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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 41

    TUE., DECEMBER 3, 1991 10:01 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 109


    I believe that today is a good time to begin to speak of the "trials" of Germans who were executed for that which they DID NOT DO. In the name of "revenge" a massive movement became the show of the day at Nuremberg. But the "Holocaust" lies never stopped nor did the haunting and incredible atrocities against innocent people who were "fingered" as villains from that "holocaust".

    I am going to write about this matter now and ask that this portion be placed in the paper as well because it speaks for itself.


    I ask you to take careful note of this information for it will not be run on the front page of your Establishment newspaper or make CNN's Special Report. These false accusers have now destroyed an­other innocent life without even an apology for the action. Retired Cleveland autoworker, JOHN DEMJANJUK, deported to Israel to face execution as a "war criminal", was framed by the Soviets and Israelis, and those defending him have been smeared as "anti-Semites". NOW THE TRUTH CAN NO LONGER BE SUPPRESSED, AND THE ESTABLISHMENT MEDIA IS AD­MITTING ITS "MISTAKE"!

    I have been sent a publication article regarding this matter and I think it better to have it reprinted. I spoke on this particular case at great length long ago and said the man was innocent and a heinous crime was in committing and now you have truth finally flowing from under the cracks in the doors of the liar's dens. I see not how you people can do this to each other nor how you can sit by and al­low of it!


    Since the start of the tragedy that has engulfed John Demjanjuk, there has been little truth in reporting. No one, save a small paper or two, printed anything regarding the serious deficiencies which existed in the case brought against him by the state of Israel. Now the Establishment press has suddenly discovered those same flaws.

    The Washington Post reported on November 17 (1991) that NEW EVIDENCE uncovered over a year ago in the files of the Soviet KGB secret police shows Demjanjuk is just what he claimed: wrongly accused of being "Ivan the Terrible", a brutal prison camp guard in Poland during World War II.

    Demjanjuk is the retired autoworker from Cleveland whose natu­ralized American citizenship was stripped from him by a Justice De­partment eager to do Israel's bidding, and which shipped him to the Mideast State for trial in 1986, even though it was clear a death sentence was already planned.

    Demjanjuk is specifically accused of having been a sadistic camp guard at the German-run Treblinka camp during World War II. However, long-suppressed interviews of 21 Treblinka guards con­ducted by the KGB between 1944 and 1961 found the guard was an­other man altogether, named Ivan Marchenko. And a 1940's pho­tograph identified by one of the guards as being that of "Ivan" is CLEARLY NOT DEMJANJUK.


    Even the Post concedes Demjanjuk's conviction in 1988 by an Israeli court of "crimes against humanity"--and his death sen­tence--were fallaciously based on largely circumstantial evidence that was itself contradictory. For example, one key document was a German identity card showing he had worked at two other camps; the other was the claim by five elderly former inmates of the Tre­blinka camp that Demjanjuk was stationed there as a guard.

    But despite the revelation of new evidence, at least one longtime Demjanjuk supporter doubts the retired autoworker will ever see justice prevail.

    "They had all the proof that in a normal, humane society would be needed to exonerate the man", said Jerry Brentar, who has served as an investigator on the Demjanjuk defense team for more than a decade.

    "The man is 100 percent innocent," he added. "The only thing the U.S. Justice Department's Office of Special Inves­tigations has to hang their hat on is Damjanjuk put down on immigration papers in 1948 that he was never in the army", hardly a capital crime.

    Demjanjuk's credibility was damaged, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled, because he had denied having worked as a camp guard and because he had used the name Marchenko when he applied in 1948 for a U.S. visa at Stuttgart, Germany. Not surprisingly, Demjanjuk believed he would be denied entrance to the United States by admit­ting he served in the German army, no matter that he was a captured Soviet army soldier who might not have had a choice in the matter.

    As to the visa issue, Demjanjuk was told to list his mother's maiden name, but said later he had forgotten it. So he used Marchenko, a common Ukrainian name, not realizing this would come back to haunt him.


    Demjanjuk's Israeli defense attorney, Yoram Sheftel, presented the KGB files to Israel's Supreme Court in August, and the justices have promised to issue a ruling in the case this month. However, prosecuting attorney Michael Shaked told the court how Demjanjuk could still be found guilty (and executed).

    Shaked said, in essence, that even if Demjanjuk were not Ivan the Terrible, he should be found guilty, instead, of war crimes for be­ing stationed at German camps at Trawniki and Sobibor. There was no evidence submitted to show the now 71-year-old Demjanjuk had done anything more than guard the facility, as did many other Soviet soldiers taken prisoner and later pressed into service by Ger­man authorities.

    The Post report on Demjanjuk's three-year-long wait for exe­cution conceded Israel's Supreme Court could face serious problems by authorizing a hanging in the face of such contradictory "evidence". However, the Post also quoted Tom Segev, identified as a journalist who covered the Demjanjuk trial for a Tel Aviv newspaper, as saying the original guilty verdict handed down "was more a part of the literature of Jewish lamentation than a sober legal document".

    Brentar said the Israelis clearly are NOT interested in justice.


    Today the Ukraine seems to become a "free" nation but here you have a Ukrainian-AMERICAN ready to go to death for a crime he COULD NOT HAVE COMMITTED --at the hands of the Zionist Israelis. AMERICA, HOW CAN YOU SIT BY AND ALLOW THIS MISCARRIAGE OF JUSTICE TO ONE OF YOUR OWN CITIZENS? HOW CAN YOU BEAR THIS ON YOUR CON­SCIENCE?

    I can only ask that the Constitutional Law Center and/or the Com­mon Law Service Center find out what you can, and at least we can make objection and loud outcry--we cannot sit and do nothing! The prestige of the Constitutional Law Center bears gaining of attention. The family of this man has struggled about as far as they can go. This has already happened to another of your countrymen and the ef­fort did not come in time. May God have mercy for you have so long been blind.

    Will anyone reading this document who knows anything of this case, please contact Rick Martin at the America West address. If something is not done to STAY this action, the results will be deadly and after this month will be too late in all probability.


    Now let us turn our attention to another heinous killer at loose--this one is High-Tech ammunition which is yet another legacy of the Per­sian Gulf War; high-tech ammunition left behind by U.S. forces, fashioned from spent uranium, is slowly poisoning the region.

    The spreading contamination of the radioactive debris, left behind by U.S. forces after the Gulf War, keeps on killing civilians in the re­gion, with an estimated 500,000 additional deaths expected by the end of the decade. This comes from a "top-secret" scientific report leaked by an insider.

    A senior UN diplomat who represents a major nation of the Arabian peninsula stated, "Our air, our water, the soil, the food chain--ev­erything--has been poisoned. My government supported the military intervention against Iraq, but now many of us wish we had opposed it".

    The concern voiced by this veteran foreign affairs official and numerous of his UN colleagues, who always go "unheard" and certainly "unpublished", has been prompted by a recent top-secret study of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) distributed to Gulf diplomats with high security clearances in mid-November.

    The study, researched and compiled by an IAEA task force of largely British and French scientists, reveals intense artillery, armor and air attacks last February by U.S.-led coalition forces using so-called subatomic ammunition left behind some 50,000 tons of ra­dioactive and toxic rubble in Kuwait and Iraq.

    The Bush administration is, "desperately trying to suppress this survey" asserted an Arab UN delegate. "We cannot let that happen; our nations face genocidal catastrophe unless we sound an alarm". To break the cover-up of the IAEA report, Middle Eastern diplomats arranged access to a copy of the study, on the understanding that the identity of these sources would remain protected, and that no dupli­cates of the highly sensitive text were made.


    Estimates are that during the brief but intense combat phase of the Gulf War U.S. ground forces fired between 5,000 and 6,000 ad­vanced, armor-piercing shells known as depleted uranium (DU) rounds. (And all the while you didn't realize you were already IN A NUCLEAR WAR--YOURS!)

    In addition, American and British aircraft on anti-tank and combat support missions launched "perhaps 10 times as many" rockets and projectiles made of depleted uranium at enemy targets.

    DU ammunition, developed in tightly guarded secrecy by U.S. and British defense contractors during the mid-1980's, contains an ex­ceptionally hard, dense core of

    These projectiles are "the best tank killers we've ever seen", said Lt. Col. Vincent Macchi, a combat commander in the Gulf campaign who now works as a Pentagon operations analyst.

    "The trouble is, we've never used DU ammo before, and we had no idea what the aftereffect would be", Macchi added.

    To determine the long-range impact of this new war-fighting tech­nology, physicists and decontamination specialists from the Royal Atomic Energy Authority, the British affiliate of the IAEA, con­ducted a series of secret field tests and surveys in the Gulf during August and September.

    They found shell fragments, uranium dust and other debris left be­hind by the "firestorm" of high-tech shells fired during the February campaign are generating enough radiation to present a "serious, and ultimately lethal health hazard" to large population masses in the re­gion.

    A computer analysis of these field tests and "on-site" findings by the Radiological Protection Unit of the IAEA has come up with the grim estimate "at its present level, the contamination, radiation and other health hazards generated by shell fragments and similar debris is suf­ficient to cause some 500,000 deaths among the civilian population of the region" within the next few years, 10 at most.

    This is a stunning forecast, chelas. This has prompted the IAEA to add an appendix to its findings urging all bomb removal and cleanup crews in the affected areas be provided with protective clothing and other anti-radiation safeguards "before they commence another day's work". It also prompted a "top-secret" designation on the informa­tion.

    But the Bush administration, though "shocked and staggered" by the IAEA's findings, views them as a "dangerous challenge", one White House source interviewed privately--has disclosed.

    The reason: Any public admission about the long-range threat pre­sented by DU ammunition may lead to a call for international treaties banning such genocidal sub-atomic armaments from future warfare.

    For the moment, Bush and his top advisers are simply trying to "sit on the IAEA report and play for time" until they "come up with a way to circumvent it", related this knowledgeable observer.

    This, however, may not prove an acceptable response for the masses of civilians who face deteriorating health, cancer and kidney failure along with other ailments, and in the end untimely death, until the Bush administration finds the courage to face the consequences of its military intervention in the Gulf.

    Now, let me give you some pretty bad news regarding this "accidental" genocide. The morals as projected by this part of the world is not suitable for the spread of AIDS, etc., as readily as in other places where depopulation is desired. This is just more form of weakening the population of your globe to more easily cause all to come within the One World Elite. You are going to have to face this nightmare, dear ones, lest you all perish in the whirlwind. Salu

    PJ 41

    THU., DECEMBER 5, 1991 10:39 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 111



    As we sit to pen--late this day--I am awash in what's, why's and wherefore's, which, I shall not allow you to "get away with"! Must you be blown away in order to see what is happening to your world? I shall give you a few "behind the scenes" facts and then you may, rather, sit and be thankful that your eyes see and your ears still hear.

    You can check "this one out" if you have some high-ranking military personnel on your "insider listings". WE HAVE THIS AN­NOUNCEMENT CONFIRMED BY OUR INSIDE SOURCES WHO SEEM TO BE BLOWN AWAY THAT WE WOULD HAVE THE INFORMATION! Uh-humm-nn! YOUR MILITARY HAS BEEN PLACED TODAY ON THE HIGHEST STATE OF ALERT--EVER!!! I suggest you walk most gently, friends, with your denials and denouncements--because you are in REAL TROUBLE!


    First, however, I am going to thank my crew for I am touched warmly as I watch you. For you readers: The ones here have al­ready set into motion a warm clothes gathering center for our Dakota brethren. It comes at a time when, chelas, the area of the Dakotas and Minnesota are having the coldest weather the regions have ever remembered. God blesses you richly for that which you share for it shall come back unto you many, many-fold.


    This message has nothing to do with the above but I want to share it with you right here before we go further in the uncovering and alerts.

    GREETINGS: Never before have we seen or experienced such pow­erful examples of the natural balances of the universe. It is what is referred to as the process of "duality" in the oral traditions of the Dakota/Lakota people.

    Looking around the world, our sensitivities are shocked by the con­tinuing inhumanity of human against human. Racial hatreds sub­merged and colored with the paints of fear, logic, greed and ig­norance.

    I encourage you who seek the essence of your spiritual paths and self-fulfilling realities, not to forget or detach from the present. Your energy, faith, and hope are needed now more than ever. Be stead­fast in your inner Truths with the realization that your "joys" and "pains" are the same--just in a different form. In changing one's self we will see others differently for they are just a reflection of our­selves.

    Little Crow



    Note the interesting story going along with yesterday's news--for to­day the incident is old--and wasn't even "due" until today. The re­ports will be so confusing that you won't know what you've wit­nessed even after you have a report. There are several stories ram­pant regarding that "thing" due in at 10:30 a.m. your Earth time--to­day, the 5th. This public discussion of it came forth yesterday which seems strange to me. Next, the times have changed some three times and one predicts the incident next Tuesday. Officials and sci­entists still do not know WHAT IT IS other than it is "not of Earth" (such as a rocket booster as first predicted) but, rather, has to be from outer space--small and now in Earth ORBIT and "really mov­ing", is the way one reporter described it. But not to worry--they say "it won't strike Earth or the Moon" and it "must be a meteorite". Moreover, "next year there will be a much bigger one". Good grief, chelas. Pay attention.

    The Israelites postponed their visit to the Council until next Monday or Tuesday! The Russian element--who doesn't want Israel to par­ticipate--has the cosmospheres and can control those "UFObjects". Do you think the Hostages "were just simply released?" Chelas, the lies and hidden workings are so intense that I realize you can't keep up--nor do you need to keep up to the minute--just don't be foolish about the mega-scenes.


    There were at least two warning quakes down south in California--toward San Diego where you don't have many quakes! This is a far longer day for we who see the happenings than it obviously is for you ones--so please just stay alert, this day is far from over.


    Here is an Associated Press writing which didn't make it to your news desks or papers in its full intent and facts. I think you had better read it carefully and check "between the lines".

    MOSCOW: AP 12/03 ('91) 09:19 EST V0903--President Mikhail Gorbachev issued a dramatic appeal Tuesday for preserving the nation, warning of possible warfare and a "catastrophe for all mankind" if the Soviet Union disintegrates.

    "Without the union, there will be an eternal erosion of our society as a whole", Gorbachev said in his written appeal, portions of which were released by his spokesman, Andrie Grachev.

    The statement was distributed to lawmakers across the nation who are weighing approval of the Union Treaty, Gorbachev's plan to hold the nation together.

    The appeal came the day after officials in the Ukraine announced that voters in the key republic had overwhelmingly approved a refer­endum on independence.

    The Ukraine's newly elected President, Leonid Kravchuk, has said he will not sign the Union Treaty. Russian Federation President Boris Yeltsin has said that if the Ukraine does not sign, his republic won't sign either.

    Gorbachev was scheduled to read his appeal on national television later tonight. It represented one of his last-ditch attempts to save the union and what little remained of his dwindling authority.

    Legislators must approve the treaty without delay because "time is precious" according to the appeal.

    Gorbachev warned that the disintegration of the Soviet Union has gone beyond "any reasonable limits and has become destructive in its character".

    Not signing the Union Treaty will lead to "dire consequences", his statement said. "The disintegration will even be fraught with wars".

    "This could be a catastrophe for all mankind," Gorbachev said.

    "The distance between the republics will grow wider and wider and the economic situation will get worse and worse".

    But Gorbachev took pains to point out that the Union Treaty would not mean a return to the old Kremlin-style of central au­thority.

    "I'm not speaking about a revival of the old center. ...We cannot go back to that", his statement said.

    He said he was talking about a new state, one in which "we will be partners and we will cooperate and help each other. I am for a new, confederative, democratic union of states".


    I am now flooded with input regarding the Khazars as well as his­torical data and "integration with Zionists", etc. I still receive total denial of such a group as well. Therefore, I shall ask Dharma to reprint a letter (in part) from a Canadian friend who simply went to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol 13, page 362. It seemed to be a brief way to establish whether or not these people existed and ap­proximately when. There was shock to find that there was actually quite a write-up, and it is herein shared with all. After all, the En­cyclopaedia Britannica is Elite-established and controlled so it becomes even more interesting at what is said herein. It is also the Elite of the Encyclopedias.


    KHAZARS (Known by many names but predominantly as Chozars, Akatziroi, Khazirs, Khwalisses, and Ugri Bielli). An ancient people who occupied a prominent place amongst the secondary powers of the Byzantine state-system. They were the organizers of the transit between the Black Sea and the Caspian, the universal carriers between East and West. The area under their control varied greatly, but the normal Khazaria may be taken as the area between the Cau­casus, the Volga, and the Don, with the outlying province of the Crimea (Little Khazaria).

    History--Amidst the white race of the steppe the Khazars can be first historically distinguished at the end of the 2nd Century A.D. They burst into Armenia with the Barsileens, A.D. 198. They were repulsed and attacked in turn. The pressure of the nomads of the steppe, the quest of plunder or revenge, these seem the only motives of these early expeditions; but in the long struggle between the Ro­man and Persian empires, of which Armenia was often the battle­field, and eventually the prize, the attitude of the Khazars assumed political importance. Armenia inclined to the civilization and ere long to the Christianity of Rome, whilst her Aracid princes main­tained an inveterate feud with the Sassanids of Persia. It became, therefore, the policy of the Persian kings to call in the Khazars in every collision with the empire (200-350). During the 4th century, however, the growing power of Persia culminated in the annexation of eastern Armenia. The Khazars, endangered by so powerful a neighbour, passed from under Persian influence into that remote al­liance with Byzantium which thenceforth characterized their policy, and they aided Julian in his invasion of Persia (363).

    Simultaneously with the approach of Persia to the Caucasus the terrible empire of the Huns sprang up among the Ugrians of the northern steppes. The Khazars, straitened on every side, remained passive till the danger culminated in the accession of Attila (434). The emperor, Theodosius, sent envoys to bribe the Khazars to di­vert the Huns from the empire by an attack upon their flanks but there was a Hunnic party amongst the Khazar chiefs. The design was betrayed to Attila, and he extinguished the independence of the nation in a moment. Khazaria became the appanage of his eldest son and the centre of government amongst the eastern subjects of the Hun (448). Even the iron rule of Attila was preferable to the time of anarchy that succeeded it. Upon his death (454) the wild immigra­tion which he had arrested revived. The Khazars and the Sarogours (i.e., White Ogors, possibly the Barsileens of the Volga delta) were swept along in a flood of mixed Tartar peoples which the conquests of the Avars had set in motion. The Khazars and their companions broke through the Persian defences of the Caucasus (457). They ap­propriated the territory up to the Kur and the Aras, and roamed at large through Iberia, Georgia and Armenia. The Persian King im­plored the Emperor, Leo I., to help him defend Asia Minor at the Caucasus (457) but Rome was herself too hard pressed, nor was it for 50 years that the Khazars were driven back and the Pass of Der-bent fortified against them (507).

    Throughout the 6th century Khazaria was the mere highway for the wild hordes to whom the Huns had opened the passage into Europe, and the Khazars took refuge (like the Venetians from Attila) amongst the 70 mouths of the Volga. The conquering Turks followed in their footsteps (560-80). They beat down all opposition, wrested even Bosporus in the Crimea from the empire, and by the annihilation of the Ephthalites completed the ruin of the White Race of the plains from the Oxus to the Don. The empires of Turks and Avars, how­ever, ran swiftly their barbaric course, and the Khazars rose out of the chaos to more than their ancient renown. They issued from the land of Barsilia, and extended their rule over the Bulgarian hordes left masterless by the Turks, compelling the more stubborn to mi­grate to the Danube (641). The agricultural Slays of the Dnieper and the Oka were reduced to tribute, and before the end of the 7th cen­tury the Khazars had annexed the Crimea, had won complete com­mand of the Sea of Azov, and seizing upon the narrow neck which separates the Volga from the Don, had organized the portage which has continued since an important link in the traffic between Asia and Europe. The alliance with Byzantium was revived. Simultaneously, and no doubt in concert, with the Byzantine campaign against Persia (589), the Khazars had reappeared in Armenia, though it was not till 625 that they appear as Khazars in the Byzantine annals. They are then described as "Turks from the East", a powerful nation which held the coasts of the Caspian and the Euxine, and took tribute of the Viatitsh, the Severians and the Polyane. The khakan, enticed by the promise of an imperial princess, furnished Heraclius with 40,000 men for his Persian war, who shared in the victory over Chosroes.

    Meanwhile the Muslim empire had arisen. The Persian empire was struck down (637), and till the decay of the Mohammedan empire, Khazaria, with all the other countries of the Caucasus, paid an an­nual tribute of children and of corn (737-861). Nevertheless, though overpowered in the end, the Khazars had protected the plains of Eu­rope from the Mohammedans and made the Caucasus the limit of their conquests.

    In the interval between the decline of the Mohammedan empire and the rise of Russia, the Khazars reached the zenith of their power. The merchants of Byzantium, Armenia and Baghdad met in the mar­kets of Itil (whither, since the raids of the Mohammedans, the capital had been transferred from Semender) and traded for the wax, furs, leather, and honey that came down from the Volga. So important was this traffic held at Constantinople that, when a portage from the Don was endangered by the irruption of a fresh horde of Turks (the Petchenegs), the emperor, Theophillus, himself despatched the mate­rials and workmen to build for the Khazars a fortress impregnable to their forays (834). Famous as the one stone structure in that stone-less region, the post became known far and wide amongst the hordes of the steppe as
    Sar-kel or the WHITE ABODE. Merchants from every nation found protection and good faith in the Khazar cities.

    [H: ok, pay attention now!] The Jews, expelled from Con­stantinople, sought a home amongst them, developed the Khazar trade, and contended with Mohammedans and Christians for the theological allegiance of the Pagan people. The dynasty accepted Judaism (c 740), but there was tolerance for all, and each man was held amenable to the authorized code, and to the official judges of his own faith. At the Byzantine court the khakan was held in high honour. The emperor, Justinian Rhinotmetus, took refuge with him during his exile and married his daughter (702). Justinian's rival, Vardanes, in turn sought an asylum in Khazaria, and in Leo IV (775) the grandson of a Khazar sovereign ascended the Byzantine throne. Khazar troops were amongst the bodyguard of the imperial court; they fought for Leo VI against Simeon of Bul­garia; and the khakan was honoured in diplomatic intercourse with the seal of three solidi, which marked him as a potentate of the first rank, above even the pope and the Carolingian monarchs. Indeed, his dominion became an object of uneasiness to the jealous statecraft of Byzantium, and Constantine Porphyrogenitus, writing for his son's instruction in the government, carefully enumerates the Alans, the Petchenegs, the Uzes, and the Bulgarians as the forces he must rely on to restrain it.

    It was, however, from a power that Constantine did not consider, that the overthrow of the Khazars came. The arrival of the Vara­gians [H: Remember, Varagians is one of the names attached to the Khazars.] amidst the scattered Slays (862) had united them into a nation. [H: Do you now begin to see WHY in Russia it was pronounced that the holocaust consisted of the exterminations of "Slavs" and not "Jews"? You see, the point is that the Zionists are the Khazars and hated for their evil ways all over the Euro­pean continent as they absorbed into and usurped everything and nation they became integrated within. Believe me, chelas, this dissertation is absolutely as mild as they could possibly make it and yet, even so, it confirms the points I have given you. It is not to say "I told you so"; it is for the purpose in writing such white­washed historical data which was unable to be totally erased, so that you will become more comfortable with the "hosts" as we come forth with the WORD. We do not come to scare, rattle bones, fear-monger and/or terrify you--we come only to awaken you to your circumstance before it is beyond the absolute point of NO RETURN.]

    The advance of the Petchenegs from the East gave the Russians their opportunity. Before the onset of those fierce invaders the precarious suzerainty of the khakan broke up. By calling in the Uzes, the Khazars did, indeed, dislodge the Petchenegs from the position they had seized in the heart of the kingdom, between the Volga and the Don, but only to drive them inwards to the Dnieper. The Hungari­ans, severed from their kindred and their rulers, migrated to the Carpathians, whilst Oleg, the Russ prince of Kiev, passed through the Slav tribes of the Knieper basin with the cry "Pay nothing to the Khazars" (884). The kingdom dwindled rapidly to its ancient limits between the Caucasus, the Volga, and the Don, whilst the Russian traders of Novgorod and Kiev supplanted the Khazars as the carriers between Constantinople (Istanbul) and the North. When Ibn Fadlan visited Khazaria 40 years later, Itil was even then a great city, with baths and market places and 30 mosques. But there was no domestic product or manufacture; the kingdom depended solely upon the now precarious transit dues, and administration was in the hands of a major domus also called khakan. [H: It has always been that these people support themselves at the expense and extortion of others just as they do this day in 1991.] At the assault of Swiatoslav of Kiev the rotten fabric crumbled into dust. His troops were equally at home on land and water. Sarkel, Itil, and Semender surrendered to him (965-969). He pushed his conquests to the Caucasus and estab­lished Russian colonies upon the Sea of Azov. The principality of Tmutarakan, founded by his grandson, Mstislav (988), replaced the kingdom of Khazaria, the last trace of which was extinguished by a joint expedition of Russians and Byzantines (1016). [H: It is so very important to recognize that these ones do not and did not "just vanish". They simply took up new names for selves which would deceive the "neighbors", changed the name of the govern­ment but not the practices thereof and under new "cover" con­tinued in the same deceitful manner as they had for eons.]

    BIBLIOGRAPHY: KHAZAR: The letter of King Joseph to R Hasdal Ibn Shaprut, first published by J. Akrish, Kol Mebasser (1577), [H: From whence comes "Kol" in vows such as "Kol Nidre" and also just about a century later was when the term "Jew" was created to label these people.] and often reprinted in editions of Jehuda ha-Levi's Kuzari. German translations by Zedner (1840), and Cassel, Magyar, Alterth. (1848); French by Carmoly, Rev. Or. (1841). Arabic: The Account of Ibn Fadlan (921) is pre­served by Yakut, ii. 436 seq. Frachn, "Veteres" Mem. de St. Pet. (1844); Dufremery, Journ. As. (1840); Russian: the Chronicle, ascribed to Nestor.

    Modern: Klaproth, "Mem. sur les Khazars", in Journ. As. Ist series, vol iii; ib, Tableau hist. de l'Asie (1823); ib, Tabl. hist. de Caucases (1827); memoirs on the Khazars by Harkavy: and by Howorth Con­gres. Intern des Orientalistes, vol ii; D'Ohson, Peuples du Caucase (1828); S. Drauss, "Zur Geschichte der Chazaren", in Revue orien­tale pour les etudes Ourals-altaiques (1900).


    Thank you "Canada". I certainly understand the request to keep your name and address unprinted for the Khazarians are the same as the Zionist Jews and speaking out about the deceit will only bring charges of anti-Semitism and "hate crime" against you if intercepted in the mail--and by the way, mail IS intercepted for this very pur­pose. You see, readers, in Canada to speak about "Jews" and "Zionists" is a "hate crime" felony offense. You are next, America!

    Dharma, I have another paper to write but I think we had better leave it until next edition so that this can be gotten into the proper hands hastily. Thank you.

    Please, all of you, stay alert for these few days right now are indeed treacherous. Thank you for responding promptly. It is difficult to see if verbal negotiations and capitulations will postpone actions or not. We will have to remain prepared for either event. Salu.

    Hatonn to stand-by. Please remain at ready, Dharma, for contact and receiving. Salu.
    Last edited by wave; 2010-07-31 at 11:26.

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