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    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 41
    CHAPTER 11

    WED., DECEMBER 11, 1991 8:42 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 117




    On this day as you grow closer and closer to encounter and holo­caust, I shall attempt to respond to a couple or three major inquiries which pile Dharma's desk. The number one question, as might be expected, is "Who has USSR's nuclear arsenal"? As the lie of the "breakup" comes I ask you to harken back to FACTS. The entire scenario in the Soviet Union has been planned for decades and you are seeing the actors go through their lines right on cue. The point is to smother, freeze, starve and generally bring down the "Russian" people. Gorbachev was on his way out anyway--even I told you that. He has never been the central player and all of the subterfuge and shrouding and play-acting was for its purpose which has worked to perfection.


    I am giving you "headings" so that later it becomes easier to find subjects and connect your own pieces so that I can write and not "repeat". We now have ones working on indexing but it is slow and expensive so we work with that which we have. I appreciate your indulgence and patience but our little squad can do no more. Even though we gain more expertise in the area of computer use, etc., all of the expenses are still funded right out of this central nucleus so we continually go behinder and behinder. All I ask of you is patience and, please, if you make suggestions as to additional changes and more desirable production--also give us a solution to the "shortages" for at present our crew can do no more. There is already no rest in this crew!

    Perhaps if I share something with you in just one isolated case--THE reason that Ekkers go on and place themselves at such disadvantage and expense over the property in conflict is to hopefully attain title so that they can borrow fully against the property and keep this work flowing as long as necessary for the support to flow from other product outside the immediate--i.e., Law Center, etc. Then the prayer is that there can be "damages" enough to put the Law Center on an unshakable foundation. You see, we do not mix the operations except through labor so that there is never opportunity for accusa­tions of misuse of anything. Do we receive accusations? Of course--we have enemies upon our heads and backs like flies to a dying car­cass.

    There is something you must learn as we move into and along with our presentation and association. We are not a cult, group, church--etc. We are the Hosts of God come to prepare the "way". These ones here are workers efforting to fulfill committed missions--indi­vidually and unified only in production--each does what each is qualified to do and, in the interim--licks stamps and sweeps floors (whatever is to be done). GOD DOES NOT BEG! GOD TAKES NOTHING! GOD ONLY GIVES AND REGIVES, IF YOU REMEMBER YOUR PLEIADES LESSONS. THEREFORE, THOSE WHO PLACE A "PRICE" ON YOUR "SALVATION" ARE FALSE TEACHERS AND PREACHERS OF GOD. GOD DOES NOT BEG!


    Why do I take your time to speak of these things? Because the per­ception is that we have some sort of massive, hyper-wealthy "operation" and some sort of a NEW(?) cult confounding the in­nocent victims called people. I periodically have to set straight the record.


    I don't pick on the "Jews" as defined by Hebrew Judaists. I pick on the Khazarian Communist Zionists who are actually Socialists working toward and within dictatorships--void of Holy God and breakers of EVERY LAW of God and The Creation.

    I am accused of even picking on the "Star of David", symbol of these beloved "Jews". No, I simply set the record to straight--who do YOU, good Judaists, think the Star of David is honoring? That beloved of God, David? Perish the thought and allow me to inter­rupt at this point and set the FACTS to print:

    This also requires a bit of background history, which I realize bores you into stupor, but it IS necessary, even if you quickly forget it for all is relative to all.

    Let me start without backing up further than the twelfth century and I ask you to do research from the JOURNALS if you desire more historical facts.

    We will start with the group about that time which were referred to as "Kazarians" and the place, Kazaria. You will find that name readily referred to, especially in Italian historical documents.

    By this century the group of barbarians were pretty well quieted as to political power but the influence turned up everywhere and in the most unexpected places--this of these Khazar-Jewish influences. Their manpulation and influence continued to disrupt and suppress a large variety of people.

    Among these so-disrupted were ones called the "Seljuk", who may be regarded as the true founders of Muslim Turket. Towards the end of the tenth century, this other off-shoot of the Ghuzz had moved southwards into the vicinity of Bokhara, from where they were later to erupt into Byzantine Asia Minor and colonize it. They do not en­ter directly into this story, but they do so through a back-door, as it were, for the great Seljuk dynasty seems to have been intimately linked with the Khazars. This Khazar connection is reported by Bar Hebraeus (1226-86), one of the greatest among Syriac writers and scholars; as the name indicates, he was of Jewish origin, but con­verted to Christianity, and ordained a bishop at the age of twenty.

    Bar Hebraeus relates that Seljuk's father, Tukak, was a commander in the army of the Khazar Kagan, and that after his death, Seljuk himself, founder of the dynasty, was brought up at the Kagan's court. But he was an impetuous youth and took liberties with the Kagan, to which the Katoun--the queen--mightily objected (a real "oops" in fact); as a result Seljuk had to leave as he was banned from the court.

    You can find another contemporary source, Ibn-al-Adim (History of Aleppo), who also speaks of Seljuk's father as "one of the notables of the Khazar Turks", while a third, Ibn Hassul, reports that Seljuk, "struck the King of the Khazars with his sword and beat him with a mace which he had in his hand...." There was already present a most strong ambivalence of attitude of the Ghuzz towards the Khaz­ars. This has been outlaid excellently by Ibn Fadlan's writings and experiences of first hand encounter.

    Thus there was an intimate relationship between the Khazars and the founders of the Seljuk dynasty, followed by a break. This was due to the Seljuks' conversion to Islam (while the other Ghuzz tribes, such as the Kumans, remained as they were). Nevertheless, the Khazar-Judaic influence prevailed for quite some time even after the break. Among the four sons of Seljuk, one was given the exclu­sively Jewish name of Israel; and one grandson was called Daud (DAVID). These names, friends, were given because of the great influence of the leading families of the Ghuzz of the dominant Khazars. The house of worship was a "synagogue".

    Jewish names were at that time becoming popular, for instance, the sons of a Kuman Prince Kobiak were called Isaac and Daniel.


    The Primary Russian Chronicle was compiled by monks; it is satu­rated with religious thought and long biblical excursions. But paral­lel with the ecclesiastical writings on which it is based, the Kiev pe­riod also produced a secular literature--the so-called bylina, heroic epics of folk-songs, mostly concerned with the deeds of great war­riors and semi-legendary princes. The bylina were transmitted by oral tradition and were still chanted by peasants in remote vil­lages of Northern Russia into the beginning of twentieth century--and secretly--to this moment.

    In striking contrast to the Russian Chronicle, these epics do not mention by name the Khazars or their country. Is this not strange? Not really, when you consider that this is the modus operandi of these adversaries to humanity and God. What did they do with them then? Ah ha!--instead, they were referred to as Jews and their place of abode--"country of the Jews". More­over the inhabitants of the land of Jews were often referred to as "Jewish heroes" who ruled the steppes and fought the armies of the Russian princes.

    One such "hero" (not necessarily "good" hero but rather, in mean­ing, lead character), was a giant Jew, who came from the Zemlya Jidovskaya to the steppes of Tsetsar under Mount Sorochin, and only the braver of Vladimir's generals, Ilya Murometz, saved Vladimir's army from those Jews. There are several versions of this tale read­ily available for your perusal if you wish to investigate.

    The point to be remembered herein is that in the eyes of the Russian people the neighboring Khazaria in its final period by that name (like "Soviet Union") was simply the Jewish state, and its army was an army of Jews.

    Funny thing--the legends which circulated among Western Jews in the Middle Ages provides a most curious parallel to the Russian bylina. The popular Jewish legend does not remember a "Khazar" kingdom but rather, a kingdom of the "Red Jews".

    The Jews of other lands were most flattered by the existence of an independent Jewish state. Popular imagination found here a partic­ularly fertile field. Just as the biblically minded Slavonic epics speak of "Jews" rather than "Khazars", so did Western Jews long after speak of those "Red Jews". so styled because of the slight Mon­golian pigmentation of many of the Khazars.

    DAVID al-ROY

    The Khazars survived into modem times, and in fact, friends, so fascinated Disraeli that he used it as material for a historical ro­mance: The Wondrous Tale of Alroy.

    Now here we come to the point a bit more closely: In the twelfth century there arose in Khazaria a Messianic movement, a rudi­mentary attempt at a Jewish crusade, aimed at the conquest of Palestine by force of arms. [Still with me?]

    The initiator of the movement was a Khazar Jew, one Solomon ben Duji (or Ruhi or Roy), aided by his son Menahem and a Palestinian scribe. They wrote letters to all the Jews, near and far, in all the lands around them... They said that the time had come in which God would gather Israel, His people from all lands, to Jerusalem, the holy city, and that Solomon Ben Duji WAS ELIJAH AND HIS SON THE MESSIAH.

    These appeals were addressed to the Jewish communities in the Middle East. Not too much happened at the time but about two decades later the young Menahem assumed the name DAVID AL-ROY, AND THE TITLE OF MESSIAH. THIS IS IMPORTANT: Though the movement originated in Khazaria, its center soon shifted to Kurdistan (ever heard of the Kurds?). Here David assembled a substantial armed force of local Jews, rein­forced by Khazars--and succeeded in taking possession of the strategic fortress of Amadie, north-east of Mosul (surely you have heard of Mosul--like a LOT in the Gulf War?). The plan was to take this conquering army to Edessa, and fight his way through Syria into the Holy Land.

    The whole plan was a lot less quixotic than it may appear now, in view of the constant feuds between the various Muslim armies, and the gradual disintegration of the Crusader strongholds (the crusades were no better a movement). Also remember, wars are dandy ways to keep people busy and occupied with distractors. A lot of Muslim commanders welcomed the prospect of a Jewish crusade against the Christian Crusaders. You must realize that you people LOVE WAR AND DESPISE PEACE!

    Among the Jews of the Middle East, David certainly aroused fervent Messianic hopes. One of his messengers came to Baghdad and--with excessive zeal--instructed its Jewish citizens to assemble on a certain night on their flat roofs. Remember that the Sheejewples lead very easily by the ring in the nose, put there by the Elite Elders of great wisdom. If you tell them they are persecuted, they will insist upon magnificent persecution and hoodwinking and form armies against the "offender" even if the offender be their saviors. Nothing has changed except the names--the Plan has never changed one iota.

    So assembled, there they awaited "rapture", whence they would be flown on clouds to the Messiah's camp. A goodly number of Jews spent that night on their roofs awaiting this miraculous flight into la-la land.

    But the stuff hit the fan and chaos ensued. The rabbinical hierarchy in Baghdad, fearing reprisals by the authorities, took a hostile atti­tude to the pseudo-Messiah and threatened him with a ban. I think you won't find it hard to believe that there followed an assassina­tion of David al-Roy. His own father-in-law killed him while he slept--you see, he was bribed and a good Khazarian will never refuse an adequate bribe under any circumstances.

    Through the act, however, David's memory was totally venerated and a new symbol was set in cement. When Benjamin of Tudela travelled through Persia twenty years after the event, the people still spoke lovingly of their leader. But it did not stop there--THE SIX- POINTED "SHIELD OF DAVID" WHICH ADORNS THE MODERN ISRAELI FLAG, BECAME A NATIONAL SYMBOL WITH DAVID al-ROY. Ever since, the six-cornered "shield of David", theretofore mainly only a decorative motif or a magical emblem, began its career toward becoming the chief national-re­ligious symbol of Judaism. Long used interchangeably with the pentagram (the Satanic symbol) or the "Seal of Solomon", it was attributed to David in mystic and ethical German writings from the thirteenth century on, and appeared on the Jewish flag in Prague in 1527. By the way, the two stripes on that same Israeli flag represents the taking of all the lands between the Nile and Euphrates Rivers.


    The situation is so critical in the Soviet sector that even your new CIA Director is scared sillier than he already was. "It will be a bad winter for the Russians", he says. Indeed--and for America who is next for the identical treatment--no work, great depression, famine and total hardship. The Khazarians have landed and things are very bad indeed!

    Well, who has the nukes? Where is all the expertise which created those wondrous nuke-weapons? Oh my--didn't you know? Working now with Israel and other nations while you good tax-paying Ameri­cans pay their salaries. I thought that surely you knew! Your government wouldn't lie to you, would they? Just what do YOU suppose will happen to that more than 27,000 nuclear weapons?

    Guess WHO only has ONE GNP? That's right--Israel! Weapons and armaments paid for by you-the-people. They do not, however, honor any treaty, etc., which prevents them dealing with anyone-­anywhere--and they do so. A major interrelationship with the Soviet Union has been under way since "forever". So--smuggled Soviet atomic armaments and technological secrets have found their way into the freewheeling global munitions market--like the CIA/KGB/MOSSAD group (not plural). How is this dangerous nu­clear threat going to be stopped? Well, what you didn't know be­cause you were not told--is that the priority issue at the NATO summit conference in Rome in November was exactly this issue.

    On November 7, President George Bushwhacker held private talks with the leaders of major West European nations in the Italian capi­tal. The topic was the growing evidence that Soviet asset sell-offs were leaking nuclear designs and military devices into the booming international arms trade. They have not, however, leaked any of the information that would give any nation ability to dent their supremacy in "space" and/or pulse systems.

    Ah yes, you were told that all this "collapse of communism" would lift the specter of sudden nuclear holocaust from mankind--but alas, Khazarians, being what they are--have made it quite plain that even the Third World conflicts have all been fought with atomic contra­band weapons--and the world ignored it. You have whole nations in the process of dying from radiation and nobody noticed!


    So, now you move to this day--the "brains" behind the nukes now find themselves conveniently unemployed and, desperately seeking a livelihood in the only field they know, are offering themselves (coincidentally) to the highest bidder. Recruitment attempts by Third World countries are in high-gear and just lots and lots of "stuff" is going to Libya, Iran, Syria, Iraq, etc.--THROUGH IS­RAEL!

    Now you might say, "...that's insane--Israel will perish also!" Dear ones, the point is to GAIN THE WORLD and they do not care who perishes!! YOU CONTINUE TO MISS THE POINT!

    You now have, however, an international disaster. But they are NOT through with you good American taxpayers--you are going to foot the bill to dismantle the weapons already produced--or so you will think! No one is going to dismantle anything. Look to Iraq where they show the destruction of all those weapons. They show the same "three" (3) over and over and over again.

    Look at the folly: For decades, NATO has confronted a single rival--the USSR--with a strategic stockpile of megaweapons kept under so-called firm central and closely guarded control.

    That "evil empire" has now proliferated itself to infect every nation on the globe and now has the capability of containing all free nations into the prison of terror--while it looks like a flailing, dying lamb at slaughter. No, the slaughter will be yours--they have only changed the name to protect the criminals. In just this Union breakup facade, the Russians have created four of their own terrorist nations, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and Byelorussia and still show the controlling power in places such as Croatia. There never was--nor is there now--any intent for a freeing of nations nor peace nor secu­rity. You have eaten the bait and now you find it poisoned--and YOU WANT GOD TO FIX IT FOR YOU! NO THANK YOU! YOU HAVE HAD ONES TELLING YOU THE TRUTH OF IT FOR GENERATIONS--OUTLINING THE VERY DETAILS OF THE WORKING "ORDER" AND YOU PERSECUTED AND KILLED THE MESSENGERS--INDEED, NO THANK YOU. GOD ISN'T GOING TO FIX ANYTHING--HE DIDN'T BREAK ANYTHING.

    These newly independent republics are in a total state of flux and conflict--or so it appears. Only the "people" are confused, in flux and conflict--the "Order" is in total control and the conflicts are non­existent--the unity is more demonstrated than ever in history of the globe--it only LOOKS chaotic.

    An interesting point to watch is what is happening with the deluded wealthy Soviets as they see the net closing. This vast bureaucracy is frantically selling whatever it can--gold, diamonds, oil leases, ware­housed furs--everything--in an attempt to launder the money into for­eign accounts and hidden deposits--JUST WHAT THE BANKSTERS ORDERED!! Part of the point is to be "without" when the "revolution" starts--you don't get killed by the "have-nots" if you can convince them that you are also a "have-not".


    Weapons sales lead the list in this Bolshevik so-called bargain bazaar. The Soviet Union led the world in military exports for most of the last twenty years. A good average year is 1987 where proof is available in the record books--Moscow sold over $19.4 BILLION worth of armaments to Third World countries. This compares with U.S. exports which publicly stated a sales of $5.75 BILLION to those little Third World "backward" nations.


    Guess what: Many of these sales are known in the trade as "lead-ins" for nuclear weapons. I think a parable is more suitable here than would be simple numbers and statistics to demonstrate the method of deceit.

    Let us look at Zimbabwe. They have a "hard-fisted" government and in recent years they bought some 21 MIG-29 Fulcrum jets from the Soviets, for a whopping $700 million. (For some of you "inquiring minds"--look up your foreign aid to Zimbabwe! Perhaps it will show you WHY so many suffer from famine and disease from lack of aid and resources).

    Poor nations like Zimbabwe pay for such advanced fighter-bombers largely with barter goods and Western (American) aid. Next, look what happens--suppose the head of the Soviet trade mission--who is about to be fired anyway, along with his communist boss--tells them for an extra $5 million in cash they can have twin racks of nuclear-tipped air-to-ground missiles for those planes. Zimbabwe leaders will certainly be tempted, don't you suppose? Such super weapons would make them the most feared power in their part of the world, they will be told (and sold).

    Similar back-room bargains will be offered by some of the new re­publics, my doubting friends. Let us just example Kazakhstan, which now finds itself with an incredible arsenal of atomic weapons inherited from the Soviet Union but is desperate for hard currency earnings instead of such doomsday bombs.

    There are well-connected traders offering deeply discounted Soviet nuclear ordnance in the black market. Algeria, Ghana and even your old friend, Germany, have received many such under-the-table proposals--hardly even hidden by the tablecloth.


    In Germany (you know, that nation which had that big extermination program against those nice Jews?), federal police seized an entire cargo ship just last month (November, 1991). It was loaded with high-tech Soviet armaments DESTINED FOR ISRAEL.

    Do not act surprised: Israeli salesmen brokering Soviet military exports is the run-of-mill business venture in Israel. This is openly known throughout the world--'tis only YOU who have been sleeping, America. They are the outlaws who let the genie of nuclear proliferation out of the bottle. After conniving with this tiny country's secret super-bomb buildup for decades, the United States has no moral--and little legal--authority left to pre­vent other small nations from doing the same.

    NOTE: Remember that cute little friendly treaty drawn between Shamir and the Soviets after the Gulf War? Do you remember the world cheered that after all these years the Soviets and the Israelis would "recognize" each other and have "relations" again? Remember that? Well, you witnessed the signing of treaties which bind them together like blood-brothers and you, America, are only a side fringe-benefit to the conspiracy--hook, line and sinker.


    I can only ask that we reprint the document sent to us yesterday by one who didn't know "what else to do with it". I DO expect the Constitutional Law Center to get onto this immediately. I also want a copy sent to Little Crow--we cannot do this work without Native American unification and input. You ones will STOP the bickering among tribes, creeds, colors and accusing groups or you will perish as a nation. It is simple and factual. You as a nation have gone be­yond all bounds of moral and Constitutional boundaries. I hope the following sickens you as much as the freezing, dying Dakotas' Sioux of the last writing. This heinous criminal activity of the so-called federal government has no areas or boundaries of activity in behalf of the Elite Money-mongers. America--WAKE UP!


    NATION, NASP Newsletter, page 9. (Oct-Nov-91)


    Special thanks to Kicking Eagle
    for submitting this article for our publication.

    It is with great honor that I accept the challenge to help the West­ern Shoshone Nation to defend their homelands from unlawful U.S. Government actions.

    Since the coming of the first white man, the Indians of America have had to fight for their survival. The "Indian Wars" which took place, but were never declared, were mostly over land. the "Indian Problem" was that the Indians had the land and the Whites wanted it. If they couldn't obtain the land one way, they'd try another. The practice continues to this day.

    The U.S. Government has plans to round-up over 500 head of livestock which belongs to the Dann Band of the Western Shoshone. The livestock is on the Dann Band's ranch in Crescent Valley, Nevada, where the Danns have grazed livestock for generations.

    The Danns have had a self-sufficient livelihood for generations and are now being confronted with the destruction of their self-sus­taining culture and way of life through the U.S. government's seizure of livestock.

    The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is attempting to focus attention on grazing issues that became an issue after genera­tions of the Danns had grazed livestock on the same land. The basis for the Danns Bank's resistance is the legal issue of land title. Dur­ing the final court hearing in the 17-year battle with the BLM, the Danns rejected the concept of individuals and original title and advo­cated Tribal title on behalf of the Western Shoshone Nation. They thereby jeopardized their personal livelihood as individuals in order to defend the Western Shoshone as a nation. The Danns believe that Western Shoshone Tribal rights must not be allowed to be broken down to individual rights by the United States.

    The Western Shoshone Nation sees the U.S. Government actions as an act of genocide and is filing a formal complaint in the Federal Court. Council is also a plaintiff in a suit filed with the U.S. District Court, charging the government with negligence for failing to protect the Indians' rights and properties "from unscrupulous white men ar­bitrarily taking, encroaching, trespassing and inverse condemnation by the BLM". The lawsuit seeks to reclaim millions of acres of ancestral lands and more than $100 billion in damages. [H: I be­lieve you must realize that without something such as the Consti­tutional Law Center behind this work--it cannot succeed. To even hope to prevail, you must bring down the Constitutional Law without errors and it must be supported by POWER within that Constitution. If freedom and law cannot begin with the very Natives within the nation--you have no hope nor "right" to sur­vive as a nation of people. You must go right back to the begin­ning of your nation and set things to "right" and then, only then, can you rebuild your nation into freedom and sovereignty.]

    Is it a coincidence that the land used by the Dann Band is sur­rounded by mine claims for massive exploitation of gold? [H: It does begin to make more sense, does it not?] Raymond Yowell, Chief of the Western Shoshone National Council asks the question: How did the U.S. obtain title to the lands? IT HAS NEVER BEEN OBTAINED THROUGH PURCHASE, EXCHANGE, ACT OF CONGRESS OR EXECUTIVE ORDER! "NOR HAS THE TI­TLE QUESTION BEEN LITIGATED IN ANY U.S. COURT", he said.

    The Bureau of Land Management is gearing up to impound the Danns' livestock. Armed federal agents will be arriving at the ranch from California and Nevada to assist a private contractor with confiscation (theft) of the livestock. This will likely set the stage for an intense confrontation between the BLM and its hired cowboys, and the Western Shoshone Nation. [H: Is anybody harkening back to Wounded Knee? I warn you, Americans, this will be far bloodier than anything you have witnessed on a local level of confrontation for desperate people do desperate things.]

    The Western Shoshone National Council is calling for direct and meaningful negotiations with the U.S. Government. Chief Yowell says: "The Western Shoshone Nation vows to protect and defend our inherent rights as an indigenous nation against the U.S. Govern­ment". [H: When will the rest of you Sovereign united states citi­zens do as much?] He added: "In our long history of dealing with the U.S. Government, they have continuously ignored the treaty of Peace and Friendship signed with our Nation. It is called the Treaty of Ruby Valley and was ratified by Congress in 1896. Treaties are the Supreme Law of the Land, guaranteed by the U.S. Constitu­tion. The Dams are members of Western Shoshone Nation and are running their livestock within territory defined and described in this treaty.

    I ask each of my readers to respond to this article. Write or call your congressional representative. Demand that the U.S. govern­ment stop its attacks against the Western Shoshone People. Ask that they investigate the injustices against the Western Shoshone Nation. [H: I ask you, now, do you think the Alan Cranstons, Solarz, Bidens and such-like will do a whole lot in protection of the Indi­ans? The last laugh is going to be on you-the-people if you don't stand up and STOP this insanity and lawlessness!]

    The basis for Indian existence, tradition, culture, and survival of the people is in the land. If the U.S. Government can do this to the Shoshone, they could subject the land to local taxation.... and take it over. This cannot be allowed to happen!

    For America,
    Kicking Eagle.

    END OF QUOTING--Please don't let it also be the end of action.

    This will cause you ones to do investigation because I have given you all that was made available. The point of my not simply giving you all you need to track this, is that you are going to find such wondrously horrible other tales as you uncover the rat's nest and the clowns in the game. If you can have a government purposely giving forth offices of confiscation and criminal robbery as the Resolution Trust Corporation, think nothing of the Bureau of Land Man­agement--they have been at criminal activities far longer than the re­named RTC. Is anyone having any "fun" yet? Come on, citizens, it is a glorious time of experience for you have such a wondrous chal­lenge facing you. Life has reached this ebb of gloom through bore­dom and depression--let's get off those backsides and use the won­drous God-gift of "brain" and "fix" this broken planet. YOU CAN DO IT "IF" YOU WANT TO!

    Salu, Hatonn to clear, please.

    PJ 41
    CHAPTER 12

    WED., DECEMBER 11, 1991 2:45 P.M. YEAR 5, DAY 117



    America West is sending out a very large mailing to our brothers in the "healing" profession and I desire to focus the edition on the sub­ject in point. I shall not write most of the material for you need to realize that the problem is under your noses and I need not come through with hocus pocus from any other resource. I can only give my observations regarding that which is available to you. I must note, however, that if you continue in the so-called direction of or­thodox medicine--you will all end up dead far sooner than as if the profession never existed. Long ago the "healing science" ceased to be. You are now controlled to your very lives and wholeness of function by that Cartel made up mostly of Elite-connected money­changers. Your illness makes them wealthy--surely you cannot ex­pect good health from those who would commit suicide by offering you such.


    How many of you listen now and watch people scampering to get "flu shots" for the children and elderly first, because you are "short" of vaccine. I have never witnessed a deeper pile of you know what. By their own admission, the medical profession tells you that the flu strains are not the same as is the vaccine strains. So what are you doing? They also tell you that you will probably have some side-ef­fects--so be it. This is the same lies they give you in almost every intensive drive to fool you-the-people.

    I believe that one of the most costly (to health) and obscene things perpetrated on your children are immunizations. Long since has the intent of immunizations ceased to be curative OR SAFE! But you are over a barrel, aren't you? The children are not wanted in the schools unless they are vaccinated and thus and so and worse, some­times things are deliberately introduced in epidemic form to insure that you dare not miss those "shots". I do not mean to infer in any way that it is easy to decide which path to take with your babies or selves.

    I am going to start this subject off with a portion from Eustace Mullins--indirectly. It is from an article which is no longer avail­able, having been published in August of 1977. I liked the heading of this publisher--"HE WHO KNOWS THE TRUTH AND DOES NOT SPEAK OUT, IS A MISERABLE CREATURE". Further, I ask that you hear me for if I tell you Truth does it make me LESS YOUR FRIEND? Ponder it.

    I choose this writing to reprint herein because it is so applicable to today for it dealt with the GREAT SWINE FLU MASSACRE WITH SIXTEEN HUNDRED DEAD at the time of the writing prior to August of 1977.

    Eustace titles his exceptional work, and the book on the subject: MURDER BY INJECTION. You can get the book from several sources as well as America West. I hope you will consider getting the book because you will certainly save me a lot of work and time. We do not need to reinvent "the wheel"; we need to fix the one we have.

    Keeping the above in mind, let us just reprint:


    A long line of tense, and fearful, people had formed outside a lo­cal "health clinic". The line slowly inched forward, into a small room where white-coated "technicians" injected each person's arm with a virulent chemical poison. As the chemical hit their blood­stream, some of the victims slumped over and died immediately. They were quickly dragged into another room, while the "technicians" assure the nervous crowd. "There's nothing to worry about. They've only passed out." [H: I might personalize this by stating that Dharma was working at Children's Hospital of Los Angeles in the organ transplant, dialysis and kidney transplant division. ALL employes of that hospital were forced to take the injections or be discharged. She, herself, along with many--be­came very sick indeed. The ones who reacted in sickness were simply told the "shot" was too late to "stop the flu".]

    This shocking scene is familiar enough. We have watched endless movies of these atrocities, produced by victorious Jews who claim that these acts were really carried out by Nazis in Germany. The above scene, however, is not Germany in 1944. It is the United States, anywhere in this country, during the Great Swine Flu Mas­sacre of 1976. Only the warped mind of the Khazar Zionist could have conceived such a horror as celebrating the Bicentennial Year of the United States by carrying out a national campaign of genocide against its citizens, and by enlisting the President of the United States, Gerald Ford, to personally lead this campaign. [H: Mullins refers to these ones as "Jews" but I do not for the term, though ab­solutely correct, has long since become a "bad word"--so let us take away their ammunition to fire back at us! We shall call them Khaz­arian Zionists (KZ). In addition, I desire to make it plain that there are wondrous Judaists in the other healing arts, as well as medicine--who have no connection to this brood of false-Jews. Calling me an "anti-Semite won't cut it, brothers, for I am a Semite! If you like, I will even answer to the addressing to me as Ceresberg Hatonnstein. A rose by any name is still a rose--re­member it well. Also, lately, I and most of our readers have become card-carrying "Jews" demanding equal rights as (i)sraelites (God's chosen).] Ford's Folly, as it was later known, cost him re­election to the White House, as the suppressed information about the hundreds of victims slowly leaked out, but the true purpose of the campaign was a test run for a much more comprehensive national plan of "eliminating" "non-productive" citizens, which will be carried out at some later date.[H: Getting nervous? Well, relief must surely be spelled "vaccine" for AIDS!]

    The national program of swine flu injections was hardly under way before alarming "rumors" of sudden death and of terrible side effects such as various forms of paralysis began to alarm the American peo­ple. They were "rumors" simply because they were suppressed by the nation's press, and they were publicly denounced as "lies" by every public health official in America. After some weeks, during which the officials desperately tried to complete their announced goal of inoculating every person in American with this poison, they finally admitted that "one or two" people had collapsed and died of acute heart failure after having been administered the poison. In the ensuing weeks, this figure continued to be revised upward until the officials admitted that just over two hundred persons had died after being injected with the vaccine. The actual figure, which has never been released from Washington, is sixteen hundred persons who died immediately after being injected. Despite these casualties the offi­cials continued the program of injection until Dec. 16, 1976, when public outcry became so great that it was officially stopped.

    In the crucial period when the officials refused to abandon their pro­gram of mass murder by injection, one public health official in Penn­sylvania, a bearded hippie type with the accepted "Mad Commissar" appearance which is now de rigueur for the members of our Marxist bureaucracy, made his contention on national television that the vic­tims "would have died anyway". The cynicism of this statement would have done credit to the commandant of any Soviet so-called death camp in Siberia.


    No Nuremberg Trials have been proposed for the officials who planned and executed the Great Swine Flu Massacre of 1976, nor has the Washington Post's prize winning teams of "investigative re­porters" shown any interest in the murders. The explanation proba­bly is that they are still too busy writing further "revelations" about Watergate, which they still term "the crime of the century", and which lacked all of the conventional ingredients of sex, death or money, and which consisted solely of a few stooges being lured to break into a Washington office with the promise that convincing proof of the Democratic party's connection with Castro's Communist regime was to be found there. This "proof", which has never been made public, has now become stale news because of Jimmy Carter's desperate campaign to accord Cuba full diplomatic recognition, with the inevitable subsequent billions of dollars worth of aid to be lavished on its Communist thugs, to the soothing background of George McGovern's continuing eulogies to the purity and the beauty of Castro's great soul.

    [H: Before we go further, I remind you that this was written in 1976--fifteen years past. If bits and pieces disagree with current writings as I present them--KNOW that there would be far more facts and tid-bits than was available to Eustace Mullins at the time of this writing. More remarkable is that in the sequence of writings--each one has become far more insightful--but the basic foundation of the "Order" and the people of the Elite are all the same in every area of writing from banking to religion. The ones who are the tools of the adversary are in every area of experience on your globe--working EXACTLY ACCORDING TO THE RULES LAID FORTH BY THE ZIONIST PROTOCOLS OF THE TALMUD.]

    The American public has been led to believe that the swine flu massacre was a bipartisan political effort, as leaders of both the Democratic and the Republican parties joined in the campaign to herd the victims to the death offices of the "health" officials. Some supposed that it was merely another "big money" deal perpetrated by the Zionist biological parasites in their unceasing efforts to find new ways to milk their unprotesting host people. However, the entire swine flu program amounted to a mere $135,000,000, which is hardly peanuts to the rampaging KZs who regularly mount billion dollar raids on the United States Treasury. This sum represents only one tenth of the sum contributed by the American taxpayers to the State of Israel EACH YEAR! The ramifications of the swine flu massacre cannot be truly measured by the $135,000,000 windfall for the drug company executives who had picked up Gerald Ford's bills for twenty-five years in Washington, nor by the misleading figure of sixteen hundred dead Americans.

    The real story behind the swine flu murders is one of genocide and of a slow-acting poison which may takes years after the injec­tion to bring on death by cancer or heart failure. This story be­gins in the ironically named Federal Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia (yes, the same city which produced our present leader [Carter]). First, the federal scientists in this rat's nest in­vented a new disease, which they named the "swine flu". To this day, there has never been a single case of "swine flu" positively identified in any person in the United States! [H: You had better be thankful, for had the inoculations gone as hoped and planned--your nation would be dead and gone NOW from that sneaky little hand-made, Elite weapon, the HIV virus. Someone should take a very close and careful look at that "swine" vaccine. You may find a bit of sheep visna virus and bovine leukemia sprinkled among the injectables.] To trigger their demand for a national campaign of inoculating their new poison, the scientists claimed that a young soldier at Ft. Dix, New Jersey had died of the "Swine Flu". Now the disease was ready to ravage the entire population of the United States, with a projected death toll of from sixty to one hundred million victims! The scientists claimed that this disaster could only be avoided by the inoculation of ev­eryone in the United States.

    The fact was that there was not then and has never been the slightest possibility of any such epidemic. The young soldier at Ft. Dix had been suffering from exhaustion after a forced march. He was given some sort of injection, probably the swine flu vaccine, and then died. This death was then claimed as the "first victim" of swine flu. For many years, some of our young soldiers, as well as many political prisoners in our prisons, have been subjected to "medical experiments" by mad scientists of the type which the KZs claim were carried out by the Nazis. Although thousands of pages of testimony were taken down at the Nuremberg Trials from Jews who claimed to have been the subjects of the Nazi experiments, their sole purpose in testifying to these "atrocities" was to lay claim to lifelong payments of benefits, which they have subsequently col­lected from the captive German people. In the United States, thousands of victims of these medical experiments have never been able to collect anything, including the family of the young soldier at Ft. Dix. Nevertheless, his death set off an overwhelming national "demand" for an immediate swine flu vaccine program. The press, as usual, was only too glad to cooperate in this atrocity. Every pub­lic health official in the United States leaped into the campaign with their knee jerk conditioned reflex as soon as they received their or­ders from Moscow-on-the-Potomac. The campaign was given its fi­nal blessing by the less than regal figure of the then President of the United States, Gerald Ford. The fact that he was condemning hun­dreds of American citizens to death bothered him not for a moment, but retribution came in the public fear and dismay created by the revelations of the many deaths of the swine flu campaign. This fear provided the last straw which sent the delicate balance of an unde­cided electorate tipping over to Jimmy Carter. One of his principal aides, who later disappeared amidst revelations of bad checks and fraudulent deals, publicly said. "We would never have made it with­out the swine flu victims".

    In retrospect, is this so strange, when we recall that the entire plan for the massacre originated in Atlanta, Georgia, as the base of Carter's entire Presidential effort? And does this explain the desire of the Jewish television industry to pay off Gerald Ford with millions of dollars for the story of his life as a "public ser­vant", which of course will exclude all mention of the swine flu massacre, the years in which he lived in luxury in Washington on five dollars a week, or his malfunctioning nervous system which causes him to fall on his face when he has nothing to hold onto?

    To this day, no one has commented on the fact that all of the victims of the swine flu massacre were elderly white Americans. Apparently the Negroes received some warning against taking the injections, because the technicians reported that in Negro neighbor­hoods, they found practically no one willing to take the shots. (A more likely explanation is that the health officials were afraid to get out of their vans.) It is now obvious that the swine flu massacre was a dress rehearsal for a mass "elimination" program of "non-produc­tive" citizens, those elderly white people, who, having worked forty or fifty years, might now expect some leisure in their Golden Years. A crucial aspect of this extermination campaign is the frantic na­tional press demand for the Right to Die and for death with dignity. This campaign is intended for the thousands of elderly white people in hospitals and nursing homes staffed by KZ doctors and Negro nurses. Forms have been prepared which state that these people have refused any further care and that they "wish to die". Whether they sign or not, we may be certain that after their elimination, there will be produced for each victim a properly signed and witnessed form attesting to their willingness to die, another factor in the night­mare world of Jewish Khazarian Marxism in 1984.

    [H: I'm sure you can add and subtract, so considering the overall happenings, this above projection was right on schedule as to genocide. It is intended that AIDS get rid of the blacks and ho­mosexuals, abortion eliminate the babies and so on it goes...)


    We have stated that every public health official in the United States ritually declared himself in favor of the great swine flu mas­sacre, as though the order had come down from the Great Stalin himself. However, in this sorry melange of bloodthirsty Marxist maniacs who have devoted their lives to the massacre of their fellow citizens, one white patriot emerged. He was the famed microbiolo­gist J. Anthony Morris, the leading expert on viral diseases at the National Institute of Health in Washington (Parade, 3-11-77). De­spite his eminence in his field, Morris remained on a modest salary because he had never made proper overtures to the big drug dealers, nor did he wish to. For more than twenty years, he had been at­tempting to warn the American people about the dangers of the vac­cines endorsed by the public health officials. He had discovered, after years of patient research, that there is NO WAY to measure or control the potency of any batch of vaccine. Any given batch might be a hundred times more potent than the next batch, with possibly fatal results to the person to whom it would be administered. To this day, the federal government has methodically suppressed this infor­mation. One of the purposes of the swine flu campaign was to pro­vide computer input data on variations in the potency of the vaccine, and to project probable fatalities in future use of swine flu cam­paigns. The insurance industry had paid some officials for informa­tion on the swine flu vaccine, and with this factual material on its dangers, they refused to provide any insurance coverage on its use!

    It is difficult for the layman to realize that the insurance industry, which is in the business of taking risks, would decide that any substance was so dangerous that it would offer no coverage on its use, or that federal officials, after seeing the insurance industry refuse to provide any coverage, would still insist on its being administered to the entire population of the United States!

    Not only did the federal officials suppress the results of Morris' researches on the uncontrollable potency of the swine flu vaccine: they also suppressed proof in his later researches that the vaccine did not, as the mad scientists had claimed, produce antibodies in the hu­man system which would prevent the flu. Morris proved that the vaccine produced NO antibodies in the system and therefore it was worthless as a vaccine. In fact, it was biologically impossible to produce a vaccine composed of dead "swine flu virus" when no such virus existed! Continuing his research on the vaccine, J. Anthony Morris found that the vaccine actually increased one's susceptibility to side effects of flu. The victims who had been exhorted by the federal officials to take the vaccine actually were exposing them­selves to even worse effects of the flu.

    By this time, his fellow officials were doing everything possible to suppress the results of Morris' work. He later said, "There is a close tie between government scientists and manufacturing sci­entists. And I was hurting the market for flu vaccine". The fed­eral government maintains strict regulations for handling such poisons as strychnine and cyanide, but these same officials concealed the fact that the swine flu vaccine and other federally recommended medicine are well known poisons. Morris was now relieved of his official title as influenza control officer. His research material was hauled away and disposed of and thousands of test animals on which he had proven his results were destroyed. [H: Animal humane groups: where were you when you were really needed?] How­ever, Morris still continued his desperate struggle to save the Ameri­can people from this disaster. He warned that public use of the swine flu vaccine would result in serious neurological damage. [H: Have you looked at an "Altzheimer's" victim lately???] Since then, hundreds of people who took the injection have been afflicted with a form of paralysis called the "Guillain-Barre syndrome", a rare disease which had been almost unknown in the United States. Federal officials then released "studies" of the victims claiming that most of them had not taken the swine flu vaccine! Subsequent law­suits by some of the victims revealed that these "studies" were en­tirely fictitious. They had been invented by the federal officials. However, Morris' final warning was the most shocking of all. His researches proved that the swine flu vaccine was carcinogenic! It had caused cancer in his test animals. This meant that every person who took this vaccine faced the strong probability that at some later stage, he would develop a malignant cancer somewhere in his sys­tem! The people who had had the injections and who were now congratulating themselves that they had not had a heart attack or that they had not been paralyzed by the Guillain-Barre syndrome now faced the danger of a future death by cancer. At this revelation, the National Institute of Health fired Morris for "insubordination." They had ordered him not to release the results of this tests. The subsequent history on this patriot is a sad commentary on the plight of a public-spirited man. Penniless and unemployed, he has found it almost impossible to sue the entrenched Marxist bureaucrats. The millions of Americans whom he fought to save have not one dollar to contribute to him in his plight, as all their savings will go to doctors to fight the paralysis and cancer induced by the vaccine which he fought to ban.

    Like the swine flu, the famous "Legionnaires disease" also was the product of Carter's henchmen at the Disease Control office in Atlanta. A group of elderly white American ex-soldiers had gath­ered for a reunion at the Bellevue-Stratford Hotel in Philadelphia. Some KZs needed the famous old hotel to put together a "package" for a new real estate development. What better way than to drive it into bankruptcy by a fatal disease among its patrons? A Negro em­ployee of the hotel, a charter member of the Communist Party in Pennsylvania, agreed to test a new "crowd control" weapon developed by the mad scientists in Atlanta. A batch was sent to the Ab­erdeen Proving Grounds nearby, where it was picked up by the Ne­gro. It was decided to test the weapon on the Legionnaires for a reason which many will find incredible, and which dates back some thirty years. In the late 1940's, a few World War One veterans attempted to turn their local American Legion chapters into active anti-Communist organizations. The Communist Hollywood Ten, a group of KZs who had publicly flaunted their allegiance to Moscow, quickly churned out a number of movies in which the American Legion members were caricatured as fat, drunken boobs, a slander which remains a cliche of the KZ controlled movies and television. This prompt reaction by the Communists was due to their terrible fear of any native, uniformed group which might oppose them. When one such group appeared in the South a few years ago, the Columbians, the FBI spent five million dollars to infiltrate and de­stroy it, and sent its leader to prison on perjured testimony. The Communists remembered the veterans in Russia who fought the Bol­shevik regime, and the loyal German veterans who formed the National Socialist Party to defeat the Communists in Germany. Every weapon of hate had to be turned against any uniformed American group which opposed Communism, and for a few brief months in the late 1940's, the American Legion seemed to be such a group. It was quickly infiltrated, and its anti-Communist stance became a fading memory, but the Communist hatred for the Legionnaires remained as intense as ever. For this reason, it was decided to test the new mur­der weapon on the Legionnaires. The idea behind the new weapon was prompted by the development of urban warfare techniques, to gain control of a large building held by opposing forces, without de­stroying the building. The mad scientist came up with a derivative of nickel carbonyl which could be fed into a building's cooling or heating system, and which would kill everyone in the building. They would collapse with irreversible damage to their hearts and respiratory systems. The Negro fed a fairly weak concentration of nickel carbonyl into the air conditioning system of the Bellevue Stratford Hotel during the meeting of the American Legionnaires. Because it was a test, the scientists had made a weak concentration. They did not wish to kill everyone in the building, but to discover if it would, as promised on test animals, have a potentially fatal effect. A number of the Legionnaires sickened and died. The health offi­cials then released the story that they had died of a form of res­piratory infection. [H: I will discuss this at the end of the quoting because you will be left with the incorrect conclusion from this immediate writing--the lethal cause of most of the sickness WAS VERY DEFINITELY A VIRUS.]

    However, to this day the officials claim they have no idea what caused the "Legionnaires disease". The fact is that, as the patriot J. Anthony Morris tried to warn us, the federal government is dangerous to your health. Every citizen must become aware that the federal public health officials, stoned to the ears, with their long Trotsky type hairdos flying in the breeze, have successfully carried out one massacre after another in the United States. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


    Let me inject (no pun intended) herein that the book MURDER BY INJECTION by Eustace Mullins is "The Story of the Medical Con­spiracy Against America" and was published in 1988 so you will find it much more "timely". You can also find much information in the JOURNAL: AIDS. THE LAST GREAT PLAGUE.

    The facts are even more noxious than the above dissertation on "Swine" flu. In the case of Legionnaires disease it will be found, and we attested to it prior to this--that the infecting organism was man-created and was "blown" across the street where there was a Parade in front of the hotel in point. The "bad" air was to take the blame for the deaths which ensued. The organism in point was an edition of that which the Russians were working on in 1978 for biological warfare. This was also under development in the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia (oops). It is a brother to the disease known now as Lassa fever, which will kill 35 out of every 100 people it strikes, Ebola fever, which kills 70 out of every 100, and the deadly Marburg fever (Green Monkey Disease).

    Dharma, you are weary from such a long day so let us have respite. We will take up the structure of the hierarchy of the "Drug Trust" tomorrow for you need refreshing as to just WHO controls and owns those pharmaceutical monopolies--and you may as well prepare selves--it comes back the doorstep of the Rothschilds and Rocke­fellers. So be it and may you live to see the truth of it.

    Hatonn to clear.
    Last edited by wave; 2010-07-31 at 11:28.

  2. #8
    宇宙生命一家, 無次 Justice Future Society Institute wave's Avatar


    PJ 41
    CHAPTER 13

    THU., DECEMBER 12, 1991 7:43 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 118



    Hatonn present in the Light of Radiance. Thank you for responding at the wee-hour time I signaled. You must become familiar with the signal for things become more and more urgent as the power brokers vie for control.

    What, specifically, leads the list of happenings this day? It is not that which is on your news (which is bad enough in itself). The pressure point is on the "hot line" and taking place at Edwards Air Force Base. This is a day planned to "blow" the San Andreas fault, chelas. This would be for the purpose of showing power as the Commonwealth of Soviet nations is ratified and the Israelis move into portions of Jerusalem. So, what is happening? Wrangling and capitulation as what remains of your nation is given away (promised away) to the Banksters who now control the massive nuclear arms stashes.


    All the speeches are perfection, i.e., Yeltsin says Minsk is only an operations center (not a capitol). Ah, yes indeed, the speeches are wondrous but look upon the faces of those in parliament--there is no joy this day in either side of the issue of the Soviet Union disuniting. The people of both sides WILL be brought into total compliance with whatever the Elite decide to do with them--from starvation to iron-fisted control.

    LOOK AT RUSSIA TODAY! It goes beyond Gorbachev resigning, as the polite term is utilized. Everything is running exactly as scheduled and the "actors" do not even have to do a good perfor­mance. The "Soviet Union" may well be abandoned but the central rulers are in stronger control than in any time in the history of the globe. Moreover, you in America are seeing the reflection of EX­ACTLY what will happen to you while disasters, trials of nonsense, depression, etc., distract you from the issue in point.

    Note that the only thing required to pull down Russia into capit­ulation was to cut off the supply of OIL. The airlines are grounded until Gorbachev and the government capitulate. The depressed state is horrendous by plan for you have sent billions of dollars of aid to Russia and yet the people are claiming hunger, no food and no heat­ing fuels. The game is finished except for the revolution which can't amount to a lot because the people have no guns (banned); the people are in chaos without leadership and the Elite will do that which they choose.

    Do you see correlation in America? If you can shut down the oil supply (easy to do), cause depression and distract the people into their misery--you can pull down the nation. The world oil supply is run and controlled by the Elite One World Order whether it be Britain, Russia, Slobovia or the United States and Canada. It mat­ters not for the currency is controlled, the banks are now a total monopoly in the waiting of merging into a single entity. Already the branches are nothing but paper processors--a good bank robbery nets only piddling amounts--banks have to "order" money in advance if a customer wishes more than a hundred or two dollars. This is, in ad­dition, after giving everything including fingerprints and request forms.

    Note what is happening in employment--TRW: about 10,000 lay-offs today. (Aerospace branch), along with two other major industries along the same lines with 2 to 4 thousand (also today), one being General Motors. The nation (U.S.) has less than a week's supply of reserve foodstuffs, the airlines are closing weekly, every major industry is in "restructuring" which translates to "bankruptcy". The Elite like to call things by cute names to fool the people--just like the Khazar Zionists instead of One World Dictatorship--total Socialist Marxism. You now fully function under Marxist-Fascism. Can you not see that by noon this very day all airlines could be closed, all banks shut and total armed force set up against you? While you have hostage parties and light Christmas trees--the noose tightens and the biological assault is in its midstage of devastation, along with pure radiation poisoning in your atmosphere.

    Note that you are shown hardly any personages in public media other than Khazar Zionists. This is to make sure you ones of the masses think that they are already in total control by sheer numbers--no, they are still less than 5% of the total population but they have followed the rules laid forth in the Protocols and Manifesto and have gained control of the masses through total deceit while you forgot to pay attention. Nothing mattered to you-the-people other than the "good life", leisure, luxury and entertainment. Now you are soft, incapable of functioning except in some inept manner for skills are lost and families shattered in the grabbing of the brass ring for SELF. The adversary knows what he heads for and ceaselessly pur­sues it--you want
    4 day weekends to pursue your pleasures.

    You are on the eve of nuclear war and you should have known it the instant the "Elite physicists" turned back the "doomsday" clock be­cause the "threat is lessened" and "we have come so far"!

    What do "I" expect of you this day? Nothing, but I might ask what is it that YOU will do?


    While the farceful meetings take place in the U.S., Israelis have moved into the Palestine portion of Jerusalem. Dozens of "Jews" took over the very living places of the Palestinians--throwing the resident's very belongings out into the street--in the rain. Under heavy police guard the Israelis took up residency. Oh yes, it has now been ordered that the interlopers remove themselves and a deadline was given but at last notice no-one was moving except the gun carriers. These Israelis say they WILL have ALL of Jerusalem and "we will have it NOW"! They also proclaim it to be "God's will". If you remain blind, especially you Hebrew people, YOU ARE DOOMED for these Israelis are NOT YOUR PEOPLE, YOUR FRIENDS OR YOUR HERITAGE--THEY ARE PRESENT TO SLAY YOU OF THE TORIAN TRADITION--TURNED TALMUDIST. You can continue to hide from the truth of it but it will only bind you tighter and tighter until you are destroyed.

    Go ahead and celebrate the death of "communism" and the "Evil So­viet Empire" if you like. Look unto the beast lying there and then look beyond at the dragon beast who slew it! From the ashes of the one comes the massive beast set, orchestrated, computerized and now fully ready--TO TAKE CONTROL OF THE WORLD!





    Dharma, we shall continue writing of the control upon your very lives through the pharmaceutical houses of the Elite Zionists.

    I recognize Eustace Mullins for the information I am going to use because if you cannot recognize the earth connections, we are wast­ing our time and efforts. I am going to speak of your very lives which you entrust to physicians totally controlled by humanity's de­stroyer. I ask you to get material for backup for I have neither the time nor inclination to write more on the matter in this dissertation. You will take responsibility for your own self and those entrusted into your care or you may continue in the suicide at the hands of that enemy.

    I want you to remember something as I recite names, dates and places of these controllers and you will note, if you have read our disclosures, that the NAMES are the same in every facet of your life. The adversary has all but won the "war" as it has moved far beyond the "skirmish".

    In the PROTOCOLS it is mandated that the children become doctors and lawyers, etc., so that total control can be accomplished as all in­dustries, banks and pharmaceutical houses become Khazarian-Zion­ist. GO READ AGAIN, CAREFULLY, THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION AND MANIFESTO WITH ACCOMPANYING LETTERS OF INSTRUCTION. "THEY" HAVE PULLED IT OFF, WORLD!

    The instruction for doctors becomes more blatant: "...become doc­tors so that you can go into the houses and kill the Goyim". Now, I ask you, how can a doctor do that? By drugs, of course, and murder by surgery and injection.

    Remember that the symbol of a physician is a staff with serpents. The Khazars are "serpent people" by their own definition and before I move into the Drug Trust, I wish to write again a short reminder of that "Serpent" group. Remember also that PROTOCOL III opens with a reference to the "Symbolic Snake of Judaism" and the fol­lowing account is given of this symbol:


    According to the records of secret Jewish Zionism, Solomon and other Jewish learned men already, in 929 B.C., thought out a scheme in theory for a peaceful conquest of the whole universe by Zion.

    As history developed, this scheme was worked out in detail and completed by men who were subsequently initiated in this question. These learned men decided by peaceful means to conquer the world for Zion with the slyness of the Symbolic Snake, whose head was to represent those who have been initiated into the plans of the Jewish administration, and the body of the Snake to represent the Jewish people--the administration was always kept secret, EVEN FROM THE JEWISH NATION ITSELF! As this Snake penetrated into the hearts of the nations which it encountered it undermined and de­voured all the non-Jewish power of these States. It is foretold that the Snake has still to finish its work, strictly adhering to the designed plan, until the course which it has to run is closed by the return of its head to Zion and until, by this means, the Snake has completed its round of Europe and has encircled it--and until, by dint of enchain­ing Europe, it has encompassed the whole world. This it is to ac­complish by using every endeavor to subdue the other countries by an economic conquest.

    The return of the head of the Snake to Zion can only be ac­complished after the power of all the Sovereigns of Europe has been laid low, that is to say, when by means of economic crises and wholesale destruction effected everywhere, there shall have been brought about a spiritual demoralization and a moral corruption, chiefly with the assistance of Jewish women masquerading as French, Italians, etc. Thee are the surest spreaders of licentiousness into the lives of the leading men at the heads of nations.

    A map of the course of the Symbolic Snake is shown as follows: Its first stage in Europe was in 429 B.C. in Greece, where, about the time of Pericles, the Snake first started eating into the power of that country. The second stage was in Rome in the time of Augustus, about 69 B.C. The third in Madrid in the time of Charles V., in A.D. 1552. The fourth in Paris about 1790, in the time of Louis XVI. The fifth in London from 1814 onwards (after the downfall of Napoleon). The sixth in Berlin in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian war. The seventh in St. Petersburg, over which is drawn the head of the Snake under the date of 1881.

    All these states which the Snake traversed have had the foun­dations of their constitutions shaken--Germany, with its apparent power, forming no exception to the rule. In economic conditions England and Germany are spared, but only till the conquest of Rus­sia is accomplished by the Snake, on which at present (i.e., 1905) all its efforts are concentrated. The further course of the Snake is not shown on this map, but arrows indicate its next movement towards Moscow, Kieff, and Odessa.

    It is now well known to us to what extent the latter cities form the centers of the militant Jewish race. Constantinople is shown as the last stage of the Snake's course before it reaches Jerusalem. (This map was drawn years before the occurrence of the "Young Turk"--­i.e., Jewish--Revolution in Turkey).

    Remember also, that the term "Goyim", meaning Gentiles or "non-Jews" is used throughout the PROTOCOLS.



    Don't be comforted that as I outlay the next portion for you that you will find the major workings within the U.S. That only means that you have been under control for a lot longer than you can imagine.

    Now, where, you ask, "is the head of this Zionist Snake"? Ah--but you KNOW! The head snake comes right out of the English Crown and the Committee of 300 who already rule your world--the U.S. has only gone back hook, line and sinker into the British Common­wealth. These people in charge do not ever act as "Christians" and never have--they serve (by their own statement) Lucifer--SATAN! I told you long, long ago that the ones calling themselves "JEWS"-- ARE NOT! THEY ADORNED THEMSELVES IN "JEWISH SHEEP COSTUME", CHANGED THE LANGUAGE TO SUIT THE NEEDS FOR DECEIT AND HAVE NO CONNECTION WITH THAT WHICH YOU PERCEIVE TO BE "JEWS"! THEY ARE NOT HEBREWS, THEY DO NOT FOLLOW THE TORAH (THEY ARE PURELY HUMAN-ORIENTED TALMUDISTS), THEY ARE NOT JUDAISTS, THEY ARE NOT SEMITES, THEY ARE PURELY SATANISTS--THE ANTI-CHRIST OF REVELATION! THEY SERVE THE BLUE TURBAN (FLAG) OF THE SERPENT PEOPLE AND THEY WILL STOP AT NOTHING, INCLUDING TOTAL DESTRUCTION OF THE PLANET, TO GAIN CONTROL OF THE PHYSICAL GLOBE AND ALL MA­TERIAL "STUFF" WITHIN AND ON IT--INCLUDING YOUR VERY SOUL!

    Back to the "Drug Trust"


    I will mostly be quoting but since I have not the time nor space to fully quote all, I shall simply acknowledge source and write. I shall not CHANGE anything from the original document and I will com­ment within brackets ([]).

    In 1987, the eighteen largest drug firms were ranked as follows:

    1. Merck (U.S.) $4.2 billion in sales.
    2. Glaxo Holdings (United Kingdom) $3.4 billion.
    3. Hoffman LaRoche (Switzerland) $3.4 billion.
    4. Smith Kline Beckman (U.S.) $2.8 billion.
    5. Ciba-Geigy (Switzerland) $2.7 billion.
    6. Pfizer (U.S.) $2.5 billion (Standard & Poor's give its sales as $4 billion).
    7. Hoechst A.G. (Germany) $2.5 billion (Standard and Poor's lists its sales as $38 billion Deutschmarks).
    8. American Home Products (U.S.) $2.4 billion ($4.93 billion according to Standard & Poor's).
    9. Lilly (U.S.) $2.3 billion ($3.72 billion Standard & Poor's).
    10. Upjohn (U.S.) $2 billion.
    11. Squibb (U.S.) $2 billion.
    12. Johnson & Johnson (U.S.) $1.9 billion.
    13. Sandoz (Switzerland) $1.8 billion.
    14. Bristol Myers (U.S.) $1.6 billion.
    15. Beecham Group (United Kingdom) $1.4 billion (Standard & Poor's gives $1.4 billion in sales of the U.S. subsidiary--$2.6 billion pounds sterling as overall income).
    16. Bayer A.G. (Germany) $1.4 billion (Standard & Poor's gives the figure as $45.9 billion Deutschmarks).
    17. Syntex (U.S.) $1.1 billion.
    18. Warner Lambert (U.S.) $1.1 billion (Standard & Poor's gives the figure as $3.1 billion).

    Thus we find that the United States still maintains an over­whelming lead in the production and sale of drugs. In the United States, the sale of prescription drugs rose in 1987 [H: The book was published in 1988.] by 12.5% to $27 billion. Eleven of the eighteen leading firms are located in the United States; three in Switzerland; two in Germany; and two in the United Kingdom. Nu­tritionist T. J. Fry notes that the Drug Trust in the United States is controlled by the Rockefeller group in a cartel relationship with I.G. Farben of Germany. In fact, I.G. Farben was the largest chemical concern in Germany during the 1930's, when it engaged in an active cartel agreement with Standard Oil of New Jersey. [H: By the way, how many of you realize that British Petroleum OWNS Alaska, USA?] The Allied Military Government split it (Farben) up into three companies after World War II, as part of the "anti-cartel" goals of that period, which was not unlike the famed splitting up of Standard Oil itself by court order, while the Rockefellers maintained controlling interest in each of the new companies. In Germany, General William Draper, of Dillon Read investment bankers, un­veiled the new decree from his office in the I.G. Farben building. [H: Please do not forget that I.G. Farben had the largest in­dustrial business in the Auschwitz prison camp. It was and al­ways has been a "Jewish" (Zionist) company.] Henceforth, I.G. Farben would exist no more; instead, three companies would emerge--Bayer, of Leverkusen; BASF at Ludwigshafen; and Hoescht, near Frankfort. Each of the three spawned is now larger than the old I.G. Farben; only ICI of England is larger. These firms export more than half of their product. BASF is represented in the United States by Shearman and Sterling, the Rockefeller law firm of which William Rockefeller is a partner.

    The world's No.1 drug firm, Merck, began as an apothecary shop in Darmstadt, Germany, in 1668. Its president, John J. Horan, is a partner of J.P. Morgan Company, and the Morgan Guaranty Trust. He attended a Bilderberger meeting in Rye, New York, May 10-12, 1985. In 1953, Merck absorbed another large drug firm, Sharp & Dohme. At that time, Oscar Ewing, the central figure in the government fluoridation promotion for the Aluminum Trust, was secretary of the Merck firm, his office then being at One Wall Street, New York.

    Directors of Merck include John T. Connor, who began his busi­ness career with Cravath, Swaine and Moore, the law firm of Kuhn, Loeb Company; Connor then joined the Office of Naval Research, became Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy 1945-47, be­came president of Merck, then president of Allied Stores from 1967-80, then chairman of Schroders, the London banking firm. Connor is also a director of a competing drug firm, Warner Lambert, di­rector of the media conglomerate Capital Cities ABC, and director of Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank. Each of the major drug firms in the United States has at least one director with close Rocke­feller connections, or with a Rothschild bank. Another director of Merck is John K. McKinley, chief operating officer of Texaco; he is also a director of Manufacturers Hanover Bank [H: the two banks just merged!] which Congressional records identify as a major Rothschild bank. [H: Surely you can see the mad merging of Rockefeller and Rothschild happening all around you!] McKin­ley is also a director of the aircraft firm, Martin Marietta, Burlington Industries, and is a director of the Rockefeller-controlled Sloan Ket­tering Cancer Institute. Another Merck director is Ruben F. Met­tler, chairman of the defense contractor TRW, Inc.; he was formerly chief of the Guided Missiles Department at Ramo-Wooldridge, and has received the human relations award from the National Confer­ence of Christians and Jews--he is also a director of Bank of Amer­ica.

    Other directors of Merck include Frank T. Cary, who was chairman of IBM for many years; he is also a director of Capital Cities ABC, and partner of J.P. Morgan Company; Lloyd C. Elam, president of Meharry Medical College, Nashville, TN, the nation's only black medical college. Elam is also a director of the American Psychiatric Association, Nashville City Bank, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, which gives him a close connection to Rocke­feller's Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; Marian Sulzberger Heiskell, heiress of the New York Times fortune. She was married to Orville Dryfoos, the paper's editor, who died of a heart attack during a newspaper strike; she then married Andrew Heiskell in a media merger--he was chairman of lime magazine and had been with the Luce organization for fifty years. She is also a director of Ford Motor. Heiskell is director of People for the American Way, a political activist group, chairman of the New York Public Library, and the Book-of-the-Month Club. Also on the board of Merck is a family member, Albert W. Merck; Reginald H. Jones, born in Eng­land, formerly chairman of General Electric, now chairman of the Board of Overseers, Wharton School of Commerce, director of Al­lied Stores and General Signal Corporation; Paul G. Rogers, who served in Congress from the 84th to the 95th Congresses; he was chairman of the important subcommittee on health; in 1979, he joined the influential Washington law firm and lobbyist, Hogan and Hartson. He is also a director of the American Cancer society, the Rand Corporation, and Mutual Life Insurance. [H: Could you con­ceive of a "possible" conflict of interests here?]

    Thus we find that the world's No. 1 drug firm has two directors who are partners of J.P. Morgan Company, one who is director of Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank and one who is director of the Rothschild Bank, Manufacturers Hannover; most of the directors are connected with vital defense industries, and interlock with other de­fense firms. On the board of TRW, of which Ruben Mettler is chairman, is William H. Krome George, former chairman of AL­COA, and Martin Felstein, former economic advisor to President Reagan. The major banks, defense firms, and prominent political figures interlock with the CIA and the drug firms.


    [H: I am only going to go through a few of these for the play­ers are the same in all instances. I only want to get your atten­tion--if you want more information--GET THE BOOK MURDER BY INJECTION.

    The No. 2 firm is Glaxo Holdings, with $3.4 billion (yr) in sales. Its chairman is Austin Bide; deputy chairman is P. Girolami, who is director of National Westminster Bank, one of England's Big Five. Directors are Sir Alistair Frame, chairman of Rio Tinto Zinc, one of the three firms which are the basis of the Rothschild fortune; Frame is also on the board of another Rothschild holding, the well known munitions firm, Vickers; also Plessey, another defense firm which recently bid on a large contract with the U.S. Army; Frame is president of Britoil, and directors of Glaxo are Lord Fraser of Kil­marnock, who was deputy chairman of the Conservative Party (now the ruling party in England) from 1946 to 1975, when he joined Glaxo; Lord Fraser was also a member of the influential Shadow cabinet; B.D. Taylor, counselor of Victoria College of Pharmacy and chairman of Wexham Hospital; J.M. Raisman, chairman of Shell Oil UK Ltd., another Rothschild controlled firm. Lloyd's Bank, one of the Big Five, British Telecommunications, and the Royal Committee on Environmental Pollution; Sir Ronald Arculus, retired from Her Majesty's Diplomatic Service after a distinguished career; he had served in San Francisco, New York, Washington and Paris; he was then appointed Ambassador to Italy, and was the UK Delegate to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which sought to apportion marine wealth among the have-not coun­tries: Arculus is now a director of Trusthouse Forte Hotels, and London and Continental Bankers; and Professor R. G. Dahrendorf, one of the world's most active sociologists and a longtime Marxist propagandist. Dahrendorf, a director of the Ford Foundation since 1976, is a graduate of the London School of Economics, professor of sociology at Hamburg and Tubingen, parliamentary Secretary of State at the Foreign Office, West Germany since 1969, and has re­ceived honors from Senegal, Luxembourg and Leopold.

    The Rothschilds apparently appointed Dahrendorf a director of Glaxo because of this emphatic Marxist pronunciamentos. The Eu­ropean of the Ford Foundation, he claims, in his book, MARX IN PERSPECTIVE, that Marx is the greatest factor in the emergence of modern society. Dahrendorf's principal contribution to sociology has been his well-advertised concept of the "new man", whom he dubbed "homo sociologicus", a being who has been transformed by socialism into a person whose every distinctive feature, including racial characteristics, have disappeared. He is the modern robot, a uniform creature who can easily be controlled by the force of world socialism. Dahrendorf is the apostle of the modern faith that there are no racial differences in any of the various races of mankind; he denounces any mention of "superiority" or of differing skills as "ideological distortion". Dahrendorf is a prominent mem­ber of the Bilderbergers; he attended their meeting at Rye, New York from May 10-12, 1985. [H: Remember that the Bilder­bergers, CFR, Trilateralists, etc., are but fingers of the Commit­tee of 300 who rule your globe, control all of the banks through the Bank of International Settlements (Basel, Switzerland) and frankly the rest of everything of material value--as well as your brains and actions.] He is professor of Sociology at Konstanz Uni­versity as well as his other previously mentioned posts.

    Thus we find that the world's No. 2 drug firm is directed by two of the Rothschild's family's most trusted henchmen and by the world's most outspoken explicator of Marxism.


    The world's No. 3 drug firm, Hoffman LaRoche of Switzerland, is still controlled by members of the Hoffman family, although there have been rumors of takeover attempts in recent years. The firm was founded by Fritz Hoffman, who died in 1920. The firm's first big seller was Siropin in 1896; its sales of Valium and Librium now amount to one billion dollars a year; its subsidiary spread the dan­gerous chemical, dioxin, over the Italian town, Seveso, which cost $150 million to clean up in a 10 year campaign. His son's widow, Maya Sacher, is now married to Paul Sacher, a musician who is conductor of the Basel Chamber Orchestra. Hoffman had added his wife's name, LaRoche, to the family company, as is the custom in Europe; the Hoffmans still control 75% of the voting shares. The Sachers have one of the world's most expensive art collections, Old Masters and modern paintings.

    In 1987, Hoffman LaRoche tried to take over Sterling Drug, a venture in which they were aided by Lewis Preston, chairman of J.P. Morgan Company; he also happened to be Sterling's banker. In the Brouha-ha, Preston decided to retire. Eastman Kodak then bought Sterling, with backing from the Rockefellers. The chairman of Hoffman LaRoche is Fritz Gerber, a 58 year old Swiss army colonel. The son of a carpenter, he became a lawyer, then chairman of Hoffman LaRoche. Gerber is also a director of Zurich Insurance; thus he is associated with Switzerland's two biggest firms; he draws a salary of 2.3 million Swiss francs per year, plus a $1.7 million working agreement with Glaxo holdings.

    Hoffman LaRoche received a great deal of publicity in April 1988 because of unfavorable revelations about its acne drug, "Accutane" after the Food and Drug Administration publicized figures that the drug had caused 1000 spontaneous abortions, 7000 other abortions, and other side effects such as joint aches, drying of skin and mucous membranes, and hair loss. Hoffman LaRoche was faulted by FDA for purposely omitting women, and particularly pregnant women, from the studies on which it based requests for approval of Accu­tane. The company was aware that Accutane caused serious effects when taken during pregnancy.

    Hard on the heels of the Accutane revelations, Hoffman LaRoche made new headlines in the Wall Street Journal with Congressman Ted Weiss's demand, reported on May 6, 1988, that a criminal in­vestigation be launched of the forty deaths, recorded since 1986, caused by taking Versed, Hoffman LaRoche's tranquilizer which is a chemical cousin of its best selling drug, Valium.

    Dharma, we need a break and I shall decide whether or not I need to outlay any more of this or if the readers see the handwriting yet. It is going to continue through all 18 about the same, i.e., the No. 4 drug firm, Smith Kline Beckman, banks with the Mellon Bank. Its chairman, Robert F. Dee, is a director of General Foods, Air Prod­ucts and Chemicals and the defense firm, United Technologies, with interlocks with Citibank.

    Perhaps one of the most important things you readers must know is that your FDA, who approves drugs, foods, etc., for your safety is made up mostly by these Pharmaceutical firm's personnel. Do you still think you have much of a chance for "good health"?

    Can you also see WHY any alternative form of healing is illegal and/or so restricted as to be all but ineffective? You have a few groups who have pulled themselves up out of the morass by sheerly meeting the rigid requirements of the AMA for licensing and thus can practice their art somewhat. Chiropractors are gaining in re­spect but are still called "quacks" by the Medical groups. It will be, however, through these groups that truth will be made seen or there will be no "health"--good or bad. If the "death" industry controls the "life" industry--which do you think will win? I will leave you with these thoughts to ponder.

    Thank you,

    Hatonn to clear.

    PJ 41
    CHAPTER 14

    FRI., DECEMBER 13, 1991 9:22 A.M. YEAR 5, DAY 119

    FRIDAY. DECEMBER 13 1991
    Before moving into the next subject of Zionism and Dictators, I will give appreciation to a reader who read my intent of subject matter and has sent a portion of a document regarding Hitler and the Jews. The original document (book) is entitled ZIONISM IN THE AGE OF THE DICTATORS by Lenni Brenner. Lawrence Hill & Co., 520 Riverside Ave., Westport, Conn. 06880 (ISBN:0-88208-164-0 Pb) and in the United Kingdom: Croom Helm Ltd., Provident House, Burrell Row, Beckenham, Kent BR3 1AT (ISBN: 0-7099­0628-5 Pb). Thank you as this makes it far easier for Dharma and gives you confirmation at the same time. I will comment in my usual form, in brackets ([]).

    I shall ask Dharma to take up scribing on page 79 of the document. I am only interested in that portion specific to the subject in point in this JOURNAL. You would enjoy the whole of the book but I do not wish to consider it herein for I am not interested in "books"--only in subject.


    (Editor's Note: This is an "English" book; no attempt has been made to conform the spellings, punctuation and grammar to "American").

    Hitler's view of the Jews and the Jewish problem is sharply ex­pressed in Mein Kampf. He goes to great lengths to demonstrate that his Jew-hatred was quite reasonable, that it flowed from experience and the logical inferences to be drawn from clear evidence. He al­ways insisted that his first thoughts towards the Jews were all benign. His father, "the old gentleman", looked upon anti-Semitism as a left-over religious prejudice and so, we are told, did the enlight­ened young Adolf. It was only after his mother died, and he moved from provincial Linz to Vienna, that Hitler found occasion to question the glib assumptions of his youth. For there he wandered through the old inner city and encountered a Galician Hasid, "an ap­parition in a black caftan and black hair locks. Is this a Jew? was my first thought". But the more he thought about what he had seen the more his question assumed a new form: "Is this a German"? It is in the context of his earliest ruminations on what was, for him, the central question of existence that introduced Zionism into his opus.

    And whatever doubts I may still have nourished were finally dis­pelled by the attitude of a portion of the Jews themselves. Among them there was a great movement, quite extensive in Vienna, which came out sharply in confirmation of the national character of the Jews: this was the Zionists.

    It looked, to be sure, as though only a part of the Jews approved this viewpoint, while the majority condemned and inwardly rejected such a formulation. But...the so-called liberal Jews did not reject the Zionists as non-Jews, but only as Jews with an impractical, per­haps even dangerous, way of publicly avowing their Jewishness.

    There is no better proof of Zionism's classic role as an outrider to anti-Semitism than Hitler's own statement. What more, the reader was to ask, could any reasonable person need? However, be­fore 1914 Hitler had no need to concern himself further with Zion­ism, as the prospects of a revived Jewish state seemed very remote. It was the Balfour Declaration, Germany's defeat and the Weimar revolution that made him think again about Zionism. Naturally he rolled all three events together. The treacherous Jews showed their true colours in the way in which they welcomed the Balfour Declaration, and it was the Social Democrats, those servants of the Jews, who brought down the Kaiser; but for them Germany would have won. In 1919 Hitler joined the tiny National Socialists and became their inspired beer-hall rabble-rouser, but the dominant ideologist on the finer points of the Jewish question was the Baltic German refugee Alfred Rosenberg, who had developed his theories while still in his native Estonia. By 1919 Rosenberg had already explained Zionism in his book, Die Spur des Juden im Wandel der Zeiten (The Trace of the Jews in the Wanderings of Time). It was just another Jewish hustle; the Zionists only wanted to create a hide-out for the international Jewish conspiracy. Jews were, by their racial nature, organically incapable of building a state of their own, but he felt that Zionist ideology served wonderfully as a justification for depriving Germany's Jews of their rights and that, perhaps, there was the pos­sibility of future use of the movement for the promotion of Jewish emigration. Hitler soon began to touch on these themes in his talks, and on 6 July 1920 he proclaimed that Palestine was the proper place for the Jews and that only there could they hope to get their rights. Articles supporting emigration to Palestine began appearing in the party organ, the Volkischer Beobachter, after 1920, and periodically party propagandists would return to the point, as did Julius Streicher in a speech given on 20 April 1926 before the Bavarian Landtag. But for Hitler the validity of Zionism only lay in its confirmation that the Jews could never be Germans. In Mein Kampf, he wrote:

    For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb goyim. It doesn't even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state for the pur­pose of living there; all they want is a central organisation for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the inter­vention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.

    Jews lacked the essential racial character to build a state of their own. They were essentially leeches, lacking in natural idealism, and they hated work. He explained:

    For a state formation to have a definite spatial setting always presupposes an idealistic attitude on the part of the state-race, and especially a correct interpretation of the concept of work. In the exact measure in which this attitude is lacking, any attempt at forming, even of pre­serving, a spatially delimited state fails.

    In spite of any early musings about Zionism's efficacy in eventu­ally promoting emigration, the Nazis made no effort to establish any relationship with the local Zionists. On the contrary, when the Zionist Congress met in Vienna in 1925, the Nazis were among those who rioted against their presence.

    Did Hitler always plan to murder the Jews? He set down some early thoughts in Mein Kampf:

    If in 1914 the German working class in their innermost convictions had still consisted of Marxists, the War would have been over in three weeks. Germany would have collapsed even before the first soldier set foot across the border. No, the fact that the German people was then still fighting proved that the Marxist delusion had not yet been able to gnaw its way into the bottommost depths. But in exact proportion as, in the course of the War, the German worker and the German soldier fell back into the hands of the Marxist leaders, in ex­actly that proportion he was lost to the fatherland. If at the beginning of the war and during the War twelve or fifteen thousand of these Hebrew corrupters of the peo­ple had been held under poison gas, as happened to hundred of thousands of our very best German workers in the field, the sacrifices of millions at the front would not have been in vain.

    However, these thoughts were never the basis of the Nazis' pop­ular agitation prior to the 1933 take-over. Instead, the Nazis pri­marily focused on denouncing the Jews, rather than explaining what they would do about them after they won. However, for decades "Kikes to Palestine"! had been the slogan of European anti-Semitism, and the Nazi propagandists used it in their own agitation. In June 1932 the centerpiece for one of their largest anti-Jewish ral­lies, in Silesian Breslaw, was a huge banner telling the Jews to "get ready for Palestine"! During the anti-Jewish boycott on 1 April 1933, pickets at the department stores handed out an imitation "one-way ticket to Palestine" to Jewish-looking passers-by. The official Nazi manifesto proclaiming the anti-Jewish boycott declared that anti-Nazi feeling abroad was due to international Jewry's "trying to act on the program announced in 1897 by the Zionist Leader Herzl" to stir up foreign states against any country that opposed the Jews. However, none of this was very serious; it was just another ex­pression of rabid anti-Semitism. Until he achieved power, Hitler hadn't given any serious thought to what he would do with the Jews. Beyond his statement in Mein Kampf, there is no evidence to prove that he told even his closest subordinates what he ultimately planned. After all, as he always privately complained, the average SS man was, at bottom, soft--and a blabbermouth. If you talked about killing Jews, he was sure to make excuses for his own "good Jew" and then where were you? Besides, the capitalists had their Jewish business connections abroad, and there were the churches and their scruples about murder. Hitler solved his problem by just ignoring it, leaving every department in the party and government to feel its way to a suitable policy. There were inevitably conflicting schools. Straight terror always had its devotees, but these were more than countered by others who saw the Jews as deeply rooted in the domestic econ­omy as well as having many contacts abroad. Immediate imposition of a ghetto had its partisans, but this was met with the same objec­tions. Emigration was the obvious solution, but where to? Not only would wholesale Jewish emigration make Berlin unpopular among other capitals, but what would happen after the arrival of large num­bers of Jews in any of the major cities of the world? They would in­cite others, and not just Jews, against the Reich and the effect they could have on Germany's trade might well be devastating. It was within this context that the Zionists, Sam Cohen of Ha Note'a and the ZVfD in Germany, first appeared with their proposals.

    Ha'avara had several obvious advantages to the Nazis. If Jews went to Palestine, they would only be able to complain to other Jews. In fact, they would even be a moderating influence there, since the fear of worse consequences for their relatives in Germany, if anything were done to make the Nazis cancel the Transfer, would make them reluctant to agitate on a large scale. But the most im­portant use of the Ha'avara agreement was for propaganda. The Nazis now had something to show the foreign detractors who said they were incapable of any policy toward the Jews other than physi­cal brutality. In a speech on 24 October 1933, Hitler crowed that it was he, not his critics, who really was the Jew's benefactor:

    In England people assert that their arms are open to welcome all the oppressed, especially the Jews who have left Germany... but it would be still finer if Eng­land did not make her great gesture dependent on the possession of 1,000 Pounds--England should say: "Anyone may enter"--as we unfortunately have done for 30 years. If we too had declared that no one could enter Germany save under the condition of bringing with him 1,000 Pounds or paying more, then today we should have no Jewish question at all. So we wild folk have once more proved ourselves better humans--less perhaps in external protestations, but at least in our actions! And now we are still as generous and give to the Jewish people a far higher percentage as their share in possibil­ity for living than we ourselves possess.

    Nazi Germany regarded the will of the Fuhrer as having the force of law, and once Hitler had pronounced, an avowedly pro-Zionist policy developed. Also in October Hans Frank, then the Bavarian Minister of Justice, later the Governor-General of Poland, told the Nuremberg parteitag that the best solution to the Jewish question, for Jews and Gentiles alike, was the Palestinian National Home. Still in October, the Hamburg-South American Shipping Company started a direct service to Haifa providing "strictly Kosher food on its ships, under the supervision of the Hamburg rabbinate". Jews could still leave for any country that would have them, but now Palestine became the propagandists' preferred solution to the Jewish question. However, Zionists were still just Jews, as Gustav Genther of the German Education School very carefully spelt out:

    Just as we now have friendly relations with Soviet Rus­sia, though Russia, as a communist country, represents a danger to our National Socialist State, we shall take the same attitude toward the Jews, if they establish themselves as an independent nation, although we know they will always remain our enemies.

    If this was not enough, a children's game, Juden Raus! (Jews Out), left no illusions as to how the Nazis saw Zionism. The pieces were little pawns wearing pointed medieval Jewish hats; the players moved them by rolling dice; the child winning was the one whose Jew first scurried out, "off to Palestine"! through the gates of a walled city. Zionism was despised in Nazi Germany, but the Zion­ists desperately needed Nazi patronage if they were to get the capital they required in Palestine and they allowed themselves to believe that the Ha'avara and all the Palestinian talk that followed it would lead to a statesmanlike pact.


    By 1934 the SS had become the most pro-Zionist element in the Nazi Party. Other Nazis were even calling them "soft" on the Jews. Baron von Mildenstein had returned from his six-month visit to Palestine as an ardent Zionist sympathizer. Now as the head of the Jewish Department of the SS's Security Service, he started studying Hebrew and collecting Hebrew records; when his former companion and guide, Kurt Tuchler, visited his office in 1934, he was greeted by the strains of familiar Jewish folk tunes. There were maps on the walls showing the rapidly increasing strength of Zionism inside Germany. Von Mildenstein was as good as his word: he not only wrote favorably about what he saw in the Zionist colonies in Pales­tine, he also persuaded Goebbels to run the report as a massive twelve-part series in his own Der Angriff (The Assault), the leading Nazi propaganda organ (26 September to 9 October 1934). His stay among the Zionists had shown the SS man "the way to curing a centuries-long wound on the body of the world: the Jewish ques­tion". It was really amazing how some good Jewish boden under his feet could enliven the Jew: "The soil has reformed him and his kind in a decade. This new Jew will be a new people". To commemo­rate the Baron's expedition, Goebbels had a medal struck: on one side the swastika, on the other the Zionist star.

    In May 1935 Reinhardt Heydrich, who was then the chief of the SS Security Service, later the infamous "Protector" of the Czech lands incorporated into the Reich, wrote an article, "The Visible En­emy", for Das Schwarze Korps, the official organ of the SS. In it Heydrich assessed the various tendencies among the Jews, compar­ing the assimilationists quite invidiously with the Zionists. His par­tiality towards Zionism could not have been expressed in more un­mistakable terms:

    After the Nazi seizure of power our racial laws did in fact curtail considerably the immediate influence of Jews. But...the question as he sees it is still: How can we win back our old position... We must separate Jewry into two categories...the Zionists and those who favor being assimilated. The Zionists adhere to a strict racial position and by emigrating to Palestine they are helping to build their own Jewish state.

    Heydrich wished them a fond farewell: "The time cannot be far distant when Palestine will again be able to accept its sons who have been lost to it for over a thousand years. Our good wishes together with our official good will go with them".


    The Nuremberg Laws of September 1935, the finishing touches of Germany's pre-Second World War anti-Jewish legislation, were defended by the Nazis as an expression of their pro-Zionism. They had at least the tacit approval of the wiser heads amongst the Jews themselves. As it happened--and naturally it was more than mere coincidence--every nationwide Jewish organ in Germany was under temporary ban when the laws were promulgated--except the Rund­schau. It published the codified restrictions with a commentary by Alfred Berndt, the editor-in-chief of the German News Bureau. Berndt recalled that, only two weeks before, all the speakers at the World Zionist Congress in Lucerne had reiterated that the Jews of the world were to be correctly seen as a separate people unto them­selves regardless of where they lived. Well then, he explained, all Hitler had done was to meet "the demands of the International Zion­ist Congress by making the Jews who live in Germany a national minority".

    One aspect of the laws, now long forgotten but which attracted considerable attention at the time, was the fact that from then on only two flags were to be permitted in the Third Reich, the swastika and the blue-and-white Zionist banner. This, of course, greatly ex­cited the ZVfD, who hoped that this was a sign that Hitler was moving closer to an accommodation with them. But for many for­eign Zionists this was a searing humiliation, well-expressed in the anguish of Stephen Wise's own organ, the Congress Bulletin:

    Hitlerism is Satan's nationalism. The determination to rid the German national body of the Jewish element, however, led Hitlerism to discover its "kinship" with Zionism, the Jewish nationalism of liberation. There­fore Zionism became the only other party legalized in the Reich, the Zionist flag the only other flag permitted to fly in Nazi-land. It was a painful distinction for Zionism to be singled out for favors and privileges by its Satanic counterpart.

    The Nazis were as thorough in their philo-Zionism as in other matters. Now that the Jews were established as a separate people with a separate soil, should they not also have a separate language? In 1936 they added a new "nach Palastina" ingredient to their re­pressive measures. Jewish Frontier had to inform its readers dis­tressfully that:

    The attempts to seclude the Jews in the cultural ghetto have reached a new height by the prohibition to rabbis to use the German language in their Chanukah
    (6 December) sermons. This is in line with the effort made by the Nazis to force the German Jews to use the He­brew language as their cultural medium. Thus another "proof" of Nazi-Zionist cooperation is seized eagerly by the Communist opponents of Zionism.


    [H: Is anyone sick yet? I have chosen to not intervene with my comments because this is such a perfectly wondrous historical outlay of factual sequence. Is there backup information? In­deed--well over 50 confirmed references! Anybody in desire of doing so can check them all! The truth has always been there available if you looked--it is that so few awakened enough to care to look.]

    In spring 1934, Heinrich Himmler, Reichsfuhrer of the SS, was presented with a "Situation Report--Jewish Question" by his staff: the vast majority of Jews still considered themselves Germans and were determined to stay on. Since force could not be used, for fear of potential international repercussions, the way to break down their resistance was to instil a distinctive Jewish identity amongst them by systematically promoting Jewish schools, athletic teams, Hebrew, Jewish art and music, etc. Combined with Zionist occupational re­training centers, this would finally induce the recalcitrant Jews to abandon their homeland. However, this subtle formula was not enough, for whenever pressure against them began to subside the stubborn Jews would start to dig in again. The Nazi policy was therefore to increase support for the Zionists, so that the Jews would plainly see that the way to ward off worse troubles was to join the movement. All Jews, including Zionists, were still to be persecuted as Jews, but within that framework it was always possible to ease the pressure. Accordingly, on 28 January 1935, the Bavarian Gestapo circularized the regular police that henceforward: "members of the Zionist organizations are, in view of their activities directed toward emigration to Palestine, not to be treated with the same strictness which is necessary towards the members of the German-Jewish or­ganizations (assimila-tionists)".

    The Nazis created complications for themselves with their pro-Zionist line. The WZO (World Zionist Organization, sister to the Anti-Defamation League) needed German-Jewish capital far more than it ever wanted German Jews. It also operated under the immi­gration quotas set by the British. Its largest following was in Poland, and if it gave out too many certificates to Germans, there would not be enough for its support base in Poland and elsewhere. Therefore the Zionists gave only 22 per cent of the certificates to Germans throughout the 1930s. Furthermore the WZO were not interested in the vast majority of Germany's Jews, since these were not Zionists, did not speak Hebrew, were too old and, of course, did not have the "right" trades. Either Jewish emigration had to be or­ganized to other countries as well, or Germany would be stuck with the Jews neither it nor the Zionists wanted. Nazi discrimination against anti-Zionists led to problems for those world-based bodies like the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, which tried to provide havens for Jews in countries other than Palestine. Yehuda Bauer, one of Israel's most widely known Holocaust schol­ars, has written of a discussion of the ensuing difficulties between two leading officials of the Joint Distribution Committee:

    (Joseph) Hyman thought that a statement should be made by the German Jews that Palestine was not the sole outlet which of course, frankly speaking, it wasn't. (Bernard) Kahn agreed, but explained that the Nazis supported Zionism because it promised the largest emi­gration of Jews from Germany; hence German Jewish leadership could not make any public statements about other outlets. Still less could they mention the decision to maintain Jewish institutions in Germany. The Nazis had dissolved one meeting in Germany simply because the speaker had said "we have to provide for the people who go away and for the Jews who must stay in Germany".

    In practice, the Nazis' concern about where the Jews should go disappeared with the Austrian anschluss, which brought so many Jews with it that further attention to their destination would have crippled the expulsion program. In October 1938 the Nazis discovered that the Poles were about to revoke the citizenship of thou­sands of their Jewish citizens resident in Germany. They therefore decided to deport the Jews to Poland immediately so that they would not be stuck with thousands of stateless Jews. It was this cold pogrom that led to the massive violence of Kristallnacht in Novem­ber 1938.

    The story was told, many years later, on 25 April 1961, at the trial of Adolf Eichmann. The witness, Zindel Grynszpan, then an old man, was the father of Herzl Grynszpan who, in despair at the deportation of his father back to Poland, had assassinated a German diplomat in Paris and provoked the Nazis with the pretext for their terrible night of broken glass. Old Zindel told them of his deporta­tion from his home in Hanover on the night of 27 October 1938: "Then they took us in police trucks, in prisoners' lorries, about 20 men in each truck, and they took us to the railway station. The streets were full of people shouting: "Juden raus! Auf nach Palastina!"

    The significance of Zindel's testimony was utterly lost in the welter of detail in the Eichmann trial. But those Jews where not being sent to Palestine, as the Nazi mob cried; the prosecutor in the courtroom in Jerusalem never thought to ask the elderly Grynszpan a question that we would think to ask: "What did you think, what did the other Jews think, when they heard that strange cry coming up from the savage mob"? Zindel Grynszpan is long dead, as are most if not all the others who suffered there that hellish night; we have no answer to our query. But what really matters was what was shouted, rather than what was thought about it in that police van. However, we can reasonably suggest that if the ZVfD had resisted Nazism's rise, if the WZO had mobilized Jewry against the New Order, if Palestine had been a bastion of Jewish resistance to Nazism, the Nazis would never have told the Jews, and that mob, that the place for a Jew was in Palestine. Perhaps, then, that Friday night in Hannover the cry would have been "Jews to Poland", even a straight "kill the Jews". The sombre fact is that the mob screamed what had been screamed at them by Hitler's minions: "Jews to Palestine"!


    That the Nazis preferred the Zionists to all other Jews is a settled point. Even though Joachim Prinz may have winced when he wrote his 1937 article, he was only being honest when he sorrowfully had to admit that:

    It was very difficult for the Zionists to operate. It was morally disturbing to seem to be considered as the favoured children of the Nazi Government, particularly when it dissolved the anti-Zionist youth groups, and seemed in other ways to prefer the Zionists. The Nazis asked for a "more Zionist behavior".

    The Zionist movement was always under severe restriction in the 1930s in Germany. The Rundschau was banned on at least three oc­casions between 1933 and November 1938, when the regime finally closed down the ZVfD's headquarters after Kristallnacht. After 1935 the Labour Zionist emissaries were barred from the country, but even then Palestinian Zionist leaders were allowed to enter for specific meetings; for instance Arthur Ruppin was granted permis­sion to enter Germany on 20 March 1938 in order to address a mass indoor rally in Berlin on the effects of the 1936 Arab revolt in Palestine. Certainly, the Zionists had far less trouble than their bourgeois assimilationist rivals at the CV, and it was nothing com­pared with what the Communists had to face in Dachau at the same time the Rundschau was being hawked in the streets of Berlin.

    However, the fact that the Zionists became Adolf Hitler's "favoured children" hardly qualified him as a Jewish nationalist. Even von Mildenstein, for all his Hebrew records, accepted the party line when it turned to outright murder. Throughout the period, the Nazis toyed with the Zionists as a cat would play with a mouse. Hitler never thought he was letting anyone get away from him be­cause he was encouraging Jews to go to Palestine. If the Jews went to far-away America, he might never be able to get at them and they would always remain the foes of the German Empire in Europe. But if they went to Palestine instead? "There", as a Gestapo agent told a Jewish leader, "we will catch up with you".

    The Zionists could not even claim that they were duped by Hitler; they conned themselves. Hitler's theories on Zionism, including the Jews' alleged inability to create a state, had all been there, in plain German, since 1926. The Zionists ignored the fact that Hitler hated all Jews, and that he specifically condemned their own ideology. The Zionists were simply reactionaries, who naively chose to em­phasize the points of similarity between themselves and Hitler. They convinced themselves that because they, too, were racists, against mixed marriage, and believed that the Jews were aliens in Germany; because they, too, were opposed to the left, that these similarities would be enough to make Adolf Hitler see them as the only "honest partners" for a diplomatic detente.


    I actually do not believe I need to make any comment at all at this time--facts speak for themselves more brilliantly than anything I could use for enhancement.

    I will simply move to stand-by. Salu, Hatonn to clear.
    Last edited by wave; 2010-07-31 at 11:29.

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