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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 41
    CHAPTER 15

    SAT., DECEMBER 14, 1991 8:42 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 120

    SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1991,


    Hatonn present in the Light of Holy God. We will briefly refer to the "today" section of the writing which you must not miss and then we will move on in assuring that in the events of the Soviet Union, the old German Nazis and the current Zionists and Zionist Israelis--you are speaking of the very same thing.

    "Well, OK," you might say, "so the Zionists and Nazis were in ca­hoots--but the Soviets?" Indeed--what is the housing money de­manded FOR, by Israel? Yes, to settle Soviet "Jews"!

    You have been paying for the entire Israeli nation and people as the leeches they are--now you take on the Soviet Empire! Today you will note that your government is paying a billion dollars (your money, when you are in the worst depression known to your nation) directly to the Soviets. Another 7 hundred-million dollars worth of medical aid and supplies IS ON THE WAY TO RUSSIA (How much free medical care have YOU received lately?) I even see the massive welfare assistance shutting down around you--but the Zion­ist physicians will DONATE almost a billion dollars to the Global Government effort in the Soviet/Israeli take-over. For every Soviet homeless person you have thousands, and hundreds of thousands will be homeless before the end of mid-year 1992 in America--if you still have an America.

    Your government has sold you out, little chelas--it is already DONE! While you piddle and prattle and suggest that you will get around to reading about Truth "when you have time", but I'm too busy running this political campaign or this "freedom from income tax business" or, or, or - -, Rome (U.S.) burns to a cinder. YOU HAVE NO TIME FOR GOD AND THE INPUT HE SENDS? WHY THEN, WOULD GOD MAKE TIME FOR YOU? I CAN LEAD YOU TO THE WATER OF THE LIFE SPRING--I CANNOT MAKE YOU DRINK THEREFROM.


    Dharma, the crew would like a meeting this afternoon to discuss these things--so be it. I do warn all that I will expect security and I will NOT allow the usual "slippage"--as long as you act as children, you shall be treated as children for I shall protect my people. Nei­ther will you expect me to TELL YOU what you WILL DO. I leave all decisions of your actions unto you as with all of God's children. The point of our commission is to project the WORD and that is what I shall do, it is not to make your decisions for you. Don't sim­ply ask ME what we are doing--I ask you--what are you doing? This IS YOUR JOURNEY!


    Right along with the shutdown of your nation, you will soon dump another 700,000 released (fired) military people onto your bankrupt economy. The strategic defense bases are closing. I promise you that the Soviets (Commonwealth of Republics or whatever the label) is NOT CLOSING BUSINESS. THERE IS NO INTENTION OF DISMANTLING EVEN ONE WEAPON! YOU WILL SEND $400 MILLION TO ASSIST IN THE TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT OF A PLANET--RIGHT ON SCHEDULE! I tell you now, to a "physical" "Commander"--it looks indeed bleak! I must remind you of the prophecies: "There will be a time on the planet Earth that evil shall reign in total"!


    So, what will Hatonn do when it worsens? My commission is to bring the WORD and be available to remove God's people as the time becomes appropriate and the choosing and sorting have been done--no more and no less. I do not overstep my bounds and when my ones are confronted with the tank and the AK-47, I expect you to cease and desist--I expect no martyrs from my crew. We MUST HAVE A REMNANT IN SURVIVAL! FOR THAT REMNANT IS MY ATTENTION IN FOCUS.--IF YOU FIT INTO THAT CIRCLE OF LIGHT--THEN YOU MOST CERTAINLY ARE IN PROTECTION. I ASK NOT MORE OF MY WRITERS, ETC. FOR THEY HAVE GIVEN ALL THERE IS TO GIVE AND WILLINGLY GO WHITHER HE GUIDES AND ASKS. OTHER ONES CLING TO THEIR "THINGS" AND WANT "SALVATION" FOR NOTHING--THERE ARE NO FREE-LUNCHES WITH GOD. THAT OLD "DO-NOTHING BUT BE­LIEVE ON A MURDERED MAN'S BLOOD SPILLAGE" IS OF SATAN--NOT OF HOLY GOD!


    Thank you, J.B. (Fla). You ask me to print this material so that all might see and so I shall. The following will not be in grammatical structure but rather a collection of notes. I want to move swiftly so I shall not greatly elaborate--I do, however, expect you ones to go study those great prophets and their projections and the locations of these various places of prophecy.

    By the way, for you who do not attend instructions for security, I suggest you think on Pillars of Salt instead of fleeing humans. Your Biblical scholars had best forget the nonsense--the "Pillars of salt" were "stone" images of ASH from an incredible nuclear detonation and the instructions "do not look back" was what you face this day--blinding light--light so bright that it blinds totally.

    Many questions flow back unto us as you face Gog and Magog and realize they are THE clues to WHO is the anti-Christ and who is the Evil-doer. Who are the ones to be "saved" and who will perish. I leave the perishment to you ones but the facts of geography and groups of participants are openly obvious--but, we shall share herein some excellent clues for your own discernment. I asked for input and I got it--here is a portion which I suggest you study most care­fully.


    Being in America most Christians have been beguiled by our Es­tablishment Churches and its agent. The Truth is, in the latter days there should be two different people in Israel when the anti-Christ takes over, before the Messiah comes--one is the Edomites, today called Sephardic Jews--non-"Jews" [as labeled by the Zionists], de­scribed in Malachi:4 Edom sayeth: "We shall return and rebuild the desolate places, these people (Edom) for whom the Lord has indig­nation forever".

    The other people who would be in today's Israel in the latter days is GOG who come from Russia--now get that: "who come from Russia", but their descendents from Japheth, NOT Sem (Shem), the father of the Semites. The People we call Russians today originally were Swedes and Danes of Europe, from Sem (Shem), the father of the "white race". They became known as Ros, Rus, and Rosh which in Hebrew means "blonds".

    To find who GOG is today after a number of name changes, since Ezekiel wrote about them in his book about 580 BC. In Ezek. 38:2 it says, "Set thy face against Gog from the LAND OF MAGOG," the Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him. See the enclosed map [H: Map is not good enough to reprint.] to lo­cate where Meshech and Tubal is. Now, most of our Establishment Churches' agents say Meshech and Tubal are Moscow and another city. This is another lie exposed, that we have been programmed with: Tubal is the area under the Black Sea in "Turkey", and "Meshech" the area between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, these two (2) areas were hundreds of miles south of Moscow. When Ezekiel wrote his book, it's possible no people lived in the area called Moscow today. To know who real "israel" is today, we have to bear in mind they are the decendents of "Sem" (Shem), the father of all the whites AND Semites. [H: Be careful in interpreta­tion for skin color no longer has meaning as the cycles close--it is only a clue for the upstart.] In older Bibles his name is spelled SEM, but to confuse us the reformation in the King James Version changed it to SHEM so that it wouldn't rhyme with Semite--the re­formation made a number of modifications in the King James ver­sion. Why? For Who? The offspring of Jacob were all white Semites, even Esav Edom, today called sephardic Jews, were "white", being that they were both fathered by Isaac.

    But, back to who Gog is today--the answer comes by deductive reasoning. Just who is this elusive "Gog" who is going to be buried in today's Israel at Homon-GOG--who is not Semite but from Japheth, Noah's other son?

    Being as how I believe Hatonn is right when he says "You, America, are Israel. Why do you believe they are trying to take your guns away"? And who are "they"? They are also ones of which some are in "Israel", Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, etc., as in the "Great multitude who followed King Darius who let captured Israel free. The actual burying of Gog will be by the European military forces [H: By whatever label. The next portion of the letter is incorrect and therefore, J.B., I shan't publish it. The concept is correct but there is indication that "God" destroys and that "burying" is physically done at the in­structions of God--nay, nay--the evil ones shall devour (bury) selves and I shall give no credence to terminology which can be misconstrued. You quote Ezek. 39:13 in which it indicates that that horror would be "glorified saith the Lord God". No--God does not "glorify" evil by any "side". It is for the linear sequence that I publish this information for the "Evil Empire" is giving you HIS PLANS!]

    [Back to quoting] And after this "purification of Israel", Europe next, then So. Africa, New Zealand and then Australia. This will happen after israel is purified, men will go continually about "to seek them out" Ezek: 39:14 that remain on the face of the Earth, that they may cleanse it". [H: Again and again I must caution you--these are written words to throw you off from your intent in Godness. MAN HAS NO PERMISSION TO "CLEANSE ANY MAN" FROM ANYTHING OR ANYWHERE! THEREFORE, THE SLAUGHTER WILL NOT BE FROM GOD'S DIREC­TION NOR WITHIN GOD'S COMMAND. WHERE INTERPRETATION BREAKS DOWN IS IN THE ACCEPT­ING OF WHAT MAN "WRITES" AND DISTRACTION INTO FALSE INTENT. GOD DOES NOT "NEED" TO CLEANSE ANYTHING--NATURE WILL CLEANSE ULTIMATELY AND GOD HAS SENT THE HOSTS TO "LIFT UP HIS PEOPLE" AND THE REMAINING OF PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE SHALL CREATE HELL AS THEY SEEK TO DEVOUR AND DESTROY AND "THEY SHALL DO IT BRAZENLY USING THE NAME OF GOD"! Please realize that I am using this for discussion purposes as to GEOGRAPHY and PLAYERS. You must realize that force and war, killing and damaging another is NOT OF GOD AND IT SHALL NOT BE EVER ACCEPTABLE. MAN MAY DEFEND SELF AND FAMILY--HE MAY NOT BURY NOR KILL AND REMAIN WITHIN THE INTENT OF GOD! EVIL SHALL DESTROY OF SELF!]

    [H: Let us take up again where the writing is in point.]

    ....who's various name changes keep eluding us--the conclusion comes by deductive "reasoning". After extensive research, the an­swer is very revealing. Gog's operating area was the land of Magog which was between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which at that time was called the SEA OF KHAZARIA.

    Now as it says in Ezekiel: those who dominate the area called Magog are called "Gog", the leading tribe. In Ezekiel's time the rulers of Magog were called "Gog" and they "shook-down" the peo­ple they dominated by getting tributes from them, but this ended in 1016 when the Russians and the Byzantine Greeks slaughtered them in battle and stopped their greedy operations. They then looked for "Greener Pastures" and descended on Poland and Germany. At the peak of their power, they extracted tributes from over 25 countries and tribes over which they had control. Now get this: The Khazars are Turkish people, are not Semites, but are from Noah's son Japheth. They have predominantly brown eyes and their complexion has a golden hue. These Turkish Khazars adopted Judaism as their religion in 740 AD, putting them on a par to be called Jews like the Semitic Sephardic (Edom); they would be the first Talmudists.

    It is believed that the Six Pointed Star of David was a Khazar creation which today comprises the flag of so-called Israel. [H: We just covered this subject thoroughly and the "Shield of David" comes from David al Roy who pronounced himself the "Messiah"--yes, a Khazarian.] This symbol was also known to Medieval Jews as the "Shield of David" but was the symbol of King Solomon. Note that the Shield of King Solomon had five (5) points, not six. David's was also called the Seal of Jacob.

    [H: Dharma has great trouble with deciphering the words at this portion of the letter for the space is reduced and the writing is very difficult to read--I shall attempt to place it into order for the information is fairly accurate as to isolation of different group­ings. Know that this is one person's opinion after reasoning and researching--which ALL of you must do and in the various pre­sentations will come the outlay of truth in whole. Disagreement with conclusions are fine--I invite disagreement with my presen­tation--IF you research for self for, after all, this is the point of "lessons" and the only means of true growth. You ones must come into informed conclusion--not "just because ‘somebody said'". This very important perception in this writing is impor­tant because to the "Jews" who are NOT Khazarian--rests your very existence.]

    What today, is Gog called? Who was to be in Old Israel in the last days? Who was to come from the North of Israel, from the Land called Magog? Who, today in Israel, comes from this area? Gog was to be the tribe that ruled over the area called Magog. I told you they were Turkish people called Khazars--not Semites. And the flag or banner of these Khazars of the land was the 6 pointed hexa­gram called the "Star of David". But King David's seal had only 5 points, so they both are different like apples and oranges. Who, to­day, is in Israel that comes from the South of Russia? The people known today as the Khazars! Ask the Sephardic Jews in Israel today if the Khazars have ANY historic roots in Judah or Israel?

    Today the Sephardic Jews whose roots go back to Herod and be­yond are treated as second class citizens, and are under the domina­tion of the Khazars from the Land of Magog.


    These Khazar Turks are being called "God's Chosen" by our Big-Name, Christian ministers. Have they got it made in the next world-- "Ghena"--Hell for lying to the flock. [H: Again, I urge you ones to cease your "judging" for you do not KNOW. I suggest these ones shall reap a perceived "Hell" long before all get to a "next world".]

    In closing, the Bible says Gog will come over the mountains to invade Israel. But instead they came by car, ship and planes in their invasion--the thing that greased the skids for this was "The Balfour Pact".



    Yes, J.B., you ARE under surveillance as is anyone who has figured out the "plan" and speaks out about it. One reason that you are al­lowed freedom of expression, however, is that you perpetuate some of the "fear" tactics as expected by the adversary, i.e., the misper­ception that "God blesses and rejoices in murder and ' cleansing". As long as you have flaws in the writings, you will be allowed voice pretty openly. You give valuable insight and wisdom by your other presentations to publications which are objective and true. Be most careful in "spoiling" that acceptance by appearing fanatic and/or a war-monger. I use now as example, some of your letters to Editors, etc., for they are excellent and most worthy in thought provoking fact.

    I ask that you please not be offended in correction of perceptions but, as a teacher, I cannot let errors pass for the very civilization rests on correct premise and valid conclusions. You would not have written did you not expect as much from me so I remain in your debt.

    Dharma, please take the four writings in the order presented for they are excellent.



    Twin City News, 7-26-89: Dear Editor, Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackman said a Nativity Scene violated the Constitutional separation of church and state.

    Article 1 of the Bill of Rights says: Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religions or prohibiting the free exer­cise thereof. Now, how can the nativity or other religious symbols violate church and state separation--when in America we don't have a state church? You see, church and state is when the government sanctions one religion over all--as in England or Iran. (Note: Israel was also listed but the paper removed it from the published letter).

    As Rabbi Sholomo Ezagui of Chabad House of Lubavitch, Palm Beach said: "The government should not be involved in any one reli­gion, but should support all denominations". I must concur with the Rabbi. J.B. , Oakland Park.


    The New Federalist, 12-28-90: "ISRAEL"
    To the Editor: In view of the one-sided poison put out in the me­dia regarding the slaughter at the Temple Mount.... With two UN agencies already working in the occupied territories, why is there this pulling of teeth, about checking out the Temple Mount mas­sacre?

    Mr. Adnan Husseini, director of the Islamic religious authority for the Jerusalem areas, said "I was here--I saw everything", AND I SWEAR ON THE KORAN, we were not responsible. "No stone was thrown UNTIL the Israeli soldiers started shooting. After that the stones started flying on those 60 feet below at the Western wall--after the Arabs were shot at.

    It is my belief that there was collusion between the military and the "Temple Mount Faithful", an extremist group, to open fire on the Arabs, so they would be routed and an attempt would be made to de­stroy the Al Aqsa mosque, by the extremists who were waiting in the wings for the go-ahead, but it backfired. J.B.


    [No publication or dateline given]

    I was appalled to read where Israeli Cabinet minister Rehaven Zeevi had the gall to call President Bush an anti-Semite and a liar.

    I think of the billions Israel has shaken the United States down for, and a brazen statement insulting the president. This is a sad testimonial from a country that calls itself our ally. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

    In America the Israel lobby claims the Zionist state has "repaid" all loans and never defaulted. The truth is the vast majority of the loans have been forgiven. Now who do you think picks up the tab? One guess. Standard and Poor's rates Israel's long-term credit­worthiness, for loans not backed by U.S. taxpayers, as "triple B", the lowest rating on their investment index, while the Export-Im­port Bank gives Israel's economy a "D" in a range from "A" to"F".

    Israel's only interest is to bleed the taxpayer. J.B.

    and lastly,


    SPOTLIGHT, 8-19-91: Under the heavy-handedness of Israeli Housing Minister Ariel Sharon, the Israelis continue to accelerate settlements in the Occupied Territories--contrary to UN Resolution 242 to which Israel promised to adhere. The reason for this foot dragging is the Zionist dream of a Greater Israel, a dream nurtured by Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, former Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Sharon.

    Israel is trying to wear out the UN, the Western nations and other Middle East countries waiting for them to pull out.

    Israel's true position in the Occupied Territories is revealed by former Israeli Supreme Court Justice Haim Cohen, who said, "We hold the West Bank as trustees only".

    It is elementary that a trustee who takes from the trust property is stealing in one of the ugliest ways. J.B. [Aho!]

    In the same vein I MUST share with you, more insight from Earth example. I want you to read this next with open eyes and mind. I want you to now see the full CONNECTION with the "new" Soviet empire and its relationship to Israel in which the full intent is to bleed the world. It becomes obvious that the coalition was always present in fact and in intent. Settlement of Soviet Jews is the cry for more and more and more! Why and from where? I think you better reconsider your first perceptions and you will see things a bit differ­ently now as "hindsight".


    From: New American View, Dec. 1, 1991.

    "The first two installments of immigrants are already here, so $4 billion is already OWED to us. I can't un­derstand the fuss. It only calls for a little generosity and humanity. IT'S NOT A BUSINESS CONSIDER­ATION."--Yitzhak Moda'i, Israeli Minister of Fi­nance.

    Well, there is one thing you can say for the Israelis. They've got chutzpah. And they are tenacious, and amazingly clever. But most of all, they've got chutzpah. They won't take "no" for an answer. Not when it comes to demanding U.S. foreign aid--which they seem to think is their God-given right--even when the American taxpayer is going broke trying to keep the U.S. afloat.

    One of the several reasons Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir was miffed during his recent visit to Washington was that he couldn't get President Bush or Secretary of State James Baker to talk about the $10 billion in loan guarantees Israel is demanding to help with the resettlement of Soviet Jews. All that Bush and Baker wanted to discuss was the Middle East peace process--another sore point with the diminutive Israeli leader.

    To make matters worse, Shamir was told by the Jewish pro-Is­raeli stalwarts that support for U.S. aid to the Zionist state was fast eroding on Capitol Hill. The friends of Israel on the conservative right were making themselves scarce, mumbling about the message Sen. Harris Wofford (D-Pa.) and David Duke in Louisiana had de­livered to the American people. Meanwhile, that dreadnought of traditional American conservatism, Pat Buchanan, has appeared on the horizon, threatening to make a run for the White House next year.

    Even more disconcerting, the bevy of pro-Israeli co-conspirators on the liberal left are making like they're about to fly off. Their constituents are troubled and growing angry over the state of the economy (recession or depression, take your pick) and are in no mood to hear that their elected representatives are throwing big bucks Israel's way.

    In the Senate, a sneaky amendment to the 1992 foreign aid bill approving the $10 billion in guarantees for Israel "ran into a presi­dential ambush", says Forward, the Jewish national weekly. Even though some 70 senators, enough to override a threatened veto by President Bush, claimed to support the measure, it died a natural death. Many of the lawmakers agreed to be included on the list only with the understanding that the amendment would not be put to a real vote.

    In the House, where the 1992 Foreign Aid Bill failed to pass, there is more trouble looming. The bill will come up again early next year, and shortly thereafter the 1993 foreign aid package will start in motion. On top of this, the pro-Israelites will begin agitating to pass the $10 billion in loan guarantees measure. But with the elections, spring primaries and the big one in November, bearing down on them, "They are not likely to buck the new anti-foreign aid atmosphere", says Forward.

    Meanwhile, the Israelis have come up with a new gimmick to squeeze more money out of the American taxpayer. Finance Minis­ter Yitzhak Moda'i proposed last week that the U.S. adopt a three-year timetable for eliminating economic assistance to israel by the end of the decade. You remember Moda'i. He's the fellow who presented us with a $13-billion dollar bill--in the middle of the Per­sian Gulf War--to compensate the Jewish state for its costs and losses relating to the conflict.

    Well, the Zionist lunatic is at it again. He has a new plan for President Bush. It goes like this: "Give me the guarantees, and we will draw on them only as we need them to finance the immigration. If you give us the guarantees over five years, after those five years we will accept that you reduce economic aid by one-third each year for three years". (The U.S. gives Israel over $3 billion in economic aid [cash] annually--but only $1.2 billion is considered by the Israelis to be "aid").

    "After three years (and he actually meant and wrote, eight years), Israel will have economic independence--aside from defense aid", Moda'i promises. (We give the Jewish state more than $1.8 billion a year in military aid).

    Moda'i says Israel needs $50 billion to absorb the million Soviet Jews it predicts will immigrate to Zion by 1995. Where are they going to get the rest of the money? And how are they ever going to pay it back? Oh, says Moda'i, we are going to have a roaring, high-tech economy in a few years.

    I can't stand to go further with the writing because it continues with stupid outlay of needs and promises and meaningless mouthings of lies.


    Let us close this as you are going to be late for the meeting. One of these days, Dharma, I am going to give you a couple of hours vaca­tion. Hold strong, chela, for God's voice is being heard in the wilderness--even though you ones cannot hear--GOD HEARS!
    SALU, Hatonn to clear.

    PJ 41
    CHAPTER 16

    SUN., DECEMBER 15, 1991 9:40 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 121

    SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15. 1991,


    Hatonn present in the Light of the Radiant One. I first desire that you all (each) LISTEN WITHIN for guidance as things move head­long into turmoil. You do not run helter-skelter without preparation to anywhere from anything. Always be "prepared" and timing as well as all other instructions will be given for your action. If I say "some" does that mean "all"? You ones make it all but impossible to give instructions for you respond like a school of fish or a flock of migrating birds and then you promptly give the world information which denies the efficacy of initial "purpose". I am not going to tell you details into a gathered grouping which will make it to our enemies before the words are finished. Do you believe your enemy got so far in the perfection of deceit by telling everything he knew to ev­eryone he saw? There is a time for speaking and a time for silence and you ones have not learned the difference and it endangers more deeply, my ones in target.

    There are only two things which would be merited by imminent re­location--just two areas of function and I expect you to "think" and "respond", not "react".


    The most important World-watch today is the flooding in Hawaii and the eruption of Mt. Etna in Italy. Keep an eye on both--they do not "mean" the same thing but both indicate major manipulation and thrust of "power". These things will increase because it is time that the fragments be brought into the bundle of the Elite Plan 2000. It is a time of sorting and reorganization and foolish actions will merit you only destruction while actions within reason will ultimately win the encounter. God does NOT win by His people being as bad or worse than the adversary for in such actions--the players become ad­versary! Ponder it carefully.

    I wish to pass on, now, to a personal subject in response to one who has written me a most urgent, yet wondrously thoughtful, letter. This comes from a man who served what he thought to be, his country in the Viet Nam War. He is plagued by stress syndrome, Agent Orange damage and total emotional upheaval--made both bet­ter and worse by insight into TRUTH.

    This fits more of you than you wish to admit, whether you have never left the home-farm or have identical symptoms of this young man or if you are in business or entertainment--TRUTH is shocking and painful when the lies have ruled for so long, and deliberately, a time segment of generations.

    Dharma, I see no better way to respond than to lay forth the writing exactly as it is received, for this person speaks for the multitudes who are efforting to "sort" and confront the bastard of evil liars. As with any problem--you MUST KNOW the problem and then the an­swer can be sought and found in REASON, KNOWLEDGE AND INTELLIGENCE. I appreciate the letter, Terry (Ariz.), for you give opportunity to both myself and your brother. You KNOW the answers for you speak them as well or better than I. You simply needed to voice them and be heard that your own self might have hearing. Anger is proper--reaction in distemper to that anger is im­proper, so let us look at the situation as enlightenment comes and perhaps together we can make this a worthy journey in the proper sequence and direction.

    This is dedicated to EVERY READER--EVERY READER!


    I want to wish all of you "God's Love" and blessings during the traditional Holiday Season, even though we now know that Jesus (Immanuel) was not born at this time of year, on behalf of my wife and for myself. We acknowledge and appreciate your efforts and dedication, in the very face of ADVERSITY, to bring TRUTH and a knowledge of the "real" God and Christ to people before it's entirely too late. I admire and respect all of you. I saw lots of courage in the jungles, rice paddies, and "Iron Triangle" of Viet Nam but admit that the courage and dedication all of you exhibit may exceed that.

    When I first started (barely) reading the Phoenix material, having just seen the Green's video tape, I wrote a short letter expressing my reaction to some "traumatic" new ideas (Truths) and the profound effect it was having on me. That must have been some 3 or 4 months ago.

    Since then, I have read a great deal more. I was so "captured" by my new experience that I have bought every JOURNAL and all "back-issues" (so-to-speak) of Expresses, etc. available, and a few other books you carry (like Mullins' CURSE OF CANAAN) as well. Up to now I have read some 8-10 of the books and Expresses. Though this is a small percent of the total I have, all will be read in the future. I "hunger" for more knowledge, more "Truth". My wife thinks it is an "obsession", although she shares my total "belief" and "trust" in the source and the material.

    It has already changed my life. I used to watch TV programs with my wife every night. Now, we have reduced that drastically, and ,I "read out loud" to her from the "JOURNALS" and/or Ex­presses and "Liberator" every night for 2-4 hours. That way we get the new knowledge simultaneously and can "discuss" it on the spot as we move along.

    I must admit, however, that, at first, I had some agonizing doubts, even "anger" at some (very few) new Truths. You see, I started with the Journal covering the Gulf War because I am very heavily interested in military affairs. And, since I had fanatically supported the war, emotionally totally supported my "Comrades-in-­Arms" (especially the Infantrymen of the Army's 82nd Airborne Di­vision because I had been a combat Infantryman in that unit in Viet Nam), hated Iraqis because of their stupid threats and insults of American soldiers on TV, was staunchly "Pro-Israel" all my life be­cause of the "myth of the Holocaust" and my admiration of their military, and because I believed George Bush. So Hatonn said things that--at first--I resented and even got angry about (a "biased God", I think I said at times). Specifically, I deeply resented the statements regarding "atrocities" committed by U.S. Forces, my "Comrades-in-Arms". This is a sensitive subject to me because as an "Honorable" Viet Nam Veteran who neither perpetrated nor wit­nessed any atrocities (or crimes of any sort) I have always been "red-hot" infuriated at Oliver Stone's and other Hollywood phony movies impugning the honor and character of those of us who fought in Viet Nam. I go "ape" over that characterization. My emotional ties were strong to the Armed Forces in the Gulf. I doubted that "we" buried alive 12,000 Iraqis and, even if true, I said every time I read it (over and over again) that "they deserved it" since they were trying to kill our troops, weren't they!? This was war! "Kill or be killed." I was also reluctant to believe we bombed so many civilians (I watched CNN, etc., 16 hours a day during the war and since, as I am a 100% disabled veteran, I cannot work).

    Now I tend to believe that Hatonn always tells Truth so we must have done these things. Yes, I still get a little "annoyed" when Ha­tonn denounces the TROOPS themselves for these things as I blame the Generals and NOT the GRUNTS [H: Yes brother, and so do I, Hatonn!] but GOD ATON has a higher, different perspective than I. He is "objective" while I am emotionally tied to the "Grunts" who are ordered to kill or die "for their country".

    At the beginning I was so upset by the "anti" "bias" (my false perception of the information) that my wife urged me to write to ask, "Why are you so insulting to the troops who have very little real choice"?--but I didn't because I did not want to BOTHER any of you and infringe/impose on Dharma's precious time since even then I knew how overworked she was, due to people writing in so many inquiries. I decided to continue reading to resolve the "dilemma" myself.

    Well, I now believe Hatonn speaks Truth and is righteously angry at the U.S. Armed Forces but I still blame the Generals, not the En­listed Men.

    The other major thing I wanted to share is that I have been a non­professional Military Historian for two decades and a "History Buff" for 30 years since in High School. My degree was in History. I know more Military History than most professional Military Histori­ans and more History than most PhD's who teach it. I now have come to the traumatizing conclusion that I knew more LIES than most people, is all! I feel BETRAYED both for Viet Nam--where I nearly died--and for my LOVE OF HISTORY which I was so de­voted to. [H: Just a tiny interruption right here, for I want you, Terry, to ponder the prior statement and may you please discern that this is "WHY YOU"! It requires that "some" KNOW what the accepted "History" is given--so that through intelligent vision the lie can be uncovered. Anyone can believe a "new" concept if they have no notion of that which was error from geographical location to fact of incidents and encounters. Of course it is painful to be deceived and worse, intentionally--but "striking out" in blind anger is NEVER an "answer". Revealing the rascals for that which they are and causing them to face their actions and lies in the Light of Truth--is that which is needed. In this man­ner the evil-doers are caught in their own warped trap.]

    So where do I stand now? Depressed, angry, bitter (I was always bitter over Viet Nam; now I have more reasons) and a lot of other "negative" emotions. [H: I ask you to change a couple of words herein. You are distressed--not actually depressed as incapable, you are angry but controlled with reason, and forget "bitter" altogether for bitterness and hate are almost synonymous in meaning and neither merit valid positive movement. These are tools of evil to keep you helpless and confused while focused on a very damaging negative element. We will later discuss what happened to you young people in that period of the Viet Nam and ending Korean Wars. Those were the beginnings of mass mind-manipulation in a circumstance never declared as war--to test their tools of taking over the planet. It will make more sense as we discuss it more in depth but I don't want to interrupt the thought-line herein.]

    My wife is concerned and upset. She shares my "new" beliefs (she had always believed these things; she was reluctant to tell me) and the "New Truths" but doesn't like my ANGER toward the MA­SONS--ZIONISTS--COMMUNISTS--SECULAR HUMANISTS--BUSH & THE GOV'T--ISRAEL--THE BANKERS--THE ELITE--THE "CONSPIRATORS"--ALL OF THEM! It's really "HATRED" she says. She feels (rightly?) that I "help them" by my intense anger and hatred toward ALL of them (my reaction to BE­TRAYAL); that my negative (strong) emotions give power to the ADVERSARY even though it is directed AT THE REAL EVIL ones now, not the ones I formerly hated. I don't understand. She has tried Hypnotherapy (she is a certified Hypnotherapist but can't find a job using it; she is a clerk for near-minimum wage) but my "resistance" is too strong.

    I now am ANTI, not PRO Israel. I am now "neutral" regarding Arabs (Iraqis and Palestinians) instead of hating them. I am 100% ANTI-George Bush and our entire Government! I am now "neutral" regarding our military, instead of "PRO". I now believe F.D.R. & Marshall and Eisenhower and Churchill planned Pearl Harbor and World War 2 and also committed huge atrocities in it. My thinking has changed so much that it is a very emotional and confusing time for me to deal with. I have had to change 180 degrees in many ar­eas! (In just 3 or 4 months). But, unfortunately, I STILL get FU­RIOUS AT FEMINISTS, BLACK ACTIVISTS, HOMOSEXUALS (major liberal activist secular humanist distractors and fragments of society). Now I have added JEWS (95% ZIONIST-ASHKENAZI), doctors, lawyers and lots more of the people at which I get ex­tremely angry.

    Is this a common occurrence for people like me in my changing ("re­birth") ideas and beliefs and Truths? Will it last long? Or is the fact that I was devoted to (obsessed with) History (and most of the vil­lains were my former "Heroes") and feel BETRAYED; and am 100 % DISABLED FOR POST-TRAUMATIC DELAYED STRESS and--therefore--"UNSTABLE" emotionally (and was in several V.A. Psych wards and attempted Suicide on Memorial Day, 1979 and again around another "Veterans" occasion and was also HOMICI­DAL at times and have a TEMPER problem and have been on very strong V.A. Psych medication for 12 years) going to take me longer than most to reduce/cease my ANGER (Hatred?) at EVIL CONSPIRATORS trying to KILL OR ENSLAVE US??? [H: Son, first I want you to STOP!!! STOP giving your POWER to these beliefs in restriction of self. You have more than adequate rea­son to be angry and look at yourself. You say you never experi­enced any atrocities in Viet Nam? Precious, you are riddled with atrocities within your very being and you have simply given your power into the hands of your enemy who keeps control of you. Handicapped? 100%? No, you are simply not utilizing your emotional strength and anger in the proper manner. It is OB­VIOUS that you can WRITE. I am going to leave out of this public document your personal past experiences--for that needs to be in your own BOOK of TRUTH. YOU WRITE IT, SON, I WILL GET IT TO THE PEOPLE. YOU ARE THE VERY EPITOME OF THE EXAMPLE OF ONE WHO IS DARING ENOUGH TO SPEAK UP AND OUT--FOR YOU KNOW IN­NATELY THE BASTARD'S GAME OR YOU WOULD NOT HAVE ATTEMPTED TO END YOUR JOURNEY. THE FACT THAT YOU DID NOT, SHOULD TELL YOU MORE THAN ANY WORDS I MIGHT SPEAK--FOR YOU HAVE ONLY "FORGOTTEN" YOUR MISSION AND PURPOSE WITHIN THIS JOURNEY AT THIS TIME OF AWAKENING! YOU HAVE THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF BROTHERS (GRUNTS AND OFFICERS) OUT OF THAT OVERALL TO­TAL "ATROCITY" OF EXPERIENCE AWAITING LEADERSHIP FOR A MAN CAN BE HEALED IF HE CAN SEE TRUTH OF THAT WHICH MAKES HIM ILL. PONDER IT MOST CAREFULLY, TERRY. WRATH AND RIGHTFUL RAGE GIVES A MAN THE POWER TO ACT BEYOND SELF AND LIMITATIONS--IS IT NOT TIME YOU PUT YOUR TRUTH WHERE YOU CAN HELP YOUR BROTHER? BLESSINGS REST UPON YOU, SON, FOR IN SPEAKING FROM YOUR HEART, THE INTENT IS HEARD--THE CALL RECEIVED AND THE COMPELLED ANSWER GIVEN!]

    I believe my "heart (Soul) Intent" is GOOD but I am programmed by the ARMY TO HATE and WANT TO KILL so I get too angry at Evil People!

    I am also "scared"--I have no guns (my wife disposed of my Sniper Rifle out of fear for others) [H: Bless her and honor her for "reason" and "caution" for violence cures nothing--it only in­spires retaliation and plays directly into adversary hands to de­prive all of protection and defense. You must change your intent and take up a sword more powerful than the largest cannon--the PEN OF TRUTH! It is obvious that you, as James Gritz, have no fear for self and that allows "daring" adventure--but you must be cautious in that you always "serve" where the gain can be compounded beyond that which can be thrown against you!] and a Viet Nam Vet without guns is unusual. I am in POOR HEALTH (AGENT ORANGE effects, etc.) and have no idea how to defend us without Arms against either marauding gangs turned loose on us by the Gov't or the Communist Armies in Mexico and in the U.S. or the Mossad-trained ruthless, sadistic Security Forces. My wife says I "obsess" (one of the major problems of "Delayed Stress" is obses­sive-compulsive behavior) over these "threats". But it worries me. If I buy guns, they'll just be confiscated. If I bury them, metal de­tectors will find them. It seems like a "No-Win" scenario if we lose our fight for the Second Amendment. So I worry. (I am a big worrier) [H: Here's another deletion to your vocabulary, son--"worry", let us guide that "worry" into constructive "thinking" with the goal intent to "solution through alternative to violence" measures. What will hurt your enemies the most? Revelation of their actions and truth of their actions--you cannot kill them all and moreover, YOU do not know WHO TO KILL TO RID THIS PLACE OF THE EVIL-DOERS FOR THE ONES YOU SEE ARE BUT PUPPETS!] My wife says "obsessing", "worrying" will attract those threats if they become real and I should quit worrying and trust to GOD to protect us. But so far I have read nothing in the literature that says the Space Brothers--Hatonn--Sananda--will do that should the worst happen. Besides, a Viet Nam Vet likes to "trust" to his Weapon! [H: Ah so now we finally get there--good man! YOU just put your trust in the WRONG WEAPON, son, although I honor you for respecting your wife in her efforts to bring balance. You must realize that the intent, training, medications, and control instilled in ones in "Your" war was directly to keep you focused on violence so that you would be NO PROBLEM as the curtain would descend and the shackles be applied. You would be acting out in ways which would allow their control of you through force and thus, leaving the masses defenseless. As you read you will find those deliberate actions against you, identified. You ones who served in that war were LITERALLY injected with computer pulse-responsive program­ming CHIPS so that you can be triggered at will to function in most heinous manners--with those guns that most of your broth­ers still have at their shoulders. You are controlled into doing that which is happening to YOU. THE REASON THE ENEMY WOULD LIKE TO SHUT DOWN OUR "TRUTH-BRINGING" IS THAT YOU ONES WILL WAKE UP AND SEE THE TRUTH--AND AGAINST THE TRUTH OF THE PLIGHT, YOU COME INTO THE ONLY BLOCKING FREQUENCY ABLE TO NEUTRALIZE THE CONTROL. YOU CAN REGAIN YOUR POWER WHEN YOU FIND THE TRUTH AND IN THAT POWER YOU CAN HENCEFORTH ACT IN REA­SON AND RESPONSE--NOT REACTION IN IMPULSE. YOU BECOME "THEIR" ENEMY AND NO LONGER THEIR "TOOL". DO YOU SEE? Will the "Higher Command" protect you? If need be but I suggest that you will be given into knowing how to protect selves by that time of need. God most surely has full intent of bringing His ones into security for you are the keys to that "Kingdom" through the service of your present placement. All you are doing, son, is awakening unto your mission.]

    ....my wife sees "faces" so to speak when I get ANGRY--I picked some up in Viet Nam and they seem to be discarnate beings. This makes it difficult for me to foresee victory (eg. 2nd Amendment vs. Gun Control; TOTAL POVERTY, LOSS OF EVERYTHING or GANGS or MILITARY DICTATORSHIP or NUKES; DEATH or ENSLAVEMENT, etc.) against such daunting odds. It looks HOPELESS with only a few thousand people "AWAKENED" out of 245 MILLION. This depresses me. I'd prefer to take up Arms with others, fight a Revolution, probably get killed, etc. That I UNDERSTAND! But Hatonn says NO! to that. I wonder if I no longer have the courage, fortitude, stamina, determination, etc., I had in Viet Nam 23 years ago!? Right now I WANT to do something re­ally ACTIVE to help you or Bo Gritz, etc., but either lack the PHYSICAL ENERGY or the MORAL RESOLVE. It is painful to analyze these things. I have the "guts" to fight these EVIL B-----S on the Battlefield but am IRRESOLUTE AND CONFUSED fighting them your (Hatonn's) way. Perhaps I need to get into BALANCE, to read more and more and more, to meditate SANANDA's real teachings, to practice calm, objective, unemotional analysis of my enemy's plans (as I must have done countless times in armies fight­ing them in the past) and calm, unemotional counter-actions. I AD­MIRE all of YOU WHO DO THIS!!!

    [H: I have to stop here and address the above. I shall also tell you a story (out of school) regarding your "leader", Bo Gritz. He said to me, Hatonn: "Can we just go in there and 'take-out' the responsible bastards"? I simply asked him: "Who would you take out"? You see, that is never the answer in God's terms--It is always the answer in the human aspect. It may work if you have the most men and the biggest gun--neither of which you have, even if the plan were valid in moral rightness. The facts remain that you cannot reach the REAL culprits and therefore can only render yourself "dead" in the fray and lessen all chance of change in the overall. You ones think in human "earth" solutions and "force" will not "cut the mustard" this time. It is only through knowledge and KNOWING in the proper service to Command of God that will prevail in "winning" this particular war. A Sniper Rifle will only set the "army" back and get the "sniper" killed and misery piled upon misery for the loved ones remaining--that is NOT protection of the innocent--it is the selling of the innocent into "hell". You think in terms of "violence" through deliberate intent--EXACTLY ACCORDING TO THEIR PLAN THAT YOU DO SO. THEN, DO YOU SEE, IT IS ONLY REASONABLE THAT THEY MAKE EXAMPLE OF YOU.]

    Forgive my lengthy and probably excessively personal (soul-searching) ramblings. You can see what I mean. One good thing: I usually "smell" the deceptions/ distractions/lies/upcoming conspirato­rial moves by observing the nightly news (I watch all 3 networks) with a NEW EYE. They NO LONGER "SUCKER ME", "PULL MY CHAIN", etc. The bad thing--I GET ANGRY!

    The only TRUTHS I feel I can trust now are AMERICA WEST's publications. Please tell people never to buy anything from INNER LIGHT PUBLICATIONS (Beckley--Cooper "NEW AGE CON­FERENCE" etc). I was cheated out of $260 by them just before real exposure to your (Hatonn's) Truths.

    Once I establish a "Balance" and finish the rest of the material I hope to be able to do something to help. Anything. Right now, I'm just able to help myself (barely). But that New Truth keeps coming in and staying in!

    Despite things I've mentioned, I feel I'm a BETTER PERSON now for reading your material. When I think of the Elite stopping your dissemination of Truth (and explanation of current events--very, very important to me!) I get a little "scared" (worried). Right now I'm "new", so I'm pretty "dependent" on your newsletters and worry when they are late. But, whatever happens, I have ALL of your In-print published works and will bury them if I have to, to keep them from being confiscated by Security Forces "searches".

    I have tried to provide your TRUTHS to my son who is in the military. He "believes" ("most of it", he says) but I worry what would result if found with Phoenix material in his barracks. It also seems to have affected him emotionally as he now hates the Military (to whom he is indebted for 3 more years of indentured servitude) and is "in trouble" as a result and possibly headed for disciplinary action. He feels that the "truth" (conspiracies, collapse of economy, invasion, nuclear war, enslavement, etc.) makes his situation POINTLESS & INTOLERABLE. Already, he has been denied Christmas leave as a punishment. At his age, perhaps these RE­ALITIES (DANGERS) are harder to deal with than at mine? Did I do him a DISSERVICE? He, too, thinks I am "obsessed" over the JOURNALS etc., although he says "Yes, they are right". I felt I owed it to him to give him the OPERATOR/OWNERS MANUAL, all current Newsletters and PLEIADES CONNECTIONS to try to "save his Soul" if the worst case scenario happens soon--was I right? I nor his mother can "Save him (soul)", only he can do it! His mother worried that it would DESTABILIZE him EMOTION­ALLY, and it has, but agreed he had a right to KNOW THE TRUTH!

    [H: This is a hard one for parents and loved ones to balance in wisdom. You must, however, remember that an adult is only a "tall" child for the brain is the same--only the "experience" is more extensive--though not necessarily wise. The "disservice" and "unforgivable" would be to continue the LIE--most especially IF you know a thing to be lie. It is not the "TRUTH" which shall make his way unstable--it is as with all things, the wisdom or folly with which he handles the Truth vs. the lie. If he has the wisdom and capability of handling, "literally", the books it means nothing if they are found in his keep. All he has to do is shrug and suggest that they are simply reading material sent to him--"most of which seems to be pretty ‘far-out'". If he gathers a group and trouble comes forth in the "name of those books" he has not acted in wisdom for he has put the material and himself at great disadvantage for future action.

    If he holds quietly strong in his insight, he can utilize the forthcoming "shedding" of some 700,000 military personnel to his advantage. He can associate himself with a "conscientious objector" affiliation for validity and begin to process papers. If he chooses to stay in the service and gain wisdom and confirmation of TRUTH (an excellent place to prove the TRUTH) then he must be "clever as the serpent and gentle as the dove". Military disci­pline of self is good if you never give that POWER WITHIN away to that commanding officer. You can participate without giving away your power of God. These young people are now here for a magnificent purpose and THEY NOT ONLY HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW TRUTH--THEY MUST COME INTO THAT KNOWING SO THAT THEIR OWN PURPOSE CAN BE SERVED. Patience must always be the watchword for you can NEVER out "strongarm" the "rulers". It is patience in wis­dom which shall allow prevailing. Truth will never harm for it can only strengthen for you MUST KNOW THINE ENEMY! WISDOM IN ACTIONS ALLOWS YOU TO RISE ABOVE YOUR ENEMY.]

    I am not yet able to obey and keep all the "LAWS" (especially the ones on anger/hate, etc., or the one on Marital Sexual Relation­ships beyond the age of child-creating) but am trying to. [H: oops! I can offer you a lot of relief of the conscience. Few can whip these emotions into line immediately--especially the desire for ful­fillment. Just always look at why you do a thing or "feel" a thing and evaluate it carefully. If you share equally in all instances--the intent is correct. If you "use" any action as escape, ego mas­saging, self-pity, insecurity, etc., WATCH OUT! Man is not expected to be perfection for that is of God alone and that for which we all seek in service and intent. You are birthed of flesh and trained by flesh and you cannot totally separate from the flesh lest you cease to be "man" and can no longer serve in your manifested placement. Look upon these things with wisdom and discernment. Now, however, I shall give you the punchline: you know that the things of flesh pass in swiftness and the senses only are hyped to expect more and more and more and actually the fulfillment cannot be found in the physical experiences for the enemy always keeps the goal out of reach. AS YOU MOVE INTO FULL COMMITMENT AND DIRECTION OF PUR­POSE YOU WILL FIND YOU HAVE NO "TIME" TO WASTE IN SUCH TRIVIAL EXPERIENCES AND THE "PROBLEM" PERCEIVED WILL TAKE CARE OF ITSELF. IF YOU FO­CUS UPON IT IT WILL DISALLOW YOU ANY OTHER ACTION. YOU MUST GROW INTO AND WITHIN THOSE WONDROUSLY BALANCED LAWS AND RESPONSIBILITY AND ABOVE ALL--FORGIVE SELF, IT IS NOT THE EMO­TIONS WHICH ARE CULPRITS IN EVIL OR SELFISHNESS‑-IT IS THE LACK OF WISDOM AND DISCIPLINE AND IT IS THE LATTER ACTION FOR WHICH A MAN IS MEA­SURED--ALWAYS!]

    My soul intent is--I hope--GOOD and I yearn to cast off physical habits, activities, desires, and obsessive practices and pray that I can be "accepted" as a "probationary candidate" (of "Good Intent") [H: Son, and so you have it!] if not deserving of nor ready for immedi­ate "promotion"! I can't think of any other reason to continue in physical form if all the Elite Plans are successful. [H: I suggest that it is ONLY through ones such as yourself remaining in the physical state of being which shall insure that the Elite Plan DOES NOT WORK.] I feel that I have lived as many lifetimes as almost anyone else here--mostly killing and being slain on Battle­fields throughout History. [H: Ah so--killing and being killed. "Willing to die" is not at point, then, is it? Therefore, consider "willing to live" for an ideal and willing to serve to leave a legacy of Truth and freedom to the children--that is a worthy plea, indeed.]

    I am heartily SICK of reincarnation. [H: GOOD! But it is the failure of mission fulfillment and falling short of purpose which causes you the misery--not the experiencing. It is the experiences in wrong actions and distractions from the "path" that causes anger and self-disquiet. Get on the right purpose and you shall feel most differently about your manifestation. By the way, you ARE a very old soul and certainly experienced enough to be learning "better" but you have magnificent company in the jour­ney unto THIS graduation, friend.] I surely do NOT want to get "stuck" on another such planet for another million years with all those Luciferian, masonic, zionist, conspiratorial evil murderers. I pray that Hatonn feels I have a "fair" chance to pass "Sananda's" Judgement (even if only Probationary as a "student") on one of his beautiful craft off this evil planet! [H: Fine, I thought for a while that you might not ask to use your room!]

    In conclusion I want to thank all of you, like Dharma's unselfish and exhausting labor, and most of all Hatonn & Sananda for allow­ing me to live long enough to LEARN REAL TRUTH about every­thing, including Christ's (Immanuel's) real experience here; "real" History; the Laws; the workings of the Universe, etc. Of course, I'm not so sure that I'm enjoying it! [H: Ah, but you ARE--you are finally really enjoying the experience for now it has purpose. So be it.]

    I am filled with AWE at all of you. To repeat--I think your courage exceeds what I saw around me in battle in Viet Nam. For example, the Green's and Ekker's are more courageous, more self­less and willing to die or suffer to serve their "brothers" than the bravest soldier on any battlefield. I wish I had your (their) courage and dedication and energy and temperament (Balance). Maybe I can reach the "God Fragment" within me to emulate you (them) in a small way. [H: Son, you have passed that line on the road. These ones see nothing in what they do which merits special "anything"; it is much as a soldier with a job to do--you "just do it" because you make a commitment. Then, the way is opened and the path shown. Your job is NO LESS URGENT OR IM­PORTANT--ONLY DIFFERENT!]

    I cannot express in WORDS my LOVE and HONOR for/of HA­TONN, SANANDA and all of the Space Brothers and Angelic Be­ings who also serve, suffer, risk "death" [H: Nay, nay--"risk LIFE"], patiently observe pathetic human experience for so very long. All I can think of to say is "THANK YOU FOR LOVING US ENOUGH TO KEEP TRYING, IN SPITE OF...." [H: I shall humbly accept that appreciation on behalf of my crew who serve long and diligently so that their own growth can mature. It is in­frequent that ones recognize them in their journey to your place for the understanding of such travel and service is "forgotten" in your bound society. Yes indeed, it is time to remember that you can "fly" and the journey to God requires that first step in the direction of God--all else will follow if the path be maintained.]

    I have a longer way to go than my own wife, or any of you or most of your readers and subscribers and helpers, but I hope to get there. [H: No, son, you do NOT! You are there and fail to rec­ognize it. I am sorry to be blunt--but the excuse of being behind will no longer be acceptable--you are a long way out front and I suggest you look at it most carefully--for before, and only "before", were you in want of "catching up". Truth once learned cannot be "unlearned" and KNOWING is innate--it is only pur­pose you now wish to isolate. Since there is no plan greater than is God's, then you must, therefore, realize that the God Plan is also right on schedule. It is only that you ones want to have the plan be "your way" and it rarely is.] My life is so changed in just these few months (right now not all that much better "emotionally" for reasons I frankly discussed but certainly enriched/improved SPIRITUALLY [H: If the illness be healed in thine spirit--ye have no other illness!] and most probably intellectually, too. I can't think of anything that could get me to stop reading the rest of the JOURNALS, etc., except death, of course. My wife is supportive. She listens patiently as I read out loud every night, although she "knew intuitively" the "gist" of these Truths years ago. She is an 1/8th In­dian with an "attunement" there spiritually; is somewhat "Psychic" (She knew I was wounded in Viet Nam before the telegram arrived), somewhat "telepathic" with our son, and is a good Hypnotherapist. She told me years ago, "Life is an ILLUSION; it all means nothing; why get ANGRY at things"? [H: Well, she has simplified it a bit too much. It is an illusion but it means EVERYTHING! By and through the physical experience and expression is growth at­tained and mastered through ability to "act" in "choices". It is a "great" subject and I shall not begin it here as the day rows short and the writing long--but THAT IS WHAT is meaningful indeed--it means everything as to your next experiences. I un­derstand "what" she "means" by the statement regarding "anger" but I also want you to understand. The human experience is the most blessed allowance for growth of all dimensions for within that experience comes separation of that which is and is not and that which is enhancing to soul and that which deters soul growth and expression. Further, to be allowed experience in this time of GREAT CYCLE changes is a gift of gifts for ye ones can change of a civilization and planet if you but wish to do so.]

    My own mother came to Phoenix to learn and teach Hatonn's and Sananda's Truths and tried to tell me a lot of what I now read in your material but I didn't listen! (Robotoid Presidents!?!? non­sense!, etc. She died before I accepted these Truths. I think she had AUDIO TAPES of SOLTEC or someone back 5 or 7 years ago, perhaps. I'm sure she obtained your material. [H: Each bit of in­sight must come in its own proper sequence and all that has happened now is that it is your time to "see" and it is through those who came before and planted the seeds--that the harvest can now have reaping. She (your mother) is no less present now than then and can enjoy watching her own tree bear fruit--you ones have no imagination of what comes "next" for you have "forgotten"--it is aptly referred to as "awakening". Honor the parent who gives unto the child the breath of knowledge and Truth so that at some time within the journey it can be recognized.]

    I've taken up too much of your valuable time. But I NEEDED to WRITE these things! All of you humans, and Hatonn and Sananda and all the "Hosts" have given me a new chance SPIRITUALLY and I am GRATEFUL. May God grant me the Inner will and strength to "Raise my Frequencies", do a better job at the "Laws", and get a "Promotion", even if probationary, at "LIFT-OFF". I want to go to a better world. [H: Ah, but it is the perfection of the ones who in­habit another "world" that makes it wondrous. There is naught wrong with your present world save that which has been perpetrated against her perfection. It is for that purpose of growth that this wondrous "Mother" has given ultimate service--that YOU might learn and grow and allow her own birthing into her rightful place as a life-form in perfection in the places of the Fa­ther's Creation. We are most happy to have you aboard, sir. What took you so long? You must understand God's wondrous ways in which He brings forth His miracles--for the miracles are only in the eyes of the beholder. I salute you.]

    At the end of this letter (for which I apologize as to length, "ramblings", and "boring parts") I append a PRAYER that my wife received from _?_ (Inner voice, Guardian Spirit, Space Brothers, God??) after I had "badgered" her to give me something to say every night that would "raise my frequencies", "protect me", "get me closer to God", etc., because I didn't know what to say (shamefully, I admit I had not prayed much since Viet Nam). What do you all think of it?

    I AM the Light--so be it.
    I AM from within and without the Light--so be it.
    I AM ONE in God's Light, I AM that Light--so be it.
    I AM the shining being of God's Light from within and without--so be it.
    I walk and live in the Light at all times forever--so be it.

    With LOVE IN GOD,
    Terry (and A.) D.


    Ah, and so another lesson for you precious chelas: Unless a man loses his way--how can he know when he has again found it? If you recognize not Truth--how can ye know the LIE? SO BE IT.

    I, Hatonn, am no "greater" than are you--I have only been allowed a journey which gained me wisdom in that Lighted Truth and now I am allowed to serve with you of my brothers who have journeyed into the morass to serve in thine purpose, the Creator's wishes--I, therefore, am more blest than you for even though you can see the mischief, you are not allowed the vision in tangible form so you have the harder task of the two but in the ending the goal is but ONE and in that service we cannot fail--for it is KNOWN--in the ending, GOD WINS!


    Last edited by wave; 2010-07-31 at 11:29.

  2. #10
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 41
    CHAPTER 17

    WED., DECEMBER 18, 1991 8:24 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 124



    Hatonn present in the Light of Holy God in Radiance. What I am going to say, I say this day so that it can be remembered as to date and time of day. It is Oberli's so-called birthday which means nothing except "death counting" but it will trigger memory at a later time as to when I told you this information.

    We did not write at all yesterday because Dharma was not able to write of these things because of the heavy burden of speaking of such matters. She trusts ME, she simply cannot yet--like you--con­ceive that your own brothers have so deliberately destroyed the wondrous nation of America. The facts, even on the non-news, tell you that it is true and yet, final confrontation and acceptance is elu­sive and painful. In addition, the Federal legal "eagles" are effort­ing, now, to keep the property case from a jury trial. The intent is, chelas, that no-one will be able to fight the government and win. The effort will always be to allow the lawyers to make more and more and more money on the cases and totally deplete the ability of citizens to stand. Already they have five to one, attorneys. They have further been able to adjust the court to insure the very judge that is on their side with prejudice will be in charge of appointing the judge to hear the trial.

    The logical response is to petition for relief--but to whom do you petition? The ones to whom you can petition are the ones who are bringing down the sledge. Ah yes, Satan is alive and well on planet Earth!


    I shall not go into detail herein for I have workers who need details in private first, but I must give you information for two reasons. Firstly, regardless of how many of you may or may not "believe" in our (Hosts) presence--the adversary and your planetary enemies DO. We have constant interchange with them.

    What is taking place at Edwards Air Force Base is in preparation of bringing total military control (from the air) upon you ones and in­sure that the West Coast does NOT survive in workable order fol­lowing the major earthquake. It is but one point of focus. Note that the Madrid Fault is again in uppermost attention as well.

    Note that your government is discharging over 700,000 military per­sonnel and causing a shutdown of weapons. These are things, pre­cious ones, that Russia is NOT doing--they are BUILDING NUM­BERS AND WEAPONS.

    You efforted at a "first strike" a couple of weeks ago and you were rendered helpless within 5 seconds of launch. In addition, "they" provided you with a mislabeled target! They had your intelligence, knew of your test firing and had, in fact, kept satellites in orbit that should not have even been in service--for you to strike.

    Note the SHOW of nonsense in the new "Commonwealth". Note who is nicely keeping silent and who is making the rounds for "show and tell"--i.e., Mr. Baker. Note also that Baker has been asked to JOIN the Commonwealth council. Well, you have had your nation signed away. What you don't know is that Mr. Bush has been qui­etly flown via "Blackbird" and a treaty through law of Executive Order has been already signed to bring you within the Common­wealth in point. As it shakes down you will become under the mili­tary rule of the old Soviet Union through the United Nations. This means, dear ones, that the Zionists will be the enforcers in the U.S.A.

    Note the economy. General Motors is all but defunct and that one industry has been the guideline for the state of your nation. Greenspan is babbling again and now SAYING that they lied to you before in efforts to avoid panic. He keeps babbling right before sub­committee hearings--by Zionists who didn't seem to have anything else to do during the Christmas recess. This, again, has been carefully planned so that ONLY the key players in the adversary game would be on hand to vote, etc., as emergency measures are placed before the so-called Congress. Most of the Congressmen who have gone home have done so deliberately SO THEY DO NOT HAVE TO VOTE!


    More and more eroding of EVERYTHING will take place quite rapidly, now. It will be insured that you begin to feel terrible shortages of food, fuel, housing and life substance. You will be depleted of funding and unable to afford medical care, self defense, housing and all of the things of living--in the winter--wherein you have to sell your souls back to the government just to survive until spring and summer without freezing. The point is to cause all of you to under­stand that it is better to be under another type of government than to continue in your death throes. What will you do? Capitulate! What SHOULD you do? Whatever you feel is of your own choosing. The warnings have flowed and you silenced your hearing and now the reclamation becomes all but impossible as a free nation under God. You have cast aside the Christ behavior which would allow your power and strength to endure and replaced it with "MAN'S" TALMUD OF THE ADVERSARIAL ELDERS. So be it.

    You will be given a big song and dance of the wondrous oppor­tunities to "join with the commonwealth of nations into which all European Communities will be sucked--you know, this nice NEW WORLD ORDER--ONE GOVERNMENT WITH DICTATORIAL RULE BY MILITARY FORCE UNDER THE SOCIALIST KHAZAR ZIONISTS. You know, those that you just gave recogni­tion to in the United Nations. They are NOT "JEWS" as you think of "Jews"--you have been duped, betrayed and defrauded. I do pity you for that which comes henceforth.


    I honestly cannot answer you for the nations' citizenry is being brought down to poverty and helplessness on all fronts. You see, they lie on the TV and all media and press. Look at the Moscovites, for instance, as they TELL you how horrible it is! They are better dressed than are your own citizens in any major city except on the Elite streets functioning on money stolen from you-the-people. As the announcers speak, YOU are being told EXACTLY THAT WHICH IS COMING TO YOU. This is done as mind-manipulation so that you are ready and accepting.

    "Well, they won't take me," some of you say! Oh yes, they will--for they won't "start" by being so obvious--they suck you into a couple of payments of unemployment, welfare, etc., and then you gradually become totally helpless. For instance, they will disallow food for your baby or self until you turn in your gun, etc.!

    "The moving finger wrote and having writ--MOVED ON!" Do you get what I just wrote? "...MOVED ON!"

    There were a whole grouping of events which were pronounced as having to be accomplished before and during the year 1992 to ac­complish total take-over by 2000. We have told you all about them over and over and over. 1992 is HERE. Your major depression happened in 1990 and the lie continued to and through now. You use your stock market as a guide to your nation's economy? It has been a game of the Elite for decades now and YOU didn't notice. The stock market has NOTHING to do with you-the-people. It is still only a clue so that you can see what "they" are manipulating. "They" still expect it to climb to about 3500 before they allow it to collapse. They still expect to push gold to over 3,000 dollars/ounce before that collapse. This is so that all you nice TV watchers can believe your jobs are coming back in the industrial surge speculated by Bush to you gullible hopers. After all, you will think, "...a few months on welfare, etc., won't be bad--I'll have a bit of vacation!" No you won't--you will have a very, very LONG vacation--there is NO INDUSTRY TO RETURN TO. When the new industries come back into operations--it will be in other places of the Commonwealth where the peasants are not so spoiled to high wages.

    It is done and the undoing would have to be an override by Congress--immediately. Do you expect Congress to do anything? They have arranged it most carefully so they would not HAVE to do anything.

    Why do you think Mr. Bush will not share any of his "secrets" on the economy plans, medical plans, etc., until January? Because he expects those things to be dissolved by then and after all, if things don't get taken care of in time--they will simply give you more heaps and piles of BS. They are efforting to arrange to be able to tell you that unified PEACE is now possible through the Soviet collapse and willingness to do things "Your Way". You will think, "How nice, OUR way". No, it will be very definitely "THEIR WAY"! for you don't yet understand who "THEY" really are! I suggest Coleman get that book on the Committee of 300 out post-haste. Only if you KNOW your enemy is there even a remote prayer of standing against him. You will be brought under financial control and monitoring through the banking industry called Federal Reserve which will be the U.S. branch of the Bank of International Settlements and Committee of 300. How many of you even realize that you must "order in advance" cash over a minimal amount? Banks are only paper processing offices.


    Every plan and goal of the adversary has come full-onto the track of fulfillment of their assigned jobs, including the Postal SERVICE which is a private concern. They have now placed postage rates at a level so high as to disallow most information to be sent forth. Be­tween postal rates and confiscation of information--they are sealing off the routes of information. America West is literally going to ei­ther close or change locations or both! The (California) "IRS" is down on George Green like he has thieved ten tons of gold--OVER $26 DOLLARS DISCREPANCY IN PAPERWORK! But you see, the adversary can and does "dicker" and "bargain" with the Postal Service and gets wondrous rates for their mailings--very selectively indeed. Can you see that with total control of the government, edu­cation, media, press, postal service, churches and doctrine, and travel--YOU ARE DOOMED? WELL, THEY ALREADY HAVE

    And what will the crew and Hosts do? We are doing that which is our commission--the bringing of TRUTH. It is up to YOU from here on out (literally) as to that which we do. We can get God's flock off the place and have a "vacant" seat in which to drowse if it comes down to ending now. Or, we shall continue to serve beneath the fray for as long as we can. Our thrust will be to get a remnant through--WILL YOU BE ONE OF THEM? That decision is most certainly up to you because I cannot choose for you. I can only promise that there will be FEW LIFT-OFFS FROM THE CRYS­TAL CATHEDRAL FOR HOLY GOD'S HEAVENLY MAN­SIONS. THE TEMPLES OF GOD ARE WITHIN HIS CRE­ATIONS AND ONE WHO NEEDS A CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL TO HIS OWN IMAGE AND EGO IS NOT EXACTLY IN TUNE WITH GOD WHO ONLY LISTENS WITHIN.

    PJ 41
    CHAPTER 18

    WED., DECEMBER 18, 1991 10:46 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 124


    I believe as we finish this segment of discussion regarding Zionism, Racism, Holocaust, etc., that this portion will close the JOURNAL so that the volume does not get too unwieldy.

    I cannot leave the subject without a discussion regarding this Zion­ism as a form of racism and the retraction of the UN resolution re­garding same. As you can see, the resolution withdrawal came at the most convenient time while there are already major problems in the Peace talks and the Israelis are flowing into more and more lands of Palestine--deliberately--to shut-down the talks.

    Since most of you do not understand the original condemnation and WHY Zionism was proclaimed a form of racism I think I should give you some pictures of the situation. I also take the opportunity to again tell you that Zionism is not Judaism. Zionism is a political PARTY in which the participants only use "God" as an excuse to get the physical property of others. They are without "God" and de­nounce Christ and behavior as to Christ-ethics.


    Do you believe that to now say Zionism is not racism will make an iota of difference? It could have some positive effects if, in fact, the whole of the U.N. were not under total control--i.e., Israel would have to stand responsible as do other nations for their actions instead of crying and whining abuse because of racism and bigotry. Don't, however, count on it happening in fact. The Zionists have total control of your Government so it is highly unlikely that anything will change for by having control of your Government also means control from the U.S. segment of the UN.

    So what are we talking about? In 1975, the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of a resolution which con­demned Zionism as a form of racism. Since that time, the U.S., British, and Israeli governments, among others, have frequently de­nounced the resolution as outrageous and anti-Semitic. However, the truth of that resolution is proven by the system of harsh apartheid imposed on the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories.

    For Example, Jews living on the West Bank pay 30 cents for a cubic meter of water (264 gallons). Palestinians living on the West Bank must pay $1.10. Palestinians living in the Occupied Territories are forbidden to dig new wells or deepen existing ones, whereas Jews have no such restrictions. For such reasons, only 6 percent of Palestinian land is irrigated, contrasted to 69 percent of Jewish land. Average annual water use per capita for Jews is 170 cubic meters (44,880 gallons). Arabs receive only 25 cubic meters (6,600 gal­lons-18 gallons per day) per capita, which is below the level the UN has determined as necessary to maintain minimum health standards.

    That Zionism is a form of racism can be shown by examining infor­mation in the public domain. This includes statistics compiled by the Israeli Ministries of Agriculture and Housing, the Israeli Central Bu­reau of Statistics, and the Civil Administration, the entity which oversees the Occupied Territories. These data have been broadly published and analyzed over recent years by the West Bank Data Center and the Arab Studies Center of Jerusalem, the source of the data in this article. (Ed. Note: portions of this information and the maps are taken from Executive Intelligence Review.)

    Since 1967, and especially since the Likud government came into power in 1977, Israeli policy has been to ensure that the lands that it conquered in the 1967 war would and could never be returned. Map 1 (for all maps, please see last pages of this chapter) shows Israel and the occupied territories today--the Gaza Strip of Egypt, West Bank of Jordan, and the Golan Heights of Syria--all conquered in the 1967 war, and the "Security zone" in Lebanon, seized in 1982. We register in passing, but do not have the space to detail, that all of Israel, including pre-1967 Israel, is illegally occupied Arab land from the standpoint of international law. Israel was invented by the U.S., British and Soviet governments following World War II as a means of keeping the region continuously on the brink of, or in, war.

    In this report, we will focus on the West Bank as exemplary of Is­rael's imperial policy toward the region as a whole.


    The West Bank, about 5,800 square kilometers in area, is the home of about 1 million Palestinians (not including East Jerusalem, which has been "annexed" as part of Israel proper, and which we deal with separately). (Ed. Note: This is a population density of some 278 people per square mile; the equivalent figures for 1988 are: New York, 378; California, 181 and Nevada, 9.6.) About 35 percent of the Palestinian population are farmers. The most important population centers are Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah, Bethlehem, and Hebron. The overwhelming number of Palestinians in the West Bank live ei­ther along this Jenin-Hebron urban axis or to the west, where all the best agricultural land is located.

    From the standpoint of supplanting the West Bank Arabs with Jews, the Israeli government is faced with several problems.

    In 1967, the West Bank population was approximately 590,000, all of whom were Arabs. The population lived in a concentrated urban and agricultural region, and had a high birth rate of over six children per couple.

    The Jews, on the other hand, had a small population, only 2.3 mil­lion Jews in all of pre-1967 Israel, and had a low birth rate of about two children per family. Moreover, there was a marked tendency for Jewish emigration out of Israel, especially to the United States, which was not then counterbalanced by Jewish emigration from Eu­rope and the U.S.S.R.

    Since that time, the Israeli authorities have carried out a policy of population warfare which has had the following characteristics:

    1. An invasion of Jews from pre-1967 Israel into the Occupied Ter­ritories, combined with a massive increase in the emigration of So­viet Jews beginning in 1989. More than 220,000 Jews now live in the Occupied Territories of East Jerusalem and the West Bank; 200,000 Soviet Jews emigrated in 1990, and another 200,000 are expected in 1991. By 1994, Israel expects to have received 1.2 mil­lion immigrants--representing a 30 percent increase in its total Jew­ish population.

    2. A policy of constructing new Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories in such a way as to break up, and even encircle Arab population concentrations. Massive land seizures of Arab lands by the Israeli state have aided this process.

    3. Economic and administrative policies designed to bankrupt Palestinian farmers and generate chronic mass unemployment among Palestinian workers in the urban areas, in part to force emigration. This includes theft of Arab water.

    4. Terror, to break the population psychologically.

    I believe you can see that all four of these assaults have been utilized very effectively. Note that Palestinians still do not have ability to work in the Israeli controlled sectors since the "Gulf War"; their jobs were usurped for immigrants and there are still curfews on the Palestinians. The full curfew of Palestinians lasted for months following the massacre of Iraq.

    Note the full operation of non-cooperation with the Palestinians at the "Peace meetings" wherein "meetings" were held in the hall from opposite sides of the area--couches. Then Israel simply walked out and said, "Maybe next year"! You don't get a lot of this on the news, do you?

    I ask you again today, "...why expect so many immigrants from the Soviet Union that YOU in the USA have to pay $10 billion to house--if there IS no more Soviet Union and who would want to leave a "free" "commonwealth"? To go to a "free" Zion homeland? No, to move in and take more of Palestine and all of Jerusalem in order to "sacrifice" an entire planet! What of you "Christians"? Do you think you are going to be welcome in a "Christ-less" placement just because a "Christ" was birthed and lived in the area? Forget it and your fantasies--your religion, even, has been turned into "Judeo-Christian" and I suggest you check out which term is listed first! YOU HAVE NO "CHRISTIAN" RELIGION LEFT ON YOUR GLOBE!


    There are two distinct phases in Israeli government policy respecting Jewish settlement policy. The first phase, from 1968 through 1978, was when the Labor Party was in power. The second phase began in 1978, shortly after the Likud Party came to power.

    Although Labor Party policy continues to oppose the formation of a Palestinian state in the Occupied Territories, the Labor Party gov­ernment did not emphasize settlements. As of 1976, only 3,100 Jews had officially moved to the West Bank. During the first decade of occupation, primarily under a Labor Party regime, the average Israeli government investment in the West Bank was $75 million per year.

    Beginning with the Likud regime in 1977 (which has governed Israel continuously since, except for the period of the national unity gov­ernment of 1984-88), the number of Jewish settlers and settlements has grown explosively.

    Compared to the 3,100 Jews living in the West Bank in 1976, by the end of 1980 there were 12,500. By 1982, 21,000. By 1984, 44,000. By 1986, 60,500. There are now 100,000 Jews residing there (and another 120,000 in East Jerusalem). This is the modus operandi of the Khazarian Zionists--they make their integration and takeover exactly as the mistletoe parasite--first just a few twigs and then the whole tree which then dies. This also kills the mistletoe eventually but it has made sure that it is established elsewhere with a few offspring twigs in which to kill again. It is also like cancer or AIDS--just one small cell introduction and the rest will follow as surely as night after day--sure and fatal.

    The government investment in the West Bank in the second decade of occupation was $17 billion--paid by the U.S.A.!

    Current Israeli government policy is to increase the Jewish pop­ulation of the West Bank another 100,000 by 1994. This is not "hidden" information--it is blatantly projected right from the Israeli government, Shamir and Sharon.
    There were 34 settlements on the West Bank at the end of the Labor Party regime in 1976. There are now 200.

    (Please Follow Maps)

    Map 2 was prepared by the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and the settlement department of the World Zionist Organization (WZO--one of the biggest lobby Political Action Committees [PAC] in the U.S.A.) in April 1983. The map indicates the Jewish settlement pri­orities within the region. The map also shows the existing areas of Palestinian population concentration. The plan envisioned the con­struction of 164 new settlements and a network of roads linking the "priority zone" settlements which bypassed Arab population centers. Eighty percent of the settlements and 50 percent of the roads have been constructed. According to the plan, all water and natural re­sources in the priority zones would be monopolized by the settlers.

    The intent of the policy is indicated by Map 3, which shows then-Defense Minister Ariel Sharon's 1981 notion of what portion of the West Bank might eventually be subject to Palestinian "autonomy". As can be seen, the Palestinian population will be fragmented into half a dozen "bantustans".

    The planning reflected in Map 3 is intended to create the conditions whereby there is no contiguous strip of Arab land which could be­come even one "Bantustan", let alone a state. This concept was ex­plicitly stated by Mattiyahu Drobless, the head of the WZO settle­ment department which prepared the map. As early as 1978, Drob­less, in motivating the plan, stated, "There is to be not a shadow of doubt regarding our intention to remain in Judea and Samaria. A dense chain of settlements on the mountain ridge running southward from Nablus to Hebron will serve as a reliable barrier on the eastern front against Arab states. Both the areas between the concentration of the minority population (i.e., the planned Arab minority) and the areas around them must be settled, to minimize the danger of the es­tablishment of another Arab state in the region".

    A central feature of this plan, not indicated on the maps, is the spe­cial case of Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the natural and historic capital of Palestine. "West" Jerusalem was seized by the Zionists in 1948. "East" Jerusalem, then the regional capital of the Jordanian-ruled West Bank, was seized in 1967. Shortly thereafter, Israel formally "annexed" East Jerusalem as forever unified with West Jerusalem as the "eternal capital" of Israel. The rest of the West Bank remains occupied or, as the Israelis say, "Administered" (much as "restructuring" of totally bankrupt U.S. companies [make the label to fit the "show"]) and not formally part of Israel. Would you care to guess what happens when you go against this "formal administra­tion"?

    Last spring, Housing Minister General Ariel Sharon, terrorist top leader just a few years back in the Stern Gang, announced plans to transform Jerusalem into a "megalopolis", increasing its Jewish pop­ulation from its present 360,000, to a million, while keeping its 135,000 Arab population static or reducing it. Already, 120,000 of this 360,000 Jewish population lives in East Jerusalem. A key fea­ture of the plan is the rezoning of Jerusalem in such a way as to ex­tend deep into the West Bank territories, breaking through the Jenin-­Hebron Palestinian "front".


    In order to facilitate this occupation policy, the Israeli government has been seizing West Bank land outright.

    Since 1967, some 52 percent of all land on the West Bank has been declared the property of the Israeli government or otherwise re­stricted from use by Arabs. There have been various techniques used.

    One form of seizure was simply an Israeli takeover of former Jorda­nian government state lands. In 1967, some 525,000 dunams of West Bank land (a dunam is about a quarter of an acre) were regis­tered as the property of the Jordanian state. These lands were taken over by the occupying power, Israel.

    In 1980, the Israeli government reclassified "state lands" to also in­clude "uncultivated" or "unregistered" land--how handy, we just pronounce a thing to be and it IS. Do you not wish you could simply proclaim the vacant lot next door as "yours"? After all, the person who owns it is not using it as you would desire! This land, how­ever, was uncultivated because its owners had fled the invading Is­raeli ARMY into Jordan. This is even better, isn't it? Drive the neighbors off the land and into another nation and you won't have trouble with them ever again "trespassing". If they should be stupid enough to return to claim rights--DON'T GIVE THEM WATER OR POWER! As an example, these now vacated lands automatically re­verted to Israel (by Israeli law, of course). Such expedients have more than tripled state lands to about 1.8 million dunams.

    Israel has also expropriated another 100,000 dunams for "public use".

    I suggest you dear ones go read the Ten Commandments of Holy God--AGAIN!! Does this pattern fit with any of those Command­ments? Then WHAT GOD do you suppose the Zionists serve? If everything they do and experience is AGAINST THE LAWS OF HOLY GOD OF LIGHT/CREATION--GUESS JUST WHO THEY MUST SERVE! SIMPLE "DEDUCTIVE REASONING" WILL MOST CERTAINLY TELL YOU THE TRUTH OF IT! AND WHAT MIGHT THIS MEAN? IT APPEARS TO MEAN THAT THEY ARE NOT SERVING GOD OF LIGHT/CREATION AND, THEREFORE, IF YOU ARE NOT "FOR" GOD THEN YOU MUST SERVE ANOTHER-AND THAT MEANS YOU ARE "AGAINST" HIM. IF YOU ARE AGAINST GOD THEN YOU ARE ANTI-GOD AND THUS BY SIMPLE REASON YOU HAVE LOCATED YOUR "ANTI-CHRIST". I might also add, you have also located and isolated your Semites of which no so-called "Jews" are!

    Another form of takeover of land is through the declaration of an area to be "closed" for reasons of being in a "combat zone". While the land is not technically seized, the land can not be used by its owners. Through this technique, Israel took over another 1 million dunams.

    Israel also requisitions land for "military purposes", not only for use as military sites per se, but also for the construction of Jewish set­tlements since such settlements are legally considered to be part of the Israeli defense system. This stole another 100,000 dunams.

    Israel has also seized another 250,000 dunams as "nature resources", purportedly to defend the ecosystem.

    Since 1967, the boundaries of Palestinian municipalities have been frozen in size by decree. Similarly, government permission is re­quired before building new structures of any kind. The in­frastructure that has been built, such as roads, power plants, and phone systems, are for Jewish use.

    Do any of you recognize these tactics utilized in your OWN villages and cities, perhaps? Have YOU tried to dig a well or put up a garage lately? I you plan to construct a house I suggest you plan a minimum of $25,000 to $50,000 extra for permits and months of delays in planning approval. Then you move in, finally, only to find the government literally owns your property for the price of taxes which "they" assess! You had best look around carefully, America! It has already happened--TO YOU! Moreover, if you have land wanted by the government--they TAKE IT. You will fall to the enslavement gradually and most will not even realize you have been enslaved until the door is locked and the house is ablaze and you have no way of escape. Ponder it.


    Surely you can relate to this one, especially you who have had all of your water supplies taken by cities such as Los Angeles, leaving your own reservoirs empty. Also, in other areas YOUR wells are confiscated and restricted even for irrigation. WAKE UP, YOU ANESTHETIZED NINNY-BIRDS! YOUR NESTS HAVE BEEN STOLEN AND YOUR OWN OFFSPRING TOSSED OUT TO DEATH WHILE YOU HAVE FED THE CUCKOO HATCH­LINGS.

    Like most states in the Mid-East, Israel faces a serious water deficit of some 500 million cubic meters. The Israeli government estimates it faces a 2.2 billion annual cubic meter of water deficit by the year 2000.

    The Israeli government remains opposed to a longstanding project which would cut a canal from the Mediterranean Sea to the Dead Sea, and use that canal not only for transportation but also as a source of desalinated water for agricultural purposes. It is opposed to other water development plans. I fully suspect that one of these "God's" involved will cut that canal one of these days--like in the middle of Armageddon--right up the distinctive "Y"-shaped head of the Red Sea graben with Sinai in the center. Yes, I realize the above stated "Dead Sea" but I happen to know where the natural "rift" shall occur. Further, I expect it to be inhabited by some 144,000 settlers. We certainly do want Israel to have every inch of land pos­sible for occupation, vertical or otherwise.

    The Zionist state is also opposed to water development by its neigh­bors. According to Jordan's former Prime Minister Mudar Badwan, Israel successfully sabotaged a dam project which had been autho­rized by the World Bank on the Yarmuk River

    Since Israel is opposed to water development, its only alternative to its looming water shortage is further imperial conquest.

    The main sources of surface water of Israel and of the general re­gion, and the way Israel has positioned itself, through conquest, to steal the region's water, are shown on Map 4.

    In Lebanon, the Awali River is not yet under Israeli control, but a section of the Litani River now is. The reason is the need for water. According to reports, the Israeli government has been secretly con­structing an underground piping system to transport waters from the Litani River to Israel.

    The 1967 Israel war against the Arabs had the following results as pertains to the Jordan River system.

    The source of the Jordan River system, the main river system in the immediate area of Israel, rises in Syria's Golan Heights. By occu­pying the Golan Heights, Israel now controls the Jordan River at its source. Is this all beginning to make sense to you people?

    From there, the Jordan River flows south into Lake Tiberius. Fur­ther south, the Yarmuk River, which rises in Syria and Jordan, flows west into the Jordan River just south of lake Tiberius.

    Through their seizure of the Golan Heights, the Israelis also control the entire length of the Jordan River, on both sides, from its source all the way down to where the Yarmuk flows into the Jordan. Ear­lier, they merely controlled one side of the river, at best. The cease­fire lines also allowed the Israelis to control half of the length of the Yarmuk River, through its control of the Golan Heights, rather than the mere 10 kilometers of the river which it controlled prior to that war.

    Oh, you can't believe this is true? You cannot believe you would not KNOW OF THESE THINGS? How many of you ever even heard of the "Yarmuk River"???? Deceit is indeed easy, dear ones!

    The 1967 war also led to the occupation of the West Bank of the Jordan, giving Israel access to a large section of the Jordan River which had been entirely within the borders of the nation of Jordan previously.

    Taking advantage of these land seizures, Israel siphons off 100 mil­lion cubic meters annually from the Yarmuk River for its use. Ad­ditionally, Israel takes ALL of the water flowing from the Jordan River into Lake Tiberius, through its National Water Carrier system (see Map 4).

    By the time the nation of Jordan gets access to the Yarmuk River, the supply is much diminished. By the time Jordan gets access to the Jordan River, south of the Yarmuk, the Jordan is a trickle and so salty--due to excessive water diversion by the Israelis north of Lake Tiberius--that it has no agricultural value.

    Moreover, by seizing the West Bank land, Israel acquired access for the first time to the large West Bank aquifer under that land. Cur­rently, 40 percent of the water used within pre-1967 Israeli borders is met by piping water from the aquifer underneath the West Bank--I remind you that these "Elite" are very good at pumping things out from under another's property--i.e., Iraq drainage by Kuwait and Britain. Another large and ever increasing amount of water for Jewish settlers on the West Bank is taken from the same source. In 1982, then-Defense Minister Sharon annexed the aquifer, placing it administratively under the Israeli water authority, and out of the hands of the civil administration. In other words, whereas some land may be given back to the Palestinians in the form of a bantus­tan, the water system underneath the land is forever part of Israel.


    Terror against the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories is the state policy of Israel. This has been particularly the case since the beginning of the "Intifada", the generally peaceful "uprising" by the Palestinians against their Israeli occupiers. Data gathered by the Arab Studies Center of Jerusalem from December 9, 1987, when the Intifada began, through June 30, 1991, show a continuing pattern of genocide.

    In that period, the Israeli police and military killed 956 Palestinians of whom 247 were children under 16 years of age. Most were shot for such offenses as throwing rocks, often shot in the back while fleeing. During the same period, an estimated 113,500 Palestinians were injured--almost one-tenth of the Arab population in the Occu­pied Terroritories. The Israelis even make weapons (their number one product) available in the black-market just so there would be "reason" to kill the weapons bearers. Now I suppose that is consid­ered OK by some of you but I find it most outrageous.

    In addition to shooting, the Israelis carry out forms of punishment proscribed by international law, which represent another form of ter­rorism. For example, at least 15,000 Palestinians have been subject to "administrative detention" since 1967. To be detained means that one is confined without charges, without the right to trial, without any specified term of confinement, and possibly without the knowl­edge of one's family.

    Uprooting trees is another common form of punishment, especially because of its dire economic effect. I hope that at this moment you will relate this to what is happening RIGHT NOW in that area--Israelis are taking housing by force in Jerusalem and uprooting trees as fast as they can--it is even making your non-news so I suggest you take a close look-see! Since 1987, the Israelis have uprooted 110,000 trees as a form of punishment for families whose relatives have been caught throwing rocks or related offenses. Most Palestinians' farm products are orchard grown. Further, if an olive tree is destroyed the resource of oil, fruit, sapling growth for wood, etc., is destroyed. Remember that for centuries the source of oil in that area was "olive" and is a fundamental item for survival in that location of rural Palestine.

    Similarly, the Israelis have demolished or sealed 1,950 Palestinian homes.

    This method of terror is the imposition of curfews. Since 1987, the Israeli authorities have imposed over 10,000 curfew days on towns and cities in the Occupied Territories. This excludes the period from January 16 to February 25, the period of the Gulf War, when all Palestinians were restricted to their homes under blanket curfews. During the war, protein consumption in some towns in the Occupied Territories dropped by over 80 percent. Since no one could leave their homes to work, there was no money to buy food during the two hours a day that the Israelis allowed women on the streets to shop. New administrative regulations enacted during that period which re­strict employment by the West Bank Palestinians within pre-1967 Is­rael, have led to an increase in unemployment to over 50 percent.

    Dharma, close this segment, please, for I wish to now write on the subject of today's happenings for news is breaking rapidly and I need to clear up some points which appear to be contradictions to the intelligence teams who are uncovering some most interesting infor­mation. Oh, if only you precious readers would be able to SEE! I tell you to watch for it requires only attention to see the Bastards at their unholy work--just look at your "Democratic Party" debate and see what has happened when the Zionist media tried to shut-up Brown. The entire media is in an uproar as to how to silence him. You had better look at that most carefully today and here on in.

    Salu, Hatonn to stand-by.

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