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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 43
    TUE., JANUARY 21, 1992 3:21 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 158

    TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1992

    Hatonn present with a bit of thought provoking inquiry for you.

    We have a nice new attack going on in most disagreeable form--from Canada. Do not misunderstand me--I think the advertising is extremely helpful and attention getting. George and Desirée (America West Publishers) are on their way to Canada to have some interviews and have a seminar or two. I am embarrassed for Mankind and the foolishness projected in ignorance.

    The ADL and other Jewish League "clubs" have the press, sta­tions and hotel in a state of terror over the visit. The newspaper headline reads like something out of the KKK--referring to ET's and Anti-Semites, etc.


    In speaking with reporters and ones from the hotel, etc., it became very clearly recognized (by them) that no one even knew what they were talking about. Further, we are not interested in taking on any political party and that is what the World Zionist Organization is: a political party.

    If everyone wants to be completely "Hung-up" on such things as space-cadets and political party arguments--then I suggest ones don't truly desire ANSWERS to current, past or future in­quiries. I can't communicate at all if you refuse to look at problems and are already predisposed to not believe anything anyway. I do suggest, however, and especially in Canada that you THINK MOST CAREFULLY--YOU HAVE ALREADY ALLOWED LAWS TO BE PASSED TO MAKE IT ILLEGAL FOR YOU TO SO MUCH AS QUESTION ANY PRE­SENTATION REGARDING THE HOLOCAUST OTHER THAN THAT WHICH ISRAEL PRESENTS TO YOU. THIS, OF COURSE, IS FROM AND THROUGH GREAT BRITAIN WHO PASSED THE LAW IN ENGLAND FIRST. WHY? WHAT ARE THEY HIDING? AREN'T YOU CURIOUS TO NOTE THAT THERE ARE MORE "JEWS" RECEIVING RESTITUTION THAN WERE EVER IN GERMANY? THIS IS BY "THEIR" COUNT--NOT MINE, BUT IF 6 MILLION (NOW THIS YEAR: 6.5 MILLION) WERE KILLED IN CAMPS--HOW CAN IT BE? THE NUMBER IN POINT IS MORE THAN WERE IN ALL OF EUROPE AT THE TIME OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR--BY THE COUNT OF THE JEWISH COMMITTEE. I have no notion about the facts other than it seems to me mankind would like to have those numbers justified and as long as you in the Americas are pro­viding full funding for these people in Israel that you should have a bit more clarification. I would expect it myself--but it is your business what of your questioning rights you are willing to toss out the window. I can only say that for Greens or myself to be anti-Semitic is like saying the Canadian white Englishman is Anti-White!!! It has absolutely no meaning--NONE! It cannot be relevant because we both have lineage from both the Shem Semites and Judaeans. It appears that the ones beginning these wars of hate-mongering have not bothered to find out the his­torical truth involved here and, therefore, it has to be assumed--the INTENT IS TO CAUSE CONFUSION AND DISCORD--NOT GLEAN INFORMATION ABOUT POSSIBILITIES OF YOUR SPACE BROTHERHOOD CONNECTIONS.

    No one is going to find "magic" attached to Space Command--we are more REAL than are you and our communications sys­tems far more advanced--not strange nor mysterious.

    I can only remind you that in MY command we come as Hosts within the Brotherhood of Lighted God to get HIS people into safety when it becomes necessary and the information we bring is for your input to do with what you will. You are people of a massive lie and it would seem logical and reasonable to me to find out about it. I would start with WHY WOULD ANYONE BOTHER TO STOP YOUR PRESENTATION IF THEY WERE NOT IN KNOWING OF THE TRUTH YOU BRING????

    Jews and ADL members are most welcome to come and make full presentations to our people any time they wish to do so. I am, further, as Commander of this fleet, ready, willing and able to meet with them publicly but I am at this time restricting my presence to and through translators. I have been shot at too many times to make stupid errors and/or put any of my Earth crew members at risk.

    It is most important to note, however, that it is not the alien connection which causes ones to want to stop America West from speaking--IT IS FOR EARTH-BOUND REASONS. There are many publications at the level of OTHER LOSSES by Bacque, for instance, which had to be published in Canada to get published at all. It is the information brought forth from the dark hidden secret places (such as the cover-up of the murder of President Kennedy, etc.). The information is already available to the public now and it would seem most wondrous to be among the KNOWING citizens.

    To you who discount what I say about our purpose and our presence as being "evil" because we come from "space" and you are so-called "good Christians" and deny our presence--WHO IS THIS CHRIST?? IS HE AN EARTHLING HUMAN OR AN EXTRATERRESTRIAL?? HOW IS HE RETURN­ING?? OH? And can he just take all 6 billion of you on his feathered wings? Do you have feathered wings? How are YOU going to fly? To where will you ascend? To where will you fly? To the clouds? Is that what you believe? What are you going to do then? Now I hear--"God went to prepare a place for me! And, He will take me where I need to go!" Oh? And what about Us? We are sent to get you home to those "places" safely without losing you through the vaporous clouds! Where do these preachers and "authorities" say you are going? I think I would find out a little more, if I were you. There would seem to be a great deal missing from the presented story and yet we bring reason and logical answers as to how we plan to help you and we are called Satanic! You can have it either way you per­sonally want it--BUT YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS. If you, however, are going to work with physical bodies and beings--wouldn't it seem worth-while to have some help in that same format?

    There are some real big problems facing the humans of Earth and it would seem only logical that if the Elite "enemy" is going to depopulate the planet and has started to do so--that you need to find out how to get some help and stop playing in fantasy-land.

    Now all of you readers can deny, stomp the paper, throw it out, scream and rant--even shoot the publisher--but I suggest it will be you who is the fool for denial will not change one iota of the truth of it. My job is to bring Truth unto you who desire it and that is exactly that which I shall do to the best of my capability--which, by the way, is quite sufficient. 'Tis not Me who will be the "fool", my foolish and uninformed critics.

    I "offer", I do not "force" and I don't "have-ta" do anything to you or for you. I need prove NOTHING; I need do no miracles to suit YOU--you are the ones at disadvantage in every aspect of my perception--denouncing me or my friends will not change any of it--NOR GET YOU CLOSER TO SAFETY OR FREEDOM. FURTHER, IF YOU HAVEN'T READ ALL THE MATERIAL OFFERED--HOW CAN YOU JUDGE IT? HOW CAN YOU EVEN HAVE AN OPINION AT ALL IF YOU HAVE NOT PERSONALLY STUDIED IT ALL? Does this seem logical to you, this judging and denouncing without any knowledge at all? Is that not how you have gotten into this mess on your globe in the first place? Is your life exactly like you want it?

    Do you not see economic problems? How did they get so bad? Did Space Command do it to you? How about the so-called Anti-Semites? How about the Establishment Government? How about the international big business and banking interests? Seems to me that just this day there was a major announcement about Dow Chemical closing plants--in Canada as well as in the U.S.A.--did Space Command do that to you? Did George Green? Did the Anti-Semites? How about the Khazarian Elite from right out of your new Ally--the Soviet Union? I ask you again--are the anti-Semites, as you call them, and Space Com­mand your friends or your enemies? Who told you so? Might it not be wiser to look at who is throwing the rocks?? Who continues to cover the Kennedy murder? Ah yes, the same ones involved in the cover-up and conspiracy to assassinate in the first place. Evil always calls his opponent that which HE IS!

    There is great contradiction which might well be put to clearing. There are by far more funds going out to produce this informa­tion for you the people than is brought back within. But, there is something you ones should know about God and His Hosts. Our mission is to offer information according to HIS promise--not stuff it down your unwilling throats--in other words, "Here it is, do with it what you will"! George presents it to you and that is all that is asked of him by God and/or the Hosts and Command. The fact that he is willing to risk his very life and Desirée hers, speaks the truth--they are dedicated and commit­ted to their mission and love you greatly--BECAUSE THEY DON'T OWE YOU. THEY DON'T HAVE TO DO ANY­THING AND/OR SPEND ANOTHER FIVE MINUTES BE­ING INSULTED AND BATTERED BY THE MYRIADS WHO HAVEN'T ANY IDEA THERE ARE OVER 55 BOOKS (WHICH HE PRESENTS,--49 OF THEM FROM HIGHER COMMAND) YOU NEED TO READ--MUCH LESS HAVE READ THEM.

    If a man says, "I don't want to pay for Canada's government or military," and he comes from Texas, U.S.A., is he necessarily anti-Canadian? Perhaps, like many Canadians, he has no job and can't feed his own family! Then what is this incredible blaming and accusing when the same man says he is tired of paying Israel and setting Israel up as one of the major nu­clear nations--who threatens the entire world's peace? How have these foolish accusations flourished? Do the Canadians want to foot the bill for the entire U.S. Government, school system, damages for losses during the Gulf War--and go fight the next one? Well, that is what the U.S. has to do and, if it might seem anti-Semitic to object, then I wonder JUST WHO is complaining??

    Perhaps you are Catholic or Baptist--how about Methodist or Mormon--do you get the same as Israel? The "Jews" say Israel is a Jewish State and Jew means religion. This is what "they" say, not me. Every cent donated to the cause of Israel is tax ex­empt as a "religious" organization and yet I don't hear about a State of Baptist or United States of Methodist. Would the Is­raelites pay the Baptists? Do they make huge donations to the Catholics and Methodists? Then why are ones who object to paying a foreign state more than claimed by selves--made out to be horrible anti-Semites? What exactly does the term mean? It is time you ones stop your frothing and rock-throwing and use some reason with these questions. Further, is it not time that you-the-people started finding out WHO--EXACTLY "WHO"--is behind the demonstrations and street problems--who sets these things into motion to CAUSE all the chaos? It would be wise to find out and, worse, you are going to find it to be the SAME GROUPS over and over and over again. This is why--ONLY KNOWLEDGE IN TRUTH CAN BRING YOU FREEDOM! YOU MUST KNOW YOUR ENEMY!

    Dharma, enough of this for we must get on with our work. Please, readers, be
    reminded that I am giving you information from Dr. Coleman's CONSPIRACY TO CREATE A HOLY WAR. I will not repeat so I have to ask you readers to get the prior material. We are going to pick up exactly where we left off yesterday--on page four of his bulletin.

    I further remind you that this is several years past in the original writing and was partially updated in pertinent portions in 1990. Therefore, if it appears to have errors, realize that fact in con­sideration. We haven't time to update to current, all numbers, etc., for it is the overall plan and concept which is important. Thank you. I promise you that it will be name, dates, places and numbers updated in his forthcoming book, CONSPIRA­TORS' HIERARCHY: THE STORY OF THE COMMITTEE OF 300. I can only suggest you contact America West right away because, when that comes into print, it will be extremely hard to find a copy. He has been kind enough to share with us some timely commentary and it gives you ones confirmation of that which I bring which seems so difficult to accept from un­seen resources--but then, how many of you have ever SEEN John Coleman? I thought not!

    I also have inquiry regarding the medical/surgical facilities and other military and M.A.S.H. types facilities which are being placed at various places around the globe, several of which are in the Aleutian Islands. Well, chelas, I don't know how to tell you other than that which I have already given you. Plan 2000 is under way in full blossom. You are GOING to have war and you are going to have very large internment camps where you-­the-people will be placed. I witnessed you ones watching "60 Minutes" on this past Sunday and didn't know whether to laugh or cry at your shock at equipment, food, shoes, medical sup­plies, etc., being stockpiled (I believe in Pennsylvania). This shown and used as example was literally covering miles of huge warehouses and hundreds of thousands of tires and such things--including baby diapers. Some of the over-supply was from 1952. The military refuses to cut back--new "stuff" went to the war and, yet, the question was asked over and over again--what for? What do you need all those unneeded supplies for? Dear ones--they need it for the internment camps in which you-­the-people are going to be placed! I do not know how to cause you to comprehend the truth I bring and yet you are destined for a very unholy year this year. Eight years to pull-down world nations and gain total working control is not very long--indeed, you are in serious trouble NOW. There is going to be a war in the Middle East and it WILL BE NUCLEAR! NOW, YOU CAN SAY WHAT YOU WILL, BUT YOU ARE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE AS A PLANET.

    Israel is already planning, openly, a war. She pushes and plun­ders and bombs and "takes" in occupation that which is world recognized as not hers to take but denouncing does not stop the pain and misery. Iran is ready and ably matched militarily to Is­rael and it is awaiting the ignition process. The U.S. is by treaty agreement obligated to fight the war FOR Israel and that is simply the way IT IS. To you who denounce us--GO LOOK AT THE FACTS FOR THEY ARE NOT EVEN HIDDEN--THEY ARE OPEN AGREEMENTS IN YOUR CONGRES­SIONAL RECORDS AND SOME ARE PUT RIGHT INTO YOUR CONTROLLED PRESS.

    In protection of a correspondent I shall only refer to a story re­garding "beer" being sent to Russia. Since the person resides in the North East fairly close to New York, I must take a bit of care in relaying the story--but you will enjoy it and I will com­ment on the "purpose" in point at another time. You readers might well take note for what seems quite frivolous is in fact, very deadly serious.

    "..... on a transportation contract to move a certain American Beer product to a shipyard in New York for shipment to Russia. The shipments are so large that it is estimated that it will take at least a year before the entire quantity of beer can be moved: truckload upon truckload moving every day for a year to load onto ship after ship. If the people are starving, what is this ur­gent need for excessive amounts of beer"? Well, at this point a bit of humor is not what you requested but just accept that it is in part--grain payments. I jest not! A large portion of the so-called "grain" agreement is being handled in this manner so that no-one will realize it is beer. It is simply processed through the brewery and disguised. The Soviet Union promised to take America without firing a shot and they could and would if Israel would leave the Middle East alone. It is also planned to set up a massive introductory push for the product. I would not like to drink very much of that brew, myself. The recipe is quite inter­esting indeed. I have to leave this subject now for we are so late to begin our writing this evening.



    Speaking in Congress, Senator Rudy Boschwitz said that de­fending Israel was a real bargain in terms of the money it costs! We always thought a bargain was supposed to have something in it for both parties. What is at the heart of this sudden "coming together", this "finding common ground" between the Zionists and Christian fundamental cultists? First, let me remind you that some time back I did a special report which discussed the agenda for the Inter-Religious Peace Colloquium at Bellagio, Italy in 1975, under the auspices of Philip Klutznick, Sol Linowitz and Cyrus Vance. For those of you who have not seen that report, the conference was ordered to devise ways and means of using fundamentalists of all religions to destabilize tar­geted countries, more especially, the Middle East countries.

    Iran was the outcome of the Bellagio conference, and what we are witnessing today between Zionist fanatics and the Chris­tian "fundamentalist cultists" is also an out-growth of policies laid down at Bellagio. What the new-found alliance will do, or what it is expected to do, is support the crazy Temple Mount take-over by Zionist extremists. Under the direction of million­aire Terry Reisenhuver of California, every effort is being made to extract $100 million from Christians to finance the building of "Solomon's Temple" on the present site of Islam's second holi­est place, the Dome of the Rock Mosque in Jerusalem. Allied with Reisenhuver are the Christian fundamentalist cultists. [H: I suggest you not get up in arms as with anti-Semitic when the term cultist is used. It is a very good English word meaning "group" or "church" of a specific indoctrination.] Tied in with this is the British plan to destabilize the Saudi Royal family through another "oil price shock". The price of oil, once it falls to the British-Iran price level of $20 per barrel will be a disas­ter, not only for the Saudis, but for U.S. economic and political influence on Saudi Arabia. Even if the price of oil goes to $25 per barrel, the Saudi deficit would immediately hit $22 billion. Libyan oil is already being dumped, recycled through refineries in Jamaica, and sold in the U.S. as "spot market" oil. [H: Please bear with us as we move along here. There was a "Gulf War" called Desert Storm just last year and since this document was written. Surprisingly enough, as with all po­litical wars, the facts of the elements involved, as with oil pricing, does not change. You are watching the bank fore­closure of a world and perturbations only occur as politically designed--as with the phony coup in the Soviet Union. The design and blueprint does not change in the least bit. The real subject in point is the massive assistance to the Israeli cause from the U.S. fundamentalist "Christians".]

    Rank and file "fundamentalist" Christians and Moslems alike do not realize that they are the dupes of international forces which care little about their beliefs. They do not realize that they are being set up to bring about a Khomeini-style revolution in Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Egypt and Algeria, and that the cat­alyst to precipitate these revolutions (which could very well lead to the third world war) is the Dome of the Rock Conspiracy hatched by the Temple Mount Foundation.

    In Israel, Interior Minister Josef Burg is strongly opposed to what the Israeli press calls the "Temple Mount crazies". Burg is opposed to messiahism becoming a part of the official policy of the Israeli government, for which he is much hated by the Jew­ish "fundamentalist" group inside Israel. Burg's son was the intended target of a grenade attack on a crowd of "Peace Now" demonstrators who were demanding the resignation of Sharon following the Shatila massacre. Burg's son was wounded and a man was killed in the attack, said to be the work of Kahane's Kach party of the JDL. Its leader, Rabbi Kahane, fled to New York following the issue of an arrest warrant for his part in the grenade attack. He was not detained by U.S. Immigration offi­cials on arrival in New York, and is walking around New York without any attempt so far having been made by New York D.A. Morgenthau to arrest him on the Israeli warrant. (Editor's Note: Kahane was assassinated in New York City).

    In Israel, as I mentioned, several newspapers have picked up on the Dome of the Rock story, which I first disclosed in November 1982. As far as I am aware, no national paper has yet printed the full story. Nehemiah reincarnated is what Reisenhuver says he discovered he is some twelve years ago. Since then he says he has devoted his life to the cause of re­building Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. He says this is strictly in accordance with the Christian Bible. The Christian "fundamentalists" are showing the same kind of blinkered reac­tion as the Moslem fundamentalists in Iran. I have long warned that Christians would be used as a destabilizing force, for which I was severely critized by some of the fundamentalists. The Is­raeli press reported on the Greater Israel Jewish Fundamental­ists, and its connection with Sharon. It has confirmed what I said last November (1988), that the plan is to annex the land upon which the Dome of the Rock Mosque stands. Unfavorable press coverage was given by the newspapers Kol hair Maa'riv, and Davar Yediot, while in the U.S. the Yiddish language Al­gemeiner Journal, also picked up the story. Although none of them said anything about the complicity of Haig and Kissinger in it, (in fact the Jerusalem Post denied it) there is a strong sus­picion that they are. Reisenhuver had close ties to the Begin government, through Haim Druckman and the nuclear physicist, Yuval Neeman.

    The "fundamentalist" movement was exported to America from England, following the Bellagio conference. Queen Eliza­beth was involved in this plot against Christianity. The whole project is being run by British intelligence, just as it ran Iran's mullahs. Tavistock Institute is closely involved through Stanford, which has persuaded Christian fundamentalists to fall for its "zero growth" ideas for U.S. industry. The U.S. steel, auto and housing industries have been shut down by the same people who planned the destruction of Iran's industries and nuclear power station using Moslem fundamentalists, which they are now doing to America's industrial base using Christians. Iran's fanatical Moslems did close down the Iranian industrial plants and development projects, and Aspen hopes to achieve the same results here in the USA. [H: If you think this is outrageous and that NO FOREIGN nation could do such a trick or a thing--look out! You are "shocked" that a Japanese indus­trialist and government person would make snide and insulting remarks about American business and workers--WHY? WHY ARE YOU EITHER SHOCKED OR EVEN SURPRISED? YOU HAVEN'T THE PRODUCT AND YOUR OWN PEOPLE DON'T BUY YOUR CARS BE­CAUSE OF PRICE, ETC. IF YOU CAN'T SELL THEM AT HOME--WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU EX­PECT ANOTHER COUNTRY TO BUY THEM? Let us say that the Japanese build Honda, like Honda and want to sell Hondas to you. Keep in mind that the Honda is more ex­pensive than, say, Ford Mustangs. Now you like Ford Mus­tangs, you build Ford Mustangs but the government and Japan says you now have to buy Hondas. What would a good American like you say in this case? Further, let us say that America exported and Japan imported so many of your American cars that Hondas stopped selling--in Japan. Would you stop shipping Fords to Japan? I thought not. You cannot enforce morality nor fair market business in a truly demand-basis capitalistic society. Besides, chelas, the cars in point are the ones you might be able to afford in the depression--but you won't have jobs and neither will you have access to the less expensive autos. It is truly a very hard challenge. Indeed, indeed--the Japanese were truly laughing at your visitors to Japan. Worse, a major, major incident was planned--like assassination of your American President and that really angers the Japanese. It was a most foolish trek in the first place.]

    As a result of ideas formulated by Aspen and executed by Moslem fundamentalists, Iran is in the Dark Ages. Fundamen­talist cult preachers are telling their flocks that the apocalypse is at hand; Gog and Magog will soon launch their assault in Israel and, at that point, all of the Jews will be converted to Christian­ity. And do you know that millions of fundamentalist cult Chris­tians actually believe it? Doesn't that place them on the same level as the peasants of Iran who were misled by the mullahs?

    There are some who doubt that Begin would have had any­thing to do with Christian fundamentalism [H: As with Shamir and Sharon--but he knew exactly where to go to get what he needed--support, support and money!] Begin has had a long time PERSONAL friendship and working relationship with Fal­well. Isn't that long-time friendship with Jerry Falwell suffi­cient proof? [H: Remember, also, that Mrs. Begin had huge holdings in property and bank accounts in the U.S.A.--at the time of Begin's power in Israel. You didn't seem to like Imelda Marcos having holdings in the U.S. Is there not something unfair about this? In fact--YOU send all the money to Israel--Marcos at least did not use your taxpayer dollars for her special and secret accounts.] Of course it ap­peared that Begin was cooperating with the Christian fundamen­talist cult, but it was for strategic short-term gains, in exactly the same way that he cooperated with Khomeini against Iraq, and why Sharon was cooperating with certain radical elements in the PLO. Sharon was the de-facto leader of the Zionist fundamen­talist faction which was clamoring for open annexation of the West Bank, while Begin was quite happy to annex the West Bank, piece by piece. In 1987 alone, over 30,000 Arabs lost their land on the West Bank. It is this Zionist land-stealing fac­tion in Israel which the Christian fundamentalists support; the same lawless faction with its witchcraft that caused trouble for ALL Jews in Spain during the 12th century, whether or not they were part of it.

    Although the American Christian fundamentalists will have it otherwise, there is nothing of the Old Testament in the crowd around Sharon, who is a false leader. The Christians are just as wrong as was Khomeini, who killed and murdered while doing it in the name of Moslem fundamentalism; yet Khomeini is not a true Moslem, in fact he was against many of the teachings of the prophet Mohammed. [H: Sharon is intended to come to power in Israel very soon now as Shamir is pushed aside--you will very soon be in war! Sharon was a terrorist in the Stern Gang and he fully intends to build in all occupied ter­ritories with or without permission of any United Nations and he has flatly told you so.] I would like to touch very briefly on the similarity of conditions in Israel in the last few years, and those just prior to the Six-Day War in 1967, and what was taking place in a general way in the mid-1980's. In 1967, then KGB leader Andropov worked with Eshkol and Dayan to upset Nasser and dump him. The British worked on the Arabs doing all they could to provoke them into acts which would give the Israelis reason to retaliate. Both the British and the KGB worked through Kim Philby, son of St. John Philby, perhaps the greatest of all Arabists. Just as later, the Soviets shared Philby with the British. The famous Dayan victory in the Six-Day War was the outcome of a joint British-Soviet enter­prise backed by the Israeli government.


    With this information in hand we can understand just how important is the Dome of the Rock conspiracy in the plan to destablize the Middle East. Any provocation by the new Chris­tian fundamentalist-Zionist alliance will bring instant retaliation from the whole Islamic community.

    Sharon was supposed to resign from the Israeli government. So afraid of him was the government that he was allowed to stay on without a portfolio. Israel knows that American influence in the region is a spent force. That is why Sharon met secretly with Andropov and the British, as both were working to edge the Americans out of the area--except for the support money. Begin had also been making approaches to Moscow, using Edgar Bronfman and Armand Hammer, plus direct contact through Foreign Minister Shamir and Gromyko. Andropov had been stepping up contacts, not only with Israel, but with the Gulf States as well, because the Arabs became willing to talk after the U.S. failure to stop the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. The U.S. lost a tremendous amount of face over the invasion, and if Andropov could have had his way, the U.S. would never have regained the lost prestige it once had.

    The Arabs were saying that the U.S failed to act like a super­power because it could not contain Iran and Israel. The U.S. was completely discredited because not only could it not get Be­gin out of Lebanon, it had demonstrated that it was unable to stop the creeping annexation of the West Bank and Gaza. Begin had already started to make contact with the Soviet Union through Shamir and Gromyko who met at the United Nations. It was one of the reasons why the Israelis had defied President Reagan. When President Reagan sent his well publicized letter telling Begin to "get the hell out of Beirut", it was simply ig­nored, and the Soviets let the fact be known all over the Arab states. [H: It was well known that the Israelis not only knew of the planned bombing against the U.S. Marine Barracks in Beirut but actually planned the entire event.]

    Another factor which caused loss of face for America was the British alliance with Andropov. Philby, although a General in the KGB, was shared by British and Soviet intelligence. The British were using the Soviets and the Israelis to destabilize the Middle East. The prime spy scandal was a case in point and it caused a serious rift in British-U.S. relations which never healed. This was reflected in statements made by Francis Pym, Foreign Secretary, and the Soviet leader in which both criticized U.S. Middle East policy in strikingly similar terms. In fact, the magazine Middle East said openly that the British had staged an intelligence coup against the U.S. in the Middle East. Accord­ing to Reuters there were other signs that Israel and the Soviet Union were rapidly mending fences. On April First, 1983, Be­gin said that he felt sure that restrictions on Jews who wished to emigrate would soon be lifted for "religious reasons".

    Andropov had promised Israel, and Sharon particularly, a big slice of the "New Yalta agreement pie", when the Middle East would be carved up after the big battle would be over. America would have been eliminated from the area, and be the big loser. That is the scenario against which the Dome of the Rock Mosque conspiracy must be viewed.


    Dharma, I'm sorry chela, but we are going to have to leave this writing. We will try to get at the subject more quickly in the morning.

    Due to the immediate crisis in Israel and the probability of Sharon regaining "the throne" I feel we must continue with this topic prior to moving on with the CIA subject. Things are sim­ply happening so rapidly in your world this day that projections cannot be made accurately in all arenas. You must have what backup information, names and places as we can lay on you. You must begin to know the players. You must realize your own political players--i.e., remember I told you the other day--"Clinton" is a member of the Bilderberg Group, CFR, etc. A full blown puppet of the Committee of 300 One World Group. The ones put up for election in both parties are wholly orches­trated and hand placed by that Committee of 300. You are be­tween a rock and a very hard place. If you watched "Larry King Live" just yesterday with Tip O'Neal you would have heard a statement from Tip saying that Clinton, "for some rea­son is picked by the press", and, "I don't know why". Well, I just told you WHY.

    By the way, Tip also said that he had direct input proving that the Assassination of Kennedy was a conspiracy and the FBI told various ones to not testify as to what they knew and saw. You are working your way pretty close to the top of the line with Tip O'Neal--are you not? He said he could not watch the JFK mo­tion picture by Stone--not because of the contents but rather, be­cause he simply could not watch it for, "Jack was my close, close friend and he had told me that he was going to wind down Vietnam". It is time to pay attention, America!

    I ask that you make time this evening to witness BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY by Stone re: Ron Kovic. You will be working with these people and you had best get familiar with their human aspects, Dharma. Thank you. I also remind you to keep those dark (with darkener shield) goggles at hand all the time now as these horrific political conflicts in Israel unfold. Iran is ready, willing and able to go to war today and the ground is very, very shaky. Just stay "ready" and you will be fine. Good evening.

    Hatonn to clear, please. Adonai

    PJ 43


    WED., JANUARY 22, 1992 8:11 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 159



    Hatonn present in the Light of Holy God, sent in service to you at this time of change that you might have insight beyond that which is visible in the physical expression.


    Before we move into the subject in progress of Israel, I want all readers to know that the hotel in Canada which had contracted to hold George's seminar--has cancelled for the police have in­structed them that they are afraid they cannot maintain order. Can this be? A man (publisher) is asked to speak to a small group and is so dangerous to the adversary that they will face constitutional law to meet the Elite demands? Thousands of dollars have gone into meeting staging and notifications--dam­ages must be confronted on a CONSTITUTIONAL basis. It is time to counter EVERY attack and effort to silence freedom of presentation. If you cannot speak of possible aliens coming in friendship--I think you know what MUST be afoot in the infor­mation you are being served up on the golden platter of lies.

    Eustace Mullins faced this identical scenario--and brought charges which were thrown out of court. I suggest you ones join together and stand forth in strength under the protection of the Constitution. It happens to others and as word spreads--come forth brothers--and in unity there is strength. It would be good to give the family tree of the ADL, for instance, to the Supreme Court--you cannot be heard until you have a platform high enough to be heard to the fringes of the crowd. You can­not be seen until you stand forth on that platform high enough to reach above the crowd with a microphone louder than the dissenter's chanting. So be it. As you are given opportunity--seize the moment!

    I hope all of you in the immediate area watched BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY last evening. If not and you have a VCR--go rent a copy. You MUST begin to SEE the conse­quences of your "allowing" and "kowtowing" to this monstrous octopus of control.

    Now let us continue with our subject for we have picked up two new MUST additional subjects. In fact I shall probably inter­rupt this immediate writing for the more focused interest re­sponse about the role of Nixon and Bush in the assassination of President Kennedy. Bush was directly involved in the 1963 murder of John Kennedy--all entangled in the Cuban involve­ment--Bush's CIA job was to organize the Cuban community in Miami set for the Cuban invasion.

    As a matter of fact, Dharma, this is more important to get to the public than the subject of the conspiracy relative to the "holy war" planned and ready to burst. Interest at present is focused on JFK and we should offer this more deeply hidden "secret". So be it, chela, let us write this document for the next LIBERATOR and return to the other subject this afternoon if time per­mits.


    I give credit and appreciation to a daring Editor, P. K., who has dared to bring this CIA information to be brought public with confirmed documentation to back up the matter. Remember, readers, our thrust is to get TRUE INFORMATION into your hands in the least mystical method possible and the BEST SOURCE is from that which is presented which already bears Truth and confirmation. WE are not ABOUT mystical readings but, rather, about getting that which is covered--uncovered so that you can come into comfort with our presentations. Thank you.

    What I wish to utilize as basis for this writing is a reprint of a reprint so I won't give details as I wish to make my own nota­tions--as is usual will make my comments in brackets: "[H:]" .

    The Role of Richard Nixon and George Bush In the Assassi­nation of President Kennedy (Information originally by P.K.) [I use initials because efforts have been to take-out this writer.]

    A newly discovered FBI document reveals that George Bush was directly involved in the 1963 murder of President John Kennedy. The document places Bush working with the now-fa­mous CIA agent, Felix Rodriguez, recruiting right-wing Cuban exiles for the invasion of Cuba. It was Bush's CIA job to orga­nize the Cuban community in Miami for the invasion. The Cubans were trained as marksmen by the CIA. Bush at that time lived in Texas. Hopping from Houston to Miami weekly, Bush spent 1960 and '61 recruiting Cubans in Miami for the in­vasion. That is how he met Felix Rodriguez. [H: The thing to hold uppermost in mind this minute in reading, is what I told you some two to three months ago regarding the planned invasion (again--now) as a distractor, of Cuba. One of George's boys is heading the group working on that pro­ject now.]

    You may remember Rodriguez as the Iran-contra CIA agent who received the first phone call telling the world the CIA plane flown by Gene Hasenfus had crashed in Nicaragua. As soon as Rodriguez heard that the plane crashed, he called his long-time CIA supervisor, who was THEN Vice President, George Bush. Bush denied being in the contra loop, but investigators have ob­tained copies of Oliver North's diary, which documents Bush's role as a CIA supervisor of the contra supply network.

    In 1988 Bush told Congress he knew nothing about the ille­gal-supply flights until 1987 [read my lips], yet North's diary shows Bush at the first planning meeting Aug. 6, 1985. Bush's "official" log placed him somewhere else. Such double sets of logs are intended to hide Bush's real role in the CIA; to provide him with "plausible deniability". [H: A very valid term utilized in the intelligence "community".] The problem is, it fell apart because too many people, like North and Rodriguez, have kept separate records that show Bush's CIA role back to the 1961 invasion of Cuba. This was even published in The Wash­ington Post, 7-10-90.

    That is exactly how evidence was uncovered placing George Bush working with Felix Rodriguez when JFK was killed. A memo from FBI head J. Edgar Hoover was found, stating that "Mr. George Bush of the CIA" had been briefed on November 23rd, 1963 about the reaction of anti-Castro Cuban exiles in Mi­ami to the assassination of President Kennedy. (The Nation, 8-­13-88).

    On the day of the assassination, Bush was in Texas, but he denies [read my lips] knowing exactly where he was. Since he had been the supervisor for the secret Cuban teams, headed by former Cuban police commander Felix Rodriguez, since 1960, it is likely Bush was also in Dallas in 1963. Several of the Cubans he was supervising as dirty-tricks teams for Nixon, were photographed in the Zapruder film. [H: There were several films run at the assassination but this is the one in point in the movie "JFK". I sincerely hope that this writing gets to George Green, Gritz and Stone. Stone will already have the information but he needs to receive it with comments from everyone who will send it. A heavy load rests on Oliver Stone--SUPPORT HIM!]
    In 1959 Rodriguez was a top cop in the Cuban government under Batista. When Batista was overthrown and fled to Miami, Rodriguez went with him, along with Frank Sturgis and Rafael Quintero. Officially, Rodriguez didn't join the CIA until 1967, after the CIA invasion of Cuba (in which he participated) and the assassination of JFK. But records recently uncovered show he actually joined the CIA in 1961 for the invasion of Cuba when he was recruited by George Bush. That is how Ro­driguez claims he became a "close, personal friend of Bush".

    Then "officially" Rodriguez claims he quit the CIA in 1976, just after he was sent to prison for his role in the Watergate bur­glary. However, according to Rolling Stone reporters Kohn and Monks (Nov. 3. 1988), Rodriguez still was going to CIA headquarters monthly to receive assignments and have his blue 1987 bulletproof Cadillac serviced. Rodriguez was asked by a Rolling Stone reporter where he was the day JFK was shot, and claims he "can't remember".

    George Bush claimed he never worked for the CIA until he was appointed Director, by former Warren Commission director and then President Jerry Ford, in 1976. [H: Read the lips be­cause they lied as much then as when he was running for President later.] Remember that Bush has a sworn duty to the "company" to deny being in the CIA according to his entrance instructions. [H: REMEMBER THAT THE CIA IS A SE­CRET ORGANIZATION AND NO-ONE IS TO ADMIT BEING A MEMBER UNLESS SO SPECIFICALLY IN­STRUCTED FROM THE TOP.] The truth is that Bush was a top CIA official since before the 1961 invasion of Cuba, work­ing WITH Felix Rodriguez. Bush can deny his actual role in the CIA in 1959, but there are records in the files of Rodriguez and others involved in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba that expose Bush's role. The corporations would not put somebody in charge of all the state secrets held by the CIA unless he was experienced and well trained in the CIA. (Source for confirma­tion: Project Censored Report, Feb. 1989, Dr. Carl Jensen, Sonoma State College)

    According to the biography of Richard Nixon, his close personal and political ties with the Bush family go back to 1941, when Nixon claims he read an ad in an L.A. newspa­per, placed by a wealthy group of businessmen, led by PRESCOTT (SHELDON) BUSH, the father of George Bush. They wanted a young, malleable candidate to run for Congress. Nixon applied for the position and won the job. Nixon became a mouthpiece for the Bush group. (Source: L.F. Prouty) [H: Very important name to remember and connected likewise, to the JFK movie information loop for Stone.] In fact, Prescott Bush is credited with creating the win­ning ticket of Eisenhower-Nixon in 1950. (Source: George Bush, F. Green, Hipocrene, 1988)

    Richard Nixon was Vice President from 1956 until 1960. In fact, Nixon was given credit for planning Operation 40, the se­cret 1961 invasion of Cuba, during his 1959 campaign for Presi­dent. After Batista was kicked out by the starving people of Cuba, and Fidel Castro came to power, Castro began telling American corporations they would have to pay Cuban employ­ees decent wages. Even worse, Pepsi-Cola was told it would now have to pay world market prices for Cuban sugar.

    Pepsi, Ford Motor Co., Standard Oil and the Mafia drug dealers decided Fidel had to be removed since his policies of re­quiring corporations to pay market wages was hurting their prof­its. So the corporations asked then-Vice President Nixon to remove Fidel. Nixon promised he would, just as soon as he won the 1960 election against some "undergod", an unknown Demo­crat named John Kennedy. It would be an easy victory for Nixon, it was said. All the polls had Nixon winning by a land­slide. Besides, Kennedy was a Catholic, and Americans would no more elect a Catholic President than they would elect a woman, a black or a Jew. This was 1959.

    Nixon told Pepsi, Standard Oil and the other corporations who lost property, given back to the farmers of Cuba, that if they would help him win, he would authorize an invasion to re­move Castro. To further impress contributors to his campaign, then-Vice President Nixon asked the CIA to create Operation 40, a secret plan to invade Cuba, just as soon as he won.

    The CIA put Texas oil millionaire and CIA agent George Bush in charge of recruiting Cuban exiles into the CIA's inva­sion army. Bush was working with another Texas oil man, Jack Crichton, to help him with the invasion. A fellow Texan, Air Force General Charles Cabell, was asked to coordinate the air cover for the invasion.

    Most of the CIA leadership around the invasion of Cuba seems to have been people from Texas. A whole Texan branch of the CIA is based in the oil business. If we trace Bush's back­ground in the Texas oil business we discover his two partners in the oil-barge leasing business: Texan Robert Mosbacher and Texan James Baker. Mosbacher became Sec. of Commerce and Baker became Sec. of State, the same job Dulles held when JFK was slain. (Common Cause magazine, March/April 1990)

    On the Watergate tapes, June 23, 1972, referred to in the media as the "smoking gun" conversation, Nixon and his Chief of Staff, H. R. Haldeman, were discussing how to stop the FBI investigation into the CIA Watergate burglary. They were wor­ried that the investigation would expose their connection to "the Bay of Pigs thing". Haldeman, in his book The Ends of Power, reveals that Nixon always used code words when talking about the 1963 murder of JFK. Haldeman said Nixon would always refer to the assassination as "the Bay of Pigs".

    On that transcript is found Nixon discussing the role of George Bush's partner, Robert Mosbacher, as one of the Texas fundraisers for Nixon. On the tapes Nixon keeps referring to the "Cubans" and the "Texans". The "Texans" were Bush, Mosbacher and Baker. This is another direct link between Bush and evidence linking Nixon and Bush to the Kennedy assassination.

    In the same discussion Nixon links "the Cubans", "the Tex­ans", "Helms", "Hunt", "Bernard Barker", Robert "Mosbacher" and "the Bay of Pigs". Over and over on the Watergate tapes, these names come up around the discussion of the photos from Dallas that Nixon was trying to obtain when he ordered the CIA to burglarize the Watergate. Frank Sturgis stated that "the rea­son 'we' burglarized the Watergate was because Nixon was in­terested in stopping news leaking relating to the photos of our role in the assassination of President John Kennedy". [H: Ah ha, now it begins to make more sense why a break-in above and beyond some silly gaining of lists of voters and election plans for political speakers, does it not?]

    After Nixon's landslide victory in 1972, he knew he had to centralize all power into the White House to keep his faction in power. Not only to hold power, but to prevent the media from digging into how he secretly shot his way into the White House, just like Hitler shot his way into control of Germany. The first thing Nixon did was to demand signed resignations of his entire government. "Eliminate everyone", he told John Ehrlichman about reappointment, "except George Bush. Bush will do any­thing for our cause". (Source: Pledging Allegiance, Sidney Blumenthal)

    The reason why Bush would "do anything" was because his hands had so much of Kennedy's blood on them as did Nixon's, Hunt's, Sturgis', Felix Rodriguez' and Gerald Ford's. That White House gang feared that if the public ever would realize how they shot their way into power it could set off a spark that would destroy their fragile fraud and land them all in jail.

    Other famous Watergate members of the CIA invasion that Bush recruited were Frank Sturgis, E. Howard Hunt, Bernard Barker and Rafael Quintero. Quintero said publicly that if he ever told what he knew about Dallas and the Bay of Pigs, "It would be the biggest scandal ever to rock the nation".

    Meanwhile, in 1960, Prescott Bush was running Nixon's campaign. Nixon was sent to South Vietnam to assure the French-connection government there that if France pulled out, the U.S. would step in to PROTECT THE DRUG TRADE FROM THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE. (Source: Frontline, 1988, "Guns, Drugs and the CIA"; S. F. Examiner, Feb. 2, 91; The Politics Of Heroin In Southeast Asia, Alfred McCoy, 1972) [H: I believe this should also bear confirmation from one Col. James Gritz who found himself on the wrong end of the guns in these criminal hands after he stumbled into the rat's nest of intrigue in that "Golden Triangle".]

    In 1959 Vice President Nixon was flying all over the world, acting just like presidential material. It was an easy race for Nixon. Congressman Jerry Ford was doing a great job fundraising for Nixon, as was George Bush. The rich loved Nixon. The media picked up every bone Nixon tossed out to them. The biggest problem was that Nixon was afraid to speak openly of this plan to invade Cuba. The plan was a secret. No sense in alerting Cuba to the coming invasion. But Kennedy was taking a harder line on Cuba than Nixon, because Kennedy was not aware of the corporate/CIA planned invasion.

    Nixon lost the 1960 race by the smallest margin in history. At first Bush, Nixon, Cabell and Hunt decided to just go ahead with the invasion, without informing President Kennedy. Then, at the last second, at 4 a.m., just two hours before the invasion was set to go, General Cabell called JFK and asked for permis­sion to provide U.S. air cover for the CIA invasion. Kennedy said NO.

    The CIA was furious with JFK, but decided to go ahead with their private invasion anyway. Due to poor intelligence, the CIA landed at the worst possible beach. A swamp. The inva­sion failed. The CIA lost 115 of its best men, killed, with an­other 1100 in Cuban prisons. It was the worst single blow the CIA ever suffered. (Source: E. Howard Hunt, Give Us This Day)

    Bush, Nixon and Hunt blamed Cabell for asking Kennedy, and blamed Kennedy for saying no. They were livid with anger. Nixon's corporate sponsors ordered JFK to make any deal necessary to recover the 1100 CIA agents imprisoned in Cuba. JFK did. Once the CIA had its well-trained Cubans back, they decided to continue the invasion of Cuba just as soon as they could get rid of that S.O.B. Kennedy.

    The 1964 election was fast approaching. Nixon was running against Kennedy again. Bush, Ford and Nixon knew that they had to get rid of JFK now, or else the Kennedy clan, with Robert and Ted in the wings, could control the White House un­til 1984. They decided not to wait until '84 to get back in the White House. The Cuban teams of "shooters" began following Kennedy from city to city looking for a window of opportunity to shoot from. They came close in Chicago, but couldn't get the cooperation of Mayor Daley.

    But in Dallas they had an ace. The mayor was the brother of General Cabell, whom the CIA blamed for the failure of the invasion. The general prevailed on his brother, Earl, and the motorcade was changed to pass the grassy knoll at 3 m.p.h. [H: Answers your questions about who changed and arranged the motorcade route, from a couple of writings back, doesn't it?] Hunt and Sturgis shot JFK from the Grassy knoll. They were arrested, photographed and seen by 15 witnesses. But the media turned a blind eye to the photos, and for 25 years the world has been searching for truth--and what happened to the photos. [H: Keep in mind, also, that one shot was fired at Kennedy from his own "secret service" driver.]

    On the day JFK was murdered, Nixon, Hunt and some of the Watergate crew were photographed in Dallas, as were a group of Cubans, one holding an umbrella up, like a signal, next to the President's limo just as Kennedy was shot. The Cubans can be seen holding up the signal umbrella clearly in the Zapruder film and dozens of stills taken during the assassination. After the murder they can be seen calmly walking away.

    Nixon denied he was in Dallas that day, but new photos and stories prove he was there. Nixon claimed to the FBI he couldn't remember where he was when JFK was killed. Bush, too, claims he can't remember where he was. Jack Anderson did a TV special in 1988 proving beyond any shadow of doubt that two of the tramps arrested in Dallas behind the grassy knoll were Hunt and Sturgis. [H: Further, if you pin Tip O'Neill down to revealing his source of information regard­ing those grassy knoll shots--he, too, knows they were fired and who fired them!]

    After the murder, former Vice President Nixon asked Presi­dent Lyndon Johnson to appoint Nixon's friend, former FBI agent Jerry Ford, to run the Warren Commission. Nixon also asked LBJ to appoint Nixon's long-time supporter, Judge Earl Warren, to head the Commission. LBJ agreed. Ford interviewed all the witnesses and decided which ones would be heard and which ones eliminated.

    It is no coincidence that Nixon selected Ford as his Vice President after Spiro Agnew was ousted. When Nixon himself got busted in the Watergate scandal, Earl Warren offered to set up another special commission if it would help get him out of trouble again. Ford, of course, pardoned Nixon for the Water­gate burglary, but Nixon was still not out of the woods. There are some 4000 hours of Watergate tapes. On the June 23, 1972 discussions with John Dean and Haldeman, there is clear evi­dence that Nixon was openly "confessing" to hiring Hunt to kill JFK. That is why the Watergate "investigation" went into secret session after Congress heard some of the tapes. That is why only 12 hours of the 4000 hours have been released to the pub­lic. [H: Do you think you will actually do better in release of CIA tapes regarding the assassination? No--but there will be some clues which will slip through if the investigators are in­deed careful.]

    Did Congress realize that Nixon and Bush had openly dis­cussed killing JFK for stopping the air cover for the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba? Remember, Nixon taped virtually every discussion he had with anyone in his inner circle, including Bush, in order to blackmail people later. There is a photo of Bush reporting to Nixon in the White House in 1968. It will be most interesting to see what they were talking about on that day, when and if the full 4000 hours are released and if they are re­leased un-reconstructed. The key to unlocking the secrets be­hind the 1963 murder of JFK is hidden within the 3988 hours of unreleased White House tapes.

    [H: Bush was also just happening to be in Dallas the day Reagan was shot--isn't that interesting?]

    The point is that there was such a massive conspiracy to take-out Kennedy that it is impossible to consider only one without in­cluding the whole. Kennedy planned to close down the Vietnam War, he was a massive cog in the Cuban invasion, he was on the edge of botching the Golden Triangle government cover-up and integration within the drug trade and he was going to take back Constitutional production of "money" and take out the Federal Reserve System. Indeed, he was a target of targets. Oliver Stone has only just begun his work--I repeat, PUBLIC, SUPPORT THIS EFFORT FOR NOW THAT IT IS OPENED, YOU CAN GLEAN SUCH TRUTH IF YOU BUT ALLOW THE CONTINUATION OF THE LIE UNFOLDMENT. IT IS THROUGH THE COVER-UP OF ALL OF THESE INSIDE CRIMES WHICH HAS CAUSED YOUR NATION TO FALL PREY TO THE INTRODUCTION OF YOUR MORE VERSATILE ENEMIES OF YOU-THE-PEO­PLE. SO BE IT.

    May insight be given into your reading--if no more than to give action into your writing to encourage the daring few who stand in the line of fire. North may call it "under fire"--I am inter­ested in the ones "in the line of fire"--bravely offering your na­tion a chance to reclaim greatness. I salute these ones with whom I am most humbly honored to serve.

    Let us close for this segment, please. Hatonn to stand-by.

  2. #4
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 43


    THU., JANUARY 23, 1992 10:54 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 160

    THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1992


    In Israel the leader of the Jewish fundamentalist cult is an ex-Lehi leader, a left-over from the Stern gang. He built an elabo­rate base in Israel from which the assault on the Dome of the Rock Mosque can be launched. He is supported by Yuval Nee-man and the Gush Emunim party. But there are others in Israel who see the plot as a danger to Israel, and in an interview with Le Nouvel Observateur, Navon, the president of Israel, said that the activities of the Temple Mount group could bring on "civil war" and that the possibility increased since the death of a "Peace Now" demonstrator. The Israeli Mapam party in par­liament was seeking to ban Kahane's Kach party which was blamed for the grenade attacks on the "Peace Now" demonstra­tors at that time.

    [H: I see the continuing question marks regarding the Stern Gang and ex-Lehi leader??? Let me give you an interrup­tion and note some information. First I want you to realize that your Henry Kissinger's mother's name was Stern so Henry came by his devious and terrorist tactics quite natu­rally. As to the Stern Gang, it (Avraham Stern, pronounced Abraham) is the one to note first. His underground name was Ya'ir. He was born in 1907 and died in 1942. He was the leading underground fighter in Palestine, founder of the organization later called "Lohamei Herut Israel (Lehi). He was born in RUSSIAN POLAND (Sulvaki). He studied at the Hebrew high school there. In 1925 he went to Palestine and continued his studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Active in the "Ingun Zeva'i Le'ummi (IZL) from its formation in 1931, he collaborated with David Raziel in compiling a Hebrew manual on the use of the revolver and wrote underground poetry, including Hayyalim Almonim (Anonymous Soldier, 1933). All of you would recognize it if you heard the music accompaniment, which became the anthem of IZL and later of Lehi. When IZL split in 1937, he did not join the Haganah, but became a member of the IZL command. He went to Europe to acquire arms and to es­tablish contact with the Polish authorities for the organiza­tion of courses for IZL instructors in Poland. In August 1939 he was arrested together with the other members of the IZL command and was imprisoned until June 1940. While in prison, his opposition to a suspension of the anti-British attacks for the duration of World War II caused a new split in IZL and the formation of a separate group, which, after his death, called itself Lohamei Herut Israel (and which was also known as the STERN GROUP). He composed a mani­festo for the new organization entitled Lkkarei ha-Tehiyyah (The Principles of Revival). Early in 1942, the authorities of­fered a reward for his capture, and on Feb. 12 the Palestine Police traced him, forced an entry into the house in Tel Aviv in which he was hiding, and killed him outright. The house now contains an archive in his memory established by ex-Lehi members.

    Stern was notable for his fanaticism in the armed struggle for Jewish independence, which, he contended, could suc­ceed only if conducted by an underground force independent of all "legal" bodies (even that of Jabotinsky and his move­ment). Because of his doubts that the Allies would win World War II, he tried to establish contact with the Italians and the Germans and to persuade the Axis to adopt a pro-Jewish policy in Palestine.

    This was a notoriously ruthless terrorist group from which Begin, Sharon and Shamir were launched. It was, and in some places still is, considered the most brutal terrorist or­ganization in the world--and from it comes the larger "Mossad". I apologize for the interruption in story in pre­sentation but it is most important that you have facts with which to back up information given herein.]

    On March 6th, 1983, the Jerusalem Post, which is partly-owned by U.S. labor leader Lane Kirkland through family con­nections, confirmed, "Christian fundamental sects working to­gether with Jews seek to rebuild the Temple of Solomon". It scorned the idea of Kissinger being involved. Stanley Goldfoot, Temple Mount Foundation's Israeli representative, was quoted by the paper as saying, "The real Zionists in the U.S. are not the American Jews but the Christian evangelicals, since these Christians feel that we are coming closer to a critical period in history, and they want the Jews to fulfill prophecies and thus hasten the second coming of the messiah. The evangelicals af­fect 20 million people a day in America. They are a great asset and must be used as such". [H: Their words, not mine! But as to Kissinger not being involved is a more humorous story--Kissinger became an operative in the very branch of the KGB which included the radical Zionist "Stern Gang" agents and operatives in coalition which has now become recog­nized, eventhough not labeled--the KGB/Mossad/CIA. It is only you-the-people who don't know that!]

    To those with any intelligence training, the whole scheme smacks of the handiwork of British intelligence, is a typical Tavistock plan, in fact is a carbon copy of the successful opera­tion which toppled the Shah of Iran. Stanley Goldfoot actually confirms this, although he does so inadvertently. Goldfoot said, "Reisenhuver is in the oil business and believes there is enough oil in the U.S. to dispense with Arab oil (which would then of course pass to the control of Israel and the British). [H: i.e. British Petroleum owns Alaska. It is also mandatory for you readers to go back and read what I gave you on "British Is­rael" because you are going to find that the manipulation of the world in the name of Zionism and Anti-Semitism is di­rectly from the British Committee of 300. In fact, this very day, Greens are in Canada and are being, by Law, forbid­den to even respond to public questions about the Jews and/or any reference to the Holocaust. They are warned that "the Jewish Zionist have a strangle hold on the Cana­dian Government and Business community and the laws are stringent and totally enforced". U.S.--pay attention, this law is already in force in all British colonies and YOU ARE UNDER THE GUN RIGHT NOW TO HAVE THOSE IDENTICAL LAWS RUN THROUGH CONGRESS--THEY ARE ALREADY PASSED IN THE UNITED NATIONS!! It doesn't have ANYTHING TO DO WITH JEWS--IT HAS EVERYTIHNG TO DO WITH FREEDOM AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAW!]

    The most remarkable of the American evangelicals (and one who is not as well known, for instance, as Copeland, Falwell, etc.) is Lambert Dolphin, a senior scientist and archaeologist at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI). [H: Ah yes, I see the bells ringing--thank you.] The paper also mentions a certain tax exempt foundation run out of Santa Ana by the Rev. Ray Stedman and Chuck Smith as working very closely with the Temple Mount Foundation.

    [H: How many of you remember the Protocols? Do you not recall that instructions, among other professions, was di­rectly given to Jews to "---go forth and make our people clergy in the "Goyim" churches and religious places whereby we can bring down all other religions into our own control. We can gain totally control of the nations by controlling their religions and thereby they will destroy themselves". In the "addendum" to the original Protocols (manifesto of Adolphe Cremieux) it states three major intents: 1. that the Jewish Nation is the enemy of ALL nations; 2. that Jews claim that they are a people "Chosen" to dominate the whole earth, and take possession of all the riches of ALL peoples;
    3. that the power of all nations is already in their hands, and that Jews think they are on the eve of their complete con­quest of the rest of the human race. This portion of the Protocol was released publicly in 1860. You will please check for selves where you might be now in this scheme of things to come.]

    Of course none of this important information is disclosed in what passes for the "nightly news" on TV. Not even the March 10th arrest of 40 armed men belonging to the JDL who were seized as they tried to tunnel into the Dome of the Rock Mosque was reported, not even when Kahane fled to New York. The Jerusalem Post stated on March 13th that it was, "An act of ter­ror by religious national fanatics which could have resulted in international disaster. The very idea of trying to take over the Temple Mount in the heart of Jerusalem on the eve of Friday's Moslem prayers, is so crazy and objectionable that it defies understanding".

    Stanley Goldfoot tried to purchase some land in Jerusalem from the Armenian church. When the Israeli press let the cat out of the bag, the Armenian church backed off in a big hurry. Apparently it did not know with whom it was dealing, and for what purpose the land was to be used. There is a strong suspi­cion that Henry Kissinger Associates had a big hand in the deal. Kissinger has been deeply involved in land grabbing on the West Bank, which is netting him a very large amount of money. Perhaps there are some who doubted that he could be involved in something so shady. [H: Oh, I think now that you can KNOW that Henry Kissinger and Associates Corporation has just opened a branch in Moscow and put Gorbachev into the seat of President--that you might begin to be able to ac­cept possibilities a bit more easily.] Many of you doubted it when I (John Coleman) told our readers that Kissinger was charged by Aldo Morro's wife and a close political associate of the late Morro with threatening him, and that Guerzoni had given evidence to this effect in a Rome courtroom and reported on TV there. Then recently, the newspaper Spotlight confirmed the story. So it is with this in mind that I am again mentioning Kissinger Associates' land grabbing on the West Bank and its possible connection to the Armenian land sale.

    There are indications of high-level persons inside the Israeli government being involved in the Dome of the Rock Mosque af­fair. Doug Kreiger, one of Reisenhuver's inner circle, said as much. I myself know that the Foundation is in touch with the Gush Emunim sect, which has members of the party in the par­liament. According to the Jerusalem Post, Kiryat Araba Yeshiva is part of the Temple Mount fundamentalism, in the person of Rabbi Dov Lior, a man who was fully protected by Begin. The Jerusalem Post refers to the rabbi's followers as "Itinerant terrorists, with full and free access to all sorts of weapons and military equipment, apparently without any con­trol".

    It is such self-styled settler followers of Rabbi Lior who have been shooting up West Bank Arabs. Seven Palestinians were wounded at Beit Sira village near Ramallah. They were trying to protect their homes against a group of "settlers" who arrived on bulldozers to make a road through the middle of their village. It is to such acts of terror which the Jerusalem Post was re­ferring, and it is the kind of action which American fundamen­talist Christians are defending! According to the Jerusalem Post, most of those arrested in the tunnel to the Mosque came from this group of followers of Rabbi Lior, from the Kiryat Araba settlement. Rabbi Dov Lior is a close friend of Ariel Sharon which might account for his brash behavior.

    One of the fanatics of the fundamentalist Jewish sect is the same man who was a colleague of one of Khomeini's funda­mentalist Moslem terrorist, Mustapha Chamroun, as we told our readers in our special report on Iran, and our tape report in March 1983. I am referring to Yuval Neeman, the "father" of Israel's nuclear bomb project. Neeman called for the Israeli government to pass a law allowing Jews to pray on the Temple Mount. This is the type of provocation which the British were so good at engineering prior to the Six Day War which, then as later, British Freemasonry is directing. Neeman also called upon the government of Israel to embark on a "massive settlements policy" on the West Bank and other occupied Arab lands.

    Neeman is the main backer of the Jewish fundamentalist movement involved in the Dome of the Rock Mosque conspiracy in Israel. But as I said, he is a Massada Lodge member of British Freemason activity, which is typified by the highly secret visits by members of the Royal family to places such as Israel and Saudi Arabia in which publicity is totally absent. The royal representatives will usually be other than the most prominent family members; for instance, a lot of these "business" trips are handled by ones such as Michael, Duke of Kent, cousin to Queen Elizabeth and head of the Scottish Rite Freemason lodges.

    To return now to those directly involved in the day to day af­fairs of the Jewish-Christian fundamentalist cult conspiracy against the Moslem holy place. A real extremist is Rabbi Goetz, as is Moshe Arens, Israel's ex-ambassador to Washington. Moshe Arens is a hard-line Zionist who favors complete annex­ation of the West Bank--preferably sans all Palestinians. He is alleged to have said that the Arabs should be threatened with the "Bomb", unless they get out of the West Bank immediately. Arens was careful to keep a very low profile while he was his country's ambassador in Washington, but that did not convince those who knew his past. He has always been an extremist, ever since he joined BETAR, the youth brigade of the Irgun ter­rorist gang, whose ex-leader became the Prime Minister of Is­rael, Mr. Begin. It was Arens who taught Meir Kahane all the tricks of the trade. So now you know just what kind of a diplo­mat Moshe Arens is! Yet Arens was accepted by the Reagan administration without questions about past activities. One wonders where Reagan got the nerve to call the Libyans "terrorists" while allowing people like Arens diplomatic status [and total freedom of movement without legal repercussions of any kind].

    Let me now expand my comments on the role of British Freemasonry in the Temple Mount Foundation. Ever since I began my series and special reports I have never failed to men­tion by name the British agents and institutions, both here in the USA and elsewhere, which were directly involved in the down­fall of the Shah and the return of Iran to the Dark Ages. I have explained in some detail the chokehold which the British have always had on the Middle East through such Arab specialists as Sir John Glubb Pasha, T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), Lord Curzon, Bulwer Lytton, Lord Cromer, Wilfred Blount, and of course, the top man of them all, St. John Philby and later his son, Kim Philby. Another name which I would be remiss to exclude is that of the famous historian Arnold Toynbee. Philby is said to be the "third man" in the "Cambridge Apostles" spy affair when Burgess and McClean were tipped off and fled the country to live in the Soviet Union.

    I have explained how the British, acting through such diverse organizations as the Arab Bureau and the Oxford Group, set out to "neutralize" the great teachings of the prophet Mohammed, and how the Freemasons established the Sufi and Bahai movement, using particularly the Oxford Group to spread the Sufi "gospel". I have explained how the Scottish Rite Freemason lodge was involved in diverse projects in the USA such as the MK Ultra LSD experiment, Rock and Roll "music" (introduced by the Schizophrenia division of the Scottish Rite of North America. This same group funded Hinckley's psychiatrist). It is nearly impossible for me to repeat the information previously given in reports, yet for the serious student of Middle East af­fairs, it is a "must" to have this information.

    And so it is that the British Freemasons are involved with the Dome to create provocations which will spark off a war over the Dome of the Rock Mosque when the Temple Mount Foundation tries to take it over.

    There is no doubt that a war will begin if Israeli-Christian sects attack this, the second most holy of Moslem places. The conspiracy of Temple Mount is ongoing, even though Reisenhu­ver has taken to a low profile. The conspiracy reached into high places and continues to do so, and may well be the catalyst which will sweep the world into the Third World War [Nuclear War I].

    The Dome conspiracy is the work of the Grand Mother Lodge, the Quatuar Coronati Lodge of London. Not even the most knowledgeable students of Freemasonry know this name, the most secret of all lodges. It is a name to note and remember always. The name came to light through lengthy investigations which were carried out in the British Museum in connection with the cult murders in London's East End, the Jack the Ripper murders. One of the founders of the Quatuar Coronati Grand Mother Lodge was Sir Charles Warren, who was Chief of Po­lice in London at the time, and the Freemason who "failed" to solve the cult murders. [H: No! You don't suppose there to be a connection between this "Warren" family and your own Justice Warren? Do not be "slow", chelas!] More about SirCharles Warren later. Quatuar Coronati is said to be involved in the execution of Roberto Calvi, as a Masonic ritual; his pock­ets were filled with bricks before he was hung on Blackfriars Bridge in London. British Prime Minister Thatcher made a spe­cial trip to Italy to plead with the Italian Prime Minister not to publicly involve the name of the Duke of Kent with the matter, which the investigating magistrates were bent on doing.

    The Grand Mother Lodge Quatuar Coronati backed the pub­lication of an article "Where was Solomon's Temple--New Evi­dence Where it Stood" which was to be published in a magazine called Biblical Archaeology Review. Supposedly it was written by professor Asher Kaufman. This is standard practice for Tavistock, since the work is actually that of Sir Charles Warren, who prepared it while he was British Administrator of Palestine in the 18th century. The principal is the same as that which was used by Ferguson and "her" book, THE ACQUARIAN CON­SPIRACY, which was the work of Dr. Willis Harmon of Stan­ford Research Center under the title CHANGING IMAGES OF MAN, Contract Number URH (489) 2150, Policy research Re­port NO. 4/4/74. It is a time-honored procedure, but the gullible Christian fundamentalist cultists can be counted on to fully accept the account as Kaufman's original work.

    Professor Kaufman is not an archaeologist, but a nuclear physicist in the plasma field. One of his mentors was Professor T. Allibone who was one of a number of scientists who worked on the "Manhattan Project"--the Atom Bomb--the secrets of which were then transferred to the Soviet Union through an air­lift out of Great Falls, Montana under direct supervision of Al­ger Hiss. (The spy story of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg was simply a cover story, although of course the Rosenberg's did pass secret papers to the Soviets. But they were only the second string, back-up team in case everything wasn't included in the Montana airlift, which even shipped out 1000 pounds of ura­nium salts, which the. U.S. was desperately short of at that time).

    Professor Allibone is also a trustee of the British Intelligence Center in London, the British Museum. The Head of the Quatuar Coronati Lodge is the Reverend B. Cryer of the Church of England. Recently Cryer expressed the view that a war would break out if unrestricted access at all times for Moslems to the Dome Mosque was in any way interfered with. Such a war is, of course, the aim of the conspirators. Billy Graham preached a sermon on television at that time which was actually interpreted as a call to take over the Dome of the Rock Mosque addressed to the Jewish-Christian fanatics in the Temple Mount Founda­tion. Graham is leading his fundamentalist followers to the slaughter without even realizing it and can only be compared with Khomeini in his ignorance of the truth of what he does. [H: Let us assume he simply knows not that which he does for he bears truth in so many instances only to move into the pit with the vipers. Use perception and discernment for these ones become tools without their knowledge. Actually, Graham blew his own cover during his visit to the Soviet Union.]

    The war over the Dome of the Rock Mosque will prove to be genocidal for the Arabs, and millions of Christians and Jews will also perish. Moshe Arens will probably get his chance to witness the dropping of the H Bomb on a few Arab capitals. In the aftermath, the U.S. will have lost all credibility, but as far as the Arabs are concerned it will no longer matter, since they will have ceased to exist as nation-states if the Israelis have their way. Please do not doubt that the same organization and the same people who were so successful in bringing down the Shah of Iran, have declared their intention to restructure the Middle East and they are determined to carry out their plan, no matter what the costs. Richard Faulk, who as you now know through my report on Iran as the executor of the Iranian plan, said re­cently that people and religion is the mix which will bring about the necessary changes in the Middle East.

    The first country to be destabilized will be Saudi Arabia. As mentioned earlier, the Duke of Kent paid a visit to Saudi Arabia and now, look what happened with the Gulf War. Saudi Arabia is still in dangerous destablization. The British visit of course was to undermine U.S. influence so that Britain would have more control over events which were intended to unfold later--such as the Gulf War.

    The Queen herself is paying very, very close attention to the Dome of the Rock conspiracy.

    [H: This is becoming very tedious because the contents of the writings are so outdated as to events which have recently happened (within the last couple of years). The players re­main the same. So, too, does the point of the writing--the fundamentalist Christians, so-called, are the very ones giving the most fuel to the fire of massive conflict and world con­trol. The Israelis know this and fan those flames. Begin even stated: "I would rather have the 40 million Christian fundamentalist cultists as a political force along with Jerry Falwell than the American Jewish population working with me--but we have BOTH".]


    To make the above point as to relationships, be it noted that the Zionists have long ago recognized that Christian fundamen­talists are a valuable asset. World Zionist member Jacques Tor­cyner said, "We have first of all come to the conclusion that the right-wing Christian fundamentalist reactionaries are the natural allies of Zionism".
    Dr. Falwell was presented with the Jabotin­sky award at a most sumptuous banquet in Falwell's honor by Dr. Samuel Cohen who, in a laudatory speech said, "We are glad that you are such a staunch supporter of the state of Israel".

    * * *

    Mainstream Christianity does not subscribe to Falwell's views but few speak out just as few speak out to stop the insanity going on in the moral degradation of your nations.

    Do you realize that it is now shown on TV that the use of con­doms --with explicit pictures of wearing and using--HAVE MADE IT TO MANDATORY CLASSES IN GRADE-SCHOOL IN MANY PARTS OF YOUR COUNTRY. IN L.A., NOW, CONDOMS CAN BE OBTAINED FREE FOR THE ASKING.

    It is so sad for Mainstream Christianity does not subscribe to Falwell's anti-Saudi, anti-Arab position. It recognizes it as fa­naticism and cult worship which has no place in the teachings of Christ, any more than the Moslem Brotherhood has a place in the true teachings of the prophet Mohammed.

    Be it known, however, that infiltration into the Moslem main­stream has also taken place with its head infiltrator being a fa­natical Moslem cultist, Maarout Dawalibi (who, by the way, has ties to the Saudi royal family). Dawalibi is head of the World Muslim League and is associated closely with Islam-in-the­West, an organization founded by the Club of Rome.

    Fand, of Saudi Arabia, came under massive pressure because the Kohmeini followers had a plan ready to overthrow the Saudi royal family if Fand would fail to ally himself with radical Moslem fundamentalists in a holy war against the Zionist-Chris­tian conspiracy to take over the Dome of the Rock Mosque.

    British Freemasonry is still doing everything it can to provoke the extremist elements of Moslem fundamentalists to react strongly against the Zionist-Christian fundamentalist conspiracy aimed at the Dome of the Rock Mosque. Why? Because if anything happens to abrogate the rights of the Moslems in Jerusalem, it may well be the spark which will start the planned conflagration. Much of what happens rests squarely on the in­put of the fundamentalists in the U.S. who blindly push forward without any notion of how or why.

    The British have a strong hold on the Middle East affairs through the Palestine Exploration Fund, and the British Foreign Bible Society. On the Israeli side, they have the Massada Lodge which is connected to Yuval Neeman. In the U.S.A. what is called, by Dr. Coleman, the Armageddon-Apocalypse group is working very hard to persuade Christian fundamentalist cults that the hour is at hand through Hal Lindsay's work. The Reli­gious Round Table and a host of fundamentalist preachers are saying that the final battle of Armageddon is due to begin any day now, and that it will be fought out over Jerusalem just like the Old Testament says. They say it will be the Zionists AND Christians on one hand against the Communists and the Arabs on the other hand. Fortunately they also said it would be in 1984 that this would happen. I make no further comment about possibilities but I assure you that this is the very way fortune­tellers work. If enough people believe the lie--they will cause it to become truth no matter how heinous the outcome.


    Dharma, I think we have beat this subject sufficiently to even cause John some discomfort. It, however, needed to be laid forth as foundation for more current information. When we write next we shall take up the players in the Temple Mount Conspiracy which will give you the participants up to and into 1990. You need to look at the happenings in Israel to better understand what was happening with Israel in the so-called Desert Storm war.

    Then, I guess we may be backed into a corner in needing to run a separate JOURNAL which bears nothing but the Zionist Pro­tocols with addendum Manifesto update in addition to the Ben­jamin H. Freedman document which bears so much fundamental historical data--documented. Perhaps if we had that special vol­ume we could save our readers a lot of repetition by simply sug­gesting that they obtain that selected volume.

    It does not mean, however, that I shall stop repeating the Proto­cols for they are the blueprint which has been followed and al­most ALL things in the plan have been completed! Plan 2000 is intended to finish the gaining of total control over the globe. Facts are facts and wishing it to be different will not change an iota of the Truth of it. We of the Hosts extend our hands to awaken you and pull you through the darkness--but it is all that we can do. The rest is up to you.

    Hatonn to close this portion. In love I take leave. Salu.

    PJ 43
    FRI., JANUARY 24, 1992 10:30 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 161
    FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1992
    Again, I wish to thank Dr. Coleman for allowing us to use his document on the above subject. I need confirmation for my scribe--that she is not alone in the outlaying of intelligence information. I make careful efforts to prevent her being targeted by making unwise revelations.

    We are going to move forward from the prior writings of the past few days and on to material written in 1990 and consider the shooting deaths of Palestinians at the Haram-al-Sharif on October (8th).

    Again, we will quote and my interjections will mostly be in brackets ([H:]).
    I say "mostly" because sometimes I simply forget to distinguish self from the writings. The author is most generous with my liberties. In fact, if allowed to Simply update, it will save us all a lot of time--especially you in your reading and Editors in their correcting punctuation, etc. Thank you.

    With the shooting deaths of 22 Palestinians at the Haram-al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary) on the grounds of the Dome of the Rock Mosque Al Aska on October 8, 1990, by a large force of Israeli border guards, police and soldiers, Temple Mount (the Israeli name for Haram-al-Sharif) became the focus of world attention. The Temple Mount massacre placed the government of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir under severe pressures and for the first time in decades, the U.S. joined in the demands for a full and free investigation into the events of that 0ctober day.

    Why the sudden seemingly about-turn in U.S. policy toward Israel? It was not a genuine change of policy--but merely a subterfuge to force Mr. Shamir from office and get him replaced with the "King of Israel", former defense minister Ariel Sharon--now Housing Minister. The U.S. administration is persuaded that when the time comes to attack Jordan and force the Pales­tinians out of the West Bank and Gaza, Mr. Shamir would not be strong enough to carry out the task. Hence the ongoing ef­forts to undermine his government.

    Although responsibility for the deaths of almost 700 Pales­tinians since the "Intifada" (resistance) began rests with the Is­raeli Government, there are other players in this drama who need to be exposed for their role in fomenting discord which threatens the lives of Palestinians and Israelis alike and promises to plunge the world into a most dangerous war.

    Thus far these players have gotten away with their crimes which have brought the world to the brink of catastrophe in Kuwait and Iraq, a catastrophe which President Bush appears to be determined to make happen. We shall share the identity of those who are the string-pullers of their front men. Never be­fore has there been such a compelling urgency for you to know truth and begin your regaining of freedom from the propaganda mills grinding out what passes for "news" in the electronic and printed media.

    Ah, but you continue to deny that such things can exist--how so, chelas? Let me just give you a tiny portion of the beginning of a prominent first-page article of The Wall Street Journal (Established media press) of Monday, January 20, 1221: The Money Trail. U.S. FIRMS ARE LINKED TO AN ISRAELI GENERAL AT HEART OF A SCANDAL. Funds for Defense Contracts were Diverted, but Why? Investigations Broaden--Bundles of cash (found) in a Mercedes: TEL AVIV:--A young star in Israel's Air Force, Rami Dotan, came up fast--and went down the same way.

    Last spring, the brigadier general was stripped of his rank and packed of to prison for getting caught skimming millions of dollars in U. S. military aid. His confession to theft and fraud was the biggest scandal in the history of Israel's elite military. [H: Also most unusual. The facts are that the unraveling came from the United States corporations working with him--who got nailed for participation.]

    But the Dotan Affair will prove to be as much an American scandal as an Israeli one. An investigation by The Wall Street Journal has traced more than $11 million diverted from General Electric Co. contracts and then passed through an ob­scure New Jersey front company to bank accounts across Europe.

    Aircraft engine division of United Technologies Corp. and General Motors Corp. also complied with some of Gen. Dotan's demands concerning the use of favored subcontractors or distributors. And smaller U.S. firms that got military business from Israel paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to a trio of Panamanian shell corporations in the general's enterprise.

    I believe that is enough of the article. Does it not smack of Noriega and/or Oliver North tactics? A real one man crime ring of duping and stealing and clandestine "demands". Come, come--check out the "innocent" file.


    Thus far those players got away with their crimes which brought the world to the brink of catastrophe in Kuwait and Iraq, a catastrophe which President Bush appeared to be deter­mined to make happen and surely enough DID! So who are those main players in that Temple Mount Conspiracy? Well, like the broken record repeating and repeating: They are British Freemasonry, (whose origins go all the way back to before the Crusading Templar Order) and who run and control Jewish fun­damentalist fanatics such as Gush Emunim; British intelligence, drafted into the arena to instigate religious wars and block all peace efforts between Arabs, Jews and Palestinians. The non-Zionist Jews will be as much a victim, however, of the plotters as the Muslims and Christians. In fact, as I, Hatonn, have said over and over again: They will be the first to be throttled and trampled.

    Beginning with the Crusades, the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon occupied the al-Aska Mosque in the year 1099. To understand the Temple Mount conspiracy to create a holy war, one must examine the history of the eight (8) Crusades. We haven't time to do more than take a brief look for background information. In spite of Christian overtones in the Crusades, it was always obvious that commercial gain played a far bigger role than did any kind of religion or doctrine--and surprisingly enough--VENICE keeps popping up over and over again in the historical documents of events.

    The two Orders who had controlled Jerusalem were the Knights of St. John (the Hospitalers), whose uniform was (and still is) a black mantle bearing a white cross. The Order of St. John was always an arm of British Intelligence and remains so to this day. The Order (Masonic) of the Knights of St. John was founded in Jerusalem in 1070 by a group of Amalfitan mer­chants. Only men of "noble blood" were allowed to join the Order. Dr. Coleman herein speculates that the ACLU would have filed a racial discrimination suit against the Order had it existed at the time.

    The Knights of the Temple. (Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon-Knights Templar) were more militantly Masonic than the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem. The Templars uniform was a white mantle with a red cross. It was founded in 1120 by Hugh of Pajens. Its job was supposed to be to guard and protect pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem, but everywhere was found dedication to Masonry. Bernard of Clairvaux drew up their rule based on the canons regular. They took vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. Only men of "noble blood" could join the Order. Organization was by commanderies under a grand master.

    With the advent of Guy de Molet, the Knights Templar be­came an openly Masonic Order whose members took anti-Christian oaths and vows of the vilest nature. The Knights Templar became a prostituted Order carrying out commerce for Venice. By the time Philip the Fair, King of France, destroyed the Order and had Guy de Molet arrested, the horrible excesses of Knights Templar and its open Gnostic Masonry posture had disgusted most of Europe.

    Starting out as penitentiary pilgrimages to the Holy City of Jerusalem, the eight Crusades turned into a scramble for posi­tions that would bring commercial gain. As mentioned earlier, the Black Nobility of Venice and the Guelphs were in the fore­front of this unseemly trading, using pious Christians as a pre­text to further the commercial position of Venice. Now please don't go crazy--GO, INSTEAD, AND READ HISTORY--EVEN THAT WHICH IS TAMPERED WITH WILL GIVE YOU THIS INFORMATION.

    In fact, by 1087 AD they had captured African coastal cities and gained command of the Western Mediterranean. The Venetians were even able to persuade Pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand of Soana) to launch a "holy war" against Constantinople. This was a classic example of all wars being eco­nomic in origin; the Venetians were bent on crushing their rivals in trade with the Orient.

    In the Second Crusade, commercial gain and greed played a leading role. The Norman, Roger of Sicily, made a fortune by seizing the Greek islands. In the Third Crusade King Richard I of England seized Cyprus which he sold for a small fortune to Guy de Lusignon.

    This is seen throughout the Crusades, starting perhaps with Peter the Hermit and his tales of Moslem atrocities (reminds ones of George Bush and James Baker III and their tall tales of Iraqi "atrocities" in Kuwait). It is quite safe to state that it was these utterly fabricated accounts of Moslem atrocities that mili­tarized the pilgrimages to Jerusalem, and made the Crusades largely a French affair. (Lorrainers under Godfrey of Bouillon, the Provencals under Count Raymond of Toulouse (1096-1099) and so on). Men were recruited to join these armies by promises of great profits to be made.

    Actually the Moslems were not an organized force at the time. The Seljuks only garrisoned Syria and were religiously divided (Sunni and Shi'ite). The Fatimite capture of Jerusalem was carried out in 1098 by Shi'ites. Stories of Moslem "atrocities" sprang forth from violent incidents between these ri­vals and were grossly blown out of all proportion, as continues to this day, by ones such as Peter the Hermit of Lorraine, France.

    The REAL AND MOST HORRIFYING atrocities occurred when a Genoese-Venetian backed Crusade led by Godfrey of Bouillon laid siege to Jerusalem, captured and sacked it with in­describable horror. In the face of such barbarous conduct, Bouillion's title "King and Defender of the Holy Sepulchre" was totally inappropriate. The role played by the Knights Templar in these atrocities is well recorded. The Knights Templar lived near to the alleged site of the Temple of Solomon and stabled their horses within a very short distance of where the south wall of the Temple allegedly had been. The Templars were devoted and loyal to the oath they had taken to Hiram, the alleged builder of Solomon's Temple (a purely Masonic oath).

    What Hiram had to do with Christianity, which the Templars were supposed to be defending, has never been made clear. It was the Templars who occupied the Al Aska Mosque in defiance of the long-standing rule of equality between Christians and Moslems in the Holy City. Perhaps the Israelis who attacked the Al Aska Mosque on October 8, 1990, had a very definite precedent. Jerusalem became a feudal kingdom.

    (Ed. Note: A loud "boom", complete with concussion enough to shake the house and really rattle the windows interrupted the writing at this point. Two jets, side-by-side, with attendant con­trails had made a U turn over Tehachapi and headed back to­ward Edwards; a black helicopter was seen just leaving the im­mediate area.)

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