World Congress in Geneva in August of 1936, from which Congress wholeheart­edly approved the Samuel Untermeyer plan for war against Germany--this being three years prior to the actual declaration of war by Britain and France.

    Upton Sinclair. Sinclair was a member of the International Revolutionary Writers and a member of a number of affiliated societies along with Wise. Sinclair gave outright support to the Fellowship of Faith idea which would eventually unify and bring about a single religion. Sinclair gave Christianity a minus in this equation.

    Madame Sun Yat Sen. Madame Sun Yat Sen was the wife of a Red Chinese Communist who rose to become the first Com­munist President of China. Madame Sun Yat Sen was a staunch supporter of the American Civil Liberties Union.

    It becomes clear from the membership of the League of Neigh­bours that this was no organization devoted to peace, stability and religious freedom. On the contrary, its revolutionary activi­ties showed exactly what the League intended. The following "poem", called After the Order of ***Melchizedek (OOPS!!) became part of the manifesto of the Fellowship of Faiths:

    "I have no temple and no creed.
    I celebrate no mystic rite,
    The human heart is all I need.
    Wherein I worship day and night.
    The human heart is all I need.
    For I have found God ever there--
    Love is the one sufficient creed,
    And comradeship the purest prayer".

    This so-called prayer appears to be quite good on the surface, but the human heart is not noted for generating true inspired love, which is why Christ's Blessed Incarnation and Blood Pas­sion became a necessary presentation and expression. It is this type of humanism, inherited from the Fellowship of Faiths, which is so prevalent today.


    By 1926 the Fellowship of Faiths was a well-established friend of revolution. A group calling itself Rosicrucians, dominated its executive boards and committees. It had also formed an alliance with the Fellowship of Reconciliation, whose members in 1932 voted for the Communist ticket in elections of that year, partic­ularly in New York and Chicago. Please, let us not get side­tracked onto "Rosicrucians" at this writing. We get a lot of in­quiries about every known social club and I simply cannot cover it all in this document.

    The Threefold Movement started by Charles Weller and Das Gupta in 1924 held meetings all over Britain and America. By 1925 they had held 253 meetings, one of which was in London under the Presidency of Dr. Norwood of the City Temple. Thinly veiled attacks on Christianity were usually delivered at these meetings, although some of them had as their theme "What Christianity means to me".

    Among the leaders and organizers of the Threefold Movement were to be found the following religions and respective people:

    Represented by S. N. Malik of India, a member of the Beni Is­rael sect.

    Represented by Dr. A. D. Jillia of the Parsees.

    Represented by Rabbi A. A. Green of the Hempstead, London synagogue. As with Rabbi Green who changed his name to be more acceptable, I have a suggestion in great humor that per­haps George's problems would diminish somewhat if he called himself Green"berg". All through the centuries ones have changed names to a suitable asset as needed. It doesn't change ANYTHING--but gives the appearance of change. You had best hold close to your "sense of humor" for it is sometimes the only visible link to the soul.

    Represented by M. A. Dard.

    Represented by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Please note that this was the first time Spiritualism was held out to be a religion, a belief which continues to this day.

    Represented by Angarika Dharmapala.

    THEOSOPHY:Represented by Annie Besant.

    The important point to remember, of course, is that all of these religions are essentially anti-Christian (oops!!?). Well, so too are the Christians! There are continuing contradictory signals sent out by the Fellowship of Faiths which are intended to lead to confusion and obscure the true mission of "Christ".

    It is noteworthy that literature published by the Fellowship of Faiths was to be found in Communist bookstores all over America, Britain and Western Europe.

    One of the distributors of such literature was the American So­ciety for Cultural Relations with Soviet Russia. The First World Congress of the Fellowship of Faiths in the U.S. was organized by Jane Addams and held in Chicago in 1933.

    One of the principal speakers at that very Congress was Bishop Montgomery Brown, an Atheist and National Chairman of the Communist Workers International Relief and a member of fifty other Communist organizations. Bishop Brown was a keynote speaker and coming up we shall share extracts from at least one of his speeches.

    Dharma, allow us a break at this point. We will take up right here when we sit again. Thank you.

    Hatonn to clear and give appreciation for the assistance and sharing of ones who already bear such heavy loads as purpose bursts forth. Lay your foundations well, chelas, for when the purpose is unfolded--the load can be mammoth. Be patient in your unfoldment so that your roots are true and strong and choices well-made and stable. In love and communion I remain ever constantly with you--NEVER DO YE WALK ALONE!

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