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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 41

    SUN., DECEMBER 1, 1991 9:26 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 107
    SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1991

    In the glory of this first day of December, 1991--day 107 of the year of your Lord, five--may we look upon the TRUTH that the lies may be lifted from your eyes. The sole motive for your searching must be to quest for TRUTH for in TRUTH IS FREEDOM. Blessed are you who have begun the "Phoenix" journey from our upstart just a couple of years back. The first JOURNAL was written in July, 1989 and I believe that America West had about half a dozen in print by your year end. This book will be the forty-sixth. SIPAPU ODYSSEY was written in January-February, 1986, by Dharma-- then writing as Dorushka Maerd. Each had a purpose and each had a "time" for the unveiling so that as the "Hosts" become participants in your visual "range", the groundwork would be laid.

    Miracles for proof? Dear ones, you overlook the miracles--46 books overflowing with facts on every subject from the Holocaust to the way to protect your privacy, to the Source of Creation and the ab­solute Universal Laws must represent some kind of "miracle". These were all put to print, save one, almost entirely--by ONE SCRIBE. I, Hatonn, have not authored them all. You have been blessed with the Cohans of God and God Himself. I, as Hatonn, am but the "physical" liaison connection with that physical plane of manifestation and the higher dimensions of experience. I and my compatriots are your connection with God. I did NOT SAY--"go-­between". We are the messengers with command to set the lies to Truth and show you the way into your rightful heritage. We are not even "mediators"--we are only wayshowers--guides.

    Each being is an aspect of God Himself and there can be no "go-between" for God is ALL and that means that all else is only a "part-of" and, therefore, lesser in the "whole". You are on your own with God and when you come before God on that confrontation and eval­uation of self and Knowledge--you will find the measure to be that which you have "learned" in Truth and the actions of the manifested physical experience. Where will YOU fit? It is up to you for God is total allowance and you will do that which you will. If you choose to remain in the bondage of physical limitations--so be it. I think you can look around and see that which you will experience. By the way--death of the body means nothing except change of expression--the transition will only be into another experience of equal "knowing". You do not magically go to "Happy Ha-Ha-Land".


    Why, you might inquire, do I center upon the "poor Jews". I don't! The "poor Jews" are exactly THAT--poor misguided victims of the anti-God. And so, who is this "anti-God/Christness"? That which is against God! That which is manifest in physical aspect--born of de­ceit, evil created by MAN in greed and desire for power. The "Antichrist", as you refer to this entity, is that which dwells only in the physical, who plans to rule all things physical and "capture your souls" and keep you devoid of your relationship with God of YOU (which is your eternal self). Evil is not "good" or "bad" except in perception--"evil" is that which distracts you purposefully from your self-fulfillment in soul-Truth and oneness with your Creation. Evil limits you to physical experiences without possibility of growth into the higher experiences of infinity. You cannot even be given into experiencing the expression on other far-distant planets and the joy of soaring technologically through the spaces of the Universe. This evil limits you to narrow expressions of enslavement unto the physi­cal and requires that you be servant to that evil.

    The only way in which evil can bind you is to disallow your vision of Truth for, if you experience Truth, you will see the adversary for that which it is--a slavemaster of deceit and clever tricks upon your humanness. Truth lifts you above your humanness and into KNOW­ING which can allow you the expression of the universe as the wondrous creation which you ARE. You are not binded by anything physical in that circumstance nor are you binded by foolish religious dogmas, race, creed or colors--you are given freedom in your own value and manifestation as a projection of God--which is ALL.

    This King of Evil presents himself in many, many ways to lead you down that "Primrose" path into his trap. At this turn of the clock of experience--he presents as the Zionist Communist. Oh, he calls himself "democratic" and pretends Godliness and speaks "in the name of God", etc. He is the Prince of Liars and Deceit. He blinds the eyes and mind and then takes the heritage from under the noses of his victims. He calls himself by their very own name so that he cannot be seen apart from the flock in which he kills and destroys.

    So why does Hatonn spend so much time on the "Holocaust" of the Second World War? Because it is the most obvious LIE of your generations to which you can see and relate for many of you live who experienced the circumstance. This is also why we spend time on the Protocols for you must see the connections of the same names and the same practices as have come to limit your existence and en­slave you. Your nations are falling apart and you are enslaved by these "masters" of deceit and LIES. YOU ARE CHILDREN OF THE LIES.


    This adversary has great groups formed in his name and they attack and bind slowly and carefully. Every human "right" is taken and placed in the bindings of "laws" which the adversary enforces and makes. It is as if you are in a tub of warm water which is slowly heated--you are boiled before you realize the water is hot.


    Organizations of the Zionists and spokesmen for the other deceitful organizations attack George Green because he brings the Truth and it must be "stopped". They do not attack Hatonn directly for they KNOW THAT IF THEY DO SO THEY INVOKE MY PRIVILEGE OF MAKING MY OWN APPEARANCE--YOU SEE, THE ELITE KNOW ME AND WHY I AM HERE! THEY DARE NOT CON­FRONT GOD FOR THEY CANNOT EXIST IN THE LIGHT OF GOD--AND I REPRESENT THAT LIGHT! It will only be in total stupidity that the Elite will denounce openly--Hatonn. You see, little sleepy-heads, the Elite KNOW WE ARE HERE, WHY WE ARE HERE AND WHAT WE WILL AND WILL NOT DO. THEY KNOW THAT IF THEY OVERSTEP THE RULES OF THIS PARTICULAR GAME, THEY HAVE US IN THEIR DOORYARD AND THEY ARE FINISHED. UNFORTUNATELY FOR YOU WHO DAWDLE, THE HOTFOOT COMES BEFORE THAT INTERJECTION.

    Therefore, you must realize it is the human counterpart in service who must be debunked and the human author which must be stopped--for THEY know that they cannot nor will they, stop God's Hosts. In other words, the only way they can stop the TRUTH from you--is to keep you from reading or hearing the Truth. We have now presented too much and given you other resources for confir­mation from your own Earth activities (which are obvious) and au­thors who have brought Truth for a century and you ignored them; the WORD can no longer be stopped.

    As each experience in physical manifestation reaches this point of capability of the entity experiencing, to destroy the very essence of life (soul), as you have--the play must be changed or stopped. You, as have other generations and civilizations upon your place, have reached that point where things will move into total catastrophe or you will turn again unto balance and harmony with Creator/Creation and move back within the bounds of brotherhood in goodness. The planet as manifested cannot stand more.

    Your enemy plans to annihilate you and in the so-doing will destroy capability of life-forms upon your orb. You cannot seem to under­stand--evil only works through destruction. The full intent is to keep a "soul" from fulfillment in God of Light. The very definition of "Hell" is absence of Light"--ignorance and devoid of knowledge. A soul captured by evil exists in that state of God absence--in that dark, hard and primitive perception, for self will punish self for its refusal to fulfill its one goal--movement toward, growing and regaining of ONENESS with Creator. WE ARE ALL "GRADED" BY OUR ACTIONS.


    You must be given to KNOW so that you can understand the lies foisted off upon you and, therefore, our only need is to show you TRUTH in the LIGHT of revelation. This is WHY I can tell you without debate--anything secret and hidden is NOT OF GOD. GOD HAS NO SECRETS, NO MYSTICISM AND NO "HIDDEN" PLACES. ALL IS THERE FOR YOUR SEARCHING AND FINDING--THE MYSTERY IS ALL REVEALED AS YOU AC­CEPT THE TRUTH WITHIN.

    And so, we shall continue to reveal the lies as quickly as we can give you information and resource for more. I will have to give you less and less in these writings as YOU GO AND CONFIRM THROUGH OTHER'S WRITINGS. I am given to have to repeat them unto you for most have been destroyed and the authors put-down to keep the Truth from you-the-masses. You are deprived of education which allows reading and comprehension. The history books change the truth of history and you give THAT to your school-children. We even tell you WHO and WHEN these things came to be and still you miss the point. You ARE the mesmerized masses who have lost your way because the deceivers led you into the dark places and have caused you to give your own POWER into their hands.


    I am going to have to, again, lay out the Holocaust--hopefully in synopses which give the correction to the "overall" events.

    Then, I shall relate the history of Zionism TO THESE EVENTS and show the interaction between Herzl's movement and the rise of Fas­cism and Nazism in Europe. Know that "Zionism" is a rather "new" term stolen by these adversaries. "Zion" once meant "city, or place, of God". Do you see the subterfuge and usage of proper definitions being turned for evil purpose into a "new language"? You are de­ceived by the lack of realization that there are "new" meanings to that which you say and do--the "new" language and events having been manufactured to gradually "deceive" you for if you hear a thing often enough, you will believe it.

    The Elite have taken your places of government into their own con­trol through blackmail and bribes. Then, it is easy to change laws and divert from Constitutional laws. All that is required is getting enough to "vote" in or out a thought or action.

    We will move through the Zionist record--and find evidence that it sought the patronage and benevolence of avowed anti-Semites and, ultimately, the collaboration of the Fascists and Nazis. Remember that these Zionists are NOT Semites but are in fact, the "NAZIS"-- i.e., recognized by their OWN LABEL OF ASHKENAZI!

    You will find that from the beginning Zionism's leaders were prepared to go to almost any length to achieve the goal of a separate Jewish homeland from which they could project into and ultimately gain control of the world.

    Dealing with this issue brings with it great difficulty and problems, one of the most traumatic being the emotions evoked by the so-called "Holocaust". Zionism, however, is an ideology. It is not now, nor was it ever, co-extensive with either Judaism or the Jewish peo­ple, and its chronicles must therefore be examined with the same critical eye that readers should bring to the history of ANY po­litical tendency. Nevertheless, because of its fundamental chal­lenge to Zionism's bona-fides, this thoroughly documented his­tory is a basis upon which to build your own understanding and insight.

    I ask only that you read in open mind, reason and logic. Then, and only then, can you see that which has been dumped on you in an attempt to literally BURY you.

    At the beginning here, I am going to simply outlay information which has been thoroughly researched and give you, actually, docu­mentation already made available to the public. There are so many great authors who have brought Truth but as you can see by the at­tempt to make it a law "TO NOT ALLOW ANY EXPRESSION AGAINST THE ORTHODOX VERSION OF THE HOLO­CAUST", THEIR WORK HAS BEEN BANNED AND BURIED. We shall bring you those listings later when it is TOO LATE FOR THEM TO STOP THIS WORK!


    Dharma, we will go right down the document please and I shall ef­fort to keep comments to a minimum. Know that what I allow to be placed into print is valid or it will not appear--or, it will be given and then discussed. I have but one intent--to gather valid information for your consumption and you can get your confirmation from the documentation. I want no aspect of hidden magic in information--you must deal with "reality" as it is manifested in your circumstance.

    There is now half a century of research by revisionist authors and over two decades past the facts were known and presented. In the past twenty years, however, has come the constant barrage of "keep the lie alive". It comes in the form of "We must never allow the world to forget..." and new and bigger lies are put to paper, books, the big and little screen and thus and so. Now, ones pronounce per­sonal experience from lies of the older generation in the telling and in the imaging. To you who want me to soften the blows to keep the Jews, Christian, Muslims, Buddhists, Mormons, Catholics and Pen­tecostals, happy--let me say something very, very important. You are asking a direct aspect of God to continue the lie! No--just as you have a term "the buck stops here", ah, so too--"THE LIE STOPS HERE"!


    * The "Hitler gas chambers" never existed.
    * The "genocide" (or the "attempted genocide") of the Jews never took place. In other words, Hitler never gave an order nor permission that anyone should be killed because of his race or religion.
    * The alleged "gas chambers" and the alleged "genocide" are one and the same lie.
    * This lie, which is largely of Zionist origin, has made an enor­mous political and financial fraud possible, whose principal bene­ficiary is the state of Israel.
    * The principal victims of this lie and fraud are the German people (but not the German rulers) and the entire Palestinian people.
    * The enormous power of official information services has, thus far, had the effect of ensuring the success of the lie and of cen­suring the freedom of expression of those who have denounced the lie.
    * The participants in the lie know that its days are numbered; they distort the purpose and nature of revisionist research; they label as "resurgence of Nazism" or as "falsification of history" what is only a thoughtful and justified concern for historical truth.

    The above was written and published in April (25), 1979 by a skilled and respected historian and researcher from "le Monde" Paris. (over a decade past). We are going to utilize that time frame for the present is speaking for itself and we comment on it daily--let us see what was already known and present over a decade ago. This is not to make you "feel bad" or foolish--it is to show you how easy it is to "fool all of the people some of the time"--rejoice that you couldn't fool all of the people ALL of the time as is presented in point herein.

    In reading these pages, some might well interpret this author's re­search as an attempt at an apology for National Socialism. In real­ity, however, for reasons that need no explanation, Hitler, the per­son, as well as his ideas and politics are as unattractive to the author as those of Napoleon Bonaparte to a knowledgeable Frenchman. He refused to believe the propaganda of conquerors for whom Napoleon was the "Ogre" whereas Hitler was "Satan" or "Amalec".

    It must be everyone's understanding that the only motivating force behind his research was the quest for Truth; he, the author, called "Truth" that which is the opposite of error and falsehood.

    He regarded any charge or insinuation of Nazism against him as defamation. Consequently, he challenged anyone, individuals or associations, who by their statements, speeches, writings or actions would compel him to have recourse with the law.

    Copies of these pages as he wrote them were sent to legal and administrative authorities, as well as to newspapers, groups and associations--along with a heartfelt request that they be copied and reprinted.

    He took no responsibility for the political views of those who would publish these articles. On the other hand, he did take responsibility for that which he wrote and appeared in le Monde and for the con­clusions given above which appeared in the magazine "Defense de l'Occident" ("Defense of the West") in June of 1978. He took this responsibility in his capacity as Associate Professor at the University of Lyon-2.
    He further contended that not a single "gas chamber" to kill human beings existed under the Hitler regime. This he firmly believed and maintained.

    This author in point (whom I shall continue to protect for this interim period) affixed his signature, Lyons, France, April 25, 1979.

    I, Hatonn, utilize this author because of his comprehensive but con­cise outlay of information--gathered closer to the location and action confronted. This does not negate nor lessen the outstanding work of other authors whom I shall later give for reference.

    I will write this in respect for this "first person" accounting and we shall give initials as R.F. (because those are his initials). With that stated, let us move into the document. Where appropriate we will insert "footnotes" in the text. These will suffice as references for the document in progress.



    No one disputes the use of crematoria in certain German camps. The frequent occurrence of epidemics throughout Europe during wartime necessitated the cremation of the bodies of, for example, ty­phus victims.

    It is the existence of "gas chambers", veritable human slaughterhouses, which is disputed. The expression is that used by Olga Wormser-Migot (THE NAZI CONCENTRATION CAMP SYSTEM 1933-1945, French University Press, Thesis, 1968). Since 1945 that dispute has been growing. The great media of information are well aware of it.

    In 1945, official historical science affirmed that "gas chambers" had functioned in the former Reich as well as in Austria, in Alsace as well as in Poland. Fifteen years later, in 1960, it revised its judgment: "gas chambers" had been in operation only in Poland. KEINE VERGASUNG IN DACHAU (NO GASSING IN DACHAU) by Dr. Martin Broszat, member and since 1972, director of the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich (DIE ZEIT, Aug. 26, 1960, page 14).

    That excruciating revision of 1960 reduced to nothing the thou­sand "testimonies", the thousand "proofs" of the alleged gassings at Oranienburg, at Buchenwald, at Bergen-Belsen, at Dachau, at Ravensbrueck, and at Mauthausen. Before the judicial apparatuses of England and France, those responsible at Ravensbrueck (Suhren, Schwartzhuber and Dr. Treite) had confessed to the existence of a "gas chamber", the operation of which they had even described in a vague manner. A similar scenario was followed for Ziereis regard­ing Mauthausen, and for Kramer regarding Struthof. After the deaths of the "guilty" persons, it was discovered that these gassings had never taken place--the frailty of testimonies and confessions!

    The "gas chambers" of Poland--eventually, it will also be admit­ted--had no more reality. It is to the Polish and Soviet judiciaries that we owe the essentials of our information about them (see, for example, the amazing confession of Rudolf Hoess, commandant at Auschwitz).

    The present-day visitor to Auschwitz or to Majdanek discovers, as regards the "gas chambers", some building where any gassing would have ended in catastrophe for the gassers as well as their en­tourage. A mass execution by gas, supposing that it is even feasible, is not the same as a suicidal or accidental gassing. In order to gas a single prisoner, feet and hands tied, the Americans use hydrocyanic acid in a sophisticated process, and that in a limited space, from which the gas after its use is carefully withdrawn and neutralized be­fore being vented. How could one then, as is claimed in connection with Auschwitz for example, hold two thousand (or even three thou­sand) men in a space of 210 square meters(!), then dump upon them some granules of the commonplace but violent insecticide called Zyklon B, and finally, immediately after their deaths, send into this place which had just been saturated with cyanide gas, a team of workers charged with the task of extracting the bodies which had been penetrated with cyanide?

    Some documents that are too little known show: first, that the room in question which the Germans allegedly blew up before their departure, was only a morgue ("Leichenkeller") which had been covered with earth to protect it from the heat and had been provided with only a single door for entrance and exit; second, that the cyanide gas could not be readily withdrawn even by means of forced ventilation, but rather, its complete evacuation required at least twenty-one hours. Although there are thousands of documents on the crematoria of Auschwitz, including invoices which are in detail nearly to the pfennig, one cannot find such regarding the "gas chambers", which supposedly flanked those crematoria, either an order for construction, or a study, or a command, or a plan, or an invoice, or a photograph. Throughout the hundreds of trials (Jerusalem, Frankfurt, etc.), nothing was ever produced. Even in the evidence that the current Pope from Poland was a "gas salesman" to the camps--it is noted that the "gas" was an insecticide.

    "I was at Auschwitz. There was no gas ' chamber' there". Only rarely does one ever hear defense witnesses daring enough to pro­nounce that phrase. Such witnesses are prosecuted. Even in 1978, anyone in Germany who testified in behalf of Thies Christopherson, the author of "The Lie of Auschwitz", still risked conviction for "defaming the memory of the dead".

    [H: Remember, readers, today in 1991 (Dec. 1) there are many nations who by law cannot refute or speak about the possi­bility of there not being an "orthodox Holocaust". For instance such denial is already illegal in France, Germany, England and other European nations as well as in Canada and the Soviet Union. There are others also, but the important thing is that there is a bill before the U.S. legislature to make it illegal to "disagree" with the "orthodox version of the Holocaust as pre­sented by the 'Jews'". Where are you, America? Did you not note that it was David Duke's rejection of the "orthodox" version of the Holocaust which caused great uprising against him politi­cally? The KKK participation was thrust forward to try and convince you-the-people of the lies being told about him. The Zionists DO NOT WANT their lies uncovered and the more who KNOW THE TRUTH OF IT--the quicker they will be un­shrouded for what they are and what they have done against you.]

    After the war, the International Red Cross which had done an investigation on "the rumor of Auschwitz", the Vatican which was so well informed about Poland, the Nazis, the collaborators, all de­clared with so many others, "The 'gas chambers'? We did not know". [INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE FOR THE RED CROSS, DOCUMENTS ON THE ACTIVITY OF THE RED CROSS ON BEHALF OF THE CIVILIANS DETAINED IN CON­CENTRATION CAMPS IN GERMANY (1939-1945), second French edition, Geneva, June, 1946, series II, No.1, reproducing partially (a complete confidential text is in the author's possession) document No. 9925; Visit to the Commandant of the Auschwitz Camp by a Delegate of the International Committee for the Red Cross (September, 1944), pages 91 and 92. An essential sentence of that document has been cleverly reduced by three words in the book of Marc Hillel, "The Archives of Hope", Fayard Publishers, 1977, page 255, and the most important sentence ("The detainees them­selves have not spoken of them".) has been completely excised.] But how could they have known about things which had not even existed?

    Nazism is dead as projected in World War II by one called Hitler, and good riddance, with its Fuehrer. What remains today is the truth to unfold for the culprits did not die with the "movement" but remain functional by another label. Let us dare to proclaim it--this truth. The non-existence of the "gas chambers" is good news, world, for poor mankind--good news which one would be wrong to longer suppress. [Among the twenty or so authors who deny the existence of the "gas chambers", noteworthy is Paul Rassinier, a former deportee (THE REAL EICHMANN TRIAL, Institute for Historical Review, P.O. Box 1360, Torrance, Calif. 90505) and es­pecially, the American A.R. Butz for his remarkable book THE HOAX OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, 1976, distributed by Noontide Press, P.O. Box 1248, Torrance, Calif. 90505, 2nd Edi­tion, 1978.] [H: These are references given by R.F.]

    R.F. continues--Until 1960, I myself believed in the reality of the gigantic massacres in "gas chambers". Then, in the process of reading Paul Rassinier
    [H: I used this reference extensively in the prior two volumes on this subject.], a deportee, former member of the Resistance and author of THE LIE OF ULYSSES, I began to have some doubts. After fourteen years of personal reflection, fol­lowed by four years of eager investigation, I became convinced, as had some twenty other authors before me, that I was in the presence of a historical lie. I have visited and revisited Auschwitz where one is shown a "reconstructed gas chamber" (presented to tourists as being original) (Auschwitz 1) and some ruins of "crematoria with gas chambers" (Birkenau). At Struthof (Alsace) and at Majdanek (Poland) I have examined buildings which were supposed to be "gas chambers in their original state". I have analyzed thousands of doc­uments, particularly at the Center for Contemporary Jewish Documentation in Paris, as well as archives, stenographic copies, pho­tographs, and written testimonies. I have tirelessly pursued special­ists and historians with my questions.

    I have searched, but in vain, for a single deported person capable of proving to me that he had really seen, with his own eyes, a "gas chamber". I certainly did not want an illusory abundance of proofs; I would have been content with one proof. I have never found that proof. On the contrary, what I have found are a great many false proofs, worthy of a witch hunt but not worthy of those judges who accepted them. And then, I have also found silence, embarrassment, hostility and, finally, calumnies, insults and violence.

    Concerning the letters or reply which have so recently been aroused by my short article on the "Rumor of Auschwitz" (le Monde, Dec. 29, 1978, page 8), I have already read them more than once in my eighteen years of research. I do not question the sincer­ity of the authors of these letters, but I do say that these replies abound with errors, which have for some time already been pointed out by authors such as Rassinier, Scheidl, and Butz.

    For example, in the document which is cited of January 29, 1943 (a document which does not even bear the usual designation of "Secret"), Vergasung does not mean "gassing" but "carburetion". (The German word for "carburetor", as in an automobile, is "Vergaser"). "Vergasungskeller" means the place, underground, where one made the "gaseous" mixture which was fed to the crematory ovens. These ovens, with their apparatus for airing and ven­tilation, were manufactured by Topf and Sons of Erfuty, (NO-4473).

    "Begasung" means the gassing (fumigation) of clothing in steriliz­ers. If the gas which was used was Zyklon B--a preparation of "blausdeure" (that is to say, prussic or hydrocyanic acid)--the ex­pression "blue gas chambers" was used. This terminology had, however, nothing whatsoever to do with the alleged "gas chamber slaughterhouses"!

    The diary of the medical doctor Johann-Paul Kremer should be cited correctly. If one does so, it will be apparent that where it speaks of the horrors of Auschwitz, it does so only by allusion to the horrors of the typhus epidemic of September and October 1942. For the third of October, Kremer wrote, "At Auschwitz, entire streets are exterminated by typhus". He himself contracted what he called "the sickness of Auschwitz". Some Germans died of it. The sorting out of the sick from the well, this was the "selection" or one of the forms of "special action" of the doctors. These selections took place either in the interiors of the buildings or on the outside. Kremer never wrote that Auschwitz was a "Vernichtunslagers", that is to say, according to terminology invented by the Allies after the war, an "extermination camp" (meaning: a camp provided with a "gas chamber"). His actual words were: "It is not for nothing that Auschwitz is called the camp of the extermination ("das Lager derVernichtung")" In the etymological sense of the word, typhus ex­terminated those whom it struck.

    Another grave error in citation, for September 2, 1942, the Kre­mer manuscript states: "This morning at three o'clock, I was present outside, for the first time, at a special action". Historians and judges traditionally delete the word "outside" ("draussen") so as to make it appear that Kremer was speaking of an action which was performed inside a "gas chamber". Finally, the atrocious scenes before the "last bunker" (concerning the courtyard of Bunker No. 11) are executions of persons who had been condemned to death, executions for which the doctor was obliged to be present. Among the con­demned were three women who had come in a convoy from Hol­land; they were shot. [AUSCHWITZ SEEN BY THE SS, edited by the Auschwitz Museum, 1974, page 238, note 85.]


    The buildings of the "Kremas" (i.e., crematoria) at Birkenau were all perfectly visible. [A football field "is located close to the crematoria of Birkenau". (Tadeus Borowski, according to Langbein, "Men and Women at Auschwitz", Fayard Publishers, 1975, page 129.] Many of the plans and photographs prove it, and likewise, also prove the absolute physical impossibility for these "Kremas" to have had "gas chambers".

    If, as regards Auschwitz, I am shown one more time, some con­fessions, some memoirs or some miraculously rediscovered manuscripts (all documents with which I am already quite familiar), I wish that someone would show me in what respect their imprecise preciseness differs from the imprecise preciseness of all those other documents which were presented at the Allied military tribunals to prove that there had been "gas chambers" in places where it was eventually conceded that there had been none: as for example, in all of the former Reich (i.e., Germany before October, 1939).

    I have already referred to the industrial documents NI-9089 and NI-9912. These documents should be read before anyone tries to re­fute me with the "testimonies" of Pery Broad and Rudolf Hoess, or the "confessions", after the war, of J.P. Kremer. The industrial documents establish that Zyklon B was NOT among those gases which were described as "ventilatable"; on the contrary, its manu­facturers were obliged to admit that it was "difficult to ventilate, since it adheres to surfaces". Into a place which had been cyanided with Zyklon B, one could enter with a mask which had been fitted with a "J" filter--the strongest of the filters--ONLY after some twenty hours had elapsed from the time the gas was introduced and then, only for the purpose of performing a chemical test for the disappearance of the gas. [The French regulation concerning the use of hydrocyanic acid is as draconian as that of the Germans: see the decree
    50-1290 of Oct. 18, 1950, Ministry of Public Health.] Afterwards, mattresses and blankets still had to be beaten in the open air for a period of one to two hours.

    But, according to Hoess's confession ["Kommandant in Auschwitz", Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, Stuttgart, 1958, pages 126-­166.]: "Half an hour after having released the gas, they opened the door and started the ventilation machinery. They began immediately to extract the bodies"--immediately ("sofort")!! Furthermore, the team of workers assigned to remove the two thousand cyanided bodies entered the building (still full of gas, was it not?) and re­moved the bodies "while eating and smoking", that is to say, unless my comprehension fails me, without even wearing gas masks.

    This would have been impossible. All of the testimonies, re­gardless of how vague or conflicting they may be on other points ("Justiz and NS-Verbrechen" (Justice and the Nazi Crimes), Univer­sity Press, Amsterdam, Vol. XIII (1975), pages 134 and 135], are in accord on at least this point: the team of workers would open the place either "immediately" or "a little after" the deaths of the vic­tims. It is my contention that this point alone constitutes the touch­stone of the false testimony.

    In Alsace, a visit to the "gas chamber" of Struthof is very inter­esting. There one can read the confession of Josef Kramer. It is by means of a "hole" that Kramer supposedly poured "a certain quantity of hydrocyanic salts", and then "a certain quantity of water"; to­gether, the two released a gas which killed in approximately one minute. The "hole" which one can see there today was so clumsily made by means of a blow from a chisel that four squares of tile had been broken around it. Kramer supposedly used a "funnel with a simple stop-cock". I do not see how he could have prevented the gas from escaping through this rough hole, nor how he could have pre­vented the portion of gas which would have escaped through the chimney from then spreading from the windows of his villa.

    If one enters one of the adjoining rooms, perhaps someone can explain to me the allegation of the bodies preserved in "vats of formaldehyde" for Professor Hirt, which are in fact, nothing more than tubs for sauerkraut and potatoes, fitted with simple flaps of wood which are not even airtight.

    Even the most commonplace weapon, if it is suspected of ever being used to kill or wound, becomes the object of judicial expertise. One is surely surprised then, that the "gas chambers", such allegedly prodigious weapons of crime, are never the object of judicial exper­tise (judicial, scientific, or archaeological) about which one can ex­amine a written report.

    If by misfortune the Germans had won the war, I suppose that their concentration camps would have been presented as re-education camps. For disputing such a presentation of the fact, I would un­doubtedly have been accused of objectively playing the game of "Judeo-Marxism". Neither objectively nor subjectively am I a Judeo-Marxist or a neo-nazi. Today, when I affirm that the "gas chambers" did not exist, it is because the difficult duty of being hon­est obliges me to say it.

    My arguments have been evaded, especially those dealing with the physical impossibilities of gassing. As to the opposing argu­ments, the revisionists have proved the inanity of them: the confes­sions of Hoess or Gerstein, the manipulated statement of Kramer, words used contrary to their meaning in context, extermination or­ders without any documentation, gas chambers built for pilgrims and tourists, etc. These alleged proofs are as valid as those which "demonstrated" the existence, in all the former Reich, of "gas cham­bers"; they are, in fact, fictitious. Just recently, the aerial photographs of Auschwitz-Birkenau (the Brugioni and Poirier docum­nents) [THE HOLOCAUST REVISITED 9ST 79-10001, 19 pages) Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, Washington, D.C., USA.] have given the final blow to the extermi­nation legend: even in 1944, no human funeral pyres, no crowds near the crematories, no suspicious smoke.

    I have been insulted and physically attacked. I am no longer permitted to give any courses at the University. Some historians condemn me as if I were a heretic. [Thirty-four French historians (including only one specialist on the Second World War: Leon Pllakov) have published in le Monde on Feb. 21, 1979, page 23, a declaration against R.F. That declaration concludes as follows: "There is not, there cannot be any debate on the existence of the gas chambers". In past centuries, the Sorbonne condemned heretics in the same manner.] The LICA drags me into court. [The LICA is the "International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism (Jewish)". It is directed by Jean Pierre-Bloch. It has just (late 1979) brought a legal action against the articles published by R.F. in Le Monde. It denounces R.F. for "falsifying historical truth".] But no one dares to engage fairly in the debate I have proposed [H: They never do!].

    I thank the growing number of those who, notably among the youth, lend me their support. Jean-Gabriel Cohn Bendit [Jean-Gabriel Cohn-Bendit is the brother of the famous Daniel Cohn-Ben­dit. He is Jewish and is of the left. He has taken up the defense of R.F. in the name of freedom of expression.] has written: "Let us fight in order that they will destroy those gas chambers which they show to the tourists in the camps where one knows that there had been NONE". He is right. Let us end the war propaganda. The real horror is enough. It is useless to add anything to it.


    And since it is now totally and absolutely illegal for this voice to be heard for the French bowed to the Zionist demand to cause speaking out against the lies--to be a "hate crime"--punishable as a felony of­fense, we must be the voice of the criers of Truth--and so shall it be that in honor of them, we shall speak loudly on the airwaves of the Universe!

    Allow us a respite, Dharma. That which we send forth into the knowledge of the minds--cannot be erased. Once Truth is known it cannot be ever again "unknown". Do not work in "fear", chela, for the hand of God in "justice" rests upon your head and blesses your hands. Salu.

    Hatonn to clear--ever in service unto God and unto you of the higher-universal brotherhood of Man. Salu.

    PJ 41

    SUN., DECEMBER 1, 1991 4:43 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 107

    SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1991

    The next portion is going to be a bit harder for the Zionists to cover--but nonetheless, the blatant lies ARE maintained and foisted off on you unsuspecting populace. Any of you who suffer guilt and actu­ally PAY damages for ones who are faring better than you "ordinary" "alive" people may actually get a bit angry--I certainly hope SOMETHING can make you angry in this pile of lies.


    No, you won't like this next story but we shall present it anyway. You must keep in mind that the Zionist Jews DECLARED WAR AGAINST GERMANY. This, in fact, was WHY any Jews were brought into custody. America had already incarcerated into intern­ment camps all Japanese and Japanese-Americans before a single "Jew" was put into a camp or isolated into a "ghetto".

    There are several pictures made public of the "rounding up" of Jews. We will present these pictures if duplicates can be made in any degree of clarity. One picture, especially, is important for it fo­cuses on a small boy who was purported to be "killed". Not so, he lives very well...and rich... in a luxurious London apartment. He not only "lived", he has continued to "live" very, very well. One such "dead person" became French Minister of Health and later took over a European Parliament. This latter was a female "victim".

    The world is going to wake up to the fact that the incredible claim that 6 million Jews were "gassed" is a total fabrication--a lie set forth in full intent of gaining great strides in the actual take-over of the world. Many of those "gassed" Jews are still walking around quite comfortably.

    Authors and historians such as R.F. have been hauled into court by hoax promoters, almost exclusively Jewish, to try to shut down the stories of truth. Some of the "trials" scheduled are abandoned just before hearing to keep the story silent. Threats and acts of physical violence have failed, and with respect to R.F.'s harassment, historians in America and Europe united to get the case against him dropped. It is hard to realize whether or not this was "good".


    Propaganda is as important a weapon as guns when the Estab­lishment wants a war, which accounts for "air raid drills", films showing "Hitler dancing a jig" and news reports of the German leader "chewing a carpet" during tantrums.

    It also accounts for the more dramatic illusions generated by the Establishment, that Pearl Harbor was a "surprise attack", that the U.S. faced destruction if Germany prevailed in the war in Europe, and that a 13-year-old girl wrote a book called THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK.

    The goal, of course, is to get America's young cannon fodder to die in a "holy war"--exactly as just happened in Grenada, Panama and the sands of the Persian Gulf. Thus you were told Hitler was "butchering Jews and using the skins for lampshades". The imagi­nation of the propagandists can be ghoulish. Moreover, the Zionists (as shown again in the Persian Gulf charade) are the perfection of deceit and lies. They control the media and press and therefore give you the only information you receive.

    Time places a merciful mist on the public mind, and such innocent fabrications as the jig dancing and carpet-chewing can be laughed off as "good fun during wartime". You know, sort of like "dirty tricks" in elections and political circles. It's not enough to hate your en­emy--a bit of contempt keeps morale high. How could you have gotten your young men to bomb women and children and bury 12,000 soldiers alive in trenches without this deceitful contempt for some man called Saddam? It never seemed to occur to anyone that Saddam was the ONLY one telling the truth! You were fighting one more war for British Israel and nothing short of the goal was ac­ceptable. Your politicians now tell you all about that "decisive vic­tory" but you didn't have a decisive anything except terror and war crimes against humanity and Israel's enemy.

    It's interesting to see how well-intentioned people are used for such purposes. The "carpet-chewing" story first surfaced when a reporter in Berlin accurately described how an officer came from a briefing room and, figuratively describing Hitler as being in a state of anger, said, "He's really chewing the carpet" ("Er hatte vor Wut in den Teppich beissen knoone"). This is a familiar phrase in German.

    The reporter was surprised and chagrinned to see his own story re­cycled around the world to make you believe that Hitler literally flung himself onto the floor, peeled back the carpet and started chomping on it.

    The photographer who produced Hitler "dancing a jig" like the lead man in a minstrel show knew what he was doing. By his own ac­count, he used endless amounts of film of Adolf Hitler, reversed some of it and spliced portions of it together to produce a "jig".

    Because a war has to be popular with the taxpayers as well as the men who must fight and die, it's important to have a busy "home front" with a pinch of melodrama.

    Thus, school children in Washington and other "target cities" had air raid drills. Children living within 10 minutes of the school were "squad leaders" who led their young troops to their homes to cluster in basements until the "all-clear" siren sounded. Once, when au­thorities tested the kids by making them think the drill was "for real", a teacher was crying hysterically as the second-graders marched calmly to their posts.
    The home-front fun included dramatic "blackouts". The air-raid warden was the block hero with white helmet and license to patrol the darkened streets. And skywatchers scanned the heavens for years vainly trying to see Nazi planes.

    The government never ruined the fun by telling you that German planes could not cross the Atlantic, hit U.S. targets and return. They lacked the fuel capacity. And, unlike the Japanese, Germany had no suicide squads.

    "Anne Frank" came along after the war to help heap guilt upon fu­ture generations of not only Germany, but America and other West­ern nations--by romanticizing the "holocaust".

    The book, presented as the actual "diary" of a 13-year-old girl, was read by millions. More millions were deeply moved by a touching film based on the book.

    Dr. Arthur Butz, Dr. Robert Faurisson and the Jewish scholar Al­fred Lilienthal believe that the book is a total fake. We know that there were legal allegations proving that it was written by a third party and presented in Hollywood. No one has actually inspected THE "diary", which is said to be in a bank vault in Basel, Switzer­land (how handy--right there in the center of the Zionist Banks and One World Rulers). Portions of it which have been displayed appear to show different samples of handwriting.

    Still, the book continues to be sold with no disclaimer on the flyleaf. In 1978 the film version started to be presented in an annual event as a "warm-up" to prepare, or psych up, the audience for the "Holocaust" docudramas and miniseries on the subject. (This, too, is a total hoax). The same one-two "Diary"-"Holocaust" with at least one new docudrama is laid on you annually now--or even more often as the hype is necessary to put down talk of lies and deceit. These are now shown regularly when Israel wants more money from your American coffers.

    This "diary", which "holocaust" promoters refuse to produce (like the Dead Sea Scrolls), is as mythical as the so-called "Atlantic Charter" supposedly signed by FDR and Churchill on August 14, 1941. It, too, was a hoax.

    The Establishment embraces these frauds. Establishment politicians know if the unwashed multitudes are marched off to war, they must make it fun. After all, what if they gave a war and nobody came?


    How can Jews say 6 million (reduced from former claims of 12 mil­lion--as reviewed in the prior two volumes of the JOURNALS) of their number perished in Nazi gas chambers?

    "Truckloads" of allegedly gassed Jews were pure fabrication by postwar Jewish propagandists. Now the lies of the propagandists have literally come back to haunt them. The speakers of truth must be silenced lest the massive "rip-off", if in nothing more than money, will rise up to slay them.

    A case in point is Mrs. Simone Veil--nee Simone Jacob--who today is listed among the "gassed" at Auschwitz, Poland. Presently, Mrs. Veil is president of the European Parliament. Now, I sug­gest it is difficult to "die by gas" on April 16, 1944 and later be­come head of the European Parliament in 1979. You ones want "magic" and "miracles"--I suggest that might be one. Before Mrs. Veil became president of the European Parliament, she was the French Minister of Health.

    Another case, more ironic, is that of the famed "ghetto boy" of War­saw, Poland, of which we spoke earlier.

    This youngster was elevated by postwar propagandists to be the "symbol" "poster-boy" of the so-called German genocide attempt. He was the Jewish lad, photographed wearing a cap, with hands raised above his head, reportedly hustled off by armed Germans in 1943 to later join other Jews at the "death camps".

    The picture depicting his arrest has been circulated worldwide by Jewish propagandists, and still is, to generate sympathy for their race.

    However, this "ghetto boy"--like Mrs. Veil--is also alive. He was arrested for stealing and then released, unharmed, to his mother. Today he is wealthy and resides in London. He, after the war, resided with both parents (who were also "gassed"). He has a wife and his name is now Israel "Izzy" Rondel. He, further, collects an­nual payments from the Germans and receives other funds for his participation in the myth.

    "Too many people had begun to mine that bonanza, however, no­tably in the state of Israel, and bragged about having been buddies of the ghetto boy. Thus, the party had, in the long run, to remind the world of his existence and of his identity".


    "Exterminationists", as historians like to call the Jewish propa­gandists, had good reason to create and nurture the "6-million" myth. The deck had to be irreversibly stacked against the "German fascists" to obtain easy indictments for their alleged war crimes.

    Afterward, the "6-million" myth enticed the United Nations to create the illegal state of Israel on May 14, 1948. Today, American money and policy fuel that state, and so it is no surprise that efforts outside Israel to preserve the hoax are strongest in the U.S. Indeed, the minds of American school children are stamped early with the "Holocaust". Their teachers and parents are already brainwashed into not questioning the myth. This very day a drive is on through­out the U.S. to have special classes dealing with perpetuation of the lie into accepted historical data. The school history books are rid­dled with the lies and now "Keep the Holocaust Alive" counselors give special classes in "handed down" stories supposedly of partici­pants and family members. One of the worst lies is the one regard­ing the German soldiers tossing babies into the air and using them for "target practice". No-one ever SAW IT--but still the stories are pushed forward and become worse and worse with each subsequent telling.

    The historian owes it to himself to verify, case by case, all the roles of heroes and "victims" of the so-called "holocaust". He must re­ceive only with circumspection such statements as "all my family has disappeared". He must demand full identification of those missing and verify, case by case, whether the Germans are at fault or they are not.

    With the means available for the past decades and, in particular, with computers, that research job is quite feasible. Now that "officially" listed victims of the much-publicized "genocide" are turning up alive, verification of "exterminationist" claims is im­perative.

    Do you not see how necessary it is for the Germans to be legally disallowed from questioning the "holocaust"? Each "victim" re­ceives 5,000 Marks annually for the "damage". Funny thing hap­pens here, however--there are more claimants for the 5,000 Marks each year than lived in Germany at any time before or after the war. That makes it a bit hard to justify 6-million exterminated if you end up with more than the number present when you began. But the West German government is obligated, WITHOUT ABILITY TO QUESTION, to pay the sums to these cheats and liars. These cheats make the forfeiture of the precious ones who did die--wanton and useless.

    Even without the aid of computers, historians have exposed how slipshod record editing and the imaginations of Jewish propagandists wrote off Simone Veil as "gassed". Using "hefte von Auschwitz" ("Auschwitz Records"), it was easy to cross-reference the edited lists of "pseudo-gassed" reported in "The Memorial of the Deportation of the Jews of France" (1978, ed. Beate and Serge Klarsfeld).

    By this means it was discovered (among other things) that the propa­gandists conveniently "assumed" that Jews deported from France "en route to Auschwitz" were going to gas chambers. By checking the "Records", and "Memorial", it is learned that it was quite different indeed. Attentive reading of both publications reveals that scores of Jews supposedly on their way to Poland were, in fact, routed to other destinations. This fact has been verified through many other sources.


    Ones ask how can it be that these ones change their names, etc., and still can collect "damages"? Easy--all they have to do is place a claim, give their name and state that they are a Jew and zip, it's done and the Marks start rolling in without question for the Germans are not allowed to question. This is why you nice new Jews must pay attention for all you need do is say "I am a Jew" and that in­stantly makes you a Jew--legal and instantly usable.

    It was also found that Jewish propagandists recorded truckloads of Jews on their way from France to Auschwitz that were never entered into any of the "Auschwitz Records" which were carefully kept. They were simply fictitious deportees.

    The Jews who did arrive at Auschwitz were listed as camp internees and given identification numbers. Those who left France for Auschwitz whose names did not appear in the "Auschwitz Records" were the ones propagandists claimed had been "gassed". Remem­ber, Auschwitz was one big industrial complex with most of the in­dustries being Jewish-Zionist owned.

    To give some semblance of verification to their weak assumption, the propagandists allowed Jews deported from France 7 months from the war's end--May 8 to December 31, 1945--to show up and declare themselves "alive" to the French War Veterans Ministry. Interest­ingly, anyone arriving after the deadline date under this system re­mained listed as "gassed".

    Not only that, the ministry did not search surrounding countries to locate "survivors" deported from France. Indeed, most of the Jews deported were not French citizens and would not likely return to the country "that had turned them over to the Germans".

    Consequently, Simone Veil was listed as "deported from France to Auschwitz", and since she was not listed among the camp internees, was subsequently recorded as "gassed". She later apparently failed to declare herself "alive" to the War Veterans Ministry before the deadline, and so it has become "official" that she was "murdered" by the Nazis at Auschwitz.


    "On page 519 of THE MEMORIAL OF THE DEPORTATION OF THE JEWS OF FRANCE, one discovers in the left column the name of Simone Jacob, born on July 13, 1927, in Nice, France.

    That young girl was part of the convoy of 500 Jews--men and women--which left Drancy, France, on April 13, 1944. To know what officially happened to that convoy, it suffices to refer to the "Auschwitz Records".

    Those records have been edited by the authorities of the State Mu­seum of Auschwitz in Poland. Those authorities have worked, in the case of the Jews of France, with the CDJC (Center of Contemporary Jewish Documentation in Paris), whose main scientific editor is Prof. George Weller (a staunch exterminationist as you might well guess!). He is among the ones who managed to get all this "restitution" for damages for the "damaged" Jews.

    The "official" fate of Simone Jacob (Veil) reads like this: "Transport (Central Security Office of the Reich) from the Drancy Camp. 500 Jews. After the selection, 165 men have been turned over to the camp as inmates; they have received the numbers 184-097-184-261. The others have been gassed".

    Therefore, young Simone Jacob has been gassed whether or not she lives and reigns supreme over the European Parliament and tells her own story as such--off the record, with great seeming humor at her accomplishment of the lie. If on the other hand, one refers to what your official historians have written about the gassing operation, it is possible to further ascertain that Simone Jacob was gassed on the very day of her arrival, that is to say on April 16, 1944, most pre­cisely at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    The indisputable fact that Simone Jacob (Veil) is alive speaks loudly against propagandists' claims. Her high visibility as a French public official underscores this. Yet the public remains saddled by "holocaust" rhetoric. Her camp number was 78,651 and can be eas­ily enough checked out.

    You must, herein take note, that FRANCE is also a nation wherein there can legally be NO DISCUSSION OTHER THAN THE "ORTHODOX VERSION" OF THE HOLOCAUST AS PROJECTED BY THE JEWISH ZIONISTS!!! To speak out against the orthodox version is a felony "hate crime" punishable by imprisonment and loss of citizenship rights.

    Simone Veil has done much to get the horror-and-propaganda film "Holocaust" shown in France. The guilt-garlanded "Holocaust" has already worked its magic for Zionist propagandists in the U.S. So much so that many Americans forget that U.S. troops helped defeat the alleged "Nazi threat".

    There is another connection which I find that all of you nice readers overlook. We have referred to the AshkeNAZI relationship of the Zionists to the "Nazis" but you must take the entire name a bit fur­ther--"Ashke" is a prefix used by "burgs" and townships such as "AUSCHwitz". Chelas, you have been fed such a plateful of poison mush that I am embarrassed for you.

    Thousands of lives were lost in the war against the Germans (which was financed and structured by the same Banksters who funded the Russian Bolshevik--Zionist--Revolution and the First World War). The same Elite Rulers have planned, orchestrated and caused you to finance all these wars which entrench them more solidly against you. The "exterminationists", however, have rammed the "holocaust" down your throats so hard, you would think you were oppressors of the Jews. Americans were the liberators--REMEMBER!?!? IS IT NOT ABOUT TIME THAT YOU BEGIN TO TELL THESE MOURNERS OF THE SO-CALLED "6-MILLION" THAT THEIR SUPPOSED "HOLOCAUST" IS NOT YOUR FAULT--BUT HAS BECOME YOUR COSTLY BURDEN?

    Well, I have a message contained in a letter regarding the "holocaust" that I will have to bleep out in portion--but it does seem to say it all quite well in modern American vernacular--if you pay attention at all: "...'s funny, none of it seems to make much of a dent in the population explosion...but to say there was no holo­caust...phlihsh..the f---- ' holocaust never f---- ' ENDS!!!"

    I apologize for the crudeness of the quotation but it seems to sum it up pretty succinctly. This man goes on: "...It is sad and depressing that people are using their energy and intelligence to try to disprove the thing rather than focus on WHY it might have happened and how people can become so inhuman to each other, etc... The hideous human phenomenon of IDEAS turning people into such cold-blooded, efficient murderers of the helpless and innocent... And that includes the 5 million Poles, maybe 10 million Russians, etc., etc.,--most of them peasants in villages--or the umpteen millions killed and/or sent to Siberia by Stalin's Government, and all the millions upon millions killed by governments around the world since then for political reasons---".

    Indeed it IS confrontation time, little sheeple.

    May we end this segment herein. Thank you for your attention, readers. May the Light begin to flicker on in the minds of humanity. I find myself amused at your use of the term "inhuman" for it is used always in gross error--it is the "human" behavior for no other of Creation acts in such brutal and evil manners--NONE.

    Salu and good-evening.
    Last edited by wave; 2010-07-31 at 11:24.

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