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  1. #5
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 41

    SAT., DECEMBER 7, 1991 7:52 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 113




    As your nations head for (set up) Nuclear War I--WW III, I am ap­palled at that which I witness. All attention focused, or efforted to have it be, on Pearl Harbor where men memorialize their comrades and even the "President" goes to inflict his cheap rememberings. Will he remember the men trapped in his burning plane when he abandoned it--in that war of wars--this plane called the "Barbara"? What will happen this day in more strategic parts of your globe while you celebrate the past LIE?

    The best write-up of Pearl Harbor, in my humble estimation, is given quite briefly by one Dr. John Coleman. The LIBERATOR, I believe, has already printed portions of it a while back. Since the greatest, in my estimation, complement I can offer a man is to have the Hosts of God choose your material for the annals of history--I ask to give another's outlay. This will give honor to a good writer/journalist who gets plenty of respect from his own "paper" but not nearly enough in the overall presentation unto mankind. His name is Mike Blair and he writes mostly for The Spotlight. In fact, copies of that which I am going to have Dharma reprint can be obtained in individual segment form from The Spotlight. I ask that we reprint this with full acknowledgement to Spotlight for two reasons: 1) I honor any paper or any man who will speak truth in the face of death threats and closure; 2) there are some errors in the story and I do not wish to take the time or space to set them to "right" because they are of no overall intent to be misleading by the authors.

    Before I do this, however, I am going to ask to have printed a letter from the General Manager of Sovereign Press, Washington state, Mr. Kirk Damman, to the Chief Executive Officer, PHOENIX LIB­ERATOR. I take this time because I have in my possession several documents which knowingly have been printed by this "press" and have received some documents from readers who evidently received their information from this press. I have become aware of many of you trying to call this business and cannot seem to locate these indi­viduals, although by mail--most have had response in a most efficient manner. The letter will speak for itself and then I shall respond. Thank you.


    SOVEREIGN PRESS, 326 Harris Rd., Rochester, WA 98579

    Chief Executive Officer [H: I believe that I shall accept that title for the moment!]

    THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR has repeatedly published ex­tensive plagiarisms from our publications and attributed them to Hatoon, whom you represent as being an alien from Pleiades.

    In the October 1991 issue you also illegally made extensive direct quotes from our publications without permission and without identifying the publication from which quoted. After one of these you im­plied a totally false source by following the quote with: "THE JEF­FERSON BIBLE, THE LIFE AND MORALS OF JESUS OF NAZARETH, Beacon Press, Boston (any good book store)".

    The cited Beacon Press 1989 publication of the JEFFERSON BIBLE is in direct commercial competition to our 1982 publication, AN AMERICAN CHRISTIAN BIBLE, extracted by Thomas Jeffer­son.

    Referring to our publications you make the statement: "Finding the books is the problem but I think you might be able to find them at the same Press as mentioned earlier: Sovereign Press, 326 Harris Rd., Rochester, WA 98579". Since 1968 we have maintained a mail order business that is unexcelled anywhere for promptness and efficiency, and you, having ordered books from us, are well aware of this.

    You filled up the major portion of 13 pages out of your 40 pages October 1991 PHOENIX LIBERATOR with direct quotes and pla­giarisms from our publications, scrambled in such a way as to give a confused impression. Included in the midst of the confusion, you pointedly, falsely, and emphatically implied that we had requested you to do what you were doing.

    Your paper contains the statement: "Reproduction of the newspa­per for private non-profit use is expressly encouraged", thus, not only have you extensively plagiarized and directly quoted without permission from our publications but you have actively encouraged others to illegally reproduce our copyrighted works and to perpetuate the false impression that you have created of Sovereign Press and our authors.

    We are now engaged in assessing the harm you have done to Sovereign Press and to the authors we publish as a basis for es­tablishing our course of action.

    Please do not increase the harm you have already done by contin­uing your illegal actions against our interests.

    Kirk Damman
    General Manager



    "HATOON" to respond:

    Dear Sir(s):
    AMERICA WEST has absolutely nothing to do with the material that I present for publication in the THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR. Furthermore, simply because a segment bears my "by-line" does not mean that the source is not of Earth. I effort to give every possible Truth from Earth if at all possible and sources are available for you are a sleeping mass of humanity! I sometimes ask Dharma to utilize documents of hard copy--most often I dictate the information for I do wish to edit as I go through the documents--she has no way of dis­cerning which I am doing. I can now see why ones send me infor­mation from your press as a sharing input and refuse to print the source information--for they would likely get sued by your press. This is indeed sad, from ones who up-front claim to bring only TRUTH unto a sick humanity. How can you do that, sir, if you dis­allow the sharing of "TRUTH"? OR, PERHAPS YOU DO NOT PRESENT ONLY "TRUTH"? IF YOU DO NOT BELIEVE YOUR OWN PUBLICATIONS TO BE "TRUTH" THEN HOW CAN YOU HONORABLY PRINT LIES? "TRUTH" IS NOT "COPYRIGHT" PROTECTED, AS YOUR LAWYER SHOULD BE IN THE TELLING YOU--IF CONCLUSIONS ARE DIFFERENT FROM THE MATERIAL UTILIZED--IN ALMOST ALL INSTANCES, MY CONCLUSIONS ARE 180 DEGREES IN OP­POSITION TO THAT WHICH YOU PROJECT. THAT, SIR, IS WHY IT MIGHT APPEAR CONFUSING TO YOU AS A GREEDY BUSINESSMAN.

    As to the JEFFERSON BIBLE, I will read the information from the "press" page and you can see for self that Dharma holds a book called THE JEFFERSON BIBLE, Beacon Press. It reads: THE JEFFERSON BIBLE: THE LIFE AND MORALS OF JESUS OF NAZARETH. Thomas Jefferson, with an Introduction by F. For­rester Church and an Afterword by Jaroslave Pelikan.

    Beacon Press--Boston, 25 Beacon Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02108. At the moment I am most relieved that I did not utilize your material, sir. I have, just today, been brought a copy of the AMER­ICAN CHRISTIAN BIBLE, Extracted by THOMAS JEFFERSON with a "New Declaration of Independence for Today's Americans", by Erik Holden. Sir, you need no "New Declaration of Indepen­dence nor Constitution--YOU NEED TO RECLAIM AND HOLD RESPONSIBLE THE ONES YOU HAVE!

    I, Hatonn, take great exception and different conclusions to that which you print. That is not necessarily the opinion of America West but then, I absolve America West of all responsibility because their agreement is that I be responsible for that which I do and they shall only be responsible for that which they do. Further, I am waiting breathlessly to have just one of you sue God for His presen­tation of Truth to you sleeping sheeple. Whether or not you like it, Mr. Damman, the Hosts are here--sent of God--and you are in that which you all tout as the "ending times".

    As to finding the books of which I speak--I find it strange that you do not like the advertising! I seem to have a few readers of this material and I efforted to give you business, sir, for the work that you have done in honor. (I find most of the publications offered by your press, outrageous and confounding as to worthy time-consump­tion as YOU RUN OUT OF "TIME"). I see not how "you also il­legally made extensive direct quotes from our publications without permission and without identifying the publication from which you quoted. After one of these you implied a totally false source by fol­lowing the quote with...."

    Now, sir, you cannot have it both ways. I rarely "imply" anything. If, however, a statement is "true" and valid and makes a point--I WILL USE IT! "TRUTH" is not a property of anyone, sir. If man doesn't soon get TRUTH, your planet is destined for destruction--and that will be very, very SOON. I have offered information prior to this as regards your press and I have received most aggravated re­sponse from would-be purchasers for not being able to get your phone number, etc. You see, our readers consider information criti­cally urgent and "get right with the program". If you cannot supply the reading public with information, I cannot do it for you nor do I feel it worthy of their time--if, as you indicate, you certainly do not wish their business.

    If I filled 13 pages of a 40-page document with material from your press--how strange that you would take notice! I am most happy that you are a "subscriber?" to our material? I have to assume so if you are so diligently reading every word of our presentation--thank you, sir. I hope and trust you will reprint, spindle, fold, mutilate and pass on the information--I can verify the "truth" of the contents for I diligently effort to discuss everything I write as to probable harm­lessness. I find most writers quite willing to have God do a bit of advertising of their work. God has a name you know, not just Deity or God--it is "ATON" and it is most surely--MY NAME!

    I do, herein, suggest that readers of the LIBERATOR cease and de­sist from annoying this press with your petitions for press material and I will cease and desist ever again referring to the business in point. So be it. I am most sorry if we "implied" that you had re­quested anything from us or we of you--I find you with total lack of care regarding your readers and I wonder at any who give business unto you with such attitude for you are either against your brother or, you are for him. I find you interested only in self and certainly NOT the spreading of Truth so that man can turn his path about into the proper direction unto "TRUTH THROUGH THE WORD". ARE WE TO ASSUME THAT AS "GENERAL MANAGER", Mr. DAMMAN, YOU SPEAK FOR THE OWNER OF THE PRESS? YES, I MUST ASSUME AS MUCH.

    You state that you are now engaged in "assessing the harm" we have done to Sovereign Press and to the authors you publish? Good luck--for if you find "harm", I will most surely believe you have admitted to your false intent to bring "truth" unto a confused and terminal world. I believe you will find that YOU have just PRESENTED TOTAL HARM AND DEMISE OF YOUR BUSINESS, SIR.

    Now, as to "Hatoon" being represented as being an alien from Pleiades. My name is Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton. I pass by way of Pleiades which is the place from whence comes the lineage of your Planet, primarily. I am not an "alien", sir, you are an alien planet, filled with aliens in MY SPACE. You are, further, ready to wreak havoc in MY SPACE and it will not be allowed. The Com­mand in which I serve and "head" is directly from Pleiades and I am in Command. I choose to serve as a "commander" so that I can better analyze the circumstances within which you of God find your­selves. You who serve the adversary are not my primary concern at this particular moment. If you do not believe me, sir, I suggest you go forth and read your own in point, Bible. I care not whether you like me and/or my work. My commission is to "BRING TRUTH AND THE WORD" as long-promised by God unto MAN in preparation of his "closing days". Whether we write instructions for radi­ance or doom is up to you--absolutely and totally--for you have free­will choice in all matters of actions. GOD WAITS, BUT NOT MUCH LONGER WILL HE WAIT!

    Now, as to increasing the harm we have already done by continuing our illegal actions against your interests--I have no comment except: Go ahead with whatever you wish--MAKE MY DAY! So be it. I bring instructions that MAN can use to get through this time of tra­vail and it works, solidly and substantially in a most physical expres­sion. Please, allow us to allow you to do that which you wish--but be prepared to PROVE of that which you accuse for "Truth" has no copyright for God IS Truth AND The Word! I come in command of the Hosts sent forth to assist you. I suggest you "look around you". I, sir, do not even like the name with which you label self: "Damman" i.e., "Damn Man?"??? At this point, I hope you do not speak for the owner of your press. "Man walks where Angels fear to tread"? Ah so! This is not so; it is projected by the adversary so that MAN will not "think" nor "act" for self in Godliness! YOU, NOR ANYONE ELSE ON TWO LEGS SHALL SHUT DOWN THIS PRESS, MY FRIEND--NO-ONE! EVEN IF GOD WERE NOT INVOLVED--FOR THIS DAY AT LEAST, THERE IS STILL FREEDOM OF THE PRESS IN AMERICA AND ONES SUCH AS YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF THE DOWNFALL OF THAT PRECIOUS FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND PRESS CALLED THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU­TION. I SUGGEST YOU ARE AGAIN DEALING WITH ONES WHO HAVE FAR MORE EXPERIENCE FROM THE LIBERA­TOR OF GARRISON TO THE LIBERATOR OF "AMERICA".

    Most cordially yours,

    Gyeorgos C. Hatonn, Commander

    PEARL HARBOR DAY--(1941)

    Is this an important day? Indeed--it is my grandson's birthday remembrance! Historically? It is a day of shame and lies which cost thousands of lives--deliberately.

    Dharma, please reproduce this article as nearly perfectly as you can without a scanner because I desire this man have full credit--although I wonder if the people who worked so diligently with him as re­source, will have the same honor. Most have to work "unknown" for protection--those are the ones I so greatly honor; those who serve silently because it "is the right thing to do and the cost simply must be paid for truth". Blessings are unto those ones.

    Is THIS the most important thing we could write about today? NO, NO AND NO. But it is something we must again present to you be­cause you get lost in the hoopla of the celebrations and forget the TRUTH!




    Capsule prolog: As the nation pauses to recall the 50th an­niversary of Japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, it is now more important than ever to examine how the United States was finally plunged into World War II. Even Establishment historians now concede Franklin Roosevelt had been actively scheming to in­volve America in the conflict, despite the clear-cut view of the American people they wanted their country to remain at peace.

    Now, in this special SPOTLIGHT OVERVIEW, investigative re­porter Mike Blair provides evidence not only of FDR's secret machinations to provoke a Japanese attack on the United States, but of the fact that lives of American servicemen had been sacrificed to the "cause" before the first bomb began falling on Battleship Row.

    Truth, the "infamy" occurred long before that sleepy Sunday morning in Hawaii.

    At about 7:50 a.m. on December 7, 1941, the first of 350 Japanese carrier-based dive bombers and torpedo planes slipped through Kolekole Pass, the picturesque, saddlelike trough through the Waianae Mountains west of Pearl Harbor, and commenced their attack on the massive U.S. naval base nestled in the deep water of the harbor.

    Thus began what President Franklin Roosevelt had wanted since his friend Winston Churchill and the British government had gone to war with Germany in 1939--a reason to place in harm's way the lives of 16-plus million young American servicemen during what would become World War II.

    Nearly four bloody and ghastly years after Pearl Harbor, Europe and much of the Far East lay in ruin and millions were dead, in­cluding 407,316 of those young U.S. military personnel.

    Most Americans alive today were not yet born that Sunday morning in December, when our nation learned Pearl Harbor had been attacked. But everyone is aware of "Remember Pearl Harbor", the slogan that launched America into the war through books, maga­zines and such Hollywood epics as Tora! Tora! Tora!

    The statistics of the attack are clear: 2,403 Americans dead; an­other 1,178 wounded in varying degrees; 188 aircraft destroyed on the ground and 18 U.S. warships destroyed or gravely damaged, in­cluding eight battleships.

    Two of those dreadnoughts, Arizona and Utah, still rest in the mud at the bottom of Pearl Harbor, memorials to those who lost their lives.

    Every year, an estimated 1.4 million people visit the Arizona Memorial, taking a seven-minute voyage across Pearl Harbor to gaze down at the wreckage, where 1,177 young American sailors still remain entombed. Oil from the ship's fuel bunkers still discol­ors the blue Pacific waters as it oozes to the surface.


    This December 7 is being called the "50th anniversary of the at­tack on Pearl Harbor". But this really isn't the case. Anniversaries are days for celebration; this December 7 is a day to, yes, "Remember Pearl Harbor", but now, 50 years later, it is also time to put this tragedy in its proper context.

    There are many stories about American heroism at Pearl Harbor that should be remembered.

    It is unfortunate no one can remember the name of the young en­gineer on the cruiser San Francisco, who rushed topside during the attack, telling an ensign, "Thought I'd come up and die with you".

    Nor can anyone seem to recall the name of the young bridge commander on the Ramapo, who shot at Japanese airplanes with his .45-caliber Colt pistol, or the boatswain's mate, who, without any sort of firearm available to him, threw wrenches at low-flying air­craft.

    Nor, after the archivists have now revealed the truth, should it be forgotten the Army and Navy at Pearl Harbor, were each at their lowest level of alert when the Japanese struck. Only 25 percent of the base's anti-aircraft guns were manned.
    One-third to one-half of all naval officers were ashore. Radar was only operated from
    4 to 7 am. American bombers and fighter aircraft were conveniently parked in bunches at Hickam and Wheeler airfields, making them easy targets for the attacking Japanese bombers.

    It should be remembered, as recalled by James G. Stahlman, a close friend of then Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox, what Knox had told him: that he--along with Secretary of War Henry Stimson, Army Chief of Staff Gen. George C. Marshall, Navy Chief of Staff Adm. Harold R. Stark, FDR's top aide Harry Hopkins and the President himself--spent most of the night of December 6-7 at the White House.

    They were waiting for what they knew was coming, as the mili­tary command at Pearl Harbor unwittingly stood at its lowest level of alert.


    "Did you receive our dispatch the night before the attack?" Knox asked Adm. Husband E. Kimmel, the U.S. naval commander at Pearl, when he (Knox) arrived at the devastated base on December 10. Kimmel replied he had not.

    Knox wrote in his original report to Roosevelt: "The Army and Navy commands had received a general war warning on November 27, but a special war warning sent out by the War Department at midnight (Eastern time), December 7 to the Army was not received until some hours after the attack on that date".

    Noted historian and author John Toland asked in his book about the Pearl Harbor attack, Infamy, "Had someone in the White House intercepted that midnight warning to Hawaii without Knox's knowl­edge"?

    Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer, a staff officer of U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. George C. Marshall, told Toland that at a meeting in 1943, Vice Adm. Conrad E.L. Helfrich of the Royal Netherlands Navy expressed wonder at how the American military could have been surprised at Pearl Harbor. The Dutch officer told Wedemeyer the Dutch military had broken the Japanese military codes and knew Pearl Harbor was to be attacked.

    "[Helfrich] seemed surprised I did not know this," Wedemeyer said, "and when I explained I doubted seriously this information was known in Washington prior to the Pearl Harbor attack, Adm. Hel­frich was skeptical because it was his clear recollection his govern­ment had notified my government".


    British historian John Costello relates in his book THE PACIFIC WAR that Churchill and Roosevelt were engaged in deliberately provoking the Japanese to attack.

    A Churchill cable to Roosevelt warned of "irrefutable proof of an impending attack"--"timed", according to Churchill, "for the first week in December".
    A follow-up cable from Churchill queried, "Should we act or react"?

    Was there still indecision among FDR and his advisers at the White House the night of December 6-7?

    Costello noted that at a meeting in Argentina in August, 1941 Roosevelt had told Churchill he intended to become more provoca­tive in his relations with the Japanese. "If the enemy doesn't like that, they can just attack American forces", Roosevelt told his British friend, and thus, the Japanese, FDR said, would be "forcing the issue".


    A few days before Pearl Harbor, Roosevelt told Churchill that America and Britain "should obviously all be in together", and it "might be just a few more days until our support is given" to Britain's war effort.

    Elsewhere in this OVERVIEW, FDR's attempts to provoke Japan are noted.

    Even the New York Times, which has participated in many his­torical cover-ups and disinformation campaigns, in an article in its Sunday news magazine of November 3, concerning Japanese recol­lections of Pearl Harbor, noted that while Japan was engaged in a war with China the U.S. government in "a series of ever tighter eco­nomic sanctions...banned sales to Japan of high-octane aviation gasoline and then iron and steel scrap".

    "Finally, Washington froze all Japanese assets in the United States, making it impossible for Japan to pay for American oil im­ports and resulting in a cutoff of
    80 percent of Japan's oil supplies".

    If any further evidence were needed, the recent war with Iraq over the security of the oil flow to Western nations from the Persian Gulf is adequate evidence of the importance governments place on oil supplies.


    Could Japan have been provided its final provocation to attack when its leaders read a faked U.S. War Department "Victory Pro­gram", a blueprint for "total war" in Europe AND Asia, in the De­cember 4, 1941 edition of the Washington Times-Herald.

    A banner headline blared "FDR'S WAR PLANS". Beneath it was: "Goal is 10 Million Armed Men: Half to Fight in AEF. Pro­posed Land Drive by July 1, 1943, to Smash Nazis".

    "I could not have been more astounded if a bomb had been dropped on Washington," Wedemeyer related. "Here was ir­refutable evidence America was preparing to enter the war, and soon. President Roosevelt's promises to keep us out of war were interpreted as campaign oratory".

    Wedemeyer had been the U.S. Army General Staff officer re­sponsible for preparing the "Victory Program".

    It is a well-known fact that the go-ahead for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor had not been certain even after the strike force had set sail for the Hawaiian Islands. The final decision rested upon then ongoing negotiations, in which the Japanese were attempting to get the Roosevelt administration to ease its economic stranglehold on Japan.

    Could "FDR'S WAR PLANS" have been the final motivation for the Japanese to strike first?

    In any case, a visitor at the White House on December 7, 1941, found Roosevelt idly passing the time at one of his favorite hobbies--working on his stamp collection.


    Dharma, allow us a rest-break please. There are several segments to this writing and we need to cover them all and then we will give information as to how to get reprints for both SPOTLIGHT will carry them with ability to get extras, and probably so should Amer­ica West. There are several authors who have written excellent proof of this actual and deliberately set-up crime but I cannot give them all and I will not leave any out deliberately or accidentally. We shall simply stick to this writer. Thank you.

    Hatonn to stand-by. I ask that you stay alert and responsive to my summons, scribe, for if the Elite have their way this day--you will have another day of infamy to add to the "beginnings of war and how they happen". So be it. Salu.

    PJ 41

    SAT., DECEMBER 7, 1991 12:35 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 113


    Segment 2, Mike Blair
    The reason these articles are in separate writings is that they were not all written as a single document but now appear as an "OVERVIEW". We shall effort to keep them in the same "order" as originally presented.


    In his perfidious efforts to get the United States into a Pacific war with Japan and thus involve millions of American servicemen in Britain's European war with Germany and her allies, President Franklin Roosevelt burned the lights late at the White House, concocting wild schemes.

    Roosevelt called a top-secret meeting at the White House on De­cember 1, 1941, to discuss means to induce the Japanese to initiate hostilities against the United States.

    The meeting was reportedly attended by key presidential adviser Harry Hopkins, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, and Adm. Harold Stark, Chief of Naval Operations.

    Years later, Frederick Sanborn, a noted historian of FDR's war years, stated the key issue discussed was how to create an "incident", in which the Japanese would attack a U.S. warship and thus provide Roosevelt a pretext for asking Congress for a declaration of war.

    Stark was tasked with carrying out the decision made by FDR at the meeting. The following day, December 2, the Department of the Navy dispatched the following top-secret message to Adm. Thomas C.. Hart, Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Asiatic Fleet:

    President directs the following be done as soon as possible and within two days, if possible, after receipt of this dispatch. Charter 3 small vessels to form a "defensive information pa­trol" Minimum requirements to establish identity as U.S. men-of-war are command by a naval officer and to mount a small gun and one machine gun would suffice. Filipino crews may be employed with minimum number naval ratings to ac­complish the purpose which is to observe and report by radio Japanese movements in West China Sea and Gulf of Siam. One vessel to be stationed between Hainan and Hue, one ves­sel off the Indo-China coast between Camranh Bay and Cape St. Jacques and one vessel off Pointe de Camau. Use of Isabel authorized by president as one of the three but not other naval vessels. Report measures taken to carry out president's views. At same time inform me what reconnaissance measures are being regularly performed at sea by both Army and navy whether by air, surface vessels or submarines and your opinion as to the effectiveness of these latter measures.


    Sanborn noted that "on December 1, 1941, Mr. Roosevelt very secretly issued the needless order to send the cockleshell warships to their appointed positions of destruction".

    The entire deplorable episode of how FDR planned to bait the Japanese into firing upon three almost defenseless U.S. vessels and thus provide him a reason to ask for a declaration of war is detailed in a book, Cruise of the Lanikai: Incitement to War, which was pub­lished in 1973 by retired Rear Adm. Kemp Tolley who, as a young lieutenant, had been assigned the task of commanding one of the "cockleshell warships".

    Tolley's "man-of-war," a two-masted sailing ship with a top speed of seven knots, had been commissioned the USS Hermes in 1914. It was decommissioned in 1926 as being unfit for naval duty.

    In 1937, the sailing ship had been used by Hollywood producers for the film Hurricane starring Dorothy Lamour and Jon Hall.

    On December 6, 1941, the day before the Pearl Harbor attack, the old Hermes was recommissioned the USS Lanikai, a man-of-war, in line with the definition required by FDR, complete with a Spanish-American War three-pounder deck gun and two Lewis machine guns of the World War I era.


    For those who believe the little ship was meant to just spy on the Japanese and send back reports of what it spotted, it should be noted that the Lanikai was not even equipped with a radio, according to Tolley.

    The Lanikai sailed from Manila to Corregidor. where it was waiting for dawn to begin its mission when word reached the Philip­pines of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

    The mission was scrapped, and Tolley was ordered to sail his ship to Australia and never to discuss the mission with anyone.

    Arriving in Australia in March, 1942, Tolley was subsequently awarded a Bronze Star for heroism in bringing his ship to safety, while the Philippines fell to the Japanese.

    Tolley, who went on to a distinguished career of naval service, later had the opportunity to discuss his mission with Hart, who had been directed by Stark to carry out FDR's orders involving the three little ships.

    Hart told Tolley that, yes, he had been intended as bait. "And I could prove it", Hart said. "But I won't. And don't you try either".

    "As a war measure", Hart later told Rear Adm. John Heffernan, the director of naval history, the project was very ill advised. Pick­ets in such locations could not be useful because the Japanese were bound to have them marked down which would mean no chance to let them see anything of value".


    One ship, the Isabel, actually was dispatched on December 3 with Lieutenant John Walker Payne Jr. in command.

    Two days later the ship's crew spotted a Japanese aircraft, No. Z126, which circled the Isabel several times, prompting Payne to order battle stations.

    However, the Japanese seemed interested only in taking pho­tographs, and the ship's crew did the same. Some hours later, the coast of Indo-China was spotted about 22 miles away. A scant 10 minutes afterward, the Isabel, which was equipped with a radio, re­ceived a message to return immediately to Manila.

    Upon arriving at Manila on December 8, the Isabel crew learned of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

    There are no records available indicating the third "cockleshell warship" was ever selected for FDR's suicide missions to involve America in World War II.


    Japan might never have attacked Pearl Harbor and December 7, 1941 might not have become, as President Franklin Roosevelt origi­nally described it, "a day of infamy" in American history, if a once top-secret plan of the president had been implemented.

    Research into the archives by a number of respected historians has recently revealed that months before the Japanese attack on America's giant naval base in the Hawaiian Islands, FDR had planned some "sneak attack" plans of his own--to bomb Tokyo with American-built and piloted aircraft bearing the insignia of the Na­tionalist Chinese Air Force.

    Roosevelt conspired with then-Col. Claire Lee Chennault, later to achieve fame as the commander of the legendary "Flying Tigers", and Chinese leaders, at least as early as 1940, to bomb Tokyo and other Japanese cities. At the time, Chennault was an adviser for the Chinese Air Force.

    Roosevelt personally ordered 18 Lockheed A-29 Hudson bombers be assigned to Chennault for the surprise attacks. When the Japanese hit Pearl Harbor on December 7, the American Hudsons were in Burbank, California, the site of Lockheed Aircraft's major production facility, awaiting shipment to the Far East.

    WANTED B-17`S

    Had Roosevelt had his way, the attack would have been made with heavy four-engine Boeing B-17 Flying Fortresses instead of the Hudson light bombers.

    On the day of the Pearl Harbor attack, 49 ground crewmen for the Hudsons, including mechanics, were aboard a ship bound for the Far East. The vessel was diverted to Australia when it was learned the Japanese had struck the U.S. naval base and other military in­stallations in Hawaii.

    Apparently the bombers' aircrews had been in China about a month, awaiting delivery of their planes and the arrival of the ground support personnel.

    The Lockheed Hudson was built primarily for export to Britain under the so-called U.S. Lend-Lease aid plan, which provided weapons and munitions for the British and other nations at war with Germany and the other Axis powers in Europe.

    The aircraft was a light twin-engine bomber with a top speed of about 275 miles per hour and a bomb load capacity of about 1,400 pounds. The version intended for Chennault's attack force was be­lieved to be the advanced Hudson MKIIIA, which was equipped with powerful 1,200-horsepower Wright Cyclone engines and extended-range fuel tanks in the wings.

    Actually the Hudson was a derivation of the famous Lockheed Electra transport plane.


    Ironically it was a Lockheed Electra that famed aviatrix Amelia Earhart had used on her ill-fated around-the-world flight in 1937. There has been considerable speculation, and some evidence, Miss Earhart was really on a spy mission for FDR targeted against the Japanese mandated islands of the Pacific (former German posses­sions turned over to the Japanese at the end of World War I) when her plane went down and she disappeared. [H: This is indeed true and it is, further, why any reasonable information has been to­tally blotted out and direct investigation refused.]

    Chennault, a rugged Texan known as "Old Leather Face" due to his rough complexion from years of flying open-cockpit aircraft, joined the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War I and later commanded a squadron of open-cockpit pursuit planes in Hawaii. He studied pursuit tactics, particularly those of World War I German ace Oswald Boelcke, and had written a textbook on the subject.

    In 1937 Chennault, suffering from partial deafness, resigned his captain's commission in the U.S. Air Corps to accept an invitation from Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, wife of the Generalissimo and Chi­nese Nationalist leader, to train and organize the Chinese Air Force. He was given the Chinese rank of colonel.

    In the fall of 1940, Chennault and Chinese Gen. P.T. Mow flew to Washington to get help for the Chinese Air Force, which was no match for the powerful Japanese air armada that was hammering China.


    Chennault, Mow and Chinese Foreign Minister T.V. Soong asked the Roosevelt administration for U.S. ground crews, training planes, parts and field equipment and advanced schemes for purchasing arms and combat aircraft. Soong proposed a joint British and American loan of up to $300 million to set up the Chinese Air Force, including B-17 bombers "to sink the Japanese navy".

    The details of the proposal are well documented in a little-known report of the Historical Division, Department of the Army, written in 1953 by researchers Charles Romanus and Rile Sunderlane.

    Through Thomas Corcoran (Tommy the Cork), one of Roo­sevelt's original "brain trusters", Chennault was put in touch with the president. With the help of Corcoran, Chennault and Roosevelt reached an agreement to organize the American Volunteer Group (AVG) for China.

    Under a secret executive order signed by Roosevelt on April 15, 1941, which circumvented the wishes of the Congress, U.S. military personnel were authorized to resign from the U.S. services to join the AVG, which eventually evolved into the famous "Flying Tigers".


    Corcoran, who was one of Roosevelt's two top executive as­sistants at the time, left his White House job, at FDR's request, and took up a private law practice. China quickly became his biggest client.

    Until now, the part played by another American friend of Roo­sevelt has missed the attention of historians.

    However, Bob Fausel, a demonstration and test pilot at Curtiss-Wright Corp. during the early 1940's, recently detailed the efforts of his friend, Bill Pawley, U.S. Ambassador to Peru and Brazil.

    Fausel broke the air speed record in June, 1941 by flying a Cur­tiss P-40 fighter in a vertical dive at 661 miles per hour. The P-40 became legendary as the fighter aircraft of the "Flying Tigers", its well-known gaping tiger's mouth emblazoned on its engine cowling.

    Fausel recently related in an issue of the Winter Park (Florida) Observer the mysterious part played by his friend Pawley in setting up the AVG.

    In 1938 I accepted an assignment to demonstrate two Cur­tiss aircraft in China. One was the Hawk 75-Q designed to carry two 23-mm Madsen cannon Col. Chennault wanted for sinking Japanese riverboats bringing their logistic supplies up the Yangtze River. The plane also carried two .50-caliber machine guns. The other was the CW-21 interceptor. Bill Pawley was president of the Intercontinental Corp. at that time and was the agent for Curtiss-Wright airplanes and engines in China.

    Pawley had talks with Col. Chennault, Gen. P.T. Mow (Mme. Chiang's adviser who later absconded to Brazil with millions of Nationalist Chinese dollars), Gen. Chow (chief of the Air Force), Dr. H.H. Hung and T.V. Soong.

    Pawley had an office in Hong Kong and one in New York. He spent a lot of time commuting from Hong Kong since he was building a new plant, Central Aircraft Manufacturing Corp., in Loi Wing, where a runway had been built to my specifications.

    Actually the armaments were sold to China through a front, China Defense Supplies Inc., a purchasing group set up at FDR's suggestion. It was headed by William Youngman, again at FDR's direction. Roosevelt asked Youngman to leave his post as head of the Federal Power Commission to take the new assignment.

    Since the United States was not yet at war with Japan and there­fore could not deal openly with China as a co-belligerent, it was de­cided all arrangements would be made by an unofficial agency, which would also help to ensure secrecy. Pawley's Central Aircraft Manufacturing Co. was therefore set up and given authorization to hire the air and ground crews to "operate, service and manufacture aircraft in China".

    The Japanese, however, saw through the scheme and called it "a hostile, provocative act".


    Fausel relates that in June, 1939 he had taken the same Pan-American China Clipper flight back to the United States from China with Pawley, Pawley's secretary and a Dr. Buck, whom he identified as an "economist and financial adviser on Chiang Kai-Shek's staff".

    "He (Buck) said his business involved groundwork for getting fi­nancial support from the U.S.A. for China," Fausel said.

    Under the rules of the Geneva Convention, U.S. pilots were not supposed to be fighting in China; and they were instructed; "You'll be agents for the Chinese government. In other words, we don't want to have it known, or at any rate advertised, you're going over there to fight against the Japanese or, for that matter, that you were in the U.S. forces. In no way must it be known you're even in China with the official knowledge of the U.S. government".

    Fausel related that a "friend" told him of Pawley's part in the recruitment of pilots.

    "He (the friend) was a second lieutenant in the 6th Pursuit Squadron at Wheeler Field, Hawaii in the fall of 1940 (more than a year before the Pearl Harbor attack)", Fausel said. "While taking a walk along the beach at Waikiki he saw a small group of fellow pi­lots from Hickam and Wheeler Fields listening to a man addressing them under the old banyan tree behind the Moana Hotel. It was Bill Pawley".

    The friend explained Pawley was indeavoring to recruit the fliers for the AVG.


    The air and ground crews were assembled in secret in San Fran­cisco in the summer of 1941. Special passports were arranged by the State Department, and the men were listed as salesmen, teachers, actors, etc., even as undertakers.

    The pay was exceptional by 1941 standards. Pilots would get $600 per month, flight leaders would get $675 and squadron leaders would get $750. A $500 bonus would be paid for each Japanese plane shot down.

    When Roosevelt first heard of the proposal to bomb Japanese cities with American planes bearing Chinese insignia, he was elated.

    "Wonderful!" he exclaimed. "That's what I've been talking about for four years"!

    FDR's Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson, was also enthused by the proposal.


    "I wanted so much to give those poor men, who have been fight­ing so hard for four years, everything we can," Stimson wrote in his diary, the entry dated November 6, 1941--one month before the Pearl Harbor attack.

    Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr. also detailed the plans in his diary. [H: Now this is the same Morgenthau who worked out the plan with Eisenhower for the starving and killing of the millions of Germans at the end of the war.]

    Morgenthau wrote FDR Secretary of State Cordell Hull was "a bundle of fervor and vitality" on the bombing project.

    "What we have to do, Henry," Hull confided and Morgenthau in turn related in his diary, "is to get 500 planes to start from the Aleu­tian Islands and fly over Japan just once... That will teach them a lesson... If only we could find some way to have them drop some bombs on Tokyo".

    Fausel related that Pawley was responsible for selling "the idea of the AVG to Secretary of State Cordell Hull and also to President Roosevelt. He worked out the arrangements with Generalissimo Chiang's staff, and I am sure he knew Gen. Henry (Hap) Arnold who had to approve the plan as well as the other top officials of the War Department".

    Robert Schriebman, an attorney for veterans of the "Flying Tigers," who represented them in their efforts to obtain veterans benefits from the U.S. government, had unearthed a secret memo dated August, 1941, five months before Pearl Harbor, from Arnold. It notes the creation of the AVG "has the approval of the president and the War Department".

    Morgenthau, according to researchers, confided to Lord Lothian, the British Ambassador to the United States, that he (Morgenthau) was going to try to get "four-engine bombers" and U.S. crews for the Chinese "with the understanding these bombers are to be used to bomb Tokyo and other big cities".

    Morgenthau told his diary Lothian agreed the bombing "might change everything", meaning, it is presumed, getting the U.S. in­volved in hostilities with Japan and thus dragged into Britain's war with Germany, an ally of Japan.

    However, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. George C. Marshall tossed cold water on their plans to use B-17 heavy bombers, ex­plaining that neither the planes nor trained crews were available for such an undertaking at that time. Thus the Lockheed Hudsons, available in large numbers, were selected for the task.

    In any event, their purpose was not to flatten Tokyo and other Japanese cities but to spark war with Japan.

    How strong is the evidence FDR conspired to get the United States involved in World War II through the use of air power before Pearl Harbor was attacked?


    Last July 7, the Associated Press reported the Pentagon had ruled the supposed "volunteers" of the AVG were in reality on "active duty" in their battles in 1941, months before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

    Air Force Brig. Gen. Ellwood P. Hinman III, according to AP, "announced the group of ' volunteers' was on ' active duty' and thus entitled to veterans status".

    Armed with a secret report prepared by U.S. Army intelligence in 1942, which stated that in order "to avoid a breach of interna­tional law, the entire project (AVG) was organized as a commercial venture", columnist Patrick Buchanan noted three days after the Pentagon admission.

    "Does not this secret, illegal dispatch of U.S. pilots to fight Japan constitute an impeachable act? Does it not confirm what many histo­rians have long argued: That FDR deliberately sought to goad Tokyo into war, to embroil the United States in the Pacific, as the 'back door' through which to take us into war in Europe, a war FDR and Churchill concluded we had to fight, even though Congress voted, and the American people wanted, to stay out"? Buchanan asked.


    Let us interrupt the writing at this point and take a respite. We have another segment but it will be more easily structured if we break it into these segments due to the length of the compiled material. I then would like to continue by sharing the "EDITORIAL" comments regarding this particular issue of the paper, SPOTLIGHT for it is in­deed worthy of taking note. It is not so much the happenings which are heinous enough to take your breath away--but the half century of continuing cover-up is without ability to imagine. Alas, however, it is the fact of your life-streams as the adversary has laid an ever more tightly woven web in which to entrap you unsuspecting sleeping morsels for the black widow's bite. Salu.

    Hatonn to stand-by. Dharma, please monitor the news for I want all of you to get saturated with the lie so that you can better accept TRUTH.
    Last edited by wave; 2010-07-31 at 11:26.

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